With the development of science and technology, the high-tech industry is developing rapidly, and various new-age technologies continue to appear, and Digital Twins (DT) is one of them. As a brand-new interactive technology, DT technology can handle the interaction between the real world and the virtual world well. It has become a hot spot in the academic circles of all countries in the world. DT have developed rapidly in recent years result from centrality, integrity and dynamics. It is integrated with other technologies and has been applied in many fields, such as smart factory in industrial production, digital model of life in medical field, construction of smart city, security guarantee in aerospace field, immersive shopping in commercial field and so on. The introduction of DT is mostly a summary of concepts, and few practical applications of Digital Twins are introduced. The purpose of this paper is to enable people to understand the application status of DT technology. At the same time, the introduction of core technologies related to DT is interspersed in the application introduction. Finally, combined with the current development status of DT, predict the future development trend of DT and make a summary. © 2022, The Author(s). Export Date: 11 March 2022; Article; CODEN: MTAPF; 通讯地址: Lv, Z.; Department of Game Design, Sweden; 电子邮件: lvzhihan@gmail.com; 基金资助详情: National Natural Science Foundation of China, NSFC, 61902203; 基金资助文本 1: Open access funding provided by Uppsala University. 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