460 results on '"Charrel R"'
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Adams, NG, Adekambi, T, Afeltra, J, Aguado, J, Aires de Sousa, M, Akiyoshi, K, Al Hasan, M, Ala-Kokko, T, Albert, M, Alfandari, S, Allen, D, Allerberger, F, Almyroudis, N, Alp, E, Amin, R, Anderson-Berry, A, Andes, DR, Andremont, A, Andreu, A, Angelakis, M, Antachopoulos, C, Antoniadou, A, Arabatzis, M, Arlet, G, Arnez, M, Arnold, C, Asensio, A, Asseray, N, Ausiello, C, Avni, T, Ayling, R, Baddour, L, Baguelin, M, Bányai, K, Barbour, A, Basco, LK, Bauer, D, Bayston, R, Beall, B, Becker, K, Behr, M, Bejon, P, Belliot, G, Benito-Fernandez, J, Benjamin, D, Benschop, K, Berencsi, G, Bergeron, MG, Bernard, K, Berner, R, Beyersmann, J, Bille, J, Bizzini, A, Bjarnsholt, T, Blanc, D, Blanco, J, Blot, S, Bohnert, J, Boillat, N, Bonomo, R, Bonten, M, Bordon, JM, Borel, N, Boschiroli, ML, Bosilkovski, M, Bosso, JA, Botelho-Nevers, E, Bou, G, Bretagne, S, Brouqui, P, Brun-Buisson, C, Brunetto, M, Bucher, H, Buchheidt, D, Buckling, A, Bulpa, P, Cambau, E, Canducci, F, Cantón, R, Capobianchi, M, Carattoli, A, Carcopino, X, Cardona-Castro, N, Carling, PC, Carrat, F, Castilla, J, Castilletti, C, Cavaco, L, Cavallo, R, Ceccherini-Silberstein, F, Centrón, D, Chappuis, F, Charrel, R, Chen, M, Chevaliez, S, Chezzi, C, Chomel, B, Chowers, M, Chryssanthou, E, Ciammaruconi, A, Ciccozzi, M, Cid, J, Ciofu, O, Cisneros, D, Ciufolini, MG, Clark, C, Clarke, SC, Clayton, R, Clementi, M, Clemons, K, Cloeckaert, Ael, Cloud, J, Coenye, T, Cohen Bacri, S, Cohen, R, Coia, J, Colombo, A, Colson, P, Concerse, P, Cordonnier, C, Cormican, M, Cornaglia, G, Cornely, O, Costa, S, Cots, F, Craxi, A, Creti, R, Crnich, C, Cuenca Estrella, M, Cusi, MG, d'Ettorre, G, da Cruz Lamas, C, Daikos, G, Dannaoui, E, De Barbeyrac, B, De Grazia, S, de Jager, C, de Lamballerie, X, de Marco, F, del Palacio, A, Delpeyroux, F, Denamur, E, Denis, O, Depaquit, J, Deplano, A, Desenclos, J-C, Desjeux, P, Deutch, S, Di Luca, D, Dianzani, F, Diep, B, Diestra, K, Dignani, C, Dimopoulos, G, Divizia, M, Doi, Y, Dornbusch, HJ, Dotis, J, Drancourt, M, Drevinek, P, Dromer, F, Dryden, M, Dubreuil, L, Dubus, J-C, Dumitrescu, O, Dumke, R, DuPont, H, Edelstein, M, Eggimann, P, Eis-Huebinger, A-M, El Atrouni, WI, Entenza, J, Ergonul, O, Espinel-Ingroff, A, Esteban, J, Etienne, J, Fan, X-G, Fenollar, F, Ferrante, P, Ferrieri, P, Ferry, T, Feuchtinger, T, Finegold, S, Fingerle, V, Fitch, M, Fitzgerald, R, Flori, P, Fluit, A, Fontana, R, Fournier, PE, François, M, Francois, P, Freedman, DO, Friedrich, A, Gallego, L, Gallinella, G, Gangneux, J-P, Gannon, V, Garbarg-Chenon, A, Garbino, J, Garnacho-Montero, J, Gatermann, Soeren, Gautret, P, Gentile, G, Gerlich, W, Ghannoum, M, Ghebremedhin, B, Ghigo, E, Giamarellos-Bourboulis, E, Girgis, R, Giske, C, Glupczynski, Y, Gnarpe, J, Gomez-Barrena, E, Gorwitz, RJ, Gosselin, R, Goubau, P, Gould, E, Gradel, K, Gray, J, Gregson, D, Greub, G, Grijalva, CG, Groll, A, Groschup, M, Gutiérrez, J, Hackam, DG, Hall, WA, Hallett, R, Hansen, S, Harbarth, S, Harf-Monteil, C, Hasanjani, Roushan MR, Hasler, P, Hatchette, T, Hauser, P, He, Q, Hedges, A, Helbig, J, Hennequin, C, Herrmann, B, Hezode, C, Higgins, P, Hoesli, I, Hoiby, N, Hope, W, Houvinen, P, Hsu, LY, Huard, R, Humphreys, H, Icardi, M, Imoehl, M, Ivanova, K, Iwamoto, T, Izopet, J, Jackson, Y, Jacobsen, K, Jang, TN, Jasir, A, Jaulhac, B, Jaureguy, F, Jefferies, JM, Jehl, F, Johnstone, J, Joly-Guillou, M-L, Jonas, M, Jones, M, Joukhadar, C, Kahl, B, Kaier, K, Kaiser, L, Kato, H, Katragkou, A, Kearns, A, Kern, W, Kerr, K, Kessin, R, Kibbler, C, Kimberlin, D, Kittang, B, Klaassen, C, Kluytmans, J, Ko, W-C, Koh, W-J, Kostrzewa, M, Kourbeti, I, Krause, R, Krcmery, V, Krizova, P, Kuijper, E, Kullberg, B-J, Kumar, G, Kunin, CM, La Scola, B, Lagging, M, Lagrou, K, Lamagni, T, Landini, P, Landman, D, Larsen, A, Lass-Floerl, C, Laupland, K, Lavigne, JP, Leblebicioglu, H, Lee, B, Lee, CH, Leggat, P, Lehours, P, Leibovici, Lonard, Leon, L, Leonard, N, Leone, M, Lescure, X, Lesprit, P, Levy, PY, Lew, D, Lexau, CA, Li, S-Y, Li, W, Lieberman, D, Lina, B, Lina, G, Lindsay, JA, Livermore, D, Lorente, L, Lortholary, O, Lucet, J-C, Lund, B, Lütticken, R, MacLeod, C, Madhi, S, Maertens, J, Maggi, F, Maiden, M, Maillard, J-Y, Maira-Litran, T, Maltezou, H, Manian, FA, Mantadakis, E, Maragakis, L, Marcelin, A-G, Marchaim, D, Marchetti, O, Marcos, M, Markotic, A, Martina, B, Martínez, J, Martinez, J-L, Marty, F, Maurin, M, McGee, L, Mediannikov, O, Meersseman, W, Megraud, F, Meletiadis, J, Mellmann, A, Meyer, E, Meyer, W, Meylan, P, Michalopoulos, A, Micol, R, Midulla, F, Mikami, Y, Miller, RF, Miragaia, M, Miriagou, V, Mitchell, TJ, Miyakis, S, Mokrousov, I, Monecke, S, Mönkemüller, K, Monno, L, Monod, M, Morales, G, Moriarty, F, Morosini, I, Mortensen, E, Mubarak, K, Mueller, B, Mühlemann, K, Muñoz Bellido, JL, Murray, P, Muscillo, M, Mylotte, J, Naessens, A, Nagy, E, Nahm, MH, Nassif, X, Navarro, D, Navarro, F, Neofytos, D, Nes, I, Ní Eidhin, D, Nicolle, L, Niederman, MS, Nigro, G, Nimmo, G, Nordmann, P, Nougairède, A, Novais, A, Nygard, K, Oliveira, D, Orth, D, Ortiz, JR, Osherov, N, Österblad, M, Ostrosky-Zeichner, L, Pagano, L, Palamara, AT, Pallares, R, Panagopoulou, P, Pandey, P, Panepinto, J, Pappas, G, Parkins, M, Parola, P, Pasqualotto, A, Pasteran, F, Paul, M, Pawlotsky, J-M, Peeters, M, Peixe, L, Pepin, J, Peralta, G, Pereyre, S, Perfect, JR, Petinaki, E, Petric, M, Pettigrew, M, Pfaller, M, Philipp, M, Phillips, G, Pichichero, M, Pierangeli, A, Pierard, D, Pigrau, C, Pilishvili, T, Pinto, F, Pistello, M, Pitout, J, Poirel, L, Poli, G, Poppert, S, Posfay-Barbe, K, Pothier, P, Poxton, I, Poyart, C, Pozzetto, B, Pujol, M, Pulcini, C, Punyadeera, C, Ramirez, M, Ranque, S, Raoult, D, Rasigade, J-P, Re, MC, Reilly, JS, Reinert, R, Renaud, B, Rice, L, Rich, S, Richet, H, Rigouts, L, Riva, E, Rizzo, C, Robotham, J, Rodicio, MR, Rodriguez, J, Rodriguez-Bano, J, Rogier, C, Roilides, E, Rolain, J-M, Rooijakkers, S, Rooney, P, Rossi, F, Rotimi, V, Rottman, M, Roux, V, Ruhe, J, Russo, G, Sadowy, E, Sagel, U, Said, SI, Saijo, M, Sak, B, Sa-Leao, R, Sanders, EAM, Sanguinetti, M, Sarrazin, C, Savelkoul, P, Scheifele, D, Schmidt, W-P, Schønheyder, H, Schönrich, G, Schrenzel, J, Schubert, S, Schwarz, K, Schwarz, S, Sefton, A, Segondy, M, Seifert, H, Seng, P, Senneville, E, Sexton, D, Shafer, RW, Shalit, I, Shankar, N, Shata, TM, Shields, J, Sibley, C, Sicinschi, L, Siljander, T, Simitsopoulou, M, Simoons-Smit, AM, Sissoko, D, Sjögren, J, Skiada, A, Skoczynska, A, Skov, R, Slack, M, Sogaard, M, Sola, C, Soriano, A, Sotto, A, Sougakoff, W, Souli, M, Spelberg, B, Spelman, D, Spiliopoulou, I, Springer, B, Stefani, S, Stein, A, Steinbach, WJ, Steinbakk, M, Strakova, L, Strenger, V, Sturm, P, Sullivan, P, Sutton, D, Symmons, D, Tacconelli, E, Tamalet, C, Tang, JW, Tang, Y-W, Tattevin, P, Thibault, V, Thomsen, RW, Thuny, F, Tong, S, Torres, C, Townsend, R, Tristan, A, Trouillet, J-L, Tsai, H-C, Tsitsopoulos, P, Tuerlinckx, D, Tulkens, P, Tumbarello, M, Tureen, J, Turnidge, JD, Turriziani, O, Tutuian, R, Uçkay, I, Upton, M, Vabret, A, Vamvakas, EC, van den Boom, D, Van Eldere, J, van Leeuwen, W, van Strijp, J, Van Veen, S, Vandamme, P, Vandenesch, F, Vayssier, M, Velin, D, Venditti, M, Venter, M, Venuti, A, Vergnaud, G, Verheij, T, Verhofstede, C, Viscoli, C, Vizza, CD, Vogel, U, Waller, A, Wang, YF, Warn, P, Warris, A, Wauters, G, Weidmann, M, Weill, F-X, Weinberger, M, Welch, D, Wellinghausen, N, Wheat, J, Widmer, A, Wild, F, Willems, R, Willinger, B, Winstanley, C, Witte, W, Wolff, M, Wong, F, Wootton, M, Wyllie, D, Xu, W, Yamamoto, S, Yaron, S, Yildirim, I, Zaoutis, T, Zazzi, M, Zbinden, R, Zehender, Gianguglielmo G, Zemlickova, H, Zerbini, ML, Zhang, L, Zhang, Y, Zhao, Y-D, Zhu, Z, and Zimmerli, W
- Published
- 2011
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53. De TORCH à TORCHZ : fœtopathies infectieuses à virus Zika et autres
- Author
Morand, A., Zandotti, C., Charrel, R., Minodier, P., Fabre, A., Chabrol, B., and De Lamballerie, X.
- Published
- 2017
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54. ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Arenaviridae
- Author
Radoshitzky, S, Buchmeier, M, Charrel, R, Clegg, J, Gonzalez, J, Gunther, S, Hepojoki, J, Kuhn, J, Lukashevich, I, Romanowski, V, Salvato, M, Sironi, M, Stenglein, M, de la Torre, J, Lefkowitz, E, Saba, D, Siddell, S, Simmonds, P, Sabanadzovic, S, Smith, D, Orton, R, Walker, P, Radoshitzky SR, Buchmeier MJ, Charrel RN, Clegg JCS, Gonzalez JPJ, Gunther S, Hepojoki J, Kuhn JH, Lukashevich IS, Romanowski V, Salvato MS, Sironi M, Stenglein MD, de la Torre JC, Lefkowitz EJ, Saba DSGSPSS, Siddell SG, Simmonds P, Sabanadzovic S, Smith DB, Orton RJ, Walker PJ, Radoshitzky, S, Buchmeier, M, Charrel, R, Clegg, J, Gonzalez, J, Gunther, S, Hepojoki, J, Kuhn, J, Lukashevich, I, Romanowski, V, Salvato, M, Sironi, M, Stenglein, M, de la Torre, J, Lefkowitz, E, Saba, D, Siddell, S, Simmonds, P, Sabanadzovic, S, Smith, D, Orton, R, Walker, P, Radoshitzky SR, Buchmeier MJ, Charrel RN, Clegg JCS, Gonzalez JPJ, Gunther S, Hepojoki J, Kuhn JH, Lukashevich IS, Romanowski V, Salvato MS, Sironi M, Stenglein MD, de la Torre JC, Lefkowitz EJ, Saba DSGSPSS, Siddell SG, Simmonds P, Sabanadzovic S, Smith DB, Orton RJ, and Walker PJ
- Abstract
Members of the family Arenaviridae produce enveloped virions containing genomes consisting of two or three single-stranded RNA segments totalling about 10.5 kb. Arenaviruses can infect mammals, including humans and other primates, snakes, and fish. This is a summary of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) Report on the family Arenaviridae, which is available at www. ictv. global/ report/ arenaviridae.
- Published
- 2019
55. Taxonomy of the order Bunyavirales: update 2019
- Author
Abudurexiti, A, Adkins, S, Alioto, D, Alkhovsky, S, Avsic-Zupanc, T, Ballinger, M, Bente, D, Beer, M, Bergeron, E, Blair, C, Briese, T, Buchmeier, M, Burt, F, Calisher, C, Chang, C, Charrel, R, Choi, I, Clegg, J, la Torre, J, Lamballerie, X, Deng, F, Di Serio, F, Digiaro, M, Drebot, M, Duan, X, Ebihara, H, Elbeaino, T, Ergunay, K, Fulhorst, C, Garrison, A, Gao, G, Gonzalez, J, Groschup, M, Guenther, S, Haenni, A, Hall, R, Hepojoki, J, Hewson, R, Hu, Z, Hughes, H, Jonson, M, Junglen, S, Klempa, B, Klingstrom, J, Kou, C, Laenen, L, Lambert, A, Langevin, S, Liu, D, Lukashevich, I, Luo, T, Lu, C, Maes, P, de Souza, W, Marklewitz, M, Martelli, G, Matsuno, K, Mielke-Ehret, N, Minutolo, M, Mirazimi, A, Moming, A, Muhlbach, H, Naidu, R, Navarro, B, Nunes, M, Palacios, G, Papa, A, Pauvolid-Correa, A, Paweska, J, Qiao, J, Radoshitzky, S, Resende, R, Romanowski, V, Sall, A, Salvato, M, Sasaya, T, Shen, S, Shi, X, Shirako, Y, Simmonds, P, Sironi, M, Song, J, Spengler, J, Stenglein, M, Su, Z, Sun, S, Tang, S, Turina, M, Wang, B, Wang, C, Wang, H, Wang, J, Wei, T, Whitfield, A, Zerbini, F, Zhang, J, Zhang, L, Zhang, Y, Zhou, X, Zhu, L, Kuhn, J, Abudurexiti A, Adkins S, Alioto D, Alkhovsky SV, Avsic-Zupanc T, Ballinger MJ, Bente DA, Beer M, Bergeron E, Blair CD, Briese T, Buchmeier MJ, Burt FJ, Calisher CH, Chang C, Charrel RN, Choi IR, Clegg JCS, la Torre JC, Lamballerie X, Deng F, Di Serio F, Digiaro M, Drebot MA, Duan XM, Ebihara H, Elbeaino T, Ergunay K, Fulhorst CF, Garrison AR, Gao GF, Gonzalez JPJ, Groschup MH, Guenther S, Haenni AL, Hall RA, Hepojoki J, Hewson R, Hu Z, Hughes HR, Jonson MG, Junglen S, Klempa B, Klingstrom J, Kou C, Laenen L, Lambert AJ, Langevin SA, Liu D, Lukashevich IS, Luo T, Lu CW, Maes P, de Souza WM, Marklewitz M, Martelli GP, Matsuno K, Mielke-Ehret N, Minutolo M, Mirazimi A, Moming A, Muhlbach HP, Naidu R, Navarro B, Nunes MRT, Palacios G, Papa A, Pauvolid-Correa A, Paweska JT, Qiao J, Radoshitzky SR, Resende RO, Romanowski V, Sall AA, Salvato MS, Sasaya T, Shen S, Shi XH, Shirako Y, Simmonds P, Sironi M, Song JW, Spengler JR, Stenglein MD, Su ZY, Sun S, Tang S, Turina M, Wang B, Wang C, Wang HL, Wang J, Wei TY, Whitfield AE, Zerbini FM, Zhang J, Zhang L, Zhang YF, Zhang YZ, Zhang Y, Zhou X, Zhu L, Kuhn JH, Abudurexiti, A, Adkins, S, Alioto, D, Alkhovsky, S, Avsic-Zupanc, T, Ballinger, M, Bente, D, Beer, M, Bergeron, E, Blair, C, Briese, T, Buchmeier, M, Burt, F, Calisher, C, Chang, C, Charrel, R, Choi, I, Clegg, J, la Torre, J, Lamballerie, X, Deng, F, Di Serio, F, Digiaro, M, Drebot, M, Duan, X, Ebihara, H, Elbeaino, T, Ergunay, K, Fulhorst, C, Garrison, A, Gao, G, Gonzalez, J, Groschup, M, Guenther, S, Haenni, A, Hall, R, Hepojoki, J, Hewson, R, Hu, Z, Hughes, H, Jonson, M, Junglen, S, Klempa, B, Klingstrom, J, Kou, C, Laenen, L, Lambert, A, Langevin, S, Liu, D, Lukashevich, I, Luo, T, Lu, C, Maes, P, de Souza, W, Marklewitz, M, Martelli, G, Matsuno, K, Mielke-Ehret, N, Minutolo, M, Mirazimi, A, Moming, A, Muhlbach, H, Naidu, R, Navarro, B, Nunes, M, Palacios, G, Papa, A, Pauvolid-Correa, A, Paweska, J, Qiao, J, Radoshitzky, S, Resende, R, Romanowski, V, Sall, A, Salvato, M, Sasaya, T, Shen, S, Shi, X, Shirako, Y, Simmonds, P, Sironi, M, Song, J, Spengler, J, Stenglein, M, Su, Z, Sun, S, Tang, S, Turina, M, Wang, B, Wang, C, Wang, H, Wang, J, Wei, T, Whitfield, A, Zerbini, F, Zhang, J, Zhang, L, Zhang, Y, Zhou, X, Zhu, L, Kuhn, J, Abudurexiti A, Adkins S, Alioto D, Alkhovsky SV, Avsic-Zupanc T, Ballinger MJ, Bente DA, Beer M, Bergeron E, Blair CD, Briese T, Buchmeier MJ, Burt FJ, Calisher CH, Chang C, Charrel RN, Choi IR, Clegg JCS, la Torre JC, Lamballerie X, Deng F, Di Serio F, Digiaro M, Drebot MA, Duan XM, Ebihara H, Elbeaino T, Ergunay K, Fulhorst CF, Garrison AR, Gao GF, Gonzalez JPJ, Groschup MH, Guenther S, Haenni AL, Hall RA, Hepojoki J, Hewson R, Hu Z, Hughes HR, Jonson MG, Junglen S, Klempa B, Klingstrom J, Kou C, Laenen L, Lambert AJ, Langevin SA, Liu D, Lukashevich IS, Luo T, Lu CW, Maes P, de Souza WM, Marklewitz M, Martelli GP, Matsuno K, Mielke-Ehret N, Minutolo M, Mirazimi A, Moming A, Muhlbach HP, Naidu R, Navarro B, Nunes MRT, Palacios G, Papa A, Pauvolid-Correa A, Paweska JT, Qiao J, Radoshitzky SR, Resende RO, Romanowski V, Sall AA, Salvato MS, Sasaya T, Shen S, Shi XH, Shirako Y, Simmonds P, Sironi M, Song JW, Spengler JR, Stenglein MD, Su ZY, Sun S, Tang S, Turina M, Wang B, Wang C, Wang HL, Wang J, Wei TY, Whitfield AE, Zerbini FM, Zhang J, Zhang L, Zhang YF, Zhang YZ, Zhang Y, Zhou X, Zhu L, and Kuhn JH
- Abstract
In February 2019, following the annual taxon ratification vote, the order Bunyavirales was amended by creation of two new families, four new subfamilies, 11 new genera and 77 new species, merging of two species, and deletion of one species. This article presents the updated taxonomy of the order Bunyavirales now accepted by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV).
- Published
- 2019
56. Taxonomy of the order Bunyavirales: second update 2018
- Author
Maes, P, Adkins, S, Alkhovsky, S, Avsic-Zupanc, T, Ballinger, M, Bente, D, Beer, M, Bergeron, E, Blair, C, Briese, T, Buchmeier, M, Burt, F, Calisher, C, Charrel, R, Choi, I, Clegg, J, de la Torre, J, de Lamballerie, X, Derisi, J, Digiaro, M, Drebot, M, Ebihara, H, Elbeaino, T, Ergunay, K, Fulhorst, C, Garrison, A, Gao, G, Gonzalez, J, Groschup, M, Gunther, S, Haenni, A, Hall, R, Hewson, R, Hughes, H, Jain, R, Jonson, M, Junglen, S, Klempa, B, Klingstrom, J, Kormelink, R, Lambert, A, Langevin, S, Lukashevich, I, Marklewitz, M, Martelli, G, Mielke-Ehret, N, Mirazimi, A, Muhlbach, H, Naidu, R, Nunes, M, Palacios, G, Papa, A, Paweska, J, Peters, C, Plyusnin, A, Radoshitzky, S, Resende, R, Romanowski, V, Sall, A, Salvato, M, Sasaya, T, Schmaljohn, C, Shi, X, Shirako, Y, Simmonds, P, Sironi, M, Song, J, Spengler, J, Stenglein, M, Tesh, R, Turina, M, Wei, T, Whitfield, A, Yeh, S, Zerbini, F, Zhang, Y, Zhou, X, Kuhn, J, Maes P, Adkins S, Alkhovsky SV, Avsic-Zupanc T, Ballinger MJ, Bente DA, Beer M, Bergeron E, Blair CD, Briese T, Buchmeier MJ, Burt FJ, Calisher CH, Charrel RN, Choi IR, Clegg JCS, de la Torre JC, de Lamballerie X, DeRisi JL, Digiaro M, Drebot M, Ebihara H, Elbeaino T, Ergunay K, Fulhorst CF, Garrison AR, Gao GF, Gonzalez JPJ, Groschup MH, Gunther S, Haenni AL, Hall RA, Hewson R, Hughes HR, Jain RK, Jonson MG, Junglen S, Klempa B, Klingstrom J, Kormelink R, Lambert AJ, Langevin SA, Lukashevich IS, Marklewitz M, Martelli GP, Mielke-Ehret N, Mirazimi A, Muhlbach HP, Naidu R, Nunes MRT, Palacios G, Papa A, Paweska JT, Peters CJ, Plyusnin A, Radoshitzky SR, Resende RO, Romanowski V, Sall AA, Salvato MS, Sasaya T, Schmaljohn C, Shi XH, Shirako Y, Simmonds P, Sironi M, Song JW, Spengler JR, Stenglein MD, Tesh RB, Turina M, Wei TY, Whitfield AE, Yeh SD, Zerbini FM, Zhang YZ, Zhou XP, Kuhn JH, Maes, P, Adkins, S, Alkhovsky, S, Avsic-Zupanc, T, Ballinger, M, Bente, D, Beer, M, Bergeron, E, Blair, C, Briese, T, Buchmeier, M, Burt, F, Calisher, C, Charrel, R, Choi, I, Clegg, J, de la Torre, J, de Lamballerie, X, Derisi, J, Digiaro, M, Drebot, M, Ebihara, H, Elbeaino, T, Ergunay, K, Fulhorst, C, Garrison, A, Gao, G, Gonzalez, J, Groschup, M, Gunther, S, Haenni, A, Hall, R, Hewson, R, Hughes, H, Jain, R, Jonson, M, Junglen, S, Klempa, B, Klingstrom, J, Kormelink, R, Lambert, A, Langevin, S, Lukashevich, I, Marklewitz, M, Martelli, G, Mielke-Ehret, N, Mirazimi, A, Muhlbach, H, Naidu, R, Nunes, M, Palacios, G, Papa, A, Paweska, J, Peters, C, Plyusnin, A, Radoshitzky, S, Resende, R, Romanowski, V, Sall, A, Salvato, M, Sasaya, T, Schmaljohn, C, Shi, X, Shirako, Y, Simmonds, P, Sironi, M, Song, J, Spengler, J, Stenglein, M, Tesh, R, Turina, M, Wei, T, Whitfield, A, Yeh, S, Zerbini, F, Zhang, Y, Zhou, X, Kuhn, J, Maes P, Adkins S, Alkhovsky SV, Avsic-Zupanc T, Ballinger MJ, Bente DA, Beer M, Bergeron E, Blair CD, Briese T, Buchmeier MJ, Burt FJ, Calisher CH, Charrel RN, Choi IR, Clegg JCS, de la Torre JC, de Lamballerie X, DeRisi JL, Digiaro M, Drebot M, Ebihara H, Elbeaino T, Ergunay K, Fulhorst CF, Garrison AR, Gao GF, Gonzalez JPJ, Groschup MH, Gunther S, Haenni AL, Hall RA, Hewson R, Hughes HR, Jain RK, Jonson MG, Junglen S, Klempa B, Klingstrom J, Kormelink R, Lambert AJ, Langevin SA, Lukashevich IS, Marklewitz M, Martelli GP, Mielke-Ehret N, Mirazimi A, Muhlbach HP, Naidu R, Nunes MRT, Palacios G, Papa A, Paweska JT, Peters CJ, Plyusnin A, Radoshitzky SR, Resende RO, Romanowski V, Sall AA, Salvato MS, Sasaya T, Schmaljohn C, Shi XH, Shirako Y, Simmonds P, Sironi M, Song JW, Spengler JR, Stenglein MD, Tesh RB, Turina M, Wei TY, Whitfield AE, Yeh SD, Zerbini FM, Zhang YZ, Zhou XP, and Kuhn JH
- Abstract
In October 2018, the order Bunyavirales was amended by inclusion of the family Arenaviridae, abolishment of three families, creation of three new families, 19 new genera, and 14 new species, and renaming of three genera and 22 species. This article presents the updated taxonomy of the order Bunyavirales as now accepted by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV).
- Published
- 2019
57. Emergent sand fly-borne phleboviruses in the Balkan region
- Author
Ayhan, Nazli and Charrel, R. N.
- Abstract
Sand fly-borne phleboviruses are associated with febrile diseases and nervous system infections in the Mediterranean basin. Sandfly fever was first reported in the Balkan Peninsula at the end of the 19th century. Since then, accumulating data show that the Balkan Peninsula, as a transboundary region between Asia and Europe, plays a major role in the emergence of vectorborne diseases in Europe. To provide an inclusive approach, we collected published data on phleboviruses in the Balkan countries and used them to evaluate the impact of these pathogens from virologic, epidemiologic, and public health perspectives. Recent findings show a high diversity of phleboviruses belonging to 3 species or serocomplexes circulating heavily in the Balkans. Focusing on undisputable human pathogens, we found direct and indirect laboratory documentation for Toscana virus, Sandfly fever Sicilian virus, and Adria virus. These data demonstrate that the Balkans are a hotspot for phleboviruses transmitted by sand flies.
- Published
- 2018
58. Prospective comparative study of characteristics associated with influenza A and B in adults
- Author
Chagvardieff, A., primary, Persico, N., additional, Marmillot, C., additional, Badiaga, S., additional, Charrel, R., additional, and Roch, A., additional
- Published
- 2018
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59. The European Virus Archive goes global: A growing resource for research
- Author
Romette, J.L. (J. L.), Prat, C.M. (C. M.), Gould, D.B. (Douglas ), de Lamballerie, X. (Xavier), Charrel, R. (R.), Coutard, B. (Bruno), Fooks, A.R. (Anthony), Bardsley, M. (M.), Carroll, M. (M.), Drosten, C. (Christian), Drexler, J.-F. (Jan-Felix), Günther, S. (Stephan), Klempa, B., Pinschewer, D. (D.), Klimkait, T., Avsic-Zupanc, T., Capobianchi, M.R. (Maria Rosaria), Dicaro, A. (A.), Ippolito, G. (G.), Nitsche, A., Koopmans D.V.M., M.P.G. (Marion), Reusken, C.B.E.M. (Chantal), Gorbalenya, A.E. (Alexander), Raoul, H. (H.), Bourhy, J.H., Mettenleiter, T.C. (Thomas C.), Reiche, S. (S.), Batten, C. (C.), Sabeta, C. (C.), Paweska, J.T. (Janusz T.), Eropkin, M. (M.), Zverev, V. (V.), Hu, Z. (Z.), Mac Cullough, S. (S.), Mirazimi, A. (A.), Pradel, F. (F.), Lieutaud, P. (P.), Romette, J.L. (J. L.), Prat, C.M. (C. M.), Gould, D.B. (Douglas ), de Lamballerie, X. (Xavier), Charrel, R. (R.), Coutard, B. (Bruno), Fooks, A.R. (Anthony), Bardsley, M. (M.), Carroll, M. (M.), Drosten, C. (Christian), Drexler, J.-F. (Jan-Felix), Günther, S. (Stephan), Klempa, B., Pinschewer, D. (D.), Klimkait, T., Avsic-Zupanc, T., Capobianchi, M.R. (Maria Rosaria), Dicaro, A. (A.), Ippolito, G. (G.), Nitsche, A., Koopmans D.V.M., M.P.G. (Marion), Reusken, C.B.E.M. (Chantal), Gorbalenya, A.E. (Alexander), Raoul, H. (H.), Bourhy, J.H., Mettenleiter, T.C. (Thomas C.), Reiche, S. (S.), Batten, C. (C.), Sabeta, C. (C.), Paweska, J.T. (Janusz T.), Eropkin, M. (M.), Zverev, V. (V.), Hu, Z. (Z.), Mac Cullough, S. (S.), Mirazimi, A. (A.), Pradel, F. (F.), and Lieutaud, P. (P.)
- Abstract
The European Virus Archive (EVA) was created in 2008 with funding from the FP7-EU Infrastructure Programme, in response to the need for a coordinated and readily accessible collection of viruses that could be made available to academia, public health organisations and industry. Within three years, it developed from a consortium of nine European laboratories to encompass associated partners in Africa, Russia, China, Turkey, Germany and Italy. In 2014, the H2020 Research and Innovation Framework Programme (INFRAS projects) provided support for the transformation of the EVA from a European to a global organization (EVAg). The EVAg now operates as a non-profit consortium, with 26 partners and 20 associated partners from 21 EU and non-EU countries. In this paper, we outline the structure, management and goals of the EVAg, to bring to the attention of researchers the wealth of products it can provide and to illustrate how end-users can gain access to these resources. Organisations or individuals who would like to be considered as contributors are invited to contact the EVAg coordinator, Jean-Louis Romette, at jean-louis.romette@univmed.fr.
- Published
- 2018
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60. The European Virus Archive goes global: A growing resource for research
- Author
Romette, JL, Prat, CM, Gould, EA, de Lamballerie, X, Charrel, R, Coutard, B, Fooks, AR, Bardsley, M, Carroll, M, Drosten, C, Drexler, JF, Gunther, S, Klempa, B, Pinschewer, D, Klimkait, T, Avsic-Zupanc, T, Capobianchi, MR, Dicaro, A, Ippolito, G, Nitsche, A, Koopmans, Marion, Reusken, Chantal, Gorbalenya, A, Raoul, H, Bourhy, H, Mettenleiter, T, Reiche, S, Batten, C, Sabeta, C, Paweska, J T, Eropkin, M, Zverev, V, Hu, Z, Mac Cullough, S, Mirazimi, A, Pradel, F, Lieutaud, P, Romette, JL, Prat, CM, Gould, EA, de Lamballerie, X, Charrel, R, Coutard, B, Fooks, AR, Bardsley, M, Carroll, M, Drosten, C, Drexler, JF, Gunther, S, Klempa, B, Pinschewer, D, Klimkait, T, Avsic-Zupanc, T, Capobianchi, MR, Dicaro, A, Ippolito, G, Nitsche, A, Koopmans, Marion, Reusken, Chantal, Gorbalenya, A, Raoul, H, Bourhy, H, Mettenleiter, T, Reiche, S, Batten, C, Sabeta, C, Paweska, J T, Eropkin, M, Zverev, V, Hu, Z, Mac Cullough, S, Mirazimi, A, Pradel, F, and Lieutaud, P
- Published
- 2018
61. Yellow fever in the diagnostics laboratory
- Author
Domingo, C, Charrel, R N, Schmidt-Chanasit, J, Zeller, H, Reusken, Chantal, Domingo, C, Charrel, R N, Schmidt-Chanasit, J, Zeller, H, and Reusken, Chantal
- Published
- 2018
62. Need for additional capacity and improved capability for molecular detection of yellow fever virus in European Expert Laboratories: External Quality Assessment, March 2018
- Author
Domingo, C, Ellerbrok, H, Koopmans, Marion, Nitsche, A, Leitmeyer, K, Charrel, R N, Reusken, Chantal, Domingo, C, Ellerbrok, H, Koopmans, Marion, Nitsche, A, Leitmeyer, K, Charrel, R N, and Reusken, Chantal
- Published
- 2018
63. Variation of RAPD-fingerprint patterns using different DNA-extraction methods with Gram-positive bacteria
- Author
Abed, Y., Davin, A., Charrel, R. N., Bollet, C., and De Micco, P.
- Published
- 1995
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64. Long term detection of seasonal influenza RNA in faeces and intestine
- Author
Minodier, L., primary, Charrel, R., additional, and Falchi, A., additional
- Published
- 2017
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65. Possibility and challenges of conversion of current virus species names to Linnaean binomials
- Author
Postler, T.S. (Thomas S.), Clawson, A.N. (Anna N.), Amarasinghe, G.K. (Gaya K.), Basler, C.F. (Christopher F.), Bavari, S. (Sbina), Benko, M. (Mária), Blasdell, K.R. (Kim R.), Briese, T. (Thomas), Buchmeier, M.J. (Michael J.), Bukreyev, A. (Alexander), Calisher, C.H. (Charles H.), Chandran, K. (Kartik), Charrel, R. (Remi), Clegg, C.S. (Christopher S.), Collins, P.L. (Peter L.), De La Torre, J.C. (Juan Carlos), DeRisi, J.L. (Joseph), Dietzgen, R.G. (Ralf G.), Dolnik, O. (Olga), Dürrwald, R. (Ralf), Dye, J.M. (John M.), Easton, A.J. (Andrew J.), Emonet, S. (Sébastian), Formenty, P. (Pierre), Fouchier, R.A.M. (Ron), Ghedin, E. (Elodie), Gonzalez, J.-P. (Jean-Paul), Harrach, B. (Balázs), Hewson, R. (Roger), Horie, M. (Masayuki), Jiāng, D. (Dàohóng), Kobinger, G.P. (Gary P.), Kondo, H. (Hideki), Kropinski, A.M. (Andrew M.), Krupovic, M. (Mart), Kurath, G. (Gael), Lamb, R.A. (Robert A.), Leroy, E.M. (Eric M.), Lukashevich, I.S. (Igor S.), Maisner, A. (Andrea), Mushegian, A.R. (Arcady R.), Netesov, S.V. (Sergey V.), Nowotny, N., Patterson, J.L. (Jean L.), Payne, S.L. (Susan L.), Paweska, J.T. (Janusz T.), Peters, C.J. (Clarence J.), Radoshitzky, S.R. (Sheli R.), Rima, B.K. (Bertus K.), Romanowski, V. (Victor), Rubbenstroth, D. (Dennis), Sabanadzovic, S. (Sead), Sanfaçon, H. (Hélène), Salvato, M.S. (Maria S.), Schwemmle, M. (Martin), Smither, S.J. (Sophie J.), Stenglein, M.D. (Mark D.), Stone, D.M. (David M.), Takada, A. (Ayato), Tesh, R.B. (Robert B.), Tomonaga, K. (Keizo), Tordo, N. (Noël), Towner, J.S. (Jonathan S.), Vasilakis, N. (Nikos), Volchkov, V.E. (Viktor E.), Wahl-Jensen, V. (Victoria), Walker, P.J. (Peter J.), Wang, L.-F. (Lin-Fa), Varsani, A. (Arvind), Whitfield, A.E. (Anna E.), Murilo Zerbini, F., Kuhn, J.H. (Jens H.), Postler, T.S. (Thomas S.), Clawson, A.N. (Anna N.), Amarasinghe, G.K. (Gaya K.), Basler, C.F. (Christopher F.), Bavari, S. (Sbina), Benko, M. (Mária), Blasdell, K.R. (Kim R.), Briese, T. (Thomas), Buchmeier, M.J. (Michael J.), Bukreyev, A. (Alexander), Calisher, C.H. (Charles H.), Chandran, K. (Kartik), Charrel, R. (Remi), Clegg, C.S. (Christopher S.), Collins, P.L. (Peter L.), De La Torre, J.C. (Juan Carlos), DeRisi, J.L. (Joseph), Dietzgen, R.G. (Ralf G.), Dolnik, O. (Olga), Dürrwald, R. (Ralf), Dye, J.M. (John M.), Easton, A.J. (Andrew J.), Emonet, S. (Sébastian), Formenty, P. (Pierre), Fouchier, R.A.M. (Ron), Ghedin, E. (Elodie), Gonzalez, J.-P. (Jean-Paul), Harrach, B. (Balázs), Hewson, R. (Roger), Horie, M. (Masayuki), Jiāng, D. (Dàohóng), Kobinger, G.P. (Gary P.), Kondo, H. (Hideki), Kropinski, A.M. (Andrew M.), Krupovic, M. (Mart), Kurath, G. (Gael), Lamb, R.A. (Robert A.), Leroy, E.M. (Eric M.), Lukashevich, I.S. (Igor S.), Maisner, A. (Andrea), Mushegian, A.R. (Arcady R.), Netesov, S.V. (Sergey V.), Nowotny, N., Patterson, J.L. (Jean L.), Payne, S.L. (Susan L.), Paweska, J.T. (Janusz T.), Peters, C.J. (Clarence J.), Radoshitzky, S.R. (Sheli R.), Rima, B.K. (Bertus K.), Romanowski, V. (Victor), Rubbenstroth, D. (Dennis), Sabanadzovic, S. (Sead), Sanfaçon, H. (Hélène), Salvato, M.S. (Maria S.), Schwemmle, M. (Martin), Smither, S.J. (Sophie J.), Stenglein, M.D. (Mark D.), Stone, D.M. (David M.), Takada, A. (Ayato), Tesh, R.B. (Robert B.), Tomonaga, K. (Keizo), Tordo, N. (Noël), Towner, J.S. (Jonathan S.), Vasilakis, N. (Nikos), Volchkov, V.E. (Viktor E.), Wahl-Jensen, V. (Victoria), Walker, P.J. (Peter J.), Wang, L.-F. (Lin-Fa), Varsani, A. (Arvind), Whitfield, A.E. (Anna E.), Murilo Zerbini, F., and Kuhn, J.H. (Jens H.)
- Abstract
Botanical, mycological, zoological, and prokaryotic species names follow the Linnaean format, consisting of an italicized Latinized binomen with a capitalized genus name and a lower case species epithet (e.g., Homo sapiens). Virus species names, however, do not follow a uniform format, and, even when binomial, are not Linnaean in style. In this thought exercise, we attempted toconvert all currently official names ofspecies included in the virusfamily Arenaviridae and the virus order Mononegavirales to Linnaean binomials, and to identify and address associated challenges and concerns. Surprisingly, this endeavor was not as complicated or time-consuming as even the authors of this article expected when conceiving the experiment.
- Published
- 2017
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66. Japanese Encephalitis Virus Tropism and Vector-free Transmission in Experimentally Infected Pigs
- Author
Ricklin, M., primary, Garcıa-Nicolas, O., additional, Brechbühl, D., additional, Python, S., additional, Zumkehr, B., additional, Nougairede, A., additional, Charrel, R., additional, Posthaus, H., additional, Oevermann, A., additional, and Summerfield, A., additional
- Published
- 2017
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67. Complete coding sequence of Zika virus from Martinique outbreak in 2015
- Author
Piorkowski, G, Richard, P, Baronti, C, Gallian, P, Charrel, R, Leparc-Goffart, I, de Lamballerie, X, Emergence des Pathologies Virales (EPV), Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD)-Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Marseille (APHM), Institut Hospitalier Universitaire Méditerranée Infection (IHU Marseille), Etablissement français du sang [Fort-de-France, Martinique] (EFS Martinique), Etablissement Français du Sang - Alpes-Méditerranée (EFS - Alpes-Méditerranée), Etablissement Français du Sang, Institut de Recherche Biomédicale des Armées [Antenne Marseille] (IRBA), Dubois Frid, Caroline, HAL AMU, Administrateur, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD)-Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Marseille (APHM)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM), Université des Antilles et de la Guyane - UFR des sciences médicales (UAG UFR SM), Université des Antilles et de la Guyane (UAG), Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Marseille (APHM), Centre National de Référence (CNR) des Arbovirus - Laboratoire coordonnateur : Equipe Résidente de Recherche d'Infectiologie Tropicale (ERRIT), and Institut de Recherche Biomédicale des Armées Hôpital d’Instruction des Armées Laveran
- Subjects
[SDV.MP.VIR] Life Sciences [q-bio]/Microbiology and Parasitology/Virology ,[SDV.MHEP.HEM] Life Sciences [q-bio]/Human health and pathology/Hematology ,musculoskeletal diseases ,outbreak ,viruses ,education ,virus diseases ,[SDV.MHEP.HEM]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Human health and pathology/Hematology ,lcsh:Infectious and parasitic diseases ,nervous system diseases ,Zika virus ,Aedes ,[SDV.MP.VIR]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Microbiology and Parasitology/Virology ,lcsh:RC109-216 ,microcephaly ,Americas ,First Clinical Case Report - Abstract
International audience; Zika virus is an Aedes-borne Flavivirus causing fever, arthralgia, myalgia rash, associated with Guillain-Barré syndrome and suspected to induce microcephaly in the fetus. We report here the complete coding sequence of the first characterized Caribbean Zika virus strain, isolated from a patient from Martinique in December, 2015.
- Published
- 2016
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68. Mycoplasma removal: Simple curative methods for viral supernatants
- Author
Baronti, C., Pastorino, B., Charrel, R., and de Lamballerie, X.
- Published
- 2013
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69. Comparative analysis of rodent tissue preservation methods and nucleic acid extraction techniques for virus screening purposes
- Author
Yama, I. N., Garba, M., Britton-Davidian, J., Thiberville, S. D., Dobigny, Gauthier, Gould, E. A., de Lamballerie, Xavier, and Charrel, R. N.
- Subjects
PCR inhibitors ,Proteinase K ,Enterobacteria phage MS2 ,Virus screening ,Organ storage - Abstract
The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has become an essential method for the detection of viruses in tissue specimens. However, it is well known that the presence of PCR inhibitors in tissue samples may cause false-negative results. Hence the identification of PCR inhibitors and evaluation and optimization of nucleic acid extraction and preservation methods is of prime concern in virus discovery programs dealing with animal tissues. Accordingly, to monitor and remove inhibitors we have performed comparative analyses of two commonly used tissue storage methods and five RNA purification techniques using a variety of animal tissues, containing quantified levels of added MS2 bacteriophages as the indicator of inhibition. The results showed (i) no significant difference between the two methods of sample preservation, viz. direct storage at -80 degrees C or 4 degrees C in RNAlater, (ii) lung rodent tissues contained lower levels of inhibitor than liver, kidney and spleen, (iii) RNA extraction using the EZ1 + PK RNA kit was the most effective procedure for removal of RT-PCR inhibitors.
- Published
- 2013
70. Arenaviruses and hantaviruses : from epidemiology and genomics to antivirals
- Author
Charrel, R., Coutard, B., Baronti, Cécile, Canard, B., Nougairede, A., Frangeul, A., Morin, B., Jamal, S., Schmidt, C. L., Hilgenfeld, R., Klempa, B., and de Lamballerie, Xavier
- Subjects
Zoonosis ,viruses ,virus diseases ,Arenavirus ,Antiviral therapy ,Hantavirus - Abstract
The arenaviruses and hantaviruses are segmented genome RNA viruses that are hosted by rodents. Due to their association with rodents, they are globally widespread and can infect humans via direct or indirect routes of transmission, causing considerable human morbidity and mortality. Nevertheless, despite their obvious and emerging importance as pathogens, there are currently no effective antiviral drugs (except ribavirin which proved effective against Lassa virus) with which to treat humans infected by any of these viruses. The EU-funded VIZIER project (Comparative Structural Genomics of Viral Enzymes Involved in Replication) was instigated with an ultimate view of contributing to the development of antiviral therapies for RNA viruses, including the arenaviruses and bunyaviruses. This review highlights some of the major features of the arenaviruses and hantaviruses that have been investigated during recent years. After describing their classification and epidemiology, we review progress in understanding the genomics as well as the structure and function of replicative enzymes achieved under the VIZIER program and the development of new disease control strategies.
- Published
- 2011
71. Epidemiologic relationship between Toscana vrus ifection and Leishmania infantum due to common exposure to Phlebotomus perniciosus sandfly vctor
- Author
Bichaud, L., Souris, Marc, Mary, C., Ninove, L., Thirion, L., Piarroux, R. P., Piarroux, R., de Lamballerie, Xavier, and Charrel, R.
- Subjects
parasitic diseases - Abstract
Sand flies are recognised vectors of parasites in the genus Leishmania and a number of arthropod-borne viruses, in particular viruses within the genus Phlebovirus, family Bunyaviridae. In southern France, Toscana phlebovirus (TOSV) is recognized as a prominent cause of summer meningitis. Since Leishmania and TOSV have a common vector (Phlebotomus perniciosus), an epidemiologic link has been assumed for a long time. However, there is no scientific evidence of such a link between human leishmaniosis and phleboviral infections. To identify a possible link, we investigated the presence and distribution of antibodies against these two microorganisms (i) in individuals and (ii) at a spatial level in the city of Marseille (south-eastern France). Five hundred sera were selected randomly in the biobank of the Department of Parasitology of the Public Hospitals of Marseille. All sera were previously tested for IgG against Leishmania by Western Blotting, and TOSV IgG were detected by indirect immunofluorescence. The seropositivity rates were 21.4% for TOSV and 28% for Leishmania. Statistical analysis demonstrated that seropositivity for one pathogen was significantly associated with seropositivity to the other pathogen. This result provided the first robust evidence for the existence of an epidemiological relationship between Leishmania infantum and TOSV. Addresses of tested patients were geolocalized and integrated into Geographical Information System software, in order to test spatial relationship between the two pathogens. Spatial analysis did not allow to identify (i) specific patterns for the spatial distribution of positive serological results for TOSV or Leishmania, and (ii) a spatial relationship between Leishmania and TOSV positive serological results. This may reflect the fact that the sample studied was not powerful enough to demonstrate either a spatial clustering or co-location, i. e. that the actual risk exposure area is smaller than the mean of distance between patients in our study (245 m).
- Published
- 2011
72. Molecular dynamics of Staphylococcus aureus nasal carriage in Hajj pilgrims
- Author
Verhoeven, P.O., primary, Gautret, P., additional, Haddar, C.H., additional, Benkouiten, S., additional, Gagnaire, J., additional, Belhouchat, K., additional, Grattard, F., additional, Charrel, R., additional, Pozzetto, B., additional, Drali, T., additional, Lucht, F., additional, Brouqui, P., additional, Memish, Z.A., additional, Berthelot, P., additional, and Botelho-Nevers, E., additional
- Published
- 2015
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73. The VIZIER project: Preparedness against pathogenic RNA viruses
- Author
Coutard, B, Gorbalenya, AE, Snijder, EJ, Leontovich, AM, Poupon, A, De Lamballerie, X, Charrel, R, Gould, EA, Gunther, S, Norder, H, Klempa, B, Bourhy, H, Rohayem, J, L'hermite, E, Nordlund, P, Stuart, DI, Owens, RJ, Grimes, JM, Tucker, PA, and Bolognesi, M
- Subjects
Life-threatening RNA viruses emerge regularly, and often in an unpredictable manner. Yet, the very few drugs available against known RNA viruses have sometimes required decades of research for development. Can we generate preparedness for outbreaks of the, as yet, unknown viruses? The VIZIER (VIral enZymes InvolvEd in Replication) (http://www.vizier-europe.org/) project has been set-up to develop the scientific foundations for countering this challenge to society. VIZIER studies the most conserved viral enzymes (that of the replication machinery, or replicases) that constitute attractive targets for drug-design. The aim of VIZIER is to determine as many replicase crystal structures as possible from a carefully selected list of viruses in order to comprehensively cover the diversity of the RNA virus universe, and generate critical knowledge that could be efficiently utilized to jump-start research on any emerging RNA virus. VIZIER is a multidisciplinary project involving (i) bioinformatics to define functional domains, (ii) viral genomics to increase the number of characterized viral genomes and prepare defined targets, (iii) proteomics to express, purify, and characterize targets, (iv) structural biology to solve their crystal structures, and (v) pre-lead discovery to propose active scaffolds of antiviral molecules. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
- Published
- 2008
74. Long PCR product sequencing (LoPPS) : a shotgun-based approach to sequence long PCR products
- Author
Emonet, S. F., Grard, G., Brisbarre, N. M., Moureau, G. N., Temmam, S., Charrel, R. N., and de Lamballerie, Xavier
- Abstract
Here we describe a practical procedure for sequencing long PCR products. The method relies on ultrasonic shearing of PCR products, resulting in fragments 700 - 1,000 nt long. Termini are subsequently repaired to obtain blunt ends and 3' A-overhangs are added before TA cloning. A predetermined number of clones are sequenced using an insert-independent primer to obtain an overlapping contig covering the full length of the PCR product. This method is cost effective and enables the complete sequencing of any large PCR product in a high-throughput format. Processing of amplified DNA requires 3 h handling time prior to the ligation step, and the clone library is available 2 d later. The complete sequence information is obtained approximately 5 d after the PCR step, depending on the sequencing procedure adopted.
- Published
- 2007
75. European survey on laboratory preparedness, response and diagnostic capacity for crimean-congo haemorrhagic fever, 2012
- Author
Fernandez-Garcia, M.D. (Maria Dolores), Negredo, A., Papa, A. (Anna), Donoso-Mantke, O., Niedrig, M., Zeller, H. (Hervé), Tenorio, A., Franco, L. (Leticia), Aberle, S.W. (Stephan), Esbroeck, M. (M.) van, Christova, I., Markotic, A. (Alemka), Kurolt, I.-C. (Ivan-Christian), Zelena, H. (Hana), Golovljova, I., Pannetier, D. (Delphine), Charrel, R. (Remi), Schmidt-Chanasit, J. (Jonas), Wölfel, R. (Roman), Capobianchi, M.R. (Maria Rosaria), Jakupi, X. (Xhevat), Storozenko, J. (Jelena), Griskevicius, A. (Algirdas), Bosevska, G. (Golubinka), Muscat, C. (Clive), Schutten, M. (Martin), Dudman, S.G. (Susanne Gjeruldsen), Alves, M.J. (M. João), Ceianu, C.S., Platonov, A. (Alexander), Bozovic, B. (Bojana), Klempa, B., Avsic, T. (Tatjana), Lundkvist, Å. (Åke), Cherpillod, P. (Pascal), Korukluoglu, G., Brown, D.W.G. (D. W G), Brooks, T. (Tim), Fernandez-Garcia, M.D. (Maria Dolores), Negredo, A., Papa, A. (Anna), Donoso-Mantke, O., Niedrig, M., Zeller, H. (Hervé), Tenorio, A., Franco, L. (Leticia), Aberle, S.W. (Stephan), Esbroeck, M. (M.) van, Christova, I., Markotic, A. (Alemka), Kurolt, I.-C. (Ivan-Christian), Zelena, H. (Hana), Golovljova, I., Pannetier, D. (Delphine), Charrel, R. (Remi), Schmidt-Chanasit, J. (Jonas), Wölfel, R. (Roman), Capobianchi, M.R. (Maria Rosaria), Jakupi, X. (Xhevat), Storozenko, J. (Jelena), Griskevicius, A. (Algirdas), Bosevska, G. (Golubinka), Muscat, C. (Clive), Schutten, M. (Martin), Dudman, S.G. (Susanne Gjeruldsen), Alves, M.J. (M. João), Ceianu, C.S., Platonov, A. (Alexander), Bozovic, B. (Bojana), Klempa, B., Avsic, T. (Tatjana), Lundkvist, Å. (Åke), Cherpillod, P. (Pascal), Korukluoglu, G., Brown, D.W.G. (D. W G), and Brooks, T. (Tim)
- Abstract
Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF) is an infectious viral disease that has (re-)emerged in the last decade in south-eastern Europe, and there is a risk for further geographical expansion to western Europe. Here we report the results of a survey covering 28 countries, conducted in 2012 among the member laboratories of the European Network for Diagnostics of 'Imported' Viral Diseases (ENIVD) to assess laboratory preparedness and response capacities for CCHF. The answers of 31 laboratories of the European region regarding CCHF case definition, training necessity, biosafety, quality assurance and diagnostic tests are presented. In addition, we identifie
- Published
- 2014
76. European survey on laboratory preparedness, response and diagnostic capacity for crimean-congo haemorrhagic fever, 2012
- Author
Fernandez-García, M.D., Negredo, A., Papa, Anna, Donoso-Mantke, O., Niedrig, M., Zeller, H., Tenorio, A., Franco, L., Aberle, S., van Esbroeck, M., Christova, I., Markotić, A., Kurolt, I.-C., Zelena, H., Golovljova, I., Pannetier, D., Charrel, R., Schmidt-Chanasit, J., Wölfel, R., Capobianchi, M.R., Jakupi, X., Storozenko, J., Griskevicius, A., Bosevska, G., Muscat, C., Schutten, M., Dudman, S.G., Alves, M.J., Ceianu, C., Platonov, A., Božović, Bojana, Klempa, B., Avsić, T., Lundkvist, A., Cherpillod, P., Korukluoglu, G., Brown, D., Brooks, T., Fernandez-García, M.D., Negredo, A., Papa, Anna, Donoso-Mantke, O., Niedrig, M., Zeller, H., Tenorio, A., Franco, L., Aberle, S., van Esbroeck, M., Christova, I., Markotić, A., Kurolt, I.-C., Zelena, H., Golovljova, I., Pannetier, D., Charrel, R., Schmidt-Chanasit, J., Wölfel, R., Capobianchi, M.R., Jakupi, X., Storozenko, J., Griskevicius, A., Bosevska, G., Muscat, C., Schutten, M., Dudman, S.G., Alves, M.J., Ceianu, C., Platonov, A., Božović, Bojana, Klempa, B., Avsić, T., Lundkvist, A., Cherpillod, P., Korukluoglu, G., Brown, D., and Brooks, T.
- Abstract
Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF) is an infectious viral disease that has (re-)emerged in the last decade in south-eastern Europe, and there is a risk for further geographical expansion to western Europe. Here we report the results of a survey covering 28 countries, conducted in 2012 among the member laboratories of the European Network for Diagnostics of 'Imported' Viral Diseases (ENIVD) to assess laboratory preparedness and response capacities for CCHF. The answers of 31 laboratories of the European region regarding CCHF case definition, training necessity, biosafety, quality assurance and diagnostic tests are presented. In addition, we identified the lack of a Regional Reference Expert Laboratory in or near endemic areas. Moreover, a comprehensive review of the biosafety level suitable to the reality of endemic areas is needed. These issues are challenges that should be addressed by European public health authorities. However, all respondent laboratories have suitable diagnostic capacities for the current situation.
- Published
- 2014
77. Afebrile meningoencephalitis with transient central facial paralysis due to Toscana virus infection, south-eastern France, 2014
- Author
Marlinge, M C, primary, Crespy, L, additional, Zandotti, C, additional, Piorkowski, G, additional, Kaphan, E, additional, Charrel, R N, additional, and Ninove, L, additional
- Published
- 2014
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78. Dispositif de diagnostic et de gestion du risque d’épidémie de grippe chez les personnes âgées en Ehpad en région Paca, saisons grippales 2012–2013 et 2013–2014
- Author
Succo, T., primary, Baldasseroni, L., additional, Charlet, F., additional, Delarozière, J.-C., additional, Six, C., additional, and Charrel, R., additional
- Published
- 2014
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79. SFP CO-28 - Epidémie d’infections invasives à Kingella Kingae dans une crèche
- Author
El Houmami, N., primary, Minodier, P., additional, Bosdure, E., additional, Martin-Laval, A., additional, Lafont, E., additional, Nougairede, A., additional, Charrel, R., additional, Raoult, D., additional, Jouve, J.L., additional, and Fournier, P.E., additional
- Published
- 2014
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80. Phlebotomine sand flies on the crossroads of Anatolia: transmitted diseases and vectors
- Author
Kasap Erisoz, O, primary, Belen, A, additional, Alkan, C, additional, Gunay, F, additional, Dvorak, V, additional, Ergunay, K, additional, Aydın, S, additional, Votypka, J, additional, Banuls, A-L, additional, Charrel, R, additional, Özkul, A, additional, Özbel, Y, additional, Volf, P, additional, and Alten, B, additional
- Published
- 2014
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81. Increased seroprevalence of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus infection in mice sampled in illegal waste sites
- Author
Duh, D, primary, Varljen-Buzan, E, additional, Hasic, S, additional, and Charrel, R, additional
- Published
- 2014
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82. Improved Sensitivity of the Novel Xpert Flu Test for Detection of Influenza B Virus
- Author
Salez, N., primary, de Lamballerie, X., additional, Zandotti, C., additional, Gazin, C., additional, and Charrel, R. N., additional
- Published
- 2013
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83. Infection par Toscana virus compliquée de syndrome de Guillain-Barré : deux premiers cas
- Author
Gayet, S., primary, Lévèque, P., additional, Daumas, A., additional, Ninove, L., additional, Charrel, R., additional, and Villani, P., additional
- Published
- 2013
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84. Toscana virus myositis and fasciitis
- Author
Mosnier, E., primary, Charrel, R., additional, Vidal, B., additional, Ninove, L., additional, Schleinitz, N., additional, Harlé, J.R., additional, and Bernit, E., additional
- Published
- 2013
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85. Encéphalite japonaise du voyageur au Népal
- Author
Lagarde, S., primary, Kaphan, E., additional, Lagier, J.C., additional, Charrel, R., additional, Nougairede, A., additional, and Pelletier, J., additional
- Published
- 2013
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86. Phlebotomine sandflies and the spreading of leishmaniases and other diseases of public health concern
- Author
MAROLI, M., primary, FELICIANGELI, M. D., additional, BICHAUD, L., additional, CHARREL, R. N., additional, and GRADONI, L., additional
- Published
- 2012
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87. Viral Endocarditis or Simple Viral Disseminated Infection?
- Author
Fournier, P.-E., primary, Charrel, R., additional, and Raoult, D., additional
- Published
- 2011
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88. Structure of the Nucleoprotein from Rift Valley Fever Virus
- Author
Ferron, F., primary, Danek, E.I., additional, Li, Z., additional, Luo, D., additional, Wong, Y.H., additional, Coutard, B., additional, Lantez, V., additional, Charrel, R., additional, Canard, B., additional, Walz, T., additional, and Lescar, J., additional
- Published
- 2011
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89. Letter to the editor. Group A streptococcal infections during the seasonal influenza outbreak 2010/11 in South East England
- Author
Parola, P, primary, Colson, P, additional, Dubourg, G, additional, Million, M, additional, Charrel, R, additional, Minodier, P, additional, and Raoult, D, additional
- Published
- 2011
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90. Measles among healthcare workers: a potential for nosocomial outbreaks
- Author
Botelho-Nevers, E, primary, Cassir, N, additional, Minodier, P, additional, Laporte, R, additional, Gautret, P, additional, Badiaga, S, additional, Thiberville, DJ, additional, Ninove, L, additional, Charrel, R, additional, and Brouqui, P, additional
- Published
- 2011
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91. Présentation inhabituelle d’une encéphalite à Toscana dans le sud de la France
- Author
Doudier, B., primary, Ninove, L., additional, Million, M., additional, de Lamballerie, X., additional, Charrel, R.-N., additional, and Brouqui, P., additional
- Published
- 2011
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92. Une nouvelle étiologie à rechercher devant une myosite : l’infection à Toscana virus
- Author
Vidal, B., primary, Mosnier, E., additional, Khelifi, A., additional, Ninove, L., additional, Charrel, R., additional, Veit, V., additional, Schleinitz, N., additional, Bernit, E., additional, and Harle, J.R., additional
- Published
- 2010
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93. Dengue virus infections in travellers returning from Benin to France, July-August 2010
- Author
Gautret, P, primary, Botelho-Nevers, E, additional, Charrel, R N, additional, and Parola, P, additional
- Published
- 2010
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94. Épidémie d’infections à virus cowpox en France – décembre 2008 – février 2009
- Author
Chaud, P., primary, Capek, I., additional, Callon, H., additional, Charrel, R., additional, Garin, D., additional, and Vaillant, V., additional
- Published
- 2010
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95. Punique virus, a novel phlebovirus, related to sandfly fever Naples virus, isolated from sandflies collected in Tunisia
- Author
Zhioua, E., primary, Moureau, G., additional, Chelbi, I., additional, Ninove, L., additional, Bichaud, L., additional, Derbali, M., additional, Champs, M., additional, Cherni, S., additional, Salez, N., additional, Cook, S., additional, de Lamballerie, X., additional, and Charrel, R. N., additional
- Published
- 2010
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96. Genomics and evolution of Aedes-borne flaviviruses
- Author
Grard, G., primary, Moureau, G., additional, Charrel, R. N., additional, Holmes, E. C., additional, Gould, E. A., additional, and de Lamballerie, X., additional
- Published
- 2009
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97. Contribution of a shelter-based survey for screening respiratory diseases in the homeless
- Author
Badiaga, S., primary, Richet, H., additional, Azas, P., additional, Zandotti, C., additional, Rey, F., additional, Charrel, R., additional, Benabdelkader, E.-h., additional, Drancourt, M., additional, Raoult, D., additional, and Brouqui, P., additional
- Published
- 2009
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98. Dual Infection by Dengue Virus andShigellasonneiin Patient Returning from India
- Author
Charrel, R. N., primary, Abboud, M., additional, Durand, J. P., additional, Brouqui, P., additional, and De Lamballerie, X., additional
- Published
- 2003
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99. Arenaviruses.
- Author
Compans, R. W., Cooper, M. D., Kyoto, T. Honjo, Koprowski, H., Basel, F. Melchers, Oldstone, M. B. A., Oslo, S. Olsnes, Vogt, P. K., Childs, James E., Mackenzie, John S., Richt, Jürgen A., Gonzalez, J. P., Emonet, S., Lamballerie, X. de, and Charrel, R.
- Abstract
The Arenaviridae family contains 22 recognized virus species, each of them strongly associated with a rodent species (except Tacaribe virus which is associated with a species of bat), suggesting an ancient co-evolutionary process. Although the concept of co-evolution between rodents and arenaviruses is now largely accepted, little has been uncovered in terms of dating the phenomenon and the mechanisms of evolution, including speciation and pathogenicity. These questions are targeted in the present chapter. Old World arenaviruses are associated with the Eurasian rodents in the family Muridae. New World arenaviruses are associated with American rodents in the subfamily Sigmodontinae. The correlation between the rodent host phylogeny and the viruses suggests a long association and a co-evolutionary process. Furthermore, three distinct New World arenaviruses share a common ancestor, demonstrating a unique recombination event that probably occurred in that ancestor. This shows that recombination among arenaviruses of different lineages might occur in nature. Recombination and co-evolutionary adaptation appear as the main mechanisms of arenavirus evolution, generating a high degree of diversity. The diversity among rodent host reservoir and virus species and the potential to exchange genomic material provide a basis for the emergence of new viruses and the risk of these becoming pathogenic for humans. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2007
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100. Evidence for recombination in natural populations of dengue virus type 1 based on the analysis of complete genome sequences
- Author
Tolou, H. J. G., primary, Couissinier-Paris, P., additional, Durand, J.-P., additional, Mercier, V., additional, de Pina, J.-J., additional, de Micco, P., additional, Billoir, F., additional, Charrel, R. N., additional, and de Lamballerie, X., additional
- Published
- 2001
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