446 results on '"Cunha, Eugénia"'
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402. Sambaqui Zé Espinho : o que uma análise paleobiológica pode demonstrar sobre este grupo pré-colonial do litoral brasileiro?
- Author
Amaral, Marco Túlio Alves Amorim do, Cunha, Eugénia, and Lessa, Andrea
- Subjects
Ossos humanos -- Guaratiba ,Paleobiologia - Abstract
Dissertação de mestrado em Evolução e Biologia Humanas, apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra. O Sambaqui Zé Espinho é um sítio arqueológico localizado no litoral do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, na região denominada Planície Maré de Guaratiba, situada em uma área de intersecção ambiental entre o mar aberto e o continente, considerada por muitos como um local rico em recursos naturais, com datações entre 2.260 ± 160 A.P. à 1.180 ± 170 A.P., sendo constituído por uma série esquelética de 24 indivíduos, aos quais 15 esqueletos adultos apresentavam-se em condições apropriadas para a realização do presente trabalho. Através de uma análise paleobiológica, propomo-nos a conhecer a vida e saúde dos habitantes, munindo-nos de uma abordagem macroscópica, nas quais foram coletadas informações sobre sexo, idade, estatura, índices de robustez e achatamento, assim como variações morfológicas que manifestavam-se na constituição esquelética dos indivíduos. No que concerne a patologia oral, foram registrados dados sobre a prevalência de cáries, desgaste dentário, perda dentária ante mortem, abcessos e doença periodontal, limitando-nos a não registrar a presença de cálculos, uma vez que a influência de concreções orgânicas impossibilitava qualquer registro. Pareceu-nos oportuno conhecer melhor a saúde dos indivíduos também acedendo à informações sobre patologias degenerativas, a título de exemplo, os marcadores de comprometimento articular e estresses músculo-esquelético, incluídos neste ultimo, robusticidade, lesões de estresse e ossificações, assim como aos dados sobre patologias infecciosas, pelo que foi bastante comum encontrar vários sinais de periostite dispersos nos ossos, vinculadas ou não a traumas agudos, e também patologias traumáticas que apresentaram freqüências pouco representativas entre os habitantes. Identificamos sinais de estresse fisiológico, eminentemente cribra orbitalia, que manifestou-se através de lesões ativas e remodeladas, merecendo atenção à estas ultimas que apresentaram-se mais freqüentes. Na medida em que a compilação desses dados, associadas a outras variáveis, como por exemplo, o meio ambiente e o contexto arqueológico do sítio, acreditamos que o presente estudo possa contribuir para entender o paradigma do estilo de vida costeiro dos habitantes do Sambaqui Zé Espinho. Sambaqui Zé Espinho is an archeological site located on the coastal area of Rio de Janeiro State, in a region called Planície Maré de Guaratiba, located in an area of environmental intersection between open sea and the continent, well known as a place rich in natural resources, dating from 2.260 ± 160 B.P. to 1.180 ± 170 B.P., being constituted by a skeletal series of 24 individuals, from which 15 adult skeletons met the criteria to take part in this study. Through a paleobiological analysis, we propose to know about the life and health of the inhabitants, by using macroscopic approach, collecting information about gender, age, height, robustness indexes, as well as morphological variations which manifested in the individuals skeletal constitution. Regarding oral pathology, caries prevalence, dental wear, dental loss, alveolar abcesses and periodontal diseases, attaining, though, not to record the presence of calculus, since the influence of organic concretions made any record impossible. It seemed timely for us to know better about individuals health also increasing information on degenerative pathologies, for instance, the markers of articular degeneration and musculoskeletal stress, including the latter, robusticity, stress lesion and ossifications, just as data about infections pathologies, which was so common to find several signs of periostitis disperse in the bones, related of not to acute trauma, and also traumatic pathologies showing frequency little representative among the inhabitants. We identified signs of physiological stress, eminently cribra orbitalia, manifesting through remodeled and active lesions, deserving attention the latter which were more frequent. As data was compiled, in association with other variables, as for instance, the site environment and the archeological context, it is believed that this study can contribute to understanding the paradigm of coastal lifestyle of Sambaqui Zé Espinho inhabitants.
403. Microwear analysis on Suoid incisors: a new method to study faunal adaptive responses to the environmental changes which shaped Human Evolution
- Author
Lazagabaster, Ignacio Aguilar, Cunha, Eugénia, and Made, Jan van der
- Subjects
Paleoambiente ,Comportamento alimentar ,Rooting ,Mudança climática ,Porco - Abstract
Dissertação de mestrado em Evolução e Biologia Humanas, apresentada ao Departamento Ciências da Vida da faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra A análise do microdesgaste consiste no estudo das micromarcas encontradas nas superfícies dentárias. Apesar de já ter sido provado que esta técnica facilita a determinação da dieta de muitas espécies antigas, ainda nenhum estudo aplicou esta técnica em fósseis de incisivos de suídeos fosseis (=Suidae), apesar do micro desgaste dos incisivos ser fortemente relacionado com o seu habitat e seus “rooting styles”, a adaptação mais importante deste grupo. Além disso, os suídeos são um dos grupos mais abundantes de grandes mamíferos encontrados nos sítios com fósseis de hominíneos. Como ainda não foi publicado nenhum estudo de referencia, o objectivo desta dissertação é desenvolver uma metodologia para estudar o microdesgaste em incisivos de espécies suídeos existentes de modo a encontrar um sinal de microdesgaste que possa ser relacionado com diferentes “rooting styles” e permitir a comparação com fósseis suínos em trabalhos futuros. Foram analisados trinta e oito indivíduos representando seis espécies existentes que pertencem à superfamília Suoidea, provenientes de diferentes colecções osteológicas de Espanha. Quatro espécies pertencem à família Suidae (Sus scrofa, Potamochoerus porcus, Phacochoerus africanus e Babyroussa babyrussa) e duas à família Tayassuidae (Tayassu pecari e Pecari tajacu). Registou-se o estado do desgaste no incisivo usando uma nova metodologia proposta nesta dissertação. Comparou-se, depois, com desgaste em molares para testar possíveis diferenças no grau de desgaste. Os dentes selecionados foram então analisados no “Scanning Electron Microscopy” (SEM) no lado lingual (500x) e no lado labial (200x) do incisivo. Quando os espécimes originais não pudessem ser analisados no SEM, faziam-se réplicas dentais de alta resolução para o seu estudo. Foi analisado um total de 198 microfotografias seleccionando uma área de 0,16 mm2 em cada microfotografia, muitas delas pertencendo a incisivos inferiores centrais e laterais. Registou-se o comprimento, a largura e a orientação de todas as micromarcas encontradas. As micromarcas foram então divididas em pits ou arranhões e depois categorizados em relação ao tamanho e orientação. Uma série de graus e outras variáveis, derivadas destas categorias, foram analisadas estatisticamente de modo a identificar diferenças significativas entre os lados labial e lingual, facetas oclusal e não oclusal, superfícies do esmalte e da dentina, cristas e fissuras e incisivos centrais e laterais. Foi testada a variabilidade inter taxonómica no xiv lado labial e na faceta não oclusal do lado lingual dos incisivos inferiores centrais e laterais. Além da variabilidade muito interessante observada entre os lados, facetas, regiões morfológicas e tipos de superfície, observaram-se igualmente diferenças significativas entre as diferentes espécies. Hipotetiza-se nesta dissertação que um sinal diferente de microdesgaste nos incisivos reflete diferentes “rooting styles” entre as espécies. Este estudo avança três principais “rooting styles”: 1) Baixa intensidade, como nos Tayassu pecari, caracterizada por uma superfície dental com uma grande proporção de arranhões muito pequenos (
404. Maleitas do corpo em tempos medievais : indicadores paleodemográficos, de stresse e paleopatológicos numa série osteológica urbana de Leiria
- Author
Garcia, Maria Susana de Jesus and Cunha, Eugénia
- Subjects
Baixa Idade Média ,Paleopatologia ,Contexto urbano ,Patologia dentária ,Tuberculose ,Padrões de crescimento ,Indicadores de stresse ,Trauma ,Doenças infecciosas não específicas ,Artrose
405. Cremains. The Value of Qantitative Analysis for the Bioanthropological Research of Burned Human Skeletal Remains
- Author
Gonçalves, David Miguel da Silveira, Cunha, Eugénia, and Thompson, Timothy J. U.
- Subjects
Alterações térmico-induzidas ,Arqueologia funerária ,Ossos humanos ,Tafonomia ,Pesos do esqueleto ,Cremação - Abstract
Tese de doutoramento em Antropologia, na especialidade de Antropologia Biológica, apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra The analysis of burned bone stumbles on the problems raised by the heatinduced changes that seriously interfere with the methods adopted by biological anthropologists. These changes especially affect the structure of bone leading to fragmentation, dimensional modification, warping and fracturing. As a result, quantitative analysis based on measurements and weighing are usually overlooked due to uncertainties regarding their ability to correctly process burned skeletal remains. Although some pioneering research on this issue has been carried out in the Past, this remained sporadic and with little application from bioanthropologists. In addition, a significant part of that research was either developed on rather small samples of human bones or on samples of faunal bones. Also, some other investigation was carried out by extrapolating from the results obtained on unburned skeletons, which is an inadequate indirect approach. The present research tackled these problems by analysing present-day cremations on a modern crematorium in order to investigate three distinct issues. The first one regarded the relevance of heat-induced warping and thumbnail fracturing for the determination of the pre-cremation condition of the human remains. Secondly, the implication of heat-related dimensional change on sexual dimorphism and consequent sex determination from calcined bones was addressed. Finally, the value of postcremation skeletal weights for bioarchaeological interpretation of funerary contexts was also investigated. This was done by examining human skeletons both prior and after cremation on two different cremation samples: one composed of recently dead cadavers submitted to cremation; and another one composed of dry skeletons recently exhumed. The research demonstrated that, although heat-induced warping and thumbnail fracturing is much more typical of cremations on fleshed cadavers, these features are also present on the burned remains of defleshed skeletons. Therefore, the occurrence of these features is probably related to the preservation of collagen-apatite bonds which play an important role on the mechanical strength of bone. As for sexual dimorphism, the results revealed that it is not significantly affected by heat and that such differences between females and males can be useful to classify unknown individuals according to sex based on the univariate metric analysis of calcined bones. Therefore, sex determination of this kind of material needs not to rely exclusively on the examination of morphological traits which requires a multivariate approach. At last, logistic regression coefficients that are able to estimate the expected proportion of the specific skeletal regions present on funerary assemblages were developed. This was carried out in order to assist on the interpretation of the course of action adopted during the recovery of the skeletal remains from the pyre and their consequent deposition in the grave. Such method was proven to be more dependable than previous ones based on weight references from unburned skeletons. This research demonstrated that, although heat-induced bone changes can indeed be very extensive, their analytical potential is not completely wiped out. Nonetheless, such analysis needs to be based on references that are specific to burned bone to allow for reliable insights. As a result, additional research is needed to better equip bioanthropologists with new analytical techniques more suitable for the investigation of burned human skeletal remains. A análise de ossos queimados é seriamente dificultada pelas alterações térmicoinduzidas que interferem com a fiabilidade das metodologias adoptadas pelos antropólogos biológicos. Essas alterações afectam particularmente a estrutura do osso resultando em fragmentação, modificações ao nível das suas dimensões, deformação e fractura. Por essa razão, a sua análise quantitativa baseada em medições métricas e pesagens não é prática corrente porque subsistem dúvidas relacionadas com a fiabilidade desta abordagem. Apesar de alguns trabalhos pioneiros, a investigação nesta área permaneceu esporádica e com reduzida expressão ao nível da sua aplicação por parte dos bioantropólogos. Além disso, uma parte significativa dessa investigação foi desenvolvida a partir de amostras pequenas de ossos humanos ou a partir de restos faunísticos. Outro tipo de abordagem baseou-se na extrapolação dos resultados obtidos a partir de ossos não queimados para ossos queimados. Este é um procedimento indirecto e inadequado. Esta investigação procurou fazer face a estes problemas a partir da análise de cremações contemporâneas com o objectivo de estudar três questões distintas. A primeira delas estava relacionada com a utilidade da deformação e das fracturas thumbnail térmico-induzidas para a determinação da condição pré-cremação de restos humanos. A segunda questão dizia respeito às implicações das alterações térmico-induzidas relativas à dimensão do osso no dimorfismo sexual e subsequente determinação do sexo em restos humanos calcinados. Finalmente, foi também abordado o valor do peso do esqueleto após a cremação para a interpretação bioarqueológica de contextos funerários. O estudo baseou-se na análise pré- e pós-cremação de duas amostras de esqueletos distintas: uma composta por cremações de cadáveres recentemente falecidos e outra composta por cremações de esqueletos previamente inumados. Apesar da ocorrência da deformação e das fracturas thumbnail térmico-induzidas serem consideravelmente mais frequentes em cremações de cadáveres com tecidos moles, este evento está também presente nos restos cremados de esqueletos sem tecidos moles. Assim sendo, a sua ocorrência está provavelmente relacionada com a preservação das ligações entre o colagénio e a apatite que assumem um importante papel na força e resistência mecânicas do osso. Em relação ao dimorfismo sexual, os resultados revelaram que este não é significativamente afectado por elevadas temperaturas e que as diferenças métricas entre mulheres e homens podem ser úteis para a classificação sexual de indivíduos desconhecidos a partir da análise univariada dos seus restos ósseos calcinados. Com efeito, a determinação do sexo deste tipo de material não precisa de basear-se exclusivamente no exame multivariado de traços morfológicos. Finalmente, coeficientes de regressão logística foram desenvolvidos de forma a estimarem as proporções esperadas das regiões anatómicas do esqueleto em conjuntos funerários. Estas ferramentas permitem ajudar o bioantropólogo a reconstituir o gesto funerário relacionado com a recolha dos ossos da pira e sua subsequente deposição na sepultura. Foi demonstrada a maior fiabilidade desta técnica em relação a outras previamente adoptadas em estudos bioarqueológicos e baseadas em referências de peso desenvolvidas a partir de esqueletos não queimados. A investigação demonstrou que, embora as alterações térmico-induzidas no osso possam ser vastas, o potencial de análise associado a este material não é completamente eliminado. No entanto, tal análise deve ter como suporte referências que sejam específicas a ossos queimados de forma a permitir inferências fiáveis. Assim sendo, é necessária investigação adicional de forma a dotar os bioantropólogos de novas técnicas de análise mais adaptadas ao estudo de restos ósseos humanos queimados.
406. A problemática da estimativa da idade à morte em indivíduos adultos : um teste à sínfise púbica
- Author
Neves, Daniela Catarina Lopes das and Cunha, Eugénia
- Subjects
Senescência ,Sínfise púbica ,Individuos com mais de 50 anos - Abstract
Dissertação de Mestrado em Evolução e Biologia Humana, apresentada ao Departamento de Ciências da Vida da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra.
407. A população medieval de S. Miguel de Odrinhas (Sintra) : caracterização biológica
- Author
Pereira, Maria Teresa Ribeiro Matos Fernandes Rocha and Cunha, Eugénia
- Subjects
Sintra ,S. Miguel de Odrinhas ,Caracterização biológica ,População medieval
408. Associations between Acromial Degenerative Changes, Sex, Age, Side, and Morphology
- Author
Guilherme dos Reis Borges Coelho da Fonseca, Cunha, Eugénia Maria Guedes Pinto Antunes da, and Garcia, Maria Susana de Jesus
- Subjects
coracoacromial enthesophyte ,scapula morphometrics ,esporão acromial ,entesófito coracoacromial ,degeneração glenoumeral ,acromioclavicular degeneration ,degeneração acromioclavicular ,morfometria escapular ,acromial spur ,glenohumeral degeneration
409. Cimentocronologia : estimativa de idade-à-morte numa amostra de dentes queimados identificados de indivíduos portugueses
- Author
Santos, Inês de Oliveira, Cunha, Eugénia, and Gonçalves, David
- Subjects
Linhas de incremento ,Alterações térmico-induzidas ,Cimento ,Histologia ,Dentina - Abstract
Dissertação de Mestrado em Evolução e Biologia Humanas apresentada ao Departamento de Ciências da Vida da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra. A estimativa de idade-à-morte é um parâmetro fundamental do perfil biológico, tanto na Antropologia Forense como Biológica. Os dentes são dos componentes mais resistentes do esqueleto humano tornando-se assim uma ferramenta de eleição para estimativa de idade, especialmente em cenários extremos como com restos humanos queimados que necessitam de uma abordagem alternativa. Cimentocronologia é uma técnica histológica para estimativa de idade-à-morte baseada na análise do cimento dentário e das suas linhas de incremento. Devido às alterações dimensionais e às dificuldades de visualização das linhas foram tentadas formas alternativas de estimar a idade, para além da contagem clássica, através da medição da espessura do cimento e da dentina e com extrapolação do número de linhas de incremento através da espessura total do cimento. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram (1) avaliar a viabilidade da contagem de linhas de incremento em dentes queimados a duas temperaturas diferentes, 400ºC e 900ºC, numa amostra de 60 dentes monoradiculares; (2) avaliar se as idades estimadas para esses dentes através de cimentocronologia, depois de alterações térmicas, corresponde positivamente com a idade conhecida; (3) idealizar uma abordagem alternativa à análise das linhas de incremento que permita também estimar a idade em dentes queimados a essas duas temperaturas; (4) e verificar se a espessura dos tecidos constituintes das raízes dentárias, cimento e dentina, após o processo de queima, têm uma relação positiva com a idade conhecida; havendo como objetivo principal validar a eficácia da cimentocronologia como método para estimar a idade-à-morte em dentes queimados. Para isso, uma amostra de 60 dentes monoradiculares (44 incisivos laterais e centrais, e 16 caninos; superiores e inferiores) recolhidos em clinicas dentárias e identificados com idade e sexo, foram submetidos a tratamento térmico a 400ºC e 900ºC. Estes foram queimados num ambiente laboratorial controlado, durante 1h e 2h, respetivamente. Posteriormente foram seccionados e observados em microscópio ótico, através do qual foram captadas micrografias de onde se procedeu à análise, realizando as contagens e medições nas mesmas. Ao número de linhas de incremento obtido foi somada a idade de erupção específica para cada sexo e obtida uma estimativa de idade para cada dente. Não se obteve uma relaçãoestatisticamente significativa entre a idade conhecida e a idade estimada nem a 400ºC nem a 900ºC através da contagem do número de linhas, tendo um erro médio para a estimava a 400ºC de 21,6 anos e a 900ºC de 24,2 anos. Já através da extrapolação do número de bandas presentes na camada de cimento, foi possível relacionar a idade cronológica com a idade estimada nos dois grupos, já com um erro para a estimativa a 400ºC de 10,3 anos e a 900ºC de 11,4 anos. Não se verificou uma relação entre as percentagens de cimento e dentina assim como a percentagem dentina/cimento com a idade em nenhum dos grupos, no entanto o número reduzido de elementos avaliados pode condicionar os resultados. Esta investigação vem contudo fornecer informações adicionais para a busca de uma metodologia adequada na avaliação da idade-à-morte em restos humanos queimados, assim como acrescentar dados valiosos acerca dos efeitos de temperaturas elevadas em dentes humanos. Age-at-death estimation is a fundamental parameter of biological profile, both in Forensic and Biological Anthropology. Teeth are one of the most resilient parts of the human skeleton thus becoming an elected tool for age estimation, particularly in extreme scenarios as with burned human remains that require alternative approaches. Cementochronology refers to a histological technique for age-at-death estimation based on the analyses of tooth cement and its incremental lines. Due to dimensional modifications and difficulty in observation of the lines, alternative approaches to estimate age, beyond classic counting of incremental lines, as measurements of cement and dentin thickness and number of incremental lines extrapolation from total cement thickness, were applied. The aims of this research were to (1) evaluate the viability of counting incremental lines in burned teeth at two different temperatures, 400º and 900ºC in a sample of 60 single-rooted teeth; (2) assess if the estimated ages for those teeth by cementochronology, after thermic alteration, corresponds positively with known age; (3) idealize an alternative approach to the analyses of incremental lines that also allows to estimate age at those two temperatures; (4) and verify if root tissue, cement and dentin thickness has a positive relation with known age, after the burning process; having as the main research objective to validate the efficacy of cementochronology as a method to estimate age-at-death in burned teeth. For that, a sample of 60 single-rooted teeth (upper and low: 44 centrals and lateral incisors, and 16 canines) collected in dental clinics and identified with age and sex were submitted to a thermic treatment of 400ºC and 900ºC. Those were burned in a controlled laboratorial environment for 1h and 2h, respectively. Later they were cross sectioned and observed through an optical microscope, of which micrographs were taken and on which the line counting and measurements were undertaken. The sex specific age of eruption was added to the number of incremental lines and an estimated age for each teeth was attained. No statistically significant relation between chronological age and estimated age was found at 400ºC nor at 900ºC by counting the number of lines, with a mean error for the estimate at 400ºC of 21.6 years and at 900ºC of 24.2 years. By extrapolatingthe number of bands it was possible to correlate the chronological age with the estimated age on the two groups, with a mean error for the estimate at 400ºC of 10.3 years and at 900ºC of 11.4 years. No significant correlations between the percentage of cement and dentin with chronological age and between the percentages of dentine/cement with chronological age was observed, however the low number of elements observed in the sample may be limiting the results. This research provides more knowledge to the search of an appropriate methodology in the assessment of age-at-death in burned human remains as it also presents additional and valuable data about the effects of high temperatures in human teeth.
410. Um novo olhar sobre as crianças de Serpa. Nova Abordagem metodológica aplicada em 25 crianças de Serpa Medieval
- Author
Carvalho, Liliana A. Veríssimo and Cunha, Eugénia
- Subjects
Serpa Medieval ,Não adultos ,Perfil biológico ,Diagnose sexual - Abstract
Dissertação de Mestrado em Evolução e Biologia Humanas, apresentada ao Departamento de Ciências da Vida da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra. A estimativa do sexo, em conjunto com a idade são essenciais para o estudo populações ancestrais, quer sejam de natureza biológica, demográfica ou paleopatológica. Contudo, grande parte das investigações de integram não adultos de contextos arqueológicos, não contempla a determinação sexual. A sua falta é fundamentada pela ausência do desenvolvimento dos caracteres sexuais secundários mas também pela fraca representatividade óssea, pela fraca preservação dos esqueletos juvenis ou pela pouca consistência metodológica. Esta lacuna no diagnóstico, para além de limitar o potencial informativo da amostra, poderá deturpar os resultados obtidos em outros parâmetros biológicos, como a idade à morte. O trabalho que se apresenta de seguida tem como objectivos perceber até que ponto o conhecimento do sexo influencia os resultados de outros parâmetros biológicos e perceber como a sua ausência pode restringir a reconstituição de aspectos da vida de populações passadas. Como em qualquer análise bioarqueológica, pretende-se igualmente que este trabalho contribua para traçar o perfil biológico de um conjunto de crianças de habitaram Serpa Medieval. Para dar cumprimento aos objectivos, focámos a nossa análise em 25 crianças recolhidas em contexto arqueológico, na sequência de uma intervenção de emergência. Esta amostra corresponde a uma população que terá vivido na região da actual Serpa durante os séculos XIII e XVI. Através da uma metodologia métrica aplicada à dentição foi possível determinar o sexo em 23 esqueletos que se distribuem quase equitativamente (10 rapazes e 13 raparigas). Conseguimos igualmente perceber que a ausência do conhecimento do sexo pode realmente perturbar os resultados de outros parâmetros, nomeadamente na estimativa da idade esquelética, e por conseguinte, a reconstrução de padrões de crescimento. A nível do perfil biológico não foram registadas grandes diferenças entre rapazes e raparigas, no entanto em alguns parâmetros analisados, como o desgaste dentário e marcadores de stresse fisiológico, notaram-se algumas distinções que, no seu conjunto, sugerem algum tipo diferenciação entre sexos. The sexual and age estimation, are essential in the reconstruction of profiles of ancient lives, whether they are biological, demographic or paleopathological. However, a large portion of juveniles studies, from archaeological samples, don’t analyze this specific biological parameter, usually arguing the absence of the absence of secondary sexual characteristics, the poor representation of non-adults, the weak skeletal preservation or weak methodological consistency. This gap on diagnosis restricts, not only the informative potential of the samples, but also can pervert the results obtained in other biological parameters, like the estimation of age at dead. The present work aims to understand how the knowledge of sex influences other biological indicators and understand how its absence restrains the reconstitution of lives of ancient populations. Like in any bioarchaeological analysis, we also want to contribute to reconstitute the biological and cultural features of the children that lived in Medieval Serpa. To accomplish these tasks we focus on 25 children collected in an archaeological context, during an emergency intervention. This sample belongs to a population that lived in the region of actual Serpa during the thirteenth and sixteenth centuries. Through a metrical methodology, applied to the dentition, we were able to determine the sex in 23 skeletons (10 boys and 13 girls). We were also able to understand that the absence of sexual knowledge can really disturb the results of others indicators, namely the skeletal age and consequently, the reconstruction of growing patterns. Within the biological profile weren’t recorded substantial differences between boys and girls, however in few parameters we notice some differences, which together, suggest a kind of differentiation among sexes.
411. Ensinar e aprender evolução humana : um estudo centrado na aprendizagem baseada na resolução de problemas
- Author
Lemos, Maria Sousa Magalhães de Sousa, Cunha, Eugénia, and Vasconcelos, Clara
- Subjects
Estudo de avaliaçãi formativa ,Recursos educativos ,Paleoantropologia ,Ensino secundário - Abstract
Dissertação de mestrado em Evolução e Biologia Humanas, apresentada ao Departamento de Ciências da Vida da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra. A evolução humana é uma área do conhecimento que conjuga evidências de várias disciplinas para abordar questões essenciais acerca de quem somos e de como nos tornámos o que somos. O tema é um excelente estudo de caso para o ensino da evolução no sentido lato, para além de desenvolver nos alunos uma nova apreciação do real parentesco entre toda a humanidade e promover um olhar crítico acerca de algumas representações sociais do significado da variação física. Porém, a temática é frequentemente negligenciada nos currículos escolares, resultando na persistência de várias conceções erróneas entre a população. Este trabalho pretendeu dar um contributo para o ensino e a aprendizagem da evolução humana em Portugal, investigando a possibilidade de aplicar uma metodologia de ensino centrada no aluno que utiliza situações-‐problema como ponto de partida para a aquisição de novos conhecimentos -‐ a Aprendizagem Baseada na Resolução de Problemas (ABRP) -‐, à temática da evolução humana. Para tal, foram concebidos e elaborados recursos educativos referentes a 3 casos problemáticos direcionados a alunos do ensino secundário do curso de ciências e tecnologias. Pretendeu-‐se também que estes recursos integrassem a perspetiva de ensino por investigação e promovessem uma visão adequada acerca da natureza da ciência. O caso 1 ("Em busca de fósseis de hominíneos no grande vale do Rift!") centra-‐se na relação filogenética entre humanos e chimpanzés e no bipedismo como marca distintiva dos hominíneos. O caso 2 ("Outros humanos diferentes de nós") aborda a dispersão geográfico-‐temporal das várias espécies de hominíneos, evidenciando a contemporaneidade dos humanos modernos com outros grupos humanos. O caso 3 ("Porque temos diferentes cores de pele?") centra-‐se na diversidade e na evolução das cores da pele humana. Para aferir a qualidade científica e educacional dos recursos contruídos, realizou-‐se um estudo de avaliação formativa que contou com 5 painéis de avaliadores, designadamente: doze estudantes de mestrado em "Ensino da Biologia e da Geologia no 3º ciclo do Ensino Básico e no Ensino Secundário"; duas alunas do 11º ano de escolaridade; duas professoras de Biologia e Geologia; uma professora universitária especialista em ensino das ciências e na ABRP; e duas professoras universitárias especialistas em evolução humana. Para aferir a aplicabilidade prática dos recursos, estes foram testados com os dois primeiros painéis de juízes. Os 5 painéis de avaliadores foram unânimes em considerar que os recursos construídos apresentam elevada qualidade científica e educacional. Ainda assim, formularam críticas e sugestões que foram utilizadas para a posterior revisão dos materiais. A análise dos resultados mostrou que os recursos abordam temas relevantes para a literacia científica da evolução humana, promovem a realização eficaz de aprendizagens e permitem a correção de conceções erróneas. Também foi mencionado que apresentam rigor e correção científicos e que são motivadores e adequados ao público-‐alvo. Em termos educacionais, estão em conformidade com os princípios da ABRP e com a perspetiva de ensino por investigação, promovendo também uma visão adequada acerca da natureza da ciência, apesar ter sido sugerido o reforço deste aspeto. Realizadas todas as retificações, considera-‐se que os recursos estão validados formativamente e aptos a serem utilizados em práticas educativas. Espera-‐se que depois de devidamente divulgados, se tornem instrumentos úteis, passíveis de serem mobilizados quer em contextos não formais de ensino, quer em sala de aula, nomeadamente nas disciplinas de Biologia e Geologia do 11º ano e de Geologia do 12º ano de escolaridade. Human evolution is a field of knowledge that combines evidence from several disciplines to address key questions about who we are and how we came to be. Indeed, it is an excellent case study for the teaching of biological evolution and students exposed to this theme develop a deeper understanding of the actual kinship between every human as well as a critical perspective of the social representations about the meaning of physical variation. However, this study area is often overlooked in school curricula, resulting in the persistence of several misconceptions among our population. This work aimed to contribute for the teaching and learning of human evolution in Portugal, by researching the possibility of applying a student-‐centered instructional methodology that uses problems as departure points for the acquisition of new knowledge -‐ Problem-‐Based Learning (PBL) -‐, to the theme of human evolution. To this end, educational resources of three problem-‐cases were designed and developed, directed to a target audience composed of high school science students. These resources were also designed on the basis of an inquiry-‐based perspective and intended to promote an adequate view of the nature of science. Case 1 ("In search of fossil hominins in the Great Rift Valley!") focuses on the phylogenetic relationship between humans and chimpanzees and, in particular, on bipedalism as one of the defining features of hominins. Case 2 ("Other groups of humans different from us") addresses the geographical and temporal distribution of hominin species, highlighting the coexistence of modern humans and other human groups. Case 3 ("Why do we have different skin colors?") focuses on the diversity and evolution of human skin colors. To assess the scientific and educational quality of these resources, they were subjected to a formative evaluation process which included five panels of evaluators, namely: twelve pre-‐service teachers; two 11th grade high school students; two Biology and Geology high-‐school teachers; an university professor expert in science education and PBL; and two university professors experts in human evolution. The pratical application of the educational resources was also tested with the first two panels of juries. The five panels of juries considered that the resources have high scientific and educational quality. Nevertheless, they also made comments and suggestions, which were used for their further revision and improvement. The results showed that the resources address topics that are relevant for the scientific literacy on human evolution, and promote the effective acquisition of knowledge and the correction of common misconceptions. They pointed out as well that they are scientific accurate, motivating and appropriate to the target audience. Educacionally, they follow the principles of PBL and inquiry-‐based teaching and they promote an adequate view of the nature of science, although a suggestion was made to stenghten this aspect. After being revised, the educational resources are thus validated by formative evaluation and are now apt to be used for educational purposes. It is expected that after proper dissemination, they can become useful tools to be applied in both non-‐formal educational contexts as well as in classrooms, particularly within 11th grade Biology-‐Geology course and 12th grade Geology course.
412. Bioarchéologie des sujets immatures de quatre nécropoles du haut Moyen Âge européen : méthodes d'étude du développement et des interactions biologie/culture
- Author
GARCIN, Virginie, Bruzek, Jaroslav, Sellier, Pascal, Guihard-Costa, Anne-Marie, Ribot, Isabelle, Adalian, Pascal, Maureille, Bruno, Cunha, Eugénia, and Humphrey, Louise
- Subjects
Enfant ,Interactions bio-culturelles ,Europe ,Modes de vie ,Pratiques funéraires ,Estimation de l'âge ,Bioarchéologie ,Méthodes ,Haut Moyen Âge ,Variabilité ,Croissance ,Stress
413. As gentes de Ílhavo dos séculos XVIII e XIX: Estudo bioantropológico de uma série proveniente da Igreja de São Salvador de Ílhavo
- Author
Camacho, Joana Cidade Medeiros, Cunha, Eugénia Maria Guedes Pinto Antunes da, and Cardoso, Francisca Alves
- Subjects
Ílhavo ,Biological Anthropology ,Paleopatologia ,Paleopathology ,Death records ,Igreja de São Salvador ,São Salvador’s Church ,Registo de óbitos ,Antropologia Biológica
414. A diachronic approach to neoplasms: skeletal evidence from the Portuguese identified osteological collections (19th-20th centuries)
- Author
Marques, Ana Carina Pinto, Zink, Albert, and Cunha, Eugénia
- Subjects
Paleo-oncology ,Paleo-oncologia ,Neoplastic ,Paleopathology ,Paleopatologia ,Metástases ósseas ,Coleções Identificadas ,Bone Metastases ,Ciências Biológicas [Ciências Naturais] ,Reference Collections ,Neoplasias ,Cancer ,Cancro - Abstract
Tese de doutoramento em Antropologia, na especialidade de Antropologia Biológica, apresentada à Faculdade de Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra Biological, sociocultural, demographic, and environmental factors are key determinants to the contemporary burden of malignant oncological diseases. Albeit a currently well-known epidemiological landscape, the historical and paleopathological sources deem these dreadful conditions as rare in past human societies. The present research aimed to cogitate into the significance of malignant neoplastic conditions in the past, through the integrated analysis of historical, documentary, and skeletal sources. The main goals were to provide a quantification of the paleopathological diagnosis limits (sensitivity) and contribute to diagnostic improvements in the paleopathological context. These analytical approaches can bring new insights into the debate of cancer antiquity. These goals were accomplished by analyzing the cause of death records in 2951 individuals from the Portuguese reference collections: Museu Bocage Identified Skeletal Collection (n=769), Coimbra Identified Skeletal Collection (n=505), Medical School Collection (n=534), and International Exchange Collection (n=1143). The temporal frame of the pooled collections ranges from 1880 to 1974 for the year of death. Were surveyed records of 1524 males and 1427 females, with age at death ranging from zero to 109 years. The skeletal remains of 131 individuals, from the Museu Bocage Identified Skeletal Collection and Coimbra Identified Skeletal Collection, corresponding to 40.5% (n=53) of males and 59.5% (n=78) of females, with age at death ranging from 15 to 93 years, were evaluated macroscopically and in some cases with radiography. The neoplasms ranked among the principal causes of death in the reference collections; recorded in 260 individuals (8.8%), and by excluding benign neoplasms this value shifts to 240 cases (8.1%). Most of the malignant/unidentified neoplasm cohort had gastric (24.6% [59/240]), uterine/ovarian (23.9% of the females [34/142]), and intestinal/colorectal (10.8% [26/240]) cancers recorded in the cause of death. A pattern that largely reflects the coeval Portuguese mortality trends. The paleopathological survey showed that through the application of standard diagnostic protocols, merely 17.6% (n=23) of the skeletons had unequivocal osseous signs of a metastatic and/or neoplastic condition. Forty-five percent (n=59) had osseous changes, nevertheless the lesion typology and anatomic distribution were not clearly indicative of a neoplastic process. The remaining 37.4% (n=49) did not exhibit osseous abnormalities. Overall, osseous changes predominated in the os coxae (40.0%, 52 of the 130 individuals), ribs (29.8% [37/124]), scapulas (22.6% [28/124]), and vertebral column (21.9% [28/128]). Nonetheless, if we take into account only the individuals with at least one lesion indicative of a neoplastic process (n=42; 32.1%), the anatomical allocation shifted. Albeit a predilection for the os coxae (71.4% [30/42]), the following anatomical areas affected included the vertebral column (48.8% [20/41]), ribs (43.9% [18/41]), sacrum (36.8% [14/38]), skull (33.3% [14/42]), scapulas (30.0% [12/40]), and femur (28.6% [12/42]). Osteolytic processes consisted predominantly of osseous changes with geographic (36.6% [48/131]) and moth-eaten/permeative (19.8%, n=26) margins. Coalescent porosity (16.8%, n=22) and other forms of bone destruction were rare. Highest coefficients of proliferative lesions occurred in the form of woven/mix new bone formation (48.9%, n=64) and less frequently with other proliferative typology (“coral”, “sunburst”, and parallel spicules combined represented 16.8% [n=22] of the sample). This study presents a quantitative estimate of the paleopathological diagnosis sensitivity; as well as novel contributions to diagnostic improvements. A theoretical reflection on the burden of cancer in the past emphasized the idea that we need a paradigm shift while thinking about paleo-oncology’s future. Os fatores biológicos, socioculturais, demográficos e ambientais contribuem de forma decisiva para o flagelo contemporâneo relacionado com as doenças oncológicas malignas. A atual paisagem epidemiológica destas condições perniciosas é bem conhecida; porém, as fontes históricas e paleopatológicas sugerem que as condições neoplásicas malignas eram raras em populações do passado. Esta investigação ambicionou compreender e assimilar a importância das condições neoplásicas malignas no passado, através da quantificação dos limites do diagnóstico (sensibilidade), do aperfeiçoamento da capacidade diagnóstica, e do desvelamento de novos dados relevantes para o debate da antiguidade do cancro, através de uma análise histórica, documental e osteológica integrada. Este propósito foi cumprido analisando os registos de causa de morte de 2951 indivíduos que constituem quatro coleções Portuguesas: a Coleção de Esqueletos Identificados do Museu Bocage (n=769), a Coleção de Esqueletos Identificados de Coimbra (n=505), a Coleção das Escolas Médicas (n=534), e a Coleção de Trocas Internacionais (n=1143). O período cronológico abarcado pelas coleções varia, para o ano da morte, entre 1880 e 1974. Os registos de 1524 homens e 1427 mulheres, com idade à morte compreendida entre zero e 109 anos, foram observados. Os restos esqueléticos de 131 indivíduos da Coleção de Esqueletos Identificados do Museu Bocage e da Coleção de Esqueletos Identificados de Coimbra, correspondendo 40,5% (n=53) homens e 59,5% (n=78) mulheres, com idade à morte compreendida entre 15 e 93 anos, foram observados macroscopicamente. Os neoplasmas figuravam entre as principais causes de morte nas coleções, tendo sido registados em 260 (8,8%) indivíduos; este valor decresce para 240 (8.1%) se excluirmos os neoplasmas benignos. A maioria dos casos de neoplasmas malignos / não identificados foi causada por cancros gástricos (24,6% [59/240]), uterinos / ováricos (23,9% das mulheres [34/142]), e intestinais / colorretais (10,8% [26/240]). Este padrão reflete, em larga medida, os padrões Portugueses de mortalidade coevos. A análise paleopatológica mostrou que, através da aplicação de protocolos estandardizados de diagnóstico, apenas 17,6% (n=23) dos esqueletos exibiam sinais ósseos inequívocos de condição metastática e/ou neoplásica, enquanto 45,0% (n=59) apresentavam lesões ósseas inespecíficas. Os restantes 37,4% não exibiam qualquer anomalia óssea. As modificações ósseas predominavam nos ossos coxais (40,0% [52/130]), nas costelas (29,8% [37/124]), nas escápulas (22,6% [28/124]) e na coluna vertebral (21,9% [28/128]). Não obstante, entre os 42 indivíduos que que apresentavam pelo menos uma lesão indicativa de um processo neoplásico (32,1% [42/131]) a localização das lesões na topografia esquelética segue um padrão diferente, com 71,4% (30/42) nos ossos coxais, 48,8% (20/41) na coluna vertebral, 43,9% (18/41) nas costelas, 36,8% (14/38) no sacro, 33,3% (14/42) no crânio, 30,0% (12/40) nas omoplatas, e 28,6% (12/42) no fémur. Os processos osteolíticos constituíam sobretudo modificações ósseas com margens geográficas (36.6% [48/131]) e “moth-eaten”/permeativas (19.8% [26/131]). A porosidade coalescente (16.8% [22/131]) e outras formas de destruição óssea eram mais raras. Os coeficientes mais elevados de neoformação óssea ocorreram na forma de osso fibroso/misto (48.9% [64/131]) e menos frequentemente com outra tipologia (combinados, os tipos “coral”, “sunburst” e espículas paralelas, representavam 16.8% [22/131] da amostra). Este estudo apresenta uma avaliação quantitativa da fiabilidade do diagnóstico paleopatológico das neoplasias; sugerindo ainda novas perspetivas para melhor orientar esse diagnóstico. Por fim, a reflexão teórica sobre o flagelo do cancro no passado contribuiu para a sugestão da necessidade de uma mudança paradigmática enquanto se pensa sobre o futuro da paleo-oncologia.
415. A fiabilidade do método de estimativa da idade à morte através das suturas cranianas em indivíduos de meia-idade e idosos
- Author
Lourenço, Ana Marina Rodrigues, Cunha, Eugénia, and Vieira, Duarte Nuno
- Subjects
Antropologia forense ,Suturas cranianas ,Determinação da idade pelo esqueleto - Abstract
Dissertação de mestrado em Medicina (Medicina Legal e Ciências Forenses) apresentada à Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Coimbra A estimativa da idade à morte em indivíduos adultos é um dos parâmetros mais problemáticos na determinação do perfil biológico, particularmente em contextos forenses, não obstante um vasto número de metodologias que podem ser aplicadas às diferentes partes do esqueleto. No que respeita à determinação da idade à morte em adultos através do crânio, o método que se destaca pela sua imensa popularidade é sem dúvida o método de obliteração das suturas cranianas. Directamente associada a esta popularidade encontra-se a controvérsia, os resultados obtidos a partir desta metodologia estão longe de ser consensuais e apontam mais para o seu descrédito do que para o seu sucesso. O objectivo deste estudo foi precisamente testar a sua eficácia e tentar perceber que informações podem ser retiradas do encerramento das suturas da abóbada craniana e das suturas palatinas, e de que modo o seu estudo nos pode permitir estimar intervalos etários mais precisos para adultos de meia-idade e idosos. Para isso analisou-se uma amostra total de 200 indivíduos com idades iguais ou superiores a 50 anos, provenientes de duas colecções identificadas: a colecção das Trocas Internacionais datada de finais do século XIX e inícios do século XX e a nova colecção de Esqueletos Identificados do Século XXI, ambas pertencentes ao Departamento de Ciências da Vida da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra. Os resultados obtidos permitiram-nos concluir que existe um aumento gradual no grau de encerramento das suturas aproximadamente até aos 70 anos e, posteriormente uma ligeira diminuição. Verificámos que o encerramento das suturas segue a seguinte ordem: primeiro as endocranianas, depois as exocranianas e por último as palatinas. A nível individual, entre as suturas exocranianas a primeira a obliterar é a sagital, depois a coronal e por fim a lambdóide e nas palatinas encerra primeiro a mediana e depois a transversa. A comparação entre as duas colecções apenas revelou resultados distintos para as suturas palatinas, estas assumem graus de sinostose mais elevados na colecção mais recente. Constatámos ainda que existem diferenças na obliteração das suturas entre o sexo feminino e masculino, demonstrando o sexo masculino um tempo de encerramento mais rápido do que o feminino. A eficácia entre a idade real e a idade estimada a partir dos graus de sinostose observados revelou valores muito baixos, a percentagem de diagnósticos correctos foi muito inferior à percentagem de diagnósticos incorrectos, devido à grande variabilidade individual que se encontra nos graus de sinostose das suturas cranianas. Estes resultados levam-nos a não aconselhar o uso isolado desta metodologia, contudo não descuramos o seu valor quando inserido num contexto global. Age at death in adults it´s one of the most problematic parameters in determination of biological profile, particularly in forensic contexts, despite a large number of methodologies which can be apply to the different parts of the skeleton. Regarding the determination of age at death in adults through the skull, the method which stands out for its immense popularity is undoubtedly the method of cranial sutures obliteration. Directly associated with this popularity, is the controversy, the results obtained from this methodology are far to be the most consensus and point more to his discredit than to his success. The aim of this study was precisely to test its effectiveness and try to understand what information can be gained from the closure of the vault and palatines sutures, and how its study can help us to more accurate estimate age ranges for adults, specifically middle-aged and elderly. For this, we analyzed a sample of 200 identified subjects aged larger than or equal to 50 years from two identified collections: the collection of International Exchanges dated from the late XIX and early XX century, and a new collection of Identified Skeletons of the XXI century, both belonging to the Department of Life Sciences of Faculty of Sciences and Technology at the University of Coimbra. The results allowed us to conclude that there is a gradual increase in the degree of sutures closure until about age 70 and thereafter a slight decrease. We found that the closure of the sutures followed the following order: first the intracranial, after the ectocranial and lastly the palatines. At the individual level, among the sutures, the first ectocranial to obliterate, is the sagittal, then coronal and finally the lambdóid, and the palatines, median ends first and then the transverse. The comparison between the two collections only revealed different results for the palatine sutures, they assume higher degrees of synostosis in the latest collection. We also noted that there are differences in the obliteration of the sutures between female and male, the males showing an earlier closure time than females. The effectiveness of the chronological age and the age estimated from the observed degree of synostosis revealed very low values, the percentage of correct diagnoses was much lower than the rate of incorrect diagnosis, due to large individual variability that lies on the cranial sutures obliteration. These results lead us not advise the use of this method alone, yet not neglect its value when inserted in a global context.
416. Morphé : análise das proporções entre os membros, dimorfismo sexual e estatura de uma amostra da colecção de esqueletos identificados do Museu Antropológico da Universidade de Coimbra
- Author
Wasterlain, Rosa Sofia N. and Cunha, Eugénia
- Subjects
Estatura humana ,Esqueleto humano ,Colecções osteológicas ,Universidade de Coimbra. Museu Antropológico ,Osteologia ,Dimorfismo sexual ,Diagnose sexual - Abstract
Dissertação de mestrado em Evolução Humana apresentada à Fac. Ciências e Tecnologia da Univ. Coimbra
417. Biochemical analysis of vitreous humor and synovial fluid in the estimation of early postmortem interval: A meta-analytical approach.
- Author
Vieira RB, Vicentin-Junior CA, Damascena NP, Silva MC, Araujo APD, da Trindade RQ, Vieira MGDM, Cunha E, Deitos AR, Santiago BM, Martins-Filho PR, and Machado CEP
- Subjects
- Humans, Vitreous Body chemistry, Vitreous Body metabolism, Postmortem Changes, Synovial Fluid chemistry, Synovial Fluid metabolism, Potassium analysis, Potassium metabolism, Biomarkers metabolism, Biomarkers analysis, Sodium analysis, Sodium metabolism
- Abstract
The estimation of the postmortem interval (PMI) is a significant challenge in legal medicine and forensic sciences due to the dynamic and continuous decomposition of organisms after death. Thanatochemistry has emerged as a promising area to estimate PMI by measuring the concentrations of postmortem biochemical markers. This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to summarize evidence on postmortem biochemical alterations in vitreous humor (VH) and synovial fluid (SF) to estimate early PMI. Comprehensive searches of electronic databases identified studies measuring postmortem biomarker concentrations in both matrices. Our analysis included three meta-analytical approaches: calculating standardized mean differences to assess variations in biochemical parameters, executing correlation meta-analysis (ρ) to explore relationships between these parameters and PMI, and conducting meta-regression to derive a predictive model. Results from five eligible studies indicated no correlation between sodium levels and PMI in both matrices. However, a strong correlation was found between potassium levels and PMI in VH (ρ = 0.69; 95 % CI 0.52 to 0.86) and SF (ρ = 0.81; 95 % CI 0.75 to 0.87), with the meta-regression yielding the optimal predictive equation for SF: [K+] = 6.15 + 0.21 × PMI. These findings support the use of potassium as a reliable biomarker for PMI estimation, particularly in SF., (Copyright © 2024 Elsevier Ltd and Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2024
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418. Escalating Health Crisis: Dissecting Mortality Causes and Trends Among Indigenous Populations in Northeast Brazil.
- Author
Martins-Filho PR, Cavalcante TF, Lima SVMA, Santiago BM, Machado CEP, and Cunha E
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Adult, Aged, Child, Child, Preschool, Female, Humans, Infant, Infant, Newborn, Male, Middle Aged, Brazil epidemiology, Cause of Death trends, Indigenous Peoples, Mortality trends, Mortality ethnology
- Abstract
Objectives: In Northeast Brazil, the poorest region of the country, indigenous communities face critical health care challenges. Despite legal entitlements to the Unified Health System (SUS), systemic barriers persist, exacerbating health disparities and mortality. This ecological study analyzed mortality trends and causes of death within the Special Indigenous Sanitary District (DSEI) Alagoas-Sergipe over a decade., Methods: Data on deaths from 2012 to 2022 were obtained from the Indigenous Health Secretariat. Causes of death were classified into 13 categories. Mortality rates per 1,000 indigenous inhabitants were calculated, and trends were analyzed using the Mann-Kendall test. The study also compared causes of death by age group., Results: Mortality rates ranged from 3.3 to 5.2 per 1,000, showing a moderate upward trend over time (τ = 0.5, p = 0.042). Predominant causes included heart and vascular disorders (24.3%), external causes (12.4%), respiratory issues (11.1%), and infections (10.9%). About one-third of pediatric deaths were associated with general neonatal complications., Conclusions: This study highlights increasing mortality in indigenous communities in Northeast Brazil. The predominant causes of death reflect broader public health concerns. These trends emphasize the urgency for more effective, culturally sensitive public health policies and improved health care access.
- Published
- 2024
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419. Forensic identification in a multidisciplinary perspective focusing on big challenges.
- Author
Cunha E and Obertová Z
- Abstract
Competing Interests: Eugénia Cunha holds the position of Editorial Board Member for Forensic Sciences Research.
- Published
- 2024
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420. Human identification by medical findings in a forensic anthropology context.
- Author
Lemos YV, Furtado AN, Lima AZ, Dionísio AS, Araújo RM, and Cunha E
- Abstract
This article presents a series of three complex forensic cases that posed significant challenges for identifying human remains. These include a mass dam disaster, burnt human remains, and extensively decomposed human remains. Positive identification was achieved using a shadow positioning technique with imaging comparisons of medical findings. After establishing the biological profile, medical data were evaluated with digital radiography and computed tomography examinations the human remains. These aimed to replicate the original (intravitam) traits in the same angulation to examine postsurgical characteristics, as well as the anatomical, pathological, and morphological features, which were sufficient to establish a positive scientific identification. Technological advancements tend to reveal additional skeletal details, making medical data comparisons significantly more effective in the context of anthropological identification. These cases demonstrate that the possibility of identification should never be ignored, even in situations with advanced decomposition., Key Points: Conventional identification methods may not always be applicable in forensic anthropology cases.The presented cases include a mass dam disaster, burnt human remains, and extensively decomposed human remains.These three cases involved successful human identification with medical findings comparisons using the shadow position technique.Identification could be established in these cases, despite challenges, such as fire damage, an incomplete body, and extensive decomposition.These cases suggest medical findings should be considered as biological identifiers rather than secondary identifiers., Competing Interests: Eugénia Cunha initial holds the position of Editorial Board Member for Forensic Sciences Research and is blinded from reviewing or making decisions for the manuscript., (© The Author(s) 2024. Published by OUP on behalf of the Academy of Forensic Science.)
- Published
- 2024
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421. Exploring the interplay of bone lesions: unraveling health implications and daily life challenges in an Iron Age skeleton from Ya'amun, Jordan.
- Author
Alrousan M, Al-Shorman A, Estebaranz-Sánchez F, Pérez-Pérez A, and Cunha E
- Subjects
- Humans, Jordan epidemiology, Male, Adult, History, Ancient, Bone Neoplasms pathology, Bone Neoplasms history, Anthropology, Physical, Bone and Bones pathology, Paleopathology
- Abstract
This study analyzed the paleopathological conditions of a 30-year-old male unearthed at the site of Ya'amun in northern Jordan. The skeleton was dated back to Iron age. The paleopathological examinations were performed using macroscopic and radiological analyses. The results revealed multiple significant bone lesions, including periosteal osteosarcoma of the right femur, plagiocephaly, asymmetry of the sacrum, vertebral fractures, anemia, and osteoarthritis. This case represents the first example of neoplasm and plagiocephaly in the Iron Age of the region. Despite enduring severe health conditions, the individual managed to reach the third decade while facing the demands of strenuous daily activities that exemplified the harsh living and subsistence conditions characteristic of the Iron Age.
- Published
- 2024
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422. Combining anthropology and imaging to reconstruct antemortem trauma for identification purposes.
- Author
Petaros A, Lindblom M, and Cunha E
- Abstract
Identification of unidentified remains involves a comparison of ante- and postmortem features using biological identifiers. Anthropological identifiers, referred to by International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) as secondary identifiers, have often been judged less reliable than DNA, fingerprints and dental records (referred to as primary identifiers). However, anthropological identifiers have been proven as discriminatory as the primary sources in many instances, and play a decisive role in positive identification. To guarantee better use of anthropological identifiers, it is not only essential to develop standard protocols and statistical frameworks, but also to test different identification approaches in cases from daily practice. Evidence of skeletal antemortem trauma can be a valuable aid in the identification process, especially if the exact type of traumatic event causing the injury is identified. Here, we present a case in which the combination of anthropological analysis and imaging confirmed an interesting and unique sequence of antemortem traumatic events in incomplete skeletal remains. The remains were assumed to pertain to an individual who went missing several years earlier, and whose medical records revealed a unique history of trauma to the right femur. The individual had sustained a fracture due to a fall from a high height followed, 10 years after the primary trauma, by a gunshot wound to the same bone; both treated by intramedullary nail fixation. While the anthropological analysis matched the biological profile of the missing individual and identified a healed defect to the right femur compatible with a gunshot wound, the radiological examination indicated that the bone underwent three surgical procedures on different occasions. Radiological examination also identified a pre-existing healed fracture adjacent to the gunshot defect. In addition to presenting the identification process in this specific case, this article discusses the difficulties in antemortem trauma interpretation, importance of combining macroscopic and radiological analysis to aid the reconstruction of previous traumatic events and mechanisms of injury from healed fractures that can play important roles in forensic human identification., Competing Interests: Eugénia Cunha holds the position of Editorial Board Member for Forensic Sciences Research and is blinded from reviewing or making decisions for the manuscript., (© The Author(s) 2024. Published by OUP on behalf of the Academy of Forensic Science.)
- Published
- 2024
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423. Accuracy of geometric morphometrics for age estimation using frontal face photographs of children and adolescents: A promising method for forensic practice.
- Author
Damascena NP, Lima SVMA, Santiago BM, Alemán-Aguilera I, Cunha E, Machado CEP, and Martins-Filho PR
- Subjects
- Humans, Adolescent, Child, Male, Female, Logistic Models, Sensitivity and Specificity, Brazil, Photogrammetry, Forensic Anthropology methods, Face anatomy & histology, Photography, Age Determination by Skeleton methods
- Abstract
Age estimation is crucial in legal and humanitarian contexts. Forensic professionals may use various procedures to estimate age, including dental analysis, bone density tests, evaluation of physical characteristics including facial bone structure and development, and image-based methods. Although images are often the only material available, visual observation of photographic material is an imprecise method in age estimation, which can compromise judicial decision-making. Analyzing 4000 photographs from the Brazilian Federal Police database, representing four age groups (6, 10, 14, and 18 years), the study employed automated analysis by marking 28 photogrammetric points. Data were used to establish facial patterns by age and sex using the facial geometric morphometrics method. Performance was assessed through a Multinomial Logistic Regression model, evaluating accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity across the categorical age groups. Analyses were conducted using R software, with a 5 % significance level. The study found that facial geometric morphometrics achieved an overall accuracy of 69.3 % in age discrimination, with higher accuracy in males (74.7 %) compared to females (65.8 %) (p < 0.001). The method excelled at predicting the age of 6-year-olds with 87.3 % sensitivity and 95.6 % specificity but had lower performance at 14 years. It showed greater accuracy in distinguishing age groups with larger age gaps, achieving up to 99.5 % accuracy between certain groups, and was particularly effective in differentiating ages of 6 and 10 years in females and 10, 14, and 18 years in males. The facial geometric morphometrics emerges as a promising approach for age estimation among children and adolescents in forensic settings., Competing Interests: Declaration of competing interest The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper., (Copyright © 2024 Elsevier Ltd and Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2024
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424. Luminol and the postmortem interval estimation - influence of taphonomic factors.
- Author
Ermida C, Cunha E, and Ferreira MT
- Subjects
- Humans, Autopsy, Exhumation, Temperature, Forensic Pathology methods, Luminol, Postmortem Changes
- Abstract
The estimation of the postmortem interval (PMI) is one of the key challenges for forensic anthropologists. Although there are several methods referenced for this purpose, none is sufficiently effective. One of the main reasons justifying the complexity of this task is the influence of several taphonomic factors.The study of the Luminol technique has stood out as a promising method for estimating PMI, complementing the existing methods, since it is an economic, easy and reproducible method that operates as a presumptive test. However, it is not known which taphonomic factors can influence the results obtained by this technique.The aim of this study is to test the influence of taphonomic factors, such as temperature, humidity, soil type and pH, on the estimation of the PMI by the Luminol technique.In order to test the influence of the referred factors, a sample consisting of 30 clavicles, with known and similar PMI, collected from autopsies, was distributed as evenly as possible by six vases and buried with different decomposition conditions for a period of 12 months. After the exhumation and sample preparation, the Luminol technique was applied.It was possible to clearly observe differences in the results. Thus, according to our research, it is possible to conclude that the results obtained by the application of Luminol are influenced by taphonomic factors. Therefore, the context in which a body is found should always be considered for applying this technique., (© 2023. The Author(s).)
- Published
- 2024
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425. Metric analysis of the patella for sex estimation in a Portuguese sample.
- Author
Maio C, Cunha E, and Navega D
- Abstract
The biological profile estimation is the first step toward positive identification. However, it is not always possible to access a complete and well-preserved skeleton due to postmortem damage and taphonomic changes. As such, there is a need to develop new alternatives to analyze different bones of the human skeleton. The present study aims to analyze the patellar osteometry, with attention to its degree of sexual dimorphism, to establish a simple method for estimating sex in Portuguese adults. Six measurements were taken from 222 patella pairs, including 117 females and 105 males from the XXI Century Identified Skeleton Collection of the University of Coimbra. Subsequently, this method was validated in a different sample of 50 individuals equally representing both sexes. Maximum height stands out with a 77.0% of correct sex estimation, reaching 98.0% when applied to the new sample. The linear discriminant function analysis containing all the six variables showed the best results, with 80.2% of correct classification after cross-validation and 96.0% when applied to the independent sample., (© The Author(s) 2024. Published by OUP on behalf of the Academy of Forensic Science.)
- Published
- 2024
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426. Evaluation of data collection bias of third molar stages of mineralisation for age estimation in the living.
- Author
de Oliveira Santos I, Baptista IP, da Silva RHA, and Cunha E
- Abstract
Age assessment of the living is a fundamental procedure in the process of human identification, in order to guarantee fair treatment of individuals, which has ethical, civil, legal, and medical repercussions. The careful selection of the appropriate methods requires evaluation of several parameters: accuracy, precision of the method, as well as its reproducibility. The approach proposed by Mincer et al . adapted from Demirjian et al . exploring third molar mineralisation, is one of the most frequently considered for age estimation of the living. Thus, this work aims to assess potential bias in the data collection when applying the classification stages for dental mineralisation adapted by Mincer et al . A total of 102 orthopantomographs, of clinical origin, belonging to individuals aged between 12 and 25 years ([Formula: see text] = 20.12 years, SD = 3.49 years; 65 females, 37 males, all of Portuguese nationality) were included and a retrospective analysis performed by five observers with different levels of experience (high, average, and basic). The performance and agreement between five observers were evaluated using Weighted Cohen's Kappa and the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient. To access the influence of impaction on third molar classification, variables were tested using ordinal logistic regression Generalised Linear Model. It was observed that there were variations in the number of teeth identified among the observers, but the agreement levels ranged from moderate to substantial (0.4-0.8). Upon closer examination of the results, it was observed that although there were discernible differences between highly experienced observers and those with less experience, the gap was not as significant as initially hypothesised, and a greater disparity between the classifications of the upper (0.24-0.49) and lower third molars (>0.55) was observed. When bone superimposition is present, the classification process is not significantly influenced; however, variation in teeth angulation affects the assessment. The results suggest that with an efficient preparation, the level of experience as a factor can be overcome. Mincer and colleague's classification system can be replicated with ease and consistency, even though the classification of upper and lower third molars presents distinct challenges., (© The Author(s) 2024. Published by OUP on behalf of the Academy of Forensic Science.)
- Published
- 2024
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427. Ancestry estimation in forensic anthropology: accuracy of the AncesTrees software in a Brazilian sample.
- Author
Jacometti V, Guimarães MA, de Moraes LOC, Marques SR, Cunha E, and da Silva RHA
- Abstract
The objective of this study is to analyze the accuracy and applicability of the AncesTrees software with respect to a set of cranial measurements of a Brazilian sample consisting of 114 identified skulls from two osteological collections, predominantly composed of European ( n = 59), African ( n = 35), and admixed individuals ( n = 20). Twenty-four different craniometric measurements are performed and input to AncesTrees via two algorithms, one of which is used in three configurations, with different ancestral groups integrated in the model. The software exhibits superior performance in the estimation of European individuals, reaching 73% accuracy, compared with 66% in the African individuals. Those individuals classified as admixed produce a variety of ancestral classifications, mainly European. Overall, the most accurate combination of AncesTrees is obtained using ancestralForest with only the European and African groups integrated into the algorithm, where the accuracy reaches 70%. The applicability of this software to a specific population is fragile because of the high admixing load, making it necessary to create a more representative anthropometric database of the Brazilian people., Key Points: Ancestry estimation methods are seldom validated in Brazil.AncesTrees performed poorly on our sample, with a maximum accuracy of 70%.Brazil's highly mixed population hinders ancestry estimation.Mixed individuals (pardos) are predominantly classified as Europeans.The insertion of Brazilian metric data into the AncesTrees database would produce better results., (© The Author(s) 2023. Published by OUP on behalf of the Academy of Forensic Science.)
- Published
- 2023
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428. Discrimination between falls and blows from the localization and the number of fractures on computed tomography scans of the skull and the trunk.
- Author
Henriques M, Saliba-Serre B, Martrille L, Blum A, Chaumoître K, Donato P, Campos N, Cunha E, and Adalian P
- Abstract
The distinction between falls and blows is a common and difficult task in forensic sciences. One of the most often used criteria to address this issue is the hat brim line (HBL) rule, which states that fall-related injuries do not lie above the HBL. Some studies, however, have found that the use of HBL rule is not so relevant. This study assesses the aetiologies, the number of fractures, and their location on the skull and the trunk in a sample of 400 individuals aged 20-49 years, which were CT scanned after traumas. This may facilitate the interpretation of such injuries in skeletonized or heavily decomposed bodies in which soft tissues are no longer available. Our aim is to improve the distinction rate between falls and blows by combining several criteria and assessing their predictability. Skeletal lesions were analysed using retrospective CT scans. Cases selected comprise 235 falls and 165 blows. We registered the presence and the number of fractures in 14 skeletal anatomical regions related to the two different aetiologies. We showed that the HBL rule should be used with caution, but there is nevertheless a possibility of discussing the aetiology of blunt fractures. Possibly, parameters like the anatomical location and the number of fractures by region can be used to distinguish falls and blows., (© The Author(s) 2023. Published by OUP on behalf of the Academy of Forensic Science.)
- Published
- 2023
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429. The reality of the dead in Brazil: perspectives on identification in forensic anthropology.
- Author
Cunha E, Algee-Hewitt B, and Calmon M
- Published
- 2023
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430. The "microwave oven" practice in Brazil.
- Author
Lemos YV, Menrique Corradi L, Calmon Silva M, de Oliveira Couto L, Bittencourt GH, Santos Dionísio A, Zatti Lima A, Alberto Cardoso M, and Cunha E
- Abstract
This article presents a forensic case of an unusual illegal cremation of a person using a process colloquially known as the "microwave oven" practice in Brazil. The microwave process involves two actions: placing the victim in a tire stack and then setting the structure on fire using flammable substances to accelerate the progression. A similar practice, identified as "necklacing", has also been reported in other countries such as South Africa. This report presents a case of microwave oven cremation of a body found in a rural area of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The forensic work helped determine the biological profile and identity of the victim using radiological comparisons. Although the microwave oven cremation practice is rare, it can impose challenges for investigators. Therefore, fully understanding this practice can be helpful to the academic and forensic communities., Competing Interests: The authors have no funding sources or conflicts of interest to disclose., (© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Taylor & Francis Group on behalf of the Academy of Forensic Science.)
- Published
- 2023
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431. In-Situ Anaerobic Heating of Human Bones Probed by Neutron Diffraction.
- Author
Festa G, Mamede AP, Gonçalves D, Cunha E, Kockelmann W, Parker SF, Batista de Carvalho LAE, and Marques MPM
- Subjects
- Humans, Anaerobiosis, Pilot Projects, Bone and Bones, X-Ray Diffraction, Neutron Diffraction, Heating
- Abstract
The first neutron diffraction study of in-situ anaerobic burning of human bones is reported, aiming at an interpretation of heat-induced changes in bone, which were previously detected by vibrational spectroscopy, including inelastic neutron scattering techniques. Structural and crystallinity variations were monitored in samples of the human femur and tibia, as well as a reference hydroxyapatite, upon heating under anaerobic conditions. Information on the structural reorganization of the bone matrix as a function of temperature, from room temperature to 1000 °C, was achieved. Noticeable crystallographic and domain size variations, together with O-H bond lengths and background variations, were detected. Above 700 °C, the inorganic bone matrix became highly symmetric, devoid of carbonates and organic constituents, while for the lower temperature range (<700 °C), a considerably lower crystallinity was observed. The present pilot study is expected to contribute to a better understanding of the heat-prompted changes in bone, which can be taken as biomarkers of the burning temperature. This information is paramount for bone analysis in forensic science as well as in archeology and may also have useful applications in other biomaterial studies.
- Published
- 2023
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432. Recent Advances in Forensic Anthropological Methods and Research.
- Author
Cunha E and Ross AH
- Abstract
This Special Issue, "Recent Advances in Forensic Anthropological Methods and Research", with thirteen articles covers a wide range of highly diverse topics within forensic anthropology [...].
- Published
- 2022
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433. [SARS-CoV-2 Testing in Cadavers: The Experience of the Southern Portugal Delegation of the National Institute of Forensic Medicine and Forensic Sciences].
- Author
Logrado D, Inácio AR, Amorim A, Dos Santos C, and Cunha E
- Subjects
- Forensic Medicine legislation & jurisprudence, Humans, Portugal, COVID-19 diagnosis, COVID-19 Testing, Cadaver, Forensic Medicine organization & administration, SARS-CoV-2 isolation & purification
- Published
- 2020
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434. Evidences of trauma in adult African enslaved individuals from Valle da Gafaria, Lagos, Portugal (15th-17th centuries).
- Author
Ferreira MT, Coelho C, Cunha E, and Wasterlain SN
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Adult, Female, Forensic Anthropology, History, 15th Century, History, 16th Century, History, 17th Century, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Portugal, Young Adult, Black People history, Bone and Bones injuries, Bone and Bones pathology, Enslavement history, Fractures, Bone pathology
- Abstract
The aim of this work is to discuss the frequency of traumatic bone injuries in a quite unique skeletal assemblage of enslaved people from Valle da Gafaria, Lagos, Portugal (15th-17th centuries). In all, 30 males, 58 females, and 15 individuals of unknown sex were included in the study. The skeletal remains were macroscopically observed for traumatic lesions. When present, the traumatic bone injuries were classified as having occurred ante or perimortem. The antemortem lesions were also studied through radiological analysis. Traumatic lesions were identified in 11 men (36.7%), 23 women (39.7%) and two individuals of unknown sex (13.3%). From these 36 individuals, 61.1% presented antemortem trauma, 25.0% perimortem trauma and 13.9% exhibited simultaneously ante and perimortem trauma. The mechanism of all traumatic injuries was blunt force trauma. From the 9965 analysed bones, 186 exhibited traumatic lesions (87 antemortem, 97 perimortem, and two with both ante and perimortem lesions). The bone more affected by antemortem trauma was the 5th right intermediate foot phalange (40.0%) and by perimortem trauma was the skull (11.4%), probably related to accidents and interpersonal violence, respectively. When analysed by sex, the only significant differences were found in the skull and the right 5th proximal foot phalanges, men (57.1%) presenting more lesions than women (15.4%). The obtained results are consistent with an arduous life, corroborating historical sources which document labour accidents, physical punishments and hard work in the populations of slaves., (Copyright © 2019. Published by Elsevier Ltd.)
- Published
- 2019
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435. Preliminary results of an investigation on postmortem variations in human skeletal mass of buried bones.
- Author
Amarante A, Ferreira MT, Makhoul C, Vassalo AR, Cunha E, and Gonçalves D
- Subjects
- Exhumation, Forensic Sciences methods, Hot Temperature, Humans, Humidity, Water, Weather, Body Remains, Cancellous Bone physiology, Cortical Bone physiology, Postmortem Changes
- Abstract
Extreme fragmentation can complicate the inventory of human skeletal remains. In such cases, skeletal mass can provide information regarding skeleton completeness and the minimum number of individuals. For that purpose, several references for skeletal mass can be used to establish comparisons and draw inferences regarding those parameters. However, little is known about the feasibility of establishing comparisons between inherently different materials, as is the case of curated reference skeletal collections and human remains recovered from forensic and archaeological settings. The objective of this paper was to investigate the effect of inhumation, weather and heat exposure on the skeletal mass of two different bone types. This was investigated on a sample of 30 human bone fragments (14 trabecular bones and 16 compact bones) that was experimentally buried for two years after being submitted to one of four different heat treatments (left unburned; 500 °C; 900 °C; 1000 °C). Bones were exhumed periodically to assess time-related mass variation. Skeletal mass varied substantially, decreasing and increasing in accordance to the interchanging dry and wet seasons. However, trends were not the same for the two bone types and the four temperature thresholds. The reason for this appears to be related to water absorption and to the differential heat-induced changes in bone microporosity, volume, and composition. Our results suggest that mass comparisons against published references should be performed only after the skeletal remains have been preemptively dried from exogenous water., (Copyright © 2018 The Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2019
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436. A test and analysis of Calce (2012) method for skeletal age-at-death estimation using the acetabulum in a modern skeletal sample.
- Author
Navega D, Godinho M, Cunha E, and Ferreira MT
- Subjects
- Acetabulum physiology, Adult, Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Female, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Portugal, Reproducibility of Results, Young Adult, Acetabulum anatomy & histology, Age Determination by Skeleton, Forensic Anthropology
- Abstract
In forensic anthropology, the age-at-death of an adult individual is one of the most complex parameters of the biological profile to estimate. The present study aims to evaluate the reliability of the Calce (2012) method for the estimation of age-at-death through acetabulum changes in a sample of Portuguese origin. This method consists of the global analysis of acetabular age-related morphology with focus on three specific traits, namely the acetabular groove, the osteophyte development of the acetabular rim, and the apex growth. This method was tested in 120 individuals sampled from the Twenty-first Century Identified Skeletal Collection (University of Coimbra, Portugal). The test sample is composed of 60 males and 60 females, aged between 25 and 99 years, with well-preserved os coxae. The results showed that only 60% of the individuals were correctly attributed to the age group defined by the technique. The comparison with previous studies in other populations shows significant inter-population differences in the relationship between the acetabulum variables used by Calce and age-at-death. The obtained results advise caution in the use of the Calce (2012) method to estimate the age-at-death of unidentified skeletons.
- Published
- 2018
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437. Absence of evidence or evidence of absence? A discussion on paleoepidemiology of neoplasms with contributions from two Portuguese human skeletal reference collections (19th-20th century).
- Author
Marques C, Matos V, Costa T, Zink A, and Cunha E
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Adult, Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Bone and Bones pathology, Female, History, 19th Century, History, 20th Century, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Portugal, Prevalence, Young Adult, Neoplasms epidemiology, Neoplasms history, Paleopathology
- Abstract
Biological, sociocultural, demographic and environmental factors are major contributors to the contemporary burden of oncological diseases. Although cancer's current epidemiological landscape is fairly well known, its past occurrence and history seem more obscure. In order to test the hypothesis that paleopathological diagnosis is an adequate measure of the prevalence of malignant neoplasms in human remains, 131 skeletons (78 females, 53 males, age-at-death range: 15-93 years) from Coimbra and Lisbon Identified Skeletal Collections, 19th/20th century (Portugal), were examined. The cause of death for all of the selected skeletons was a malignant neoplasm, as recorded in the collection's documental files. Through the application of standard paleopathological protocols, it was determined that 17.6% (n = 23) of the skeletons had unequivocal osseous signs of metastatic and/or neoplastic lesions. Forty-five percent (n = 59) had manifest osseous lesions, however the lesional patterns were not clearly pathognomonic. Although all of the analyzed individuals were documented as having succumbed to malignant neoplastic disease, a total of 37.4% (n = 49) of the individuals did not exhibit osseous abnormalities. Individuals with breast cancer often exhibited lesions. This study presents a quantitative estimate of the accuracy of paleopathological diagnosis; as well as a theoretical reflection on the burden of cancer in the past. We emphasize the need for a paradigm shift while thinking about the future of paleo-oncology., (Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2018
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438. The gold nun: a case of a gold ligature from the 15 th century and the origins of restorative dentistry in Europe.
- Author
Cunha E, Leal C, Munhós M, and Baptista IP
- Subjects
- Female, History, 15th Century, Humans, Incisor pathology, Portugal, Dental Caries epidemiology, Dental Caries history, Dental Caries pathology, Dental Caries therapy, Dental Restoration Repair history, Dental Restoration Repair methods, Gold therapeutic use, Nuns
- Abstract
Abstract: We here report the discovery of a gold dental ligature from the late 15
th century, at the Convent of Santa Clara-a-Velha, in the city of Coimbra, Portugal. A medieval Clare's nun presented the left upper lateral incisor splinted to the canine, since the others three incisors were lost, most probably due to an aggressive periodontal disease. The convent is associated with the medieval upper class, which was well known for its consumption of high levels of sugar. There is a higher prevalence of caries in comparison to other Portuguese skeletal samples of the same time period, as well as a high prevalence of periodontal disease. Thus far, this is one of the earliest findings of dental treatment in Europe.- Published
- 2017
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439. Three cases of feet and hand amputation from Medieval Estremoz, Portugal.
- Author
Fernandes T, Liberato M, Marques C, and Cunha E
- Subjects
- Humans, Male, Foot, Hand, History, Medieval, Paleontology, Portugal, Amputation, Surgical history, Punishment history
- Abstract
Peri-mortem limb amputations are rarely reported in the paleopathological literature. The cases reported here concern severing of both hands and feet observed in three adult male skeletons, exhumed from the medieval Portuguese necropolis of Rossio do Marquês de Pombal, Estremoz, Portugal. The fact that they were found in the same site, in graves placed side by side, that all are young males, and that the three skeletons show similar perimortem injuries, make this a unique case meriting detailed analysis. Considering the lesions' location and pattern, as well as historical data, we hypothesize that this is a case of amputation as a consequence of judicial punishment. Estremoz was an important city in sustaining the Royal power at a regional scale during the medieval period., (Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2017
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440. Rather yield than break: assessing the influence of human bone collagen content on heat-induced warping through vibrational spectroscopy.
- Author
Vassalo AR, Cunha E, de Carvalho LA, and Gonçalves D
- Subjects
- Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Female, Humans, Linear Models, Male, Spectroscopy, Fourier Transform Infrared, Temperature, Time Factors, Bone and Bones pathology, Burns pathology, Collagen physiology
- Abstract
Warping has been used to determine the pre-burning condition of human skeletal remains. In the literature, this modification has been associated more often with the burning of fleshed and green bones, but it also arises during the burning of dry bones. The objective of this paper was to assess if bone collagen content has a significant effect on the occurrence of warping in a sample of experimentally burned human bones. The presence of collagen was analyzed in two different samples through a vibrational spectroscopy technology-FTIR. One of them was composed of 40 archeological bones from the seventeenth to twentieth centuries AD. The other one was composed of bones from 14 skeletons belonging to the 21st century identified skeletal collection. The results confirmed that the amide I band assigned to the collagen was much more intense in bones presenting heat-induced warping. Nonetheless, although significant (p = 0.040), the collagen content was not as useful as other variables to the regression model we proposed for explaining warping. Factors such as the maximum temperature (p < 0.001) and burning time (p = 0.001) contributed more significantly. Results demonstrated that the mere preservation of collagen is not enough to explain warping. Burning dynamics seem to have an important role as well although we failed to clearly document its specificities. Other factors such as the asymmetric distribution of collagen and other components within bone, the gravity force, the shape of the bone, and the position in which it is burned may also play an important role on heat-induced changes and require further analysis.
- Published
- 2016
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441. A glimpse from the past: osteoporosis and osteoporotic fractures in a Portuguese identified skeletal sample.
- Author
Curate F, Albuquerque A, Correia J, Ferreira I, de Lima JP, and Cunha EM
- Subjects
- Bone Density, Female, History, 19th Century, History, 20th Century, Humans, Male, Osteoporosis epidemiology, Osteoporotic Fractures epidemiology, Paleopathology, Portugal, Osteoporosis pathology, Osteoporotic Fractures pathology
- Abstract
Unlabelled: The diachronic variation of etiological factors, like longevity or diet, affected the prevalence of osteoporosis and the so-called osteoporotic fractures in the past. As such, it is important to understand the epidemiology of this disease in historical populations; with behaviors and customs that were unalike the modern westernized lifestyle., Objectives: The main objective of this study is to characterize the epidemiological patterns of osteoporosis and related fractures in an identified Portuguese skeletal sample from the mid 19th - early 20th centuries., Materials and Methods: The sample studied comprised 196 skeletal individuals with known sex and age-at-death, housed at the University of Coimbra. Bone mineral density (BMD) was evaluated in the proximal femur through dual X-ray absorptiometry and osteoporotic fractures were recorded according to clinical and paleopathological protocols., Results: BMD decreased significantly with age-at-death, both at the ROI «Total hip» and the ROI «Neck». At the «Total hip», peak bone mass (PBM) was achieved early (20-29 years age group) in both sexes. In the study-group as a whole, BMD was significantly higher in males when compared to females. As expected, the prevalence of osteoporosis in the proximal femur is higher in women and rises steeply with age. Comparisons with two modern Portuguese samples showed an equivalent pattern of BMD reduction. Nonetheless, BMD is usually lower in the skeletal sample. Women with osteoporosis had a much larger probability of showing a fragility fracture than women diagnosed with «normal» BMD or osteopenia., Conclusions: In spite of enormous lifestyle differences, the epidemiological pattern of bone mass decrease in a Portuguese skeletal sample is strikingly similar to the ones observed in modern populations. This study adds further data to the recent notion that osteoporosis is a disease with deep roots in the past.
- Published
- 2013
442. Hominins and the emergence of the modern human brain.
- Author
de Sousa A and Cunha E
- Subjects
- Animals, Anthropology, Physical, Humans, Biological Evolution, Brain anatomy & histology, Fossils, Hominidae anatomy & histology
- Abstract
Evidence used to reconstruct the morphology and function of the brain (and the rest of the central nervous system) in fossil hominin species comes from the fossil and archeological records. Although the details provided about human brain evolution are scarce, they benefit from interpretations informed by interspecific comparative studies and, in particular, human pathology studies. In recent years, new information has come to light about fossil DNA and ontogenetic trajectories, for which pathology research has significant implications. We briefly describe and summarize data from the paleoarcheological and paleoneurological records about the evolution of fossil hominin brains, including behavioral data most relevant to brain research. These findings are brought together to characterize fossil hominin taxa in terms of brain structure and function and to summarize brain evolution in the human lineage., (Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2012
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443. Diptera Brachycera found inside the esophagus of a mummified adult male from the early XIX century, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Author
Couri MS, Souza SM, Cunha AM, Pinheiro J, and Cunha E
- Subjects
- Adult, Animals, Female, History, 19th Century, Humans, Male, Portugal, Pupa, Esophagus parasitology, Mummies parasitology, Muscidae
- Abstract
Fly puparia and adult fragments of diptera muscid were found inside the esophagus of a mummified body from the early XIX century, buried inside the crypt of the Sacrament Church (Lisbon, Portugal). The identification of the material revealed a monospecific colonization by Ophyra capensis (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Muscidae), a species known to invade corpses in the ammoniacal fermentation wave. This species can be found in corpses kept indoors, not available to the early waves of blowflies (Diptera: Calliphoridae). In the present case, the number of pupae and their developmental stage suggest that the female invaded the mummified corpse through the partially opened mouth and the oviposition took place directly inside the esophagus. This is the first case of O. capensis infesting internal organs of an intact corpse. The use of chemical products for the embalming process probably explains why external colonization did not occur.
- Published
- 2008
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444. Exchanged identities in a complex multiple homicide case. Identification and cause of death.
- Author
Cunha E, Pinheiro J, Pinto-Ribeiro I, and Vieira DN
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Adult, Age Determination by Skeleton methods, Age Determination by Teeth methods, Angola, Child, Preschool, DNA Fingerprinting, DNA, Mitochondrial genetics, Exhumation legislation & jurisprudence, Female, Humans, Male, Microsatellite Repeats genetics, Middle Aged, Portugal ethnology, Skull Fractures pathology, Violence legislation & jurisprudence, Wounds, Nonpenetrating pathology, Autopsy legislation & jurisprudence, Cause of Death, Forensic Anthropology methods, Homicide legislation & jurisprudence, Postmortem Changes
- Abstract
We report a multiple homicide in Angola involving six Portuguese citizens. Immediately after the crime, four bodies were retrieved from the homicide site. Forensic autopsies were allegedly performed by local doctors and three bodies were transferred to Portugal, where they were buried with no extra expertise, presumably identified only by the examinations carried out in Angola. The two remaining bodies, presumably from sub-adults, were only discovered 1 year later. At that time, some bone samples of these two corpses were sent to Portugal. A multidisciplinary team of the National Institute of Legal Medicine (NILM) in Portugal, including forensic anthropologist and pathologists, and forensic geneticist, found out that the bodies were previously misidentified. In fact, the anthropological and genetic examinations on the remains of the two persons showed that they did not belong to a child and an adolescent but instead to two adult victims, at least one of them was supposed to be buried in Portugal since 1 year. The verification of this misunderstanding led to a series of exhumations, of the three victims previously buried in Portugal. In all, the identities were reconstructed and the cause of death could be established in four of them. A multiplicity of severe traumatic cranial injuries were detected, which were, undoubtedly due to a violent death.
- Published
- 2007
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445. The girl from the church of the sacrament: a case of congenital syphilis in XVIII century Lisbon.
- Author
de Souza SM, Codinha S, and Cunha E
- Subjects
- Female, History, 18th Century, Humans, Infant, Mummies diagnostic imaging, Portugal, Radiography, Syphilis, Congenital diagnostic imaging, Mummies pathology, Syphilis, Congenital history
- Abstract
Syphilis is a sexually or congenitally transmitted infectious disease with an impact on the health of human populations that has undergone important cycles in different countries and periods of history. Its presence was first diagnosed in Europe in the late XIV century. In Portugal, although there are various written records of the infection in the last centuries, there are rare references to it in archeological findings (mummified bodies are also rare in Portugal). The current study describes a probable case of congenital syphilis in an 18-month-old girl buried in the Church of the Sacrament in Lisbon. Her body, dating to the XVIII century, was found mummified together with dozens of others, still not studied. Symmetrical periostitis of the long bones, osteitis, metaphyseal lesions, left knee articular, and epiphyseal destruction, and a rarefied lesion with a radiological appearance compatible with Wimberger's sign all point to a diagnosis of congenital syphilis. The diagnosis of this severe form of the infection, possibly related to the cause of death in this upper-class girl, calls attention to the disease's presence in XVIII century Lisbon and is consistent with the intense mobilization at the time in relation to the risks posed by so-called heredosyphilis. It is the first case of congenital syphilis in a child reported in archeological findings in Portugal, and can be correlated with other cases in skeletons of adults buried in cemeteries in Lisbon (in the XVI to XVIII centuries) and Coimbra (XIX century). Finally, this finding highlights the need to study the entire series of mummified bodies in the Church of the Sacrament in order to compare the paleopathological findings and existing historical documents on syphilis, so as to expand the paleoepidemiological knowledge of this infection in XVIII century Lisbon.
- Published
- 2006
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446. Spondylarthropathy striking prevalence in a 19th-20th century Portuguese collection.
- Author
Martin-Dupont S, Cunha E, Rougé D, and Crubézy E
- Subjects
- Adult, Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Diagnosis, Differential, Female, History, 19th Century, History, 20th Century, Humans, Infections epidemiology, Infections history, Male, Middle Aged, Portugal epidemiology, Prevalence, Spondylarthropathies epidemiology, Spondylarthropathies history
- Abstract
Unlabelled: The concept of spondylarthropathy (SPAP) covers a series of pathologies sharing a common genetic basis and infectious triggers., Objectives: To present and discuss the prevalence of SPAP in the Coimbra identified skeletal collection, a 19th-20th century Portuguese sample., Materials and Methods: Each of the 505 individuals was macroscopically examined; each joint being assessed for degenerative, inflammatory, ankylosing, entesopathic, traumatic, congenital, infectious, or associated lesions. For the diagnosis of SPAP, besides the criteria proposed by Rogers and Rothschild, it was also applied a new set of criteria established by Martin-Dupont. Associated and differential diagnoses were also discussed., Results: Using these latter criteria, SPAP was definitely diagnosed in 34 individuals (6.7%), mostly women and elderly individuals. Furthermore, SPAP was diagnosed as probable in 32 (6.3%) and could not be excluded in 98 skeletons (19.4%). Except for the third category, the results were close to those obtained when using the arguments of others authors., Discussion: The specificity of each criterion is discussed, and the results are precautiously compared with other studies both from past and contemporary samples. Graduating the diagnosis as certain, probable or unexcluded, seems to us of interest, leading to etiological discussion as in clinical practice., Conclusion: The high prevalence of SPAP achieved for the Portuguese collection might be explained by high exposure to infectious triggers.
- Published
- 2006
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