160 results on '"Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628]"'
Search Results
52. La producción científica española en el contexto internacional y la posición de sus instituciones de investigación en el ranking mundial (2006-2010)
- Author
Sanz Menéndez, Luis [0000-0002-6869-8105], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Corera-Álvarez, Elena [0000-0002-2618-339X], Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Corera-Álvarez, Elena, Moya Anegón, Félix de, Sanz Menéndez, Luis, Sanz Menéndez, Luis [0000-0002-6869-8105], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Corera-Álvarez, Elena [0000-0002-2618-339X], Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Corera-Álvarez, Elena, Moya Anegón, Félix de, and Sanz Menéndez, Luis
- Abstract
La producción científica española en el Science Citation Index-SCI (ciencia, ingeniería y medicina) ha crecido rápidamente en los últimos años, pasando de 24.977 documentos en 2000 a unos 51.438 en 2010 (consulta directa de WoS SCI Expanded el 30 de marzo de 2012), lo que supone que se ha más que duplicado en el periodo. Es interesante también observar el aumento de la producción científica en ciencias sociales y humanidades, que en WoS se encuentran contabilizadas de forma separada (SSCI y A&HI), que ha pasado, en el mismo periodo, de 2.269 a 10.264 trabajos, lo que representa un crecimiento del 352,36% (gráfico 1). La evolución de los documentos con afiliación española en Scopus (gráfico 2) en todos los ámbitos científicos y tecnológicos, incluidas las ciencias sociales y las humanidades, evidencia una mayor cobertura de la producción científica española. En esta fuente de información España tiene un mayor número de documentos y también experimenta un importante crecimiento del número absoluto de los mismos en el periodo 2000-2010. Los datos generales indican tendencias similares en las dos bases de datos, por lo que solamente se utilizan a partir de aquí, para el análisis detallado, los datos extraídos de Scopus. El porcentaje de la producción española con respecto a la mundial ha pasado del 2,27% en 2000 al 3,07% en 2010. El peso de España en la producción científica de Europa Occidental ha experimentado un crecimiento aún mayor y representa ya el 10,94% en el 2010.
- Published
- 2012
53. Producción científica e impacto: ranking general y por áreas de las instituciones universitarias españolas (2006-2010).
- Author
Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Corera-Álvarez, Elena [0000-0002-2618-339X], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Sanz Menéndez, Luis [0000-0002-6869-8105], Corera-Álvarez, Elena, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Moya Anegón, Félix de, Sanz Menéndez, Luis, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Corera-Álvarez, Elena [0000-0002-2618-339X], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Sanz Menéndez, Luis [0000-0002-6869-8105], Corera-Álvarez, Elena, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Moya Anegón, Félix de, and Sanz Menéndez, Luis
- Abstract
Como se observa del análisis general, y en el pormenorizado por áreas, la calidad que pudiera deducirse de la citación no siempre está asociada a la mayor producción de literatura científica. Por otro lado, teniendo en cuenta los puestos ocupados en cada indicador por las diversas universidades, se pueden identificar cuáles son las instituciones líderes, al menos en resultados de investigación, en general y en las áreas analizadas. Si considerásemos que las instituciones líderes en investigación se situan entre los tres primeros puestos de los indicadores para clasificarlas como excelentes, podría señalarse que, a nivel general, destaca para el conjunto de áreas analizadas la Universitat de Barcelona, ya que obtiene buenas posiciones en inmunología y microbiología y en ciencias de la tierra y planetarias en cuanto a producción, en psicología en términos de visibilidad y en matemáticas y psicología en publicaciones en revistas del primer cuartil; la Universitat Rovira i Virgili destaca principalmente en los indicadores relativos a la calidad y visibilidad investigadora en ciencias de la decisión, ciencias de la tierra y planetarias y matemáticas, y con respecto al porcentaje de artículos publicados en revistas del primer cuartil destaca en ciencias de la tierra y planetarias. En las áreas de corte más tecnológico, como la energía y las matemáticas, tienen especial relevancia las politécnicas, sobre todo la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Podrían mencionarse otras universidades, el lector puede examinar los resultados, pero la conclusión general es que la calidad está distribuida desigualmente entre las universidades españolas, o dicho de otro modo, con algunas excepciones, la varianza es muy grande; esto pone a las universidades ante el desafío de que, para destacar en la competencia internacional, es necesario especializarse y reforzar sus fortalezas y abandonar las prácticas de pretender destacar en todos los campos a la vez; esta posibilidad está solamente a
- Published
- 2012
54. Influencia del acceso abierto en las revistas de América Latina en el contexto internacional de la ciencia
- Author
Ministerio de Educación (Argentina), Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Miguel, Sandra [0000-0001-9384-6838], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Miguel, Sandra, Moya Anegón, Félix de, Ministerio de Educación (Argentina), Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Miguel, Sandra [0000-0001-9384-6838], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Miguel, Sandra, and Moya Anegón, Félix de
- Abstract
[EN]The Open Access in the scholarly communication is grouped into two areas referred to as gold and green roads. Some studies analyze the extent and magnitude of this phenomenon, but few show the effects in terms of impact and visibility. Our goal is to analyze these effects from the perspective of the economic model of the journals included in the database Scopus, in Latin America. The results show that both international and thematically, the presence of the journals that contribute to the development of "green route" exceeded the percentage of journals “golden route”. While in the peripheral and emerging regions, "golden route" predominate occupy the last positions of the distributions of impact., [ES] El Acceso Abierto en la comunicación académica se viene desarrollando por dos grandes vías: la ruta verde y la ruta dorada. Algunos estudios analizan la extensión y la magnitud de este fenómeno, pero pocos muestran los efectos en términos de impacto y visibilidad. Nuestro objetivo es analizar estos efectos desde la perspectiva del modelo económico de las revistas incluidas en la base de datos Scopus, en Latinoamérica. Los resultados muestran que tanto a nivel internacional como temático, la presencia de las revistas que contribuyen al desarrollo de la “ruta verde” sobrepasan el porcentaje de las revistas de la ruta dorada. Mientras en las regiones periféricas y emergentes, estas últimas revistas predominan ocupando las últimas posiciones de las distribuciones de impacto.
- Published
- 2012
55. Estudio de la Producción Científica y Tecnológica en Colaboración Universidad-Empresa en Iberoamérica
- Author
Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Corera-Álvarez, Elena [0000-0002-2618-339X], Díaz-Pérez, Maidelyn [0000-0002-2029-0629], Moya Anegón, Félix de, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Corera-Álvarez, Elena, Díaz-Pérez, Maidelyn, Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Corera-Álvarez, Elena [0000-0002-2618-339X], Díaz-Pérez, Maidelyn [0000-0002-2029-0629], Moya Anegón, Félix de, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Corera-Álvarez, Elena, and Díaz-Pérez, Maidelyn
- Abstract
RedEmprendia es una red de universidades que promueve la innovación y el emprendimiento responsables. Lo hace desde el compromiso con el crecimiento económico, el respeto al medioambiente y la mejora de la calidad de vida, en línea con sus universidades, de las más relevantes del espacio iberoamericano. Su objetivo es ayudar a las personas emprendedoras y a sus iniciativas a través de los mejores y más actualizados recursos y servicios de apoyo. En esta línea se están llevando a cabo una serie de iniciativas, desde el asesoramiento hasta la formación, pasando por el estudio de la relación universidad-empresa en la generación de conocimiento y su valorización. Siguiendo este objetivo, RedEmprendia trata de tener la información sobre los resultados de la investigación conjunta entre las universidades y la empresa, ello ayudará a la toma de decisiones que faciliten llevar a cabo políticas de promoción del emprendimiento, para el establecimiento de redes de comparación, un mayor aprovechamiento de los recursos y una mayor visibilidad de los resultados de investigación de los distintos sectores productivos. Objetivos En sintonía con lo anterior este informe pretende ser una herramienta de análisis y evaluación de la actividad científica llevada a cabo por universidades en colaboración con empresas o viceversa. A partir de la información ofrecida para cada país o universidad en relación a la producción científica y de patentes con o sin colaboración empresarial, es posible realizar diagnósticos basados en su evolución y el conocimiento de sus fortalezas y debilidades. El objetivo final es ofrecer una visión general, ayudando a los responsables políticos, empresariales y/ o académicos a caracterizar cómo se adecuan los resultados de investigación obtenidos a los objetivos propuestos en planes, programas y políticas científicas, tanto a nivel institucional como nacional, incluso supranacional.
- Published
- 2012
56. Patrones de especialización de la investigación nacional sobre Salud
- Author
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España), Corera-Álvarez, Elena [0000-0002-2618-339X], Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Arencibia-Jorge, Ricardo [0000-0001-8907-2454], Vega-Almeida, Rosa Lidia [0000-0003-4203-6207], Arencibia-Jorge, Ricardo, Vega-Almeida, Rosa Lidia, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Corera-Álvarez, Elena, Moya Anegón, Félix de, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España), Corera-Álvarez, Elena [0000-0002-2618-339X], Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Arencibia-Jorge, Ricardo [0000-0001-8907-2454], Vega-Almeida, Rosa Lidia [0000-0003-4203-6207], Arencibia-Jorge, Ricardo, Vega-Almeida, Rosa Lidia, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Corera-Álvarez, Elena, and Moya Anegón, Félix de
- Abstract
Introducción: los estudios cienciométricos utilizan indicadores relativos para la caracterización temática de la producción científica, para identificar las principales fortalezas y debilidades de un país en un dominio del conocimiento. Objetivo: hacer la caracterización temática de la producción científica cubana sobre salud indexada en Scopus durante el período 1996-2010, a partir de patrones de especialización temática. Métodos: estudio descriptivo. Se compilaron datos relativos al número total de documentos indexados por Scopus, así como la productividad y la tasa de crecimiento anual. Se calculó el índice de especialización temática de la producción científica. Resultados: el índice de especialización temática de la producción científica cubana sobre salud alcanzó niveles superiores con respecto a la región y el mundo. Los mayores índices de especialización se alcanzaron en dominios temáticos donde, a su vez, Cuba exhibe importantes indicadores de salud. Las investigaciones publicadas en revistas nacionales indexadas por Scopus influyeron de manera decisiva en el índice de especialización de las principales categorías temáticas estudiadas. Conclusiones: las ciencias de la salud de manera general, y particularmente la salud pública, tienen un rol protagónico dentro de la producción científica nacional., Introduction: scientometric studies use relative indicators for the thematic characterization of scientific production, in order to identify the strengths and weaknesses of a country in a knowledge domain. Objective: the use of specialization patterns for the thematic characterization of the Cuban scientific production in health indexed by Scopus during the 1996-2010 period. Methods: descriptive study. The total number of documents covered by Scopus as well as the productivity and the annual growth rate were compiled. The thematic specialization index of the scientific production was estimated. Results: the thematic specialization index of the Cuban scientific production in health achieved higher levels than those of the Latin American region and the world. The highest indexes went to thematic domains where Cuba shows important health indicators. The published research papers in national journals covered by Scopus have a decisive influence on the specialization index of the main studied thematic categories. Conclusions: health sciences in general, and particularly the public health, have a leading role in the Cuban scientific production. Key words: Scientometrics, bibliometric indicators, specialization index, health sciences, public health, Cuba.
- Published
- 2012
57. Biomedical scientific publication patterns in the Scopus database: a case study of Andalusia, Spain
- Author
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España), Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], López-Illescas, Carmen [0000-0001-9918-4978], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, López-Illescas, Carmen, Moya Anegón, Félix de, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España), Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], López-Illescas, Carmen [0000-0001-9918-4978], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, López-Illescas, Carmen, and Moya Anegón, Félix de
- Abstract
This paper characterises scientific output in biomedicine in Andalusia, and Spain as a whole, and conduct a first-time comparison to Europe- and world-wide production. The data were extracted from the Scopus database. Three families of indicators are explored to analyse research quantity, quality and collaboration. The results show an upward trend on biomedical output in Andalusia. Over 50 % was in clinical medicine, whose growth doubled the basic medicine. We found greater than nationwide specialisation in biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology, immunology and microbiology, and pharmacology, while psychology proved to be the most prominent emerging area. The publication in most cited journals together with national and international collaboration enhanced research visibility. More citable papers were published on basic than clinical medicine, and the number of citations received by the former was also larger. The higher citation rate in basic medicine may also be explained by the bigger percentage of papers published in international instead domestic journals. Hence, publication patterns would appear to affect research visibility. The methodology proposed may provide guidance for public policy makers to improve, encourage and intensify good biomedical research practice.
- Published
- 2012
58. Citation Flows in the Zones of Influence of Scientific Collaborations
- Author
Junta de Extremadura, European Commission, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España), Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Lancho-Barrantes, Bárbara Sandra [0000-0001-9994-8886], Guerrero Bote, Vicente [0000-0003-4821-9768], Lancho-Barrantes, Bárbara Sandra, Guerrero Bote, Vicente, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Moya Anegón, Félix de, Junta de Extremadura, European Commission, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España), Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Lancho-Barrantes, Bárbara Sandra [0000-0001-9994-8886], Guerrero Bote, Vicente [0000-0003-4821-9768], Lancho-Barrantes, Bárbara Sandra, Guerrero Bote, Vicente, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, and Moya Anegón, Félix de
- Abstract
Domestic citation to papers from the same country and the greater citation impact of documents involving international collaboration are two phenomena that have been extensively studied and contrasted. Here, however, we showthat it is not somuch a national bias,but that papers have a greater impact on their immediate environments, an impact that is diluted as that environment grows. For this reason, the greatest biases are observed in countries with a limited production. Papers that involve international collaboration have a greater impact in general, on the one hand, because they have multiple “immediate environments,” and on the other because of their greater quality or prestige. In short, one can say that science knows no frontiers. Certainly there is a greater impact on the authors’ immediate environment, but this does not necessarily have to coincide with their national environments, which fade in importance as the collaborative environment expands.
- Published
- 2012
59. International Collaboration in Medical Research in Latin America and the Caribbean (2003-2007)
- Author
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España), Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Miguel, Sandra [0000-0001-9384-6838], Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Benavent-Pérez, María, Miguel, Sandra, Moya Anegón, Félix de, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España), Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Miguel, Sandra [0000-0001-9384-6838], Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Benavent-Pérez, María, Miguel, Sandra, and Moya Anegón, Félix de
- Abstract
This paper characterises the patterns of international medical research in Central and South America. The objective is to ascertain countries' capacity to establish intra- and extra-regional scientific collaboration. The methodology used combines bibliometric techniques and social network analysis. Publication patterns are characterised by production volume, specialisation, visibility and collaboration through Scopus database. The results show the recent increase in Central and South American medical research production and citations has raised the region’s presence and participation in the international scientific arena. Although this growth is partly associated with the inclusion of new journals in the Scopus database, the rise in the number of medical research papers has doubled the overall increase. When output is broken down by inter- and extra-regional collaboration, the growth rate proves to be slightly higher for the former than the latter. The “scientific dependence” of small or developing countries would explain their high collaboration rates and impact, since their output is essentially marginal and anecdotal. Hence the term “satellite countries.” Advanced countries account for most of the world’s output and citations. Assuming that impact (citations per paper) reflects the use made by researchers of previously generated knowledge, the evidence shows that the major producers use the knowledge generated by their own or neighbouring countries. This would explain why impact is so highly concentrated in the most productive regions. The need to incentivise intraregional relationships must be stressed, but without establishing boundaries, i.e., international initiatives should also be supported. The possible influence of geographic, idiomatic and cultural proximity is likewise identified. Lastly, the conclusions are discussed, along with proposals for future research.
- Published
- 2012
60. Bibliometric study of Latin American countries supported by INASP 1996–2008
- Author
Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Arencibia-Jorge, Ricardo [0000-0001-8907-2454], Araujo-Ruíz, Juan Antonio [0000-0002-7098-5365], Arencibia-Jorge, Ricardo, Araujo-Ruíz, Juan Antonio, Hung Llamos, B.R., Alemán-Zeledón, F., Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Hernández-Cañadas, P., Hoz de Villa Barbery, R., Sheehan, T., Díaz-Mayans, C., Belcher, M., Moya Anegón, Félix de, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Arencibia-Jorge, Ricardo [0000-0001-8907-2454], Araujo-Ruíz, Juan Antonio [0000-0002-7098-5365], Arencibia-Jorge, Ricardo, Araujo-Ruíz, Juan Antonio, Hung Llamos, B.R., Alemán-Zeledón, F., Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Hernández-Cañadas, P., Hoz de Villa Barbery, R., Sheehan, T., Díaz-Mayans, C., Belcher, M., and Moya Anegón, Félix de
- Abstract
This report presents the findings of a collaborative study conducted by the Cuban Ministry of Higher Education, the National Center for Scientific Research and INASP. It consists of a bibliometric analysis of the scientific production of five Latin American countries (Cuba, Ecuador, Bolivia, Nicaragua and Honduras) during the period 1996–2008. The report examines changes in the scientific research output of these countries, and compares them to patterns in a control group of eight countries whose development is at a comparable level to that of the studied countries. This allows findings to be considered in the context not only of regional but also international trends, particularly, so that strengths and weakness can be identified to support future decision-making processes.
- Published
- 2011
61. Ranking de Producción Científica Mexicana. Ranking 2011
- Author
Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Corera-Álvarez, Elena [0000-0002-2618-339X], González-Molina, Antonio [0000-0002-8223-813X], Moya Anegón, Félix de, Corera-Álvarez, Elena, González-Molina, Antonio, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Corera-Álvarez, Elena [0000-0002-2618-339X], González-Molina, Antonio [0000-0002-8223-813X], Moya Anegón, Félix de, Corera-Álvarez, Elena, González-Molina, Antonio, and Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida
- Published
- 2011
62. Open access and Scopus: a new approach to scientific visibility from the standpoint of access
- Author
Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Miguel, Sandra [0000-0001-9384-6838], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Miguel, Sandra, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Moya Anegón, Félix de, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Miguel, Sandra [0000-0001-9384-6838], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Miguel, Sandra, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, and Moya Anegón, Félix de
- Abstract
The last few years have seen the emergence of several Open Access (OA) options in scholarly communication, which can broadly be grouped into two areas referred to as gold and green roads. Several recent studies showed how big the extent of OA is, but there have been few studies showing impact of OA in the visibility of journals covering all scientific fields and geographical regions. This research shows the extent of OA from the perspective of the journals indexed in Scopus, as well as influence on visibility, in view of the various geographic and thematic distributions. The results show that in all the disciplinary groups the presence of green road journals widely surpasses the percentage of gold road publications. The peripheral and emerging regions have greater proportions of gold road journals. These journals pertain for the most part to the last quartile. The benefits of open access on visibility of the journals are to be found on the green route, but paradoxically this advantage is not lent by the OA per se, but rather of the quality of the articles/journals themselves, regardless of their mode of access.
- Published
- 2011
63. R&D collaboration in 50 major Spanish companies
- Author
Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Perianes-Rodríguez, Antonio [0000-0002-1188-3481], Olmeda Gómez, Carlos [0000-0001-5955-6423], Ovalle-Perandones, María Antonia [0000-0002-6149-4724], Perianes-Rodríguez, Antonio, Olmeda Gómez, Carlos, Ovalle-Perandones, María Antonia, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Moya Anegón, Félix de, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Perianes-Rodríguez, Antonio [0000-0002-1188-3481], Olmeda Gómez, Carlos [0000-0001-5955-6423], Ovalle-Perandones, María Antonia [0000-0002-6149-4724], Perianes-Rodríguez, Antonio, Olmeda Gómez, Carlos, Ovalle-Perandones, María Antonia, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, and Moya Anegón, Félix de
- Abstract
Purpose – Although the role of enterprise in R&D is broadly acknowledged, few attempts have been made to gather data for analyzing the nature and scope of private sector collaboration. This study aims to deliver empirical results based on quantitative data to gain insight into the role of private enterprise as an indispensable actor in scientific development and innovation. Design/methodology/approach – The study aimed to deliver empirical results based on quantitative data to gain insight into the role of private enterprise as an indispensable actor in scientific development and innovation. To this end, an analysis was conducted of the contribution made by Spanish business, focusing on the 50 most active companies in terms of internationally visible scientific output, from three perspectives. Findings – The findings provide insight into business involvement in the R&D system based on: research papers published; national, international and sectoral collaboration patterns; structural patterns; and the identification of the most prominent companies from a systematic comparison of their research results and their position in the resulting collaboration network. Research limitations/implications – Bibliometric analyses do not measure all types of publications. Indicators are usually based on data in the Thomson Reuters databases, which are regarded as being representative of peer-reviewed, publicly accessible papers with high international visibility and impact. The Thomson Reuters databases feature a series of advantages that make them indispensable for studies on scientific collaboration. Originality/value – One of the core ideas of this study is the emphasis on the essential role of collaboration in improving scientific results, as borne out by the correlation between the clustering coefficient and the hybrid indicators. The findings also provide proof of the success of strategies for institutional collaboration. The foregoing shows that the application of hybrid ind
- Published
- 2011
64. Principales Indicadores Bibliométricos de la Actividad Científica Española 2009
- Author
Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín [0000-0001-5115-7460], Corera-Álvarez, Elena [0000-0002-2618-339X], Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], González-Molina, Antonio [0000-0002-8223-813X], López-Illescas, Carmen [0000-0001-9918-4978], Moya Anegón, Félix de, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Corera-Álvarez, Elena, González-Molina, Antonio, López-Illescas, Carmen, Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín, Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín [0000-0001-5115-7460], Corera-Álvarez, Elena [0000-0002-2618-339X], Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], González-Molina, Antonio [0000-0002-8223-813X], López-Illescas, Carmen [0000-0001-9918-4978], Moya Anegón, Félix de, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Corera-Álvarez, Elena, González-Molina, Antonio, López-Illescas, Carmen, and Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín
- Abstract
La Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT), en el marco de sus funciones de fomento de las actividades de I+D+I, de desarrollo y difusión del ámbito científico y de coordinación e integración entre los diferentes agentes del sistema de ciencia y tecnología, ha creado el Observatorio Español de I+D+I ICONO. Dentro de las líneas de actuación de ICONO se incluye la elaboración de estudios e informes, así como el desarrollo de instrumentos de análisis y evaluación de la actividad científica española que permitan seguir su evolución a lo largo del tiempo. Asimismo, se establece un seguimiento continuo de las actuaciones financiadas y ejecutadas en materia de ciencia y tecnología que ayude a identificar las necesidades del sistema, con la finalidad última de perfeccionar la toma de decisiones en las políticas públicas de I+D+I que pone en marcha la Administración General del Estado. El análisis anual de los indicadores bibliométricos de la actividad científica española constituye uno de los informes más relevantes que el Observatorio ICONO de la FECYT viene publicando desde 2005. La presente edición incluye cambios destacados en relación a ediciones anteriores: •Un formato más corto, presentando los indicadores clave en los ámbitos más representativos, sustituyendo a la exhaustiva descripción de indicadores que se presentaba con anterioridad. •Comentarios de los gráficos en formato ejecutivo, acompañando cada gráfico con uno o más comentarios explicativos cortos y que resaltan los aspectos más relevantes. •Un análisis de tendencias y estimaciones a 2010 de algunos de los indicadores principales, incluyendo un capítulo de proyección de los principales indicadores bibliométricos de España. Desde la Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología confiamos en que el trabajo realizado para la elaboración de este nuevo documento contribuya a mejorar el conocimiento sobre el Sistema Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología y arroje luz sobre los aspectos más relev
- Published
- 2011
65. Estructura de la colaboración científica española en Biblioteconomía y Documentación (Scopus 1999-2007)
- Author
Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín [0000-0001-5115-7460], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín, Minguillo, David, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Moya Anegón, Félix de, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín [0000-0001-5115-7460], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín, Minguillo, David, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, and Moya Anegón, Félix de
- Abstract
En este trabajo se identifica, visualiza y analiza la estructura principal de la colaboración científica de los autores en el área de Biblioteconomía y Documentación en España, a partir de los documentos registrados en la base de datos Scopus, entre los años 1999 y 2007. Con el objetivo de estudiar las comunidades de colaboración (subredes) que integran los componentes más relevantes en este dominio, se aplican medidas de similaridad, técnicas de análisis de redes sociales, como la cercanía global y K-core, procedimientos bibliométricos, como el análisis de coocurrencia de autores y el análisis de frecuencia de términos. De esta forma, se logran identificar 21 componentes conformados por 28 subredes que revelan la micro-estructura de la red de colaboración científica. En la red se observa una colaboración centralizada en unos pocos componentes, originada en el sector investigador y que tiene como frentes de colaboración la recuperación de información y gestión de la información. Se destaca la escasa cooperación entre las subredes, donde tiene un papel importante la proximidad territorial e institucional, y la producción y evaluación científica son los frentes de colaboración más comunes. La metodología aplicada logra proporcionar una imagen general de la estructura principal de colaboración científica por autores en España, durante el periodo estudiado.
- Published
- 2010
66. New approach to the visualization of international scientific collaboration
- Author
Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín [0000-0001-5115-7460], González-Molina, Antonio [0000-0002-8223-813X], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín, Hassan-Montero, Yusef, González-Molina, Antonio, Moya Anegón, Félix de, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín [0000-0001-5115-7460], González-Molina, Antonio [0000-0002-8223-813X], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín, Hassan-Montero, Yusef, González-Molina, Antonio, and Moya Anegón, Félix de
- Abstract
In this study, visual representations are created in order to analyze different aspects of scientific collaboration at the international level. The main objective is to identify the international facet of research by following the flow of knowledge as expressed by the number of scientific publications, and then establishes the main geographical axes of output, showing the interrelationships of the domain, the intensity of these relations, and how the different types of collaboration are reflected in terms of visibility. Thus, the methodology has a twofold application, allowing us to detect significant differences that help characterize patterns of behaviour of a geographical system of output, along with the generation of representations that serve as interfaces for domain analysis and information retrieval.
- Published
- 2010
67. Showing the essential science structure of a scientific domain and its evolution
- Author
Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín [0000-0001-5115-7460], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], González-Molina, Antonio [0000-0002-8223-813X], Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín, Moya Anegón, Félix de, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, González-Molina, Antonio, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín [0000-0001-5115-7460], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], González-Molina, Antonio [0000-0002-8223-813X], Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín, Moya Anegón, Félix de, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, and González-Molina, Antonio
- Abstract
Category co-citation and its representation through social networks is proving to be a very adequate technique for the visualization and analysis of great scientific domains. Its combination with pathfinder networks using pruning values r=∞and q=n−1 makes manifest the essence of research in the domain represented, or what we might call the `most salient structure'. The possible loss of structural information, caused by aggressive pruning in peripheral areas of the networks, is overcome by creating heliocentric maps for each category. The depictions obtained with this procedure become tools of great usefulness in view of their capacity to reveal the evolution of a given scientific domain over time, to show differences and similarities between different domains, and to suggest possible new lines for development. This article presents the scientogram of the United States for the year 2002, identifying its essential structure. We also show the scientograms of China for the years 1990 and 2002, in order to study its particular national evolution. Finally, we try to detect patterns and tendencies in the three scientograms that would allow one to predict or flag the evolution of a scientific domain.
- Published
- 2010
68. Indicadores bibliométricos de España en el Mundo 2008
- Author
Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Sanz Menéndez, Luis [0000-0002-6869-8105], Corera-Álvarez, Elena [0000-0002-2618-339X], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Corera-Álvarez, Elena, Moya Anegón, Félix de, Sanz Menéndez, Luis, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Sanz Menéndez, Luis [0000-0002-6869-8105], Corera-Álvarez, Elena [0000-0002-2618-339X], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Corera-Álvarez, Elena, Moya Anegón, Félix de, and Sanz Menéndez, Luis
- Abstract
El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar los resultados de investigación atribuidos a España en las bases de datos internacionales hasta 2008. Se compara la evolución entre los totales de publicaciones recogidas en la WoS y en Scopus, y se posiciona a España con relación a otros países; también se analizan algunos aspectos relativos a su especialización temática, visibilidad relativa de los diversos sectores institucionales y diferenciación de las Comunidades Autónomas.
- Published
- 2010
69. Indicadores Bibliométricos de la Actividad Científica Española 2007. Informe 2009
- Author
Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Corera-Álvarez, Elena [0000-0002-2618-339X], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Gómez-Crisóstomo, Rocío [0000-0002-3258-6283], González-Molina, Antonio [0000-0002-8223-813X], Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín [0000-0001-5115-7460], Moya Anegón, Félix de, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Corera-Álvarez, Elena, Gómez-Crisóstomo, Rocío, González-Molina, Antonio, Hassan-Montero, Yusef, Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Corera-Álvarez, Elena [0000-0002-2618-339X], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Gómez-Crisóstomo, Rocío [0000-0002-3258-6283], González-Molina, Antonio [0000-0002-8223-813X], Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín [0000-0001-5115-7460], Moya Anegón, Félix de, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Corera-Álvarez, Elena, Gómez-Crisóstomo, Rocío, González-Molina, Antonio, Hassan-Montero, Yusef, and Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín
- Published
- 2009
70. Synthetic hybrid indicators based on scientific collaboration to quantify and evaluate individual research results
- Author
Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín [0000-0001-5115-7460], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Perianes-Rodríguez, Antonio, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín, Olmeda Gómez, Carlos, Moya Anegón, Félix de, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín [0000-0001-5115-7460], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Perianes-Rodríguez, Antonio, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín, Olmeda Gómez, Carlos, and Moya Anegón, Félix de
- Abstract
Governmental initiatives around scientific policy have progressively raised collaboration to priority status. In this context, a need has arisen to broaden the traditional approach to the analysis and study of research results by descending to the group or even the individual scale and supplementing the output-, productivity-, visibility- and impact-based focus with new measures that emphasize collaboration from the vantage of structural analysis. To this end, the present paper proposes new hybrid indicators for the analysis and evaluation of individual research results, popularity and prestige, that combine bibliometric and structural aspects. A case study was conducted of the nine most productive departments in Carlos III University of Madrid. The findings showed hybridization to be a tool sensitive to traditional indicators, but also to the new demands of modern science as a self-organized system of interaction among individuals, furnishing information on researchers’ environments and the behavior and attitudes adopted within those environments.
- Published
- 2009
71. Estudio comparativo de seis dominios científicos nacionales
- Author
Junta de Extremadura, European Commission, Guerrero Bote, Vicente [0000-0003-4821-9768], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Espinosa-Calvo, Mª Eugenia, Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín, Guerrero Bote, Vicente, Moya Anegón, Félix de, Junta de Extremadura, European Commission, Guerrero Bote, Vicente [0000-0003-4821-9768], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Espinosa-Calvo, Mª Eugenia, Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín, Guerrero Bote, Vicente, and Moya Anegón, Félix de
- Abstract
En este trabajo se analiza la clase Ciencia de los Materiales presente desde las civilizaciones más antiguas ya que el desarrollo y la evolución de las sociedades siempre han estado íntimamente vinculados a la capacidad que han tenido sus miembros para producir y conformar los materiales necesarios para satisfacer sus necesidades, pero como disciplina se ha establecido de manera muy reciente por la aglomeración de distintas categorías científicas pertenecientes a otras áreas. Por los que los hábitos de citación y los scientogramas podrían estar relacionados con la tradición y cultura de la ciencia existente en cada país en el año estudiado. Para realizar el estudio hemos utilizado las redes de citación de seis de los países más desarrollados en el año 2002, utilizando una técnica novedosa que las representa gráfi camente mediante unos gráfi cos denominados scientogramas. Esta técnica utiliza la cocitación entre categorías temáticas del JCR para generar la red de categorías que se representa gráfi camente. Como resultado hemos obtenido scientogramas que representan las redes de citación de cada uno de los países y muestran la marca de las distintas culturas de cada uno de los países., This work analyses the area of materials science. Materials science has existed since the earliest civilizations. The development and evolution of societies has been intimately linked to the ability of their members to produce and shape materials to meet their needs. However, materials science has only recently been established as a recognised academic discipline, a consequence of the agglomeration of different areas of science. The citation habits and scientograms associated with this fi eld could therefore be related to the scientific tradition and culture of each country. In this study, the citation networks of six of the most developed countries in the year 2002 were examined using a new technique that graphically represents these networks as scientograms. The technique makes use of cocitation between topic categories of the JCR to generate a network of categories which is graphically represented. The scientograms obtained, which represent the citation networks of each country examined, refl ect the cultures of the different nations studied.
- Published
- 2009
72. Inter-institutional scientific collaboration: an approach from social network analysis
- Author
Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín [0000-0001-5115-7460], Corera-Álvarez, Elena [0000-0002-2618-339X], Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Moya Anegón, Félix de, Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín, Corera-Álvarez, Elena, Hassan-Montero, Yusef, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín [0000-0001-5115-7460], Corera-Álvarez, Elena [0000-0002-2618-339X], Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Moya Anegón, Félix de, Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín, Corera-Álvarez, Elena, and Hassan-Montero, Yusef
- Abstract
The main objective is to characterize the production of knowledge of the different productive sectors in the field of Agricultural studies. A second objective is to project inter-institutional networks of collaboration through visualization techniques. Thirdly, we intend to analyze this network, looking more carefully at aspects such as the degree of interaction between/among agents, the appearance or disappearance of actors, or potential effects on the increase of the internationalization of scientific output. We also try to elaborate an interpretation protocol for collaboration networks in R&D that could be applied to any field of knowledge or upper level of aggregation (i.e. countries or regions). Finally, in order to equip this graphic representation with other functionalities, we lend it an added value by allowing diverse levels of analysis and its service as an interface for domain analysis and information retrieval.
- Published
- 2008
73. Indicadores Bibliométricos de la Actividad Científica Española: 2002-2006. Informe 2008
- Author
Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Corera-Álvarez, Elena [0000-0002-2618-339X], González-Molina, Antonio [0000-0002-8223-813X], Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín [0000-0001-5115-7460], Moya Anegón, Félix de, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Corera-Álvarez, Elena, González-Molina, Antonio, Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Corera-Álvarez, Elena [0000-0002-2618-339X], González-Molina, Antonio [0000-0002-8223-813X], Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín [0000-0001-5115-7460], Moya Anegón, Félix de, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Corera-Álvarez, Elena, González-Molina, Antonio, and Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín
- Published
- 2008
74. Indicadores Bibliométricos de la Producción Científica de Andalucía: 2003-2005
- Author
Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Corera-Álvarez, Elena [0000-0002-2618-339X], Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín [0000-0001-5115-7460], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], González-Molina, Antonio [0000-0002-8223-813X], Gómez-Crisóstomo, Rocío [0000-0002-3258-6283], Moya Anegón, Félix de, Solís-Cabrera, Francisco, Corera-Álvarez, Elena, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Gómez-Crisóstomo, Rocío, González-Molina, Antonio, Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Corera-Álvarez, Elena [0000-0002-2618-339X], Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín [0000-0001-5115-7460], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], González-Molina, Antonio [0000-0002-8223-813X], Gómez-Crisóstomo, Rocío [0000-0002-3258-6283], Moya Anegón, Félix de, Solís-Cabrera, Francisco, Corera-Álvarez, Elena, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Gómez-Crisóstomo, Rocío, González-Molina, Antonio, and Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín
- Published
- 2008
75. Evolución de la estructura científica española: ISI Web of Science 1990-2005
- Author
Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín [0000-0001-5115-7460], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Corera-Álvarez, Elena [0000-0002-2618-339X], Guerrero Bote, Vicente [0000-0003-4821-9768], Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín, Moya Anegón, Félix de, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Corera-Álvarez, Elena, Guerrero Bote, Vicente, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín [0000-0001-5115-7460], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Corera-Álvarez, Elena [0000-0002-2618-339X], Guerrero Bote, Vicente [0000-0003-4821-9768], Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín, Moya Anegón, Félix de, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Corera-Álvarez, Elena, and Guerrero Bote, Vicente
- Abstract
Este trabajo muestra un estudio longitudinal de la evolución del dominio científico español ISI en tres intervalos temporales: 1990-1995, 1996- 2000 y 2001-2005. El objetivo final es mostrar la estructura básica y columna vertebral de la investigación española, así como estudiar su evolución. Para ello se han utilizado las categorías ISI como unidades de representación, la cocitación como unidad de medida y algoritmos de poda para simplificar las relaciones entre categorías en las visualizaciones. Los resultados muestran que desde un punto de vista macro-estructural, biomedicina y ciencias de los materiales son el núcleo básico de investigación. Con el tiempo, este núcleo se consolida y enriquece con el área de agricultura y ciencias del suelo. Desde la perspectiva micro-estructural, se observa un incremento de las ciencias interdisciplinares, que ocupan posiciones centrales, indicando un aumento en la interacción entre las ciencias tradicionalmente relevantes o visibles y las más periféricas u ocultas.
- Published
- 2008
76. Scientific Output by Gender in Spain (Web of Science, 2004)
- Author
Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín [0000-0001-5115-7460], Corera-Álvarez, Elena [0000-0002-2618-339X], González-Molina, Antonio [0000-0002-8223-813X], Guerrero Bote, Vicente [0000-0003-4821-9768], Gómez-Crisóstomo, Rocío [0000-0002-3258-6283], Moya Anegón, Félix de, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín, Corera-Álvarez, Elena, González-Molina, Antonio, Guerrero Bote, Vicente, Gómez-Crisóstomo, Rocío, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín [0000-0001-5115-7460], Corera-Álvarez, Elena [0000-0002-2618-339X], González-Molina, Antonio [0000-0002-8223-813X], Guerrero Bote, Vicente [0000-0003-4821-9768], Gómez-Crisóstomo, Rocío [0000-0002-3258-6283], Moya Anegón, Félix de, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín, Corera-Álvarez, Elena, González-Molina, Antonio, Guerrero Bote, Vicente, and Gómez-Crisóstomo, Rocío
- Abstract
The objective of this study was to obtain bibliometric indicators by gender applied exclusively to scientific publications registered in the Thompson Scientific databases. Aspects related with the volume of production, visibility, patterns of collaboration and networks of coauthorship will be analyzed below. The data are presented broken down by scientific field.
- Published
- 2007
77. Visualizing the Marrow of Science
- Author
Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (España), Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín [0000-0001-5115-7460], Corera-Álvarez, Elena [0000-0002-2618-339X], Muñoz-Fernández, Francisco José [0000-0001-6254-815X], Herrero-Solana, Víctor [0000-0003-1142-5074], Moya Anegón, Félix de, Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Corera-Álvarez, Elena, Muñoz-Fernández, Francisco José, Herrero-Solana, Víctor, SCImago Research Group, Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (España), Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín [0000-0001-5115-7460], Corera-Álvarez, Elena [0000-0002-2618-339X], Muñoz-Fernández, Francisco José [0000-0001-6254-815X], Herrero-Solana, Víctor [0000-0003-1142-5074], Moya Anegón, Félix de, Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Corera-Álvarez, Elena, Muñoz-Fernández, Francisco José, Herrero-Solana, Víctor, and SCImago Research Group
- Abstract
This study proposes a new methodology that allows for the generation of scientograms of major scientific domains, constructed on the basis of cocitation of ISI categories, and pruned using Pathfinder Network, with a layout determined by algorithms of the spring-embedder type (Kamada-Kawai), then corroborated structurally by Factor analysis. We present the complete scientogram of the world for the year 2002. It integrates the natural sciences, the social sciences, arts and humanities. Its basic structure and the essential relationships therein are revealed, allowing us to analyze at the same time the macrostructure, microstructure and marrow of worldwide scientific output.
- Published
- 2007
78. Coverage analysis of SCOPUS: a journal metric approach
- Author
Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín [0000-0001-5115-7460], Corera-Álvarez, Elena [0000-0002-2618-339X], Muñoz-Fernández, Francisco José [0000-0001-6254-815X], González-Molina, Antonio [0000-0002-8223-813X], Herrero-Solana, Víctor [0000-0003-1142-5074], Moya Anegón, Félix de, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín, Corera-Álvarez, Elena, Muñoz-Fernández, Francisco José, González-Molina, Antonio, Herrero-Solana, Víctor, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín [0000-0001-5115-7460], Corera-Álvarez, Elena [0000-0002-2618-339X], Muñoz-Fernández, Francisco José [0000-0001-6254-815X], González-Molina, Antonio [0000-0002-8223-813X], Herrero-Solana, Víctor [0000-0003-1142-5074], Moya Anegón, Félix de, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín, Corera-Álvarez, Elena, Muñoz-Fernández, Francisco José, González-Molina, Antonio, and Herrero-Solana, Víctor
- Abstract
Our aim is to compare the coverage of the Scopus database Scopus with that of Ulrich, to determine just how homogenous it is in the academic world. The variables taken into account were subject distribution, geographical distribution, distribution by publishers and the language of publication. The analysis of the coverage of a product of this nature should be done in relation to an accepted model, the optimal choice being Ulrich’s Directory, considered the international point of reference for the most comprehensive information on journals published throughout the world.
- Published
- 2007
79. Visualización y análisis de la estructura científica española: ISI Web of science 1990-2005
- Author
Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín [0000-0001-5115-7460], Corera-Álvarez, Elena [0000-0002-2618-339X], Muñoz-Fernández, Francisco José [0000-0001-6254-815X], Herrero-Solana, Víctor [0000-0003-1142-5074], González-Molina, Antonio [0000-0002-8223-813X], Moya Anegón, Félix de, Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín, Corera-Álvarez, Elena, Muñoz-Fernández, Francisco José, Herrero-Solana, Víctor, González-Molina, Antonio, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín [0000-0001-5115-7460], Corera-Álvarez, Elena [0000-0002-2618-339X], Muñoz-Fernández, Francisco José [0000-0001-6254-815X], Herrero-Solana, Víctor [0000-0003-1142-5074], González-Molina, Antonio [0000-0002-8223-813X], Moya Anegón, Félix de, Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín, Corera-Álvarez, Elena, Muñoz-Fernández, Francisco José, Herrero-Solana, Víctor, González-Molina, Antonio, and Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida
- Abstract
[ES] En este trabajo presentamos la estructura de la investigación científica española durante el período comprendido entre 1990 y 2005. Basándonos en la cocitación de categorías ISI, que comprenden las ciencias naturales, las ciencias sociales y el arte y las humanidades, y combinando el análisis de redes sociales (ARS) con algoritmos de poda como pathfindernetorks (Pfnet) y otros algoritmos de representación de la información como el de Kamada–Kawai, mostramos la estructura básica de la ciencia española a través de sus relaciones esenciales. El resultado son unos mapas bibliométricos con forma de neurona y con un gran axón central (cienciogramas) que ponen de manifiesto la macro–estructura, micro– estructura y columna vertebral de la investigación española, que permiten su análisis e interpretación., [EN] This article presents the structure of Spanish science from 1990 to 2005. Based on ISI subject–category co–citation, including natural sciences, social sciences and arts & humanities, and combining both social network analysis (SNA) and pruning algorithms such as pathfinder–networks (Pfnet) and other information layout algorithms like Kamada– Kawai’s, the basic structure of Spanish science is shown through its essential relations. The results are bibliometric– maps (scientograms) revealing the macrostructure, microstructure and the backbone of Spanish science and making possible its analysis and explanation.
- Published
- 2006
80. Domain analysis and information retrieval through the construction of heliocentric maps based on ISI-JCR category cocitation
- Author
Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (España), Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Muñoz-Fernández, Francisco José [0000-0001-6254-815X], Corera-Álvarez, Elena [0000-0002-2618-339X], Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín [0000-0001-5115-7460], Herrero-Solana, Víctor [0000-0003-1142-5074], Moya Anegón, Félix de, Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Herrero-Solana, Víctor, Muñoz-Fernández, Francisco José, Corera-Álvarez, Elena, Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (España), Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Muñoz-Fernández, Francisco José [0000-0001-6254-815X], Corera-Álvarez, Elena [0000-0002-2618-339X], Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín [0000-0001-5115-7460], Herrero-Solana, Víctor [0000-0003-1142-5074], Moya Anegón, Félix de, Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Herrero-Solana, Víctor, Muñoz-Fernández, Francisco José, and Corera-Álvarez, Elena
- Abstract
We propose the use of ISI-JCR categories as units of cocitation and measurement for the construction of heliocentric maps. The use of a spatial metaphor allows us to illustrate, analyze and compare domains in terms of the categories and their interconnections or links. We can also move around within the structure of these domains for further analysis, and access the documents associated with the categories and to the links that cocite or relate them.
- Published
- 2005
81. A new technique for building maps of large scientific domains based on the cocitation of classes and categories
- Author
Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (España), Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín [0000-0001-5115-7460], Herrero-Solana, Víctor [0000-0003-1142-5074], Corera-Álvarez, Elena [0000-0002-2618-339X], Muñoz-Fernández, Francisco José [0000-0001-6254-815X], Moya Anegón, Félix de, Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Herrero-Solana, Víctor, Corera-Álvarez, Elena, Muñoz-Fernández, Francisco José, Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (España), Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín [0000-0001-5115-7460], Herrero-Solana, Víctor [0000-0003-1142-5074], Corera-Álvarez, Elena [0000-0002-2618-339X], Muñoz-Fernández, Francisco José [0000-0001-6254-815X], Moya Anegón, Félix de, Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Herrero-Solana, Víctor, Corera-Álvarez, Elena, and Muñoz-Fernández, Francisco José
- Abstract
Our objective is the generation of schematic visualizations as interfaces for scientific domain analysis. We propose a new technique that uses thematic classification (classes and categories) as entities of cocitation and units of measure, and demonstrate the viability of this methodology through the representation and analysis of a domain of great dimensions. The main features of the maps obtained are discussed, and proposals are made for future improvements and applications
- Published
- 2004
82. Nuevo mapa conceptual de la investigación científica en ciencias de los alimentos basado en técnicas cienciométricas en España (2003-2014)
- Author
Blázquez Ruiz, Jesús, Guerrero Bote, Vicente, Moya Anegón, Félix de, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España), Moya Anegón, Félix de, and Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628]
- Subjects
Co-words analysis ,Cienciometría ,Frentes de investigación ,Computer Networks and Communications ,Communication ,Scientometrics ,España ,Análisis de copalabras ,Library and Information Sciences ,Thematic analysis ,Research fronts ,Estructura de la ciencia de los alimentos ,Análisis temático ,Spain ,Food science structure ,Ciencia de los alimentos ,Food Science ,Information Systems - Abstract
[EN] A keyword analysis of the research in Food Science in Spain is carried out with the objective of discovering the most active lines of research in the period 2003-2014, comparing its evolution with the world research in the discipline. For this purpose, all the bibliographical records of Scopus were downloaded and their keywords were processed to solve the obvious problems of synonymy and to limit the study to those most frequently used. These keywords were grouped in fields and subfields using co-word analysis techniques. This was done with the world production so that we could have a reference for the study at the national level. It is verified that Spain is a great power in scientific research in the field of Food Science, not only by the volume of its scientific production, but also by its quality. Spain stands out especially in the fields of “Food Preservation and Shelf Life” and “Anti-oxidants”., [ES] Se realiza un análisis de palabras clave de la investigación en Ciencia de los Alimentos en España con el objetivo de descubrir sus líneas de investigación más activas en el periodo 2003-2014, comparando la evolución con la investigación mundial en la disciplina. Para ello se descargaron todos los registros bibliográficos de Scopus y se resolvieron los problemas obvios de sinonimia y se seleccionaron las más destacadas. Estas palabras clave fueron agrupadas en campos y subcampos utilizando técnicas del análisis de copalabras para toda la producción mundial y así tener una referencia para el estudio a nivel nacional. Se comprueba que España es una gran potencia en la investigación en Ciencias de los Alimentos, no tanto por su volumen de producción científica, que también, sino más bien por la calidad de ésta. España destaca especialmente en los campos de “Conservación de alimentos y vida útil” y “Antioxidantes”., Este trabajo ha sido financiado por la Consejería de Educación Ciencia & Tecnología y el Fondo Social Europeo como parte de la ayuda a grupos GR15024, y por el Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica 2012-2015 y los Fondos FEDER como parte del proyecto CSO2013-40530-R
- Published
- 2017
83. The role of guarantor in scientific collaboration: The neighbourhood matters
- Author
Rodrigo Sánchez-Jiménez, Félix de Moya-Anegón, Vicente P. Guerrero-Bote, Junta de Extremadura, Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], and Moya Anegón, Félix de
- Subjects
Research guarantors ,Knowledge management ,business.industry ,Field (Bourdieu) ,Assortativity ,media_common.quotation_subject ,05 social sciences ,Acknowledgement ,Acknowledgement as guarantor ,Library and Information Sciences ,Public relations ,050905 science studies ,Computer Science Applications ,Scientific collaboration ,Salient ,Political science ,Institution ,Relevance (information retrieval) ,Performance indicator ,0509 other social sciences ,050904 information & library sciences ,business ,Neighbourhood (mathematics) ,media_common - Abstract
Output resulting from institutional collaboration has been widely used to create performance indicators, but focusing on research guarantors has recently provided a way to recognize the salient role of certain scientific actors. This paper elaborates on this approach to characterize the performance of an institution as guarantor based not only on its guarantor output but also on the importance of the institutions with which it collaborates. Accepting that guarantorship implies in some way acknowledgement of a prominent role on the part of the collaborating institutions, and that this recognition will be more important the more important the collaborating institutions, the paper describes two approaches to measuring this acknowledgement and discusses their effectiveness in helping to recognize prominent scientific actors by using a case study in the Library and Information Science field. The results show a high assortativity in scientific collaboration relationships, confirming the original hypothesis that important institutions tend to grant prestigious institutions the recognition of their relevance., This work was financed by the Junta de Extremadura − Consejería de Educación Ciencia & Tecnología and the European Social Fund as part of the research group grant GR10019
- Published
- 2017
84. How Efficiently Do Elite US Universities Produce Highly Cited Papers?
- Author
Klaus Wohlrabe, Lutz Bornmann, Félix de Moya Anegón, Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], and Moya Anegón, Félix de
- Subjects
Computer science ,Efficiency analysis ,Library and Information Sciences ,050905 science studies ,regression analysis ,lcsh:Communication. Mass media ,university ,Order (exchange) ,Research efficiency ,partial frontier analysis ,Media Technology ,Econometrics ,normalized citation impact ,Business and International Management ,University ,Normalized citation impact ,Impact assessment ,Communication ,lcsh:Information resources (General) ,05 social sciences ,Regression analysis ,lcsh:P87-96 ,Partial frontier analysis ,Computer Science Applications ,Institutional research ,efficiency analysis ,Data efficiency ,Elite ,0509 other social sciences ,050904 information & library sciences ,Discipline ,lcsh:ZA3040-5185 - Abstract
While output and impact assessments were initially at the forefront of institutional research evaluations, efficiency measurements have become popular in recent years. Research efficiency is measured by indicators that relate research output to input. The additional consideration of research input in research evaluation is obvious, since the output depends on the input. The present study is based on a comprehensive dataset with input and output data for 50 US universities. As input, we used research expenses, and as output the number of highly-cited papers. We employed Data Efficiency Analysis (DEA), Free Disposal Hull (FDH) and two more robust models: the order-m and order-&alpha, approaches. The results of the DEA and FDH analysis show that Harvard University and Boston College can be called especially efficient compared to the other universities. While the strength of Harvard University lies in its high output of highly-cited papers, the strength of Boston College is its small input. In the order-&alpha, and order-m frameworks, Harvard University remains efficient, but Boston College becomes super-efficient. We produced university rankings based on adjusted efficiency scores (subsequent to regression analyses), in which single covariates (e.g., the disciplinary profile) are held constant.
- Published
- 2019
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85. Big-Data y patentes: método para la normalización de las instituciones OCDE Top 100
- Author
Corera-Álvarez, Elena, Espinosa-Calvo, Mª Eugenia, Gómez-Crisóstomo, Rocío, Ovalle-Perandones, María Antonia, Moya Anegón, Félix de, Corera-Álvarez, Elena [0000-0002-2618-339X], Espinosa-Calvo, Mª Eugenia [0000-0002-8955-4637], Gómez-Crisóstomo, Rocío [0000-0002-3258-6283], Ovalle-Perandones, Mª Antonia [0000-0002-6149-4724], Moya-Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Corera-Álvarez, Elena, Moya-Anegón, Félix de, Espinosa-Calvo, Mª Eugenia, Gómez Crisóstomo, Rocío, Ovalle Perandones, Mª Antonio, SCImago Research Group, Gómez-Crisóstomo, Rocío, and Ovalle-Perandones, Mª Antonia
- Subjects
Big data ,Scopus ,Instituciones ,Patstat ,Patentes ,Normalización - Abstract
La importancia de las patentes para la economía, sumada al crecimiento experimentado por la investigación en los países industrializados después de la II Guerra Mundial, ha provocado un incremento en el número de patentes registradas en el mundo, alcanzando éstas unas cifras tan elevadas, que han ocasionado que su análisis se convierta en una tarea ardua y dificultosa. Como ejemplo, destacar que en el año 2016 se registraron en el mundo más de tres millones de solicitudes de patentes (World Intellectual Property Organization, 2018). Ese abismal crecimiento experimentado por la ciencia y la investigación en las últimas décadas, también se ve reflejado en la producción científica de los países, entendida ésta como el volumen de publicaciones científicas. Procedería entonces plantearse la cuestión de si existe una vinculación palpable entre las patentes y la producción científica, o si no siempre van de la mano. La fuente utilizada para extraer los datos relativos a las patentes es PATSTAT (Patent Statistical Database), herramienta lanzada por la Oficina Europea de Patentes (OEP) en el año 2006 (Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas, 2009), su volumen asciende a más de cien millones de registros de patentes, procedentes de países industrializados y en desarrollo, además de los datos de estado legal de más de 40 autoridades nacionales de patentes contenidas en la base de datos INPADOC de la Oficina Europea de Patentes (European Patent Office, 2019). Se trata por lo tanto de una fuente de datos armonizada que, en realidad, es la suma de varias fuentes de datos nacionales, lo que finalmente hace que aglutine millones de patentes convirtiéndose en la base de datos de patentes más exhaustiva del mundo. Scopus, la mayor base de datos de citas y resúmenes de publicaciones científicas revisada por pares que existe en la actualidad (Elservier, 2019), ha sido tomada como fuente en la que localizar el nexo entre patentes y producción científica, es decir, los documentos científicos que han sido incluidos en el apartado de bibliografía de la solicitud de patente (ya sea por el propio inventor o a propuesta del revisor de la solicitud), y que dotan de una base científica a la solicitud de patente. Con el objetivo de poder analizar dicha relación patente-producción científica, resulta imprescindible disponer de unos datos normalizados y fidedignos sobre el entramado de instituciones que intervienen en estos ámbitos. El presente trabajo trata de dar respuesta a la falta de normalización de los nombres de entidad en el ámbito de la patentes, ya que no existen iniciativas disponibles de agrupación de “applicants” que permitan analizar las trayectorias de las organizaciones, y propone una metodología para organizar y estructurar este conjunto de datos masivos de patentes (Camargo-Vega et al., 2015), agrupando la información disponible, para que los datos posteriormente puedan ser analizados y sometidos al cálculo de diferentes indicadores., Contenido Listado de Tablas 3 Listado de Ilustraciones 4 Introducción 5 Objetivo 5 Método 9 Herramientas utilizadas para la normalización → Descripción de la plataforma 9 Multinacionales 9 Patrones 11 Patstat 15 Procedimiento 15 Criterios 16 Patrones 18 Problemas encontrados con las normalización de multinacionales 20 Ejemplo de Siemens 20 Diferencias entre la normalización de idn’s de Scopus y applicants de Patstat 22 Replanteamiento 22 Referencias bibliográficas 23 Anexos 24
- Published
- 2019
86. Visualization and analysis of SCImago Journal & Country Rank structure via journal clustering
- Author
Vladimir Batagelj, Félix de Moya-Anegón, Antonio J. Gómez-Núñez, Benjamín Vargas-Quesada, Zaida Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín [0000-0001-5115-7460], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín, and Moya Anegón, Félix de
- Subjects
Computer science ,Scopus ,Library and Information Sciences ,050905 science studies ,computer.software_genre ,Clustering ,Set (abstract data type) ,Information visualization ,Scientograms ,Cluster analysis ,GeneralLiterature_REFERENCE(e.g.,dictionaries,encyclopedias,glossaries) ,Information retrieval ,business.industry ,05 social sciences ,Subject (documents) ,Classification ,SCImago Journal & Country Rank ,Bibliographic coupling ,Visualization ,Citation-based links ,Data mining ,0509 other social sciences ,050904 information & library sciences ,business ,Citation ,computer ,Information Systems - Abstract
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to visualize the structure of SCImago Journal & Country Rank (SJR) coverage of the extensive citation network of Scopus journals, examining this bibliometric portal through an alternative approach, applying clustering and visualization techniques to a combination of citation-based links. Design/methodology/approach:Three SJR journal-journal networks containing direct citation, co-citation and bibliographic coupling links are built. The three networks were then combined into a new one by summing up their values, which were later normalized through geo-normalization measure. Finally, the VOS clustering algorithm was executed and the journal clusters obtained were labeled using original SJR category tags and significant words from journal titles. Findings: The resultant scientogram displays the SJR structure through a set of communities equivalent to SJR categories that represent the subject contents of the journals they cover. A higher level of aggregation by areas provides a broad view of the SJR structure, facilitating its analysis and visualization at the same time. Originality/value: This is the first study using Persson’s combination of most popular citation-based links (direct citation, co-citation and bibliographic coupling) in order to develop a scientogram based on Scopus journals from SJR. The integration of the three measures along with performance of the VOS community detection algorithm gave a balanced set of clusters. The resulting scientogram is useful for assessing and validating previous classifications as well as for information retrieval and domain analysis.
- Published
- 2016
87. Benchmarking scientific performance by decomposing leadership of Cuban and Latin American institutions in Public Health
- Author
Benjamín Vargas-Quesada, Félix de Moya-Anegón, Grisel Zacca-González, Zaida Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Asociación Universitaria Iberoamericana de Postgrado (España), Universidad de Granada, Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida[0000-0002-1608-4478], Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín [0000-0001-5115-7460], Zacca-González, Grisel [0000-0003-4670-5092], Moya Anegón, Félix de, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín, and Zacca-González, Grisel
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Latin Americans ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Normalized citation ,Library and Information Sciences ,Public administration ,050905 science studies ,Citation impact ,medicine ,Institution ,Sociology ,media_common ,Interpretation (philosophy) ,Public health ,05 social sciences ,Cuba ,General Social Sciences ,Benchmarking ,Computer Science Applications ,Leadership ,Latin America ,Scientific collaboration ,Public Health ,0509 other social sciences ,050904 information & library sciences ,Citation ,Autonomy - Abstract
This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Scientometrics. The final authenticated version is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11192-015-1831-z”., Comparative benchmarking with bibliometric indicators can be an aid in decision-making with regard to research management. This study aims to characterize scientific performance in a domain (Public Health) by the institutions of a country (Cuba), taking as reference world output and regional output (other Latin American centers) during the period 2003–2012. A new approach is used here to assess to what extent the leadership of a specific institution can change its citation impact. Cuba was found to have a high level of specialization and scientific leadership that does not match the low international visibility of Cuban institutions. This leading output appears mainly in non-collaborative papers, in national journals; publication in English is very scarce and the rate of international collaboration is very low. The Instituto de Medicina Tropical Pedro Kouri stands out, alone, as a national reference. Meanwhile, at the regional level, Latin American institutions deserving mention for their high autonomy in normalized citation would include Universidad de Buenos Aires (ARG), Universidade Federal de Pelotas (BRA), Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientı´ficas y Te´cnicas (ARG), Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (BRA) and the Centro de Pesquisas Rene Rachou (BRA). We identify a crucial aspect that can give rise to misinterpretations of data: a high share of leadership cannot be considered positive for institutions when it is mainly associated with a high proportion of non-collaborative papers and a very low level of performance. Because leadership might be questionable in some cases, we propose future studies to ensure a better interpretation of findings., This work was made possible through financing by the scholarship funds for international mobility between Andalusian and IberoAmerican Universities and the SCImago Group
- Published
- 2016
88. Somes patterns of Cuban scientific publication in Scopus: the current situation and challenges
- Author
Ricardo Arencibia-Jorge, Félix de Moya-Anegón, Zaida Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Elena Corera-Álvarez, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España), Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Corera-Álvarez, Elena [0000-0002-2618-339X], Arencibia-Jorge, Ricardo [0000-0001-8907-2454], Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Moya Anegón, Félix de, Corera-Álvarez, Elena, and Arencibia-Jorge, Ricardo
- Subjects
Research performane ,Computer science ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Scopus ,Distribution (economics) ,Language of publication ,Scientific output ,Library and Information Sciences ,Bibliometrics ,Regional science ,Quality (business) ,Social science ,Citation ,media_common ,business.industry ,Cuba ,General Social Sciences ,Computer Science Applications ,Scientific collaboration ,Journals ,business ,Scientific communication - Abstract
"This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Scientometrics. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-015-1568-8”., Cuban scientific output is analyzed for the period 2003-2011, in Scopus database. Based on a set of bibliometric indicators, we try to shed light on the evolution of the volume of scientific output in Cuban and foreign journals, and its distribution and visibility by quartiles. Also analyzed is the citation per document received, broken down by language of publication and type of collaboration. The results reveal patterns and strategies of expansion in scientific communication that may be useful for academic and institutional decision-makers, suggesting means of amending editorial policy to improve scientific quality and international diffusion of output. It is hoped that these results will spur debate about research policies and actions to be taken to enhance the quality of research., This work was made possible through the Short-Term Visiting Fellows Program of the CSIC Instituto de Políticas y Bienes Públicos (IPP) Madrid, Spain
- Published
- 2015
89. Producción científica cubana en Medicina y Salud Pública: Scopus 2003-2011
- Author
Benjamín Vargas-Quesada, Grisel Zacca-González, Félix de Moya-Anegón, Zaida Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Moya Anegón, Félix de, Zacca-González, Grisel, Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Zacca-González, Grisel [0000-0003-4670-5092], and Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín [0000-0001-5115-7460]
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Colaboración científica ,Medicina ,Best practice ,Scopus ,Library science ,Library and Information Sciences ,Collective health ,Occupational safety and health ,Salud coletiva ,Political science ,Salud colectiva ,medicine ,lcsh:AM1-501 ,Cienciometría ,lcsh:Museums. Collectors and collecting ,Scientific evaluation ,business.industry ,Public health ,Scientometrics ,Museology ,Visibility (geometry) ,Scientific production ,Producción científica ,Bibliometric indicators ,Public relations ,Indicadores bibliométricos ,lcsh:Z ,lcsh:Bibliography. Library science. Information resources ,Evaluación científica ,Scientific cooperation ,Medicine ,business ,Scientific communication ,Information Systems - Abstract
[EN] The aim of this study was to analyze the evolution of the quantity and visibility of Cuban scientific production in Public Health and Medicine to determine if they follow the same patterns of scientific communication and the recommended best practices for publication. Bibliometric indicators of quantity, visibility and cooperation were extracted from the SCImago Institutions Rankings website, which is based on Scopus data, in the field of Medicine and category of Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health from 2003 to 2011. Cuba has a relatively high position in the rankings of scientific production in both Medicine and Public Health within the international and regional contexts, but its impact is ranked among the last countries. The production trend of both fields has increased, but public health is increasing faster. Leadership is high, but international collaboration is below expectations. Publication in high impact journals (first quartile) and articles in the set 10% most cited documents (excellence) are scarce. Thus, it may be concluded that the volume and impact of publication are not in accordance with the scientific potential of Cuban health. We recommend increasing scientific cooperation, publishing articles in high impact journals, training human resources and following the international recommendations for good editorial and scientific publication practices., [ES] El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar la evolución del volumen y la visibilidad de la producción científica cubana en Salud Pública y en Medicina para determinar si siguen los mismos patrones de comunicación, y recomendar buenas prácticas de publicación. Se aplicaron indicadores bibliométricos de volumen, visibilidad y colaboración extraídos del portal SCImago Institutions Rankings a partir de datos de Scopus, para el área temática Medicine y la categoría Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health, período 2003-2011. Cuba tiene una posición relativamente alta en los rankings de volumen de producción científica tanto en Medicina como en Salud Pública en los contextos internacionales y regionales, mientras que en impacto está entre los últimos países. La tendencia de la producción es al crecimiento, aunque en Salud Pública es más acelerado. El liderazgo es alto, pero la colaboración internacional está por debajo de lo esperado. La publicación en revistas de alto impacto (primer cuartil) y los artículos en el 10% más citado (excelencia) son escasos. Se concluye que el volumen y el impacto de la publicación no están acorde al potencial científico de salud cubana. Se recomienda incrementar la colaboración científica, la publicación de artículos en revistas de alto impacto, la preparación de los recursos humanos y seguir las recomendaciones internacionales sobre las buenas prácticas de edición y publicación científica.
- Published
- 2014
90. Calculating the excellence shift: How efficiently do institutions produce highly cited papers?
- Author
Klaus Wohlrabe, Félix de Moya-Anegón, Lutz Bornmann, Moya Anegón, Félix de, and Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628]
- Subjects
Engineering ,Management science ,business.industry ,media_common.quotation_subject ,05 social sciences ,General Social Sciences ,Efficiency ,Library and Information Sciences ,050905 science studies ,High-impact papers ,Computer Science Applications ,Engineering management ,Excellence ,Research efficiency ,0509 other social sciences ,Excellence shift ,050904 information & library sciences ,business ,media_common - Abstract
The excellence shift is proposed, which shows universities’ ability to produce highly cited papers as measured against their basic academic research efficiency. To demonstrate our approach, we use data from 50 US universities.
- Published
- 2017
91. Optimizing SCImago Journal & Country Rank classification by community detection
- Author
Zaida Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Vladimir Batagelj, Félix de Moya-Anegón, Antonio J. Gómez-Núñez, Benjamín Vargas-Quesada, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín, Moya Anegón, Félix de, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Vargas-Quesada, Benjamín [0000-0001-5115-7460], and Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628]
- Subjects
Software visualization ,Information retrieval ,Community detection ,Computer science ,Classification scheme ,Library and Information Sciences ,Scientometrics ,Bibliometrics ,SCImago Journal & Country Rank ,Journal classification ,computer.software_genre ,Bibliographic coupling ,Clustering ,Computer Science Applications ,Citation-based network ,Data mining ,Citation ,Cluster analysis ,computer ,Network analysis - Abstract
Subject classification arises as an important topic for bibliometrics and scientometrics as to develop reliable and consistent tools and outputs. For this matter, a well delimited underlying subject classification scheme reflecting science fields becomes essential. Within the broad ensemble of classification techniques clustering analysis is one of the most successful. Two clustering algorithms based on modularity, namely, VOS and Louvain methods, are presented in order to update and optimise journal classification of SCImago Journal & Country Rank (SJR) platform. We used network analysis and visualization software Pajek to run both algorithms on a network of more than 18,000 SJR journals combining three citation-based measures, that is, direct citation, co-citation and bibliographic coupling. The set of clusters obtained was termed through category labels assigned to SJR journals and significant words from journal titles. Despite of both algorithms exhibiting slight performance differences, the results showed a similar behaviour in grouping journals and, consequently, they seem to be appropriate solutions for classification purposes. The two new generated algorithm-based classifications were compared to other bibliometric classification systems such as the original SJR one and WoS Subject Categories in order to validate their consistency, adequacy and accuracy. Although there are notable differences among the four classification systems analysed, we found a certain coherence and homogeneity among them.
- Published
- 2014
92. A web application for aggregating conflicting reviewers’ preferences
- Author
Jose A. García, Rosa Rodriguez-Sánchez, F. de Moya-Anegón, Joaquín Fdez-Valdivia, Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (España), Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], and Moya Anegón, Félix de
- Subjects
Ranking rule ,Praxis ,Computer science ,business.industry ,Management science ,As is ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Maximum likelihood ,General Social Sciences ,Library and Information Sciences ,Data science ,Computer Science Applications ,Ranking (information retrieval) ,Social choice theory ,Conflicting recommendations ,Consensus ranking ,Web application ,Decision process ,business ,media_common - Abstract
Drawing on social choice theory we derive a rationale in which each reviewer is asked to provide his or her second, third, and fourth choice in addition to his/her first choice recommendation regarding the acceptance/revision/rejection of a given manuscript. All reviewers' hierarchies of alternatives are collected and combined such that an overall ranking can be computed. Consequently, conflicting recommendations are resolved not by asking a third adjudicating reviewer for his/her recommendation as is usual editorial praxis in many scientific journals, but rather by using more information from the available judges. After a brief introduction into social choice theory and a description and justification of the maximum likelihood rule for ranking alternatives, we describe and demonstrate a public available web application that provides easy-to-use tools to apply these methods for aggregating conflicting reviewers' recommendations. This application might be accessed by editors to aid their decision process in case they receive conflicting recommendations by their reviewers., This research was sponsored by the Spanish Board for Science and Technology (MICINN) under grant TIN2010-15157 cofinanced with European FEDER funds
- Published
- 2013
93. Do universities or research institutions with a specific subject profile have an advantage or a disadvantage in institutional rankings?
- Author
Rüdiger Mutz, Lutz Bornmann, Félix de Moya-Anegón, Bornmann, Lutz, Moya Anegón, Félix de, Bornmann, Lutz [0000-0003-0810-7091], and Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628]
- Subjects
Actuarial science ,Knowledge management ,Computer Networks and Communications ,Computer science ,business.industry ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Subject (documents) ,Latent class model ,Human-Computer Interaction ,Ranking ,Categorization ,Artificial Intelligence ,Institution ,Position (finance) ,Performance measurement ,business ,Software ,Disadvantage ,Information Systems ,media_common - Abstract
Using data compiled for the SCImago Institutions Ranking, we look at whether the subject area type an institution (university or research-focused institution) belongs to (in terms of the fields researched) has an influence on its ranking position. We used latent class analysis to categorize institutions based on their publications in certain subject areas. Even though this categorization does not relate directly to scientific performance, our results show that it exercises an important influence on the outcome of a performance measurement: Certain subject area types of institutions have an advantage in the ranking positions when compared with others. This advantage manifests itself not only when performance is measured with an indicator that is not field-normalized but also for indicators that are field-normalized.
- Published
- 2013
94. The research guarantors of scientific papers and the output counting: a promising new approach
- Author
Félix de Moya-Anegón, Vicente P. Guerrero-Bote, Henk F. Moed, Lutz Bornmann, Bornmann, Lutz, Moya Anegón, Félix de, Bornmann, Lutz [0000-0003-0810-7091], and Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628]
- Subjects
Output counting ,Fractional counting ,Information retrieval ,Operations research ,Computer science ,business.industry ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Corresponding author ,Scopus ,General Social Sciences ,Distribution (economics) ,Variation (game tree) ,Library and Information Sciences ,Scientific excellence ,Computer Science Applications ,Research guarantor ,Order (exchange) ,Excellence ,Quality (business) ,Performance indicator ,business ,media_common - Abstract
We propose a method for selecting the research guarantor when papers are co-authored. The method is simply based on identifying the corresponding author. The method is here applied to global scientific output based on the SCOPUS database in order to build a new output distribution by country. This new distribution is then compared with previous output distributions by country but which were based on whole or fractional counting, not only for the total output but also for the excellence output (papers belonging to the 10 % most cited papers). The comparison allows one to examine the effect of the different methodological approaches on the scientific performance indicators assigned to countries. In some cases, there was a very large variation in scientific performance between the total output (whole counting) and output as research guarantor. The research guarantor approach is especially interesting when used with the excellence output where the quantity of excellent papers is also a quality indicator. The impact of excellent papers naturally has less variability as they are all top-cited papers.
- Published
- 2013
95. Publishing Trends in Library and Information Sciences Across European Countries and Institutions
- Author
Carlos Olmeda-Gómez, Félix de Moya-Anegón, Moya Anegón, Félix de, and Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628]
- Subjects
Scopus ,Library science ,Χρήση της πλήροφορίας και κοινωνιολογία της πληροφορήσης, Βιβλιομετρικές μεθόδοι ,Library and Information Sciences ,050905 science studies ,Information science ,Education ,Information and library science ,Scientific excellence ,Informetrics ,SCImago Journal Rank ,Bibliometric analysis ,Political science ,Social science ,business.industry ,Prestige ,05 social sciences ,Information use and sociology of information, Bibliometric methods ,University ranking ,Eastern european ,Europe ,Publishing ,0509 other social sciences ,050904 information & library sciences ,Citation ,business - Abstract
Ten bibliometric indicators were used to assess European publishing intensity in journals listed in Scopus under the subject category “Library and Information Science” between 2003 and 2012. The findings were analyzed for the 20 countries and 25 research institutions with the greatest output in that period. The indicators calculated included normalized impact, number and proportion of highly cited papers and the distribution of papers by the quartiles defined in the Scimago Journal Rank (SJR). SJR is a measure of the scientific influence of scholarly journals that accounts for both the number of citations received by a journal and the importance or prestige of the journals where such citations come from. With SJR, the subject field, quality and reputation of the journal have a direct effect on the value of a citation. The analysis covered 11,931 Western and 939 Eastern European papers published in 149 journals. The highest output growth rates were found for Spain, Poland, Portugal, Italy, Greece and Austria. The highest impact ratings were attained by European institutions whose members are prolific authors of papers on informetrics. On the whole, the articles were written primarily in English, Spanish, German or French, while the publications most widely cited appeared in English language journals. This study presents bibliometric data that shed light on the status of Library and Information Science research in Europe today, in the framework of the European Higher Education Area.
- Published
- 2016
96. New Scientometric‐Based Knowledge Map of Food Science Research (2003 to 2014)
- Author
Blázquez Ruiz, Jesús, Guerrero Bote, Vicente, Moya Anegón, Félix de, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España), Junta de Extremadura, Moya Anegón, Félix de, and Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628]
- Subjects
Food science ,Food science structure ,Scientometrics ,Co‐word analysis ,Thematic analysis - Abstract
This article describes an analysis of keywords which was aimed at revealing publication patterns in the field of Food Science (FS) during the last decade, including the temporal evolution of its different research lines. To this end, the records of the specific subject area of FS were 1st retrieved from Scopus, and then their keywords were processed to resolve the obvious problems of synonymy and to limit the study to those most frequently used. These keywords were grouped into thematic clusters based on a scientometric technique known as co‐word analysis. The structure of the clusters, their scientific impact, and their temporal evolution were then analyzed. This type of analysis is of great interest for all researchers in FS—for new researchers because they can form an objective vision of the subject based on the data from papers that have been published in the last decade, and for experienced researchers because they can contrast their own vision of the field with this objective overview. The results showed there to has been a clear increase in scientific production related to FS. This production had a structure corresponding to 5 major clusters which were themselves disaggregated into 18 2nd‐level clusters. The cluster that had received most attention was that corresponding to antioxidants in food, being the cluster with the greatest scientific impact and the greatest growth in the period., This work was financed by the Junta de Extremadura and the Consejería de Educación Ciencia & Tecnología, and the European Social Fund, as part of research group grant GR15024, and by the Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica 2012–2015 and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as part of research project CSO2013‐40530‐R
- Published
- 2016
97. Excellence networks in science: A Web-based application based on Bayesian multilevel logistic regression (BMLR) for the identification of institutions collaborating successfully
- Author
Moritz Stefaner, Lutz Bornmann, Ruediger Mutz, Félix de Moya Anegón, Moya Anegón, Félix de, and Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628]
- Subjects
FOS: Computer and information sciences ,Physics - Physics and Society ,Computer science ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Scopus ,FOS: Physical sciences ,Physics and Society (physics.soc-ph) ,Library and Information Sciences ,Bibliometrics ,050905 science studies ,Statistics - Applications ,Excellence ,Web application ,Digital Libraries (cs.DL) ,Applications (stat.AP) ,media_common ,business.industry ,05 social sciences ,Subject (documents) ,Computer Science - Digital Libraries ,Co-authorship ,Citation networks ,Data science ,Collaboration ,Computer Science Applications ,Identification (information) ,Ranking ,Institution (computer science) ,0509 other social sciences ,Best paper rate ,050904 information & library sciences ,business - Abstract
In this study we present an application which can be accessed via www.excellence-networks.net and which represents networks of scientific institutions worldwide. The application is based on papers (articles, reviews and conference papers) published between 2007 and 2011. It uses (network) data, on which the SCImago Institutions Ranking is based (Scopus data from Elsevier). Using this data, institutional networks have been estimated with statistical models (Bayesian multilevel logistic regression, BMLR) for a number of Scopus subject areas. Within single subject areas, we have investigated and visualized how successfully overall an institution (reference institution) has collaborated (compared to all the other institutions in a subject area), and with which other institutions (network institutions) a reference institution has collaborated particularly successfully. The "best paper rate" (statistically estimated) was used as an indicator for evaluating the collaboration success of an institution. This gives the proportion of highly cited papers from an institution, and is considered generally as an indicator for measuring impact in bibliometrics., accepted for publication in the Journal of Informetrics
- Published
- 2016
98. Atlas of scientific institutions in food science (Scopus, 2003–2013)
- Author
Vicente P. Guerrero-Bote, Carlos Olmeda-Gómez, Félix de Moya-Anegón, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España), Junta de Extremadura, Moya Anegón, Félix de, and Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628]
- Subjects
Middle East ,Latin Americans ,05 social sciences ,Central asia ,Scopus ,050905 science studies ,Bibliometric ,Food science ,Geography ,Thematic map ,Citation analysis ,Research activity ,East africa ,0509 other social sciences ,Networks ,050904 information & library sciences ,China - Abstract
Bibliometric indicators are used to characterize the research activity of institutions worldwide with production in the period 2003–2013 in journals that are indexed in Scopus's Food Science thematic category. Basic, normalized indicators were used to compare the institutions' performances, together with highly cited papers (top-10% and top-1%). An interactive map was generated, displaying the 645 institutions with at least 100 documents produced during this period. The greatest numbers of those institutions are in the United States, South Korea, Spain, and China. National collaboration networks were detected on the East and West Coasts of the United States, and in Canada, Ireland, France, Spain, Holland, Denmark, China, South Korea, Malaysia, Brazil, India, Argentina, and Nigeria. There was no significant research activity in many developing and food exporting countries located in sub-Saharan Africa, North and East Africa, the Middle East, Latin America, the Caribbean, Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and South East Asia. The need to take into account other criteria based on qualitative attributes and the inherent limitations in the bibliometric indicators are discussed., This work was financed by the Junta de Extremadura and the Consejería de Educación Ciencia & Tecnología, and the European Social Fund, as part of research group grant GR15024, and by the Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica 2012–2015 and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as part of research project CSO2013-40530-R.
- Published
- 2016
99. Scientific output of the emerging Cuban biopharmaceutical industry: a scientometric approach
- Author
Félix de Moya-Anegón, Elena Corera-Álvarez, Ricardo Arencibia-Jorge, Zaida Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628], Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], Corera-Álvarez, Elena [0000-0002-2618-339], Arencibia-Jorge, Ricardo [0000-0001-8907-2454], Moya Anegón, Félix de, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Corera-Álvarez, Elena, and Arencibia-Jorge, Ricardo
- Subjects
Economic growth ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Scopus ,Library and Information Sciences ,Bibliometrics ,050905 science studies ,Biopharmaceuticals ,Excellence ,Multinational companies ,Economics ,Regional science ,Human resources ,Productivity ,Pharmaceutical industry ,media_common ,business.industry ,05 social sciences ,Scientometrics ,General Social Sciences ,Cuba ,Health indicator ,Computer Science Applications ,International collaboration ,Leadership ,Multinational corporation ,Bibliometrics indicators ,0509 other social sciences ,050904 information & library sciences ,business - Abstract
"This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Scientometrics. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-016-2023-1", Cuba has developed a biopharmaceutical sector that involves some of the country’s most relevant scientific institutions. Despite the severe constraints on resources resulting from the U.S. embargo, the results achieved by this sector have contributed to put the country’s health indicators at the same level of high-income nations. Recently, the creation of BioCubaFarma as a cluster of high-technology enterprises organized around a closed cycle model becomes one of the most relevant efforts of the Island in order to make biopharmaceuticals one of the country’s leading export earners. The main aim of the current paper was to characterize BioCubaFarma through a battery of Scopus-based bibliometric indicators. A comparison with the most productive multinational pharmaceutical companies was made. Regression analysis of annual productivity, number of citations, scientific talent pool, innovative knowledge and other citation-based indicators was performed. Differences and similarities between BioCubaFarma and multinational companies in four Scopus subject categories related to this sector were identified. The most productive and visible institutions from BioCubaFarma were also characterized. Qualified human resources, innovative knowledge, leadership, high specialization in the field of vaccines development and non-dependence of international collaboration are strengths of the organization. However, it is still necessary to increase the number of articles published in highly visible journals with the aim to achieve a better citation-based performance. Moreover, to increase the contributions from less-productive institutions, more clinical research published in medical journals and more collaboration with universities and health institutions could also have positive benefits for BioCubaFarma’s pipelines and portfolios., This research was supported by 2015 Postdoctoral Short Visiting Program of the Spanish Instituto de Bienes y Políticas Públicas (IPP) from Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC).
- Published
- 2016
100. Blockmodeling of co-authorship networks in library and information science in Argentina: a case study
- Author
Félix de Moya-Anegón, Zaida Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Anuška Ferligoj, Sandra Edith Miguel, Luka Kronegger, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España), Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida, Moya Anegón, Félix de, Chinchilla-Rodríguez, Zaida [0000-0002-1608-4478], and Moya Anegón, Félix de [0000-0002-0255-8628]
- Subjects
Structure (mathematical logic) ,Blockmodeling ,Computer science ,business.industry ,Visibility (geometry) ,General Social Sciences ,Publicaciones científicas ,Library and Information Sciences ,Bibliometrics ,Científicos ,Data science ,Field (geography) ,Scientific productivity ,Computer Science Applications ,Social network analysis ,Bibliotecología ,Software ,Scientific collaboration ,Bibliometría ,Bibliotecología y ciencia de la información ,Co authorship ,business - Abstract
The paper introduces the use of blockmodeling in the micro-level study of the internal structure of co-authorship networks over time. Variations in scientific productivity and researcher or research group visibility were determined by observing authors' role in the core-periphery structure and crossing this information with bibliometric data. Three techniques were applied to represent the structure of collaborative science: (1) the blockmodeling; (2) the Kamada-Kawai algorithm based on the similarities in co-authorships present in the documents analysed; (3) bibliometrics to determine output volume, impact and degree of collaboration from the bibliographic data drawn from publications. The goal was to determine the extent to which the use of these two complementary approaches, in conjunction with bibliometric data, provides greater insight into the structure and characteristics of a given field of scientific endeavour. The paper describes certain features of Pajek software and how it can be used to study research group composition, structure and dynamics. The approach combines bibliometric and social network analysis to explore scientific collaboration networks and monitor individual and group careers from new perspectives. Its application on a small-scale case study is intended as an example and can be used in other disciplines. It may be very useful for the appraisal of scientific developments. © 2012 Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, Hungary., This research was partially funded by the Spanish National Research Council under the project entitled “Generación de herramientas cienciométricas para el análisis de la colaboración científica” (Proyecto Intramural CSIC 200810I210).
- Published
- 2012
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