227 results on '"Automat"'
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52. Automata property analysis system
- Author
Agić, Alen and Srbljić, Siniša
- Subjects
automata ,NFA ,TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Računarstvo ,lambda NFA ,system ,regular language ,UTR ,web ,usluga ,niz ,TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Computing ,DKA ,web service ,automati ,web usluga ,NKA ,ENKA ,regularni jezik ,ispitivanje ,nizovi ,automat ,sequence ,testing ,automatas ,DFA ,properties ,sustav ,svojstva - Abstract
Proučeni su postupci analize svojstava automata i izgrađen je sustav za ispitivanje svojstava automata. Sustav putem web sučelja pruža funkcionalnosti korisniku učitavanja automata putem datoteke te ispisa svih svojstava tog automata u jednostavnom obliku. Također, korisniku se nudi i ispitivanje nizova nad učitanim automatima, pregled slike automata, spremanje ispitnih nizova, a ostvareno je i administratorsko sučelje za kontrolu korisnika i provedbu ispitivanja nizova nad automatima svih korisnika. Sustav je izgrađen koristeći HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, Java jezike te priložene knjižnice, a podržan je i razmjeran rast koristeći RabbitMQ upravitelj redovima poruka. Nakon izrade sustav je ispitan u lokalnom načinu rada i utvrđen je brz odziv, ispravnost izlaznih podataka te su ispravljene pogreške prilikom rada. Methods of automata properties have been examined and system for testing the automata properties was built. System provides functionality for user through web interface, for uploading automata file and printing output automata property data in a simple format. Also user can test sequences on uploaded automata, viewing images of uploaded automata, saving test sequences, and also an adminstrative panel has been made for user management and sequence testing over all uploaded automata from each user. System was built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, Java languages, with attached libraries, and scalability is supported using RabbitMQ message queue manager. After creating, the system has been tested in local mode and it has quick response, accuracy of output data, and any found errors were corrected during testing.
- Published
- 2014
53. Proceduralno generiranje arhitekture virtualne okoline
- Author
Stepić, Andrija and Mihajlović, Željka
- Subjects
gramatika ,scope grammar ,architecture ,L-sustav ,TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Računarstvo ,genetski algoritam ,L-system ,proceduralno ,generiranje ,arhitektura ,labirint ,L - sustav ,automat ,računalna grafika ,vizualizacija ,organizacija ,prostor ,turtle graphics ,TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Computing ,procedural ,generation ,genetic algorithm ,vizualization ,space ,organization ,labyrinth ,automaton ,computer graphics ,grammar - Abstract
Ovaj rad bavi se osnovnim konceptima proceduralnog generiranja arhitekture. U uvodu je dana motivacija za istraživanje ove teme. Drugo poglavlje daje definiciju, taksonomiju metoda i podjelu metoda proceduralnog generiranja po karakteristikama, opisuje njihove poželjne značajke te navodi prednosti, nedostatke i praktične primjere.. Treće poglavlje pruža pregled metoda generiranja arhitekture, te smještanja i oblikovanja postojećeg sadržaja. U nastavku je dana kratka podjela djelova arhitekture, te slijedi poglavlje koje opisuje ostvarenu implementaciju, rezultate, performanse i buduća razmatranja razvoja ove grane računarstva. Za kraj, dan je zaključak za daljnje mogućnosti i značenje razvoja tehnologije i znanosti na području ove teme. This paper describes the basic concepts of procedural architecture generation. Introduction provides the motivation for researching this topic. Second chapter contains the definition, taxonomy and listing of procedural generation methods by their characteristics, describes their desirable features and offers an overview of advantages, disadvantages and examples for their practical usage. Third chapter offers an overview of basic, common and famous methods for architecture generation, transformation and placement of existing content. The following chapter has a listing of architectural elements by category, together with their breakdown into rules for their generation. Sixth chapter describes the practical part of this thesis; implementation, its performance and generated results. In conclusion, there is a discussion of further possibilities of technology and science on this topic.
- Published
- 2014
54. Řídicí systém vytápění rodinného domu založený na programovatelném automatu
- Author
Koziorek, Jiří, Král, Jaroslav, Koziorek, Jiří, and Král, Jaroslav
- Abstract
Cílem diplomové práce je seznámení se problematikou řídicích systémů rodinných domů, návrh a implementace autonomního řídicího systému pro regulaci ohřevu TUV a vytápění domu ze zplynovacího kotle při efektivním zálohování a zpětném využívání tepelné energie v akumulačních zásobnících. Součástí systému je také ostrovní systém, napájený ze solárních panelů, získaná energie je zálohována do akumulátorů, další funkce systému je sběr dat o stavu vodních zdrojů a dalších důležitých veličin pro provoz rodinného domu. Dalším bodem diplomové práce je návrh a implementace grafické uživatelské aplikace, pomocí které bude možné monitorovat výstupní a nastavovat vstupní parametry uživatelem. Řídicí systém je založen na průmyslovém logickém automatu od výrobce SIEMENS SIMATIC S7. Pro sběr dat ze vzdálených míst jsou použité periferie od výrobce Wago, které komunikují s hlavním řídicím systémem komunikačním protokolem PROFIBUS. K vizualizaci celého ŘS je vyvinuta aplikace v prostředí Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, kód je psaný jazykem Visual Basic. Pro smartphone a zařízení s operačním systémem Android je použito vývojové prostředí IWSvis_mobile. Vizualizační aplikace je stále spuštěna na miniPC, které zajišťuje průběžné ukládání dat na externí HDD. MiniPC komunikuje s řídicím systémem prostřednictvím ethernet protokolu. Veškerá energetická náročnost celého systému bude v budoucnu pokryta z fotovoltaických panelů s výkonem 1750W včetně záložního zdroje., The aim of the thesis is to introduce the issue of family home control systems, design and implementation of autonomous control system for controlling the heating of domestic hot water and heating the house of gasification boiler with an effective backup and re- use of thermal energy storage tanks. The system is also an island system , powered by solar panels , the energy gained is backed up to a battery , the system functions is to collect data on the state of water resources and other important parameters for the operation of a family home. Point of the thesis is the design and implementation of graphical user applications by which it will be possible to monitor the output and input parameters set by the user. The control system is based on the industrial logic machine manufacturer SIEMENS SIMATIC S7. To collect data from remote locations are used peripherals manufacturer Wago that communicate with the main control system communication protocol PROFIBUS. To visualize the entire control system application in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, the code is written in Visual Basic. For a Smartphone devices running Android development environment is used IWSvis_mobile. The visualization application is still running on miniPC that provides continuous data storage on an external HDD .MiniPCI communicates with the control system Ethernet protocol. All the energy demand of the whole system will in future be covered by photovoltaic panels with output of 1750W including UPS., Ve zpracování, Import 05/08/2014
- Published
- 2014
55. Sistemes seqüencials síncrons: El diagrama d'estats d'un control de volum
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de València. Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria Informàtica, Martí Campoy, Antonio, Universitat Politècnica de València. Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria Informàtica, and Martí Campoy, Antonio
- Abstract
Aquest article docent presenta els passos per construir un diagrama d'estats per a un sistema seqüencial síncron, seguint el model de autòmat de Moore. S'utilitza un exemple per a il·lustrar la construcció del diagrama d'estats.
- Published
- 2014
56. Historie podniku Mlýny J. Voženílek, spol. s r. o., Předměřice nad Labem
- Author
Pochobradská, Helena, Stoklasová, Hana, Hrůšová, Veronika, Pochobradská, Helena, Stoklasová, Hana, and Hrůšová, Veronika
- Abstract
Práce se zabývá historií firmy Mlýny J. Voženílek spol. s r. o. v Předměřicích nad Labem. Popisuje život zakladatele firmy Josefa Voženílka a jeho rodiny, koupi mlýna Budín, založení soukromého podnikání, vznik mlýna Automat. Dále se věnuje výrobě mouky a představuje konkrétní výrobky. V neposlední řadě řeší situaci hydroelektrárny v Předměřicích nad Labem. Také se zajímá o otázky týkající se zaměstnanců., This bachelor thesis deals with the history of the company Mlyny J. Vozenílek, spol. s r. o., Predmerice nad Labem. It describes life of its founder Josef Vozenílek and his family, purchase of the Budin mill, foundation of private business and establishment of the mill Automat. My bachelor thesis also depicts production of flour and describes particular products. Last but not least it speaks about hydroelectric power station in Predmerice nad Labem. Furthermore, my work deals with the issues relating to employees., Ústav historických věd, 1. Představení práce. 2. Posudek vedoucí práce a oponentky. 3. Diskuse. - vymezení pramenné základny přístup k informacím
- Published
- 2014
57. El-Cezerî ile ilgili yapılan çalışmaların değerlendirilmesi
- Author
Korkutata, Yusuf, Toprak, Z. Fuat, Dicle Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi, İnşaat Mühendisliği Bölümü, and 0-Belirlenecek
- Subjects
Otomat ,Sibernetik ,Sibernetic ,Automat ,El-Cezeri,Eb’ül İzz,Sibernetik,Robotik,Otomat,Su Saatleri ,Al-Jazari ,Robotic ,Al-Jazari,El Cezeri,Eb’ul Izz,Sibernetic,Robotic,Automat,Water Clocks ,Water clocks ,Eb’ül İzz ,Eb’ul Izz ,Robotik ,El-Cezeri ,El Cezeri ,Su saatleri - Abstract
Bedi’ûz-Zaman Ebû’l İzz El Cezerî; M. 1153-1233 (548-630) yılları arasında yukarı Mezopotamya’nın Cezire (Cizre) bölgesinde Diyarbakır Sultanı emrinde yaşamış, su robotları ve mekanik parçalarla çalışan başka makineler tasarlamış ve bunları günlük hayata geçirmiş dâhi bir bilim insanıdır. El-Cezeri üzerine uluslararası düzeyde çok sayıda çalışma yapılmış ise de aynı şey ulusal düzeyde yapılan çalışmalar için söylenememektedir. Nitekim ulusal düzeyde El-Cezerî’ye ilişkin çok sınırlı sayıda bilimsel çalışmaya ulaşılabilmiştir. El-Cezerî ile ilgili mevcut literatürde yer alan bilgilerin bir kısmı tekrar niteliğinde olup sağlıklı sayılamayacak referanslardan oluşmaktadır. Birbirini yalanlayan bilgilere de bu referanslarda yer yer rastlanmaktadır. Bu nedenle konuya ilişkin literatür üzerinde bir değerlendirme yapmak büyük bir gerekliliktir. Bu çalışmada; El-Cezeri üzerinde yapılan çalışmalar özetlenmiş, tartışılmış ve genel bir değerlendirilmesi yapılmıştır. Böylece bu dahi bilim insanı daha doğru bir şekilde sonraki nesillere aktarılmış olacak ve hakkındaki bilgiler daha doğru ve güvenilir şekilde literatüre kazandırılmış olacaktır., The Life of Al Jazari The full name of Al-Jazari is “Ebû’l-‘İzz İsma‘il b. er-Rezzâz El-Cezerî”. Al Jazari was born in 1153, in Cezire located in North Mesopotamia Area, had lived in Diyarbakir and died in 1233 in Cizre. He was buried at Nuh Prophet Mosque. He is known at region (among Kurdish people) as Ebûlizê Cizîrî. The name is often confused with Melai Jazeera (Melaê Cizȋrȋ, 1566-1640). Melai Jazeera is another famous Kurdish poet and scientist in Islamic sciences who was also born in Cizre and lives in Diyarbakir. He had spent a large part of his life (80 years) in Diyarbakir and he had performed the most popular of his inventions here. He is called ethnically in the current literature as “Muslim”, “Arab”, “Kurd”, and “Turk”. Mostly, Kurdish people live in Cizre. So it can be thought that ethnically he was probably Kurd. The Scientific Accomplishments of Al Jazari He was an extraordinary scientist designed water controlled robots and water machines working by just water and some mechanical instruments. AlJazari is known as physicist, water and mechanical engineer, as well as a genius in the robotic, matrix, and cybernetics sciences. He is known the first in the history of technology who did robot. The Works of Al Jazari His most popular book is in Arabic and its name is “El-Câmi‘ Beyne’l ‘İlm ve’l ‘Amel En Nâfi‘ Fî EsSınaâ‘ti’l Hiyel”. Its name can be translated in Turkish as “Olağanüstü Mekanik Araçların Bilgisi Hakkında Kitap” and in English as “The Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices”. The work consists of six chapters and includes explanations about 50 of different inventions with their technical drawings. The original print of the book does now not exist but 15 of hard copies of it currently exist separately on the world. Literature on Al Jazari Numerous studies on Al Jazari can be found in the international literature. However, the same argument cannot be made for the national literature, because only a few studies can be reached from the national literature. On the other hand, some information about Al Jazari given in the national or international studies is incorrect or contradictory. Furthermore, there are many unconfident materials on the life of Al Jazari in the existing literature. “The Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices” edited by Donald Hill is the most popular work published on Al-Jazari. The first scientists who internationally reintroduced to El-Cezerî are Wiedemann, Hauser, Vaux, Coomaraswamy, Sarton, Winter, Needham, White, and Drachmann. The first scientists who nationally reintroduced to El-Cezerî are Konyalı, Akman, Bir, Şen, Tekeli, Dosay, Unat, and Yaşın. Discussions and Recommendations An assessment on the related literature is essentially needed. So, in this work, the existing literature is abstracted, discussed, and reviewed. In this way, Al Jazari is reintroduced to literature more correctly and more confidently for future generations. It is suggested that; 1) It will be useful to make activities on El-Cezeri at the regions he lived and he performed his inventions. 2) His name can be given to universities, research centers, museums, schools, parks, streets at the regions. 3) The movies and documentary films present his life and his inventions should be made. Especially it will be very very good to establish a university with the name of “Al Jazzari Technology University (El Cezeri Üniversitesi)” in Diyarbakir.
- Published
- 2013
58. Univerzální diskrétní simulátor
- Author
Vytasil, Jiří, Pergel, Martin, Holan, Tomáš, Jančík, Pavel, and Bednárek, David
- Subjects
grammar ,discrete simulation ,diskrétní simulace ,automat ,automata ,gramatika - Abstract
In this thesis we analyzed the design and implementation of the program allowing you to perform discrete-event simulation. Further in the program we implemented visualization of discrete-event simulation. Emphasis is placed mainly on~universality. In addition to the program and its description includes information of discrete-event simulation, which allows easier understanding of~program operation. For a description of discrete-event simulation using finite-state automata and regular grammars. These parts are described more in order to more easily understand the description of the discrete-event simulation. The~system also allows adjustment of input files for easier operation of the program. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
- Published
- 2013
59. Self-sufficiency of an autonomous self-reconfigurable modular robotic organism
- Author
Raja, Humza Qadir and Fuhr, Günter R.
- Subjects
modularer Roboterorganismus ,Power-Management ,Fehlertoleranz ,Autonome ,Selbstversorgung ,Automat ,modular robotic organism ,autonomous ,Roboter ,reconfigurable ,power management ,fault tolerance ,ddc:620 ,self-sufficiency - Abstract
In recent years, getting inspiration from simple but complex biological organisms, several advances have been seen in autonomous systems to mimic different behaviors that emerge from the interactions of a large group of simple individuals with each other and with the environment. Among several open issues a significantly important issue, not addressed so far, is the self-sufficiency, or in other words, the energetic autonomy of a modular robotic organism. This feature plays a pivotal role in maintaining a robotic organism's autonomy for a longer period of time. To address the challenges of self-sufficiency, a novel dynamic power management system (PMS) with fault tolerant energy sharing is proposed, realized in the form of hardware and software, and tested. The innate fault tolerant feature of the proposed PMS ensures power sharing in an organism despite docked faulty robotic modules. Due to the unavailability of sufficient number of real robotic modules a simulation framework called Replicator Power Flow Simulator is devised for the implementation of application software layer power management components. The simulation framework was especially devised because at the time of writing this work no simulation tool was available that could be used to perform power sharing and fault tolerance experiments at an organism level. The simulation experiments showed that the proposed application software layer dynamic power sharing policies in combination with the distributed fault tolerance feature in addition to self-sufficiency are expected to enhance the robustness and stability of a real modular robotic organism under varying conditions. Inspiriert von einfachen aber komplexen biologischen Organismen wurden in den letzten Jahren verschiedenste autonome Systeme entwickelt, welche die Verhaltensweisen einer großen Gruppe einfacher Individuen nachahmen. Das zentrale und bis heute ungelöste Problem dieser Organismen ist deren autonome Energieversorgung. Zur Sicherstellung der Energieversorgung eines aus mehreren Robotern zusammengesetzten Organismus wurde in dieser Arbeit ein neuartiges Power-Management-System (PMS) konzipiert, aufgebaut und an einzelnen Robotermodulen und einem Roboterorganismus getestet. Die Hardware eines bestehenden Roboters wurde um ein neues Konzept erweitert, das auch bei fehlerhaften Robotermodulen einen Energieaustausch sicherstellt und so zu einer erhöhten Robustheit des PMS führen soll. Das entwickelte PMS wurde in modulare Roboter integriert und beispielhaft anhand eines Roboterorganismus getestet. In Ermangelung einer ausreichenden Anzahl von Robotermodulen wurde eine Simulationsumgebung entwickelt und die Software des PMS im Simulationsprogramm, anstatt im Roboter, implementiert. Dieses Simulationswerkzeug ist momentan das Einzige, das unter Berücksichtigung des Bewegungsmodells des Organismus den Energietransport im Roboterorganismus visuell darstellt und das Verhalten in verschiedenen Fehlerfällen simulieren kann. Die Simulationen und Messungen zeigen, dass das entwickelte PMS geeignet ist, die Energieversorgung von Roboterorganismen auch in Fehlerfällen sicherzustellen und so die Stabilität und Robustheit zu erhöhen.
- Published
- 2013
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60. Automatgenerering av transaktionshanteringsprocedurer
- Author
Våleman, Adrian
- Subjects
Databas ,automat ,CRUD ,auto ,generera ,Tableinterfaces ,generering ,procedurer ,Oracle ,transaktioner ,DML - Abstract
In a database environment, when you create or alter tables you often want to have a basic interface for standard operations such as insert, delete and update. This thesis report covers an analysis of what programs there are on the market for generating such interfaces and compares them against the demands of a real company. The analysis showed that none of the programs were completely meeting the requirements and therefore an own implementation of an interface generating program was created. The result is a PL/SQL program capable of generating files, storing them in a version handling system and executing the files into the database.
- Published
- 2013
61. Vom Flötenspieler zum Hochleistungssprinter – Kulturelle Austauschprozesse zwischen Körper- und Maschinenphantasien
- Author
Bianca Westermann and Bierwirth, Maik
- Subjects
Technikgeschichte ,Hybridität ,Technologie ,Automat ,Biomechanik - Published
- 2013
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62. High-level FPGA programming using automatically generated networks of finite state machines
- Author
Manteuffel, Henning and Mayer-Lindenberg, Fritz
- Subjects
synthesis ,high-level language ,Prozessmodell ,Interprozesskommunikation ,TransC ,finite state machine ,Synthese ,Automat ,Prozess ,Hochsprache ,Rechnerkommunikation [54.32] ,process model ,interprocess communication ,54.32 ,Architektursynthese ,high-level synthesis ,VHDL ,process ,ddc:620 ,FPGA ,Rechnerkommunikation - Abstract
Aufgrund der steigenden Zahl von Gattern und festverdrahteten Elementen in FPGAs gewinnt die Programmierung auf hochsprachlicher Ebene mit entsprechender Softwareunterstützung immer mehr an Bedeutung. In dieser Arbeit wird die TransC-Sprache eingeführt, in der Programme als Netzwerke von Automaten beschrieben werden. Konzepte für Nebenläufigkeit,Interprozesskommunikation und -synchronisation sowie verschiedene Optimierungstechniken sind dafür entwickelt worden. Desweiteren wird ein Compiler implementiert, der effizienten VHDL-Code erzeugt., Due to the increasing number of gates and the integration of hard-wired elements within Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), high-level language programmability and tools become more necessary. In this thesis the TransC language is introduced in which programs are coded as networks of finite state machines. Concepts for concurrency,interprocess communication and synchronization are developed and optimization techniques are described. Furthermore, a compiler is implemented that generates efficient VHDL code.
- Published
- 2012
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63. Analyse und Verifikation von unterschiedlichen Kühlungssystemen für elektronische Geräte
- Author
Uiblagger, Alexander
- Subjects
Lüftung ,Glücksspiel ,Kühlung ,Automat - Abstract
Altexander Uiblagger Wien, FH-Campus, FH-StG Technisches Projekt- und Prozessmanagement, Dipl.-Arb., 2011
- Published
- 2011
64. Solving of failures on the equipment Diamo and Dasor
- Author
- Subjects
Systém ,Operátorská stanice ,Automat ,Dasor-601JR ,Koncentrátor ,Jaderná elektrárna ,Dasio-600J ,Diamo-S ,Watch dog - Abstract
This essay "The possibilities of trouble shooting of Diamo and Dasor devices" describes different types of DIAMO-S and DASOR-601JR systems failures and the ways of their solutions in the forma which can be used for the training of new employees in the I&C technician position.
- Published
- 2011
65. Analýza postojů studentů k umístění automatu na vysoké školy
- Author
Velčovská, Šárka, Večerková, Nikola, Velčovská, Šárka, and Večerková, Nikola
- Abstract
Diplomová práce se zabývá analýzou postojů studentů k umístění automatu společnosti Come vending s. r. o. na Vysokou školu báňskou – Technickou univerzitu Ostrava a Ostravskou univerzitu v Ostravě. Jedná se o projekt zdravé výživy - „Happysnack“. Práce pojednává o projektu samotném i jeho produktech. Dále poukazuje na potřebu zdravé výživy vysokoškoláků. Metodou sběru dat bylo zvoleno dotazování písemné a elektronické. Nástrojem dotazování je dotazník. Výběrový soubor zahrnuje 200 studentů z obou univerzit. Na základě analýzy dat bylo autorkou práce doporučeno podpořit zájem o zdravou výživu novými způsoby, jako jsou odborné semináře na fakultách škol ohledně zdravé výživy, věrnostní programy, speciální soutěže pro studenty jednotlivých fakult a také využití sponzoringu., This thesis deals with student attitudes analysis to vending machine placement of Come vending Ltd. at universities in the VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava and the University of Ostrava. It is a project of healthy nutrition -"Happysnack". The thesis deals with the project itself and its products. It also points to the need for a healthy diet of college students. The method chosen for collecting data was questionning in written and electronic form. Tool for questionning is the questionnaire. The sample includes 200 students from both universities. Based on the data analysis, the author of the thesis recommended to encourage interest in healthy food in new ways, such as training workshops for faculties of schools regarding healthy eating, loyalty programs, special contests for students of individual faculties and also the use os sponsorship., Ve zpracování, Import 26/06/2013
- Published
- 2013
66. Analytický nástroj pro TeamSpeak
- Author
Platoš, Jan, Juřička, Tomáš, Platoš, Jan, and Juřička, Tomáš
- Abstract
Tato práce si klade za cíl navrhnout, napsat a otestovat program, který usnadní práci administrátorům TeamSpeak3 serverů., The goal of this thesis is to propose, write and test a programme, that will be helpful for TeamSpeak3 server administrators., Ve zpracování, Import 26/06/2013
- Published
- 2013
67. Public Smoking Bans, Youth Access Laws, and Cigarette Sales at Vending Machines
- Author
Kvasnicka, Michael
- Subjects
youth and second-hand smoking ,I18 ,K32 ,Smoking ,hospitality industry ,Wirkungsanalyse ,Automat ,Umsatz ,tobacco control ,ddc:330 ,L51 ,Jugendschutz ,Zigarette ,Deutschland ,Rauchen - Abstract
Tobacco control policies have proliferated in many countries in recent years, in particular youth access laws and public smoking bans. The effectiveness of youth access laws is still disputed, however, as are the costs of public smoking bans to the hospitality industry. Using a unique data set on cigarette sales at more than 100k vending machines that provides first objective evidence on the outgoing and customer behavior of smokers, we study both outcome dimensions by investigating several recent tobacco control measures in Germany. We find a large negative effect on cigarette sales of a nation-wide introduction of devices for electronic age verification in cigarette vending machines, particularly at machines placed outdoors and in localities that are strongly frequented by youths. In contrast, there is no evidence that a country-wide smoking ban in federal buildings affected cigarette sales in these premises and only weak evidence that a recent rise in the minimum legal smoking age affected cigarette purchases by youths. Finally, state-level smoking bans appear to have reduced indoor sales of cigarettes at vending machines, especially in bars. However, the magnitude of the estimated effect is rather modest, suggesting that businesses in the hospitality industry are unlikely to have been affected severely. Das vorliegende Papier untersucht anhand von Umsatzdaten an Zigarettenautomaten die Wirkungen von vier verschiedenen Maßnahmen zur Kontrolle bzw. Begrenzung des Zigarettenkonsums in Deutschland: die elektronische Alterskennung an Automaten (Januar 2007), die Anhebung des Mindestalters für den Erwerb und Konsum von Zigaretten von 16 auf 18 Jahren (September 2007), das Rauchverbot in Einrichtungen des Bundes (ebenfalls September 2007) sowie Rauchverbote in der Gastronomie auf Länderebene (zwischen August 2007 und Juli 2008). Die Ergebnisse zeigen einen starken Rückgang des Zigarettenabsatzes an Automaten in Folge der Einführung der elektronischen Alterskennung, besonders an Automaten im Außenbereich und in Einrichtungen, die stark von Jugendlichen frequentiert werden. Im Gegensatz findet sich jedoch keine Evidenz dafür, dass das Rauchverbot in Einrichtungen des Bundes zu einem Rückgang des Absatzes an Zigarettenautomaten in diesen Einrichtungen geführt hat. Auch gibt es nur schwache Evidenz für einen Einfluss der Anhebung des Mindestalters auf den Erwerb von Zigaretten durch Jugendliche. Rauchverbote auf Bundeslandebene hingegen haben den Zigarettenabsatz an Automaten im Innenbereich reduziert, besonders in Kneipen. Die moderate Größe dieses Effektes legt jedoch den Schluss nahe, dass Gastronomiebetriebe durch die Rauchverbote keine starken Umsatzeinbußen erfuhren.
- Published
- 2010
68. Nástroje pro experimenty s gramatikami a jazyky
- Author
Krejsa, Jiří, Bednárek, David, and Král, Jaroslav
- Subjects
TheoryofComputation_MATHEMATICALLOGICANDFORMALLANGUAGES ,grammar ,library implementation ,implementace knihovny ,automat ,LR(k) ,gramatika ,automaton - Abstract
The main goal of the thesis is the design and implementation environment that provides tools for working with grammars and languages. The environment is implemented by the library to which the user is working through the API. The library enables manipulation with languages represented as grammars or automata, transfer language between its various representations and to test whether the grammar is regular, linear or LR(k). The library found counterexamples in case that condition is violated. The thesis also highlights the future library expansion. Part of this work is a sample implementation of library usage. The library and samples are written in C++.
- Published
- 2010
69. Autòmat pirotècnic
- Author
Casanova Herrera, Pau, Martínez Piera, Eusebio, and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Elèctrica
- Subjects
Automatic control ,Dispar ,Informàtica::Automàtica i control [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] ,Autòmat ,Programa dispar ,Pirotècnia ,Allargs ,Inflamador ,Caixa de connexions ,Control automàtic - Abstract
En l’actualitat és molt normal veure castells de foc, ja sigui per a celebracions de festes dels pobles, celebracions esportives o per a qualsevol acte festiu. Donat que hi ha tants de castells de foc a fer el que jo proposo es un sistema per a disparar aquest castells de foc d’una manera automàtica i amb estalvi de feina i material. I que sigui un sistema econòmic ja que els que hi ha a la venda són d’un preu molt elevat. Per a dur a terme el meu projecte el que farè serà dissenyar una caixa de dispar que la comandi un autòmat, unes caixes de connexions per al estalvi de cable elèctric i uns allargs per a tal d’interconnectar les caixes i l’autòmat. Tot el disseny està fet per adequar-se a quasevol pirotècnia i intentant complir totes les expectatives dels pirotècnics.
- Published
- 2009
70. The size structure of companies and the concentration of the existing market
- Author
Hrubá, Daniela, Soukupová, Jana, and Breňová, Lubomíra
- Subjects
automaton ,herna ,zábavní průmysl ,monopolní síla ,automat ,gambling room ,concentration in the industry ,koncentrace v odvětví ,trh hazardních her ,monopoly strength ,entertainment industry ,Lottery market - Abstract
The target of theoretical part is to characterize measuring of enterprise monopoly strength, to describe market structures and to theoretically define the tools of measuring concentration in the industry. The result of the practical part is evaluating situation in the Czech lottery market and judge the size within whole entertainment industry. Then, considering of monopoly strength of one company and her competitive environment in the entertainment industry, analyze her targets within whole Lottery market and her history and report.
- Published
- 2009
71. Automaten mit Köpfchen : lebendige Maschinen und künstliche Menschen im 18. Jahrhundert
- Author
Fleig, Anne
- Subjects
%22">Maschine ,%22">Mensch ,Automat ,ddc:800 - Abstract
Die Erschaffung des künstlichen Menschen stellt seit Jahrhunderten eine technische und intellektuelle Herausforderung für die Menschen dar. Insbesondere das 18. Jahrhundert wurde als Jahrhundert des Maschinenmenschen verstanden – auch und gerade in seiner Selbstdeutung. Denn es ist das Jahrhundert aufge-klärter Humanität, das den Traum vom künstlichen Menschen zu träumen beginnt, ein Traum, der am Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts als gleichsam virtueller overkill menschliche Lebendigkeit negiert und dadurch zum Alptraum zu werden droht. Vor diesem Hintergrund mag es nützlich sein, noch einmal auf das 18. Jahrhundert zurückzuschauen und sich zu vergegenwärtigen, welche Maschinenvorstellungen virulent waren, wo es um reale Maschinen, wo um Metaphern ging und welches einerseits innovative und andererseits kritische Potential sich damit verknüpfte.
- Published
- 2008
72. The Analysis of Logistic Distribution of Dispenser Net in Grocery
- Author
ČECH, Rudolf
- Subjects
analýza ,grocery ,logistický ,vending machine ,potravinářský sektor ,analysis ,automat ,logistic - Abstract
The Analysis of Logistic Distribution of Dispenser Net in Grocery at The Certain Company
- Published
- 2008
73. Prevence patologického hráčství
- Author
Schätzelová, Radmila and Schätzelová, Radmila
- Abstract
Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá prevencí patologického hráčství a poznáním současného stavu preventivních opatření zaměřených na děti a mládež. V práci byl kladen důraz na zjištění, je-li současná prevence cílové skupiny dětí a mládeže dostatečná, případně navrhnout nová preventivní opatření., This bachelor thesis deals with the prevention of pathological gambling and with the cognition of the current state of preventive measures with the focus on children and adolescents. In this work the emphasis was placed on investigation if the current prevention of target group, children and adolescents, is satisfactory or, eventually, to suggest new preventive measures., Katedra pedagogiky, obhájeno
- Published
- 2012
74. High-Level FPGA-Programmierung mit automatisch generierten Netzwerken von Automaten
- Author
Mayer-Lindenberg, Fritz, Manteuffel, Henning, Mayer-Lindenberg, Fritz, and Manteuffel, Henning
- Abstract
Aufgrund der steigenden Zahl von Gattern und festverdrahteten Elementen in FPGAs gewinnt die Programmierung auf hochsprachlicher Ebene mit entsprechender Softwareunterstützung immer mehr an Bedeutung. In dieser Arbeit wird die TransC-Sprache eingeführt, in der Programme als Netzwerke von Automaten beschrieben werden. Konzepte für Nebenläufigkeit,Interprozesskommunikation und -synchronisation sowie verschiedene Optimierungstechniken sind dafür entwickelt worden. Desweiteren wird ein Compiler implementiert, der effizienten VHDL-Code erzeugt., Due to the increasing number of gates and the integration of hard-wired elements within Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), high-level language programmability and tools become more necessary. In this thesis the TransC language is introduced in which programs are coded as networks of finite state machines. Concepts for concurrency,interprocess communication and synchronization are developed and optimization techniques are described. Furthermore, a compiler is implemented that generates efficient VHDL code.
- Published
- 2012
75. Design av dörr till kaffeautomat : Designing a door to a coffee vending machine
- Author
Holmgren, Robin and Bogren, Mikael
- Subjects
materialval ,konstruktion ,formgivning ,tillverkning ,automat ,designingenjör ,design ,cad ,kaffe ,ProE ,TECHNOLOGY ,TEKNIKVETENSKAP ,integrerad produktutveckling - Abstract
This report was written as a result of a Bachelor Degree Project at the School of Technology and Society at University of Skövde spring 2007, together with Jede AB in Mariestad. The report covers the development of a door to a coffee vending machine that is under construction, and will in a chronological order describe the project from ideas to final product. The project started with a rather extensive feasibility study that thru market research and user tests sorted out the opinions of potential customers, concerning today’s available assortment. Technical areas concerning materials and manufacturing methods were also scrutinized for the consideration of the possibilities of a future production. The next step was to constructively generate ideas and thoughts that later on could grow to be potential solutions. After several weeks of hard work and pieces of good advice and recommendations from the assigner, four comprehensive concepts were built up. After a deliberation, the project group at Jede determined to proceed with one of the concepts. This concept was modeled in the CAD program Pro Engineer, and was later on used to produce a full-scale model of the door. After having evaluated the prototype and making the door compatible with the components that were to be used, a satisfying result approached. When the project was brought to its end, all material was handed over to the assigner, including a computer model that will be used to manufacture moulding forms. If everything goes as planned, the coffee vending machine will be available on the market during the beginning of 2008. To sum up the project a discussion concerning the assignment and all its matters will be brought up in the end of this report. Denna rapport har skrivits i samband med ett examensarbete i integrerad produktutveckling på designingenjörsprogrammet vid Högskolan i Skövde våren 2007, i samarbete med Jede AB i Mariestad. Rapporten behandlar framtagningen av en ny dörr till en kaffeautomat som konstrueras på företaget, och beskriver projektet i kronologisk ordning från idé till färdig produkt. Projektet startade med relativt omfattande förstudie som utforskade vad företagets potentiella kunder tyckte om det sortiment som finns på marknaden idag. Även tekniska områden berörande material och tillverkningsmetoder granskades för att få klarhet i vilket utbud som möjliggjorde en framtida produktion av dörren. Med en stadig grund att stå på inleddes idégenereringsfasen, vilken innebär att på ett konstruktivt sätt ta fram en mängd olika idéer att sedan arbeta vidare med. Efter att ha fått fingervisningar, råd och rekommendationer från företaget stod efter flera veckors arbete fyra koncept klara. Koncepten överlämnades till projektgruppen på Jede som efter överläggning valde ut ett koncept att gå vidare med. Det slutgiltiga konceptet modellerades upp och bearbetades i CAD programmet Pro Engineer, vilket senare ledde till framtagning av en fullskalig prototyp. Efter att ha utvärderat prototypen och gjort dörren kompatibel med de komponenter som skulle ingå, närmades ett tillfredsställande resultat. När projektet avslutades överlämnades material som var klart för verktygstillverkning, och om projektet fortskrider i planerad takt kommer automaten att finnas ute på marknaden under första kvartalet 2008. Avslutningsvis diskuteras utvecklingsgruppens egna åsikter om projektupplägget och samarbetet med uppdragsgivaren, resultatet och tiden som följer efter projektets avslut.
- Published
- 2007
76. Easy Programmable Logic Controller
- Author
VLNA, Martin
- Subjects
PIC16 ,logický ,logic ,automat ,microcontrollers ,controller ,jednočipový ,Programmable ,mikropočítač ,microchip ,programovatelný - Abstract
The objective of the work {\clqq}Easy Programmable Logic Controller`` was to create an easy system which contains some digital inputs and outputs, under which it will be possible to program the basic logical operations with the help of the display, keyboard and system interface. The point is to put near to the industrial system which is called Programmable Logic Controller (PLC).
- Published
- 2007
77. Pneumohydraulický pohon svařovacího automatu
- Author
Bova, Miroslav, Bereza, Martin, Bova, Miroslav, and Bereza, Martin
- Abstract
Diplomová práce se zabývá pohonem výsuvného ramene u svařovacího automatu. V úvodní části je uvedeno shrnutí výroby stejnosměrných elektromotorů a shrnutí možností řešení pohonu výsuvného ramene. Na základě srovnání jednotlivých typů pohonů je navrženo použití pneumatického mechanismu. Následuje řešení daného problému, navržení obvodu a potřebné výpočty. Další část se zabývá volbou pneumatických prvků a zpracováním projekčního řešení pohonu. Dále je zpracována technická zpráva a konstrukční návrh. V závěru je vypracován návod pro obsluhu a údržbu. Vytvořená výrobní dokumentace je uvedena v příloze diplomové práce., The degree work is devoted to the extendable beam of a welding machine. At the beginning of my work I sum up the production of direct electric motors and how to solve the drive of extendable beam. After comparing different drives I suggest to use pneumatic mechanism. Then I come with solving the problem, suggestion of the circuit and necessary calculating. The next part is about the scheme of the drive, technical report and the design. At the end I show the instructions for handling and maintenance. The production documentation is described in the supplement of the degree work., Import 29/09/2010
- Published
- 2010
78. 06121 Report: Break Out Session on Guaranteed Execution
- Author
Pu, Calton, Johnson, Jim, de Lemos, Rogerio, Reuter, Andreas, Taylor, David, and Zakiuddin, Irfan
- Subjects
Guaranteed properties ,generation of invariant guards ,automat ,declarative specifications ,automated failure analysis ,generation of workflow program - Abstract
The break out session discussed guaranteed properties during program execution. Using a workflow example application, we discussed several research topics that form part of the guaranteed properties, including declarative specifications, generation of workflow program, generation of invariant guards, automated failure analysis, automated repair, and automated reconfiguration of workflow.
- Published
- 2006
- Full Text
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79. Autòmat pirotècnic
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Elèctrica, Martínez Piera, Eusebio, Casanova Herrera, Pau, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Elèctrica, Martínez Piera, Eusebio, and Casanova Herrera, Pau
- Abstract
En l’actualitat és molt normal veure castells de foc, ja sigui per a celebracions de festes dels pobles, celebracions esportives o per a qualsevol acte festiu. Donat que hi ha tants de castells de foc a fer el que jo proposo es un sistema per a disparar aquest castells de foc d’una manera automàtica i amb estalvi de feina i material. I que sigui un sistema econòmic ja que els que hi ha a la venda són d’un preu molt elevat. Per a dur a terme el meu projecte el que farè serà dissenyar una caixa de dispar que la comandi un autòmat, unes caixes de connexions per al estalvi de cable elèctric i uns allargs per a tal d’interconnectar les caixes i l’autòmat. Tot el disseny està fet per adequar-se a quasevol pirotècnia i intentant complir totes les expectatives dels pirotècnics.
- Published
- 2009
80. Synthèse structurelle d'un contrôleur basée sur le Grafcet
- Author
Kattan, Bassam, Reynier, Patricia, Laboratoire d'automatique de Grenoble (LAG), Université Joseph Fourier - Grenoble 1 (UJF)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG), Université Joseph-Fourier - Grenoble I, and Hassane Alla(hassane.alla@inpg.fr)
- Subjects
Synthesis of a controller ,Automates ,Grafcet ,[SPI.AUTO] Engineering Sciences [physics]/Automatic ,Langagesformels ,Formalslanguages ,Discrete Event Systems ,Systèmes à Evénements Discrets ,Automat ,Synthèse d'un Contrôleur ,[SPI.AUTO]Engineering Sciences [physics]/Automatic - Abstract
In this thesis, we have presented two contributions for the problem of synthesis of a discrete event systemscontroller using the Grafcet Model.The supervisory control theory of discrete event systems (DES) introduced by Ramadge and Wonham, is notdirectly implemented under the form of an operational control. We can find in the literature various extensionsof the approach RW in which the supervisor can force events, among those there exist the supervised controlsuggested by François Charbonnier in his thesis (1996). We have made an extension of this approach, in thecase where the language of the specifications is not controllable compared to the language of the extendedprocess. To implement the supervisor's automat obtained, we have proposed a systematic method of passage ofthe automaton of the supervisor to the Grafcet of the supervisor in a structural way. However in this approach,the final Grafcet of the supervisor obtained contains a significant number of steps that is identical to thesynthesized automat. Thus the complexity of the supervisors always remains prohibitive. This is why we haveproposed an approach of structural synthesis, in which the size of Grafcet obtained is reduced and directlyimplemented in the PLC. This method is based on the place invariants which allow determining a certainnumber of steps to be added to the initial model to make respect the specifications of control. We haveestablished general properties that made it possible to find the set of the linear constraints starting from the setof the forbidden states. The solution obtained gives an optimal controller. This optimality comes from theequivalence between the set of authorized states and the set of linear constraints. It was proven thanks to theBoolean character of the marking of Grafcet., Nous avons présenté dans cette thèse deux contributions au problème de la synthèse de contrôleur pour lessystèmes à événements discrets modélisés par des Grafcets.La théorie de la supervision des systèmes à événements discrets (SED) initiée par les travaux de Ramadge etWonham, n'est pas directement implantable sous la forme d'une commande opérationnelle. Nous pouvonstrouver dans la littérature diverses extensions de l'approche RW dans lesquelles le superviseur peut forcer desévénements, parmi celles-ci il y a la commande supervisée proposée par François charbonnier dans sa thèse(1996). Nous avons fait une extension de cette approche, dans le cas où le langage des spécifications n'est pascontrôlable par rapport au langage du procédé étendu. Pour implanter l'automate de superviseur obtenu, nousavons proposé une méthode systématique de passage de l'automate superviseur vers le Grafcet superviseur demanière structurelle. Cependant dans cette approche, le Grafcet final de superviseur obtenu contient unnombre important d'étapes qui est identique à l'automate synthétisé. Donc la complexité des superviseurs restetoujours prohibitive. C'est pourquoi nous avons proposé une approche de synthèse structurelle, dans laquellela taille de Grafcet obtenu est réduite et implantable sur les automates programmables. Cette méthode est baséesur les invariants de marquage qui permettent de déterminer un certain nombre d'étapes à ajouter au modèleinitial pour faire respecter les spécifications de commande. Nous avons établi des propriétés générales qui ontpermis de trouver l'ensemble des contraintes linéaires à partir de l'ensemble des états interdits. La solutionobtenue donne un contrôleur optimal. Cette optimalité provient de l'équivalence entre l'ensemble dessituations autorisées et l'ensemble des contraintes linéaires. Elle a été prouvée grâce au caractère booléen dumarquage d'un Grafcet.
- Published
- 2004
81. Kleene-Type Results for Weighted Tree-Automata
- Author
Pech, Christian, Pöschel, Reinhard, Droste, Manfred, and Esik, Zoltan
- Subjects
Automat, Baum, Baumautomat, Baumreihe, Fixpunkt, Gewicht, Iterationstheorie, Kleene, Kosten, Schützenberger, Sprache, gewichtet, rational, regulär ,Automat ,%22">Baum ,Baumautomat ,Fixpunkt ,Formale Sprache ,Iterationstheorie ,ddc:510 ,Kleene, Schützenberger, automaton, cost, fixedpoint, iteration-theory, language, rational, regular, tree, tree-series, weight, weighted - Abstract
The main result of this thesis is the generalization of the Kleene-theorem to formal tree-series over commutative semirings (the Kleene theorem states the coincidence between rational and recognizable formal languages). To this end weighted tree-languages are introduced and the Kleene-theorem is proved for them. The desired result for formal tree-series is then obtained through application of a homomorphism that relates weighted tree-languages with formal tree-series. In the second part of the thesis the connections to the theorie of Iteration-theories are discovered. In particular it is shown there that the grove-theory of formal tree-series forms a partial iteration-theory. Hauptresultat dieser Arbeit ist die Verallgemeinerung des Satzes von Kleene über die Koinzidenz der rationalen und der erkennbaren Sprachen auf den Fall der formalen Baumreihen über kommutativen Semiringen. Zu diesem Zweck werden gewichtete Baumsprachen eingeführt, da sich diese ählich den klassischen Baumsprachen verhalten. Der Satz von Kleene wird also zunächst auf den Fall der gewichteten Baumsprachen verallgemeinert. Das erstrebte Resultat wird dann durch Anwendung eines Homomorphismus', der gewichteten Baumsprachen formle Baumreihen zuordnet, erhalten. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit werden Kreuzverbindungen zur Theorie der Iterationstheorien aufgezeigt. Insbesondere wird z.B. gezeigt, dass die Grovetheorie der formalen Baumreihen eine partielle Iterationstheorie bildet.
- Published
- 2003
82. Primjena modela automata u realizaciji sustava za održavanje mobilnih mreža
- Author
Franić, Mladen and Tkalić, Mladen
- Subjects
automat ,automata ,TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Electrical Engineering. Telecommunications and Informatics ,Elektrotehnika ,TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Elektrotehnika. Telekomunikacije i informatika ,network management ,radio-device ,udc:621.3(043.2) ,maintenance ,Funkcija ,održavanje ,Electrical engineering ,mobilna mreža ,radio-prijenosnik ,mobile network ,mrežno upravljanje ,Function - Abstract
U ovome se radu opisuje primjena modela automata u realizaciji sustava za održavanje mobilnih mreža. Model determinističkog automata koristi se u dva navrata. U prvom slučaju dotični se model koristi u svrhu modeliranja komunikacijskog procesa između PC računala i AXE-10 komutacijskih sustava, koji se odvija posredstvom standardnog serijskog sučelja, a u drugom se slučaju modelira programski blok za pripremu i obradu prikupljenih podataka o stanju radio-prijenosnika u mobilnoj mreži. Opisane su i osnovne karakteristike mobilne mreže u kojoj je sustav implementiran, te je kroz konkretan primjer procedure utvrđivanja ažurnog stanja radio-prijenosnika, dan prikaz sustava za automatizirano prikupljanje, obradu i prezentaciju podataka o mrežnoj infrastrukturi. Application of automata models in maintenance system design for mobile networks has been considered in this thesis. Model of deterministic automata is to be used in two different cases. In the first case, the respective model is used for the purpose of modelling of comunication process between PC computer and AXE-10 switching systems by means of standard serial interface. In the second case, the application block for preparation and processing of collected data on the state of radio-devices in mobile network is modelled. In the thesis is given description of the main characteristics of mobile network in which system is implemented. As an example, through the concrete procedure of radio-devices updated state determination, is given description of the system for automated collecting, processing and presentation of data on network infrastructure.
- Published
- 2003
83. Primjena modela automata u realizaciji sustava za optimalno vođenje mobilnih mreža
- Author
Ivček, Vladimir and Tkalić, Mladen
- Subjects
Optimizacija mreže ,udc:654(043.2) ,TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Electrical Engineering. Telecommunications and Informatics ,Network optimization Database ,TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Elektrotehnika. Telekomunikacije i informatika ,Automat ,Baza podataka ,Telekomunikacije i daljinsko upravljanje ,Mobile network ,Automata Network management ,Quality of service ,Mobilna mreža ,Telecommunication and telecontrol ,Kvaliteta usluge ,Mrežno upravljanje - Abstract
U ovom radu opisana je primjena modela automata u razvoju sustava za optimalno vođenje mobilne mreže. Model automata primjenjuje se u prepoznavanju odziva komutacijskog čvora. Rad sadrži i opis razvoja aplikacija iz sustava za prikupljanje i obradu statističkih podataka iz mobilne mreže i realizacije baze podataka u koju se pohranjuju obrađeni podaci te načine prezentacije tih podataka. Na primjerima određivanja intenziteta pojavljivanja alarma po prijenosnicima i određivanju vjerojatnosti blokiranja poziva u uvjetima aktivne funkcije ujednačavanja prometa dan je opis praktične primjene razvijenog sustava. U zadnjem poglavlju rada dane su neke smjernice u kojim bi mogao ići daljni razvoj sustava za optimalno vođenje mobilne mreže. Application of automata models in optimal operation system design for mobile networks has been considered in this thesis. Model of automata is used for detection of Switching nodes responses. In this thesis are given description of development of tools for data collecting and processing, description of database planning and creation process, and description of development of user-friendly interfaces for data access. There are also given two examples of system application for alarm intensity measurement and probability of blocking measurement in case when Traffic Levelling Function is activated. Next steps in development of optimal operation system design for mobile networks is described in last chapter of this thesis.
- Published
- 2003
84. 06121 Report: Break Out Session on Guaranteed Execution
- Author
Calton Pu and Jim Johnson and Rogerio de Lemos and Andreas Reuter and David Taylor and Irfan Zakiuddin, Pu, Calton, Johnson, Jim, de Lemos, Rogerio, Reuter, Andreas, Taylor, David, Zakiuddin, Irfan, Calton Pu and Jim Johnson and Rogerio de Lemos and Andreas Reuter and David Taylor and Irfan Zakiuddin, Pu, Calton, Johnson, Jim, de Lemos, Rogerio, Reuter, Andreas, Taylor, David, and Zakiuddin, Irfan
- Abstract
The break out session discussed guaranteed properties during program execution. Using a workflow example application, we discussed several research topics that form part of the guaranteed properties, including declarative specifications, generation of workflow program, generation of invariant guards, automated failure analysis, automated repair, and automated reconfiguration of workflow.
- Published
- 2006
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85. Vitale Maschinen und programmierte Androiden. Zum Automatendiskurs des 18. Jahrhunderts
- Author
Jochen Venus and Keck, Annette
- Subjects
Technikgeschichte ,Julien Offray de La Mettrie ,Medientheorie ,Automat ,Körper ,Medientechnik - Published
- 2001
86. Ispitivanje katalizatora procesa katalitičkog krekiranja ugljikovodika
- Author
Ištuk, Mladen
- Subjects
katalitičko krekiranje ,katalizator ,plinsko ulje ,omjer katalizator/sirovina ,AUTOMAT - Abstract
U ovom radu, osim opisa procesa krekiranja ugljikovodika, eksperimentalno je utvrđen utjecaj tri komercijalna katalizatora, različitih kemijskih sastava i fizikalnih značajki, na prinose svih dobivenih frakcija. Korištenjem plinskog ulja, kao standardne sirovine u procesu katalitičkog krekiranja, ispitivanja su provedena na AUTOMAT uređaju s promjenjivim omjerom katalizator/sirovina i uz stalne vrijednosti ostalih parametara.
- Published
- 1997
87. Vom Schein der Selbsttätigkeit zur Illusion von Selbständigkeit - Die Anthropomorphisierung und Personifizierung des Computers
- Author
Tietel, Erhard
- Subjects
Experience ,Computer ,Personification ,Phantasie ,Personalcomputer ,Evocation ,Evokation ,Automat ,Anthropomorphisierung ,Technikpsychologie ,Erfahrung - Abstract
Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird versucht, das Phänomen der Personifizierung des Computers aufzufächern und in seinen unterschiedlichen Facetten zu beschreiben. Der Autor stützt sich hierbei auf eigene empirische Untersuchungen zur subjektiven Bedeutung des Personalcomputers, die er einer psychoanalytisch-orientierten hermeneutischen Interpretation unterzieht. Im Mittelpunkt steht der Aufweis, dass Computer-Benutzer sich mit dem technischen Gerät in einen irritierenden Kampf um Anerkennung verstricken und diesen darin als mit einer gewissen Eigenständigkeit ausgestattet erleben. Die Vorstellung von Selbständigkeit bestimmt immer schon das Bild des Automaten als Selbstbewegers und Selbstbewegtes, im Computer gar in Gestalt des Selbstdenkens und Selbstwollens. Mit dieser Selbsttätigkeit verbindet sich der Schein der Selbständigkeit, der die Personifizierung des Computers wesentlich motiviert.
- Published
- 1997
88. Primjena teorije automata u razvoju programskog sustava za vrednovanje učenja
- Author
Kovačić, Božidar
- Subjects
odgojno-obrazovni proces ,automat ,relacijski model podataka ,pitanje ,odgovor ,ispit - Abstract
U ovom magistarskom radu analizirana je mogućnost korištenja računala u obrazovnom procesu i razvijen programski sustav na računalu koji pruža pomoć u procesu usvajanja i vrednovanja znanja. Programski sustav je automat s ugrađenim algoritmima ponašanja koji simuliraju ulogu profesora u ispitnom procesu. U prvom poglavlju upoznajemo se s potrebom prezentacije velikog broja informacija i načina vrednovanja tih informacija u okviru predmeta informatika, uz objašnjenje načina na koji automat za učenje može poslužiti u nastavnom procesu. U drugom poglavlju objašnjene su i analizirane teorije učenja te načini vrednovanja znanja s ciljem definiranja bitnih elemenata odgojno-obrazovnog procesa koje automat mora zadovoljiti kako bi se postigli ciljevi nastavnog procesa. Treće poglavlje definira automat za učenje kao ekspertni sustav i objašnjava funkcije svih njegovih dijelova i pripadnih algoritama. U četvrtom poglavlju izvršen je izbor relacijskog modela podataka i prikazan je model entiteti-veze zasnovan na konceptu automata za učenje. U petom poglavlju dan je prikaz elemenata relacijske baze PARADOX i detaljan opis načina realizacije svih elemenata automata za učenje. Najprije je objašnjen dio automata koji ažurira osnovne podatke u bazi podataka (podaci o pitanjima, potpitanjima, predmetima, učenicima i profesorima), a zatim je objašnjena realizacija automata za odabir ispitnih pitanja, automata za izvođenje ispita s učenikom i automata za vrednovanje rezultata ispita sa svim bitnim elementima. Nadalje objašnjeni su načini zaštite podataka kako profesora tako i učenika. Objašnjen je način ostvarivanja komunikacije učenik-računalo putem korisničkog sučelja i na kraju poglavlja objašnjeni su aspekti primjene automata u umreženim sustavima te prednosti takve upotrebe automata. U šestom poglavlju prikazani u rezultati verifikacije programskog sustava u ispitnom procesu s eksperimentalnom grupom učenika i osvrt na prihvaćenost primjene programskog sustava. Na kraju u zaključku je dan osvrt na mogućnost automata i procjenu njegove upotrebljivosti u nastavi, ta na proširenje sadašnjih mogućnosti automata novima, a time i povećanju kvalitete samog automata.
- Published
- 1996
89. Automated sewing of textiles with different contours
- Author
G. Seliger, T. Gottschalk, and Publica
- Subjects
Engineering ,Textile industry ,Engineering drawing ,Process modeling ,business.industry ,Mechanical Engineering ,Mechanical engineering ,Kinematics ,Clothing ,Automat ,Automation ,Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering ,Image stitching ,Task (computing) ,klimatic ,process modeling ,business ,Adaptation (computer science) - Abstract
To achieve a three-dimensional form of clothing a sophisticated joining of pieces of fabrics is required. Different lengths and contours have to be fit. A planning system has been realised to achieve the geometrical adaptation with respect to the different material properties of fabrics. Today, only a highly skilled seamstress can operate sewing machines to fulfil these requirements. This paper presents an approach for flexible automation of sewing processes. The distribution of stitching points for planning the seam paths of the pieces to be sewn are calculated based on experimentally investigated fabric properties. The movement commands for fabric transport are calculated from the task requirements for sewing. Finally, a roller feeding device for sewing gently curved pieces has been realised to demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach.
- Published
- 1996
90. Are CD4 and Fas peptide identities of gp120 relevant to the molecular basis of AIDS pathogenesis? - A model for HIV1-induced immunopathogenesis
- Author
Zagury, Jean-François, Chams, Vida, Lachgar, Abderrahim, Achour, Ammar, Bizzini, Bernard, Burny, Arsène, Zagury, Daniel, Feldman, M, Zagury, Jean-François, Chams, Vida, Lachgar, Abderrahim, Achour, Ammar, Bizzini, Bernard, Burny, Arsène, Zagury, Daniel, and Feldman, M
- Abstract
SCOPUS: ar.j, info:eu-repo/semantics/published
- Published
- 1995
91. Novosti na področju pletenja
- Author
Vrljičak, Zlatko
- Subjects
pletenje ,novosti ,tehnika ,tehnologija ,stroj ,automat - Abstract
Navedene su nove konstrukcije strojeva i automata za izradu pletiva koje su ostvarene u poslijednje cetiri godine. Takodjer su navedena podrucja njihove primjene te znacajke potrebnih pređa za rad na novokonstruiram strojevima.
- Published
- 1992
92. Slack Taps $80 Million Fund to Invest In More Startups.
- Author
Clancy, Heather
- Published
- 2016
93. Hate People? Love Quinoa? Your Dream Restaurant Just Opened.
- Author
Steinmetz, Katy
- Abstract
San Francisco at its most San Francisco [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER]
- Published
- 2015
94. The Best Instant Cameras for Beginner Photographers.
- Author
hsu, Michael
- Subjects
- *
CAMERAS , *PHOTOGRAPHY , *IPHONE (Smartphone) - Published
- 2017
95. Kongruence pro stromové automaty
- Author
Holík, Lukáš, Janků, Petr, Žufan, Petr, Holík, Lukáš, Janků, Petr, and Žufan, Petr
- Abstract
Tento článek pojednává o testování ekvivalence stromových automatů (TA). Přináší nový algoritmus vycházející z algoritmu Bonchiho a Pouse pro slovní automaty. Tento nový algoritmus spojuje bisimulaci s determinizací za běhu. Pomocí optimalizace založené na kongruenčním uzávěru se snaží vyhýbat extrémnímu zvětšování stavového prostoru. Z tohoto hlediska je lepší než jiné metody pro tento problém., This thesis discusses testing of tree automata (TA) equivalence. We propose a new algorithm based on Bonchi Pouse's algorithm of word automata. The new algortihm combines bisimulation and determinization on the fly. Using an optimalization based on congruence closure, we try to avoid extreme expansion of state space. From this point of view, the new algorithm is better than others.
96. Nástroj pro generování VHDL z grafického popisu automatu
- Author
Košař, Vlastimil, Dvořák, Milan, Srogoň, Erik, Košař, Vlastimil, Dvořák, Milan, and Srogoň, Erik
- Abstract
Cílem práce je analýza, návrh a implementace generátoru VHDL kódu z grafického popisu automatu. Práce se skládá z více části, v nichž si čtenář postupně ozřejmí základní problematiku a získá potřebné teoretické znalosti z oblasti VHDL jazyka a automatů, hlavně Mealyho a Mooreova automatů. Druhá část práce obsahuje návrh a implementaci jednoduchého editoru pro grafický popis automatu a popis specifických částí tohoto editoru (lokalizace, historie změn). Editor byl implementován v jazyce Java a byla použita jeho knihovna pro grafické rozhraní (Swing)., The aim of the thesis is an analysis, a design and an implementation of the Vhdl code generator from a graphical description of automaton.The thesis is composed of many parts, which clarify the basic concept of the VHDL language and automatons, especially Mealy's and Moore's ones, and helps a reader to acquire necessary theoretical knowledge in this field. The second part includes the design and implementation of a simple editor for graphical description of the automaton i.e. the parts description (localization, history of changes). The editor was implemented in Java language and uses its library for graphical interface. (Swing).
97. Nové verze skákajících automatů
- Author
Meduna, Alexandr, Kocman, Radim, Ošmera, Lubomír, Meduna, Alexandr, Kocman, Radim, and Ošmera, Lubomír
- Abstract
Cílem této bakalářské práce je návrh a výzkum nových verzí skákajících automatů, konkrétně se jedná o verze obecných skákajících automatů s jasně specifikovanými kritérii směru a velikosti skoku. Práce zkoumá jejich sílu v porovnání s ostatními typy automatů a odhaluje ekvivalentní modely gramatik. Důvodem vypracování této práce je výzkum a snaha o vylepšení některých vlastností obecného skákajícího automatu. Následně je v práci zváženo využití tohoto formálního prostředku za účelem zpracování určitého typu jazyků a využití v průběhu syntaktické analýzy., The main goal of this thesis is introduction and investigation of extended version of jumping automata. These versions are specified by strictly size and direction of jump. This thesis examine their power and perform comparison with other automata types. Also there are shown equivalent grammar models. Main motivation for this thesis are research and effort to improve some features of general jumping finite automata. This work consider using this automata types for specific language families and syntactic analysis process.
98. Řídicí systém tvářecího stroje
- Author
Kučera, Pavel, Fojtík, Pavel, Vaško, Jiří, Kučera, Pavel, Fojtík, Pavel, and Vaško, Jiří
- Abstract
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá realizací řídícího systému pro tvarovací stroj na výrobu cukrářských forem. Úvodní část představuje výrobní stroj a popisuje jeho důležité prvky z hlediska řízení. Druhá část se zabývá návrhem hardware řídícího automatu, popisem funkčních celků řídící desky a ostatních desek. Následující pasáže představují komunikační protokol mezi automatem a PC, a poté firmware CPU řídící desky. V závěrečné části je provedena charakteristika obslužné PC aplikace pro spojení s automatem., This master thesis deals with the implementation of the control system for the forming machine used in producing of confectionery forms. The introductory part describes the forming machine from the point of important control elements. The second part is associated with the hardware design of the control automat and description of main functional units on the control PCB, as well as on other PCBs. The following text presents the communication protocol between the control automat and PC and after that there is a description of the CPU firmware. The final section brings the characteristics of the PC application for a connection with the automat.
99. Vyhodnocování spolehlivostních ukazatelů pomocí SMC
- Author
Strnadel, Josef, Lojda, Jakub, Gajdošík, Róbert, Strnadel, Josef, Lojda, Jakub, and Gajdošík, Róbert
- Abstract
Cieľom tejto práce bolo vyhodnotiť ukazalete spoľahlivosti výpočtových systémov. V pr- vom rade bola založená terminológia ktorá vysvetľuje základné pojmy ohľadom štatistiky and spoľahlivosti. Ďalej boli v tomto kroku preskúmané typy a vlastnosti chýb ktoré sa v takýchto systémoch vyskytujú, a techniky ktoré sa dajú využit na ich potlačenie alebo zmiernenie ich dopadu na fungovanie systému. V ďalšom kroku boli vysvetlené základné koncepty ohľadom modelovania a simulácie ako aj krátky nahľad do presností jednotlivých techník ktoré boli zvažované ako možnosti ktoré by boli použiteľné pri samotnom pro- cese generovania dát. Po rozhodnutí ísť cestou štatistickej simulácie boli v ďalšom kroku zavedené metódy pre generovanie dát analytickým spôsobom ktoré slúžia na overenie dát vygenerovaných štatistickými simuláciami, do úrovne kde je ešte možné sa k nim dostať re- latívne jednoduchými výpočtami. Nasleduje prehľad nástrojov na implementáciu modelov našich systémov, ich výhody a nevýhody a miera použiteľnosti. V ďalšich krokoch boli vo vybranom nástroji Uppaal SMC naimplementované niektoré vybrané systémy a situácie na základe časovych automatov, a následne boli vyhodnotené oproti iným metódam zlepšenia spoľahlivosti ako aj oproti analyticky dosiahnutým dátam. Práca končí zavermi ktoré boli vyvodené z testovacích dát., The aim of this thesis is assessing dependability of computerized systems using modelling and simulation. After establishing basic nomenclature, research was performed on de- pendability metrics, fault taxonomy and dependability bolstering techniques. Afterwards, analytical solutions were explored to be used as a reference point. Next, multiple simulation tools were assessed and Uppaal SMC was chosen as the most suitable tool because of it’s timed automaton framework enriched with a query language and multiple Simulation Model Checking tools. Finally, systems describing multiple relevant situations were implemented and evaluated against both themselves and the analytically computed reference point.
100. Dvoudimensionální konečné automaty a jejich aplikace
- Author
Meduna, Alexandr, Kocman, Radim, Švač, Dominik, Meduna, Alexandr, Kocman, Radim, and Švač, Dominik
- Abstract
Cieľom tejto bakalárskej práce je zadefinovať nový typ dvojrozmerného konečného automatu, ktorý je schopný rozpoznať objekty zo vstupného obrázka. Automat je zameraný na rozpoznávanie dopravných značiek, konkrétne rýchlostné obmedzenia na rýchlosť 50,70 a 80 km/h. Pozostáva z troch častí. Spúštajú sa postupne. Výsledkom je množina nájdených značiek na obrázku., The goal of this bachelor thesis is to define a new type of two-dimensional finite state automata that is able to recognize objects from the input image. Automata is focused on the recognition of traffic signs, specifically speed limits for speeds of 50, 70 and 80 km / h. It consists of three parts. All parts run sequentially. The result is a set of marks found in the image.
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