Summary The stimulation on cats amygdala, either electrical or chemical, sometimes causes cessation of movements both of the stomach and small intestine and the lowering of tension therein, though there are also cases with negative effect. In case of marked change it deals with stimulation chiefly on the medial principal nucleus (nucleus T of Volsch); in case of no change, with stimulation chiefly on the other subnuclei. No change took place in the small intestine when stimulation partook the periamygdaloid cortex exclusively. Judged from the resubs of both severing and destruction experiments, the fibers instrumental for such change concerning gastro-intestinal motility of amygdalar origir, are assumed directly to run downward through the ipsilateral hypothalamus Trigonum olfactorium, area 13, hippocampus, fornix, stria terminalis and capsula externa do not participate in the course There are a large number of pressor pints in periamygdaloid cortex (PA) and the most marked focus thereof is situated in Pam2. Both the electrical and chemical stimulation on amygdala proper (A) causes the same blood pressure elevation as that on PA. However, the effect of chemical stimulation is generally less marked than that of the electrical one. Among the subnuclei of “ A”, that is laden with the most marked pressure acceleration, is the nucleus T, next come nuclei M, T‘, B and D. It is quite likely that the neumn pnjected from “ PA ” gets renewed at “ A” With regard to the blood pressure there seems to exist no connection between area 13 and “A” nor trigonum olfactorium and “ A.” Also, fiber connection by the way of the posterior and medial part of piriform lobe must be denied. Althongh both sides of amygdala stand in a close connection with each other, the commissural and association fibers running in these do not seem to go propagating the function at least so far-as blood pressure is concerned. The result of stimulation, especially following dissection of stria terminalis, speaks for that the pressure effect brought about by either “PA” or “A” stimulation goes propagating by the way of the said fibers Judging from the result of the simultaneous observation of respiratory movement and blood pressure, the two seem to go propagating by the way of different fibers as they react in evidently different ways. In the case of stimulation experiment performed with the destruction of hypothalamus aforegoing, there was no stimulation effect displayed ipsilateral to the destruction. Presumably, the blood pressure change reaches hypothalamus of the stimulated side by the way of the ipsilateral stria terminalis to be transmitted therefrom to the lower center.