51. Measurement of the Neutrino Mixing Angle θ_{23} in NOvA
- Author
A. Bolshakova, J. Smolik, M. C. Tamsett, N. Solomey, R. Murphy, A. Himmel, K. Bays, E. C. Dukes, L. Mualem, R. Keloth, A. Hatzikoutelis, W. M. Lee, P. Singh, Simon J. Bending, Milos Lokajicek, Petr Tas, Gavin Davies, R. J. Nichol, O. Samoylov, M. D. Messier, J. Davies, H. R. Gallagher, P. Ding, M. Colo, J. Urheim, L. Aliaga, H. Meyer, H. Duyang, E. Arrieta-Diaz, C. Bromberg, F. Jediny, J. Cooper, P. Shanahan, A. K. Giri, Simon Lin, N. Yadav, X. Tian, P. Rojas, D. P. Méndez, M. Muether, Borun D. Chowdhury, R. Ehrlich, E. Catano-Mur, R. Schroeter, D. Grover, J. M. Paley, M. C. Sanchez, S. C. Tognini, A. Holin, Alec Habig, R. B. Patterson, J. Zalesak, O. Petrova, A. Aurisano, S Kotelnikov, R. Zwaska, R. A. Rameika, S. Yang, G. K. Kafka, S. R. Mishra, Shantanu Desai, D. Cronin-Hennessy, J. Wolcott, Vipin Bhatnagar, L. Cremonesi, A. Radovic, M. Baird, A. Sheshukov, I. Kourbanis, J. A. Musser, J. K. Nelson, B. Reed, J. Tripathi, T. Nosek, G. J. Feldman, T. Olson, Brajesh C Choudhary, K. Matera, P. F. Derwent, Stanislav Luchuk, Bindu A. Bambah, M. Judah, P. Vahle, Pooja Pandey, W. A. Mann, G. Brunetti, V. A. Matveev, Bo Wang, T. Blackburn, S. Germani, Jasvinder A. Singh, R. L. Talaga, D. Pershey, B. Bhuyan, V. Bychkov, D. J. Ambrose, V. A. Ryabov, K. Soustruznik, Warner A. Miller, N. J. Buchanan, M. J. Frank, M. Campbell, V. Singh, Stanley G. Wojcicki, S. Edayath, D. Kalra, K. Sachdev, J.A. Sepulveda-Quiroz, Matthew L Strait, C. Principato, D. Rocco, A. Moren, V Grichine, L. Suter, Anatoly Butkevich, J. Hylen, R. H. Bernstein, T. Ghosh, D. Whittington, B. Behera, A. Vold, R. Poling, Ashok Kumar, E. Song, L. Corwin, A. Tsaris, M. C. Goodman, J. Hartnell, Jian-Guo Bian, Gregory J Pawloski, Joao A B Coelho, Juergen Thomas, J. Vasel, R. K. Plunkett, Zelimir Djurcic, E. Niner, M. Y. Gabrielyan, B. V.K.S. Potukuchi, J. Brown, R. Hatcher, L. Kolupaeva, R. B. Thayyullathil, A. E. Kreymer, Fernanda Psihas, M. Wetstein, J. B. Liu, Rukmani Mohanta, Marvin L Marshak, Alexander Olshevskiy, J. Lozier, Andrew Norman, B. Zamorano, B. Guo, Ken Heller, A. Antoshkin, P. Sail, S. Phan-Budd, A. Sousa, B. Rebel, Ranjan Dharmapalan, C. Backhouse, S. Kurbanov, S. Magill, R. Petti, Karol Lang, Y. Oksuzian, Kamil Augsten, K. Maan, L. Vinton, T. E. Coan, S. Childress, T. Miao, S. Mufson, S. P. Kasetti, R. A. Gomes, P. Adamson, Nikolay Anfimov, S. M. S. Kasahara, T. Vrba, Adamson, P, Aliaga, L, Ambrose, D, Anfimov, N, Antoshkin, A, Arrieta-Diaz, E, Augsten, K, Aurisano, A, Backhouse, C, Baird, M, Bambah, B, Bays, K, Behera, B, Bending, S, Bernstein, R, Bhatnagar, V, Bhuyan, B, Bian, J, Blackburn, T, Bolshakova, A, Bromberg, C, Brown, J, Brunetti, G, Buchanan, N, Butkevich, A, Bychkov, V, Campbell, M, Catano-Mur, E, Childress, S, Choudhary, B, Chowdhury, B, Coan, T, Coelho, J, Colo, M, Cooper, J, Corwin, L, Cremonesi, L, Cronin-Hennessy, D, Davies, G, Davies, J, Derwent, P, Desai, S, Dharmapalan, R, Ding, P, Djurcic, Z, Dukes, E, Duyang, H, Edayath, S, Ehrlich, R, Feldman, G, Frank, M, Gabrielyan, M, Gallagher, H, Germani, S, Ghosh, T, Giri, A, Gomes, R, Goodman, M, Grichine, V, Group, R, Grover, D, Guo, B, Habig, A, Hartnell, J, Hatcher, R, Hatzikoutelis, A, Heller, K, Himmel, A, Holin, A, Hylen, J, Jediny, F, Judah, M, Kafka, G, Kalra, D, Kasahara, S, Kasetti, S, Keloth, R, Kolupaeva, L, Kotelnikov, S, Kourbanis, I, Kreymer, A, Kumar, A, Kurbanov, S, Lang, K, Lee, W, Lin, S, Liu, J, Lokajicek, M, Lozier, J, Luchuk, S, Maan, K, Magill, S, Mann, W, Marshak, M, Matera, K, Matveev, V, Mendez, D, Messier, M, Meyer, H, Miao, T, Miller, W, Mishra, S, Mohanta, R, Moren, A, Mualem, L, Muether, M, Mufson, S, Murphy, R, Musser, J, Nelson, J, Nichol, R, Niner, E, Norman, A, Nosek, T, Oksuzian, Y, Olshevskiy, A, Olson, T, Paley, J, Pandey, P, Patterson, R, Pawloski, G, Pershey, D, Petrova, O, Petti, R, Phan-Budd, S, Plunkett, R, Poling, R, Potukuchi, B, Principato, C, Psihas, F, Radovic, A, Rameika, R, Rebel, B, Reed, B, Rocco, D, Rojas, P, Ryabov, V, Sachdev, K, Sail, P, Samoylov, O, Sanchez, M, Schroeter, R, Sepulveda-Quiroz, J, Shanahan, P, Sheshukov, A, Singh, J, Singh, P, Singh, V, Smolik, J, Solomey, N, Song, E, Sousa, A, Soustruznik, K, Strait, M, Suter, L, Talaga, R, Tamsett, M, Tas, P, Thayyullathil, R, Thomas, J, Tian, X, Tognini, S, Tripathi, J, Tsaris, A, Urheim, J, Vahle, P, Vasel, J, Vinton, L, Vold, A, Vrba, T, Wang, B, Wetstein, M, Whittington, D, Wojcicki, S, Wolcott, J, Yadav, N, Yang, S, Zalesak, J, Zamorano, B, and Zwaska, R
- Subjects
neutrino oscillation, neutrino mixing angle, NOvA ,010308 nuclear & particles physics ,0103 physical sciences ,General Physics and Astronomy ,010306 general physics ,Mass hierarchy ,01 natural sciences ,Humanities ,QC ,High Energy Physics - Experiment - Abstract
This Letter reports new results on muon neutrino disappearance from NOvA, using a 14 kton detector equivalent exposure of $6.05\times10^{20}$ protons-on-target from the NuMI beam at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. The measurement probes the muon-tau symmetry hypothesis that requires maximal mixing ($\theta_{23} = \pi/4$). Assuming the normal mass hierarchy, we find $\Delta m^2 = (2.67 \pm 0.11)\times 10^{-3}$ eV$^2$ and $\sin^2 \theta_{23}$ at the two statistically degenerate values $0.404^{+0.030}_{-0.022}$ and $0.624^{+0.022}_{-0.030}$, both at the 68% confidence level. Our data disfavor the maximal mixing scenario with 2.6 $\sigma$ significance., Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures
- Published
- 2017