496 results on '"McEntee, Kathleen"'
Search Results
52. Chemerin influences endothelin-1- and serotonin-induced pulmonary vasoconstriction in rats.
- Author
Belgian Working Group of Basic Research in Cardiology (16/11/18: Louvain-la-Neuve), Hanthazi, Alienor, Jespers, Pascale, Vegh, Grégory, Springael, Jean-Yves, Lybaert, Pascale, Dewachter, Laurence, McEntee, Kathleen, Belgian Working Group of Basic Research in Cardiology (16/11/18: Louvain-la-Neuve), Hanthazi, Alienor, Jespers, Pascale, Vegh, Grégory, Springael, Jean-Yves, Lybaert, Pascale, Dewachter, Laurence, and McEntee, Kathleen
- Abstract
- Published
- 2018
53. Etude du rôle de la chémérine et de ses récepteurs dans le processus de carcinogenèse
- Author
Parmentier, Marc, McEntee, Kathleen, COMBADIERE, Christophe, Willems, L, Ghanem, Ghanem Elias, Corazza, Francis, Noël, Jean Christophe, Dubois, Ingrid, Parmentier, Marc, McEntee, Kathleen, COMBADIERE, Christophe, Willems, L, Ghanem, Ghanem Elias, Corazza, Francis, Noël, Jean Christophe, and Dubois, Ingrid
- Abstract
Le laboratoire d’accueil a identifié la chémérine, une protéine de 16 kDa encodée par le gène Tig2, comme le ligand endogène du récepteur ChemR23. Cette molécule chimioattractante pour différentes populations leucocytaires est présente en abondance dans divers échantillons pathologiques d’origine inflammatoire. La chémérine est produite sous la forme d’un précurseur inactif, la prochémérine, qui nécessite pour devenir active le clivage protéolytique de 6 ou 7 acides aminés à son extrémité carboxy-terminale. En plus de ChemR23, la chémérine est capable de se lier avec une haute affinité à deux autres récepteurs, GPR1 et CCRL2, mais la signalisation induite par GPR1 est très modeste et elle est absente pour CCRL2. Plusieurs études ont décrit une forte diminution de l’expression de la chémérine dans diverses tumeurs solides humaines telles que le mélanome et les cancers du poumon, de la prostate, du sein et du colon, et cette diminution est corrélée au grade de la tumeur. Nous avons également observé que les souris déficientes pour ChemR23 développaient des tumeurs spontanées sur des zones de peau sujettes à des lésions chroniques.Compte tenu de ces éléments, nous avons étudié le rôle de la chémérine et de ses récepteurs dans la tumorigenèse. Nous avons tout d’abord généré et caractérisé un nouveau modèle murin dans lequel une forme bioactive de chémérine est surexprimée dans les kératinocytes. Dans cette lignée transgénique, l’expression de chémérine est restreinte aux couches basales de la peau et des épithéliums malpighiens de la bouche, l’œsophage et les sinus, et des taux élevés de chémérine ont été retrouvés dans le sang. Nous avons ensuite étudié l’effet de l’expression de la chémérine dans divers modèles de développement tumoral. Dans des modèles de greffe de lignées tumorales établies (mélanome B16 et carcinome pulmonaire de Lewis, LLC), la surexpression de chémérine, par les cellules tumorales ou par les kératinocytes, a ralenti la croissance tumorale, démont, Doctorat en Sciences biomédicales et pharmaceutiques (Médecine), info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
- Published
- 2018
54. hémodynamique artérielle et marqueurs métaboliques du risque cardiovasculaire dans deux populations camerounaises
- Author
Leeman, Marc, McEntee, Kathleen, Goffard, Jean-Christophe, Motte, Serge, Ismaili, Khalid, De Backer, Tine T., Mourad, Jean-Jacques JJM, Ngatchou Djomo, William, Leeman, Marc, McEntee, Kathleen, Goffard, Jean-Christophe, Motte, Serge, Ismaili, Khalid, De Backer, Tine T., Mourad, Jean-Jacques JJM, and Ngatchou Djomo, William
- Abstract
Cette thèse évalue l'hémodynamique artérielle et les marqueurs métaboliques du risque cardio-vasculaire associé dans une population HIV et Pygmée du Cameroun, Doctorat en Sciences médicales (Médecine), info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
- Published
- 2018
55. Rôle des nucléotides extracellulaires dans le potentiel angiogénique et cardioprotecteur des cellules souches issues du tissu adipeux cardiaque
- Author
Communi, Didier, McEntee, Kathleen, Bondue, Antoine, Costagliola, Sabine, Rorive, Sandrine, Noël, Agnès, Bertrand, Luc, Vanorle, Marion, Communi, Didier, McEntee, Kathleen, Bondue, Antoine, Costagliola, Sabine, Rorive, Sandrine, Noël, Agnès, Bertrand, Luc, and Vanorle, Marion
- Abstract
Les cellules souches du tissu adipeux (ASC pour Adipose-derived Stem Cells) constituentaujourd’hui une source de cellules souches particulièrement prometteuses dans le domaine dela thérapie cellulaire. Considérée comme une alternative sérieuse aux cellules souches de lamoëlle osseuse, cette source de cellules souches multipotentes fait depuis quelques annéesl’objet de nombreuses recherches et essais cliniques dans le domaine des thérapiesrégénératrices. La compréhension des mécanismes moléculaires et l’identification derégulateurs associés à la différenciation des cellules souches permettent de mieux comprendrel’implication de ces cellules dans l’homéostasie et la réparation tissulaire. Ceci représente unenjeu considérable dans le développement de stratégies thérapeutiques pour de nombreusesmaladies humaines.De précédentes études ont démontré que les récepteurs aux nucléotides P2Y jouent un rôleprécoce dans le devenir adipogénique et ostéogénique des cellules souches mésenchymateuseshumaines de la moëlle osseuse et du follicule dentaire. L’implication des récepteurs P2Y a étépeu étudiée dans les processus de différenciation des ASC. Ceci nous a amené à investiguer lerôle potentiel des récepteurs P2Y4 et P2Y2 dans la voie de différenciation adipocytaire et dansla voie de différenciation endothéliale.Dans un premier temps, nous avons étudié l’impact de la perte du récepteur P2Y4 dans leprocessus de différenciation adipogénique des celles souches du tissu adipeux cardiaque(cASC) et dans la formation du tissu adipeux cardiaque (TAC). Nous avons montré une forteexpression du récepteur P2Y4 tout au long du processus de différenciation des cASC enadipocytes matures. Ces premiers résultats ont été corrélé à une précédente observation faitepar notre laboratoire démontrant l’augmentation de la masse de ce tissu graisseux entourant lecoeur chez les souris déficientes pour le récepteur P2Y4. Nous avons ensuite identifié un effetnégatif de l’UTP, ligand des récepteurs P2Y4 et P2, Doctorat en Sciences biomédicales et pharmaceutiques (Médecine), info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
- Published
- 2018
56. The Shepherds' Tale : A Genome-Wide Study across 9 Dog Breeds Implicates Two Loci in the Regulation of Fructosamine Serum Concentration in Belgian Shepherds
- Author
Forsberg, S., Kierczak, M, Ljungvall, Ingrid, Merveille, Anne-Christine, Gouni, Vassiliki, Wiberg, Maria, Lundgren Willesen, J., Hanas, Sofia, Lequarré, Anne Sophie, Sorensen, Line, Tiret, Laurent, McEntee, Kathleen, Seppälä, Eija, Koch, J, Battaille, G., Lohi, Hannes, Fredholm, Merete, Chetboul, Valérie, Häggström, Jens, Carlborg, O, Lindblad-Toh, Kerstin, Höglund, Katja, Departments of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Maria Wiberg / Principal Investigator, Equine and Small Animal Medicine, Hannes Tapani Lohi / Principal Investigator, Department of Medical and Clinical Genetics, Research Programs Unit, Veterinary Biosciences, Research Programme for Molecular Neurology, Medicum, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Science for Life Laboratory, Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology, Uppsala University, Department of clinical sciences, Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Université Paris-Est (UPE), University of Helsinki, University of Copenhagen = Københavns Universitet (KU), Génétique Moléculaire et Cellulaire (UGMC), École nationale vétérinaire d'Alfort (ENVA)-Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), CNM Project, Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Folkhälsan Institute of Genetics, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard (BROAD INSTITUTE), Harvard Medical School [Boston] (HMS)-Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)-Massachusetts General Hospital [Boston], and Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry
- Subjects
Male ,RECEPTOR MUTATIONS ,Heterozygote ,[SDV]Life Sciences [q-bio] ,lcsh:Medicine ,Loss of Heterozygosity ,Endocrinology and Diabetes ,Breeding ,SUSCEPTIBILITY ,METABOLISM ,413 Veterinary science ,Dogs ,Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (NADP+)(Phosphorylating) ,Species Specificity ,Physiologie générale ,Diabetes Mellitus ,Animals ,Humans ,Genetic Predisposition to Disease ,Dog Diseases ,MITOCHONDRIAL CA2+/H+ ANTIPORTER ,lcsh:Science ,POPULATION ,Glycated Hemoglobin ,Other Veterinary Science ,Leucine Zippers ,lcsh:R ,ASSOCIATION ,LETM1 ,Chromosomes, Mammalian ,CANINE DIABETES-MELLITUS ,Phenotype ,Genetic Loci ,OBESITY ,Endokrinologi och diabetes ,Fructosamine ,PATTERNS ,lcsh:Q ,Female ,3111 Biomedicine ,Research Article ,Genome-Wide Association Study - Abstract
Diabetes mellitus is a serious health problem in both dogs and humans. Certain dog breeds show high prevalence of the disease, whereas other breeds are at low risk. Fructosamine and glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) are two major biomarkers of glycaemia, where serum concentrations reflect glucose turnover over the past few weeks to months. In this study, we searched for genetic factors influencing variation in serum fructosamine concentration in healthy dogs using data from nine dog breeds. Considering all breeds together, we did not find any genome-wide significant associations to fructosamine serum concentration. However, by performing breed-specific analyses we revealed an association on chromosome 3 (pcorrected ≈ 1:68 × 10-6) in Belgian shepherd dogs of the Malinois subtype. The associated region and its close neighbourhood harbours interesting candidate genes such as LETM1 and GAPDH that are important in glucose metabolism and have previously been implicated in the aetiology of diabetes mellitus. To further explore the genetics of this breed specificity, we screened the genome for reduced heterozygosity stretches private to the Belgian shepherd breed. This revealed a region with reduced heterozygosity that shows a statistically significant interaction (p = 0.025) with the association region on chromosome 3. This region also harbours some interesting candidate genes and regulatory regions but the exact mechanisms underlying the interaction are still unknown. Nevertheless, this finding provides a plausible explanation for breed-specific genetic effects for complex traits in dogs. Shepherd breeds are at low risk of developing diabetes mellitus. The findings in Belgian shepherds could be connected to a protective mechanism against the disease. Further insight into the regulation of glucose metabolism could improve diagnostic and therapeutic methods for diabetes mellitus., SCOPUS: ar.j, info:eu-repo/semantics/published
- Published
- 2015
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57. Early activation of cardiac and renal endothelin systems in experimental heart failure
- Author
Motte, Sophie, van Beneden, Ronald, Mottet, Jose, Rondelet, Benoit, Mathieu, Myrielle, Havaux, Xavier, Lause, Pascale, Clercx, Cecile, Ketelslegers, Jean-Marie, Naeije, Robert, and McEntee, Kathleen
- Subjects
Heart failure -- Research ,Biological sciences - Abstract
We investigated the time course of the expression of cardiac and renal endothelin systems in tachycardia-induced heart failure in dogs. Eleven beagles underwent rapid pacing at a progressively increased rate over a period of 5 wk, with a weekly clinical examination, echocardiography, measurement of circulating and urinary endothelin-1 (ET-1), and myocardial and renal tissue biopsies. Real-time quantitative PCR was used for determinations of tissue prepro-ET-1 (ppET-1), ET-1-converting enzyme (ECE-1), and E[T.sub.A] and E[T.sub.B] receptor mRNA. Cardiac and renal tissue ET-1 contents were evaluated by immunostaining and measured by radioimmunoassay at autopsy. Rapid pacing caused a progressive increase in end-systolic and end-diastolic ventricular volumes (P < 0.05) from week 2 together with a decrease in ejection fraction and in mean velocity of circumferential shortening (P < 0.05) from week 1. These changes were tightly correlated to myocardial ppET-1 and renal E[T.sub.A] receptor mRNA and less so to myocardial ECE-1 mRNA, and they occurred before any increase in plasma and urinary ET-1 (P < 0.05 from week 4) and clinical signs of heart failure. Renal ppET-1 did not change. Both cardiac and renal ET-1 peptide contents were increased at autopsy. We conclude that tachycardia-induced heart failure in dogs is characterized by an early activation of the cardiac and renal tissue endothelin systems, which occurs before any changes in circulating and urinary ET-1 and is closely related to altered ventricular function. gene expression; receptors; biopsy
- Published
- 2003
58. Rosmarinic acid potentiates carnosic acid induced apoptosis in lung fibroblasts
- Author
Bahri, Sana, Mies, Frédérique, Ben Ali, Ridha, Mlika, Mona, Jameleddine, Saloua, McEntee, Kathleen, Shlyonsky, Vadim, Bahri, Sana, Mies, Frédérique, Ben Ali, Ridha, Mlika, Mona, Jameleddine, Saloua, McEntee, Kathleen, and Shlyonsky, Vadim
- Abstract
Pulmonary fibrosis is characterized by over-population and excessive activation of fibroblasts and myofibroblasts disrupting normal lung structure and functioning. Rosemary extract rich in carnosic acid (CA) and rosmarinic acid (RA) was reported to cure bleomycin-(BLM)-induced pulmonary fibrosis. We demonstrate that CA decreased human lung fibroblast (HLF) viability with IC50 value of 17.13±1.06 μM, while RA had no cytotoxic effect. In the presence of 50 μM of RA, dose-response for CA shifted to IC50 value of 11.70±1.46 μM, indicating synergic action. TGFβ-transformed HLF, rat lung fibroblasts and L929 cells presented similar sensitivity to CA and CA+RA (20μM+100μM, respectively) treatment. Rat alveolar epithelial cells died only under CA+RA treatment, while A549 cells were not affected. Annexin V staining and DNA quantification suggested that HLF are arrested in G0/G1 cell cycle phase and undergo apoptosis. CA caused sustained activation of phospho-Akt and phospho-p38 expression and inhibition of p21 protein.Addition of RA potentiated these effects, while RA added alone had no action.Only triple combination of inhibitors (MAPK-p38, pan-caspase, PI3K/Akt/autophagy) partially attenuated apoptosis; this suggests that cytotoxicity of CA+RA treatment has a complex mechanism involving several parallel signaling pathways. The in vivo antifibrotic effect of CA and RA was compared with that of Vita-mine-E in BLM-induced fibrosis model in rats. We found comparable reduction in fibrosis score by CA, RA and CA+RA, attenuation of collagen deposition and normalization of oxidative stress markers. In conclusion, antifibrotic effect of CA+RA is due to synergistic pro-apoptotic action on lung fibroblasts and myofibroblasts., SCOPUS: ar.j, info:eu-repo/semantics/published
- Published
- 2017
59. Contribution à l'étude des effets de la chémérine sur les cardiomyocites et dans la physiopathologie de la défaillance cardiaque associée aux pathologies du myocarde
- Author
Journée de la Coopération à l'ULB (22/11/17: Bruxelles), Watu Malu Wembonyama, Cécile, Kadiata, Marcel, Kalenga, Prosper Muenze Kayamba, McEntee, Kathleen, Journée de la Coopération à l'ULB (22/11/17: Bruxelles), Watu Malu Wembonyama, Cécile, Kadiata, Marcel, Kalenga, Prosper Muenze Kayamba, and McEntee, Kathleen
- Abstract
- Published
- 2017
60. Témoignage de l'apport de la bourse de la coopération de l'ULB
- Author
Journée de la Coopération à l'ULB (22/11/2017: Bruxelles), Watu Malu Wembonyama, Cécile, McEntee, Kathleen, Kadiata, Marcel, Journée de la Coopération à l'ULB (22/11/2017: Bruxelles), Watu Malu Wembonyama, Cécile, McEntee, Kathleen, and Kadiata, Marcel
- Abstract
- Published
- 2017
61. Pulmonary and systemic vasoreactivity to leptin in spontaneously hypertensive rat
- Author
Belgian Society of Cardiology (February 2017: Brussels), Gomart, Samantha, Jespers, Pascale, Gaudreau Ménard, C, Shlyonsky, Vadim, Dilek, Omer Gurkan, Vanden Dries, Virginie, Hanthazi, Alienor, Naeije, Robert, Dewachter, Laurence, McEntee, Kathleen, Belgian Society of Cardiology (February 2017: Brussels), Gomart, Samantha, Jespers, Pascale, Gaudreau Ménard, C, Shlyonsky, Vadim, Dilek, Omer Gurkan, Vanden Dries, Virginie, Hanthazi, Alienor, Naeije, Robert, Dewachter, Laurence, and McEntee, Kathleen
- Abstract
- Published
- 2017
62. Effects of chemerin on rat pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells proliferaion resistance to apoptosis and migration
- Author
Belgian Society of Cardiology (February 2017: Brussels), Hanthazi, Alienor, Jespers, Pascale, Vegh, Grégory, Dubois, Christine, Springael, Jean-Yves, Naeije, Robert, Dewachter, Laurence, McEntee, Kathleen, Belgian Society of Cardiology (February 2017: Brussels), Hanthazi, Alienor, Jespers, Pascale, Vegh, Grégory, Dubois, Christine, Springael, Jean-Yves, Naeije, Robert, Dewachter, Laurence, and McEntee, Kathleen
- Abstract
- Published
- 2017
63. Prevalence of pulmonary hypertension in dogs naturally infected with Angiostrongylus vasorum in Belgium
- Author
European College of Veterinaryinternalmedicine (2017: Malta), Darnis, E, Gommeren, K, Clercx, Cécile, McEntee, Kathleen, Merveille, Anne-Christine, European College of Veterinaryinternalmedicine (2017: Malta), Darnis, E, Gommeren, K, Clercx, Cécile, McEntee, Kathleen, and Merveille, Anne-Christine
- Abstract
- Published
- 2017
64. Effects of chemerin on rat pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells proliferation resistance to apoptosis and migration
- Author
Belgian Society of Physiology and Pharmacology (April 2017: Brussels), Hanthazi, Alienor, Jespers, Pascale, Vegh, Grégory, Dubois, Christine, Springael, Jean-Yves, Naeije, Robert, Dewachter, Laurence, McEntee, Kathleen, Belgian Society of Physiology and Pharmacology (April 2017: Brussels), Hanthazi, Alienor, Jespers, Pascale, Vegh, Grégory, Dubois, Christine, Springael, Jean-Yves, Naeije, Robert, Dewachter, Laurence, and McEntee, Kathleen
- Abstract
- Published
- 2017
65. Effects of chemerin on rat pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells proliferation, resistance to apoptosis and migration
- Author
Journée des doctorants 2017 ULB (campus Erasme), Hanthazi, Alienor, Jespers, Pascale, Vegh, Grégory, Dubois, Christine, Springael, Jean-Yves, Dewachter, Laurence, McEntee, Kathleen, Journée des doctorants 2017 ULB (campus Erasme), Hanthazi, Alienor, Jespers, Pascale, Vegh, Grégory, Dubois, Christine, Springael, Jean-Yves, Dewachter, Laurence, and McEntee, Kathleen
- Abstract
- Published
- 2017
66. Conséquences fonctionnelles de l'hétéromérisation des récepteurs aux chimiokines: étude du couple des récepteurs CXCR4/CCR7
- Author
Springael, Jean-Yves, McEntee, Kathleen, Robaye, Bernard, Goriely, Stanislas, Lewalle, Philippe, Balabanian, Karl, Chevigné, Andy A., Mcheik, Saria, Springael, Jean-Yves, McEntee, Kathleen, Robaye, Bernard, Goriely, Stanislas, Lewalle, Philippe, Balabanian, Karl, Chevigné, Andy A., and Mcheik, Saria
- Abstract
Les chimiokines sont des petites protéines qui régulent la migration et le "homing" des cellules leucocytaires. Elles jouent également un rôle clef dans le développement de certains cancers en régulant les phénomènes de prolifération, d'angiogenèse ou encore de migration des cellules métastatiques. À ce jour, environs 40 chimiokines et plus de 19 récepteurs appartenant à la famille des récepteurs couplés aux protéines G (RCPGs) ont été répertoriés. De nombreuses études ont montré que les récepteurs liant les chimiokines pouvaient s'associer sous forme de complexes homo et hétéromériques. Les conséquences fonctionnelles associées à l'hétéromérisation sont diverses et fonction de la nature des récepteurs étudiés, du type de cellules sur lesquelles ces récepteurs sont exprimés et de l'expression relative des récepteurs. Cependant, le rôle physiologique exact de l’hétéromérisation des récepteurs aux chimiokines, et des RCPGs de manière générale, resteencore peu connu. Nous avons tenté de répondre à cette question dans ce travail de doctorat en étudiant plus particulièrement l’hétéromérisation de CXCR4 et CCR7 au cours du développement des lymphocytes B. Nous avons montré que le récepteur CXCR4 est exprimé à la surface des lymphocytes B à tous les stades de leur développement et qu’une diminution de l’expression de CXCR4s’opère lors de la transition du stade Pré-B vers les stades B immatures et matures. Cette transition s’accompagne d’une «uprégulation » du récepteur CCR7 qui est le plus fortement exprimé à la surface des lymphocytes B matures. Nous avons par ailleurs montré que la transition du stade Pré-B vers les stades B immatures et matures s’accompagne d’une forte inhibition de CXCR4, les cellules B matures étant totalement réfractaires à la migration dans un gradient de CXCL12. Cette perte totale de fonctionnalité ne pouvant pas s’expliquer par la diminution partielle de l’expression de CXCR4, nous avons testé si l’expression du récepteur CCR7 pouvait contribuer à, Doctorat en Sciences biomédicales et pharmaceutiques (Médecine), info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
- Published
- 2017
67. Leptin-Induced Endothelium-Independent Vasoconstriction in Thoracic Aorta and Pulmonary Artery of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats: Role of Calcium Channels and Stores.
- Author
Gomart, Samantha, Gaudreau Ménard, C, Jespers, Pascale, Dilek, G, Hupkens, Emeline, Hanthazi, Alienor, Naeije, Robert, Melot, Christian, Labranche, Nathalie, Dewachter, Laurence, McEntee, Kathleen, Gomart, Samantha, Gaudreau Ménard, C, Jespers, Pascale, Dilek, G, Hupkens, Emeline, Hanthazi, Alienor, Naeije, Robert, Melot, Christian, Labranche, Nathalie, Dewachter, Laurence, and McEntee, Kathleen
- Abstract
Decreased leptin-induced endothelium-dependent vasodilation has been reported in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Here, we report leptin-induced vasoconstriction in endothelium- denuded pulmonary artery and thoracic aorta from SHR and sought to characterize calcium handling underlying these mechanisms. Vasoreactivity to leptin was evaluated on pulmonary artery and thoracic aorta rings from 18 weeks old male SHR with or without calcium free medium, caffeine + thapsigargin + carbonyl cyanide-4-Trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone emptying intracellular calcium stores, nifedipine a voltage-gated calcium channel inhibitor, SKF-96365 a transient receptor potential cation channels (TRPC) inhibitor, wortmaninn, a phosphatidylinositide 3-kinases (PI3K) inhibitor, or PD98059 a mitogen-Activated protein kinase kinase (MAPKK) inhibitor. Calcium imaging was performed on cultured vascular smooth muscle cells incubated with leptin in presence or not of wortmaninn or PD98059. Leptin induced vasoconstriction in denuded pulmonary artery and thoracic aorta from SHR. Response was abolished when intra- or extracellular calcium stores were emptied, after blocking TRPC or voltage-dependent calcium channels or when using MAPKK or PI3K inhibitors. In vascular smooth muscle cells, leptin increased intracellular calcium. This rise was higher in SHR and abolished by MAPKK or PI3K inhibitors. TRPC6 gene expression was upregulated in arteries from SHR. Leptin-induced vasoconstriction in denuded arteries of SHR requires intracellular stores and is TRPC-And voltage-gated calcium channels dependent. Intracellular calcium increase is more pronounced in spontaneously hypertensive rats., SCOPUS: ar.j, info:eu-repo/semantics/published
- Published
- 2017
68. Pulmonary vein to pulmonary artery ratio is an echocardiographic index of congestive heart failure in dogs with degenerative mitral valve disease
- Author
Merveille, Anne-Christine, Etienne, Anne Lise A., Krafft, E, Roels, E., Gomart, Samantha, Bolen, G, Clercx, Cécile, and McEntee, Kathleen
- Subjects
Physiologie générale ,Diagnosis ,Congestion ,Pulmonary vein ,Canine - Abstract
Background: Early recognition of left-sided congestive heart failure (CHF) in dogs with degenerative mitral valve disease (DMVD) is important because it influences medical therapy, timing of follow-up, and outcome. Hypothesis: Pulmonary vein diameter-to-pulmonary artery diameter ratio (PV/PA) measured by echocardiography can predict CHF. Animals: Ninety-eight client-owned dogs, 37 controls, and 61 dogs with DMVD. Methods: Prospective clinical cohort study. History, physical examination and Doppler-echocardiography were performed. Dogs were classified as International Small Animal Cardiac Health Council class I, II or III. Congestive heart failure was identified in a subset of 56 dogs based on radiographic findings. The PV/PA was measured in bidimensional (2D) and M-mode by 2 investigators blinded to the radiologists' conclusions. Results: Interobserver coefficients of variation for PV/PA acquisition and measurement were, SCOPUS: ar.j, info:eu-repo/semantics/published
- Published
- 2015
69. Association betweenvertebralheart score measurement and overweight condition in dogs
- Author
EuropeanVeterinary Diagnostic Imaging (2016: Poland), François, Marie, Merveille, Anne-Christine, McEntee, Kathleen, Bolen, G, EuropeanVeterinary Diagnostic Imaging (2016: Poland), François, Marie, Merveille, Anne-Christine, McEntee, Kathleen, and Bolen, G
- Abstract
- Published
- 2016
70. Chemerin added to endothelin-1 induces pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells proliferation
- Author
Belgian Society of Physiology and Pharmacology (Brussels), Hanthazi, Alienor, Jespers, Pascale, Vegh, Grégory, Dubois, Christine, Springael, Jean-Yves, Naeije, Robert, Dewachter, Laurence, McEntee, Kathleen, Belgian Society of Physiology and Pharmacology (Brussels), Hanthazi, Alienor, Jespers, Pascale, Vegh, Grégory, Dubois, Christine, Springael, Jean-Yves, Naeije, Robert, Dewachter, Laurence, and McEntee, Kathleen
- Abstract
- Published
- 2016
71. Diagnostic value of PV/PA ratio in dogs with pulmonary hypertension of pre-capillary origin
- Author
European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (septembre 2016: Goteborg), Roels, E., Merveille, Anne Christine, Malaize, Pierre Louis, Clercx, Cécile, McEntee, Kathleen, European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (septembre 2016: Goteborg), Roels, E., Merveille, Anne Christine, Malaize, Pierre Louis, Clercx, Cécile, and McEntee, Kathleen
- Abstract
- Published
- 2016
72. Relationship between one-dimensional left atrial phasic function and post-capillary pulmonary hypertension in dogs with degenerative mitral valve disease
- Author
European College of Veterinary Internal Mediciine (septembre 2016: Goteborg), Merveille, Anne Christine, Roels, E., Gautier, A., Clercx, Cécile, McEntee, Kathleen, European College of Veterinary Internal Mediciine (septembre 2016: Goteborg), Merveille, Anne Christine, Roels, E., Gautier, A., Clercx, Cécile, and McEntee, Kathleen
- Abstract
- Published
- 2016
73. Effects of chemerin on rat pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells proliferation, resistance to apoptosis and migration
- Author
Thalys meeting (octobre 2016: Bruxelles), Hanthazi, Alienor, Jespers, Pascale, Springael, Jean-Yves, Dewachter, Laurence, McEntee, Kathleen, Thalys meeting (octobre 2016: Bruxelles), Hanthazi, Alienor, Jespers, Pascale, Springael, Jean-Yves, Dewachter, Laurence, and McEntee, Kathleen
- Abstract
- Published
- 2016
74. Biochemicalparametersrelated to the metabolic syndrome in healthydogs and theirrelationshipswith body condition score
- Author
Europeancollege of veterinaryinternalmedicine (2016), Gomez-Fernandez, C, Farnir, F., Höglund, Katja, Gouni, Vassiliki, Wiberg, Maria, Lundgren Willesen, J., Hanas, Sofia, McEntee, Kathleen, Mejer Sørensen, L., Tiret, Laurent, Häggström, Jens, Lohi, Hannes, Chetboul, Valérie, Fredholm, Merete, Lequarré, Anne Sophie, German, Alex J, Peeters, Dominique, Merveille, Anne-Christine, Europeancollege of veterinaryinternalmedicine (2016), Gomez-Fernandez, C, Farnir, F., Höglund, Katja, Gouni, Vassiliki, Wiberg, Maria, Lundgren Willesen, J., Hanas, Sofia, McEntee, Kathleen, Mejer Sørensen, L., Tiret, Laurent, Häggström, Jens, Lohi, Hannes, Chetboul, Valérie, Fredholm, Merete, Lequarré, Anne Sophie, German, Alex J, Peeters, Dominique, and Merveille, Anne-Christine
- Abstract
- Published
- 2016
75. Identification de facteurs favorisant la survie des cellules souches mésenchymateuses humaines carencées en sérum
- Author
Rasschaert, Joanne, Gangji, Valérie, McEntee, Kathleen, Meuleman, Nathalie, Sotiropoulou, Panagiota, Robaye, Bernard, Vanhollebeke, Benoît, De Seny, Dominique, Rouard, Hélène HR, Berlier, Jessica, Rasschaert, Joanne, Gangji, Valérie, McEntee, Kathleen, Meuleman, Nathalie, Sotiropoulou, Panagiota, Robaye, Bernard, Vanhollebeke, Benoît, De Seny, Dominique, Rouard, Hélène HR, and Berlier, Jessica
- Abstract
La thérapie cellulaire régénératrice permet de soigner un organe ou un tissu lésé par la transplantation de cellules saines isolées chez le patient ou un donneur sain. Les cellules transplantées se substitueront aux cellules défaillantes et régénéreront le tissu endommagé.Les cellules stromales mésenchymateuses (MSC) utilisées dans le cadre de la thérapie cellulaire sont amplifiées par culture ex vivo avant leur implantation chez le patient. Cette étape requiert la présence de facteurs de croissance généralement apportés par l’ajout de sérum, souvent d’origine animale (sérum fœtal bovin [FBS]), au milieu de culture. L’origine animale du FBS pose de nombreux problèmes de biosécurité. En effet, le risque de contamination du FBS par des virus et/ou des prions n’est pas négligeable et des anticorps dirigés contre les protéines animales ont été mis en évidence dans le sérum de certains patients transplantés. La mise au point de milieux de culture dépourvus de sérum mais préservant la viabilité et les fonctions des cellules représente dès lors un enjeu important.Au cours de ce travail, nous avons étudié les effets de la privation en sérum sur la viabilité de MSC isolées à partir de moelle osseuse humaine et des cellules SaOS-2, une lignée cellulaire ostéoblastique. Dans ces cellules, la carence en sérum inhibe les voies de signalisation MAPK ERK1/2, p38 MAPK ainsi que la voie de la PKB et favorise l’expression et l’activation des membres pro-apoptotiques de la famille des Bcl-2. In fine, elle conduit à l’activation des caspases-3/7 et à l’apoptose. Les MSC présentent toutefois une certaine tolérance à la privation en sérum.Nous avons ensuite évalué l’action de deux facteurs, le Glucose-dependent Insulinotropic Peptide (GIP) et l’adénosine triphosphate (ATP) sur les effets délétères et la mortalité induits par la carence en sérum. En effet, dans d’autres types cellulaires, le GIP et l’ATP exercent une action anti-apoptotique en réponse à différents stress cellulaires dont, Doctorat en Sciences biomédicales et pharmaceutiques (Médecine), info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
- Published
- 2016
76. Rôles de l'inflammation et de l'apoptose dans la perturbation du dialogue coeur-poumon :applications particulières à la mort cérébrale.
- Author
Rondelet, Benoît, McEntee, Kathleen, Naeije, Robert, Grégoire, Vincent, De Backer, Daniel, Van Der Linden, Philippe, Poncelet, A., Pilette, C, Van Raemdonck, Dirk, Falcoz, Pierre-Emmanuel F P-E, Belhaj, Asmae, Rondelet, Benoît, McEntee, Kathleen, Naeije, Robert, Grégoire, Vincent, De Backer, Daniel, Van Der Linden, Philippe, Poncelet, A., Pilette, C, Van Raemdonck, Dirk, Falcoz, Pierre-Emmanuel F P-E, and Belhaj, Asmae
- Abstract
La mort cérébrale est associée à une dysfonction cardiaque globale et à des lésions pulmonaires aiguës. Nous avons étudié l’implication de l’inflammation et de l’apoptose dans trois modèles de dysfonction cardiaque droite associée à de l’hypertension pulmonaire. Nous avons développé un nouveau modèle de mort cérébrale mimant une hémorragie cérébrale. Dans ce modèle, nous avons étudié les mécanismes pathobiologiques et pathophysiologiques impliqués dans ces dysfonctions et en utilisant le methylprednisolone en prétraitement. La mort cérébrale est associée à une dysfonction ventriculaire droite et à un œdème pulmonaire neurogénique avec un lien étroit entre ces dysfonctions et l’activation de processus inflammatoires et apoptotiques. L’entité fonctionnelle « ventricule droit-poumon » semble particulièrement touchée par la mort cérébrale. Les corticoïdes préviennent ces perturbations par un effet vasodilatateur et par un contrôle partiel des voies inflammatoires et apoptotiques., Doctorat en Sciences médicales (Médecine), info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
- Published
- 2016
77. Effects of Leptin on Pulmonary and Systemic Vascular Tone in Rat Genetic Hypertension
- Author
McEntee, Kathleen, Melot, Christian, Guignabert, Christophe, Communi, Didier, Erneux, Christophe, Clercx, Cécile, Høier Olsen, Lisbeth, Van De Borne, Philippe, Gomart, Samantha, McEntee, Kathleen, Melot, Christian, Guignabert, Christophe, Communi, Didier, Erneux, Christophe, Clercx, Cécile, Høier Olsen, Lisbeth, Van De Borne, Philippe, and Gomart, Samantha
- Abstract
INTRODUCTION :Des anomalies de la circulation pulmonaire prédisposant au développement de l’hypertension pulmonaire ont été reconnues dans l’hypertension systémique. Une hyperleptinémie a été décrite comme impliquée dans la pathogénie de l’hypertension systémique et de l’hypertension artérielle pulmonaire. Cependant, les effets de la leptine sur la vasoréactivité pulmonaire restent méconnus. OBJECTIFS :Dans ce contexte, le présent travail consistait à évaluer ex vivo les effets vasomoteurs de la leptine en comparant (1) les circulations artérielles systémique et pulmonaire, (2) en présence ou non de l’endothélium, (3) chez des rats spontanément hypertendus (SHR ;un modèle génétique d’hypertension systémique) versus normotensifs. METHODES :La vasoréactivité à la phényléphrine, endothéline-1 (ET-1) et leptine a été étudiée sur des artères pulmonaires et aortes thoraciques de rats SHR et Wistar avec et sans endothélium. De l’imagerie calcique a été réalisée sur des cultures primaires de cellules musculaires lisses vasculaires traitées à la leptine. Ces résultats ont été interprétés à la lumière de la pathobiologie des vaisseaux. RESULTATS :Chez les rats Wistar, la leptine induisait la vasodilatation des artères pulmonaires et aortes thoraciques pré-contractées par la phényléphrine ou l’ET-1. Cette vasodilatation était endothélio-dépendante. Chez les SHR, cette vasodilatation endothélio-dépendante était altérée dans les artères pulmonaires. Dans les deux souches de rats la réponse à la leptine était plus importante dans les aortes que dans les artères pulmonaires. Chez les SHR, les artères pulmonaires présentaient une hypertrophie de la média, associée à une surexpression génique d’ET-1 et des récepteurs à l’ET-1: ETA et ETB. Dans les artères de SHR sans endothélium, la leptine induisait une vasoconstriction, dépendante du calcium extracellulaire et des stocks calciques intracellulaires. En effet, la leptine induisait une augmentation des concentrations intracellulaires, Doctorat en Sciences biomédicales et pharmaceutiques (Médecine), info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
- Published
- 2016
78. Effect of Breed on Plasma Endothelin-1 Concentration, Plasma Renin Activity, and Serum Cortisol Concentration in Healthy Dogs
- Author
Höglund, Katja, Wess, Gerhard, Mejer Sørensen, L., Tiret, Laurent, Kierczak, Marcin, Forsberg, S., Seppälä, Eija, Lindblad-Toh, Kerstin, Lohi, Hannes, Chetboul, Valérie, Fredholm, Merete, Lequarré, Anne Sophie, Häggström, Jens, Ljungvall, Ingrid, McEntee, Kathleen, Merveille, Anne Christine, Wiberg, Maria, Gouni, Vassiliki, Lundgren Willesen, J., Hanas, Sofia, Höglund, Katja, Wess, Gerhard, Mejer Sørensen, L., Tiret, Laurent, Kierczak, Marcin, Forsberg, S., Seppälä, Eija, Lindblad-Toh, Kerstin, Lohi, Hannes, Chetboul, Valérie, Fredholm, Merete, Lequarré, Anne Sophie, Häggström, Jens, Ljungvall, Ingrid, McEntee, Kathleen, Merveille, Anne Christine, Wiberg, Maria, Gouni, Vassiliki, Lundgren Willesen, J., and Hanas, Sofia
- Abstract
Background: There are breed differences in several blood variables in healthy dogs. Objective: Investigate breed variation in plasma endothelin-1 (ET-1) concentration, plasma renin activity, and serum cortisol concentration. Animals: Five-hundred and thirty-one healthy dogs of 9 breeds examined at 5 centers (2-4 breeds/center). Methods: Prospective observational study. Circulating concentrations of ET-1 and cortisol, and renin activity, were measured using commercially available assays. Absence of organ-related or systemic disease was ensured by thorough clinical investigations, including blood pressure measurement, echocardiography, ECG, blood and urine analysis. Results: Median ET-1 concentration was 1.29 (interquartile range [IQR], 0.97-1.82) pg/mL, median cortisol concentration 46.0 (IQR, 29.0-80.8) nmol/L, and median renin activity 0.73 (IQR, 0.48-1.10) ng/mL/h in all dogs. Overall, breed differences were found in ET-1 and cortisol concentrations, and renin activity (P < .0001 for all). Pair-wise comparisons between breeds differed in 67% of comparisons for ET-1, 22% for cortisol, and 19% for renin activity, respectively. Within centers, breed differences were found at 5/5 centers for ET-1, 4/5 centers for cortisol, and 2/5 centers for renin activity. Newfoundlands had highest median ET-1 concentration, 3 times higher than Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Doberman Pinschers, and Dachshunds. Median renin activity was highest in Dachshunds, twice the median value in Newfoundlands and Boxers. Median cortisol concentration was highest in Finnish Lapphunds, almost 3 times higher than in Boxers. Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Breed variation might be important to take into consideration when interpreting test results in clinical studies., SCOPUS: ar.j, info:eu-repo/semantics/published
- Published
- 2016
79. The Shepherds' Tale : A Genome-Wide Study across 9 Dog Breeds Implicates Two Loci in the Regulation of Fructosamine Serum Concentration in Belgian Shepherds
- Author
Forsberg, Simon K. G., Kierczak, Marcin, Ljungvall, Ingrid, Merveille, Anne-Christine, Gouni, Vassiliki, Wiberg, Maria, Willesen, Jakob Lundgren, Hanas, Sofia, Lequarre, Anne-Sophie, Sorensen, Louise Mejer, Tiret, Laurent, McEntee, Kathleen, Seppala, Eija, Koch, Jorgen, Battaille, Geraldine, Lohi, Hannes, Fredholm, Merete, Chetboul, Valerie, Haggstrom, Jens, Carlborg, Örjan, Lindblad-Toh, Kerstin, Hoglund, Katja, Forsberg, Simon K. G., Kierczak, Marcin, Ljungvall, Ingrid, Merveille, Anne-Christine, Gouni, Vassiliki, Wiberg, Maria, Willesen, Jakob Lundgren, Hanas, Sofia, Lequarre, Anne-Sophie, Sorensen, Louise Mejer, Tiret, Laurent, McEntee, Kathleen, Seppala, Eija, Koch, Jorgen, Battaille, Geraldine, Lohi, Hannes, Fredholm, Merete, Chetboul, Valerie, Haggstrom, Jens, Carlborg, Örjan, Lindblad-Toh, Kerstin, and Hoglund, Katja
- Abstract
Diabetes mellitus is a serious health problem in both dogs and humans. Certain dog breeds show high prevalence of the disease, whereas other breeds are at low risk. Fructosamine and glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) are two major biomarkers of glycaemia, where serum concentrations reflect glucose turnover over the past few weeks to months. In this study, we searched for genetic factors influencing variation in serum fructosamine concentration in healthy dogs using data from nine dog breeds. Considering all breeds together, we did not find any genome-wide significant associations to fructosamine serum concentration. However, by performing breed-specific analyses we revealed an association on chromosome 3 (rho(corrected) approximate to 1:68 x 10(-6)) in Belgian shepherd dogs of the Malinois subtype. The associated region and its close neighbourhood harbours interesting candidate genes such as LETM1 and GAPDH that are important in glucose metabolism and have previously been implicated in the aetiology of diabetes mellitus. To further explore the genetics of this breed specificity, we screened the genome for reduced heterozygosity stretches private to the Belgian shepherd breed. This revealed a region with reduced heterozygosity that shows a statistically significant interaction (rho = 0.025) with the association region on chromosome 3. This region also harbours some interesting candidate genes and regulatory regions but the exact mechanisms underlying the interaction are still unknown. Nevertheless, this finding provides a plausible explanation for breed-specific genetic effects for complex traits in dogs. Shepherd breeds are at low risk of developing diabetes mellitus. The findings in Belgian shepherds could be connected to a protective mechanism against the disease. Further insight into the regulation of glucose metabolism could improve diagnostic and therapeutic methods for diabetes mellitus.
- Published
- 2015
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80. Genomic effects of SDF-1 on rat neonatal cardiomyocytes: comparison between commercial SDF-1 and supernatant of SDF-1 overexpressing mesenchymal stem cells
- Author
ESC, Heart Failure Congress (May 2015: Séville), Hadad, Ielham, Egrise, D., De Graaf, C, Springael, Jean-Yves, Liebert, F, Miot, Françoise, Foguenne, J, Naeije, Robert, De Deken, Xavier, McEntee, Kathleen, ESC, Heart Failure Congress (May 2015: Séville), Hadad, Ielham, Egrise, D., De Graaf, C, Springael, Jean-Yves, Liebert, F, Miot, Françoise, Foguenne, J, Naeije, Robert, De Deken, Xavier, and McEntee, Kathleen
- Abstract
- Published
- 2015
81. Chemerin potentiates pulmonary artery reactivity to endothelin-1
- Author
Society of Physiology and Pharmacology (Brussels), Hanthazi, Alienor, Gomart, Samantha, Jespers, Pascale, Springael, Jean-Yves, Naeije, Robert, Dewachter, Laurence, McEntee, Kathleen, Society of Physiology and Pharmacology (Brussels), Hanthazi, Alienor, Gomart, Samantha, Jespers, Pascale, Springael, Jean-Yves, Naeije, Robert, Dewachter, Laurence, and McEntee, Kathleen
- Abstract
- Published
- 2015
82. Pulmonary and systemic vasoreactivity to leptin in spontaneously hypertensive rats
- Author
European Respiratory Society Congress 2015, Gomart, Samantha, Jespers, Pascale, Gaudreau Ménard, C, Shlyonsky, Vadim, Dilek, G, Vanden Dries, Virginie, Hanthazi, Alienor, Naeije, Robert, Dewachter, Laurence, McEntee, Kathleen, European Respiratory Society Congress 2015, Gomart, Samantha, Jespers, Pascale, Gaudreau Ménard, C, Shlyonsky, Vadim, Dilek, G, Vanden Dries, Virginie, Hanthazi, Alienor, Naeije, Robert, Dewachter, Laurence, and McEntee, Kathleen
- Abstract
- Published
- 2015
83. Neurogenic Pulmonary Edema and Right Ventricular Dysfunction in an Animal Model of Brain Death
- Author
American Thoracic Surgery (May 2015: Denver), Belhaj, Asmae, Dewachter, Laurence, Dewachter, Céline, Remmelink, Myriam, Weynand, Birgit, McEntee, Kathleen, Naeije, Robert, Rondelet, Benoît, American Thoracic Surgery (May 2015: Denver), Belhaj, Asmae, Dewachter, Laurence, Dewachter, Céline, Remmelink, Myriam, Weynand, Birgit, McEntee, Kathleen, Naeije, Robert, and Rondelet, Benoît
- Abstract
- Published
- 2015
84. Right Ventricular Dysfunction in Brain Death: Effect of Corticosteroids
- Author
American Thoracic Surgery, Denver (May 2015: Denver), Belhaj, Asmae, Dewachter, Laurence, Dewachter, Céline, McEntee, Kathleen, Naeije, Robert, Rondelet, Benoît, American Thoracic Surgery, Denver (May 2015: Denver), Belhaj, Asmae, Dewachter, Laurence, Dewachter, Céline, McEntee, Kathleen, Naeije, Robert, and Rondelet, Benoît
- Abstract
- Published
- 2015
85. Chemerin potentiates pulmonary artery reactivity to endothelin-1
- Author
European Respiratory Society Congress, Hanthazi, Alienor, Gomart, Samantha, Jespers, Pascale, Springael, Jean-Yves, Naeije, Robert, Dewachter, Laurence, McEntee, Kathleen, European Respiratory Society Congress, Hanthazi, Alienor, Gomart, Samantha, Jespers, Pascale, Springael, Jean-Yves, Naeije, Robert, Dewachter, Laurence, and McEntee, Kathleen
- Abstract
- Published
- 2015
86. Right Ventricular Dysfunction in Brain Death: Effect of Corticosteroids
- Author
International Society for heart and lung transplantation (April 2015: Nice, France), Belhaj, Asmae, Dewachter, Laurence, Dewachter, Céline, McEntee, Kathleen, Naeije, Robert, Rondelet, Benoît, International Society for heart and lung transplantation (April 2015: Nice, France), Belhaj, Asmae, Dewachter, Laurence, Dewachter, Céline, McEntee, Kathleen, Naeije, Robert, and Rondelet, Benoît
- Abstract
- Published
- 2015
87. Neurogenic Pulmonary Edema: Effect of Corticosteroids
- Author
American Thoracic Surgery (May 2015: Denver), Belhaj, Asmae, Dewachter, Laurence, Dewachter, Céline, McEntee, Kathleen, Remmelink, Myriam, Weynand, Birgit, Naeije, Robert, Rondelet, Benoît, American Thoracic Surgery (May 2015: Denver), Belhaj, Asmae, Dewachter, Laurence, Dewachter, Céline, McEntee, Kathleen, Remmelink, Myriam, Weynand, Birgit, Naeije, Robert, and Rondelet, Benoît
- Abstract
- Published
- 2015
88. Right pulmonary vein to pulmonary artery ratio as an indicator of pulmonary hypertension in West Highland white terriers with canine idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
- Author
Roels, E., Merveille, Anne-Christine, Krafft, E, Farnir, F., Gomart, Samantha, Clercx, Cécile, McEntee, Kathleen, Roels, E., Merveille, Anne-Christine, Krafft, E, Farnir, F., Gomart, Samantha, Clercx, Cécile, and McEntee, Kathleen
- Abstract
- Published
- 2015
89. The shepherds' tale:a genome-wide study across 9 dog breeds implicates two loci in the regulation of fructosamine serum concentration in Belgian shepherds
- Author
Forsberg, Simon K G, Kierczak, Marcin, Ljungvall, Ingrid, Merveille, Anne-Christine, Gouni, Vassiliki, Wiberg, Maria, Willesen, Jakob, Hanås, Sofia, Lequarré, Anne-Sophie, Mejer Sørensen, Louise, Tiret, Laurent, McEntee, Kathleen, Seppälä, Eija, Koch, Jørgen, Battaille, Géraldine, Lohi, Hannes, Fredholm, Merete, Chetboul, Valerie, Häggström, Jens, Carlborg, Örjan, Lindblad-Toh, Kerstin, Höglund, Katja, Forsberg, Simon K G, Kierczak, Marcin, Ljungvall, Ingrid, Merveille, Anne-Christine, Gouni, Vassiliki, Wiberg, Maria, Willesen, Jakob, Hanås, Sofia, Lequarré, Anne-Sophie, Mejer Sørensen, Louise, Tiret, Laurent, McEntee, Kathleen, Seppälä, Eija, Koch, Jørgen, Battaille, Géraldine, Lohi, Hannes, Fredholm, Merete, Chetboul, Valerie, Häggström, Jens, Carlborg, Örjan, Lindblad-Toh, Kerstin, and Höglund, Katja
- Abstract
Diabetes mellitus is a serious health problem in both dogs and humans. Certain dog breeds show high prevalence of the disease, whereas other breeds are at low risk. Fructosamine and glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) are two major biomarkers of glycaemia, where serum concentrations reflect glucose turnover over the past few weeks to months. In this study, we searched for genetic factors influencing variation in serum fructosamine concentration in healthy dogs using data from nine dog breeds. Considering all breeds together, we did not find any genome-wide significant associations to fructosamine serum concentration. However, by performing breed-specific analyses we revealed an association on chromosome 3 (pcorrected ≈ 1:68 × 10-6) in Belgian shepherd dogs of the Malinois subtype. The associated region and its close neighbourhood harbours interesting candidate genes such as LETM1 and GAPDH that are important in glucose metabolism and have previously been implicated in the aetiology of diabetes mellitus. To further explore the genetics of this breed specificity, we screened the genome for reduced heterozygosity stretches private to the Belgian shepherd breed. This revealed a region with reduced heterozygosity that shows a statistically significant interaction (p = 0.025) with the association region on chromosome 3. This region also harbours some interesting candidate genes and regulatory regions but the exact mechanisms underlying the interaction are still unknown. Nevertheless, this finding provides a plausible explanation for breed-specific genetic effects for complex traits in dogs. Shepherd breeds are at low risk of developing diabetes mellitus. The findings in Belgian shepherds could be connected to a protective mechanism against the disease. Further insight into the regulation of glucose metabolism could improve diagnostic and therapeutic methods for diabetes mellitus.
- Published
- 2015
90. Chemerin potentiates pulmonary artery reactivity to endothelin-1
- Author
Journée des doctorants 2015 ULB (campus Erasme), Hanthazi, Alienor, Gomart, Samantha, Jespers, Pascale, Springael, Jean-Yves, Naeije, Robert, Dewachter, Laurence, McEntee, Kathleen, Journée des doctorants 2015 ULB (campus Erasme), Hanthazi, Alienor, Gomart, Samantha, Jespers, Pascale, Springael, Jean-Yves, Naeije, Robert, Dewachter, Laurence, and McEntee, Kathleen
- Abstract
- Published
- 2015
91. Mechanisms regulating cardiovascular progenitor specification and migration
- Author
Blanpain, Cédric, Parmentier, Marc, Bondue, Antoine, McEntee, Kathleen, Lagneaux, Laurence, Verfaillie, Catherine C., Costagliola, Sabine, Chiapparo, Giuseppe, Blanpain, Cédric, Parmentier, Marc, Bondue, Antoine, McEntee, Kathleen, Lagneaux, Laurence, Verfaillie, Catherine C., Costagliola, Sabine, and Chiapparo, Giuseppe
- Abstract
During embryonic development and embryonic stem (ES) cell differentiation, the different cardiovascular cell lineages that compose the mature heart arise from different groups of cardiovascular progenitors (CPs), which contribute to the formation of different heart regions. Mesp1 expression is the earliest sign of cardiovascular development. Tracing of the early Mesp1-exressing cells reveals that all cardiovascular cell of the mature heart arise from Mesp1-derived cells. Various functional studies demonstrated that Mesp1 acts as a central regulator of cardiovascular lineage commitment, controlling the expression of early cardiac transcription factors, and promoting the differentiation into cardiomyocytes (CMs), endothelial cells (ECs) and smooth muscle cells (SMCs). In the first part of my thesis work, we generated a Mesp1-GFP reporter ES cell line allowing tracking and isolating the earliest Mesp1-expressing cells. We found that Mesp1 marks an early population of CPs that presents the ability to differentiate into CM, EC and SMC from both heart fields. Transcriptional profiling of Mesp1-CPs uncovered cell surface markers allowing their isolation. In this work, we demonstrated that Mesp1 is required for the specification of these early CPs. To ensure harmonious cardiovascular development, CP specification and migration must be tightly coordinated. In addition to the induction of cardiovascular cell fate, Mesp1 seems also involved in the migration of early CPs, as suggested by the cardiac malformation associated with the persistence of cardiovascular specification and differentiation in Mesp1 null embryo. The upregulation of the expression of Mesp2, its closest homologue, in the cardiac mesoderm, suggest that Mesp2 could partially compensate for Mesp1 function during early cardiogenesis, while Mesp1 presents a unique and non-redundant function during CP migration. However, Mesp2 KO embryos do not present cardiac malformation but rather major skeletal malformations. I, Doctorat en Sciences biomédicales et pharmaceutiques (Médecine), info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
- Published
- 2015
92. Etude des mécanismes d'action de CXCL12a (SDF-1gas) sur les cardiomyocytes néonataux de rats
- Author
De Deken, Xavier, McEntee, Kathleen, Toungouz Nevessignsky, Michel, Flamand, Véronique, De Keulenaer, Gilles G., Parmentier, Marc, Communi, Didier, Janssens, Stefan, Hadad, Ielham, De Deken, Xavier, McEntee, Kathleen, Toungouz Nevessignsky, Michel, Flamand, Véronique, De Keulenaer, Gilles G., Parmentier, Marc, Communi, Didier, Janssens, Stefan, and Hadad, Ielham
- Abstract
L’infarctus du myocarde est une cause majeure de morbidité et mortalité adulte dans les pays développés. Le manque de perfusion myocardique induit la mort des cardiomyocytes notamment par apoptose. Un remodelage moléculaire et cellulaire s’ensuit et comprend une hypertrophie des cardiomyocytes dans la zone péri-infarcie, de la fibrose, une réactivation des gènes fœtaux et des changements métaboliques. Ce remodelage entraîne à terme une diminution de fonction menant à la défaillance cardiaque. Les traitement médicamenteux améliorent la qualité de vie et la survie mais ne peuvent guérir. La thérapie hybride (cellulaire et génique) est une approche thérapeutique nouvelle et prometteuse pour l’infarctus du myocarde. C’est dans ce contexte que s’inscrivent les travaux de ma thèse. Les cellules souches mésenchymateuses (CSM) sont des cellules souches adultes de choix pour la thérapie cellulaire. Plusieurs études ont montré qu’elles participent à la cardioprotection et à la régénération du myocarde en sécrétant une myriade de facteurs de croissance et de cytokines aux effets pro-angiogéniques et anti-apoptotiques.Le « stromal-derived factor-1 » (SDF-1) ou CXCL12 est une chimiokine produite par un grand nombre de cellules dont les CSM et les cardiomyocytes. Il est un ligand pour CXCR4 et CXCR7, 2 récepteurs de la famille des récepteurs liés aux protéines G. CXCL12a est un facteur critique pour la migration, la domiciliation et la survie des cellules souches de la moelle osseuse dans le myocarde infarci et pour la survie des cardiomyocytes. Dans l’infarctus aigu du myocarde, un délai entre la fenêtre temporelle d’activation du ligand et de son récepteur rend cet axe peu efficace. Dans les pathologies ischémiques chroniques, une altération de la signalisation CXCL12a/CXCR4 réduit ses effets bénéfiques.Ces observations ont conduit au développement d’approches thérapeutiques ciblant l'axe CXCL12a/CXCR4. CXCL12a peut être administré seul, sa production peut être stimulé, Doctorat en Sciences biomédicales et pharmaceutiques, info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
- Published
- 2015
93. Pathobiologie de la hernie diaphragmatique congénitale expérimentale induite par l'exposition au nitrofène chez le rat
- Author
McEntee, Kathleen, Naeije, Robert, Louryan, Stéphane, Houben, Jean-Jacques, Vanderwinden, Jean-Marie, Devière, Jacques, Seghaye, Marie-Christine, Chardot, Christophe, Makanga, Martine, McEntee, Kathleen, Naeije, Robert, Louryan, Stéphane, Houben, Jean-Jacques, Vanderwinden, Jean-Marie, Devière, Jacques, Seghaye, Marie-Christine, Chardot, Christophe, and Makanga, Martine
- Abstract
Doctorat en Sciences biomédicales et pharmaceutiques, info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
- Published
- 2015
94. Pulmonary vasoreactivity in spontaneously hypertensive rats :effects of endothelin-1 and leptin
- Author
Gomart, Samantha, Damoiseaux, Cécile, Jespers, Pascale, Labranche, Nathalie, Pochet, Stéphanie, Michaux, Charles, Berkenboom, Guy, Naeije, Robert, McEntee, Kathleen, Dewachter, Laurence, Gomart, Samantha, Damoiseaux, Cécile, Jespers, Pascale, Labranche, Nathalie, Pochet, Stéphanie, Michaux, Charles, Berkenboom, Guy, Naeije, Robert, McEntee, Kathleen, and Dewachter, Laurence
- Abstract
- Published
- 2014
95. Transforming Growth Factor Beta 1 Activation, Storage, and Signaling Pathways in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis in Dogs
- Author
Krafft, Emilie, Roels, E., Clercx, Cécile, Lybaert, Pascale, Laurila, H.P. H.P., Rajamäki, Minna M.M., Farnir, Frédéric, Myllärniemi, Marjukka, Day, M.J. M.J., McEntee, Kathleen, Krafft, Emilie, Roels, E., Clercx, Cécile, Lybaert, Pascale, Laurila, H.P. H.P., Rajamäki, Minna M.M., Farnir, Frédéric, Myllärniemi, Marjukka, Day, M.J. M.J., and McEntee, Kathleen
- Abstract
Background: The pathogenesis of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) in dogs is poorly understood. In human, transforming growth factor β1 (TGF-β1) is considered central in the pathogenesis. Objectives: To investigate TGF-β1 pathway in IPF. Animals: Lung tissues from 12 affected and 11 control dogs. Serum from 16 affected West Highland white Terriers (WHWTs) and healthy dogs from predisposed (13 WHWTs, 12 Scottish Terriers and 13 Bichons Frise) and nonpredisposed breeds (10 Whippets, 10 Belgian shepherds, 8 Labradors). Methods: In this prospective study, immunohistochemistry was used to evaluate expression and localization of TGF-β1 protein and proteins involved in TGF-β1 signaling (TGF-β receptor type I and phospho-Smad2/3). Pulmonary expression of TGF-β1 and molecules involved in its storage (latent TGF-β binding proteins [LTBP] 1, 2, and 4), activation (ανβ6 and ανβ8 integrins, thrombospondin-1) and signal inhibition (Smad 7) was analyzed by quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR. Circulating TGF-β1 concentration was measured by ELISA. Results: In IPF, high level of TGF-β1 protein was found in areas of fibrosis, epithelial cells had strong expression of TGF-β receptor type 1 and phospho-Smad2/3, gene expression was decreased for LTBP 4 (P =.009) and β8 integrin (P <.001) and increased for thrombospondin-1 (P =.016); no difference was seen for Smad7, LTBP1 and 2. Serum TGF-β1 concentration was higher in predisposed compared with nonpredisposed breeds (P <.0001). Conclusions and Clinical Importance: This study identified an enhanced TGF-β1 signaling activity in IPF. TGF-β1 storage and activation proteins with altered expression represent potential therapeutic targets. Higher circulating TGF-β1 concentration in predisposed breeds might partly explain their susceptibility for IPF., SCOPUS: ar.j, info:eu-repo/semantics/published
- Published
- 2014
96. Breed differences in natriuretic peptides in healthy dogs
- Author
Sjöstrand, K., Wess, Gerhard, Ljungvall, Ingrid, Häggström, Jens, Merveille, Anne Christine, Wiberg, Maria, Gouni, Vassiliki, Lundgren Willesen, J., Hanas, Sofia, Lequarré, Anne Sophie, Mejer Sørensen, L., Wolf, Johanna, Tiret, Laurent, Kierczak, Marcin, Forsberg, S., McEntee, Kathleen, Battaille, G., Seppälä, Eija, Lindblad-Toh, Kerstin, Georges, Michel, Lohi, Hannes, Chetboul, Valérie, Fredholm, Merete, Höglund, Katja, Sjöstrand, K., Wess, Gerhard, Ljungvall, Ingrid, Häggström, Jens, Merveille, Anne Christine, Wiberg, Maria, Gouni, Vassiliki, Lundgren Willesen, J., Hanas, Sofia, Lequarré, Anne Sophie, Mejer Sørensen, L., Wolf, Johanna, Tiret, Laurent, Kierczak, Marcin, Forsberg, S., McEntee, Kathleen, Battaille, G., Seppälä, Eija, Lindblad-Toh, Kerstin, Georges, Michel, Lohi, Hannes, Chetboul, Valérie, Fredholm, Merete, and Höglund, Katja
- Abstract
Background: Measurement of plasma concentration of natriuretic peptides (NPs) is suggested to be of value in diagnosis of cardiac disease in dogs, but many factors other than cardiac status may influence their concentrations. Dog breed potentially is 1 such factor. Objective: To investigate breed variation in plasma concentrations of pro-atrial natriuretic peptide 31-67 (proANP 31-67) and N-terminal B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) in healthy dogs. Animals: 535 healthy, privately owned dogs of 9 breeds were examined at 5 centers as part of the European Union (EU) LUPA project. Methods: Absence of cardiovascular disease or other clinically relevant organ-related or systemic disease was ensured by thorough clinical investigation. Plasma concentrations of proANP 31-67 and NT-proBNP were measured by commercially available ELISA assays. Results: Overall significant breed differences were found in proANP 31-67 (P?0001) and NT-proBNP (P?0001) concentrations. Pair-wise comparisons between breeds differed in approximately 50% of comparisons for proANP 31-67 as well as NT-proBNP concentrations, both when including all centers and within each center. Interquartile range was large for many breeds, especially for NT-proBNP. Among included breeds, Labrador Retrievers and Newfoundlands had highest median NT-proBNP concentrations with concentrations 3 times as high as those of Dachshunds. German Shepherds and Cavalier King Charles Spaniels had the highest median proANP 31-67 concentrations, twice the median concentration in Doberman Pinschers. Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Considerable interbreed variation in plasma NP concentrations was found in healthy dogs. Intrabreed variation was large in several breeds, especially for NT-proBNP. Additional studies are needed to establish breed-specific reference ranges. 2014 by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine., SCOPUS: ar.j, info:eu-repo/semantics/published
- Published
- 2014
97. Pulmonary vasoreactivity in spontaneously hypertensive rats: effects of endothelin-1 and leptin
- Author
Belgian Society of Cardiology Congress (Janvier 2014: Brussels), Gomart, Samantha, Damoiseaux, Cécile, Jespers, Pascale, Labranche, Nathalie, Pochet, Stéphanie, Michaux, Charles, Berkenboom, Guy, Naeije, Robert, McEntee, Kathleen, Dewachter, Laurence, Belgian Society of Cardiology Congress (Janvier 2014: Brussels), Gomart, Samantha, Damoiseaux, Cécile, Jespers, Pascale, Labranche, Nathalie, Pochet, Stéphanie, Michaux, Charles, Berkenboom, Guy, Naeije, Robert, McEntee, Kathleen, and Dewachter, Laurence
- Abstract
- Published
- 2014
98. Pulmonary vein to pulmonary artery ratio is an echocardiographic indice of left congestive heart failure in dogs with degenerative mitral valve disease
- Author
Merveille, Anne-Christine, Krafft, E, Gomart, Samantha, Clercx, Cécile, McEntee, Kathleen, Merveille, Anne-Christine, Krafft, E, Gomart, Samantha, Clercx, Cécile, and McEntee, Kathleen
- Abstract
- Published
- 2014
99. Breed differences in concentrations of circulating vasoactive peptides and cortisol in healthy dogs
- Author
Höglund, Katja, Lequarré, Anne Sophie, Ljungvall, Ingrid, McEntee, Kathleen, Merveille, Anne-Christine, Wiberg, Maria, Gouni, Vassiliki, Lundgren Willesen, J., Hanas, Sofia, Wess, Gerhard, Mejer Sørensen, L., Tiret, Laurent, Kierczak, Marcin, Forsberg, S., Seppälä, Eija, Battaille, G., Lindblad-Toh, Kerstin, Lohi, Hannes, Chetboul, Valérie, Fredholm, Merete, Häggström, Jens, Höglund, Katja, Lequarré, Anne Sophie, Ljungvall, Ingrid, McEntee, Kathleen, Merveille, Anne-Christine, Wiberg, Maria, Gouni, Vassiliki, Lundgren Willesen, J., Hanas, Sofia, Wess, Gerhard, Mejer Sørensen, L., Tiret, Laurent, Kierczak, Marcin, Forsberg, S., Seppälä, Eija, Battaille, G., Lindblad-Toh, Kerstin, Lohi, Hannes, Chetboul, Valérie, Fredholm, Merete, and Häggström, Jens
- Abstract
- Published
- 2014
100. Right pulmonaryvein to pulmonaryarteryratio :a new echocardiographic index of pulmonary hypertension in westhighland white terriers withidiopathicpulmonaryfibrosis
- Author
Europeancollege of veterinaryinternalmedicine (2014), Roels, E., Merveille, Anne-Christine, Kraft, E, Farnir, F., Gomart, Samantha, Clercx, Cécile, McEntee, Kathleen, Europeancollege of veterinaryinternalmedicine (2014), Roels, E., Merveille, Anne-Christine, Kraft, E, Farnir, F., Gomart, Samantha, Clercx, Cécile, and McEntee, Kathleen
- Abstract
- Published
- 2014
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