64 results on '"Avcı, Esin"'
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- Author
Nar, Rukiye, Avcı, Esin, and Özmen, Zeliha Cansel
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BLOOD sedimentation , *ACUTE phase proteins , *CAPILLARY flow , *STATISTICAL software - Abstract
Objectives: The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is widely used as an acute phase reactant test which has low sensitivity and high specificity. There are several different methods to determine the ESR, but the conventional Westergren method is still referred to as the reference method and for validation of new ESR methods. The aim of this study was to evaluate the performances of automated ESR systems with the reference Westergren method. Vision device which uses infrared technique and Test-1 device based on the photometrical capillary flow kinetic analysis were evaluated. Materials-Methods: Blood samples were collected from 63 adult patients in K2EDTA and citrated tubes and measured within 4 hours in accordance with recommendation of International Council for Standardization in Haematology. The calculations were performed by using MedCalc Statistical Software version 14. 8. 1. Results: The mean ± SD ESR was 12. 34 ± 11. 14 mm/hr for Weatergren method, 12. 04 ± 11. 16 mm/hr for Test-1 and 12. 52 ± 11. 47 mm/hr for Vision. There was no significant difference between the median values of the Test-1 and Vision and Westergren method (P = 0. 233; P = 0. 409, respectively) There was a significant positive correlation between the three methods (r = 0. 967, r = 0. 995 and r = 0. 959, respectively) (p<0. 0001). Conclusions: Test-1 and Vision devices can be used in routine laboratory when compared with the reference Westergren method. To reduce workload and processing time, it is preferable to use automated sedimentation devices. Nevertheless, the results of patients not compatible with the clinic should be checked with the reference Westergren method. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
- Author
Avcı, Esin and Aslan, Diler
- Subjects
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VITAMIN B12 , *PRIMARY care , *OUTLIER detection , *CONFIDENCE intervals , *VITAMIN deficiency - Abstract
Objectives: Vitamin B12 deficiency is still an important nutritional problem worldwide. There is no consensus on the Reference Intervals (RIs) for vitamin B12. In order to establish vitamin B12 RIs, we used the database of primary health care and estimated region specific intervals. Materials and Methods: Vitamin B12 results were collected from our laboratory information system between January 2014 and July 2014. We excluded the results of the individuals who have megaloblastic and microcytic anemia. After outliers detection and exclusion, we estimated the reference intervals of the "1-12, 13-18, 19-44, 45-64, and 65+" age-groups according to the IFCC Method. The statistical differences were examined between groups. Results: The reference limits and 90% confidence intervals (CIs) (n=14 748, 3790 male, ages: 1-96; 10958 female, ages: 1-115) were estimated as 97 (95-99) - 422 (420-424) pmol/L. The reference intervals with the 90%CIs were estimated as 127 (117-144) - 570 (521- 599) and 96 (94-98) - 418 (418-422) pmol/L for 1-12 age-group (n=345) and for 13+ age group (n=14 403), respectively. Conclusion: Both the lower and upper limits of the estimated reference intervals were found lower than the reference limits recommended by the manufacturer. Our findings revealed that the RIs of vitamin B12 should be given for 1-12 and 13+ age groups separately. The big data obtained from laboratories should be used for determination of its population health status. Since our population is composed of the outpatients, the estimated VitB12 reference intervals may establish basic information for examination of our population for the VitB12 deficiency. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
54. Prevalansın bayesci meta-analizi: Avrupa’da alzheimer hastalığı
- Author
Esin Avci, Fakülteler, Fen - Edebiyat Fakültesi, İstatistik Bölümü, and Avcı, Esin
- Subjects
Bayesian Approach ,business.industry ,Meta-analysis ,Bayesian probability ,Prevalence ,Medicine ,Alzheimer’s Disease ,Disease ,Computational biology ,business ,Meta-Analysis - Abstract
Objective: Statistically, prevalence is defined as the frequency of disease at a giventime in a particular population. Meta-analysis can be a useful in estimating prevalence moreprecisely. Meta-analysis is a statistical method that combines the results of studies on a determinedtopic in order to derive an average estimate. In medical and statistical literatüre, the meta-analysis of prevalence is often considered to be a frequentist rather than an Bayesian approach.Frequentist meta-analysis uses two main statistical models: fixed-effect and random-effectmodels. Under the fixed-effect model, the effect size is assumed to be the same for all studies,whereby all differences in the observed effects are due to sampling errors. By contrast, under therandom-effects model the true effect may change from study to study. In Bayesian meta-analysis,one has to gather the data from the selected studies, choose informative or non-informativeprior, model the posterior, and run simulations in order to assess parameters of the posteriordistribution. In addition to direct probability statements on different scales and predictions, theconflict between fixed- and random-effects meta-analysis are handled through the Bayesianapproach. Material and Methods: The frequentist and Bayesian meta-analysis applied to dataobtained from Niu et al. (2017) in order determine the prevalence of Alzheimer ’s disease inEurope. Results: The Bayesian approach gave a narrower confidence interval and smaller relativeerror than the frequentist approach. Conclusion: More accurate prevalence estimates arederived from the Bayesian approach. Amaç: İstatistiksel olarak prevalans, belirli bir popülasyonda belirli bir zamanda hastalıksıklığı olarak tanımlanır. Prevalansı daha kesin tahmin etmek için meta-analiz yararlı biryöntem olabilir. Meta-analiz, ortalama bir tahminde bulunmak için belirli bir konu üzerineyapılan çalışmaların sonuçlarını birleştiren istatistiksel bir yöntemdir. Medikal ve istatistikselliteratürde prevelansın meta-analizi genellikle Bayes yaklaşımdan çok frekanscı yaklaşımda elealınmaktadır. Frekanscı meta-analizi, sabit ve rastgele etki modeli olmak üzere iki ana istatistikmodeli kullanmaktadır. Sabit etki modeli altında, etki büyüklüğünün tüm çalışmalar için aynıolduğu ve gözlemlenen etkilerdeki tüm değişimlerin örnekleme hatasından kaynaklandığı varsayılmaktadır.Rastgele etkiler modeli altında ise gerçek etki, çalışmadan çalışmaya değiştiği varsayılmaktadır.Bayesci meta analizinde, seçilen çalışmalardan elde edilen sonuçların toplanması,bilgilendirici veya bilgilendirici olmayan önsellerin seçilmesi ve sonsal dağılımın modellenmesiile parametrelerin değerlendirilmesi gerekmektedir. Bayesci yaklaşım, farklı etkiler ve tahminleriçin doğrudan olasılık ifadelerinin yanı sıra, sabit ve rastgele etki model arasında seçim yapmayıortadan kaldırmaktadır. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Avrupa’da Alzheimer Hastalığı prevalansınıbelirlemek için, Niu ve ark. (2017) çalışmasından elde ettiği verilere frekansçı ve Bayesci yaklaşımile meta-analizi uygulanmıştır. Bulgular: Bayesci yaklaşım frekanscı yaklaşımdan daha darbir güven aralığı ve küçük göreceli bir hata vermiştir. Sonuç: Daha kesin prevalans tahminleriBayes yaklaşımından türetilmiştir.
- Published
- 2018
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55. Conway-Maxwell-Poisson regresyon modeli
- Author
Çelik, Bahar, Avcı, Esin, and Matematik Anabilim Dalı
- Subjects
Biyoistatistik ,İstatistik ,Statistics ,Biostatistics - Abstract
Bir bağımlı değişken ile bir veya birden fazla bağımsız değişken arasındaki neden-sonuç ilişkisinin ortaya çıkarılmasında regresyon modelinden yararlanılmaktadır. Bağımlı değişkenin sayma/kesikli olma durumuyla birçok araştırmada karşılaşılmaktadır. Bu durumda klasik regresyon modeli yerine Poisson, negatif binom vb. gibi birçok dağılımı içeren genelleştirilmiş lineer modellerin kullanılması daha uygun olmaktadır. Her ne kadar Poisson regresyon modeli sayma verilerinin analizinde sıklıkla kullanılsa da ortalama ile varyans eşitliği varsayımı birçok deneysel veri için sağlanmamaktadır. Aşırı/az yayılım olarak tanımlanan bu durumlarda alternatif regresyon modelleriyle analiz edilmesi daha uygun olmaktadır. Genel olarak aşırı yayılım durumuyla daha çok karşılaşıldığından negatif binom regresyon modeli yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Bu tez çalışmasında, hem aşırı hem de az yayılım durumu için uygun analiz olanağı veren Conway-Maxwell-Poisson Regresyon modeli ayrıntılı olarak tanıtılmıştır. Conway-Maxwell-Poisson dağılım bilgisinin yanı sıra, parametre tahmini, anlamlılık ve yorumlanmasına yer verilmiştir. Poisson, negatif binom ve COM-Poisson regresyon modelleri önce aşırı yayılım gösteren 2011-2014 yılları arasında Giresun ili Toplum Ruh Sağlığı Merkezine (TRSM) kayıtlı olan hastaların, merkeze gelme sayılarına etki eden sosyo-demografik faktörlerin modellenmesinde, daha sonra az yayılım gösteren öğretmenlerin sosyal medya hesap sayılarına etki eden okul türü, cinsiyet ve yaş grubu faktörlerinin modellenmesinde uygulanmıştır. Her iki veri seti için değişken seçim yöntemi olarak tüm olası alt kümeler yöntemi kullanılmıştır. En küçük AIC değerli model en iyi model olarak seçilmiştir. Her iki veri setinde de COM-Poisson regresyon en iyi modeli oluşturmuştur. Analizler R programının `MASS` ve `COMPoissonReg` paketlerinden ve `glm` fonksiyonundan yararlanılarak yapılmıştır. The regression model is used to determine the relationship between dependent variable and one or more independent variables.Counting/discrete dependent variable is encountered in many studies. In this case, instead of the classical regression model, It is more appropriate to use generalized linear models that including many distributions Poisson, negative binomial et al. Although the Poisson regression model is frequently used in the analysis of counting data, the assumption of the equality of mean and variance is not provided for many experimental data. It is more appropriate to analyze with alternative regression models in case of over-under dispersion. Generally, the negative binomial regression model is widely used for overdispersed data.In this thesis, the Conway-Maxwell-Poisson Regression model which is suitable for analysis of both over-under dispersed data is presented in detail. Beside Conway-Maxwell-Poisson distribution information, parameter estimation, significance and interpretation are given. Poisson, negative binomial and COM-Poisson regression models were used to determine the effect of socio-demographic factors on the number of visits Giresun Community Mental Health Center (TRSM) between 2011 and 2014. Then, three regression models applied to model school type, gender, and age group factors with the number of social media accounts of the teachers. All possible subset regression approach was used as a variable selection method for both data sets. The smallest AIC-valued model was selected as the best model. COM-Poisson regression was the best model in both datasets.The analyses were performed by using the `MASS `and `COMPoissonReg` packages and the `glm` function on the R program. 85
- Published
- 2019
56. Conway-Maxwell- Poisson Regresyon Modeli
- Author
Çelik , Bahar, Avcı, Esin, and Enstitüler, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Matematik Ana Bilim Dalı
- Subjects
Sayma Veri ,Conway-Maxwell-Poisson ,Poisson Regresyon ,Aşırı -Az Yayılımı ,Negatif Binom - Abstract
Tez (Yüksek lisans) -- Giresun Üniversitesi. Kaynakça var. vııı , 73 s. ; 28 cm. Demirbaş: 0063540 …
- Published
- 2019
57. A comparison of the antioxidant activities and biomonitoring of heavy metals by pollen in the urban environments
- Author
Aytaç Güder, Esin Avci, İlginç Kızılpınar Temizer, Fulya Aydın Temel, Meslek Yüksekokulları, Sağlık Hizmetleri Meslek Yüksekokulu, Tıbbi Hizmetler ve Teknikler Bölümü, Temizer, İlginç Kızılpınar, Güder, Aytaç, Temel, Fulya Aydın, and Avcı, Esin
- Subjects
Antioxidant ,Turkey ,DPPH ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law ,010402 general chemistry ,medicine.disease_cause ,01 natural sciences ,Antioxidants ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Antioxidant activity ,Phenols ,Melissopalynological analysis ,Pollen ,Metals, Heavy ,Biomonitoring ,medicine ,Food science ,Scavenging ,General Environmental Science ,Chelating Agents ,Flavonoids ,010401 analytical chemistry ,Biphenyl Compounds ,General Medicine ,Pollution ,0104 chemical sciences ,Biphenyl compound ,Heavy metal ,chemistry ,Ferric ,Environmental Pollutants ,medicine.drug ,Environmental Monitoring - Abstract
Guder, Aytac/0000-0002-1190-8749; WOS: 000438687900003 PubMed: 30003431 Pollen is one of the most valuable nutrients due to its content and antioxidant activity. In this study, its botanic origin, total phenol content (TPC), total flavonoid content (TFC), the hydrogen peroxide scavenging activity (HPSA) (in terms of SC50), ferric reducing antioxidant power capacity (FRAP), 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity (in terms of SC50), metal-chelating activity (MCA) (%), and heavy metal content were examined to determine the quality of pollen that has been collected from seven different cities of Turkey. According to the melissopalynological analysis, the botanic origin of samples is six uni-flora and one multiflora. The TPC, TFC, HPSA, FRAP, DPPH, and MCA were found between 1360.70-2981.34 mg GAE/100 g, 74.23-111.74 mg CAE/100 g, 25.56-30.28 mu g/mL, 71.92-73.86%, 52.26-53.27 mu g/mL, and 43.97-65.21%, respectively. When obtained results compared to the standards (Butylated Hydroxy Anisole (BHA), Butylated Hydroxy Toluene (BHT) and alpha-Tocopherol (TOC)), pollen samples showed the effective antioxidant properties with respect to HPSA, FRAP, and DPPH radical scavenging activity. In addition, it was observed that honey samples were being contaminated with most of the metals to some extent (Al, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, B, As, Te, U), while some heavy metals (Co, Cd, V, Ga, and Ag) were never determined in all samples. However, Pb was determined only in sample 2 and sample 4, Mo in sample 1 and sample 2. According to meteorological parameters, samples 3, 4, and 5 were distinguished from the other samples. Finally, the data indicate that pollen could be affected by environmental pollutions.
- Published
- 2018
58. Binomial verilerin meta-analizi
- Author
Genç, Aslı Kurt, Avcı, Esin, and Enstitüler, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Matematik Ana Bilim Dalı
- Subjects
Biyoistatistik ,İstatistik ,Statistics ,Biostatistics - Abstract
Tez (Yüksek lisans) -- Giresun Üniversitesi. Kaynakça var. vii, 73 s. ; 28 cm. Demirbaş: 0059230 …
- Published
- 2018
59. Binomial verilerin meta-analizi
- Author
Kurt Genç, Asli, Avcı, Esin, and Matematik Anabilim Dalı
- Subjects
Biyoistatistik ,İstatistik ,Statistics ,Biostatistics - Abstract
Türkiye'de internet bağımlılığı, internetin yaygın olarak kullanmaya başlanmasıyla ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu çalışmada, Türkiye'deki internet bağımlılık oranı, coğrafi bölgelere göre bağımlılık oranları ve çalışılan gruplara göre bağımlılık oranlarının saptanması amaçlanmıştır.Belirli bir konuda birbirinden bağımsız ve farklı çalışmalardan elde edilen ve aynı biçimde raporlanan bilgilerin sentezlenmesine meta-analizi denir. Meta-analizinde raporlanan bilgilerin sentezlenmesinde genel olarak sabit ve rasgele etki modeli kullanılmaktadır. Literatürden elde edilen bilgilerin sentezlenmesinde rasgele etkili modelin tercih edilmesi daha uygun olmaktadır. Raporlanan bilgiye göre meta-analiz yöntemi farklılık göstermektedir. Binomial veri olarak raporlanan çalışmaların meta-analizinde üç farklı yöntem bulunmaktadır. Bu tür verilerinin 0,5 etrafında dağılması durumunda normal dağılım, 0 veya 1 etrafında dağılması durumunda ise logit veya arcsin dönüşüm yöntemleri kullanılmaktadır. Analizler R programının `metaprop` fonksiyonundan yararlanılarak yapılmıştır. Dahil olma ve dışlanma kriterlerine göre toplam 71 adet çalışma ile meta-analiz yapılmıştır. Ele alınan çalışmalardan 66'sı 2010 yıl ve sonrasında yapılmıştır. Rasgele etki modeli, normal dağılım, logit ve arcsin yöntemleri için uygulanmış ve en dar güven aralığını veren normal dağılım yöntemi tercih edilmiştir. Heterojenlik ölçümlerinden I^2 incelendiğinde, çalışmaların oldukça heterojen olduğu saptanmıştır (p = 0,0001, I^2=99,9%). Türkiye'de internet bağımlılık oranı %13 (%95 GA: 0,11; 0,14) olarak saptanmıştır. Bölgeler incelendiğinde; Ege ve İç Anadolu bölgesi %17, Karadeniz %14, Marmara %13, Akdeniz %11, Doğu Anadolu %5 ve Güneydoğu Anadolu %3 oranlarında internet bağımlılığı saptanmıştır. Çalışılan grup incelendiğinde; ortaokul %5, lise %9, ortaokul-lise %30, üniversite %13 oranlarında internet bağımlılığı saptanmıştır. Internet addiction in Turkey has emerged as the Internet has become widely used. In this study, it was aimed to determine the internet addiction proportion and the proportion according to geographical region and studied groups in Turkey.Meta-analysis is the synthesis of information obtained fromin dependent studies on a specific subject that reported in the sameway. Generally, fixedand random effect model are used in the synthesis of there port data in meta-analysis. It is more appropriateto choose the random effect model in syn the sizing the in formation obtained from the literatüre. The method of meta-analysis differsaccording to there ported information. For Binomaildata there are three different meta-analysis methods. The approximations to the normal distribution is used in thecase of the prevalence proportions are around 0,5, when the proportions get closerto the limits of the 0 and 1 range the logit and double arcsine transformation are used. Studies published on internet addiction in Turkey have been examined by Meta-analysis. Toobta in prevalence of internet addiction, `metaprop` function in R wasused.A meta-analysis was conducted with a total of 71 studies accordingto in clusion and exclusion criteria. 66 of the studies were carried out in 2010 and after. Random effect model was applied for normal distribution, logit and arcsin methods. The normal distribution method giving then arrowest confidence interval was chosen. The heterogeneity measuresI^2was examined, the studies were found to be highly heterogeneous (p = 0,0001, I^2=99,9%). Internet addiction rate in Turkey is 13% (95% CI: 0,11; 0,14). When the regionsare examined; A egeanand Central Anatolia regions 17%, Black Sea 14%, Marmara 13%, Mediterranean 11%, Eastern Anatolia 5% and Southeastern Anatolia 3%.When the studied group is examined; 5% formiddle school, 9% for high school, 30% for junior high schooland 13% for university. 84
- Published
- 2018
60. Could MOTS-C Levels in Children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Be an İndicator for Early Diabetic Kidney Disease?
- Author
Girisgen İ, Altıncık SA, Avcı E, Öcal M, Becerir T, Malaş Öztekin G, Özhan B, and Yuksel S
- Abstract
Objective: The aim of our study was to compare serum MOTS-c levels in children with Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) to those of healthy children. We also aimed to examine whether serum MOTS-c levels could be used as an early indicator of DKD by correlating with changes in GFR and microalbuminuria., Methods: We recruited 82 patients who were being treated for insulin-dependent diabetes at the outpatient pediatric endocrinology clinic. At study MOTS-c, urinary albümin excretion, eGFR, HbA1c were evaluated and diabetes-related clinical features and anthropometric measurements were collected. Patients were divided into subgroups according to diabetes duration, precence of albuminuria, glomerular hyperfiltration, eGFR decline and metabolic control., Results: The levels of MOTS-C were significantly lower in the Tip1DM group (76.2±1.3mg/dl) than in the control group (105.2±7.0, p=0.00). No significant difference in MOTS-c levels was found among the subgroups categorized by diabetes duration, obesity, metabolic control, hypertension and hyperlipidemia, glomerular hyperfiltration, decline in eGFR, and presence of microalbuminuria. The simple linear regression analysis results indicated that MOTS-C was not predictive for marker of diabetic kidney disease., Conclusions: In current study, MOTS-c was lower in the type 1DM group than in healthy children. However, the lack of association with microalbuminuria, hyperfiltration, and eGFR decline suggested that MOTS-c is not an early marker in diabetic kidney disease. This finding suggests that the onset of oxidative damage and mitochondrial dysfunction in T1DM is independent of diabetic kidney disease. Additionally, the study suggests that HBA1C and duration of diabetes are significant risk factors, while changes in eGFR and microalbuminuria continue to serve as indicators of diabetic kidney disease.
- Published
- 2024
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61. The utilization of c-type natriuretic peptide levels on experimental muscle and kidney ischemia/reperfusion model.
- Author
Çakırköse Ö, Kesici U, Kesici S, Sipahi M, Tokgöz VY, Güvendi GF, Avcı E, Şen TM, Kara H, Tosun A, and Küçükarslan MN
- Subjects
- Animals, Rats, Male, Biomarkers blood, Ischemia blood, Biopsy, Reperfusion Injury, Natriuretic Peptide, C-Type blood, Kidney pathology, Disease Models, Animal, Muscle, Skeletal
- Abstract
Introduction: C-type Natriuretic Peptide (CNP) is the third natriuretic peptide (NP) identified from the nervous system and endothelial cells. CNP is believed to be produced locally in tubular cells and glomeruli of kidneys. We aim to determine the clinical value of CNP levels at lower extremity muscle ischemia/reperfusion (I/R), kidney I/R, and both I/R models and evaluate them in laboratory practices., Method: This study is an original experimental study and was carried out on a total of 40 rats. (8-12 weeks and 321±69 gr). The rats were assigned into 5 groups, each containing 8 rats. CNP levels in the plasma were evaluated in the control group. CNP and muscle biopsies were held after ischemia/reperfusion from the left lower extremity in Group E and bilateral muscle ischemia/reperfusion in Group BE. CNP and renal biopsies were held after right nephrectomy+left renal I/R at Group R. CNP, muscle, and renal biopsies were held after right nefrectomy+left renal ischemia+bilateral renal ischemia in Group BER., Results: The plasma level of CNP in the control group was determined as 144.99±33.04 pg/ml. There was no significant difference between groups at plasma CNP levels in predicting ischemia. Although in terms of reperfusion between Control-Group E, Control-Group BER, Group E-Group BE, Group E-Group R, Group BE-Group BER, Group R-Group BER; statistical significance was determined (p<0.05)., Conclusion: This study suggests that as a laboratory test, the endothelial-derived vasodilator CNP level cannot predict the location and degree of muscle and renal ischemia at the specified time. Similarly, the CNP level is valuable in evaluating adjunct muscle reperfusion to renal reperfusion. As a result, CNP levels may not be useful in predicting ischemia at a particular period, but they can be used to predict reperfusion., Competing Interests: In this study, datas of ‘SAĞ-BAP-A-250414-78’ numbered Project of Giresun University used which was carried out by me. Additionally this article was presented as an oral presentation in 12th International Congress of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery (2016, 10-13 March) and awarded with the 2nd best oral presentation prize., (© 2024 Kamuzu University of Health Sciences.)
- Published
- 2024
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62. GDF11 level and its effect on prognosis in patients with acute myeloid leukemia.
- Author
Aslan NA, Avcı E, Şenol H, and Güler N
- Subjects
- Humans, Vimentin, Prognosis, Transforming Growth Factor beta, Growth Differentiation Factors, Cadherins, Tumor Microenvironment, Bone Morphogenetic Proteins, Follistatin, Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute pathology
- Abstract
Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a hematologic malignancy characterized by the proliferation of CD34 positive self-renewing malignant hematopoietic stem cells. Previous studies have shown that the transforming growth factor beta (TGFβ) pathway plays a role in AML pathogenesis, especially by affecting the microenvironment. Growth differentiation factor 11 (GDF11) is a member of the TGFβ superfamily, involved in embryological development and known as rejuvenating factor. In this study, our aim was to determine the serum GDF11 level in patients with AML, to compare it with the control group, to determine its relationship with follistatin, vimentin, and E-cadherin levels, and to determine whether GDF11 influences AML prognosis. Serum GDF11, vimentin, follistatin, and E-cadherin levels of newly diagnosed or relapsed/refractory AML patients and age- and gender-matched control group were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Serum GDF11 level was higher in the patient group (263.87 ± 126.54 ng/L) compared to the control group (211.54 ± 61.47 ng/L; p = 0.035). GDF11 level did not change according to age, gender, hemoglobin level, and bone marrow blast rate. No correlation was found between GDF11 level, response rates, and survival status of the patients. A positive correlation was detected between GDF11, E-cadherin, and vimentin levels. As a conclusion, increased serum GDF11 levels in AML patients may be linked to the regeneration ability of leukemic stem cells. There is a need for studies investigating GDF11 expression in myeloblasts., Competing Interests: Declaration of conflicting interestsThe author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
- Published
- 2024
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63. The comparison of the suture materials on intestinal anastomotic healing: an experimental study.
- Author
Uzunlu O, Aydin E, Çomut E, Avcı E, and Şenol H
- Subjects
- Animals, Rats, Hydroxyproline, Prospective Studies, Anastomosis, Surgical adverse effects, Sutures adverse effects, Polyglactin 910, Polypropylenes
- Abstract
Background: This experimental comparative study was to evaluate the local effects of three different suture materials on in-testinal anastomosis healing., Methods: Ethical approval was obtained from the University of Ethical Committee (E-60758568-020-176720). A prospective, experimental comparative analysis was conducted on 24 rats. They were divided into three equal groups; Group 1 underwent colonic anastomosis with Vicryl suture material, Group 2 underwent colonic anastomosis with polypropylene suture; and Group 3 underwent colonic anastomosis with polydioxanone (PDS) suture. The second operation underwent the 7th post-operative day. Adhesion score, anastomotic leakage, anastomotic bursting pressure, hydroxyproline levels, and histopathologic examination were evaluated., Results: All animals survived, and no leakage, intestinal obstruction, or wound infection was observed during the experiment. The adhesion score was evaluated according to the Diamond classification and same in all groups. Median anastomotic bursting pressure was 125.75 mmHg (10-241) in the Vicryl group, 159.25 mmHg (113-190) in the polypropylene group, and 154.50 mmHg (20-212) in the PDS group. Hydroxyproline tissue concentrations were in the Vicryl group 1699.92±220.8 ng/mg (range: 1509.81-2186.47), in the polypropylene group 1126.24±607.12 ng/mg (range: 53.22-1815.63), and 1547.86±335.2 ng/mg (range: 973.66-1973.2) in PDS group. There was no difference among groups regarding the inflammatory response evaluated by histopathology. There was no statistical significance in all variables evaluated., Conclusion: This experimental study demonstrates that suture materials did not worsen tissue healing during intestinal anastomosis. Absorbable, slowly-absorbable, and non-absorbable suture materials could be used safely in every situation.
- Published
- 2023
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64. 68 Ga-citrate positron emission tomography/computed tomography findings in an experimental model of acute appendicitis in rabbits.
- Author
Gültekin A, Uzunlu O, Uğur A, Demirkan N, Avcı E, and Yüksel D
- Subjects
- Animals, Rabbits, Acute Disease, Citrates, Sensitivity and Specificity, Radiopharmaceuticals, Reproducibility of Results, Positron Emission Tomography Computed Tomography methods, Appendicitis diagnostic imaging, Gallium Radioisotopes, Disease Models, Animal, Gallium
- Abstract
Objective: Acute appendicitis (AA) is a common urgent surgical situation of the gastrointestinal tract. Gallium-68 (
68 Ga)-citrate has been recently investigated as a radiopharmaceutical for infection and inflammation imaging. Aim of the study was to determine the effectiveness of68 Ga-citrate positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) imaging in rabbits with experimentally induced AA., Materials and Methods: In the AA group (n=6), the appendices of the rabbits were surgically ligated. The sham group (n=6) was used as control. Gallium-68-citrate was synthesized. All rabbits were imaged using68 Ga-citrate PET/CT at 36th following the establishment of experimental models, and at 36th h, all rabbits were appendectomised. Appendices were examined histopathologically. Blood samples were drawn from all rabbits at the beginning and end of the experimental process. Interleukin-6 (IL-6) and procalcitonin (Pct) levels were measured. Acute appendicitis was confirmed histopathologically and biochemically., Results: Gallium-68-citrate PET/CT showed acute appendicitis in all rabbits. The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of68 Ga-citrate PET/CT in AA were 100%, 83.3% and 91.7%, respectively., Conclusion: Acute appendicitis is accurately imaged in an experimental rabbit model by using68 Ga-citrate with PET/CT.- Published
- 2020
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