292 results on '"Kumerički, Krešimir"'
Search Results
52. Generalized parton distributions, and accessing them via deeply virtual Compton scattering beyond NLO
- Author
Kumerički, Krešimir
- Subjects
quantum chromodynamics ,deeply virtual Compton scattering ,conformal symmetry - Abstract
It is shown how conformal symmetry is used to calculated next-to-leading and next-to-next-to-leading corrections to amplitude of deeply virtual Compton scattering.
- Published
- 2006
53. Soft gluon contributions to the B --> K eta' amplitude in a low energy bosonization model
- Author
Eeg, Jan O., Kumerički, Krešimir, and Picek, Ivica
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,High Energy Physics::Lattice ,High Energy Physics::Phenomenology ,B mesons ,Rare decays ,Heavy quarks ,Chiral Lagrangians ,High Energy Physics::Experiment ,Nuclear Experiment - Abstract
Intriguing B --> K eta' decays provide a unique opportunity to study a joining of two-gluon configurations arising from the penguin b --> sG and b --> sGG transitions, with those inherent to the eta' particle. We employ the heavy-light chiral quark model, applied previously to a somewhat related B --> D eta' decay, as a calculational tool accounting for the nonperturbative soft gluon contributions to the amplitude at hand. Thereby we arrive at a novel contribution to the singlet penguin amplitude, which within our model accounts for ~ 10 % of the measured B --> K eta' amplitude., Comment: 11 pages, 2 PS figures, LaTeX; references added and commented
- Published
- 2005
54. On the Singlet Penguin in B --> K eta' decay
- Author
Eeg, Jan Olav, Kumerički, Krešimir, Picek, Ivica, Trampetić, Josip, and Wess, Julius
- Subjects
B meson ,rare decays ,QCD anomaly ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,High Energy Physics::Lattice ,High Energy Physics::Phenomenology ,High Energy Physics::Experiment ,Nuclear Experiment - Abstract
New contributions to the short-distance b --> s eta' transition are considered. They correspond to the quark and gluon content of eta'. Although substantially larger than the referent QCD anomaly tail, they still cannot account for the observed eta' enhancement., Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Proceedings of 9th Adriatic Meeting
- Published
- 2004
55. On the Singlet Penguin in B → Kη′ Decay
- Author
Eeg, Jan Olav, primary, Kumerički, Krešimir, additional, and Picek, Ivica, additional
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56. On Selected Radiative Corrections to Nondiagonal Neutrino-Electron Interaction
- Author
Kumerički, Krešimir and Picek, Ivica
- Subjects
neutrino ,electron ,lepton flavour mixing ,radiative corrections - Abstract
Two-loop photonic radiative corrections to nondiagonal neutrino-electron interaction are calculated and compared to one-loop results.
- Published
- 2003
57. On the Short Distance Part of the QCD Anomaly Contribution to the b->s eta' Amplitude
- Author
Eeg, Jan O., Kumerički, Krešimir, and Picek, Ivica
- Subjects
High Energy Physics::Lattice ,High Energy Physics::Phenomenology ,B mesons ,rare decays ,axial anomaly ,High Energy Physics::Experiment ,Nuclear Experiment - Abstract
In addressing the B --> eta' K puzzle, there has been a considerable hope in the literature to resolve it by the QCD anomaly contribution to the b --> s eta' amplitude. This contribution corresponds to the electroweak b --> s g* g* transition followed by the off-shell gluon fusion g* g* --> eta'. In the present paper we perform a critical reassessment of this issue. We show that for the hard virtual gluons in a loop there is a well defined short distance amplitude corresponding to a remnant of the QCD anomaly. However, we find that it cannot account for the measured amplitude. In addition, we point out that the reduction of the gluon fusion vertex for the off-shell gluons is compensated by an absence of the claimed suppression in the electroweak vertex, and that some nonperturbative contributions related to the QCD anomaly may still be viable in explaining the physical B --> eta' K amplitude.
- Published
- 2003
58. Putovanje kroz vrijeme
- Author
Kumerički, Krešimir
- Subjects
prostor-vrijeme ,crvotočina ,egzotična tvar - Abstract
Izložene su poznate teorijske mogućnosti putovanja kroz vrijeme u kontekstu Einsteinove teorije gravitacije. Diskutirani su eventualni paradoksi.
- Published
- 2003
59. Nova mjerenja kozmičkog pozadinskog zračenja
- Author
Kumerički, Krešimir
- Subjects
PRIRODNE ZNANOSTI. Fizika ,WMAP ,kozmičko pozadinsko zračenje ,NATURAL SCIENCES. Physics - Abstract
Izloženi su novi rezultati mjerenja temperaturnih fluktuacija kozmičkog pozadinskog zračenja od strane WMAP satelita.
- Published
- 2003
60. The double radiative annihilation of the heavy-light fermion bound states
- Author
Eeg, J.O., Kumerički, Krešimir, and Picek, Ivica
- Subjects
High Energy Physics::Lattice ,High Energy Physics::Phenomenology ,FOS: Physical sciences ,bound state ,off-shellness ,flavour-changing transition ,rare decays ,o -shellness ,avour-changing transition ,NATURAL SCIENCES. Physics ,PRIRODNE ZNANOSTI. Fizika ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph) ,High Energy Physics::Experiment - Abstract
We consider the double-radiative decays of heavy-light QED and QCD atoms, $\mu^+ e^- \to \gamma\gamma$ and $\bar{B}^{0}_s \to \gamma\gamma$. Especially, we take under scrutiny contributions coming from operators that vanish on the free-quark mass shell. We show that by field redefinitions these operators are converted into contact terms attached to the bound state dynamics. A net off-shell contribution is suppressed with respect to the effect of the well known flavour-changing magnetic-moment operator by the bound-state binding factor. The negligible off-shellness of the weakly bound QED atoms becomes more relevant for strongly bound QCD atoms. We analyze this off-shellness in model-approaches to QCD, one of them enabling us to keep close contact to the related effect in QED. We also comment on the off-shell effect in the corresponding process $\bar{B}_d \to K^* \gamma$, and discuss possible hindering of the claimed beyond-standard-model discovery in this decay mode., Comment: 24 pages, 5 figures; to be published in Fizika B
- Published
- 2002
61. Kozmičko pozadinsko zračenje - prva fotografija svemira
- Author
Kumerički, Krešimir
- Subjects
kozmičko pozadinsko zračenja ,geometrija svemira - Abstract
Kozmičko pozadinsko zračenje, emitirano u ranom svemiru, posljednjih je godina predmet intenzivnih eksperimentalnih i teorijskih studija. Ono omogućuje posredan uvid u većinu bitnih kozmoloških pitanja: sastav i geometriju svemira te njegovu povijest i budućnost. Ovdje ćemo se s pozadinskim zračenjem upoznati putem slijedećih tema: (1) Veliki prasak i povijest ranog svemira. (2) Nastanak pozadinskog zračenja. (3) Informacije zapisane u pozadinskom zračenju.
- Published
- 2002
62. Gustoća i budućnost svemira
- Author
Kumerički, Krešimir
- Subjects
PRIRODNE ZNANOSTI. Fizika ,njutnovska gravitacija ,kritična gustoća ,NATURAL SCIENCES. Physics - Abstract
Polazeći od modela homogene gravitirajuće kugle, prikazana je ideja kritične gustoće mase i energije u svemiru te njena povezanost s budučnošću svemira.
- Published
- 2002
63. Jedna primjena 'Mathematice' u teorijskoj fizici elementarnih čestica
- Author
Kumerički, Krešimir
- Subjects
Feynmanovi dijagrami ,FeynArts ,FeynCalc ,FormCalc ,LoopTools - Abstract
In the elementary particle physics there is a constant need for calculation of the large number of Feynman diagrams, i.e. of contributions to the quantum mechanical probability amplitude of some physical process. Stages of this procedure are: (1) generation of all contributing diagrams, (2) determination of corresponding amplitudes, (3) calculation of traces of products of Dirac matrices, (4) algebraic simplification of expressions using kinematical properties of the physical process, (5) final analitical or numerical evaluation of the amplitude. By presenting software packages FeynArts, FeynCalc, FormCalc, LoopTools and our extensions of some of these, we show how Mathematica enables complete automatization of the whole procedure.
- Published
- 2001
64. On the instanton induced nucleon strangeness
- Author
Klabučar, Dubravko, Kumerički, Krešimir, Melić, Blaženka, Picek, Ivica, and Tran Thanh Van, Jean
- Subjects
High Energy Physics::Lattice ,High Energy Physics::Phenomenology ,Nuclear Theory ,Nuclear Experiment ,nucleon strangeness ,instantons - Abstract
We report on a calculation of the instanton contribution to the proton strangeness in the MIT bag enriched by the presence of a dilute instanton liquid. We express the proton matrix elements of strange-quark operators (in various Lorentz channels) in terms of a model valence nucleon state and interactions producing quark-antiquark fluctuations on top of that valence state. Only the scalar channel is found to be affected by the interaction induced by the random instanton liquid.
- Published
- 2001
65. Bound-state effects in mu+ e- -> gamma gamma and anti-B0(s) -> gamma gamma decays
- Author
Eeg, Jan O., Kumerički, Krešimir, and Picek, Ivica
- Subjects
High Energy Physics::Lattice ,High Energy Physics::Phenomenology ,High Energy Physics::Experiment ,Physics::Atomic Physics ,radiative decays ,flavour-changing operators ,off-shell effects - Abstract
We demonstrate that in the double-radiative decays of heavy-light QED and QCD atoms, \mu^{+} e^{-} \to \gamma\gamma and \bar{B}^{0}_{s} \to \gamma\gamma, there is a contribution coming from operators that vanish on the free-quark mass shell. This off-shell effect is suppressed with respect to the effect of the well known flavour-changing magnetic-moment operator by the bound-state binding factor. Accordingly, the negligible off-shellness of the weakly bound QED atoms becomes important for strongly bound QCD atoms. We present this effect in two different model-approaches to QCD, one of them enabling us to keep close contact to the related effect in QED.
- Published
- 2000
66. Fizika svemira
- Author
Kumerički, Krešimir and Picek, Ivica
- Subjects
svemir ,kozmologija ,gravitacija - Abstract
U okviru ovog projekta postupno ćemo upoznavati fizikalni svemir - svemir podložan proučavanju putem kontroliranih pokusa i objašnjiv kvantitativnim teorijama čija se predviđanja mogu potvrditi ili opovrći. Raspon "fizikalnog" proteže se od elementarnih čestica (za koje je danas ustanovljen "standardni model temeljnih čestica i sila") do astronomskog svemira u kojem smo sićušni dio. Kozmologija, kao studij svemira na najvećoj ljestvici udaljenosti, do nedavno je bila suprostavljena subatomskoj fizici, najmanjih dimenzija. Na ovim ćemo se stranicama postupno upoznati s jedne strane s prostorno-vremenskim udaljenostima (i njihovim mjerenjima), a s druge strane sa zvijezdama i galaktikama kao svemirskim orijentirima (od Sunca, preko supranovih do crnih rupa), koji će nam dočarati koliko je praznine u svemiru, koji su oblici svjetleće tvari, ali i o zastupljenosti tamne tvari u svemiru. Kroz tekst su, u posebno označenim okvirima, razbacane vježbe za razmišljanje ili istraživanje literature. "Zadaci za učenike", koji se nalaze u sličnim okvirima, također su sastavni dio ovih stranica i zamišljeno je da učenici pošalju rješenja (ili pitanja u slučaju eventualnih nejasnoća) na naznačene e-mail adrese, a mi ćemo neka od rješenja onda objaviti na ovim stranicama. (Rješenja možete slati u bilo kojem obliku, od obične tekst datoteke do HTML datoteka sa slikama.) "Želite li znati više" su okviri u kojima vas upućujemo na neke dodatne sadržaje (ponekad i na engleskom jeziku) koji kojima možete upotpuniti vaše znanje.
- Published
- 1999
67. Long vs. short distance dispersive two-photon KL → µ+µ− amplitude
- Author
Eeg, Jan O., Kumerički, Krešimir, and Picek, Ivica
- Subjects
kaon decay ,muon ,dispersive amplitude ,QCD corrections - Abstract
We report on the calculation of the two-loop electroweak, two-photon mediated short-distance dispersive KL → µ +µ − decay amplitude. QCD corrections change the sign of this contribution and reduce it by an order of magnitude. The resulting amplitude enables us to provide a constraint on the otherwise uncertain long-distance dispersive amplitude., Izlaže se o račun kratkodosežne elektroslabe amplitude raspada KL → µ +µ − na razini dvije petlje, putem dvofotonske izmjene. Uključenje QCD popravki mijenja predznak tog doprinosa i smanjuje ga za red veličine. Dobiven rezultat dozvoljava uvođenje ograničenja na dugodosežnu disperzivnu amplitudu, koja je inače neodređena.
- Published
- 1999
68. Nucleon strangeness as a response to a strangeness-sensitive probe in a class of hadron models
- Author
Klabučar, Dubravko, Kumerički, Krešimir, Melić, Blaženka, and Picek, Ivica
- Subjects
nucleon strangeness ,bag model ,instanton model ,Physics ,High Energy Physics::Lattice ,High Energy Physics::Phenomenology ,Nuclear Theory ,Nuclear Experiment - Abstract
On top of its valence quarks, the full nucleon ground state may contain appreciable admixture of s-\bar{;s}; pairs already at small momentum transfers. This paper discusses strangeness in the mean-field type of nucleon models, and exemplifies this by explicit calculations in the MIT bag model enriched by the presence of instantons. We calculate the instanton contribution to the strangeness in the MIT bag (on top of the standard contribution to strangeness found in that model). Although we do it in an essentially perturbative way, we present a detailed derivation of the formula expressing nucleon matrix elements of bilinear strange quark operators, in terms of a model valence nucleon state and interactions producing quark-antiquark fluctuations on top of that valence state. We do it in detail to clarify our argument that in the context of the mean-field type of quark models (where a Fock state expansion exists and where the nucleon state can be constructed out of single-quark states), the resulting formula acquires a significance beyond perturbation theory.The derivation combines the usage of the evolution operator containing a strangeness source, and Feynman-Hellmann theorem.
- Published
- 1999
69. Long vs. short distance dispersive two-photon K_L → µ+ µ- amplitude
- Author
Eeg, Jan O., Kumerički, Krešimir, and Picek, Ivica
- Subjects
PRIRODNE ZNANOSTI. Fizika ,High Energy Physics::Phenomenology ,High Energy Physics::Experiment ,NATURAL SCIENCES. Physics - Abstract
We report on the calculation of the two-loop electroweak, two-photon mediated short-distance dispersive K_L->µ^+ µ^- decay amplitude. QCD corrections change the sign of this contribution and reduce it by an order of magnitude. The resulting amplitude enables us to provide a constraint on the otherwise uncertain long-distance dispersive amplitude.
- Published
- 1999
70. Long vs. short distance dispersive two-photon K_L o mu^+ mu^- amplitude
- Author
Eeg, J.O., Kumerički, Krešimir, and Picek, Ivica
- Subjects
High Energy Physics::Phenomenology ,High Energy Physics::Experiment ,kaon decay ,muon ,dispersive amplitude ,QCD corrections - Abstract
We report on the calculation of the two-loop electroweak, two-photon mediated short-distance dispersive K_L o mu^+mu^- decay amplitude. QCD corrections change the sign of this contribution and reduce it by an order of magnitude. The resulting amplitude enables us to provide a constraint on the otherwise uncertain long-distance dispersive amplitude.
- Published
- 1999
71. Rijetki raspadi K mezona
- Author
Kumerički, Krešimir
- Subjects
kaoni ,mioni ,slaba međudjelovanja - Abstract
U radu je opisan značaj rijetkih kaonskih raspada za izučavanje fizike elementarnih čestica na visokim energijama. Dan je detaljan pregled procesa K_L -> mu+ mu-, s posebnim naglaskom na doprinos kratkodosežne disperzivne (realne) amplitude realizirane Feynmanovim dijagramima s dvije petlje. Ovaj je doprinos kompletno izračunat unutar elektroslabe teorije, a zatim su dominantni dijelovi amplitude korigirani zbog učinaka kvantne kromodinamike. Dobiveni rezultati omogućuju ograničenje nepoznatog dugodosežnog disperzivnog doprinosa ovom procesu.
- Published
- 1998
72. Short comment on the K_L -> mu^+ mu^- amplitude
- Author
Eeg, J.O., Kumerički, Krešimir, Picek, Ivica, and L. Iconomidou-Fayard
- Subjects
kaon ,muon ,rare decays ,QCD corrections - Abstract
We have considered the two-loop, two-photon mediated short-distance dispersive K_L -> mu^+ mu^- decay amplitude, including QCD corrections in the leading logarithmic approximation. The obtained amplitude is of order half of the one loop based weak short distance contribution, and has the same sign. Thus, according to the present experimental status of the process, there is no room for a long distance dispersive amplitude with still the same sign and comparable in size to the total short distance part.
- Published
- 1996
73. Elektroslabi fotonski raspadi mezona
- Author
Kumerički, Krešimir
- Subjects
mezon ,foton ,kaon ,pion ,Schwinger-Dysonova jednadžba ,Bethe-Salpeterova jednadžba ,učinkovni lagranžijan ,kiralna anomalija - Abstract
Izračunate su učinkovne Lagrangeove funkcije za elektroslabe radijacijske prijelaze s kvarka u d kvark, uzevši u obzir i modifikacije zbog učinaka kvantne kromodinamike. Iste su primijenjene na račun doprinosa kvarkova izvan masene ljuske amplitudi raspada K_L -> gamma gamma. Račun je izveden u okviru bilokalnog pristupa vezanom stanju: simultano su rješavane Schwinger-Dysonova jednadžba (za dinamičko generiranje mase kvarka) i Bethe-Salpeterova jednadžba za bilokalni mezonski vrh. Dana je kvantitativna usporedba izvanmasene amplitude s konkurentnim prijelazom nedijagonalnog magnetskog dipolnog tipa. Također je opisan potencijalni doprinos radijacijskom raspadu K_L -> pi^+pi^-gamma od strane poopćenog Delta S=1 WZW djelovanja.
- Published
- 1996
74. TeV-scale seesaw mechanism with quintuplet fermions
- Author
Kumerički, Krešimir, primary, Picek, Ivica, additional, and Radovčić, Branimir, additional
- Published
- 2012
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75. Critique of fermionic RνMDM and its scalar variants
- Author
Kumerički, Krešimir, primary, Picek, Ivica, additional, and Radovčić, Branimir, additional
- Published
- 2012
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76. Parametrizing Compton form factors with neural networks
- Author
Kumerički, Krešimir, primary, Müller, Dieter, additional, and Schäfer, Andreas, additional
- Published
- 2012
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77. Kiralna simetrija i raspad KL → π +π −γ
- Author
Kumerički, Krešimir and Picek, Ivica
- Subjects
PRIRODNE ZNANOSTI. Fizika ,CP violation ,High Energy Physics::Experiment ,kaon ,chiral anomaly ,NATURAL SCIENCES. Physics - Abstract
The increasing body of experimental data motivates us to investigate a new contribution to the radiative KL → π +π −γ decay, which is O(p 4 ) within the framework of the chiral perturbation theory. The new contribution refers to the ∆S = 1 WZW action term, established recently for the direct, O(p 4 ), KL → γγ(−) decay amplitude. We present additional evidence in support of such flavour-changing generalization of the WZW action term as a viable parametrisation of the anomalous radiative non-leptonic kaon decays., Novi eksperimentalni rezultati potiču izučavanje doprinosa radijacijskom raspadu KL → π +π −γ, koji je u kiralnoj perturbacijskoj teoriji reda O(p 4 ). Takav potencijalni doprinos nalazimo u članu ∆S = 1 WZW djelovanja, koji je nedavno identificiran kroz proučavanje amplitude KL → γγ(−) raspada reda O(p 4 ). Tako poopćeno WZW djelovanje na procese s promjenom kvarkovskih vrsta uspješno obuhvaća anomalne radijacijske neleptonske raspade kaona.
- Published
- 1995
78. Chiral anomaly route to the K(L) ---> pi+ pi- gamma decay
- Author
Kumerički, Krešimir and Picek, Ivica
- Subjects
High Energy Physics::Experiment ,kaon ,CP violation ,chiral anomaly - Abstract
The increasing body of experimental data motivates us to investigate a new contribution to the radiative KL --> pi+ pi- gamma decay, which is O(p^4) within the framework of the chiral perturbation theory. The new contribution refers to the Delta S = 1 WZW action term, established recently for the direct, O(p^4), KL --> gamma gamma(-) decay amplitude. We present additional evidence in support of such flavour-changing generalization of the WZW action term as a viable parametrisation of the anomalous radiative non- leptonic kaon decays.
- Published
- 1995
79. Exotic seesaw-motivated heavy leptons at the LHC
- Author
Kumerički, Krešimir, primary, Picek, Ivica, additional, and Radovčić, Branimir, additional
- Published
- 2011
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80. Neural network generated parametrizations of deeply virtual Compton form factors
- Author
Kumerički, Krešimir, primary, Müller, Dieter, additional, and Schäfer, Andreas, additional
- Published
- 2011
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81. Deeply virtual Compton scattering at small and the access to the GPD H
- Author
Kumerički, Krešimir, primary and Müller, Dieter, additional
- Published
- 2010
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82. Isgur-Wise function within a modified heavy-light chiral quark model
- Author
Eeg, Jan O., primary and Kumerički, Krešimir, additional
- Published
- 2010
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- Author
MÜLLER, DIETER, primary and KUMERIČKI, KREŠIMIR, additional
- Published
- 2009
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84. DVCS and the skewness effect at small x
- Author
Kumerički, Krešimir, primary and Müller, Dieter, additional
- Published
- 2009
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85. A partonic interpretation of DVCS at small x[sub B[sub j]]
- Author
Kumerički, Krešimir, primary, Müller, Dieter, additional, Passek-Kumerički, Kornelija, additional, Fiore, Roberto, additional, Ivanov, Igor, additional, Papa, Alessandro, additional, and Soffer, Jacques, additional
- Published
- 2009
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86. New dipole penguin contribution to K→ππ decays
- Author
Eeg, Jan O., primary, Kumerički, Krešimir, additional, and Picek, Ivica, additional
- Published
- 2008
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87. Soft gluon contributions to theB→Kη′ amplitude in a low energy bosonization model
- Author
Eeg, Jan O, primary, Kumerički, Krešimir, additional, and Picek, Ivica, additional
- Published
- 2006
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88. Short distance part of the QCD anomaly contribution to the b→sη′ amplitude
- Author
Eeg, Jan O., primary, Kumerički, Krešimir, additional, and Picek, Ivica, additional
- Published
- 2003
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- Author
- Subjects
- *
SCATTERING (Physics) , *COLLISIONS (Nuclear physics) , *PARTICLES (Nuclear physics) , *INTEGRAL transforms , *NUCLEAR physics - Abstract
We analyze small-x deeply virtual Compton scattering data using flexible generalized parton distribution models to pin down both the skewness and t dependence. We compare our outcome at t = 0 with the full Shuvaev transformation. We point out that this integral transform is a model which is equivalent to a conformal generalized parton distribution and a minimalist "dual" parameterization. Some mathematical subtleties of conformal representations are recalled. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2009
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- Author
- Subjects
SCATTERING (Physics) ,COLLISIONS (Nuclear physics) ,PARTICLES (Nuclear physics) ,INTEGRAL transforms ,NUCLEAR physics - Abstract
We analyze small-x deeply virtual Compton scattering data using flexible generalized parton distribution models to pin down both the skewness and t dependence. We compare our outcome at t = 0 with the full Shuvaev transformation. We point out that this integral transform is a model which is equivalent to a conformal generalized parton distribution and a minimalist "dual" parameterization. Some mathematical subtleties of conformal representations are recalled. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2009
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91. Short distance part of the QCD anomaly contribution to the <f>b→sη′</f> amplitude
- Author
Eeg, Jan O., Kumerički, Krešimir, and Picek, Ivica
- Subjects
- *
MESONS ,MESON decay - Abstract
In addressing the
B→η′K puzzle, there has been a considerable hope in the literature to resolve it by the QCD anomaly contribution to theb→sη′ amplitude. This contribution corresponds to the electroweakb→sg*g* transition followed by the off-shell gluon fusiong*g*→η′ . In the present Letter we perform a critical reassessment of this issue. We show that for the hard virtual gluons in a loop there is a well defined short distance amplitude corresponding to a remnant of the QCD anomaly. However, we find that it cannot account for the measured amplitude.In addition, we point out that the reduction of the gluon fusion vertex for the off-shell gluons is compensated by an absence of the claimed suppression in the electroweak vertex, and that some nonperturbative contributions related to the QCD anomaly may still be viable in explaining the physicalB→η′K amplitude. [Copyright &y& Elsevier]- Published
- 2003
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92. Vremensko i kauzalno uređenje u kvantnoj mehanici i kvantnoj teoriji polja
- Author
Brzić, Vanessa, Brukner, Časlav, and Kumerički, Krešimir
- Subjects
Schrödinger functional representation ,Feynmanov propagator ,Page-Wotters formalism ,Schrödingerova funkcionalna reprezentacija ,NATURAL SCIENCES. Physics ,kvantna kauzalnost ,PRIRODNE ZNANOSTI. Fizika ,Feynman propagator ,quantum causality ,perturbative quantum field theory ,perturbativna kvantna teorija polja ,superpozicija vremenskih uređenja ,Page-Wottersov formalizam (bezvremenski formalizam) ,superposition of temporal orders - Abstract
One of the grates difficulties arising within the attempts to reconcile the quantum theory and general relativity stems from the profound differences in the ways the notions of space, time, reference frame, and causation enter the two formulations. It is often argued that both theories should compromise on their respective understandings for this merging (in the theory of quantum gravity) to be possible. Motivated by this thought, in the thesis we will focus on the assumptions brought up within the newly established framework of quantum causality and the formulation of time within the conditional probabilistic approach (so-called Page-Wotters formalism). With these extensions, there are already strong conceptual differences at the level of comparison between quantum mechanics and quantum field theory, the resolution of which would represent a preliminary step towards the ideas of quantum gravity. Stirred by this friction, the goal of the dissertation was to re-examine the notions of temporal and causal ordering in the context of modern approaches to quantum theory in relation to approaches within perturbative field theory. As an interesting playground for challenging our understanding we took time ordering operator and investigated it in several different, albeit related contexts: (1) as it appears in the Schrödinger solution of standard quantum mechanics with time dependent Hamiltonian, (2) in Page-Wotters formalism, considering a constraint equation with several quantum clocks and (3) in the context of quantum field theory and Feynman propagator. The research objective was to understand whether one can view the action of the time ordering operator as enabling a superposition of different time-ordered configurations, introducing time indefiniteness in the aforementioned settings. Regarding quantum fields, we questioned the possibility of the operational interpretation of the (scattering theory) virtual particle exchange process, often understood in terms of two time-ordered processes happening via particle/antiparticle exchange. Our approach was to look at the time-ordered exponentials up to the second order and attempt to isolate one of the ordering ’branches,’ projecting a superposition to a definite state. We found that one cannot break the time ordering superposition of the exponential expansion in the context of standard quantum mechanics coupling it with the ancilla potential; however, one can perform this kind of projection in the context of timeless quantum mechanics with two or more quantum clocks. We then approached these considerations in the context of quantum fields, using the Schrödinger functional representation, seeking to implement the Page-Wotters approach and the previously developed toy model. Jedna od glavnih poteškoća koja se javlja u pokušajima pomirenja kvantne teorije i opće teorije relativnosti proizlazi iz dubokih razlika u načinima na koje su pojmovi prostora, vremena, referentnog sustava i kauzalnosti implementirani u navedene teorije. često se tvrdi da bi obje teorije trebale istrpiti kompromis u konceptualnim razumijevanjima spomenutog, kako bi njihovo spajanje (u teoriju kvantne gravitacije) bilo moguće. Potaknuti tom mišlju, u ovom ćemo se radu usredotočiti na pretpostavke iznesene unutar novouspostavljenog okvira kvantne kauzalnosti i formulacije vremena preko uvjetnog probabilističkog pristupa (tzv. Page-Wottersov formalizam ). Ovim proširenjima konceptualne razlike već na razini usporedbe kvantne mehanike s obzirom na kvantnu teoriju polja postaju snažne, a njihovo razumijevanje predstavlja preliminarni korak prema idejama kvantne gravitacije. Potaknuti time, cilj ove disertacije bio je preispitati pojmove vremenskog i kauzalnog uređenja u kontekstu modernih pristupa kvantnoj teoriji u odnosu na pristupe unutar perturbativne teoriji polja. Kao zanimljivu okosnica za ispitivanje našeg razumijevanja uzeli smo operator vremenskog uređenja i istražili ga u nekoliko različitih, iako povezanih konteksta: (1) kako se pojavljuje u Schrödingerovom rješenju standardne kvantne mehanike s vremenski ovisnim Hamiltonijanom, (2) u Page-Wottersovom formalizam, gdje smo razmatrali jednadžbe ograničenja s nekoliko kvantnih satova i (3) u kontekstu kvantne teorije polja i Feynmanovog propagatora. Cilj istraživanja bio je razumjeti može li se promatrati djelovanje operatora vremenskog uređenja kao omogućavanje superpozicije različitih vremenski uređenih konfiguracija, uvodeći vremensku neodređenost u gore navedene postavke. Što se tiče kvantnih polja, doveli smo u pitanje mogućnost operativnog tumačenja procesa virtualne izmjene čestica (teorija raspršenja), koji se često shvaća u terminima dva vremenski uređena procesa koji se odvijaju putem izmjene čestica/antičestica. Naš je pristup bio promatrati vremenski uređene eksponencijale do drugog reda i pokušati izolirati jednu od ’grana’ reda, projicirajući superpoziciju na određeno stanje. Otkrili smo da se superpozicija vremenskog uređenja eksponencijalne ekspanzije ne može proicirati na definitno stanje jedne od ’grana’ superpoziciju, u kontekstu standardne kvantne mehanike, spajanjem s potencijalom pomoćnog sustava; međutim, ova vrsta projekcije može se izvesti u kontekstu Page-Wotters formalisma s dva ili više kvantnih satova. Zatim smo pristupili ovim razmatranjima u kontekstu kvantne teorije polja, koristeći Schrödingerovu funkcionalnu reprezentaciju, nastojeći implementirati Page-Wotters pristup i prethodno razvijeni ’toy model’.
- Published
- 2022
93. Electromagnetic form factors of hadrons in perturbative QCD
- Author
Pavičić, Lovre, Duplančić, Goran, and Kumerički, Krešimir
- Subjects
PRIRODNE ZNANOSTI. Fizika ,distribution amplitudes ,factorization ,funkcije strukture ,faktorizacija ,perturbativni QCD ,perturbative QCD ,form factors ,distribucijske amplitude ,NATURAL SCIENCES. Physics - Abstract
Elektromagnetske funkcije strukture hadrona su funkcije koje opisuju unutarnju raspodjelu naboja i magnetizacije unutar hadrona. Po kvantnoj kromodinamici hadroni su vezana stanja kvarkova i gluona te im je kao takvima za praktične potrebe nemoguće egzaktno teorijski izračunati funkcije strukture. Međutim, pri sudarima s visokim prijenosima impulsa funkcije strukture je moguće napisati u faktoriziranom obliku. Drugim riječima moguće je odvojiti neperturbativnu dinamiku vezanog stanja i dinamiku samog sudara koja je perturbativno izračunljiva. U ovom diplomskom radu će se promatrati ekskluzivni procesi na visokim energijama u kojima sudjeluju pioni ili nukleoni i cilj je u tim procesima izračunati njihove funkcije strukture. Prvi korak je da se na jedan takav proces primjeni faktorizacija i tako se odvoji neperturbativni dio, koji je sadržan u distribucijskim amplitudama, od perturbativnog. Perturbativni dio biti će određen do vodećeg reda, a rezultati za distribucijske amplitude biti će preuzeti iz literature s obzirom da su distribucijske amplitude neovisne o procesu. Na samom kraju će dobiveni rezultati biti uspoređeni s eksperimentalnima. Electromagnetic form factors are the functions that describe internal distributions of charge and magnetization in hadrons. Within Quantum Chromodynamics the hadrons are bound states of quarks and gluons, and as such, their form factors are practically impossible to be theoretically determined. However, in processes with large momentum transfers it is possible to apply factorization, i.e. it is possible to separate nonperturbative dynamics of a bound state from perturbative ”hard-scattering” amplitude. The goal of this thesis is to calculate form factors of pions and nucleons by analysing large-momentum-transfer exclusive processes in perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics. First step will be using the valence quark approximation and applying factorization on such processes. Non-perturbative dynamics will be contained in distribution amplitudes and results for those will be taken from literature (since they are process independent) while perturbative part will be calculated up to a leading order. Those two will be combined to calculate form factors. At the end, calculated results will be compared to some experimental values.
- Published
- 2022
94. Interface for access to proton structure functions
- Author
Kontrec, Andrej and Kumerički, Krešimir
- Subjects
PRIRODNE ZNANOSTI. Fizika ,web aplikacija ,Plotly ,struktura protona ,Dash ,web application ,NATURAL SCIENCES. Physics ,proton ,Python ,proton structure functions - Abstract
Cilj rada je izraditi i prezentirati aplikaciju koja će služiti kao sučelje za pristup funkcijama strukture protona. Prije nego razradimo taj problem moramo uvesti osnovne koncepte nuklearne i fizike čestica, te objasniti što točno mislimo pod izrazom struktura protona. Kako bi pronašli odgovor na to pitanje proći ćemo kroz razne fizikalne eksperimente koji se koriste u istraživanju strukture protona. Doći ćemo do modela strukture koje ćemo koristiti u samoj aplikaciji. Nakon toga ćemo proći kroz razne faze razvoja aplikacije u Pythonu pomoću Dash aplikacijskog okvira, te objasniti kako je nastala finalna verzija aplikacije. Proći ćemo i kroz proces implementacije aplikacije na Heroku web servis kako bi joj se moglo pristupiti kroz internet preglednike sa bilo kojeg računala. Nakon toga ćemo proći kroz finalnu verziju aplikacije te pogledati par primjera raznih konfiguracija kako bi pokazali mogućnosti aplikacije. Za metodički dio rada ćemo se fokusirati na potencijalno korištenje Dash aplikacijskog okvira u nastavi pomoću kojega bi učenici mogli jednostavno ,uz vođenje nastavnika, napraviti vlastitu web aplikaciju. Time bi omogućili učenicima da steknu iskustvo s radom na projektu kroz koji će steći korisna iskustva za potencijalni posao u IT industriji. The goal of this paper is to create and present an application which will serve as an interface for accessing proton structure functions. Before we dive deeper into that problem, we first need to introduce the basic concepts of nuclear and particle physics and explain what we mean by proton structure functions. To find the answer to that question we will need to explore different physical experiments which are used in proton structure research. We will arrive at the physical model we will be implementing in our application. After that we will run through the stages of development of our Python application, created within the Dash application framework. We will also discuss the process of deployment on the Heroku web service. After that we will show some examples from our final web application version to showcase some of its capabilities. For the methodology part of this paper, we will focus on the potential use of the Dash framework in class with which our students could simply, with the guidance of their teacher, create their own web application. This would enable them to gather valuable experience in working on projects which will be very useful for potential future employment in the IT industry.
- Published
- 2021
95. Studying deeply virtual Compton scattering using machine learning
- Author
Cvitković, Marko and Kumerički, Krešimir
- Subjects
generalizirane partonske distribucije ,PRIRODNE ZNANOSTI. Fizika ,komptonski form faktori ,deeply virtual Compton scattering ,generalized parton distributions ,Compton form factors ,neuronske mreže ,duboko virtualno komptonsko raspršenje ,neural networks ,NATURAL SCIENCES. Physics - Abstract
Duboko virtualno komptonsko raspršenje (DVCS) je proces kojim se dobro može izučavati trodimenzionalna raspodjela kvarkova i gluona u protonu. Funkcije strukture tog procesa (komptonski form faktori, CFF-ovi) su esencijalno neperturbativni objekti koje modeliramo neuronskim mrežama. One predstavljaju optimalan izbor zbog činjenice da ne unose pristranost. U ovom radu, tako generiran model DVCS amplituda prilagođava se različitim eksperimentalnim mjerenjima. Pokazano je da je prilagodba na podatke najkvalitetnija u slučaju kada se koriste svi CFF-ovi u vodećem doprinosu. Uočene su opservable na koje se model kvalitetnije prilagodi u odnosu na druge te su prikazani naučeni CFF-ovi ovisno o izboru značajki neuronske mreže. Deeply virtual Compton scattering (DVCS) is a process which provides access to quality research of three-dimensional distribution of quarks and gluons inside the proton. Structure functions of that process (Compton form factors, CFF) are essentially non-perturbative objects which we model with neural networks. They represent the optimal choice due to the fact that they do not introduce bias. In this thesis, DVCS amplitudes generated that way are fitted to different sets of experimental data. It is shown that using all leading order CFF functions in modeling experimental observables yields best fit to the data. Also, observables which yield better fits to data than the others are notices and learned CFF functions, based on neural network features choices, are shown.
- Published
- 2020
96. Upotreba neuralnih mreža u raspoznavanju kompleksnih otopina
- Author
Kožić, Sven Benjamin, Zlatić, Vinko, and Kumerički, Krešimir
- Subjects
PRIRODNE ZNANOSTI. Fizika ,PCA ,neuralne mreže ,OECT ,NATURAL SCIENCES. Physics ,strojno učenje - Abstract
Upotreba neuralnih mreža i strojnog učenja općenito trenutačno je vrlo relevantno i zanimljivo područje, i u ovom radu testirat ćemo primjenjivost takve metode u svrhu raspoznavanja smjesa Na+, K+ i Ca2+ različitih koncentracija koja može predstavljati osnovu u istraživanju nekih drugih naprednijih neuromorfnih tema. Upotreba neuralnih mreža i strojnog učenja općenito trenutačno je vrlo relevantno i zanimljivo područje, i u ovom radu testirat ćemo primjenjivost takve metode u svrhu raspoznavanja smjesa Na+, K+ i Ca2+ različitih koncentracija koja može predstavljati osnovu u istraživanju nekih drugih naprednijih neuromorfnih tema.
- Published
- 2020
97. Simpozij studenata doktorskih studija PMF-a : knjiga sažetaka
- Author
Rončević, Sanda, Barišić, Dajana, Bucković, Damir, Marušić-Paloka, Eduard, Kumerički, Krešimir, Faivre, Sanja, Ljubešić, Zrinka, and Maravić, Branka
- Subjects
PRIRODNE ZNANOSTI. Fizika ,NATURAL SCIENCES. Geology ,PRIRODNE ZNANOSTI. Biologija ,PRIRODNE ZNANOSTI. Matematika ,NATURAL SCIENCES. Geophysics ,NATURAL SCIENCES. Biology ,PRIRODNE ZNANOSTI. Geofizika ,simpozij, doktorski studij, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet ,NATURAL SCIENCES. Mathematics ,PRIRODNE ZNANOSTI. Kemija ,NATURAL SCIENCES. Chemistry ,NATURAL SCIENCES. Physics ,PRIRODNE ZNANOSTI. Geologija - Abstract
Knjiga sadrži sažetke Simpozija studenata doktorskih studija PMF-a, koji se održao 28.2.2020. na Prirodoslovno-matematičkom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.
- Published
- 2020
98. Varijabilnost gena NAT1 i NAT2 u romskim populacijama Hrvatske
- Author
Stojanović Marković, Anita, Škobalj, Marko, Peričić Salihović, Marijana, Bucković, Damir, Marušić-Paloka, Eduard, Kumerički, Krešimir, Faivre, Sanja, Ljubešić, Zrinka : Pikelj, Kristina, and Rončević, Sanda
- Subjects
NAT1 ,NAT2 ,Romi ,Hrvatska - Abstract
Romi su transnacionalna manjinska populacija indijskog porijekla koja nastanjuje većinu europskih zemalja i broji oko 12 milijuna pripadnika. Primjer su populacije utemeljitelja koja je ostala u višestoljetnoj socio-kulturnoj izolaciji, što je ostavilo tragove u njihovoj zalihi gena. Geni ADME, odgovorni za apsorpciju, distribuciju, metabolizam i izlučivanje lijekova, pokazuju značajnu varijabilnost među populacijama. Unatoč dokazanoj funkcionalnoj ulozi, malo se zna o njihovoj distribuciji u izoliranim populacijama. Među gene ADME spadaju i članovi genske porodice NAT koji kodiraju arilaminske N-acetiltransferaze, kod ljudi zastupljeni s dva funkcionalna gena ; genima NAT1 i NAT2. S obzirom na važnost ova dva gena u metabolizmu lijekova i ksenobiotioka, cilj ovog rada je bio utvrditi utjecaj specifične genetske povijesti romskih populacija na raspodjelu alela i haplotipova u genima NAT1 i NAT2. Na uzorcima DNA 439 pripadnika romske populacije iz triju geografski udaljenih regija (Baranja, Međimurje i Zagreb), određeno je 7 polimorfizama jednog nukleotida (SNP) gena NAT1 (rs4986988, rs4986989, rs56379106, rs4987076, rs4986990, rs5030839, rs56172717) te 6 SNP-lokusa gena NAT2 (rs1801279, rs1041983, rs1801280, rs1799929, rs1799930, rs1208). U svrhu određivanja intra- i interpopulacijskih razlika, korištenjem softvera Phase (ver. 2.1.) rekonstruirani su hapolotipovi koji su potom analizirani statističkim metodama populacijske genetike. Radi utvrđivanja farmakogenetičkog fenotipa, haplotipovi su prevedeni u službenu farmakogenetičku zvjezdastu (star) nomenklaturu. Analizom je utvrđena statistički značajna razlika u razdiobi genotipova lokusa gena NAT2 između triju geografski udaljenih romskih populacija u Hrvatskoj. Prisutnost najučestalijih haplotipova utvrđena je u svim istraživanim populacijama, dok se kod gena NAT2 javio jedinstven haploptip u populaciji Roma iz Baranje. Genetske udaljenosti između triju istraživanih populacija pokazale su veće vrijednosti kod gena NAT2, nego li kod gena NAT1. Prijevod haplotipova u zvjezdastu nomenklaturu omogućio je određivanje farmakogenetsog fenotipa Roma: 61% ispitanika su spori, a 39% brzi acetilatori lijekova. Spori acetilatori su povezani s povećanim rizikom od ADR-a (engl. Adverse Drug Reaction – štetna reakcija na lijek) izazvanog liječenjem tuberkuloze (TBC) izonijazidom. Specifična raspodjela haplotipova, koja je nastala kao posljedica socio-kulturne izolacije, upućuje na potrebu za daljnjim farmakogenetskim istraživanjima kako bi se u što većoj mjeri izbjegao potencijalni rizik od ADR-a i očuvalo zdravlje.
- Published
- 2020
99. Razvoj HPLC-metode za mjerenje adenilata u rakušca Gammarus fossarum (Amphipoda, Crustacea)
- Author
Redžović, Zuzana, Hozić, Amela, Cindrić, Mario, Erk, Marijana, Rončević, Sanda, Barišić, Dajana, Bucković, Damir, Marušić-Paloka, Eduard, Kumerički, Krešimir, Faivre, Sanja, Ljubešić, Zrinka, and Pikelj, Kristina
- Subjects
Energijski naboj adenilata ,metabolizam ,neutralizacija ,rakušci ,bioindikatori - Abstract
Energijski naboj adenilata (eng. adenylate energy charge, AEC) je pokazatelj energijskog statusa metabolizma stanice, za čiju procjenu je potrebno uzeti u obzir koncentracije sva tri nukleotida – adenozin-trifosfata (ATP), adenozin-difosfata (ADP) i adenozin-monofosfata (AMP) [1]. Promjene u ekološkim ili fiziološkim parametrima dovode do smanjenja AEC. Određivanje i kvantificiranje nukleotida provodi se tehnikama tekućinske kromatografije visoke djelotvornosti (HPLC), koje su korisne za izolaciju i kvantifikaciju nukleotida u ekstraktima bioloških tkiva. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati različite eksperimentalne uvjete ekstrakcije adenilata na uzorcima slatkovodnog rakušca Gammarus fossarum iz Velikog potoka (planina Medvednica) te razviti najprikladniju metodu analize. U pripremi uzorka testirani su različiti tipovi homogenizatora: Potter- Elvehjemov, Ultraturax (Qiagen) i ultrazvučna kupelj, gdje se Potter- Elvehjemov homogenizator pokazao optimalnim rješenjem. Testirana je i homogenizacija u nekoliko različitih otopina: 50 mM NH4HCO3, 0, 5 M CCl3-COOH (trikloroctena kiselina, TCA) i 0, 5 M HClO4 (perklorna kiselina, PCA). Dobiveni kiseli ekstrakt biološkog materijala neophodno je neutralizirati jer u jako lužnatom ili kiselom mediju dolazi do hidrolize fosfatnih veza u adenilatima te su stoga ispitani različiti načini neutralizacije. Najbolji rezultati dobiveni su ekstrakcijom adenilata homogenizacijom u PCA te neutralizacijom s KOH (c=0, 3 M) i fosfatnim puferom pri uvjetima puferiranja smjese soli Na2HPO4 i KH2PO4 ; c=0, 2 M ; pH=8, 2. Također, testirana je primjena ekstrakcije na čvrstoj fazi (Strata X, Phenomenex) za pročišćavanje uzorka pri kojoj se pokazalo da ona ne doprinosi značajno poboljšanju rezolucije kromatograma adenilata, ali doprinosi uklanjanju onečišćenja u slučaju prisutnosti nepoželjnog matriksa. Adenilati su razdvojeni pomoću sustava HPLC na koloni ODS Hypersil C18 (5 m, 125 4 mm) izokratnim eluiranjem (150 mM KH2PO4/K2HPO4, 100 mM KCl i 10 mM tetrabutil amonij hidroksid, TBA kao ionskim parom ; pH=6) [2]uz primijenjeni protok od 1 mL/min. Priprema uzoraka za analizu predstavlja ključni korak te je stoga važno definirati sve uvjete izolacije adenilata iz biološkog materijala za pouzdano određivanje koncentracije AMP, ADP i ATP. Cijeli postupak pripreme uzorka neophodno je provesti u što kraćem vremenu na niskoj temperaturi (
- Published
- 2020
100. DNA and RNA interactions of benzimidazole amidines
- Author
Zonjić, Iva, Radić Stojković, Marijana, Bistrović Popov, Andrea, Raić-Malić, Silvana, Dejanović, Igor, Vrsaljko, Domagoj, Žižek, Krunoslav, Bucković, Damir, Marušić-Paloka, Eduard, Kumerički, Krešimir, Faivre, Sanja, Ljubešić, Zrinka, Pikelj, Kristina, and Rončević, Sanda
- Subjects
DNA ,benzimidazole amidines derivatives ,spectroscopy ,interactions ,DNA triplex ,benzimidazole ,amidines ,minor groove ,fluorescence ,CD titrations - Abstract
A series of novel benzimidazole amidines derivatives are synthesized at the Department of Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology. They differ only in one substituent (–F vs –H vs –OCH3) attached on phenyl ring. These three compounds were selected for the binding study with DNA and RNA based upon their antitrypanosomal activity. Binding of studied compounds to DNA and RNA polynucleotides (calf thymus-DNA, poly(dAdT)2, poly(dGdC)2 and poly A – poly U) was monitored with the fluorescence spectroscopy. CD titrations and Tm experiments were used for a determination of the binding modes (intercalation, groove binding, external binding). Interestingly, despite the fact that even benzimidazole amidines derivatives differ only in one substituent, they caused opposite changes in fluorescence upon interaction with studied polynucleotides. While addition of derivatives –F and –H caused a decrease of fluorescence in the presence of DNA/RNA, the addition of any polynucleotide resulted exclusively in strong emission increase of derivative –OCH3 which can probably be ascribed to donor properties of methoxy group. All three compounds exhibited positive induced CD spectra (ICD) with ct-DNA, poly(dAdT)2 and poly A – poly U. Usually, a positive ICD band, with an intensity similar or stronger than CD band of DNA/RNA, strongly supports the minor groove binding to DNA or the major groove binding to ds-RNA.1 Thus, it can be concluded that studied compounds bind to minor groove of ct-DNA and AT-DNA and to major groove of ds- RNA. A series of novel benzimidazole amidines derivatives are synthesized at the Department of Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology. They differ only in one substituent (–F vs –H vs –OCH3) attached on phenyl ring. These three compounds were selected for the binding study with DNA and RNA based upon their antitrypanosomal activity. Binding of studied compounds to DNA and RNA polynucleotides (calf thymus-DNA, poly(dAdT)2, poly(dGdC)2 and poly A – poly U) was monitored with the fluorescence spectroscopy. CD titrations and Tm experiments were used for a determination of the binding modes (intercalation, groove binding, external binding). Interestingly, despite the fact that even benzimidazole amidines derivatives differ only in one substituent, they caused opposite changes in fluorescence upon interaction with studied polynucleotides. While addition of derivatives –F and –H caused a decrease of fluorescence in the presence of DNA/RNA, the addition of any polynucleotide resulted exclusively in strong emission increase of derivative –OCH3 which can probably be ascribed to donor properties of methoxy group. All three compounds exhibited positive induced CD spectra (ICD) with ct-DNA, poly(dAdT)2 and poly A – poly U. Usually, a positive ICD band, with an intensity similar or stronger than CD band of DNA/RNA, strongly supports the minor groove binding to DNA or the major groove binding to ds-RNA.1 Thus, it can be concluded that studied compounds bind to minor groove of ct-DNA and AT-DNA and to major groove of ds- RNA.
- Published
- 2020
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