78 results on '"Šobić-Šaranović Dragana"'
Search Results
52. Possible role of the scintigraphic estimation of the relative liver perfusion in the diagnosis and therapy of liver carcinomas.
- Author
Stojković, Milica Lj., Šobić-Šaranović, Dragana P., Pavlović, Smiljana V., Petrović, Milorad N., Stojković,, Mirjana V., Lukić, Snežana M., Radoman, Irena B., Knežević, Slavko J., and Obradović, Vladimir B.
- Abstract
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- Published
- 2011
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53. The Utility of Pulmonary PET Activity and CT Findings in Sarcoidosis
- Author
Videnovic-Ivanov, Jelica, Sobic-Saranovic, Dragana, Vucinic, Violeta, Grozdic, Isidora, Filipovic, Snezana, Omcikus, Maja, and Zugic, Vlada
- Published
- 2012
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54. Results of Whole-Body Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography Scans in 31 Patients With Chronic Sarcoidosis
- Author
Videnovic-Ivanov, Jelica, Sobic-Saranovic, Dragana, Vucinic, Violeta, Filipovic, Snezana, and Zugic, Vladimir
- Published
- 2011
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55. Management of Tuberculosis
- Author
Ankrah, A. O., Bomanji, Jamshed B., Series Editor, Gnanasegaran, Gopinath, Series Editor, Fanti, Stefano, Series Editor, Macapinlac, Homer A., Series Editor, Sobic Saranovic, Dragana, editor, Vorster, Mariza, editor, Gambhir, Sanjay, editor, and Pascual, Thomas Neil, editor
- Published
- 2020
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56. Role of PET-CT in Central Nervous System Tuberculosis
- Author
Gambhir, Sanjay, Rangan, Kasturi, Ora, Manish, Bomanji, Jamshed B., Series Editor, Gnanasegaran, Gopinath, Series Editor, Fanti, Stefano, Series Editor, Macapinlac, Homer A., Series Editor, Sobic Saranovic, Dragana, editor, Vorster, Mariza, editor, Gambhir, Sanjay, editor, and Pascual, Thomas Neil, editor
- Published
- 2020
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57. FDG PET in TB and HIV
- Author
Boshomane, T. M. G., Sathekge, Mike, Bomanji, Jamshed B., Series Editor, Gnanasegaran, Gopinath, Series Editor, Fanti, Stefano, Series Editor, Macapinlac, Homer A., Series Editor, Sobic Saranovic, Dragana, editor, Vorster, Mariza, editor, Gambhir, Sanjay, editor, and Pascual, Thomas Neil, editor
- Published
- 2020
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58. FDG PET in Pulmonary TB: Current Evidence
- Author
Lengana, T., Vorster, Mariza, Bomanji, Jamshed B., Series Editor, Gnanasegaran, Gopinath, Series Editor, Fanti, Stefano, Series Editor, Macapinlac, Homer A., Series Editor, Sobic Saranovic, Dragana, editor, Vorster, Mariza, editor, Gambhir, Sanjay, editor, and Pascual, Thomas Neil, editor
- Published
- 2020
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59. FDG–PET Imaging in TB: Patient Preparation and Imaging
- Author
Artiko, Vera, Pantovic, Jelena, Bomanji, Jamshed B., Series Editor, Gnanasegaran, Gopinath, Series Editor, Fanti, Stefano, Series Editor, Macapinlac, Homer A., Series Editor, Sobic Saranovic, Dragana, editor, Vorster, Mariza, editor, Gambhir, Sanjay, editor, and Pascual, Thomas Neil, editor
- Published
- 2020
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60. Radiological Imaging in Tuberculosis
- Author
Stevic, Ruza, Odalovic, Strahinja, Bomanji, Jamshed B., Series Editor, Gnanasegaran, Gopinath, Series Editor, Fanti, Stefano, Series Editor, Macapinlac, Homer A., Series Editor, Sobic Saranovic, Dragana, editor, Vorster, Mariza, editor, Gambhir, Sanjay, editor, and Pascual, Thomas Neil, editor
- Published
- 2020
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61. Diagnosis of Tuberculosis: Microbiological and Imaging Perspective
- Author
Gambhir, Sanjay, Rangan, Kasturi, Ora, Manish, Bomanji, Jamshed B., Series Editor, Gnanasegaran, Gopinath, Series Editor, Fanti, Stefano, Series Editor, Macapinlac, Homer A., Series Editor, Sobic Saranovic, Dragana, editor, Vorster, Mariza, editor, Gambhir, Sanjay, editor, and Pascual, Thomas Neil, editor
- Published
- 2020
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62. Tuberculosis: A General Overview
- Author
Mokoala, K. M. G., Ankrah, A. O., Bomanji, Jamshed B., Series Editor, Gnanasegaran, Gopinath, Series Editor, Fanti, Stefano, Series Editor, Macapinlac, Homer A., Series Editor, Sobic Saranovic, Dragana, editor, Vorster, Mariza, editor, Gambhir, Sanjay, editor, and Pascual, Thomas Neil, editor
- Published
- 2020
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63. FDG-PET in Treatment Response Assessment of Tuberculosis
- Author
Lawal, I. O., Sathekge, Mike, Bomanji, Jamshed B., Series Editor, Gnanasegaran, Gopinath, Series Editor, Fanti, Stefano, Series Editor, Macapinlac, Homer A., Series Editor, Sobic Saranovic, Dragana, editor, Vorster, Mariza, editor, Gambhir, Sanjay, editor, and Pascual, Thomas Neil, editor
- Published
- 2020
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64. Non-FDG PET Tracers for TB Imaging
- Author
Ebenhan, T., Vorster, Mariza, Bomanji, Jamshed B., Series Editor, Gnanasegaran, Gopinath, Series Editor, Fanti, Stefano, Series Editor, Macapinlac, Homer A., Series Editor, Sobic Saranovic, Dragana, editor, Vorster, Mariza, editor, Gambhir, Sanjay, editor, and Pascual, Thomas Neil, editor
- Published
- 2020
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65. Процена дијагностичке вредности нових параметара дренаже динамске сцинтиграфије бубрега
- Author
Radulović, Marija, Beatović, Slobodanka, Durutović, Otaš, Šobić-Šaranović, Dragana, Dragičević, Dejan, and Radosavčev, Ljiljana
- Subjects
динамска сцинтиграфија бубрега, ренографија, NОRА, ОЕ, IAEA софтвер, бубрежна опструкција, интер-обсервер репродуцибилност ,dynamic renal scintigraphy, renography, NORA, OE, IAEA software, renal obstruction, inter-observer reproducibility - Abstract
Нарушена функција бубрега и дилатација сабирног система отежавају диференцијалну дијагнозу опструктивног и неопструктивног бубрега. Препорука за превазилажење овог проблема је израчунавање параметара нормализована резидуална активност (Normalized Residual Activity, NОRА) и ефикасност излучивања (Output efficiency, ОЕ) у склопу обраде динамске сцинтиграфије бубрега. Циљеви: Одредити: дијагностичку тачност опструкције за NORA, OE и стандардну интерпретацију 99mTc Diethylentriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) Ф+20, 99mTc-DTPA Ф+2 и 99mTc Еthylenedicysteine (ЕC) Ф+2 диурезне динамске сцинтиграфије, значај наведених параметара у смањењу броја лажно позитивних налаза опструкције и еквивокалних налаза, као и процену репродуцибилности ових параметара. Метод: За израчунавање NОRА и ОЕ је коришћен софтвер Међународне агенције за атомску енергију. Резултати ОЕ, NОRА и стандардне интерпретације су поређени са коначном клиничком дијагнозом. Анализа интер-обсервер репродуцибилности је спроведена за све параметре софтвера коришћењем 99mTc Mercaptoacetyltriglycine (MAG3) студија. Резултати: Укупно је анализирано 990 радиоренографких крива. Дијагностичка тачност ренографије за параметре NОRА, ОЕ и стандардну интерпретацију за 99mTc-DTPA Ф+20 је била 98%, 95% , 73% , за 99mTc-DTPA Ф+2 96%, 98%, 77% и за 99mTc-ЕC Ф+2 98%, 97%, 73%, респективно. Укупно слагање између обсервера за све параметре је било одлично (коефицијенти корелације изнад 0.9) без значајне разлике између параметара дренаже, транзита и сепаратне функције бубрега. Закључак: NОRА и ОЕ имају бољу дијагностичку тачност у односу на стандардну интерпретацију ренографије, значајно смањују број еквивокaлних и лажно позитивних налаза бубрежне опструкције. Параметри коришћеног софтвера имају oдличну репродуцибилност.
- Published
- 2022
66. Procena vrednosti nuklearno-medicinskih metoda zasnovanih na primeni gama i pozitronskih emitera u detekciji i praćenju neuroendokrinih tumora
- Author
Petrović, Jelena, Šobić-Šaranović, Dragana, Macut, Đuro, Petrović, Nebojša, Vranješ-Đurić, Sanja, and Radović, Branislava
- Subjects
radiofarmak, gama kamera, pozitronska emisiona tomografija, SPECT, SPECT/CT, PET/CT, neuroendokrini tumori, nuklearna energija, medicina ,radiopharmaceutical, gamma camera, positron emission tomography, SPECT, SPECT/CT, PET/CT, neuroendocrine tumors, nuclear energy, medicine - Abstract
Neuroendokrini tumori (NET), ili neuroendokrine neoplazme (NEN), su veoma retki. Za dijagnozu i praćenje ovih tumora koriste se radiološke metode kao što su multidetektorska kompjuterizovana tomografija (MDCT), magnetna rezonanca (MR), ultrazvuk (UZ) kao i en-doskopija. Metode nuklearne medicine koriste funkcionalne sposobnosti NET ćelije, vizualizuju celo telo i mogu lokalizovati i udaljene metastaze u cilju određivanja stadijuma bolesti i praćenja efekta lečenja. Snimanje se može obaviti pomoću gama kamere (SPECT, SPECT/CT) ili pozitronskom emisionom tomografijom sa kompjuterizovanom tomografijom (PET/CT). Ciljevi ovog istraživanja bili su: utvrđivanje funkcionalne karakteristike NET primenom radiofarmaka obeleženih gama emiterima tehnecijumom i jodom (99mTc, 123I) sa semikvantitativnom analizom, utvrđivanje funkcionalnih karakteristika NET primenom radiofarmaka, obeleženih pomoću pozitronskih emitera (fluor-18, 18F) sa semikvantitativnom analizom, utvrđivanje korelacije između funkcionalnih karakteristika NET dobijenih primenom gama emitera sa onima dobijenih primenom pozitronskih emitera i poređenje nalaza nuklearne medicine i drugih konvencionalnih vizualizacionih metoda u detekciji i određivanju stepena raširenosti bolesti. Pacijenti: Kriterijume za uključivanje u studiju su ispunjavali svi pacijenti sa patohistološkom i imunohistohemijskom verifikacijom NET, rezultatima laboratorijskih analiza i kompletnom obradom radiološkim (morfološkim) metodama (UZ, MDCT, MR). Referentni standard za aktivnu bolest bila je patohistološka potvrda tumorskog tkiva posle operacije, biopsije kao i kliničko praćenje bolesnika. Scintigrafija somatostatinskih receptora pomoću 99mTc-tektrotida (99mTc-TCT) urađena je kod pacijenata sa sumnjom na primarni tumor, recidiv ili metastaze neuroendokrinih neoplazmi (NEN) ileocekalnog regiona i apendiksa u 51 pacijenta sa medijanom praćenja od 18 meseci. Scintigrafija somatostatinskih receptora urađena je i kod pacijenata sa sumnjom na primarni tumor, recidiv ili metastaze NEN pankreasa u 80 pacijenta sa medijanom praćenja od 14 meseci. Scintigrafija pozitronskim (i gama) emiterima urađena je kod pacijenata operisanih od medularnog karcinoma štitaste žlezde sa sumnjom na recidiv ili metastaze. Ovo, 18F- FDG PET/CT ispitivanje izvršeno je kod 57 pacijenata sa medijanom praćenja od 20 meseci... Neuroendocrine tumors (NETs), or neuroendocrine neoplasms (NEN), are very rare. For the diagnosis and follow-up of these tumors, various radiological methods are used such as multidetector computed tomography (MDCT), magnetic resonance imaging (MR), ultrasound (US), as well as endoscopy. Nuclear medicine methods exploit NET unique properties, enable whole body examination, staging, selection of patients for peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT) and treatment monitoring as well. Imaging can be performed with gamma camera (SPECT, SPECT/CT) or positron emission tomography with computed tomography (PET/CT). The objectives of this study were as follows: to determine the functional characteristics of NET using radiopharmaceuticals labeled with gamma emitters technetium and iodine (99m Tc, 123I) with semiquantitative analysis, to determine the functional characteristics of NET using radiopharmaceuticals labeled with positron emitters (18F) with semiquantitative analysis, determining the correlation between the functional characteristics of NET obtained using gamma emitters with those obtained using positron emitters, as well as comparison with the results of other imaging methods in detecting and determining the prevalence of the disease. Patients: Criteria for inclusion in the study were all patients with pathohistological and immunohistochemical verification of NET, the results of laboratory analyses and complete investigation with radiological (morphological) methods (US, MDCT and MR). The reference standards for active disease were pathohistology confirmation of NET after surgery, biopsy, as well as clinical follow-up. Somatostatin receptor scintigraphy with 99mTc-tektrotyd (99mTc-TCT) was performed in the patients with suspected primary tumor, recurrence or metastasis of the neuroendocrine neoplasm (NEN) of ileocecal region and appendix in 51 patients, with a median follow-up of 18 months. Somatostatin receptor scintigraphy was also performed in patients with suspected primary tumor, recurrence, or metastasis of pancreatic NEN in 80 patients, with a median follow-up of 14 months. Positron (and gamma) emitter scintigraphy was performed in patients after surgery for medullary thyroid cancer with suspected recurrence or metastasis. The 18F-FDG PET/CT study was performed in 57 patients, with a follow-up median of 20 months...
- Published
- 2021
67. Značaj pozitronske emisione tomografije sa kompjuterizovanom tomografijom u evaluaciji bolesnika sa kolorektalnim karcinomom
- Author
Odalović, Strahinja, Artiko, Vera, Petrović, Milorad, Šobić-Šaranović, Dragana, Petrović, Nebojša, and Rajić, Milena
- Subjects
kolorektalni karcinom ,positron emission tomography ,postoperativno praćenje ,pozitronska emsiona tomografija ,computed tomography ,progresija ,dijagnostičke performanse ,fluorodeoxyglucose ,prognoza ,diagnostic performance ,colorectal carcinoma ,postoperative ,prognosis ,progression ,fluorodeoksiglukoza ,kompjuterizovana tomografija - Abstract
Karcinom debelog creva ili kolorektalni karcinom, predstavlja treći najčešći maligni tumor i kod muškaraca i kod žena u razvijenim zemljama, kao i treći najčešći uzrok smrti ulsed malignog oboljenja. Uprkos napretku u hirurškom lečenju i uvođenju kombinovanih terapijskih modaliteta, 5-ogodišnje preživljavanje retko prelazi 60%, i kreće se između 90% kod lokalizovane bolesti do 11% u slučajevima diseminovanog oboljenja. U 55%-80% pacijenata će doći do pojave recidiva, sa inicijalnom pojavom izolovanih metastaza u jetri u oko 30% pacijenata. Metastaze u jetri upravo predstavljaju vodeći uzrok morbiditeta i mortaliteta u obolelih od kolorektalnog karcinoma. Pozitronska emisiona tomografija sa kompjuterizovanom tomografijom sa primenom fluoro-deoksiglukoze (FDG PET/CT) predstavlja naprednu dijagnostičku metodu u detekciji loko-regionnlanih recidiva i udaljenih metastaza kod pacijenata nakon operacije primarnog kolorektalnog karcinoma, zahvaljujući visokoj senzitivnosti i specifičnosti. Uprkos tome, pojedini autori su prikazali nižu osetljivost i specifičnost FDG PET/CT u poređenju sa multi-detektorskom kompjuterizovanom tomografijom (MDCT) i magnetnom rezonancom (MR) u detekciji metastaza u jetri. Trenutne preporuke za praćenje pacijenata nakon operacije kolorektalnog karcinoma predstavljaju određivanje serumske koncentracije karcino-embrionog antigena (CEA) i vizualizacione dijagnostičke metode. CEA, iako osetljiv u detekciji ranog relapsa, često daje lažno-pozitivne nalaze. Uloga karbohidratnog-antigena 19-9 (CA 19-9) u detekciji rekurentnog kolorektalnog karcinoma je još uvek nejasna, iako postoje studije koje naglašavaju njegov potencijalni prognostički značaj. Za razliku od MDCT i MR koji koriste anatomske parametre (veličinu lezije) radi evaluacije terapijskog odgovora, FDG PET/CT kvantifikuje funkcionalne, metaboličke promene, koje su bolji prediktor ishoda prema pojedinim autorima. Produžavanje preživljavanja se može postići identifikacijom visoko-rizičnih pacijenata za recidiv i progresiju i selekcijom kandidata za specifičnu terapiju. Primena različitih biomarkera u ovu svrhu, iako potvrđena u većem broju studija, još nije prihvaćena u rutinskoj kliničkoj praksi. Prognostička uloga imidžing dijagnostike, uključujući i FDG PET/CT u evaluaciji terapijskog odgovora je bila predmet velikog broja studija, sa ciljem individualizacije terapije radi postizanja optimalnih terapijskih odgovora. Biološki efekti terapije, prikazani PET/CT studijama, se smatraju boljim prognostičkim faktorom u poređenju sa anatomskim promenama. Ipak, podaci o ulozi FDG PET/CT u prognozi bolesti su insuficijentni, sa rezultatima koji često ukazuju na ograničenu sposobnost ove hibridne metode u proceni metaboličkog odgovora na terapiju i na dugoročni ishod, što ukazuje na potrebu za daljim istraživanjima u ovoj oblasti... Colorectal carcinoma represents the third most common malignant tumor in both men and women in developed world and the third leading cause of cancer-related death [1]. Despite the advances in surgical treatment and introduction of combined therapeutical modalities, 5 years survival rarely exceeds 60%, varying from 90% in localized disease to 11% in patients with spread to distant organs. Between 55% and 80% of patients will develop recurrence, with isolated hepatic recurrence initially occuring in approximately 30% of patients. Overall, liver metastases represent leading cause of cancer-related morbidity and mortality in colorectal cancer. At present, whole-body fluorine-18-fluoro-deoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography (FDG PET/CT) is an advanced diagnostic imaging technique in detecting loco-regional recurrence and metastases in postoperative patients with colorectal carcinoma for its higher sensitivity and specificity. However, other authors reported on lower sensitivity and specificity of FDG PET/CT compared to multi-detector computerized tomography (MDCT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MR) in detection of liver metastases. Current guidelines for managing patients with CRC after therapy recommend regular measurements of serum carcinoembryogenic antigen (CEA) and imaging tests. CEA, although sensitive in detecting early relapse, gives very often a false-positive result. The role of carbohydrate antigen 19-9 (CA 19-9) in detection of recurrent CRC is still unclear, although there have been studies suggesting its potential prognostic significance. In contrast to MDCT and MR, which use anatomic parameters (lesion size) to evaluate therapy outcome, FDG PET/CT quantifies functional change, a better predictor to disease development according to some authors. The improvement of survival in patients with colorectal carcinoma could be achieved by the identification of high risk patients for disease recurrence and progression, as well as for the classification and selection of candidates for specific therapies. The use of various biomarkers for this purpose, although confirmed by a number of studies have not yet been fully accepted in clinical practice. The prognostic role of imaging tools, including FDG PET/CT in the evaluation of therapy response in colorectal carcinoma was evaluated in a large number of studies, aiming for treatment individualization in order to achieve an optimal therapeutic result. The biological effect of therapy, shown on PET/CT images, is thought to be a stronger prognostic factor compared to anatomical changes...
- Published
- 2018
68. FDG PET brain metabolic profile in differential diagnosis of Parkinsonism
- Author
Brajković, Leposava D., Kostić, Vladimir, Šobić-Šaranović, Dragana, Svetel, Marina, Stefanova, Elka, and Radović, Branislava
- Subjects
differential diagnosis ,Neurodegenerative parkinsonism ,Neurodegenerativni parkinsonizam ,SPM analiza ,diferencijalna dijagnoza ,FDG-PET ,SPM analysis - Abstract
Cilj ove studije preseka je da se kod različitih oblika neurodegenerativnog parkinsonizma: idiopatske Parkinsonove bolesti (IPB), multiple sistemske atrofije (MSA) i progresivne supranuklearne paralize (PSP), pozitronskom emisionom tomografijom (PET) pomoću 18-fluorodeoksiglukoze (FDG) odrede karakteristični, za bolest specifični obrasci regionalnog metabolizma glukoze u mozgu i proceni njihov značaj u diferencijalnoj dijagnozi ovih parkinsonih sindroma u kliničkoj praksi. Metodologija: Studijsku populaciju je činilo 72 bolesnika sa neurodegenerativnim parkinsonizmom (50 muškaraca, 22 žene; starosti 61±10god.) koji su upućeni na FDG-PET pregled od strane neurologa eksperata za bolesti nevoljnih pokreta, Odeljenja za bolesti nevoljnih pokreta i neurodegenerativne bolesti, Neurološke klinike, Kliničkog centra Srbije. Selekcija i grupisanje bolesnika je izvršeno prema kliničkim dijagnozama postavljenim na osnovu važećih kliničkih dijagnostičkih kriterijuma. Dijagnoza IPB postavljena je kod 29 pacijenata (22 muškarca, 7 žena, starosti 60,8±10,4 god.), MSA kod 20 pacijenata (8 muškaraca, 12 žena, starosti 56,3±5,6 god.), PSP kod 21 pacijenta (18 muškaraca, 3 žene, starosti 67,3±5,3 god.). U studiju su uključena i 2 pacijenta (1 žena, 1 muškarac, starosti 59,5±10,6 god.) sa kortikobazalnom degeneracijom (KBD) kao retkim oblikom neurodegenerativnog parkinsonizma. Kod svih pacijenata je urađen detaljan neurološki pregled, procena težine i stadijuma bolesti, i ispitivanje kognitivnog i psihičkog statusa. FDG-PET snimanje je obavljeno prema standardnom protokolu za statičke studije mozga, PET/CT aparatom (Biograph 64 TruePoint, Siemens), 45-60 min nakon injekcije radiofarmaka (doza 121-185 MBq (3-5 mCi) 18F-FDG). 3D akvizicija sprovedena je u trajanju od 15 minuta (CT topogram, niskodozni CT (45 mAs) bez kontrasta, 18F-FDG-PET). Rekonstrukcija tomografskih (FDG-PET) scintigrama (transverzalnih, sagitalnih, frontalnih) je vršena iterativnom metodom (OSEM) uz korekciju na atenuaciju i rasejanje... The aim of this cross-section study is to determine a characteristic, disease-specific brain metabolic patterns using positron emission tomography (PET) with 18-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) in different forms of neurodegenerative parkinsonism: idiopathic Parkinson's disease (PD), Multiple System Atrophy (MSA), Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP), and to estimate their importance in differential diagnosis of these Parkinsonian syndromes in clinical practice. Methodology: The study population consisted of 72 patients with neurodegenerative parkinsonism (50 men, 22 women; age 61 ± 10 years) who were referred to FDG-PET imaging of the brain by movement disorder specialists from the Department for Movement Disorders and Neurodegenerative Disorders, Neurology Clinic, Clinical Centre of Serbia. The patients were selected and categorized according to clinical diagnosis, based on valid clinical diagnostic criteria. There were 29 patients with IPD diagnosis (22 males, 7 females, mean age 60.8 ± 10.4 year), 20 patients with MSA (8 males, 12 females, mean age 56.3 ± 5.6 year), and 21 patients were diagnosed with PSP (18 men, 3 women, age 67.3 ± 5.3 years). This study also included 2 patients (1 female, 1 male, age 59.5 ± 10.6 year) with corticobasal degeneration (CBD) as a rare form of a neurodegenerative parkinsonism. Detailed neurological examination was performed in all patients , with assessment of severity and the stage of the disease, testing cognitive and psychological status. The standard 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose-Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography (FDG-PET/CT) static brain study was performed (with Biograph 64, True Point, SIEMENS) 45-60 min after the injection of the radiopharmaceutical (121-185 MBq (3-5mCi) dose of 18F-FDG, 3D mode, 1 bed, 15 minutes). Images were reconstructed using the iterative method (OSEM) and with attenuation and scatter correction. The characteristic pattern of regional glucose metabolism was obtained by qualitative visual assessment and quantitative SPM (Statistic Parametric Mapping) image analysis of the individual scans, but also group analysis based on the final clinical diagnosis (IPD, PSP and MSA). Quantitative voxel-based statistical image analysis was performed using...
- Published
- 2017
69. Procena veličine infarkta miokarda analizom koronarnog protoka u bazalnim i u uslovima maksimalne hiperemije pomoću transtoraksne ehokardiografije
- Author
Giga, Vojislav L., Đorđević-Dikić, Ana, Šobić-Šaranović, Dragana, Vujisić-Tešić, Bosiljka, Beleslin, Branko, and Tomašević, Miloje
- Subjects
diastolic deceleration time of coronary flow ,coronary flow reserve ,infarct size ,koronarna rezerva protoka ,veličina infarkta miokarda ,dužina dijastolnog deceleracionog vremena - Abstract
Uvod: Analiza koronarnog protoka i parametara koji iz njega proističu u bazalnim i u uslovima maksimalne hiperemije pruža značajne podatke o stanju mikrocirkulacije u različitim patološkim stanjima. U našem radu je ispitivana povezanost između veličine infarkta miokarda u hroničnoj fazi nakon uspešne mehaničke reperfuzije i vrednosti koronarne rezerve protoka i dijastolnog deceleracionog vremena u bazalnim i u uslovima maksimalne hiperemije. Ciljevi: ove studije koja je uključila bolesnike sa prethodnim uspešno reperfundovanim prednjim infarktom miokarda u njegovoj hroničnoj fazi, su da se: 1. Utvrdi izvodljivost (feasibility) merenja koronarnog protoka, i koronarne rezerve protoka (CFR) neinvazivnom metodom transtoraksnom Doppler ehokardiografijom u infarktnoj i referentnoj koronarnoj arteriji 2. Utvrdi vrednost koronarne rezerve protoka u infarktnoj arteriji 3. Uporede vrednosti koronarne rezerve protoka u infarktnoj i referentnoj arteriji 4. Utvrdi veličina infarkta miokarda procenjena novom metodom na osnovu vrednosti koronarne rezerve protoka u infarktnoj i referentnoj arteriji i da se ovako izračunata veličina infarkta uporedi sa veličinom infarkta procenjenom na osnovu drugih metoda (enzimska, ehokardiografska, i scintigrafska) 5. Utvrdi dužina dijastolnog deceleracionog vremena (DDT) u infarktnoj i referentnoj arteriji kao i njihova povezanost sa veličinom infarkta miokarda 6. Utvrdi značaj procene dijastolnog deceleracionog vremena u infarktnoj i referentnj arteriji u hiperemiji Materijal i metode: Naša studija je obuhvatila 50 uzastopnih bolesnika sa prvim prednjim infarktom miokarda uspešno lečenih primarnom perkutanom koronarnom intervencijom... Introduction: The analysis of coronary flow and its derived parameters provide useful information on state of microcirculation in different pathologocal settings. We assessed the relation between infarct size in chronic phase after successful mechanical reperfusion and coronary flow reserve and duration of diastolic deceleration time. The aims: of present study which included patients with previously successfully reperfused myocardial infarction in its chronic phase were: 1. To assess feasibility of coronary flow and coronary flow reserve (CFR) measurements in infarct related and reference artery using transthoracic Doppler echocardiography 2. To explore values of coronary flow reserve in infarct related coronary artery 3. To compare values of coronary flow reserve in infarct related and reference coronary artery 4. To estimate infarct size using novel pathophysiologically relevant model of infarct size estimation based on the measurement of coronary flow reserve in infarct related and reference coronary artery and assess its relation with other measurements of infarct size (enzymatic, echocardiographic and SPECT-MPI) . 5. To assess duration of diastolic deceleration time (DDT) of coronary flow in infarct related and in reference coronary artery in basal conditions and to assess their relation with infact size 6. To assess the value of DDT determination during hyperemia Methods: Our study included 50 consecutive patients with first anterior myocardial infarction successfully treated with primary percutaneous coronary intervention...
- Published
- 2016
70. Novi metod za kvantitativnu procenu promena u paraštitastoj žlezdi u primarnom hiperparatiroidizmu dinamskom scintiografijom sa dva radiofarmaka
- Author
Koljević Marković, Ana V., Artiko, Vera, Šobić-Šaranović, Dragana, Džodić, Radan, and Popović, Dejan
- Subjects
Adenom ,Podmornica ,Vreme/aktivnot/krive ,MIBI ,Paratiroidni ,Parathyroid Adenoma MIBI Time activity curves Submarine - Abstract
Cilj: Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio razvijanje metoda za kvantifikaciju paratiroidinog adenoma u scintigrafskom ispitivanju sa dva radiofarmaka. Pacijenti i metode: Ispitivanu grupu su činila ukupno 78 pacijenata starosti 58(19-80) godina, operisanih zbog povišenih vrednosti paratiroidnog hormona (PTH) mediane 125(70-658)pg/ml u sklopu primarnog hiperparatiroidizma (PHPT). Prema protokolu Evropske Asocijacije za Nuklearnu Medicinu (2009.) preoperativna scintigrafsko ispitivanje obavljeno je korišćenjem dva radiofarmaka: 99m Tc- pertehnetata i 99m Tc- MIBI. Ispitivanje se odvijalo u dve faze: rana faza dinamskog snimanja i kasna faza- odloženi statički snimci vrata i medijastinuma u odgovarajućim kosim položajima prema ultrazvučnom nalazu paratiroidnog adenoma. Prilikom interpretacije nalaza koristili smo standardnu obradu: subtrakcija i vizualna interpretacija svih pojedinačnih snimaka. Za dopunsku interpretaciju razvili smo softver za obradu dinamske faze u kome se postavlja mreža željene veličine sa regionima po izboru ROI ≥ 6mm (ova solucija nije postojala u komercijalnom softveru) da bi mogli da analiziramo promene nivoa opadanja radioaktivnosti u tkivu tiroidne i paratiroidnih žlezda. Ovaj softver je dizajniran u Labview programu i nazvali smo ga Podmornica. Histopatološka ispitivanja su kod 53/78 pacijenata potvrdili PHPT, dok je kod ostalih 25/78 pacijenata operisana nodozna tiroidna žlezda. U našoj grupi se pokazao visok procenat maligne bolesti štitaste žlezde 15∕78 (19%) pacijenata. PHPT grupa (53 pacijenata) se sastojala od: 44 pacijenata sa solitarnim paratiroidnim adenomom (PTA), 8 pacijenata sa hiperplazijom i jedan pacijent sa paratiroidnim karcinomom. Mediana makroskopskog volumena PTA je bila 796 (15-6125) mm³. Udružene bolesti PHPT i nodularna tiroidna žlezda bile su prisutne kod 36/53 pacijenata, a među njima je 8 pacijenata imalo karcinom tiroidne žlezde. Rezultati: PHPT se prezentovo tipičnim oblikom kasnog pika na krivama opadanja radioaktivnosti sa srednjim vremenom početka pika u 15.(10-25) minutu, srednjom 8 vrednosti amplitude 19 (±5)% iznad krive tiroidna žlezde i trajanjem 6(4-9) min, dozvoljavajući na ovaj način da PTA izroni na videlo (kao podmornica), nezavisno od tiroidnih lezija.
- Published
- 2015
71. Dijagnostički i prognostički značaj tomografske perfuzione scintigrafije miokarda u procjeni funkcije i perfuzije lijeve komore kod bolesnika sa ishemijskom bolešću srca
- Author
Bojić, Ljiljana Lj., Šobić-Šaranović, Dragana, Artiko, Vera, Đorđević Dikić, Ana, and Nikolić, Goran
- Subjects
Dobutamin stres ehokardiografija ,Dijagnostički značaj ,Dobutamin stress echocardiography ,Gated SPECT MIBI ,Prediktivna vrijednost ,Early post-stress protocol ,Predictive value ,Diagnostic value ,Rani post-stres protokol - Abstract
Cilj: uporediti kvalitet slika, perfuzione i funkcionalne parametre lijeve komore (LK) između ranog (RS) i standardnog (SS) post-stres “gated” SPECT protokola; procijeniti dijagnostički značaj RS u odnosu na koronarnu angiografiju (KA); uporediti rezultate RS sa rezultatima dopamin stres ehokardiografije (DSE) i odrediti da li parametri RS mogu predvideti nastanak neželjenih srčanih događaja u budućnosti. Materijal i metodologija: U studiju su uključena 63 pacijenta sa normalnom ili blago poremećenom funkcijom LK i intermedijarnim Duke Treadmill skorom. Kod svih pacijenata je sproveden dvodnevni stres-rest “gated” SPECT MIBI protokol, sa post-stres akvizicijom podataka nakon 15 minuta (RS) i 60 minuta (SS) od i.v. ubrizgavanja 740 MBq 99mTc-MIBI-ja. Rezultati dobijeni nakon RS upoređivani su sa rezultatima nakon SS i KA kako bi se odredila njihova senzitvnost/specifičnost za otkrivanje stenoze koronarnih arterija koja je veća od 70%. Procjenjivali smo stepen slaganja RS protokola sa DSE, i poredili dijagnostički značaj ove dvije metode za detekciju ishemijske bolesti srca. Informacija o prisutvu novih srčanih događaja dobijena je nakon 26±6 meseci praćenja. Rezultati: Parametri perfuzije se nisu značajno razlikovali između RS i SS protokola. Ejekciona frakcija (EF) je bila značajno niža, a poremećaji kontraktilnosti značajno viši nakon RS u odnosu na SS. Odgovarajući perfuzioni i funkcionalni parametri su pokazali snažnu međusobnu korelaciju (nagib linearne regresije iznosio je 0.65–1.00, intercept -0.36– 8.5, R2 0.98–0.75). RS parametri i rezultati DSE su pokazali visok nivo slaganja, visoku senzitivnost (96% vs. 93%) i specifičnost (83% vs. 80%) za otkrivanje stenoze koranarnih arterija koja je >70%. Niža EF nakon RS u odnosu na rest (>5%), veće vrijednosti EDV nakon RS u odnosu na EDV u miru, i rani SSS >8 pokazali su se kao značajni prediktori novonastalih srčanih događaja... Aim: To compare image quality, perfusion and functional parameters between early (ES) and standard (SS) post-stress gated SPECT MIBI; to validate ES against coronary angiography (CA); to correlate ES and dobutamine stress echocardiography (DSE) findings and to determine whether ES parameters can predict future cardiac events. Materials and methods: The sample included 63 patients with normal or mildly impaired left ventricular function and intermediate Duke Treadmill Score. They underwent a 2-day stress-rest gated SPECT MIBI with the post-stress data acquired at 15 minutes (ES) and 60 minutes (SS) after i.v. injection of 740 MBq of 99mTc-MIBI. The ES findings were compared to SS and CA to determine their sensitivity/specificity for detecting >70% stenosis. Also, the ES findings were correlated with DSE results in order to assess a level of accorcance and diagnostic value this two methods for detection of ischemic heart disease. The information about new-onset cardiac events was collected 26±6 months later. Results: Perfusion parameters did not significantly differ between ES and SS. Ejection fraction was significantly lower and regional wall motion abnormalities were significantly higher on ES than SS. The corresponding perfusion and functional parameters were strongly related (linear regression slope 0.65–1.00, intercept -0.36–8.5, R2 0.98–0.75). ES parameters and DSE results show strong correlation, high sensitivity (96% vs. 93%)) and specificity (83% vs. 80%) for detecting >70% stenosis, compared with CA as a gold standard. Lower early stress than rest EF (>5%), higher early stress than rest EDV, and early SSS >8 emerged as significant predictors of new-onset cardiac events...
- Published
- 2015
72. Myocardial perfusion scintigraphy in detection of coronary artery disese
- Author
Nikoletic, Katarina, Sakač, Dejan, Mihailović, Jasna, Šobić-Šaranović, Dragana, Kovačević, Dragan, and Mitrović, Milena
- Subjects
Coronary Artery Disease ,Myocardial Perfusion Imaging ,Risk Factors ,Tomography, Emission-Computed, Single-Photon ,Bolest koronarnih arterija ,Perfuziona scintigrafija miokarda ,Faktori rizika ,Jednofotonska emisiona kompjuterizovana tomografija - Abstract
Cilj istraživanja je procena značajnosti pojedinih faktora rizika i učestalosti ishemije miokarda dijagnostikovane perfuzionom scintigrafijom miokarda (PSM) među pacijentima koji imaju faktore rizika za nastanak koronarne bolesti, a kod kojih prethodno nije dokazana bolest koronarnih arterija. Osim pola i starosti ispitanika, definisani faktori rizika su: postojanje dijabetes melitusa tip 2 (DM tip 2), arterijske hipertenzije, hiperholesterolemije, gojaznosti i podatak o pušačkim navikama. Materijal i metode: istraživanjem je ukupno obuhvaćen 801 pacijent (451 žena, 350 muškaraca; prosečne starosti 61,9±7,7 godine, opsega od 28–83 godine) koji je u periodu od 2008. do 2012. upućen na PSM. Rezultati: pozitivan nalaz PSM registrovan je kod 18,1% ispitanika, dok je nalaz signifikantne ishemije (definisan kao zahvaćenost ishemijom preko 10% miokarda leve komore) nađen kod 10,7% ispitanika. Najčešći tip ishemije bio je reverzibilan (73,8%) dok je po lokalizaciji najčešće registrovana anteroseptalna ishemija (44,1%). Prosečan SSS (sumirani stres skor) iznosio je 9,76±7,17, prosečan SDS (sumirani skor razlike vrednosti SSS i SRS) bio je 7,16±6,01. Kao nezavisni prediktori pozitivnog nalaza PSM izdvojili su se muški pol, DM tip 2, pušačka navika, povišena vrednost ukupnog holesterola i povišeni indeks telesne mase (BMI). Multivarijantnom logističkom regresijom je svakom faktoru rizika pridružena težinska vrednost i izračunata je statistička signifikantnost uticaja svakog pojedinačnog faktora ukupnom modelu predikcije. Kreiran je model predikcije pozitivnog nalaza PSM kod pacijenata bez prethodno dijagnostikovane koronarne bolesti, čija je senzitivnost 77,9%, specifičnost 62,2% dok je vrednost predikcije 65,0%. Zaključak: model predikcije baziran na polu i prisutnim faktorima rizika (DM tip 2, vrednosti ukupnog holesterola, BMI i pušačka navika) može da predikuje pozitivan nalaz PSM kod pacijenata koji imaju faktore rizika ali kod kojih koronarna bolest nije ranije dijagnostikovana sa visokom senzitivnošću i zadovoljavajućom specifičnošću., Aim of the study is to assess the significance of individual risk actors and the incidence of myocardial ischemia diagnosed with myocardial perfusion scintigraphy (MPS) among patients with risk factors for coronary artery disease (CAD), but without previously proven CAD. In addition to sex and age, defined risk actors are: presence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM), arterial hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, obesity and smoking habits. Materials and Methods: The study included a total 0 801 patients (451 women, 350 men, average age 61.9 ± 7.7 years, range of 28-83 years) who were in the period since 2008. by 2012. referred to the PSM. Results: A positive result MPS was present at 18.1 percents of all patients, while the finding 0 significant ischemia (defined as involvement of ischemia over 10 percents of the left ventricle) was found in 10.7 percents of patients. The most common type was reversible ischemia (73.8 percents), while the most usual localization site was anteroseptal wall (44.1 percents). Average SSS (summed stress score) was 9.76 ± 7.17, mean SDS (summed difference score) was 7.16 ± 6.01. Independent predictors of positive MPS findings were found to be male gender, type 2 DM, smoking habit, elevated total cholesterol and obesity. For each risk factor multivariate logistic regression was used to calculate the statistical significance on total model prediction. We created a model predicting positive MPS findings in patients without previously diagnosed coronary artery disease, whose sensitivity is 77.9 percents, specificity 62.2 percents, while the predictive value is 65.0 percents. Conclusion: The prediction model based on gender and risk factors (type 2 DM, total cholesterol, 8MI - body mass index and smoking habit) may predict the positive findings of MPS in patients who have risk actors but in whom coronary artery disease has not been previously diagnosed with high sensitivity and moderate specificity.
- Published
- 2014
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73. Prediktivni značaj pozitronske emisione tomografije u proceni aktivnosti bolesti kod osoba sa hroničnom sarkoidozom
- Author
Isidora T. Grozdić, Šobić-Šaranović, Dragana, Obradović, Vladimir, Vučinić-Mihailović, Violeta, Artiko, Vera, and Pekmezović, Tatjana
- Subjects
hronična sarkoidoza ,business.industry ,18F-FDG PET/CT ,MDCT ,3. Good health ,therapy evaluation ,clinical management ,Medicine ,Fdg pet ct ,sarcoidosis ,terapija ,business ,Nuclear medicine ,ACE - Abstract
Cilj ove prospektivne studije je da proceni korisnost pozitronske emisione tomografije u detekciji inflamacije, kliničkom odlučivanju i evaluaciji terapijskog odgovora kod pacijenata sa hroničnom sarkoidozom. Specifični ciljevi su bili: da se utvrdi razlika između nalaza 18-fluor deoksi glukoze sa pozitronskom emisionom tomografijom i sa kompjuterizovanom tomografijom (18F-FDG PET/CT) i multi detektorskog skenera (MDCT); da se uporede nalazi 18F-FDG PET/CT sa nivoima serumskog angiotenzin konvertujućeg enzima (ACE); da se utvrdi značaj 18F-FDG PET/CT rezultata na dalju odluku o promeni terapije; da se uoče razlike između prvog i kontrolnog nalaza 18F- FDG PET/CT i da se koreliraju rezultati kontrolnog 18F-FDG PET/CT i kontrolnih vrednosti ACE sa kliničkim simptomima bolesti. Metodologija: Studijsku populaciju je činilo 90 pacijenata sa hroničnom sarkoidozom (47 ± 12 god. ; 32 muškarca i 58 žena) sa perzistentnim simptomima bolesti koji su upućeni na 18F-FDG PET/CT pregled radi evaluacije raširenosti bolesti. Svi pacijenti su takođe uradili MDCT i biohemijske analize serumskog ACE. Nakon 12 ± 6, 5 meseci od prvog 18F-FDG PET/CT pregleda, obavljen je kontrolni pregled kod pulmologa i prikupljani su podaci o simptomima bolesti, promeni terapije i vrednostima ACE kod ovih pacijenata. Na kontrolni 18F-FDG PET/CT pregled je došlo 30 pacijenata (45 ± 11 god; 10 muškaraca i 20 žena) sa prethodnim patološkim nalazom na prvom 18F-FDG PET/CT, kojima je nakon toga bila promenjena terapija. Rezultati: 18F-FDG PET/CT je detektovao aktivnu inflamaciju kod 74 pacijenta (82%) (SUV max 8,1 ± 3,9). MDCT je bio pozitivan kod još 6 pacijenata (80, 89%). Razlika među ovim dijagnostičkim metodama nije bila značajna (P = 0,238, McNemar-ov test), a njihovo slaganje je bilo osrednje (k = 0,198). Iako je ACE bio značajno viši kod pacijenata sa pozitivnim od onih sa negativnim 18F-FDG PET/CT rezultatom (P = 0,002, Mann–Whitney test), 38 pacijenenata (51%) sa pozitivnim 18F-FDG PET/CT rezultatom je imalo normalne vrednosti ACE. Terapija je uvedena ili promenjena kod 73 pacijenta (81%) koji su imali pozitivan nalaz 18F-FDG PET/CT. I univarijantna i multivarijantna logistička regresija su pokazale da je pozitivan nalaz 18F-FDG PET/CT značajno uticao na promenu terapije (P < 0,001) dok starost, pol, nivo ACE, MDCT rezultat, prethodna terapija nisu imali uticaja... The purpose of this prospective study was to assess the utility of positron emission tomography with 18-fluor fluorodeoxyglucose and with computed tomography (18F-FDG PET/CT) in detection of inflammation, clinical management and evaluation of treatment response of patients with chronic sarcoidosis. Specific aims were to determine differences between 18F-FDG PET/CT and multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) findings, to compare 18F-FDG PET/CT results with serum levels of angiotensinconverting enzyme (ACE), assess whether 18F-FDG PET/CT findings are associated with the decision to change therapy; to asses difference between first and follow up 18F-FDG PET/CT results in order to detect residual activity of the disease and to correlate 18F-FDG PET/CT findings and ACE levels with clinical symptoms of disease. Methods: We studied 90 sarcoidosis patients (47 ± 12 yr. ; 32 men and 58 women) with persistent symptoms who were referred for 18F-FDG PET/CT evaluation to assess the extent of inflammation. They also underwent MDCT and measurement of serum ACE level. After the followup (12 ± 6, 5 mo. after 18F-FDG PET/CT), the clinical status and changes in therapy were analyzed, and 30 patients (45 ± 11 yr. ;10 men and 20 women) with previous positive findings and changed therapy came to follow up 18F-FDG PET/CT examination. Results: 18F-FDG PET/CT detected inflammation in 74 patients (82%), (SUV max 8,1 ± 3,9). MDCT was positive for sarcoidosis in 6 additional patients (80, 89%). The difference between the 2 methods was not significant (P = 0,238, McNemar test), and their agreement was fair (k = 0,198). Although ACE levels were significantly higher in patients with positive than negative 18F-FDG PET/CT results (P = 0,002, Mann– Whitney test), 38 patients (51%) with positive 18F-FDG PET/CT results had normal ACE levels. The therapy was initiated or changed in 73 patients (81%) who showed positive 18F-FDG PET/CT results. Both univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses indicated that positive 18F-FDG PET/CT results were significantly (P < 0,001) associated with changes in therapy, with no contribution from age, sex, ACE level, CT results, or previous therapy...
- Published
- 2014
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74. Diagnostic and prognostic value of coronary flow reserve determined by transthoracic Doppler echocardiography in patients with previously performed multi-slice computed tomography
- Author
Zorica T. Mladenović, Đorđević-Dikić, Ana, Šobić-Šaranović, Dragana, Beleslin, Branko, and Matić, Danica
- Subjects
multi-slice computed coronary angiography ,business.industry ,Koronarna angiografija pomoću kompjuterizovane tomografije ,coronary flow reserve ,Medicine ,neinvazivna dijagnostika ,non invasive diagnostic ,koronarna rezerva protoka ,Nuclear medicine ,business ,coronary artery disease ,koronarna okluzivna bolest - Abstract
Cilj: Koronarna angiografija pomoću kompjuterizovane tomografije (MSCT) omogućava uvid u morfološke karakteristike koronarne okluzivne bolesti, ali sa otežanom preciznom kvantifikacijom aterosklerotskih lezija. Transtorakalna Doppler ehokardiografija (TTDE) procenjuje funkcionalni značaj aterosklerotskih lezija. Tokom studije smo pokušali da procenimo aditivni dijagnostički i prognostički značaj koronarne rezerve protoka (CFR) određene putem TTDE kod bolesnika sa prethodno detektovanim aterosklerotskim lezijama putem MSCT na prednje descedentoj arteriji (LAD) i desnoj koronaroj arteriji (RCA), koristeći invazivnu koronarografiju (IK) kao referenti metod. Metode: Prospektivna studija je obuhvatila 84 bolesnika, u stabilnom kardijalnom statusu, sa prethodno verfikovanim koronarnim stenozama na LAD i/ili RCA putem MSCT. TTDE procena CFR-a sa adenozinom je izvršena na LAD (n=75); RCA (n=61), ukupno 136 arterija, IK je sprovedena kod svih bolesnika 24 do 48 sati posle TTDE-CFR-a. Rezultati: Analiza Cochran Q testom je uočila statistički značajnu razliku između tehnika pri detekciji signifikantnih stenoza na LAD i RCA (p0.05). MSCT je imala senzitivnost za LAD:88.00%; RCA:86.21, specifičnost LAD:57.63%; RCA:69.10%, pozitivna LAD:46.81%; RCA:59.52% i negativna predikativna vrednost LAD:91.19%; RCA:90.48%, dijagnostička pouzdanost LAD:66.67%; RCA:75.00% pri detekciji signifikatnih stenoza... Purpose: Multi-slice computed coronary angiography (MSCT) provides morphological information about coronary artery disease, but precise quantification of stenosis remains difficult. Transthoracic color Doppler Echocardiography (TDE) gives insight into the functional significance of coronary stenosis. We have tried to assess the additive diagnostic and prognostic value of coronary flow reserve (CFR) determined by TDE over MSCT in prediction of significant stenosis on the left anterior descending artery (LAD) and right coronary artery (RCA) using invasive coronary angiography (ICA) as reference method. Methods: This prospective study included 84 patients, in stable cardiac status, with previously detected atherosclerotic lesions on LAD and/or RCA by MSCT. CFR assessment by TDE with adenosine was obtained in LAD (n=75); RCA (n=61), resulting in 136 vessels for analysis. ICA was preformed to all 24 to 48 hours after CFR. Results: Cochrans Q test found a significant statistical difference between these techniques in detection of a significant stenosis on LAD and RCA (p0.05). MSCT had sensitivity LAD:88.00%; RCA:86.21, specificity LAD:57.63%; RCA:69.10%, positive LAD:46.81%; RCA:59.52% and negative predictive value LAD:91.19%; RCA:90.48%, diagnostic accuracy LAD:66.67%; RCA:75.00% in detection of significant stenosis. When the results of both methods were agreed diagnostic accuracy was improved LAD 97.33%; RCA 90.00%.
- Published
- 2013
75. 18 F-FDG PET/CT value in the detection of seminoma and correlation with CT and tumor marker levels - up to 8 years of follow-up.
- Author
Petrović J, Beatović S, Šobić-Šaranović D, Odalović S, Stojiljković M, Grozdic-Milojevic I, Veljkovic M, Jovanovic D, and Artiko V
- Subjects
- Adult, Biomarkers, Tumor, Fluorine Radioisotopes, Follow-Up Studies, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Positron Emission Tomography Computed Tomography methods, Positron-Emission Tomography, Radiopharmaceuticals, Retrospective Studies, Sensitivity and Specificity, Fluorodeoxyglucose F18, Seminoma diagnostic imaging, Seminoma pathology
- Abstract
Objective: Positron emission tomography/computed tomography using fluorine-18 fluoro-deoxyglucose (
18 F-FDG PET/CT) is not routinely used for diagnosis of testicular carcinoma. Unlike CT which cannot confirm with certainty the nature of the lesions, especially in post-therapy setting,18 F-FDG PET/CT detects active disease by showing increased glucose metabolism within the lesions., Aim: Determination of18 F-FDG PET/CT usefulness in detection of seminoma, therapy response evaluation and comparison to CT findings and tumor marker levels., Material and Methods: Eighty-two men (age 39.8±10.1) after orchiectomy and histopathological confirmation of seminoma were included in this study. Indications for18 F-FDG PET/CT were initial staging, restaging after chemo/radiotherapy with positive/uncertain CT, suspected recurrence on CT, elevated tumor markers. All patients had clinical follow-up of up to 8 years (median 33.5) after the first18 F-FDG PET/CT examination. Degree of metabolic activity was analyzed visually and semi-quantitatively using maximum standardized uptake value(SUVmax)., Results: Fluorine-18-FDG PET/CT was true positive in 36 patients (43.9%) with average SUVmax of 7.9±4.8.Recurrence was mostly found in retroperitoneal lymph nodes and distant metastases in lungs, bones, liver. Six findings were false positive and 3 false negative. Sensitivity, specificity, accuracy of18 F-FDG PET/CT were 92.3%, 86.0%, 89.0% and of CT 60.8%, 66.6%, 63.4%. Pearson Chi-square test showed statistically significant difference between the results of18 F-FDG PET/CT and CT (P=0.016). Significant correlation was found between positive18 F-FDG PET/CT findings and levels of LDH (P=0.043), while non-significant between AFP, β-hCG (P>0.05)., Conclusion: Fluorine-18-FDG PET/CT was superior to CT in evaluation of therapy response, active disease in residual tissue and normal size lymph nodes, as well as when CT was negative and tumor markers were elevated. Elevated lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) contributes to positive18 F-FDG PET/CT findings.- Published
- 2022
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76. The detection of endocarditis, post implantation grafts, arteritis and other related disorders by 18 F-FDG PET/CT.
- Author
Šaponjski J, Šobić-Šaranović D, Odalović S, Stojiljković M, Pantović J, Petrović N, Grozdić-Milojević I, and Artiko V
- Subjects
- Arteritis etiology, Endocarditis etiology, Female, Graft vs Host Disease etiology, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Retrospective Studies, Arteritis diagnostic imaging, Endocarditis diagnostic imaging, Fluorodeoxyglucose F18, Graft vs Host Disease diagnostic imaging, Positron Emission Tomography Computed Tomography
- Abstract
Introduction: Positron emission tomography with computed tomography (
18 F-FDG PET/CT) is a nuclear medicine diagnostic method which, unlike other technological modalities that asses anatomical features, detects increased glucose metabolism inside the cells, thus is very helpful in diagnosing cardiovascular infection and inflammation and also in therapy planning., Aim: Aim of this study was to assess the significance of18 F-FDG PET/CT in detection of an active disease in patients with infection and inflammation of cardiovascular system., Material and Methods: In this cohort retrospective study 73 cardiovascular patients (56.9±15.3 years; 33 male and 40 female) with persistent symptoms of inflammatory syndrome were referred to18 F-FDG PET/CT in order to evaluate active disease. Biochemical blood analyses (erytrocite sedimentation, CRP, leukocytic formula), CT, MRI, ultrasound were performed in all the patients. Out of 73 patients, 7 had a second18 F-FDG PET/CT examination (62.1±12.3 years; 6 men and 1 woman) with a previous pathological PET/CT finding after which the therapy was changed. The degree of metabolic activity was analyzed visually and quantitatively using the maximal standardized uptake value (SUVmax ).18 F-FDG PET/CT findings were considered positive in case of higher focal glucose accumulation in projection of heart and diffuse uptake in blood vessels' wall than accumulation in surrounding tissue and liver., Results: Vasculitis was diagnosed in 36 patients (49,3%), endocarditis in 23 (31,5%) and graft inflammation in 14 (19,2%). The results were compared to the gold standard, biopsy of the blood vessel and histopathological verification during surgical treatment, or clinical follow up. Forty nine patients with the sights of an increased FDG uptake were considered true positive (TP) (SUVmax 5.7±2.9). In 21 patients18 F-FDG uptake was physiological and they were considered true negative (ТN). Two who used corticosteroid therapy which decreases inflammation, were false negative (FN), and only 1 false positive (FP) finding in the region of recent iatrogenic vein injury. Sensitivity of this method was 96.08±, specificity 95.45±, positive predictive value 98.0±, negative predictive value 91.3± and accuracy 95.89±., Conclusion: Our results indicate that18 F-FDG PET/CT could be useful diagnostic method for the detection of sights of metabolically active disease in patients with persistent symptoms of infection and inflammation of cardiovascular system, as well as in monitoring therapy response.- Published
- 2017
77. Diuresis renography and ultrasonography in children with antenatally detected hydronephrosis can support diagnoses and suggest related surgery treatment.
- Author
Radulović M, Beatović S, Janković M, Šobić-Šaranović D, Artiko V, and Ajdinović B
- Subjects
- Child, Female, Humans, Male, Pregnancy, Prognosis, Retrospective Studies, Ultrasonography, Diuresis, Hydronephrosis diagnostic imaging, Hydronephrosis surgery, Prenatal Diagnosis, Radioisotope Renography
- Abstract
Objective: Prenatal ultrasound (US) screening detects the hydronephrosis (HN)-dilatation of fetal renal collecting system in 1%-5% of all pregnancies. In most children, HN is detected by prenatal US screening between 18-20 gestational week. Pelvi- ureteric junction (PUJ) stenosis is the most common etiological factor of prenatal HN and requires postnatal follow-up. Diuresis renography plays important role in the follow-up by complementing morphological information obtained by US with the data about differential renal function (DRF) and drainage. We studied the association between ultrasound parameters and results of diuresis renography in first diagnosed PUJ stenosis and the predictive factors of pyeloplasty in order to evaluate the usefulness of diuresis renography in these children postnatally., Patients and Methods: Children with antenatally detected HN attributed to presumed PUJ stenosis were investigated with mercapto-acetyltriglycine (MAG
3 ) diuresis renography. Parents gave informed consent for the procedure. The inclusion criteria were: age up to 4 years, diagnosis of prenatal HN determined by US during pregnancy based on the antero-posterior diameter (APD) of renal pyelon and at least one post-natal US which confirmed diagnosis. Exclusion criteria were: APD of pyelon <10mm, previous surgical treatment of HN, vesicoureteral reflux excluded by micturating cystourethrography, and patients having any anomaly of the contralateral kidney. Sixty two patients 43 boys, 19 girls, median age 16 months were selected. They were divided into three groups based on the size of pyelon, three groups based on the calyceal size and two groups according to thickness of parenchyma. Renography was performed for 24 minutes after the iv. application of99m Tc MAG3 , 144 ten-sec images were applied. Furosemide was administered after 2 min. (F+2). Post-void static images were acquired at 60min. The non-commercial software developed by International Atomic Energy Agency was applied to process the studies. The criteria for pathological findings (poor or no drainage) were the renographic curve maintaining a plateau, Normalized Residual Activity (NORA) at 20. min.>1.62, Output efficiency (OE) at 20. min.<71%, postmicturating NORA >0.11. The DRF was considered normal within the range of 45%-55%., Results: Good drainage had 74% of children, partial drainage 11%, and poor 15%. There was a clear association between the size of pyelon, calyces, parenchyma thickness and drainage. There was also a clear association between the calyceal size, parenchyma thickness and DRF. Differential renal function was <45% in 18% of children. A relation between the type of drainage and DRF was not determined. Thus, 66.7% of those with poor drainage had preserved DRF. Seven out of nine children with poor drainage underwent pyeloplasty. The threshold for pyeloplasty was the pyelon of 18mm and calyces of 10mm. The model of the multivariate logistic regression which included ultrasound parameters (APD of pyelon, calyces size and parenchymal thickness), drainage and DRF, which were significant predictors in univariate analysis, showed that only drainage was an independent predictor for the need of pyeloplasty., Conclusion: Antero-posterior diameter of the pyelon <15mm indicates a favorable course of congenital HN in most children. Pattern of drainage obtained by diuresis renography was the only independent predictor for the need of pyeloplasty.- Published
- 2017
78. Relationship between Helicobacter pylori infection estimated by 14C-urea breath test and gender, blood groups and Rhesus factor.
- Author
Petrović M, Artiko V, Novosel S, Ille T, Šobić-Šaranović D, Pavlović S, Jakšić E, Stojković M, Antić A, and Obradović V
- Subjects
- ABO Blood-Group System metabolism, Adult, Age Factors, Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Breath Tests, Carbon Radioisotopes, Female, Gastrointestinal Diseases blood, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Sex Factors, Young Adult, Helicobacter Infections blood, Helicobacter Infections diagnosis, Helicobacter pylori physiology, Rh-Hr Blood-Group System metabolism, Stomach microbiology, Urea
- Abstract
The aim of this study was the detection of helicobacter pylori (HP) infection and estimation of this infection relationship with age, gender, blood groups and Rhesus factor, as well as the assessment of the accuracy of the method. A total of 227 patients with gastritis were examined. Blood ABO groups and Rh positivity were determined using standard tests. Infection by HP was proved by (14)C-urea breath test and gastric biopsy. Patients were aged 20-81 years (X=51.7 years) and the presence of HP was not related to the age (P>0.05). From the total number of patients, 25/69 males and 68/158 females were HP positive. There was no significant difference between genders and HP infection (P>0.05). From the 227 investigated patients, 69 (30%) belonged to blood group O, 96 (42%) to A, 40 (18%) to B and 22 (10%) to AB. HP was detected in 27/69 patients with blood group O, 45/96 patients with blood group A, 16/40 patients with blood group B and 5/22 patients with blood group AB. There was no statistically significant difference (P>0.05) in the incidence of HP infection between these groups (proving that HP infection did not depend upon the blood groups). Also, there was no significant correlation between the presence of particular blood group in HP+ patients related to the reported frequency of the blood groups in Serbian population (0--38%, A--42%, B--15%, AB--5%). HP was found in 16/36 Rh- and in 77/191 Rh+ patients without statistical difference (P>0.05). Also, there was no significant correlation of the presence of the Rh factor in the HP positive patients to the frequency of the Rh factor in the Serbian population (84% Rh+ and 16% Rh-). The basic value of the HP+ test was slightly, but not significantly lower in comparison to the HP- patients (P>0.05). On the contrary, test values showed a highly significant difference (P<0.01) in HP+ and HP- patients. In conclusion, in adults HP infection does not depend upon the patient's age, gender, blood group type or Rh factor. In clinical terms, there were 93 true positive (TP), 129 true negative (TN), 5 false negative (FN) and 0 false positive (FP) patients. Sensitivity of the method was 94.9%, specificity 100%, positive predictive value 100%, negative predictive value 96.3% and accuracy 97.8%.
- Published
- 2011
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