480 results on '"Kvedariene V"'
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52. Correction to: Is diet partly responsible for differences in COVID-19 death rates between and within countries? (Clinical and Translational Allergy, (2020), 10, 1, (16), 10.1186/s13601-020-00323-0)
- Author
Bousquet, J. Anto, J.M. Iaccarino, G. Czarlewski, W. Haahtela, T. Anto, A. Akdis, C.A. Blain, H. Canonica, G.W. Cardona, V. Cruz, A.A. Illario, M. Ivancevich, J.C. Jutel, M. Klimek, L. Kuna, P. Laune, D. Larenas-linnemann, D. Mullol, J. Papadopoulos, N.G. Pfaar, O. Samolinski, B. Valiulis, A. Yorgancioglu, A. Zuberbier, T. Latiff, A.H.A. Abdullah, B. Aberer, W. Abusada, N. Adcock, I. Afani, A. Agache, I. Aggelidis, X. Agustin, J. Akdis, C. Akdis, M. Al-Ahmad, M. Bassam, A.A.-Z. Aldrey-Palacios, O. Cuesta, E.A. Alzaabi, A. Amad, S. Ambrocio, G. Annesi-Maesano, I. Ansotegui, I. Anto, J. Arshad, H. Artesani, M.C. Asayag, E. Avolio, F. Azhari, K. Baiardini, I. Bajrović, N. Bakakos, P. Mongono, S.B. Balotro-Torres, C. Barba, S. Barbara, C. Barbosa, E. Barreto, B. Bartra, J. Bateman, E.D. Battur, L. Bedbrook, A. Barajas, M.B. Beghé, B. Bel, E. Kheder, A.B. Benson, M. Berghea, C. Bergmann, K.-C. Bernstein, D. Bewick, M. Bialek, S. Białoszewski, A. Bieber, T. Billo, N. Bilo, M.B. Bindslev-Jensen, C. Bjermer, L. Blain, H. Marciniak, M.B. Bond, C. Boner, A. Bonini, M. Bonini, S. Bosnic-Anticevich, S. Bosse, I. Botskariova, S. Bouchard, J. Boulet, L.-P. Bourret, R. Bousquet, P. Braido, F. Briggs, A. Brightling, C. Brozek, J. Buhl, R. Bumbacea, R. Cabañas, M.T.B. Bush, A. Busse, W.W. Buters, J. Caballero-Fonseca, F. Calderon, M.A. Calvo, M. Camargos, P. Camuzat, T. Cano, A. Capriles-Hulett, A. Caraballo, L. Cardona, V. Carlsen, K.-H. Caro, J. Carr, W. Carreon-Asun-cion, F. Carriazo, A.M. Casale, T. Castor, M.A. Castro, E. Cecchi, L. Sarabia, A.C. Chandrasekharan, R. Chang, Y.-S. Chato-Andeza, V. Chatzi, L. Chatzidaki, C. Chavannes, N.H. Chen, Y. Cheng, L. Chivato, T. Chkhartishvili, E. Christoff, G. Chrystyn, H. Chu, D.K. Chua, A. Chuchalin, A. Chung, K.F. Cicerán, A. Cingi, C. Ciprandi, G. Cirule, I. Coelho, A.C. Constantinidis, J. Sousa, J.C. Costa, E. Costa, D. Domínguez, M.C.C. Coste, A. Cox, L. Cruz, A.A. Cullen, J. Custovic, A. Cvetkovski, B. Czarlewski, W. D’amato, G. Silva, J.D. Dahl, R. Dahlen, S.-E. Daniilidis, V. Nahhas, L.D. Darsow, U. Blay, F. Guia, E.D. Santos, C. Keenoy, E.D.M. Vries, G.D. Deleanu, D. Demoly, P. Denburg, J. Devillier, P. Didier, A. Dimou, M. Dinh-Xuan, A.T. Djukanovic, R. Dokic, D. Silva, M.G.D. Douagui, H. Douladiris, N. Doulaptsi, M. Dray, G. Dubakiene, R. Durham, S. Dykewicz, M. Ebo, D. Edelbaher, N. Eklund, P. El-Gamal, Y. El-Sayed, Z.A. El-Sayed, S.S. El-Seify, M. Emuzyte, R. Enecilla, L. Espinoza, H. Farrell, J. Fernandez, L. Wagner, A.F. Fiocchi, A. Fokkens, W.J. Fontaine, J.-F. Forastiere, F. Fuentes, J.M. Gaerlan–resureccion, E. Gaga, M. Romero, J.L.G. Gamkrelidze, A. Garcia, A. Cobas, C.Y.G. Gayraud, J. Gemicioglu, B. Genova, S. Gereda, J. Wijk, R.G. Gomez, M. Diaz, S.G. Gotua, M. Grigoreas, C. Grisle, I. Guidacci, M. Guldemond, N. Gutter, Z. Guzmán, A. Haahtela, T. Halloum, R. Hamelmann, E. Hammadi, S. Harvey, R. Heinrich, J. Hejjaoui, A. Hellquist-Dahl, B. Velázquez, L.H. Hew, M. Hossny, E. Howarth, P. Hrubiško, M. Villalobos, Y.R.H. Humbert, M. Hyland, M. Iaccarino, G. Ibrahim, M. Illario, M. Ilyina, N. Irani, C. Ispayeva, Z. Ivancevich, J.C. Jares, E. Jarvis, D. Jassem, E. Jenko, K. Uscanga, R.D.J. Johnston, S. Joos, G. Jošt, M. Julge, K. Jung, K.-S. Just, J. Jutel, M. Kaidashev, I. Kalayci, O. Kalyoncu, F. Kapsali, J. Kardas, P. Karjalainen, J. Kasala, C.A. Katotomichelakis, M. Kazi, B. Keil, T. Keith, P. Khaitov, M. Khaltaev, N. Kim, Y.-Y. Kleine-Tebbe, J. Klimek, L. Koffi N’Goran, B. Kompoti, E. Kopač, P. Koppelman, G. Jeverica, A.K. Košnik, M. Kostov, K.V. Kowalski, M.L. Kralimarkova, T. Vrščaj, K.K. Kraxner, H. Kreft, S. Kritikos, V. Kudlay, D. Kull, I. Kuna, P. Kupczyk, M. Kvedariene, V. Kyriakakou, M. Lalek, N. Lane, S. Larenas-Linnemann, D. Latiff, A. Lau, S. Laune, D. Lavrut, J. Le, L. Lessa, M. Levin, M. Li, J. Lieberman, P. Liotta, G. Lipworth, B. Liu, X. Lobo, R. Lodrup Carlsen, K.C. Lombardi, C. Louis, R. Loukidis, S. Lourenço, O. Luna Pech, J.A. Madjar, B. Magnan, A. Mahboub, B. Mair, A. Mais, Y. van der Zee, A.-H.M. Makela, M. Makris, M. Malling, H.-J. Mandajieva, M. Manning, P. Manousakis, M. Maragoudakis, P. Marshall, G. Martins, P. Masjedi, M.R. Máspero, J.F. Campos, J.J.M. Maurer, M. Mavale-Manuel, S. Meço, C. Melén, E. Melo-Gomes, E. Meltzer, E.O. Menditto, E. Menzies-Gow, A. Merk, H. Michel, J.-P. Miculinic, N. Midão, L. Mihaltan, F. Mikael, K. Mikos, N. Milenkovic, B. Mitsias, D. Moalla, B. Moda, G. Martínez, M.D.M. Mohammad, Y. Moin, M. Molimard, M. Momas, I. Monaco, A. Montefort, S. Mora, D. Morais-Almeida, M. Mösges, R. Mostafa, B.E. Mullol, J. Münter, L. Muraro, A. Murray, R. Mustakov, T. Naclerio, R. Nadif, R. Nakonechna, A. Namazova-Baranova, L. Navarro-Locsin, G. Neffen, H. Nekam, K. Neou, A. Nicod, L. Niederberger-Leppin, V. Niedoszytko, M. Nieto, A. Novellino, E. Nunes, E. Nyembue, D. O’hehir, R. Odjakova, C. Ohta, K. Okamoto, Y. Okubo, K. Oliver, B. Onorato, G.L. Orru, M.P. Ouédraogo, S. Ouoba, K. Paggiaro, P.L. Pagkalos, A. Palaniappan, S.P. Pali-Schöll, I. Palkonen, S. Palmer, S. Bunu, C.P. Panzner, P. Papadopoulos, N.G. Papanikolaou, V. Papi, A. Paralchev, B. Paraskevopoulos, G. Park, H.S. Passalacqua, G. Patella, V. Pavord, I. Pawankar, R. Pedersen, S. Peleve, S. Pereira, A. Pérez, T. Pfaar, O. Pham-Thi, N. Pigearias, B. Pin, I. Piskou, K. Pitsios, C. Pitsios, K. Plavec, D. Poethig, D. Pohl, W. Susic, A.P. Popov, T.A. Portejoie, F. Potter, P. Poulsen, L. Prados-Torres, A. Prarros, F. Price, D. Prokopakis, E. Puy, R. Rabe, K. Raciborski, F. Ramos, J. Recto, M.T. Reda, S.M. Regateiro, F. Reider, N. Reitsma, S. Repka-Ramirez, S. Rimmer, J. Yeverino, D.R. Rizzo, J.A. Robalo-Cordeiro, C. Roberts, G. Roche, N. González, M.R. Zagal, E.R. Rolland, C. Roller-Wirns-berger, R. Rodriguez, M.R. Romano, A. Rombaux, P. Romualdez, J. Rosado-Pinto, J. Rosario, N. Rosenwasser, L. Rottem, M. Rouadi, P. Rovina, N. Sinur, I.R. Ruiz, M. Segura, L.T.R. Ryan, D. Sagara, H. Sakai, D. Sakurai, D. Saleh, W. Salimaki, J. Salina, H. Samitas, K.-N. Coronel, M.G.S. Sanchez-Borges, M. Sanchez-Lopez, J. Sarafoleanu, C. Serpa, F.S. Sastre-Dominguez, J. Scadding, G. Scheire, S. Schmid-Grendelmeier, P. Schuhl, J.F. Schunemann, H. Schvalbová, M. Scichilone, N. Sepúlveda, C. Serrano, E. Sheikh, A. Shields, M. Shishkov, V. Siafakas, N. Simeonov, A. Simons, E.F. Sisul, J.C. Sitkauskiene, B. Skrindo, I. Soklič, T. Solé, D. Sooronbaev, T. Soto-Martinez, M. Sova, M. Spertini, F. Spranger, O. Stamataki, S. Stefanaki, L. Stellato, C. Stelmach, R. Sterk, P. Strandberg, T. Stute, P. Subramaniam, A. Ulrik, C.S. Sutherland, M. Sylvestre, S. Syrigou, A. Barata, L.T. Takovska, N. Tan, R. Tan, F. Tan, V. Tang, I.P. Taniguchi, M. Tannert, L. Tattersall, J. Teixeira, M.D.C. Thijs, C. Thomas, M. To, T. Todo-Bom, A.M. Togias, A. Tomazic, P.-V. Toppila-Salmi, S. Toskala, E. Triggiani, M. Triller, N. Triller, K. Tsiligianni, I. Ulmeanu, R. Urbancic, J. Pereira, M.U. Vachova, M. Valdés, F. Valenta, R. Rostan, M.V. Valero, A. Valiulis, A. Vallianatou, M. Valovirta, E. Eerd, M.V. Ganse, E.V. Hage, M. Vandenplas, O. Vasankari, T. Vassileva, D. Ventura, M.T. Vera-Munoz, C. Vicheva, D. Vichyanond, P. Vidgren, P. Viegi, G. Vogelmeier, C. Hertzen, L.V. Vontetsianos, T. Vourdas, D. Wagenmann, M. Walker, S. Wallace, D. Wang, D.Y. Waserman, S. Wickman, M. Williams, S. Williams, D. Wilson, N. Woo, K. Wright, J. Wroczynski, P. Xepapadaki, P. Yakovliev, P. Yamaguchi, M. Yan, K. Yap, Y.Y. Yawn, B. Yiallouros, P. Yorgancioglu, A. Yoshihara, S. Young, I. Yusuf, O.B. Zaidi, A. Zaitoun, F. Zar, H. Zernotti, M. Zhang, L. Zhong, N. Zidarn, M. Zuberbier, T.
- Abstract
Following publication of the original article [1], the authors identified an error in the affiliation list. The affiliation of author G. Walter Canonica should have been split up into two affiliations: • Personalized Medicine, Asthma and Allergy – Humanitas Clinical and Research Center – IRCCS, Rozzano (MI), Italy • Department of Biomedical Sciences, Humanitas University, Pieve Emanuele (MI), Italy The corrected affiliation list is reflected in this Correction. © 2020, The Author(s).
- Published
- 2020
53. Aligning the good practice mask with the objectives of the European innovation partnership on active and healthy ageing
- Author
Bousquet, J. and Farrell, J. and Onorato, G.L. and Bedbrook, A. and Czarlewski, W. and Micheli, Y. and Arnavielhe, S. and Illario, M. and Ansotegui, I.J. and Anto, J.M. and Bachert, C. and Basagaña, X. and Bédard, A. and Benveniste, S. and Bergmann, K.C. and Bewick, M. and Bindslev-Jensen, C. and Bjermer, L. and Blain, H. and Bosnic-Anticevich, S. and Bosse, I. and Braido, F. and Brussino, L. and Camuzat, T. and Canonica, G.W. and Cardona, V. and Carreiro Martins, P. and Cecchi, L. and Chavannes, N.H. and Chu, D.K. and Correia da Sousa, J. and Costa, D.J. and Costa, E. and Cruz, A.A. and da Silva, J. and Devillier, P. and de Feo, G. and de Vries, G. and Dray, G. and Ebisawa, M. and Erhola, M. and Fauquert, J.L. and Fokkens, W.J. and Fonseca, J. and Fontaine, J.M. and Gemicioğlu, B. and Haahtela, T. and Heffler, E. and Hellings, P.W. and Ivancevich, J.C. and Jassem, E. and Jutel, M. and Kaidashev, I. and Kalayci, O. and Klimek, L. and Kowalski, M.L. and Kull, I. and Kuna, P. and Kvedariene, V. and la Grutta, S. and Laune, D. and Larenas-Linnemann, D. and Ierodiakonou, D. and Le, L.T.T. and Lourenço, O. and Makris, M. and Menditto, E. and Monti, R. and Morais-Almeida, M. and Münter, L. and Muraro, A. and Murray, R. and Maurer, M. and Melén, E. and Mösges, R. and Mullol, J. and Niedoszytko, M. and O'Hehir, R.E. and Okamoto, Y. and Papadopoulos, N.G. and Passalacqua, G. and Patella, V. and Pereira, A.M. and Pfaar, O. and Pham-Thi, N. and Portejoie, F. and Price, D. and Prokopakis, E.P. and Psarros, F. and Raciborski, F. and Regateiro, F. and Reitsma, S. and Roche, N. and Rolland, C. and Ryan, D. and Samolinski, B. and Sastre, J. and Scadding, G.K. and Schmid-Grendelmeier, P. and Schünemann, H.J. and Shamji, M. and Sheikh, A. and Stellato, C. and Suppli-Ulrik, C. and Somekh, D. and Sova, M. and Todo Bom, A. and Tomazic, P.V. and Toppila-Salmi, S. and Triggiani, M. and Tsiligianni, I. and Valero, A. and Valiulis, A. and Valovirta, E. and van Eerd, M. and Vasankari, T. and Ventura, M.T. and Wallace, D. and Waserman, S. and Yorgancioglu, A. and Zidarn, M. and Zuberbier, T., CHU Arnaud de Villeneuve, Montpellier, France, MACVIA-France, Montpellier, France, INSERM U 1168, VIMA: Ageing and Chronic Diseases Epidemiological and Public Health Approaches, Villejuif, France, UMR-S 1168, Université Versailles St-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Montigny le Bretonneux, France, Euforea, Brussels, Belgium, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany, Department of Dermatology and Allergy, Berlin Institute of Health, Comprehensive Allergy Center, Berlin, Germany, LANUA International Healthcare Consultancy, Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom, Medical Consulting Czarlewski, Levallois, France, KYomed INNOV, Montpellier, France, Division for Health Innovation, Campania Region and Federico II University Hospital Naples (R&D Unit and Department of Public Health), Naples, Italy, Department of Allergy and Immunology, Hospital Quirónsalud Bizkaia, Erandio, Spain, ISGlobAL, Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology (CREAL), Barcelona, Spain, Hospital del Mar Research Institute (IMIM), Barcelona, Spain, CIBER Epidemiología y Salud Pública (CIBERESP), Barcelona, Spain, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Barcelona, Spain, Upper Airways Research Laboratory, Department of ENT, Ghent University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium, National Center of Expertise in Cognitive Stimulation (CEN STIMCO), Broca Hospital, Paris, France, Mines ParisTech CRI - PSL Research University, Fontainebleau, France, iQ4U Consultants Ltd, London, United Kingdom, Department of Dermatology and Allergy Centre, Odense University Hospital, Odense Research Center for Anaphylaxis (ORCA), Odense, Denmark, Department of Respiratory Medicine and Allergology, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, Department of Geriatrics, Montpellier University Hospital, Montpellier, France, EA 2991, Euromov, University, Montpellier, France, Woolcock Institute of Medical Research, University of Sydney and Woolcock Emphysema Centre and Sydney Local Health District, Glebe, Australia, La Rochelle, France, University of Genoa, Department of Internal Medicine, DiMI) and IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino, Genova, Italy, Department of Medical Sciences, Allergy and Clinical Immunology Unit, University of Torino, Mauriziano Hospital, Torino, Italy, Région Occitanie, Montpellier, France, Personalized Medicine Clinic Asthma and Allergy, Humanitas Clinical and Research Center IRCCS, Rozzano (MI), Italy, Allergy Section, Department of Internal Medicine, Hospital Vall d'Hebron and ARADyAL Research Network, Barcelona, Spain, Serviço de Imunoalergologia, Hospital de Dona Estefânia, Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central, Lisbon, Portugal, CEDOC-CHRC, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas (FCM), Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal, SOS Allergology and Clinical Immunology, USL Toscana Centro, Prato, Italy, Department of Public Health and Primary Care, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands, Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence, and Impact, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada, Division of Clinical Immunology and Allergy, Department of Medicine, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada, Life and Health Sciences Research Institute (ICVS), School of Medicine, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal, ICVS/3B's, PT Government Associate Laboratory, Braga/Guimarães, Portugal, Nîmes, France, UCIBIO, REQUIMTE, Faculty of Pharmacy, and Competence Center on Active and Healthy Ageing of University of Porto (AgeUPNetWork), University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, ProAR - Nucleo de Excelencia em Asma, Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil, WHO GARD Planning Group, Salvador, Brazil, Allergy Service, University Hospital of Federal University of Santa Catarina (HU-UFSC), Florianópolis, Brazil, UPRES EA220, Pôle des Maladies des Voies Respiratoires, Hôpital Foch, Université Paris-Saclay, Suresnes, France, Department of Medicine, Surgery and Dentistry 'Scuola Medica Salernitana', University of Salerno, Salerno, Italy, Peercode BV, Geldermalsen, Netherlands, IMT Mines Alès, Université Montpellier, France, Clinical Reserch Center for Allergy and Rheumatology, Sagamihara National Hospital, Sagamihara, Japan, National Insitute for Health and Welfare, Helsinki, Finland, CHU Clermont-Ferrand, Unité d'allergologie de l'enfant, Pôle pédiatrique, Hôpital Estaing, Clermont-Ferrand, France, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Amsterdam University Medical Centres, AMC, Amsterdam, Netherlands, CINTESIS, Center for Research in Health Technology and Information Systems, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal, Medida, Lda, Porto, Portugal, Reims, France, Department of Pulmonary Diseases, Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine, Istambul, Turkey, Skin and Allergy Hospital, Helsinki University Hospital, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, University Hospitals Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Servicio de Alergia e Immunologia, Clinica Santa Isabel, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Department of Allergology, Medical University of Gdańsk, Gdańsk, Poland, Department of Clinical Immunology, Wrocław Medical University, Poland, Ukrainina Medical Stomatological Academy, Poltava, Ukraine, Pediatric Allergy and Asthma Unit, Hacettepe University School of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey, Center for Rhinology and Allergology, Wiesbaden, Germany, Department of Immunology and Allergy, Healthy Ageing Research Center, Medical University of Lodz, Poland, Department of Clinical Science and Education Södersjukhuset, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, Sach's Children and Youth Hospital, Södersjukhuset, Stockholm, Sweden, Division of Internal Medicine, Asthma and Allergy, Barlicki University Hospital, Medical University of Lodz, Poland, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius University, Institute of Clinical Medicine, Clinic of Chest diseases and Allergology, Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius, Lithuania, Institute for Research and Biomedical Innovation (IRIB), National Research Council (CNR), Palermo, Italy, Center of Excellence in Asthma and Allergy, Médica Sur Clinical Foundation and Hospital, México City, Mexico, Department of Social Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Crete, International Primary Care Respiratory Group, Crete, Greece, International Primary Care Respiratory Group IPCRG, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam, Faculty of Health Sciences and CICS - UBI, Health Sciences Research Centre, University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal, Allergy Unit 'D Kalogeromitros', 2nd Department of Dermatology and Venereology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Attikon University Hospital, Athens, Greece, CIRFF, Center of Pharmacoeconomics, University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy, Allergy Center, CUF Descobertas Hospital, Lisbon, Portugal, Danish Commitee for Health Education, Copenhagen East, Denmark, Food Allergy Referral Centre Veneto Region, Department of Women and Child Health, Padua General University Hospital, Padua, Italy, MedScript, Paraparaumu, New Zealand, Optimum Patient Care, Cambridge, United Kingdom, Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, Institute of Medical Statistics, and Computational Biology, Medical Faculty, University of Cologne, Germany and CRI-Clinical Research International-Ltd, Hamburg, Germany, Rhinology Unit and Smell Clinic, Department of ENT, Hospital Clínic, Barcelona, Spain, Clinical and Experimental Respiratory Immunoallergy, IDIBAPS, CIBERES, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, Department of Allergy, Immunology and Respiratory Medicine, Alfred Hospital and Central Clinical School, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, Department of Immunology, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Chiba University Hospital, Chiba, Japan, Division of Infection, Immunity and Respiratory Medicine, Royal Manchester Children's Hospital, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom, Department of Allergy, 2nd Pediatric Clinic, Athens General Children's Hospital 'P&A Kyriakou,', University of Athens, Athens, Greece, Allergy and Respiratory Diseases, Ospedale Policlino San Martino, University of Genoa, Italy, Division of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Department of Medicine, Agency of Health ASL Salerno, Santa Maria della Speranza Hospital, Salerno, Italy, Allergy Unit, CUF-Porto Hospital and Institute, Porto, Portugal, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Section of Rhinology and Allergy, University Hospital Marburg, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany, Department of Allergy, Pasteur Institute, Paris, France, Observational and Pragmatic Research Institute, Singapore, Singapore, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, University of Crete, School of Medicine, Heraklion, Greece, Allergy Department, Athens Naval Hospital, Athens, Greece, Department of Prevention of Envinronmental Hazards and Allergology, Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, Imunoalergologia, Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Coimbra, Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra, Portugal, Pneumologie et Soins Intensifs Respiratoires, Hôpitaux Universitaires Paris, Centre Hôpital Cochin, Paris, France, Association Asthme et Allergie, Paris, France, Allergy and Respiratory Research Group, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, Faculty of Medicine, Autnonous University of Madrid, Spain, Royal National TNE Hospital, University College London, London, United Kingdom, Allergy Unit, Department of Dermatology, University Hospital of Zurich, Zürich, Switzerland, Immunomodulation and Tolerance Group, Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom, Usher Institute of Population Health Sciences and Informatics, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, Department of Respiratory Medicine, Hvidovre Hospital, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, European Health Futures Forum (EHFF), Dromahair, Ireland, Department of Respiratory Medicine, University Hospital Olomouc, Olomouc, Czech Republic, Imunoalergologia, Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Coimbra, Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, Department of General ORL, H1NS, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria, Vilnius University Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Clinical Medicine, Institute of Health Sciences, Vilnius, Lithuania, European Academy of Paediatrics (EAP/UEMS-SP), Brussels, Belgium, Department of Lung Diseases and Clinical Immunology, University of Turku and Terveystalo Allergy Clinic, Turku, Finland, FILHA, Finnish Lung Association, Helsinki, Finland, University of Bari Medical School, Unit of Geriatric Immunoallergology, Bari, Italy, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, FL, United States, Department of Pulmonary Diseases, Celal Bayar University, Faculty of Medicine, Manisa, Turkey, and University Clinic of Respiratory and Allergic Diseases, Golnik, Slovenia
- Abstract
The reference sites of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA) were renewed in 2019. The DG Santé good practice Mobile Airways Sentinel networK was reviewed to meet the objectives of the EIP on AHA. It included 1) Management of care process, 2) Blueprint of digital transformation, 3) EIP on AHA, innovation to market, 4) Community for monitoring and assessment framework, 5) Political, organizational, technological and financial readiness, 6) Contributing to European co-operation and transferability, 7) Delivering evidence of impact against the triple win approach, 8) Contribution to the European Digital Transformation of Health and Care and 9) scale of demonstration and deployment of innovation. © 2020 The Korean Academy of Asthma, Allergy and Clinical Immunology • The Korean Academy of Pediatric Allergy and Respiratory Disease This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (https:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
- Published
- 2020
54. Correction to: Is diet partly responsible for differences in COVID-19 death rates between and within countries? (Clinical and Translational Allergy, (2020), 10, 1, (16), 10.1186/s13601-020-00323-0)
- Author
Bousquet, J., Anto, J. M., Iaccarino, G., Czarlewski, W., Haahtela, T., Anto, A., Akdis, C. A., Blain, H., Canonica, G. W., Cardona, V., Cruz, A. A., Illario, M., Ivancevich, J. C., Jutel, M., Klimek, L., Kuna, P., Laune, D., Larenas-linnemann, D., Mullol, J., Papadopoulos, N. G., Pfaar, O., Samolinski, B., Valiulis, A., Yorgancioglu, A., Zuberbier, T., Latiff, A. H. A., Abdullah, B., Aberer, W., Abusada, N., Adcock, I., Afani, A., Agache, I., Aggelidis, X., Agustin, J., Akdis, C., Akdis, M., Al-Ahmad, M., Bassam, A. A. -Z., Aldrey-Palacios, O., Cuesta, E. A., Alzaabi, A., Amad, S., Ambrocio, G., Annesi-Maesano, I., Ansotegui, I., Anto, J., Arshad, H., Artesani, M. C., Asayag, E., Avolio, F., Azhari, K., Baiardini, I., Bajrovic, N., Bakakos, P., Mongono, S. B., Balotro-Torres, C., Barba, S., Barbara, C., Barbosa, E., Barreto, B., Bartra, J., Bateman, E. D., Battur, L., Bedbrook, A., Barajas, M. B., Beghe, B., Bel, E., Kheder, A. B., Benson, M., Berghea, C., Bergmann, K. -C., Bernstein, D., Bewick, M., Bialek, S., Bialoszewski, A., Bieber, T., Billo, N., Bilo, M. B., Bindslev-Jensen, C., Bjermer, L., Marciniak, M. B., Bond, C., Boner, A., Bonini, M., Bonini, S., Bosnic-Anticevich, S., Bosse, I., Botskariova, S., Bouchard, J., Boulet, L. -P., Bourret, R., Bousquet, P., Braido, F., Briggs, A., Brightling, C., Brozek, J., Buhl, R., Bumbacea, R., Cabanas, M. T. B., Bush, A., Busse, W. W., Buters, J., Caballero-Fonseca, F., Calderon, M. A., Calvo, M., Camargos, P., Camuzat, T., Cano, A., Capriles-Hulett, A., Caraballo, L., Carlsen, K. -H., Caro, J., Carr, W., Carreon-Asun-cion, F., Carriazo, A. M., Casale, T., Castor, M. A., Castro, E., Cecchi, L., Sarabia, A. C., Chandrasekharan, R., Chang, Y. -S., Chato-Andeza, V., Chatzi, L., Chatzidaki, C., Chavannes, N. H., Chen, Y., Cheng, L., Chivato, T., Chkhartishvili, E., Christoff, G., Chrystyn, H., Chu, D. K., Chua, A., Chuchalin, A., Chung, K. F., Ciceran, A., Cingi, C., Ciprandi, G., Cirule, I., Coelho, A. C., Constantinidis, J., Sousa, J. C., Costa, E., Costa, D., Dominguez, M. C. C., Coste, A., Cox, L., Cullen, J., Custovic, A., Cvetkovski, B., D'Amato, G., Silva, J. D., Dahl, R., Dahlen, S. -E., Daniilidis, V., Nahhas, L. D., Darsow, U., Blay, F., Guia, E. D., Santos, C., Keenoy, E. D. M., Vries, G. D., Deleanu, D., Demoly, P., Denburg, J., Devillier, P., Didier, A., Dimou, M., Dinh-Xuan, A. T., Djukanovic, R., Dokic, D., Silva, M. G. D., Douagui, H., Douladiris, N., Doulaptsi, M., Dray, G., Dubakiene, R., Durham, S., Dykewicz, M., Ebo, D., Edelbaher, N., Eklund, P., El-Gamal, Y., El-Sayed, Z. A., El-Sayed, S. S., El-Seify, M., Emuzyte, R., Enecilla, L., Espinoza, H., Farrell, J., Fernandez, L., Wagner, A. F., Fiocchi, A., Fokkens, W. J., Fontaine, J. -F., Forastiere, F., Fuentes, J. M., Gaerlan-resureccion, E., Gaga, M., Romero, J. L. G., Gamkrelidze, A., Garcia, A., Cobas, C. Y. G., Gayraud, J., Gemicioglu, B., Genova, S., Gereda, J., Wijk, R. G., Gomez, M., Diaz, S. G., Gotua, M., Grigoreas, C., Grisle, I., Guidacci, M., Guldemond, N., Gutter, Z., Guzman, A., Halloum, R., Hamelmann, E., Hammadi, S., Harvey, R., Heinrich, J., Hejjaoui, A., Hellquist-Dahl, B., Velazquez, L. H., Hew, M., Hossny, E., Howarth, P., Hrubisko, M., Villalobos, Y. R. H., Humbert, M., Hyland, M., Ibrahim, M., Ilyina, N., Irani, C., Ispayeva, Z., Jares, E., Jarvis, D., Jassem, E., Jenko, K., Uscanga, R. D. J., Johnston, S., Joos, G., Jost, M., Julge, K., Jung, K. -S., Just, J., Kaidashev, I., Kalayci, O., Kalyoncu, F., Kapsali, J., Kardas, P., Karjalainen, J., Kasala, C. A., Katotomichelakis, M., Kazi, B., Keil, T., Keith, P., Khaitov, M., Khaltaev, N., Kim, Y. -Y., Kleine-Tebbe, J., Koffi N'Goran, B., Kompoti, E., Kopac, P., Koppelman, G., Jeverica, A. K., Kosnik, M., Kostov, K. V., Kowalski, M. L., Kralimarkova, T., Vrscaj, K. K., Kraxner, H., Kreft, S., Kritikos, V., Kudlay, D., Kull, I., Kupczyk, M., Kvedariene, V., Kyriakakou, M., Lalek, N., Lane, S., Larenas-Linnemann, D., Latiff, A., Lau, S., Lavrut, J., Le, L., Lessa, M., Levin, M., Li, J., Lieberman, P., Liotta, G., Lipworth, B., Liu, X., Lobo, R., Lodrup Carlsen, K. C., Lombardi, C., Louis, R., Loukidis, S., Lourenco, O., Luna Pech, J. A., Madjar, B., Magnan, A., Mahboub, B., Mair, A., Mais, Y., van der Zee, A. -H. M., Makela, M., Makris, M., Malling, H. -J., Mandajieva, M., Manning, P., Manousakis, M., Maragoudakis, P., Marshall, G., Martins, P., Masjedi, M. R., Maspero, J. F., Campos, J. J. M., Maurer, M., Mavale-Manuel, S., Meco, C., Melen, E., Melo-Gomes, E., Meltzer, E. O., Menditto, E., Menzies-Gow, A., Merk, H., Michel, J. -P., Miculinic, N., Midao, L., Mihaltan, F., Mikael, K., Mikos, N., Milenkovic, B., Mitsias, D., Moalla, B., Moda, G., Martinez, M. D. M., Mohammad, Y., Moin, M., Molimard, M., Momas, I., Monaco, A., Montefort, S., Mora, D., Morais-Almeida, M., Mosges, R., Mostafa, B. E., Munter, L., Muraro, A., Murray, R., Mustakov, T., Naclerio, R., Nadif, R., Nakonechna, A., Namazova-Baranova, L., Navarro-Locsin, G., Neffen, H., Nekam, K., Neou, A., Nicod, L., Niederberger-Leppin, V., Niedoszytko, M., Nieto, A., Novellino, E., Nunes, E., Nyembue, D., O'Hehir, R., Odjakova, C., Ohta, K., Okamoto, Y., Okubo, K., Oliver, B., Onorato, G. L., Orru, M. P., Ouedraogo, S., Ouoba, K., Paggiaro, P. L., Pagkalos, A., Palaniappan, S. P., Pali-Scholl, I., Palkonen, S., Palmer, S., Bunu, C. P., Panzner, P., Papanikolaou, V., Papi, A., Paralchev, B., Paraskevopoulos, G., Park, H. S., Passalacqua, G., Patella, V., Pavord, I., Pawankar, R., Pedersen, S., Peleve, S., Pereira, A., Perez, T., Pham-Thi, N., Pigearias, B., Pin, I., Piskou, K., Pitsios, C., Pitsios, K., Plavec, D., Poethig, D., Pohl, W., Susic, A. P., Popov, T. A., Portejoie, F., Potter, P., Poulsen, L., Prados-Torres, A., Prarros, F., Price, D., Prokopakis, E., Puy, R., Rabe, K., Raciborski, F., Ramos, J., Recto, M. T., Reda, S. M., Regateiro, F., Reider, N., Reitsma, S., Repka-Ramirez, S., Rimmer, J., Yeverino, D. R., Rizzo, J. A., Robalo-Cordeiro, C., Roberts, G., Roche, N., Gonzalez, M. R., Zagal, E. R., Rolland, C., Roller-Wirns-berger, R., Rodriguez, M. R., Romano, A., Rombaux, P., Romualdez, J., Rosado-Pinto, J., Rosario, N., Rosenwasser, L., Rottem, M., Rouadi, P., Rovina, N., Sinur, I. R., Ruiz, M., Segura, L. T. R., Ryan, D., Sagara, H., Sakai, D., Sakurai, D., Saleh, W., Salimaki, J., Salina, H., Samitas, K. -N., Coronel, M. G. S., Sanchez-Borges, M., Sanchez-Lopez, J., Sarafoleanu, C., Serpa, F. S., Sastre-Dominguez, J., Scadding, G., Scheire, S., Schmid-Grendelmeier, P., Schuhl, J. F., Schunemann, H., Schvalbova, M., Scichilone, N., Sepulveda, C., Serrano, E., Sheikh, A., Shields, M., Shishkov, V., Siafakas, N., Simeonov, A., Simons, E. F., Sisul, J. C., Sitkauskiene, B., Skrindo, I., Soklic, T., Sole, D., Sooronbaev, T., Soto-Martinez, M., Sova, M., Spertini, F., Spranger, O., Stamataki, S., Stefanaki, L., Stellato, C., Stelmach, R., Sterk, P., Strandberg, T., Stute, P., Subramaniam, A., Ulrik, C. S., Sutherland, M., Sylvestre, S., Syrigou, A., Barata, L. T., Takovska, N., Tan, R., Tan, F., Tan, V., Tang, I. P., Taniguchi, M., Tannert, L., Tattersall, J., Teixeira, M. D. C., Thijs, C., Thomas, M., To, T., Todo-Bom, A. M., Togias, A., Tomazic, P. -V., Toppila-Salmi, S., Toskala, E., Triggiani, M., Triller, N., Triller, K., Tsiligianni, I., Ulmeanu, R., Urbancic, J., Pereira, M. U., Vachova, M., Valdes, F., Valenta, R., Rostan, M. V., Valero, A., Vallianatou, M., Valovirta, E., Eerd, M. V., Ganse, E. V., Hage, M., Vandenplas, O., Vasankari, T., Vassileva, D., Ventura, M. T., Vera-Munoz, C., Vicheva, D., Vichyanond, P., Vidgren, P., Viegi, G., Vogelmeier, C., Hertzen, L. V., Vontetsianos, T., Vourdas, D., Wagenmann, M., Walker, S., Wallace, D., Wang, D. Y., Waserman, S., Wickman, M., Williams, S., Williams, D., Wilson, N., Woo, K., Wright, J., Wroczynski, P., Xepapadaki, P., Yakovliev, P., Yamaguchi, M., Yan, K., Yap, Y. Y., Yawn, B., Yiallouros, P., Yoshihara, S., Young, I., Yusuf, O. B., Zaidi, A., Zaitoun, F., Zar, H., Zernotti, M., Zhang, L., Zhong, N., and Zidarn, M.
- Published
- 2020
55. Treatment of allergic rhinitis during and outside the pollen season using mobile technology. A MASK study
- Author
Bédard, A. Basagaña, X. Anto, J.M. Garcia-Aymerich, J. Devillier, P. Arnavielhe, S. Bedbrook, A. Onorato, G.L. Czarlewski, W. Murray, R. Almeida, R. Fonseca, J.A. Correia da Sousa, J. Costa, E. Morais-Almeida, M. Todo-Bom, A. Cecchi, L. De Feo, G. Illario, M. Menditto, E. Monti, R. Stellato, C. Ventura, M.T. Annesi-Maesano, I. Bosse, I. Fontaine, J.F. Pham-Thi, N. Thibaudon, M. Schmid-Grendelmeier, P. Spertini, F. Chavannes, N.H. Fokkens, W.J. Reitsma, S. Dubakiene, R. Emuzyte, R. Kvedariene, V. Valiulis, A. Kuna, P. Samolinski, B. Klimek, L. Mösges, R. Pfaar, O. Shamai, S. Roller-Wirnsberger, R.E. Tomazic, P.V. Ryan, D. Sheikh, A. Haahtela, T. Toppila-Salmi, S. Valovirta, E. Cardona, V. Mullol, J. Valero, A. Makris, M. Papadopoulos, N.G. Prokopakis, E.P. Psarros, F. Bachert, C. Hellings, P.W. Pugin, B. Bindslev-Jensen, C. Eller, E. Kull, I. Melén, E. Wickman, M. De Vries, G. van Eerd, M. Agache, I. Ansotegui, I.J. Bosnic-Anticevich, S. Cruz, A.A. Casale, T. Ivancevich, J.C. Larenas-Linnemann, D.E. Sofiev, M. Wallace, D. Waserman, S. Yorgancioglu, A. Laune, D. Bousquet, J. the MASK study group
- Abstract
Background: The analysis of mobile health (mHealth) data has generated innovative insights into improving allergic rhinitis control, but additive information is needed. A cross-sectional real-world observational study was undertaken in 17 European countries during and outside the estimated pollen season. The aim was to collect novel information including the phenotypic characteristics of the users. Methods: The Allergy Diary–MASK-air–mobile phone app, freely available via Google Play and App, was used to collect the data of daily visual analogue scales (VASs) for overall allergic symptoms and medication use. Fluticasone Furoate (FF), Mometasone Furoate (MF), Azelastine Fluticasone Proprionate combination (MPAzeFlu) and eight oral H1-antihistamines were studied. Phenotypic characteristics were recorded at entry. The ARIA severity score was derived from entry data. This was an a priori planned analysis. Results: 9037 users filled in 70,286 days of VAS in 2016, 2017 and 2018. The ARIA severity score was lower outside than during the pollen season. Severity was similar for all treatment groups during the pollen season, and lower in the MPAzeFlu group outside the pollen season. Days with MPAzeFlu had lower VAS levels and a higher frequency of monotherapy than the other treatments during the season. Outside the season, days with MPAzeFlu also had a higher frequency of monotherapy. The number of reported days was significantly higher with MPAzeFlu during and outside the season than with MF, FF or oral H1-antihistamines. Conclusions: This study shows that the overall efficacy of treatments is similar during and outside the pollen season and indicates that medications are similarly effective during the year. © 2020, The Author(s).
- Published
- 2020
56. The need for a biological diagnosis of penicillin allergy
- Author
Kvedariene, V. and Demoly, P.
- Published
- 2008
57. Next-generation care pathways for allergic rhinitis and asthma multimorbidity: a model for multimorbid non-communicable diseases
- Author
Bousquet, J., Nhan, P.T., Bedbrook, A., Agache, I., Annesi-Maesano, I., Ansotegui, I., Anto, J.M., Bachert, C., Benveniste, S., Bewick, M., Billo, N., Bosnic-Anticevich, S., Bosse, I., Brusselle, G., Calderon, M.A., Canonica, G.W., Caraballo, L., Cardona, V., Carriazo, A.M., Cash, E., Cecchi, L., Chu, D.K., Colgan, E., Costa, E., Cruz, A.A., Czarlewski, W., Durham, S., Ebisawa, M., Erhola, M., Fauquert, J.L., Fokkens, W.J., Fonseca, J.A., Guldemond, N., Iinuma, T., Illario, M., Klimek, L., Kuna, P., Kvedariene, V., Larenas-Linneman, D., Laune, D., L.T.T. le, Lourenco, O., Malva, J.O., Marien, G., Menditto, E., Mullol, J., Munter, L., Okamoto, Y., Onorato, G.L., Papadopoulos, N.G., Perala, M., Pfaar, O., Phillips, A., Phillips, J., Pinnock, H., Portejoie, F., Quinones-Delgado, P., Rolland, C., Rodts, U., Samolinski, B., Sanchez-Borges, M., Schunemann, H.J., Shamji, M., Somekh, D., Togias, A., Toppila-Salmi, S., Tsiligianni, I., Usmani, O., Walker, S., Wallace, D., Valiulis, A., Kleij, R. van der, Ventura, M.T., Williams, S., Yorgancioglu, A., and Zuberbier, T.
- Published
- 2019
- Full Text
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58. Mobile technology offers novel insights into the control and treatment of allergic rhinitis: The MASK study
- Author
Bedard, A., Basagana, X., Anto, J.M., Garcia-Aymerich, J., Devillier, P., Arnavielhe, S., Bedbrook, A., Onorato, G.L., Czarlewski, W., Murray, R., Almeida, R., Fonseca, J., Costa, E., Malva, J., Morais-Almeida, M., Pereira, A.M., Todo-Bom, A., Menditto, E., Stellato, C., Ventura, M.T., Cruz, A.A., Stelmach, R., Silva, J. da, Larenas-Linnemann, D., Fuentes-Perez, J.M., Huerta-Villalobos, Y.R., Emuzyte, R., Kvedariene, V., Valiulis, A., Kuna, P., Samolinski, B., Klimek, L., Mosges, R., Pfaar, O., Shamai, S., Annesi-Maesano, I., Bosse, I., Demoly, P., Fontaine, J.F., Cardona, V., Mullol, J., Valero, A., Roller-Wirnsberger, R.E., Tomazic, P.V., Chavannes, N.H., Fokkens, W.J., Reitsma, S., Bewick, M., Ryan, D., Sheikh, A., Haahtela, T., Toppila-Salmi, S., Valovirta, E., Makris, M., Papadopoulos, N.G., Prokopakis, E.P., Psarros, F., Cingi, C., Gemicioglu, B., Yorgancioglu, A., Bosnic-Anticevich, S., O'Hehir, R.E., Bachert, C., Hellings, P.W., Pugin, B., Bindslev-Jensen, C., Eller, E., Kull, I., Melen, E., Wickman, M., Vries, G. de, Eerd, M. van, Agache, I., Ansotegui, I.J., Dykewicz, M.S., Casale, T., Wallace, D., Waserman, S., Laune, D., Bousquet, J., and MASK Study Grp
- Subjects
antihistamines ,MASK ,treatment ,conjunctivitis ,asthma ,mobile health ,Allergic rhinitis ,corticosteroids - Abstract
Background: Mobile health can be used to generate innovative insights into optimizing treatment to improve allergic rhinitis (AR) control.Objectives: A cross-sectional real-world observational study was undertaken in 22 countries to complement a pilot study and provide novel information on medication use, disease control, and work productivity in the everyday life of patients with AR.Methods: A mobile phone app (Allergy Diary, which is freely available on Google Play and Apple stores) was used to collect the data of daily visual analogue scale (VAS) scores for (1) overall allergic symptoms; (2) nasal, ocular, and asthma symptoms; (3) work; and (4) medication use by using a treatment scroll list including all allergy medications (prescribed and over-the-counter) customized for 22 countries. The 4 most common intranasal medications containing intranasal corticosteroids and 8 oral H-1-antihistamines were studied.Results: Nine thousand one hundred twenty-two users filled in 112,054 days of VASs in 2016 and 2017. Assessment of days was informative. Control of days with rhinitis differed between no (best control), single (good control for intranasal corticosteroid-treated days), or multiple (worst control) treatments. Users with the worst control increased the range of treatments being used. The same trend was found for asthma, eye symptoms, and work productivity. Differences between oral H-1-antihistamines were found.Conclusions: This study confirms the usefulness of the Allergy Diary in accessing and assessing behavior in patients with AR. This observational study using a very simple assessment tool (VAS) on a mobile phone had the potential to answer questions previously thought infeasible.
- Published
- 2019
59. Clinical presentation and time course in hypersensitivity reactions to β-lactams
- Author
Bousquet, P. J., Kvedariene, V., Co-Minh, H.-B., Martins, P., Rongier, M., Arnoux, B., and Demoly, P.
- Published
- 2007
60. Pharmacologic and anti-IgE treatment of allergic rhinitis ARIA update (in collaboration with GA2LEN)
- Author
Bousquet, J., van Cauwenberge, P., Aït Khaled, N., Bachert, C., Baena-Cagnani, C. E., Bouchard, J., Bunnag, C., Canonica, G. W., Carlsen, K.-H., Chen, Y.-Z., Cruz, A. A., Custovic, A., Demoly, P., Dubakiene, R., Durham, S., Fokkens, W., Howarth, P., Kemp, J., Kowalski, M. L., Kvedariene, V., Lipworth, B., Lockey, R., Lund, V., Mavale-Manuel, S., Meltzer, E. O., Mullol, J., Naclerio, R., Nekam, K., Ohta, K., Papadopoulos, N., Passalacqua, G., Pawankar, R., Popov, T., Potter, P., Price, D., Scadding, G., Simons, F. E. R., Spicak, V., Valovirta, E., Wang, D.-Y., Yawn, B., and Yusuf, O.
- Published
- 2006
61. Diagnosis of iodinated contrast media hypersensitivity: results of a 6-year period
- Author
Kvedariene, V., Martins, P., Rouanet, L., and Demoly, P.
- Published
- 2006
62. Diagnosis of neuromuscular blocking agent hypersensitivity reactions using cytofluorimetric analysis of basophils
- Author
Kvedariene, V., Kamey, S., Ryckwaert, Y., Rongier, M., Bousquet, J., Demoly, P., and Arnoux, B.
- Published
- 2006
63. Aligning the good practice mask with the objectives of the European innovation partnership on active and healthy ageing
- Author
Bousquet, J. Farrell, J. Onorato, G.L. Bedbrook, A. Czarlewski, W. Micheli, Y. Arnavielhe, S. Illario, M. Ansotegui, I.J. Anto, J.M. Bachert, C. Basagaña, X. Bédard, A. Benveniste, S. Bergmann, K.C. Bewick, M. Bindslev-Jensen, C. Bjermer, L. Blain, H. Bosnic-Anticevich, S. Bosse, I. Braido, F. Brussino, L. Camuzat, T. Canonica, G.W. Cardona, V. Carreiro Martins, P. Cecchi, L. Chavannes, N.H. Chu, D.K. Correia da Sousa, J. Costa, D.J. Costa, E. Cruz, A.A. da Silva, J. Devillier, P. de Feo, G. de Vries, G. Dray, G. Ebisawa, M. Erhola, M. Fauquert, J.L. Fokkens, W.J. Fonseca, J. Fontaine, J.M. Gemicioğlu, B. Haahtela, T. Heffler, E. Hellings, P.W. Ivancevich, J.C. Jassem, E. Jutel, M. Kaidashev, I. Kalayci, O. Klimek, L. Kowalski, M.L. Kull, I. Kuna, P. Kvedariene, V. la Grutta, S. Laune, D. Larenas-Linnemann, D. Ierodiakonou, D. Le, L.T.T. Lourenço, O. Makris, M. Menditto, E. Monti, R. Morais-Almeida, M. Münter, L. Muraro, A. Murray, R. Maurer, M. Melén, E. Mösges, R. Mullol, J. Niedoszytko, M. O'Hehir, R.E. Okamoto, Y. Papadopoulos, N.G. Passalacqua, G. Patella, V. Pereira, A.M. Pfaar, O. Pham-Thi, N. Portejoie, F. Price, D. Prokopakis, E.P. Psarros, F. Raciborski, F. Regateiro, F. Reitsma, S. Roche, N. Rolland, C. Ryan, D. Samolinski, B. Sastre, J. Scadding, G.K. Schmid-Grendelmeier, P. Schünemann, H.J. Shamji, M. Sheikh, A. Stellato, C. Suppli-Ulrik, C. Somekh, D. Sova, M. Todo Bom, A. Tomazic, P.V. Toppila-Salmi, S. Triggiani, M. Tsiligianni, I. Valero, A. Valiulis, A. Valovirta, E. van Eerd, M. Vasankari, T. Ventura, M.T. Wallace, D. Waserman, S. Yorgancioglu, A. Zidarn, M. Zuberbier, T. and Bousquet, J. Farrell, J. Onorato, G.L. Bedbrook, A. Czarlewski, W. Micheli, Y. Arnavielhe, S. Illario, M. Ansotegui, I.J. Anto, J.M. Bachert, C. Basagaña, X. Bédard, A. Benveniste, S. Bergmann, K.C. Bewick, M. Bindslev-Jensen, C. Bjermer, L. Blain, H. Bosnic-Anticevich, S. Bosse, I. Braido, F. Brussino, L. Camuzat, T. Canonica, G.W. Cardona, V. Carreiro Martins, P. Cecchi, L. Chavannes, N.H. Chu, D.K. Correia da Sousa, J. Costa, D.J. Costa, E. Cruz, A.A. da Silva, J. Devillier, P. de Feo, G. de Vries, G. Dray, G. Ebisawa, M. Erhola, M. Fauquert, J.L. Fokkens, W.J. Fonseca, J. Fontaine, J.M. Gemicioğlu, B. Haahtela, T. Heffler, E. Hellings, P.W. Ivancevich, J.C. Jassem, E. Jutel, M. Kaidashev, I. Kalayci, O. Klimek, L. Kowalski, M.L. Kull, I. Kuna, P. Kvedariene, V. la Grutta, S. Laune, D. Larenas-Linnemann, D. Ierodiakonou, D. Le, L.T.T. Lourenço, O. Makris, M. Menditto, E. Monti, R. Morais-Almeida, M. Münter, L. Muraro, A. Murray, R. Maurer, M. Melén, E. Mösges, R. Mullol, J. Niedoszytko, M. O'Hehir, R.E. Okamoto, Y. Papadopoulos, N.G. Passalacqua, G. Patella, V. Pereira, A.M. Pfaar, O. Pham-Thi, N. Portejoie, F. Price, D. Prokopakis, E.P. Psarros, F. Raciborski, F. Regateiro, F. Reitsma, S. Roche, N. Rolland, C. Ryan, D. Samolinski, B. Sastre, J. Scadding, G.K. Schmid-Grendelmeier, P. Schünemann, H.J. Shamji, M. Sheikh, A. Stellato, C. Suppli-Ulrik, C. Somekh, D. Sova, M. Todo Bom, A. Tomazic, P.V. Toppila-Salmi, S. Triggiani, M. Tsiligianni, I. Valero, A. Valiulis, A. Valovirta, E. van Eerd, M. Vasankari, T. Ventura, M.T. Wallace, D. Waserman, S. Yorgancioglu, A. Zidarn, M. Zuberbier, T.
- Abstract
The reference sites of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA) were renewed in 2019. The DG Santé good practice Mobile Airways Sentinel networK was reviewed to meet the objectives of the EIP on AHA. It included 1) Management of care process, 2) Blueprint of digital transformation, 3) EIP on AHA, innovation to market, 4) Community for monitoring and assessment framework, 5) Political, organizational, technological and financial readiness, 6) Contributing to European co-operation and transferability, 7) Delivering evidence of impact against the triple win approach, 8) Contribution to the European Digital Transformation of Health and Care and 9) scale of demonstration and deployment of innovation. © 2020 The Korean Academy of Asthma, Allergy and Clinical Immunology • The Korean Academy of Pediatric Allergy and Respiratory Disease This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (https:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
- Published
- 2020
64. Treatment of allergic rhinitis during and outside the pollen season using mobile technology : A MASK study
- Author
Bédard, A., Basagaña, X., Anto, J. M., Garcia-Aymerich, J., Devillier, P., Arnavielhe, S., Bedbrook, A., Onorato, G. L., Czarlewski, W., Murray, R., Almeida, R., Fonseca, J. A., Correia da Sousa, J., Costa, E., Morais-Almeida, M., Todo-Bom, A., Cecchi, L., De Feo, G., Illario, M., Menditto, E., Monti, R., Stellato, C., Ventura, M. T., Annesi-Maesano, I., Bosse, I., Fontaine, J. F., Pham-Thi, N., Thibaudon, M., Schmid-Grendelmeier, P., Spertini, F., Chavannes, N. H., Fokkens, W. J., Reitsma, S., Dubakiene, R., Emuzyte, R., Kvedariene, V., Valiulis, A., Kuna, P., Samolinski, B., Klimek, L., Mösges, R., Pfaar, O., Shamai, S., Roller-Wirnsberger, R. E., Tomazic, P. V., Ryan, D., Sheikh, A., Haahtela, T., Toppila-Salmi, S., Valovirta, E., Cardona, V., Mullol, J., Valero, A., Makris, M., Papadopoulos, N. G., Prokopakis, E. P., Psarros, F., Bachert, C., Hellings, P. W., Pugin, B., Bindslev-Jensen, C., Eller, E., Kull, I., Melén, E., Wickman, M., De Vries, G., van Eerd, M., Agache, I., Ansotegui, I. J., Bosnic-Anticevich, S., Cruz, A. A., Casale, T., Ivancevich, J. C., Larenas-Linnemann, D. E., Sofev, M., Wallace, D., Waserman, S., Yorgancioglu, A., Laune, D., Bousquet, J., Bédard, A., Basagaña, X., Anto, J. M., Garcia-Aymerich, J., Devillier, P., Arnavielhe, S., Bedbrook, A., Onorato, G. L., Czarlewski, W., Murray, R., Almeida, R., Fonseca, J. A., Correia da Sousa, J., Costa, E., Morais-Almeida, M., Todo-Bom, A., Cecchi, L., De Feo, G., Illario, M., Menditto, E., Monti, R., Stellato, C., Ventura, M. T., Annesi-Maesano, I., Bosse, I., Fontaine, J. F., Pham-Thi, N., Thibaudon, M., Schmid-Grendelmeier, P., Spertini, F., Chavannes, N. H., Fokkens, W. J., Reitsma, S., Dubakiene, R., Emuzyte, R., Kvedariene, V., Valiulis, A., Kuna, P., Samolinski, B., Klimek, L., Mösges, R., Pfaar, O., Shamai, S., Roller-Wirnsberger, R. E., Tomazic, P. V., Ryan, D., Sheikh, A., Haahtela, T., Toppila-Salmi, S., Valovirta, E., Cardona, V., Mullol, J., Valero, A., Makris, M., Papadopoulos, N. G., Prokopakis, E. P., Psarros, F., Bachert, C., Hellings, P. W., Pugin, B., Bindslev-Jensen, C., Eller, E., Kull, I., Melén, E., Wickman, M., De Vries, G., van Eerd, M., Agache, I., Ansotegui, I. J., Bosnic-Anticevich, S., Cruz, A. A., Casale, T., Ivancevich, J. C., Larenas-Linnemann, D. E., Sofev, M., Wallace, D., Waserman, S., Yorgancioglu, A., Laune, D., and Bousquet, J.
- Abstract
Background The analysis of mobile health (mHealth) data has generated innovative insights into improving allergic rhinitis control, but additive information is needed. A cross-sectional real-world observational study was undertaken in 17 European countries during and outside the estimated pollen season. The aim was to collect novel information including the phenotypic characteristics of the users. Methods The Allergy Diary–MASK-air–mobile phone app, freely available via Google Play and App, was used to collect the data of daily visual analogue scales (VASs) for overall allergic symptoms and medication use. Fluticasone Furoate (FF), Mometasone Furoate (MF), Azelastine Fluticasone Proprionate combination (MPAzeFlu) and eight oral H1-antihistamines were studied. Phenotypic characteristics were recorded at entry. The ARIA severity score was derived from entry data. This was an a priori planned analysis. Results 9037 users filled in 70,286 days of VAS in 2016, 2017 and 2018. The ARIA severity score was lower outside than during the pollen season. Severity was similar for all treatment groups during the pollen season, and lower in the MPAzeFlu group outside the pollen season. Days with MPAzeFlu had lower VAS levels and a higher frequency of monotherapy than the other treatments during the season. Outside the season, days with MPAzeFlu also had a higher frequency of monotherapy. The number of reported days was significantly higher with MPAzeFlu during and outside the season than with MF, FF or oral H1-antihistamines. Conclusions This study shows that the overall efficacy of treatments is similar during and outside the pollen season and indicates that medications are similarly effective during the year., Correction in: CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL ALLERGY, Volume 12, Issue 3, Article Number e12126, DOI 10.1002/clt2.12126
- Published
- 2020
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65. Sinus CT scans and mediator release in nasal secretions after nasal challenge with cypress pollens
- Author
Piette, V., Bousquet, C., Kvedariene, V., Dhivert-Donnadieu, H., Crampette, L., Senac, J.-P., Bousquet, J., and Demoly, P.
- Published
- 2004
66. The accuracy of the diagnosis of suspected paracetamol (acetaminophen) hypersensitivity: results of a single-blinded trial
- Author
Kvedariene, V., Bencherioua, A. M., Messaad, D., Godard, P., Bousquet, J., and Demoly, P.
- Published
- 2002
67. Suspected Rivaroxaban-Induced Anaphylaxis Secondary to Ingestion of Rivaroxaban and Nimesulide Without Cross-Reactivity to Dabigatran – A Case Report
- Author
Gumbis G, Česnavičiūtė I, Didžiokaitė G, Gegeckienė D, and Kvedarienė V
- Subjects
xarelto ,anticoagulant ,doac ,adverse drug reaction ,allergy ,Immunologic diseases. Allergy ,RC581-607 - Abstract
Gediminas Gumbis,1 Inga Česnavičiūtė,1 Gabija Didžiokaitė,1,2 Daiva Gegeckienė,3 Violeta Kvedarienė4,5 1Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania; 2Institute of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius University Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania; 3Centre of Cardiology, Vilnius University Hospital Santaros Klinikos, Vilnius, Lithuania; 4Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania; 5Centre of Innovative Allergology, Vilnius, LithuaniaCorrespondence: Gediminas Gumbis, Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius University, M. K. Čiurlionio g. 21, Vilnius, LT-03101, Lithuania, Tel +37060680714, Email gediminas.gumbis@mf.stud.vu.ltAbstract: Here, we describe a case of anaphylaxis secondary to rivaroxaban in a 61-year-old woman 24 hours after orthopedic surgery. 10– 15 minutes after ingestion of rivaroxaban and nimesulide, the patient’s palms started itching, her face and lips swelled, her face flushed, she developed shortness of breath and subsequently lost consciousness. Serum tryptase levels at the time of the anaphylactic reaction were elevated, with subsequent measurement one month later returning a value within the normal range. Dabigatran and meloxicam were identified as suitable alternative drugs by oral provocation at an allergy clinic. Even though rivaroxaban rarely causes serious allergic reactions, when prescribing it, it is important to analyze patients’ medical history for possible previously experienced drug-induced allergic reactions and to be aware of the risks of possible undesired drug interactions.Keywords: Xarelto, anticoagulant, DOAC, adverse drug reaction, allergy
- Published
- 2023
68. Cysteinyl-leukotriene release test (CAST) in the diagnosis of immediate drug reactions
- Author
Lebel, B., Messaad, D., Kvedariene, V., Rongier, M., Bousquet, J., and Demoly, P.
- Published
- 2001
69. ARIA digitally-enabled, integrated, person-centred care for rhinitis and asthma
- Author
Bousquet, J., Bedbrook, A., Czarlewski, W., Onorato, G. L., Arnavielhe, S., Laune, D., Mathieu-Dupas, E., Fonseca, J., Costa, E., Lourenço, O., Morais-Almeida, M., Todo-Bom, A., Illario, M., Menditto, E., Canonica, G. W., Cecchi, L., Monti, R., Napoli, L., Ventura, M. T., De Feo, G., Fokkens, W. J., Chavannes, N. H., Reitsma, S., Cruz, A. A., da Silva, J., Serpa, F. S., Larenas-Linnemann, D., Fuentes-Perez, J. M., Huerta-Villalobos, Y. R., Rivero-Yeverino, D., Rodriguez-Zagal, E., Valiulis, A., Dubakiene, R., Emuzyte, R., Kvedariene, V., Annesi-Maesano, I., Blain, H., Bonniaud, P., Bosse, I., Dauvilliers, Y., Devillier, P., Fontaine, J. F., Pépin, J. L., Pham-Thi, N., Portejoie, F., Picard, R., Roche, N., Rolland, C., Schmidt-Grendelmeier, P., Kuna, P., Samolinski, B., Anto, J. M., Cardona, V., Mullol, J., Pinnock, H., Ryan, D., Sheikh, A., Walker, S., Williams, S., Becker, S., Klimek, L., Pfaar, O., Bergmann, K. C., Mösges, R., Zuberbier, T., Roller-Wirnsberger, R. E., Tomazic, P. V., Haahtela, T., Salimäki, J., Toppila-Salmi, S., Valovirta, E., Vasankari, T., Gemicioğlu, B., Yorgancioglu, A., Papadopoulos, N. G., Prokopakis, E. P., Tsiligianni, I. G., Bosnic-Anticevich, S., O’Hehir, R., Ivancevich, J. C., Neffen, H., Zernotti, M. E., Kull, I., Melén, E., Wickman, M., Bachert, C., Hellings, P. W., Brusselle, G., Palkonen, S., Bindslev-Jensen, C., Eller, E., Waserman, S., Boulet, L. P., Bouchard, J., Chu, D. K., Schünemann, H. J., Sova, M., De Vries, G., van Eerd, M., Agache, I., Ansotegui, I. J., Bewick, M., Casale, T., Dykewick, M., Ebisawa, M., Murray, R., Naclerio, R., Okamoto, Y., Wallace, D. V., Aberer, W., Akdis, C. A., Akdis, M., Aliberti, M. R., Almeida, R., Amat, F., Angles, R., Arnavielle, S., Asayag, E., Asarnoj, A., Arshad, H., Avolio, F., Bacci, E., Baiardini, I., Barbara, C., Barbagallo, M., Baroni, I., Barreto, B. A., Basagana, X., Bateman, E. D., Bedolla-Barajas, M., Beghé, B., Bel, E. H., Bennoor, K. S., Benson, M., Bertorello, L., Białoszewski, A. Z., Bieber, T., Bialek, S., Bjermer, L., Blasi, F., Blua, A., Bochenska Marciniak, M., Bogus-Buczynska, I., Boner, A. L., Bonini, M., Bonini, S., Bosnic-Anticevich, C. S., Bourret, R., Bousquet, P. J., Braido, F., Briedis, V., Brightling, C. E., Brozek, J., Bucca, C., Buhl, R., Buonaiuto, R., Panaitescu, C., Burguete Cabañas, M. T., Burte, E., Bush, A., Caballero-Fonseca, F., Caillaud, D., Caimmi, D., Calderon, M. A., Camargos, P. A. M., Camuzat, T., Canfora, G., Carlsen, K. H., Carreiro-Martins, P., Carriazo, A. M., Carr, W., Cartier, C., Castellano, G., Cepeda, A. M., Chen, Y., Chiron, R., Chivato, T., Chkhartishvili, E., Chuchalin, A. G., Chung, K. F., Ciaravolo, M. M., Ciceran, A., Cingi, C., Ciprandi, G., Carvalho Coehlo, A. C., Colas, L., Colgan, E., Coll, J., Conforti, D., de Sousa, J. Correia, Cortés-Grimaldo, R. M., Corti, F., Costa-Dominguez, M. C., Courbis, A. L., Cox, L., Crescenzo, M., Custovic, A., Dahlen, S. E., D’Amato, G., Dario, C., Darsow, U., De Blay, F., De Carlo, G., Dedeu, T., de Fátima Emerson, M., De Martino, B., Motta Rubina, N. P., Deleanu, D., Demoly, P., Denburg, J. A., Di Capua Ercolano, S., Di Carluccio, N., Didier, A., Dokic, D., Dominguez-Silva, M. G., Douagui, H., Dray, G., Durham, S. R., Du Toit, G., Dykewicz, M. S., El-Gamal, Y., Eklund, P., Farrell, J., Farsi, A., Ferreira de Mello, J., Ferrero, J., Fink-Wagner, A., Fiocchi, A., Fonseca, J. A., Forti, S., Gálvez-Romero, J. L., Gamkrelidze, A., Garcia-Aymerich, J., García-Cobas, C. Y., Garcia-Cruz, M. H., Genova, S., Christoff, G., Gereda, J. E., Gerth van Wijk, R., Gomez, R. M., Gómez-Vera, J., González Diaz, S., Gotua, M., Grisle, I., Guidacci, M., Guldemond, N. A., Gutter, Z., Guzmán, M. A., Hajjam, J., Hernández, L., Hourihane, J. O’. B., Humbert, M., Iaccarino, G., Ispayeva, Z., Jares, E. J., Jassem, E., Johnston, S. L., Joos, G., Jung, K. S., Just, J., group, The MASK study, University of Helsinki, Department of Dermatology, Allergology and Venereology, University of Helsinki, Department of Pathology, University of Helsinki, Viikki science library (-2009), and University of Helsinki, Institute of Biotechnology
- Subjects
3121 Internal medicine - Abstract
Mobile Airways Sentinel NetworK (MASK) belongs to the Fondation Partenariale MACVIA-LR of Montpellier, France and aims to provide an active and healthy life to rhinitis sufferers and to those with asthma multimorbidity across the life cycle, whatever their gender or socio-economic status, in order to reduce health and social inequities incurred by the disease and to improve the digital transformation of health and care. The ultimate goal is to change the management strategy in chronic diseases.
- Published
- 2019
70. Next-generation ARIA care pathways for rhinitis and asthma: A model for multimorbid chronic diseases
- Author
Bousquet, J.J. and Schünemann, H.J. and Togias, A. and Erhola, M. and Hellings, P.W. and Zuberbier, T. and Agache, I. and Ansotegui, I.J. and Anto, J.M. and Bachert, C. and Becker, S. and Bedolla-Barajas, M. and Bewick, M. and Bosnic-Anticevich, S. and Bosse, I. and Boulet, L.P. and Bourrez, J.M. and Brusselle, G. and Chavannes, N. and Costa, E. and Cruz, A.A. and Czarlewski, W. and Fokkens, W.J. and Fonseca, J.A. and Gaga, M. and Haahtela, T. and Illario, M. and Klimek, L. and Kuna, P. and Kvedariene, V. and Le, L.T.T. and Larenas-Linnemann, D. and Laune, D. and Lourenço, O.M. and Menditto, E. and Mullol, J. and Okamoto, Y. and Papadopoulos, N. and Pham-Thi, N. and Picard, R. and Pinnock, H. and Roche, N. and Roller-Wirnsberger, R.E. and Rolland, C. and Samolinski, B. and Sheikh, A. and Toppila-Salmi, S. and Tsiligianni, I. and Valiulis, A. and Valovirta, E. and Vasankari, T. and Ventura, M.-T. and Walker, S. and Williams, S. and Akdis, C.A. and Annesi-Maesano, I. and Arnavielhe, S. and Basagana, X. and Bateman, E. and Bedbrook, A. and Bennoor, K.S. and Benveniste, S. and Bergmann, K.C. and Bialek, S. and Billo, N. and Bindslev-Jensen, C. and Bjermer, L. and Blain, H. and Bonini, M. and Bonniaud, P. and Bouchard, J. and Briedis, V. and Brightling, C.E. and Brozek, J. and Buhl, R. and Buonaiuto, R. and Canonica, G.W. and Cardona, V. and Carriazo, A.M. and Carr, W. and Cartier, C. and Casale, T. and Cecchi, L. and Cepeda Sarabia, A.M. and Chkhartishvili, E. and Chu, D.K. and Cingi, C. and Colgan, E. and De Sousa, J.C. and Courbis, A.L. and Custovic, A. and Cvetkosvki, B. and Damato, G. and Da Silva, J. and Dantas, C. and Dokic, D. and Dauvilliers, Y. and Dedeu, A. and De Feo, G. and Devillier, P. and Di Capua, S. and Dykewickz, M. and Dubakiene, R. and Ebisawa, M. and El-Gamal, Y. and Eller, E. and Emuzyte, R. and Farrell, J. and Fink-Wagner, A. and Fiocchi, A. and Fontaine, J.F. and Gemicioǧlu, B. and Schmid-Grendelmeir, P. and Gamkrelidze, A. and Garcia-Aymerich, J. and Gomez, M. and Diaz, S.G. and Gotua, M. and Guldemond, N.A. and Guzmán, M.-A. and Hajjam, J. and O'Hourihane, J.B. and Humbert, M. and Iaccarino, G. and Ierodiakonou, D. and Ivancevich, J.C. and Joos, G. and Jung, K.-S. and Jutel, M. and Kaidashev, I. and Kalayci, O. and Kardas, P. and Keil, T. and Khaitov, M. and Khaltaev, N. and Kleine-Tebbe, J. and Kowalski, M.L. and Kritikos, V. and Kull, I. and Leonardini, L. and Lieberman, P. and Lipworth, B. and Lodrup Carlsen, K.C. and Loureiro, C.C. and Louis, R. and Mair, A. and Marien, G. and Mahboub, B. and Malva, J. and Manning, P. and De Manuel Keenoy, E. and Marshall, G.D. and Masjedi, M.R. and Maspero, J.F. and Mathieu-Dupas, E. and Matricardi, P.M. and Melén, E. and Melo-Gomes, E. and Meltzer, E.O. and Mercier, J. and Miculinic, N. and Mihaltan, F. and Milenkovic, B. and Moda, G. and Mogica-Martinez, M.-D. and Mohammad, Y. and Montefort, S. and Monti, R. and Morais-Almeida, M. and Mösges, R. and Münter, L. and Muraro, A. and Murray, R. and Naclerio, R. and Napoli, L. and Namazova-Baranova, L. and Neffen, H. and Nekam, K. and Neou, A. and Novellino, E. and Nyembue, D. and O'Hehir, R. and Ohta, K. and Okubo, K. and Onorato, G. and Ouedraogo, S. and Pali-Schöll, I. and Palkonen, S. and Panzner, P. and Park, H.-S. and Pépin, J.-L. and Pereira, A.-M. and Pfaar, O. and Paulino, E. and Phillips, J. and Plavec, D. and Popov, T.A. and Portejoie, F. and Price, D. and Prokopakis, E.P. and Pugin, B. and Raciborski, F. and Rajabian-Söderlund, R. and Reitsma, S. and Rodo, X. and Romano, A. and Rosario, N. and Rottem, M. and Ryan, D. and Salimäki, J. and Sanchez-Borges, M.M. and Sisul, J.-C. and Solé, D. and Somekh, D. and Sooronbaev, T. and Sova, M. and Spranger, O. and Stellato, C. and Stelmach, R. and Ulrik, C.S. and Thibaudon, M. and To, T. and Todo-Bom, A. and Tomazic, P.V. and Valero, A.A. and Valenta, R. and Valentin-Rostan, M. and Van Der Kleij, R. and Vandenplas, O. and Vezzani, G. and Viart, F. and Viegi, G. and Wallace, D. and Wagenmann, M. and Wang, D.Y. and Waserman, S. and Wickman, M. and Williams, D.M. and Wong, G. and Wroczynski, P. and Yiallouros, P.K. and Yorgancioglu, A. and Yusuf, O.M. and Zar, H.J. and Zeng, S. and Zernotti, M. and Zhang, L. and Zhong, N.S. and Zidarn, M., MACVIA-France, Fondation Partenariale FMC VIA-LR, CHU, Montpellier Cedex 5, 34295, France, INSERM U 1168, VIMA: Ageing and Chronic Diseases Epidemiological and Public Health Approaches, Villejuif Université Versailles St-Quentin-en-Yvelines, UMR-S 1168, Montigny Le Bretonneux, France, European Forum for Research and Education in Allergy and Airway Diseases (EUFOREA), Brussels, Belgium, Humboldt-Uniersität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany, Department of Dermatology and Allergy, Comprehensive Allergy-Centre, Berlin Institute of Health, Berlin, Germany, Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada, Division of Allergy, Immunology, and Transplantation (DAIT), National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIH, Bethesda, United States, National Institute for Health and Welfare, Helsinki, Finland, Dept. of Otorhinolaryngology, Univ Hospitals Leuven, Louvain, Belgium, Academic Medical Center, Univ of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Faculty of Medicine, Transylvania University, Brasov, Romania, Department of Allergy and Immunology, Hospital Quirónsalud Bizkaia, Erandio, Spain, ISGlobAL, Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology (CREAL), Barcelona, Spain, IMIM (Hospital del Mar Research Institute), Barcelona, Spain, CIBER Epidemiología y Salud Pública (CIBERESP), Barcelona, Spain, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Barcelona, Spain, Upper Airways Research Laboratory, ENT Dept., Ghent University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium, Dept. of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, University of Mainz, Mainz, Germany, Hospital Civil de Guadalajara Dr Juan I Menchaca, Guadalarara, Mexico, iQ4U Consultants Ltd., London, United Kingdom, Woolcock Institute of Medical Research, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, Woolcock Emphysema Centre, Sydney, Australia, Sydney Local Health District, Glebe, NSW, Australia, La Rochelle, France, Quebec Heart and Lung Institute, Laval University, Quebec City, QC, Canada, EIT Health France, Paris, France, Dept. of Respiratory Medicine, Ghent University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium, Department of Public Health and Primary Care, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands, UCIBIO, REQUINTE, Faculty of Pharmacy, Competence Center on Active and Healthy Ageing, University of Porto (Porto4Ageing), Porto, Portugal, ProAR-Nucleo de Excelencia em Asma, Federal University of Bahia, Bahia, Brazil, WHO GARD Planning Group, Salvador, Brazil, Medical Consulting Czarlewski, Levallois, France, Department of Otorhino-Laryngology, Amsterdam University Medical Centres, AMC, Amsterdam, Netherlands, CINTESIS, Center for Research in Health Technology and Information Systems, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal, Medida, Lda Porto, Portugal, Athens Chest Hospital, 7th Resp. Med. Dept. and Asthma Center, Athens, Greece, Skin and Allergy Hospital, Helsinki University Hospital, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, Division for Health Innovation, Campania Region and Federico II University Hospital Naples (R and D and DISMET), Naples, Italy, Center for Rhinology and Allergology, Wiesbaden, Germany, Division of Internal Medicine, Asthma and Allergy, Barlicki University Hospital, Medical University of Lodz, Łódź, Poland, Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Hochiminh City, Viet Nam, Center of Excellence in Asthma and Allergy, Médica Sur Clinical Foundation and Hospital, México City, Mexico, KYomed INNOV, Montpellier, France, Faculty of Health Sciences and CICS-UBI, Health Sciences Research Centre, University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal, CIRFF, Federico II University, Naples, Italy, Rhinology Unit and Smell Clinic, ENT Department, Hospital Clínic, Barcelona, Spain, Clinical and Experimental Respiratory Immunoallergy, IDIBAPS, CIBERES, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, Dept. of Otorhinolaryngology, Chiba University Hospital, Chiba, Japan, Division of Infection, Immunity and Respiratory Medicine, Royal Manchester Children's Hospital, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom, Allergy Department, 2nd Pediatric Clinic, Athens General Children's Hospital P and A Kyriakou, University of Athens, Athens, Greece, Allergy Department, Pasteur Institute, Paris, France, Conseil General de l'Economie Ministere de l'Economie, de l'Industrie et du Numerique, Paris, France, Usher Institute of Population Health Sciences and Informatics, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, Pneumologie et Soins Intensifs Respiratoires, Hôpitaux Universitaires Paris, Centre Hôpital Cochin, Paris, France, Department of Internal Medicine, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria, Association Asthme et Allergie, Paris, France, Department of Prevention of Environmental Hazards and Allergology, Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, Health Planning Unit, Department of Social Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Crete, Crete, Greece, International Primary Care Respiratory Group IPCRG, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, Institute of Clinical Medicine, Institute of Health Sciences, Vilnius University, Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius, Lithuania, Department of Lung Diseases and Clinical Immunology, University of Turku and Terveystalo Allergy Clinic, Turku, Finland, FILHA, Finnish Lung Association, Helsinki, Finland, Unit of Geriatric Immunoallergol-ogy, University of Bari Medical School, Bari, Italy, Asthma UK, Mansell Street, London, United Kingdom, Swiss Institute of Allergy and Asthma Research (SIAF), University of Zurich, Davos, Switzerland, Epidemiology of Allergic and Respiratory Diseases, Department Institute Pierre Louis of Epidemiology and Public Health, INSERM and Sorbonne Université, Medical School Saint Antoine, Paris, France, Department of Medicine, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa, Dept. of Respiratory Medicine, National Institute of Diseases of the Chest and Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh, National Center of Expertise in Cognitive Stimulation (CEN STIMCO), Broca Hospital, Paris, France, Department of Biochemistry and Clinical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Division of Laboratory Medicine, Warsaw Medical University, Warsaw, Poland, Global Alliance Against Chronic Respiratory Diseases (WHO GARD), Joensuu, Finland, Department of Dermatology and Allergy Centre, Odense University Hospital, Odense Research Center for Anaphylaxis (ORCA), Odense, Denmark, Termofscher Scientific, Uppsala, Sweden, Department of Respiratory Medicine and Allergology, University Hospital, Lund, Sweden, Department of Geriatrics, Montpellier University hospital, Montpellier, France, EA 2991 Euromov, University Montpellier, Montpellier, France, UOC Pneumologia, Istituto di Medicina Interna, F Policlinico Gemelli IRCCS, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome, Italy, National Heart and Lung Institute, Royal Brompton Hospital, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom, CHU, Dijon, France, Clinical Medicine, Laval's University, Quebec City, Canada, Medicine Department, Hôpital de la Malbaie, Quebec city, QC, Canada, Department of Clinical Pharmacy of Lithuanian, University of Health, Kaunas, Lithuania, Institute of Lung Health, Respiratory Biomedical Unit, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, Leicestershire, United Kingdom, Department of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation, University of Leicester, Leicester, United Kingdom, Universitätsmedizin der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Mainz, Germany, Municipality Pharmacy, Sarno, Italy, Personalized Medicine Clinic Asthma and Allergy, Humanitas University, Humanitas Research Hospital, Rozzano, Milan, Italy, Allergy Section, Department of Internal Medicine, Hospital Vall d'Hebron, ARADyAL Research Network, Barcelona, Spain, Regional Ministry of Health of Andalu-sia, Seville, Spain, Allergy and Asthma Associates of Southern California, Mission Viejo, CA, United States, ASA-Advanced Solutions Accelerator, Clapiers, France, Division of Allergy/Immunology, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, United States, SOS Allergology and Clinical Immunology, USL Toscana Centro, Prato, Italy, Allergy and Immunology Laboratory, Metropolitan University, Simon Bolivar University, Barranquilla, Colombia, SLaai, Sociedad Lati-noamericana de Allergia, Asma e Immunologia, Barranquilla, Colombia, Chachava Clinic, David Tvildiani Medical University-AIETI Medical School, Grigol Robakidze University, Tbilisi, Georgia, Medical Faculty, ENT Department, Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Eskisehir, Turkey, Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety, Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom, Life and Health Sciences Research Institute (ICVS), School of Medicine, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal, PT Government Associate Laboratory, ICVS/3B's, Braga/Guimarães, Portugal, Ecole des Mines, Alès, France, Centre for Respiratory Medicine and Allergy, Institute of Inflammation and Repair, University of Manchester, University Hospital of South Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom, Division of Respiratory and Allergic Diseases, Department of Respiratory Diseases, High Specialty Hospital A. Cardarelli, Naples, Italy, Allergy Service, University Hospital of Federal University of Santa Catarina (HU-UFSC), Florianópolis, Brazil, Cáritas Diocesana de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, Ageing at Coimbra EIP-AHA Reference Site, Coimbra, Portugal, Medical Faculty Skopje, University Clinic of Pulmonology and Allergy, Skopje, North Macedonia, Sleep Unit, Department of Neurology, Hôpital Gui-de-Chauliac Montpellier, Inserm U1061, Montpellier, France, AQuAS, Barcelna, Spain, EUREGHA, European Regional and Local Health Association, Brussels, Belgium, Department of Medicine, Surgery and Dentistry Scuola Medica Salernitana, University of Salerno, Salerno, Italy, UPRES EA220, Pôle des Maladies des Voies Respiratoires, Hôpital Foch, Université Paris-Saclay, Suresnes, France, Farmacie Dei Golfi Group, Massa Lubrense, Italy, Section of Allergy and Immunology, Saint Louis University School of Medicine, Saint Louis, MO, United States, Clinic of Infectious, Chest Diseases, Dermatology and Allergology, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania, Clinical Reserch Center for Allergy and Rheumatology, Sagamihara National Hospital, Sagamihara, Japan, Pediatric Allergy and Immunology Unit, Children's Hospital, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, Clinic of Children's Diseases, Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania, Global Allergy and Asthma Platform GAAPP, Vienna, Austria, Division of Allergy, Department of Pediatric Medicine, Bambino Gesù Children's Research Hospital Holy See, Rome, Italy, Reims, France, Department of Pulmonary Diseases, Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine, Istambul, Turkey, Allergy Unit, Department of Dermatology, University Hospital of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, National Center for Disease Control and Public Health of Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia, Allergy and Asthma Unit, Hospital San Bernardo Salta, Salta, Argentina, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, San Nicolás de los Garza, Mexico, Center of Allergy and Immunology, Georgian Association of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Tbilisi, Georgia, Institute of Health Policy and Management iBMG, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Netherlands, Immunology and Allergy Division, Clinical Hospital, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile, Centich: Centre d'Expertise National des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication pour l'Autonomie, Gérontopôle Autonomie Longévité des Pays de la Loire, Conseil Régional des Pays de la Loire, Centre d'Expertise Partenariat Europeen d'Innovation pour un Vieillissement Actif et en Bonne Sante, Nantes, France, Department of Paediatrics and Child Health, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland, Université Paris-Sud, Service de Pneumologie, Hôpital Bicêtre, Inserm UMR-S999, Le Kremlin Bicêtre, France, Department of Medicine and Surgery, University of Salerno, Baronissi, Italy, Servicio de Alergia e Immunologia, Clinica Santa Isabel, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Hallym University College of Medicine, Hallym University Sacred Heart Hospital, Anyang, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea, Department of Clinical Immunology, Wrocław Medical University, Wrocław, Poland, Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy, Poltava, Ukraine, Pediatric Allergy and Asthma Unit, Hacettepe University School of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey, First Department of Family Medicine, Medical University of Lodz, Łódź, Poland, Institute of Social Medicine, Epidemiology and Health Economics, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany, Institute for Clinical Epidemiology and Biometry, University of Wuerzburg, Würzburg, Germany, National Research Center, Institute of Immunology, Federal Medicobiological Agency, Laboratory of Molecular Immunology, Moscow, Russian Federation, GARD, Geneva, Switzerland, Allergy and Asthma Center Westend, Berlin, Germany, Department of Immunology and Allergy, Healthy Ageing Research Center, Medical University of Lodz, Łódź, Poland, Department of Clinical Science and Education, Södersjukhuset, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, Sach's Children and Youth Hospital, Södersjukhuset, Stockholm, Sweden, Mattone Internazionale Program, Veneto Region, Italy, Departments of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics (Divisions of Allergy and Immunology), University of Tennessee College of Medicine, Germantown, TN, United States, Scottish Centre for Respiratory Research, Cardiovascular and Diabetes Medicine, Medical Research Institute, Ninewells Hospital, University of Dundee, Dundee, United Kingdom, Department of Paediatrics, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway, Imunoalergologia, Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Coimbra, Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, Department of Pulmonary Medicine, CHU Sart-Tilman, GIGA I3 Research Group, Liege, Belgium, DG for Health and Social Care, Scottish Government, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Rashid Hospital, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Coimbra Institute for Clinical and Biomedical Research (iCBR), Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, Department of Medicine (RCSI), Bon Secours Hospital, Glasnevin, Dublin, Ireland, Kronikgune, International Centre of Excellence in Chronicity Research Barakaldo, Barakaldo, Bizkaia, Spain, Division of Clinical Immunology and Allergy, Laboratory of Behavioral Immunology Research, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS, United States, Tobacco Control Research Centre, Iranian Anti Tobacco Association, Tehran, Iran, Argentine Association of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Department of Pediatric Pneumology and Immunology, AG Molecular Allergology and Immunomodulation, Charité Medical University, Berlin, Germany, Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, PNDR, Portuguese National Programme for Respiratory Diseases, Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal, Allergy and Asthma Medical Group and Research Center, San Diego, CA, United States, Department of Physiology, CHRU, University Montpellier, PhyMedExp, INSERM U1046, CNRS, UMR 9214, Montpellier, France, Croatian Pulmonary Society, Zagreb, Croatia, National Institute of Pneumology M Nasta, Bucharest, Romania, Clinic for Pulmonary Diseases, Clinical Center of Serbia, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Serbian Association for Asthma and COPD, Belgrade, Serbia, Regione Piemonte, Turin, Italy, Mexico City, Mexico, National Center for Research in Chronic Respiratory Diseases, Tishreen University School of Medicine, Latakia, Syrian Arab Republic, Syrian Private University, Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Medicine, La Valette, Malta, Department of Medical Sciences, Allergy and Clinical Immunology Unit, University of Torino, Mauriziano Hospital, Turin, Italy, Allergy Center, CUF Descobertas Hospital, Lisbon, Portugal, Institute of Medical Statistics, and Computational Biology, Medical Faculty, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany, CRI-Clinical Research International-Ltd, Hamburg, Germany, Danish Commitee for Health Education, Copenhagen East, Denmark, Food Allergy Referral Centre Veneto Region, Department of Women and Child Health, Padua General University Hospital, Padua, Italy, MedScript Ltd., Paraparomu, New Zealand, OPC, Cambridge, United Kingdom, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States, Consortium of Pharmacies and Services COSAFER, Salerno, Italy, Scientific Centre of Children's Health under the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation, Center of Allergy, Immunology and Respiratory Diseases, Santa Fe, Argentina, Center for Allergy and Immunology, Santa Fe, Argentina, Hospital of the Hospitaller Brothers in Buda, Budapest, Hungary, Die Hautambulanz and Rothhaar Study Center, Berlin, Germany, Department of Pharmacy, University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy, ENT Department, University Hospital of Kinshasa, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic Congo, Department of Allergy, Immunology and Respiratory Medicine, Alfred Hospital and Central Clinical School, Monash University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, Dept. of Otolaryngology, Nippon Medical School, Tokyo, Japan, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Pédiatrique Charles de Gaulle, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, Dept. of Comparative Medicine, Messerli Research Institute, University of Veterinary Medicine and Medical University, Vienna, Austria, EFA European Federation of Allergy and Airways Diseases Patients' Associations, Brussels, Belgium, Department of Immunology and Allergology, Faculty of Medicine and Faculty Hospital in Pilsen, Charles University in Prague, Pilsen, Czech Republic, Department of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Ajou University School of Medicine, Suwon, South Korea, Laboratoire HP2, Université Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, France, INSERM, U1042, CHU de Grenoble, Grenoble, France, Allergy Unit, CUF-Porto Hospital and Institute, Porto, Portugal, Center for Research in Health Technologies and Information Systems, CINTESIS, Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal, Maladies Infectieuses et immunitaires, CHUL, Quebec City, QC, Canada, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Section of Rhinology and Allergy, University Hospital Marburg, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Marburg, Germany, Farmacias Holon, Lisbon, Portugal, Centre for Empowering Patients and Communities, Faulkland, Somerset, United Kingdom, Children's Hospital Srebrnjak, Zagreb, Croatia, School of Medicine, University J.J. Strossmayer, Osijek, Croatia, University Hospital 'Sv Ivan Rilski', Sofia, Bulgaria, Academic Centre of Primary Care, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, Research in Real-Life, Cambridge, United Kingdom, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, University of Crete School of Medicine, Heraklion, Greece, Department of Nephrology and Endocrinology, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden, Allergy Unit, Presidio Columbus, Catholic University of Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy, IRCCS Oasi Maria SS, Troina, Italy, Hospital de Clinicas, University of Parana, Paraná, Brazil, Division of Allergy Asthma and Clinical Immunology, Emek Medical Center, Afula, Israel, Allergy and Respiratory Research Group, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, Association of Finnish Pharmacists, Helsinki, Finland, Allergy and Clinical Immunology Department, Centro Médico-Docente la, Trinidad and Clínica El Avila, Caracas, Venezuela, Sociedad Paraguaya de Alergia Asma e Inmunologia, Asunción, Paraguay, Division of Allergy, Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology, Department of Pediatrics, Federal University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, European Health Futures Forum (EHFF), Dromahair, United Kingdom, Kyrgyzstan National Centre of Cardiology and Internal Medicine, Euro-Asian Respiratory Society, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, Department of Respiratory Medicine, University Hospital Olomouc, Olomouc, Czech Republic, Pulmonary Division, Heart Institute (InCor), Hospital da Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Department of Respiratory Medicine, Hvidovre Hospital and University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, RNSA (Réseau National de Surveillance Aérobiologique), Brussieu, France, Sidkkids Hospitala and Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, Toronto, Canada, Department of ENT, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria, Pneumology and Allergy Department, CIBERES and Clinical and Experimental Respiratory Immunoallergy, IDIBAPS, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, Division of Immunopathology, Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, NRC Institute of Immunology FMBA of Russia, Moscow, Russian Federation, Laboratory of Immunopathology, Department of Clinical Immunology and Allergy, Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow, Russian Federation, Montevideo, Uruguay, Department of Public Health and Primary Care, Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), Leiden, Netherlands, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Erasmus MC, University Medical Center, Rotterdam, Netherlands, Department of Chest Medicine, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire UCL Namur, Université Catholique de Louvain, Yvoir, Belgium, Pulmonary Unit, Department of Medical Specialties, Arcispedale SMaria Nuova/IRCCS, AUSL di Reggio Emilia, Reggio Emilia, Italy, Pulmonary Environmental Epidemiology Unit, CNR Institute of Clinical Physiology, Pisa, Italy, CNR Institute of Biomedicine and Molecular Immunology A Monroy, Palermo, Italy, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, FL, United States, Dept. of Otorhinolaryngology, HNO-Klinik, Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany, Department of Otolaryngology, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, Department of Medicine, Clinical Immunology and Allergy, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada, Centre for Clinical Research Sörmland, Uppsala University, Eskilstuna, Sweden, Eshelman School of Pharmacy, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, United States, Cyprus International Institute for Environmental, Public Health in Association with Harvard School of Public Health, Cyprus University of Technology, Limassol, Cyprus, Department of Pediatrics, Hospital Archbishop Makarios III, Nicosia, Cyprus, Department of Pulmonary Diseases, Celal Bayar University, Faculty of Medicine, Manisa, Turkey, Allergy and Asthma Institute, Islamabad, Pakistan, Department of Paediatrics and Child Health, Red Cross Children's Hospital, Cape Town, South Africa, MRC Unit on Child and Adolescent Health, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa, Bull DSAS, Echirolles, France, Universidad Católica de Córdoba, Córdoba, Argentina, Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Beijing TongRen Hospital, Beijing Institute of Otolaryngology, Beijing, China, State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Diseases, Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Disease, First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, Guangzhou, China, University Clinic of Respiratory and Allergic Diseases, Golnik, Slovenia, and National Hospital Organization, Tokyo National Hospital, Tokyo, Japan
- Abstract
Background: In all societies, the burden and cost of allergic and chronic respiratory diseases are increasing rapidly. Most economies are struggling to deliver modern health care effectively. There is a need to support the transformation of the health care system into integrated care with organizational health literacy. Main body: As an example for chronic disease care, MASK (Mobile Airways Sentinel NetworK), a new project of the ARIA (Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma) initiative, and POLLAR (Impact of Air POLLution on Asthma and Rhi-nitis, EIT Health), in collaboration with professional and patient organizations in the field of allergy and airway diseases, are proposing real-life ICPs centred around the patient with rhinitis, and using mHealth to monitor environmental exposure. Three aspects of care pathways are being developed: (i) Patient participation, health literacy and self-care through technology-assisted "patient activation", (ii) Implementation of care pathways by pharmacists and (iii) Next-generation guidelines assessing the recommendations of GRADE guidelines in rhinitis and asthma using real-world evidence (RWE) obtained through mobile technology. The EU and global political agendas are of great importance in supporting the digital transformation of health and care, and MASK has been recognized by DG Santé as a Good Practice in the field of digitally-enabled, integrated, person-centred care. Conclusion: In 20 years, ARIA has considerably evolved from the first multimorbidity guideline in respiratory diseases to the digital transformation of health and care with a strong political involvement. © The Author(s) 2019.
- Published
- 2019
71. 2019 ARIA Care pathways for allergen immunotherapy
- Author
Bousquet, J. and Pfaar, O. and Togias, A. and Schünemann, H.J. and Ansotegui, I. and Papadopoulos, N.G. and Tsiligianni, I. and Agache, I. and Anto, J.M. and Bachert, C. and Bedbrook, A. and Bergmann, K.-C. and Bosnic-Anticevich, S. and Bosse, I. and Brozek, J. and Calderon, M.A. and Canonica, G.W. and Caraballo, L. and Cardona, V. and Casale, T. and Cecchi, L. and Chu, D. and Costa, E. and Cruz, A.A. and Czarlewski, W. and Durham, S.R. and Du Toit, G. and Dykewicz, M. and Ebisawa, M. and Fauquert, J.L. and Fernandez-Rivas, M. and Fokkens, W.J. and Fonseca, J. and Fontaine, J.-F. and Gerth van Wijk, R. and Haahtela, T. and Halken, S. and Hellings, P.W. and Ierodiakonou, D. and Iinuma, T. and Ivancevich, J.C. and Jacobsen, L. and Jutel, M. and Kaidashev, I. and Khaitov, M. and Kalayci, O. and Kleine Tebbe, J. and Klimek, L. and Kowalski, M.L. and Kuna, P. and Kvedariene, V. and La Grutta, S. and Larenas-Linemann, D. and Lau, S. and Laune, D. and Le, L. and Lodrup Carlsen, K. and Lourenço, O. and Malling, H.-J. and Marien, G. and Menditto, E. and Mercier, G. and Mullol, J. and Muraro, A. and O’Hehir, R. and Okamoto, Y. and Pajno, G.B. and Park, H.-S. and Panzner, P. and Passalacqua, G. and Pham-Thi, N. and Roberts, G. and Pawankar, R. and Rolland, C. and Rosario, N. and Ryan, D. and Samolinski, B. and Sanchez-Borges, M. and Scadding, G. and Shamji, M.H. and Sheikh, A. and Sturm, G.J. and Todo Bom, A. and Toppila-Salmi, S. and Valentin-Rostan, M. and Valiulis, A. and Valovirta, E. and Ventura, M.-T. and Wahn, U. and Walker, S. and Wallace, D. and Waserman, S. and Yorgancioglu, A. and Zuberbier, T. and the ARIA Working Group, MACVIA-France, Fondation partenariale FMC VIA-LR, Montpellier, France, INSERM U 1168, VIMA : Ageing and Chronic Diseases Epidemiological and Public Health Approaches, Villejuif, France, UMR-S 1168, Université Versailles St-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Montigny le Bretonneux, France, Euforea, Brussels, Belgium, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany, Department of Dermatology and Allergy, Berlin Institute of Health, Comprehensive Allergy Center, Berlin, Germany, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Section of Rhinology and Allergy, University Hospital Marburg, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Marburg, Germany, Division of Allergy, Immunology, and Transplantation (DAIT), National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIH, Bethesda, MD, United States, Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence and Impact, Division of Immunology and Allergy, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada, Hospital Quirónsalud Bizkaia, Bilbao, Spain, Division of Infection, Immunity & Respiratory Medicine, Royal Manchester Children's Hospital, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom, Allergy Department, 2nd Pediatric Clinic, Athens General Children's Hospital 'P&A Kyriakou', University of Athens, Athens, Greece, Department of Social Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Crete and International Primary Care Respiratory Group, Crete, Greece, Faculty of Medicine, Transylvania University, Brasov, Romania, Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology (CREAL), ISGlobAL, Barcelona, Spain, IMIM (Hospital del Mar Research Institute), Barcelona, Spain, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Barcelona, Spain, CIBER Epidemiología y Salud Pública (CIBERESP), Barcelona, Spain, ENT Department, Upper Airways Research Laboratory, Ghent University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium, Department of Dermatology and Allergy, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Corporate Member of Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin Institute of Health, Comprehensive Allergy Centre, Member of GA2LEN, Humboldt-Uniersität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany, Woolcock Institute of Medical Research, Woolcock Emphysema Centre and Local Health District, University of Sydney, Glebe, NSW, Australia, Allergist, La Rochelle, France, Imperial College London - National Heart and Lung Institute, Royal Brompton Hospital NHS, London, United Kingdom, Personalized Medicine Clinic Asthma & Allergy, Humanitas Research Hospital, Humanitas University, Milan, Italy, Institute for Immunological Research, University of Cartagena, Campus de Zaragocilla, Cartagena, Colombia, Foundation for the Development of Medical and Biological Sciences (Fundemeb), Cartagena, Colombia, Allergy Section, Department of Internal Medicine, Hospital Vall d'Hebron & ARADyAL Research Network, Barcelona, Spain, Division of Allergy/Immunology, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, United States, SOS Allergology and Clinical Immunology, USL Toscana Centro, Prato, Italy, UCIBIO, REQUIMTE, Faculty of Pharmacy, and Competence Center on Active and Healthy Ageing of University of Porto (AgeUPNetWork), University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, ProAR – Nucleo de Excelencia em Asma, Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil, WHO GARD Planning Group, Salvador, Brazil, Medical Consulting Czarlewski, Levallois, France, Allergy and Clinical Immunology Section, National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom, Guy's and st Thomas' NHS Trust, Kings College London, London, United Kingdom, Section of Allergy and Immunology, Saint Louis University School of Medicine, Saint Louis, MO, United States, Clinical Research Center for Allergy and Rheumatology, Sagamihara National Hospital, Sagamihara, Japan, Unité de pneumo-allergologie de l'enfant, pôle pédiatrique, CHU de Clermont-Ferrand-Estaing, Clermont-Ferrand, France, Allergy Department, IdISSC, Hospital Clinico San Carlos, Madrid, Spain, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Academic Medical Centres, Amsterdam, Netherlands, CINTESIS, Center for Research in Health Technology and Information Systems, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal, Medida, Lda, Porto, Portugal, Allergist, Reims, France, Department of Internal Medicine, Section of Allergology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, Netherlands, Skin and Allergy Hospital, Helsinki University Hospital, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, Hans Christian Andersen Children's Hospital, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, University Hospitals Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Chiba University Hospital, Chiba, Japan, Servicio de Alergia e Immunologia, Clinica Santa Isabel, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Allergy Learning and Consulting, Copenhagen, Denmark, Department of Clinical Immunology, Wrocław Medical University, Wrocław, Poland, Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy, Poltava, Ukraine, Institute of Immunology, Federal Medicobiological Agency, Laboratory of Molecular immunology, National Research Center, Moscow, Russian Federation, Pediatric Allergy and Asthma Unit, Hacettepe University School of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey, Allergy & Asthma Center Westend, Berlin, Germany, Center for Rhinology and Allergology, Wiesbaden, Germany, Department of Immunology and Allergy, Healthy Ageing Research Center, Medical University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland, Sach's Children and Youth Hospital, Södersjukhuset, Stockholm, Sweden, Division of Internal Medicine, Asthma and Allergy, Barlicki University Hospital, Medical University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland, Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Clinical medicine, Clinic of Chest diseases and Allergology, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania, Institute of Biomedicine and Molecular Immunology (IBIM), National Research Council (CNR), Palermo, Italy, Center of Excellence in Asthma and Allergy, Médica Sur Clinical Foundation and Hospital, México City, Mexico, Department of Pediatric Pneumology and Immunology, Charité Universitätsmedizin, Berlin, Germany, KYomed INNOV, Montpellier, France, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Hochiminh City, Viet Nam, Department of Paediatrics, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway, Faculty of Health Sciences and CICS – UBI, Health Sciences Research Centre, University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal, Danish Allergy Centre, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, CIRFF, Center of Pharmacoeconomics, University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy, Département de l’Information Médicale, Unité Médico-Economie, University Hospital, Montpellier, France, Rhinology Unit & Smell Clinic, ENT Department, Hospital Clínic, Barcelona, Spain, Clinical & Experimental Respiratory Immunoallergy, IDIBAPS, CIBERES, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, Food Allergy Referral Centre Veneto Region, Department of Women and Child Health, Padua General University Hospital, Padua, Italy, Department of Allergy, Immunology and Respiratory Medicine, Alfred Hospital and Central Clinical School, Monash University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, Department of Pediatrics, Allergy Unit, University of Messina, Messina, Italy, Department of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Ajou University School of Medicine, Suwon, South Korea, Department of Immunology and Allergology, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Charles University in Prague, Pilsen, Czech Republic, Allergy and Respiratory Diseases, Ospedale Policlino San Martino -University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy, Allergy Department, Pasteur Institute, Paris, France, David Hide Centre, St Mary's Hospital, Isle of Wight and University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom, Department of Pediatrics, Nippon Medical School, Tokyo, Japan, Association Asthme et Allergie, Paris, France, Hospital de Clinicas, University of Parana, Parana, Brazil, Allergy and Respiratory Research Group, Medical School, Usher Institute of Population Health Sciences and Informatics, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, Department of Prevention of Environmental Hazards and Allergology, Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, Allergy and Clinical Immunology Department, Centro Medico-Docente La Trinidad, Caracas, Venezuela, The Royal National TNE Hospital, University College London, London, United Kingdom, Immunomodulation and Tolerance Group, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom, Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom, The Usher Institute of Population Health Sciences and Informatics, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, Department of Dermatology and Venerology, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria, Outpatient Allergy Clinic Reumannplatz, Vienna, Austria, Imunoalergologia, Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Coimbra and Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, Allergist, Montevideo, Uruguay, Clinic of Children's Diseases, Vilnius University Institute of Clinical Medicine, Vilnius, Lithuania, Department of Public Health, Institute of Health Sciences, Vilnius, Lithuania, European Academy of Paediatrics (EAP/UEMS-SP), Brussels, Belgium, Department of Lung Diseases and Clinical Immunology, Terveystalo Allergy Clinic, University of Turku, Turku, Finland, Unit of Geriatric Immunoallergology, University of Bari Medical School, Bari, Italy, Pediatric Department, Charité, Berlin, Germany, Asthma UK, London, United Kingdom, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, FL, United States, Department of Medicine, Clinical Immunology and Allergy, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada, and Department of Pulmonary Diseases, Faculty of Medicine, Celal Bayar University, Manisa, Turkey
- Abstract
Allergen immunotherapy (AIT) is a proven therapeutic option for the treatment of allergic rhinitis and/or asthma. Many guidelines or national practice guidelines have been produced but the evidence-based method varies, many are complex and none propose care pathways. This paper reviews care pathways for AIT using strict criteria and provides simple recommendations that can be used by all stakeholders including healthcare professionals. The decision to prescribe AIT for the patient should be individualized and based on the relevance of the allergens, the persistence of symptoms despite appropriate medications according to guidelines as well as the availability of good-quality and efficacious extracts. Allergen extracts cannot be regarded as generics. Immunotherapy is selected by specialists for stratified patients. There are no currently available validated biomarkers that can predict AIT success. In adolescents and adults, AIT should be reserved for patients with moderate/severe rhinitis or for those with moderate asthma who, despite appropriate pharmacotherapy and adherence, continue to exhibit exacerbations that appear to be related to allergen exposure, except in some specific cases. Immunotherapy may be even more advantageous in patients with multimorbidity. In children, AIT may prevent asthma onset in patients with rhinitis. mHealth tools are promising for the stratification and follow-up of patients. © 2019 EAACI and John Wiley and Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley and Sons Ltd.
- Published
- 2019
72. Adherence to treatment in allergic rhinitis using mobile technology. The MASK Study
- Author
Menditto, E. Costa, E. Midão, L. Bosnic-Anticevich, S. Novellino, E. Bialek, S. Briedis, V. Mair, A. Rajabian-Soderlund, R. Arnavielhe, S. Bedbrook, A. Czarlewski, W. Annesi-Maesano, I. Anto, J.M. Devillier, P. De Vries, G. Keil, T. Sheikh, A. Orlando, V. Larenas-Linnemann, D. Cecchi, L. De Feo, G. Illario, M. Stellato, C. Fonseca, J. Malva, J. Morais-Almeida, M. Pereira, A.M. Todo-Bom, A.M. Kvedariene, V. Valiulis, A. Bergmann, K.C. Klimek, L. Mösges, R. Pfaar, O. Zuberbier, T. Cardona, V. Mullol, J. Papadopoulos, N.G. Prokopakis, E.P. Bewick, M. Ryan, D. Roller-Wirnsberger, R.E. Tomazic, P.V. Cruz, A.A. Kuna, P. Samolinski, B. Fokkens, W.J. Reitsma, S. Bosse, I. Fontaine, J.-F. Laune, D. Haahtela, T. Toppila-Salmi, S. Bachert, C. Hellings, P.W. Melén, E. Wickman, M. Bindslev-Jensen, C. Eller, E. O'Hehir, R.E. Cingi, C. Gemicioğlu, B. Kalayci, O. Ivancevich, J.C. Bousquet, J. the MASK group
- Abstract
Background: Mobile technology may help to better understand the adherence to treatment. MASK-rhinitis (Mobile Airways Sentinel NetworK for allergic rhinitis) is a patient-centred ICT system. A mobile phone app (the Allergy Diary) central to MASK is available in 22 countries. Objectives: To assess the adherence to treatment in allergic rhinitis patients using the Allergy Diary App. Methods: An observational cross-sectional study was carried out on all users who filled in the Allergy Diary from 1 January 2016 to 1 August 2017. Secondary adherence was assessed by using the modified Medication Possession Ratio (MPR) and the Proportion of days covered (PDC) approach. Results: A total of 12 143 users were registered. A total of 6 949 users reported at least one VAS data recording. Among them, 1 887 users reported ≥7 VAS data. About 1 195 subjects were included in the analysis of adherence. One hundred and thirty-six (11.28%) users were adherent (MPR ≥70% and PDC ≤1.25), 51 (4.23%) were partly adherent (MPR ≥70% and PDC = 1.50) and 176 (14.60%) were switchers. On the other hand, 832 (69.05%) users were non-adherent to medications (MPR
- Published
- 2019
73. Guidance to 2018 good practice: ARIA digitally-enabled, integrated, person-centred care for rhinitis and asthma
- Author
Bousquet, J. Bedbrook, A. Czarlewski, W. Onorato, G.L. Arnavielhe, S. Laune, D. Mathieu-Dupas, E. Fonseca, J. Costa, E. Lourenço, O. Morais-Almeida, M. Todo-Bom, A. Illario, M. Menditto, E. Canonica, G.W. Cecchi, L. Monti, R. Napoli, L. Ventura, M.T. De Feo, G. Fokkens, W.J. Chavannes, N.H. Reitsma, S. Cruz, A.A. Da Silva, J. Serpa, F.S. Larenas-Linnemann, D. Fuentes Perez, J.M. Huerta-Villalobos, Y.R. Rivero-Yeverino, D. Rodriguez-Zagal, E. Valiulis, A. Dubakiene, R. Emuzyte, R. Kvedariene, V. Annesi-Maesano, I. Blain, H. Bonniaud, P. Bosse, I. Dauvilliers, Y. Devillier, P. Fontaine, J.F. Pépin, J.L. Pham-Thi, N. Portejoie, F. Picard, R. Roche, N. Rolland, C. Schmidt-Grendelmeier, P. Kuna, P. Samolinski, B. Anto, J.M. Cardona, V. Mullol, J. Pinnock, H. Ryan, D. Sheikh, A. Walker, S. Williams, S. Becker, S. Klimek, L. Pfaar, O. Bergmann, K.C. Mösges, R. Zuberbier, T. Roller-Wirnsberger, R.E. Tomazic, P.V. Haahtela, T. Salimäki, J. Toppila-Salmi, S. Valovirta, E. Vasankari, T. Gemicioǧlu, B. Yorgancioglu, A. Papadopoulos, N.G. Prokopakis, E.P. Tsiligianni, I.G. Bosnic-Anticevich, S. O'Hehir, R. Ivancevich, J.C. Neffen, H. Zernotti, M.E. Kull, I. Melén, E. Wickman, M. Bachert, C. Hellings, P.W. Brusselle, G. Palkonen, S. Bindslev-Jensen, C. Eller, E. Waserman, S. Boulet, L.P. Bouchard, J. Chu, D.K. Schünemann, H.J. Sova, M. De Vries, G. Van Eerd, M. Agache, I. Ansotegui, I.J. Bewick, M. Casale, T. Dykewick, M. Ebisawa, M. Murray, R. Naclerio, R. Okamoto, Y. Wallace, D.V. Aberer, W. Akdis, C.A. Akdis, M. Aliberti, M.R. Almeida, R. Amat, F. Angles, R. Arnavielle, S. Asayag, E. Asarnoj, A. Arshad, H. Avolio, F. Bacci, E. Baiardini, I. Barbara, C. Barbagallo, M. Baroni, I. Barreto, B.A. Basagana, X. Bateman, E.D. Bedolla-Barajas, M. Beghé, B. Bel, E.H. Bennoor, K.S. Benson, M. Bertorello, L. Białoszewski, A.Z. Bieber, T. Bialek, S. Bjermer, L. Blasi, F. Blua, A. Bochenska Marciniak, M. Bogus-Buczynska, I. Boner, A.L. Bonini, M. Bonini, S. Bourret, R. Braido, F. Briedis, V. Brightling, C.E. Brozek, J. Bucca, C. Buhl, R. Buonaiuto, R. Panaitescu, C. Burguete Cabañas, M.T. Burte, E. Bush, A. Caballero-Fonseca, F. Caillaud, D. Caimmi, D. Calderon, M.A. Camargos, P.A.M. Camuzat, T. Canfora, G. Carlsen, K.H. Carreiro-Martins, P. Carriazo, A.M. Carr, W. Cartier, C. Castellano, G. Cepeda, A.M. Chen, Y. Chiron, R. Chivato, T. Chkhartishvili, E. Chuchalin, A.G. Chung, K.F. Ciaravolo, M.M. Ciceran, A. Cingi, C. Ciprandi, G. Carvalho Coehlo, A.C. Colas, L. Colgan, E. Coll, J. Conforti, D. De Sousa, J.C. Cortés-Grimaldo, R.M. Corti, F. Costa-Dominguez, M.C. Courbis, A.L. Cox, L. Crescenzo, M. Custovic, A. Dahlen, S.E. D'Amato, G. Dario, C. Darsow, U. De Blay, F. De Carlo, G. Dedeu, T. De Fátima Emerson, M. De Martino, B. Motta Rubina, N.P. Deleanu, D. Demoly, P. Denburg, J.A. Di Capua Ercolano, S. Di Carluccio, N. Didier, A. Dokic, D. Dominguez-Silva, M.G. Douagui, H. Dray, G. Durham, S.R. Du Toit, G. Dykewicz, M.S. El-Gamal, Y. Eklund, P. Farrell, J. Farsi, A. Ferreira De Mello, J., Jr. Ferrero, J. Fink-Wagner, A. Fiocchi, A. Forti, S. Fuentes-Perez, J.M. Gálvez-Romero, J.L. Gamkrelidze, A. Garcia-Aymerich, J. García-Cobas, C.Y. Garcia-Cruz, M.H. Genova, S. Christoff, G. Gereda, J.E. Gerth Van Wijk, R. Gomez, R.M. Gómez-Vera, J. González Diaz, S. Gotua, M. Grisle, I. Guidacci, M. Guldemond, N.A. Gutter, Z. Guzmán, M.A. Hajjam, J. Hernández, L. Hourihane, J.O.B. Humbert, M. Iaccarino, G. Ispayeva, Z. Jares, E.J. Jassem, E. Johnston, S.L. Joos, G. Jung, K.S. Just, J. Jutel, M. Kaidashev, I. Kalayci, O. Kalyoncu, A.F. Karjalainen, J. Kardas, P. Keil, T. Keith, P.K. Khaitov, M. Khaltaev, N. Kleine-Tebbe, J. Kowalski, M.L. Kuitunen, M. Kupczyk, M. Krzych-Fałta, E. Lacwik, P. Lauri, D. Lavrut, J. Le, L.T.T. Lessa, M. Levato, G. Li, J. Lieberman, P. Lipiec, A. Lipworth, B. Lodrup Carlsen, K.C. Louis, R. Luna-Pech, J.A. Magnan, A. Mahboub, B. Maier, D. Mair, A. Majer, I. Malva, J. Mandajieva, E. Manning, P. De Manuel Keenoy, E. Marshall, G.D. Masjedi, M.R. Maspero, J.F. Matta Campos, J.J. Matos, A.L. Maurer, M. Mavale-Manuel, S. Mayora, O. Medina-Avalos, M.A. Melo-Gomes, E. Meltzer, E.O. Mercier, J. Miculinic, N. Mihaltan, F. Milenkovic, B. Moda, G. Mogica-Martinez, M.D. Mohammad, Y. Momas, I. Montefort, S. Mora Bogado, D. Morato-Castro, F.F. Mota-Pinto, A. Moura Santo, P. Münter, L. Muraro, A. Nadif, R. Nalin, M. Namazova-Baranova, L. Niedeberger, V. Nekam, K. Neou, A. Nieto, A. Nogueira-Silva, L. Nogues, M. Novellino, E. Nyembue, T.D. Odzhakova, C. Ohta, K. Okubo, K. Ortega Cisneros, M. Ouedraogo, S. Pali-Schöll, I. Panzner, P. Park, H.S. Papi, A. Passalacqua, G. Paulino, E. Pawankar, R. Pedersen, S. Pereira, A.M. Persico, M. Phillips, J. Pigearias, B. Pin, I. Pitsios, C. Plavec, D. Pohl, W. Popov, T.A. Potter, P. Pozzi, A.C. Price, D. Puy, R. Pugin, B. Pulido Ross, R.E. Przemecka, M. Rabe, K.F. Raciborski, F. Rajabian-Soderlund, R. Ribeirinho, I. Rimmer, J. Rizzo, J.A. Rizzo, M.C. Robalo-Cordeiro, C. Rodenas, F. Rodo, X. Rodriguez Gonzalez, M. Rodriguez-Mañas, L. Rodrigues Valle, S. Roman Rodriguez, M. Romano, A. Rolla, G. Romano, M. Rosado-Pinto, J. Rosario, N. Rottem, M. Sagara, H. Sanchez-Borges, M. Sastre-Dominguez, J. Scadding, G.K. Schunemann, H.J. Scichilone, N. Schmid-Grendelmeier, P. Shamai, S. Simons, F.E.R. Siroux, V. Sisul, J.C. Skrindo, I. Solé, D. Somekh, D. Sondermann, M. Sooronbaev, T. Sorensen, M. Sorlini, M. Spranger, O. Stellato, C. Stelmach, R. Stukas, R. Sunyer, J. Strozek, J. Szylling, A. Tebyriçá, J.N. Thibaudon, M. To, T. Trama, U. Triggiani, M. Suppli Ulrik, C. Urrutia-Pereira, M. Valenta, R. Valero, A. Van Ganse, E. Van Hague, M. Vandenplas, O. Vezzani, G. Vatrella, A. Verissimo, M.T. Viart, F. Viegi, G. Vicheva, D. Vontetsianos, T. Wagenmann, M. Wang, D.Y. Werfel, T. Westman, M. Williams, D.M. Wilson, N. Wright, J. Wroczynski, P. Yakovliev, P. Yawn, B.P. Yiallouros, P.K. Yusuf, O.M. Zar, H.J. Zhang, L. Zhong, N. Zhanat, I. Zidarn, M. Zubrinich, C. Zurkuhlen, A.
- Abstract
Aims: Mobile Airways Sentinel NetworK (MASK) belongs to the Fondation Partenariale MACVIA-LR of Montpellier, France and aims to provide an active and healthy life to rhinitis sufferers and to those with asthma multimorbidity across the life cycle, whatever their gender or socio-economic status, in order to reduce health and social inequities incurred by the disease and to improve the digital transformation of health and care. The ultimate goal is to change the management strategy in chronic diseases. Methods: MASK implements ICT technologies for individualized and predictive medicine to develop novel care pathways by a multi-disciplinary group centred around the patients. Stakeholders: Include patients, health care professionals (pharmacists and physicians), authorities, patient's associations, private and public sectors. Results: MASK is deployed in 23 countries and 17 languages. 26,000 users have registered. EU grants (2018): MASK is participating in EU projects (POLLAR: impact of air POLLution in Asthma and Rhinitis, EIT Health, DigitalHealthEurope, Euriphi and Vigour). Lessons learnt: (i) Adherence to treatment is the major problem of allergic disease, (ii) Self-management strategies should be considerably expanded (behavioural), (iii) Change management is essential in allergic diseases, (iv) Education strategies should be reconsidered using a patient-centred approach and (v) Lessons learnt for allergic diseases can be expanded to chronic diseases. © 2019 The Author(s).
- Published
- 2019
74. 2019 ARIA Care pathways for allergen immunotherapy
- Author
Bousquet, J. Pfaar, O. Togias, A. Schünemann, H.J. Ansotegui, I. Papadopoulos, N.G. Tsiligianni, I. Agache, I. Anto, J.M. Bachert, C. Bedbrook, A. Bergmann, K.-C. Bosnic-Anticevich, S. Bosse, I. Brozek, J. Calderon, M.A. Canonica, G.W. Caraballo, L. Cardona, V. Casale, T. Cecchi, L. Chu, D. Costa, E. Cruz, A.A. Czarlewski, W. Durham, S.R. Du Toit, G. Dykewicz, M. Ebisawa, M. Fauquert, J.L. Fernandez-Rivas, M. Fokkens, W.J. Fonseca, J. Fontaine, J.-F. Gerth van Wijk, R. Haahtela, T. Halken, S. Hellings, P.W. Ierodiakonou, D. Iinuma, T. Ivancevich, J.C. Jacobsen, L. Jutel, M. Kaidashev, I. Khaitov, M. Kalayci, O. Kleine Tebbe, J. Klimek, L. Kowalski, M.L. Kuna, P. Kvedariene, V. La Grutta, S. Larenas-Linemann, D. Lau, S. Laune, D. Le, L. Lodrup Carlsen, K. Lourenço, O. Malling, H.-J. Marien, G. Menditto, E. Mercier, G. Mullol, J. Muraro, A. O’Hehir, R. Okamoto, Y. Pajno, G.B. Park, H.-S. Panzner, P. Passalacqua, G. Pham-Thi, N. Roberts, G. Pawankar, R. Rolland, C. Rosario, N. Ryan, D. Samolinski, B. Sanchez-Borges, M. Scadding, G. Shamji, M.H. Sheikh, A. Sturm, G.J. Todo Bom, A. Toppila-Salmi, S. Valentin-Rostan, M. Valiulis, A. Valovirta, E. Ventura, M.-T. Wahn, U. Walker, S. Wallace, D. Waserman, S. Yorgancioglu, A. Zuberbier, T. the ARIA Working Group
- Abstract
Allergen immunotherapy (AIT) is a proven therapeutic option for the treatment of allergic rhinitis and/or asthma. Many guidelines or national practice guidelines have been produced but the evidence-based method varies, many are complex and none propose care pathways. This paper reviews care pathways for AIT using strict criteria and provides simple recommendations that can be used by all stakeholders including healthcare professionals. The decision to prescribe AIT for the patient should be individualized and based on the relevance of the allergens, the persistence of symptoms despite appropriate medications according to guidelines as well as the availability of good-quality and efficacious extracts. Allergen extracts cannot be regarded as generics. Immunotherapy is selected by specialists for stratified patients. There are no currently available validated biomarkers that can predict AIT success. In adolescents and adults, AIT should be reserved for patients with moderate/severe rhinitis or for those with moderate asthma who, despite appropriate pharmacotherapy and adherence, continue to exhibit exacerbations that appear to be related to allergen exposure, except in some specific cases. Immunotherapy may be even more advantageous in patients with multimorbidity. In children, AIT may prevent asthma onset in patients with rhinitis. mHealth tools are promising for the stratification and follow-up of patients. © 2019 EAACI and John Wiley and Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley and Sons Ltd.
- Published
- 2019
75. Next-generation care pathways for allergic rhinitis and asthma multimorbidity: A model for multimorbid non-communicable diseases—Meeting Report (Part 2)
- Author
Bousquet, J. Pham-Thi, N. Bedbrook, A. Agache, I. Annesi-Maesano, I. Ansotegui, I. Anto, J.M. Bachert, C. Benveniste, S. Bewick, M. Billo, N. Bosnic-Anticevich, S. Bosse, I. Brusselle, G. Calderon, M.A. Canonica, G.W. Caraballo, L. Cardona, V. Carriazo, A.M. Cash, E. Cecchi, L. Chu, D.K. Colgan, E. Costa, E. Cruz, A.A. Czarlewski, W. Durham, S. Ebisawa, M. Erhola, M. Fauquert, J.-L. Fokkens, W.J. Fonseca, J.A. Guldemond, N. Iinuma, T. Illario, M. Klimek, L. Kuna, P. Kvedariene, V. Larenas-Linneman, D. Laune, D. Le, L.T.T. Lourenço, O. Malva, J.O. Marien, G. Menditto, E. Mullol, J. Münter, L. Okamoto, Y. Onorato, G.L. Papadopoulos, N.G. Perala, M. Pfaar, O. Phillips, A. Phillips, J. Pinnock, H. Portejoie, F. Quinones-Delgado, P. Rolland, C. Rodts, U. Samolinski, B. Sanchez-Borges, M. Schünemann, H.J. Shamji, M. Somekh, D. Togias, A. Toppila-Salmi, S. Tsiligianni, I. Usmani, O. Walker, S. Wallace, D. Valiulis, A. Van der Kleij, R. Ventura, M.T. Williams, S. Yorgancioglu, A. Zuberbier, T.
- Published
- 2019
76. ARIA pharmacy 2018 'Allergic rhinitis care pathways for community pharmacy': AIRWAYS ICPs initiative (European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing, DG CONNECT and DG Santé) POLLAR (Impact of Air POLLution on Asthma and Rhinitis) GARD Demonstration project
- Author
Bosnic-Anticevich, S. Costa, E. Menditto, E. Lourenço, O. Novellino, E. Bialek, S. Briedis, V. Buonaiuto, R. Chrystyn, H. Cvetkovski, B. Di Capua, S. Kritikos, V. Mair, A. Orlando, V. Paulino, E. Salimäki, J. Söderlund, R. Tan, R. Williams, D.M. Wroczynski, P. Agache, I. Ansotegui, I.J. Anto, J.M. Bedbrook, A. Bachert, C. Bewick, M. Bindslev-Jensen, C. Brozek, J.L. Canonica, G.W. Cardona, V. Carr, W. Casale, T.B. Chavannes, N.H. Correia de Sousa, J. Cruz, A.A. Czarlewski, W. De Carlo, G. Demoly, P. Devillier, P. Dykewicz, M.S. Gaga, M. El-Gamal, Y. Fonseca, J. Fokkens, W.J. Guzmán, M.A. Haahtela, T. Hellings, P.W. Illario, M. Ivancevich, J.C. Just, J. Kaidashev, I. Khaitov, M. Khaltaev, N. Keil, T. Klimek, L. Kowalski, M.L. Kuna, P. Kvedariene, V. Larenas-Linnemann, D.E. Laune, D. Le, L.T.T. Lodrup Carlsen, K.C. Mahboub, B. Maier, D. Malva, J. Manning, P.J. Morais-Almeida, M. Mösges, R. Mullol, J. Münter, L. Murray, R. Naclerio, R. Namazova-Baranova, L. Nekam, K. Nyembue, T.D. Okubo, K. O'Hehir, R.E. Ohta, K. Okamoto, Y. Onorato, G.L. Palkonen, S. Panzner, P. Papadopoulos, N.G. Park, H.-S. Pawankar, R. Pfaar, O. Phillips, J. Plavec, D. Popov, T.A. Potter, P.C. Prokopakis, E.P. Roller-Wirnsberger, R.E. Rottem, M. Ryan, D. Samolinski, B. Sanchez-Borges, M. Schunemann, H.J. Sheikh, A. Sisul, J.C. Somekh, D. Stellato, C. To, T. Todo-Bom, A.M. Tomazic, P.V. Toppila-Salmi, S. Valero, A. Valiulis, A. Valovirta, E. Ventura, M.T. Wagenmann, M. Wallace, D. Waserman, S. Wickman, M. Yiallouros, P.K. Yorgancioglu, A. Yusuf, O.M. Zar, H.J. Zernotti, M.E. Zhang, L. Zidarn, M. Zuberbier, T. Bousquet, J.
- Subjects
humanities - Abstract
Pharmacists are trusted health care professionals. Many patients use over-the-counter (OTC) medications and are seen by pharmacists who are the initial point of contact for allergic rhinitis management in most countries. The role of pharmacists in integrated care pathways (ICPs) for allergic diseases is important. This paper builds on existing studies and provides tools intended to help pharmacists provide optimal advice/interventions/strategies to patients with rhinitis. The Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma (ARIA)-pharmacy ICP includes a diagnostic questionnaire specifically focusing attention on key symptoms and markers of the disease, a systematic Diagnosis Guide (including differential diagnoses), and a simple flowchart with proposed treatment for rhinitis and asthma multimorbidity. Key prompts for referral within the ICP are included. The use of technology is critical to enhance the management of allergic rhinitis. However, the ARIA-pharmacy ICP should be adapted to local healthcare environments/situations as regional (national) differences exist in pharmacy care. © 2018 EAACI and John Wiley and Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley and Sons Ltd.
- Published
- 2019
77. ARIA pharmacy 2018 'Allergic rhinitis care pathways for community pharmacy': AIRWAYS ICPs initiative (European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing, DG CONNECT and DG Santé) POLLAR (Impact of Air POLLution on Asthma and Rhinitis) GARD Demonstration project
- Author
Bosnic-Anticevich, S. and Costa, E. and Menditto, E. and Lourenço, O. and Novellino, E. and Bialek, S. and Briedis, V. and Buonaiuto, R. and Chrystyn, H. and Cvetkovski, B. and Di Capua, S. and Kritikos, V. and Mair, A. and Orlando, V. and Paulino, E. and Salimäki, J. and Söderlund, R. and Tan, R. and Williams, D.M. and Wroczynski, P. and Agache, I. and Ansotegui, I.J. and Anto, J.M. and Bedbrook, A. and Bachert, C. and Bewick, M. and Bindslev-Jensen, C. and Brozek, J.L. and Canonica, G.W. and Cardona, V. and Carr, W. and Casale, T.B. and Chavannes, N.H. and Correia de Sousa, J. and Cruz, A.A. and Czarlewski, W. and De Carlo, G. and Demoly, P. and Devillier, P. and Dykewicz, M.S. and Gaga, M. and El-Gamal, Y. and Fonseca, J. and Fokkens, W.J. and Guzmán, M.A. and Haahtela, T. and Hellings, P.W. and Illario, M. and Ivancevich, J.C. and Just, J. and Kaidashev, I. and Khaitov, M. and Khaltaev, N. and Keil, T. and Klimek, L. and Kowalski, M.L. and Kuna, P. and Kvedariene, V. and Larenas-Linnemann, D.E. and Laune, D. and Le, L.T.T. and Lodrup Carlsen, K.C. and Mahboub, B. and Maier, D. and Malva, J. and Manning, P.J. and Morais-Almeida, M. and Mösges, R. and Mullol, J. and Münter, L. and Murray, R. and Naclerio, R. and Namazova-Baranova, L. and Nekam, K. and Nyembue, T.D. and Okubo, K. and O'Hehir, R.E. and Ohta, K. and Okamoto, Y. and Onorato, G.L. and Palkonen, S. and Panzner, P. and Papadopoulos, N.G. and Park, H.-S. and Pawankar, R. and Pfaar, O. and Phillips, J. and Plavec, D. and Popov, T.A. and Potter, P.C. and Prokopakis, E.P. and Roller-Wirnsberger, R.E. and Rottem, M. and Ryan, D. and Samolinski, B. and Sanchez-Borges, M. and Schunemann, H.J. and Sheikh, A. and Sisul, J.C. and Somekh, D. and Stellato, C. and To, T. and Todo-Bom, A.M. and Tomazic, P.V. and Toppila-Salmi, S. and Valero, A. and Valiulis, A. and Valovirta, E. and Ventura, M.T. and Wagenmann, M. and Wallace, D. and Waserman, S. and Wickman, M. and Yiallouros, P.K. and Yorgancioglu, A. and Yusuf, O.M. and Zar, H.J. and Zernotti, M.E. and Zhang, L. and Zidarn, M. and Zuberbier, T. and Bousquet, J., Woolcock Institute of Medical Research, University of Sydney and Sydney Local Health District, Glebe, NSW, Australia, UCIBIO, REQUIMTE, Faculty of Pharmacy and Competence Center on Active and Healthy Ageing of University of Porto (AgeUPNetWork), University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, CIRFF, Federico II University, Naples, Italy, Faculty of Health Sciences and CICS – UBI, Health Sciences Research Centre, University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal, Department of Pharmacy of University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy, Department of Biochemistry and Clinical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy with the Division of Laboratory Medicine, Warsaw Medical University, Warsaw, Poland, Department of Clinical Pharmacy of Lithuanian, University of Health Sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania, Pharmacist, Municipality Pharmacy, Sarno, Italy, RiRL, Oakington, Cambridge, United Kingdom, Farmacie Dei Golfi Group, Massa Lubrense, Italy, DG for Health and Social Care, Scottish Government, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, Farmacias Holon, Lisbon, Portugal, Association of Finnish Pharmacies, Helsinki, Finland, Department of Nephrology and Endocrinology, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden, Eshelman School of Pharmacy, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, United States, Transylvania University Brasov, Brasov, Romania, Department of Allergy and Immunology, Hospital Quirón Bizkaia, Erandio, Spain, ISGlobAL, Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology (CREAL), Barcelona, Spain, IMIM (Hospital del Mar Research Institute), Barcelona, Spain, CIBER Epidemiología y Salud Pública (CIBERESP), Barcelona, Spain, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Barcelona, Spain, MACVIA-France, Fondation Partenariale FMC VIA-LR, Montpellier, France, Upper Airways Research Laboratory, ENT Department, Ghent University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium, iQ4U Consultants Ltd, London, United Kingdom, Department of Dermatology and Allergy Centre, Odense University Hospital, Odense Research Center for Anaphylaxis (ORCA), Odense, Denmark, Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence, and Impact, Division of Immunology and Allergy, Department of Medicine, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada, Personalized Medicine Clinic Asthma & Allergy, Humanitas Research Hospital, Humanitas University, Rozzano, Milan, Italy, Allergy Section, Department of Internal Medicine, Hospital Vall ‘dHebron & ARADyAL Research Network, Barcelona, Spain, Allergy and Asthma Associates of Southern California, Mission Viejo, CA, United States, Division of Allergy/Immunology, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, United States, Department of Public Health and Primary Care, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands, Life and Health Sciences Research Institute (ICVS), School of Medicine, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal, ICVS/3B's, PT Government Associate Laboratory, Braga/Guimarães, Portugal, ProAR – Nucleo de Excelencia em Asma, Federal University of Bahia, Bahia, Brazil, WHO GARD Planning Group, Brasilia, Brazil, Medical Consulting Czarlewski, Levallois, France, EFA European Federation of Allergy and Airways Diseases Patients’ Associations, Brussels, Belgium, Department of Respiratory Diseases, Montpellier University Hospital, Montpellier, France, Epidemiology of Allergic and Respiratory Diseases, Department Institute Pierre Louis of Epidemiology and Public Health, Medical School Saint Antoine, INSERM and UPMC Sorbonne Université, Paris, France, Laboratoire de Pharmacologie Respiratoire UPRES EA220, Hôpital Foch, Suresnes Université Versailles Saint-Quentin, Université Paris Saclay, Saclay, France, Section of Allergy and Immunology, Saint Louis University School of Medicine, Saint Louis, MO, United States, ERS President 2017-2018, Athens Chest Hospital, 7th Resp Med Department and Asthma Center, Athens, Greece, Pediatric Allergy and Immunology Unit, Children's Hospital, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, CINTESIS, Center for Research in Health Technologies and Information Systems, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal, MEDIDA, Lda, Porto, Portugal, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Immunology and Allergy Division, Clinical Hospital, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile, Skin and Allergy Hospital, Helsinki University Hospital, Helsinki, Finland, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, Laboratory of Clinical Immunology, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, Division for Health Innovation, Campania Region and Federico II University Hospital Naples (R&D and DISMET), Naples, Italy, Servicio de Alergia e Immunologia, Clinica Santa Isabel, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Allergology Department, Centre de l'Asthme et des Allergies Hôpital d'Enfants Armand-Trousseau (APHP), Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Univ Paris 06, UMR_S 1136, Institut Pierre Louis d'Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique, Equipe EPAR, Paris, France, Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy, Poltava, Ukraine, National Research Center, Institute of Immunology, Federal Medicobiological Agency, Laboratory of Molecular immunology, Moscow, Russian Federation, GARD Chairman, Geneva, Switzerland, Institute of Social Medicine, Epidemiology and Health Economics, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany, Institute for Clinical Epidemiology and Biometry, University of Wuerzburg, Wuerzburg, Germany, Center for Rhinology and Allergology, Wiesbaden, Germany, Department of Immunology and Allergy, Healthy Ageing Research Center, Medical University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland, Division of Internal Medicine, Asthma and Allergy, Barlicki University Hospital, Medical University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland, Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania, Center of Excellence in Asthma and Allergy, Médica Sur Clinical Foundation and Hospital, México City, Mexico, KYomed INNOV, Montpellier, France, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Hochiminh City, Viet Nam, Department of Paediatrics, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway, Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Rashid Hospital, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Biomax Informatics AG, Munich, Germany, Faculty of Medicine, Coimbra Institute for Clinical and Biomedical Research (iCBR), University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, Ageing@Coimbra EIP-AHA Reference Site, Coimbra, Portugal, Department of Medicine (RCSI), Bon Secours Hospital, Glasnevin, Dublin, Ireland, Allergy Center, CUF Descobertas Hospital, Lisbon, Portugal, Institute of Medical Statistics, and Computational Biology, Medical Faculty, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany, CRI-Clinical Research International-Ltd, Hamburg, Germany, Rhinology Unit & Smell Clinic, ENT Department, Hospital Clínic, Clinical & Experimental Respiratory Immunoallergy, IDIBAPS, CIBERES, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, Danish Committee for Health Education, Copenhagen East, Denmark, MedScript Ltd, Dundalk, Co Louth, Ireland, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States, Scientific Centre of Children's Health under the MoH, Russia, Russian National Research Medical University named Pirogov, Moscow, Russian Federation, Hospital of the Hospitaller Brothers in Buda, Budapest, Hungary, ENT Department, University Hospital of Kinshasa, Kinshasa, Congo, Department of Otolaryngology, Nippon Medical School, Tokyo, Japan, Department of Allergy, Immunology and Respiratory Medicine, Alfred Hospital and Central Clinical School, Monash University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, Department of Immunology, Monash University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, National Hospital Organization Tokyo National Hospital, Tokyo, Japan, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Chiba University Hospital, Chiba, Japan, Department of Immunology and Allergology, Faculty of Medicine and Faculty Hospital in Pilsen, Charles University in Prague, Pilsen, Czech Republic, Division of Infection, Immunity & Respiratory Medicine, Royal Manchester Children's Hospital, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom, Allergy Department, 2nd Pediatric Clinic, Athens General Children's Hospital 'P&A Kyriakou', University of Athens, Athens, Greece, Department of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Ajou University School of Medicine, Suwon, South Korea, Department of Pediatrics, Nippon Medical School, Tokyo, Japan, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Section for Rhinology and Allergy, University Hospital Marburg, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Marburg, Germany, Centre for Empowering Patients and Communities, Faulkland, Somerset, United Kingdom, Children's Hospital Srebrnjak, Zagreb, School of Medicine, University J.J. Strossmayer, Osijek, Croatia, University Hospital ‘Sv Ivan Rilski’', Sofia, Bulgaria, Allergy Diagnostic and Clinical Research Unit, University of Cape Town Lung Institute, Cape Town, South Africa, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, University of Crete School of Medicine, Heraklion, Greece, Department of Internal Medicine, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria, Division of Allergy Asthma and Clinical Immunology, Emek Medical Center, Afula, Israel, Honorary Clinical Research Fellow, Allergy and Respiratory Research Group, The University of Edinburgh, Past President SLAAI, FACAAI, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, Department of Prevention of Environmental Hazards and Allergology, Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, Allergy and Clinical Immunology Department, Centro Médico-Docente la Trinidad, Caracas, Trinidad, Trinidad and Tobago, Clínica El Avila, Altamira, Caracas, Venezuela, The Usher Institute of Population Health Sciences and Informatics, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, Sociedad Paraguaya de Alergia Asma e Inmunologie, Asuncion, Paraguay, European Health Futures Forum (EHFF), Isle of Wright, United Kingdom, Department of Medicine, Surgery and Dentistry 'Scuola Medica Salernitana', University of Salerno, Salerno, Italy, The Hospital for Sick Children, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, Imunoalergologia, Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, Department of ENT, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria, Pneumology and Allergy Department CIBERES and Clinical & Experimental Respiratory Immunoallergy, IDIBAPS, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, Clinic of Children's Diseases and Institute of Health Sciences, Department of Public Health, Vilnius University Institute of Clinical Medicine, Vilnius, Lithuania, European Academy of Paediatrics (EAP/UEMS-SP), Brussels, Belgium, Department of Lung Diseases and Clinical Immunology, University of Turku and Terveystalo allergy clinic, Turku, Finland, Unit of Geriatric Immunoallergology, University of Bari Medical School, Bari, Italy, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf, Dusseldorf, Germany, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, FL, United States, Department of Medicine, Clinical Immunology and Allergy, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada, Centre for Clinical Research Sörmland, Uppsala University, Eskilstuna, Sweden, Cyprus International Institute for Environmenta & Public Health in Association with Harvard School of Public Health, Cyprus University of Technology, Limassol, Cyprus, Department of Pediatrics, Hospital 'Archbishop Makarios III', Nicosia, Cyprus, Department of Pulmonology, Celal Bayar University, Manisa, Turkey, The Allergy and Asthma Institute, Islamabad, Pakistan, Department of Paediatrics and Child Health, Red Cross Children's, Hospital, and MRC Unit on Child & Adolescent Health, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa, Universidad Católica de Córdoba, Córdoba, Argentina, Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Beijing TongRen Hospital, Beijing Institute of Otolaryngology, Beijing, China, University Clinic of Respiratory and Allergic Diseases, Golnik, Slovenia, Department of Dermatology and Allergy, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Corporate Member of Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin Institute of Health, Comprehensive Allergy Center, A member of GA2LEN, Berlin, Germany, University Hospital, Montpellier, France, INSERM U 1168, VIMA: Ageing and chronic diseases Epidemiological and public health approaches, Villejuif, France, Université Versailles St-Quentin-en-Yvelines, UMR-S 1168, Montigny le Bretonneux, France, and Euforea, Brussels, Belgium
- Subjects
humanities - Abstract
Pharmacists are trusted health care professionals. Many patients use over-the-counter (OTC) medications and are seen by pharmacists who are the initial point of contact for allergic rhinitis management in most countries. The role of pharmacists in integrated care pathways (ICPs) for allergic diseases is important. This paper builds on existing studies and provides tools intended to help pharmacists provide optimal advice/interventions/strategies to patients with rhinitis. The Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma (ARIA)-pharmacy ICP includes a diagnostic questionnaire specifically focusing attention on key symptoms and markers of the disease, a systematic Diagnosis Guide (including differential diagnoses), and a simple flowchart with proposed treatment for rhinitis and asthma multimorbidity. Key prompts for referral within the ICP are included. The use of technology is critical to enhance the management of allergic rhinitis. However, the ARIA-pharmacy ICP should be adapted to local healthcare environments/situations as regional (national) differences exist in pharmacy care. © 2018 EAACI and John Wiley and Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley and Sons Ltd.
- Published
- 2019
78. Mobile Technology in Allergic Rhinitis: Evolution in Management or Revolution in Health and Care?
- Author
Bousquet, J. Ansotegui, I.J. Anto, J.M. Arnavielhe, S. Bachert, C. Basagaña, X. Bédard, A. Bedbrook, A. Bonini, M. Bosnic-Anticevich, S. Braido, F. Cardona, V. Czarlewski, W. Cruz, A.A. Demoly, P. De Vries, G. Dramburg, S. Mathieu-Dupas, E. Erhola, M. Fokkens, W.J. Fonseca, J.A. Haahtela, T. Hellings, P.W. Illario, M. Ivancevich, J.C. Jormanainen, V. Klimek, L. Kuna, P. Kvedariene, V. Laune, D. Larenas-Linnemann, D. Lourenço, O. Onorato, G.L. Matricardi, P.M. Melén, E. Mullol, J. Papadopoulos, N.G. Pfaar, O. Pham-Thi, N. Sheikh, A. Tan, R. To, T. Tomazic, P.V. Toppila-Salmi, S. Tripodi, S. Wallace, D. Valiulis, A. van Eerd, M. Ventura, M.T. Yorgancioglu, A. Zuberbier, T.
- Abstract
Smart devices and Internet-based applications (apps) are largely used in allergic rhinitis and may help to address some unmet needs. However, these new tools need to first of all be tested for privacy rules, acceptability, usability, and cost-effectiveness. Second, they should be evaluated in the frame of the digital transformation of health, their impact on health care delivery, and health outcomes. This review (1) summarizes some existing mobile health apps for allergic rhinitis and reviews those in which testing has been published, (2) discusses apps that include risk factors of allergic rhinitis, (3) examines the impact of mobile health apps in phenotype discovery, (4) provides real-world evidence for care pathways, and finally (5) discusses mobile health tools enabling the digital transformation of health and care, empowering citizens, and building a healthier society. © 2019 American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology
- Published
- 2019
79. 2019 ARIA Care pathways for allergen immunotherapy [ARIA-Versorgungspfade für die Allergenimmuntherapie 2019]
- Author
Bousquet, J. Pfaar, O. Togias, A. Schünemann, H.J. Ansotegui, I. Papadopoulos, N.G. Tsiligianni, I. Agache, I. Anto, J.M. Bachert, C. Bedbrook, A. Bergmann, K.C. Bosnic-Anticevich, S. Bosse, I. Brozek, J. Calderon, M. Canonica, G.W. Caraballo, L. Cardona, V. Casale, T. Cecchi, L. Chu, D.K. Costa, E. Cruz, A.A. Czarlewski, W. Durham, S.R. Du Toit, G. Dykewicz, M. Ebisawa, M. Fauquert, J.L. Fernandez-Rivas, M. Fokkens, W.J. Fonseca, J. Fontaine, J.F. Gerth Van Wijk, R. Haahtela, T. Halken, S. Hellings, P.W. Ierodiakonou, D. Iinuma, T. Ivancevich, J.C. Jacobsen, L. Jutel, M. Kaidashev, I. Khaitov, M. Kalayci, O. Kleine Tebbe, J. Klimek, L. Kowalski, M.L. Kuna, P. Kvedariene, V. La Grutta, S. Larenas-Linemann, D. Lau, S. Laune, D. Le, L. Lodrup Carlsen, K. Lourenço, O. Malling, H.J. Marien, G. Menditto, E. Mercier, G. Mullol, J. Muraro, A. O'Hehir, R. Okamoto, Y. Pajno, G.B. Park, H.S. Panzner, P. Passalacqua, G. Pham-Thi, N. Roberts, G. Rolland, C. Rosario, N. Ryan, D. Samolinski, B. Sanchez-Borges, M. Scadding, G. Shamji, M.H. Sheikh, A. Sturm, G.J. Todo Bom, A. Toppila-Salmi, S. Valentin-Rostan, M. Valiulis, A. Valovirta, E. Ventura, M.T. Wahn, U. Walker, S. Wallace, D. Waserman, S. Yorgancioglu, A. Zuberbier, T. ARIA-Arbeitsgruppe
- Abstract
Allergen immunotherapy (AIT) is a proven therapeutic option for the treatment of allergic rhinitis and/or asthma. Many guidelines or national practice guidelines have been produced but the evidence- based method varies, many are complex and none propose care pathways. This paper reviews care pathways for AIT using strict criteria and provides simple recommendations that can be used by all stakeholders including health professionals. The decision to prescribe AIT for the patient should be individualized and based on the relevance of the allergens, the persistence of symptoms despite appropriate medications according to guidelines as well as on the availability of good-quality and efficacious extracts. Allergen extracts cannot be regarded as generics. Immunotherapy is selected by specialists for stratified patients. There are no currently available validated biomarkers that can predict AIT success. In adolescents and adults, AIT should be reserved for patients with moderate/severe rhinitis or for those with moderate asthma who, despite appropriate pharmacotherapy and adherence, continue to exhibit exacerbations that appear to be related to allergen exposure, except in some specific cases. Immunotherapy may be even more advantageous in patients with multimorbidity. In children, AIT may prevent asthma onset in patients with rhinitis. mHealth tools are promising for the stratification and follow up of patients. © 2019 Dustri-Verlag Dr. Karl Feistle. All rights reserved.
- Published
- 2019
80. Next-generation care pathways for allergic rhinitis and asthma multimorbidity: A model for multimorbid non-communicable diseases—Meeting Report (Part 1)
- Author
Bousquet, J. Pham-Thi, N. Bedbrook, A. Agache, I. Annesi-Maesano, I. Ansotegui, I. Anto, J.M. Bachert, C. Benveniste, S. Bewick, M. Billo, N. Bosnic-Anticevich, S. Bosse, I. Brusselle, G. Calderon, M.A. Canonica, G.W. Caraballo, L. Cardona, V. Carriazo, A.M. Cash, E. Cecchi, L. Chu, D.K. Colgan, E. Costa, E. Cruz, A.A. Czarlewski, W. Durham, S. Ebisawa, M. Erhola, M. Fauquert, J.-L. Fokkens, W.J. Fonseca, J.A. Guldemond, N. Iinuma, T. Illario, M. Klimek, L. Kuna, P. Kvedariene, V. Larenas-Linneman, D. Laune, D. Le, L.T.T. Lourenço, O. Malva, J.O. Marien, G. Menditto, E. Mullol, J. Münter, L. Okamoto, Y. Onorato, G.L. Papadopoulos, N.G. Perala, M. Pfaar, O. Phillips, A. Phillips, J. Pinnock, H. Portejoie, F. Quinones-Delgado, P. Rolland, C. Rodts, U. Samolinski, B. Sanchez-Borges, M. Schünemann, H.J. Shamji, M. Somekh, D. Togias, A. Toppila-Salmi, S. Tsiligianni, I. Usmani, O. Walker, S. Wallace, D. Valiulis, A. Van Der Kleij, R. Ventura, M.T. Williams, S. Yorgancioglu, A. Zuberbier, T.
- Published
- 2019
81. Mobile technology offers novel insights into the control and treatment of allergic rhinitis: The MASK study
- Author
Bédard, A. Basagaña, X. Anto, J.M. Garcia-Aymerich, J. Devillier, P. Arnavielhe, S. Bedbrook, A. Onorato, G.L. Czarlewski, W. Murray, R. Almeida, R. Fonseca, J. Costa, E. Malva, J. Morais-Almeida, M. Pereira, A.M. Todo-Bom, A. Menditto, E. Stellato, C. Ventura, M.T. Cruz, A.A. Stelmach, R. da Silva, J. Larenas-Linnemann, D. Fuentes-Pérez, J.M. Huerta-Villalobos, Y.R. Emuzyte, R. Kvedariene, V. Valiulis, A. Kuna, P. Samolinski, B. Klimek, L. Mösges, R. Pfaar, O. Shamai, S. Annesi-Maesano, I. Bosse, I. Demoly, P. Fontaine, J.-F. Cardona, V. Mullol, J. Valero, A. Roller-Wirnsberger, R.E. Tomazic, P.V. Chavannes, N.H. Fokkens, W.J. Reitsma, S. Bewick, M. Ryan, D. Sheikh, A. Haahtela, T. Toppila-Salmi, S. Valovirta, E. Makris, M. Papadopoulos, N.G. Prokopakis, E.P. Psarros, F. Cingi, C. Gemicioğlu, B. Yorgancioglu, A. Bosnic-Anticevich, S. O'Hehir, R.E. Bachert, C. Hellings, P.W. Pugin, B. Bindslev-Jensen, C. Eller, E. Kull, I. Melén, E. Wickman, M. De Vries, G. van Eerd, M. Agache, I. Ansotegui, I.J. Dykewicz, M.S. Casale, T. Wallace, D. Waserman, S. Laune, D. Bousquet, J. MASK study group
- Abstract
Background: Mobile health can be used to generate innovative insights into optimizing treatment to improve allergic rhinitis (AR) control. Objectives: A cross-sectional real-world observational study was undertaken in 22 countries to complement a pilot study and provide novel information on medication use, disease control, and work productivity in the everyday life of patients with AR. Methods: A mobile phone app (Allergy Diary, which is freely available on Google Play and Apple stores) was used to collect the data of daily visual analogue scale (VAS) scores for (1) overall allergic symptoms; (2) nasal, ocular, and asthma symptoms; (3) work; and (4) medication use by using a treatment scroll list including all allergy medications (prescribed and over-the-counter) customized for 22 countries. The 4 most common intranasal medications containing intranasal corticosteroids and 8 oral H1-antihistamines were studied. Results: Nine thousand one hundred twenty-two users filled in 112,054 days of VASs in 2016 and 2017. Assessment of days was informative. Control of days with rhinitis differed between no (best control), single (good control for intranasal corticosteroid–treated days), or multiple (worst control) treatments. Users with the worst control increased the range of treatments being used. The same trend was found for asthma, eye symptoms, and work productivity. Differences between oral H1-antihistamines were found. Conclusions: This study confirms the usefulness of the Allergy Diary in accessing and assessing behavior in patients with AR. This observational study using a very simple assessment tool (VAS) on a mobile phone had the potential to answer questions previously thought infeasible. © 2019 American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology
- Published
- 2019
82. ARIA digitally-enabled, integrated, person-centred care for rhinitis and asthma multimorbidity using real-world-evidence
- Author
Bousquet, J., Arnavielhe, S., Bedbrook, A., Bewick, M., Laune, D., Mathieu-dupas, E., Murray, R., Onorato, G. L., Pépin, J. L., Picard, R., Portejoie, F., Costa, E., Fonseca, J., Lourenço, O., Morais-Almeida, M., Todo-bom, A., Cruz, A. A., Silva, J. da, Serpa, F. S., Illario, M., Menditto, E., Cecchi, L., Monti, R., Napoli, L., Ventura, M. T., De Feo, G., Larenas-linnemann, D., Fuentes Perez, M., Huerta Villabolos, Y. R., Rivero-yeverino, D., Rodriguez-zagal, E., Amat, F., Annesi-maesano, I., Bosse, I., Demoly, P., Devillier, P., Fontaine, J. F., Just, J., Kuna, T. P., Samolinski, B., Valiulis, A., Emuzyte, R., Kvedariene, V., Ryan, D., Sheikh, A., Schmidt-grendelmeier, P., Klimek, L., Forti, S., Pereira, A. M., Martins, Pedro Miguel Carvalho Diogo Carreiro, and Centro de Estudos de Doenças Crónicas (CEDOC)
- Subjects
Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine ,ARIA ,MASK ,mHealth ,Care pathways ,Immunology ,Immunology and Allergy ,App ,Asthma ,Rhinitis - Abstract
mHealth, such as apps running on consumer smart devices is becoming increasingly popular and has the potential to profoundly affect healthcare and health outcomes. However, it may be disruptive and results achieved are not always reaching the goals. Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma (ARIA) has evolved from a guideline using the best evidence-based approach to care pathways suited to real-life using mobile technology in allergic rhinitis (AR) and asthma multimorbidity. Patients largely use over-the-counter medications dispensed in pharmacies. Shared decision making centered around the patient and based on self-management should be the norm. Mobile Airways Sentinel networK (MASK), the Phase 3 ARIA initiative, is based on the freely available MASK app (the Allergy Diary, Android and iOS platforms). MASK is available in 16 languages and deployed in 23 countries. The present paper provides an overview of the methods used in MASK and the key results obtained to date. These include a novel phenotypic characterization of the patients, confirmation of the impact of allergic rhinitis on work productivity and treatment patterns in real life. Most patients appear to self-medicate, are often non-adherent and do not follow guidelines. Moreover, the Allergy Diary is able to distinguish between AR medications. The potential usefulness of MASK will be further explored by POLLAR (Impact of Air Pollution on Asthma and Rhinitis), a new Horizon 2020 project using the Allergy Diary. publishersversion published
- Published
- 2018
- Author
Kvedariene, V., Blaziene, A., and Satkauskas, B.
- Published
- 1997
- Author
Kvedariene, V., Blaziene, A., Vaitkiene, N., and Satkauskas, B.
- Published
- 1997
85. Positioning the principles of precision medicine in care pathways for allergic rhinitis and chronic rhinosinusitis â A EUFOREA-ARIA-EPOS-AIRWAYS ICP statement
- Author
Hellings, P. W., Fokkens, W. J., Bachert, C., Akdis, C. A., Bieber, T., Agache, I., Bernal-Sprekelsen, M., Canonica, G. W., Gevaert, P., Joos, G., Lund, V. J., Muraro, A., Onerci, M., Zuberbier, T., Pugin, B., Seys, S. F., Bousquet, Jean, ARIA and EPOS working groups, Akdis, M., Alobid, I., Ankri, J., Annesi-Maesano, I., Ansotegui, I. J., Anto, Josep M., Arnavielhe, S., Arshad, S. H., Asarnoj, A., Avolio, F., Baiardini, I., Barbagallo, Carlo M., Barbara, Cristina, Baroody, F., Bateman, E. D., Bedbrook, Anna, Beghé, B., Bel, E. H., Bennoor, K. S., Benson, M., Bergmann, K. C., Bewick, M., Białoszewski, A. Z., Bindslev-Jensen, C., Bjermer, L., Blain, Hubert, Blasi, F., Boner, A. L., Bonini, M., Bonini, S., Bosnic-Anticevitch, S., Bosse, I., Bouchard, J., Boulet, L. P., Bourret, Rodolphe, Braido, F., Briggs, A. H., Brightling, C. E., Brozek, J. L., Bucca, C., Buhl, R., Bunu, C., Burte, E., Bush, A., Caballero-Fonseca, F., Caimmi, D. P., Calderon, M. A., Camargos, P. A. M., Camuzat, Thierry, Cardona, V., Carlsen, K. H., Carr, W., Carreiro-Martins, P., Carriazo, A. M., Casale, T. B., A.M, Cepeda Sarabia, Cervin, A., Cesari, M., Chatzi, L., Chavannes, Niels H., Chiron, R., Pérez, T. Chivato, Chkhartishvili, E., Chuchalin, Alexander G., Chung, K. F., Ciprandi, G., Cohen, N., Diaz, S. Conzález, Cox, L., Crooks, George, Cruz, A. A., Custovic, Adnan, Dahl, R., Dahlen, S. E., Darsow, U., Carlo, G. De, Keenoy, E. De Manuel, Sousa, J. Correia de, Vries, Elisabeth G. E. de, Dedeu, Antoni, Deleanu, D., Demoly, Pascal, Denburg, J. A., Devillier, P., Didier, A., Dinh-Xuan, A. T., Dokic, D., Douagui, H. B., Douglas, R., Dray, G., Toit, G. Du, Dubakiene, R., Durham, S. R., Dykewicz, M. S., Eklund, P., El-Gamal, Y., Ellers, E., Emuzyte, R., Farrell, J., Fink-Wagner, A., Fiocchi, A., Fletcher, M., Fonseca, J. A., Forastiere, F., Gaga, M., Gamkrelidze, A., Gemicioǧlu, B., Georgalas, C., Gereda, J. E., Goossens, H., Grisle, I., Guldemond, N. A., Gutter, Z., Guzmán, M. A., Haahtela, T., Harvey, R., Heinrich, J., Hellquist-Dahl, B., Hopkins, C., Horak, F., Hourihane, J. O. B., Humbert, M., Hyland, M. E., Iaccarino, G., Illario, M., Jares, E. J., Jeandel, Claude, Johnston, S. L., Jonquet, Olivier, Jung, K. S., Just, J., Jutel, M., Kaidashev, I. P., Kalayci, O., Kalogjera, L., Kalyoncu, A. F., Kardas, P., Keil, T., Keith, P. K., Kerkhof, M., Kern, B., Kerstjens, H. A. M., Khaitov, M. R., Khaltaev, N., Klimek, L., Kogevinas, M., Kolek, V., Koppelman, G. H., Kowalski, M. L., Kuitunen, M., Kull, I., Kuna, P., Kvedariene, V., Lambrecht, B., Larenas-Linnemann, D., Lau, S., Laune, D., Le, Tuyen D., Li, J., Lieberman, P., Lipworth, B. J., Carlsen, K. C. Lodrup, Louis, R., Lupinek, C., MacNee, W., Magard, Y., Magnan, A., Mahboub, B., Maier, D., Majer, I., Malva, J., Manning, P. J., Marshall, G. D., Masjedi, M. R., Mathieu-Dupas, E., Maurer, M., Mavale-Manuel, S., Melén, E., Gomes, Elisabete Melo, Meltzer, E. O., Mercier, Jacques, Merk, H., Miculinic, N., Mihaltan, F., Milenkovic, B., Millot-Keurinck, J., Mohammad, Y., Momas, I., Almeida, M. Morais, Mosges, R., Mullol, J., Murray, R., Naclerio, R. N., Nadif, R., Namazova-Baranova, L., Neffen, H., Nekam, K., Nieto, A., Niggemann, B., Nogueira-Silva, L., Nogues, M., Nyembue, T. D., O'Hehir, R. E., Ohta, K., Okamoto, Y., Okubo, K., Olive-Elias, M., Ouedraogo, S., Paggiaro, P. L., Pali-Schöll, I., Palkonen, S., Panzner, P., Papadopoulos, N. G., Papi, A., Park, H. S., Passalacqua, G., Pawankar, R., Pedersen, S., Pereira, A. M., Pfaar, O., Picard, R., Pigearias, B., Pin, I., Plavec, D., Pohl, W., Popov, T. A., Portejoie, F., Postma, D. S., Potter, P., Poulsen, L. K., Price, D., Rabe, K. F., Raciborski, F., Riechelmann, H., Robalo-Cordeiro, C., Roberts, G., Rodenas, F., Rodriguez-Mañas, L., Rolland, C., Rodriguez, M. Roman, Romano, A., Rosado-Pinto, J., Rosario, N. A., Rottem, M., Ryan, D., Samolinski, B., Sanchez-Borges, M., Sastre-Dominguez, J., Scadding, G. K., Schlosser, R., Schmid-Grendelmeier, P., Schunemann, H. J., Scichilone, N., Senior, B., Serrano, E., Sheikh, A., Shields, K. M., Simons, F. E. R., Siroux, V., Sisul, J. C., Skrindo, I., Smit, H. A., Sole, D., Sooronbaev, T., Spranger, O., Stellato, C., Stelmach, R., Sterk, P. J., Strandberg, T., Sunyer, Jordi, Thijs, C., Thomas, M., Todo-Bom, A., Tomazic, P. V., Toskala, E., Triggiani, M., Valenta, R., Valero, A. L., Valiulis, A., Valovirta, E., Eerd, M. van, Ganse, E. van, Hage, M. van, Wick, R. G. van, Vandenplas, O., Varona, L. L., Vazankari, T., Vellas, B., Ventura, M. T., Vezzani, G., Viegi, Giovanni, Voegels, R., Vontetsianos, T., Wagenmann, M., Wahn, U., Walker, S., Wang, D. Y., Wang, Ya Xing, Werfel, T., Whalley, B., Wickman, M., Williams, D. M., Williams, S., Wilson, N., Wormald, P. J., Wright, J., Yawn, B. P., Yiallouros, Panayiotis K., Yorgancioglu, A., Young, I., Yusuf, O. M., Zaidi, A., Zar, H. J., Zernotti, M. E., Zhang, L., Zhong, N., Zidarn, M., Adult Psychiatry, Ear, Nose and Throat, AII - Inflammatory diseases, AII - Amsterdam institute for Infection and Immunity, Pulmonology, Other departments, Hellings, P. W., Fokkens, W. J., Bachert, C., Akdis, C. A., Bieber, T., Agache, I., Bernal-Sprekelsen, M., Canonica, G. W., Gevaert, P., Joos, G., Lund, V., Muraro, A., Onerci, M., Zuberbier, T., Pugin, B., Seys, S. F., Bousquet, J., Aberer, W., Akdis, M., Alobid, I., Ankri, J., Annesi-Maesano, I., Ansotegui, I. J., Anto, J. M., Arnavielhe, S., Arshad, H., Asarnoj, A., Avolio, F., Baiardini, I., Barbagallo, M., Barbara, C., Baroody, F., Bateman, E. D., Bedbrook, A., Beghe, B., Bel, E. H., Bennoor, K. S., Benson, M., Bergmann, K. C., Bewick, M., Bialoszewski, A. Z., Bindslev-Jensen, C., Bjermer, L., Blain, H., Blasi, F., Boner, A. L., Bonini, M., Bonini, S., Bosnic-Anticevich, S., Bosse, I., Bouchard, J., Boulet, L. P., Bourret, R., Bousquet, P. J., Braido, F., Briggs, A. H., Brightling, C. E., Brozek, J., Bucca, C., Buhl, R., Bunu, C., Burte, E., Bush, A., Caballero-Fonseca, F., Caimmi, D. P., Calderon, M. A., Camargos, P. A., Camuzat, T., Cardona, V., Carlsen, K. H., Carr, W., Carreiro-Martins, P., Carriazo, A. M., Casale, T., Cepeda Sarabia, A. M., Cervin, A., Cesari, M., Chatzi, L., Chavannes, N. H., Chiron, R., Chivato, T., Chkhartishvili, E., Chuchalin, A. G., Chung, K. F., Ciprandi, G., Cohen, N., Conzalez Diaz, S., Cox, L., Crooks, G., Cruz, A. A., Custovic, A., Dahl, R., Dahlen, S. E., Darsow, U., De Carlo, G., De Manuel Keenoy, E., de Sousa, J. C., De Vries, G., Dedeu, T., Deleanu, D., Demoly, P., Denburg, J. A., Devillier, P., Didier, A., Dinh-Xuan, A. T., Dokic, D., Douagui, H., Douglas, R., Dray, G., Du Toit, G., Dubakiene, R., Durham, S. R., Dykewicz, M. S., Eklund, P., El-Gamal, Y., Ellers, E., Emuzyte, R., Farrell, J., Fink Wagner, A., Fiocchi, A., Fletcher, M., Fonseca, J., Forastiere, F., Gaga, M., Gamkrelidze, A., Gemicioglu, B., Georgalas, C., Gereda, J. E., Goossens, H., Grisle, I., Guldemond, N. A., Gutter, Z., Guzman, M. A., Haahtela, T., Harvey, R., Heinrich, J., Hellquist-Dahl, B., Hopkins, C., Horak, F., Hourihane, J. O., Humbert, M., Hyland, M., Iaccarino, G., Illario, M., Jares, E. J., Jeandel, C., Johnston, S. L., Jonquet, O., Jung, K. S., Just, J., Jutel, M., Kaidashev, I. P., Kalayci, O., Kalogjera, L., Kalyoncu, A. F., Kardas, P., Keil, T., Keith, P. K., Kerkhof, M., Kern, B., Kerstjens, H. A., Khaitov, M., Khaltaev, N., Klimek, L., Kogevinas, M., Kolek, V., Koppelman, G. H., Kowalski, M., Kowalski, M. L., Kuitunen, M., Kull, I., Kuna, P., Kvedariene, V., Lambrecht, B., Larenas-Linnemann, D., Lau, S., Laune, D., Le, L. T., Li, J., Lieberman, P., Lipworth, B., Lodrup Carlsen, K. C., Louis, R., Lund, V. J., Lupinek, C., Macnee, W., Magar, Y., Magnan, A., Mahboub, B., Maier, D., Majer, I., Malva, J., Manning, P., Marshall, G. D., Masjedi, M. R., Mathieu-Dupas, E., Maurer, M., Mavale-Manuel, S., Melen, E., Melo-Gomes, E., Meltzer, E. O., Mercier, J., Merk, H., Miculinic, N., Mihaltan, F., Milenkovic, B., Millot-Keurinck, J., Mohammad, Y., Momas, I., Morais-Almeida, M., Mosges, R., Mullol, J., Murray, R., Naclerio, R., Nadif, R., Namazova-Baranova, L., Neffen, H., Nekam, K., Nieto, A., Nogues, M., Nyembue, T. D., O'Hehir, R. E., Ohta, K., Okamoto, Y., Okubo, K., Olive-Elias, M., Ouedraogo, S., Paggiaro, P., Pali-Scholl, I., Palkonen, S., Panzner, P., Papadopoulos, N. G., Papi, A., Park, H. S., Passalacqua, G., Niggemann, B., Nogueira-Silva, L., Pereira, A. M., Pfaar, O., Picard, R., Pigearias, B., Pin, I., Plavec, D., Pohl, W., Popov, T. A., Portejoie, F., Postma, D., Potter, P., Poulsen, L. K., Price, D., Rabe, K. F., Raciborski, F., Riechelmann, H., Robalo-Cordeiro, C., Roberts, G., Rodenas, F., Rodriguez-Manas, L., Rolland, C., Roman Rodriguez, M., Romano, A., Rosado-Pinto, J., Rosario, N., Rottem, M., Ryan, D., Samolinski, B., Sanchez-Borges, M., Sastre-Dominguez, J., Scadding, G. K., Schlosser, R., Schmid-Grendelmeier, P., Schunemann, H. J., Scichilone, N., Senior, B., Serrano, E., Sheikh, A., Shields, M., Simons, F. E. R., Siroux, V., Sisul, J. C., Skrindo, I., Smit, H. A., Sole, D., Sooronbaev, T., Spranger, O., Stellato, C., Stelmach, R., Sterk, P. J., Strandberg, T., Sunyer, J., Thijs, C., Thomas, M., Todo-Bom, A., Tomazic, P. V., Toskala, E., Triggiani, M., Valenta, R., Valero, A., Valiulis, A., Valovirta, E., van Eerd, M., van Ganse, E., van Hage, M., van Wick, R. G., Vandenplas, O., Varona, L. L., Vazankari, T., Vellas, B., Ventura, M. T., Vezzani, G., Viegi, G., Voegels, R., Vontetsianos, T., Wagenmann, M., Wahn, U., Walker, S., Wang, D. Y., Wang, Y., Werfel, T., Whalley, B., Wickman, M., Williams, D. M., Williams, S., Wilson, N., Wormald, P. J., Wright, J., Yawn, B. P., Yiallouros, P. K., Yorgancioglu, A., Young, I., Yusuf, O. M., Zaidi, A., Zar, H. J., Zernotti, M. E., Zhang, L., Zhong, N., Zidarn, M., Asthma UK, Department of Dermatology, Allergology and Venereology, Clinicum, HUS Inflammation Center, RS: CAPHRI - R5 - Optimising Patient Care, Epidemiologie, Yiallouros, Panayiotis K. [0000-0002-8339-9285], Custovic, Adnan [0000-0001-5218-7071], Hellings, P.W., Fokkens, W.J., Akdis, C.A., Canonica, G.W., Seys, S.F., Ansotegui, I.J., Anto, J.M., Bateman, E.D., Beghé, B., Bel, E.H., Bennoor, K.S., Bergmann, K.C., Bialoszewski, A.Z., Boner, A.L., Boulet, L.P., Bousquet, P.J., Briggs, A.H., Brightling, C.E., Caimmi, D.P., Calderon, M.A., Camargos, P.A., Carlsen, K.H., Carriazo, A.M., Cepeda Sarabia, A.M., Chavannes, N.H., Chuchalin, A.G., Chung, K.F., Conzález Diaz, S., Cruz, A.A., Dahlen, S.E., de Sousa, J.C., Denburg, J.A., Dinh-Xuan, A.T., Durham, S.R., Dykewicz, M.S., Gemicioğlu, B., Gereda, J.E., Guldemond, N.A., Guzmán, M.A., Hourihane, J.O., Jares, E.J., Johnston, S.L., Jung, K.S., Kaidashev, I., Kalyoncu, A.F., Keith, P.K., Kerstjens, H.A., Koppelman, G.H., Kowalski, M.L., Le, L.T., Lodrup Carlsen, K.C., Lund, V.J., MacNee, W., Marshall, G.D., Masjedi, M.R., Melén, E., Meltzer, E.O., Mösges, R., Nyembue, T.D., O'Hehir, R.E., Pali-Schöll, I., Papadopoulos, N.G., Park, H.S., Pawankar, R., Pedersen, S., Pereira, A.M., Popov, T.A., Poulsen, L.K., Rabe, K.F., Rodriguez-Mañas, L., Scadding, G.K., Schunemann, H.J., Simons, F.E.R., Sisul, J.C., Smit, H.A., Solé, D., Sterk, P.J., Tomazic, P.V., van Wick, R.G., Varona, L.L., Ventura, M.T., Wang, D.Y., Williams, D.M., Wormald, P.J., Yawn, B.P., Yiallouros, P.K., Yusuf, O.M., Zar, H.J., and Zernotti, M.E.
- Subjects
allergic rhinitis ,integrated care pathway ,precision medicine ,rhinosinusitis ,Allergy ,Rhinosinusitis ,Disease ,Allergic rhinitis ,0302 clinical medicine ,QUALITY-OF-LIFE ,Medicine ,Immunology and Allergy ,030223 otorhinolaryngology ,Sinusitis ,NASAL POLYPOSIS ,Rhinitis ,Precision medicine ,3. Good health ,Algorithm ,REAL-LIFE ,IMPACT OUTCOMES ,ARIA and EPOS working groups ,1107 Immunology ,DISEASES ,GA(2)LEN ,Disease Progression ,allergic rhiniti ,Life Sciences & Biomedicine ,ENDOSCOPIC SINUS SURGERY ,Algorithms ,Human ,Integrated care pathway ,Adult ,Chronic Disease ,Humans ,Precision Medicine ,Rhinitis, Allergic ,Young Adult ,Immunology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,rhinosinusiti ,PHENOTYPES ,VALIDATION ,03 medical and health sciences ,Therapeutic approach ,Allergic ,Patient satisfaction ,Quality of life (healthcare) ,Patient participation ,IMMUNOTHERAPY ,Intensive care medicine ,Asthma ,Science & Technology ,business.industry ,medicine.disease ,Sinusiti ,SEVERITY ,030228 respiratory system ,3121 General medicine, internal medicine and other clinical medicine ,Physical therapy ,ASTHMA ,business - Abstract
Precision medicine (PM) is increasingly recognized as the way forward for optimizing patient care. Introduced in the field of oncology, it is now considered of major interest in other medical domains like allergy and chronic airway diseases, which face an urgent need to improve the level of disease control, enhance patient satisfaction and increase effectiveness of preventive interventions. The combination of personalized care, prediction of treatment success, prevention of disease and patient participation in the elaboration of the treatment plan is expected to substantially improve the therapeutic approach for individuals suffering from chronic disabling conditions. Given the emerging data on the impact of patient stratification on treatment outcomes, European and American regulatory bodies support the principles of PM and its potential advantage over current treatment strategies. The aim of the current document was to propose a consensus on the position and gradual implementation of the principles of PM within existing adult treatment algorithms for allergic rhinitis (AR) and chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS). At the time of diagnosis, prediction of success of the initiated treatment and patient participation in the decision of the treatment plan can be implemented. The second-level approach ideally involves strategies to prevent progression of disease, in addition to prediction of success of therapy, and patient participation in the long-term therapeutic strategy. Endotype-driven treatment is part of a personalized approach and should be positioned at the tertiary level of care, given the efforts needed for its implementation and the high cost of molecular diagnosis and biological treatment. © 2017 EAACI and John Wiley and Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley and Sons Ltd. 72 9 1297 1305
- Published
- 2017
86. Erratum to: Scaling up strategies of the chronic respiratory disease programme of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (Action Plan B3: Area 5)(Clin Transl Allergy (2016) 6 (29) DOI: 10.1186/s13601-016-0116-9)
- Author
Bousquet, Jean, Farrell, J., Crooks, George, Hellings, P. W., Bel, E. H., Bewick, M., Chavannes, Niels H., Sousa, J. Correia de, Cruz, A. A., Haahtela, T., Joos, G., Khaltaev, N., Malva, J., Muraro, A., Nogues, M., Palkonen, S., Pedersen, S., Robalo-Cordeiro, C., Samolinski, B., Strandberg, T., Valiulis, A., Yorgancioglu, A., Zuberbier, T., Bedbrook, Anna, Aberer, W., Adachi, M., Agusti, A., Akdis, C. A., Akdis, M., Ankri, J., Alonso, A., Annesi-Maesano, I., Ansotegui, I. J., Anto, Josep M., Arnavielhe, S., Arshad, S. H., Bai, C., Baiardini, I., Bachert, C., Baigenzhin, A. K., Barbara, Cristina, Bateman, E. D., Beghé, B., Kheder, A. B., Bennoor, K. S., Benson, M., Bergmann, K. C., Bieber, T., Bindslev-Jensen, C., Bjermer, L., Blain, Hubert, Blasi, F., Boner, A. L., Bonini, M., Bonini, S., Bosnic-Anticevitch, S., Boulet, L. P., Bourret, Rodolphe, Braido, F., Briggs, A. H., Brightling, C. E., Brozek, J. L., Buhl, R., Burney, P. G., Bush, A., Caballero-Fonseca, F., Caimmi, D. P., Calderon, M. A., Calverley, P. M., Camargos, P. A. M., Canonica, G. W., Camuzat, Thierry, Carlsen, K. H., Carr, W., Carriazo, A. M., Casale, T. B., A.M, Cepeda Sarabia, Chatzi, L., Chen, Y. Z., Chiron, R., Chkhartishvili, E., Chuchalin, Alexander G., Chung, K. F., Ciprandi, G., Cirule, I., Cox, L., Costa, David J., Custovic, Adnan, Dahl, R., Dahlen, S. E., Darsow, U., Carlo, G. De, Blay, F. De, Dedeu, Antoni, Deleanu, D., Keenoy, E. De Manuel, Demoly, Pascal, Denburg, J. A., Devillier, P., Didier, A., Dinh-Xuan, A. T., Djukanovic, R., Dokic, D., Douagui, H. B., Dray, G., Dubakiene, R., Durham, S. R., Dykewicz, M. S., El-Gamal, Y., Emuzyte, R., Fabbri, Leonardo M., Fletcher, M., Fiocchi, A., Fink-Wagner, A., Fonseca, J. A., Fokkens, W. J., Forastiere, F., Frith, P., Gaga, M., Gamkrelidze, A., Garces, J., Garcia-Aymerich, Judith, Gemicioǧlu, B., Gereda, J. E., Diaz, S. González, Gotua, M., Grisle, I., Grouse, L., Gutter, Z., Guzmán, M. A., Heaney, L. G., Hellquist-Dahl, B., Henderson, D., Hendry, A., Heinrich, J., Heve, D., Horak, F., Hourihane, J. O. B., Howarth, P. H., Humbert, M., Hyland, M. E., Illario, M., Ivancevich, J. C., Jardim, J. R., Jares, E. J., Jeandel, Claude, Jenkins, C., Johnston, S. L., Jonquet, Olivier, Julge, K., Jung, K. S., Just, J., Kaidashev, I. P., Khaitov, M. R., Kalayci, O., Kalyoncu, A. F., Keil, T., Keith, P. K., Klimek, L., N'Goran, B. Koffi, Kolek, V., Koppelman, G. H., Kowalski, M. L., Kull, I., Kuna, P., Kvedariene, V., Lambrecht, B., Lau, S., Larenas-Linnemann, D., Laune, D., Le, Tuyen D., Lieberman, P., Lipworth, B. J., Li, J., Carlsen, K. C. Lodrup, Louis, R., MacNee, W., Magard, Y., Magnan, A., Mahboub, B., Mair, A., Majer, I., Makela, M. J., Manning, P. J., Mara, S., Marshall, G. D., Masjedi, M. R., Matignon, P., Maurer, M., Mavale-Manuel, S., Melén, E., Gomes, Elisabete Melo, Meltzer, E. O., Menzies-Gow, A., Merk, H., Michel, J. P., Miculinic, N., Mihaltan, F., Milenkovic, B., Mohammad, G. M. Y., Molimard, M., Momas, I., Montilla-Santana, A., Almeida, M. Morais, Morgan, M., Mosges, R., Mullol, J., Nafti, S., Namazova-Baranova, L., Naclerio, R. N., Neou, A., Neffen, H., Nekam, K., Niggemann, B., Ninot, G., Nyembue, T. D., O'Hehir, R. E., Ohta, K., Okamoto, Y., Okubo, K., Ouedraogo, S., Paggiaro, P. L., Pali-Schöll, I., Panzner, P., Papadopoulos, N., Papi, A., Park, H. S., Passalacqua, G., Pavord, I., Pawankar, R., Pengelly, R., Pfaar, O., Picard, R., Pigearias, B., Pin, I., Plavec, D., Poethig, D., Pohl, W., Popov, T. A., Portejoie, F., Potter, P., Postma, D. S., Price, D., Rabe, K. F., Raciborski, F., Radier-Pontal, F., Repka-Ramirez, S., Reitamo, S., Rennard, S., Rodenas, F., Roberts, J., Roca, J., Rodriguez-Mañas, L., Rolland, C., Rodriguez, M. Roman, Romano, A., Rosado-Pinto, J., Rosario, N. A., Rosenwasser, L., Rottem, M., Ryan, D., Sanchez-Borges, M., Scadding, G. K., Schunemann, H. J., Serrano, E., Schmid-Grendelmeier, P., Schulz, H., Sheikh, A., Shields, K. M., Siafakas, N., Sibille, Y., Similowski, T., Simons, F. E. R., Sisul, J. C., Skrindo, I., Smit, H. A., Sole, D., Sooronbaev, T., Spranger, O., Stelmach, R., Sterk, P. J., Sunyer, Jordi, Thijs, C., To, T., Todo-Bom, A., Triggiani, M., Valenta, R., Valero, A. L., Valia, E., Valovirta, E., Ganse, E. Van, Hage, M. van, Vandenplas, O., Vasankari, T., Vellas, B., Vestbo, J., Vezzani, G., Vichyanond, P., Viegi, Giovanni, Vogelmeier, C., Vontetsianos, T., Wagenmann, M., Wallaert, B., Walker, S., Wang, D. Y., Wahn, U., Wickman, M., Williams, D. M., Williams, S., Wright, J., Yawn, B. P., Yiallouros, Panayiotis K., Yusuf, O. M., Zaidi, A., Zar, H. J., Zernotti, M. E., Zhang, L., Zhong, N., Zidarn, M., Mercier, Jacques, Yiallouros, Panayiotis K. [0000-0002-8339-9285], Custovic, Adnan [0000-0001-5218-7071], Bousquet, J., Farrell, J., Crooks, G., Hellings, P., Bel, E. H., Bewick, M., Chavannes, N. H., De Sousa, J. C., Cruz, A. A., Haahtela, T., Joos, G., Khaltaev, N., Malva, J., Muraro, A., Nogues, M., Palkonen, S., Pedersen, S., Robalo-Cordeiro, C., Samolinski, B., Strandberg, T., Valiulis, A., Yorgancioglu, A., Zuberbier, T., Bedbrook, A., Aberer, W., Adachi, M., Agusti, A., Akdis, C. A., Akdis, M., Ankri, J., Alonso, A., Annesi-Maesano, I., Ansotegui, I. J., Anto, J. M., Arnavielhe, S., Arshad, H., Bai, C., Baiardini, I., Bachert, C., Baigenzhin, A. K., Barbara, C., Bateman, E. D., Beghe, B., Kheder, A. B., Bennoor, K. S., Benson, M., Bergmann, K. C., Bieber, T., Bindslev-Jensen, C., Bjermer, L., Blain, H., Blasi, F., Boner, A. L., Bonini, M., Bonini, S., Bosnic-Anticevitch, S., Boulet, L. P., Bourret, R., Bousquet, P. J., Braido, F., Briggs, A. H., Brightling, C. E., Brozek, J., Buhl, R., Burney, P. G., Bush, A., Caballero-Fonseca, F., Caimmi, D., Calderon, M. A., Calverley, P. M., Camargos, P. A. M., Canonica, G. W., Camuzat, T., Carlsen, K. H., Carr, W., Carriazo, A., Casale, T., Cepeda Sarabia, A. M., Chatzi, L., Chen, Y. Z., Chiron, R., Chkhartishvili, E., Chuchalin, A. G., Chung, K. F., Ciprandi, G., Cirule, I., Cox, L., Costa, D. J., Custovic, A., Dahl, R., Dahlen, S. E., Darsow, U., De Carlo, G., De Blay, F., Dedeu, T., Deleanu, D., De Manuel Keenoy, E., Demoly, P., Denburg, J. A., Devillier, P., Didier, A., Dinh-Xuan, A. T., Djukanovic, R., Dokic, D., Douagui, H., Dray, G., Dubakiene, R., Durham, S. R., Dykewicz, M. S., El-Gamal, Y., Emuzyte, R., Fabbri, L. M., Fletcher, M., Fiocchi, A., Fink Wagner, A., Fonseca, J., Fokkens, W. J., Forastiere, F., Frith, P., Gaga, M., Gamkrelidze, A., Garces, J., Garcia-Aymerich, J., Gemicioglu, B., Gereda, J. E., Gonzalez Diaz, S., Gotua, M., Grisle, I., Grouse, L., Gutter, Z., Guzman, M. A., Heaney, L. G., Hellquist-Dahl, B., Henderson, D., Hendry, A., Heinrich, J., Heve, D., Horak, F., Hourihane, J. O. B., Howarth, P., Humbert, M., Hyland, M. E., Illario, M., Ivancevich, J. C., Jardim, J. R., Jares, E. J., Jeandel, C., Jenkins, C., Johnston, S. L., Jonquet, O., Julge, K., Jung, K. S., Just, J., Kaidashev, I. P., Khaitov, M. R., Kalayci, O., Kalyoncu, A. F., Keil, T., Keith, P. K., Klimek, L., Koffi N'Goran, B., Kolek, V., Koppelman, G. H., Kowalski, M. L., Kull, I., Kuna, P., Kvedariene, V., Lambrecht, B., Lau, S., Larenas-Linnemann, D., Laune, D., Le, L. T. T., Lieberman, P., Lipworth, B., Li, J., Lodrup Carlsen, K., Louis, R., Macnee, W., Magard, Y., Magnan, A., Mahboub, B., Mair, A., Majer, I., Makela, M. J., Manning, P., Mara, S., Marshall, G. D., Masjedi, M. R., Matignon, P., Maurer, M., Mavale-Manuel, S., Melen, E., Melo-Gomes, E., Meltzer, E. O., Menzies-Gow, A., Merk, H., Michel, J. P., Miculinic, N., Mihaltan, F., Milenkovic, B., Mohammad, G. M. Y., Molimard, M., Momas, I., Montilla-Santana, A., Morais-Almeida, M., Morgan, M., Mosges, R., Mullol, J., Nafti, S., Namazova-Baranova, L., Naclerio, R., Neou, A., Neffen, H., Nekam, K., Niggemann, B., Ninot, G., Nyembue, T. D., O'Hehir, R. E., Ohta, K., Okamoto, Y., Okubo, K., Ouedraogo, S., Paggiaro, P., Pali-Scholl, I., Panzner, P., Papadopoulos, N., Papi, A., Park, H. S., Passalacqua, G., Pavord, I., Pawankar, R., Pengelly, R., Pfaar, O., Picard, R., Pigearias, B., Pin, I., Plavec, D., Poethig, D., Pohl, W., Popov, T. A., Portejoie, F., Potter, P., Postma, D., Price, D., Rabe, K. F., Raciborski, F., Radier Pontal, F., Repka-Ramirez, S., Reitamo, S., Rennard, S., Rodenas, F., Roberts, J., Roca, J., Rodriguez Manas, L., Rolland, C., Roman Rodriguez, M., Romano, A., Rosado-Pinto, J., Rosario, N., Rosenwasser, L., Rottem, M., Ryan, D., Sanchez-Borges, M., Scadding, G. K., Schunemann, H. J., Serrano, E., Schmid-Grendelmeier, P., Schulz, H., Sheikh, A., Shields, M., Siafakas, N., Sibille, Y., Similowski, T., Simons, F. E. R., Sisul, J. C., Skrindo, I., Smit, H. A., Sole, D., Sooronbaev, T., Spranger, O., Stelmach, R., Sterk, P. J., Sunyer, J., Thijs, C., To, T., Todo-Bom, A., Triggiani, M., Valenta, R., Valero, A. L., Valia, E., Valovirta, E., Van Ganse, E., Van Hage, M., Vandenplas, O., Vasankari, T., Vellas, B., Vestbo, J., Vezzani, G., Vichyanond, P., Viegi, G., Vogelmeier, C., Vontetsianos, T., Wagenmann, M., Wallaert, B., Walker, S., Wang, D. Y., Wahn, U., Wickman, M., Williams, D. M., Williams, S., Wright, J., Yawn, B. P., Yiallouros, P. K., Yusuf, O. M., Zaidi, A., Zar, H. J., Zernotti, M. E., Zhang, L., Zhong, N., Zidarn, M., and Mercier, J.
- Subjects
Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine ,Immunology ,Immunology and Allergy - Abstract
7 1
- Published
- 2017
87. Guidance to 2018 good practice: ARIA digitally-enabled, integrated, person-centred care for rhinitis and asthma
- Author
Bousquet, J. Bedbrook, A. Czarlewski, W. Onorato, G.L. Arnavielhe, S. Laune, D. Mathieu-Dupas, E. Fonseca, J. Costa, E. Lourenço, O. Morais-Almeida, M. Todo-Bom, A. Illario, M. Menditto, E. Canonica, G.W. Cecchi, L. Monti, R. Napoli, L. Ventura, M.T. De Feo, G. Fokkens, W.J. Chavannes, N.H. Reitsma, S. Cruz, A.A. Da Silva, J. Serpa, F.S. Larenas-Linnemann, D. Fuentes Perez, J.M. Huerta-Villalobos, Y.R. Rivero-Yeverino, D. Rodriguez-Zagal, E. Valiulis, A. Dubakiene, R. Emuzyte, R. Kvedariene, V. Annesi-Maesano, I. Blain, H. Bonniaud, P. Bosse, I. Dauvilliers, Y. Devillier, P. Fontaine, J.F. Pépin, J.L. Pham-Thi, N. Portejoie, F. Picard, R. Roche, N. Rolland, C. Schmidt-Grendelmeier, P. Kuna, P. Samolinski, B. Anto, J.M. Cardona, V. Mullol, J. Pinnock, H. Ryan, D. Sheikh, A. Walker, S. Williams, S. Becker, S. Klimek, L. Pfaar, O. Bergmann, K.C. Mösges, R. Zuberbier, T. Roller-Wirnsberger, R.E. Tomazic, P.V. Haahtela, T. Salimäki, J. Toppila-Salmi, S. Valovirta, E. Vasankari, T. Gemicioǧlu, B. Yorgancioglu, A. Papadopoulos, N.G. Prokopakis, E.P. Tsiligianni, I.G. Bosnic-Anticevich, S. O'Hehir, R. Ivancevich, J.C. Neffen, H. Zernotti, M.E. Kull, I. Melén, E. Wickman, M. Bachert, C. Hellings, P.W. Brusselle, G. Palkonen, S. Bindslev-Jensen, C. Eller, E. Waserman, S. Boulet, L.P. Bouchard, J. Chu, D.K. Schünemann, H.J. Sova, M. De Vries, G. Van Eerd, M. Agache, I. Ansotegui, I.J. Bewick, M. Casale, T. Dykewick, M. Ebisawa, M. Murray, R. Naclerio, R. Okamoto, Y. Wallace, D.V. Aberer, W. Akdis, C.A. Akdis, M. Aliberti, M.R. Almeida, R. Amat, F. Angles, R. Arnavielle, S. Asayag, E. Asarnoj, A. Arshad, H. Avolio, F. Bacci, E. Baiardini, I. Barbara, C. Barbagallo, M. Baroni, I. Barreto, B.A. Basagana, X. Bateman, E.D. Bedolla-Barajas, M. Beghé, B. Bel, E.H. Bennoor, K.S. Benson, M. Bertorello, L. Białoszewski, A.Z. Bieber, T. Bialek, S. Bjermer, L. Blasi, F. Blua, A. Bochenska Marciniak, M. Bogus-Buczynska, I. Boner, A.L. Bonini, M. Bonini, S. Bourret, R. Braido, F. Bried and Bousquet, J. Bedbrook, A. Czarlewski, W. Onorato, G.L. Arnavielhe, S. Laune, D. Mathieu-Dupas, E. Fonseca, J. Costa, E. Lourenço, O. Morais-Almeida, M. Todo-Bom, A. Illario, M. Menditto, E. Canonica, G.W. Cecchi, L. Monti, R. Napoli, L. Ventura, M.T. De Feo, G. Fokkens, W.J. Chavannes, N.H. Reitsma, S. Cruz, A.A. Da Silva, J. Serpa, F.S. Larenas-Linnemann, D. Fuentes Perez, J.M. Huerta-Villalobos, Y.R. Rivero-Yeverino, D. Rodriguez-Zagal, E. Valiulis, A. Dubakiene, R. Emuzyte, R. Kvedariene, V. Annesi-Maesano, I. Blain, H. Bonniaud, P. Bosse, I. Dauvilliers, Y. Devillier, P. Fontaine, J.F. Pépin, J.L. Pham-Thi, N. Portejoie, F. Picard, R. Roche, N. Rolland, C. Schmidt-Grendelmeier, P. Kuna, P. Samolinski, B. Anto, J.M. Cardona, V. Mullol, J. Pinnock, H. Ryan, D. Sheikh, A. Walker, S. Williams, S. Becker, S. Klimek, L. Pfaar, O. Bergmann, K.C. Mösges, R. Zuberbier, T. Roller-Wirnsberger, R.E. Tomazic, P.V. Haahtela, T. Salimäki, J. Toppila-Salmi, S. Valovirta, E. Vasankari, T. Gemicioǧlu, B. Yorgancioglu, A. Papadopoulos, N.G. Prokopakis, E.P. Tsiligianni, I.G. Bosnic-Anticevich, S. O'Hehir, R. Ivancevich, J.C. Neffen, H. Zernotti, M.E. Kull, I. Melén, E. Wickman, M. Bachert, C. Hellings, P.W. Brusselle, G. Palkonen, S. Bindslev-Jensen, C. Eller, E. Waserman, S. Boulet, L.P. Bouchard, J. Chu, D.K. Schünemann, H.J. Sova, M. De Vries, G. Van Eerd, M. Agache, I. Ansotegui, I.J. Bewick, M. Casale, T. Dykewick, M. Ebisawa, M. Murray, R. Naclerio, R. Okamoto, Y. Wallace, D.V. Aberer, W. Akdis, C.A. Akdis, M. Aliberti, M.R. Almeida, R. Amat, F. Angles, R. Arnavielle, S. Asayag, E. Asarnoj, A. Arshad, H. Avolio, F. Bacci, E. Baiardini, I. Barbara, C. Barbagallo, M. Baroni, I. Barreto, B.A. Basagana, X. Bateman, E.D. Bedolla-Barajas, M. Beghé, B. Bel, E.H. Bennoor, K.S. Benson, M. Bertorello, L. Białoszewski, A.Z. Bieber, T. Bialek, S. Bjermer, L. Blasi, F. Blua, A. Bochenska Marciniak, M. Bogus-Buczynska, I. Boner, A.L. Bonini, M. Bonini, S. Bourret, R. Braido, F. Bried
- Abstract
Aims: Mobile Airways Sentinel NetworK (MASK) belongs to the Fondation Partenariale MACVIA-LR of Montpellier, France and aims to provide an active and healthy life to rhinitis sufferers and to those with asthma multimorbidity across the life cycle, whatever their gender or socio-economic status, in order to reduce health and social inequities incurred by the disease and to improve the digital transformation of health and care. The ultimate goal is to change the management strategy in chronic diseases. Methods: MASK implements ICT technologies for individualized and predictive medicine to develop novel care pathways by a multi-disciplinary group centred around the patients. Stakeholders: Include patients, health care professionals (pharmacists and physicians), authorities, patient's associations, private and public sectors. Results: MASK is deployed in 23 countries and 17 languages. 26,000 users have registered. EU grants (2018): MASK is participating in EU projects (POLLAR: impact of air POLLution in Asthma and Rhinitis, EIT Health, DigitalHealthEurope, Euriphi and Vigour). Lessons learnt: (i) Adherence to treatment is the major problem of allergic disease, (ii) Self-management strategies should be considerably expanded (behavioural), (iii) Change management is essential in allergic diseases, (iv) Education strategies should be reconsidered using a patient-centred approach and (v) Lessons learnt for allergic diseases can be expanded to chronic diseases. © 2019 The Author(s).
- Published
- 2019
88. ARIA pharmacy 2018 'Allergic rhinitis care pathways for community pharmacy'
- Author
Bosnic-Anticevich, S, Costa, E, Menditto, E, Lourenço, O, Novellino, E, Bialek, S, Briedis, V, Buonaiuto, R, Chrystyn, H, Cvetkovski, B, Capua, S Di, Kritikos, V, Mair, A, Orlando, V, Paulino, E, Salimäki, J, Söderlund, R, Tan, R, Williams, D M, Wroczynski, P, Agache, I, Ansotegui, I J, Anto, J M, Bedbrook, A, Bachert, C, Bewick, M, Bindslev-Jensen, C, Brozek, J, Canonica, G W, Cardona, V, Carr, W, Casale, T, Chavannes, N H, Correia de Sousa, J, Cruz, A A, Czarlewski, W, De Carlo, G, Demoly, P, Devillier, P, Dykewicz, M S, Gaga, M, El-Gamal, Y, Fonseca, J, Fokkens, W J, Guzmán, M A, Haahtela, T, Hellings, P W, Illario, M, Ivancevich, J C, Just, J, Kaidashev, I, Khaitov, M, Khaltaev, N, Keil, T, Klimek, L, Kowalski, M L, Kuna, P, Kvedariene, V, Larenas-Linnemann, D, Laune, D, Le, L T T, Carlsen, K C Lodrup, Mahboub, B, Maier, D, Malva, J, Manning, P, Morais-Almeida, M, Mösges, R, Mullol, J, Münter, L, Murray, R, Naclerio, R, Namazova-Baranova, L, Nekam, K, Nyembue, T D, Okubo, K, O'Hehir, R E, Ohta, K, Okamoto, Y, Onorato, G L, Palkonen, S, Panzner, P, Papadopoulos, N G, Park, H S, Pawankar, R, Pfaar, O, Phillips, J, Plavec, D, Popov, T A, Potter, P, Prokopakis, E P, Roller-Wirnsberger, R E, Rottem, M, Ryan, D, Samolinski, B, Sanchez-Borges, M, Schunemann, H J, Sheikh, A, Sisul, J C, Somekh, D, Stellato, C, To, T, Todo-Bom, A, Tomazic, P V, Toppila-Salmi, S, Valero, A, Valiulis, A, Valovirta, E, Ventura, M T, Wagenmann, M, Wallace, D, Waserman, S, Wickman, Magnus, Yiallouros, P K, Yorgancioglu, A, Yusuf, O M, Zar, H J, Zernotti, M E, Zhang, L, Zidarn, M, Zuberbier, T, Bousquet, J, Bosnic-Anticevich, S, Costa, E, Menditto, E, Lourenço, O, Novellino, E, Bialek, S, Briedis, V, Buonaiuto, R, Chrystyn, H, Cvetkovski, B, Capua, S Di, Kritikos, V, Mair, A, Orlando, V, Paulino, E, Salimäki, J, Söderlund, R, Tan, R, Williams, D M, Wroczynski, P, Agache, I, Ansotegui, I J, Anto, J M, Bedbrook, A, Bachert, C, Bewick, M, Bindslev-Jensen, C, Brozek, J, Canonica, G W, Cardona, V, Carr, W, Casale, T, Chavannes, N H, Correia de Sousa, J, Cruz, A A, Czarlewski, W, De Carlo, G, Demoly, P, Devillier, P, Dykewicz, M S, Gaga, M, El-Gamal, Y, Fonseca, J, Fokkens, W J, Guzmán, M A, Haahtela, T, Hellings, P W, Illario, M, Ivancevich, J C, Just, J, Kaidashev, I, Khaitov, M, Khaltaev, N, Keil, T, Klimek, L, Kowalski, M L, Kuna, P, Kvedariene, V, Larenas-Linnemann, D, Laune, D, Le, L T T, Carlsen, K C Lodrup, Mahboub, B, Maier, D, Malva, J, Manning, P, Morais-Almeida, M, Mösges, R, Mullol, J, Münter, L, Murray, R, Naclerio, R, Namazova-Baranova, L, Nekam, K, Nyembue, T D, Okubo, K, O'Hehir, R E, Ohta, K, Okamoto, Y, Onorato, G L, Palkonen, S, Panzner, P, Papadopoulos, N G, Park, H S, Pawankar, R, Pfaar, O, Phillips, J, Plavec, D, Popov, T A, Potter, P, Prokopakis, E P, Roller-Wirnsberger, R E, Rottem, M, Ryan, D, Samolinski, B, Sanchez-Borges, M, Schunemann, H J, Sheikh, A, Sisul, J C, Somekh, D, Stellato, C, To, T, Todo-Bom, A, Tomazic, P V, Toppila-Salmi, S, Valero, A, Valiulis, A, Valovirta, E, Ventura, M T, Wagenmann, M, Wallace, D, Waserman, S, Wickman, Magnus, Yiallouros, P K, Yorgancioglu, A, Yusuf, O M, Zar, H J, Zernotti, M E, Zhang, L, Zidarn, M, Zuberbier, T, and Bousquet, J
- Abstract
Pharmacists are trusted health professionals. Many patients use over-the-counter (OTC) medications and are seen by pharmacists who are the initial point of contact of allergic rhinitis management in most countries. The role of pharmacists in integrated care pathways (ICPs) for allergic diseases is important. This paper builds on existing studies and provides tools intended to help pharmacists provide optimal advice/interventions/strategies to patients with rhinitis. The ARIA-pharmacy ICP includes a diagnostic questionnaire specifically focusing attention on key symptoms and markers of the disease, a systematic Diagnosis Guide (including differential diagnoses) and a simple flowchart with proposed treatment for rhinitis and asthma multimorbidity. Key prompts for referral within the ICP are included. The use of technology is critical to enhance the management of AR. However, the ARIA-pharmacy ICP should be adapted to local health care environments/situations as regional (national) differences exist in pharmacy care.
- Published
- 2019
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89. Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma (ARIA) Phase 4 (2018) : Change management in allergic rhinitis and asthma multimorbidity using mobile technology
- Author
Bousquet, Jean, Hellings, Peter W., Agache, Ioana, Amat, Flore, Annesi-Maesano, Isabella, Ansotegui, Ignacio J., Anto, Josep M., Bachert, Claus, Bateman, Eric D., Bedbrook, Anna, Bennoor, Kazi, Bewick, Mickael, Bindslev-Jensen, Carsten, Bosnic-Anticevich, Sinthia, Bosse, Isabelle, Brozek, Jan, Brussino, Luisa, Canonica, Giorgio W., Cardona, Victoria, Casale, Thomas, Sarabia, Alfonso M. Cepeda, Chavannes, Niels H., Cecchi, Lorenzo, de Sousa, Jaime Correia, Costa, Elisio, Cruz, Alvaro A., Czarlewski, Wienczyslawa, De Carlo, Giuseppe, De Feo, Giulia, Demoly, Pascal, Devillier, Philippe, Dykewicz, Mark S., El-Gamal, Yehia, Eller, Esben E., Fonseca, Joao A., Fontaine, Jean-Francois, Fokkens, Wytske J., Guzman, Maria-Antonieta, Haahtela, Tari, Illario, Maddalena, Ivancevich, Juan-Carlos, Just, Jocelyne, Kaidashev, Igor, Khaitov, Musa, Kalayci, Omer, Keil, Thomas, Klimek, Ludger, Kowalski, Marek L., Kuna, Piotr, Kvedariene, Violeta, Larenas-Linnemann, Desiree, Laune, Daniel, Le, Lan T. T., Carlsen, Karin Lodrup, Lourenco, Olga, Mahboub, Bassam, Mair, Alpana, Menditto, Enrica, Milenkovic, Branislava, Morais-Almeida, Mario, Mosges, Ralph, Mullol, Joaquim, Murray, Ruth, Naclerio, Robert, Namazova-Baranova, Leyla, Novellino, Ettore, O'Hehir, Robyn E., Ohta, Ken, Okamoto, Yoshitaka, Okubo, Kimi, Onorato, Gabrielle L., Palkonen, Susanna, Panzner, Petr, Papadopoulos, Nikos G., Park, Hae-Sim, Paulino, Ema, Pawankar, Ruby, Pfaar, Oliver, Plavec, Davor, Popov, Ted A., Potter, Paul, Prokopakis, Emmanuel P., Rottem, Menachem, Ryan, Dermot, Salimaki, Johanna, Samolinski, Boleslaw, Sanchez-Borges, Mario, Schunemann, Holger J., Sheikh, Aziz, Sisul, Juan-Carlos, Rajabian-Soderlund, Rojin, Sooronbaev, Talant, Stellato, Cristiana, To, Teresa, Todo-Bom, Ana-Maria, Tomazic, Peter-Valentin, Toppila-Salmi, Sanna, Valero, Antonio, Valiulis, Arunas, Valovirta, Erkka, Ventura, Maria-Teresa, Wagenmann, Martin, Wang, De Yun, Wallace, Dana, Waserman, Susan, Wickman, Magnus, Yorgancioglu, Arzu, Zhang, Luo, Zhong, Nanshan, Zidarn, Mihaela, Zuberbier, Torsten, Bousquet, J., Hellings, P. W., Aberer, W., Agache, I., Akdis, C. A., Akdis, M., Alberti, M. R., Almeida, R., Amat, F., Angles, R., Annesi-Maesano, I., Ansotegui, I. J., Anto, J. M., Arnavielle, S., Asayag, E., Asarnoj, A., Arshad, H., Avolio, F., Bacci, E., Bachert, C., Baiardini, I., Barbara, C., Barbagallo, M., Baroni, I., Barreto, B. A., Basagana, X., Bateman, E. D., Bedolla-Barajas, M., Bedbrook, A., Bewick, M., Beghe, B., Bel, E. H., Bergmann, K. C., Bennoor, K. S., Benson, M., Bertorello, L., Biaoszewski, A. Z., Bieber, T., Bialek, S., Bindslev-Jensen, C., Bjermer, L., Blain, H., Blasi, F., Blua, A., Marciniak, M. Bochenska, Bogus-Buczynska, I., Boner, A. L., Bonini, M., Bonini, S., Bosnic-Anticevich, C. S., Bosse, I., Bouchard, J., Boulet, L. P., Bourret, R., Bousquet, P. J., Braido, F., Briedis, V., Brightling, C. E., Brozek, J., Bucca, C., Buhl, R., Buonaiuto, R., Panaitescu, C., Cabanas, M. T. Burguete, Burte, E., Bush, A., Caballero-Fonseca, F., Caillot, D., Caimmi, D., Calderon, M. A., Camargos, P. A. M., Camuzat, T., Canfora, G., Canonica, G. W., Cardona, V., Carlsen, K. H., Carreiro-Martins, P., Carriazo, A. M., Carr, W., Cartier, C., Casale, T., Castellano, G., Cecchi, L., Sarabia, A. M. Cepeda, Chavannes, N. H., Chen, Y., Chiron, R., Chivato, T., Chkhartishvili, E., Chuchalin, A. G., Chung, K. F., Ciaravolo, M. M., Ciceran, A., Cingi, C., Ciprandi, G., Coehlo, A. C. Carvalho, Colas, L., Colgan, E., Coll, J., Conforti, D., de Sousa, J. Correia, Cortes-Grimaldo, R. M., Corti, F., Costa, E., Costa-Dominguez, C., Courbis, A. L., Cox, L., Crescenzo, M., Cruz, A. A., Custovic, A., Czarlewski, W., Dahlen, S. E., Dario, C., da Silva, J., Dauvilliers, Y., Darsow, U., De Blay, F., De Carlo, G., Dedeu, T., Emerson, M. de Fatima, De Feo, G., De Vries, G., De Martino, B., Rubini, N. de Paula Motta, Deleanu, D., Demoly, P., Denburg, J. A., Devillier, P., Ercolano, S. Di Capua, Di Carluccio, N., Didier, A., Dokic, D., Dominguez-Silva, M. G., Douagui, H., Dray, G., Dubakiene, R., Durham, S. R., Du Toit, G., Dykewicz, M. S., El-Gamal, Y., Eklund, Patrik, Eller, E., Emuzyte, R., Farrell, J., Farsi, A., de Mello, J. Ferreira, Jr., Ferrero, J., Fink-Wagner, A., Fiocchi, A., Fokkens, W. J., Fonseca, J. A., Fontaine, J. F., Forti, S., Fuentes-Perez, J. M., Galvez-Romero, J. L., Gamkrelidze, A., Garcia-Aymerich, J., Garcia-Cobas, C. Y., Garcia-Cruz, M. H., Gemicioglu, B., Genova, S., Christoff, G., Gereda, J. E., van Wijk, R. Gerth, Gomez, R. M., Gomez-Vera, J., Diaz, S. Gonzalez, Gotua, M., Grisle, I., Guidacci, M., Guldemond, N. A., Gutter, Z., Guzman, M. A., Haahtela, T., Hajjam, J., Hernandez, L., Hourihane, J. O 'B., Huerta-Villalobos, Y. R., Humbert, M., Iaccarino, G., Illario, M., Ivancevich, J. C., Jares, E. J., Jassem, E., Johnston, S. L., Joos, G., Jung, K. S., Jutel, M., Kaidashev, I., Kalayci, O., Kalyoncu, A. F., Karjalainen, J., Kardas, P., Keil, T., Keith, P. K., Khaitov, M., Khaltaev, N., Kleine-Tebbe, J., Klimek, L., Kowalski, M. L., Kuitunen, M., Kull, I., Kuna, P., Kupczyk, M., Kvedariene, V., Krzych-Fata, E., Lacwik, P., Larenas-Linnemann, D., Laune, D., Lauri, D., Lavrut, J., Le, L. T. T., Lessa, M., Levato, G., Li, J., Lieberman, P., Lipiec, A., Lipworth, B., Carlsen, K. C. Lodrup, Louis, R., Lourenco, O., Luna-Pech, J. A., Maciej, K., Magnan, A., Mahboub, B., Maier, D., Mair, A., Majer, I., Malva, J., Mandajieva, E., Manning, P., Keenoy, E. De Manuel, Marshall, G. D., Masjedi, M. R., Maspero, J. F., Mathieu-Dupas, E., Campos, J. J. Matta, Matos, A. L., Maurer, M., Mavale-Manuel, S., Mayora, O., Medina-Avalos, M. A., Melen, E., Melo-Gomes, E., Meltzer, E. O., Menditto, E., Mercier, J., Miculinic, N., Mihaltan, F., Milenkovic, B., Moda, G., Mogica-Martinez, M. D., Mohammad, Y., Momas, I., Montefort, S., Monti, R., Bogado, D. Mora, Morais-Almeida, M., Morato-Castro, F. F., Mosges, R., Mota-Pinto, A., Santo, P. Moura, Mullol, J., Munter, L., Muraro, A., Murray, R., Naclerio, R., Nadif, R., Nalin, M., Napoli, L., Namazova-Baranova, L., Neffen, H., Niedeberger, V., Nekam, K., Neou, A., Nieto, A., Nogueira-Silva, L., Nogues, M., Novellino, E., Nyembue, T. D., O'Hehir, R. E., Odzhakova, C., Ohta, K., Okamoto, Y., Okubo, K., Onorato, G. L., Cisneros, M. Ortega, Ouedraogo, S., Pali-Scholl, I., Palkonen, S., Panzner, P., Papadopoulos, N. G., Park, H. S., Papi, A., Passalacqua, G., Paulino, E., Pawankar, R., Pedersen, S., Pepin, J. L., Pereira, A. M., Persico, M., Pfaar, O., Phillips, J., Picard, R., Pigearias, B., Pin, I., Pitsios, C., Plavec, D., Pohl, W., Popov, T. A., Portejoie, F., Potter, P., Pozzi, A. C., Price, D., Prokopakis, E. P., Puy, R., Pugin, B., Ross, R. E. Pulido, Przemecka, M., Rabe, K. F., Raciborski, F., Rajabian-Soderlund, R., Reitsma, S., Ribeirinho, I., Rimmer, J., Rivero-Yeverino, D., Rizzo, J. A., Rizzo, M. C., Robalo-Cordeiro, C., Rodenas, F., Rodo, X., Gonzalez, M. Rodriguez, Rodriguez-Manas, L., Rolland, C., Valle, S. Rodrigues, Rodriguez, M. Roman, Romano, A., Rodriguez-Zagal, E., Rolla, G., Roller-Wirnsberger, R. E., Romano, M., Rosado-Pinto, J., Rosario, N., Rottem, M., Ryan, D., Sagara, H., Salimaki, J., Samolinski, B., Sanchez-Borges, M., Sastre-Dominguez, J., Scadding, G. K., Schunemann, H. J., Scichilone, N., Schmid-Grendelmeier, P., Serpa, F. S., Shamai, S., Sheikh, A., Sierra, M., Simons, F. E. R., Siroux, V., Sisul, J. C., Skrindo, I., Sole, D., Somekh, D., Sondermann, M., Sooronbaev, T., Sova, M., Sorensen, M., Sorlini, M., Spranger, O., Stellato, C., Stelmach, R., Stukas, R., Sunyer, J., Strozek, J., Szylling, A., Tebyrica, J. N., Thibaudon, M., To, T., Todo-Bom, A., Tomazic, P. V., Toppila-Salmi, S., Trama, U., Triggiani, M., Ulrik, C. Suppli, Urrutia-Pereira, M., Valenta, R., Valero, A., Valiulis, A., Valovirta, E., van Eerd, M., van Ganse, E., van Hague, M., Vandenplas, O., Ventura, M. T., Vezzani, G., Vasankari, T., Vatrella, A., Verissimo, M. T., Viart, F., Viegi, M., Vicheva, D., Vontetsianos, T., Wagenmann, M., Walker, S., Wallace, D., Wang, D. Y., Waserman, S., Werfel, T., Westman, M., Wickman, M., Williams, D. M., Williams, S., Wilson, N., Wright, J., Wroczynski, P., Yakovliev, P., Yawn, B. P., Yiallouros, P. K., Yorgancioglu, A., Yusuf, O. M., Zar, H. J., Zhang, L., Zhong, N., Zernotti, M. E., Zidarn, M., Zuberbier, T., Zubrinich, C., Zurkuhlen, A., Bousquet, Jean, Hellings, Peter W., Agache, Ioana, Amat, Flore, Annesi-Maesano, Isabella, Ansotegui, Ignacio J., Anto, Josep M., Bachert, Claus, Bateman, Eric D., Bedbrook, Anna, Bennoor, Kazi, Bewick, Mickael, Bindslev-Jensen, Carsten, Bosnic-Anticevich, Sinthia, Bosse, Isabelle, Brozek, Jan, Brussino, Luisa, Canonica, Giorgio W., Cardona, Victoria, Casale, Thomas, Sarabia, Alfonso M. Cepeda, Chavannes, Niels H., Cecchi, Lorenzo, de Sousa, Jaime Correia, Costa, Elisio, Cruz, Alvaro A., Czarlewski, Wienczyslawa, De Carlo, Giuseppe, De Feo, Giulia, Demoly, Pascal, Devillier, Philippe, Dykewicz, Mark S., El-Gamal, Yehia, Eller, Esben E., Fonseca, Joao A., Fontaine, Jean-Francois, Fokkens, Wytske J., Guzman, Maria-Antonieta, Haahtela, Tari, Illario, Maddalena, Ivancevich, Juan-Carlos, Just, Jocelyne, Kaidashev, Igor, Khaitov, Musa, Kalayci, Omer, Keil, Thomas, Klimek, Ludger, Kowalski, Marek L., Kuna, Piotr, Kvedariene, Violeta, Larenas-Linnemann, Desiree, Laune, Daniel, Le, Lan T. T., Carlsen, Karin Lodrup, Lourenco, Olga, Mahboub, Bassam, Mair, Alpana, Menditto, Enrica, Milenkovic, Branislava, Morais-Almeida, Mario, Mosges, Ralph, Mullol, Joaquim, Murray, Ruth, Naclerio, Robert, Namazova-Baranova, Leyla, Novellino, Ettore, O'Hehir, Robyn E., Ohta, Ken, Okamoto, Yoshitaka, Okubo, Kimi, Onorato, Gabrielle L., Palkonen, Susanna, Panzner, Petr, Papadopoulos, Nikos G., Park, Hae-Sim, Paulino, Ema, Pawankar, Ruby, Pfaar, Oliver, Plavec, Davor, Popov, Ted A., Potter, Paul, Prokopakis, Emmanuel P., Rottem, Menachem, Ryan, Dermot, Salimaki, Johanna, Samolinski, Boleslaw, Sanchez-Borges, Mario, Schunemann, Holger J., Sheikh, Aziz, Sisul, Juan-Carlos, Rajabian-Soderlund, Rojin, Sooronbaev, Talant, Stellato, Cristiana, To, Teresa, Todo-Bom, Ana-Maria, Tomazic, Peter-Valentin, Toppila-Salmi, Sanna, Valero, Antonio, Valiulis, Arunas, Valovirta, Erkka, Ventura, Maria-Teresa, Wagenmann, Martin, Wang, De Yun, Wallace, Dana, Waserman, Susan, Wickman, Magnus, Yorgancioglu, Arzu, Zhang, Luo, Zhong, Nanshan, Zidarn, Mihaela, Zuberbier, Torsten, Bousquet, J., Hellings, P. W., Aberer, W., Agache, I., Akdis, C. A., Akdis, M., Alberti, M. R., Almeida, R., Amat, F., Angles, R., Annesi-Maesano, I., Ansotegui, I. J., Anto, J. M., Arnavielle, S., Asayag, E., Asarnoj, A., Arshad, H., Avolio, F., Bacci, E., Bachert, C., Baiardini, I., Barbara, C., Barbagallo, M., Baroni, I., Barreto, B. A., Basagana, X., Bateman, E. D., Bedolla-Barajas, M., Bedbrook, A., Bewick, M., Beghe, B., Bel, E. H., Bergmann, K. C., Bennoor, K. S., Benson, M., Bertorello, L., Biaoszewski, A. Z., Bieber, T., Bialek, S., Bindslev-Jensen, C., Bjermer, L., Blain, H., Blasi, F., Blua, A., Marciniak, M. Bochenska, Bogus-Buczynska, I., Boner, A. L., Bonini, M., Bonini, S., Bosnic-Anticevich, C. S., Bosse, I., Bouchard, J., Boulet, L. P., Bourret, R., Bousquet, P. J., Braido, F., Briedis, V., Brightling, C. E., Brozek, J., Bucca, C., Buhl, R., Buonaiuto, R., Panaitescu, C., Cabanas, M. T. Burguete, Burte, E., Bush, A., Caballero-Fonseca, F., Caillot, D., Caimmi, D., Calderon, M. A., Camargos, P. A. M., Camuzat, T., Canfora, G., Canonica, G. W., Cardona, V., Carlsen, K. H., Carreiro-Martins, P., Carriazo, A. M., Carr, W., Cartier, C., Casale, T., Castellano, G., Cecchi, L., Sarabia, A. M. Cepeda, Chavannes, N. H., Chen, Y., Chiron, R., Chivato, T., Chkhartishvili, E., Chuchalin, A. G., Chung, K. F., Ciaravolo, M. M., Ciceran, A., Cingi, C., Ciprandi, G., Coehlo, A. C. Carvalho, Colas, L., Colgan, E., Coll, J., Conforti, D., de Sousa, J. Correia, Cortes-Grimaldo, R. M., Corti, F., Costa, E., Costa-Dominguez, C., Courbis, A. L., Cox, L., Crescenzo, M., Cruz, A. A., Custovic, A., Czarlewski, W., Dahlen, S. E., Dario, C., da Silva, J., Dauvilliers, Y., Darsow, U., De Blay, F., De Carlo, G., Dedeu, T., Emerson, M. de Fatima, De Feo, G., De Vries, G., De Martino, B., Rubini, N. de Paula Motta, Deleanu, D., Demoly, P., Denburg, J. A., Devillier, P., Ercolano, S. Di Capua, Di Carluccio, N., Didier, A., Dokic, D., Dominguez-Silva, M. G., Douagui, H., Dray, G., Dubakiene, R., Durham, S. R., Du Toit, G., Dykewicz, M. S., El-Gamal, Y., Eklund, Patrik, Eller, E., Emuzyte, R., Farrell, J., Farsi, A., de Mello, J. Ferreira, Jr., Ferrero, J., Fink-Wagner, A., Fiocchi, A., Fokkens, W. J., Fonseca, J. A., Fontaine, J. F., Forti, S., Fuentes-Perez, J. M., Galvez-Romero, J. L., Gamkrelidze, A., Garcia-Aymerich, J., Garcia-Cobas, C. Y., Garcia-Cruz, M. H., Gemicioglu, B., Genova, S., Christoff, G., Gereda, J. E., van Wijk, R. Gerth, Gomez, R. M., Gomez-Vera, J., Diaz, S. Gonzalez, Gotua, M., Grisle, I., Guidacci, M., Guldemond, N. A., Gutter, Z., Guzman, M. A., Haahtela, T., Hajjam, J., Hernandez, L., Hourihane, J. O 'B., Huerta-Villalobos, Y. R., Humbert, M., Iaccarino, G., Illario, M., Ivancevich, J. C., Jares, E. J., Jassem, E., Johnston, S. L., Joos, G., Jung, K. S., Jutel, M., Kaidashev, I., Kalayci, O., Kalyoncu, A. F., Karjalainen, J., Kardas, P., Keil, T., Keith, P. K., Khaitov, M., Khaltaev, N., Kleine-Tebbe, J., Klimek, L., Kowalski, M. L., Kuitunen, M., Kull, I., Kuna, P., Kupczyk, M., Kvedariene, V., Krzych-Fata, E., Lacwik, P., Larenas-Linnemann, D., Laune, D., Lauri, D., Lavrut, J., Le, L. T. T., Lessa, M., Levato, G., Li, J., Lieberman, P., Lipiec, A., Lipworth, B., Carlsen, K. C. Lodrup, Louis, R., Lourenco, O., Luna-Pech, J. A., Maciej, K., Magnan, A., Mahboub, B., Maier, D., Mair, A., Majer, I., Malva, J., Mandajieva, E., Manning, P., Keenoy, E. De Manuel, Marshall, G. D., Masjedi, M. R., Maspero, J. F., Mathieu-Dupas, E., Campos, J. J. Matta, Matos, A. L., Maurer, M., Mavale-Manuel, S., Mayora, O., Medina-Avalos, M. A., Melen, E., Melo-Gomes, E., Meltzer, E. O., Menditto, E., Mercier, J., Miculinic, N., Mihaltan, F., Milenkovic, B., Moda, G., Mogica-Martinez, M. D., Mohammad, Y., Momas, I., Montefort, S., Monti, R., Bogado, D. Mora, Morais-Almeida, M., Morato-Castro, F. F., Mosges, R., Mota-Pinto, A., Santo, P. Moura, Mullol, J., Munter, L., Muraro, A., Murray, R., Naclerio, R., Nadif, R., Nalin, M., Napoli, L., Namazova-Baranova, L., Neffen, H., Niedeberger, V., Nekam, K., Neou, A., Nieto, A., Nogueira-Silva, L., Nogues, M., Novellino, E., Nyembue, T. D., O'Hehir, R. E., Odzhakova, C., Ohta, K., Okamoto, Y., Okubo, K., Onorato, G. L., Cisneros, M. Ortega, Ouedraogo, S., Pali-Scholl, I., Palkonen, S., Panzner, P., Papadopoulos, N. G., Park, H. S., Papi, A., Passalacqua, G., Paulino, E., Pawankar, R., Pedersen, S., Pepin, J. L., Pereira, A. M., Persico, M., Pfaar, O., Phillips, J., Picard, R., Pigearias, B., Pin, I., Pitsios, C., Plavec, D., Pohl, W., Popov, T. A., Portejoie, F., Potter, P., Pozzi, A. C., Price, D., Prokopakis, E. P., Puy, R., Pugin, B., Ross, R. E. Pulido, Przemecka, M., Rabe, K. F., Raciborski, F., Rajabian-Soderlund, R., Reitsma, S., Ribeirinho, I., Rimmer, J., Rivero-Yeverino, D., Rizzo, J. A., Rizzo, M. C., Robalo-Cordeiro, C., Rodenas, F., Rodo, X., Gonzalez, M. Rodriguez, Rodriguez-Manas, L., Rolland, C., Valle, S. Rodrigues, Rodriguez, M. Roman, Romano, A., Rodriguez-Zagal, E., Rolla, G., Roller-Wirnsberger, R. E., Romano, M., Rosado-Pinto, J., Rosario, N., Rottem, M., Ryan, D., Sagara, H., Salimaki, J., Samolinski, B., Sanchez-Borges, M., Sastre-Dominguez, J., Scadding, G. K., Schunemann, H. J., Scichilone, N., Schmid-Grendelmeier, P., Serpa, F. S., Shamai, S., Sheikh, A., Sierra, M., Simons, F. E. R., Siroux, V., Sisul, J. C., Skrindo, I., Sole, D., Somekh, D., Sondermann, M., Sooronbaev, T., Sova, M., Sorensen, M., Sorlini, M., Spranger, O., Stellato, C., Stelmach, R., Stukas, R., Sunyer, J., Strozek, J., Szylling, A., Tebyrica, J. N., Thibaudon, M., To, T., Todo-Bom, A., Tomazic, P. V., Toppila-Salmi, S., Trama, U., Triggiani, M., Ulrik, C. Suppli, Urrutia-Pereira, M., Valenta, R., Valero, A., Valiulis, A., Valovirta, E., van Eerd, M., van Ganse, E., van Hague, M., Vandenplas, O., Ventura, M. T., Vezzani, G., Vasankari, T., Vatrella, A., Verissimo, M. T., Viart, F., Viegi, M., Vicheva, D., Vontetsianos, T., Wagenmann, M., Walker, S., Wallace, D., Wang, D. Y., Waserman, S., Werfel, T., Westman, M., Wickman, M., Williams, D. M., Williams, S., Wilson, N., Wright, J., Wroczynski, P., Yakovliev, P., Yawn, B. P., Yiallouros, P. K., Yorgancioglu, A., Yusuf, O. M., Zar, H. J., Zhang, L., Zhong, N., Zernotti, M. E., Zidarn, M., Zuberbier, T., Zubrinich, C., and Zurkuhlen, A.
- Abstract
Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma (ARIA) has evolved from a guideline by using the best approach to integrated care pathways using mobile technology in patients with allergic rhinitis (AR) and asthma multimorbidity. The proposed next phase of ARIA is change management, with the aim of providing an active and healthy life to patients with rhinitis and to those with asthma multimorbidity across the lifecycle irrespective of their sex or socioeconomic status to reduce health and social inequities incurred by the disease. ARIA has followed the 8-step model of Kotter to assess and implement the effect of rhinitis on asthma multimorbidity and to propose multimorbid guidelines. A second change management strategy is proposed by ARIA Phase 4 to increase self-medication and shared decision making in rhinitis and asthma multimorbidity. An innovation of ARIA has been the development and validation of information technology evidence-based tools (Mobile Airways Sentinel Network [MASK]) that can inform patient decisions on the basis of a self-care plan proposed by the health care professional.
- Published
- 2019
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90. Adherence to treatment in allergic rhinitis using mobile technology : The MASK Study
- Author
Menditto, Enrica, Costa, Elisio, Midao, Luis, Bosnic-Anticevich, Sinthia, Novellino, Ettore, Bialek, Slawomir, Briedis, Vitalis, Mair, Alpana, Rajabian-Soderlund, Rojin, Arnavielhe, Sylvie, Bedbrook, Anna, Czarlewski, Wienczyslawa, Annesi-Maesano, Isabella, Anto, Josep M., Devillier, Philippe, De Vries, Govert, Keil, Thomas, Sheikh, Aziz, Orlando, Valentina, Larenas-Linnemann, Desiree, Cecchi, Lorenzo, De Feo, Giulia, Illario, M., Stellato, Cristiana, Fonseca, Joao, Malva, Joao, Morais-Almeida, Mario, Pereira, Ana Maria, Todo-Bom, Ana Maria, Kvedariene, Violeta, Valiulis, Arunas, Bergmann, Karl Christian, Klimek, Ludger, Moesges, Ralph, Pfaar, Oliver, Zuberbier, Torsten, Cardona, Vicky, Mullol, Joaquim, Papadopoulos, Nikos G., Prokopakis, Emmanuel P., Bewick, Mike, Ryan, Dermot, Roller-Wirnsberger, Regina E., Tomazic, Peter Valentin, Cruz, Alvaro A., Kuna, Piotr, Samolinski, Boleslaw, Fokkens, Wytske J., Reitsma, Sietze, Bosse, Isabelle, Fontaine, Jean-Francois, Laune, Daniel, Haahtela, Tari, Toppila-Salmi, Sanna, Bachert, Claus, Hellings, Peter W., Melen, Erik, Wickman, Magnus, Bindslev-Jensen, Carsten, Eller, Esben, O'Hehir, Robyn E., Cingi, Cemal, Gemicioglu, Bilun, Kalayci, Omer, Ivancevich, Juan Carlos, Bousquet, Jean, Bousquet, J., Hellings, P. W., Aberer, W., Agache, I., Akdis, C. A., Akdis, M., Aliberti, M. R., Almeida, R., Amat, F., Angles, R., Annesi-Maesano, I., Ansotegui, I. J., Anto, J. M., Arnavielle, S., Asayag, E., Asarnoj, A., Arshad, H., Avolio, F., Bacci, E., Bachert, C., Baiar-Dini, I., Barbara, C., Barbagallo, M., Baroni, I., Barreto, B. A., Basagana, X., Bateman, E. D., Bedolla-Barajas, M., Bedbrook, A., Bewick, M., Beghe, B., Bel, E. H., Bergmann, K. C., Bennoor, K. S., Benson, M., Bertorello, L., Bialoszewski, A. Z., Bieber, T., Bialek, S., Bindslev-Jensen, C., Bjermer, L., Blain, H., Blasi, F., Blua, A., Marciniak, M. Bochenska, Bogus-Buczynska, I., Boner, A. L., Bonini, M., Bonini, S., Bosnic-Anticevich, C. S., Bosse, I., Bouchard, J., Boulet, L. P., Bourret, R., Bousquet, Pj, Braido, F., Briedis, V., Brightling, C. E., Brozek, J., Bucca, C., Buhl, R., Buonaiuto, R., Panaitescu, C., Cabanas, M. T. Burguete, Burte, E., Bush, A., Caballero-Fonseca, F., Caillaud, D., Caimmi, D., Calderon, M. A., Camargos, P. A. M., Camuzat, T., Canfora, G., Canonica, G. W., Cardona, V., Carlsen, K. H., Carreiro-Martins, P., Carriazo, A. M., Carr, W., Cartier, C., Casale, T., Castellano, G., Cecchi, L., Cepeda, A. M., Chavannes, N. H., Chen, Y., Chiron, R., Chivato, T., Chkhartishvili, E., Chuchalin, A. G., Chung, K. F., Ciaravolo, M. M., Ciceran, A., Cingi, C., Ciprandi, G., Coehlo, A. C. Carvalho, Colas, L., Colgan, E., Coll, J., Conforti, D., De Sousa, J. Correia, Cortes-Grimaldo, R. M., Corti, F., Costa, E., Costa-Dominguez, Mc, Al Courbis, F., Cox, L., Crescenzo, M., Cruz, A. A., Custovic, A., Czarlewski, W., Dahlen, S. E., D'Amato, Dario, C., da Silva, J., Dauvilliers, Y., Darsow, U., De Blay, F., De Carlo, G., Dedeu, T., Emerson, M. De Fatima, De Feo, G., De Vries, G., De Martino, B., Rubina, N. P. Motta, Deleanu, D., Demoly, P., Denburg, Ja, Devillier, P., Ercolano, S. Di Capua, Di Carluccio, N., Didier, A., Dokic, D., Dominguez-Silva, M. G., Douagui, H., Dray, G., Dubakiene, R., Durham, S. R., Du Toit, G., Dykewicz, M. S., El-Gamal, Y., Eklund, Patrik, Eller, E., Emuzyte, R., Farrell, J., Farsi, A., De Mello, J. Ferreira, Jr., Ferrero, J., Fink-Wagner, A., Fiocchi, A., Fok-Kens, W. J., Fonseca, Ja, Fontaine, J. F., Forti, S., Fuentes-Perez, J. M., Galvez-Romero, J. L., Gamkrelidze, A., Garcia-Aymerich, J., Garcia-Cobas, C. Y., Garcia-Cruz, M. H., Gemicioglu, B., Genova, S., Christoff, G., Gereda, J. E., Van Wijk, R. Gerth, Gomez, R. M., Gomez-Vera, J., Diaz, S. Gonzalez, Gotua, M., Grisle, I., Guidacci, M., Guldemond, Na, Gutter, Z., Guzman, Ma, Haahtela, T., Hajjam, J., Hernandez, L., Houri-Hane, J O ' B, Huerta-Villalobos, Y. R., Humbert, M., Iaccarino, G., Ispayeva, Z., Ivancevich, J. C., Jares, Ej, Jassem, E., Johnston, S. L., Joos, G., Jung, K. S., Just, J., Jutel, M., Kaidashev, I., Kalayci, O., Kalyoncu, A. F., Karjalainen, J., Kardas, P., Keil, T., Keith, P. K., Khaitov, M., Khaltaev, N., Kleine-Tebbe, J., Klimek, L., Kowalski, M. L., Kuitunen, M., Kull, I., Kuna, P., Kupczyk, M., Kvedariene, V., Krzych-Falta, E., Lacwik, P., Larenas-Linnemann, D., Laune, D., Lauri, D., Lavrut, J., Le, L. T. T., Lessa, M., Levato, G., Li, J., Lieberman, P., Liplec, A., Lipworth, B., Carlsen, K. C. Lodrup, Louis, R., Lourenco, O., Luna-Pech, J. A., Magnan, A., Mahboub, B., Maier, D., Mair, A., Majer, I., Malva, J., Mandajieva, E., Manning, P., Keenoy, E. De Manuel, Marshall, G. D., Masjedi, M. R., Maspero, J. F., Mathieu-Dupas, E., Campos, J. J. Matta, Matos, Al, Maurer, M., Mavale-Manuel, S., Mayora, O., Medina-Avalos, M. A., Melen, E., Melo-Gomes, E., Meltzer, Eo, Menditto, E., Mercier, J., Miculinic, N., Mihaltan, F., Milenkovic, B., Moda, G., Mogica-Martinez, M. D., Mohammad, Y., Momas, I., Monte-Fort, S., Monti, R., Bogado, D. Mora, Morais-Almeida, M., Morato-Castro, Mosges, R., Mota-Pinto, A., Santo, P. Moura, Mullol, J., Munter, L., Muraro, A., Murray, R., Naclerio, R., Nadif, R., Nalin, M., Napoli, L., Namazova-Baranova, L., Neffen, H., Niedeberger, V., Nekam, K., Neou, A., Nieto, A., Nogueira-Silva, L., Nogues, M., Novellino, E., Nyembue, Td, O'Hehir, Re, Odzhakova, C., Ohta, K., Okamoto, Y., Okubo, K., Onorato, G. L., Cisneros, M. Ortega, Ouedraogo, S., Pali-Scholl, I., Palkonen, S., Panzner, P., Papadopoulos, N. G., Park, H. S., Papi, A., Passalacqua, G., Paulino, E., Pawankar, R., Pedersen, S., Pepin, J. L., Pereira, A. M., Persico, M., Pfaar, O., Phillips, J., Picard, R., Pigearias, B., Pin, I., Pitsios, C., Plavec, D., Pohl, W., Popov, T. A., Portejoie, F., Potter, P., Pozzi, A. C., Price, D., Prokopakis, E. P., Puy, R., Pugin, B., Ross, R. E. Pulido, Przemecka, M., Rabe, K. F., Raciborski, F., Raja-Bian-Soderlund, R., Reitsma, S., Ribeirinho, I., Rimmer, J., Riv-Ero-Yeverino, D., Rizzo, J. A., Rizzo, M. C., Robalo-Cordeiro, C., Rodenas, F., Rodo, X., Gonzalez, M. Rodriguez, Rodriguez-Manas, L., Rolland, C., Valle, S. Rodrigues, Rodriguez, M. Roman, Romano, A., Rodriguez-Zagal, E., Rolla, G., Roller-Wirnsberger, R. E., Romano, M., Rosado-Pinto, J., Rosario, N., Rottem, M., Ryan, D., Sagara, H., Salimaki, J., Samolinski, B., Sanchez-Borges, M., Sastre-Dominguez, J., Scadding, G. K., Schunemann, H. J., Scichilone, N., Schmid-Grendelmeier, P., Serpa, F. S., Shamai, S., Sheikh, A., Sierra, M., Simons, F. E. R., Sir-Oux, V., Sisul, J. C., Skrindo, I., Sole, D., Somekh, D., Sonder-Mann, M., Sooronbaev, T., Sova, M., Sorensen, M., Sorlini, M., Spranger, O., Stellato, C., Stelmach, R., Stukas, R., Sunyer, J., Strozek, J., Szylling, A., Tebyrica, Jn, Thibaudon, M., To, T., Todo-Bom, A., Tomazic, P. V., Toppila-Salmi, S., Trama, U., Triggiani, M., Ulrik, C. Suppli, Urrutia-Pereira, M., Valenta, R., Valero, A., Valiulis, A., Valovirta, E., Van Eerd, M., Van Ganse, E., Van Hague, M., Vandenplas, O., Ventura, M. T., Vezzani, G., Vasankari, T., Vatrella, A., Verissimo, M. T., Viart, F., Viegi, G., Vicheva, D., Vontetsianos, T., Wagenmann, M., Walker, S., Wallace, D., Wang, D. Y., Waserman, S., Werfel, T., Westman, M., Wickman, M., Williams, D. M., Williams, S., Wilson, N., Wright, J., Wroczynski, P., Yakovliev, P., Yawn, B. P., Yiallouros, P. K., Yorgancioglu, A., Yusuf, O. M., Zar, H. J., Zhang, L., Zhong, N., Zernotti, M. E., Zhanat, I., Zidarn, M., Zuberbier, T., Zubrinich, C., Zurkuhlen, A., Menditto, Enrica, Costa, Elisio, Midao, Luis, Bosnic-Anticevich, Sinthia, Novellino, Ettore, Bialek, Slawomir, Briedis, Vitalis, Mair, Alpana, Rajabian-Soderlund, Rojin, Arnavielhe, Sylvie, Bedbrook, Anna, Czarlewski, Wienczyslawa, Annesi-Maesano, Isabella, Anto, Josep M., Devillier, Philippe, De Vries, Govert, Keil, Thomas, Sheikh, Aziz, Orlando, Valentina, Larenas-Linnemann, Desiree, Cecchi, Lorenzo, De Feo, Giulia, Illario, M., Stellato, Cristiana, Fonseca, Joao, Malva, Joao, Morais-Almeida, Mario, Pereira, Ana Maria, Todo-Bom, Ana Maria, Kvedariene, Violeta, Valiulis, Arunas, Bergmann, Karl Christian, Klimek, Ludger, Moesges, Ralph, Pfaar, Oliver, Zuberbier, Torsten, Cardona, Vicky, Mullol, Joaquim, Papadopoulos, Nikos G., Prokopakis, Emmanuel P., Bewick, Mike, Ryan, Dermot, Roller-Wirnsberger, Regina E., Tomazic, Peter Valentin, Cruz, Alvaro A., Kuna, Piotr, Samolinski, Boleslaw, Fokkens, Wytske J., Reitsma, Sietze, Bosse, Isabelle, Fontaine, Jean-Francois, Laune, Daniel, Haahtela, Tari, Toppila-Salmi, Sanna, Bachert, Claus, Hellings, Peter W., Melen, Erik, Wickman, Magnus, Bindslev-Jensen, Carsten, Eller, Esben, O'Hehir, Robyn E., Cingi, Cemal, Gemicioglu, Bilun, Kalayci, Omer, Ivancevich, Juan Carlos, Bousquet, Jean, Bousquet, J., Hellings, P. W., Aberer, W., Agache, I., Akdis, C. A., Akdis, M., Aliberti, M. R., Almeida, R., Amat, F., Angles, R., Annesi-Maesano, I., Ansotegui, I. J., Anto, J. M., Arnavielle, S., Asayag, E., Asarnoj, A., Arshad, H., Avolio, F., Bacci, E., Bachert, C., Baiar-Dini, I., Barbara, C., Barbagallo, M., Baroni, I., Barreto, B. A., Basagana, X., Bateman, E. D., Bedolla-Barajas, M., Bedbrook, A., Bewick, M., Beghe, B., Bel, E. H., Bergmann, K. C., Bennoor, K. S., Benson, M., Bertorello, L., Bialoszewski, A. Z., Bieber, T., Bialek, S., Bindslev-Jensen, C., Bjermer, L., Blain, H., Blasi, F., Blua, A., Marciniak, M. Bochenska, Bogus-Buczynska, I., Boner, A. L., Bonini, M., Bonini, S., Bosnic-Anticevich, C. S., Bosse, I., Bouchard, J., Boulet, L. P., Bourret, R., Bousquet, Pj, Braido, F., Briedis, V., Brightling, C. E., Brozek, J., Bucca, C., Buhl, R., Buonaiuto, R., Panaitescu, C., Cabanas, M. T. Burguete, Burte, E., Bush, A., Caballero-Fonseca, F., Caillaud, D., Caimmi, D., Calderon, M. A., Camargos, P. A. M., Camuzat, T., Canfora, G., Canonica, G. W., Cardona, V., Carlsen, K. H., Carreiro-Martins, P., Carriazo, A. M., Carr, W., Cartier, C., Casale, T., Castellano, G., Cecchi, L., Cepeda, A. M., Chavannes, N. H., Chen, Y., Chiron, R., Chivato, T., Chkhartishvili, E., Chuchalin, A. G., Chung, K. F., Ciaravolo, M. M., Ciceran, A., Cingi, C., Ciprandi, G., Coehlo, A. C. Carvalho, Colas, L., Colgan, E., Coll, J., Conforti, D., De Sousa, J. Correia, Cortes-Grimaldo, R. M., Corti, F., Costa, E., Costa-Dominguez, Mc, Al Courbis, F., Cox, L., Crescenzo, M., Cruz, A. A., Custovic, A., Czarlewski, W., Dahlen, S. E., D'Amato, Dario, C., da Silva, J., Dauvilliers, Y., Darsow, U., De Blay, F., De Carlo, G., Dedeu, T., Emerson, M. De Fatima, De Feo, G., De Vries, G., De Martino, B., Rubina, N. P. Motta, Deleanu, D., Demoly, P., Denburg, Ja, Devillier, P., Ercolano, S. Di Capua, Di Carluccio, N., Didier, A., Dokic, D., Dominguez-Silva, M. G., Douagui, H., Dray, G., Dubakiene, R., Durham, S. R., Du Toit, G., Dykewicz, M. S., El-Gamal, Y., Eklund, Patrik, Eller, E., Emuzyte, R., Farrell, J., Farsi, A., De Mello, J. Ferreira, Jr., Ferrero, J., Fink-Wagner, A., Fiocchi, A., Fok-Kens, W. J., Fonseca, Ja, Fontaine, J. F., Forti, S., Fuentes-Perez, J. M., Galvez-Romero, J. L., Gamkrelidze, A., Garcia-Aymerich, J., Garcia-Cobas, C. Y., Garcia-Cruz, M. H., Gemicioglu, B., Genova, S., Christoff, G., Gereda, J. E., Van Wijk, R. Gerth, Gomez, R. M., Gomez-Vera, J., Diaz, S. Gonzalez, Gotua, M., Grisle, I., Guidacci, M., Guldemond, Na, Gutter, Z., Guzman, Ma, Haahtela, T., Hajjam, J., Hernandez, L., Houri-Hane, J O ' B, Huerta-Villalobos, Y. R., Humbert, M., Iaccarino, G., Ispayeva, Z., Ivancevich, J. C., Jares, Ej, Jassem, E., Johnston, S. L., Joos, G., Jung, K. S., Just, J., Jutel, M., Kaidashev, I., Kalayci, O., Kalyoncu, A. F., Karjalainen, J., Kardas, P., Keil, T., Keith, P. K., Khaitov, M., Khaltaev, N., Kleine-Tebbe, J., Klimek, L., Kowalski, M. L., Kuitunen, M., Kull, I., Kuna, P., Kupczyk, M., Kvedariene, V., Krzych-Falta, E., Lacwik, P., Larenas-Linnemann, D., Laune, D., Lauri, D., Lavrut, J., Le, L. T. T., Lessa, M., Levato, G., Li, J., Lieberman, P., Liplec, A., Lipworth, B., Carlsen, K. C. Lodrup, Louis, R., Lourenco, O., Luna-Pech, J. A., Magnan, A., Mahboub, B., Maier, D., Mair, A., Majer, I., Malva, J., Mandajieva, E., Manning, P., Keenoy, E. De Manuel, Marshall, G. D., Masjedi, M. R., Maspero, J. F., Mathieu-Dupas, E., Campos, J. J. Matta, Matos, Al, Maurer, M., Mavale-Manuel, S., Mayora, O., Medina-Avalos, M. A., Melen, E., Melo-Gomes, E., Meltzer, Eo, Menditto, E., Mercier, J., Miculinic, N., Mihaltan, F., Milenkovic, B., Moda, G., Mogica-Martinez, M. D., Mohammad, Y., Momas, I., Monte-Fort, S., Monti, R., Bogado, D. Mora, Morais-Almeida, M., Morato-Castro, Mosges, R., Mota-Pinto, A., Santo, P. Moura, Mullol, J., Munter, L., Muraro, A., Murray, R., Naclerio, R., Nadif, R., Nalin, M., Napoli, L., Namazova-Baranova, L., Neffen, H., Niedeberger, V., Nekam, K., Neou, A., Nieto, A., Nogueira-Silva, L., Nogues, M., Novellino, E., Nyembue, Td, O'Hehir, Re, Odzhakova, C., Ohta, K., Okamoto, Y., Okubo, K., Onorato, G. L., Cisneros, M. Ortega, Ouedraogo, S., Pali-Scholl, I., Palkonen, S., Panzner, P., Papadopoulos, N. G., Park, H. S., Papi, A., Passalacqua, G., Paulino, E., Pawankar, R., Pedersen, S., Pepin, J. L., Pereira, A. M., Persico, M., Pfaar, O., Phillips, J., Picard, R., Pigearias, B., Pin, I., Pitsios, C., Plavec, D., Pohl, W., Popov, T. A., Portejoie, F., Potter, P., Pozzi, A. C., Price, D., Prokopakis, E. P., Puy, R., Pugin, B., Ross, R. E. Pulido, Przemecka, M., Rabe, K. F., Raciborski, F., Raja-Bian-Soderlund, R., Reitsma, S., Ribeirinho, I., Rimmer, J., Riv-Ero-Yeverino, D., Rizzo, J. A., Rizzo, M. C., Robalo-Cordeiro, C., Rodenas, F., Rodo, X., Gonzalez, M. Rodriguez, Rodriguez-Manas, L., Rolland, C., Valle, S. Rodrigues, Rodriguez, M. Roman, Romano, A., Rodriguez-Zagal, E., Rolla, G., Roller-Wirnsberger, R. E., Romano, M., Rosado-Pinto, J., Rosario, N., Rottem, M., Ryan, D., Sagara, H., Salimaki, J., Samolinski, B., Sanchez-Borges, M., Sastre-Dominguez, J., Scadding, G. K., Schunemann, H. J., Scichilone, N., Schmid-Grendelmeier, P., Serpa, F. S., Shamai, S., Sheikh, A., Sierra, M., Simons, F. E. R., Sir-Oux, V., Sisul, J. C., Skrindo, I., Sole, D., Somekh, D., Sonder-Mann, M., Sooronbaev, T., Sova, M., Sorensen, M., Sorlini, M., Spranger, O., Stellato, C., Stelmach, R., Stukas, R., Sunyer, J., Strozek, J., Szylling, A., Tebyrica, Jn, Thibaudon, M., To, T., Todo-Bom, A., Tomazic, P. V., Toppila-Salmi, S., Trama, U., Triggiani, M., Ulrik, C. Suppli, Urrutia-Pereira, M., Valenta, R., Valero, A., Valiulis, A., Valovirta, E., Van Eerd, M., Van Ganse, E., Van Hague, M., Vandenplas, O., Ventura, M. T., Vezzani, G., Vasankari, T., Vatrella, A., Verissimo, M. T., Viart, F., Viegi, G., Vicheva, D., Vontetsianos, T., Wagenmann, M., Walker, S., Wallace, D., Wang, D. Y., Waserman, S., Werfel, T., Westman, M., Wickman, M., Williams, D. M., Williams, S., Wilson, N., Wright, J., Wroczynski, P., Yakovliev, P., Yawn, B. P., Yiallouros, P. K., Yorgancioglu, A., Yusuf, O. M., Zar, H. J., Zhang, L., Zhong, N., Zernotti, M. E., Zhanat, I., Zidarn, M., Zuberbier, T., Zubrinich, C., and Zurkuhlen, A.
- Abstract
Background: Mobile technology may help to better understand the adherence to treatment. MASK-rhinitis (Mobile Airways Sentinel NetworK for allergic rhinitis) is a patient-centred ICT system. A mobile phone app (the Allergy Diary) central to MASK is available in 22 countries. Objectives: To assess the adherence to treatment in allergic rhinitis patients using the Allergy Diary App. Methods: An observational cross-sectional study was carried out on all users who filled in the Allergy Diary from 1 January 2016 to 1 August 2017. Secondary adherence was assessed by using the modified Medication Possession Ratio (MPR) and the Proportion of days covered (PDC) approach. Results: A total of 12143 users were registered. A total of 6949 users reported at least one VAS data recording. Among them, 1887 users reported >= 7 VAS data. About 1195 subjects were included in the analysis of adherence. One hundred and thirty-six (11.28%) users were adherent (MPR >= 70% and PDC <= 1.25), 51 (4.23%) were partly adherent (MPR >= 70% and PDC = 1.50) and 176 (14.60%) were switchers. On the other hand, 832 (69.05%) users were non-adherent to medications (MPR <70%). Of those, the largest group was non-adherent to medications and the time interval was increased in 442 (36.68%) users. Conclusion and clinical relevance: Adherence to treatment is low. The relative efficacy of continuous vs on-demand treatment for allergic rhinitis symptoms is still a matter of debate. This study shows an approach for measuring retrospective adherence based on a mobile app. This also represents a novel approach for analysing medication-taking behaviour in a real-world setting.
- Published
- 2019
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91. Next-generation care pathways for allergic rhinitis and asthma multimorbidity: A model for multimorbid non-communicable diseases—Meeting Report (Part 1)
- Author
Bousquet, J. (Jean), Pham-Thi, N. (Nhân), Bedbrook, A. (Anna), Agache, I. (Ioana), Annesi-Maesano, I. (Isabella), Ansotegui, I.J. (I.), Anto, J.M. (Josep), Bachert, C. (Claus), Benveniste, S. (Samuel), Bewick, M. (Mike), Billo, N. (Nils), Bosnic-Anticevich, S. (Sinthia), Bosse, I. (Isabelle), Brusselle, G.G. (Guy), Calderon, M. (Moises), Canonica, G. (Gwalter), Caraballo, L.R. (L.), Cardona, D. (Doris), Carriazo, A.M. (Ana Maria), Cash, E. (Eugene), Cecchi, L. (Lorenzo), Chu, D.K. (Derek K.), Colgan, E. (Elaine), Costa, E. (Elisio), Cruz, A.A. (Alvaro), Czarlewski, W. (Wienczyslawa), Durham, S.R. (Stephen), Ebisawa, M. (Motohiro), Erhola, M. (Marina), Fauquert, J.-L. (Jean-Luc), Fokkens, W.J. (Wytske), Fonseca, J.A. (Joao A.), Guldemond, N. (Nick), Iinuma, T. (Tomohisa), Illario, M. (Maddalena), Klimek, L. (Ludger), Kuna, P. (Piotr), Kvedariene, V. (Violeta), Larenas-Linneman, D. (Désirée), Laune, D. (Daniel), Le, L.T.T. (Lan T.T.), Lourenço, O. (Olga), Malva, J.O. (Joao O.), Marien, G. (Gert), Menditto, E. (Enrica), Mullol, J. (Joaquim), Münter, L. (Lars), Okamoto, Y. (Yoshitaka), Onorato, G.L. (Gabrielle L.), Papadopoulos, N., Perala, M. (Maritta), Pfaar, O. (Oliver), Phillips, A. (Abigail), Phillips, J. (Jim), Pinnock, H. (Hilary), Portejoie, F. (Fabienne), Quinones-Delgado, P. (Pablo), Rolland, C. (Christine), Rodts, U. (Ulysse), Samolinski, B. (Boleslaw), Sanchez-Borges, M. (Mario), Schünemann, H.J. (Holger), Shamji, M. (Mohamed), Somekh, D. (David), Togias, A., Toppila-Salmi, S. (Sanna), Tsiligianni, I.G. (Ioanna G), Usmani, O. (Omar), Walker, S. (Samantha), Wallace, D. (D.), Valiulis, A. (Arunas), Van Der Kleij, R.M. (Rianne Mjj), Ventura, M.T. (Maria Teresa), Williams, S. (Sian), Yorgancioglu, A. (Arzu), Zuberbier, T. (Torsten), Bousquet, J. (Jean), Pham-Thi, N. (Nhân), Bedbrook, A. (Anna), Agache, I. (Ioana), Annesi-Maesano, I. (Isabella), Ansotegui, I.J. (I.), Anto, J.M. (Josep), Bachert, C. (Claus), Benveniste, S. (Samuel), Bewick, M. (Mike), Billo, N. (Nils), Bosnic-Anticevich, S. (Sinthia), Bosse, I. (Isabelle), Brusselle, G.G. (Guy), Calderon, M. (Moises), Canonica, G. (Gwalter), Caraballo, L.R. (L.), Cardona, D. (Doris), Carriazo, A.M. (Ana Maria), Cash, E. (Eugene), Cecchi, L. (Lorenzo), Chu, D.K. (Derek K.), Colgan, E. (Elaine), Costa, E. (Elisio), Cruz, A.A. (Alvaro), Czarlewski, W. (Wienczyslawa), Durham, S.R. (Stephen), Ebisawa, M. (Motohiro), Erhola, M. (Marina), Fauquert, J.-L. (Jean-Luc), Fokkens, W.J. (Wytske), Fonseca, J.A. (Joao A.), Guldemond, N. (Nick), Iinuma, T. (Tomohisa), Illario, M. (Maddalena), Klimek, L. (Ludger), Kuna, P. (Piotr), Kvedariene, V. (Violeta), Larenas-Linneman, D. (Désirée), Laune, D. (Daniel), Le, L.T.T. (Lan T.T.), Lourenço, O. (Olga), Malva, J.O. (Joao O.), Marien, G. (Gert), Menditto, E. (Enrica), Mullol, J. (Joaquim), Münter, L. (Lars), Okamoto, Y. (Yoshitaka), Onorato, G.L. (Gabrielle L.), Papadopoulos, N., Perala, M. (Maritta), Pfaar, O. (Oliver), Phillips, A. (Abigail), Phillips, J. (Jim), Pinnock, H. (Hilary), Portejoie, F. (Fabienne), Quinones-Delgado, P. (Pablo), Rolland, C. (Christine), Rodts, U. (Ulysse), Samolinski, B. (Boleslaw), Sanchez-Borges, M. (Mario), Schünemann, H.J. (Holger), Shamji, M. (Mohamed), Somekh, D. (David), Togias, A., Toppila-Salmi, S. (Sanna), Tsiligianni, I.G. (Ioanna G), Usmani, O. (Omar), Walker, S. (Samantha), Wallace, D. (D.), Valiulis, A. (Arunas), Van Der Kleij, R.M. (Rianne Mjj), Ventura, M.T. (Maria Teresa), Williams, S. (Sian), Yorgancioglu, A. (Arzu), and Zuberbier, T. (Torsten)
- Published
- 2019
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92. Next-generation care pathways for allergic rhinitis and asthma multimorbidity: A model for multimorbid non-communicable diseases—Meeting Report (Part 2)
- Author
Bousquet, J. (Jean), Pham-Thi, N. (Nhân), Bedbrook, A. (Anna), Agache, I. (Ioana), Annesi-Maesano, I. (Isabella), Ansotegui, I.J. (I.), Anto, J.M. (Josep), Bachert, C. (Claus), Benveniste, S. (Samuel), Bewick, M. (Mike), Billo, N. (Nils), Bosnic-Anticevich, S. (Sinthia), Bosse, I. (Isabelle), Brusselle, G.G. (Guy), Calderon, M. (Moises), Canonica, G. (Gwalter), Caraballo, L.R. (L.), Cardona, D. (Doris), Carriazo, A.M. (Ana Maria), Cash, E. (Eugene), Cecchi, L. (Lorenzo), Chu, D.K. (Derek K.), Colgan, E. (Elaine), Costa, E. (Elisio), Cruz, A.A. (Alvaro), Czarlewski, W. (Wienczyslawa), Durham, S.R. (Stephen), Ebisawa, M. (Motohiro), Erhola, M. (Marina), Fauquert, J.-L. (Jean-Luc), Fokkens, W.J. (Wytske), Fonseca, J.A. (Joao A.), Guldemond, N. (Nick), Iinuma, T. (Tomohisa), Illario, M. (Maddalena), Klimek, L. (Ludger), Kuna, P. (Piotr), Kvedariene, V. (Violeta), Larenas-Linneman, D. (Désirée), Laune, D. (Daniel), Le, L.T.T. (Lan T.T.), Lourenço, O. (Olga), Malva, J.O. (Joao O.), Marien, G. (Gert), Menditto, E. (Enrica), Mullol, J. (Joaquim), Münter, L. (Lars), Okamoto, Y. (Yoshitaka), Onorato, G.L. (Gabrielle L.), Papadopoulos, N., Perala, M. (Maritta), Pfaar, O. (Oliver), Phillips, A. (Abigail), Phillips, J. (Jim), Pinnock, H. (Hilary), Portejoie, F. (Fabienne), Quinones-Delgado, P. (Pablo), Rolland, C. (Christine), Rodts, U. (Ulysse), Samolinski, B. (Boleslaw), Sanchez-Borges, M. (Mario), Schünemann, H.J. (Holger), Shamji, M. (Mohamed), Somekh, D. (David), Togias, A., Toppila-Salmi, S. (Sanna), Tsiligianni, I.G. (Ioanna G), Usmani, O. (Omar), Walker, S. (Samantha), Wallace, D. (D.), Valiulis, A. (Arunas), Van Der Kleij, R.M. (Rianne Mjj), Ventura, M.T. (Maria Teresa), Williams, S. (Sian), Yorgancioglu, A. (Arzu), Zuberbier, T. (Torsten), Bousquet, J. (Jean), Pham-Thi, N. (Nhân), Bedbrook, A. (Anna), Agache, I. (Ioana), Annesi-Maesano, I. (Isabella), Ansotegui, I.J. (I.), Anto, J.M. (Josep), Bachert, C. (Claus), Benveniste, S. (Samuel), Bewick, M. (Mike), Billo, N. (Nils), Bosnic-Anticevich, S. (Sinthia), Bosse, I. (Isabelle), Brusselle, G.G. (Guy), Calderon, M. (Moises), Canonica, G. (Gwalter), Caraballo, L.R. (L.), Cardona, D. (Doris), Carriazo, A.M. (Ana Maria), Cash, E. (Eugene), Cecchi, L. (Lorenzo), Chu, D.K. (Derek K.), Colgan, E. (Elaine), Costa, E. (Elisio), Cruz, A.A. (Alvaro), Czarlewski, W. (Wienczyslawa), Durham, S.R. (Stephen), Ebisawa, M. (Motohiro), Erhola, M. (Marina), Fauquert, J.-L. (Jean-Luc), Fokkens, W.J. (Wytske), Fonseca, J.A. (Joao A.), Guldemond, N. (Nick), Iinuma, T. (Tomohisa), Illario, M. (Maddalena), Klimek, L. (Ludger), Kuna, P. (Piotr), Kvedariene, V. (Violeta), Larenas-Linneman, D. (Désirée), Laune, D. (Daniel), Le, L.T.T. (Lan T.T.), Lourenço, O. (Olga), Malva, J.O. (Joao O.), Marien, G. (Gert), Menditto, E. (Enrica), Mullol, J. (Joaquim), Münter, L. (Lars), Okamoto, Y. (Yoshitaka), Onorato, G.L. (Gabrielle L.), Papadopoulos, N., Perala, M. (Maritta), Pfaar, O. (Oliver), Phillips, A. (Abigail), Phillips, J. (Jim), Pinnock, H. (Hilary), Portejoie, F. (Fabienne), Quinones-Delgado, P. (Pablo), Rolland, C. (Christine), Rodts, U. (Ulysse), Samolinski, B. (Boleslaw), Sanchez-Borges, M. (Mario), Schünemann, H.J. (Holger), Shamji, M. (Mohamed), Somekh, D. (David), Togias, A., Toppila-Salmi, S. (Sanna), Tsiligianni, I.G. (Ioanna G), Usmani, O. (Omar), Walker, S. (Samantha), Wallace, D. (D.), Valiulis, A. (Arunas), Van Der Kleij, R.M. (Rianne Mjj), Ventura, M.T. (Maria Teresa), Williams, S. (Sian), Yorgancioglu, A. (Arzu), and Zuberbier, T. (Torsten)
- Published
- 2019
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93. Next-generation ARIA care pathways for rhinitis and asthma: A model for multimorbid chronic diseases
- Author
Bousquet, J.J. (J. Jean), Schünemann, H.J. (Holger), Togias, A., Erhola, M. (Marina), Hellings, P.W. (Peter), Zuberbier, T. (Torsten), Agache, I. (Ioana), Ansotegui, I.J. (I.), Anto, J.M. (Josep), Bachert, C. (Claus), Becker, S. (Sven), Bedolla-Barajas, M. (Martin), Bewick, M. (Michael), Bosnic-Anticevich, S. (Sinthia), Bosse, I. (Isabelle), Boulet, L.P., Bourrez, J.M. (Jean Marc), Brusselle, G.G. (Guy), Chavannes, N.H. (Nicolas), Costa, E. (Elisio), Cruz, A.A. (Alvaro), Czarlewski, W. (Wienczyslawa), Fokkens, W.J. (Wytske), Fonseca, J.A. (Joao A.), Gaga, M. (Mina), Haahtela, T. (Tari), Illario, M. (Maddalena), Klimek, L. (Ludger), Kuna, P. (Piotr), Kvedariene, V. (Violeta), Le, L.T., Larenas-Linnemann, D. (Désirée), Laune, D. (Daniel), Lourenço, O.M. (Olga M.), Menditto, E. (Enrica), Mullol, J. (Joaquin), Okamoto, Y. (Yashitaka), Papadopoulos, N., Pham-Thi, N. (Nhân), Picard, R. (Robert), Pinnock, H. (Hilary), Roche, N. (Nicolas), Roller-Wirnsberger, R.E. (Regina E.), Rolland, C. (Christine), Samolinski, B. (Boleslaw), Sheikh, A. (Aziz), Toppila-Salmi, S. (Sanna), Tsiligianni, I.G. (Ioanna G), Valiulis, A. (Arunas), Valovirta, E. (Erkka), Vasankari, T. (Tuula), Ventura, M.-T. (Maria-Teresa), Walker, S. (Samantha), Williams, S. (Sian), Akdis, C.A. (Cezmi A.), Annesi-Maesano, I. (Isabella), Arnavielhe, S. (Sylvie), Basagaña, X. (Xavier), Bateman, E.D. (Eric), Bedbrook, A. (Anna), Bennoor, K.S. (K.), Benveniste, S. (Samuel), Bergmann, K.-C. (Karl-Christian), Bialek, S. (Slawomir), Billo, N. (Nils), Bindslev-Jensen, C. (Carsten), Bjermer, L. (Leif), Blain, H. (Hubert), Bonini, M. (Matteo), Bonniaud, P. (Philippe), Bouchard, J. (Jacques), Briedis, V. (Vitalis), Brightling, C.E. (Christofer E.), Brozek, J., Buhl, R. (Roland), Buonaiuto, R. (Roland), Canonica, G.W. (Giorgo W.), Cardona, D. (Doris), Carriazo, A.M. (Ana M.), Carr, W.W. (Warner), Cartier, C. (Christine), Casale, T.B. (Thomas), Cecchi, L. (Lorenzo), Cepeda Sarabia, A.M. (Alfonso M.), Chkhartishvili, E. (Eka), Chu, D.K. (Derek K.), Cingi, C. (Cemal), Colgan, E. (Elaine), De Sousa, J.C. (Jaime Correia), Courbis, A.L. (Anne Lise), Custovic, A. (Adnan), Cvetkosvki, B. (Biljana), Damato, G. (Gennaro), Da Silva, J. (Jane), Dantas, C. (Carina), Dokic, D. (D.), Dauvilliers, Y. (Yves), Dedeu, A. (Antoni), De Feo, G. (Giulia), Devillier, P. (Philippe), Di Capua, S. (Stefania), Dykewickz, M. (Marc), Dubakiene, R. (R.), Ebisawa, M. (Motohiro), El-Gamal, Y. (Y.), Eller, E. (Esben), Emuzyte, R., Farrell, J. (John), Fink-Wagner, A. (Antjie), Fiocchi, A. (Alessandro), Fontaine, J.F. (Jean F.), Gemicioǧlu, B. (Bilun), Schmid-Grendelmeir, P. (Peter), Gamkrelidze, A. (Amiran), Garcia-Aymerich, J. (Judith), Gomez, M. (Maximiliano), Diaz, S.G. (Sandra González), Gotua, M. (M.), Guldemond, N. (Nick), Guzmán, M.A. (M.), Hajjam, J. (Jawad), O'Hourihane, J.B. (John B.), Humbert, M. (Marc), Iaccarino, G. (Guido), Ierodiakonou, D. (Despo), Ivancevich, J.C. (Juan), Joos, G.F. (Guy), Jung, K.-S. (Ki-Suck), Jutel, M. (M.), Kaidashev, I. (Igor), Kalayci, O. (Omer), Kardas, P. (Przemyslaw), Keil, M. (Mark), Khaitov, M. (Mussa), Khaltaev, N., Kleine-Tebbe, J. (Jörg), Kowalski, M.L., Kritikos, V. (Vicky), Kull, C.A. (Christian), Leonardini, L. (Lisa), Lieberman, A.P. (Andrew), Lipworth, B., Lødrup Carlsen, K.C. (K. C.), Loureiro, C.C. (Claudia C.), Louis, R. (Renaud), Mair, A. (Alpana), Marien, G. (Gert), Mahboub, B., Malva, J. (Joao), Manning, P. (Patrick), De Manuel Keenoy, E. (Esteban), Marshall, G.D., Masjedi, M.R. (Mohamed R.), Maspero, J.F. (Jorge F.), Mathieu-Dupas, E. (Eve), Matricardi, P.M. (Poalo M.), Melén, E. (Eric), Melo-Gomes, E. (Elisabete), Meltzer, E.O., Mercier, J. (Jacques), Miculinic, N. (Neven), Mihaltan, F. (Florin), Milenkovic, B. (Branislava), Moda, G. (Giuliana), Mogica-Martinez, M.-D. (Maria-Dolores), Mohammad, Y., Montefort, S. (Steve), Monti, R. (Ricardo), Morais-Almeida, M. (Mario), Mösges, R. (Ralph), Münter, L. (Lars), Muraro, A. (Antonella), Murray, R. (Ruth), Naclerio, R., Napoli, L. (Luigi), Namazova-Baranova, L. (Leila), Neffen, H. (Hugo), Nekam, K. (Kristoff), Neou, A. (A.), Novellino, E. (Enrico), Nyembue, D. (Dieudonné), O'Hehir, R. (Robin), Ohta, K., Okubo, K. (Kimi), Onorato, G. (Gabrielle), Ouedraogo, S., Pali-Schöll, I. (I.), Palkonen, S. (Susanna), Panzner, P. (P.), Park, H.-S. (Hae-Sim), Pépin, J.-L. (Jean-Louis), Pereira, A.-M. (Ana-Maria), Pfaar, O. (Oliver), Paulino, E. (Ema), Phillips, J. (Jim), Plavec, D. (Davor), Popov, T.A. (Ted A.), Portejoie, F. (Fabienne), Price, D. (David), Prokopakis, E.P. (Emmanuel P.), Pugin, B. (Benoit), Raciborski, F. (Filip), Rajabian-Söderlund, R. (Rojin), Reitsma, S. (Sietze), Rodo, X. (Xavier), Romano, A., Rosario, N. (Nelson), Rottem, M. (Menahenm), Ryan, D. (Dermot), Salimäki, J. (Johanna), Sanchez-Borges, M.M. (Mario M.), Sisul, J.C. (J.), Solé, D. (Dirceu), Somekh, D. (David), Sooronbaev, T. (Talant), Sova, M. (Milan), Spranger, O., Stellato, C. (Cristina), Stelmach, R. (Rafael), Ulrik, C.S., Thibaudon, M. (Michel), To, T. (Teresa), Todo Bom, A., Tomazic, P.V. (Peter V.), Valero, A.A. (Antonio A.), Valenta, R. (Rudolph), Valentin-Rostan, M. (Marylin), Van Der Kleij, R.M. (Rianne Mjj), Vandenplas, O. (Olivier), Vezzani, G. (Giorgio), Viart, F. (Frédéric), Viegi, G., Wallace, D. (D.), Wagenmann, M. (Martin), Wang, D.Y. (De Y.), Waserman, S. (Susan), Wickman, M. (Magnus), Williams, D., Wong, G. (G.), Wroczynski, P. (Piotr), Yiallouros, P.K. (P.), Yorgancioglu, A. (Arzu), Yusuf, O.M. (Osman), Zar, H.J. (Heahter J.), Zeng, S. (Stéphane), Zernotti, M., Zhang, L. (Luo), Zhong, N.S. (Nan S.), Zidarn, M. (Mihaela), Bousquet, J.J. (J. Jean), Schünemann, H.J. (Holger), Togias, A., Erhola, M. (Marina), Hellings, P.W. (Peter), Zuberbier, T. (Torsten), Agache, I. (Ioana), Ansotegui, I.J. (I.), Anto, J.M. (Josep), Bachert, C. (Claus), Becker, S. (Sven), Bedolla-Barajas, M. (Martin), Bewick, M. (Michael), Bosnic-Anticevich, S. (Sinthia), Bosse, I. (Isabelle), Boulet, L.P., Bourrez, J.M. (Jean Marc), Brusselle, G.G. (Guy), Chavannes, N.H. (Nicolas), Costa, E. (Elisio), Cruz, A.A. (Alvaro), Czarlewski, W. (Wienczyslawa), Fokkens, W.J. (Wytske), Fonseca, J.A. (Joao A.), Gaga, M. (Mina), Haahtela, T. (Tari), Illario, M. (Maddalena), Klimek, L. (Ludger), Kuna, P. (Piotr), Kvedariene, V. (Violeta), Le, L.T., Larenas-Linnemann, D. (Désirée), Laune, D. (Daniel), Lourenço, O.M. (Olga M.), Menditto, E. (Enrica), Mullol, J. (Joaquin), Okamoto, Y. (Yashitaka), Papadopoulos, N., Pham-Thi, N. (Nhân), Picard, R. (Robert), Pinnock, H. (Hilary), Roche, N. (Nicolas), Roller-Wirnsberger, R.E. (Regina E.), Rolland, C. (Christine), Samolinski, B. (Boleslaw), Sheikh, A. (Aziz), Toppila-Salmi, S. (Sanna), Tsiligianni, I.G. (Ioanna G), Valiulis, A. (Arunas), Valovirta, E. (Erkka), Vasankari, T. (Tuula), Ventura, M.-T. (Maria-Teresa), Walker, S. (Samantha), Williams, S. (Sian), Akdis, C.A. (Cezmi A.), Annesi-Maesano, I. (Isabella), Arnavielhe, S. (Sylvie), Basagaña, X. (Xavier), Bateman, E.D. (Eric), Bedbrook, A. (Anna), Bennoor, K.S. (K.), Benveniste, S. (Samuel), Bergmann, K.-C. (Karl-Christian), Bialek, S. (Slawomir), Billo, N. (Nils), Bindslev-Jensen, C. (Carsten), Bjermer, L. (Leif), Blain, H. (Hubert), Bonini, M. (Matteo), Bonniaud, P. (Philippe), Bouchard, J. (Jacques), Briedis, V. (Vitalis), Brightling, C.E. (Christofer E.), Brozek, J., Buhl, R. (Roland), Buonaiuto, R. (Roland), Canonica, G.W. (Giorgo W.), Cardona, D. (Doris), Carriazo, A.M. (Ana M.), Carr, W.W. (Warner), Cartier, C. (Christine), Casale, T.B. (Thomas), Cecchi, L. (Lorenzo), Cepeda Sarabia, A.M. (Alfonso M.), Chkhartishvili, E. (Eka), Chu, D.K. (Derek K.), Cingi, C. (Cemal), Colgan, E. (Elaine), De Sousa, J.C. (Jaime Correia), Courbis, A.L. (Anne Lise), Custovic, A. (Adnan), Cvetkosvki, B. (Biljana), Damato, G. (Gennaro), Da Silva, J. (Jane), Dantas, C. (Carina), Dokic, D. (D.), Dauvilliers, Y. (Yves), Dedeu, A. (Antoni), De Feo, G. (Giulia), Devillier, P. (Philippe), Di Capua, S. (Stefania), Dykewickz, M. (Marc), Dubakiene, R. (R.), Ebisawa, M. (Motohiro), El-Gamal, Y. (Y.), Eller, E. (Esben), Emuzyte, R., Farrell, J. (John), Fink-Wagner, A. (Antjie), Fiocchi, A. (Alessandro), Fontaine, J.F. (Jean F.), Gemicioǧlu, B. (Bilun), Schmid-Grendelmeir, P. (Peter), Gamkrelidze, A. (Amiran), Garcia-Aymerich, J. (Judith), Gomez, M. (Maximiliano), Diaz, S.G. (Sandra González), Gotua, M. (M.), Guldemond, N. (Nick), Guzmán, M.A. (M.), Hajjam, J. (Jawad), O'Hourihane, J.B. (John B.), Humbert, M. (Marc), Iaccarino, G. (Guido), Ierodiakonou, D. (Despo), Ivancevich, J.C. (Juan), Joos, G.F. (Guy), Jung, K.-S. (Ki-Suck), Jutel, M. (M.), Kaidashev, I. (Igor), Kalayci, O. (Omer), Kardas, P. (Przemyslaw), Keil, M. (Mark), Khaitov, M. (Mussa), Khaltaev, N., Kleine-Tebbe, J. (Jörg), Kowalski, M.L., Kritikos, V. (Vicky), Kull, C.A. (Christian), Leonardini, L. (Lisa), Lieberman, A.P. (Andrew), Lipworth, B., Lødrup Carlsen, K.C. (K. C.), Loureiro, C.C. (Claudia C.), Louis, R. (Renaud), Mair, A. (Alpana), Marien, G. (Gert), Mahboub, B., Malva, J. (Joao), Manning, P. (Patrick), De Manuel Keenoy, E. (Esteban), Marshall, G.D., Masjedi, M.R. (Mohamed R.), Maspero, J.F. (Jorge F.), Mathieu-Dupas, E. (Eve), Matricardi, P.M. (Poalo M.), Melén, E. (Eric), Melo-Gomes, E. (Elisabete), Meltzer, E.O., Mercier, J. (Jacques), Miculinic, N. (Neven), Mihaltan, F. (Florin), Milenkovic, B. (Branislava), Moda, G. (Giuliana), Mogica-Martinez, M.-D. (Maria-Dolores), Mohammad, Y., Montefort, S. (Steve), Monti, R. (Ricardo), Morais-Almeida, M. (Mario), Mösges, R. (Ralph), Münter, L. (Lars), Muraro, A. (Antonella), Murray, R. (Ruth), Naclerio, R., Napoli, L. (Luigi), Namazova-Baranova, L. (Leila), Neffen, H. (Hugo), Nekam, K. (Kristoff), Neou, A. (A.), Novellino, E. (Enrico), Nyembue, D. (Dieudonné), O'Hehir, R. (Robin), Ohta, K., Okubo, K. (Kimi), Onorato, G. (Gabrielle), Ouedraogo, S., Pali-Schöll, I. (I.), Palkonen, S. (Susanna), Panzner, P. (P.), Park, H.-S. (Hae-Sim), Pépin, J.-L. (Jean-Louis), Pereira, A.-M. (Ana-Maria), Pfaar, O. (Oliver), Paulino, E. (Ema), Phillips, J. (Jim), Plavec, D. (Davor), Popov, T.A. (Ted A.), Portejoie, F. (Fabienne), Price, D. (David), Prokopakis, E.P. (Emmanuel P.), Pugin, B. (Benoit), Raciborski, F. (Filip), Rajabian-Söderlund, R. (Rojin), Reitsma, S. (Sietze), Rodo, X. (Xavier), Romano, A., Rosario, N. (Nelson), Rottem, M. (Menahenm), Ryan, D. (Dermot), Salimäki, J. (Johanna), Sanchez-Borges, M.M. (Mario M.), Sisul, J.C. (J.), Solé, D. (Dirceu), Somekh, D. (David), Sooronbaev, T. (Talant), Sova, M. (Milan), Spranger, O., Stellato, C. (Cristina), Stelmach, R. (Rafael), Ulrik, C.S., Thibaudon, M. (Michel), To, T. (Teresa), Todo Bom, A., Tomazic, P.V. (Peter V.), Valero, A.A. (Antonio A.), Valenta, R. (Rudolph), Valentin-Rostan, M. (Marylin), Van Der Kleij, R.M. (Rianne Mjj), Vandenplas, O. (Olivier), Vezzani, G. (Giorgio), Viart, F. (Frédéric), Viegi, G., Wallace, D. (D.), Wagenmann, M. (Martin), Wang, D.Y. (De Y.), Waserman, S. (Susan), Wickman, M. (Magnus), Williams, D., Wong, G. (G.), Wroczynski, P. (Piotr), Yiallouros, P.K. (P.), Yorgancioglu, A. (Arzu), Yusuf, O.M. (Osman), Zar, H.J. (Heahter J.), Zeng, S. (Stéphane), Zernotti, M., Zhang, L. (Luo), Zhong, N.S. (Nan S.), and Zidarn, M. (Mihaela)
- Abstract
Background: In all societies, the burden and cost of allergic and chronic respiratory diseases are increasing rapidly. Most economies are struggling to deliver modern health care effectively. There is a need to support the transformation of the health care system into integrated care with organizational health literacy. Main body: As an example for chronic disease care, MASK (Mobile Airways Sentinel NetworK), a new project of the ARIA (Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma) initiative, and POLLAR (Impact of Air POLLution on Asthma and Rhi-nitis, EIT Health), in collaboration with professional and patient organizations in the field of allergy and airway diseases, are proposing real-life ICPs centred around the patient with rhinitis, and using mHealth to monitor environmental exposure. Three aspects of care pathways are being developed: (i) Patient participation, health literacy and self-care through technology-assisted "patient activation", (ii) Implementation of care pathways by pharmacists and (iii) Next-generation guidelines assessing the recommendations of GRADE guidelines in rhinitis and asthma using real-world evidence (RWE) obtained through mobile technology. The EU and global political agendas are of great importance in supporting the digital transformation of health and care, and MASK has been recognized by DG Santé as a Good Practice in the field of digitally-enabled, integrated, person-centred care. Conclusion: In 20 years, ARIA has considerably evolved from the first multimorbidity guideline in respiratory diseases to the digital transformation of health and care with a strong political involvement.
- Published
- 2019
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94. Guidance to 2018 good practice: ARIA digitally-enabled, integrated, person-centred care for rhinitis and asthma.
- Author
UCL - SSS/IREC/PNEU - Pôle de Pneumologie, ORL et Dermatologie, UCL - (MGD) Service de pneumologie, Bewick, M, The MASK study group, Wallace, D V, Okamoto, Y, Naclerio, R, Murray, R, Ebisawa, M, Dykewick, M, Casale, T, Vandenplas, Olivier, Bousquet, J, Bedbrook, A, Czarlewski, W, Onorato, G L, Arnavielhe, S, Laune, D, Mathieu-Dupas, E, Fonseca, J, Costa, E, Lourenço, O, Morais-Almeida, M, Todo-Bom, A, Illario, M, Menditto, E, Canonica, G W, Cecchi, L, Monti, R, Napoli, L, Ventura, M T, De Feo, G, Fokkens, W J, Chavannes, N H, Reitsma, S, Cruz, A A, da Silva, J, Serpa, F S, Larenas-Linnemann, D, Fuentes Perez, J M, Huerta-Villalobos, Y R, Rivero-Yeverino, D, Rodriguez-Zagal, E, Valiulis, A, Dubakiene, R, Emuzyte, R, Kvedariene, V, Annesi-Maesano, I, Blain, H, Bonniaud, P, Bosse, I, Dauvilliers, Y, Devillier, P, Fontaine, J F, Pépin, J L, Pham-Thi, N, Portejoie, F, Picard, R, Roche, N, Rolland, C, Schmidt-Grendelmeier, P, Kuna, P, Samolinski, B, Anto, J M, Cardona, V, Mullol, J, Pinnock, H, Ryan, D, Sheikh, A, Walker, S, Williams, S, Becker, S, Klimek, L, Pfaar, O, Bergmann, K C, Mösges, R, Zuberbier, T, Roller-Wirnsberger, R E, Tomazic, P V, Haahtela, T, Salimäki, J, Toppila-Salmi, S, Valovirta, E, Vasankari, T, Gemicioğlu, B, Yorgancioglu, A, Papadopoulos, N G, Prokopakis, E P, Tsiligianni, I G, Bosnic-Anticevich, S, O'Hehir, R, Ivancevich, J C, Neffen, H, Zernotti, M E, Kull, I, Melén, E, Wickman, M, Bachert, C, Hellings, P W, Brusselle, G, Palkonen, S, Bindslev-Jensen, C, Eller, E, Waserman, S, Boulet, L P, Bouchard, J, Chu, D K, Schünemann, H J, Sova, M, De Vries, G, van Eerd, M, Agache, I, Ansotegui, I J, UCL - SSS/IREC/PNEU - Pôle de Pneumologie, ORL et Dermatologie, UCL - (MGD) Service de pneumologie, Bewick, M, The MASK study group, Wallace, D V, Okamoto, Y, Naclerio, R, Murray, R, Ebisawa, M, Dykewick, M, Casale, T, Vandenplas, Olivier, Bousquet, J, Bedbrook, A, Czarlewski, W, Onorato, G L, Arnavielhe, S, Laune, D, Mathieu-Dupas, E, Fonseca, J, Costa, E, Lourenço, O, Morais-Almeida, M, Todo-Bom, A, Illario, M, Menditto, E, Canonica, G W, Cecchi, L, Monti, R, Napoli, L, Ventura, M T, De Feo, G, Fokkens, W J, Chavannes, N H, Reitsma, S, Cruz, A A, da Silva, J, Serpa, F S, Larenas-Linnemann, D, Fuentes Perez, J M, Huerta-Villalobos, Y R, Rivero-Yeverino, D, Rodriguez-Zagal, E, Valiulis, A, Dubakiene, R, Emuzyte, R, Kvedariene, V, Annesi-Maesano, I, Blain, H, Bonniaud, P, Bosse, I, Dauvilliers, Y, Devillier, P, Fontaine, J F, Pépin, J L, Pham-Thi, N, Portejoie, F, Picard, R, Roche, N, Rolland, C, Schmidt-Grendelmeier, P, Kuna, P, Samolinski, B, Anto, J M, Cardona, V, Mullol, J, Pinnock, H, Ryan, D, Sheikh, A, Walker, S, Williams, S, Becker, S, Klimek, L, Pfaar, O, Bergmann, K C, Mösges, R, Zuberbier, T, Roller-Wirnsberger, R E, Tomazic, P V, Haahtela, T, Salimäki, J, Toppila-Salmi, S, Valovirta, E, Vasankari, T, Gemicioğlu, B, Yorgancioglu, A, Papadopoulos, N G, Prokopakis, E P, Tsiligianni, I G, Bosnic-Anticevich, S, O'Hehir, R, Ivancevich, J C, Neffen, H, Zernotti, M E, Kull, I, Melén, E, Wickman, M, Bachert, C, Hellings, P W, Brusselle, G, Palkonen, S, Bindslev-Jensen, C, Eller, E, Waserman, S, Boulet, L P, Bouchard, J, Chu, D K, Schünemann, H J, Sova, M, De Vries, G, van Eerd, M, Agache, I, and Ansotegui, I J
- Abstract
Mobile Airways Sentinel NetworK (MASK) belongs to the Fondation Partenariale MACVIA-LR of Montpellier, France and aims to provide an active and healthy life to rhinitis sufferers and to those with asthma multimorbidity across the life cycle, whatever their gender or socio-economic status, in order to reduce health and social inequities incurred by the disease and to improve the digital transformation of health and care. The ultimate goal is to change the management strategy in chronic diseases. MASK implements ICT technologies for individualized and predictive medicine to develop novel care pathways by a multi-disciplinary group centred around the patients. Include patients, health care professionals (pharmacists and physicians), authorities, patient's associations, private and public sectors. MASK is deployed in 23 countries and 17 languages. 26,000 users have registered. MASK is participating in EU projects (POLLAR: impact of air POLLution in Asthma and Rhinitis, EIT Health, DigitalHealthEurope, Euriphi and Vigour). (i) Adherence to treatment is the major problem of allergic disease, (ii) Self-management strategies should be considerably expanded (behavioural), (iii) Change management is essential in allergic diseases, (iv) Education strategies should be reconsidered using a patient-centred approach and (v) Lessons learnt for allergic diseases can be expanded to chronic diseases.
- Published
- 2019
95. Treatment of allergic rhinitis using mobile technology with real-world data: The MASK observational pilot study
- Author
Bousquet, J. Devillier, P. Arnavielhe, S. Bedbrook, A. Alexis-Alexandre, G. van Eerd, M. Murray, R. Canonica, G.W. Illario, M. Menditto, E. Passalacqua, G. Stellato, C. Triggiani, M. Carreiro-Martins, P. Fonseca, J. Morais Almeida, M. Nogueira-Silva, L. Pereira, A.M. Todo Bom, A. Bosse, I. Caimmi, D. Demoly, P. Fontaine, J.F. Just, J. Onorato, G.L. Kowalski, M.L. Kuna, P. Samolinski, B. Anto, J.M. Mullol, J. Valero, A. Tomazic, P.V. Bergmann, K.C. Keil, T. Klimek, L. Mösges, R. Shamai, S. Zuberbier, T. Murphy, E. McDowall, P. Price, D. Ryan, D. Sheikh, A. Chavannes, N.H. Fokkens, W.J. Kvedariene, V. Valiulis, A. Bachert, C. Hellings, P.W. Kull, I. Melen, E. Wickman, M. Bindslev-Jensen, C. Eller, E. Haahtela, T. Papadopoulos, N.G. Annesi-Maesano, I. Bewick, M. Bosnic-Anticevich, S. Cruz, A.A. De Vries, G. Gemicioglu, B. Larenas-Linnemann, D. Laune, D. Mathieu-Dupas, E. O'Hehir, R.E. Pfaar, O. Portejoie, F. Siroux, V. Spranger, O. Valovirta, E. VandenPlas, O. Yorgancioglu, A.
- Abstract
Background: Large observational implementation studies are needed to triangulate the findings from randomized control trials as they reflect “real-world” everyday practice. In a pilot study, we attempted to provide additional and complementary insights on the real-life treatment of allergic rhinitis (AR) using mobile technology. Methods: A mobile phone app (Allergy Diary, freely available in Google Play and Apple App stores) collects the data of daily visual analog scales (VAS) for (i) overall allergic symptoms, (ii) nasal, ocular, and asthma symptoms, (iii) work, as well as (iv) medication use using a treatment scroll list including all medications (prescribed and over the counter (OTC)) for rhinitis customized for 15 countries. Results: A total of 2871 users filled in 17 091 days of VAS in 2015 and 2016. Medications were reported for 9634 days. The assessment of days appeared to be more informative than the course of the treatment as, in real life, patients do not necessarily use treatment on a daily basis; rather, they appear to increase treatment use with the loss of symptom control. The Allergy Diary allowed differentiation between treatments within or between classes (intranasal corticosteroid use containing medications and oral H1-antihistamines). The control of days differed between no [best control], single, or multiple treatments (worst control). Conclusions: This study confirms the usefulness of the Allergy Diary in accessing and assessing everyday use and practice in AR. This pilot observational study uses a very simple assessment (VAS) on a mobile phone, shows novel findings, and generates new hypotheses. © 2018 EAACI and John Wiley and Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley and Sons Ltd.
- Published
- 2018
96. Transfer of innovation on allergic rhinitis and asthma multimorbidity in the elderly (MACVIA-ARIA) - EIP on AHA Twinning Reference Site (GARD research demonstration project)
- Author
Bousquet, J. Agache, I. Aliberti, M.R. Angles, R. Annesi-Maesano, I. Anto, J.M. Arnavielhe, S. Asayag, E. Bacci, E. Bedbrook, A. Bachert, C. Baroni, I. Barreto, B.A. Bedolla-Barajas, M. Bergmann, K.C. Bertorello, L. Bewick, M. Bieber, T. Birov, S. Bindslev-Jensen, C. Blua, A. Bochenska Marciniak, M. Bogus-Buczynska, I. Bosnic-Anticevich, S. Bosse, I. Bourret, R. Bucca, C. Buonaiuto, R. Burguete Cabanas, M.T. Caillaud, D. Caimmi, D.P. Caiazza, D. Camargos, P. Canfora, G. Cardona, V. Carriazo, A.M. Cartier, C. Castellano, G. Chavannes, N.H. Cecci, L. Ciaravolo, M.M. Cingi, C. Ciceran, A. Colas, L. Colgan, E. Coll, J. Conforti, D. Correia de Sousa, J. Cortés-Grimaldo, R.M. Corti, F. Costa, E. Courbis, A.L. Cousein, E. Cruz, A.A. Custovic, A. Cvetkovski, B. Dario, C. da Silva, J. Dauvilliers, Y. De Blay, F. Dedeu, T. De Feo, G. De Martino, B. Demoly, P. De Vries, G. Di Capua Ercolano, S. Di Carluccio, N. Doulapsi, M. Dray, G. Dubakiene, R. Eller, E. Emuzyte, R. Espinoza-Contreras, J.G. Estrada-Cardona, A. Farrell, J. Farsi, A. Ferrero, J. Fokkens, W.J. Fonseca, J. Fontaine, J.F. Forti, S. Gálvez-Romero, J.L. García-Cobas, C.I. Garcia Cruz, M.H. Gemicioğlu, B. Gerth van Wijk, R. Guidacci, M. Gómez-Vera, J. Guldemond, N.A. Gutter, Z. Haahtela, T. Hajjam, J. Hellings, P.W. Hernández-Velázquez, L. Illario, M. Ivancevich, J.C. Jares, E. Joos, G. Just, J. Kalayci, O. Kalyoncu, A.F. Karjalainen, J. Keil, T. Khaltaev, N. Klimek, L. Kritikos, V. Kull, I. Kuna, P. Kvedariene, V. Kolek, V. Krzych-Fałta, E. Kupczyk, M. Lacwik, P. La Grutta, S. Larenas-Linnemann, D. Laune, D. Lauri, D. Lavrut, J. Lessa, M. Levato, G. Lewis, L. Lieten, I. Lipiec, A. Louis, R. Luna-Pech, J.A. Magnan, A. Malva, J. Maspero, J.F. Matta-Campos, J.J. Mayora, O. Medina-Ávalos, M.A. Melén, E. Menditto, E. Millot-Keurinck, J. Moda, G. Morais-Almeida, M. Mösges, R. Mota-Pinto, A. Mullol, J. Muraro, A. Murray, R. Noguès, M. Nalin, M. Napoli, L. Neffen, H. O'Hehir, R.E. Onorato, G.L. Palkonen, S. Papadopoulos, N.G. Passalacqua, G. Pépin, J.L. Pereira, A.M. Persico, M. Pfaar, O. Pozzi, A.C. Prokopakis, E. Pugin, B. Raciborski, F. Rimmer, J. Rizzo, J.A. Robalo-Cordeiro, C. Rodríguez-González, M. Rolla, G. Roller-Wirnsberger, R.E. Romano, A. Romano, M. Romano, M.R. Salimäki, J. Samolinski, B. Serpa, F.S. Shamai, S. Sierra, M. Sova, M. Sorlini, M. Stellato, C. Stelmach, R. Strandberg, T. Stroetmann, V. Stukas, R. Szylling, A. Tan, R. Tibaldi, V. Todo-Bom, A. Toppila-Salmi, S. Tomazic, P. Trama, U. Triggiani, M. Valero, A. Valovirta, E. Valiulis, A. van Eerd, M. Vasankari, T. Vatrella, A. Ventura, M.T. Verissimo, M.T. Viart, F. Williams, S. Wagenmann, M. Wanscher, C. Westman, M. Wickman, M. Young, I. Yorgancioglu, A. Zernotti, E. Zuberbier, T. Zurkuhlen, A. De Oliviera, B. Senn, A.
- Subjects
humanities - Abstract
The overarching goals of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA) are to enable European citizens to lead healthy, active and independent lives whilst ageing. The EIP on AHA includes 74 Reference Sites. The aim of this study was to transfer innovation from an app developed by the MACVIA-France EIP on AHA reference site (Allergy Diary) to other reference sites. The phenotypic characteristics of rhinitis and asthma multimorbidity in adults and the elderly will be compared using validated information and communication technology (ICT) tools (i.e. the Allergy Diary and CARAT: Control of Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma Test) in 22 Reference Sites or regions across Europe. This will improve the understanding, assessment of burden, diagnosis and management of rhinitis in the elderly by comparison with an adult population. Specific objectives will be: (i) to assess the percentage of adults and elderly who are able to use the Allergy Diary, (ii) to study the phenotypic characteristics and treatment over a 1-year period of rhinitis and asthma multimorbidity at baseline (cross-sectional study) and (iii) to follow-up using visual analogue scale (VAS). This part of the study may provide some insight into the differences between the elderly and adults in terms of response to treatment and practice. Finally (iv) work productivity will be examined in adults. © 2017 EAACI and John Wiley and Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley and Sons Ltd.
- Published
- 2018
97. Electronic Clinical Decision Support System for allergic rhinitis management: MASK e-CDSS
- Author
Courbis, A.-L. Murray, R.B. Arnavielhe, S. Caimmi, D. Bedbrook, A. Van Eerd, M. De Vries, G. Dray, G. Agache, I. Morais-Almeida, M. Bachert, C. Bergmann, K.C. Bosnic-Anticevich, S. Brozek, J. Bucca, C. Camargos, P. Canonica, G.W. Carr, W. Casale, T. Fonseca, J.A. Haahtela, T. Kalayci, O. Klimek, L. Kuna, P. Kvedariene, V. Larenas Linnemann, D. Lieberman, P. Mullol, J. Ohehir, R. Papadopoulos, N. Price, D. Ryan, D. Samolinski, B. Simons, F.E. Tomazic, P. Triggiani, M. Valiulis, A. Valovirta, E. Wagenmann, M. Wickman, M. Yorgancioglu, A. Bousquet, J.
- Abstract
Background: Allergic rhinitis (AR) management has changed in recent years following the switch from the concept of disease severity to the concept of disease control, publication of the AR clinical decision support system (CDSS) and development of mobile health (m-health) tools for patients (eg Allergy Diary). The Allergy Diary Companion app for healthcare providers is currently being developed and will be launched in 2018. It incorporates the AR CDSS to provide evidence-based treatment recommendations, linking all key stakeholders in AR management. Objective: To produce an electronic version of the AR CDSS (e-CDSS) for incorporation into the Allergy Diary Companion, to describe the app interfaces used to collect information necessary to inform the e-CDSS and to summarize some key features of the Allergy Diary Companion. Methods: The steps involved in producing the e-CDSS and incorporating it into the Allergy Diary Companion were (a) generation of treatment management scenarios; (b) expert consensus on treatment recommendations; (c) generation of electronic decisional algorithms to describe all AR CDSS scenarios; (d) digitization of these algorithms to form the e-CDSS; and (e) embedding the e-CDSS into the app to permit easy user e-CDSS interfacing. Results: Key experts in the AR field agreed on the AR CDSS approach to AR management and on specific treatment recommendations provided by Allergy Diary Companion. Based on this consensus, decision processes were developed and programmed into the Allergy Diary Companion using Titanium Appcelerator (JavaScript) for IOS tablets. To our knowledge, this is the first time the development of any m-health tool has been described in this transparent and detailed way, providing confidence, not only in the app, but also in the provided management recommendations. Conclusion: The Allergy Diary Companion for providers provides guideline and expert-endorsed AR management recommendations. [MASK paper No 32]. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
- Published
- 2018
98. MASK 2017: ARIA digitally-enabled, integrated, person-centred care for rhinitis and asthma multimorbidity using real-world-evidence
- Author
Bousquet, J. Arnavielhe, S. Bedbrook, A. Bewick, M. Laune, D. Mathieu-dupas, E. Murray, R. Onorato, G.L. Pépin, J.L. Picard, R. Portejoie, F. Costa, E. Fonseca, J. Lourenço, O. Morais-Almeida, M. Todo-bom, A. Cruz, A.A. Silva, J.D. Serpa, F.S. Illario, M. Menditto, E. Cecchi, L. Monti, R. Napoli, L. Ventura, M.T. De Feo, G. Larenas-linnemann, D. Fuentes Perez, M. Huerta Villabolos, Y.R. Rivero-yeverino, D. Rodriguez-zagal, E. Amat, F. Annesi-maesano, I. Bosse, I. Demoly, P. Devillier, P. Fontaine, J.F. Just, J. Kuna, T.P. Samolinski, B. Valiulis, A. Emuzyte, R. Kvedariene, V. Ryan, D. Sheikh, A. Schmidt-grendelmeier, P. Klimek, L. Pfaar, O. Bergmann, K.C. Mösges, R. Zuberbier, T. Roller-wirnsberger, R.E. Tomazic, P. Fokkens, W.J. Chavannes, N.H. Reitsma, S. Anto, J.M. Cardona, V. Dedeu, T. Mullol, J. Haahtela, T. Salimäki, J. Toppila-Salmi, S. Valovirta, E. Gemicioğlu, B. Yorgancioglu, A. Papadopoulos, N. Prokopakis, E.P. Bosnic-anticevich, S. O’hehir, R. Ivancevich, J.C. Neffen, H. Zernotti, E. Kull, I. Melen, E. Wickman, M. Bachert, C. Hellings, P. Palkonen, S. Bindslev-jensen, C. Eller, E. Waserman, S. Sova, M. De Vries, G. van Eerd, M. Agache, I. Casale, T. Dykewickz, M. Naclerio, R.N. Okamoto, Y. Wallace, D.V. Hellings, P.W. Aberer, W. Akdis, C.A. Akdis, M. Alberti, M.R. Almeida, R. Angles, R. Ansotegui, I.J. Arnavielle, S. Asayag, E. Asarnoj, A. Arshad, H. Avolio, F. Bacci, E. Baiardini, I. Barbara, C. Barbagallo, M. Baroni, I. Barreto, B.A. Basagana, X. Bateman, E.D. Bedolla-Barajas, M. Beghé, B. Bel, E.H. Bennoor, K.S. Benson, M. Bertorello, L. Białoszewski, A.Z. Bieber, T. Bialek, S. Bjermer, L. Blain, H. Blasi, F. Blua, A. Bochenska Marciniak, M. Bogus-Buczynska, I. Boner, A.L. Bonini, M. Bonini, S. Bosnic-Anticevich, C.S. Bouchard, J. Boulet, L.P. Bourret, R. Bousquet, P.J. Braido, F. Briedis, V. Brightling, C.E. Brozek, J. Bucca, C. Buhl, R. Buonaiuto, R. Panaitescu, C. Burguete Cabañas, M.T. Burte, E. Bush, A. Caballero-Fonseca, F. Caillot, D. Caimmi, D. Calderon, M.A. Camargos, P.A.M. Camuzat, T. Canfora, G. Canonica, G.W. Carlsen, K.H. Carreiro-Martins, P. Carriazo, A.M. Carr, W. Cartier, C. Castellano, G. Cepeda, A.M. Chen, Y. Chiron, R. Chivato, T. Chkhartishvili, E. Chuchalin, A.G. Chung, K.F. Ciaravolo, M.M. Ciceran, A. Cingi, C. Ciprandi, G. Carvalho Coehlo, A.C. Colas, L. Colgan, E. Coll, J. Conforti, D. Correia de Sousa, J. Cortés-Grimaldo, R.M. Corti, F. Costa-Dominguez, M.C. Courbis, A.L. Cox, L. Crescenzo, M. Custovic, A. Czarlewski, W. Dahlen, S.E. Dario, C. da Silva, J. Dauvilliers, Y. Darsow, U. De Blay, F. De Carlo, G. de Fátima Emerson, M. De Martino, B. de Paula Motta Rubini, N. Deleanu, D. Denburg, J.A. Di Capua Ercolano, S. Di Carluccio, N. Didier, A. Dokic, D. Dominguez-Silva, M.G. Douagui, H. Dray, G. Dubakiene, R. Durham, S.R. Du Toit, G. Dykewicz, M.S. El-Gamal, Y. Eklund, P. Farrell, J. Farsi, A. Ferreira de Mello, J., Jr. Ferrero, J. Fink-Wagner, A. Fiocchi, A. Fonseca, J.A. Forti, S. Fuentes-Perez, J.M. Gálvez-Romero, J.L. Gamkrelidze, A. Garcia-Aymerich, J. García-Cobas, C.Y. Garcia-Cruz, M.H. Genova, S. George, C. Gereda, J.E. Gerth van Wijk, R. Gomez, R.M. Gómez-Vera, J. González Diaz, S. Gotua, M. Grisle, I. Guidacci, M. Guldemond, N.A. Gutter, Z. Guzmán, M.A. Hajjam, J. Hernández, L. Hourihane, J.O.’.B. Huerta-Villalobos, Y.R. Humbert, M. Iaccarino, G. Jares, E.J. Jassem, E. Johnston, S.L. Joos, G. Jung, K.S. Jutel, M. Kaidashev, I. Kalayci, O. Kalyoncu, A.F. Karjalainen, J. Kardas, P. Keil, T. Keith, P.K. Khaitov, M. Khaltaev, N. Kleine-Tebbe, J. Kowalski, M.L. Kuitunen, M. Kuna, P. Kupczyk, M. Krzych-Fałta, E. Lacwik, P. Lauri, D. Lavrut, J. Le, L.T.T. Lessa, M. Levato, G. Li, J. Lieberman, P. Lipiec, A. Lipworth, B. Lodrup Carlsen, K.C. Louis, R. Luna-Pech, J.A. Maciej, K. Magnan, A. Mahboub, B. Maier, D. Mair, A. Majer, I. Malva, J. Mandajieva, E. Manning, P. De Manuel Keenoy, E. Marshall, G.D. Masjedi, M.R. Maspero, J.F. Matta Campos, J.J. Matos, A.L. Maurer, M. Mavale-Manuel, S. Mayora, O. Medina-Avalos, M.A. Melén, E. Melo-Gomes, E. Meltzer, E.O. Mercier, J. Miculinic, N. Mihaltan, F. Milenkovic, B. Moda, G. Mogica-Martinez, M.D. Mohammad, Y. Momas, I. Montefort, S. Mora Bogado, D. Morato-Castro, F.F. Mota-Pinto, A. Moura Santo, P. Münter, L. Muraro, A. Naclerio, R. Nadif, R. Nalin, M. Namazova-Baranova, L. Niedeberger, V. Nekam, K. Neou, A. Nieto, A. Nogueira-Silva, L. Nogues, M. Novellino, E. Nyembue, T.D. O’hehir, R.E. Odzhakova, C. Ohta, K. Okubo, K. Ortega Cisneros, M. Ouedraogo, S. Pali-Schöll, I. Panzner, P. Papadopoulos, N.G. Park, H.S. Papi, A. Passalacqua, G. Paulino, E. Pawankar, R. Pedersen, S. Pereira, A.M. Persico, M. Phillips, J. Pigearias, B. Pin, I. Pitsios, C. Plavec, D. Pohl, W. Popov, T.A. Potter, P. Pozzi, A.C. Price, D. Puy, R. Pugin, B. Pulido Ross, R.E. Przemecka, M. Rabe, K.F. Raciborski, F. Rajabian-Soderlund, R. Ribeirinho, I. Rimmer, J. Rizzo, J.A. Rizzo, M.C. Robalo-Cordeiro, C. Rodenas, F. Rodo, X. Rodriguez Gonzalez, M. Rodriguez-Mañas, L. Rolland, C. Rodrigues Valle, S. Roman Rodriguez, M. Romano, A. Rolla, G. Romano, M. Rosado-Pinto, J. Rosario, N. Rottem, M. Sagara, H. Sanchez-Borges, M. Sastre-Dominguez, J. Scadding, G.K. Schunemann, H.J. Scichilone, N. Schmid-Grendelmeier, P. Shamai, S. Sierra, M. Simons, F.E.R. Siroux, V. Sisul, J.C. Skrindo, I. Solé, D. Somekh, D. Sondermann, M. Sooronbaev, T. Sorensen, M. Sorlini, M. Spranger, O. Stellato, C. Stelmach, R. Stukas, R. Sunyer, J. Strozek, J. Szylling, A. Tebyriçá, J.N. Thibaudon, M. To, T. Tomazic, P.V. Trama, U. Triggiani, M. Suppli Ulrik, C. Urrutia-Pereira, M. Valenta, R. Valero, A. van Ganse, E. van Hague, M. Vandenplas, O. Vezzani, G. Vasankari, T. Vatrella, A. Verissimo, M.T. Viart, F. Viegi, G. Vicheva, D. Vontetsianos, T. Wagenmann, M. Walker, S. Wallace, D. Wang, D.Y. Werfel, T. Westman, M. Williams, D.M. Williams, S. Wilson, N. Wright, J. Wroczynski, P. Yakovliev, P. Yawn, B.P. Yiallouros, P.K. Yusuf, O.M. Zar, H.J. Zhang, L. Zhong, N. Zernotti, M.E. Zidarn, M. Zubrinich, C. Zurkuhlen, A.
- Abstract
mHealth, such as apps running on consumer smart devices is becoming increasingly popular and has the potential to profoundly affect healthcare and health outcomes. However, it may be disruptive and results achieved are not always reaching the goals. Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma (ARIA) has evolved from a guideline using the best evidence-based approach to care pathways suited to real-life using mobile technology in allergic rhinitis (AR) and asthma multimorbidity. Patients largely use over-the-counter medications dispensed in pharmacies. Shared decision making centered around the patient and based on self-management should be the norm. Mobile Airways Sentinel networK (MASK), the Phase 3 ARIA initiative, is based on the freely available MASK app (the Allergy Diary, Android and iOS platforms). MASK is available in 16 languages and deployed in 23 countries. The present paper provides an overview of the methods used in MASK and the key results obtained to date. These include a novel phenotypic characterization of the patients, confirmation of the impact of allergic rhinitis on work productivity and treatment patterns in real life. Most patients appear to self-medicate, are often non-adherent and do not follow guidelines. Moreover, the Allergy Diary is able to distinguish between AR medications. The potential usefulness of MASK will be further explored by POLLAR (Impact of Air Pollution on Asthma and Rhinitis), a new Horizon 2020 project using the Allergy Diary. © 2018 The Author(s).
- Published
- 2018
99. Transfer of innovation on allergic rhinitis and asthma multimorbidity in the elderly (MACVIA-ARIA) - EIP on AHA Twinning Reference Site (GARD research demonstration project)
- Author
Bousquet, J. and Agache, I. and Aliberti, M.R. and Angles, R. and Annesi-Maesano, I. and Anto, J.M. and Arnavielhe, S. and Asayag, E. and Bacci, E. and Bedbrook, A. and Bachert, C. and Baroni, I. and Barreto, B.A. and Bedolla-Barajas, M. and Bergmann, K.C. and Bertorello, L. and Bewick, M. and Bieber, T. and Birov, S. and Bindslev-Jensen, C. and Blua, A. and Bochenska Marciniak, M. and Bogus-Buczynska, I. and Bosnic-Anticevich, S. and Bosse, I. and Bourret, R. and Bucca, C. and Buonaiuto, R. and Burguete Cabanas, M.T. and Caillaud, D. and Caimmi, D.P. and Caiazza, D. and Camargos, P. and Canfora, G. and Cardona, V. and Carriazo, A.M. and Cartier, C. and Castellano, G. and Chavannes, N.H. and Cecci, L. and Ciaravolo, M.M. and Cingi, C. and Ciceran, A. and Colas, L. and Colgan, E. and Coll, J. and Conforti, D. and Correia de Sousa, J. and Cortés-Grimaldo, R.M. and Corti, F. and Costa, E. and Courbis, A.L. and Cousein, E. and Cruz, A.A. and Custovic, A. and Cvetkovski, B. and Dario, C. and da Silva, J. and Dauvilliers, Y. and De Blay, F. and Dedeu, T. and De Feo, G. and De Martino, B. and Demoly, P. and De Vries, G. and Di Capua Ercolano, S. and Di Carluccio, N. and Doulapsi, M. and Dray, G. and Dubakiene, R. and Eller, E. and Emuzyte, R. and Espinoza-Contreras, J.G. and Estrada-Cardona, A. and Farrell, J. and Farsi, A. and Ferrero, J. and Fokkens, W.J. and Fonseca, J. and Fontaine, J.F. and Forti, S. and Gálvez-Romero, J.L. and García-Cobas, C.I. and Garcia Cruz, M.H. and Gemicioğlu, B. and Gerth van Wijk, R. and Guidacci, M. and Gómez-Vera, J. and Guldemond, N.A. and Gutter, Z. and Haahtela, T. and Hajjam, J. and Hellings, P.W. and Hernández-Velázquez, L. and Illario, M. and Ivancevich, J.C. and Jares, E. and Joos, G. and Just, J. and Kalayci, O. and Kalyoncu, A.F. and Karjalainen, J. and Keil, T. and Khaltaev, N. and Klimek, L. and Kritikos, V. and Kull, I. and Kuna, P. and Kvedariene, V. and Kolek, V. and Krzych-Fałta, E. and Kupczyk, M. and Lacwik, P. and La Grutta, S. and Larenas-Linnemann, D. and Laune, D. and Lauri, D. and Lavrut, J. and Lessa, M. and Levato, G. and Lewis, L. and Lieten, I. and Lipiec, A. and Louis, R. and Luna-Pech, J.A. and Magnan, A. and Malva, J. and Maspero, J.F. and Matta-Campos, J.J. and Mayora, O. and Medina-Ávalos, M.A. and Melén, E. and Menditto, E. and Millot-Keurinck, J. and Moda, G. and Morais-Almeida, M. and Mösges, R. and Mota-Pinto, A. and Mullol, J. and Muraro, A. and Murray, R. and Noguès, M. and Nalin, M. and Napoli, L. and Neffen, H. and O'Hehir, R.E. and Onorato, G.L. and Palkonen, S. and Papadopoulos, N.G. and Passalacqua, G. and Pépin, J.L. and Pereira, A.M. and Persico, M. and Pfaar, O. and Pozzi, A.C. and Prokopakis, E. and Pugin, B. and Raciborski, F. and Rimmer, J. and Rizzo, J.A. and Robalo-Cordeiro, C. and Rodríguez-González, M. and Rolla, G. and Roller-Wirnsberger, R.E. and Romano, A. and Romano, M. and Romano, M.R. and Salimäki, J. and Samolinski, B. and Serpa, F.S. and Shamai, S. and Sierra, M. and Sova, M. and Sorlini, M. and Stellato, C. and Stelmach, R. and Strandberg, T. and Stroetmann, V. and Stukas, R. and Szylling, A. and Tan, R. and Tibaldi, V. and Todo-Bom, A. and Toppila-Salmi, S. and Tomazic, P. and Trama, U. and Triggiani, M. and Valero, A. and Valovirta, E. and Valiulis, A. and van Eerd, M. and Vasankari, T. and Vatrella, A. and Ventura, M.T. and Verissimo, M.T. and Viart, F. and Williams, S. and Wagenmann, M. and Wanscher, C. and Westman, M. and Wickman, M. and Young, I. and Yorgancioglu, A. and Zernotti, E. and Zuberbier, T. and Zurkuhlen, A. and De Oliviera, B. and Senn, A., MACVIA-France, Contre les MAladies Chroniques pour un VIeillissement Actif en France European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing Reference Site, Montpellier, France, VIMA, INSERM U 1168, VIMA: Ageing and Chronic Diseases, Epidemiological and Public Health Approaches, Villejuif, France, Université Versailles St-Quentin-en-Yvelines, UMR-S 1168, Montigny le Bretonneux, France, Faculty of Medicine, Transylvania University, Brasov, Romania, Municipality of Salerno, Salerno, Italy, Innovación y nuevas tecnologías, Salud Sector sanitario de Barbastro, Barbastro, Spain, EPAR U707 INSERM, Paris, France, EPAR UMR-S UPMC, Paris VI, Paris, France, ISGLoBAL, Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology (CREAL), Barcelona, Spain, IMIM (Hospital del Mar Research Institute), Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Barcelona, Spain, CIBER Epidemiología y Salud Pública (CIBERESP), Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Barcelona, Spain, Kyomed, Montpellier, France, Argentine Society of Allergy and Immunopathology, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Regione Liguria, Genoa, Italy, Upper Airways Research Laboratory, ENT Department, Ghent University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium, Telbios SRL, Milan, Italy, Alergologo, Belem, Brazil, Hospital Civil de Guadalajara Dr. Juan I. Menchaca, Guadalarara, Mexico, Comprehensive Allergy-Centre-Charité, Department of Dermatology and Allergy, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany, Global Allergy and Asthma European Network (GA2LEN), Berlin, Germany, iQ4U Consultants Ltd, London, United Kingdom, Department of Dermatology and Allergy, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University, Bonn, Germany, Empirica Communication and Technology Research, Bonn, Germany, Department of Dermatology and Allergy Centre, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark, Argentine Association of Respiratory Medicine, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Division of Internal Medicine, Asthma and Allergy, Barlicki University Hospital, Medical University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland, Woolcock Institute of Medical Research, University of Sydney and Sydney Local Health District, Glebe, NSW, Australia, Allergist, La Rochelle, France, Centre Hospitalier Valenciennes, Valenciennes, France, Chief of the University Pneumology Unit- AOU Molinette, Hospital City of Health and Science of Torino, Torino, Italy, Pharmacist of COFASER - Consorzio Farmacie Servizi-Salerno, Salerno, Italy, Centro Médico Zambrano Hellion, Monterrey, Mexico, Gesundheitsregion KölnBonn - HRCB Projekt GmbH, Kohln, Germany, Service de pneumologie, CHU et université d'Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand, France, Department of Respiratory Diseases, Montpellier University Hospital, Montpellier, France, Department of Pediatrics, Medical School, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, Mayor of Sarno and President of Salerno Province, Anesthesiology Service, Sarno 'Martiri del Villa Malta' Hospital, Sarno, Italy, S. Allergologia, S. Medicina Interna, Hospital Vall d'Hebron, Barcelona, Spain, Regional Ministry of Health of Andalusia, Seville, Spain, ASA - Advanced Solutions Accelerator, Clapiers, France, Celentano Pharmacy, Massa Lubrense, Italy, Department of Public Health and Primary Care, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands, S.O.S Allergology and Clinical Immunology, USL Toscana Centro, Prato, Italy, Specialist Social Worker, Sorrento, Italy, ENT Department, Medical Faculty, Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Eskisehir, Turkey, Argentine Federation of Otorhinolaryngology Societies, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Service de Pneumologie, UMR INSERM, UMR1087and CNR 6291, l'institut du thorax, University of Nantes, Nantes, France, Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety, Belfast, United Kingdom, Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), Trento, Italy, Life and Health Sciences Research Institute (ICVS), School of Health Sciences, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal, Alergologa, Guadalarara, Mexico, FIMMG (Federazione Italiana Medici di Medicina Generale), Milan, Italy, UCIBIO, REQYULTE, Faculty of Pharmacy and Competence Center on Active and Healthy Ageing of University of Porto (AgeUPNetWork), Porto, Portugal, Ecole des Mines, Alès, France, Vice Président de la CME - Centre Hospitalier, Valenciennes, France, ProAR – Nucleo de Excelencia em Asma, Federal University of Bahia, Bahia, Brazil, GARD/WHO Executive Committee and Federal University of Bahia, Bahia, Brazil, Department of Pediatric, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom, Azienda Provinciale per i Servizi Sanitari di Trento (APSS-Trento), Trento, Italy, Allergy Service, University Hospital of Federal University of Santa Catarina (HU-UFSC), Florianópolis, Brazil, Sleep Unit, Department of Neurology, Hôpital Gui-de-Chauliac Montpellier, Inserm U1061, Montpellier, France, Allergy Division, Chest Disease Department, University Hospital of Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France, AQuAS, Barcelona, Spain & EUREGHA, European Regional and Local Health Association, Brussels, Belgium, Department of Medicine, Surgery and Dentistry 'Scuola Medica Salernitana', University of Salerno, Salerno, Italy, Social Workers Coordinator, Sorrento, Italy, Peercode DV, Gerdermalsen, Netherlands, Farmacie Dei Golfi Group, Massa Lubrense, Italy, Department of Otolaryngology, University of Crete School of Medicine, Heraklion, Greece, Medical Faculty, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania, Clinic of Children's Diseases, Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania, University of Aguascalientes, Chihuaha, Mexico, Alergologo, Playa del Carmen, Mexico, Andalusian Agency for Healthcare Quality, Seville, Spain, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Center for Health Technology and Services Research- CINTESIS, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal, Allergy Unit, CUF Porto Instituto & Hospital, Porto, Portugal, Allergist, Reims, France, Regional Hospital of ISSSTE, Puebla, Mexico, Alergologo, Guadalarara, Mexico, Allergy Clinic, National Institute of Respiratory Diseases, Mexico City, Mexico, Department of Pulmonary Diseases, Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey, Department of Internal Medicine, Section of Allergology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, Netherlands, Member of the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics and Society of Immunization, Representative of GINA (Global Initiative Against Asthma), Brasilia, Brazil, Allergy Clinic, Hospital Regional del ISSSTE ‘Lic. López Mateos’, Mexico City, Mexico, Institute of Health Policy and Management iBMG, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Netherlands, University Hospital Olomouc – National eHealth Centre, Olomouk, Czech Republic, Skin and Allergy Hospital, Helsinki University Hospital, Helsinki, Finland, Centich: centre d'expertise national des technologies de l'information et de la communication pour l'autonomie, Gérontopôle autonomie longévité des Pays de la Loire, Conseil régional des Pays de la Loire, Centre d'expertise Partenariat Européen d'Innovation pour un vieillissement actif et en bonne santé, Nantes, France, Laboratory of Clinical Immunology, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, Alergologo, Ensenada, Mexico, Division for Health Innovation, Campania Region and Federico II University Hospital Naples (R&D and DISMET), Naples, Italy, Servicio de Alergia e Immunologia, Clinica Santa Isabel, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Libra Foundation, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Department of Respiratory Medicine, Ghent University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium, Allergology Department, Centre de l'Asthme et des Allergies, Hôpital d'Enfants Armand-Trousseau (APHP, Paris), Paris, France, Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Univ Paris 06, UMR_S 1136, Institut Pierre Louis d'Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique, Equipe EPAR, Paris, France, Pediatric Allergy and Asthma Unit, Hacettepe University School of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey, Immunology and Allergy Division, Department of Chest Diseases, School of Medicine, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, Allergy Centre, Tampere University Hospital, Tampere, Finland, Institute of Social Medicine, Epidemiology and Health Economics, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, and Institute for Clinical Epidemiology and Biometry, University of Wuerzburg, Wuerzburg, Germany, GARD, Geneva, Switzerland, Center for Rhinology and Allergology, Wiesbaden, Germany, Department of Clinical Science and Education, Södersjukhuset, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, Clinic of Infectious, Chest Diseases, Dermatology and Allergology, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania, Department of Respiratory Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University Hospital, Olomouc, Czech Republic, Department of Prevention of Environmental Hazards and Allergology, Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, Institute of Biomedicine and Molecular Immunology (IBIM), National Research Council (CNR), Palermo, Italy, Clínica de Alergia, Asma y Pediatría, Hospital Médica Sur, México City, Mexico, Presidente CMMC, Milano, Italy, Head of the Allergy Department of Pedro de Elizalde Children's Hospital, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador de Bahia, Brazil, Sifmed, Milano, Italy, Promotor B3 Action GRoup EIP on AHA and Senior Fellow, International Foundation for Integreted Care, Aberystwyth, United Kingdom, Tech Life Valley, Diepenbeek, Belgium, Department of Pulmonary Medicine, CHU Sart-Tilman, Liege, Belgium, University of Guadalajara, Guadalara, Mexico, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Life Sciences (IBILI), University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, Ageing@Coimbra EIP-AHA Reference Site, Coimbra, Portugal, Argentine Association of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Hospital Regional Siglo XXI, Mexico City, Mexico, Alergologo, Veracruz, Mexico, Sachs’ Children and Youth Hospital, Södersjukhuset, Stockholm and Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, CIRFF, Federico II University, Naples, Italy, Caisse d'assurance retraite et de la santé au travail du Languedoc-Roussillon (CARSAT-LR), Montpellier, France, Regione Piemonte, Torino, Italy, Allergy and Clinical Immunology Department, Hospital CUF-Descobertas, Lisboa, Portugal, Institute of Medical Statistics, Informatics and Epidemiology, Medical Faculty, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany, Laboratory of General Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Life Sciences (IBILI), Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, Clinical & Experimental Respiratory Immunoallergy, ENT Department, Hospital Clínic, IDIBAPS, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, Department of Women and Child Health, Food Allergy Referral Centre Veneto Region, Padua General University Hospital, Padua, Italy, MedScript Ltd, Dundalk, Co. Louth, Ireland, Consortium of Pharmacies and Services COSAFER, Salerno, Italy, Head of Respiratory Medicine, Alassia Children's Hospital, Center for Allergy and Immunology, Santa Fe, Argentina, Department of Allergy, Immunology and Respiratory Medicine, Alfred Hospital and Central Clinical School, Monash University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, EFA European Federation of Allergy and Airways Diseases Patients’ Associations, Brussels, Belgium, Center for Pediatrics and Child Health, Institute of Human Development, Royal Manchester Children's Hospital, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom, Allergy Department, 2nd Pediatric Clinic, Athens General Children's Hospital 'P&A Kyriakou', University of Athens, Athens, Greece, Allergy and Respiratory Diseases, IRCCS San Martino Hospital-IST-University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy, Department of Pneumology, CHU Grenoble, Grenoble, France, Allergy Unit, CUF-Porto Hospital and Institute, Center for Research in Health Technologies and Information Systems, CINTESIS, Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal, Sociologist, Municipality, Sorrento, Italy, Vice-Presidente of IML, Milano, Italy, Alergista, Recife, Brazil, Centre of Pneumology, Coimbra University Hospital, Coimbra, Portugal, Alergologo, Mexico City, Mexico, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria, Allergy Unit, Presidio Columbus, Rome, Catholic University of Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy, IRCCS Oasi Maria S.S., Troina, Italy, Association of Finnish Pharmacists, Helsinki, Finland, Allergist, Vitoria, Brazil, Departement of Internal Medicine, University Hospital, Olomouc, Czech Republic, IML (Lombardy Medical Initiative), Bergamo, Italy, Pulmonary Division, Heart Institute (InCor), Hospital da Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Center for Life Course Health Research, Helsinki University Hospital, Helsinki University, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland, Public Health Institute of Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania, Imunoalergologia, Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Coimbra and Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, Department of ENT, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria, Division on Pharmacy and Devices Policy, Campania Region, Naples, Italy, Pneumology and Allergy Department, Hospital Clínic, Clinical & Experimental Respiratory Immunoallergy, IDIBAPS, CIBERES, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, Department of Lung Diseases and Clinical Allergology, University of Turku, Turku, Finland, Allergy Clinic, Terveystalo, Turku, Finland, Vilnius University Clinic of Children's Diseases and Public Health Institute, Vilnius, Lithuania, European Academy of Paediatrics (EAP/UEMS-SP), Brussels, Belgium, FILHA, Finnish Lung Association, Helsinki, Finland, Unit of Geriatric Immunoallergology, University of Bari Medical School, Bari, Italy, International Primary Care Respiratory Group IPCRG, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, HNO-Klinik, Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany, EIP on AHA Coordinator, Region of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark, Department of Medicine Solna, Immunology and Allergy Unit, Karolinska Institutet and Department of ENT Diseases, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden, Queen's University, Belfast, United Kingdom, Celal Bayar University Department of Pulmonology, GARD Executive Committee, Manisa, Turkey, Universidad Católica de Córdoba, Córdoba, Argentina, and EC-CNECT-H2, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium
- Subjects
humanities - Abstract
The overarching goals of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA) are to enable European citizens to lead healthy, active and independent lives whilst ageing. The EIP on AHA includes 74 Reference Sites. The aim of this study was to transfer innovation from an app developed by the MACVIA-France EIP on AHA reference site (Allergy Diary) to other reference sites. The phenotypic characteristics of rhinitis and asthma multimorbidity in adults and the elderly will be compared using validated information and communication technology (ICT) tools (i.e. the Allergy Diary and CARAT: Control of Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma Test) in 22 Reference Sites or regions across Europe. This will improve the understanding, assessment of burden, diagnosis and management of rhinitis in the elderly by comparison with an adult population. Specific objectives will be: (i) to assess the percentage of adults and elderly who are able to use the Allergy Diary, (ii) to study the phenotypic characteristics and treatment over a 1-year period of rhinitis and asthma multimorbidity at baseline (cross-sectional study) and (iii) to follow-up using visual analogue scale (VAS). This part of the study may provide some insight into the differences between the elderly and adults in terms of response to treatment and practice. Finally (iv) work productivity will be examined in adults. © 2017 EAACI and John Wiley and Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley and Sons Ltd.
- Published
- 2018
100. ARIA Phase 4 (2018): Change management in allergic rhinitis and asthma multimorbidity using mobile technology
- Author
Bousquet, J, Hellings, Pw, Agache, I, Amat, F, Annesi-Maesano, I, Ansotegui, Ij, Anto, Jm, Bachert, C, Bateman, Ed, Bedbrook, A, Bennoor, K, Bewick, M, Bindslev-Jensen, C, Bosnic-Anticevich, S, Bosse, I, Brozek, J, Brussino, L, Canonica, Gw, Cardona, V, Casale, T, Cepeda Sarabia AM, Chavannes, Nh, Cecchi, L, Correia de Sousa, J, Costa, E, Cruz, Aa, Czarlewski, W, De Carlo, G, De Feo, G, Demoly, P, Devillier, P, Dykewicz, Ms, El-Gamal, Y, Eller, E, Fonseca, Ja, Fontaine, Jf, Fokkens, Wj, Guzmán, Ma, Haahtela, T, Illario, M, Ivancevich, Jc, Just, J, Kaidashev, I, Khaitov, M, Kalayci, O, Keil, T, Klimek, L, Kowalski, Ml, Kuna, P, Kvedariene, V, Larenas-Linnemann, D, Laune, D, Le, Lt, Carlsen, Kh, Lourenço, O, Mahboub, B, Mair, A, Menditto, E, Milenkovic, B, Morais-Almeida, M, Mösges, R, Mullol, J, Murray, R, Naclerio, R, Namazova-Baranova, L, Novellino, E, O'Hehir, Re, Ohta, K, Okamoto, Y, Okubo, K, Onorato, Gl, Palkonen, S, Panzner, P, Papadopoulos, Ng, Park, Hs, Paulino, E, Pawankar, R, Pfaar, O, Plavec, D, Popov, Ta, Potter, P, Prokopakis, Ep, Rottem, M, Ryan, D, Salimäki, J, Samolinski, B, Sanchez-Borges, M, Schunemann, Hj, Sheikh, A, Sisul, Jc, Rajabian-Söderlund, R, Sooronbaev, T, Stellato, C, To, T, Todo-Bom, Am, Tomazic, Pv, Toppila-Salmi, S, Valero, A, Valiulis, A, Valovirta, E, Ventura, Mt, Wagenmann, M, Wang, Y, Wallace, D, Waserman, S, Wickman, M, Yorgancioglu, A, Zhang, L, Zhong, N, Zidarn, M, Zuberbier, T, Vatrella, Alessandro, and Triggiani, Massimo
- Subjects
ARIA ,rhinitis ,Change management ,asthma - Published
- 2018
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