The toxlcity of selected sediments in the Adriatic Sea and the effect of phytoplankton bloonl on sedlments in the vicinity of Rovln], Yugoslavia, using bacterial bloluminescence toxicity assay, have been investigated. Sedlments under the influence of urban and industrial wastes tend to be more contaminated than those in the open sea. The toxic effect of decayed material derived from sinlung inucus aggregates was higher at locations influenced by local pollution. The time course study at 1 station suggested that increases in toxicity of sediment extracts is mainly due to changes in organic matter derived from decayed products of mucus aggregates During summer 1988, an intense nonseasonal phytoplankton bloom occurred in the Northern Adriatic (Degobbis in press) forming large inucus aggregates. The Istrian coast of the Northern Adriatic was fouled with large quantities of this mucus material. The nature of these aggregates is unknown, but most have associated pelagic and benthic organisms, empty shells, much detritus and bacteria. This event has been previously described in the waters of Rijeka Bay (Zanon 1931) and the Gulf of Trieste (Herndl 1988). Sinking of these aggregates transfers nutrients and decayed material from the surface mixed layer to the seafloor, causing a drastic decrease in the number of benthic organisms caused by mechanical events or anoxic conditions (Zavodnik 1977, Stachowitsch 1984). Sediments in the vicinity of Rovinj were covered (80 to 90 % of whole area) with a 1 to 2cm thick layer of decayed material. Since 1987 our laboratory has dealt with a program for monitoring the local pollution. In order to determine any secondary effects of decayed material on sediments at 4 locations in the vicinity of Rovinj, the Addressee for correspondence O Inter-Research/Printed in F. R. Germany bioluminescence toxicity assay was used. It is a rapid method of comparing and ranking the toxicity of organic extracts of contaminated sediments (Schiewe et al. 1985) and is a reliable screening technique for a variety of pollutants in sediments (Williams et al. 1986). The results of our assay exhibited a high degree of similarity with other sediment toxicity tests (Giesy et al. 1988) and hence this technique can be used as an exploratory screening test. Materials and methods. The surface layer of sediment samples were collected by SCUBA divers from 11 locations (Fig. 1). About 500 g wet sediment was frozen at -20°C and transported to laboratory. Dry weight was determined by heating 10 g aliquots at 105 'C for 24 h. The presence of total organlc material (TOM) was estimated by weight loss after heating at 500°C. Extractable organic material (EOM) was determinated according to Meyers e t al. (1984). For the bioluminescence assay, l00 g wet wt of sediments were extracted with dichloromethane-methanol ( 2 : 1) as previously described by Schiewe et al. (1985). After several washings to remove methanol, dichloromethane extracts were evaporated to dryness and dissolved in dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO). Extraction blanks were prepared by the same procedure but without sediment. Water samples (21) were extracted with dichloromethane, evaporated to dryness and dissolved in l m1 DMSO. Extraction blanks were prepared with distilled water. Bacterial luminescence of a laboratory grown, healthy culture of the marine bacterium Photobacter phosphoreum will be inhibited upon exposure to toxic substances (Bulich & Isenberg 1981). The luminescence of cultures exposed to a series of dilutions of sediment and water extracts was measured in a Packard-Tri-Carb 308 Mar Ecol. Prog Ser. 57: 307-310, 1989 Fig. 1 Map of Rov~nj, Northern Adriatic, shoiving sarnpl~ng sites (Sl to S l l ) liquid scintillation spectrometer. Briefly, in 0.5 m1 saline suspensions containing 106 exponentially growing luminescent bacteria, 0.5ml of subsequent dilutions of sediment and water extracts in 2 O/O saline were added. After 15 min incubation at 15°C the bioluminescence was measured, compared with blank samples, and corrected for spontaneous decline in photoactivity. The results are expressed as mg of dry weight of extracted sediments or m1 of water causing a 50 % reduction of bioluminescence in 15min (ED50). Estimates of ED5, were obtained using linear regression analysis, as descnbed by Schiewe et al. (1985) and 95 O/O confidence intervals for each estimate of ED50 were calculated based on Fieller's theorem (Finney 1964). Results and discussion. Three of the 11 sample stations (Fig. l ) , i.e., S l , S-2, and S-3, are under the direct influence of industrial and/or urban runoff from a fish cannery, tobacco factory and urban waste, respectively. Comparison of toxicities of organic extracts of selected sediments and waters from the stations are presented in Table 1 Sediments influenced by urban sewage and industrial runoff tend to be more contaminated. The toxicity of waters directly influenced by industrial and urban wastes (S-I , S-2, S-3) were also higher than those of the open sea However, this correlation, between the toxicity of sediment and water extracts was not observed at all stations. Table 1. Comparison of toxicit~es of organic extracts of selected sediments (Sed., mg' dry wt) and waters (mg). ET),,: amount (rng dry wt or ml H20) causing 50 "is reduction of biolumn~escence in l5 min; S D . not determned; CI. confidence Interval at 95 significance in parentheses