344 results on '"Bauchan, Gary R."'
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52. An amazing sub-cambium flat mite from South Africa (Acari: Trombidiformes: Tenuipalpidae)
- Author
10999876 - Ueckermann, Edward Albert, Ueckermann, Edward A., Ochoa, Ronald, Bauchan, Gary R., Neser, Stefan, 10999876 - Ueckermann, Edward Albert, Ueckermann, Edward A., Ochoa, Ronald, Bauchan, Gary R., and Neser, Stefan
- Abstract
An unusual sub-cambium flat mite, Phytoptipalpus occultuae sp. n., first found under the bark in blisters on stems of Senegalia caffra in Pretoria, South Africa is described and illustrated herein. This is a unique species in the genus Phytoptipalpus because of the presence of reduced legs IV, a possible link between those with 4 pairs and 3 pairs of legs. A key to all of the Phytoptipalpus species is given
- Published
- 2019
53. Morphological and molecular characterisation of Punctodera mulveyi n. sp. (Nematoda: Punctoderidae) from a golf course green in Oregon, USA, with a key to species of Punctodera.
- Author
Kantor, Mihail R., Handoo, Zafar A., Skantar, Andrea M., Hult, Maria N., Ingham, Russell E., Wade, Nadine M., Ye, Weimin, Bauchan, Gary R., and Mowery, Joseph D.
- Subjects
GOLF courses ,HEAT shock proteins ,TURFGRASSES ,NEMATODES ,SPECIES ,SCANNING electron microscopy - Abstract
Summary: Punctodera mulveyi n. sp. is described and illustrated from turf grass (Poa annua) in golf course greens with other fescues in Bandon, Coos County, Oregon, USA. Females and cysts are characterised by a saccate, globose to ovoid or pear-shaped body with a protruding neck. The cuticle has a lace-like pattern of ridges and heavy punctations on the subsurface. Cysts have distinctive vulval and anal circumfenestral patterns with heavy bullae scattered around the fenestral area, these being absent in young cysts. Second-stage juveniles (J2) vermiform, tapering to a long and cylindrical tail with a bluntly rounded to occasionally clavate tail terminus. Morphologically the new species resembles all known species of Punctodera using both light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy observations, but differs from the other species either by the J2 body and stylet length, shape of head, tail and tail terminus, female and male stylet or spicule length, and in having distinctive vulval and anal circumfenestral patterns in the cysts. Molecular analysis with sequence alignments and phylogenetic trees of ITS rDNA, nuclear heat shock protein 90 and mitochondrial COI sequences separated P. mulveyi n. sp. from P. matadorensis , P. punctata , P. stonei and P. chalcoensis , but 18S and 28S were relatively conserved with a few bp differences and there were insufficient Punctodera species sequences to give strong support to a new species designation. A morphologically most closely related species, P. stonei from Canada, further supported the status of P. mulveyi n. sp. An identification key to all five nominal species of Punctodera is given. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
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54. Neocarus coronatus Ara��jo & Bichuette & Bauchan & Ochoa & Feres 2018, n. sp
- Author
Ara��jo, Marcel Santos De, Bichuette, Maria Elina, Bauchan, Gary R., Ochoa, Ronald, and Feres, Reinaldo Jos�� Fazzio
- Subjects
Arthropoda ,Arachnida ,Opilioacaridae ,Neocarus coronatus ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Opilioacarida ,Neocarus ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Neocarus coronatus Ara��jo & Feres n. sp. (FigS. 2A ��� 12D) Material examined. Holotype ♀ (DZSJRP10707), Brazil, Bahia, S��o DeSid��rio, Gruta do Sumidouro do Jo��o Baio, S12��22���27.6��� W44��53���31.7���, col. Bichuette, M.E., Gall��o, J.E., Monteiro-Neto, D., 2.XI.2011, collected by hand, deposited in DZSJRP; paratype ♂ (DZSJRP10706), same data as holotype; paratype ♂ (DZSJRP10709), Brazil, Bahia, S��o DeSid��rio, Gruta do Cat��o (twilight zone), S12��22���07.0��� W44��52���03.2���, col. Bichuette, M.E., Gall��o, J.E., Fernandes, C.S., Pedroso, D.R., 30.X.2011, manual collection; paratype ♂ (DZSJRP10710), paratype ♂ (DZSJRP10711), paratype ♂ (DZSJRP10712), paratype ♂ (DZSJRP10713), same data; paratype ♀ (DZSJRP10714), Brazil, Bahia, S��o DeSid��rio, epigean habitatS cloSe to Gruta do Cat��o cave, S12��22���07.0��� W44��52���03.2���, col. Bichuette, M.E., Gall��o, J.E., Fernandes, C.S., 3.XI.2012, manual collection; paratype ♂ (DZSJRP10715), paratype ♀ (DZSJRP10717), Same data. Etymology. From the Latin word ���corona���, meaning crown, referring to the denSity and poSition of anterior prodorSal Shield Setae in adultS. Diagnosis. AdultS: anterior dorSal Shield with higher Setal denSity (greater on male) than the reSt of dorSal Shield, palpal tibiotarSuS with 4 d and 22���27 (female) and 18���25 (male) ch Setae; cheliceral movable digit ventral denticle triforked. Male: anterior dorSal Shield with a prominent triangular projection. Female: ovipoSitor with 3 pairS of Smooth digitiform projectionS and 6���8 eugenital Setae. Remarks. Opilioacaridae genera are often identified by a combination of characterS, mainly uSing palp, pregenital and genital Setae, while the ovipoSitor Shape iS uSually conSidered a SpecieS Specific character. Description. BaSed on female (N= 3) and male (N=7). IDIOSOMA. Coloration dark blue with violet StripeS on both body (Fig. 2A) and legS; SometimeS with a browniSh background reSulting from ingeSted food. DiStinct Segmentation; integument coniculate. DorSal idioSomal SegmentS between prodorSal Shield and preanal SegmentS without Setae, but with numerouS lyrifiSSureS arranged in tranSverSe rowS. Prodorsal shield. DorSal Shield with prominent triangular area anteriorly bearing denSe patch of 28���43 (male) or 6���7 (female) Setae (FigS. 3A, B); 2 pairS of dorSolateral eyeS; 2 pairS of prodorSal lyrifiSSureS (Fig. 3A, B), one cloSe to the apical part (Fig. 7B) and other Smaller cloSe to firSt pair of eyeS (Fig. 12A); 114���117 (female), 125���168 (male) Stout ribbed Setae (Fig. 3A���B, 7C). Preanal region. XVII dorSal Segment without Setae; ventral XVII Segment without Setae; preanal Segment with a Single dorSal Seta and one pair of lateroventral Setae. Anal valves. Each with 7���10 (female) or 7���11 (male) Stout ribbed Setae (Fig. 5E���F, 7E). Tritosternum. Each digitiform Structure with 2 pairS of Setae, 1 Small at tip and 1 long, barbed Setae poSitioned more baSally (Fig. 9E). Sternal verrucae. Each with a longer ribbed tapering Seta (st1) and 2���3 acute ribbed Setae; Surrounded by a narrow lyrifiSSure. Sternal region. With a pair of ventral and lateroventral lyrifiSSureS. Female (Fig. 5B, 9F) and male (Fig. 5A) st2 and st3 ribbed tapering; and 4���5 pairS of Stout ribbed Setae. Sternal region without papilliform (p) Setae. Pregenital area. Female without Setae. Male with 1���7 Stout ribbed Setae (Fig. 10C). Pregenital capsules. Female with 3���4 Stout ribbed Setae and a (st5) tapering ribbed Seta; male with 2���5 Stout ribbed Setae and a (st5) tapering ribbed Seta. Genital area. Female without Setae (Fig 5B). Male genital area trapezoid with 5���15 acute Smooth Setae (Fig. 5A, 10D). Ovipositor. With 6 eugenital Setae (Fig. 5D, 10F) conSiSting of tube Shape Structure; Slightly Striated; 4 pairS of digitiform Smooth projectionS (Fig. 5D, 10E); 6 Small canalS; without terminal Setae; gland-like StructureS abSent; without acceSSory glandS. Male glands. 2 pairS of glandS, one larger and one Smaller, bearing reel-like StructureS (Fig. 5C, 12D). GNATHOSOMA. Chelicera. BaSal Segment with 1 Seta (cht 1) and denticulate paraXial Surface. FiXed digit with 3 dorSal Setae (ch 1 , ch 2 , ch 3); id and i�� lyrifiSSureS;; well-developed hook; ogc preSent, 1 ventral denticle triforked; (Fig. 3E���F). Subcapitulum. All paralabial Setae preSent (Fig. 3C���D, 8A); pl1 conical, obtuSe, inSerted between cb 3 and cb 4; pl2 (With'S organ) diScoid, marginally barbed (Fig. 8A���B); pl3 (rutella) inSerted dorSolaterally, with diStinct row of 5 teeth; pl4 tiny, conical, inSerted dorSally near baSe of pl3; all 4 pairS of circumbuccal Setae (cb) with bifurcated tip; cb 4 equal Size of other cb Setae; female with 3 rounded tip Setae; 7���9 pairS of pointed Setae (vm, lvm, vp, lvp) and 1 ldm Seta. Male with 1 rounded tip Seta; 6���9 pairS of pointed Setae (vm, lvm, vp, lvp) and 1 ldm Seta. Lateral lipS with diStinct canalS (dl1, dl2) and their orificeS (ogl1, ogl2). Palps. Female. Trochanter with 5���7 r Setae. Femur with 13���16 r, 9���10 p Setae. Spike-like Setae abSent. Genu with 33���35 r, 3���5 p Setae. Tibia with Subequal Setae, 70 r, 3 s (Fig. 4B, 8F). TarSuS (Fig. 4A) with i�� and i�� lyrifiSSureS, 4 foliate, Stout pointed d Setae (Fig. 9C), 4 v1 (Fig. 9B), 4���5 v2 (Fig. 9D), 3 s, 12 sm, 22���27 ch Setae (Fig. 9B); v3 abSent (Fig. 9B). Apotele diStal, ventral margin Smooth (Fig. 9D). Male. Trochanter with 5���7 r Setae. Femur with 12���19 r, 6���10 p Setae; Spike-like Setae abSent. Genu with 30���41 r, 2���5 p Setae. Tibia with 59���76 r Subequal length, 3 s Setae. TarSuS (Fig. 4C) with ia and i�� lyrifiSSureS, 4 foliate, Stout pointed d Setae, 3 s, 4���5 v1, 4 v 2, 10���11 sm1; 18���25 ch Setae; v3, sm3 abSent. Apotele diStal and ventral margin Smooth. LEGS. LegS thin. Papilliform Setae preSent, aS broad aS long. Legs I. Longer than otherS. Tibia I diStal long Setae abSent. BaSitarSuS I proXimal long Setae abSent. TelotarSuS with a highly modified group of dorSal diStal Setae in a depreSSion (Fig. 6C, 11B); ��1 acicular, ��2 ligulate, ��3 Subulate acuminate, ��4 conical; ��1 Small with crownlike tip inSerted cloSe to SenSilla group (Fig. 6C, 11D) and a ��2 filiform with bifid tip (Fig. 6C, 11E). Legs II. AcrotarSuS II with bifid Setae longer than wide; a long Smooth dorSal Seta and ��a Solenidion (Fig. 6D). Legs IV. Tibia IV without coronidia. Legs I���IV. All other leg SegmentS with 3 typeS of Setae arranged in diStal to baSal lineS: 1) tapering and barbed, 2) papilliform and 3) Smooth Setae. Legs II���IV. BaSitarSuS II���IV with coronidia; diStal Soledinion ��d, often partially Sunk. AcrotarSuS II���IV with 3 ventral Setae pairS v, 3 lateral Setae pairS l/dl, a pair of long Serrated dorSolateral Seta, a pair of diStal lightly bifid Setae lv. PretarSi II���IV with 1 pair of well-developed SeSSile clawS and 2 pairS of Setae, 1 Setal pair long and curved, other pair Smaller and apically pectinate (Fig. 6E, 11F). Legs III-IV. AcrotarSi III���IV with long dorSal Serrated Setae. Measurements. Female. Idiosoma: length 1880���2328; width at level of ocelli 445���828, palp: trochanter 107���237, femur 132���243, genu 146���242, tibiotarSuS 104���291; chelicera length: baSal Segment 219���238, fiXed digit 276���276; leg I: trochanter 474���512, baSifemur 68���116, telofemur 1153���1239, genu 952���1017, baSitibia 783��� 852, telotibia 552���598, baSitarSuS 453���513, telotarSuS 428���473; leg II: trochanter 235���262, femur 678���713, genu 345���372, tibia 371���418, baSitarSuS 470���486, telotarSuS 330���382, acrotarSuS 80���102; leg III: baSitrochanter 192��� 296, telotrochanter 188���317, femur 496���805, genu 331���479, tibia 377���626, baSitarSuS 414���622, telotarSuS 363��� 480, acrotarSuS 81���102; leg IV: baSitrochanter 305���341, telotrochanter 294���332, femur 817���852, genu 440���524, tibia 583���642, baSitarSuS 607���645, telotarSuS 430���494, acrotarSuS 100���106. Male. Idiosoma: length 1429���2015, ocelli: width 366���401, palp: trochanter 80���258, femur 145���198, genu 129���226, tibiotarSuS 93���272; chelicera: baSal 178���230, median 202���245; leg I: trochanter 384���495, baSifemur 67���146, telofemur 978���1109, genu 795��� 905, baSitibia 569���787, telotibia 520���602, baSitarSuS 419���430, telotarSuS 386���409; leg II: trochanter 184���184, femur 526���526, genu 281���281, tibia 302���302, baSitarSuS 378���378, telotarSuS 323���323, acrotarSuS 73���73; leg III: baSitrochanter 163���215, telotrochanter 124���236, femur 453���693, genu 294���345, tibia 331���568, baSitarSuS 379��� 476, telotarSuS 349���456, acrotarSuS 56���78; leg IV: baSitrochanter 296���326, telotrochanter 254���359, femur 731��� 880, genu 409���593, tibia 509���651, baSitarSuS 464���649, telotarSuS 409���497, acrotarSuS 70���139., Published as part of Ara��jo, Marcel Santos De, Bichuette, Maria Elina, Bauchan, Gary R., Ochoa, Ronald & Feres, Reinaldo Jos�� Fazzio, 2018, A new species of cave dwelling Neocarus (Acari: Opilioacaridae) from Bahia state, Brazil, with remarks on taxonomic characters, pp. 303-322 in Zootaxa 4402 (2) on pages 306-308, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4402.2.4, http://zenodo.org/record/1208926
- Published
- 2018
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55. Neocarus coronatus Araújo & Bichuette & Bauchan & Ochoa & Feres 2018, n. sp
- Author
Araújo, Marcel Santos De, Bichuette, Maria Elina, Bauchan, Gary R., Ochoa, Ronald, and Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio
- Subjects
Arthropoda ,Arachnida ,Opilioacaridae ,Neocarus coronatus ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Opilioacarida ,Neocarus ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Neocarus coronatus Araújo & Feres n. sp. (FigS. 2A – 12D) Material examined. Holotype ♀ (DZSJRP10707), Brazil, Bahia, São DeSidério, Gruta do Sumidouro do João Baio, S12°22’27.6” W44°53’31.7”, col. Bichuette, M.E., Gallão, J.E., Monteiro-Neto, D., 2.XI.2011, collected by hand, deposited in DZSJRP; paratype ♂ (DZSJRP10706), same data as holotype; paratype ♂ (DZSJRP10709), Brazil, Bahia, São DeSidério, Gruta do Catão (twilight zone), S12°22’07.0” W44°52’03.2”, col. Bichuette, M.E., Gallão, J.E., Fernandes, C.S., Pedroso, D.R., 30.X.2011, manual collection; paratype ♂ (DZSJRP10710), paratype ♂ (DZSJRP10711), paratype ♂ (DZSJRP10712), paratype ♂ (DZSJRP10713), same data; paratype ♀ (DZSJRP10714), Brazil, Bahia, São DeSidério, epigean habitatS cloSe to Gruta do Catão cave, S12°22’07.0” W44°52’03.2”, col. Bichuette, M.E., Gallão, J.E., Fernandes, C.S., 3.XI.2012, manual collection; paratype ♂ (DZSJRP10715), paratype ♀ (DZSJRP10717), Same data. Etymology. From the Latin word “corona”, meaning crown, referring to the denSity and poSition of anterior prodorSal Shield Setae in adultS. Diagnosis. AdultS: anterior dorSal Shield with higher Setal denSity (greater on male) than the reSt of dorSal Shield, palpal tibiotarSuS with 4 d and 22–27 (female) and 18–25 (male) ch Setae; cheliceral movable digit ventral denticle triforked. Male: anterior dorSal Shield with a prominent triangular projection. Female: ovipoSitor with 3 pairS of Smooth digitiform projectionS and 6–8 eugenital Setae. Remarks. Opilioacaridae genera are often identified by a combination of characterS, mainly uSing palp, pregenital and genital Setae, while the ovipoSitor Shape iS uSually conSidered a SpecieS Specific character. Description. BaSed on female (N= 3) and male (N=7). IDIOSOMA. Coloration dark blue with violet StripeS on both body (Fig. 2A) and legS; SometimeS with a browniSh background reSulting from ingeSted food. DiStinct Segmentation; integument coniculate. DorSal idioSomal SegmentS between prodorSal Shield and preanal SegmentS without Setae, but with numerouS lyrifiSSureS arranged in tranSverSe rowS. Prodorsal shield. DorSal Shield with prominent triangular area anteriorly bearing denSe patch of 28–43 (male) or 6–7 (female) Setae (FigS. 3A, B); 2 pairS of dorSolateral eyeS; 2 pairS of prodorSal lyrifiSSureS (Fig. 3A, B), one cloSe to the apical part (Fig. 7B) and other Smaller cloSe to firSt pair of eyeS (Fig. 12A); 114–117 (female), 125–168 (male) Stout ribbed Setae (Fig. 3A–B, 7C). Preanal region. XVII dorSal Segment without Setae; ventral XVII Segment without Setae; preanal Segment with a Single dorSal Seta and one pair of lateroventral Setae. Anal valves. Each with 7–10 (female) or 7–11 (male) Stout ribbed Setae (Fig. 5E–F, 7E). Tritosternum. Each digitiform Structure with 2 pairS of Setae, 1 Small at tip and 1 long, barbed Setae poSitioned more baSally (Fig. 9E). Sternal verrucae. Each with a longer ribbed tapering Seta (st1) and 2–3 acute ribbed Setae; Surrounded by a narrow lyrifiSSure. Sternal region. With a pair of ventral and lateroventral lyrifiSSureS. Female (Fig. 5B, 9F) and male (Fig. 5A) st2 and st3 ribbed tapering; and 4–5 pairS of Stout ribbed Setae. Sternal region without papilliform (p) Setae. Pregenital area. Female without Setae. Male with 1–7 Stout ribbed Setae (Fig. 10C). Pregenital capsules. Female with 3–4 Stout ribbed Setae and a (st5) tapering ribbed Seta; male with 2–5 Stout ribbed Setae and a (st5) tapering ribbed Seta. Genital area. Female without Setae (Fig 5B). Male genital area trapezoid with 5–15 acute Smooth Setae (Fig. 5A, 10D). Ovipositor. With 6 eugenital Setae (Fig. 5D, 10F) conSiSting of tube Shape Structure; Slightly Striated; 4 pairS of digitiform Smooth projectionS (Fig. 5D, 10E); 6 Small canalS; without terminal Setae; gland-like StructureS abSent; without acceSSory glandS. Male glands. 2 pairS of glandS, one larger and one Smaller, bearing reel-like StructureS (Fig. 5C, 12D). GNATHOSOMA. Chelicera. BaSal Segment with 1 Seta (cht 1) and denticulate paraXial Surface. FiXed digit with 3 dorSal Setae (ch 1 , ch 2 , ch 3); id and iα lyrifiSSureS;; well-developed hook; ogc preSent, 1 ventral denticle triforked; (Fig. 3E–F). Subcapitulum. All paralabial Setae preSent (Fig. 3C–D, 8A); pl1 conical, obtuSe, inSerted between cb 3 and cb 4; pl2 (With'S organ) diScoid, marginally barbed (Fig. 8A–B); pl3 (rutella) inSerted dorSolaterally, with diStinct row of 5 teeth; pl4 tiny, conical, inSerted dorSally near baSe of pl3; all 4 pairS of circumbuccal Setae (cb) with bifurcated tip; cb 4 equal Size of other cb Setae; female with 3 rounded tip Setae; 7–9 pairS of pointed Setae (vm, lvm, vp, lvp) and 1 ldm Seta. Male with 1 rounded tip Seta; 6–9 pairS of pointed Setae (vm, lvm, vp, lvp) and 1 ldm Seta. Lateral lipS with diStinct canalS (dl1, dl2) and their orificeS (ogl1, ogl2). Palps. Female. Trochanter with 5–7 r Setae. Femur with 13–16 r, 9–10 p Setae. Spike-like Setae abSent. Genu with 33–35 r, 3–5 p Setae. Tibia with Subequal Setae, 70 r, 3 s (Fig. 4B, 8F). TarSuS (Fig. 4A) with iα and iπ lyrifiSSureS, 4 foliate, Stout pointed d Setae (Fig. 9C), 4 v1 (Fig. 9B), 4–5 v2 (Fig. 9D), 3 s, 12 sm, 22–27 ch Setae (Fig. 9B); v3 abSent (Fig. 9B). Apotele diStal, ventral margin Smooth (Fig. 9D). Male. Trochanter with 5–7 r Setae. Femur with 12–19 r, 6–10 p Setae; Spike-like Setae abSent. Genu with 30–41 r, 2–5 p Setae. Tibia with 59–76 r Subequal length, 3 s Setae. TarSuS (Fig. 4C) with ia and iπ lyrifiSSureS, 4 foliate, Stout pointed d Setae, 3 s, 4–5 v1, 4 v 2, 10–11 sm1; 18–25 ch Setae; v3, sm3 abSent. Apotele diStal and ventral margin Smooth. LEGS. LegS thin. Papilliform Setae preSent, aS broad aS long. Legs I. Longer than otherS. Tibia I diStal long Setae abSent. BaSitarSuS I proXimal long Setae abSent. TelotarSuS with a highly modified group of dorSal diStal Setae in a depreSSion (Fig. 6C, 11B); ω1 acicular, ω2 ligulate, ω3 Subulate acuminate, ω4 conical; ζ1 Small with crownlike tip inSerted cloSe to SenSilla group (Fig. 6C, 11D) and a ζ2 filiform with bifid tip (Fig. 6C, 11E). Legs II. AcrotarSuS II with bifid Setae longer than wide; a long Smooth dorSal Seta and ωa Solenidion (Fig. 6D). Legs IV. Tibia IV without coronidia. Legs I–IV. All other leg SegmentS with 3 typeS of Setae arranged in diStal to baSal lineS: 1) tapering and barbed, 2) papilliform and 3) Smooth Setae. Legs II–IV. BaSitarSuS II–IV with coronidia; diStal Soledinion ωd, often partially Sunk. AcrotarSuS II–IV with 3 ventral Setae pairS v, 3 lateral Setae pairS l/dl, a pair of long Serrated dorSolateral Seta, a pair of diStal lightly bifid Setae lv. PretarSi II–IV with 1 pair of well-developed SeSSile clawS and 2 pairS of Setae, 1 Setal pair long and curved, other pair Smaller and apically pectinate (Fig. 6E, 11F). Legs III-IV. AcrotarSi III–IV with long dorSal Serrated Setae. Measurements. Female. Idiosoma: length 1880–2328; width at level of ocelli 445–828, palp: trochanter 107–237, femur 132–243, genu 146–242, tibiotarSuS 104–291; chelicera length: baSal Segment 219–238, fiXed digit 276–276; leg I: trochanter 474–512, baSifemur 68–116, telofemur 1153–1239, genu 952–1017, baSitibia 783– 852, telotibia 552–598, baSitarSuS 453–513, telotarSuS 428–473; leg II: trochanter 235–262, femur 678–713, genu 345–372, tibia 371–418, baSitarSuS 470–486, telotarSuS 330–382, acrotarSuS 80–102; leg III: baSitrochanter 192– 296, telotrochanter 188–317, femur 496–805, genu 331–479, tibia 377–626, baSitarSuS 414–622, telotarSuS 363– 480, acrotarSuS 81–102; leg IV: baSitrochanter 305–341, telotrochanter 294–332, femur 817–852, genu 440–524, tibia 583–642, baSitarSuS 607–645, telotarSuS 430–494, acrotarSuS 100–106. Male. Idiosoma: length 1429–2015, ocelli: width 366–401, palp: trochanter 80–258, femur 145–198, genu 129–226, tibiotarSuS 93–272; chelicera: baSal 178–230, median 202–245; leg I: trochanter 384–495, baSifemur 67–146, telofemur 978–1109, genu 795– 905, baSitibia 569–787, telotibia 520–602, baSitarSuS 419–430, telotarSuS 386–409; leg II: trochanter 184–184, femur 526–526, genu 281–281, tibia 302–302, baSitarSuS 378–378, telotarSuS 323–323, acrotarSuS 73–73; leg III: baSitrochanter 163–215, telotrochanter 124–236, femur 453–693, genu 294–345, tibia 331–568, baSitarSuS 379– 476, telotarSuS 349–456, acrotarSuS 56–78; leg IV: baSitrochanter 296–326, telotrochanter 254–359, femur 731– 880, genu 409–593, tibia 509–651, baSitarSuS 464–649, telotarSuS 409–497, acrotarSuS 70–139.
- Published
- 2018
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56. Metatarsonemus (Acariformes: Tarsonemidae): A paradox genus
- Author
Sousa, André, Rezende, José Marcos, Lofego, Antonio C, Oliveira, Anibal, Bauchan, Gary R, Gulbronson, Connor, and Ochoa, Ronald
- Published
- 2018
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57. A new species of the genus Eutrombicula Ewing, 1938 (Trombidiformes: Trombiculidae) and new records for the species Eutrombicula batatas (Linnaeus, 1758) in Brazil
- Author
Bassini-Silva, Ricardo, Jacinavicius, Fernando de Castro, Muñoz-Leal, Sebastián, Maturano, Ralph, Welbourn, W. Calvin, Ochoa, Ronald, Bauchan, Gary R., Barros-Battesti, Darci M., Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Instituto Butantan [São Paulo], Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF), United States Department of Agriculture, and Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho = São Paulo State University (UNESP)
- Subjects
0106 biological sciences ,Trombiculidae ,bird ,Arthropoda ,030231 tropical medicine ,Zoology ,Trombidiformes ,Acariformes ,[SDV.BID.SPT]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Biodiversity/Systematics, Phylogenetics and taxonomy ,01 natural sciences ,chigger mites ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Genus ,Myiozetetes ,Arachnida ,Animalia ,Acari ,Taxonomy ,Myiozetetes similis ,biology ,Host (biology) ,Eutrombicula ,new records ,Biodiversity ,15. Life on land ,biology.organism_classification ,[SDV.BA.ZI]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Animal biology/Invertebrate Zoology ,010602 entomology ,host ,Insect Science ,parasite ,Brazil - Abstract
The genus Eutrombicula consists of more than 80 known species worldwide. Species of this genus parasitize amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. In the present study, we describe Eutrombicula daemoni n. sp. collected on the social flycatcher, Myiozetetes similis (Passeriformes) from southeast region of Brazil and partial sequence of the 18S gene was obtained for this mite species. In addition, we provide new locality records and hosts for Eutrombicula batatas (L.) in Brazil., Acarologia, 58, 976-986
- Published
- 2018
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58. ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Baculoviridae
- Author
Harrison, Robert L., Herniou, Elisabeth A., Jehle, Johannes A., Theilmann, David A., Burand, John P., Becnel, James J., Krell, Peter J., van Oers, Monique M., Mowery, Joseph D., Bauchan, Gary R., Lefkowitz, Elliot J., Davison, Andrew J., Siddell, Stuart G., Simmonds, Peter, Sabanadzovic, Sead, Smith, Donald B., Orton, Richard J., Harrach, Balázs, USDA-ARS : Agricultural Research Service, Institut de recherche sur la biologie de l'insecte UMR7261 (IRBI), Université de Tours (UT)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Julius Kühn-Institut - Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants (JKI), University of Guelph, Wageningen University and Research [Wageningen] (WUR), and Université de Tours-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
- Subjects
0301 basic medicine ,Baculoviridae ,Insecta ,animal structures ,Viral protein ,viruses ,Laboratory of Virology ,Genome, Viral ,Virus Replication ,[SDV.BID.SPT]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Biodiversity/Systematics, Phylogenetics and taxonomy ,medicine.disease_cause ,Genome ,Laboratorium voor Virologie ,Lepidoptera genitalia ,Viral Proteins ,03 medical and health sciences ,Virology ,ICTV Report ,medicine ,Animals ,Family Baculoviridae ,Phylogeny ,ComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUS ,Virus classification ,Taxonomy ,[SDV.GEN.GPO]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Genetics/Populations and Evolution [q-bio.PE] ,biology ,[SDV.BID.EVO]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Biodiversity/Populations and Evolution [q-bio.PE] ,fungi ,PE&RC ,biology.organism_classification ,030104 developmental biology ,[SDV.MP.VIR]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Microbiology and Parasitology/Virology ,Taxonomy (biology) ,EPS - Abstract
The family Baculoviridae comprises large viruses with circular dsDNA genomes ranging from 80 to 180 kbp. The virions consist of enveloped, rod-shaped nucleocapsids and are embedded in distinctive occlusion bodies measuring 0.15-5 µm. The occlusion bodies consist of a matrix composed of a single viral protein expressed at high levels during infection. Members of this family infect exclusively larvae of the insect orders Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera and Diptera. This is a summary of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) Report on the taxonomy of the Baculoviridae, which is available at www.ictv.global/report/baculoviridae.
- Published
- 2018
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59. Dermatitis in humans caused by Ornithonyssus bursa (Berlese 1888) (Mesostigmata: Macronyssidae) and new records from Brazil
- Author
Bassini-Silva, Ricardo, primary, Jacinavicius, Fernando de Castro, additional, Hernandes, Fabio Akashi, additional, Ochoa, Ronald, additional, Bauchan, Gary R., additional, Dowling, Ashley P. G., additional, and Barros-Battesti, Darci Moraes, additional
- Published
- 2019
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60. The complete genome sequence of an alphabaculovirus from Spodoptera exempta, an agricultural pest of major economic significance in Africa
- Author
Escasa, Shannon R., primary, Harrison, Robert L., additional, Mowery, Joseph D., additional, Bauchan, Gary R., additional, and Cory, Jenny S., additional
- Published
- 2019
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61. Two new species of Tenuipalpus sensu stricto (Acari: Tenuipalpidae) from Brazil, with a discussion on the ontogeny of leg setae
- Author
CASTRO, ELIZEU B., primary, BEARD, JENNIFER J., additional, OCHOA, RONALD, additional, BAUCHAN, GARY R., additional, and FERES, REINALDO J.F., additional
- Published
- 2018
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62. Eriophyoid Mites Found on Healthy and Rose Rosette Diseased Roses in the United States1
- Author
Otero-Colina, Gabriel, primary, Ochoa, Ronald, additional, Amrine, James W., additional, Hammond, John, additional, Jordan, Ramon, additional, and Bauchan, Gary R., additional
- Published
- 2018
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63. The complete genome sequence of a second alphabaculovirus from the true armyworm, Mythimna unipuncta: implications for baculovirus phylogeny and host specificity
- Author
Harrison, Robert L., primary, Mowery, Joseph D., additional, Bauchan, Gary R., additional, Theilmann, David A., additional, and Erlandson, Martin A., additional
- Published
- 2018
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64. Raoiella of the world (Trombidiformes: Tetranychoidea: Tenuipalpidae)
- Author
BEARD, JENNIFER J., primary, OCHOA, RONALD, additional, BAUCHAN, GARY R., additional, POOLEY, CHRISTOPHER, additional, and DOWLING, ASHLEY P.G., additional
- Published
- 2018
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65. A rudimentary sheath for the smallest of “biting” chelicerae: the mouthparts ofCunliffea(Nematalycidae) and a new hypothesis on the origin of the stylet sheath of Eriophyoidea (Acariformes)
- Author
Bolton, Samuel J., primary, Bauchan, Gary R., additional, Chetverikov, Philipp E., additional, Ochoa, Ronald, additional, and Klompen, Hans, additional
- Published
- 2018
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66. A Novel Sensing Chip for Probing Chlorine Permeation into Simulated Produce Cracks
- Author
Guan, Yongguang, primary, Luo, Yaguang, additional, Teng, Zi, additional, Zhou, Bin, additional, Mei, Lei, additional, Bauchan, Gary R., additional, and Wang, Qin, additional
- Published
- 2018
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67. Bdellidae
- Author
Hernandes, Fabio A., Skvarla, Michael J., Fisher, Ray, Dowling, Ashley P. G., Ochoa, Ronald, Ueckermann, Edward A., and Bauchan, Gary R.
- Subjects
Arthropoda ,Arachnida ,Prostigmata ,Animalia ,Bdellidae ,Biodiversity ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Fossil BDELLIDAE 279. Bdella vetusta Ewing, 1934: 58; Manitoban amber (Cretaceous, ~ 76–79 Ma), Cedar Lake, Manitoba, Canada. Type deposition. ROME. 280. Bdella lata Koch & Berendt, 1854: 872 —not Bdella lata Ewing (1909b); Baltic amber (~44 Ma). 281. Bdella bicincta Menge in Koch & Berendt, 1854: 108 —Baltic amber (~44 Ma). 282. Bdella bombycina Menge in Koch & Berendt, 1854: 108 —Baltic amber (~44 Ma). 283. Bdella obconica Menge in Koch & Berendt, 1854: 108 —Baltic amber (~44 Ma). 284. Bdellidae sp. (Aoki 1974 apud Dunlop et al. 2012).
- Published
- 2016
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68. Cyta von Heyden
- Author
Hernandes, Fabio A., Skvarla, Michael J., Fisher, Ray, Dowling, Ashley P. G., Ochoa, Ronald, Ueckermann, Edward A., and Bauchan, Gary R.
- Subjects
Arthropoda ,Arachnida ,Prostigmata ,Animalia ,Bdellidae ,Biodiversity ,Cyta ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Cyta von Heyden Cyta von Heyden, 1826: 608; Thor, 1930a: 89; 1931a: 16; Oudemans, 1937: 1232; Meyer & Ryke, 1959: 377; Atyeo, 1960a: 416; 1963a: 121, 177; Soliman & Zaher 1975: 74; Den Heyer, 1981: 32; Michocka, 1987: 72. Amonia Koch, 1836: 7; type species Amonia cruciata Koch, 1836: 7; Berlese, 1893: 43. Ammonia, Koch, 1842: 75. Cytobdella Mihelčič, 1958a: 271; type species Bdella (Cytobdella) cytoides Mihelčič, 1958a by original designation; synonymy according to Atyeo (1963a: 121). Troglobdella Oudemans, 1937: 1228; type species Troglobdella obisium (Gervais, 1841), Scirus obisium Gervais, 1841 by original designation; synonymy according to Atyeo (1960a: 417). Rigibdella Tseng, 1978; type-species Rigibdella ignea Tseng, 1978: 48 by original designation; new synonym. Type-species: Scirus latirostris Hermann, 1804 by original designation. 65. Cyta americana (Banks, 1902b): 171; Washington D.C., USA. Original designation: Ammonia americana Banks. ��� Cyta americana; Banks, 1907: 596; 1915: 25; Hernandes et al., 2011: 808. Remarks. Although Thor (1931a) treated this species as a synonym of C. latirostris, they have different chaetotaxy on the palpfemur (6���7 in the latter species and 4 in C. americana) (Hernandes 2013); also, the proximal setae of the chelicerae is approximately three times the length of the distal setae (2x in C. latirostris). Type deposition. MCZ. 66. Cyta brevipalpa Ewing, 1909b: 73; Ewing & Webster, 1912: 129; under bark on soft maple tree, Illinois, USA. Type deposition. USNM. 67. Cyta coerulipes (Dug��s, 1834): 21; Europe, unknown locality.��� Thor, 1931a: 20; Willmann, 1939c: 431; 1956: 241; 227; Den Heyer, 1981: 32 (ssp.��� quadrisetosus). Original designation: Bdella coerulipes Dug��s. ��� Walckenaer & Gervais, 1844: 156. a. Amonia chlorophana Koch, 1836: 8; Amonia chloropus, Koch, 1842: 76; Bdella chloropus (Koch), Berlese, 1883: 214; synonymy according to Berlese (1891, 1893). b. Amonia leucocephala Koch, 1839: 1; Walckenaer & Gervais, 1847: 531; Oudemans, 1937: 1238; synonymy according to Thor (1931a: 20). c. Bdella crassirostris Kramer, 1881: 442; synonymy according to Thor (1931a). d. Ammonia coerulipes; Berlese, 1893: 44. e. Cyta lutea George, 1912: 236; synonymy according to Thor (1931a). f. Bdella robustirostris Ewing, 1913: 112; synonymy according to Thor (1931a). g. Cyta coeruleipes; Hull, 1918: 37. Distribution. Morocco (Thor 1931b), Austria (Willmann 1951), Spain (Mihelčič 1958b), Panama, Haiti, Cuba, Mexico (San Luis Potos��, Guerrero, Tamaulipas, Hidalgo), United States (California, Colorado, Texas), Alaska (Umiat) and Sudan Bor (Atyeo 1960a), Georgia (Gomelauri 1963b), Switzerland (Schweizer & Bader 1963), Bulgaria (Sosnina et al. 1965), Egypt (Soliman 1975), Syria (Lattakia) (Soliman & Zaher 1975), Ukraine (Kuznetsov & Livshits 1979a), Afrotropical (Natal) (Den Heyer 1981), Poland (Michocka 1987), Brazil (Hernandes et al. 2011), Iran (Beyzavi et al. 2011). Redescriptions. Atyeo (1960a), Michocka (1987). Remarks. There is confusion between the names Amonia chlorophana Koch and A. chloropus Koch���both names are present in Koch (1836) in the contents page and in text, respectively. Type deposition. Unknown. 68. Cyta cytoides (Mihelčič, 1958a): 271 comb. nov.; in a damp cave in brown clay, Guadarrama Mountains, Cercedilla, Spain. Original designation: Bdella (Cytobdella) cytoides Mihelčič. Remarks. Mihelčič (1958a) illustrates a massive and stout chelicera for this species, a key diagnostic feature for the genus Cyta; therefore this species is herein transferred to the latter genus. Type deposition. Laboratorium Faunistica y Ecolog��a Animal, Instituto de Edafolog��a, Madrid. 69. Cyta grandjeani Gomelauri, 1963a: 169; Tbilisi, Georgia, ex soil, lichens, grass, oak and juniper tree. Kuznetsov & Livshits (1979a: 56). Remarks. Cyta veneta grandjeani Lombardini, 1964: 106 is a junior homonym; although the date printed in Lombardini is 1962, the issue appeared only in 1964. Type deposition. Unknown. 70. Cyta flava Mihelčič, 1958a: 270; between Ciempozuelos and Chinch��n, Spain, on soil. Type deposition. Laboratorium Faunistica y Ecolog��a Animal, Instituto de Edafolog��a, Madrid. 71. Cyta ignea (Tseng, 1978): 48 comb. nov.; Taipu, Chiayi Hsien, Taiwan, on litter. Original designation: Rigibdella ignea Tseng. Remarks. The rationale for moving this species to Cyta was given in the discussion before the taxonomic section. Type deposition. Supposedly at BSMI, but probably lost (C-C Ho, pers. comm.). 72. Cyta kauaiensis Swift & Goff, 1987: 38; Kauai I, Hawaii, ex litter in Metrosideros sp. (Myrtaceae) tree hole. Remarks. Female unknown. Type deposition. BPBM. 73. Cyta latirostris (Hermann, 1804): 62; France, ex moss. Original designation: Scirus latirostris Hermann. ��� Oudemans, 1929: 314. Cyta latirostris, Thor, 1902: 160; Oudemans, 1902: 54; Thor, 1904b: 72; B��bler, 1910: 812. Other names: Leptus latirostris, Lamarck, 1838: 63; Ammonia latirostris, Koch, 1839: 3; Koch, 1842: 76; Walckenaer & Gervais, 1847: 531; Berlese, 1891: 4; Bdella latirostris, Walckenaer & Gervais, 1844: 157; 1847: 531; Canestrini & Fanzago, 1877: 107; Berlese, 1883: 214. a. Ammonia cruciata Koch, 1836: 7; Anders��n, 1863: 185; Berlese, 1893: 44; Oudemans, 1937: 1235; Bdella cruciata; Walckenaer & Gervais, 1844: 156 synonymy according to Berlese (1893). b. Ammonia leucocephala Koch, 1839: 23; 1842: 76; Bdella leucocephala (Koch), Canestrini & Fanzago, 1877: 106; synonymy according to Berlese (1893). c. Ammonia megacephala Koch, 1839: 23; 1842: 76; Walckenaer & Gervais, 1847: 531; Berlese, 1893: 44; Oudemans, 1937: 1239; synonymy according to Berlese (1893). d. Bdella phoenicea Koch, 1839: 7; 1842: 74; Walckenaer & Gervais, 1847: 531; Canestrini & Fanzago, 1877: 103; Thor, 1931a: 36; Oudemans, 1937: 1213; synonym of Bdella vulgaris according to Berlese (1893). f. Bdella cruentata Koch, 1839: 10; 1842: 74; Walckenaer & Gervais, 1847: 532; Anders��n, 1863: 185; Canestrini & Fanzago, 1877: 102; Thor, 1931a: 37; Oudemans, 1937: 1192; synonym of Bdella vulgaris according to Berlese (1893). g. Bdella crassirostris Kramer, 1881: 442; synonymy according to Berlese (1891, 1893). h. Bdella dispar Koch, 1839: 23; 1842: 75; Walckenaer & Gervais, 1847: 532; Canestrini & Fanzago, 1877: 101; Thor, 1931a: 31; Oudemans, 1937: 1194; Willmann, 1951a: 148; 1952: 166; Michocka, 1987: 24; synonymy according to Thor (1931a). h. Bdella amarantina Koch, 1839: 17; 1842: 75; Walckenaer & Gervais, 1847: 532; Anders��n, 1863: 185; Berlese, 1893: 42; Oudemans, 1937: 1191; synonymy according to Thor (1931a: 31). i. Bdella tenuirostris Koch, 1839: 18; 1842: 74; Walckenaer & Gervais, 1847: 532; synonym of Bdella vulgaris according to Berlese (1893). j. Bdella vivida Koch, 1839: 19; 1842: 75; Walckenaer & Gervais, 1847: 532; Berlese, 1893: 43; Thor, 1931a: 37; Oudemans, 1937: 1216; synonym of Bdella vulgaris according to Berlese (1893). k. Bdella vulgaris (Hermann 1804: 61), Koch, 1839: 8; 1842: 74; Walckenaer & Gervais, 1847: 531; Berlese, 1888: 187; Hull, 1918: 38. l. Bdella robustirostris Ewing, 1913: 112; synonymy according to Thor (1931a). m. Cyta novangliae Jacot, 1939: 326; synonymy according to Atyeo (1960a). n. Cyta phaseoli Meyer & Ryke, 1959: 377; Den Heyer, 1981: 32; synonymy according to Wallace & Mahon (1972: 571). o. Amonia latirostris var. fusca Canestrini, 1896: 92; Cyta latirostris var. fusca Thor, 1931a: 19. p. Bdella brevirostris molissima Koch, 1879: 132, Cyta brevirostris; Hull, 1922: 622; Banks, 1923: 237; Ammonia brevirostris; Tr��g��rdh, 1900: 15; 1902a: 8; Cyta latirostris var. brevirostris; Tr��g��rdh, 1904: 49; 1910: 480; 1928: 7; synonymy according to Thor (1904b). q. Bdella arenaria Kramer, 1881: 444; Berlese 1893: 42; Karpelles, 1894: 425; synonymy of Bdella vulgaris according to Berlese (1893). Distribution. Paraguay, Brazil (Berlese 1888), Italy (Canestrini 1886), Sweden (Tr��g��rdh 1910), Germany (Voigts & Oudemans 1906; Willmann 1952), Ireland (Halbert 1915), England (Hull 1918), Switzerland (Schweizer 1922), Canada (Summerhayes & Elton 1928), Germany, Norway (Thor 1930a, 1931a), Northern Africa (Thor 1931b), Australia (Womersley 1933a), Madeira Island (Willman 1939a), Austria (Willmann 1951), Germany (Wangerooge Island) (Willmann 1952), Germany (Willmann 1956), France (Schm��lzer 1956), United States (Maryland) (Drummond 1957), Spain (Mihelčič 1958a), Georgia (Gomelauri 1961), South Africa (Meyer & Ryke 1959; Halliday 2005), Cuba, Jamaica, Mexico (Puebla, M��xico, San Luis Potos��), United States (California, Utah, Idaho, Texas, Arkansas, Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, Michigan, Alabama, Tennessee, West Virginia, Maryland, Connecticut), Alaska (Point Barrow), Iceland, Italy, Germany and Australia (Atyeo 1960a), Iceland (Atyeo & Tuxen 1962), Switzerland (Schweizer & Bader 1963), Bulgaria (Sosnina et al. 1965), Japan (Shiba & Morikawa 1966; Shiba 1969a; Nakamura et al. 2006), New Zealand, Australia (Victoria, Tasmania, Western Australia) (Atyeo 1963a; Wallace & Mahon 1972), Egypt (Soliman 1975; Zaher 1986), Syria (Lattakia) (Soliman & Zaher 1975), Bohemia (Lell��kov��-Du��kova 1978), Ukraine (Kuznetsov & Livshits 1979a), Afrotropical (Natal, Cape Province, Pietersburg Dist.) (Den Heyer 1981), United States (Lehman 1982), Hawaii (Swift & Goff 1987), Poland (Michocka 1987), Korea (Lee et al. 1997), China (Fujian) (Lin & Zhang 2000), South Africa (Halliday 2005), Hungary (Ripka et al. 2005), Iran (Ostovan & Kamali 1995; Kamali et al. 2001; Ueckermann et al. 2007; Abbaszadeh et al. 2010), Crimea (Bednarskaya 2009, 2010, 2011), Slovakia (Kaluz 2008). Redescriptions. Atyeo (1960a, 1963a), Atyeo & Tuxen (1962), Sosnina et al. (1965), Shiba (1969a), Lell��kov��-Du��kova (1978), Michocka (1987). Although Berlese (1893: 44) has considered Ammonia leucocephala Koch as a synonym of Cyta latirostris, Koch (1839) illustrated three leg trichobothria (on tibia I, tibia IV and tarsus III), while C. latirostris only has a trichobothrium on tibia IV. Type deposition. Unknown (probably lost). Remarks. Species with world-wide distribution; this species bears trichobothria only on tibia IV; Wallace & Mahon (1972: 579) reports an undescribed species of Cyta with no leg trichobothria at all. 74. Cyta leiliae Eghbalian, Khanjani & Ueckermann, 2014: 568; ex soil and litter under Quercus brantii Lindl (Fagaceae), Kurdistan province, Iran. Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at the Acarology Laboratory, University of Abu-Ali Sina, Hamedan, Iran, one paratype at NCA. 75. Cyta kurdistanicus Eghbalian, Khanjani & Ueckermann, 2014: 572; ex soil and litter under Amygdalus lycioides Spach (Rosaceae), Kurdistan province, Iran. Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at the Acarology Laboratory, University of Abu-Ali Sina, Hamedan, Iran, one paratype at NCA. 76. Cyta longiseta Wallace & Mahon, 1972: 575; Mt. Claremont, Perth, Australia, on Banksia sp. (Proteaceae) scrub. Distribution. Iran (Abbaszadeh et al. 2010). Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at ANIC, paratypes at SAM, BMNH, BPBM, OSAL and USNM. 77. Cyta magdalenae Den Heyer, 1981: 34; Kleinmond, Cape Province, South Africa, in soil under dune vegetation. Type deposition. NCA, IZRPU, ZUNIN. 78. Cyta murrayi Den Heyer, 1981: 37; ex litter of Dombeya rotundifolia (Hochst.) (Malvaceae), UNIN, South Africa. Distribution. Afrotropical (Angola, South Africa, Zimbabwe) (Den Heyer 1981). Type deposition. NCA, ZUNIN, ANIC. 79. Cyta reticulata Soliman & Zaher, 1975: 74; Slinfa, Lattakia, Syria, ex moss. Remarks. Male unknown. Type deposition. CUE. 80. Cyta spuria Atyeo, 1960a: 421; 10 miles east of Xilitla, San Luis Potos��, Mexico, ex bamboo; Distribution. Mexico, USA (Texas) (Atyeo 1960a). Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at SEMC, paratypes at USNM, BMNH and SAM. 81. Cyta troglodyta Hernandes, 2011: 801; ex feces of Kerodon rupestris Wied (Mammalia, Rodentia), Gruta do Janel��o cave, Minas Gerais, Brazil (Hernandes et al. 2011). Type deposition. DZSJRP. 82. Cyta veneta (Lombardini, 1960): 241; Jesolo, Venice, Italy. Original designation: Neomolgus venetus Lombardini. Cyta veneta; Lombardini, 1964: 105. Type deposition. CRA., Published as part of Hernandes, Fabio A., Skvarla, Michael J., Fisher, Ray, Dowling, Ashley P. G., Ochoa, Ronald, Ueckermann, Edward A. & Bauchan, Gary R., 2016, Catalogue of snout mites (Acariformes: Bdellidae) of the world, pp. 1-83 in Zootaxa 4152 (1) on pages 19-22, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4152.1.1, http://zenodo.org/record/261900, {"references":["von Heyden, C. (1826) Versuch einer systematischen eintheiling der Acariden. In: Isis von Oken, 18 (6), 608 - 613.","Thor, S. (1930 a) Beitrage zur kenntnis der invertebraten fauna von Svalbard. Skrifter Svalbard og Ishavet, 27, 1 - 156.","Oudemans, A. C. (1937) Kritisch historisch overzicht der Acarologie. Derede gedeelte, 1805 - 1850, Band C, Tarsonemini Can. & Fanz. 1877, Stomatostigmata Oudms. 1906, Eleutherengona Oudms. 1909. Brill, 1179 - 1259.","Meyer, M. K. P. & Ryke, P. A. J. (1959) Cunaxoidea (Acarina: Prostigmata) occurring on plants in South Africa. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 13 (2), 369 - 384. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1080 / 00222935908655745","Atyeo, W. T. (1960 a) A revision of the family Bdellidae in North and Central America (Acarina: Prostigmata). University of Kansas Science Bulletin, 40, 345 - 499.","Soliman, Z. R. & Zaher, M. A. (1975) Bdellid mites of Lattakia, Syria. Bulletin de la Societe Royale Entomologique, 59, 73 - 82.","Den Heyer, J. (1981) The Afrotropical species of Cyta von Heyden (Bdellidae: Actinedida). Phytophylactica, 13, 31 - 41.","Michocka, S. (1987) Polskie Roztocze (Acari) z rodzin Bdellidae i Cunaxidae. Monografie Fauny Polski, 14, 1 - 128 [in Polish with English summary].","Koch, C. L. (1842) Ubersicht des Arachnidensystems. Familie II: Schabelmilben Bdellides, pp. 73 - 77.","Mihelcic, F. (1958 a) Prostigmata Sudeuropas (Spanien). 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69. Tenuipalpus spinosaurus Castro, Feres, Ochoa & Bauchan, 2016, sp. nov
- Author
Castro, Elizeu B., Feres, Reinaldo J. F., Ochoa, Ronald, and Bauchan, Gary R.
- Subjects
Arthropoda ,Arachnida ,Prostigmata ,Tenuipalpus spinosaurus ,Animalia ,Tenuipalpus ,Biodiversity ,Tenuipalpidae ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Tenuipalpu s spinosaurus sp. nov. Castro, Feres & Ochoa (Figs 1–18) Diagnosis. Female: Prodorsal setae v2 short to minute, sc1 obovate to oblanceolate and sc2 falcate, elongate; dorsal opisthosoma with 10 pairs of setae (f2 present); most of the dorsal opisthosomal setae obovate to oblanceolate, except setae d3 and e1 short to minute, and h2 elongate and flagelliform; prodorsum with a pair of oblique converging ridges from sc1 to near the sejugal furrow; opisthosoma bearing a prominent longitudinal crest between setae e1; dorsum with pair lateral projections anterior to setae sc2 and pair lateral projections posterior to setae c3; palps one segmented; two pairs of setae ps; one pair of setae 3a and 4a. Male: unknown. Immatures: deutonymphs and protonymphs with lateral body projections anterior to setae sc2 (lateral body projection associated with setae c3 absent); dorsal setae similar to those of the female except narrower. Larvae with prodorsum and region of opisthosomal posterior to setae d1 – c3 with colliculate integument; setae v2, sc1, c1, d1 and e1 short to minute, with other dorsal setae similar to those of female except narrower. Female (n = 16) (Figs 1–13). Body size measurements: distance between setae v2 - h1 250 (240–255), sc2 - sc2 155 (150–160); other measurements: v2 - v2 30 (30–33), sc1 - sc1 88 (80–88), c1 - c1 48 (38–48), c3 - c3 178 (165– 180), d1 - d1 28 (23–28), d3 - d3 133 (125–133), e1 - e1 30 (28–33), e3 - e3 92 (87–95), f2 - f2 80 (77–83), f3 - f3 65 (62– 68), h1 - h1 35 (32–40), h2 - h2 52 (50–55). Dorsum (Figs 1–6). Anterior margin of prodorsal shield with four narrow conical projections mesally. Prodorsum with one pair of obtuse lateral projections anterior to setae sc2; and opisthosoma with one pair of rounded lateral projections associated with setae c3. Prodorsum with a pair of oblique converging ridges from sc1 to near sejugal furrow. Opisthosoma bearing a prominent longitudinal, semi-circular crest between setae e1; when the mites are mounted on slides the crest is folded flat over the opisthosoma (Figs 1, 2, 3, 6); pair of large circular pores anterolaterad setae e1. Prodorsal setae v2 short to minute; sc1 obovate to oblanceolate and strongly concave like a scoop (Fig. 4 B); sc2 falcate and elongate (Fig. 4 A); opisthosomal setae similar to prodorsal setae sc1 except longer, oblanceolate, and setae d3 and e1 short to minute and h2 flagelliform and elongate. Setal measurements: v2 5 (3–6), sc1 28 (25–30), sc2 61 (60–67), c1 43 (40–47), c3 27 (25–30), d1 34 (33–40), d3 6 (4–6), e1 4 (3–5), e3 43 (43–51), f2 38 (38–45), f3 39 (38–42), h1 27 (24–30), h2 52 (60–105). Venter (Figs 7, 8). Ventral integument with weak transverse striae centrally along midline and finely densely colliculate on lateral region of the prodorsum and opisthosoma; genital region entirely membranous and with transverse striae; anal flaps membranous with weak longitudinal striae. Most ventral setae filiform; coxal setae 1c, 2c and 3b filiform and barbed (1b weakly barbed); coxal setae 4b inserted posteromesad common position, closer to 4a. Setal measurements: 1a 95 (70–105), 1b 10 (10–12), 1c 16 (16–21), 2b 17 (16–21), 2c 22 (25–30), 3a 11 (11–13), 3b 30 (26–30), 4a 75 (65–90), 4b 24 (24–30), ag 20 (17–20), g1 30 (25–30), g2 23 (21–24), ps1 13 (12– 14), ps2 16 (14–16). Gnathosoma (Figs 9, 10, 11). Palps one segmented, elongate and bearing one long, barbed seta d 12 (11–14) and two eupathidia, ul ′ 3 (4–5), ul ′′ 1–2 (1–2) (Fig. 9). Ventral setae m 11 (10–11), barbed (Figs 9, 10); distance between setae m - m 14 (13–16). Tips of cheliceral stylets with a few bluntly rounded lateral projections (Fig. 11). Legs (Figs 12, 13). Setation (from coxae to tarsi): I 2–1–4–3–5–8(1), II 2–1–4–2–5–8(1), III 1–2–2–1–3–5, IV 1–1–1–0–3–5. Tarsi I–II each with one solenidion ω" 6 (5–6) (for both tarsi I and tarsi II), two eupathidia pζ ′ - pζ" (6–7, 6–7; 6, 6–7 respectively), and with seta ft" short, broadly lanceolate and positioned over the solenidion. Femur I with setae d oblanceolate, l ′ lanceolate, and with two barbed ventral setae. Femur II with d and l' lanceolate, bv" broadly lanceolate to falcate, and one barbed ventral seta. Femur III with seta d obovate. Femora and genua with setae d, and trochanter III with seta l', inserted in lateral position on tubercles. Detail of the development of leg chaetotaxy in Table 1. Color. Body and legs translucent green becoming dark green in central region of idiosoma. Leg and dorsal setae white, eyes red. Eggs. Elongate with longitudinal ridges, and yellow in colour. Most of the eggs were found near the veins of the leaves. Male: Unknown. Deutonymph (n = 4) (Figs 14, 15): Body size measurements: distance between setae v2 - h1 245–265, sc2 - sc2 122–128; other measurements: v2 - v2 25–30, sc1 - sc1 65–68, c1 - c1 25–28, c3 - c3 152–160, d1 - d1 17–20, d3 - d3 105–110, e1 - e1 22–25, e3 - e3 67–73, f2 - f2 60–73, f3 - f3 47–50, h1 - h1 15–18, h2 - h2 30–33. Dorsum. Anterior margin of prodorsum with pair short projections mesally, forming a notch. Lateral body projections anterior to setae sc2 present. Prodorsum mostly smooth, with pair longitudinal ridges from anterior margin past eyes to posterior margin (Fig. 15). Region between setae sc2 - c3 with widely spaced transverse striations and region posterior to setae d1 - c3 smooth; pair circular pores laterad setae e1; central longitudinal ridge on posterior opisthosoma from setae d1 to posterior margin (Fig. 15). Dorsal setae similar to that of female except smaller and thinner. Setal measurements: v2 2–3, sc1 20–25, sc2 46–56, c1 24–30, c3 20, d1 30–31, d3 2–3, e1 2, e3 27–28, f2 22–27, f3 19–22, h1 13–17, h2 38–55. Gnathosoma. Palps similar to those of female. Setae d 12–14 long; eupathidia ul ′ 4, ul ′′ 1–2. Ventral infracapitular setae m 6–7; distance between setae m - m 12–14. Venter. Cuticle covered with fine and mostly transverse striae. Coxal, genital and pseudanal setae fine. Setal lengths: 1a 55–65, 1b 5–6, 1c 6–8, 2b 10–11, 2c 10–12, 3a 6–7, 3b 11–12, 4a 45–60, 4b 7–10, ag 5–8, g1 5–6, ps1 5–7, ps2 5–6. Setae g2 absent. Legs. Setation (from coxae to tarsi): I 2–1–4–3–5–8(1), II 2–1–4–3–5–8(1), III 1–2–2–1–3–3, IV 1–0–1–0–3– 3. Leg chaetotaxy similar to that of female, except trochanter IV nude, and d and l setae more lanceolate. Tarsi I–II each with one solenidion ω" (tarsi I 4–5 and tarsi II 4) and two eupathidia pζ ′ - pζ" (5–6, 6; 5–6, 6 respectively). Detail of the development of leg chaetotaxy in Table 1. Protonymph (n = 3) (Figs 16, 17): Body size measurements: distance between setae v2-h1 185–210, sc2-sc2 110–115; other measurements: v2-v2 20–25, sc1-sc1 55–60, c1 - c1 22–25, c3 - c3 127–133, d1 - d1 15–18, d3 - d3 87– 93, e1 - e1 15–18, e3 - e3 62–65, f2 - f2 55–58, f3 - f3 45, h1 - h1 15, h2 - h2 27–30. Dorsum. Anterior margin of prodorsum with pair short projections mesally, forming a short notch. Lateral body projections anterior to setae sc2 present. Prodorsum mostly smooth, with pair longitudinal ridges from anterior margin past eyes to posterior margin (Fig. 17). Prodorsal region smooth; region between setae sc2 - c3 with widely spaced transverse striations and region posterior to setae d1 - c3 smooth; pair circular pores laterad setae e1; short central longitudinal ridge on posterior opisthosoma from setae d1 to posterior margin (Fig. 17). Dorsal setae similar to that of female except shorter and thinner. Setal measurements: v2 2–3, sc1 10–12, sc2 42–45, c1 9–45, c3 20–21, d1 12–20, d3 2–3, e1 2–3, e3 23–24, f2 19–22, f3 17–18, h1 14–15, h2 55–65. Gnathosoma. Palps similar to those of female. Setae d 5–7; eupathidia ul ′ 3–4, ul ′′ 1–2. Ventral infracapitular setae m 6–7; distance between setae m - m 11–12. Venter. Cuticle covered with fine and mostly transverse striae. Coxal, genital and pseudanal setae fine. Setal measurements: 1a 60–75, 1b 5–6, 1c 6–7, 2c 11–12, 3a 7–8, 3b 10–11, ag 6–7, ps1 5–7, ps2 6–7. Setae 2b, 4a, 4b, g1 and g2 absent. Legs. Setation (from coxae to tarsi): I 2–0–3–1–5–6(1), II 1–0–3–1–5–6(1), III 1–0–2–0–3–3, IV 0–0–1–0–3– 3. Tarsi I–II each with one solenidion ω" 3–4 (for both tarsi I and tarsi II) and two eupathidia pζ ′ - pζ" (5–6, 6; 5, 5 respectively). Detail of the development of leg chaetotaxy in Table 1. Larva (n = 3) (Fig. 18): Body size measurements: distance between setae v2 – h1 150–160, sc2 – sc2 78–98; other measurements: v2 - v2 15–18, sc1 - sc1 50, c1 - c1 25, c3-c3 97–105, d1-d1 12–15, d3-d3 67–72, e1-e1 7–10, e3 - e3 57–63, f2-f2 47–55, f3 - f3 35–40, h1-h1 10–13, h2-h2 22–25. Dorsum. Anterior margin of prodorsum smoothly rounded, without notch. Prodorsal region with colliculate integument; region between setae sc2 - c3 with oblique and widely spaced transverse striations and region posterior to setae d1 - c3 with colliculate integument. Setae v2, sc1, c1, d1, d3 and e1 short to minute; other dorsal setae lanceolate except sc2 falcate. Setal measurements: v2 2, sc1 3, sc2 22–26, c1 3–4, c3 15–18, d1 5–6, d3 2–3, e1 2, e3 15–17, f2 16–18, f3 13–15, h1 11–13, h2 35–45. Gnathosoma. Palps similar to those of female. Seta d 5–6 long; eupathidia ul ′ 2, ul ′′ 1. Ventral infracapitular setae m absent. Venter. Cuticle covered with fine and mostly transverse striae. Coxal, genital and anal setae fine. Setal measurements: 1a 35–43, 1b 5–6, 3a 5–6, ps1 5–7, ps2 5–6. Setae 1c, 2b, 2c, 3b, 4a, 4b, ag, g1 and g2 absent. Legs. Setation (from coxae to tarsi): I 1–0–3–1–5–6(1), II 0–0–3–1–5–6(1), III 0–0–2–0–3–3. Tarsi I–II each with one solenidion ω" 2–3 (for both tarsi I and II) and two eupathidia pζ ′ - pζ" (4–5, 5; 4, 5 respectively). Cuticle of all legs covered with colliculate sculpturing. Detail of the development of leg chaetotaxy in Table 1. Type material. Holotype: female collected on Terminalia argentea (Combretaceae), Itapagipe, Minas Gerais, Brazil, (19°52’S, 49°39’W), 16 October 2008, coll. A. Mendonça (DZSJRP n. 10138). Paratypes: five females and three deutonymphs on same slide as holotype; two females, three protonymphs and three larvae, 19 August 2014, coll. E.B. Castro, same data as holotype (DZSJRP n. 10140 to 10144). Eight females and one deutonymph, same data as holotype (DZSJRP n. 10139, NMNH). Other material examined. Tenuipalpus boyani De Leon (USNM n. 2610): Paratypes: one female, one deutonymph and one protonymph on the slide, ex. Pouteria sp. (Sapotaceae), from Guyana (= British Guiana). Tenuipalpus eugeniae De Leon (USNM n. 2709): Holotype: female, ex. Eugenia biflora (Myrtaceae), from Jamaica. Paratypes: one female and one male on same slide as holotype. Etymology. This specific name spinosaurus refers to presence of a prominent dorsal crest on opisthosoma which reminds us of that of the extraordinary crest of the dinosaur Spinosaurus aegyptiacus Stromer (Spinosauridae). Differential diagnosis. This new species resembles T. boyani De Leon 1965 a in sharing the presence of lateral body projections associated with setae sc2 and c3, and a longitudinal crest on the opisthosoma (not illustrated in De Leon 1965a) and in having ventral seta 4b inserted distinctly mesad of its more common position in the Tenuipalpidae. It differs by having a prodorsum with a pair of strongly developed longitudinal to converging ridges running from sc1 to near the posterior margin of the shield (prodorsum with only weakly developed longitudinal ridges in T. boyani); setae sc1 are larger in T. spinosaurus (25–30 long; 10 long in T. boyani); setae sc1, c1 and d1 are oblanceolate in the deutonymphs and protonymphs of the new species, while in the immatures of T. boyani these setae are minute. Tenuipalpus spinosaurus also resembles T. eugeniae De Leon 1965 b, but differs in the position of coxal setae 4b, which are inserted much closer to setae 4a in former, and in the more commonly observed position in the latter species. Remarks. The new species was compared with the type specimens of T. boyani and T. eugeniae. In the many samples we analysed, only eggs, immatures and females were found, and no males were located. It suggests that this species may be parthenogenetic, or that males are produced only at certain times of the year or under certain conditions. Ontogeny. Tenuipalpus spinosaurus sp. nov. has the pattern of additions to the coxae that is common to the family (Lindquist 1985). Coxal setae 1c, 2c and 3b are added in the protonymph and 2b and 4b are added in the deutonymph. Here, the coxal setae 4b are inserted in an unusual position, off of coxal region IV and closer to setae 4a. This characteristic is also found in Tenuipalpus boyani De Leon. Seta v ′ is added to trochanters I, II and III in the deutonymph and is delayed until the adult stage on leg IV. Unusually, setae l ′ is added to trochanters III in the deutonymph (more commonly appears in the protonymph (Lindquist 1985)). Setae l ′ are added to femora I and II in deutonymph, as occurs in other Tenuipalpidae (e.g. Aegyptobia (Seeman & Beard 2011)). Setae l ′ are present on genua I and II of the larvae, and setae d (common for the family) and l" (delayed addition, according to Lindquist (1985)) are added to genua I and II of the deutonymph, as occurs in other Tenuipalpidae (e.g. Aegyptobia (Seeman & Beard (2011)). As is common in the family, seta d is added to genu III in the deutonymph (Lindquist 1985); while genu IV remain nude. As in most of Tenuipalpus species, the pattern of tibial setae is 5-5-3-3, and represents the larval complement. The patterns of addition of the tectal setae on the tarsi are variable amongst tenuipalpid taxa. Tenuipalpus spinosaurus sp. nov. displays a pattern commonly expressed within the family, but one in which the tectal pairs are delayed one stage from a standard pattern (Lindquist 1985). The pairs of tectal setae are added to tarsus I, II and III in the deutonymph (instead of protonymph), and to tarsus IV in the adult (instead of deutonymph). Setae d on femora I and II are inserted in a lateral position on tubercles in Tenuipalpus sensu stricto. In species of Tenuipalpus sensu lato, setae d on femora I and II are commonly inserted in a dorsal position and not usually on tubercles. Similarly, seta d on genua and tibiae of Tenuipalpus sensu stricto and sensu lato are also usually inserted in a lateral position. The rapid replacement of the Cerrado by agricultural crops such as soybean, rice, corn, and cotton as well as pasture (Klink & Moreira 2002), increases the risk that species may become extinct before they are even known (Demite et al. 2009). Some tenuipalpids show host preference (Mesa et al. 2009) and may occur only on a single genus of plants [e.g. T. heveae Baker that has only ever been recorded occurring on plants of the genus Hevea (Euphorbiaceae)]. Due to such host specificity, we believe that if a given plant becomes extinct, then the mites associated with it may also become extinct
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- 2016
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70. Tenuipalpus Castro, Feres, Ochoa & Bauchan, 2016, sensu stricto
- Author
Castro, Elizeu B., Feres, Reinaldo J. F., Ochoa, Ronald, and Bauchan, Gary R.
- Subjects
Arthropoda ,parasitic diseases ,Arachnida ,Prostigmata ,Animalia ,Tenuipalpus ,Biodiversity ,bacterial infections and mycoses ,Tenuipalpidae ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Tenuipalpus sensu stricto group Diagnosis. Adults female and male: Species of this group can be differentiated from other Tenuipalpus by presence of one pair of lateral body projections associated with setae c3. See Castro et al. (2016) for a detailed diagnosis., Published as part of Castro, Elizeu B., Feres, Reinaldo J. F., Ochoa, Ronald & Bauchan, Gary R., 2016, A new species of Tenuipalpus sensu stricto (Acari: Tenuipalpidae) from Brazil, with ontogeny and a key to the known species, pp. 355-378 in Zootaxa 4088 (3) on page 356, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4088.3.3, http://zenodo.org/record/261507
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71. Tetrabdella Hernandes & Feres
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Hernandes, Fabio A., Skvarla, Michael J., Fisher, Ray, Dowling, Ashley P. G., Ochoa, Ronald, Ueckermann, Edward A., and Bauchan, Gary R.
- Subjects
Arthropoda ,Arachnida ,Prostigmata ,Animalia ,Bdellidae ,Biodiversity ,Tetrabdella ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Tetrabdella Hernandes & Feres Type-species: Tetrabdella neotropica Hernandes & Feres, 2006 by original designation. 158. Tetrabdella neotropica Hernandes & Feres, 2006: 60; Cedral, S��o Paulo, Brazil, ex Hevea brasiliensis M.Arg. (Euphorbiaceae). Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at DZSJRP, paratype at USNM., Published as part of Hernandes, Fabio A., Skvarla, Michael J., Fisher, Ray, Dowling, Ashley P. G., Ochoa, Ronald, Ueckermann, Edward A. & Bauchan, Gary R., 2016, Catalogue of snout mites (Acariformes: Bdellidae) of the world, pp. 1-83 in Zootaxa 4152 (1) on page 30, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4152.1.1, http://zenodo.org/record/261900, {"references":["Hernandes, F. A. & Feres, R. J. F. (2006) Tetrabdella neotropica (Acari: Bdellidae), a new genus and species from Brazil. Zootaxa, 1135, 57 - 68."]}
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72. Tenuipalpus Donnadieu 1876
- Author
Castro, Elizeu B., Feres, Reinaldo J. F., Ochoa, Ronald, and Bauchan, Gary R.
- Subjects
Arthropoda ,Arachnida ,Prostigmata ,Animalia ,Tenuipalpus ,Biodiversity ,Tenuipalpidae ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Genus Tenuipalpus Donnadieu, 1876 Type species: Tenuipalpus palmatus Donnadieu, 1876 (= Tenuipalpus caudatus (Dug��s, 1834)) Diagnosis. Female: Body shape with prodorsum wider than opisthosoma or elongate-ovate; prodorsum with three pairs of setae (v2, sc1, sc2, except v2 absent in T. elegans (Collyer)); dorsal opisthosoma with eight to ten pairs of setae (c3, d3, e3, f3, h1, h2 present; c2, d2, e2 absent; c1, d1, e1, f2 present or absent (d1, e1 rarely absent); setae h2 elongate, flagellate. Palp one to three segmented. Venter with one to two pairs of setae 3a (3a2 present or absent) and one to four pairs of setae 4a (4a2, 4a3, 4a4 present or absent); ventral and genital plates not developed, membranous genital flap present; commonly two pairs of pseudanal setae ps1 ��� 2 present (setae ps3 rarely present). Male: Opisthosoma distinctly narrower than that of female; legs and dorsal setae usually similar to those of female; pseudanal setae ps1 modified as accessory genital stylet., Published as part of Castro, Elizeu B., Feres, Reinaldo J. F., Ochoa, Ronald & Bauchan, Gary R., 2016, A new species of Tenuipalpus sensu stricto (Acari: Tenuipalpidae) from Brazil, with ontogeny and a key to the known species, pp. 355-378 in Zootaxa 4088 (3) on page 356, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4088.3.3, http://zenodo.org/record/261507
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- 2016
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73. Neomolgus Oudemans
- Author
Hernandes, Fabio A., Skvarla, Michael J., Fisher, Ray, Dowling, Ashley P. G., Ochoa, Ronald, Ueckermann, Edward A., and Bauchan, Gary R.
- Subjects
Arthropoda ,Arachnida ,Prostigmata ,Animalia ,Bdellidae ,Biodiversity ,Neomolgus ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Neomolgus Oudemans Molgus Dujardin, 1842: 316 (nomen nudum); Molgus Trouessart, 1894: 118; Thor, 1913: 30; 1931a: 54. Molgus (Hoplomolgus) Berlese, 1923: 237. Neomolgus Oudemans, 1937: 1229; Atyeo, 1960a: 389; Soliman, 1975: 48; Soliman & Zaher, 1975: 78; Wallace & Mahon, 1976: 116; Michocka, 1987: 44. Type-species: Acarus littoralis Linnaeus, 1758 by original designation. 251. Neomolgus aegyptiacus Soliman & Mohamed, 1972b: 90; Faculty of Agriculture farm, Giza, Egypt, from clover field associated with Bryobia cristata (Acari, Tetranychidae). Remarks. Male unknown; although the species was formally described in 1975, three years earlier Soliman & Mohamed (1972b) published the biology of this species along with a morphological description of all stages. The authority and date must be therefore attributed to Soliman & Mohamed, 1972b. Type deposition. Probably at CUE. 252. Neomolgus aequalis (Schweizer & Bader, 1963): 238 comb. nov.; Kreuzlingen, Switzerland, ex moss. Original designation: Hoplomolgus aequalis Schweizer & Bader. Type deposition. NMB (A 211a). 253. Neomolgus berlesei (Tr��g��rdh, 1902b): 17 comb. nov.; in humid areas and under stones, Italy. Original designation: Bdella capillata var. berlesei Tr��g��rdh, 1902b: 17. Other name: Molgus (Hoplomolgus) berlesei, Thor, 1931a: 57. a. Molgus (Hoplomolgus) tuberculatus Berlese, 1923: 238 synonymy according to Thor (1931a: 57); Hoplomolgus tuberculatus, Schweizer & Bader, 1963: 242. Type deposition. Unknown. 254. Neomolgus capillatus (Kramer, 1881): 446; Germany���Willmann, 1939: 431; 1956: 243. Original designation: Bdella capillata Kramer; Canestrini, 1886: 188; Berlese, 1891; Michael, 1896: 514; Kramer, 1896: 447; Tr��g��rdh, 1902b: 17; B��bler, 1910: 812; Halbert, 1915: 112; Hull, 1918: 40. Other names: Molgus capillatus, Trouessart, 1888: 619; Thor, 1904b: 77; 1909: 7; Oudemans, 1914: 123; Schweizer, 1922: 79; Thor, 1926: 139; Thor, 1930a: 95; Hoplomolgus capillata, Tr��g��rdh, 1931: 49; Molgus (Hoplomolgus) capillatus, Vitzthum, 1929: 59; Molgus (Molgus) capillatus, Thor, 1931a: 60. Distribution. Germany (Voigts & Oudemans 1906), Ireland (Hull 1915), Germany, Switzerland, Italy, England, Ireland, Norway, Svalbard Islands (Thor 1931a), France (Schweizer 1922), Austria (Willmann 1951), Iceland (Atyeo & Tuxen 1962), Georgia (Gomelauri 1963b), Switzerland (Schweizer & Bader 1963), Australia (south western W.A.) (Wallace & Mahon 1976), Ukraine (Kuznetsov & Livshits 1979a), Poland (Michocka 1987), Iran (Ostovan & Kamali 1995; Kamali et al. 2001). Redescriptions. Atyeo & Tuxen (1962), Wallace & Mahon (1976), Michocka (1987). Type deposition. CRA. 255. Neomolgus clypeatus (Thor, 1930b): 17; Sjus��rn (Lillehammer), Norway.��� Atyeo & Tuxen, 1962: 290. Original designation: Molgus clypeatus Thor. Other name: Molgus (Hoplomolgus) clypeatus, Thor: 1931a: 55. Distribution. Iceland (Atyeo & Tuxen 1962), Syria (Lattakia) (Soliman & Zaher 1975), Australia (Wallace & Mahon 1976), Ukraine (Kuznetsov & Livshits 1979a), Iran (Ostovan & Kamali 1995; Kamali et al. 2001). Redescriptions. Atyeo & Tuxen (1962), Wallace & Mahon (1976). Type deposition. Lost. 256. Neomolgus egregia (Koch, 1839): 23 comb. nov.; in humid meadows, Europe. Original designation: Bdella egregia Koch; Koch, 1842: 74; Walckenaer & Gervais, 1847: 532; Anders��n, 1863: 184; Canestrini & Fanzago, 1877: 101; Oudemans, 1937: 1196. Other name: Molgus egregious, Thor, 1931a: 63. Bdella vulgaris, Canestrini, 1886: 183; Berlese, 1888: 7; 1893: 43; Halbert, 1915: 113; Schweizer & Bader, 1963: 230; synonymy according to Thor (1931a: 63). Bdella longitarsa Karsch, 1881: 37; Molgus egregius var. longitarsa, Thor, 1931a: 63. Distribution. Middle Europe (Germany, France, Italy, Sweden) (Thor 1931a), Japan (Karsch 1881), Ireland (Hull 1915). Type deposition. Unknown; type of B. longitarisa in ZMB. 257. Neomolgus helveticus (Schweizer & Bader, 1963): 239 comb. nov.; Buffalora mountain, National Park, Switzerland, under stone. Original designation: Hoplomolgus helveticus Schweizer & Bader. Type deposition. NMB (NP 1471). 258. Neomolgus iraniensis Eghbalian, Khanjani, Safaralizadeh & Ueckermann, 2016: 296; ex soil and litter under wild almond trees, Amygdalus scoparia L. (Rosaceae), Palangan village, Kamyaran, Kermanshah Province, Iran. Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at University of Bu-Ali Sina, Hamedan, Iran; paratype female at NCA. 259. Neomolgus lacustris (Hull, 1915): 121 comb. nov.; on soil, England. Original designation: Bdella lacustris Hull.���Hull, 1918: 40. Other name: Molgus (Molgus) lacustris, Thor, 1931a: 62. a. Molgus (Hoplomolgus) sublimis Berlese, 1923: 238 synonymy according to Thor (1931a: 62). Type deposition. Unknown. 260. Neomolgus littoralis (Linnaeus, 1745): 96; unknown locality.��� Atyeo, 1960a: 390. Original designation: Acarus littoralis Linnaeus, 1745: 96; 1758: 618; Hammer, 1775: 158; Fabricius, 1775: 815; 1780: 225; 1781: 493; 1787: 374; M��ller, 1776: 187; Oudemans, 1926b: 117; Johnston, 1845: 229; Oudemans, 1929: 316. Other names: Bdella littoralis, Neuman, 1875: 104; Hull, 1918: 40; 1922: 622; Oudemans, 1926a: 116; Tr��g��rdh, 1904: 46; 1912: 419; Bdella vulgaris var. littoralis Moniez, 1890a: 30, 1890b: 196. a. Bdella littoralis + capillata var. pallipediformis Tr��g��rdh, 1902b: 18; synonymy according to Thor (1931a: 61); Molgus littoralis, Thor, 1904a: 15; 1904b: 78; 1913: 30; 1928: 216; 1930a: 96; 1931a: 61; King, 1914: 138; Berlese, 1923: 237; Tr��g��rdh, 1928: 8; 1931: 47. Tr��g��rdh, 1928: 8; 1931: 47. b. Bdella groenlandica Tr��g��rdh, 1904: 48; Hull, 1922: 622; synonymy according to Thor (1930a). c. Molgus (Molgus) littoralis var. seurati Berlese, 1923: 237; synonymy according to Thor (1931a). d. Acarus petrarum ruber L.; Str��m, 1762: 196; Olafsen & Povelsen, 1772: 607; synonymy according to Thor (1904). e. Acarus basteri Johnston, 1836: 353; Bdella basteri; Michael, 1896: 478; synonymy according to Thor (1904). f. Acarus longicornis, Johnston, 1845: 227; synonymy according to Thor (1904). g. Bdella podurophila White, 1852: 210; synonymy according to Thor (1931a). h. Bdella arctica Thorell, 1871: 698; Kramer, 1897: 79; Tr��g��rdh, 1900: 9; Banks, 1919: 11; Molgus arcticus (Thorell), Trouessart, 1888: 119; Thor, 1902: 162; synonymy according to Thor (1904). i. Bdella marina Packard, 1873: 544; 1884: 828; Banks, 1894: 220; Michael 1896: 479; Banks 1907: 596; 1908: 5; Thor, 1931a: 39; synonymy according to Thor (1904). j. Molgus longicornis, Murray, 1877: 143; synonymy according to Thor (1931a). k. Bdella grandis Kramer, 1879: 131; synonymy according to Tr��g��rdh (1904: 46). l. Bdella villosa Kramer & Neuman, 1883: 525; Michael 1896: 479; Oudemans & Koenike, 1897: 238; Banks, 1899: 348; 1907: 596; Molgus villosa, Trouessart, 1888: 619; synonymy according to Thor (1904). m. Eupalus sanguineus Trouessart, 1888: 753; Bdella sanguinea, Trouessart, 1894: 119; Michael 1896: 478; Tr��g��rdh, 1900: 9; Molgus sanguineus, Trouessart, 1894: 117; synonymy according to Thor (1904). n. Bdella villosa + frigida Banks, 1899: 348; synonymy according to Thor (1931a). Distribution. England (Hull 1918), Canada (Nunavut) (Summerhayes & Elton 1928), Alaska, Hudson Bay Area, Greenland, Iceland, Spitsbergen, Bering Island, Russian Lapland (Kola-Hafvon), Novaya Zemlya (Matochkin Strait), Finland (Atyeo 1960a), Japan (Ehara 1960, 1961, Shiba 1971), Iceland (Atyeo & Tuxen 1962). Redescriptions. Atyeo (1960a), Atyeo & Tuxen (1962). Remarks. Atyeo (1960a: 391) reported specimens from Matochkin Strait lacking trichobothria on tibia IV, and having a long tactile seta in the position normally occupied by the trichobothria. Type deposition. Unknown. 261. Neomolgus longipalpis (Karpelles, 1893): 106 comb. nov.; Maramures, Hungary, at Pop Ivan mountain. Original designation: Bdella longipalpis Karpelles. Other name: Molgus longipalpis, Thor, 1931a: 63. Type deposition. Unknown. 262. Neomolgus longipalpus Kuznetsov, 1984: 774; park of the Nikita botanical garden, Yalta, Crimea, ex litter. Remarks. Male unknown. According to ICZN (article 57.6), the one-letter difference in spelling in relation to the previous species is enough to prevent the homonymy. Type deposition. NBG. 263. Neomolgus lumarius Atyeo, 1962: 292 in Atyeo & Tuxen; H��itindur, Southeast Iceland. Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at ZMUC; paratypes at USNM, BMNH and SAM. 264. Neomolgus maculatus (Karpelles, 1893): 26 comb. nov.; Sălaj, Hungary. Original designation: Bdella maculata Karpelles. Other names: Molgus maculatus, Thor, 1931a: 64; Molgus maculatus var. pilosa; Thor, 1931a: 64. Type deposition. Unknown. 265. Neomolgus monticola Willmann, 1951: 162; Hohe Tauern, Switzerland. Other name: Hoplomolgus monticola, Schweizer & Bader, 1963: 240. Type deposition. ZSM. 266. Neomolgus mutabilis Atyeo, 1960a: 392; 2 miles south of Galena, Cherokee Co., Kansas, USA, under board. Distribution. United States (Kansas, Texas), Mexico (Distrito Federal) (Atyeo 1960a). Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at SEMC, paratypes at USNM, BMNH and SAM. 267. Neomolgus obsoletus (Berlese, 1923): 238 comb. nov.; in Germany and Norway. Original designation: Molgus (Hoplomolgus) obsoletus, Thor, 1931a: 58; Hoplomolgus obsoletus, Schweizer & Bader, 1963: 242. Type deposition. CRA. 268. Neomolgus ontakensis Shiba, 1971: 99; Mt. Ontak��, Nagano pref., Japan. Type deposition. Biological Laboratory of Matsuyama Shinonome Junior College, Matsuyama, Japan. 269. Neomolgus pallipes (Koch, 1879): 131; Siberia, Russia. Original designation: Bdella pallipes Koch; Hull, 1918: 41; Hull, 1922: 622; Neomolgus pallipes; Mihelčič, 1958a; Willmann, 1952: 166. a. Bdella hirta Kramer, 1896: 447; synonymy according to Thor (1931a: 58). b. Bdella basteri Johnston forma pallipes, Tr��g��rdh, 1901: 61; synonymy according to Thor (1931a: 58). c. Bdella capillata var. pallipes, Tr��g��rdh, 1902b: 16; 1904: 47; synonymy according to Thor (1931a: 59). d. Molgus (Molgus) pallipes, Thor, 1931a: 58. e. Molgus capillatus, Thor, 1927: 139; 1930: 95; synonymy according to Thor (1931a: 59); Molgus capillatus var. pallipes, Tr��g��rdh, 1928: 8; synonymy according to Thor (1931a: 59). Distribution. Canada (Summerhayes & Elton 1928), Northern Europe and Asia (Siberia, Novaja, Semlja, Sweden, Norway, Svalbard, England, Borkum Island) (Thor 1931a), Germany (Wangerooge Island) (Willmann 1952), Spain (Mihelčič 1958a). Type deposition. BMNH. 270. Neomolgus paracapillatus Michocka, 1987: 45; Warsaw, Poland, ex decayed grass. Type deposition. In the author���s collection. 271. Neomolgus pratensis Shiba, 1971: 93; Namekawa, Kawauchi-ch��, Ehime pref., Japan. Type deposition. Biological Laboratory of Matsuyama Shinonome Junior College, Matsuyama, Japan. 272. Neomolgus pygmaeus Shiba, 1969a: 74; Shiga Heights, Japan. Distribution. Japan (Shiba 1969a), China (Lin et al. 2006). Redescription. Shiba (1971). Type deposition. Biological Laboratory of Matsuyama Shinonome Junior College, Matsuyama, Japan. 273. Neomolgus raeticus (Schweizer & Bader, 1963): 238 comb. nov.; NationalPark, Mt. Mezdi, Switzerland. Original designation: Hoplomolgus raeticus Schweizer & Bader. Type deposition. NMB (NP 1845). 274. Neomolgus raptor Kuznetsov & Barilo, 1984: 934; near Samarkand (Tchapan-Atha), Uzbekistan, under stones. Type deposition. NBG. 275. Neomolgus reticulatus (Schweizer & Bader, 1963): 241 comb. nov.; S-chanf, Switzerland. Original designation: Hoplomolgus reticulatus Schweizer & Bader. Type deposition. NMB (NP 283). 276. Neomolgus sabulosus Shiba, 1971: 96; Shigenobu River, Matsuyama, Ehime pref., Japan. Type deposition. Biological Laboratory of Matsuyama Shinonome Junior College, Matsuyama, Japan. 277. Neomolgus seriatus Shiba, 1971: 101; Otanom��su-no-taira, Shigak��gen, Nagano pref., Japan. Type deposition. Biological Laboratory of Matsuyama Shinonome Junior College, Matsuyama, Japan. 278. Neomolgus thorianus (Berlese, 1923): 239 comb. nov.; Corfu, Greece. Original designation: Molgus (Hoplomolgus) thorianus Berlese. Other name: Molgus (Molgus) thorianus, Thor, 1931a: 62. Distribution. Greece (Corfu Island) (Thor 1931a), Georgia (Gomelauri 1963b). Type deposition. CRA., Published as part of Hernandes, Fabio A., Skvarla, Michael J., Fisher, Ray, Dowling, Ashley P. G., Ochoa, Ronald, Ueckermann, Edward A. & Bauchan, Gary R., 2016, Catalogue of snout mites (Acariformes: Bdellidae) of the world, pp. 1-83 in Zootaxa 4152 (1) on pages 41-45, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4152.1.1, http://zenodo.org/record/261900, {"references":["Dujardin, F. (1842) Zoologie. L'Institut - Journal Universel des Sciences et des Societes Savantes en France et a l'Etranger, 454, 316.","Trouessart, E. L. (1894) Note sur une grande espece de Bdelle maritime originaire d'Island. Journal de l'Anatomie et de la Physiologie, 30, 117 - 125.","Thor, S. (1913) Biscirus genus novum: eine neue Bdelliden-Gattung und zwei neue Untergattungen. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 42, 28 - 30.","Berlese, A. (1923) Centuria sesta di Acari nuovi. Redia-Giornale di Entomologia, 15, 1 - 240.","Oudemans, A. C. (1937) Kritisch historisch overzicht der Acarologie. 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74. Odontoscirus Thor
- Author
Hernandes, Fabio A., Skvarla, Michael J., Fisher, Ray, Dowling, Ashley P. G., Ochoa, Ronald, Ueckermann, Edward A., and Bauchan, Gary R.
- Subjects
Arthropoda ,Arachnida ,Prostigmata ,Odontoscirus ,Animalia ,Bdellidae ,Biodiversity ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Odontoscirus Thor Odontoscirus Thor, 1913: 29; Thor, 1931a: 52 (as subgenus of Biscirus); type-species Bdella virgulata Canestrini & Fanzago by original designation; Meyer & Ryke, 1959: 379; Atyeo, 1960a: 386; Michocka, 1987: 50; Wallace & Mahon 1976: 67. Bdellodes Oudemans, 1937: 1217; Meyer & Ryke, 1959: 378; Wallace & Mahon, 1976: 67; Michocka, 1987: 56. Type-species: Scirus longirostris Hermann, 1804 by original designation. Scirus Hermann, 1804: 61; Thor, 1931a: 41 (part.). Hoploscirus Thor, 1937: 43; type-species Scirus dubitatus Womersley, 1933a by original designation; synonymy according to Wallace & Mahon (1976: 67). Thoribdella Grandjean, 1938: 4 type-species Biscirus meridionalis Thor, 1931a by original designation; synonymy according to Wallace & Mahon (1976: 67). Octobdellodes Atyeo, 1960a: 407 type-species O. hurdi Atyeo, 1960a; synonymy according to Atyeo (1963a: 118, 125). 159. Odontoscirus affinis (Atyeo, 1963a): 185 comb. nov.; Rottnest Island, Australia. Original designation: Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) affinis Atyeo. Distribution. Australia (Atyeo 1963a; Wallace & Mahon 1976), Andaman Islands (Gupta & Ghosh 1980). Redescriptions. Wallace & Mahon (1976), Gupta (2002). Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at SAM, paratypes at BMNH, USNM, ANIC. 160. Odontoscirus agrestis (Atyeo, 1963a): 152 comb. nov.; Auckland, New Zealand, ex moss and lichens. Original designation: Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) agrestis Atyeo. Remarks. Male unknown. Type deposition. Holotype and paratype at MONZ, paratype at NZFRI. 161. Odontoscirus alacris (Atyeo, 1963a): 193 comb. nov.; Glen Osmond, South Australia. Original designation: Bdellodes (Hoploscirusu) alacris Atyeo. a. Biscirus symmetricus (part.), Womersley, 1933a: 106 (not Kramer, 1898); synonymy according to Wallace & Mahon (1976: 103). Distribution. Australia (Atyeo, 1963a, Wallace & Mahon, 1976). Redescription. Wallace & Mahon (1976). Type deposition. SAM. 162. Odontoscirus alpinus Atyeo, 1960a: 388; Piegan Pass, Glacier National Park, Montana, USA. Type deposition. SEMC. 163. Odontoscirus amamiensis Shiba, 1985: 81; Southern Japan (Kyushu). Type deposition. Biological Laboratory of Matsuyama Shinonome Junior College, Matsuyama, Japan. 164. Odontoscirus ancalae (Atyeo, 1963a): 148 comb. nov.; Wellington, New Zealand, ex leaf mold. Original designation: Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) ancalae Atyeo. Remarks. Male unknown. Type deposition. MONZ. 165. Odontoscirus angustifolius (Gupta, 1991): 221 comb. nov.; Moreh, Manipur, India, ex Canthium angustifolium (Rubiaceae)��� Gupta, 2002: 31. Original designation: Bdella angustifolius Gupta. Bdellodes angustifolius, Gupta, 2002. Remarks. Male unknown. Redescription. Gupta (2002). Type deposition. NZSI. 166. Odontoscirus annona (Tseng, 1978): 33 comb. nov., new emendation; Kuiyin, Tainan Hsien, Taiwan, ex Annona sp. (Annonaceae). Original designation: Bdellodes anona Tseng. Remarks. The etymology of the species refers to the host plant, originally misspelled as Anona sp. [sic] rather than Annona sp.; therefore this species is herein emendated to Odontoscirus annona. Type deposition. Supposedly at BSMI, but probably lost (C-C Ho, pers. comm.). 167. Odontoscirus asiaticus Kuznetsov & Barilo, 1984: 934; near Samarkand, Agalyk village, Uzbekistan, ex under stones on humid soil; 3 males and 1 female paratypes on low grass and under stones in Samarkand region near Zeravshan mountain ridge. Type deposition. NBG. 168. Odontoscirus atro (Gupta, 1991): 220 comb. nov.; Arunachal Pradesh, Siji, India, ex Viburnum atrocyaneum Clarke (Adoxaceae). Bdellodes atro, Gupta, 2002: 32. Original designation: Bdella atro Gupta. Remarks. Male unknown. Redescription. Gupta (2002). Type deposition. NZSI. 169. Odontoscirus atyeoi Michocka, 1987: 54; Tatra, Poland. Type deposition. In the author���s collection. 170. Odontoscirus augusta (Roy & Saha, 2010): 121 comb. nov.; West Bengal, India. Original designation: Bdellodes augusta Roy & Saha. Type deposition. DZCU. 171. Odontoscirus australicus (Womersley, 1933a): 107 comb. nov.; Waroona, Western Australia. Original designation: Biscirus (Biscirus) australicus Womersley. Other name: Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) australica, Atyeo, 1963a: 188 (neotype designation). Redescriptions. Atyeo (1963a), Wallace & Mahon (1976). Type deposition. Neotype female at SAM. 172. Odontoscirus bidentata (Wallace & Mahon, 1976): 94 comb. nov.; Omeo, Australia, in mountain gully. Original designation: Bdellodes bidentata Wallace & Mahon. Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at ANIC, paratypes at SAM, BPBM and MONZ. 173. Odontoscirus bifurcata (El-Sherif & Bolland, 1993): 2237 comb. nov., from litter near railway in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Original designation: Bdellodes bifurcata El-Sherif & Bolland. Type deposition. Unknown. 174. Odontoscirus bisetosa (Atyeo, 1960a): 414 comb. nov.; 10 miles west of Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico, under rock. Original designation: Bdellodes bisetosa Atyeo. Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at SEMC, paratypes at USNM, BMNH and SAM. 175. Odontoscirus brevicornis (Cooremann, 1959): 30 comb. nov.; Muotathal, Switzerland, in cave. Original designation: Thoribdella brevicornis Cooremann. Type deposition. IRSN. 176. Odontoscirus bryi (Atyeo, 1963a): 142 comb. nov.; Otago, New Zealand, ex moss on stones. Original designation: Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) bryi Atyeo. Remarks. Male unknown. Type deposition. MONZ. 177. Odontoscirus californica (Banks, 1904b): 366 comb. nov.; Claremont, LA, USA. Original designation: Bdella californica Banks; Banks, 1907: 596; Thoribdella californica (Banks), Atyeo, 1960a: 396; Bdellodes californica, Hernandes, 2013: 65. Bdella magna Ewing, 1913: 123; synonymy according to Atyeo (1960a). Distribution. United States (Los Angeles, California) (Atyeo 1960a). Redescription. Atyeo (1960a). Thor (1931a) has strangely regarded Bdella californica Banks as both synonyms of Bdellodes longirostris and of Biscirus uncinatus (pages 42 and 50, respectively). Type deposition. MCZ. 178. Odontoscirus camellae (Atyeo, 1963a): 145 comb. nov.; Wellington, New Zealand, ex leaf mold. Original designation: Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) camellae Atyeo. Remarks. Female unknown. Type deposition. MONZ. 179. Odontoscirus communis (Atyeo, 1960a): 399 comb. nov.; west slope of Cortez Pass, Mexico, under rock. Original designation: Thoribdella communis Atyeo. Other name: Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) commnunis, Atyeo, 1963a: 188. Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at SEMC, paratypes at BMNH, USNM and SAM. 180. Odontoscirus conformis (Atyeo, 1963a): 137 comb. nov.; Otago, New Zealand, beaten off ferns. Original designation: Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) conformis Atyeo. Remarks. Male unknown. Type deposition. MONZ. 181. Odontoscirus consanguinea (Atyeo, 1963a): 194 comb. nov.; Busselton, Western Australia. Original designation: Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) consanguinea Atyeo. a. Biscirus symmetricus (part.), Womersley, 1933a: 106 (not Kramer, 1898); synonymy according to Wallace & Mahon (1976: 84). b. Biscirus intermedius (part.) (Thor, 1928: 213); Womersley, 1933a: 104; synonymy according to Wallace & Mahon (1976: 84). Distribution. Australia (Atyeo 1963a), (WA, SA, Victoria, Tasmania, NSW, south eastern Queensland, Kununurra area WA) (Wallace & Mahon 1976). Redescription. Wallace & Mahon (1976). Type deposition. SAM. 182. Odontoscirus copiosa (Atyeo, 1963a): 136 comb. nov.; Otago, New Zealand, under stone. Original designation: Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) copiosa Atyeo. Type deposition. MONZ. 183. Odontoscirus currax (Atyeo, 1963a): 187 comb. nov.; Moount Toolbrunnup, Western Australia, on mealy litter and moss. Original designation: Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) currax Atyeo. Redescription. Wallace & Mahon (1976). Type deposition. SAM. 184. Odontoscirus curvus (Atyeo, 1963a): 140 comb. nov.; Auckland Islands, New Zealand, under stone at high tide mark. Original designation: Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) curvus Atyeo. Redescription. Wallace (1970). Type deposition. MONZ. 185. Odontoscirus dubitatus (Womersley, 1933a): 102 comb. nov.; Mount Nelson, Tasmania, under stone. Bdellodes dubitata, Wallace & Mahon, 1976: 78. Original designation: Scirus dubitatus Womersley. Other name: Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) dubitata, Atyeo, 1963a: 196. Redescriptions. Atyeo (1963a), Wallace & Mahon (1976). Remarks. Male unknown, species known only from the holotype. Type deposition. SAM. 186. Odontoscirus edentata (Halliday, 2005): 22 comb. nov.; Port Elizabeth, Marine Protea Hotel, South Africa. Original designation: Bdellodes edentata Halliday. Remarks. Male unknown. Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at NCA, paratype at ANIC. 187. Odontoscirus exilicornis (Berlese, 1910): 347 comb. nov.; Cape Town, South Africa. Bdellodes exilicornis, Meyer & Ryke, 1959: 379. Original designation: Bdella exilicornis Berlese. Other name: Scirus exilicornis, Thor, 1931a: 44. Type deposition. Lost (Castagnoli & Pegazzani, 1985). 188. Odontoscirus flexuosa (Atyeo, 1963a): 139 comb. nov.; Campbell Island, New Zealand, under stone. Original designation: Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) flexuosa Atyeo; Atyeo, 1964: 167. Redescriptions. Wallace (1970). Type deposition. MONZ. 189. Odontoscirus furcatus (Shiba, 1969a): 73 comb. nov.; Shiga Heights, Japan. Original designation: Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) furcatus Shiba; Nakamura et al. (2006). Type deposition. Unknown. 190. Odontoscirus georgianensis (Wallace, 1970): 109 comb. nov.; Royal Bay, Moltke Harbor, South Georgia, Antarctica, under moss and rocks. Original designation: Bdellodes (Bdellodes) georgianensis Wallace. Type deposition. Holotype at BPBM, paratypes at ANIC and BMNH. 191. Odontoscirus gleba Chaudhri & Akbar, 1985: 118; 1 mile from W. Hassanabdal, Pakistan. Type deposition. UAF. 192. Odontoscirus graminis (Wallace & Mahon, 1976): 105 comb. nov.; Pine Creek, Northern Territory, Australia, ex grass, Eucalyptus sp. Original designation: Bdellodes graminis Wallace & Mahon. Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at ANIC, paratypes at SAM, BPBM and MONZ. 193. Odontoscirus grandiflora (Gupta, 1991): 224 comb. nov.; Arunachal Pradesh, Garu, India, ex Thunbergia grandiflora Roxb. (Acanthaceae). Original designation: Bdellodes grandiflora Gupta. Type deposition. NZSI. Remarks. Male unknown. Redescription. Gupta (2002). 194. Odontoscirus gressitti (Atyeo, 1964): 167 comb. nov.; Beeman Camp, Campbell Island, New Zealand, ex moss. Original designation: Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) gressitti Atyeo. Redescriptions. Wallace (1970). Type deposition. Holotype at MONZ; paratypes at BPBM. 195. Odontoscirus guajavae (Chatterjee & Gupta, 2002): 34 (in Gupta 2002) comb. nov.; Kalyani, West Bengal, India, ex Psidium guajava (Myrtaceae). Original designation: Octobdellodes guajavae Chatterjee & Gupta. Type deposition. ZSI. 196. Odontoscirus hadroseta (Wallace & Mahon, 1976): 110 comb. nov.; Nyabing, Western Australia, Australia, on sand plain scrub on roadside. Original designation: Bdellodes hadroseta Wallace & Mahon. a. Biscirus symmetricus (part.), Womersley, 1933a: 106 (not Kramer, 1898); synonymy according to Wallace & Mahon (1976: 110). b. Biscirus intermedius (Thor 1928: 213) (part.), Womersley, 1933a: 104; synonymy according to Wallace & Mahon (1976: 110). c. Biscirus uncinatus (Kramer 1898: 12), Womersley, 1933a: 106; synonymy according to Wallace & Mahon (1976: 110). Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at ANIC, paratypes at SAM, BPBM and MONZ. 197. Odontoscirus haramotoi (Swift & Goff, 1987): 35 comb. nov.; Koa, Hawaii, ex litter. Original designation: Bdellodes haramotoi Swift & Goff. Remarks. Female unknown. Type deposition. BPBM. 198. Odontoscirus harpax (Atyeo, 1963a): 128 comb. nov.; Woods Point, South Australia. Original designation: Bdellodes (Bdellodes) harpax Atyeo. a Biscirus symmetricus (part.), Womersley, 1933a: 106 (not Kramer, 1898); synonymy according to Wallace & Mahon (1976: 115). b. Biscirus intermedius (Thor 1928: 213) (part.), Womersley, 1933a: 104; synonymy according to Wallace & Mahon (1976: 115). c. Scirus longirostris Hermann (part.), Womersley, 1933a: 101; synonymy according to Wallace & Mahon (1976: 115). Distribution. Australia, New Zealand, Tasmania (Atyeo, 1963a, Wallace & Mahon, 1976). Redescription. Wallace & Mahon (1976). Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at SAM, paratypes at NZFRI, MONZ, BMNH, USNM. 199. Odontoscirus hessei (Womersley, 1933c): 111 comb. nov.; Stellenbosch C.P., South Africa.��� Meyer & Ryke, 1959: 379. Original designation: Scirus hessei Womersley. Other name: Bdellodes (Bdellodes) hessei, Atyeo, 1963a: 181. Distribution. South Africa (Meyer & Ryke 1959; Atyeo 1963a; Halliday 2005), Australia (Perth, Nedland) (Atyeo 1963a), Western Australia (Wallace & Mahon 1976). Redescriptions. Meyer & Ryke (1959), Atyeo (1963a), Wallace & Mahon (1976). Type deposition. SAM. 200. Odontoscirus hickmani (Womersley, 1933a): 107 comb. nov.; National Park, Tasmania, Australia, under stones.��� Wallace & Mahon, 1976: 81. Original designation: Biscirus (Biscirus) hickmani Womersley. Redescriptions. Atyeo (1963a), Wallace & Mahon (1976). Remarks. Male unknown. Type deposition. SAM. 201. Odontoscirus hospita (Banks, 1916): 224 comb. nov.; Victoria, Australia, with Polyrhachis hexacantha (Insecta, Formicidae).��� Wallace & Mahon, 1976: 91. Original designation: Bdella (Scirus) hospita Banks. Other name: Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) hospita, Atyeo, 1963a: 19. a. Biscirus symmetricus (part.), Womersley, 1933a: 106 (not Kramer, 1898); synonymy according to Wallace & Mahon (1976: 91). b. Biscirus intermedius (Thor 1928: 213) (part.), Womersley, 1933a: 104; synonymy according to Wallace & Mahon (1976: 91). Redescriptions. Atyeo (1963a), Wallace & Mahon (1976). Type deposition. Cotypes at USNM and SAM. 202. Odontoscirus hurdi (Atyeo, 1960a): 408 comb. nov.; Point Barrow, Alaska, USA. Original designation: Octobdellodes hurdi Atyeo. Other name: Bdellodes (Bdellodes) hurdi; Atyeo, 1963a: 125. Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at SEMC, paratypes at BMNH, USNM, SAM, CAS. 203. Odontoscirus hygrotes (Swift & Goff, 1987): 32 comb. nov.; Oahu I, Maui I, Hawaii. Original designation: Bdellodes hygrotes Swift & Goff. Type deposition. BPBM. 204. Odontoscirus inflata (Wallace & Mahon, 1976): 78 comb. nov.; Mandurah, Western Australia, coastal sanddune vegetation. Original designation: Bdellodes inflata Wallace & Mahon. Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at ANIC, paratypes at SAM, BPBM and MONZ. 205. Odontoscirus infrequens (Atyeo, 1960a): 410 comb. nov.; Douglas County, Kansas, USA, on shagbark hickory. Original designation: Octobdellodes infrequens Atyeo. Remarks. According to Atyeo (1960a: 411), this species has 7 to 8 pairs of hypostomal setae rather than the usual 6 pairs. Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at SEMC, paratypes at USNM. 206. Odontoscirus insolita (Atyeo, 1960a): 398 comb. nov.; 2 miles of west Oakville, Napa Co., California, USA, ��� Laurel association���. Original designation: Thoribdella insolita Atyeo. Type deposition. SEMC. 207. Odontoscirus intermedius (Thor, 1928): 213 comb. nov.; Norway. Original designation: Biscirus (Biscirus) intermedius Thor; Thor, 1931a: 48. Other names: Biscirus intermedius, Schweizer & Bader, 1963: 236; Thoribdella intermedius, Grandjean, 1938: 4; Bdellodes (Hoploscirus) intermedius, Atyeo, 1963a: 128. Distribution. Norway (Thor 1931a), Georgia (Gomelauri 1963b), Switzerland (Schweizer & Bader 1963), Ukraine (Kuznetsov & Livshits 1979a). Type deposition. Lost. 208. Odontoscirus, Published as part of Hernandes, Fabio A., Skvarla, Michael J., Fisher, Ray, Dowling, Ashley P. G., Ochoa, Ronald, Ueckermann, Edward A. & Bauchan, Gary R., 2016, Catalogue of snout mites (Acariformes: Bdellidae) of the world, pp. 1-83 in Zootaxa 4152 (1) on pages 31-41, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4152.1.1, http://zenodo.org/record/261900, {"references":["Thor, S. (1913) Biscirus genus novum: eine neue Bdelliden-Gattung und zwei neue Untergattungen. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 42, 28 - 30.","Thor, S. (1931 a) Bdellidae, Nicoletiellidae, Cryptognathidae. Das Tierreich, 56, 87 pp.","Meyer, M. K. P. & Ryke, P. A. J. (1959) Cunaxoidea (Acarina: Prostigmata) occurring on plants in South Africa. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 13 (2), 369 - 384. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1080 / 00222935908655745","Atyeo, W. T. (1960 a) A revision of the family Bdellidae in North and Central America (Acarina: Prostigmata). University of Kansas Science Bulletin, 40, 345 - 499.","Michocka, S. (1987) Polskie Roztocze (Acari) z rodzin Bdellidae i Cunaxidae. Monografie Fauny Polski, 14, 1 - 128 [in Polish with English summary].","Wallace, M. M. H. & Mahon, J. A. (1976) The taxonomy and biology of Australian Bdellidae (Acari). II. Subfamily Odontoscirinae. Acarologia, 18 (1), 65 - 123.","Oudemans, A. C. (1937) Kritisch historisch overzicht der Acarologie. Derede gedeelte, 1805 - 1850, Band C, Tarsonemini Can. & Fanz. 1877, Stomatostigmata Oudms. 1906, Eleutherengona Oudms. 1909. Brill, 1179 - 1259.","Hermann, J. F. (1804) III Ciron (Scirus). Memoire Apterologique, 60 - 62.","Thor, S. (1937) Hoploscirus, eine neue schildtragende Bdellidengattung aus Tasmania, unter dem Namen Scirus dubitatus n. sp. von H. Womersley, 1933 Beschrieben. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 119, 43 - 44.","Womersley, H. (1933 a) A preliminary account of the Bdellidae (snout mites) of Australia. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of South Australia, 57, 97 - 107.","Grandjean, F. (1938) Observations sur les Bdelles (Acariens). Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France, 107, 1 - 24.","Atyeo, W. T. (1963 a) The Bdellidae (Acarina) of the Australian Realm. Part I: New Zealand, Campbell Island, and the Auckland Islands. pp. 113 - 166; Part II: Australia and Tasmania. pp. 167 - 210. Bulletin of The University of Nebraska State Museum, 4 (8), 113 - 210.","Gupta, S. K. & Ghosh, S. K. (1980) Some prostigmatid mites (Acarina) from Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Records of the Zoological Survey of India, 77, 189 - 213.","Gupta, S. K. (2002) A monograph on plant inhabiting predatory mites of India. Part 1: Orders: Prostigmata, Astigmata and Cryptostigmata. Memoirs of the Zoological Survey of India, 19 (2), 1 - 183.","Kramer, P. 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Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of South Australia, 57, 108 - 111.","Banks, N. (1916) Acariens from Australian and Tasmanian ants and ant nests. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, 7, 224 - 240.","Schweizer, J. & Bader, C. (1963) Die Landmilben der Schweiz (Mittelland, Jura and Alpen). Trombidiformes Reuter. Denkschriften Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft, 84, 209 - 378.","Gomelauri, L. A. (1963 b) On the study of mites of the family Bdellidae in Georgian S. S. R. Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR, 30 (2), 47 - 51.","Kuznetsov, N. N. & Livshits, I. Z. (1979 a) Predatory mites of the Nikita Botanical Garden (Acariformes: Bdellidae, Cunaxidae, Camerobiidae). Proceedings of the State Nikita Botanical Garden, 79, 51 - 104.","Wainstein, B. A., Kuznetsov, N. N., Livshits, I. Z. & Sosnina, E. F. (1978) Family Bdellidae. In: Gilyarov, M. S. (Ed) Identifcation key to soil-inhabiting mites, Trombidiformes. 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Sitzungsberichte der Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, Abteilung I, 167, 35 - 57.","Voigts, H. & Oudemans, A. C. (1906) Zur Kenntnis der Milben-Fauna von Bremen. Bdellidae. In: Leuwer, F. (Ed.), Abhandlungen herausgegeben vom Naturwissenschaftlichen Verein zu Bremen, pp. 241 - 242.","Thor, S. (1930 a) Beitrage zur kenntnis der invertebraten fauna von Svalbard. Skrifter Svalbard og Ishavet, 27, 1 - 156.","Dumbleton, L. J. (1932) Report on spruce aphis investigation for the year ending December 1930. New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology, 13 (4), 207 - 20.","Willmann, C. (1952) Die Milbenfauna der Nordseeinsel Wangerooge. Veroffentlichungen des Instituts fur Meeresforschung Bremerhaven, 1, 139 - 186.","Atyeo, W. T. & Tuxen, S. L. (1962) The Icelandic Bdellidae (Acarina). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society, 35 (3), 281 - 298.","Kamali, K., Ostovan, H. & Atamehr, A. (2001) A catalog of mites & ticks (Acari) of Iran. Islamic Azad University Scientific Publication Center. 204 pp.","Barbar, Z. (2016) The mite fauna (Acari) of two Syrian citrus orchards, with notes on their morphology and economic importance. Systematic & Applied Acarology, 21 (8), 991 - 1008. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.11158 / saa. 21.8.1","Ali Khan, B. & Anwarullah, M. (1970) A new species of Odontoscirus from Pakistan. Science and Industry (Karachi), 7 (3), 192 - 194.","Willmann, C. (1941) Die Acari der Hohlen der Balkanhalbinsel (Nach dem Material der \" Biospeologica balcanica \"). Studien aus dem Gebiete der allgemeinen Karstforschung, der wissenschaftlichen Hohlenkunde, der Eiszeitforschung und den Nachbargebieten; 14, B, Biologische Serie. Nr. 8.","Thor, S. (1904 b) Norwegische Bdellidae I. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 28, 69 - 79.","Schweizer, J. (1922) Beitrag zur Kenntnis der terrestrischen Milbenfauna der Schweiz. Verhandlungen der Naturferschenden Gesellschaft in Basel, 33, 23 - 111. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. part. 3644","Vitzthum, H. G. (1926) Malayiche Acari. Treubia, 8, 1 - 195.","Walckenaer, C. A. & Gervais, M. P. (1847) Histoire naturelle des insectes apteres IV. 1 - 623 pp.","Andersen, C. H. (1863) Bidrag till kannedomen om Nordiska Acarider. Ofversigt af Kongliga Vetenskaps-Akademiens Forhandlingar, 20, 181 - 193.","Canestrini, G. & Fanzago, F. (1877) Intorno agli acari italiani. Atti del Reale Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, 5 (4), 1 - 140 + plates II - VII.","Moniez, R. (1890 a) Acariens observes en France (1 ere liste). Revue Biologique du Nord de la France, 3, 24 - 33.","Tragardh, I. (1902 a) Beitrage zur Kentnis der Schwedischen Acariden-fauna. I. Lapplandische Trombidiiden und Oribatiden. Bihang Till Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar, 28, 1 - 26.","Halbert, M. R. I. A. (1915) Clare Island Survey-Acarinida. Section II-terrestrial and marine Acarina. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 39, 45 - 136.","Atyeo, W. T. (1977) Family Bdellidae. La Faune terrestre de I´lle de Sainte-Helene. Annales du Musee Royal de l´Afrique Centrale, 8, 300 - 305.","Trouessart, E. L. (1888) Note sur les acariens marins recueillis par M. Giard au laboratoire maritime de Wimereux. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des seances de l'Academie des Sciences, 107, 753 - 755. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. part. 4881","Banks, N. (1894) Some new American Acarina. Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 21, 209 - 222.","Ewing, H. E. (1909 b) A systematic and biological study of the Acarina of Illinois. University of Illinois Bulletin, 7 (14), 1 - 120.","Ewing, H. E. (1917) New Acarina, part II-Descriptions of new species and varieties from Iowa, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 37 (2), 149 - 172.","Hartzell, A. (1918) A preliminary list of the Acarina of Iowa. The Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Sciences, 25, 205 - 212.","Banks, N. (1899) Reports upon the insects, spiders, mites and myriapods collected by Dr. L. Stejneger and Mr. G. E. H. Barrett- Hamilton on the Commander Islands-Arachnida. Reports of the fur-seal investigations, 347 - 351.","Tragardh, I. (1904) Monographie der arktischen Acariden. Fauna Arctica, 41, 1 - 77.","Koch, C. L. (1835 - 1844) Deutschlands Crustaceen, Myriapoden und Arachniden. Ein Beitrag zur deutschen Fauna. Herausgegeben von Dr. Herrich-Schaffer. Regensburg, Friedrich Pustet. 40 parts.","Koch, C. L. (1842) Ubersicht des Arachnidensystems. Familie II: Schabelmilben Bdellides, pp. 73 - 77.","Walckenaer, C. A. & Gervais, M. P. (1844) Histoire naturelle des insectes apteres III. 1 - 476 pp.","Gervais, H. P. (1841) Note sur quelques especes de l´ordre des Acariens. Annales des Sciences Naturelles. Zoologie et Biologie Animale, 15, 5 - 10.","Murray, A. (1877) Economic Entomology. Aptera. Chapman and Hall. London. 433 pp.","Hull, J. E. (1918) Terrestrial Acari of the Tyne province. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 75, 13 - 88.","Cambridge, M. A. (1876) On a new order and some new genera of Arachnida from Kerguelen's Land. Proceedings of the Scientific Meetings of the Zoological Society of London, 1, 258 - 264.","Berlese, A. (1888) in Berlese, A. & Balzan, A. (1888) Acari Sud-Americani methodice dispositi, descripti, et iconibus illustrati (con tav.), 20, 171 - 222.","Canestrini, G. (1886) Prospetto dell'acarofauna italiana. 2: Erythraeini, Cheyletini, Bdellini, Eupodini e Analgesini. pp. 159 - 311, Tav. X - XXII [= 10 - 22]. Padova.","Hull, J. E. (1915) Snout mites: an introduction to the British Bdellidae. The Vasculum, 1, 117 - 123.","Banks, N. (1919) The Acarina collected by the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913 - 1918. Reports of the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 3, Part H, 11 - 13.","Banks, N. (1923) Arachnida. In: Trichoptera, Mecoptera, and Arachnida of the Pribilof Islands, Alaska. North American Fauna, 46, 237 - 239.","Willmann, С. (1951) Die hochalpine Milbenfauna der mittleren Hohen Tauern insbesondere der Groβlockner-Gebietes (Acari). Bonner Zoologische Beitrage, 2, 141 - 176.","Butler, G. D. & Usinger, R. L. (1963) Insects and other arthropods from Kure Island. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society, 18 (2), 237 - 244.","Lellakova-Duskova, F. (1978) Incidence of mites of the family Bdellidae in moss from a spruce wood in SW-Bohemina. Vestnik Ceskoslovenske spolecnosti zoologicke, 42 (1), 23 - 42.","Garret, L. E. & Haramoto, F. H. (1967) A catalogue of Hawaiian Acarina. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society, 19 (3), 381 - 414.","Bednarskaya, E. V. (2011) The main biotic relations and localization in microstations of prostigmatic predatory mites in carst cavities of Mountain Crimea. Scientific Notes of Taurida V. I. Vernadsky National University. - Series: Biology, chemistry, 24 (63), 3 - 9.","Atyeo, W. T. (1963 b) New species and records of Bdellidae from Macquarie and the Auckland Islands (Acarina). Pacific Insects, 5 (2), 445 - 450.","Shiba, M. (1978) Taxonomic investigation on free-living Prostigmata from the Malay Peninsula. Nature and Life in Southeast Asia, 7, 83 - 229.","Thor, S. (1931 b) Nordafrikanische Bdellidae und Cunaxidae, von Dr. F. Grandjean (Paris) 1931 gesammelt. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 97 (3 - 4), 62 - 79.","Kaluz, S. (2008) Soil mites (Acari) of the forests in floodplain areas of the rivers Danube and Morava. Peckiana, 5, 89 - 103.","Kaluz, S., Ferencik, J. & Vrabek, M. (2013) Study sites influenced by natural and human impacts in Tanap and their acarofauna. Entomofauna Carpathica, 25 (1), 1 - 12.","Berlese, A. (1923) Centuria sesta di Acari nuovi. Redia-Giornale di Entomologia, 15, 1 - 240.","Atyeo, W. T. (1960 b) A unique species of Thoribdella Grandjean, 1938, from New Zealand (Acarina: Bdellidae). Records of the Dominion Museum, 3, 289 - 291.","Thor, S. (1902) On the systematic representation of the Acarinen familien Bdellidae Koch, 1842, Grube, 1859, Eupodidae Koch, 1842 and Cunaxidae Sig Thor, 1902. Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien, 52, 159 - 165."]}
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75. Tenuipalpidae Berlese 1913
- Author
Castro, Elizeu B., Feres, Reinaldo J. F., Ochoa, Ronald, and Bauchan, Gary R.
- Subjects
Arthropoda ,Arachnida ,Prostigmata ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Tenuipalpidae ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Family Tenuipalpidae Berlese, 1913, Published as part of Castro, Elizeu B., Feres, Reinaldo J. F., Ochoa, Ronald & Bauchan, Gary R., 2016, A new species of Tenuipalpus sensu stricto (Acari: Tenuipalpidae) from Brazil, with ontogeny and a key to the known species, pp. 355-378 in Zootaxa 4088 (3) on page 356, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4088.3.3, http://zenodo.org/record/261507
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- 2016
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76. Monotrichobdella Baker & Balock
- Author
Hernandes, Fabio A., Skvarla, Michael J., Fisher, Ray, Dowling, Ashley P. G., Ochoa, Ronald, Ueckermann, Edward A., and Bauchan, Gary R.
- Subjects
Monotrichobdella ,Arthropoda ,Arachnida ,Prostigmata ,Animalia ,Bdellidae ,Biodiversity ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Monotrichobdella Baker & Balock Monotrichobdella Baker & Balock, 1944: 176. Type-species: Monotrichobdella maxosburni Baker & Balock, 1944 by original designation. 120. Monotrichobdella maxosburni Baker & Balock, 1944: 176; near Tres Cumbres, Mexico-Cuernavaca Highway, Morelos, Mexico, ex lichens. Distribution. Mexico (Morelos, Salazar, Distrito Federal) (Baker & Balock 1944; Atyeo 1960a), Taiwan (Tseng 1978). Redescriptions. Atyeo (1960a), Tseng (1978). Type deposition. USNM.
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77. Polytrichus van Der Schyff, Theron & Ueckermann
- Author
Hernandes, Fabio A., Skvarla, Michael J., Fisher, Ray, Dowling, Ashley P. G., Ochoa, Ronald, Ueckermann, Edward A., and Bauchan, Gary R.
- Subjects
Arthropoda ,Arachnida ,Prostigmata ,Animalia ,Bdellidae ,Biodiversity ,Polytrichus ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Polytrichus van Der Schyff, Theron & Ueckermann Type-species: Polytrichus yemenensis van Der Schyff, Theron & Ueckermann, 2003 by original designation. 87. Polytrichus yemenensis van Der Schyff, Theron & Ueckermann, 2003: 21; Djebel An-Nabi Shuaib, Yemen. Type deposition. NCA., Published as part of Hernandes, Fabio A., Skvarla, Michael J., Fisher, Ray, Dowling, Ashley P. G., Ochoa, Ronald, Ueckermann, Edward A. & Bauchan, Gary R., 2016, Catalogue of snout mites (Acariformes: Bdellidae) of the world, pp. 1-83 in Zootaxa 4152 (1) on page 23, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4152.1.1, http://zenodo.org/record/261900, {"references":["van Der Schyff, J., Theron, P. D. & Ueckermann, E. A. (2003) Polytrichinae, a new subfamily of Bdellidae (Acari: Prostigmata) from the Afrotropical region. African Plant Protection, 9 (1), 19 - 22."]}
- Published
- 2016
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78. A new species of Tenuipalpus sensu stricto (Acari: Tenuipalpidae) from Brazil, with ontogeny and a key to the known species
- Author
Castro, Elizeu B., Feres, Reinaldo J. F., Ochoa, Ronald, and Bauchan, Gary R.
- Subjects
Arthropoda ,Arachnida ,Prostigmata ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Tenuipalpidae ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Castro, Elizeu B., Feres, Reinaldo J. F., Ochoa, Ronald, Bauchan, Gary R. (2016): A new species of Tenuipalpus sensu stricto (Acari: Tenuipalpidae) from Brazil, with ontogeny and a key to the known species. Zootaxa 4088 (3): 355-378, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4088.3.3
- Published
- 2016
79. Bdella Latreille
- Author
Hernandes, Fabio A., Skvarla, Michael J., Fisher, Ray, Dowling, Ashley P. G., Ochoa, Ronald, Ueckermann, Edward A., and Bauchan, Gary R.
- Subjects
Bdella ,Arthropoda ,Arachnida ,Prostigmata ,Animalia ,Bdellidae ,Biodiversity ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Bdella Latreille Bdella Latreille, 1795: 18; 1810: 133; Berlese, 1893: 42; Oudemans, 1929: 303; Meyer & Ryke, 1959: 373; Atyeo, 1960a: 372, 1963a: 120, 170; Soliman & Zaher, 1975: 79; Chaudhri et al., 1979: 130; van Der Schyff et al., 2005: 222. nec Bdella Savigny, 1822 (Anellida: Hirudinea) junior homonym. Chelifer Geoffroy, 1762: 617 (part.); type species Acarus cancroides Linnaeus, 1762 (Pseudoscorpiones). Scirus Hermann, 1804: 60 (part.) type species Scirus vulgaris Hermann, 1804: 61. Bdellidium Oudemans, 1929: 449; type species Scirus vulgaris Hermann, 1804: 61; synonymy according to Atyeo (1960a). Caenobdella Oudemans, 1937: 1227; type-species Bdella crassipes Koch, 1839 by original designation; synonymy according to Atyeo (1960a). Type-species: Acarus longicornis Linnaeus, 1758 (= La pince Geoffroy), by subsequent designation (Latreille 1795). 1. Bdella aloios van Der Schyff, Theron & Ueckermann, 2005: 222; Limpopo province, South Africa, ex Canthium mundianum Cham. & Schltdl. (Rubiaceae). Remarks. Male unknown. This species was misspelled as B. alois in van Der Schyff et al. 2005, pages 223, 224. Type deposition. NCA. 2. Bdella bakeri Gupta & Paul, 1985: 14; West Bengal, Midnapur Dist., Patharkumkumi, India; ex nest of dove Streptopelia chinensis (Scopoli) (Aves, Columbidae). Remarks. Male unknown. Type deposition. NZSI. 3. Bdella biroi Supino, 1894: 197; Hungary.��� Thor, 1931a: 37. Type deposition. Unknown. 4. Bdella boskopensis van Der Schyff, Theron & Ueckermann, 2005: 232; North West Province, South Africa; ex Acacia karroo Hayne (Fabaceae). Type deposition. NCA. 5. Bdella calva Hull, 1915: 122; on soil, England.��� Hull, 1918: 39. Remarks. This species probably belongs to a different genus as indicated by the elongated palp tibiotarsus (Hull 1915, figure 6). Type deposition. Unknown. 6. Bdella captiosa Atyeo, 1963a: 170; Groverly, Queensland, Australia; ex unknown host. Distribution. Australia (Wallace & Mahon 1972), Hawaii (Swift & Goff 1987), Iran (Kamali et al. 2001; Ueckermann et al. 2007; Abbaszadeh et al. 2010). Remarks. Although Atyeo (1963a: 171) established a male as the holotype, Wallace & Mahon (1972: 546, footnote) analyzed the types and concluded it was actually a female; the male and other immatures were not reported until 1987 by Swift & Goff (1987: 43). Redescriptions. Swift & Goff (1987), Ueckermann et al. (2007). Type deposition. SAM. 7. Bdella cardinalis Banks, 1894: 219; ex wood under leaves, NY, USA; 1904a: 144; 1907: 596; 1908: 5; Ewing, 1909b: 68; Ewing & Webster, 1912: 129; Hartzell, 1918: 206; Hernandes, 2013: 61. Distribution. United States (Alabama, Florida, Texas, Illinois) and Mexico. Type deposition. MCZ. Remarks. This species has been considered as a junior synonym of Bdella longicornis (Linnaeus) by Thor (1931a), and as a junior synonym of Bdella oblonga by Jacot (1938); however, Hernandes (2013) revalidated the status of this species. 8. Bdella carolae van Der Schyff, Theron & Ueckermann, 2005: 235; Limpopo Province, South Africa; ex Acacia karroo Hayne (Fabaceae). Type deposition. NCA. 9. Bdella consobrinae van Der Schyff, Theron & Ueckermann, 2005: 234; North West Province, South Africa; ex Acacia karroo Hayne (Fabaceae). Type deposition. NCA. 10. Bdella crassipes Koch, 1839: 23; Germany.��� Koch, 1842: 74; Walckenaer & Gervais, 1847: 532; Thor, 1931a: 31; Caenobdella crassipes (Koch), Oudemans, 1937: 1227. Type deposition. Unknown. 11. Bdella distincta Baker & Balock, 1944: 179; Morelos, Mexico, ex lichens.��� Atyeo, 1960a: 381 (lectotype designation). Distribution. United States (Washington D.C., Hawaii, Texas), Puerto Rico (Guayama), Philippines, Indonesia, Japan, China, Indonesia, Thailand (Atyeo 1960a), Taiwan (Tseng 1978), Hawaii (Garret & Haramoto 1967; Swift & Goff 1987), Guadaloupe (Flechtmann & Etienne 2006), Brazil (Lawson-Balagbo et al. 2008). Redescriptions. Atyeo (1960a), Tseng (1978), Swift & Goff (1987). Type deposition. Lectotype female, ex Bambusa parvariabilis, China (detected in Washington DC, USA), at USNM. 12. Bdella distinguenda Berlese, 1905: 157; Bogor (former Buitenzorg, Java). Other names: Scirus distinguendus; Thor, 1931a: 45. Remarks. Suspected synonym of Bdellodes longirostris (Hermann) according to Thor (1931a: 45). Type deposition. Lost (Castagnoli & Pegazano 1985). 13. Bdella dorsata Walckenaer & Gervais, 1844: 157; Paris, France on humid soil with small plants in gardens.��� Berlese, 1893: 43; Thor, 1931a: 37; Oudemans, 1937: 1195. Type deposition. Probably lost. 14. Bdella farabii Paktinat-Saeej & Bagheri, 2015a: 524; Amol, Mazandaran Province, Iran (Paktinat-Saeej et al. 2015a). Type deposition. Holotype at the Acarological Collection, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Maragheh, Maragheh, Iran; one paratype at ASI. 15. Bdella grandjeani Thor, 1931b: 65; Northern Africa. Type deposition. Lost. 16. Bdella heliophila Mihelčič, 1958a: 273; Cercedilla, Spain, on moss of pinus forest. Type deposition. Laboratorium Faunistica y Ecolog��a Animal, Instituto de Edafolog��a, Madrid. 17. Bdella helvetica Schweizer & Bader, 1963: 232; Val Ftur, National Park, Switzerland, under stone. Original designation: Bdella iconica helvetica Schweizer & Bader. Type deposition. NMB (NP 1931). 18. Bdella horvathi Karpelles, 1888: 275; Bulgaria.��� Thor, 1931a: 37. Type deposition. Unknown. 19. Bdella humida Wallace & Mahon, 1972: 546; Millstream, Fortescue River, West Australia, Australia; ex litter of Acacia sp. (Fabaceae) and Eucalyptus sp. (Myrtacea). Distribution. Australia, Iran (Kamali et al. 2001; Ueckermann et al. 2007). Redescription. Ueckermann et al. (2007). Remarks. Male unknown. Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at ANIC; paratypes at SAM, BMNH, USNM and OSAL. 20. Bdella iconica Berlese, 1923: 240; on plants, in Florence and Germany���Thor, 1931a: 32. a. Bdella iconica var. veneta Berlese, 1923: 240; Thor, 1931a: 32; Schweizer & Bader, 1963: 231. b. Bdella sardoa Berlese, 1923: 241; B. iconica var. sardoa; Thor, 1931a: 32. Synonymy according to Thor (1931a). Distribution. Italy, Germany and Norway (Thor 1931a), Germany (Willmann 1955), Austria (Willmann 1951), France (Schm��lzer 1956), Spain (Mihelčič 1958a), Iceland (Atyeo & Tuxen 1962), Georgia (Gomelauri 1963b), New Zealand (Atyeo 1963a), Switzerland (Schweizer & Bader 1963), Bulgaria (Sosnina et al. 1965), Bohemia (Lell��kov��-Du��kova 1978), Ukraine (Kuznetsov & Livshits 1979a), Poland (Michocka 1987), China (Lin et al. 2006), Crimea (Bednarskaya 2009, 2010, 2011), Slovakia (Kaluz et al. 2013). Remarks. Michocka (1987: 39) apparently figured trichobothria on tibiae II, a characteristic only found in the subfamily Odontoscirinae; therefore it is likely that the species reported from Poland might be the result of a misidentification. Redescriptions. Atyeo & Tuxen (1962), Atyeo (1963a), Sosnina et al. (1965), Wallace & Mahon (1972), Lell��kov��-Du��kova (1978), Michocka (1987). Type deposition. CRA. 21. Bdella interrupta Evans, 1952: 668; Mid and North Wales, UK, on rocks above tide marks. Type deposition. Unknown. 22. Bdella karajiensis Ueckermann, Rastegar, Saboori & Ostovan, 2007: 133; Karaj, Iran, ex litter and soil beneath ornamental plant. Type deposition. Holotype at SRIAUT, paratypes at ASI. 23. Bdella khasyana Gupta, 1991: 221; Arunachal Pradesh, India; ex Litsea khasyana Meisn. (Lauraceae). Redescription. Gupta (2002). Remarks. Male unknown. Type deposition. NZSI. 24. Bdella kuznetsovi Maslov & Khaustov, 2013: 52; Arabatsky Nature Reserve, Crimea, Ukraine; ex storm detritus on shore of Sivash Gulf. Type deposition. NBG. 25. Bdella lattakia Soliman & Zaher, 1975: 79; Slinfa, Lattakia, Syria, ex moss. Distribution. Syria, Iran (Kamali et al. 2001; Ueckermann et al. 2007). Redescription. Ueckermann et al. (2007). Remarks. Male unknown. Type deposition. CUE. 26. Bdella longicornis (Linnaeus, 1758): 618; in Europe. Original designation: Acarus longicornis Linnaeus (= Acarus petrarum ruber L., 1746: 349).��� M��ller, 1776: 187; Johnston, 1845: 227; Oudemans, 1926b: 116.; Atyeo, 1962: 344 (neotype designation). a. Chelifer totus ruber Geoffroy, 1762: 618; synonymy according to Thor (1902). b. Acarus rupestris Linnaeus, 1758: 618; Hammer, 1775: 157; synonymy according to Thor (1931a). c. Acarus citri Hasselquist, 1757: 431; Oudemans, 1929: 306; synonymy according to Thor (1931a). d. Acarus ruber Linnaeus, 1746; Fabricius, 1775: 815. e. Acarus velox M��ller, 1776: 187; Oudemans, 1929: 312; 1937: 1201. f. Bdella rubra Lamarck, 1801: 179; von Heyden, 1826: 608; synonym of Bdellodes longirostris according to Berlese (1893). g. Scirus vulgaris Hermann, 1804: 61; Oudemans, 1929: 313; Bdella vulgaris, Koch, 1839: 1851; Dug��s, 1834: 21; Voigts & Oudemans, 1906: 242; B��bler, 1910: 812; Oudemans, 1937: 1206; synonymy according to Thor (1904b). h. Bdella decipiens Thorell, 1871: 701; Tr��g��rdh, 1902a: 7; 1904: 47; 1931: 47; Halbert, 1915: 113; Hull, 1918: 39; Banks, 1919: 11; Hull, 1922: 622; Tr��g��rdh, 1931: 47; synonymy according to Thor (1902: 7); Bdella longicornis var. decipiens Thorell; Tr��g��rdh, 1928: 8. i. Bdella borealis Kramer & Neuman, 1883: 525; Banks, 1899: 348; 1907: 596 synonymy according to Thor (1904b). j. Bdella caeca Berlese, 1905: 15; Bdella longicornis var. caeca; synonymy according to Thor (1931a: 28). k. Bdella vestita Koch, 1835: 23; 1842: 74; Walckenaer & Gervais, 1844: 157; Anders��n, 1863: 184; Canestrini & Fanzago, 1877: 105.��� Scirus vestitus, Murray, 1877: 146; synonymy according to Thor (1904b). l. Bdella anguinesetosa Ewing, 1909b: 72; synonymy according to Atyeo (1960a). m. Bdella tessellata Ewing, 1913: 112; Thor, 1931a: 36; synonymy according to Atyeo (1960a). n. Bdella oblonga Say, 1821: 19; Walckenaer & Gervais, 1847: 348; Gervais, 1849: 32; Banks, 1902a: 543; Oudemans, 1937: 1211; Jacot, 1938: 126; Baker & Balock, 1944: 180; Drummond, 1957: 142; synonymy according to Thor (1931a: 25); Bdellodes oblongula, Oudemans, 1937: 1221. o. Bdella egregia Koch, 1839: 23; synonymy according to Thor (1904b). p. Bdella cruentata Koch, 1839: 10; synonymy according to Thor (1904b). q. Bdella tenuirostris Koch, 1839: 18; synonymy according to Thor (1904b). r. B del la vivida Koch, 1839: 19; synonymy according to Thor (1904b). s. Bdella podurophila White, 1852: 210; synonymy according to Thor (1904b). t. Bdella arenaria Kramer, 1881: 444; synonymy according to Thor (1904b). Distribution. Germany (Voigts & Oudemans 1906), Sweden (Tr��g��rdh 1910), England (Hull 1918), Switzerland (Schweizer 1922; Schweizer & Bader 1963), Canada (Summerhayes & Elton 1928), Norway (Thor 1930a), North Africa (Thor 1931b), Austria (Willmann 1951), France (Schm��lzer 1956), Barro Colorado Islands, Panama Canal Zone, Costa Rica, Cuba, Mexico (Oaxaca, Distrito Federal, M��xico, San Luis Potos��), United States (California, Texas, Utah, Arkansas, Illinois, Tennessee, Florida, Missouri, Michigan, New Hampshire, Vermount), Nova Scotia (Atyeo 1960a), Japan (Ehara 1960; Shiba & Morikawa 1966; Shiba 1969a), Canada (Sinha 1963), Taiwan (Tseng 1978), United States (Lehman 1982), Poland (Michocka 1987), Korea (Lee et al. 1997), China (Fujian) (Lin & Zhang 2000), Japan (Nakamura et al. 2006), Iran (Kamali et al. 2001, Ueckermann et al. 2007), Crimea (Bednarskaya 2011). Redescriptions. Walckenaer & Gervais (1844), Thor (1926, 1930a, 1931a), Tr��g��rdh (1928), Oudemans (1929, 1937), Willmann (1956), Atyeo (1960a, 1962), Ehara (1961), Schweizer & Bader (1963), Shiba (1969a), Wallace & Mahon (1972), Tseng (1978), Michocka (1987), Ueckermann et al. (2007). Remarks. Bdella longicornis is the type species of the genus Bdella, and is among the first members of the family ever described. As a consequence, it has appeared under various names in the 18th and 19th century literature. Type deposition. Neotype of B. longicornis at USNM; type of B. caeca at CRA; type of B. cardinalis at MCZ; type of B. anguinesetosa at USNM. 27. Bdella longipalpus Mihelčič, 1958b: 41; Sierra Nevada, Spain. Type deposition. Unknown. 28. Bdella longistriata Atyeo, 1960a: 380; Llera, Tamaulipas, Mexico, ex pineapple epiphyte. Other records: Mexico (Llera, Tamaulipas; Ciudad del Maiz, San Luis Potos��; Antiguo Morelos, Tamaulipas), United States (Texas) (Atyeo 1960a). Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at SEMC, paratypes at USNM. 29. Bdella malaccensis Shiba, 1978: 99; Malacca, Malaysia; under stones of intertidal zone. Type deposition. Biological Laboratory of Matsuyama Shinonome Junior College, Matsuyama, Japan. 30. Bdella malawiensis van Der Schyff, Theron & Ueckermann, 2005: 224; Malawi, Bangula, Mozambique; ex Trichilia dregeana Sond. (Meliaceae). Remarks. Male unknown. Type deposition. NCA. 31. Bdella maldahanensis Gupta, 1992: 121; West Bengal, India, ex Mangifera indica Linnaeus (Anacardiaceae). Redescription. Gupta (2002). Type deposition. NZSI. 32. Bdella muscorum Ewing, 1909a: 124; Muncie, Illinois, USA ex moss.��� Thor, 1931a: 38. a. Bdella recens Ewing, 1934: 57 (= Bdella lata Ewing, 1909b: 69); Drummond, 1957: 142; synonymy according to Atyeo (1960a). b. Bdella subnigra Ewing, 1909b: 73; synonymy according to Atyeo (1960a). c. Bdella muscorum var. minnesotensis Ewing, 1913: 113; Thor, 1931a: 38; synonymy according to Atyeo (1960a). Distribution. United States (California, Colorado, New Mexico, Kansas, Arkansas, Tennessee, Michigan, Minnesota, Illinois, Maryland), Alaska (Point Barrow, Chandler Lake Region, Umiaat, District of Mackenzie), Germany (Ost-Holstein), Czeck Republic and Iceland (Atyeo 1960a), Iceland (Atyeo & Tuxen 1962), Georgia (Gomelauri 1963b), Bulgaria (Sosnina et al. 1965), Japan (Shiba & Morikawa 1966), Bohemia (Lell��kov��- Du��kova 1978), Taiwan (Tseng 1978), Ukraine (Kuznetsov & Livshits 1979a), Pakistan (Chaudhri et al. 1979), Canada (Danks 1980), United States (Lehman 1982), Korea (Lee et al. 1997), China (Fujian) (Lin & Zhang 2000), Hungary (Ripka et al. 2005), Japan (Nakamura et al. 2006), Iran (Ueckermann et al. 2007), Crimea (Bednarskaya 2009, 2010, 2011), Slovakia (Kaluz 2008). Redescriptions. Atyeo (1960a), Atyeo & Tuxen (1962), Shiba & Morikawa (1966), Sosnina et al. (1965), Wallace & Mahon (1972), Lell��kov��-Du��kova (1978), Tseng (1978). Type deposition. USNM. 33. Bdella neograndjeani Meyer & Ryke, 1959: 373; Eastern Cape Province, South Africa; ex unidentified shrub. Redescription. van Der Schyff et al. (2005). Type deposition. NCA. 34. Bdella nihoaensis Swift & Goff, 1987: 29; Nihoa Island, Hawaii, ex litter. Remarks. Female unknown. Type deposition. BPBM. 35. Bdella nylsvleyensis van Der Schyff, Theron & Ueckermann, 2005: 226; Limpopo Province, South Africa, ex soil and debris. Type deposition. NCA. 36. Bdella obesa Oudemans, 1937: 1211; unknown locality, Germany. Type deposition. Unknown. 37. Bdella pinicola Cooreman, 1943: 7; on pines, near Brussels, Belgium. Type deposition. IRSN. 38. Bdella piggotti Evans, 1953: 272; Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. Type deposition. Unknown. 39. Bdella pulchella Berlese, 1923: 241; unknown plant and in soil, Italy (Florence and Forli).��� Thor, 1931a: 33. Distribution. Norway and Italy (Thor 1931a), Spain (Mihelčič 1958a). Type deposition. Lost (Castagnoli & Pegazzano 1985). 40. Bdella radhikae Sadanandan et al., 2009: 3; ex Cocos nucifera, Kerala, India. Type deposition. Division of Acarology, Department of Zoology, University of Calicut, Kerala, India. 41. Bdella robusta Banks, 1894: 220; Sea Cliff, New York, USA, on ground.��� Banks, 1907: 596. Other name: Scirus robustus, Thor, 1931a: 45. Distribution. United States (Sea Cliff, New York) (Thor 1931a). Type deposition. Unknown. 42. Bdella semiscutata Thor, 1930a: 92; Svalbard, Norway.��� Thor, 1931a: 29; Willmann, 1939c: 431; 1956: 243. Distribution. Svalbard Island (Norway), Norway, Germany, (Thor 1931a), North Africa (Thor 1931b), Austria (Willmann 1951), Spain (Mihelčič 1958b), Georgia (Gomelauri 1963b), Switzerland (Schweizer &, Published as part of Hernandes, Fabio A., Skvarla, Michael J., Fisher, Ray, Dowling, Ashley P. G., Ochoa, Ronald, Ueckermann, Edward A. & Bauchan, Gary R., 2016, Catalogue of snout mites (Acariformes: Bdellidae) of the world, pp. 1-83 in Zootaxa 4152 (1) on pages 11-17, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4152.1.1, http://zenodo.org/record/261900, {"references": ["Latreille, P. A. (1795) Observations sur la variete des organes de la bouche des tiques, et distribution methodique des insectes de cette famille d'apres les caracteres etablis sur la conformation de ces organes. Magasin Encyclopedique, Journal des Sciences, des Lettres et des Arts, 4, 15 - 20. Paris.", "Oudemans, A. C. (1929) Kritisch historisch overzicht der Acarologie. Tweede gedeelte, 1759 - 1804. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, 72 (Suppl. I), 1 - 448.", "Meyer, M. K. P. & Ryke, P. A. J. (1959) Cunaxoidea (Acarina: Prostigmata) occurring on plants in South Africa. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 13 (2), 369 - 384. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1080 / 00222935908655745", "Atyeo, W. T. 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T
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- 2016
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80. Spinibdella Thor
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Hernandes, Fabio A., Skvarla, Michael J., Fisher, Ray, Dowling, Ashley P. G., Ochoa, Ronald, Ueckermann, Edward A., and Bauchan, Gary R.
- Subjects
Arthropoda ,Arachnida ,Spinibdella ,Prostigmata ,Animalia ,Bdellidae ,Biodiversity ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Spinibdella Thor Spinibdella Thor, 1930b: 22; 1931a: 39; Atyeo, 1960a: 424; Soliman & Zaher, 1975: 80; Tseng, 1978: 38; Chaudhri et al., 1979: 133; Michocka, 1987: 82. Type-species: Spinibdella reducta Thor, 1930b: 23 by original designation. 121. Spinibdella ampulla Wallace & Mahon, 1972: 568; Millstream, Western Australia, ex green herbaceous, couch grass, Eucalyptus sp. litter. Remarks. Male unknown. Type deposition. ANIC. 122. Spinibdella ankylotricha Omukunda, Theron & Ueckermann, 2012: 9; Limpopo Province, South Africa. Type deposition. NCA. 123. Spinibdella antarctica (Tr��g��rdh, 1907): 24; South Georgia, Grytviken Peninsula, Antarctica, under rocks.��� Wallace, 1970: 107. Original designation: Bdella antarctica Tr��g��rdh; Thor, 1931a: 33. Redescription. Wallace (1970). Type deposition. BPBM; USNM, BMNH, ANIC. 124. Spinibdella arenosa Willmann, 1939b: 532; Germany (Wangerooge Island) (Willmann, 1952: 165). Type deposition. ZSM. 125. Spinibdella atyeoi Gupta & Paul, 1985: 14; West Bengal, Midnapur Dist., Patharkumkumi, India, ex nest of Prinia inornata (Sykes 1832) (Aves: Cysticolidae). Remarks. Male unknown. Type deposition. NZSI. 126. Spinibdella bifurcata Atyeo, 1960a: 430; 10 miles west of Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico, under rock.��� Soliman, 1975: 48. Distribution. Mexico (Chiapas, Oaxaca, Puebla, Michoac��n, United States (Texas) (Atyeo 1960a), Egypt (Giza) (Soliman 1975; Zaher 1986), Malaysia (Shiba 1978), China (Lin et al. 2006). Redescription. Shiba (1978). Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at SEMC, paratypes at USNM, BMNH and SAM. 127. Spinibdella bioculata Swift & Goff, 1987: 39; Kahoolawe Island, Hawaii, ex Kiawe duff and grasses. Remarks. Male unknown. Type deposition. BPBM. 128. Spinibdella californica McGregor, 1956: 12; California, USA, ex lemon. Type deposition. Unknown. 129. Spinibdella corticis (Ewing, 1909a): 122; Urbana, Illinois, USA, under bark of cottonwood tree.��� Atyeo, 1960a: 426. Original designation: Bdella corticis Ewing; Thor, 1931a: 36. Other name: Spinibdella cortis [sic]; Rack, 1961: 185. Distribution. United States (Illinois, Texas, Utah, Nebraska), Mexico (Oaxaca), Guatemala (Atyeo 1960a), Japan (Shiba & Morikawa 1966), Australia (Wallace & Mahon 1972). Redescriptions. Atyeo (1960a), Wallace & Mahon (1972). Type deposition. USNM. 130. Spinibdella cronini (Baker & Balock, 1944): 178; Planada, California, USA, on lichens from fig tree.��� Atyeo, 1960a: 432. Original designation: Bdella cronini Baker & Balock. Distribution. United States (California, Texas, Utah, Colorado, Washington, Alabama, Maryland), Mexico (Tamaulipas, Guerrero, Nevo Le��n, San Luis Potos��) (Atyeo 1960a), Australia (Atyeo 1963a; Wallace & Mahon 1972), Bulgaria (Sosnina et al. 1965), Egypt (Soliman 1975), Syria (Lattakia) (Soliman & Zaher 1975), Ukraine (Kuznetsov & Livshits 1979a), United States (Lehman 1982), Hawaii (Swift & Goff 1987), Hungary (Ripka et al. 2005), China (Li et al. 1992; Li & Fan 2007), Iran (Ostovan & Kamali 1995; Kamali et al. 2001, Jalaeian et al. 2005; Ueckermann et al. 2007; Abbaszadeh et al. 2010; Daneshnia & Akrami 2013; Majidi & Akrami 2013; Masoudian & Khanjani 2013), Brazil (Pinto-da-Rocha 1995; Hernandes et al. 2011), Slovakia (Kaluz 2008). Remarks. this species was found in bat guano in USA (Webster & Whitaker 2005). Redescriptions. Atyeo (1960a, 1963a), Sosnina et al. (1965), Wallace & Mahon (1972), Swift & Goff (1987), Ueckermann et al. (2007). Type deposition. USNM. 131. Spinibdella denheyeri Hernandes, Daud & Feres, 2008: 265; ex Coffea arabica leaves (Linnaeus, Rubiaceae) Atibaia, S��o Paulo, Brazil. Type deposition. DZSJRP. 132. Spinibdella depressa (Ewing, 1909a): 125; Arcola, Illinois, USA, under bark.��� Atyeo, 1960a: 428. Original designation: Bdella depressa Ewing; Thor, 1931a: 38. a. Bdella virgata Ewing, 1909b: 70; Hartzell, 1918: 206; Baker & Balock, 1944: 179 synonymy by Atyeo (1960a). b. Bdella chapultepecensis Baker & Balock, 1944: 177 synonymy by Atyeo (1960a). c. Bdella riolermensis Baker & Balock, 1944: 178 synonymy by Atyeo (1960a). Distribution. United States (Maryland) (Drummond 1957), United States (Illinois, Texas, Maryland, Arkansas, Kansas, New Jersey, Connecticut), Mexico (M��xico, Distrito Federal, San Luis Potos��, Morelos) (Atyeo 1960a), Australia (Atyeo 1963a; Wallace & Mahon 1972), Pakistan (Chaudhri et al. 1979), United States (Lehman 1982), Hawaii (Swift & Goff 1987), China (Fujian) (Lin & Zhang 2000), Iran (Kamali et al. 2001; Ueckermann et al. 2007; Abbaszadeh et al. 2010). Remarks. this species has the posterior eye wanting, with circular striation where that eye should normally be. Redescriptions. Baker & Balock (1944), Atyeo (1960a, 1963a), Wallace & Mahon (1972), Swift & Goff (1987), Ueckermann et al. (2007). Type deposition. USNM. 133. Spinibdella dusta Shiba, 1969b: 150; tatami, Kuwabara-ch��, Matsuyama, Japan, ex tatami. Type deposition. Biological Laboratory of Matsuyama Shinonome Junior College, Matsuyama, Japan. 134. Spinibdella gibberabdomen (Thor, 1931b): 68; Tangier, Morocco; Paktinat-Saeej et al. 2015: 695. Original designation: Bdella gibberabdomen Thor. Remarks. The author mentions only two ventral setae on the hypostome, and illustrates a truncate palptarsus, which is why this species was transferred to the genus Spinibdella. Type deposition. Lost. 135. Spinibdella howarthi Swift & Goff, 1987: 40; Mauna Kea Summit Cone, Hawaii, under stone. Remarks. Male unknown; species known only from the holotype. Type deposition. BPBM. 136. Spinibdella iberica Gomelauri, 1961: 68; close to the Turtle lake near Tbilisi, Georgia, ex lichens. Type deposition. Unknown. Remarks. The choice of the epithet by the author is a mystery, since the type locality was not in the Iberian Peninsula. 137. Spinibdella lignicola (Canestrini, 1886): 184; Italy and Egypt.��� Tseng, 1978: 47. Original designation: Bdella lignicola Canestrini. Distribution. Italy (Canestrini 1886; Thor 1931a), England (Hull 1918), Egypt (Tr��g��rdh 1905; Thor 1931a; Abdel-Shaheed et al. 1971), Spain (Mihelčič 1958b), Switzerland (Schweizer & Bader 1963), Taiwan (Tseng 1978), China (Sichuan) (Li et al. 1992), Czeck Republic (Stejskal & Hubert 2008). Redescription. Tseng (1978). Type deposition. CRA. 138. Spinibdella longistriata Tseng, 1978: 42; Shandimann, Pingtung Hsien, Taiwan, ex litter. Type deposition. Supposedly at BSMI, but probably lost (C-C Ho, pers. comm.). 139. Spinibdella mali Jorgensen, 1967: 98; Spring Lake, Utah Co, Utah, USA, ex bark of apple tree. Remarks. Male unknown. Type deposition. Unknown. 140. Spinibdella namibiensis Omukunda, Theron & Ueckermann, 2012: 15; Namibia and South Africa. Type deposition. NCA. 141. Spinibdella novemsetosa Tseng, 1978: 42; Tainan city, Taiwan, on shallot (Alliaceae). Type deposition. Supposedly at BSMI, but probably lost (C-C Ho, pers. comm.). 142. Spinibdella ornata Atyeo, 1960a: 434; Bear Lake, Rock Mountain National Park, Colorado, USA, ex moss and litter. Distribution. California, (Atyeo 1960a), Wisconsin (Oatman 1963). Remarks. Suspected synonym of S. thori, according to Atyeo (1963a: 174). Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at SEMC, paratypes at CSUC, USNM. 143. Spinibdella polyattenuata Omukunda, Theron & Ueckermann, 2012: 6; Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. Type deposition. NCA. 144. Spinibdella pongolensis Omukunda, Theron & Ueckermann, 2012: 12; Kwazulu, Natal, South Africa. Type deposition. NCA. 145. Spinibdella quinqueoculata Thor, 1931b: 70; Tangier, Morocco, ex moss. Type deposition. Lost. 146. Spinibdella rapida Kuznetsov & Livshits, 1979b: 608; rocky cliffs in the vicinity of Alupka town, Crimea, Ukraine, ex moss.��� Bednarskaya, 2011: 5. Type deposition. NBG. 147. Spinibdella reducta Thor, 1930b: 23; Norway, in coniferous forest litter.��� Thor, 1931a: 39. Distribution. Norway (Thor 1931a), Poland (Michocka 1987). Redescriptions. Thor (1931a), Michocka (1987). Type deposition. Lost. 148. Spinibdella smileyi Tseng, 1978: 39; Taipei, Chiayi Hsien, Taiwan, ex litter. Type deposition. Supposedly at BSMI, but probably lost (C-C Ho, pers. comm.). 149. Spinibdella subrufa Rack, 1961: 183; Germany. Type deposition. ZMUH. 150. Spinibdella tabarii Paktinat-Saeej & Bagheri, 2015b: 696; Amol city, Mazandaran Province, Iran; also citrus, Noor city, Mazandaran Province, Iran. Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at the Acarological Collection, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Maragheh, Maragheh, Iran; paratypes at the Acarological Collection, Jalal Afshar Zoological Museum, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran; and also at ASI. 151. Spinibdella tadjikistanica Kuznetsov, 1984: 774; Kondara Canyon, Tadjikistan, ex hawthorn (Crataegus sp., Rosaceae) and grape. Type deposition. NBG. 152. Spinibdella tenella (Banks, 1896): 75; Sea Cliffs, Long Island, NY, USA. Original designation: Bdella tenella Banks; Banks, 1904c: 16; 1907: 596; Thor, 1931a: 31; Spinibdella tenella; Hernandes, 2013: 64. Type deposition. MCZ. 153. Spinibdella tenuirostris (Ewing, 1917): 149; Xenia, Ohio, USA, under stones.��� Atyeo, 1960a: 424. Original designation: Bdella tenuirostris Ewing; Berlese, 1893: 43. a. Spinibdella wilsoni Jacot, 1938: 129; synonymy according to Atyeo (1960a: 424). Distribution. Germany (Thor 1931a), United States (Ohio, Florida, Arkansas, Kansas, North Carolina, Vermont, Michigan, California) (Atyeo 1960a), Japan (Shiba & Morikawa 1966), Australia (Atyeo 1963a; Wallace & Mahon 1972), Russia (Wainstein et al. 1978, Ghilarov 1978), Taiwan (Tseng 1978), Korea (Lee et al. 1997), Mexico (Hoffmann & L��pez-Campos 2000), Spain (Domingo-Quero et al. 2003). Redescriptions. Atyeo (1960a, 1963a), Shiba & Morikawa (1966), Wallace & Mahon (1972), Tseng (1978). Remarks. Ewing (1917, not 1914 as mentioned by both Atyeo [1960a] and Wainstein et al. [1978]) described Bdella tenuirostris, without noticing the preoccupied name erected by Koch (1839: 23). Type deposition. USNM. 154. Spinibdella thori (Meyer & Ryke, 1959): 375; Bathurst, South Africa, ex grass and soil.��� Atyeo, 1963a: 174. Original designation: Bdella thori Meyer & Ryke. Distribution. South Africa (Meyer & Ryke 1959; Halliday 2005), Australia (Atyeo 1963a; Wallace & Mahon 1972; Halliday 2005), Hawaii (Swift & Goff 1987; 2001), Mexico (Hoffmann & L��pez-Campos 2000), Iran (Abbaszadeh et al. 2010). Redescriptions. Atyeo (1963a), Wallace & Mahon (1972), Swift & Goff (1987), Omukunda et al. (2012). Remarks. Male unknown. Type deposition. Institute for Zoological Research, Potchefstroom University, South Africa. 155. Spinibdella trinomma Omukunda, Theron & Ueckermann, 2012: 3; Kwazulu, Natal, South Africa. Type deposition. NCA. 156. Spinibdella trisetosa (Jacot, 1938): 128 comb. nov.; Micanope, Florida, USA, ex leaf litter. Original designation: Bdella trisetosa Jacot. Remarks. This species is herein transferred to the genus Spinibdella due to having two ventral setae on the hypostome, tricobothria present on tibiae I, IV, tarsi III and IV, setae lps present, and the palpal tibiotarsus truncate. Type deposition. USNM. 157. Spinibdella yeni Tseng, 1978: 44; Taipu, Chiayi Hsien, Taiwan, ex litter. Type deposition. Supposedly at BSMI, but probably lost (C-C Ho, pers. comm.)., Published as part of Hernandes, Fabio A., Skvarla, Michael J., Fisher, Ray, Dowling, Ashley P. G., Ochoa, Ronald, Ueckermann, Edward A. & Bauchan, Gary R., 2016, Catalogue of snout mites (Acariformes: Bdellidae) of the world, pp. 1-83 in Zootaxa 4152 (1) on pages 26-30, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4152.1.1, http://zenodo.org/record/261900, {"references":["Thor, S. (1930 b) Norwegische Bdellidae IV-V. Zwei neue Arten und eine neue Gattung. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 92, 17 - 26.","Atyeo, W. T. (1960 a) A revision of the family Bdellidae in North and Central America (Acarina: Prostigmata). University of Kansas Science Bulletin, 40, 345 - 499.","Soliman, Z. R. & Zaher, M. A. (1975) Bdellid mites of Lattakia, Syria. Bulletin de la Societe Royale Entomologique, 59, 73 - 82.","Tseng, Y-H. (1978) Mites of the family Bdellidae from Taiwan (Acarina: Prostigmata). Journal of the Agricultural Association of China, 104, 25 - 51.","Chaudhri, W. M., Akbar, S. & Rasool, A. (1979) Studies on the predatory leaf inhabiting mites of Pakistan. 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Sitzungsberichte der Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, Abteilung I, 167, 35 - 57.","Schweizer, J. & Bader, C. (1963) Die Landmilben der Schweiz (Mittelland, Jura and Alpen). Trombidiformes Reuter. Denkschriften Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft, 84, 209 - 378.","Stejskal, V. & Hubert, J. (2008) Risk of occupational allergy to stored grain arthropods and false pest-risk perception in Czech grain stores. Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine, 15 (1), 29 - 35.","Jorgensen, C. (1967) A new species of Spinibdella from Utah (Bdellidae: Acarina). The Great Basin Naturalist, 27 (1), 98 - 101.","Oatman, E. R. (1963) Mite species on apple foliage in Wisconsin. In: Advances in Acarology, Naegele, J. A. (Ed.), vol. 1, Comstock Pub. Assoc., 21 - 24.","Kuznetsov, N. N. & Livshits, I. Z. (1979 b) Two new species of Bdellidae (Acariformes) from the Crimea. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, 58 (4), 607 - 610.","Bednarskaya, E. V. (2011) The main biotic relations and localization in microstations of prostigmatic predatory mites in carst cavities of Mountain Crimea. Scientific Notes of Taurida V. I. Vernadsky National University. - Series: Biology, chemistry, 24 (63), 3 - 9.","Paktinat-Saeej, S., Bagheri, M., Saboori, A., Seilsepour, N. & Ueckermann, E. A. (2015 b) A new snout mite, Spinibdella tabarii sp. nov. (Trombidiformes: Bdellidae) from Iran, with a summary of Spinibdella distributions worldwide. Systematic & Applied Acarology, 20 (6), 693 - 706. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.11158 / saa. 20.6.11","Banks, N. (1896) New North American spiders and mites. Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 23, 57 - 77.","Banks, N. (1904 c) A treatise on the Acarina, or mites. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 28, 1 - 114.","Hernandes, F. A. (2013) Revision of Nathan Banks' type specimens of Bdellidae Duges (Acari: Trombidiformes) of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge. International Journal of Acarology, 39 (1), 1 - 9. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1080 / 01647954.2012.739642","Ewing, H. E. (1917) New Acarina, part II-Descriptions of new species and varieties from Iowa, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 37 (2), 149 - 172.","Jacot, A. P. (1938) Thomas Say's free-living mites re-discovered. Psyche, 45, 126 - 130. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1155 / 1938 / 92469","Wainstein, B. A., Kuznetsov, N. N., Livshits, I. Z. & Sosnina, E. F. (1978) Family Bdellidae. In: Gilyarov, M. S. (Ed) Identifcation key to soil-inhabiting mites, Trombidiformes. Nauka, Moscow, 133 - 143.","Lee, W. - K., Lim, J. - W. & Lee, S. - Y. (1997) A taxonomic study on the family Bdellidae (Bdelloidea: Prostigmata) in Korea. Korean Journal of Soil Zoology, 2 (2), 65 - 75 [in Korean with English abstract]","Hoffmann, A. & Lopez-Campos, G. (2000) Biodiversidad de los acaros en Mexico. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico y Conabio, Mexico, D. F. 230 pp.","Domingo-Quero, T., Alonso-Zarazaga, M. A., Sanchez-Ruiz, A., Araujo Armero, R., Navas Sanchez, A., Sanchez Moreno, S., Garcia Becerra, R., Nebreda, M., Sanchez Ruiz, M., Fontal-Cazalla, F. & Nieves-Aldrey, J. L. (2003) Inventariando la Biodiversidad en el Parque Nacional de la Caldera de Taburiente (La Palma, Islas Canarias, Espana): Novedades cientificas. Graellsia, 59 (2 - 3), 45 - 68. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.3989 / graellsia. 2003. v 59. i 2 - 3.235","Meyer, M. K. P. & Ryke, P. A. J. (1959) Cunaxoidea (Acarina: Prostigmata) occurring on plants in South Africa. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 13 (2), 369 - 384. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1080 / 00222935908655745","Halliday, R. B. (2005) Predatory mites from crops and pastures in South Africa: potential natural enemies of redlegged earth mite, Halotydeus destructor (Acari: Penthaleidae). Zootaxa, 1079, 11 - 64.","Swift, S. F. & Goff, M. L. (2001) Mites (Acari) communities associated with ' Ohi'a, Metrosideros polymorpha (Myrtaceae), at Hono O Na Pali and Kui`a Natural area reserves on Kaua`i Island, Hawaiian Islands. Pacific Science, 55 (1), 23 - 40. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1353 / psc. 2001.0008"]}
- Published
- 2016
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81. Trachymolgus Berlese
- Author
Hernandes, Fabio A., Skvarla, Michael J., Fisher, Ray, Dowling, Ashley P. G., Ochoa, Ronald, Ueckermann, Edward A., and Bauchan, Gary R.
- Subjects
Arthropoda ,Arachnida ,Prostigmata ,Animalia ,Bdellidae ,Biodiversity ,Taxonomy ,Trachymolgus - Abstract
Trachymolgus Berlese Trachymolgus Berlese, 1923: 242; Thor, 1931a: 40. Type-species: Bdella nigerrima Canestrini & Fanzago, 1876 by original designation. 83. Trachymolgus jesusi Mej��a-Recamier & Palacios-Vargas, 1999: 165; Jalisco, Chamela, M��xico. Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at UNAM, paratypes at UGA, CRA and CNC. 84. Trachymolgus nigerrima (Canestrini & Fanzago, 1876): 108; Italy. Original designation: Bdella nigerrima Canestrini & Fanzago.���Canestrini & Fanzago, 1877: 104; Canestrini, 1886: 189; Berlese, 1883: 214; Thor, 1931a: 40; Trachymolgus nigerrimus; Berlese, 1923: 242; Sosnina et al. (1965: 279). a. Acarus citri Hasselquist, 1757: 431; Oudemans, 1926b: 118; synonymy according to Thor, 1931a; Bdella citri, Thor (1931a). Distribution. Italy, Switzerland (Thor 1931a), Georgia (Gomelauri 1963b), Switzerland (Schweizer & Bader 1963), Bulgaria (Sosnina et al. 1965), Ukraine (Kuznetsov & Livshits 1979a). Type deposition. Unknown. 85. Trachymolgus purpureus Fisher & Dowling, 2011: 5 (in Fisher et al. 2011); Ozark Highlands, Arkansas, USA. Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at ACUA, paratypes at OSAL, FMNH, USNM. 86. Trachymolgus recki Gomelauri, 1961: 69; Sukhumi and Tbilisi, Georgia, ex oak leaves and tree stocks in forest. Type deposition. Unknown., Published as part of Hernandes, Fabio A., Skvarla, Michael J., Fisher, Ray, Dowling, Ashley P. G., Ochoa, Ronald, Ueckermann, Edward A. & Bauchan, Gary R., 2016, Catalogue of snout mites (Acariformes: Bdellidae) of the world, pp. 1-83 in Zootaxa 4152 (1) on pages 22-23, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4152.1.1, http://zenodo.org/record/261900, {"references":["Berlese, A. (1923) Centuria sesta di Acari nuovi. Redia-Giornale di Entomologia, 15, 1 - 240.","Thor, S. (1931 a) Bdellidae, Nicoletiellidae, Cryptognathidae. Das Tierreich, 56, 87 pp.","Canestrini, G. & Fanzago, F. (1876) Nuovi Acari Acari Italiani. Atti della Societa Veneto-Trentina di Scienze Naturali, Padova, 5 (1), 99 - 111.","Mejia-Recamier, B. E. & Palacios-Vargas, J. G. (1999) A new species of Trachymolgus (Prostigmata: Bdellidae) from Mexico. Acarologia, 40 (2), 165 - 170.","Canestrini, G. & Fanzago, F. (1877) Intorno agli acari italiani. Atti del Reale Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, 5 (4), 1 - 140 + plates II - VII.","Canestrini, G. (1886) Prospetto dell'acarofauna italiana. 2: Erythraeini, Cheyletini, Bdellini, Eupodini e Analgesini. pp. 159 - 311, Tav. X - XXII [= 10 - 22]. Padova.","Berlese, A. (1883) Escursione in Sicilia: Acarofauna Sicula. Bolletino della Societa Entomologica Italiana, 15, 212 - 220.","Sosnina, E. F., Vysotskaya, S. O., Markov, G. N. & Atanasov, L. K. (1965) Predatory mites of the family Bdellidae (Acarina, Prostigmata) from nests of rodents in Bulgaria. Proceedings of the Zoological Institute, USSR Academy of Sciences, 35, 272 - 287.","Hasselquist, F. (1757) Iter Palaestinum, Eller, Resa til Heliga Landet, Forrattad Infran ar 1749 til 1752.","Oudemans, A. C. (1926 b) Kritisch Historisch overzicht der Acarologie. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, 69, 500 pp.","Gomelauri, L. A. (1963 b) On the study of mites of the family Bdellidae in Georgian S. S. R. Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR, 30 (2), 47 - 51.","Schweizer, J. & Bader, C. (1963) Die Landmilben der Schweiz (Mittelland, Jura and Alpen). Trombidiformes Reuter. Denkschriften Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft, 84, 209 - 378.","Kuznetsov, N. N. & Livshits, I. Z. (1979 a) Predatory mites of the Nikita Botanical Garden (Acariformes: Bdellidae, Cunaxidae, Camerobiidae). Proceedings of the State Nikita Botanical Garden, 79, 51 - 104.","Fisher, J. R., Skvarla, M. J., Bauchan, G. R., Ochoa, R. & Dowling, A. P. G. (2011) Trachymolgus purpureus sp. n., an armored snout mite (Acari, Bdellidae) from the Ozark Highlands: morphology, development, and key to Trachymolgus Berlese. Zookeys, 125, 1 - 34. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.3897 / zookeys. 125.1875","Gomelauri, L. A. (1961) New species of the family Bdellidae. Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR, 26 (1), 68 - 72."]}
- Published
- 2016
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82. Bdellidae Duges
- Author
Hernandes, Fabio A., Skvarla, Michael J., Fisher, Ray, Dowling, Ashley P. G., Ochoa, Ronald, Ueckermann, Edward A., and Bauchan, Gary R.
- Subjects
Arthropoda ,Arachnida ,Prostigmata ,Animalia ,Bdellidae ,Biodiversity ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Bdellidae Dug��s Bdellei Dug��s, 1834: 21; (for exhaustive reference list see Thor, 1931a: 1)., Published as part of Hernandes, Fabio A., Skvarla, Michael J., Fisher, Ray, Dowling, Ashley P. G., Ochoa, Ronald, Ueckermann, Edward A. & Bauchan, Gary R., 2016, Catalogue of snout mites (Acariformes: Bdellidae) of the world, pp. 1-83 in Zootaxa 4152 (1) on page 11, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4152.1.1, http://zenodo.org/record/261900, {"references":["Duges, A. (1834) Recherches sur l'ordre des Acariens en generale et la famille des Trombidies en particulier. Annales des Sciences Naturelles, 2, 5 - 46.","Thor, S. (1931 a) Bdellidae, Nicoletiellidae, Cryptognathidae. Das Tierreich, 56, 87 pp."]}
- Published
- 2016
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83. Hexabdella van Der Schyff, Theron & Ueckermann
- Author
Hernandes, Fabio A., Skvarla, Michael J., Fisher, Ray, Dowling, Ashley P. G., Ochoa, Ronald, Ueckermann, Edward A., and Bauchan, Gary R.
- Subjects
Arthropoda ,Hexabdella ,Arachnida ,Prostigmata ,Animalia ,Bdellidae ,Biodiversity ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Hexabdella van Der Schyff, Theron & Ueckermann Hexabdella van Der Schyff, Theron & Ueckermann, 2004: 14. Bdella; Baker & Balock, 1944 (part.). Type-species: Hexabdella denheyeri van Der Schyff, Theron & Ueckermann, 2004 by original designation. 55. Hexabdella brevitarsis Hernandes, 2013: 62; Covey Hill, Quebec, Canada. Bdella brevitarsis Banks (in Tothill 1919: 195���196) (nomen nudum). Type deposition. MCZ. 56. Hexabdella cinquaginta Hernandes, Daud & Feres, 2007: 60; Itiquira, Mato Grosso, Brazil, ex Hevea brasiliensis M.Arg. (Euphorbiaceae). Other record: S��o Paulo, Brazil (Demite & Feres 2008). Remarks. Male unknown. Type deposition. DZSJRP. 57. Hexabdella denheyeri van Der Schyff, Theron & Ueckermann, 2004: 15; Angola, ex Eugenia brasiliensis Lam. (Myrtaceae). Type deposition. NCA. 58. Hexabdella maraugia van Der Schyff, Theron & Ueckermann, 2004: 17; Kleinmond, Western Cape Province, South Africa, ex soil under dune vegetation. Remarks. Male unknown. Type deposition. NCA. 59. Hexabdella mexicana (Baker & Balock, 1944): 181; Valle del Bravo, Mexico, ex moss.���van Der Schyff et al., 2004: 13. Original designation: Bdella mexicana Baker & Balock. a. Bdella willisi Baker & Balock, 1944: 182; Drummond, 1957: 142; synonymy according to Atyeo (1960a: 383). Distribution. Mexico (Valle del Bravo, M��xico; Laguna de Zempoala, Morelos; San Luis Potos��, Veracruz), United States (Texas, Kansas, Illinois, Maryland, New York, Connecticut) (Atyeo 1960a) (Wisconsin) (Oatman 1963), Ukraine (Kuznetsov & Livshits 1979a), United States (Lehman 1982), Hawaii (Swift & Goff 1987). Redescriptions. Atyeo (1960a), Swift & Goff (1987), van Der Schyff et al. (2004). Remarks. Atyeo (1960a) set Bdella willisi as a synonym of this species, but mentions that individuals collected from the United States have hysterosomal setae pilose, whereas those of the Mexican specimens are nude. Type deposition. USNM. 60. Hexabdella miranda van Der Schyff, Theron & Ueckermann, 2004: 20; Limpopo Province, South Africa, ex Euphorbia ingens E.Mey (Euphorbiaceae). Remarks. Male unknown. Type deposition. NCA. 61. Hexabdella persiaensis Paktinat-Saeej & Bagheri, 2014: 3; Mazandaran province, Iran, from soil and rotten leaves under Corylus avellana (Betulaceae). Remarks. Male and immatures unknown. Type deposition. Acarological Collection, Department of Plant Protection, University of Maragheh, Iran, and ASI. 62. Hexabdella quercusi Eghbalian, Khanjani, Safaralizadeh & Ueckermann, 2016: 292; ex litter under oak trees, Western Iran. Type deposition. Holotype and paratypes at University of Bu-Ali Sina, Hamedan, Iran; paratype female at NCA. 63. Hexabdella singula van Der Schyff, Theron & Ueckermann, 2004: 14; Cape Town, South Africa, ex Cassine peragua L. (Celastraceae). Remarks. Male and immatures unknown. Type deposition. NCA. 64. Hexabdella unusoculata van Der Schyff, Theron & Ueckermann, 2004: 24; KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, ex soil. Remarks. Male unknown. Type deposition. NCA., Published as part of Hernandes, Fabio A., Skvarla, Michael J., Fisher, Ray, Dowling, Ashley P. G., Ochoa, Ronald, Ueckermann, Edward A. & Bauchan, Gary R., 2016, Catalogue of snout mites (Acariformes: Bdellidae) of the world, pp. 1-83 in Zootaxa 4152 (1) on pages 18-19, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4152.1.1, http://zenodo.org/record/261900, {"references":["van Der Schyff, J., Theron, P. D. & Ueckermann, E. A. (2004) Hexabdella, a new mite genus of Bdellidae (Acari: Prostigmata) from southern Africa, with descriptions of five new species. African Plant Protection, 10 (1), 13 - 25.","Baker, E. W. & Balock, J. W. (1944) Mites of the family Bdellidae. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 46 (7), 176 - 184.","Hernandes, F. A. (2013) Revision of Nathan Banks' type specimens of Bdellidae Duges (Acari: Trombidiformes) of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge. International Journal of Acarology, 39 (1), 1 - 9. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1080 / 01647954.2012.739642","Tothill, J. D. (1919) Some notes on the natural control of the oyster-shell scale (Lepidosaphes ulmi, L.). Bulletin of Entomological Research, 9 (3), 183 - 196. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1017 / S 0007485300037949","Hernandes, F. A., Daud, R. D. & Feres, R. J. F. (2007) A new species of Hexabdella (Acari: Bdellidae) from Brazil. Zootaxa, 1501, 57 - 63.","Demite, P. R. & Feres, R. J. F. (2008) Influence of cerrado fragments in the distribution of mites in rubber tree crop. Neotropical Entomology, 37 (2), 196 - 204. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1590 / S 1519 - 566 X 2008000200015","Drummond, R. O. (1957) Observations on the fluctuations of acarine populations from nests of Peromyscus leucopus. Ecological Monographs, 27 (2), 137 - 152. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.2307 / 1948573","Atyeo, W. T. (1960 a) A revision of the family Bdellidae in North and Central America (Acarina: Prostigmata). University of Kansas Science Bulletin, 40, 345 - 499.","Oatman, E. R. (1963) Mite species on apple foliage in Wisconsin. In: Advances in Acarology, Naegele, J. A. (Ed.), vol. 1, Comstock Pub. Assoc., 21 - 24.","Kuznetsov, N. N. & Livshits, I. Z. (1979 a) Predatory mites of the Nikita Botanical Garden (Acariformes: Bdellidae, Cunaxidae, Camerobiidae). Proceedings of the State Nikita Botanical Garden, 79, 51 - 104.","Lehman, R. D. (1982) Mites (Acari) of Pennsylvania conifers. Transactions of the America Entomological Society, 180, 181 - 286.","Swift, S. F. & Goff, M. L. (1987) The family Bdellidae (Acari: Prostigmata) in the Hawaiian Islands. International Journal of Acarology, 13 (1), 29 - 49. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1080 / 01647958708683478","Paktinat-Saeej, S., Bagheri, M., Saboori, A. & Ueckermann, E. A. (2014) Hexabdella persiaensis sp. nov. (Acari: Prostigmata: Bdellidae) as a first new species of the genus Hexabdella from Asia. International Journal of Acarology, 40, 1 - 6. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1080 / 01647954.2014.928366","Eghbalian, A. H., Khanjani, M., Safaralizadeh, M. H. & Ueckermann, E. A. (2016) New species of Hexabdella and Neomolgus (Acari: Prostigmata: Bdellidae) from Iran. Zootaxa, 4072 (2), 291 - 300. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 4072.2.10"]}
- Published
- 2016
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84. A new species of cave dwelling Neocarus (Acari: Opilioacaridae) from Bahia state, Brazil, with remarks on taxonomic characters
- Author
DE ARAÚJO, MARCEL SANTOS, primary, BICHUETTE, MARIA ELINA, additional, BAUCHAN, GARY R., additional, OCHOA, RONALD, additional, and FERES, REINALDO JOSÉ FAZZIO, additional
- Published
- 2018
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85. A Proteomic Network for Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation Efficiency in Bradyrhizobium elkanii
- Author
Cooper, Bret, primary, Campbell, Kimberly B., additional, Beard, Hunter S., additional, Garrett, Wesley M., additional, Mowery, Joseph, additional, Bauchan, Gary R., additional, and Elia, Patrick, additional
- Published
- 2018
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86. A New Species of Zambedania (Acari: Heterostigmatina: Pygmephoridae) from the Two Rivers Platinum Mine in South Africa and Notes on the Life-cycle of the Genus
- Author
Camerik, Anne M., Magowski, Wojciech Ł., Hawkes, Peter G., Ueckermann, Edward A., Ochoa, Ronald, and Bauchan, Gary R.
- Subjects
Research Article - Abstract
Anne M. Camerik, Wojciech Ł. Magowski, Peter G. Hawkes, Edward A. Ueckermann, Ronald Ochoa, and Gary R. Bauchan (2016) A new species of relatively poorly known genus Zambedania Mahunka, 1972 was found on the baboon spider, Harpactirella overdijki Gallon, 2010 (Araneae: Theraphosidae) in South Africa. Besides the abundantly available phoretic females, several males and one larva of this species in the spiders’ nests were also collected. Zambedania sekhukhunensis n. sp. is described and illustrated based on the phoretic females, males and larva. Improved diagnosis of the genus and a new key to species are also supplied. The descriptions and illustrations of the male and larva of this species represent the first ones of these stages in the genus Zambedania. Due to their discovery the generic diagnosis has been significantly improved.
- Published
- 2016
87. The complete genome sequence of a third distinct baculovirus isolated from the true armyworm, Mythimna unipuncta, contains two copies of the lef-7 gene
- Author
Harrison, Robert L., primary, Mowery, Joseph D., additional, Rowley, Daniel L., additional, Bauchan, Gary R., additional, Theilmann, David A., additional, Rohrmann, George F., additional, and Erlandson, Martin A., additional
- Published
- 2017
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88. A new species of Proctophyllodes Robin, 1868 (Acari: Proctophyllodidae) from two tanagers of the genus Piranga Vieillot (Passeriformes: Cardinalidae) from North America
- Author
Hernandes, Fabio Akashi, primary, OConnor, Barry M., additional, Bauchan, Gary R., additional, and Ochoa, Ronald, additional
- Published
- 2017
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89. New and little known feather mites (Acariformes: Astigmata) analysed with low-temperature scanning electron microscopy
- Author
Hernandes, Fabio Akashi, primary, Bauchan, Gary R., additional, and Ochoa, Ronald, additional
- Published
- 2017
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90. Rediscovering digitules in Aphidomorpha and the question of homology among Sternorrhyncha (Insecta, Hemiptera)
- Author
Metz, Mark A., primary, Miller, Douglass R., additional, Dickey, Aaron M., additional, Bauchan, Gary R., additional, Ochoa, Ronald, additional, Skvarla, Michael J., additional, and Miller, Gary L., additional
- Published
- 2017
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91. α-Copaene is an attractant, synergistic with quercivorol, for improved detection of Euwallacea nr. fornicatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae)
- Author
Kendra, Paul E., primary, Owens, David, additional, Montgomery, Wayne S., additional, Narvaez, Teresa I., additional, Bauchan, Gary R., additional, Schnell, Elena Q., additional, Tabanca, Nurhayat, additional, and Carrillo, Daniel, additional
- Published
- 2017
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92. Morphological and molecular characterization of Paratylenchus beltsvillensisn. sp. (Tylenchida: Paratylenchidae) from the rhizosphere of pine tree (Pinus virginianaMill) in Maryland, USA
- Author
Kantor, Mihail R., Handoo, Zafar A., Subbotin, Sergei A., Bauchan, Gary R., and Mowery, Joseph D.
- Abstract
The pin nematode, Paratylechus beltsvillensisn. sp. collected from rhizosphere soil of a Virginia pine tree (Pinus virginianaMill) growing in Little Paint Branch Park, Beltsville, Prince George’s County, Maryland, USA, is described and illustrated along with light and scanning electron photomicrographs. Females, males, and juveniles of this new species were recovered from soil samples using the sugar centrifugal flotation and Baermann funnel extraction methods. Morphologically, females are short, body length ranging from 245 to 267 μm, stylet from 70 to 75 μm long with anchor shaped knobs, vulva located at 70–73% and small vulval flap, spermatheca large, and ovoid filled with sperms. Lateral field with three incisures, of which the outer two are prominent. Tail slender, having a rounded tail terminus. Males without stylet and have a degenerated pharynx, spicules = 17–20 µm and gubernaculum = 5.0–5.5 µm. Both morphological observations and molecular analysis of ITS and partial 28S ribosomal RNA gene sequences indicated that the specimens collected from the soil at Beltsville Park from rhizosphere soil samples from Virginia pine represents a new pin nematode species.
- Published
- 2021
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93. Pentamerismus hicklingorum Seeman and Beard, sp. nov
- Author
Beard, Jennifer J., Seeman, Owen D., and Bauchan, Gary R.
- Subjects
Arthropoda ,Arachnida ,Prostigmata ,Animalia ,Pentamerismus ,Biodiversity ,Tenuipalpidae ,Pentamerismus hicklingorum ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Pentamerismus hicklingorum Seeman and Beard sp. nov. (Figs 88���94) Type material examined. Holotype female ex. Coastal She-Oak, Casuarina equisetifolia (Casuarinaceae), AUSTRALIA: Southeast Queensland, Beachmere, Bayside Drive, 27 �� 05��� 52 ������ S, 153 ��05��� 21 ������ E, 25 June 2010, coll. O.D. Seeman (QM). Paratypes. 8 females, 3 males, 2 deutonymphs, 1 protonymph, 4 larvae, same data as holotype (QM, ANIC). Diagnosis. Dorsal opisthosomal setae f 2 present. Palp setal formula 0-0- 0-1 - 3 (1), with palp tibial setae l������PTi absent, l���PTi present. Anterior margin of prodorsal shield notched, forming 1 pair of short rounded lobes. Dorsal shields coarsely rugose with broadly rounded folds and weak reticulation; dorsal setae broadly lanceolate, barbed; lateral margins of opisthosoma coarsely papillate. Setae ag lanceolate, barbed; setae g 1���2 fine, barbed; setae ps 1���3 fine, ps 1 barbed slightly thicker than ps 2���3, ps 2���3 fine, smooth. Seta 1 c absent. Setae d on femora and genua I���II lanceolate; seta ev ��� on femora III fine, smooth; setae v ���, v������ on tibiae III fine, smooth. FEMALE (n = 9). Dorsum. (Figs 88 a, 94) Body measurements: distance between setae v 2 -h 1 230���270 [240], sc 2 -sc 2 105���110 [105]; other measurements: v 2 -v 2 46 ���51 [51], sc 1 -sc 1 79���87 [83], c 1 -c 1 51���55 [54], c 2 -c 2 115��� 120 [115], c 3 -c 3 155���160 [155], d 1 -d 1 37���44 [37], d 2 -d 2 97���100 [98], d 3 -d 3 140���145 [140], e 1 - e 1 35���41 [36], e 2 -e 2 135���140 [135], e 3 -e 3 120���130 [125], f 2 -f 2 105���120 [110], f 3 -f 3 85���100 [87], h 1 -h 1 23���31 [24], h 2 -h 2 47��� 60 [56]. Anterior margin of prodorsal shield with 1 pair of small rounded lobes, forming short medial notch (internal depth 6���8). Dorsal shields coarsely rugose with broadly rounded folds and weak reticulation (Fig. 94). Lateral cuticle surrounding shields coarsely papillate; cuticle between shields rugose. All dorsal setae barbed, lanceolate. Setal lengths: v 2 24���30 [25], sc 1 25���28 [25], sc 2 28���31 [31], c 1 25���31 [28], c 2 20���29 [25], c 3 22���26 [26], d 1 19���26 [24], d 2 22���24 [23], d 3 25���27 [27], e 1 18 ���22 [18], e 2 20 ���25 [23], e 3 18 ���21 [20], f 2 18���20 [20], f 3 17���22 [18], h 1 17���19 [19], h 2 17���19 [19]. Palps. (Fig. 88 b) Setal formula 0, 0, 0, 1, 3 (1 s+ 2 e). Tibial setae, dorsal 9���10 [10] long; tarsal eupathidia 5���6 [6], 6���8 [7] long; solenidion 6 [6] long. Venter. (Fig. 89 a) Cuticle with transverse striae, becoming longitudinal just anterior to setae ag, becoming coarse around genital area. Circular thickening present in metapodal region, ca. 25 diameter, weakly rugose. Setae g 1 inserted in more-or-less transverse line with g 2, g 2 slightly anterior to g 1. Genital shield mostly smooth, margins irregular, 30���33 [33] long, 41���44 [42] wide; anal setae ps 1���3 inserted in longitudinal row on anal plates. Coxal setae fine, except 2 c barbed; setae ag 1 lanceolate, barbed; g 1���2 fine, barbed; setae ps 1���3 fine; ps 1 barbed slightly thicker than ps 2���3; ps 2���3 smooth. Setal lengths: 1a 51 ��� 58 [54], 1 b 25���30 [26], 2 b 21���23 [21], 2 c 17���18 [18], 3a 40 ��� 58 [45], 3 b 13���15 [15], 4a 40 ��� 45 [45], 4 b 11���15 [11], ag 1 16���21 [21], g 1 22���24 [22], g 2 19���22 [19], ps 1 13���15 [15], ps 2 13���14 [14], ps 3 7���8 [7]. Spermatheca. (Fig. 89 b) Spermathecal tube long, narrow, convoluted, Legs. (Fig. 90) Setal formula for legs I���IV (coxae to tarsi) 1 - 1-3 - 3-4 - 9 (1), 2 - 1-3 - 3-4 - 9 (1), 1-2 - 2 - 1-3 - 5, 1 - 1 - 1 - 0-3 - 5. Tarsi I and II each with 1 antiaxial solenidion ��" (ta I 13���14 [14] long, ta II 13 [13] long) and 2 eupathidia p��'-p��" (6���7 [6���7] long). Leg setation as in Table 1 except coxae I without 1 c. Setae v' added to tr IV. MALE (n = 3). Dorsum. (Fig. 91) Body measurements: distance between setae v 2 -h 1 190���200, sc 2 -sc 2 86���91; other measurements: v 2 -v 2 34 ���35, sc 1 -sc 1 68���69, c 1 -c 1 32���33, c 2 -c 2 90���92, c 3 -c 3 115���125, d 1 -d 1 22���28, d 2 -d 2 73���81, d 3 -d 3 100���105, e 1 - e 1 34���40, e 2 - e 2 90���92, e 3 - e 3 91���96, f 2 -f 2 80���83, f 3 -f 3 63���65, h 1 -h 1 16���20, h 2 -h 2 41��� 45. Anterior margin of prodorsum with pair of small lobes forming a short medial notch (internal depth 5���6). Prodorsal, mesonotal and pygidial shields with sculpture and dorsal setae similar to female. Medial soft cuticle striated, lateral cuticle reticulated to striated. Setal lengths: v 2 21���22, sc 1 17, sc 2 21, c 1 18���20, c 2 17���22, c 3 16��� 17, d 1 13���15, d 2 13���15, d 3 14���16, e 1 13 ���15, e 2 15 ���16, e 3 15 ���16, f 2 15, f 3 14���16, h 1 13���15, h 2 15���16. Palps. Palps similar to female. Tibial seta 8���10 long; tarsal eupathidia 5���6, 7 long; solenidion 7 long. Venter. (Fig. 92 a) Striae entirely transverse, becoming coarse behind cx IV. Posterior opisthosoma with 2 irregular, poorly defined, striated subcircular plates, ca. 25���35 in diameter; g 1���2, ps 1���3 on weakly sclerotised anal valves. Coxal setae fine, except 2 c barbed. Seta ag 1 lanceolate, barbed; g 1 barbed; g 2, ps 2, ps 3 smooth; ps 1 spine-like, thickened. Setal lengths: 1a 38 ��� 50, 1 b 22���26, 2 b 15, 2 c 15���17, 3 a 37���45, 3 b 11���15, 4 a 40���45, 4 b 15���25, ag 1 13���16, g 1 6���7, g 2 14���15, ps 1 8���14, ps 2 7���10, ps 3 6���8. Aedeagus. (Fig. 92 b) Narrow, sclerotised, tapering to a point, 65���68 long; curved in 2 preparations. Membranous duct runs from inside aedeagus. Legs. Setal formula same as female. Tarsi I and II each with 1 antiaxial solenidion ��" (15���17 long) and 2 eupathidia p��'-p��" (6���7 long). Solenidia slightly thicker and longer than in female. DEUTONYMPH (n = 2). Dorsum. Body measurements: distance between setae v 2 -h 1 185���195, sc 2 -sc 2 90��� 91; other measurements: v 2 -v 2 30, sc 1 -sc 1 73���75, c 1 -c 1 28���30, c 2 -c 2 88���96, c 3 -c 3 122���131, d 1 -d 1 23���25, d 2 -d 2 81, d 3 -d 3 110���114, e 1 - e 1 27���28, e 2 -e 2 103���105, e 3 - e 3 95���102, f 2 -f 2 79���90, f 3 -f 3 70���75, h 1 -h 1 21���22, h 2 -h 2 43��� 48. Anterior margin of prodorsum without medial lobes or notch. Prodorsal shield poorly defined, with fine oblique-longitudinal striations. Transverse striae between setal row C to midway between rows D and E; then opisthosomal shield region with irregular polygons arranged in oblique to longitudinal pattern. Setae v 2, sc 1 thickened slightly, barbed; setae sc 2 narrowly lanceolate; opisthosomal setae lanceolate. Setal lengths: v 2 10���16, sc 1 15���16, sc 2 15���18, c 1 16���17, c 2 16���21, c 3 21���23, d 1 13���17, d 2 19���20, d 3 27, e 1 16 ���19, e 2 23 ���27, e 3 20 ���22, f 2 21���25, f 3 21���22, h 1 16���19, h 2 16���21. Palps. Palps similar to adult. Tibial seta 7 long; tarsal eupathidia 3, 5 long; solenidion 3 long. Venter. Striation similar to female; anal setae ps 1���3 on weakly defined anal plates. Coxal setae fine, except 2 c barbed; setae ag 1 and ps 1 with few or no barbs; other setae smooth. Setal lengths: 1a 33 ��� 35, 1 b 14��� 15, 2 b 10���11, 2 c 13���14, 3 a 25���40, 3 b 8���12, 4 a 19���29, 4 b 7���10, ag 1 13���14, g 1 11���12, ps 1 6, ps 2 6, ps 3 6. Legs. Setal formula for legs I���IV (coxae to tarsi) 1 - 1-3 - 3-4 - 9 (1), 2 - 1-3 - 3-4 - 9 (1), 1-2 - 2 - 1-3 - 5, 1 - 0-1 - 0-3 - 5. Tarsi I and II each with 1 antiaxial solenidion ��" (ta I 6���8 long, ta II 6���7 long) and 2 eupathidia p��'-p��" (about 5 long). Leg setation as in adult except: tr IV without seta v ���. Setae v' added to tr I���III. PROTONYMPH (n = 1). Dorsum. Body measurements: distance between setae v 2 -h 1 145, sc 2 -sc 2 80; other measurements: v 2 -v 2 27, sc 1 -sc 1 66, c 1 -c 1 20, c 2 -c 2 83, c 3 -c 3 110, d 1 -d 1 19, d 2 -d 2 71, d 3 -d 3 92, e 1 - e 1 18, e 2 - e 2 78, e 3 - e 3 70, f 2 -f 2 48, f 3 -f 3 45, h 1 missing on left hand side, h 2 -h 2 23. Anterior margin of prodorsum without medial notch. Dorsal cuticle similar to deutonymph, except opisthosoma with coarse irregular striae only. Setae similar in length to those of adult; narrowly lanceolate, barbed. Setal lengths: v 2 19, sc 1 14, sc 2 15, c 1 19, c 2 19, c 3 20, d 1 17, d 2 23, d 3 23, e 1 23, e 2 25, e 3 20, f 2 24, f 3 23, h 1 23, h 2 18. Palps. Palps similar to adult. Tibial seta 6 long; tarsal eupathidia 3, 5 long; solenidion 3 long. Venter. Cuticle same as deutonymph. Anal setae ps 1���3 on weakly defined anal plates. Coxal and anal setae fine, except 2 a with few barbs. Setal lengths: 1a 33, 1 b 8, 2 b 10, 3a 35, 3 b 10, ag 1 9, ps 1 5, ps 2 5, ps 3 5. Legs. Setal formula for legs I���IV (coxae to tarsi) 1 - 0-3 - 1-4 - 9 (1), 1 - 0-3 - 1- 4 - 9 (1), 1 - 1-2 - 1-3 - 5, 0- 0-1 - 0-3 - 3. Tarsi I and II each with 1 antiaxial solenidion ��" (4 long) and 2 eupathidia p��'-p��" (3-4 long). Leg setation as in deutonymph except: seta 2 c absent; seta 4 b absent; tr I���III without seta v ���; ge I���II without seta d, l������; ta IV without setae tc ���, tc������. Setae l' added to tr III. LARVA (n = 4). Dorsum. (Fig. 93) Body measurements: distance between setae v 2 -h 1 110���125, sc 2 -sc 2 56��� 59; other measurements: v 2 -v 2 23���27, sc 1 -sc 1 48���51, c 1 -c 1 14���17, c 2 -c 2 57���63, c 3 -c 3 81���87, d 1 -d 1 9���11, d 2 -d 2 51���58, d 3 -d 3 68���74, e 1 - e 1 7, e 2 - e 2 52���57, e 3 - e 3 41���46, f 2 -f 2 30���35, f 3 -f 3 22���28, h 1 -h 1 9���10, h 2 -h 2 13���14. Anterior margin of prodorsum without medial notch. Prodorsal shield absent, with longitudinal striations. Opisthosomal shield absent; coarse, irregular transverse striae, becoming oblique posteriorly. Setae similar in length to those of adult; setae narrowly lanceolate to thickened, barbed; setae d 1 and e 1 broadest; setae h 2 narrowest. Setal lengths: v 2 14���18, sc 1 12���15, sc 2 14���16, c 1 15���19, c 2 15, c 3 11���14, d 1 20, d 2 14���16, d 3 13���16, e 1 18 ���22, e 2 14 ���17, e 3 15 ���16, f 2 15, f 3 15���16, h 1 14���16, h 2 16���18. Palps. (Fig. 93) Palps similar to adult. Tibial seta 6���7 long; tarsal eupathidia both 5 long; solenidion 3 long. Venter. Cuticle with transverse striae to setae 3 a, longitudinal to anal area, slightly coarser around anal area. Anal setae ps 1���3 on weakly defined anal plates. Coxal setae fine. Setal lengths: 1a 28 ��� 37, 1 b 13���19, 3 a 32���40, ps 1 4���5, ps 2 4���5, ps 3 4���5. Legs. (Fig. 93) Setal formula for legs I���III (coxae to tarsi) 1 - 0-3 - 1-4 - 7 (1), 0- 0-3 - 1-4 - 7 (1), 0- 0-2 - 1-3 - 3. Tarsi I and II each with 1 antiaxial solenidion ��" (4 long) and 2 eupathidia p��'-p��" (4���5 long). Leg setation as in protonymph except: seta 2 b absent; seta 3 b absent; tr I���III nude; ta I���III without seta tc ���, tc������. Etymology. It is with great pleasure that the manuscript���s second author names this species for his mother���s family, the Hicklings. Remarks. Pentamerismus hicklingorum is similar to P. w a rd o, but can be separated by having one seta on the palp tibia (two setae on the palp tibia of P. w a rd o) and the dorsal cuticle having broadly rounded folds (weakly reticulate on P. w a rd o). Individual adults were found in close association with their cast nymphal skins (Fig. 94), and often still within the deutonymphal and/or protonymphal skins., Published as part of Beard, Jennifer J., Seeman, Owen D. & Bauchan, Gary R., 2014, Tenuipalpidae (Acari: Trombidiformes) from Casuarinaceae (Fagales), pp. 1-157 in Zootaxa 3778 (1) on pages 104-111, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3778.1.1, http://zenodo.org/record/251337
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94. Philippipalpus belah Beard and Seeman, sp. nov
- Author
Beard, Jennifer J., Seeman, Owen D., and Bauchan, Gary R.
- Subjects
Arthropoda ,Arachnida ,Prostigmata ,Philippipalpus belah ,Animalia ,Philippipalpus ,Biodiversity ,Tenuipalpidae ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Philippipalpus belah Beard and Seeman sp. nov. (Figs 103���104) Type material examined. Holotype female ex. Belah Casuarina cristata (Casuarinaceae). AUSTRALIA: New South Wales, Newell Highway, approx. 15 km N Moree, 86 km S Goondiwindi, 29 �� 21 ��� 20 ��� S 150 ��00��� 24 ��� E, 21 August. 2007, coll. J.J. Beard (QM). Paratypes. 2 females, same data as holotype (QM). Diagnosis. Distance between setae v 2 -h 1 305���315. Distance between e 2 -e 2 115���120. Prodorsal shield laterally with irregular weak folded sculpturing in a longitudinal-oblique pattern, medially with weak folded to reticulate sculpturing; without depressions. Cuticle between prodorsal and opisthosomal shields (sejugal region) weakly striate. Opisthosomal shield with indistinct paired mesonotal regions and pygidial region; mesonotal regions indistinctly separated from each other by irregular folded cuticle; mesonotal and pygidial region not noticeably demarcated. Lateral cuticle with 3 a- 4 a entirely transverse. Spermatheca round, 2 x 2, without grainy appearance. FEMALE (n = 3). Dorsum. (Fig. 103 a) Body measurements: distance between setae v 2 -h 1 307���315 [315], sc 2 - sc 2 105 ��� 105 [105]; other measurements: v 2 -v 2 27���30 [29], sc 1 -sc 1 80���82 [82], c 1 -c 1 28���32 [31], c 3 -c 3 135���140 [140], d 1 -d 1 17���19 [18], d 3 -d 3 125���130 [125], e 1 - e 1 17���20 [18], e 2 -e 2 115���120 [115], e 3 -e 3 100���105 [100], f 3 -f 3 80���82 [82], h 1 -h 1 20���26 [26], h 2 -h 2 51���55 [55]. Gnathosoma concealed beneath the prodorsum. Anterior margin of prodorsum with a deep medial notch (internal depth 21���23 [23]) forming 1 pair of broad fleshy lobes, each bearing v 2 (inserted dorsally). Prodorsal shield laterally with irregular weak folded sculpturing in a longitudinaloblique pattern, medially with weak folded to reticulate sculpturing; without depressions. Cuticle between prodorsal and opisthosomal shields (sejugal region) weakly striate. Opisthosomal shield with indistinct paired mesonotal regions and pygidial region; mesonotal regions indistinctly separated from each other by irregular folded cuticle; mesonotal and pygidial region not noticeably demarcated; pair of strong longitudinal folds laterad d 1 -d 1; irregular transverse folds between d 1 -e 1; longitudinal folds to weak reticulation between e 1 -h 1. Lateral cuticle with v 2 15 [15], sc 1 14 [14], sc 2 17���18 [18], c 1 17���19 [19], c 3 15��� 16 [16], d 1 15���16 [15], d 3 16���17 [17], e 1 13 ���14 [13], e 2 15 ���17 [16], e 3 15 ���17 [15], f 3 16���19 [17], h 1 12���14 [13], h 2 16���18 [18]. Palps. (Fig. 103 b) Setal formula 0, 0, 0, 2, 3 (1 s+ 2 e). Tibial setae, dorsal 6���7 [6] long, ventral 8���10 [10] long; tarsal eupathidia 5 [5], 5���7 [6] long; solenidion 6 [6] long. Venter. (Fig. 104 a) Cuticle anterolaterad 1 a with granular appearance; 1 b - 1 a with longitudinal striae; 1 a - 4 a with transverse striae; cuticle posterior to cx IV transverse, abruptly becoming longitudinal to genital area; fine striae become coarse lateral to genital area. Genital setae inserted in more-or-less transverse row along posterior margin of genital shield, setae g 1 inserted slightly posterior to g 2. Genital shield smooth, weakly developed, membranous. All coxal setae fine. Setal lengths: 1a 34 ��� 44 [44], 1 b 17���18 [17], 2 b 12���13 [13], 2 c 16���18 [16], 3a 40 ��� 48 [48], 3 b 16 [16], 4a 29 ��� 38 [29], 4 b 13���16 [16], ag 1 15 [15], g 1 17���19 [19], g 2 16���18 [18], ps 1 14���16 [16], ps 2 15���17 [15], ps 3 13���14 [14]. Spermatheca. (Fig. 104 b) Spermathecal tube long and narrow, 95���110 [95] long, ending in small rounded membranous vesicle (2 x 2), subtended by 1 pair of minute circular accessory structures. Genital opening anteromedad anal setae ps 3. Legs. (Figs 103 a, 104 c) Setal formula for legs I���IV (coxae to tarsi) 1 - 0-3 - 1-4 - 8 (1), 2 - 0-3 - 1-4 - 8 (1), 1 - 1-2 - 0-2 - 4, 1 - 0-1 - 0- 2 - 4. Tarsi I and II each with 1 antiaxial solenidion ��" (9���10 [9] long) and 2 eupathidia p��'-p��" (ta I 7���8 [7] long; ta II 6 [6] long). Leg setation as in Table 1 except: cx I without 1 c; tr I���IV without v ��� (l' present on tr III); ge I���III without l ���, ge I���II without v ���; ti III���IV without d; ta I���IV without tc ������. OTHER STAGES. Unknown. Etymology. The specific name refers to the common name of the host ��� Belah ���. Remarks. Philippipalpus belah lacks the extensive papillation on the soft cuticle around both dorsal shields that is present in Philippipalpus agohoi and Ph. flumaquercus. Philippipalpus belah females have smoother cuticle lateral to the opisthosomal shields, and more medial wrinkles and folds between setae c 1 -h 1 than do females of Ph. nigraquercus. This species was found in association with Pentamerismus sititoris and Chaudhripalpus costacola., Published as part of Beard, Jennifer J., Seeman, Owen D. & Bauchan, Gary R., 2014, Tenuipalpidae (Acari: Trombidiformes) from Casuarinaceae (Fagales), pp. 1-157 in Zootaxa 3778 (1) on pages 121-124, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3778.1.1, http://zenodo.org/record/251337
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95. Philippipalpus agohoi Corpuz-Raros 1978
- Author
Beard, Jennifer J., Seeman, Owen D., and Bauchan, Gary R.
- Subjects
Arthropoda ,Arachnida ,Prostigmata ,Animalia ,Philippipalpus ,Biodiversity ,Tenuipalpidae ,Philippipalpus agohoi ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Philippipalpus agohoi Corpuz-Raros, 1978 (Figs 95���97) Philippipalpus agohoi Corpuz-Raros, 1978: 220, fig. 5. Philippipalpus agohoi Smiley et al. (1996): 172, figs 11���15. Type material examined. 5 female paratypes ex. Coastal She-Oak (���Agoho���) Casuarina equisetifolia (Casuarinaceae), THE PHILIPPINES, Cagayan, Sta. Ana, 31 March 1977, coll. J.M. Sotto (USNM, 2 slides). Diagnosis. Distance between setae v 2 -h 1 300���310. Distance between e 2 -e 2 130���140. Prodorsal shield with oblique depressions, covered with fine reticulate sculpturing. Cuticle between prodorsal and opisthosomal shields (sejugal region) strongly papillate-striate. Opisthosomal shield with 4���5 pairs of broad transverse depressions with finely reticulate cuticle within each depression sublaterally; 4���5 smooth ridges in sublateral cuticle associated with depressions; mesonotal region indistinctly separated from pygidial region. Lateral cuticle with> 100 strong papillae. Cuticle between 3 a- 4 a with mixed striae. Vesicle of spermatheca round, 2 x 2, with granulate appearance. FEMALE (5 paratypes). Dorsum. (Fig. 95 a) Body measurements: distance between setae v 2 -h 1 300���310, sc 2 - sc 2 115���125; other measurements: v 2 -v 2 25���38, sc 1 -sc 1 88���95, c 1 -c 1 35���42, c 3 -c 3 150���165, d 1 -d 1 26���29, d 3 -d 3 135���150, e 1 - e 1 16���23, e 2 -e 2 130���140, e 3 -e 3 115���120, f 3 -f 3 90���98, h 1 -h 1 21���28, h 2 -h 2 58���67. Gnathosoma completely concealed beneath the prodorsum. Anterior margin of the prodorsum with deep medial notch (internal depth 15���19), forming 1 pair of broad fleshy lobes; setae v 2 inserted beneath a fold on the lobes; anterior notch located within a weak depression (Fig. 95 a). Prodorsal shield with fine reticulation of small cells; 4���5 pairs of oblique depressions and associated oblique ridges on lateral margin of shield medad setae sc 1���2; laterad cuticle strongly papillate. Three pairs of tiny pores present sublaterally, in longitudinal row. Cuticle between prodorsal and opisthosomal shield (sejugal region) obviously papillate. Opisthosomal shield with smooth to folded and papillate sculpturing medially between c 1 ���e 1; 4���5 pairs of broad transverse depressions with finely reticulate cuticle within each depression sublaterally; 4���5 pairs of smooth transverse ridges in sublateral cuticle between the depressions; lateral cuticle strongly papillate; posterior cuticle between e 1 ���h 1 finely striate to reticulate. Paired tiny pores between each of c 1 ���c 3, d 1 ���d 3, and 2 pairs sublateral to e 1; 1 pair of large pores present medad d 3 ���e 3 (total 5 pairs of pores visible). All dorsal setae barbed, thick, with triangular cross-section (except e 1, h 1). Setal lengths: v 2 17��� 20, sc 1 18���22, sc 2 21���23, c 1 19���24, c 3 18���23, d 1 13���18, d 3 21���22, e 1 12 ���15, e 2 21 ���24, e 3 21 ���24, f 3 20���23, h 1 14���16, h 2 19���22. Palps. (Fig. 95 b) Setal formula 0, 0, 0, 2, 3 (1 s+ 2 e). Tibial setae, dorsal 7���8 long, ventral 9���11 long; tarsal eupathidia 5���7 long, 7���8 long; solenidion 6���7 long. Venter. (Fig. 96 a) Cuticle anterolaterad 1 a with granular appearance; cuticle between 1 b - 1 a with longitudinal striae; 1 a - 3 a with transverse striae; striae mixed between 3 a - 3 a; 3 a - 4 a with transverse to wavy striae; 4 a - 4 a with mixed striae becoming transverse posterior to 4 a, then longitudinal around the genital region. Genital setae inserted in more-or-less transverse line along posterior margin of genital shield, setae g 1 inserted slightly posterior to g 2. Genital shield membranous, weakly developed, smooth. All coxal setae fine. Setal lengths: 1a 52 ��� 78, 1 b 20���28, 2 b 18���22, 2 c 21���23, 3 a 48���74, 3 b 22���31, 4 a 44��� 53, 4 b 26���29, ag 1 15���19, g 1 21���25, g 2 18���21, ps 1 14���17, ps 2 13���17, ps 3 9���12. Spermatheca. (Fig. 96 b) Spermathecal tube long and narrow, 100���105 long, ending in a granular, membranous vesicle. Genital opening anteromedad anal setae ps 3. Legs. (Fig. 97) Setal formula for legs I���IV (coxae to tarsi) 1 - 0-3 - 1-4 - 8 (1), 2 - 0-3 - 1-4 - 8 (1), 1 - 1-2 - 0-2 - 4, 1 - 0-1 - 0-2 - 4. Tarsi I and II each with 1 antiaxial solenidion ��" (10���11 long) and 2 eupathidia p��'- p��" (7���8, 8 ��� 9 long). Leg setation as in Table 1 except: coxae I without 1 c; tr I���IV without v ��� (l' present on tr III); ge I���II with d, ge I���IV without l ���, ge I���II without l������; ti III���IV without d; ta I���IV without tc ������. OTHER STAGES. Unknown. Remarks. The redescription of Smiley et al. (1996) reported two setae on genu I, but there is only one dorsal seta present on this segment. Also, they reported the setal count on tarsi I���II as 6 (1), but the count is actually 8 (1). Philippipalpus agohoi and P. flumaquercus are similar in that they both have strongly papillate dorsolateral cuticle, and can be separated from P. nigraquercus and P. belah that both have smooth to weakly papillate dorslateral cuticle. Philippipalpus agohoi can be separated from P. flumaquercus by having a finely reticulate prodorsum, while the latter has a coarsely rugose prodorsum. The host genus, Casuarina, is the most widespread genus in the family, and Ca. equisetifolia is the most widely distributed species within the genus, with a littoral distribution ranging across tropical and subtropical coastlines of northern and northeastern Australia, Burma to Vietnam, Malesia, Melanesia and Polynesia (Johnson & Wilson 1989). This plant has also been introduced to the southern United States, West Africa and Madagascar (Johnson & Wilson 1989). The wide present day distribution of Ca. equisetifolia is an example of the ability of Casuarinaceae species to achieve dispersal by wind and sea (and highly likely by humans) (Steane et al. 2003). In a phylogenetic study by Steane et al. (2003), two subspecies of Ca. equisetifolia, subsp. equisetifolia and subsp. incana, collected from Queensland, Australia, grouped with Casuarina species from the Indomalesian region, rather than with other Australian endemic species. Such a grouping suggests that Ca. equisetifolia is either a relatively new species that came to Australia from Indomalesia, or it evolved in Australia (from an ancestor shared with the other Indomalesian taxa) and then dispersed to other regions (Steane et al. 2003). The origin of this species is of great interest in terms of the origin of Ph. agohoi which is the only non-Australian species in the Tegopalpinae. Records of Ca. equisetifolia from India, the Mascarene Islands (near Madagascar) and other tropical areas are regarded as relatively recent deliberate or accidental introductions (Johnson & Wilson 1989)., Published as part of Beard, Jennifer J., Seeman, Owen D. & Bauchan, Gary R., 2014, Tenuipalpidae (Acari: Trombidiformes) from Casuarinaceae (Fagales), pp. 1-157 in Zootaxa 3778 (1) on pages 112-115, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3778.1.1, http://zenodo.org/record/251337, {"references":["Corpuz-Raros, L. A. (1978) New Philippine Tetranychoidea (Acarina). Kalikasan, Philippines Journal of Biology, 7 (3), 211 - 230.","Johnson, L. A. S. & Wilson, K. L. (1989) Casuarinaceae: a synopsis. In: Crane, P. R. & Blackmore, S. (Eds.), Evolution, Systematics, and Fossil History of the Hamamelidae, Volume 2: \" Higher Hamamelidae. \" Systematics Association Special Volume No. 40 B, Clarendon Press, Oxford, pp. 167 - 188.","Steane, D. A., Wilson, K. L. & Hill, R. S. (2003) Using mat K sequence data to unravel the phylogeny of Casuarinaceae. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 28, 47 - 59. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1016 / s 1055 - 7903 (03) 00028 - 9"]}
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96. Crossipalpus raveni Beard and Seeman, sp. nov
- Author
Beard, Jennifer J., Seeman, Owen D., and Bauchan, Gary R.
- Subjects
Arthropoda ,Arachnida ,Prostigmata ,Animalia ,Crossipalpus ,Biodiversity ,Crossipalpus raveni ,Tenuipalpidae ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Crossipalpus raveni Beard and Seeman sp. nov. (Figs 32���37) Type material examined. Holotype female ex. Woolly Oak Allocasuarina inophloia (Casuarinaceae), AUSTRALIA: Queensland, Moonie Highway, 90 km W Moonie, 27 �� 56 ��� 57 ��� S 149 �� 31 ��� 19 ��� E, 0 5 May 2007, coll. J.J. Beard and P.I. Forster (QM; BRI voucher PIF 32483). Paratypes. 9 females, 5 males, and 4 larvae, same data as holotype (QM, ANIC, USNM). Diagnosis. Dorsal setae lanceolate, strongly barbed; setae e 1 shortest. Palpal segments as wide as long. Genua I���II with seta d, without l������; tarsi I���IV without tc������. Solenidia of male much thicker and longer than in female. FEMALE (n = 10). Dorsum. (Fig. 32 a) Body measurements: distance between setae v 2 -h 1 310���365 in 9 paratypes [355]; sc 2 -sc 2 100���110 [110]; other measurements: v 2 -v 2 22���24 [24], sc 1 -sc 1 86���98 [98], c 1 -c 1 15���22 [22], c 2 -c 2 100���115 [115], c 3 -c 3 125���145 [135], d 1 -d 1 14���21 [21], d 2 -d 2 85���95 [94], d 3 -d 3 110���120 [120], e 1 - e 1 14���18 [16], e 2 -e 2 100���110 [110], e 3 - e 3 89���100 [95], f 3 -f 3 70���80 [73], h 1 -h 1 12���17 [13], h 2 -h 2 35���54 [48]. Gnathosoma completely concealed beneath prodorsum. Anterior margin of prodorsum rounded. Prodorsal shield weakly developed with oblique grooves laterally, longitudinal grooves medially. Opisthosomal shield weakly developed with oblique-longitudinal lineate grooves, becoming transverse between setae d 1 -e 1. Lateral cuticle surrounding shields smooth. Dorsal setae lanceolate, barbed; setae e 1 shorter than other setae. Setal lengths: v 2 21��� 25 [22], sc 1 20���25 [20], sc 2 20���22 [20], c 1 15���19 [15], c 2 14���20 [16], c 3 17���21 [18], d 1 12���19 [15], d 2 14���21 [18], d 3 17���21 [18], e 1 7 ���9 [8], e 2 17 ���24 [19], e 3 17 ���24 [20], f 3 18���23 [21], h 1 9���12 [11], h 2 21���24 [21]. Palps. (Fig. 32 b) Setal formula 0, 0, 0, 1, 3 (1 s+ 2 e). Tibial seta 9���11 [9] long; tarsal eupathidia 6 [6], 5 [5] long; solenidion 4���5 [4] long. Venter. (Fig. 33 a) Cuticle with fine transverse striae between setae 1 a - 3 a, longitudinal between setae 3 a - 4 a, then convex for 20���30 ��m, striae longitudinal posterior to setae 4 a; fine striae become coarse lateral to genital area. Genital setae inserted in more-or-less transverse row, g 1 inserted slightly posterior to level of g 2. Genital shield smooth, poorly developed; anal setae ps 1���2 inserted medially on anal plates in longitudinal line; seta ps 3 absent. Coxal setae fine, 2 c barbed; setae ag 1, g 1���2, ps 1���2 fine, with few barbs. Setal lengths: 1a 64 ��� 83 [64], 1 b 18���30 [21], 2 b 18���25 [18], 2 c 18���21 [19], 3a 35 ��� 66 [35], 3 b 16���22 [17], 4a 42 ��� 92 [45], 4 b 14���26 [15], ag 1 14���18 [14], g 1 20���24 [21], g 2 18���23 [19], ps 1 11���16 [14], ps 2 10���13 [13]. Spermatheca. (Fig. 33 b) Spermathecal tube long, becoming narrow and sometimes convoluted distally, maximum 2 wide, ca. 80 long. Spermatheca vesicle not oval-shaped, 4 long, 2 wide. Genital opening between setae ps 2. Legs. (Fig. 34) Setal formula for legs I���IV (coxae to tarsi) 1 - 1-3 - 1-4 - 8 (1), 2 - 1-3 - 1-4 - 8 (1), 1-2 - 2 - 0-3 - 4, 1 - 1 - 1 - 0-3 - 4. Tarsi I and II each with 1 antiaxial solenidion ��" (5���6 long) and 2 eupathidia p��'-p��" (7���8 [7] long). Leg setation as in Table 1 except: coxae I without 1 c; genua I���II with d, without l������; tarsi I���IV without tc������. Setae v' added to tr IV. MALE (5 paratypes). Dorsum. (Fig. 35) Body measurements: distance between setae v 2 -h 1 245���265, sc 2 -sc 2 83���91; other measurements: v 2 -v 2 13���17, sc 1 -sc 1 69���74, c 1 -c 1 12���17, c 2 -c 2 85���94, c 3 -c 3 96���112, d 1 -d 1 11���13, d 2 -d 2 69���74, d 3 -d 3 78���87, e 1 - e 1 11���17, e 2 - e 2 73���81, e 3 - e 3 69���77, f 3 -f 3 57���66, h 1 -h 1 7���10, h 2 -h 2 35���43. Gnathosoma not concealed beneath prodorsum. Anterior margin of prodorsum smooth, weakly convex. Prodorsal shield weakly developed. Opisthosoma with mesonotal shield (appearing as a pair of shields) on which at least setae c 1, d 1 and d 2 inserted, with weak rugose-lineate pattern; and pygidial shield with at least setae e 1, e 3, f 3, h 2 inserted, with oblique-longitudinal weakly lineate pattern; setae h 1 often under posterior overhang of pygidial shield; shields separated by transverse striae; cuticle laterad mesonotal shield smooth with few papillations; several minute pores visible on shields. Setal lengths: v 2 19���24, sc 1 16���19, sc 2 15���20, c 1 9���14, c 2 11���16, c 3 15���17, d 1 7��� 13, d 2 9���15, d 3 12���18, e 1 6 ���8, e 2 14 ���17, e 3 15 ���18, f 3 15���19, h 1 7���10, h 2 15���19. Palps. Palps similar to female. Tibial seta 8���10 long; tarsal eupathidia 6���7, 5 ��� 6 long; solenidion 7���8 long, swollen. Venter. (Fig. 36 a) All striae transverse, becoming coarse posteriorly and weak around setae ag 1. Coxal setae fine, except 2 c barbed. Setae ag 1 barbed; g 1, g 2, ps 2 fine; setae ps 1 modified to form thick blades (sexually dimorphic). Setal lengths: 1a 47 ��� 52, 1 b 19���27, 2 b 19���24, 2 c 13���21, 3 a 46���60, 3 b 17���21, 4 a 37���48, 4 b 15���18, ag 1 13���16, g 1 11���15, g 2 15���20, ps 1 15���16, ps 2 8���11. Aedeagus. (Fig. 36 b) Narrow, sclerotised, tapering to a point, 67���70 long. Membranous duct runs from inside aedeagus, becoming indistinguishable. Legs. (Fig. 35) Setal formula same as female. Tarsi I and II each with 1 antiaxial solenidion ��" (ta I 9���11 long, ta II 9���10 long) and 2 eupathidia p��'-p��" (ta I 6���7, 5��� 6; ta II 7, 7���8). Solenidia much thicker and longer than those in female. DEUTONYMPH and PROTONYMPH. Unknown. LARVA (4 paratypes). Dorsum. (Fig. 37) Body measurements: distance between setae v 2 -h 1 170���180, sc 2 -sc 2 61���64; other measurements: v 2 -v 2 15���16, sc 1 -sc 1 51���55, c 1 -c 1 8���9, c 2 -c 2 58���60, c 3 -c 3 84���87, d 1 -d 1 11���13, e 1 - e 1 5���6, e 2 - e 2 53���54, e 3 - e 3 40���44, f 3 -f 3 34���35, h 1 -h 1 5���7, h 2 -h 2 13���17. Prodorsal shield obsolete. Opisthosomal shields absent; sparse irregular transverse striae anteriorly. Setal lengths: v 2 24���27, sc 1 12���16, sc 2 15���17, c 1 17��� 22, c 2 15���17, c 3 10���11, d 1 15���20, d 2 14���18, d 3 11���12, e 1 4 ���8, e 2 15 ���17, e 3 14 ���17, f 3 16���19, h 1 5���6, h 2 18���19. Palps. Palps same as adult. Tibial seta 6���7 long; tarsal eupathidia 3, 4 long, solenidion 2 long. Venter. Transverse striae, becoming oblique around anal region. All setae fine. Setal lengths: 1a 21 ��� 28, 1 b 13���16, 3 a 16���30, ps 1 4���6, ps 2 4���6. Legs. (Fig. 37) Setal formula for legs I���III (coxae to tarsi) 1 - 0-3 - 0-4 - 7 (1), 0- 0-3 - 0-4 - 7 (1), 0- 0-2 - 0-3 - 3. Tarsi I and II each with 1 antiaxial solenidion ��" (3 long) and 2 eupathidia p��'-p��" (4���5 long). Leg setation as in Table 1 except genua I���III without l ���. Trochanters I���III nude. Etymology. It is with great pleasure that we name this species for our colleague and friend Dr Robert Raven, in recognition of his support for our work and his immense contribution to Arachnology. Remarks. Crossipalpus raveni sp. nov. is similar to Cr. gersoni sp. nov., as they both have seta d present on ge I���II, but Cr. raveni has lanceolate setae d on femora and genua I���II (spatulate in Cr. gersoni), and posterior ventral setae are thin, setiform and weakly barbed (broadly lanceolate and strongly barbed in Cr. gersoni)., Published as part of Beard, Jennifer J., Seeman, Owen D. & Bauchan, Gary R., 2014, Tenuipalpidae (Acari: Trombidiformes) from Casuarinaceae (Fagales), pp. 1-157 in Zootaxa 3778 (1) on pages 44-51, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3778.1.1, http://zenodo.org/record/251337
- Published
- 2014
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97. Crossipalpus gersoni Beard and Seeman, sp. nov
- Author
Beard, Jennifer J., Seeman, Owen D., and Bauchan, Gary R.
- Subjects
Arthropoda ,Crossipalpus gersoni ,Arachnida ,Prostigmata ,Animalia ,Crossipalpus ,Biodiversity ,Tenuipalpidae ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Crossipalpus gersoni Beard and Seeman sp. nov. (Figs 25���31) Type material examined. Holotype female ex. stems of Allocasuarina luehmannii (Casuarinaceae), AUSTRALIA: Queensland, near Mount Slopeaway, on the old Marlborough-Sarina Road, 22 �� 52 ��� 16 ��� S 149 �� 50 ��� 28 ��� E, 19 March 2005, coll. J.J. Beard and P.I. Forster (QM). Paratypes. 14 females, 6 males, 4 deutonymphs, 3 protonymphs, and 4 larvae, same data as holotype (QM, ANIC, USNM). Diagnosis. Dorsal setae short, broadly lanceolate, strongly barbed; dorsal setae subequal in length except c 1, d 1, e 1, h 1 obviously shorter. Palpal segments as wide as long. Genua I���II with seta d, without l������; tarsi I���IV without seta tc������. Solenidia of male much thicker and longer than in female. Female (n = 15). Dorsum. (Fig. 25 a) Body measurements: distance between setae v 2 -h 1 275���325 [325]; sc 2 - sc 2 88���110 [110]; other measurements: v 2 -v 2 19���22 [22], sc 1 -sc 1 69���89 [89], c 1 -c 1 29���37 [37], c 2 -c 2 105���125 [125], c 3 -c 3 125���145 [145], d 1 -d 1 23���28 [28], d 2 -d 2 89���110 [110], d 3 -d 3 105���130 [130], e 1 - e 1 6���17 [6], e 2 - e 2 92���120 [120], e 3 - e 3 83���100 [100], f 3 -f 3 71���89 [89], h 1 -h 1 14���18 [17], h 2 -h 2 49���58 [58]. Gnathosoma completely concealed beneath prodorsum (Fig. 26). Anterior margin of prodorsum rounded. Seta v 2 inserted dorsally, though its setal base is sometimes partially concealed by an anterior fold (Fig. 25 a). Prodorsal shield weakly developed with papillate-rugose sculpturing laterally, longitudinal grooves medially. Opisthosomal shield weakly developed with rugose to lineate pattern, becoming weakly rugose medially between setae d 1 -e 1. Lateral cuticle surrounding shields rugose-papillate. Most dorsal setae broadly lanceolate, barbed; medial opisthosomal setae shorter than lateral setae, palmate. Setal lengths: v 2 13���17 [17], sc 1 15���19 [19], sc 2 15���21 [21], c 1 8���11 [11], c 2 13���15 [15], c 3 15���22 [22], d 1 5���9 [9], d 2 12���14 [14], d 3 13���18 [18], e 1 4 ���7 [7], e 2 14 ���17 [17], e 3 14 ���17 [17], f 3 15���18 [18], h 1 5���7 [7], h 2 13���17 [17]. Palps. (Figs 25 b, 26) Setal formula 0, 0, 0, 1, 3 (1 s+ 2 e). Tibial seta 6���8 [6] long; tarsal eupathidia 6 long, 5���6 [5] long; solenidion 5���6 [6] long. Vent er. (Figs 26, 27 a) Cuticle with fine transverse striae between setae 1 a - 3 a, longitudinal between setae 3 a - 4 a, then convex for 20���30, striae longitudinal posterior to setae 4 a; fine striae become coarse lateral to genital area. Genital setae inserted in more-or-less transverse row, g 1 inserted slightly posterior to level of g 2. Genital shield smooth, poorly developed, ca. 15���20 [16] long, 35���40 [38] wide; anal setae ps 1���2 inserted medially on anal plates in longitudinal line; seta ps 3 absent. Coxal setae fine, except 2 c heavily barbed; setae ag 1, g 1���2, ps 1���2 lanceolate. Setal lengths: 1a 44 ��� 55 [44], 1 b 20���26 [25], 2 b 13���19 [19], 2 c 14���17 [17], 3a 35 ��� 50 [50], 3 b 12���22 [22], 4a 40 ��� 46 [45], 4 b 13���17 [17], ag 1 9���11 [11], g 1 12���15 [15], g 2 12���14 [13], ps 1 7���11 [11], ps 2 8���10 [10]. Spermatheca. (Fig. 27 b) Spermathecal tube long, distinctly broad near external opening, becoming narrow and convoluted distally, maximum 2 wide, ca. 100 long. Thickened part of tube 52���56 long. Spermatheca vesicle not visible. Genital opening between setae ps 2. Legs. (Fig. 28) Setal formula for legs I���IV (coxae to tarsi) 1 - 1-3 - 1-4 - 8 (1), 2 - 1-3 - 1-4 - 8 (1), 1-2 - 2 - 0-3 - 4, 1 - 1 - 1 - 0-3 - 4. Tarsi I and II each with 1 antiaxial solenidion ��" (7���8 [8] long) and 2 eupathidia p��'-p��" (6���7 [7] long, 6���8 [8] long). Leg setation as in Table 1 except: coxae I without 1 c; genua I���II with d, without l ��� and l������; tarsi I���IV without tc������. Setae v' added to tr IV. MALE (6 paratypes). Dorsum. ( Figs 29, 30 a) Body measurements: distance between setae v 2 -h 1 195���225, sc 2 -sc 2 76���81; other measurements: v 2 -v 2 11���13, sc 1 -sc 1 56���63, c 1 -c 1 25���28, c 2 -c 2 78���87, c 3 -c 3 99���110, d 1 -d 1 10���14, d 2 -d 2 68���71, d 3 -d 3 79���87, e 1 - e 1 7���8, e 2 - e 2 67���71, e 3 - e 3 61���65, f 3 -f 3 52���58, h 1 -h 1 8���10, h 2 -h 2 30���40. Gnathosoma not concealed beneath prodorsum. Anterior margin of prodorsum smooth, weakly convex. Prodorsal shield weakly developed. Opisthosoma with mesonotal shield (appearing as a pair of shields) on which at least setae c 1, d 1 and d 2 inserted, with weak rugose-lineate pattern; and pygidial shield with at least setae e 1, e 3, f 3, h 2 inserted, with oblique-longitudinal weakly lineate pattern; setae h 1 often under posterior extension of pygidial shield (Fig. 30 a); shields separated by transverse striae; cuticle laterad mesonotal shield papillate; several minute pores visible on shields. Setal lengths: v 2 13���15, sc 1 13���17, sc 2 15���18, c 1 9���11, c 2 10���12, c 3 12���17, d 1 8���9, d 2 10���12, d 3 12���16, e 1 5, e 2 13 ���15, e 3 12 ���16, f 3 13���14, h 1 6���7, h 2 12���14. Palps. (Fig. 29) Palps similar to female. Tibial seta 8 long; tarsal eupathidia 5���6, 6 long; solenidion 7 long. Venter. (Figs 30 b, c) All striae transverse, becoming coarse on opisthogaster and weak around setae ag 1. Coxal setae fine, except 2 c narrowly lanceolate. Setae ag 1, g 2 thick, barbed; g 1, ps 2 thin, barbed; setae ps 1 modified to form thick blades (sexually dimorphic) (Figs 29; 30 a, b). Setal lengths: 1a 33 ��� 40, 1 b 23���25, 2 b 18���20, 2 c 10���15, 3 a 42���45, 3 b 10���12, 4 a 36���45, 4 b 10��� 14, ag 1 7���10, g 1 7���10, g 2 10���11, ps 1 13���16, ps 2 6. Aedeagus. (Figs 30 c, d) Narrow, sclerotised, tapering to a point, 55���61 long. Membranous duct runs from inside aedeagus, becoming indistinguishable. Legs. (Fig. 29) Setal formula same as female. Tarsi I and II each with 1 antiaxial solenidion ��" (ta I 9���10 long, ta II 9 long) and 2 eupathidia p��'-p��" (ta I 5���6, 6 long; ta II 6, 6 long). Solenidia much thicker and longer than in female. DEUTONYMPH (4 paratypes). Dorsum. Body measurements: distance between setae v 2 -h 1 215���250, sc 2 -sc 2 71���87; other measurements: v 2 -v 2 18���22, sc 1 -sc 1 57���67, c 1 -c 1 22, c 2 -c 2 76���90, c 3 -c 3 97���113, d 1 -d 1 15���20, d 2 - d 2 56���68, d 3 -d 3 77���94, e 1 - e 1 7���11, e 2 - e 2 68���81, e 3 - e 3 62���78, f 3 -f 3 52���62, h 1 -h 1 11���13, h 2 -h 2 35���39. Prodorsal shield weakly developed with oblique-longitudinal striations. Opisthosoma with setae c 1, d 1 and d 2 on paired, weak platelets. Striae transverse, becoming convex posteriorly. Setal lengths: v 2 12���18, sc 1 16���17, sc 2 16���20, c 1 11���13, c 2 14���17, c 3 13���16, d 1 8���11, d 2 13���17, d 3 14���17, e 1 5, e 2 14 ���17, e 3 14 ���15, f 3 13���15, h 1 6���8, h 2 13���16. Palps. Palps similar to adult. Tibial seta 6 long; tarsal eupathidia 3, 4 long, solenidion 4 long. Venter. Cuticle with transverse striae anteriorly, longitudinal between setae 3 a- 4 a, then transverse, becoming concave, to ag 1, then transverse and coarse to posterior margin. Coxal setae fine, except 2 c barbed; setae ag 1 narrowly lanceolate, g 1 barbed. Setal lengths: 1a 35 ��� 40, 1 b 12���16, 2 b 11���17, 2 c 12���14, 3 a 26���36, 3 b 10���15, 4 a 27���30, 4 b 10���15, ag 1 8��� 10, g 1 8���12, ps 1 6���8, ps 2 6���8. Legs. Setal formula for legs I���IV (coxae to tarsi) 1 - 1-3 - 1-4 - 8 (1), 2 - 1-3 - 1-4 - 8 (1), 1- 2 - 2 - 0-3 - 4, 1 - 0-1 - 0-3 - 4. Tarsi I and II each with 1 antiaxial solenidion ��" (ta I 4���6 long, ta II 4���5 long) and 2 eupathidia p��'-p��" (5, 5���6 long). Leg setation as in adult except: tr IV without seta v ���. Setae v' added to tr I���III. PROTONYMPH (3 paratypes). Dorsum. Body measurements: distance between setae v 2 -h 1 158���181, sc 2 -sc 2 64���70; other measurements: v 2 -v 2 16���19, sc 1 -sc 1 52���57, c 1 -c 1 16���24, c 2 -c 2 63���76, c 3 -c 3 97���99, d 1 -d 1 16���17, d 2 -d 2 49���51, d 3 -d 3 67���73, e 1 - e 1 6, e 2 - e 2 64���67, e 3 - e 3 57���61, f 3 -f 3 43���44, h 1 -h 1 22���24, h 2 -h 2 7���9. Prodorsal shield weakly developed. Opisthosoma with setae c 1, d 1 and d 2 on paired, weak platelets. Striae of idiosoma similar to deutonymph. Setal lengths: v 2 13���15, sc 1 14���15, sc 2 14���15, c 1 12���13, c 2 14���16, c 3 13���14, d 1 11, d 2 13���14, d 3 14, e 1 4 ���5, e 2 12, e 3 14 ���15, f 3 9���13, h 1 4���5, h 2 9���15. Palps. Palps similar to deutonymph except solenidion 3 long. Venter. Same as deutonymph. Coxal setae fine, except 2 b, ag 1 barbed. Setal lengths: 1a 36, 1 b 11���13, 2 b 13���16, 3 a 30, 3 b 9, ag 1 7, ps 1 5, ps 2 5���6. Setae 2 c, 4 a, 4 b, g 1, g 2 absent. Legs. Setal formula for legs I��� IV (coxae to tarsi) 1 - 0-3 - 0-4 - 8 (1), 1 - 0-3 - 0-4 - 8 (1), 1 - 1-2 - 0-3 - 4, 0- 0-1 - 0-3 - 3. Tarsi I and II each with 1 antiaxial solenidion ��" (4 long) and 2 eupathidia p��'-p��" (5, 4 ��� 5 long). Leg setation as in deutonymph except: seta 2 c absent; seta 4 b absent; tr I���III without seta v ���; ge I���II without seta d; ta IV without setae tc ���. Setae l' added to tr III. LARVA (4 paratypes). Dorsum. (Fig. 31) Body measurements: distance between setae v 2 -h 1 130���150, sc 2 -sc 2 55���60; other measurements: v 2 -v 2 13���15, sc 1 -sc 1 43���49, c 1 -c 1 12���16, c 2 -c 2 51���55, c 3 -c 3 84���85, d 1 -d 1 13���15, e 1 - e 1 4���5, e 2 - e 2 57���62, e 3 - e 3 38���44, f 3 -f 3 11���13, h 1 -h 1 5���7, h 2 -h 2 10���13. Prodorsal shield weakly formed, 58��� 60 long, 61���66 wide, with few irregular striations. Opisthosomal shields absent; coarse, irregular transverse striae becoming oblique posteriorly. Setal lengths: v 2 11���14, sc 1 12���13, sc 2 14���15, c 1 10, c 2 12���14, c 3 11, d 1 9���11, d 2 11���14, d 3 11���13, e 1 3 ���4, e 2 11 ���15, e 3 11 ���12, f 3 11���13, h 1 4���5, h 2 11���14. Palps. (Fig. 31 a) Palps same as deutonymph. Tibial seta 5���6 long; tarsal eupathidia 2, 3 long, solenidion 2���3 long. Venter. (Fig. 31 b) Striation same as deutonymph. All setae fine. Setal lengths: 1a 17 ��� 27, 1 b 9���13, 3 a 25���33, ps 1 4���5, ps 2 4���5. Legs. (Fig. 31 c) Setal formula for legs I���III (coxae to tarsi) 1 - 0-3 - 0-4 - 7 (1), 0- 0-3 - 0-4 - 7 (1), 0- 0-2 - 0-3 - 3. Tarsi I and II each with 1 antiaxial solenidion ��" (3 long) and 2 eupathidia p��'-p��" (ta I 4, 4 long; ta II 5, 5 long). Leg setation as in protonymph except: seta 2 b absent; seta 3 b absent; tr I���III nude; ta I���III without seta tc ���. Etymology. It is with great pleasure that we name this species for our colleague and friend Prof. Uri Gerson, in recognition of his acarological works, especially those on the Tegopalpinae. Remarks. Crossipalpus gersoni sp. nov. was found on Bull-Oak Allocasuarina luehmannii in Eucalyptus fibrosa woodland on red soil, with vine thicket in small patches. This species is similar to Cr. raveni sp. nov., as they both have seta d present on ge I���II, but Cr. gersoni has spatulate setae d on femora and genua I���II (lanceolate in Cr. raveni), and posterior ventral setae are thick, broadly lanceolate and strongly barbed (thin, setiform and weakly barbed in Cr. raveni)., Published as part of Beard, Jennifer J., Seeman, Owen D. & Bauchan, Gary R., 2014, Tenuipalpidae (Acari: Trombidiformes) from Casuarinaceae (Fagales), pp. 1-157 in Zootaxa 3778 (1) on pages 36-44, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3778.1.1, http://zenodo.org/record/251337
- Published
- 2014
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98. Tenuipalpidae
- Author
Beard, Jennifer J., Seeman, Owen D., and Bauchan, Gary R.
- Subjects
Arthropoda ,Arachnida ,Prostigmata ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Tenuipalpidae ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Key to adult female Tenuipalpidae from Casuarinaceae This key is based partially on that of Mesa et al. (2009). Tenuipalpus and Brevipalpus are included because these common genera are likely to be encountered occasionally from samples, and Ultratenuipalpus is included because we have collected several undescribed species from Casuarinaceae (unpublished data). This genus will be subjected to a future revision encompassing species on numerous host plants. 1. Posterior dorsal opisthosomal setae h 2 long, flagellate, usually more than twice as long as distance h 2 -h 2....... Tenuipalpus - Posterior dorsal opisthosomal setae h 2 not markedly long and flagellate, usually similar in shape and size to other dorsal setae.................................................................................................... 2 2. Dorsal opisthosomal setae c 2 present (Fig. 54)............................................................... 7 - Dorsal opisthosomal setae c 2 absent (Fig. 95)............................................................... 3 3. Venter with well defined ventral and genital plates; 2 pairs of ps setae present............................. Brevipalpus - Venter without developed ventral plate (region membranous), genital plate or flap weakly developed, membranous; 3 pairs of ps setae present...................................................................................... 4 4. Setae on posterior margin of dorsal opisthosoma with 4–5 pairs of large leaf-like setae (e 3, f 2, f 3, h 1, h 2)............................................................................... Ultratenuipalpus sensu stricto (meekeri group) - Posterior margin of opisthosoma without such setae; anterior margin of prodorsum partially or fully covering gnathosoma/inf- racapitulum; anterior margin of prodorsum with median notch forming pair of lobes (lobes may be under anterior margin of prodorsum).......................................................................................... 5 5. Opisthosomal setae e 2 present; palp tarsus with 2 eupathidia and 1 solenidion (e.g. Fig. 95)............. Philippipalpus 19 - Opisthosomal setae e 2 absent (Fig. 1); palp tarsus with 1 eupathidium and 1 solenidion (Figs 2 b, 107 b)................. 6 6. Palp with 3 segments (Fig. 107 b); setal formula for tibiae I–IV 3 - 3 - 2 - 2 (seta v′′ absent) (Fig. 114)...... Tegopalpus conicus - Palp with 4 segments (basal segment can be difficult to see) (Fig. 2 a, c); setal formula for tibiae I–IV 4 - 4 - 3 - 3 (seta v′′ present) (Fig. 4)............................................................................... Chaudhripalpus 11 7. 2 pairs of ps setae present (Fig. 15 a)...................................................................... 8 - 3 pairs of ps setae present (Fig. 58 b)....................................................................... 9 8. Dorsal opisthosomal setae f 2 present (Fig. 67 a); genua I–II with 2 setae (setae d and l ′′ present) (Fig. 70); anterior margin of prodorsum with 2 rounded median lobes, anterior to setae v 2 (Fig. 67 a)......................... Palpipalpus hesperius - Dorsal opisthosomal setae f 2 absent (Fig. 13 a); genua I–II with 1 seta (seta l or d′′ present) (Figs. 16, 28); anterior margin of prodorsum rounded, without lobes/notches (Figs 13 a, 14)........................................ Crossipalpus... 12 9. Anterior margin of prodorsum with median notch anterior to setae v 2; setae v 2 inserted posterior to lobes that form notch (Figs 54, 55); coxal seta 1 c usually present; trochanters I–IV usually with setal formula usually 1 - 1-2 - 1 (v ′ present)........... 10 - Anterior margin of prodorsum with median notch level with or between setae v 2; setae v 2 inserted either side of notch, or on lobes formed by notch (Figs. 38, 42, 48).................................................. Magdalenapalpus... 17 10. Dorsal opisthosomal setae e 2 and f 2, when present, inserted in submarginal position, aligned with c 2, d 2 (Fig. 54).......................................................................................... Meyeraepalpus delfinadae - Dorsal opisthosomal setae e 2 and f 2, when present, inserted on lateral margin, aligned with setae c 3, d 3, e 3, f 3 (Fig. 75).......................................................................................... Pentamerismus... 15 11. Trochanters I–II with seta v ′ present (setal formula tr I–IV 1 - 1 - 1 -0) (Fig. 4); ventral setae ps 1–2 broadly lanceolate, strongly barbed; setae ps 3 setiform, thin, smooth to weakly barbed (Fig. 3); dorsal opisthosomal setae c 1, d 1, e 1 (15–18, 13 – 16, 13 – 15 long, respectively) subequal in size to c 3, d 3, e 3 (16–21, 16 – 21, 15 – 21 respectively) (Fig. 1)....... Chaudhripalpus creelae - Trochanters I–II with seta v ′ absent (setal formula tr I–IV 0- 0-1 -0) (Fig. 9); ventral setae ps 1–2 narrow, setiform, barbed; setae ps 3 setiform, smooth to weakly barbed (Fig. 8 b); dorsal opisthosomal setae c 1, d 1, e 1 (13–16, 10 – 11, 9 – 10 long, respectively) slightly smaller than c 3, d 3, e 3 (18–19, 16 – 19, 16 – 18 long, respectively) (Fig. 7).............. Chaudhripalpus costacola 12. Genua I–II with seta l′′ present and seta d absent (setal formula ge I–IV 1 - 1 -0-0) (Fig. 21)........................... 13 - Genua I–II with seta l′′ absent and seta d present (setal formula ge I–IV 1 - 1 -0-0) (Fig. 28)........................... 14 13. Tarsi I–IV with seta tc ′′ present (setal formula ta I–IV 9 (1)- 9 (1)- 5 - 5) (Fig. 16); prodorsal setae v 2 obviously longer than sc 1 (21–26, 8 – 13 long, respectively); palp segments longer than wide; anterior lateral opisthosomal setae c 3, d 3, e 2 10 –16 long (Fig. 13 a)....................................................................... Crossipalpus muellerianae - Tarsi I–IV with seta tc ′′ absent (setal formula ta I–IV 8 (1)- 8 (1)- 4 - 4) (Fig. 21); prodorsal setae v 2 subequal in length to sc 1 (15– 20, 17 – 20 long, respectively); palp segments as long as wide; anterior lateral opisthosomal setae c 3, d 3, e 2 19 –24 long (Fig. 19 a)............................................................................ Crossipalpus verticillatae 14. Femora and genua I–II with d seta spatulate (Fig. 28); ventral setae ag, g 1 –2, ps 1–2 thick, broadly lanceolate, strongly barbed (Fig. 27 a); dorsal setae broadly lanceolate (Fig. 25 a).......................................... Crossipalpus gersoni - Femora and genua I–II with d seta lanceolate (Fig. 34); ventral setae ag, g 1–2, ps 1–2 thin, setiform, weakly barbed (Fig. 33 a); dorsal setae narrowly lanceolate (Fig. 32 a)................................................... Crossipalpus raveni 15. Ventral setae g 1–2 and ps 1–2 thick, broadly lanceolate, strongly barbed; setae ag palmate, strongly barbed (Fig. 76 a); femora and genua I–II with d seta palmate (Fig. 75).............................................. Pentamerismus sititoris - Ventral setae g 1–2 fine, setiform, weakly barbed; ps setae fine, setiform; ps 1 thicker than ps 2–3; setae ag setiform to lanceolate (Fig. 89 a); femora and genua I–II with d seta lanceolate to weakly spatulate (Fig. 90).............................. 16 16. Palp tibia with 1 seta (Fig. 88 b); ventral setae ag fine, setiform (Fig. 89 a); dorsal cuticle with broad rounded folds (Figs 88 a, 94).......................................................................... Pentamerismus hicklingorum - Palp tibia with 2 setae (Fig. 82 b); ventral setae ag lanceolate (Fig. 83); dorsal cuticle weakly reticulate (Fig. 82 a)............................................................................................. Pentamerismus wardo 17. Dorsal opisthosomal setae f 2 present (Fig. 38)...................................... Magdalenapalpus strandtmanni - Dorsal opisthosomal setae f 2 absent (Fig. 42).............................................................. 18 18. Distance between dorsal opisthosomal setae d 1 -d 1 26–30, e 1 - e 1 23–25; dorsal setae broadly lanceolate (Fig. 42)......................................................................................... Magdalenapalpus caperatus - Distance between dorsal opisthosomal setae d 1 -d 1 11–16, e 1 - e 1 9–13; dorsal setae narrowly lanceolate (Fig. 48 a).......................................................................................... Magdalenapalpus forsteri 19. Dorsal lateral cuticle smooth to moderately papillate; sejugal zone smooth or weakly striate (Fig. 105)................. 20 - Dorsal lateral cuticle strongly papillate; sejugal zone coarsely striate to papillate (Fig. 98 a).......................... 21 20. Dorsal lateral cuticle moderately and irregularly papillate; medial opisthonotum smooth or with few coarse striae (Fig. 105).............................................................................. Philippipalpus nigraquercus - Dorsal lateral cuticle smooth anteriorly, becoming more papillate posteriorly; medial opisthosoma with coarse striae (Fig. 103 a).............................................................................. Philippipalpus belah 21. Prodorsum coarsely rugose, forming polygons medially; opisthonotum with coarse striations (Fig. 98 a)............................................................................................... Philippipalpus flumaquercus - Prodorsum finely reticulate, forming network of small cells medially; opisthonotum rugose-papillate medially with patches of reticulation sublaterally (Fig. 95 a)...................................................... Philippipalpus agohoi
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99. Tegopalpus conicus Womersley 1940
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Beard, Jennifer J., Seeman, Owen D., and Bauchan, Gary R.
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Arthropoda ,Arachnida ,Prostigmata ,Animalia ,Biodiversity ,Tegopalpus conicus ,Tenuipalpidae ,Tegopalpus ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Tegopalpus conicus Womersley, 1940 (Figs 107���123) Tegopalpus conicus Womersley, 1940: 242, fig. 4. Tegopalpus conicus, Smiley et al. 2009: 168, figs 1���6. Type material examined. Holotype female ex. C asuarina sp. (Casuarinaceae), AUSTRALIA: New South Wales, Avalon Beach, 26 August 1934, coll. Womersley (SAM, N 1970401). Paratypes. 1 male and 1 larva, same data as holotype (1 slide; SAM, N 1970400). Non-type material examined. 10 females, 2 deutonymphs, 2 protonymphs, and 4 larvae ex. Swamp She-Oak C asuarina glauca (Casuarinaceae), AUSTRALIA: New South Wales, Des Creagh Reserve, 35 km N of Sydney, Avalon Beach, 33 �� 37 ��� 59 ��� S 151 �� 19 ��� 56 ��� E, 24 January 2012, coll. J.J. Beard (QM, SAM, ANIC, USNM; many more in alcohol); 1 female ex. same host, AUSTRALIA: New South Wales, Dee Why, 18 km N of Sydney, Hawkesbury Avenue, 33 �� 45 ���00��� S 151 �� 17 ��� 37 ��� E, 24 January 2012, coll. J.J. Beard (QM); 4 females, 2 males, 2 deutonymphs, 1 protonymph, and 1 larva, ex. same host, AUSTRALIA: Queensland, Beachmere, Bayside Drive, 27 ��05��� 50 ������S, 153 ��05��� 20 ������E, 15 February 2009, coll. O.D. Seeman (QM); 3 females, 1 male, 1 protonymph, and 1 larva ex. same host, AUSTRALIA: Dutton Park State School, 27 �� 29 ��� 38 ������ S 153 ��01��� 43 ������ E, 16 June 2011, coll. O.D. Seeman (QM). Diagnosis. Prodorsal shield with fine longitudinal to oblique folds centrally, with weak reticulate pattern posterolaterally. Opisthosomal shield with fine oblique folds sublaterally; with fine longitudinal folds posterior e 1 - e 1; with stronger transverse folds just anterior d 1 -d 1 and between d 1 -e 1. Lateral cuticle weakly to coarsely papillate. Dorsal cuticle finely punctate. Dorsal setae concave in shape (scoop-shaped). FEMALE (n = 19). Dorsum. (Figs 107 a, 108, 109, 110b, 111 a) Body measurements: distance between setae v 2 -h 1 305���335 [320]; sc 2 -sc 2 105���125 [115]; other measurements: v 2 -v 2 26���36 [32], sc 1 -sc 1 88���100 [89], c 1 -c 1 15���25 [20], c 3 -c 3 130���145 [140], d 1 -d 1 18���24 [21], d 3 -d 3 115���125 [115], e 1 - e 1 19���28 [21], e 3 -e 3 105���120 [107], f 3 -f 3 83���97 [87], h 1 -h 1 21���34 [21], h 2 -h 2 54���67 [54]. Gnathosoma completely concealed beneath anterior margin of prodorsum (Figs 109, 110 a, 111). Cuticle between gnathosoma and prodorsum produced into 1 pair of blunt, broadly triangular membranous lobes (Figs 110, 111) (with median notch formed between lobes); median notch anterior and ventral to setae v 2 (notch internal depth 19���26); lobes can sometimes be retracted beneath anterior margin of prodorsum (Figs 110, 111 a); setae v 2 inserted just ventral to, or on edge of, anterior margin of prodorsum (Figs 107 a, 108, 110 a, 111 a). Prodorsum with 6���8 strong longitudinal to oblique folds running almost entire length of shield centrally; cuticle with many fine folds and finely punctate, with some fine folds and weak reticulation in posterior lateral corner. Opisthosoma finely punctate with 2 transverse to oblique folds across shield, between c 1 - d 1 and d 1 -e 1; cuticle laterad c 1 -c 1 and d 1 -d 1 finely reticulate and folded; cuticle in general with many fine oblique folds and wrinkles, becoming longitudinal posteriorly. Soft cuticle laterad shield strongly colliculate-papillate (sculpturing on Queensland material much weaker than material from type locality). All dorsal setae short, weakly spatulate, barbed; dorsal setae with distinctly concave ventral surface, forming a scoop (Figs 107, 113 b, 119 b); setae d 1 and e 1 much smaller than other dorsal setae. Setal lengths: v 2 16���20 [17], sc 1 14���18 [not measurable], sc 2 15���20 [not measurable], c 1 10���16 [not measurable], c 3 15���20 [16, 18], d 1 6���9 [not measurable], d 3 15���19 [17], e 1 4 ���8 [not measurable], e 3 15 ���18 [18], f 3 15���19 [17], h 1 11���16 [not measurable], h 2 13���19 [16, 17]. Palps. (Figs 107 b, 110 a) Setal formula 0, 0, 2 (1 s+ 1 e); seta-like tarsal eupathidium 5���12 long [not measurable]; solenidion 6���9 long [not measurable]. Venter. (Figs 110 a, 112 a, 113) Cuticle between 1 b - 1 b with transverse striae; 1 b - 1 a with longitudinal striae; 1 a - 3 a with transverse striae; 3 a - 4 a with longitudinal striae; cuticle posterior to 4 a with small area of transverse to mixed striae becoming longitudinal to ag and coarse around genital region; cuticle on anal plates with weak oblique striae. Genital setae inserted in more-or-less transverse row on genital flap, with g 1 slightly posterior to g 2. Anal setae ps 1���3 short, fine, inserted along medial margin of anal plates in more-or-less longitudinal line. Coxal setae fine; setae 1 a, 3 a, 4 a finely tapered. Setal lengths: 1a 35 ��� 62 [56], 1 b 12���22 [19], 2 b 11���24 [21], 2 c 11���21 [21], 3a 31 ��� 61 [31], 3 b 12���21 [15], 4a 21 ��� 59 [42], 4 b 14���20 [16], ag 1 6���15 [15], g 1 12���20 [20], g 2 11���20 [20], ps 1 8���13 [11], ps 2 8���12 [10], ps 3 5���11 [9, 10]. Spermatheca. (Fig. 112 b) Not visible in holotype. Spermathecal tube narrow, coiled, maximum 1 wide, ca. 75���100 long, ending in small rounded vesicle 2 long, 2 wide, subtended by small sac 1 long, 1 wide. Genital opening just anterior to setae ps 3. Legs. (Fig. 114) Setal formula for legs I���IV (coxae to tarsi) 1 - 0-3 - 0-3 - 8 (1), 2 - 0-3 - 0-3 - 8 (1), 1 - 1-2 - 0-2 - 4, 1 - 0-1 - 0-2 - 4. Tarsi I and II each with 1 antiaxial solenidion ��" (ta I 8���11 [8, 9] long, ta II 9���12 [9] long) and 2 eupathidia p��'-p��" (6���8 [6] long). Solenidia are of similar size to the male (Fig. 115). One specimen with an aberrant setal count of 3 on 1 ge III. Leg setation as in Table 1 except: cx I without 1 c; tr I���IV without v ��� (l' present on tr III); ge I���IV nude; ti I���IV without v������; ta I���IV without tc������. MALE (n = 2). Dorsum. (Figs 116, 117, 119 a). Paratype measurements in brackets. Body measurements: distance between setae v 2 -h 1 220���230 [230]; sc 2 -sc 2 80���91 [91]; other measurements: v 2 -v 2 22���25 [25], sc 1 -sc 1 63���72 [72], c 1 -c 1 14���16 [14], c 3 -c 3 95���98 [98], d 1 -d 1 10���11 [10], d 3 -d 3 73���79 [79], e 1 - e 1 14���17 [17], e 3 - e 3 70��� 76 [76], f 3 -f 3 56���63 [63], h 1 -h 1 11���15 [15], h 2 -h 2 34���42 [42]. Gnathosoma completely concealed beneath anterior margin of prodorsum. Anterior margin of prodorsum with a deep medial notch forming 1 pair of blunt, broadly triangular lobes as in female, can appear to be retracted beneath anterior margin of prodorsum; setae v 2 inserted just ventral to, or on edge of, anterior margin of prodorsum (Figs 116, 117, 119 a). Prodorsal cuticle with multiple longitudinal to oblique folds running along almost entire length of shield. Opisthosoma with mesonotal and pygidial shields, separated by a band of transversely folded soft cuticle; shields with weak reticulate and folded cuticle. Soft cuticle laterad shield strongly colliculate-papillate (sculpturing on Queensland material much weaker than material from type locality). All dorsal setae short, weakly spatulate, barbed; dorsal setae with distinctly concave ventral surface forming a scoop (Fig. 119 b); setae d 1 and e 1 much smaller than other dorsal setae. Setal lengths: v 2 15���20 [18, 20], sc 1 13���15 [14, 15], sc 2 15���18 [17, 18], c 1 13���14 [13], c 3 14���15 [14, 15], d 1 5���8 [6], d 3 14���15 [15], e 1 5 ���6 [4, 5], e 3 14 ���16 [15, 16], f 3 14���15 [14, 15], h 1 12���14 [12, 13], h 2 11���15 [15]. Palps. Palps similar to female. Solenidion 8���11 [11] long, seta-like eupathidium 7���13 [13] long. Venter. (Figs 118 a, 119 b) Cuticle mostly with fine striae between 1 a - 4 a; broadly separated transverse striae between 4 a -ag; weak, broadly separated transverse striae between ag -g 1���2. Genital setae inserted in more-or-less transverse row. Anal setae ps 2��� 3 fine, inserted in transverse row laterad ps 1; ps 1 modified into thick, straight, spur-like setae (Figs 118 a, 119 b). Coxal, genital and anal setae fine; setae 1 a, 3 a, 4 a finely tapered and difficult to determine total length. Setal lengths: 1a 45 ��� 63 [50, 65], 1 b 14���19 [19], 2 b 11���18 [18], 2 c 13���16 [16], 3a 30 ��� 53 [50, 53], 3 b 8���17 [17], 4a 37 ��� 67 [67], 4 b 10���18 [18], ag 1 9���10 [9, 10], g 1 7���10 [10], g 2 8���13 [12, 13], ps 1 5���13 [13], ps 2 7���11 [7], ps 3 5���8 [7, 8]. Aedeagus. (Fig. 118 b) Narrow, sclerotised, tapering to a point, 41���42 [42] long (bent tip is possibly artefact of slide mounting). Membranous duct runs from inside aedeagus for about 55, reaching partially distinguishable membranous sac, at least 10 wide, 10 long (not visible in paratype). Legs. Setal formula for legs I���IV (coxae to tarsi) same as female: 1 - 0-3 - 0-3 - 8 (1), 2 - 0-3 - 0-3 - 8 (1), 1 - 1-2 - 0-2 - 4, 1 - 0-1 - 0-2 - 4. Tarsi I and II each with 1 antiaxial solenidion ��" (ta I 8���10 [10] long, ta II 8���10 [9, 10] long) and 2 eupathidia p��'-p��" (5���7 [7] long). Solenidia similar in size to female (Fig. 115). DEUTONYMPH (n = 4). Dorsum. Body measurements: distance between setae v 2 -h 1 210���245, sc 2 -sc 2 75��� 100; other measurements: v 2 -v 2 17���23, sc 1 -sc 1 68���87, c 1 -c 1 17���21, c 3 -c 3 87���125, d 1 -d 1 16���21, d 3 -d 3 67���99, e 1 - e 1 19���23, e 3 - e 3 61���97, f 3 -f 3 53���82, h 1 -h 1 15���21, h 2 -h 2 41���54. Prodorsal shield with 7���9 longitudinal creases; setae v 2 inserted on anterior margin of prodorsal shield. Opisthosoma with setae c 1 on paired, weak, irregular platelets, d 1 -d 3 on paired, weak, irregular platelets; pygidial shield weak, including setae e 1, f 3, h 1, h 2. Otherwise coarse transverse striae between areas of smooth to wrinkled cuticle. At least 6 small pores present on dorsum, 2 pairs on prodorsal shield mesad sc 2, pair between c 1 -c 3, pair between d 1 -d 3, pair anterolaterad e 1, pair posterior e 1. Setal lengths: v 2 15���21, sc 1 12���18, sc 2 12���17, c 1 9���11, c 3 12���17, d 1 4���7, d 3 15���19, e 1 2 ���6, e 3 14 ���19, f 3 14��� 20, h 1 7���13, h 2 14 ���19. 1 specimen lacks setae c 1, e 1 and h 2 on the right hand side. Palps. Palps similar to adult. Solenidion 3���5 long, seta-like eupathidium 5���8 long. Venter. Cuticle between 1 b- 1 a with longitudinal striae; 1 a to level with leg III with transverse striae; between legs III���IV with longitudinal striae; cuticle posterior to leg IV transverse becoming longitudinal and broader in genital region. Coxal setae fine. Setae ag 1, g 1, ps 1���3 smooth. Setal lengths: 1a 22 ��� 44, 1 b 9���16, 2 b 9���13, 2 c 9���16, 3 a 26���38, 3 b 8���18, 4 a 25���34, 4 b 10���13, ag 1 6���8, g 1 9���14, ps 1 4���6, ps 2 4���6, ps 3 5���7. Legs. Setal formula for legs I���IV same as adult female. Tarsi I and II each with 1 antiaxial solenidion ��" (3���5 long) and 2 eupathidia p��'-p��" (4���6 long). PROTONYMPH (n = 4). Dorsum. Body measurements: distance between setae v 2 -h 1 185���200, sc 2 -sc 2 69��� 77; other measurements: v 2 -v 2 18���20, sc 1 -sc 1 62���67, c 1 -c 1 15���16, c 3 -c 3 82���89, d 1 -d 1 15���16, d 3 -d 3 66���71, e 1 - e 1 12���15, e 3 - e 3 63���68, f 3 -f 3 50���52, h 1 -h 1 7���14, h 2 -h 2 27���33. Dorsum similar to deutonymph. Prodorsal shield with 6���7 longitudinal creases; setae v 2 inserted just ventral to anterior margin of prodorsal shield. Opisthosomal shields similar to deutonymph except pygidial shield excludes f 3. At least 5 small pores present on dorsum, pair on prodorsal shield mesad sc 2, pair between c 1 -c 3, pair between d 1 -d 3, pair anterolaterad e 1, pair posterior e 1. Setal lengths: v 2 14���20, sc 1 11���14, sc 2 14���16, c 1 6���8, c 3 13���15, d 1 4���5, d 3 13���15, e 1 3 ���5, e 3 13 ���16, f 3 13���16, h 1 5��� 10, h 2 13���16. Palps. Palps similar to adult. Solenidion 3 long, seta-like eupathidium 5���7 long. Venter. Cuticle and setae similar to deutonymph. Setal lengths: 1a 25 ��� 32, 1 b 10���16, 2 b 10���12, 3 a 22���31, 3 b 8���12, ag 1 3���6, ps 1 3���5, ps 2 3���5, ps 3 3���5. Legs. Setal formula for legs I���IV (coxae to tarsi) 1 - 0-3 - 0-3 - 8 (1), 1 - 0-3 - 0-3 - 8 (1), 1 - 1-2 - 0-2 - 4, 0- 0- 1 - 0-2 - 3. Tarsi I and II each with 1 antiaxial solenidion ��" (3���4 long) and 2 eupathidia p��'-p��" (4���5 long). Leg setation as in deutonymph, except: setae 2 c, 4 b absent; tarsi IV without seta tc ���. Setae l' added to tr III. LARVA (n = 8). Dorsum. (Fig. 120 a) Body measurements: distance between setae v 2 -h 1 120���180 [paratype: 165], sc 2 -sc 2 57���69 [63]; other measurements: v 2 -v 2 16���22 [19], sc 1 -sc 1 51���61 [54], c 1 -c 1 13���17 [17], c 3 -c 3 71��� 95 [83], d 1 -d 1 15���18 [15], d 3 -d 3 50���69 [61], e 1 - e 1 9���13 [11], e 3 - e 3 36���60 [50], f 3 -f 3 27���41 [38], h 1 -h 1 4���7 [4], h 2 -h 2 14���18 [17]. Anterior margin of prodorsum smoothly rounded without medial notch. Prodorsal shield smooth, weak with few oblique folds; opisthosomal dorsum with a few transverse folds and striations between c 1 - e 1. Lateral cuticle mesad c 3 with oblique folds and striations. At least 5 pairs of pores present on dorsum, pair mesad sc 2, pair between c 1 -c 3 and d 1 -d 3, 2 pairs laterad e 1. Setae h 1, h 2 inserted posteroventrally. Setal lengths: v 2 13���23 [19], sc 1 10���14 [12, 13], sc 2 11���16 [13], c 1 4���7 [5, 6], c 3 9���15 [12], d 1 3���5 [4, 5], d 3 11���18 [16, 18], e 1 2 ���4 [4], e 3 11 ���17 [15], f 3 12���18 [16], h 1 4���7 [6, 7], h 2 12���19 [17, 19]. Palps. (Fig. 120 b) Palps 3 -segmented; setalike tarsal eupathidium 3���8 [7, 8] long; solenidion 2���3 [3] long. Venter. Ventral cuticle finely striate, similar to deutonymph. Pseudanal setae ps 1���3 on smooth cuticle. Coxal setae fine. Setal lengths: 1a 15 ��� 36 [36], 1 b 10���18 [12], 3a 19 ��� 35 [24], ps 1 2���4 [4], ps 2 2���4 [4], ps 3 2���4 [4]. Legs. Setal formula for legs I���III (coxae to tarsi) 1 - 0-3 - 0-3 - 7 (1), 0- 0-3 - 0-3 - 7 (1), 0- 0-2 - 0-2 - 3. Tarsi I and II each with 1 antiaxial solenidion ��" (ta I 2���4 [3, 4], ta II 2���3 [2, 3]) and 2 eupathidia p��'-p��" (3���5 [5] long). Leg setation as in protonymph, except: setae 2 b, 3 b absent; tr III without l ���; ta I���III without seta tc ���. Remarks. Individual mites are found wedged within the natural grooves present on the stems and branchlets of the host plant (Fig. 122), where they feed and moult. Eggs are also laid within these grooves, lined up in a row (Fig. 121). The eggs have a short stipe and thick sculptured outer coating (Fig. 121 b). Although Womersley (1940) stated the sex as ���probably female���, the original description and illustrations of T. conicus were unquestionably based on a male. Womersley stated that there were four specimens; however, to date only three specimens have been located (on two slides, in poor condition). Even though Womersley technically never designated a holotype, the female slide is marked with the traditional red indicative of a holotype specimen, and the male slide (with larva) is marked with the traditional blue of a paratype. There is no indication of when this was done, or by whom. The female was described much later by Smiley et al. (1996) from what they stated was the holotype. The ���type��� slides are now supplemented by new material collected on the type host plant from both the type locality and an additional locality further north along the eastern Australian coastline. Both the original description (Womersley 1940) and re-description (Smiley et al. 1996) were lacking several key details, due to the poor preservation of the type specimens. However, after close examination of the types, we were able to discern certain key characters, e.g. setae e 1 and three pairs of pseudanal (ps) setae, in addition to details of the leg setation. We also note, with the help of the new material, that the palp is three-segmented, not two-segmented as originally described. The Queensland specimens have some minor differences to the specimens from the type locality: the dorsal sculpturing is weaker, there are fewer lateral papillae (ca. 25 vs 50) and most ventral, genital and anal setae are shorter. There is a chance that they may represent another species, but because they came from the same host plant, and without an assessment of variation from several populations or genomic analysis, we tentatively consider them the same species. The use of low temperature scanning electron microscopy (LT-SEM) revealed that the specimens from both localities have very similar pattern of ���micropla, Published as part of Beard, Jennifer J., Seeman, Owen D. & Bauchan, Gary R., 2014, Tenuipalpidae (Acari: Trombidiformes) from Casuarinaceae (Fagales), pp. 1-157 in Zootaxa 3778 (1) on pages 128-141, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3778.1.1, http://zenodo.org/record/251337, {"references":["Womersley, H. (1940) Studies in Australian Acarina Tetranychidae and Trichadenidae. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, 64, 233 - 265.","Welbourn, W. C., Ochoa, R., Kane, E. C. & Erbe, E. F. (2003) Morphological observations on Brevipalpus phoenicis (Acari: Tenuipalpidae) including comparisons with B. californicus and B. obovatus. Experimental and Applied Acarology, 30, 107 - 133. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1023 / b: appa. 0000006545.40017. a 0"]}
- Published
- 2014
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100. Philippipalpus Corpuz-Raros 1978
- Author
Beard, Jennifer J., Seeman, Owen D., and Bauchan, Gary R.
- Subjects
Arthropoda ,Arachnida ,Prostigmata ,Animalia ,Philippipalpus ,Biodiversity ,Tenuipalpidae ,Taxonomy - Abstract
Philippipalpus Corpuz-Raros, 1978 Type species. Philippipalpus agohoi Corpuz-Raros, 1978, by original designation. Diagnosis. All life stages: dorsal opisthosoma with 10 pairs of lanceolate to weakly palmate setae; c 2, d 2 and f 2 absent; setae e 2 in marginal position, aligned with c 3, d 3, e 3, and f 3; setae h 2 similar in size and form to other dorsal setae; palps 5 -segmented, palp setal formula 0, 0, 0, 2, 3 (1); immature stages with anterior margin of prodorsum smoothly rounded, without projections/notches; ventral plate absent; 3 pairs of pseudanal setae (ps 1���3) on weakly developed membranous anal plates. Adult female: gnathosoma usually completely concealed by prodorsum; anterior margin of prodorsum with deep medial notch, forming 1 pair of broad fleshy lobes each bearing setae v 2 (usually inserted beneath a fold); genital plate weakly developed, membranous; metapodal plates not developed; coxae I without 1 c; trochanters I���IV 0- 0-1 -0 (v ��� absent on tr I���IV; l ��� present on tr III); femora I���IV 3 - 3 - 2 - 1; genua 1 - 1 -0-0 (d present on ge I���II); tibiae 4 - 4 - 2 - 2 (seta d absent ti III���IV); tarsi I���IV without tc������. Solenidia of male similar in thickness and length to those of female. Remarks. Smiley et al. (1996) and Mesa et al. (2009) described the genus with setae d 2 present and e 2 absent; however we feel that d 2 is in fact absent and e 2 is present on the margin, as in most of the related tegopalpine genera (Beard et al. 2013). Species of Philippipalpus are morphologically similar to species in the genera Tegopalpus and Chaudhripalpus, as all three genera have dorsal setae c 2 absent and three pairs of ps setae present (ps 1���3). Philippipalpus can be separated from both these genera by the presence of dorsal setae e 2 (absent in both Tegopalpus and Chaudhripalpus). Species of Philippipalpus are separated here using subtle differences in ornamentation, striation and measurements, unlike the other genera of Tegopalpinae. We feel that because each new species of Philippipalpus presented here occupies a single host species, and no other species of flat mite in this subfamily inhabits more than one species of she-oak, it is evidence to support their separation at the species level. Nevertheless, we acknowledge further collecting from a greater geographical range is warranted to test the validity of these species. Philippipalpus is unusual in lacking both setae v ��� on all trochanters (l ��� present on tr III) and d on tibiae III���IV., Published as part of Beard, Jennifer J., Seeman, Owen D. & Bauchan, Gary R., 2014, Tenuipalpidae (Acari: Trombidiformes) from Casuarinaceae (Fagales), pp. 1-157 in Zootaxa 3778 (1) on pages 111-112, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3778.1.1, http://zenodo.org/record/251337, {"references":["Corpuz-Raros, L. A. (1978) New Philippine Tetranychoidea (Acarina). Kalikasan, Philippines Journal of Biology, 7 (3), 211 - 230.","Mesa, N. C., Ochoa, R., Welbourn, W. C., Evans, G. A. & Moraes, G. J. de (2009) A catalog of the Tenuipalpidae (Acari) of the world with a key to genera. Zootaxa, 2098, 1 - 185.","Beard, J. J., Ochoa, R., Bauchan, G. R., Trice, M. D., Redford, A. J., Walters, T. W. & Mitter, C. (2013) Flat Mites of the World. Edition 2. Identification Technology Program, CPHST, PPQ, APHIS, USDA Fort Collins, Colorado. Available from: www. idtools. org / id / mites / flatmites / index. php (accessed 1 June 2013)"]}
- Published
- 2014
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