9,206 results on '"Administración de Empresas"'
Search Results
52. La inteligencia emocional, un factor clave en el éxito de los directivos
- Author
Jimbo Días, José Santiago, Peralta Parra, Carmen Isabel, Jimbo Días, José Santiago, and Peralta Parra, Carmen Isabel
- Abstract
At present, for the high positions of the organization, various characteristics or requirements are sought, however, in the present investigation we want to give the deserved meaning to emotional intelligence as an important peculiarity that each executive must possess, in addition, to collect information that can provide knowledge to all those interested in knowing the benefits of emotional intelligence and how to develop it. Likewise, the general objective is to carry out a study that allows us to know the relationship between emotional intelligence and the success of managers within tourist transport companies in the city of Cuenca, Ecuador. Its methodology was based on a bibliographic, descriptive, field study, with a qualitative-quantitative approach, whose population is made up of the managers of touristic transport companies in the city of Cuenca, to collect the information a survey was applied, from which information was obtained that allowed generating a reflection on the influence that emotional intelligence has on the success of managers, at the same time, to base how it can influence the daily actions of managers, their performance and in their decision making. What evidenced within its conclusions that the majority of the population interviewed can control their feelings when directing and carrying out the work of the organization, however, when applying Spearman's correlation test, there was no positive relationship between the variables study object.
- Published
- 2024
53. Modelo de negocios para la integración empresarial de Rancho Grande, Hotel el Quijote y Quinta Mercedes período 2023-2027
- Author
Naula Sigua, Freddy Benjamín, Contreras Ramirez, Mariul Alejandra, Naula Sigua, Freddy Benjamín, and Contreras Ramirez, Mariul Alejandra
- Abstract
The objective of this degree project is to design a CANVAS business model for the creation of Holding El Quijote S.A.S., which contemplates two productive sectors: event planning and organization, and lodging, since it is integrated by the business units Rancho Grande, Hotel el Quijote and Quinta Mercedes; organizations belonging to these two industries and which are located in the city of Cuenca. The model is based on presenting various strategies that serve for the administration, organization and optimal operation of the same. The starting point of the study is the development and perspective of the general aspects and the environment in which the Holding Company is currently involved. Then it continues with the development of the strategic plan, which aims to present the objectives and the guidelines to achieve the fulfillment of these, in addition to the approach of the CANVAS model. Likewise, the market study, the marketing plan and the technical plan are presented, which propose strategies and determine key aspects such as: demand, marketing budget, production capacity, among others. The purpose of these plans is to manage the efficient and effective operation of the business model. And it culminates with the financial plan, which shows that it is viable to start up the company, since it has a positive NPV and a benefit-cost indicator greater than one.
- Published
- 2024
54. La Sostenibilidad de los emprendimientos sociales en el cantón Cuenca, un análisis desde la racionalidad en la toma de decisiones
- Author
Aguirre Quezada, Juan Carlos, Aguayza Tacuri, Johanna Katherine, Avila Bravo, Samantha Estefanía, Aguirre Quezada, Juan Carlos, Aguayza Tacuri, Johanna Katherine, and Avila Bravo, Samantha Estefanía
- Abstract
Currently, social entrepreneurship has gained notoriety because it seeks to provide innovative answers and solutions addressing various social needs. However, achieving sustainability is a challenge, since its main focus is social rather than economic. Therefore, rational decision making, considering social, environmental and economic benefits, are essential and necessary factors to achieve sustainability. Therefore, the objective of this research is to determine the influence of rationality in decision making on the sustainability of social enterprises. The method used to answer this objective was a quantitative study with simple random sampling of 162 social enterprises in the canton of Cuenca, using a logistic regression model as an analysis technique. The results show that these two variables are significantly associated, which indicates that the higher the level of rationality at the time of making a decision, the greater the probability that the venture will be sustainable.
- Published
- 2024
55. Análisis de la rentabilidad en el sector comercial en el cantón Cuenca
- Author
Flores Sánchez, Gustavo Geovanni, Dominguez Juma, Karen Michelle, Quevedo Silva, Darío Sebastián, Flores Sánchez, Gustavo Geovanni, Dominguez Juma, Karen Michelle, and Quevedo Silva, Darío Sebastián
- Abstract
The research work focuses on analyzing the profitability within the Ecuadorian commercial sector, particularly in Cuenca. Acknowledged for its pivotal role in the national economy, the commercial sector's understanding of profitability stands as a fundamental pillar for sustainable business growth and economic development. The methodology employed amalgamates qualitative and quantitative approaches, encompassing an extensive literature review and the compilation of financial data utilizing a fixed effects panel model. Key financial indicators such as liquidity, solvency, and profitability are scrutinized to assess companies' financial health and earnings generation capacity, establishing significant ranges based on local parameters and prior studies. The outcomes disclose pivotal insights into Ecuador's commercial sector profitability, delineating trends and comparisons between local and national enterprises. These findings furnish valuable information for entrepreneurs, investors, and regulators, fostering an indispensable comprehension amid a dynamically changing economic environment. This academic article contributes to field knowledge and lays a robust foundation for strategic decision-making in the Ecuadorian commercial sector, particularly in Cuenca.
- Published
- 2024
56. Modelo de negocio para la exportación de productos agroindustriales al mercado brasileño: caso Cervecería Cantana, periodo 2023-2028
- Author
Campoverde Jiménez, Pedro Pablo, Alvarez Reinoso, Johnny Patricio, Sinche Jimenez, David Alexander, Campoverde Jiménez, Pedro Pablo, Alvarez Reinoso, Johnny Patricio, and Sinche Jimenez, David Alexander
- Abstract
Ecuador is a country with a lot of opportunities in agroindustrial sector. Lots of analysts see this industry as the future of the Ecuadorian economy due to the gigantic potential it has in the long term. Thinking about the export of Ecuadorian agroindustrial products to the rest of the world makes us feel optimism, especially when we think about the change in the Ecuadorian productive matrix, which nowadays has an enormous dependence on oil. Agribusiness and its exports represent a strong economic future for the country. According to this, a business model is proposed that allows the Cantana Company to export quality Ecuadorian craft beer to Brazil.Within the proposal we will find tariff preferences, an analysis of the conditions offered by the Brazilian market for the beer industry and Cantana's technical and operational capacity to face an export project, all of this is reflected in a marketing plan and a production that also includes a proposal to the Human Talent area. In addition, a financial study was carried out in order to determine the feasibility of the project with a 5-year view projection where we propose 2 stages in 2 different international negotiation terms such as the CIF and FOB Incoterms, resulting in a financially viable project and culminating in an export plan that includes steps to follow in terms of logistics and export requirements.
- Published
- 2024
57. Emprendimientos femeninos, retos y tendencias en el financiamiento. Análisis bibliométrico
- Author
Coronel Pangol, Katherine Tatiana, Cueva Coronel, Kleyner Javier, Ortega Ortega, Dayana Jazmín, Coronel Pangol, Katherine Tatiana, Cueva Coronel, Kleyner Javier, and Ortega Ortega, Dayana Jazmín
- Abstract
Despite the growth of female entrepreneurship, challenges persist, highlighting limited access to financing. The research project proposes to identify thematic and emerging areas related to the financing of women's entrepreneurship, through the identification of influential authors, keywords and topics of analysis. For this purpose, information was searched in the Web of Science databases, identifying a total of 8.176 relevant articles. The analysis of scientific production covers various aspects, such as the number of publications, the indexing percentage, distribution by language, types of documents, academic areas and international collaborations. In the next phase, a co-occurrence analysis is performed using the SciMAT tool. The analysis is complemented by the creation of a word map that allows visualization of the relationships and frequency of appearance in the selected studies. From the findings, it was possible to observe how the sources of financing for female entrepreneurship have evolved and how they are perceived, from which it is concluded that the "Entrepreneurial Ecosystem" is the only topic that has evolved in all periods, maintaining its level of centrality and density in the field of study. It is suggested for subsequent research to carry out a more extensive study of a quantitative nature about the challenges and trends in the financing of female entrepreneurship.
- Published
- 2024
58. Factores socioeconómicos y administración de la producción agrícola asociados a la inseguridad alimentaria en los hogares rurales de la cuenca del Río Machángara
- Author
Cordero Ahiman, Otilia Vanessa, Robles Quiroga, Marcia Alexandra, Cordero Ahiman, Otilia Vanessa, and Robles Quiroga, Marcia Alexandra
- Abstract
The food insecurity and inadequate management of family farm production persist as global challenges. Therefore, the objective of this study was to analyze the socioeconomic and agricultural production management factors associated with food insecurity in rural households in the Machángara river basin, located in the province of Azuay, Ecuador. Data were collected through a survey administered to households selected from a stratified random sample. Subsequently, the Latin American and Caribbean Household Food Security Measurement Scale (ELCSA) was developed to assess food insecurity in relation to socioeconomic factors and agricultural production management. This involved employing both Binomial Logit and Ordinal Logit models in the STATA ® 16 program. The findings reveal that being the married head of a household, residing in an informal dwelling, possessing a latrine, cultivating medicinal or ornamental plants, and the correlation between expenses and income are significant variables that elevate the likelihood of experiencing food insecurity. Consequently, this research offers timely insights to assist policymakers in implementing effective strategies to support food-vulnerable rural households.
- Published
- 2024
59. Influencia del riesgo sistemático en el rating crediticio empresarial a nivel latinoamericano, periodo 2022
- Author
Naula Sigua, Freddy Benjamín, Gonzalez Cabrera, Carolina Katherine, Naula Sigua, Freddy Benjamín, and Gonzalez Cabrera, Carolina Katherine
- Abstract
In this academic article, we study the impact that systematic risk can generate and its influence at the time in which agencies grant a credit rating, since they are based on the study of different financial variables that they consider significant to assign a credit rating score according to the scale that these institutions manage. First, an analysis was carried out of the different stock indices and their components that are part of the Latin American business fabric in a stock exchange so, by studying their prices, daily returns can be determined and then the risk can be calculated systematic through the CAPM model, applying it through a simple regression. After that, once this regression was carried out, companies with non-significant values will be purged. Then, add different control variables, which allow for better treatment of the data represented by indicators of the company's financial situation, so obtain a more accurate result. In the same way, through a second regression based on the previously stated data, both the results obtained from the 2022 period and the available data from the last 5 years ago will be analysed, to make a comparison between these two periods and their significance levels.
- Published
- 2024
60. Factores de liderazgo docente que influyen en el desempeño estudiantil de la carrera de Contabilidad y Auditoría de la Universidad de Cuenca durante el periodo 2023-2024
- Author
Escandón Morales, María Soledad, Cajilima Coro, Pamela Jessenia, Illescas Fajardo, Bryan Andrés, Escandón Morales, María Soledad, Cajilima Coro, Pamela Jessenia, and Illescas Fajardo, Bryan Andrés
- Abstract
The study analyzed the examination of teaching leadership in student performance, with the overall goal of determining the teaching leadership elements that influence the academic success of the Accounting and Auditing Career at the University of Cuenca during the 2023-2024 period. The methodology used was a mixed type, comprising a descriptive and explanatory approach. A non-experimental inferential design was adopted, and the sample was a simple random sample of 283 Accounting and Auditing Career students. A survey was used to collect data, with a questionnaire as the tool. The Cronbach's Alpha coefficient was found to be 0.799. Regarding the results of the ordinal logistic regression model, a significance level of 0.000 was observed, lower than 0.05, demonstrating that teaching leadership has predictive power in student performance. The Pseudo R-squared test corroborated this assumption, with Cox and Snell's findings, as well as Nagelkerke's, being 0.084 and 0.095, showing that teacher leadership explains 8.4% and 9.5% of the variability in student performance, respectively. In conclusion, it was established that for each additional point on the teaching leadership scale, there is no probability that students can have good performance.
- Published
- 2024
61. Valorar la factibilidad para la expansión de las operaciones de la microempresa FINO en la provincia del Azuay
- Author
Flores Sánchez, Gustavo Geovanni, Mendoza Loor, Christian Marcelo, Reinoso Sánchez, Jhostin Adrián, Flores Sánchez, Gustavo Geovanni, Mendoza Loor, Christian Marcelo, and Reinoso Sánchez, Jhostin Adrián
- Abstract
To address this study, various stages of research and analysis were carried out. Demand was evaluated through a market study which provided a clear vision of the opportunities and challenges that FINO would face when expanding. In addition, an analysis of the business environment was carried out, considering economic, political, social and environmental factors that could affect FINO's operation in the province. In parallel, the company's internal operations were examined, evaluating its current capacity to manage expansion. Based on the findings of these analyses, concrete and viable improvement proposals were formulated so that FINO can effectively address expansion in Azuay. Finally, a complete financial study was conducted that included projections of income and expenses related to the proposed expansion. The results of this financial analysis indicated that the expansion of operations is economically viable and potentially profitable for the company. In summary, this thesis has provided a comprehensive evaluation of the expansion of FINO operations in the province of Azuay. Through market analysis, business environment, internal operations and financial study, expansion has been shown to be a feasible strategic decision that can contribute to the continued growth and success of the company in the province
- Published
- 2024
62. Factores de liderazgo docente que influyen en el desempeño estudiantil de la Carrera de Administración de Empresas de la Universidad de Cuenca en el periodo 2023-2024
- Author
Escandón Morales, María Soledad, Bravo Jiménez, Paula Fernanda, Escandón Morales, María Soledad, and Bravo Jiménez, Paula Fernanda
- Abstract
This research aimed to determine the factors of teacher leadership that influence the academic performance of students in the Business Administration program at the University of Cuenca. The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) proposed by Bass and Avolio was used to measure the aspects of teacher leadership based on the students' perceptions, as well as those of the teachers as a self-evaluation. A descriptive design was applied, under a correlational inferential approach. The sample consisted of 22 teachers and 262 students. The analysis of descriptive traits, such as percentages, was used to describe the demographic data of the respondents and the data analysis was done through regression and Spearman's correlation. The results showed that the predominant leadership is full-range mixed leadership with 64% of teachers applying it. In addition, it was found that, in general, there is a considerable relationship between teacher leadership style and academic performance. However, the explanatory capacity of the leadership styles studied with performance is low.
- Published
- 2024
63. Sesgos conductuales y racionalidad en decisiones financieras. Un análisis comparativo entre emprendimientos tradicionales y emprendimientos sociales del cantón Cuenca
- Author
Coronel Pangol, Katherine Tatiana, Fernández Cajas, Andrea Mercedes, Gómez Vélez, Esther Susana, Coronel Pangol, Katherine Tatiana, Fernández Cajas, Andrea Mercedes, and Gómez Vélez, Esther Susana
- Abstract
The present research has the objective to compare the presence of traditional and social entrepreneurs behavioral biases in Cuenca, with the goal to determinate if their financial decisions are rational or in contrast are influence of feelings and emotions, causing irrationality. In this sense, it has an interest growing themes approach: on one hand the entrepreneurship and the other hand the finance conduct. The methodological approach is quantitative. After to apply a survey of 154 between traditional and social entrepreneurs, seeks to determine the proportion of individuals in both populations that are possessors of the most common behavioral biases in the financial decisions, (anchoring, risk aversion, mental accounting, herd effect, overconfidence, sunk cost fallacy, the illusion of control, optimism and representativeness). With this, is determinate if their financial decisions are rational, considering that, to major presence of behavioral biases, there is a minor presence of rationality. To aboard the distinctions of two groups of entrepreneurs, is doing a “z” test of difference of proportions which allows to know if the nonsense presented is significant or not. According with the evidence, the behavioral biases are presented of different form in the takers of decisions that imply the money, not like that social entrepreneurs which are holders of higher percentages of irrationality with the presence of behavioral biases.
- Published
- 2024
64. Determinación de sesgos conductuales en estudiantes de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas. Influencia de la racionalidad en sus decisiones financieras
- Author
Aguirre Quezada, Juan Carlos, Pauta Novillo, Noelia Nathaly, Aguirre Quezada, Juan Carlos, and Pauta Novillo, Noelia Nathaly
- Abstract
The purpose of this academic article is to identify the rationality in the financial decision making of university students, considering the behavioral biases that influence such decisions. The relationship between these biases and the financial decisions of students of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences is analyzed. The analysis details that certain biases, such as mental accounting and pessimism, influence the financial decisions of students in Administration. Higher mental accounting is associated with more savings, while pessimism is related to a lower tendency to save and consume. In Economics, mental accounting has a strong positive influence on saving, and pessimism also influences, although less significantly. Overconfidence is related to greater willingness to take risks in investments. In Dual Management, mental accounting promotes saving, while pessimism shows no clear influence. Overconfidence promotes investment, but risk aversion does not significantly influence, as does the herd effect. In Accounting and Auditing, mental accounting and optimism drive savings and consumption. In Marketing, mental accounting influences savings, pessimism has a negative impact, and optimism is associated with consumption. Finally, in Sociology, mental accounting and optimism are associated with savings and consumption respectively. Overconfidence and risk aversion are linked to the investment decision, while the herd effect has a negative association with this decision.
- Published
- 2024
65. Estimación del costo de capital promedio ponderado para el sector de transporte público en Ecuador
- Author
Naula Sigua, Freddy Benjamín, León Vega, Kevin Francisco, Zarumeño Rivera, Juan Diego, Naula Sigua, Freddy Benjamín, León Vega, Kevin Francisco, and Zarumeño Rivera, Juan Diego
- Abstract
This article estimates the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) for the public transportation sector in Ecuador, since no country-specific estimate is available. For this purpose, information from Latin American companies dedicated to public transportation services is used to approximate the characteristics of Ecuador, since the Ecuadorian companies that belong to this sector are not listed on the stock exchange, and, in addition, the Ecuadorian stock market does not provide guarantees with respect to liquidity. In this way, information pertinent to the case study is sought, qualified and validated, obtaining eight companies from Latin America and nine from Ecuador. For this purpose, the financial asset valuation model (CAPM) is considered to determine the cost of equity. Using the method proposed by Modigliani & Miller (1963), the WACC is calculated for the public transportation sector in Ecuador, obtaining a 14,16%, which can be used as a discount rate for any type of project and/or decision making.
- Published
- 2024
66. Factores que afectan el emprendimiento social femenino en el Cantón Cuenca
- Author
Mora Pacheco, Pedro Fabián, Duchitanga Ordoñez, Amanda Maribel, Ochoa Castillo, Paúl Sebastián, Mora Pacheco, Pedro Fabián, Duchitanga Ordoñez, Amanda Maribel, and Ochoa Castillo, Paúl Sebastián
- Abstract
The purpose of this research was to analyze the association between female social entrepreneurship and the economic, social, legal, educational and individual factors of female social entrepreneurs in Cuenca Canton who are registered with the Superintendencia de Economía Popular y Solidaria (SEPS). The research has a quantitative approach, making use of a survey as a data collection instrument that was applied to 152 social entrepreneurs, also statistical techniques were used to perform the analysis such as: Descriptive statistics, Student's t, Pearson correlation and multiple regression. The results obtained reflect that there are no differences between the groups of men and women, a moderate positive association is demonstrated between the dependent variable and the factors analyzed, showing an explanatory capacity of 33.7% for women, this means that for a female social entrepreneurs hip it is important to emphasize these factors as they have a considerable influence on their ventures.
- Published
- 2024
67. Modelo de negocio para la Fundación Agrícola Andina ubicada en la parroquia Susudel de la provincia del Azuay
- Author
Arcentales Carrión, Rodrigo Nicanor, Tapia Soliz, Angel Patricio, Tigre Avila, Erika Tatiana, Arcentales Carrión, Rodrigo Nicanor, Tapia Soliz, Angel Patricio, and Tigre Avila, Erika Tatiana
- Abstract
This degree work was carried out to develop a business model for the Fundación Agricola de la Parroquia Susudel in the province of Azuay, which is dedicated to cultivating medicinal and aromatic plants. The model was developed to help the agricultural organization identify the ideal market segment to commercialize medicinal species through a market study. To this end, manufacturing companies were visited to conduct interviews and determine the best option for the foundation to become a direct supplier of those entities that add value to medicinal plants. Based on the above, the CANVAS methodology was followed, where the nine blocks that are part of it were developed. On the other hand, an internal and external analysis was carried out, where opportunities and threats were identified, from which strategies were formulated to take advantage of and mitigate the positive and negative impacts. Similarly, the economic-financial analysis determined that the proposed business model is profitable since it has a positive NPV and an IRR more significant than the discount rate. Finally, risks were identified and analyzed, and mitigation measures were proposed to avoid a negative impact on the development of activities.
- Published
- 2024
68. Análisis de la cadena de valor del sector agro-productor del proyecto ELANET. Casos: Bolivia y Ecuador
- Author
Mora Pacheco, Pedro Fabián, Ávila Maxi, Daniela Anahí, Muñoz Cajamarca, Alberto Bolívar, Mora Pacheco, Pedro Fabián, Ávila Maxi, Daniela Anahí, and Muñoz Cajamarca, Alberto Bolívar
- Abstract
The investigation analyzes the value generation capacity of social enterprises to determine its impact on the agro productive value chains of the project European Latin American Network in Support of Social Entrepreneurs ELANET, this is due to the agro producers in the exercise of their economic activity, in which face difficulties for not receiving the proper recognition suitable for the importance of their contribution to the value of chains, despite of their strengthens. This insufficiency of assessment is due to the lack of tools that can measure the value-generation capacity of social enterprises; therefore, this is a way to limit the generation of competitivestrategies that highlight the values generated by agricultural producers. The qualitative method had an essential emphasis, and its design is based on the multiple holistic case study. The data was obtained by semi-structured interviews and the y review of secondary sources to create an analysis based on the strategy of the value chains. The results analyzed of both studies, corresponding to Bolivia and Ecuador show a capacity for the generation of value regardless of the internal and external challenges; the collaboration between the direct, and indirect actors provides technical and social support which makes a positive impact in the value chains within the ELANET project, driven by the initiatives of the social impact on producers.
- Published
- 2024
69. Innovación social como una oportunidad para los emprendedores sociales en el cantón Cuenca
- Author
Mora Pacheco, Pedro Fabián, Guamán Buele, Franz Eduardo, Uyaguari Astudillo, Emil Santiago, Mora Pacheco, Pedro Fabián, Guamán Buele, Franz Eduardo, and Uyaguari Astudillo, Emil Santiago
- Abstract
This paper focuses on the analysis of the levels of social innovation and opportunity as a consequence, in social enterprises in the canton of Cuenca. The scarcity of information on social entrepreneurship in Latin America, and specifically in Ecuador, has been one of the factors that have limited the deepening of concepts and the comparison with other studies. However, this paper attempts to clearly explain and analyses social ventures, their levels of social innovation and opportunities through indicators such as research and development, new technologies, among others. The information on the different social enterprises was obtained from the database of the Institute of Popular and Solidarity Economy provided by the project "The European Latin American Network in Support of Social Entrepreneurs" (ELANET). For the data collection, a sample of 162 social enterprises located in the canton of Cuenca was determined. The results showed that more than 50% are at a medium and high level of innovation, and that the probability of generating opportunities in the market is 90% overall. These findings have allowed for a clearer vision of the different situations in which social enterprises find themselves, as there is a direct relationship between their level of innovation and their opportunity within the local market.
- Published
- 2024
70. Ruta de acción para la implementación de la normativa del Sistema de Análisis de Riesgos Ambientales y Sociales (SARAS) en las cooperativas asociadas a la Unión de Cooperativas de Ahorro y Crédito del Sur (UCACSUR)
- Author
Jimbo Días, José Santiago, Bustamante Atiencia, Dayanna Elizabetn, Jara Matute, Andrea Estefania, Jimbo Días, José Santiago, Bustamante Atiencia, Dayanna Elizabetn, and Jara Matute, Andrea Estefania
- Abstract
With this mixed-methods study, employing an exploratory and descriptive design, the dispositions of the Environmental and Social Risk Analysis System (SARAS) in conjunction with the Southern Savings and Credit Union Cooperative Union (UCACSUR) and its associated cooperatives were investigated. The main objective was to develop a course of action for the implementation of SARAS regulations in the savings and credit cooperatives (COAC) associated with UCACSUR. A survey of the managers of the 19 member cooperatives was used as the data collection technique, complemented by information provided by the interested institution: reports and regulations from supervisory and control entities. The results confirmed the need to standardize the course of action within the internal processes of the analysis units through a hypothesis test for proportions. Finally, the stages and key steps for the proper design of the course were identified, which consolidates the regulations issued by the Superintendence of Popular and Solidarity Economy (SEPS).
- Published
- 2024
71. Los sesgos conductuales y su relación con las decisiones financieras: un análisis a los emprendimientos sociales del cantón Cuenca
- Author
Aguirre Quezada, Juan Carlos, Barros Rodríguez, Christian Andrés, Yumbla Quizhpilema, Erika Fabiola, Aguirre Quezada, Juan Carlos, Barros Rodríguez, Christian Andrés, and Yumbla Quizhpilema, Erika Fabiola
- Abstract
ocial entrepreneurship is a topic of great importance in recent research, however, there is still not enough empirical evidence to analyze the rationality of decision making. Given the social factor they pursue, it is possible that they may be affected by behavioral distortions that influence their rationality, especially in three financial aspects: investment, savings and indebtedness. The objective of this work is to determine the relationship between behavioral biases and financial decision making of social enterprises in the canton of Cuenca. The study is a descriptive-correlational cross-sectional approach, using structural equations from Partial Least Squares (PLS). A sample of 162 social enterprises was obtained. The results show a significant positive relationship between overconfidence, procrastination and status quo, and a negative relationship between overoptimism and investment decisions. Also, procrastination and status quo directly influence saving decisions, but the entrepreneur's fallacy indirectly. On the other hand, the risk aversion, overconfidence, overoptimism and status quo biases were significantly influenced on indebtedness decisions.
- Published
- 2024
72. Propuesta de mejora al modelo de gestión de la unidad de contratación pública de una empresa pública mediante la metodología Business Process Management BPM
- Author
Coronel Pangol, Katherine Tatiana, Pizarro Romero, Narcisa Paola, Zhiminaicela Guaraca, Martha Daniela, Coronel Pangol, Katherine Tatiana, Pizarro Romero, Narcisa Paola, and Zhiminaicela Guaraca, Martha Daniela
- Abstract
In the present degree work, a series of investigations and collection of information has been developed so that with this a list of recommendations for the best functioning in the public procurement process can be determined. The document consists of 5 parts, which are divided into the following sections: as a first instance, the investigation of the historical review and strategic planning of a public company was carried out to make it easier for us to understand the functioning of the sector and its regulatory bodies; in the second chapter, information was obtained on basic concepts of: public procurement, management of administration by processes for the lifting of procedures that are carried out in public procurement. An analysis and evaluation of the control of the public procurement department was also carried out, surveys were carried out to a sample of employees, to obtain a diagnosis and results of internal control according to the internal control regulations of the CGE, through the results obtained from generating recommendations to the department that would facilitate the best functioning of the department. In chapter 4, the improvement proposal is made with an overall analysis of all the work done. Finally, the work is completed with conclusions and recommendations found in Chapter 5.
- Published
- 2024
73. Modelo de gestión de talento humano para la empresa Marvicnet Cía. Ltda. Período 2022-2023
- Author
Encalada Torres, Janneth Olivia, Fajardo Barbecho, Sonia Estefanía, Guichay Quito, Carlos Santiago, Encalada Torres, Janneth Olivia, Fajardo Barbecho, Sonia Estefanía, and Guichay Quito, Carlos Santiago
- Abstract
The company Marvicnet Cía.Ltda. does not have a defined Human Talent Management Model, as it does not have an established Human Talent department. Therefore, the process of recruiting and selecting personnel is based on personal recommendations without a technical system to guarantee the selection of the best candidate, as well as having a high rate of staff turnover, poor task assignments, lack of training, and performance evaluation. This graduation project proposes a Human Talent Management Model for the company Marvicnet Cia. Ltda., which will allow the proper administration of human talent through techniques suitable for its subsystems. The integrated project consists of four chapters: the first chapter covers the background of the work and generalities of the company. The second chapter develops the theoretical framework based on the definitions and criteria of the main authors related to the thesis topic to of the Human Talent Management Model through the Provision, Development, Organization, Retention, and Audit subsystems. The third chapter presents information related to the situation of human talent in the company. The fourth chapter presents the proposal of the Human Talent Management Model for the company Marvicnet Cia. Ltda., which will enable the proper administration of the workers. Finally, the main conclusions and recommendations are presented such as the use of the proposed Human Talent Management Model.
- Published
- 2024
74. La deculturación y su incidencia financiera en las empresas de sector textil en Saraguro Ecuador
- Author
Peralta Vallejo, Ximena Katherine, Medina Japón, Jacqueline Yessenia, Peralta Vallejo, Ximena Katherine, and Medina Japón, Jacqueline Yessenia
- Abstract
This article examines the impact of deculturation on the financial performance of microenterprises in the textile sector in Saraguro, Ecuador, focusing on the relationship between the abandonment of indigenous clothing and key financial indicators. It was observed that young people have a greater tendency to not use traditional garments, which affects local demand. The moderate negative correlation between deculturation and financial indicators (ROE, ROA, Profit Margin, and Sales) indicates that as deculturation increases, these indicators decrease. This phenomenon is attributed to the lack of transmission of traditional knowledge to new generations, which puts the competitive advantage of microenterprises at risk. Additionally, it was found that organizations lack financial statements and face difficulties in financial management and decision-making. Despite this, microenterprises have diversified their products to adapt to new market trends. The methodology used in this study is a mixed qualitative and quantitative approach, using descriptive and inferential statistical tools, as well as ethnography for the analysis of the Saraguro indigenous population and textile microenterprises. Statistical tests such as Pearson and Spearman correlation, as well as the Springate business fragility model, were applied to evaluate the financial situation of microenterprises. The research results suggest the need to preserve traditional culture and adapt to changing market demands to ensure the financial viability of microenterprises in Saraguro, Ecuador
- Published
- 2024
75. Modelo de negocios para mejorar la rentabilidad y proceso de importación de la Empresa Veyor Cia Ltda periodo 2023-2027
- Author
Campoverde Jiménez, Pedro Pablo, Mullo González, Paúl Eusebio, Flores Hidalgo, Rolando Patricio, Campoverde Jiménez, Pedro Pablo, Mullo González, Paúl Eusebio, and Flores Hidalgo, Rolando Patricio
- Abstract
Currently, the importation and trade of clothing have been benefited by consumerism and globalization, which allows offering people a wide range of variety, quality, and styles. This leads to increased competitiveness for import companies. Given this expectation, we aim to initiate importing garments from other countries worldwide, not just from the United States, with the purpose of diversifying the products available in the market. From all the aforementioned, arises the idea of the present business model, which is methodologically qualitative, as it allows us to understand the requirements and needs of users, developing a proposal to improve profitability and import processes. Through conducted surveys, information was collected from current customers and suppliers, as well as from future beneficiary consumers. A study of both the financial and economic aspects of the company was conducted to understand its functionality. This business plan will provide us with a vision of how to improve profitability and the importation process based on external financing. Additionally, recommendations are provided to enhance the implementation of the plan.
- Published
- 2024
76. El liderazgo transformacional impactando en la situación económica, educativa, y de desempeño laboral de líderes sociales
- Author
Álava Atiencie, Nubia Gabriela, Pacheco Gutiérrez, Cristina Monserrath, Torres Fernández, Bryam Geovanny, Álava Atiencie, Nubia Gabriela, Pacheco Gutiérrez, Cristina Monserrath, and Torres Fernández, Bryam Geovanny
- Abstract
The objective of this work was to study the socioeconomic, educational, work performance and leadership style impact in a paired sample of students from the 2021 edition and two years later in 2023 to the same participants of Leadership for Transformation in order to evaluate the impact on training after the process. An adaptation of the MLQ-5X instrument from (Bass and Avolio, 1995) was used. The results suggest that the main predominant leadership style is transformational, specifically the dimensions of motivation by inspiration, idealized influence by behaviors and individual considerations. Men are more likely than women to employ the transactional leadership style, specifically passive management by exception. In response to the hypothesis posed in this work, we can mention that, if there was a significant change between the leadership styles of the participants after 2 years of having finished the training program in Leadership for Transformation, virtual edition 2021, and that the main style of leadership that is adopted is the transformational one, giving better results in work performance, as well as in the results and that these social leaders achieve that the collaborators commit to the achievement of the mission of the organization, leaving aside each of their personal interests and focuses on collectives.
- Published
- 2024
77. Diseño de un modelo de negocios para el Instituto Universitario de Idiomas de la Universidad de Cuenca
- Author
Loyola Ochoa, Diego Mauricio, Samaniego Galindo, Jennifer Alicia, Loyola Ochoa, Diego Mauricio, and Samaniego Galindo, Jennifer Alicia
- Abstract
Learning English is essential for today's world, facilitating intercultural communication and improving job opportunities. This study focuses on designing a new business model for the “Instituto Universitario de Idiomas” of the University of Cuenca, prioritizing the English language and the PASLE program due to the dissatisfaction of the current model. A market study and an analysis of its external and internal situation was carried out, using tools such as SWOT and PESTEL, to identify the main problems faced by the institute. Subsequently, the Canvas model was applied and concrete proposals were formulated, including the integration of the language in the curricula of each career in collaboration with the faculties, the strengthening of strategic agreements with other universities and companies, the inclusion of technical subjects and general training in English and the implementation of digital marketing campaigns to improve operational efficiency, thus allowing to raise academic quality. Therefore, an action plan was developed with objectives, strategies, activities and indicators to measure its success. Likewise, financial analyses were carried out to establish the ideal investment plan for the model, its profitability projections for the next five years, the calculation of viability and the evaluation of risks with their respective mitigations. Finally, conclusions and recommendations are presented seeking continuous improvement and efficient management of English, making the “University of Cuenca” a bilingual institution.
- Published
- 2024
78. Enabling smartphone push notifications: the effect of a framed opt-in request
- Author
Gavilán Bouzas, Diana, Avello Iturriagagoitia, María, Gavilán Bouzas, Diana, and Avello Iturriagagoitia, María
- Abstract
The use of push notifications is one of the most relevant strategies to proactively communicate with a user from within various apps. Europe has adopted an opt-in requirement wherein users have to explicitly express that they agree to receive push notifications from apps. This paper examines the influence of two different approaches for framing this opt-in request: focusing on the experiential value the user would eventually receive through the information provided by the notifications (moderated by the personal involvement with the app) and focusing on the social proof aspect, i.e., the behaviour of the majority of the app users (moderated by the user's susceptibility to interpersonal influence). The results indicate that improving the quality of the information provided to the user help firms attain higher levels of user participation. This research deepens the understanding of the consumer's decision process in the context of mobile advertising., Depto. de Marketing, Fac. de Ciencias de la Información, Fac. de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, TRUE, pub
- Published
- 2024
79. What drives strategic agility? Evidence from a fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (FsQCA)
- Author
Diego Ruiz, Enrique de, Almodóvar Martínez, Paloma, Danvila Del Valle, Ignacio, Diego Ruiz, Enrique de, Almodóvar Martínez, Paloma, and Danvila Del Valle, Ignacio
- Abstract
Strategic agility is a topic that has not reached maturity and is of increasing interest for companies and academics alike. Yet few studies assess what drives strategic agility in organisations. This paper aims to review how companies are currently obtaining strategic agility and to identify the individual factors and configurations that lead to it. The study draws on a survey carried out with 40 Spanish companies in the services sector. The study then uses Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) to identify the different configurations of factors that lead to strategic agility. Finally, we complement QCA analysis by performing a case study for each of the configurations that lead to strategic agility. The study reveals that there is no necessary condition to reach strategic agility and that companies reach it in five main ways, depending on different combinations of six factors: firm size, firm age, whether the firm is international, whether it competes in a turbulent environment, and whether the firm invests in i) capabilities and technologies, and ii) additional revenue models or cost-cutting mechanisms or not., Depto. de Organización de Empresas, Fac. de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, TRUE, pub
- Published
- 2024
80. La evaluación de la capacidad de carga perceptual en el Camino de Santiago Francés: una aproximación cuantitativa
- Author
Sánchez Aguilera, Lola, Morère Molinero, Nuria, Martín Duque, Clara, Sánchez Aguilera, Lola, Morère Molinero, Nuria, and Martín Duque, Clara
- Abstract
El camino de Santiago francés es el itinerario de Santiago más transitado. El aumento constante de turistas en la ruta ha provocado que se empiecen a escuchar las primeras voces críticas por la masificación de la ruta. Esta problemática unida a las características propias de la ruta, nos ha llevado a plantear el análisis de la capacidad de carga perceptual del Camino de Santiago francés. Para ello se ha diseñado una investigación cuantitativa dirigida a las personas que realizan la ruta. Las 385 respuestas obtenidas nos han permitido determinar que el Camino de Santiago Francés está masificado y se detectan problemáticas y cambios que pueden afectar a la identidad del itinerario a largo plazo., Depto. de Organización de Empresas, Fac. de Comercio y Turismo, TRUE, pub
- Published
- 2024
81. Does Positive Wellbeing Predict Job Performance Three Months Later?
- Author
Luna-Arocas, Roberto, Danvila Del Valle, Ignacio, Luna-Arocas, Roberto, and Danvila Del Valle, Ignacio
- Abstract
The present study examines the relationship between wellbeing and work performance in a twotime model. The model was based on the happy-productive worker hypothesis. Labour wellbeing (Time 1, T1) was measured with three constructs: job satisfaction, personal satisfaction, and organizational commitment, and showed good one dimensional adjustment in the second-order confirmatory factor analysis performed.We use a stratified sampling strategy, controlling for sex, age and whether workers were employed in the public or private sector. Of the 235 employees analysed in T1, 205 responded in Time 2 (T2). Results obtained through SEM analysis establish a positive and significant relationship between positive wellbeing and job performance. Likewise, job satisfaction and organizational commitment were the variable that most influenced the unidimensional welfare construct (0.902, p < 0.001 and 0.750, p < 0.001, respectively). Personal satisfaction showed a lower value (0.234, p < 0.01), and was the only one of the three variables that was context-free level. The article looks at the theoretical and professional implications of the results., Depto. de Organización de Empresas, Fac. de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, TRUE, pub
- Published
- 2024
82. Planificación turística, promoción y sostenibilidad ambiental: el caso de España
- Author
Plumed-Lasarte, Marta, Gómez-Bruna, Diana, Martín-Duque, Clara, Gómez Bruna, Diana, Martín Duque, Clara, Plumed-Lasarte, Marta, Gómez-Bruna, Diana, Martín-Duque, Clara, Gómez Bruna, Diana, and Martín Duque, Clara
- Abstract
En el desarrollo sostenible de un destino turístico, la planificación juega un papel fundamental, y parte importante recae en la promoción turística. En el caso de España, el boom turístico de los años 50 supuso un alto nivel de ingresos y popularidad, pero también serios perjuicios en el entorno cuando todavía no se prestaba atención a la sostenibilidad turística. Para que el desarrollo turístico de un destino sea sostenible es necesaria la implantación de planes estratégicos adecuados, y este trabajo permite, gracias al estudio de un caso real, analizar la influencia de la promoción turística en la evolución de un destino turístico hacia la sostenibilidad. La metodología empleada ha sido doble: en primer lugar se han revisado documentos oficiales del Gobierno español para comprobar la evolución de su planificación turística en torno a la sostenibilidad y, en segundo lugar, se han analizado imágenes y campañas de promoción turística para comparar la evolución de la imagen transmitida y su influencia en el desarrollo sostenible del turismo español. Este análisis demuestra que la promoción turística ha jugado un papel muy importante en el desarrollo y crecimiento de España como destino turístico, y que su adaptación a las necesidades del mercado y a la sostenibilidad resultó fundamental. Se confirma por tanto que la promoción turística, dentro de una estrategia general de planificación, es cuestión clave para un correcto desarrollo de un destino turístico., Depto. de Ciencia Política y de la Administración, Depto. de Organización de Empresas, Fac. de Comercio y Turismo, TRUE, pub
- Published
- 2024
83. Effects of family involvement on the monitoring of CEO compensation
- Author
Sánchez-Marín, Gregorio, Carrasco-Hernández, Antonio J., Danvila Del Valle, Ignacio, Sánchez-Marín, Gregorio, Carrasco-Hernández, Antonio J., and Danvila Del Valle, Ignacio
- Abstract
This study examines the effectiveness of CEO compensation monitoring depending on the extent of family involvement in the firm. Considering the contradictory evidence on the effects of family involvement on CEO compensation reported by the literature to date, we adopt a procedural conception of CEO monitoring – that reflect processes and rules used in family firms for the alignment of CEO incentives structure to the firm interests –, to test four hypotheses derived from agency and socioemotional wealth (SEW) perspectives. Using a sample of 357 family and non-family Spanish companies, the results show that CEO compensation monitoring is inversely related to family status, and the relationship between CEO compensation monitoring and firm performance is stronger in firms where family influence is higher. In addition, we found that the presence of a family CEO negatively affects the implementation of economically instrumental monitoring mechanisms, decoupling CEO compensation from firm performance. Our research, aligned with recent socio-psychological literature on the study of processes of family firm’s management policies, thus contributes to a better understanding of the setting of CEO compensation in family firms as a result of a combination of common bonds and mutual expectations based on emotions and values with contractual and financial factors., Depto. de Organización de Empresas, Fac. de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, TRUE, pub
- Published
- 2024
84. “Do you use English in your daily life?” Undergraduate students’ perceptions of their extramural use of English
- Author
Avello Iturriagagoitia, María, Camacho Miñano, Juana María Del Mar, Urquía Grande, María Elena, Del Campo Campos, Cristina, Avello Iturriagagoitia, María, Camacho Miñano, Juana María Del Mar, Urquía Grande, María Elena, and Del Campo Campos, Cristina
- Abstract
The aim of this research is to analyse the students’ perceptions about their extramural use of English, comparing undergraduates studying their degree in English (EMI) with those studying theirs in their native language (non-EMI) within a span of five academic years. Data collected from a Spanish University suggest that the students´s interest and perception of their possibilities of working abroad in English differ. Results also reveal key differences in the use of extramural English and suggest that exposure to reading books or watching English-language films will eventually contribute to the formation of global mindset in students. The trend of the importance of English during a five year span is also considered, for both strands of students. This study makes a contribution in the field of teaching in international business settings for high education institutions., Depto. de Marketing, Depto. de Administración Financiera y Contabilidad, Depto. de Economía Financiera y Actuarial y Estadística, Fac. de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, TRUE, pub
- Published
- 2024
85. The impact of digital transformation on talent management
- Author
Montero Guerra, José Manuel, Danvila Del Valle, Ignacio, Méndez-Suárez, Mariano, Montero Guerra, José Manuel, Danvila Del Valle, Ignacio, and Méndez-Suárez, Mariano
- Abstract
The digital transformation of companies involves a set of substantial changes in all areas of the organization. This study analyses the influence of digital transformation on talent management processes. In an effort to determine whether companies make different investments in each, we analyse talent management by separating the variables that attract and retain talent. The sample under study is made up of 314 Spanish companies who are currently undergoing the process of digital transformation. Company data were obtained through a questionnaire answered by managers of these organizations. The statistical technique used to test the model assumptions was a structural equation model. The results obtained lead us to accept the model hypotheses. The organizational changes brought about by digital transformation are thus seen to influence talent management and to attract and retain talent., Depto. de Organización de Empresas, Fac. de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, TRUE, pub
- Published
- 2024
86. The transition of regional innovation systems to Industry 4.0: the case of Basque Country and Catalonia
- Author
Sandulli, Francesco Domenico, Giménez Fernández, Elena María, Rodriguez Ferradas, María Isabel, Sandulli, Francesco Domenico, Giménez Fernández, Elena María, and Rodriguez Ferradas, María Isabel
- Abstract
The work looks at how regions design policies to facilitate the transition of regional innovation systems to Industry 4.0. The research analyses how regional Industry 4.0 policies should take into account the integration of the position of the regional productive system into international supply chains, the games of legitimacy and power of the actors involved in the innovation system, the institutional structures that allow the exchange of knowledge on Industry 4.0. between the agents and the connection between the synthetic knowledge base (engineering driven) and the analytical knowledge base (science driven) of the region. Through a detailed case study of the background, structure and impact of Industry 4.0 in the Spanish regions of the Basque Country and Catalonia, the work demonstrates how it is not possible to define a policy of promoting Industry 4.0 that is generalizable to all regions and how each region will have to adapt the design and implementation of its Industry 4.0 policies to the specific characteristics of its regional innovation system. Therefore the replication of policies from other regions will not be an effective mechanism for promoting Industry 4.0 since the transition to Industry 4.0 is a very regional specific and diverse process., Depto. de Organización de Empresas, Fac. de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, TRUE, pub
- Published
- 2024
87. Effects of socially responsible human resource management (SR-HRM) on innovation and reputation in entrepreneurial SMEs
- Author
Ramos-Gonzalez, Mª del Mar, Rubio Andrés, María De Las Mercedes, Sastre Castillo, Miguel Ángel, Ramos-Gonzalez, Mª del Mar, Rubio Andrés, María De Las Mercedes, and Sastre Castillo, Miguel Ángel
- Abstract
This work focuses on the importance of responsible human resource management, and its link to innovation and reputation, which are deemed to be relevant intangible assets for all firms, although particularly for entrepreneurial SMEs, and which are of particular interest since they have remained relatively unexplored despite their key role in the business fabric. Specifically, we present an explanatory model comprising three variables; the latent independent variable is socially responsible human resource management (SR-HRM), and the corresponding endogenous variables are reputation and innovation. In order to empirically validate the conceptual model developed, we design a survey which has been answered by a representative sample of entrepreneurs of their own firms. Using partial least squares (PLS), we analyse both the measuring model as well as the structural model. Results prove satisfactory and allow us to confirm the direct positive and significant relation between socially responsible human resource management and reputation, as well as the causal relation when innovation acts as a mediating variable., Cátedra UCM-Cofares, INBOTS projects H2020 (great agreement 780073), ISDI, Depto. de Organización de Empresas, Fac. de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, TRUE, inpress
- Published
- 2024
88. Human resources training: A bibliometric analysis
- Author
Danvila Del Valle, Ignacio, Estévez Mendoza, Carlos Isidoro, Lara, Francisco J., Danvila Del Valle, Ignacio, Estévez Mendoza, Carlos Isidoro, and Lara, Francisco J.
- Abstract
Research on human resources training has been shaped by a great number of articles published in recent decades. This study contributes to the literature by examining how this research is built on the basis of different intellectual frameworks and by identifying the relevant references, authors, topics, and journals. With this aim, we used bibliometric techniques to examine over 900 articles published between 1975 and 2016. We observed three publication periods that have shaped the evolution of research in this field. In the journals that have published these articles, a wide range of disciplines have been used to address the topic of human resources. The dominant focus is on US and labor-intensive industries, giving researchers the opportunity to undertake further cross-country and cross industry studies. By considering human capital and performance, the resource-based view provides theoretical support for the articles through which leading authors have built a core grounding for the topic., Depto. de Organización de Empresas, Fac. de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, TRUE, pub
- Published
- 2024
89. Empresas con valores: un modelo conceptual del activismo corporativo
- Author
Pintado Blanco, Teresa, Sánchez Herrera, Joaquín, López Aza, Carlota, Pintado Blanco, Teresa, Sánchez Herrera, Joaquín, and López Aza, Carlota
- Abstract
El activismo corporativo es un concepto de gestión empresarial muy relevante en los últimos años desarrollado sin teorías específicas que permitan comprender sus implicaciones. Por ello, el propósito de este artículo es el planteamiento de un modelo conceptual que sirva de aplicación para las organizaciones y sus partes interesadas (stakeholders), partiendo de antecedentes como la disonancia cognitiva o la ciudadanía corporativa. El método utilizado se basa en el análisis de los antecedentes del activismo corporativo y las teorías relacionadas, proponiendo como resultado un modelo de aceptación o rechazo del activismo corporativo (modelo MACO) por parte de los stakeholders, basado en la congruencia con el sistema de valores, las diferentes tipologías del activismo y el grado de controversia de las distintas industrias. Como principal contribución de este artículo se encuentra proporcionar las bases teóricas del activismo corporativo y sus relaciones a través del modelo MACO. Su principal limitación es la novedad del tema, que hace necesario acudir a otras disciplinas y hace más compleja la relación entre constructos. Este modelo abre nuevos enfoques sobre el fenómeno y ofrece una base para investigaciones empíricas posteriores., Depto. de Marketing, Fac. de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, TRUE, pub
- Published
- 2024
90. Family firm CEOs: human capital and career success
- Author
Blanco, María Rita, Sastre Castillo, Miguel Ángel, Montoro Sánchez, María Ángeles, Blanco, María Rita, Sastre Castillo, Miguel Ángel, and Montoro Sánchez, María Ángeles
- Abstract
This article explores the influence of education and experience on the time to the top in family and non-family CEOs who work for Latin American family firms. In order to achieve these objectives, this study draws upon human capital theory as well as career and family firm literature. The careers of 129 CEOs of family firms who form part of the América Economía ranking were analyzed and quantitative methods were used. In Latin American family firms, family CEOs reach the top faster than their non-family counterparts. In addition, the influence of human capital variables on the way to the top differs between the two groups. For family CEOs, obtaining a graduate degree delays the way to the top, while for non-family ones, it reduces the time to the top. As regards experience, for promoted family CEOs, the greater the percentage of the career spent in the organization they lead, the shorter the time to the top. No support was found for either the influence of having worked for just one firm or having had elite graduate education abroad, in multilatina CEOs. Individual career management suggestions for future CEOs as well as specific guidelines for talent managers are proposed. This is the first study to explore the influence of human capital indicators on the time to the top in Latin American family firm CEOs., UCM-Cofares Cátedra de Investigación, European Union, Ministerio de Economía, Depto. de Organización de Empresas, Fac. de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, TRUE, pub
- Published
- 2024
91. Exploring sustainability, good governance, and social responsibility in small and medium enterprises
- Author
Rubio Andrés, María De Las Mercedes, Ramos‐González, María del Mar, Sastre Castillo, Miguel Ángel, Danvila Del Valle, Ignacio, Rubio Andrés, María De Las Mercedes, Ramos‐González, María del Mar, Sastre Castillo, Miguel Ángel, and Danvila Del Valle, Ignacio
- Abstract
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) need to create shared value in order to compete in a global environment. Reputation is the result of the good work carried out by SMEs with regard to their main stakeholders, given their condition as a small‐ or medium‐sized enterprise. Rather than drawing on conventional financial performance, we propose an innovative sustainability model using shared value creation as the main endogenous variable. The results obtained are based on the opinions of the 261 owners–managers consulted. The method used is partial least squares, and conclusions show that good governance in SMEs must be reflected in good responsibility practices so as to generate reputation, which in turn has a positive effect on shared value. This leads to an effective level of commitment for SMEs, such that their codes of good governance and reports must be consistent with their responsibility towards stakeholders in order to achieve shared value., Depto. de Organización de Empresas, Fac. de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, TRUE, pub
- Published
- 2024
92. Los contornos de la enseñanza de las ciencias económicas en la región oriental de Colombia
- Author
Edilberto Rodríguez Araújo
- Subjects
ciencias económicas ,programas académicos ,Administración de Empresas ,Contaduría Pública ,Economía ,oferta académica ,Economics as a science ,HB71-74 - Abstract
Los programas que forman parte de las ciencias económicas surgieron en Colombia a mediados del siglo XX. El peso relativo de los programas existentes en la oferta académica y la población estudiantil creció en la última década hasta alcanzar en 2020, 16 y 29 %, en promedio. El análisis en este texto se centra en una muestra de 13 programas de ocho universidades con acreditación de alta calidad, pertenecientes a la región oriental del país, integrada por los departamentos de Boyacá, Cundinamarca, Meta, Santander y Norte de Santander. Administración de Empresas, Contaduría Pública y Economía son los tres programas académicos incluidos en este artículo, que ofrecen tanto universidades públicas como privadas, en los que su estructura curricular y duración de la carrera guardan notorias similitudes, pero también visibles diferencias en lo atinente a la ponderación de las diferentes áreas de formación, como básica, profesional, sociohumanística y electivas, así como en el valor de la matrícula. Se observa que el área profesional que tiene mayor participación relativa es Administración de Empresas, lo que se refleja en la orientación del programa, seguido por el programa de Contaduría Pública. Se encontró una menor proporción en Economía. En el caso concreto de Economía, en los últimos años se hado un intenso debate acerca de la formalización matemática y la estandarización curricular, al igual que la formación por resultados, estrategia agenciada por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional.
- Published
- 2022
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93. Efecto de la mentoría en el aprovechamiento académico de los estudiantes de Métodos Cuantitativos
- Author
Liana-Iveth Gutiérrez-Moreno
- Subjects
mentoría ,métodos cuantitativos ,investigación-acción ,administración de empresas ,Business ,HF5001-6182 - Abstract
El propósito de esta investigación es conocer cómo la mentoría incide en el aprovechamiento académico de los estudiantes de Métodos Cuantitativos. La investigación es de naturaleza cualitativa y se desarrolló usando el diseño investigación-acción en sus tres fases esenciales: observar, pensar y actuar. Participaron 22 estudiantes de Métodos Cuantitativos durante el segundo semestre del año académico 2019-2020. Los hallazgos muestran que la mentoría fomenta técnicas de estudio para cursos de Matemática, identifica destrezas matemáticas previas que se necesitan fortalecer o desarrollar, promueve el uso del servicio de tutoría y mejora la participación en el laboratorio. Estos hallazgos contribuyen a mejorar el aprovechamiento académico de los estudiantes de Métodos Cuantitativos.
- Published
- 2020
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94. Risk assessment and administrative management in public organizations
- Author
Sebastián Mauricio Ormaza-Rodríguez, Johanna Rosalí Reyes-Reinoso, Fidel Edmundo Cepeda-Luna, and Mireya Magdalena Torres-Palacios
- Subjects
administración de empresas ,productividad ,calidad del agua ,calidad de la vida laboral. ,General Works ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 - Abstract
The objective was to generate a risk assessment and administrative management of the Municipal Company of Potable Water, Sewerage and Sanitation of Azogues - Ecuador (EMAPAL EP). Methodologically descriptive with a non-experimental field design, the population sample being 116 officials. The weaknesses of the company in terms of restricted mobilization due to the lack of vehicles owned by the institution are observed with a 37.50% disagreement and at the same time the second weakness that can be identified is the lack of coordination by departments with a 36.90% % dissatisfaction on the part of officials. A reality and importance is established for the use of risk assessment and administrative management, since it is a tool used by companies and helps to detect weaknesses, with this quality can be improved, better performance for customer satisfaction internal and external.
- Published
- 2020
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95. 'Diseño por competencias' ¿era esto lo que necesitábamos?
- Author
Javier Paricio Royo
- Subjects
educación superior ,diseño curricular ,competencias ,ade ,administración de empresas ,Education - Abstract
Se propone una revisión crítica del diseño por competencias, tal y como se ha venido entendiendo y practicando de forma generalizada en las universidades españolas. Con este fin, se ha realizado un estudio cualitativo del perfil de competencias específicas de salida declarado por las 80 titulaciones de ADE que se ofrecen en España. Se toma como punto de partida la concepción de currículo basado en competencias que desde hace ya décadas vienen argumentando autores de referencia en el tema como Tardif, Perrenoud, Le Boterf o Zabalza. Los resultados muestran que la noción de competencia que se utiliza equivale en la práctica a casi cualquier objetivo de aprendizaje: conocimientos, capacidades, actitudes, competencias transversales…, todo se mezcla habitualmente en larguísimos listados de supuestas competencias. El perfil de salida, la “clave de bóveda” de un diseño por competencias, queda así reducido a una mera acumulación heterogénea de cosas, con lo que pierde todo su sentido y función como eje organizador e integrador del currículo. La competencia, lo que caracteriza a un experto, ha sido interpretada por la cultura académica desde una concepción ingenua, de naturaleza acumulativa y cuantitativa: lo que hace competente a una persona es, en esencia, saber mucho. El resultado son listados de conocimientos y capacidades de todo tipo. Se ha obviado así la naturaleza necesariamente holística e integradora de la idea de competencia y con ello se ha malogrado todo el potencial que incorporaba para transformar los currículos de nuestras titulaciones.
- Published
- 2020
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96. Strategies to promote entrepreneurship and business development. Case: Catholic University of Cuenca
- Author
Héctor Alexis Tapia-Cárdenas, Juan Carlos Erazo-Álvarez, Cecilia Ivonne Narváez-Zurita, and Moisés Marcelo Matovelle-Romo
- Subjects
empresa privada ,administración de empresas ,administración financiera ,economía de mercado. ,General Works ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 - Abstract
Ecuador has the highest rate of early entrepreneurship (TEA) in the region, however, more than 50% of the ventures do not exceed two years of operation due to different factors, including education; Despite this, at least 87% of the country's university students plan to venture into an enterprise, which leads to the problem of study. The objective of this research is to outline strategies that foster entrepreneurship among the student population of the Catholic University of Cuenca, underpinned by new technologies; knowledge and tools that allow developing sustainable and innovative projects. The research is descriptive, with a mixed focus. The research results reflect the high interest of entrepreneurship by students, as well as the relevant aspects to consider when promoting entrepreneurship by the institution.
- Published
- 2020
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97. Costing Center for benefits of the Hospitals of the city of Cuenca - Ecuador
- Author
Andrea Liliana Paltán-Angumba, Juan Carlos Erazo-Álvarez, and Cecilia Ivonne Narváez-Zurita
- Subjects
política de la salud ,administración de empresas ,finanzas y comercio ,crecimiento económico. ,General Works ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 - Abstract
The private health services of Cuenca city consider better the need to know the profitability of the different goods or services business units or cost centers offered by them to the market than the application of their tools. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to investigate the correct structuring, analysis and implementation of cost centers, which will allow having a clear vision in order to make the best financial decisions that guarantee successful results, which is the fundamental objective of any organization. The applied research is of a non-experimental type as it seeks to collect information that allows knowing the reality of the cost centers application in private health services. It is also based on a mixed type research, retaining a qualitative approach
- Published
- 2020
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98. Reconciliation of income taxes: A study under tax regulations and accounting regulations
- Author
Mercedes Elizabeth Cárdenas-Pañi, Cecilia Ivonne Narváez-Zurita, Juan Carlos Erazo-Álvarez, and Mireya Magdalena Torres-Palacios
- Subjects
tributación ,administración de empresas ,empresa privada ,ganancia. ,General Works ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 - Abstract
In Ecuador the application of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) arises from the globalization of the economy. This process has generated some differences between tax and accounting matters, thus creating deferred taxes. In consecuense the present investigation proposes to design a guide for the reconciliation of income tax; also, the accounting and tax treatment of deferred taxes, from inception to the liquidation or recovery in the company APC Tecnología, as a mechanism to adjust temporary differences. This study had a quantitative approach with a descriptive scope, the instruments used were the survey and the documentary review, using the analytical method of the financial statements; among the main results it was determined that the company under study has not made a full application of the IFRS for SMEs
- Published
- 2020
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99. Key fundamentals of strategy for decision-making in international business
- Author
Juan Ernesto Pérez Pérez
- Subjects
Administración de empresas ,Alianzas estratégicas ,Estructura organizacional ,Técnicas administrativas ,Comercio exterior ,Inversiones internacionales ,Commerce ,HF1-6182 ,Business ,HF5001-6182 - Abstract
The objective of this research article is to identify the conceptual foundations of strategy in international business and its articulation with the sources of competitive advantage of the value chain model, key factors to consider an internationalization process in companies. This research was based on a case study of the firm Café Galavis, in Cúcuta, Colombia, focused on measuring and recording the behavior of the parties of interest of the object of study and analyzing the phenomenon in its real context. The research was descriptive in nature, seeking to achieve an approximation of the conceptual foundations of strategy in international business. The sample was selected by convenience (general manager, employees, suppliers and customers). The results obtained made it possible to identify the determinants of the internationalization or transferability of the firm through Porter's value chain model and the pyramidal model of the key concepts of international business strategy proposed by Verbeke (the location-specific advantages of the country «LAs», The firm-specific advantages and the internationally transferable FSAs «or without localization»).
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Duc, Phan Minh
- Subjects
JOB involvement ,RETAIL banking ,BUSINESS enterprises ,BUSINESS success ,PERSONNEL management ,JOB performance - Published
- 2022
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