92 results on '"Mirošević, Lena"'
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52. Illegitimate births on the peninsula Pelješac from the end of the 19th century to the present day
- Author
Šaić, Nikolina and Mirošević, Lena
- Subjects
demography ,poluotok Pelješac ,natalitet ,INTERDISCIPLINARNA PODRUČJA ZNANOSTI. Geografija ,INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE. Geography ,demografija ,illegitimate births ,peninsula Pelješac ,birth rate ,izvanbračna rađanja - Abstract
U ovom diplomskom radu se govori o izvanbračnim rađanjima koja nisu dovoljno analizirana u Hrvatskoj. Poluotok Pelješac je bio naseljen u prapovijesnom vremenu. Tijekom godina razvio se bolje nego drugi dijelovi Dalmacije. Zahvaljujući višem stupnju razvoja za vrijeme Dubrovačke Republike, mnogi ljudi su migrirali na poluotok, ali danas je prisutna depopulacija. Na kretanje broja stanovnika su utjecali društveni i gospodarski čimbenici koji su bili pod utjecajem geografskog položaja poluotoka. Zahvaljujući geografskom položaju poluotok je pošteđen ratova i bitki, ali to u isto vrijeme nije pomoglo društvenom i gospodarskom razvoju. Pelješac je poznat po vinogradarstvu i ostalim poljoprivrednim granama, turizmu i pomorstvu. Sve navedeno je prisutno i danas, ali turizam prednjači. U prošlosti, ljudi su drugačije gledali na izvanbračnu djecu. Majke su ih napuštale odmah nakon rođenja te je društvo često zlostavljalo djecu. Dio djece je pozakonjen nakon nekog vremena ženidbom svojih roditelja. Ljudi su se tijekom godina promijenili i prihvatili ih. Danas je puno lakše biti izvanbračno dijete, pogotovo u razvijenijim državama gdje je broj izvanbračne djece izrazito porastao u zadnjih 20 godina. U Hrvatskoj je najveći udio izvanbračne djece u Međimurskoj županiji, a najmanji u Splitsko-dalmatinskoj županiji. Zbog malog broja stanovnika na poluotoku, nema puno rađanja, a s tim ni izvanbračnih rađanja. Naselja koja su se obradila pokazuju nizak broj izvanbračnih rađanja i dosta godina tijekom promatranog razdoblja nije ni bilo izvanbračnih rađanja. Od svih analiziranih naselja u radu, Orebić ima najveći udio izvanbračnih rađanja čemu je razlog drugačiji razvoj kroz povijest i otvoreniji pristup stanovnika. This master thesis deals with illegitimate births, which are not analyzed enough in Croatia. Peninsula Pelješac was inhabited in ancient times. Over the years, while it was a part of Republic of Ragusa, it developed a lot more than the other parts of Dalmatia. Because of that a lot of people migrated to the peninsula, but today depopulation is increasing. The inhabitants were under the influence of social and economic factors which were also under the influence of geographical position. The geographical position did spare the peninsula from many wars and battles but at the same time it did not help with the social and economic development of the peninsula. Pelješac is known for vineyards and other agricultural crops, tourism and seafaring. All of these are still present today, but tourism dominates. In the past, society looked differently at illegitimate children. Their mothers would abandon them after their birth and they were often bullied by society. One aspect was legalized after some time because of their parents wedding ceremony. Over the years, people changed and accepted them. Today is a lot easier to be an illegitimate child, especially in more developed countries where are the highest rates of illegitimate births. In Croatia the number of illegitimate births increased in the last 20 years. County that has the highest percentage of illegitimate births is Međimurje County, and the one with the lowest percentage is Split-Dalmatia County. Because of the small number of inhabitants on the peninsula, there are not many births nor illegitimate births. Cities that were analyzed showed a low number in illegitimate birth rate and for many years of the analyzed period there were not illegitimate births. Of all th analyzed cities in this thesis, Orebić is the one with the highest percentage of illegitimate births which is because of the different development and more open-minded society.
- Published
- 2023
53. Spanish flu in the city of Split
- Author
Mić, Antonia and Mirošević, Lena
- Subjects
pandemija ,španjolska gripa ,Split ,pandemic ,INTERDISCIPLINARNA PODRUČJA ZNANOSTI. Geografija ,INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE. Geography ,Spanish flu ,novine ,španjolska gripa, pandemija, novine, mortalitet, Split ,mortalitet ,mortality ,newspapers - Abstract
Cilj je rada istražiti pojavu i utjecaj španjolske gripe u gradu Splitu tijekom 1918. i 1919. godine. Za utvrđivanje i opisivanje pojavnosti španjolske gripe na prostoru grada korištene su matične knjige umrlih župa sveti Križ, sveti Petar i Katedrala te registar umrlih splitske Državne bolnice. Pomoću spomenutih dokumenata prikupljeni su podatci o broju umrlih, te o njihovom spolu i dobi. Na temelju prikupljenih podataka provedena je deskriptivna statistička analiza. Prvi smrtni slučajevi pojavili su se početkom rujna 1918. godine, no vrhunac epidemije je bio u listopadu i studenom. Najveći broj umrlih zabilježen je u župi sveti Križ, a najmanji u župi Katedrala. Većina umrlih bila je u dobi od 20-40 godina života, te je smrtno stradao veći broj žena. Analizom novina Novo doba utvrđeno je da je španjolskoj gripi posvećeno malo medijskog prostora s obzirom na mortalitet koji je uzrokovala. The aim of the paper was to investigate the occurrence and impact of the Spanish flu in the city of Split during 1918 and 1919. The registers of the deceased of parishes St. Cross, St. Peter and the Cathedral and the register of the dead of the Split State Hospital were used to determine and describe the occurrence of the Spanish flu in the city. With the help of the mentioned documents, data on the number of deaths and their gender and age were collected. Based on the collected data, a descriptive statistical analysis was performed. The first deaths from this disease appeared in early September 1918, but the peak of the epidemic was in October and November same year. The highest number of deaths was recorded in the parish of the St. Cross, and the lowest in the parish of Cathedral. Most of the dead were between the ages of 20 and 40. In addition, a more women died from the consequences of illness. The analysis of Novo doba newspaper confirmed that very little media space was devoted to the Spanish flu even though it caused a high mortality.
- Published
- 2022
54. Klupski turizam kao dio turističke ponude otoka Paga
- Author
Lozovina, Dario and Mirošević, Lena
- Subjects
Novalja ,klupski ,klupski turizam, Novalja, Pag, turizam, Zrće ,Zrće ,INTERDISCIPLINARNA PODRUČJA ZNANOSTI. Geografija ,turizam ,INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE. Geography ,tourism ,Pag ,clubbing ,Zrce - Abstract
Klupski turizam sve je popularniji oblik turizma za mlade željne zabave i dobrog provoda. Zbog toga brojne destinacije razvijaju svoju turističku ponudu u ovom smjeru. Na prostoru Hrvatske, kao destinacija koja razvija ovakav oblik turizma, ističe se otok Pag, a glavna atrakcija za klupske turiste je plaža Zrće, kraj Novalje. Rad analizira povijesni razvoj klupskog turizma i nudi osvrt na Ibizu, destinaciju najpoznatiju upravo po klupskom turizmu. Kroz analizu statističkih podataka o ukupnom broju turističkih dolazaka i broju ostvarenih noćenja definira se prostorni obuhvat klupskog turizma te njegov utjecaj na gospodarstvo otoka. Rad analizira smještajne kapacitete na otoku te uspoređuje statističke podatke sa strukturom smještaja oglašenog na internetu. Kroz anketni upitnik o stavovima lokalnog stanovništva o klupskom turizmu istražuje se zastupljenost klupskih turista na otoku i stavovi stanovništva prema ovoj vrsti turizma. Razvoj klupskog turizma je rezultirao ekspanzijom turističkog sektora i većom zaradom od turizma. Ipak, snažniji utjecaj klupskog turizma ostao je lokaliziran na prostoru Novalje, dok nije izražen u drugim naseljima na otoku. Zbog brojnih negativnih čimbenika klupskog turizma, stanovništvo ne želi njegov daljnji razvoj, bez obzira na ekonomsku korist. S obzirom na navedeno, ostaje vidjeti u kojem smjeru će se razvijati turistička ponuda na otoku u budućnosti. Clubbing tourism is an increasingly popular type of tourism for young people searching for fun and a good time. Therefore, many destinations are developing their tourist offers in this direction. The island of Pag stands out as one of such destinations, with Zrce beach, near Novalja, as one of the main attractions for clubbing tourists in Croatia. The paper analyses the historical development of clubbing tourism and offers a review of Ibiza, a destination best known for clubbing tourism. Through the analysis of statistical data on the total number of tourist arrivals and the number of overnight stays, spatial boundaries of clubbing tourism and its impact on the island's economy are defined. The paper analyses accommodation on the island and compares statistical data with the structure of accommodation advertised on the Internet. The questionnaire on the attitudes of the local people towards clubbing tourism investigates the importance of clubbing tourists on the island and the attitudes of the people towards this type of tourism. The development of clubbing tourism has resulted in the expansion of the tourism sector and higher earnings. Nevertheless, stronger influence of clubbing tourism remained localized in the Novalja area, while it is not pronounced elsewhere on the island. Due to a high number of negative factors associated with clubbing tourism, the local residents on the island do not want to see further development of clubbing tourism, regardless of the strong economic benefits. Therefore, it remains to be seen in which direction the tourist offer on the island will develop in the future.
- Published
- 2021
55. Influence of geographical characteristics of a region on the population’s cultural practices – an example of mirila in the southern Velebit region
- Author
Škarica, Ana and Mirošević, Lena
- Subjects
južni Velebit ,simbolika ,southern Velebit ,mirila ,INTERDISCIPLINARNA PODRUČJA ZNANOSTI. Geografija ,INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE. Geography ,južni Velebit, mirila, simbolika, stočarstvo, pastirski stanovi ,cattle breeding ,pastirski stanovi ,symbolicism ,shepherds’ huts ,stočarstvo - Abstract
Istraživanja provedena u svrhu realizacije ovog rada vezana su uz analizu utjecaja geografskih obilježja prostora na kulturne prakse stanovništva na području južnog Velebita. Posebna pozornost usmjerena je proučavanju mirila, kao produktu kulturne prakse stanovništva. U prvom dijelu, proučavanjem dostupne literature, sagledan je povijesni pregled naseljavanja južnog Velebita, metodom sistematizacije prema povijesnim razdobljima. Cilj je bio utvrditi podrijetlo nastanka izrade mirila preko povijesnog pregleda razvoja transhumantnog stočarstva na ovom prostoru. Početci stočarskog načina života datiraju iz razdoblja obitavanja liburnskih i japodskih zajednica, na koje se kasnije nastavlja izmjena južnoslavenskih i, naposlijetku, vlaških zajednica. Liburni su početkom nove ere, procesom romanizacije te kasnije u 7. st. dolaskom južnoslavenskih zajednica, procesom pokrštavanja i kroatizacije, dijelom izgubili svoj identitet. Unatoč tome, ipak su uspjeli zadržati svoje predkršćanske prakse i vjerovanja, a tome danas svjedoče mirila. Analizom dostupnih statističkih podataka o aktivnom stanovništvu iz 1971. i 2011. godine ustanovljena je izrazita deagrarizacija velebitskog stanovništva uslijed procesa modernizacije i industrijalizacije koje za posljedicu ima okretanje stanovništva granama tercijarnog i kvartarnog sektora djelatnosti. Stočarstvo tako od druge polovice 20. st. gubi na značaju te se zamijenjuje modernijim načinom života, a sa smanjenjem velebitskog stočarenja prestaje i izrada mirila. Da bi se dobio uvid u prostorni raspored mirila na južnom Velebitu, bilo je potrebno izvršiti detaljno terensko istraživanje te kartiranje promatranog područja. Utvrđeno je kako razmještaj mirila ne ovisi isključivo o duljini puta između pastirskih stanova i mjesnog groblja, nego i o reljefnim karakteristikama terena i pogodnosti istog pri određivanju lokacije mirila. Kombinacijom navedenog terenskog istraživanja i analizom postojeće literature pokušao se definirati isklesani sadržaj i utvrditi izvor inspiracije pri ukrašavanju mirila. Sadržaj pronađen na mirilimapokazuje djelomičnu podudarnost s liburnskom ikonografijom, kojima je solarnost bila glavni motiv u poimanju svijeta i života, pa se tako zaključuje kako je simbolika na mirilima posredno stara oko 3 000 godina. The researches conducted for the purpose of this paper are connected to the analysis of the impact of geographical characteristics of the region on the population’s cultural practices in the southern Velebit region. Special attention is given to the study of mirila, a product of the population’s cultural practices. Studying the available literature, the first part of the paper centers on a historical overview of the southern Velebit settling, according to historical periods and using the systematic method. The aim of this paper is to determine the origin of mirila through the historical overview of the development of transhumance cattle breeding in this region. The beginning of the cattle breeding way of life dates from the period of habitation of Liburnian and Iapodian communities, which was later continued by the South Slav and finally the Vlach communities. At the beginning of the new era, the Liburns partially lost their identity in the process of Romanization and later on, in the 7th century in the process of Christianization and Croatization with the arrival of the South Slav communities. Despite this, they still managed to maintain their pre – Christian practices and beliefs, which is witnessed today in the form of mirila. The analysis of available statistical data on the active population from 1971 and 2011 revealed a marked deagrarization of the Velebit population due to the process of modernization and industrialization, which resulted in the growth of the tertiary and quaternary sectors. Since the second half of the 20th century, cattle breeding has lost its importance and has been replaced with a more modern way of life. Therefore, with the decrease of Velebit cattle breeding, the making of mirila has also ceased. In order to get an insight into the spatial distribution of mirila in the southern Velebit, it was necessary to perform a detailed field research and mapping of the observed region. It has been established that the distribution of mirila does not depend exclusively on the length of the trail between sheperds’ huts and the local cemetery, but also on the relief characteristics on the terrain and its convenience in determing the location of mirila. By combining the field research and the analysis of existing literature, an attempt was made to define the carved content and determine the source of inspiration in decorating mirila. The content found on mirila shows a partial compatibility with the Liburnian iconography, in which solarization was the main motive in the conception of the world and life. Thus, it is concluded that the simbolysm of mirila is, indirectly, about 3 000 years old.
- Published
- 2021
56. Dalmatian hinterland gastronomy
- Author
Miloš, Marinela and Mirošević, Lena
- Subjects
turistička ponuda ,Dalmatinska zagora, gastronomija, tradicionalna jela, turistička ponuda ,Dalmatinska zagora ,gastronomija ,INTERDISCIPLINARNA PODRUČJA ZNANOSTI. Geografija ,tourist offer ,INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE. Geography ,gastronomy ,tradicionalna jela ,traditional dishes ,Dalmatian hinterland - Abstract
Dalmatinska zagora je oduvijek bio specifičan prostor. Bilo da radi o klimatskim, vegetacijskim, kulturološkim ili povijesnim obilježjima ovaj prostor se posebno izdvajao. Tako i gastronomija koja kao dio gastro turizma doprinosi sve boljem i snažnijem razvoju Dalmatinske zagore. Glavni cilj rada je bio odrediti gastronomska područja unutar Dalmatinske zagore. Potom je bilo potrebno istraţiti i analizirati tradicionalna jela koja su oduvijek bila sinonim za određenu regiju, a naposljetku i pokazati kako je gastronomija omogućila bolji gospodarski razvitak Zagore. Prilikom određivanja gastronomskih područja pomogla mi je teritorijalna raspodjela Dalmatinske zagore autora Matasa i Faričića. Odredila sam pet takvih područja koja se ističu sa svojim tradicionalnim, autohtonim jelima koje se izvan tih kulturnih areala ne mogu pronaći. U sklopu istraživanja vidljivo je da se određena jela ne spremaju samo u jednoj gastronomskoj regiji, nego u dvije ili čak više njih. To je dokaz da je Zagora unatoč svojoj specifičnosti dopustila prelijevanje recepata iz jedne regije u drugu zadržavši sve unutar svojih granica. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju kako je gastronomija Dalmatinske zagore osnova za razvoj ruralnog turizma. Uz osnovne prirodne znamenitosti, kulturu baštinu i povijesne elemente, tradicionalna jela i način njihove pripreme uvelike potiču porast turističke potražnje. Budući da nedostaje ovakvih restorana koji su isključivo okrenuti k domaćoj proizvodnji trebalo bi turizam usmjeriti prema tom polju. Neophodno je spominjati koliko je ovaj prostor kvalitetan te koliko može pružiti turistu, a sve veći broj turista pravi je dokaz za to. Za još svjetliju budućnost potrebno je proširiti turističku ponudu otvaranjem restorana, kuća za odmor te napraviti dobru promociju kao osnovu za daljnji napredak. Dalmatian hinterland has always been a specific area. Whether it is climate, vegetation, culture or historical features, this area is particularly pronounced. In such a way, gastronomy as part of the gastronomic tourism, contributes to the better and stronger development of the Dalmatian hinterland. The main goal of the work was to determine the gastronomic areas within the Dalmatian hinterland. Then it was necessary to explore and analyze the traditional dishes that have always been synonymous with a particular region and, finally, to show how gastronomy enabled better economic development of Zagora. When determining the gastronomic areas, I was helped by the territorial distribution of the Dalmatian hinterland of authors Matas and Faričić. I have set five such areas that stand out with their traditional, autochthonous dishes that can not be found outside these cultural areas. As part of the research, it is evident that certain foods are not only stored in one gastronomic region, but in two or even more. It is a proof that Zagor despite his specificity allowed to pour recipes from one region to another while keeping everything within their limits. The research results show that Dalmatian hinterland gastronomy is the basis for rural tourism development. Along with the main natural sights, culture heritage and historical elements, traditional dishes and their way of preparation greatly stimulate the growth of tourist demand. Because of the lack of such restaurants that are solely turning to domestic production, tourism should be directed towards that field. It is necessary to mention how good this space is and what can offer to the tourist, and the growing number of tourists is a real proof of it. For a brighter future it is necessary to extend the tourist offer by opening restaurants, holiday houses and making good promotion as a basis for further progress.
- Published
- 2019
57. Landscape in Southeastern Europe
- Author
Mirošević, Lena, Zaro, Gregory, Katić, Mario, and Birt, Danijela
- Subjects
Landscape ,Southeastern Europe - Abstract
A landscape is a medium that reflects material, spiritual, and cultural activities of communities in the past, present and future. Understanding landscape in the context of space and time necessarily demands the conceptual approaches of different scientific and expert fields of study. Through a variety of case studies from Southeastern Europe, this volume explores the concept of landscape from multiple fields of study in order to gain insight into how disciplines such as archaeology, anthropology, ethnology, folklore, sociology, and history define and approach this concept.
- Published
- 2018
58. Identity of Croatian space in popular music
- Author
Meštrović, Mario and Mirošević, Lena
- Subjects
Croatia ,geografija glazbe, Hrvatska, identitet, popularna glazba ,geografija glazbe ,popular music ,Hrvatska ,identitet ,INTERDISCIPLINARNA PODRUČJA ZNANOSTI. Geografija. Društvena geografija ,INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE. Geography. Social Geography ,popularna glazba ,identity ,geography of music - Abstract
U ovom diplomskom radu istraživani su nacionalni i regionalni identiteti te njihova zastupljenost u tekstovima pjesama popularne glazbe hrvatskih autora. Istraživanje je bilo temeljeno na analizi tekstova pjesama hrvatskih izvođača popularne glazbe. Glavni ciljevi istraživanja bili su analizirati različite načine na koje se hrvatski prostor prikazuje u popularnoj glazbi, istražiti elemente hrvatskih identiteta i analizirati regionalne razlike u identitetima hrvatskog prostora. Tijekom Ilirskoga pokreta počeo se formirati jedinstveni hrvatski nacionalni identitet, a budnice i davorije bile su istaknute domoljubne pjesme tog razdoblja. Tijekom druge polovice 20. stoljeća, Jugoslavenstvo je bilo prisutno kao identitet Hrvatske. Rezultati analize tekstova pjesama pokazuju da je popularna glazba, posebice tijekom Domovinskog rata, odigrala ključnu ulogu u izražavanju nacionalnog identiteta. Tijekom rata, popularna glazba imala je nekoliko glavnih uloga: ohrabrivanje i podizanje morala vojnika i civilnog stanovništva, provokacija neprijatelja, poziv na uključivanje stanovništva koje nije bilo izravno pogođeno ratom, posebno dijaspore i sredstvo komunikacije. Jadransko more je glavni fizičko-geografski element hrvatskoga nacionalnog identiteta prisutan u pjesmama popularne glazbe. Klapska i tamburaška glazba glazbeni su žanrovi koji su se u Hrvatskoj razvili od tradicionalne do popularne glazbe, dok je drugi od simbola regije (Slavonije) postao simbol države. Rezultati pokazuju da su fizičko-geografska obilježja dominantna nad društveno geografskim u identitetima hrvatskih regija. Jadransko more u Primorskoj Hrvatskoj i rijeke Drava, Dunav i Sava u Kontinentalnoj Hrvatskoj najčešći su motivi prisutni u pjesmama tih regija. In this graduation thesis national and regional identities and their representation in song lyrics of popular music by Croatian authors were examined. This research was based on analysis of song lyrics by Croatian musicians in popular music.The main aims of the research were to analyze the different ways in which Croatian space is depicted in popular music, to explore the elements of Croatian identity and to analyze regional differences in the identity of Croatian space. Unified Croatian national identity started to form during the Illyrian movement. Budnice and davorije were the prominent patriotic songs of the period. During the second half of the 20th century Yugoslavism was present as the identity of Croatia. The results of song lyrics analyzis show that popular music, especially during The Croatian War of Independence, played the crucial role in the construction of the national identity. During the war, popular music had several major roles: the encouragement and morale raising of soldiers and civilian population, the provocation of the enemy, the call for inclusion of the population that was not directly affected by the war, especially the diaspora, and means of communication. The Adriatic Sea is the main physical element of Croatian national identity present in popular music songs. Klapa and Tamburica Music are the genres of music in Croatia that have evolved from traditional to popular, while the latter one from the symbols of a region (Slavonia) has become a symbol of the country. The results show that the physical characteristics are dominant over social in identities of Croatian regions. The Adriatic Sea in Croatian Litoral, and the Drava, Danube and Sava rivers in Continental Croatia are the most common motives present in the songs of these regions.
- Published
- 2018
59. Promjene u prostorno-funkcionalnoj strukturi Zadra nakon 1991
- Author
Grbas, Damira and Mirošević, Lena
- Subjects
industry ,Zadar ,military object ,vojni objekt ,industrija ,area ,INTERDISCIPLINARNA PODRUČJA ZNANOSTI. Geografija. Društvena geografija ,infrastructure ,INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE. Geography. Social Geography ,prostor - Abstract
U radu se analizira prostorno-funkcionalna struktura Zadra nakon 1991. godine na temelju postojeće literature, statističkih podataka, kartografskih prikaza i fotodokumentacije. Posebno se naglašavaju dva prostorna procesa koja su obilježila prostorno-funkcionalnu strukturu Zadra u proteklih nekoliko godina; proces deindustrijalizacije koji označava napuštanje i prenamjenu površina, ali i smanjenje industrijske proizvodnje i proces demilitarizacije koji označava napuštanje i prenamjenu prostora vojarni. This graduation thesis analyses spacial and functional structure of Zadar after 1991. based on available literature, statistic data, cartographic representations and photo documentation. Two of the spatial processes which had marked spacial and functional structure of Zadar in the past few years are emphasized, particularly the process of deindustrialization which marks abandonment and conversion of areas and also reduction of industrial production and process of demilitarization and conversion of abandoned military structures.
- Published
- 2017
60. Mali obalni ribolov : tradicijska ili gospodarsko i sportsko – rekreacijska djelatnost hrvatskog priobalja i otoka
- Author
Rubelj, Ivan and Mirošević, Lena
- Subjects
Adriatic sea ,TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Traffic and Transport Technology. Maritime and River Traffic ,obala ,economy ,Jadransko more ,TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Tehnologija prometa i transport. Pomorski i riječni promet ,gospodarstvo ,ribolov ,coast ,sports ,sport ,fishing - Abstract
Mali obalni ribolov je tradicijska aktivnost hrvatskog priobalja i otoka. Zbog resursa koje pruža Jadransko more navedena aktivnost je zastupljena u velikoj mjeri. Svakako je vrlo važna aktivnost jer pridonosi gospodarstvu, turizmu, ali služi kao sportska te rekreacijska djelatnost. Cilj ovoga rada je prikazati ribolov kao djelatnost širokog spektra koja se ne veže samo za gospodarstvo. Small coastal fishing is a traditional activity of the Croatian coast and islands. Because of the resources provided by the Adriatic Sea listed activity is represented to a large extent. It is certainly a very important activity because it contributes to the economy, tourism, but serves as a sports and recreational activities. The aim of this paper is to present fishing as an activity of a wide range that is not only tied to the economy
- Published
- 2016
61. Prometni tokovi putnika u pomorskom prometu zadarskog okružja
- Author
Bačić, Mateo and Mirošević, Lena
- Subjects
zadarsko okružje ,land ,kopno ,Zadar environment ,TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Traffic and Transport Technology. Maritime and River Traffic ,pomorsko putničke linije ,TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Tehnologija prometa i transport. Pomorski i riječni promet ,otoci ,autobusne linije ,islands ,bus lines ,Maritime passenger lines - Abstract
Završni rad prikazuje pomorsko putničke linije zadarskog okružja te analizira povezanost otoka zadarskog okružja s kopnom i otoka međusobno. Ova tema posebno je bitna budući da otoci ovise o vezi s kopnom te da je ona ključna u razvoju samih otoka te u poboljšavanju uvjeta življenja na njima. U radu su još i prikazane povlastice na koje otočani imaju pravo te autobusne linije na pojedinim otocima. The final work shows all maritime passenger lines Zadar environment and analyzes the connection between the island of Zadar's environment with the mainland and between the islands. This topic is particularly important because the islands are dependent on ties with the main-land and that it is crucial in the development of its islands and in improving the conditions of life on them. The paper also shows the benefits to which the islanders have the right and the bus lines on some of the islands.
- Published
- 2016
62. Designing Landscape Through Place Names
- Author
Brozović Rončević, Dunja, Gmižić, Ivana, Katić, Mario, Birt, Danijela, and Mirošević, Lena
- Subjects
landscape ,place names ,ethnolinguistic - Abstract
Place names, as landscape signifiers, indisputably enable the most direct way of „reading the landscape“, since names directly reflect the relationship between humans and the land. At the same time place names provide valuable data on the ethnolinguistic affiliation of the community that created them. Names may indicate former ways of life, as well as linguistic and cultural changes that occurred over time. Toponomastic research is usually conducted from the linguistic or geographical perspective, whereas anthropological research so far did not pay due attention to place names. However, anthropology can offer a new approach to the study of place names. With data from place name research, we can analyze how humans have perceived and experienced their relationship with the landscape. The landscape can be „read“ as a system of communication, within which naming is most explicit way of shaping and identifying with the landscape. Within the language system place names never occur randomly. On the contrary, names regularly represent an ordered set of signs in the framework of micro- community as well as indicate relationships to the landscape. Reality is interpreted through the connection between the geographical realities (objects in the landscape) and names (language signs). The purpose of this paper is to show the relationship between humans and the landscape on several Croatian islands through the analysis of the distribution of few selected geographical terms and place names derived from them. Data has been collected through our own field research (the islands of Brač, Iž, Mljet, Rab, Pag, Pašman, Ugljan), and relevant toponomastic literature on other Croatian islands. For the analysis and mapping we used GIS (ArcGIS 10.1 software) in order to point out the possibility of using GIS in the ethnolinguistic research.
- Published
- 2015
63. Changes in Features of Housing Units: Croatia 2001 – 2011
- Author
Mišetić, Roko, Pokos, Nenad, Bara, Mario, Katić, Mario, Birt, Danijela, and Mirošević, Lena
- Subjects
stambene jedinice ,prostor ,funkcionalne karakteristike ,fizionomske karakteristike ,Hrvatska - Abstract
The paper analyses functional and physiognomic changes of housing units on city and municipality level in the Republic of Croatia from 2001 up to 2011. Functional changes are analysed according to statistical categories of housing units, while for analysis of physiognomic changes the authors used data on number and sizes of the units. During the past few decades the total number of housing units in Croatia is continuously growing as well as the number of units within specific statistical categories. The same trend exists when analysing the size of the units – in addition to absolute growth, records show increase in average size of housing units as well. The analysis of last inter- census period, when the total number of housing units increased by 19.7%, shows that the change in total number of housing units, as well as change in the number of lower level statistical categories is spatially differentiated. While coastal region and the capital city register a relatively strong increase in the number of housing units, central Croatia stands out at the other end with the lowest increase rate. Among changes that affected lower category housing units, increase in apartments for secondary housing stands out. Between 2001 and 2011 their number increased by 36.6%, with highest rate recorded in coastal cities and municipalities. Census data also indicate the expansion of number of temporarily vacant housing units during the analysed period, which is also a continued trend from earlier periods. The significant increase in temporarily vacant housing units during previous decade can be in one part associated with the economical crisis and recession that created an excess of units on the market. On the other hand, the reasons can also be found in the fact that registered changes are not following the rate of demographic development of Croatia. Increase in the number of developed units does not reflect real needs for housing, but can instead be interpreted as a sort of preservation of value when considering citizen’s savings. This, however, represents the “occupation” of space and its permanent dilapidation.
- Published
- 2015
64. Banija/Banovina is Sadly Crying - Changing Landscape in Everyday Talks, Songs and Images
- Author
Lončar, Sanja, Katić, Mario, Birt, Danijela, and Mirošević, Lena
- Subjects
Banija/Banovina ,landscape ,everxday talks ,songs ,images - Abstract
The areas of Croatia, occupied during Homeland War (1991-1995), and afflicted by war activities, destruction and migration of population, have experienced, both during war and post-war period, the changes in landscape that have an impact on lives of current and emigrated inhabitants even today. The author discusses one of such areas in Central Croatia. The region Banija/Banovina was occupied from 1991 until 1995, and even today it is the area of unrepaired material and other damages caused by warfare, of insignificant economic and commercial development, undeveloped infrastructure, areas covered with landmines and unfavorable demographic structure. In this area there are 100 000 less inhabitants than twenty years ago, mainly due to war activities, emigration and depopulation. The inhabitants link the questions and problems of everyday life on this area directly with the insufficient number of people and the changes in landscape: deserted villages, overgrown infields, reduction in arable land areas, propagation, disease and exploitation of forests, increase in number of wild animals etc. The inhabitants that emigrated from this area during or after wartime thematize the dismal state of this area, as well as the sorrow for the lost homes and villages, in songs and video clips (among other things). In this presentation the author is focused on analysis and interpretation of narrations of current and emigrated inhabitants in which the localities and markers of landscape are mentioned (river Una, mount Djed, Zrinska gora Mountain, Šamarica forest, plums and plum orchards, fertile fields, dewy grass etc.), as well as the negative changes in the landscape, the regret for passed times and wanted comeback to idealized, never forgotten home. These narrations about post-war landscape of Banija/Banovina are the result and part of much wider political, social and cultural changes and processes. Also, thanks to the interwoven elements of personal and family memories and recollections, past and present experiences of everyday life in this area, they are the reflection of different levels of identification of inhabitants with the space of their living or ancestry.
- Published
- 2015
65. Reading the Venetian Cadastre: Ravni Kotari Landscape in Early 18th Century
- Author
Blaće, Ante, Katić, Mario, Birt Danijela, and Mirošević, Lena
- Subjects
cadastre ,land use ,landscape ,Ravni Kotari - Abstract
Landscapes have multiple meanings – they represent both the materialistic world and the subjective perception of space. Geographical research in the past has mostly dealt with the landscape's physical and social features. Over time, the focus has shifted and contemporary geographical research emphasizes the study of land use and land cover changes. Landscape development in Croatia and especially Littoral Croatia was marked by complex historical, social and economical factors. Ravni Kotari, the research area, is a physiognomic subunit of the central part of Littoral Croatia. Its physical features, such as fertile land and availability of water made Ravni Kotari suitable for agricultural production and settling since prehistory. Furthermore, the period of Roman rule and the Late Middle Ages marked the first two peaks in Ravni Kotari landsacpe development. Unfavorable conditions during Ottoman-Venetian wars in the 16th and 17th centuries caused discontinuity in landscape development. After liberation from Ottoman rule, the Venetian Republic organized settlement in Ravni Kotari because it wanted to establish a permanent military border towards Ottoman Empire. Settlers were given land and in return they had to serve as soldiers in case of war. Division of land was performed by cadastral survey, the first to take place in Ravni Kotari or Croatia. The primary role of cadastre was to monitor settling. However, the cadastre also recorded general spatial distribution and the surface of different land use categoriessuch as ploughlands, pastures, vineyards, meadows, uncultivated and infertile land. The largest shares belonged to pastures and ploughlands as a result of dominant grain cultivation and cattle breeding. The Venetian cadastre was not flawless considering the measurement techniques of that time and the categorization of land, but its importance is in introducing land survey that marks a starting point in land use study of Ravni Kotari area. The cadastre was made in the early 18th century which means that today we can track landscape development up to 300 years in the past. Another important fact is that contemporary Ravni Kotari landscape has its roots in early 18th cenutry, meaning that there were no more such profound discontinuities in landscape development.
- Published
- 2015
66. The Significance of Urban Public Places: Sociological Considerations on the Use of Urban Space Taking the Example of Coffee Houses
- Author
Adžija, Maja, Šarinić, Jana, Čaldarović, Ognjen, Katić, Mario, Birt, Danijela, and Mirošević, Lena
- Subjects
urban life ,urban public spaces ,coffee houses - Abstract
Coffee house used to be the places for meeting with friends. In a broader sense, these places have represented „organized public spaces“ in a city providing place to meet, have a chat and spend some time with friends. In many cases, some coffee houses have been „institutions“ of urban life, a part of urban identity, memory and a “must place” to visit and see in a certain city. During several last decades, the role of coffee houses has changed – from identity places, from urban memories, from „institutions“ into (usually) crowded places, usually for short stay. Instead of live music that was accompanying social gatherings in the old coffee houses, music more like noise prevails in modern coffee places. It seems that noise- music is programmed in that way to prevent the customers of staying longer period of time. Due to many reasons, privatization of buildings and therefore also of the coffee houses, many of them that used to represent the identity of a certain urban milieu, are closed for many years. Examples include „Corso“, and „Medulić“ and „Gradska kavana“in Zagreb. This transformation of major roles of coffee houses – from the traditional ones to the modern ones – has changed also their major role as a suitable, comfortable, and a place where an extended part of a time could be spent. So, in a way, specific combination of private and public places had been represented by coffee houses. Today’s coffee places are usually for short stay, for „showing the other that I am also here“, and to see who is also present. The paper will discuss major changes of social functions of coffee houses now and in earlier times, trying to show whether the role of authentic, old fashioned, full of memories and identity places – coffee houses – will ever „come back“ and what will be their major social roles nowadays.
- Published
- 2015
67. Sites of memory and social change : case study of 'Monument dedicated to establishment of Yugoslav navy' in Podgora
- Author
Mustapić, Marko, Perasović, Benjamin, Katić, Mario, Birt, Danijela, and Mirošević, Lena
- Subjects
cultural memory ,sites of memory ,social change ,Croatia ,Podgora - Abstract
Memory is not something given or fixed, it is specific process which includes various definitions and re-definitions, interpretations and re-interpretations. The representations of different ‘sites of memory’ (Nora, 1998), as monuments, museums, commemorations, festivals etc., are constantly changing, depending on the social changes. Places have biographies in as much as they are formed, used, and transformed in relation to practice. They have value and historical relevance if they are rooted in the concrete details of locales in the landscape, acquiring material reference points that can be visited, seen and touched (Tilley, 1994). Monuments definitely have special importance for ‘official memory’ (Olick, 2007). During the period after WW2, Yugoslavia was socialist, one-party state. Totalitarian type of government was insisting on communist interpretation of recent history. WW2 was the central point of the Yugoslav ‘official memory’. In Podgora (Croatia) on 10.09.1942. Yugoslav Navy was established ; 20 years later, 10.09.1962. president Tito opened the monument and the site of memory in Podgora. Yugoslavia 'died' in bloody wars (1991-1999) and new states were developing new frameworks for interpretations of the past. During the 1990s monument in Podgora (as almost all other socialist monuments in Croatia) lost its previous function. Nevertheless, in collective memory of local community, this monument (and WW2 as such) still has important role in construction of collective identity. There are two aims of this paper. First aim is to research the characteristics of types of construction of ‘official memory’ regarding the monument, in two different political and social periods (1962-1990 and after 1990). Second aim is to research interpretations of contemporary commemorative and social activities around the monument in Podgora. In collecting the data for this paper, we used qualitative methods (content analysis of official historic monographs ; content analysis of local magazine Makarska rivijera, semi-structured interviews).
- Published
- 2015
68. Dwelling in Multiple Landscapes: A Socio- Spatial Analysis of Second Home Phenomenon in Croatia
- Author
Miletić, Geran-Marko, Peračković, Krešimir, Marinović Golubić, Marica, Katić, Mario, Birt, Danijela, and Mirošević, Lena
- Subjects
Dwelling ,Landscape ,Socio-Spatial Analysis ,Second Home - Abstract
The number of second homes in Croatia grew rapidly in the last inter-censal period (from approx. 182.000 in 2001 to 250.000 in 2011) and as a result, second home expansion continues to be one of the strongest factors of spatial transformation in Croatia with coastal regions being most affected. Having that in mind, focus of this analysis will be on social and spatial patterns of second home expansion in Croatia. Starting from the fact that second home use implies not only (temporary) change in place of residence, but also, very often, movement to different landscapes, the main aim of the analysis is to find out what kind of landscape do owners of second homes in Croatia prefer and what are basic characteristics of Croatian households that have a second home. The specific objectives of the analysis are as follows: first, to describe spatial distribution of second homes (settlement size ; type of settlement: rural/urban, core/peripheral, developed/developing ; location: Continental/Adriatic region) ; second, to get insight into main features of places of primary residence (places where families with second homes permanently live) ; and the third objective is to compare households with and without second home based on their family, economic and housing status. Part of data for the analysis will be taken from the 2011 Census. However, as the data about second home owners in Croatia aren’t collected with the Census, data from an empirical research on the national representative sample conducted in the autumn of 2014 (N=3000) will be used for getting insight into socio- spatial background of Croatian households with a second home.
- Published
- 2015
69. Urban Transformation and Landscape Change Surrounding the Nadin Archaeological Site, Croatia
- Author
Zaro, Gregory, Čelhar, Martina, Vujević, Dario, Ćuka, Anica, Faričić, Josip, and Mirošević, Lena et al.
- Subjects
Nadin-Gradina, North Dalmatia, urban transformation, landscape change - Abstract
Cities are a dominant factor in global environmental change today, but as a long-term process, urbanization has played a significant role in shaping our planet’s landscapes and environments for millennia, effectively creating anthropogenic landscapes. Recognition of this point opens the door for archaeological research to make significant contributions to contemporary urban/ecological issues while also generating cross-cultural knowledge about urbanism in the ancient, historic, and modern worlds. This paper presents the research design and preliminary results from a field program of archaeological excavation and analysis at the Nadin archaeological site, a moderately-sized center in Croatia’s Ravni Kotari region along the Adriatic Sea. The site is situated near the 3, 000-year-old city of Zadar, an important social and economic center in the region today but one that faces significant urban/ecological challenges over the coming century. With a nearly 2, 500-year record of (possibly intermittent) occupational history, Nadin affords the opportunity to investigate the relationship between phases of urban growth and decline and broader changes in landscape and environment. This work is generating archaeological data related to urban form, spatial organization, economy, subsistence, and environment from the site’s inception to the present era. This project is also working to more precisely delineate the site’s chronology, an essential prerequisite to articulating changes in urban form with broader changes in landscape and environment. The results will help build a range of knowledge on human-environmental interactions in the Zadar region, offering deep-time perspectives on contemporary issues.
- Published
- 2015
70. Južna Dalmacija očima stranih umjetnika na kraju 19. i na početku 20. st
- Author
Žaja Vrbica Sanja, Mirošević, Lena, and Graovac Matassi, Vera
- Subjects
Dubrovnik ,slikari ,kraj 19. i početak 20. st - Abstract
Tijekom druge polovice 19. i početkom 20. st. brojni strani likovni umjetnici posjećuju dubrovačko područje privučeni iznimnim krajolicima i kulturnom baštinom. Njihove boravke u Dubrovniku otkrivaju lokalne publikacije, evidentirajući njihove posjete ili izložbe u dubrovačkim prostorima. Međutim, motive tih dolazaka često nam rasvjetljavaju autobiografije i korespondencije naših slikara otkrivajući brojne kontakte i prijateljstva s uvaženim stranim stvarateljima, ali i njihove umjetničke poticaje pronađene u južnoj Dalmaciji. Pojedinim autorima Dubrovnik je samo jednokratno viđena postaja na putovanjima, dok drugi ostvaruju brojne prijateljske veze s domaćim umjetnicima ili prvim kontaktom s južnim krajolicima, zatravljeni, napuštaju svoj zavičaj i pronalazeći samo u južnim podnebljima dovoljno nadahnuća za stvaranje tu se trajno naseljavaju. Posebnosti otkrivene u južnoj Dalmaciji zabilježili su u svojim djelima danas čuvanim u brojnim privatnim i muzejskim zbirkama.
- Published
- 2014
71. Ekspresivni izraz u njemačkim putopisima po Dalmaciji 19. stoljeća
- Author
Pavić Pintarić, Anita, Mirošević, Lena, and Graovac Matassi, Vera
- Subjects
putopis ,Dalmacija ,ekspresivnost ,intenzitet ,leksička sredstva - Abstract
Putopisi prenose dojmove, osjećaje i zapažanja koje je autor doživio na putovanju. Dalmacija je u 19. stoljeću bila zanimljiva stranim putopiscima zbog kulturnih, političkih i gospodarskih razloga. U ovome radu obrađuje se ekspresivnost kao intenziviranje izraza. Ono se može postići primjerice prilozima ili frazemima, ali i tvorbenim sredstvima. Utvrđuje se koje od ovih sredstava putopisci koriste za intenziviranje izraza. Istražuju se njihova morfološka obilježja, stilska obilježenost i mogućnost pridruživanja tematskim područjima. Opisuje se u kojim se situacijama koriste ekspresivna sredstva te na što se odnose.
- Published
- 2014
72. Dalmacija u prostoru i vremenu - Što Dalmacija jest, a što nije?
- Author
Mirošević, Lena and Graovac Matassi Vera
- Subjects
Dalmacija ,regija ,povijesni razvoj ,geografska obilježja ,gospodarstvo ,putopisi - Abstract
U zborniku je objavljen dio radova koji su predstavljeni na znanstvenom skupu Dalmacija u prostoru i vremenu - Što Dalmacija jest, a što nije, održanog 14.-16. lipnja 2012.
- Published
- 2014
73. Dalmacija u francuskim putopisima u razdoblju realizma
- Author
Levačić, Patrick, Mirošević, Lena, and Matasi, Vera
- Subjects
francuski putopisi, Dalmacija, realizam, Orijent, Ilirske pokrajine, Balkan, Mediteran - Abstract
U radu se analizira francuska putopisna predodžba Dalmacije u razdoblju književne epohe realizma. Na početku smo problematiku postavili unutar komparativnog razmatranja francuskog realizma i romantizma. Dalmacija, unutar pojmova Balkana, Mediterana, Orijenta i Ilirskih pokrajina, dobiva različite povijesne i kulturološke konotacije.
- Published
- 2014
74. Je li moguće razvijati Dalmaciju kao integralni brend u turizmu?
- Author
Miletić, Josip, Krajnović, Aleksandra, Bosna, Jurica, Mirošević, Lena, and Graovac Matassi, Vera
- Subjects
turistička destinacija kao brend ,krovna marka (Umbrella Brand) u turizmu ,Dalmacija kao brend ,turistički klasteri - Abstract
Autori zastupaju tezu da se Dalmaciju na turističkom tržištu treba promatrati i promovirati integralno, kao cjelinu, a svoju tezu temelje na iskustvima najuspješnijih turističkih regija, koje svoj uspjeh mogu zahvaliti primjeni modela uspješnog integriranja regije kao cjeline – krovne marke. U radu autori iznose model brendiranja Dalmacije kao krovne marke (Umbrella Brand), koji unutar sebe definira i razvija manje jedinice – turističke klastere. Autori su mišljenja da je brendiranje Dalmacije u turizmu na temelju prikazanoga modela najbolji način da ova, najatraktivnija hrvatska turistička regija, snažno konkurira na globalnom turističkom tržištu. Smatraju da Dalmacija za to ima sve prirodne, kulturne i socio- kulturološke uvjete. Sam pojam "Dalmacija" pobuđuje snažne povijesne, kulturne, antropološke i sociološke konotacije. Marketinška formula uspješnog brendiranja ove regije jest u tome da se sve te posebnosti "fenomena Dalmacija" preslikaju na turističko tržište, pretvarajući se u specifičan turistički proizvod, a sve to na načelima održivog turizma, koji će sve turističke privlačnosti ovoga kraja ne samo očuvati već i održavati i dodatno valorizirati.
- Published
- 2014
75. Namjesnik Emil David i kulturni turizam kao dalmatinski gospodarski potencijal koncem 19. st
- Author
Ćorić, Franko, Mirošević, Lena, and Graovac Matassi, Vera
- Subjects
Emil David von Rhonfeld ,Austro-Ugarska Monarhija ,kulturni turizam ,Alois Hauser ,Središnje povjerenstvo - Abstract
Posljednji vojni namjesnik austrijske krunske zemlje Dalmacije general Emil David von Rhonfeld se u 22. svibnja 1894. godine kod Ministarstva bogoštovlja i nastave založio za donošenje zakona o zaštiti spomenika. Bečkom c. kr. Središnjem povjerenstvu za proučavanje i održavanje povijesnih i umjetničkih spomenika, preteči austrijskoga Bundesdenkmalamta, je proslijedio prijepis okružnice upućene podređenim službama o čuvanju spomenika i starina kao i prijepis dopisa upućenog Ministarstvu te zatražio potporu za svoj pothvat. U dopisu upućenom Ministarstvu naveo je svoje viđenje razloga gospodarske stagnacije Dalmacije i lošeg političkog stanja. Predlagao je donošenje zakona jer je smatrao da bi se očuvanjem i proučavanjem bogatog umjetničkog blaga, te s time povezanim podizanjem turizma, u pokrajini stvorilo dugoročni izvor resursa, pa je za 1895. godinu zatražio povišenje proračunskoga iznosa za «umjetničke i arheološke svrhe». Za vrijeme njegova namjesnikovanja je izvedena ili započeta velika većina restauratorskih radova u Dalmaciji u 19. stoljeću, uveden niz novih parobrodnih linija i izgrađeno više novih hotela te je u Beču osnovano Društvo za promicanje ekonomskih interesa krunske zemlje Dalmacije koje se u svome listu uglavnom zalagalo za promicanje dalmatinskoga turizma.
- Published
- 2014
76. Split - na dodiru urbanoga i ruralnoga
- Author
Klempić Bogadi, Sanja, Podgorelec, Sonja, Mirošević, Lena, and Graovac Matassi, Vera
- Subjects
Split ,doseljenici ,nekontrolirana izgradnja ,socijalna diferencijacija ,ruralizacija - Abstract
Split brojnost svoga stanovništva zahvaljuje, prije svega, snažnom i stihijskom doseljavanju u razdoblju nakon Drugoga svjetskog rata pa sve do devedesetih godina 20. stoljeća. Rezultati takvih migracijskih tokova su neorganizirana urbanizacija – nekontrolirana izgradnja i devastacija okoliša te koncentracija doseljenika u četvrtima na periferiji grada. Riječ je stanovništvu pretežno doseljenom iz ruralnih sredina, u najvećem broju slabijeg obrazovanja i nižih prihoda. Posljedice višedesetljetne postupne prostorne segregacije i socijalne diferencijacije stanovnika reflektiraju se u dominaciji ruralnog elementa u raznim sferama društvenog života čime se mijenja prepoznatljivi duh grada i slabi stupanj njegova urbaniteta.
- Published
- 2014
77. O regiji i regionalnom pristupu u geografiji
- Author
Blaće, Ante, Vukosav, Branimir, Mirošević, Lena, and Graovac Matassi, Vera
- Subjects
regija ,regionalizacija ,teritorij ,tradicionalna regija - Abstract
U radu se, s geografskog stajališta, analiziraju osnovne značajke regija, regionalizacije i njihove primjene u praktičnim istraživanjima. Navedeni su vrste i tipovi regija i obilježja dijelova regija. Također je objašnjena regionalizacija, temeljni načini i metode s posebnim osvrtom na uvjetno-homogenu i nodalno-funkcionalnu regionalizaciju Hrvatske. U poglavlju o praktičnim regionalnim istraživanjima najviše se raspravlja o ulozi regionalizacije u oblikovanju upravno-teritorijalnih jedinica, te o regionalnom pristupu u definiranju tradicijskih regija.
- Published
- 2014
78. Niskotarifni zračni prijevoz - sadašnje stanje i prilika budućeg razvoja gospodarstva Južne Dalmacije
- Author
Pejdo, Ana, Mirošević, Lena, and Graovac Matassi, Vera
- Subjects
niskotarifne zrakoplovne tvrtke ,zračne luke ,gospodarstvo ,Dalmacija - Abstract
Okosnicu zračnog prometa Južne Hrvatske čine zračne luke Zadar, Split i Dubrovnik. Premda zračni promet do danas nije, niti može preuzeti većinski udio putničkog ili teretnog prometa Južne Hrvatske, zasigurno je grana prometa koja je zabilježila najdinamičniji rast te najveće promjene krajem 20. i početkom 21. stoljeća. Jedan od razloga je uvođenje letova niskotarifnih zrakoplovnih tvrtki. Ukoliko je zračna luka gospodarski uspješan subjekt na lokalnoj, regionalnoj, ali i državnoj razini, njezina lokacija osigurat će joj nezavisnost u odnosu na druga značajnija prometna čvorišta. Sekundarne zračne luke, kakve luke u Južnoj Hrvatskoj jesu, na sve načine nastoje privući što veći broj niskotarifnih zrakoplovnih tvrtki da bi poboljšale svoje poslovanje, ali i pozitivno utjecale na gospodarski razvoj regije u kojoj su smještene. Bez obzira na snažne turističke mogućnosti, uslijed nedostatne prometne infrastrukture i ograničene mobilnosti, pozitivni trendovi u turističkim kretanjima Južne Hrvatske mogu biti zaustavljeni. Stvaranjem novog tržišta sa sve izraženijim nadmetanjem među zračnim lukama Republike Hrvatske i Europske unije, zračne luke na prostoru Južne Hrvatske održat će se isključivo ukoliko budu modernizirane i prilagodljive luke koje će u svoje poslovanje uspješno integrirati potrebe gospodarstva regije kao i pozicioniranje Dalmacije kao turističkog trend odredišta.
- Published
- 2014
79. Romanski utjecaji u govorima Zabiokovlja
- Author
Nigoević, Magdalena, Lasić, Josip, Mirošević, Lena, and Graovac Matassi, Vera
- Subjects
Zabiokovlje ,romanski utjecaji ,pridjevi ,jezična adaptacija - Abstract
The presence of Romanisms in the speech of Middle Dalmatian coast and islands has been extensively analysed in numerous linguistic studies conducted so far. However, the speeches of the Dalmatian hinterland have been less systematically studied. This paper analyses the remains of Romance influences in the large but sparsely populated hinterland of Biokovo area. Since linguistic borrowings are most frequently realised in noun and verb categories, a special attention is given to morphological characteristic of Romance adjectives that have been less frequently studied. The observed corpus has been obtained by excerpting Romanisms from recent lexicographic works. After a description of social and historical background of Biokovo hinterland that led to various Romance influences, a lexicological and etymological analysis of the Romance origin adjectives is given, followed by the analysis of adaptation methods of Romance adjectives borrowings.
- Published
- 2012
80. Dalmacija viđena britanskim očima u 19. stoljeću
- Author
Bratanić, Mateo, Mirošević, Lena, and Graovac Matassi Vera
- Subjects
percepcija ,novinski članci ,putopisi ,književna djela ,19. stoljeće - Abstract
U suvremenim historiografskim promišljanjima "znanje o drugome" (M. de Certeau) zauzima vrlo važnu odrednicu bavljenja historiografskog zanata. Poseban segment tog istraživanja obuhvaća analiza kako su stranci promatrali pojedino područje i kakve su reprezentacije o njemu stvarali u svojem društvu i kulturi. Ovo izlaganje analizira kako je Dalmacija 19. stoljeća promatrana iz ne tako geografski bliskog britanskog motrišta. U stvaranju slike o Dalmaciji u Ujedinjenom kraljevstvu koriste se novinski članci, zapisi različitih britanskih putopisaca, književna djela i ostali reprezentativni povijesni izvori. Cilj je rekonstruirati sliku Dalmacije upravo kako je viđena u britanskom društvu analizirajući političke, geografske, gospodarske, kulturne i umjetničke percepcije.
- Published
- 2012
81. Dalmatinski gradovi u atlasu Maximilana de Trauxa
- Author
Kljajić, Ivka, Lapaine, Miljenko, Mirošević, Lena, and Graovac Matassi, Vera
- Subjects
Maximilan de Traux ,karte ,planovi ,Dalmacija - Abstract
Maximilian de Traux bio je pukovnik, vojni pisac i kartograf. Rođen je 1766. u Antwerpenu, a umro u Wiener Neustadtu 1817. Godine 1803. boravio je u Dalmaciji, većinom u Zadru, a radio je na uzdržavanju i poboljšanju gradskih utvrda. Sudjelovao je u izmjeri Dalmacije, Boke kotorske i sjeverne Crne Gore. Objavio je različite putne karte. Izradio je kartu Dalmacije i dubrovačkog područja. Atlas Festungen Dalmatiens und Albaniens nebst vorliegenden Inseln, und Beschreibung objavio je u Zadru 1805. Primjerak tog atlasa čuva se u Narodnoj biblioteci Srbije u Beogradu. Atlas sadrži karte Ober Dalmatien, Unter Dalmatien i Inseln des Quarners te 17 planova utvrđenih hrvatskih gradova. Abecednim redoslijedom to su: Drniš, Hvar, Klis, Knin, Korčula, Makarska, Opuzen, Osor, Pag, Sinj, Split, Supetar, Šibenik, Trogir, utvrda na otočiću Sv. Petar, Zadar i Zadvarje. Utvrđeno je da je o kartama i planovima gradova objavljenih u spomenutom atlasu dosad malo pisano u hrvatskim publikacijama. Svrha ovoga rada je upoznavanje javnosti o postojanju atlasa u kojem se nalaze i karte Dalmacije i planovi dalmatinskih gradova popraćeni opisima gradova.
- Published
- 2012
82. Tko je pobijedio Demetrija?
- Author
Bilić-Dujmušić, Siniša, Milivojević, Feđa, Mirošević, Lena, and Graovac Matassi, Vera
- Subjects
Demetrije, Drugi ilirski rat, Emilije Paulo - Abstract
Autori nastoje razriješiti problem zapovjednika rimskih snaga u Drugom ilirskom ratu. Polibije, kao najvažniji i najmjerodavniji izvor kaže da je to bio Lucije Emilije Paulo, jedan od konzula 219. pr. Kr. No, Dion Kasije, tvrdi da su rat vodila oba konzula, Emilije i njegov kolega Marko Livije Salinator. Ostali sačuvani podaci daju za pravo Dionu: velik broj sačuvanih izvora spominje da su oba konzula dobila trijumf za ovaj rat i da su ih kasnije plebejski tribuni izveli na sud zbog nepravedne podjele ratnog plijena. Autori istražuju razloge zbog kojih je Polibije nastojao prešutjeti Livijevo sudjelovanje i smatraju da je riječ o pokušaju spašavanja ugleda Emilija Paula, koji je rođeni djed Polibijevog prijatelja i mecene, Scipiona Emilijana. Na osnovu sačuvanih podataka, zaključuju da je u ovom ratu konzul Livije zapovijedao kopnenim snagama i operacijama oko grada Dimale, a konzul Emilije bio zapovjednikom flote, te mu je zato pripala dužnost napada na Demetrija koji se nalazio na otoku.
- Published
- 2012
83. Ceste u kontekstu društvenih odnosa: primjer iz Dalmacije
- Author
Kulenović, Igor, Mirošević, Lena, and Graovac Matassi, Vera
- Subjects
ceste ,prapovijest ,gradina Kruglaš ,socijalna arheologija - Abstract
Ceste su relativno čest nalaz u dalmatinskoj arheologiji, posebice od vremena rimskog carstva. U prapovijesnim kontekstima ovakvi nalazi su iznimno rijetki i dosada je utvrđen tek jedan primjer otkriven zaštitnim istraživanjima. Riječ je o kompleksu gradine Kruglaš, velikog tumula na brežuljku Štrkovača te ceste u podnožju ovih brežuljaka iz razdoblja kasnog brončanog doba. Ovo razdoblje karakteriziraju zajednice čija se politička organizacija temelji na srodstvu i manje kompleksnim oblicima upravljanja od država. Stoga su i ceste morale imati sasvim drugačije značenje u kontekstu zajednica u kojima se društveni odnosi temelje na bitno različitim strukturalnim principima od kasnijih kompleksnih društava. U izlaganju će se raspravljati o tome koje su osobine društvene organizacije koja je izgradila ovakav kompleks, te ukazati na razlike u poimanju ovakvih objekata s obzirom na društveni kontekst u kojem se grade.
- Published
- 2012
84. Slike Drugoga: Neokartografija i kartografske reprezentacije Dalmacije ranoga novog vijeka
- Author
Mlinarić, Dubravka and Mirošević, Lena, Graovac Matassi, Vera
- Subjects
Drugi ,karta ,neokartografija ,imperijalni interesi - Abstract
Rad predstavlja analizu razlika u vizualiziranju stranih zemalja odnosno Drugoga, na temelju reinterpretacije Dalmacije s karata domaćih i stranih kartografa. U teorijskim okvirima neokartografskog diskursa preispitat će se u kojoj su mjeri tijekom 16. i 17. stoljeća takve reprezentacije, kao alati moći, komunicirale različite imperijalne, vojno-strateške, kulturne, konfesionalne i ekonomske interese.
- Published
- 2012
85. Dalmatinsko pitanje – trajna napetost u odnosima Kraljevine Italije i NDH
- Author
Delić, Ante, Mirošević, Lena, and Graovac Matassi, Vera
- Subjects
Nezavisna Država Hrvatska, Italija, hrvatsko-talijanski odnosi, četnici, Dalmacija - Abstract
Hrvatska historiografija naslijedila je mnoga ideologizirana tumačenja povijesnih zbivanja od svoje prethodnice jugoslavenske historiografije. To posebno vrijedi za cijelo razdoblje Drugoga svjetskog rata pa tako i za temu odnosa Italije i NDH. Naime, jedno od problematičnijih pitanja za vlasti NDH bili su odnosi s Italijom s obzirom na njezinu iredentističku politiku. Ti su se odnosi u literaturi nerijetko tumačili izvan konteksta kroz tzv. Rimske ugovore kojima su talijanskoj strani "velikodušno predani" hrvatski krajevi. Autor će u kratkim crtama prikazati hrvatsko-talijanske odnose od potpisivanja Rimskih ugovora do njihovog raskida odnosno kapitulacije Italije, te Mussolinijevog zahtjeva (sada kao čelnika Talijanske Socijalne Republike) na daljnjoj provedbi Rimskih ugovora. U novonastalim okolnostima hrvatska je strana odbacila Mussolinijeve zahtjeve jer je bila u neusporedivo povoljnijem položaju nego u svibnju 1941. godine. Autor smatra kako je kod analize odnosa NDH i Italije nužan višeslojni odnosno holistički pristup.
- Published
- 2012
86. Dalmatinci - najviši časnici mletačkih prekomorskih postrojbi u 18. stoljeću
- Author
Čoralić, Lovorka, Katušić, Maja, Mirošević Lena, and Graovac Matassi Vera
- Subjects
Dalmacija ,Mletačka Republika ,18. stoljeće ,vojna povijest - Abstract
Središnja tema izlaganja i rada odnosi se na udio visokih časnika u mletačkim prekomorskim postrojbama u 18. stoljeću. Riječ je o elitnim pješačkim jedinicama Fanti Oltramarini i hrvatskoj konjici (Croati a cavallo, Cavalleria Croata), osnovanim još u vrijeme intenzivnog trajanja mletačko-osmanskih ratova početkom ranog novog vijeka. Na osnovu izvornog i u historiografiji vrlo rijetko uporabljenog gradiva iz mletačkoga Državnog arhiva (zbirka Inquisitori sopra amministrazione dei pubblici ruoli) donose se osnovni podaci o zapovjednicima spomenutih postrojbi (u činu pukovnika). To su često potomci uglednih dalmatinskih plemićkih obitelji, ali nerijetko i odvjetci građanskih, odnosno pučanskih obitelji. Sastavi jedinica kojima su oni izravno zapovijedali posvjedočenje su zapažene uloge Dalmatinaca u mletačkoj vojnoj povijesti ranoga novog vijeka, ali i općeg multietničkog obilježja mletačkih postrojbi.
- Published
- 2012
87. Gospodarski i obrazovni aspekti pomorstva Kraljevine Dalmacije na prijelazu iz 19. u 20. stoljeće
- Author
Uglešić, Sanda, Bratanić, Mateo, Mirošević, Lena, and Graovac Matassi Vera
- Subjects
pomorstvo ,pomorske škole ,pomorska zvanja ,Kraljevina Dalmacija - Abstract
Jedna od najvažnijih gospodarskih djelatnosti u Dalmaciji u 19. stoljeću bilo je pomorstvo. Pokrajina je sa zaostatkom pratila trendove svjetskog pomorskog razvoja. Međutim, tijekom druge polovice 19. st. dogodili su se određeni pozitivni pomaci u brodarstvu, trgovini i pomorskom školstvu. To je doba konjunkturnog razvoja pomorske djelatnosti koje se ogleda u velikom broju jedrenjaka i snažnoj trgovini koja je nadilazila jadranske i sredozemne okvire. Ova situacija snažno se mijenja pojavom parobroda. Problemi koji su pri tome pratili razvoj brodarstva ogledali su se u nedovoljnim financijskim sredstvima dalmatinskih brodovlasnika, što im je onemogućavalo pravovremeno uključivanje u privredne tokove. Isto tako, brodari su bili sumnjičavi kod prihvaćanja parobroda kao novog prijevoznog sredstva. Bez obzira na otpore, promjene u pomorskom prijevozu odrazile su se na obrazovnu politiku države koja je novim programskim osnovama podržavala napredak u razvoju javnih pomorskih škola i istovremeno zakonskim rješenjima o stjecanju pomorskih zvanja uvjetovala dodatna znanja koja su neophodna za upravljanje parobrodom.
- Published
- 2012
88. Odluke gradskih vijeća u rimskoj provinciji Dalmaciji
- Author
Glavičić, Miroslav, Mirošević, Lena, and Graovac Matassi, Vera
- Subjects
decreta decurionum ,rimska provincija Dalmacija - Abstract
Opća i posebna načela funkcioniranja samouprave rimskodobnih gradova bila su propisana municipalnim zakonom. Gradom je upravljalo gradsko vijeće (ordo decurionum), čije su se kompetencije protezale na sva područja gradske uprave. Poznata natpisna građa iz rimske provincije Dalmacije nudi veći broj primjera na kojima su ostala zapisana svjedočanstva o odlukama gradskih vijeća (decreta decurionum). Najbrojnije su zabilježbe o dodjeli lokacije na javnoj površini, gdje se obično postavljao počasni spomenik s kipom caru i članovima carske obitelji ili nekom zaslužnom pojedincu, koji je svojim dobročinstvom zadužio grad. Kao poseban oblik iskazivanja počasti zaslužnim sugrađanima i članovima njihovih obitelji dokumentirana je organizacija javnog sprovoda (funus publicum). Rijedak, ali ne i neuobičajen način iskazivanja posebnih počasti osobito zaslužnim sugrađanima, koji zbog neispunjavanja svih propisanih uvjeta za obnašanje magistratura nisu mogli postići članstvo u gradskom vijeću, bila je dodjela počasnih dekurionskih obilježja (ornatus ornamentis decurionalibus). Na natpisima su zabilježena i imena patrona i izvanrednih magistrata, koji su birani odlukom gradskog vijeća.
- Published
- 2012
89. Changes in the Spatial Organization of Catholic Church at the Croatian Adriatic in the 20th Century
- Author
Kajinić, Josip, Mladineo, Goran, Graovac Matassi, Vera, and Mirošević, Lena
- Subjects
(arch)diocese ,Catholic church ,Croatian Adriatic ,Ecclesiastical Province ,spatial organization - Abstract
The paper presents data on changes in spatial organization of Catholic church in Dalmatia, Istria and Kvarner region. For the purposes of the research broad analysis of circumstances and events that led to the establishment of Rijeka Diocese, and later Archdiocese and Ecclesiastical Province, inclusion of Istria into the territory of Ecclesiastical Province of Rijeka, demotion of Ecclesiastical Province of Zadar, establishment of Split and Makarska Archdiocese and establishment of Ecclesiastical Province of Split was conducted. Furthermore problem of the principles of spatial reorganization of church is analysed and some new reflections on these matters are presented. Based on the bibliography and vast number of archive sources paper analyses the causes and motives of spatial changes in organization of Catholic church at the Croatian littoral. In addition, different attitudes towards numerous factors, that played more or less important role on spatial changes, are explained. The paper analyses similarities and differences in attitudes of different actors such as the Holly See, catholic bishops individually and in whole, state and local administration, public and press. This paper presents some less known details which clearly describe this intrinsic topic. The paper concludes with the final remarks on the reasons of why the Holly See decided to conduct the changes in spatial organisation of Catholic church in the contemporary setting. The final remarks are based on comparison and context of similar activities in other parts of Europe.
- Published
- 2011
90. Changes in spatial and functional structure of town - conversion of former military facilities in Pula
- Author
Jakovčić, Martina, Graovac Matassi, Vera., and Mirošević, Lena
- Subjects
brown-field conversion ,Pula ,spatial structure ,functional structure - Abstract
Military history of the town of Pula is visible form the large number of military heritage such as facilities, street names, graveyards etc. Building of large military complexes made a mark on both spatial and functional structure of the town. The paper deals with the problem of conversion of former military facilities in Pula. Majority of the military facilities in Pula were built in the late 19th and the beginning of 20th century when Pula was the main military port of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. After the First and the Second World War streets were renamed and complexes given to the Yugoslovene Army and after 1990 to the Croatian Army and Ministry of Defence. Till 2010 thirteen military facilities were returned to the town. Closure of large military complexes lead to the substantial spatial an socioeconomic changes in their neighbourhoods. The first part of the paper deals with the theory of conversion and possibilities of revitalization of former military facilities. In the second part of the paper analysis of the locations of former military facilities in Pula is given. The third part of the paper deals with the current conditions of the military complexes. Analysis of the current utilization is conducted. In addition areas are evaluated in the context of urban development and possibility of increase in life quality of the local residents in the neighbourhoods. In the last part of the paper two case studies of conversion of former military facilities are presented.
- Published
- 2011
91. Impact of Air Transportation on Contemporary Tourist Flows in the Croatian Littoral
- Author
Gašparović, Slaven, Graovac Matassi, Vera, and Mirošević, Lena
- Subjects
air transportation ,charter service ,Croatian littoral ,low-cost service ,tourism - Abstract
Transport and tourism are mutually connected. Without efficient and developed transportation network, development of tourism could not be possible. In the same time tourism generates transportation flows. Over the past few years, with the rise of low-cost service, air transportation is becoming more and more important in development of tourism in Croatia. In the Croatian littoral there are five airports and two smaller airports open for public. The aim of the paper is to analyse and explain the impact of air transportation on development of tourism in the Croatian littoral. Analysis was made by using the data collected from the flight schedule and airport authorities. The data on frequency of lines and number of passengers were analysed with in order to correlate distribution of the number of passengers with the number of tourists during the year. Data for the time period form 2008 till 2010 were analysed in more detail by dividing the passengers in four categories: full-service passengers, low-cost passengers, charter passengers and other passengers (smaller private planes etc.). Based on the number of connections between European and Croatian airports major touristic markets are identified. Last part of the paper deals with the rising role of low-cost services on development of tourism in Croatian Adriatic region.
- Published
- 2011
92. Emigration from Dalmatia to the USA at the turn of the 20th century
- Author
Čuka, Anica, Graovac Matassi, Vera, Graovac Matassi, Vera, and Mirošević, Lena
- Subjects
emigration ,Dalmatia ,USA ,Ellis Island ,economic crisis - Abstract
The Republic of Croatia is a traditional emigrational country, and one of the most important emigrational periods was between 1890 and 1924. Emigration from Croatia was a part of a large emigrational flow to overseas countries that consisted of the surplus of European agricultural population. The most important push factors were grapevine pest (phylloxera), agrarian crisis, insolvency of the peasants, etc. On the other hand, the most significant pull factor was intensive development of overseas countries, particularly the United States of America. Most of the emigrants were young males, and the most attractive destination of the emigrants was the USA. Dalmatia (Southern Croatia) was particularly affected by emigration in that period. The largest data base that registered immigrants to the USA is the one of Ellis Island Immigration Museum, which is available online. Ellis Island database is a valuable source of information on immigrants to USA, but so far the analysis of Croatian immigrants was not done. Due to importance of emigration from Dalmatia, this paper analyzes the data from the above-mentioned data base regarding immigrants who declared as Dalmatians at the time of immigration to the USA (approximately 25, 000 of them). The analysis includes the origin of the immigrants (i.e. their place of residence before immigrating to USA), year of the arrival, and their age and sex composition. The authors also give a historical preview of emigration from Dalmatia, including the main reasons for emigrating and consequences of emigration on demographic development of the analyzed area. The main aim of the paper is to indicate which parts of Dalmatia were mostly affected by emigration and how that emigration affected the development of that area.
- Published
- 2011
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