1. Survey on the Policy of Continuing Training in Large Firms. Case Studies in Belgium, Spain, France, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom.
- Author
European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, Berlin (Germany)., Dupont, Georges, and Reis, Fernanda
- Abstract
A study examined employee training policies and their implementation in four or five large companies in five countries (Belgium, Spain, France, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom). Data were gathered through interviews by an expert in each of the countries using an interviewer's guide developed for the project (resulting in approximately 30 case studies), and through previous research in the countries. Some of the results of the survey were the following: (1) training is becoming more important in strategic planning; (2) training decisions are being made at the highest levels of management; (3) training plans are usually medium-range--about 3 years; (4) most training was still being given to the managerial staff and the "hard core" of the work force, although some evidence pointed to training being made available to the lowest grades of workers; (5) unions usually did not play much of a role in training--planning for training was between management and individual workers; (6) continuing training involved work organization and content, mobility, and pay; (7) types of training identified include technical, general, and social skills training; (8) certification of workers for completion of training courses or skills acquisition is sometimes used as an incentive, although it has some disadvantages to employers; (9) little importance was given to evaluation of individuals completing training projects; (10) training models included training provided by a company department, training partly inside and partly outside a company, and all outside training; and (11) all training studied was paid for by the employers, but there is increasing pressure for training to be paid for by workers or by the state. (Appendixes include an interviewer's guide, company profiles, and a chart of continuing training policy and its implementation in the five countries.) (KC)
- Published
- 1991