100 results on '"Petit, Anna"'
Search Results
52. Prognostic value of PAM50 in residual breast cancer following neoadjuvant endocrine therapy (NET): A retrospective analysis with long follow-up.
- Author
Gil Gil, Miguel J., primary, Perez, Francisco Javier, additional, Soler Monso, Teresa, additional, Pascual, Tomas, additional, Galván, Patricia, additional, Pare, Laia, additional, Petit, Anna, additional, Falo, Catalina, additional, Stradella, Agostina, additional, Pla, María Jesús, additional, Salazar, Ramon, additional, and Prat, Aleix, additional
- Published
- 2019
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53. Digital quantification of KI-67 in breast cancer
- Author
del Rosario Taco Sanchez, María, primary, Soler-Monsó, Teresa, additional, Petit, Anna, additional, Azcarate, Juan, additional, Lasheras, Alba, additional, Artal, Carmen, additional, Gil, Miguel, additional, Falo, Catalina, additional, Pla, María Jesús, additional, and Matias-Guiu, Xavier, additional
- Published
- 2018
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54. Correction: Lymphangioleiomyomatosis Biomarkers Linked to Lung Metastatic Potential and Cell Stemness
- Author
Ruiz de Garibay, Gorka, primary, Herranz, Carmen, additional, Llorente, Alicia, additional, Boni, Jacopo, additional, Serra-Musach, Jordi, additional, Mateo, Francesca, additional, Aguilar, Helena, additional, Gómez-Baldó, Laia, additional, Petit, Anna, additional, Vidal, August, additional, Climent, Fina, additional, Hernández-Losa, Javier, additional, Cordero, Álex, additional, González-Suárez, Eva, additional, Sánchez-Mut, José Vicente, additional, Esteller, Manel, additional, Llatjós, Roger, additional, Varela, Mar, additional, López, José Ignacio, additional, García, Nadia, additional, Extremera, Ana I., additional, Gumà, Anna, additional, Ortega, Raúl, additional, Plà, María Jesús, additional, Fernández, Adela, additional, Pernas, Sònia, additional, Falo, Catalina, additional, Morilla, Idoia, additional, Campos, Miriam, additional, Gil, Miguel, additional, Román, Antonio, additional, Molina-Molina, María, additional, Ussetti, Piedad, additional, Laporta, Rosalía, additional, Valenzuela, Claudia, additional, Ancochea, Julio, additional, Xaubet, Antoni, additional, Casanova, Álvaro, additional, and Pujana, Miguel Angel, additional
- Published
- 2018
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55. Radiofrequency Ablation Followed by Surgical Excision versus Lumpectomy for Early Stage Breast Cancer: A Randomized Phase II Clinical Trial
- Author
García-Tejedor, Amparo, primary, Guma, Anna, additional, Soler, Teresa, additional, Valdivieso, Alazne, additional, Petit, Anna, additional, Contreras, Nayanar, additional, Chappuis, César G., additional, Falo, Catalina, additional, Pernas, Sonia, additional, Amselem, Ariel, additional, Plà, Maria J., additional, Fernández-Montolí, Eulalia, additional, Burdío, Fernando, additional, and Ponce, Jordi, additional
- Published
- 2018
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56. Tumor xenograft modeling identifies TCF4/ITF2 loss associated with breast cancer chemoresistance
- Author
de Garibay, Gorka Ruiz, primary, Mateo, Francesca, additional, Stradella, Agostina, additional, Valdés-Mas, Rafael, additional, Palomero, Luis, additional, Serra-Musach, Jordi, additional, Puente, Diana A., additional, Díaz-Navarro, Ander, additional, Vargas-Parra, Gardenia, additional, Tornero, Eva, additional, Morilla, Idoia, additional, Farré, Lourdes, additional, Martinez-Iniesta, María, additional, Herranz, Carmen, additional, McCormack, Emmet, additional, Vidal, August, additional, Petit, Anna, additional, Soler, Teresa, additional, Lázaro, Conxi, additional, Puente, Xose S., additional, Villanueva, Alberto, additional, and Pujana, Miguel Angel, additional
- Published
- 2018
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57. Towards sustainable cities through an environmental, economic and eco-efficiency analysis of urban sanitation and drainage systems
- Author
Rieradevall, Joan, Gabarrell Durany, Xavier, Josa García-Tornel, Alejandro, Petit, Anna, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals, Rieradevall, Joan, Gabarrell Durany, Xavier, Josa García-Tornel, Alejandro, Petit, Anna, and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals
- Abstract
El creixement de les ciutats arreu del món porta associat un increment en la demanda d'infraestructures de sanejament i drenatge. Combinat amb els efectes del canvi climàtic, la situació d'aquests sistemes en entorns urbans és crítica. Bona part dels sistemes de clavegueram existents requereixen una renovació urgent, d'altres han de ser construïts en zones en creixement, mentre que l'escolament superficial d'aigua pluvial esdevé una amenaça quant a inundacions degut a la impermeabilització del sòl. En aquest context, cal determinar quines són les millors pràctiques per reduir aquestes problemàtiques i al mateix temps adaptar les ciutats al canvi climàtic. En resposta a aquestes demandes, aquesta tesi estudia l'ecoeficiència dels sistemes de sanejament i drenatge urbà per determinar les millors alternatives en diferents contextos urbans. Així, es fa ús del marc de l'ecologia industrial, tot aplicant mètodes específics com l'anàlisi del cicle de vida (ACV), l'anàlisi dels costos del cicle de vida (ACCV) i l'ecoeficiència. Aquesta recerca interdisciplinària requereix mètodes addicionals, com ara estudis estadístics o anàlisis experimentals. El cicle de vida de les xarxes de clavegueram ha estat àmpliament analitzat i s'ha pogut observar que els materials de la canonada no són els únics determinants de l'impacte ambiental d'una solució constructiva per clavegueram. En alguns casos, la contribució de la rasa pot representar fins un 80% dels impactes ambientals de l'etapa constructiva, fet rellevant de cara a la presa de decisions. Mitjançant un estudi estructural paramètric s'han trobat les solucions constructives equivalents amb menor impacte ambiental. Així, reduir l'ús de formigó en les rases i reutilitzar els materials del sòl excavats pot significar una millora ambiental. Per altra banda, l'etapa d'operació mostra reptes en l'àmbit del planejament urbà. S'han comparat el municipi costaner de Calafell (Espanya, clima mediterrani) i Betanzos (Espanya, clima atlàntic).
- Published
- 2017
58. Assessing Associations between the AURKA-HMMR-TPX2-TUBG1 Functional Module and Breast Cancer Risk in BRCA1/2 Mutation Carriers
- Author
Petit, Anna, Lester, Jenny, Wang, Xianshu, Cajal, Teresa Ramón y, Nevanlinna, Heli, Cuadras, Daniel, Karlan, Beth Y., Walsh, Christine, Català, Isabel, Berenguer, Antoni, Mai, Phuong L., Greene, Mark H., Arun, Banu K., de Garibay, Gorka Ruiz, Bonifaci, Núria, Tornero, Eva, Benítez, Javier, Osorio, Ana, Rozas, Julio, McGuffog, Lesley, Feliubadaló, Lidia, Kuchenbaecker, Karoline, Librado, Pablo, Pankratz, Vernon S., Brunet, Joan, Mateo, Francesca, Sánchez-Gracia, Alejandro, Islam, Abul, Barrowdale, Daniel, Aittomäki, Kristiina, Toland, Amanda E., and Blanco, Ignacio
- Subjects
skin and connective tissue diseases - Abstract
While interplay between BRCA1 and AURKA-RHAMM-TPX2-TUBG1 regulates mammary epithelial polarization, common genetic variation in HMMR (gene product RHAMM) may be associated with risk of breast cancer in BRCA1 mutation carriers. Following on these observations, we further assessed the link between the AURKA-HMMR-TPX2-TUBG1 functional module and risk of breast cancer in BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation carriers. Forty-one single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were genotyped in 15,252 BRCA1 and 8,211 BRCA2 mutation carriers and subsequently analyzed using a retrospective likelihood approach. The association of HMMR rs299290 with breast cancer risk in BRCA1 mutation carriers was confirmed: per-allele hazard ratio (HR) = 1.10, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.04 – 1.15, p = 1.9 x 10−4 (false discovery rate (FDR)-adjusted p = 0.043). Variation in CSTF1, located next to AURKA, was also found to be associated with breast cancer risk in BRCA2 mutation carriers: rs2426618 per-allele HR = 1.10, 95% CI 1.03 – 1.16, p = 0.005 (FDR-adjusted p = 0.045). Assessment of pairwise interactions provided suggestions (FDR-adjusted pinteraction values > 0.05) for deviations from the multiplicative model for rs299290 and CSTF1 rs6064391, and rs299290 and TUBG1 rs11649877 in both BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers. Following these suggestions, the expression of HMMR and AURKA or TUBG1 in sporadic breast tumors was found to potentially interact, influencing patients’ survival. Together, the results of this study support the hypothesis of a causative link between altered function of AURKA-HMMR-TPX2-TUBG1 and breast carcinogenesis in BRCA1/2 mutation carriers.
- Published
- 2015
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59. Pluripotent stem cells as research models: the examples of trinucleotide repeat instability and X-chromosome inactivation
- Author
Seriola Petit, Anna, Santalo, Josep, Spits, Claudia, and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Biologia Cel·lular, de Fisiologia i d'Immunologia
- Subjects
Ciències Experimentals ,Pluripontent stem cells ,Inactivació del cromosoma X ,Cèl·lules mare pluripotents ,Expansió de trinuleotids ,X chromosome inactivation ,Trinuleotide repeat disease - Abstract
Els models de malalties són una eina bàsica per la comprensió de les malalties humanes. Actualment, la majoria de la informació de la que disposem de malalties humanes es basa en models animals. Tot i això, els models animals difereixen molecular i fenotípicament dels humans, i no sempre reprodueixen fidelment la malaltia humana. En les últimes dècades, les cèl·lules mare humanes s’han establert com una opció molt interessant en el camp de la modelització cel·lular. En aquest treball hem volgut caracteritzar les cèl·lules mare embrionàries com a models per a l’estudi de la inestabilitat de la repetició de trinucleotids a la distròfia miotonica tipus 1 (DM1) i la malaltia de Huntington (HD). Així mateix, hem volgut estudiar la inactivació del cromosoma X amb la intenció de fer servir linees cel·lulars com a models per l’estudi del desenvolupament embrionàri humà. A la primera part d’aquest treball, hem observant una inestabilitat de repeticions de trinucleotids significativa al locus de la malaltia DM1 de les cèl·lules mare estudiades. La diferenciació d’aquestes cèl·lules va estabilitzar el número de repeticions. L’estabilització de les repeticions va ser concomitant amb la regulació a la baixa de l’expressió de gens involucrats en els mecanismes de reparació cel·lular. Posteriorment a la publicació del nostre article, altres grups varen reproduir els nostres resultats, però en aquest cas utilitzant cèl·lules mare induïdes. Els estudis recolzen la reproductibilitat dels nostres resultats, suggerint que poden ser extrapol·lats a altres linees de cèl·lules mare arreu del mon. Referent a la mutació de HD, varem trobar que era estable en totes les condicions estudiades, en cèl·lules indiferenciades, diferenciades a progenitors d’os, teratomes i progenitors neurals. Aquests resultats estan en concordancia amb els resultats obtinguts per altres grups que descriuen un baix nombre de repeticions al locus de HD. Per altra banda, varis grups han descrit la presencia de inestabilitat de les repeticions en cèl·lules diferenciades a la linea neural. La discrepància entre els nostres resultats i aquests últims podria ser deguda a la obtenció de cèl·lules neurals menys madures en el moment del nostre estudi. A la segona part d’aquesta tesis hem estudiat la inactivació del cromosoma X en 23 línies femenines de cèl·lules mare pluripotents. Vàrem observar una ràpida progressió de les cèl·lules de dependència de XIST en la inactivació del cromosoma X cap a un estat d’adaptació al cultiu que es caracteritza per un estadi de inactivació independent de l’expressió de XIST i amb una erosió de la metilació. També describim un patró d’inactivació esbiaixat en la majoria de les línies estudiades, contrari al patró aleatori observat en cèl·lules femenines adultes. A més a més, aquest patró és independent de XIST, de l’origen del cromosoma X i d’aberracions cromosòmiques. Aquests resultats suggereixen que el patró esbiaixat observant esta dirigit provablement per l’activació o repressió d’al·lels específics que es troben en el cromosoma X i que li confereixen a la cèl·lula un avantatge respecte a les altres cèl·lules. En conclusió, les cèl·lules mare pluripotents semblen ser un bon model in vitro per a l’estudi d’ambdues malalties, DM1 i HD, ja que presenten el mateix patró d’inestabilitat de la repetició del trinucleotid que s’observa in vivo. Cal remarcar també la depencia Overall, hPSC appear to be a good in vitro model for the study of both DM1 and HD TNR instability, as the repeat follows in vitro the same patterns as found in vivo, including its dependency of the MMR machinery, particularly in the case of DM1. However, our results on the study of the X chromosome inactivation (XCI) state suggest caution when using hPSC as early human developmental research models. The eroded state of XCI found in many of the hPSC lines, and the frequency of skewed XCI patterns suggests that these cells are not a good proxy to early embryonic cells, at least what XCI is concerned. Conversely, they may still provide an interesting model to study gene function and mechanisms implicated., Disease modelling is an essential tool for the understanding of human disease. Currently, much of the information we have on human diseases is based on animal models. However, animal models differ molecularly and phenotypically from humans, and are not always suitable to reproduce with fidelity human diseases. In the past decades, human pluripotent stem cells (hPSC) have emerged as an interesting option in the field of cellular modelling, this development recently having taken up much momentum. In this work, we aimed at characterizing hPSC as models for the study of Myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1) and Huntington’s disease (HD) trinucleotide repeat (TNR) instability and to investigate the status of the X-chromosome inactivation with an eye on using these cells as models for early human development. In the first part of our work, we observed a significant TNR instability for the DM1 locus in hESC, and that differentiation resulted in a stabilization of the repeat. This stabilization was concommitant with a downregulation of the mismatch repair (MMR). Our results were later replicated in hiPSC by other researchers, showing their reproducibility and suggesting they may be extrapolated to other hPSC lines worldwide. Regarding the HD repeat, we found it was very stable in all conditions studied, both in undifferentiated hESC and cells differentiated into osteogenic progenitor-like cells, teratoma cells and neural progenitors. This is in line with other studies showing that hESC show very limited TNR in the HD locus. On the other hand, some groups have now reported some instability of this locus in cells differentiated into the neuronal lineage. The instability seen in neuronal lineage in later studies, not in our study, is probably explained by the use of hPSC derived neurons more similar to the cells showing in vivo instability than the ones we were able to generate at the time of the study. In the second part of the thesis we studied the X-chromosome inactivation in 23 female hPSC lines. We found that hPSC rapidly progress from a XIST-dependent XCI state to a culture-adapted, XIST-independent XCI state with loss of repressive histone modifications and erosion of methylation. We also report a remarkably high incidence of non-random XCI patterns, and that this skewing of the methylation patterns is independent from the transition to the XIST-independent XCI state, the origin of the X chromosome or chromosomal aberrations. These results suggest that XCI skewing is possibly driven by the activation or repression of a specific allele on the X chromosome, conferring a growth or survival advantage to the cells. Overall, hPSC appear to be a good in vitro model for the study of both DM1 and HD TNR instability, as the repeat follows in vitro the same patterns as found in vivo, including its dependency of the MMR machinery, particularly in the case of DM1. However, our results on the study of the X chromosome inactivation (XCI) state suggest caution when using hPSC as early human developmental research models. The eroded state of XCI found in many of the hPSC lines, and the frequency of skewed XCI patterns suggests that these cells are not a good proxy to early embryonic cells, at least what XCI is concerned. Conversely, they may still provide an interesting model to study gene function and mechanisms implicated.
- Published
- 2015
60. Efficacy of taxanes followed by anthracyclines as neoadjuvant therapy in HER2-negative breast cancer (BC): Analysis of everyday clinical practice
- Author
Enrique Alanya Rodríguez, Raul Ortega, Petit Anna, Sara Lopez-Tarruella Cobo, Sonia Pernas Simon, Adela Fernandez, Catalina Falo Zamora, Agostina Stradella, Miguel Gil, and Idoia Morilla
- Subjects
Gynecology ,Oncology ,Cancer Research ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Chemotherapy ,business.industry ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Cancer ,Estrogen receptor ,Retrospective cohort study ,medicine.disease ,Breast cancer ,Docetaxel ,Internal medicine ,Cohort ,medicine ,business ,Neoadjuvant therapy ,medicine.drug - Abstract
e12112 Background: Pathological complete response (pCR) after neoadjuvant chemotherapy for BC has been related with survival, and the sequence of anthracyclines followed by taxanes (AT) has been the strategy to achieve this response. Some studies suggest that the reverse sequence (TA) might improve cancer outcomes. The aim of our study was to compare clinical response, toxicity and efficacy in terms of pCR rate (ypT0/pTis, ypN0) between both sequences Methods: A retrospective cohort study was designed. TA cohort received Docetaxel (100 mg/m2) x 4, followed by AC (60/600 mg/m2) x 4. AT cohort received the reverse sequence at the same doses. To be included, it was necessary to have received at least one cycle in the planned sequence. Logistic regression analysis was performed to obtain a model adjusted by age, menopausal status, tumor size, nodal status, grade, estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor, and Ki67 Results: From June 2008 to December 2015, 135 consecutive patients with stage II – III HER2 negative BC were treated: TA (n = 48) and AT (n = 87). No significant differences in patient characteristics between groups were found, except for histological grade 3 (63.2% to AT vs. 35.4% to TA), and ER negative (41.4% to AT vs. 22.9% to TA). The pCR rate for TA was 16.7% (8 of 40) vs. 14.9% (13 of 74) for AT. Multivariate logistic regression analysis found OR = 3.65 to achieve pCR for TA (95%CI 1.03 – 12.94; p = .045). We also performed the same analysis for two clinical parameters of response: Neoadjuvant response index (NRI) with cut-off > 0.5 (OR 3.96, 95%CI 1.42-11.08; p = .009) and Clinical response (CR) > 50% (OR 3.65, 95%CI 1.03 – 12.94; p = .045). These parameters were correlated in our series with DFS (p = .011 to NRI and p = .00023 to CR) and OS (p = .034 to NRI and p = .0014 to CR) using the Kaplan-Meier method. No significant differences between rates of either, hospitalizations, neutropenia or dose intensity were found Conclusions: Sequence of T followed by A was slightly significantly more effective to achieve pCR as well as better clinical outcomes in our series of HER2 negative BC than classical sequence of A followed by T, and support the design of large prospective studies to confirm these results
- Published
- 2017
61. Estudio comparativo entre el método One step nucleic acid amplification y el método convencional en la estadificación en cáncer de mama: un aumento en la detección de micrometástasis
- Author
López-Zambrano, María, primary, Ruiz, Nuria, additional, Soler, Maria Teresa, additional, Pla, Maria Jesús, additional, Quetglas, Cecilia, additional, Pérez-Martín, Javier, additional, Petit, Anna, additional, Varela, Mar, additional, Ferrazza, Laura, additional, Benítez, Ana M., additional, Mancebo, Eva, additional, Condom, Enric, additional, and Matias-Guiu, Xavier, additional
- Published
- 2016
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62. Abstract 4389: Therapeutic opportunities of RANK pathway in breast cancer
- Author
Perez Montoyo, Hector, primary, Gomez Miragaya, Jorge, additional, Trinidad, Eva M., additional, Martinez-Aranda, Antonio, additional, Soler Monso, Maria Teresa, additional, Petit, Anna, additional, Sierra, Angels, additional, and Gonzalez Suarez, Eva, additional
- Published
- 2016
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63. Role of HHV-8 and mTOR pathway in post-transplant Kaposi sarcoma staging
- Author
Hernández-Sierra, Astrid, primary, Rovira, Jordi, additional, Petit, Anna, additional, Moya-Rull, Daniel, additional, Mazuecos, María Auxiliadora, additional, Sánchez-Fructuoso, Ana Isabel, additional, Errasti, Pedro, additional, Idoate, Miguel Ángel, additional, Cruzado, Josep María, additional, Vidal, August, additional, Diekmann, Fritz, additional, Oppenheimer, Federico, additional, Campistol, Josep M., additional, and Revuelta, Ignacio, additional
- Published
- 2016
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64. Pluripotent stem cells as research models the examples of trinucleotide repeat instability and X-chromosome inactivatio
- Author
Santaló, Josep, Spits, Claudia, Seriola Petit, Anna, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Biologia Cel·lular, de Fisiologia i d'Immunologia, Santaló, Josep, Spits, Claudia, Seriola Petit, Anna, and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Biologia Cel·lular, de Fisiologia i d'Immunologia
- Abstract
Els models de malalties són una eina bàsica per la comprensió de les malalties humanes. Actualment, la majoria de la informació de la que disposem de malalties humanes es basa en models animals. Tot i això, els models animals difereixen molecular i fenotípicament dels humans, i no sempre reprodueixen fidelment la malaltia humana. En les últimes dècades, les cèl·lules mare humanes s'han establert com una opció molt interessant en el camp de la modelització cel·lular. En aquest treball hem volgut caracteritzar les cèl·lules mare embrionàries com a models per a l'estudi de la inestabilitat de la repetició de trinucleotids a la distròfia miotonica tipus 1 (DM1) i la malaltia de Huntington (HD). Així mateix, hem volgut estudiar la inactivació del cromosoma X amb la intenció de fer servir linees cel·lulars com a models per l'estudi del desenvolupament embrionàri humà. A la primera part d'aquest treball, hem observant una inestabilitat de repeticions de trinucleotids significativa al locus de la malaltia DM1 de les cèl·lules mare estudiades. La diferenciació d'aquestes cèl·lules va estabilitzar el número de repeticions. L'estabilització de les repeticions va ser concomitant amb la regulació a la baixa de l'expressió de gens involucrats en els mecanismes de reparació cel·lular. Posteriorment a la publicació del nostre article, altres grups varen reproduir els nostres resultats, però en aquest cas utilitzant cèl·lules mare induïdes. Els estudis recolzen la reproductibilitat dels nostres resultats, suggerint que poden ser extrapol·lats a altres linees de cèl·lules mare arreu del mon. Referent a la mutació de HD, varem trobar que era estable en totes les condicions estudiades, en cèl·lules indiferenciades, diferenciades a progenitors d'os, teratomes i progenitors neurals. Aquests resultats estan en concordancia amb els resultats obtinguts per altres grups que descriuen un baix nombre de repeticions al locus de HD. Per altra banda, varis grups han descrit la presencia de inesta, Disease modelling is an essential tool for the understanding of human disease. Currently, much of the information we have on human diseases is based on animal models. However, animal models differ molecularly and phenotypically from humans, and are not always suitable to reproduce with fidelity human diseases. In the past decades, human pluripotent stem cells (hPSC) have emerged as an interesting option in the field of cellular modelling, this development recently having taken up much momentum. In this work, we aimed at characterizing hPSC as models for the study of Myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1) and Huntington's disease (HD) trinucleotide repeat (TNR) instability and to investigate the status of the X-chromosome inactivation with an eye on using these cells as models for early human development. In the first part of our work, we observed a significant TNR instability for the DM1 locus in hESC, and that differentiation resulted in a stabilization of the repeat. This stabilization was concommitant with a downregulation of the mismatch repair (MMR). Our results were later replicated in hiPSC by other researchers, showing their reproducibility and suggesting they may be extrapolated to other hPSC lines worldwide. Regarding the HD repeat, we found it was very stable in all conditions studied, both in undifferentiated hESC and cells differentiated into osteogenic progenitor-like cells, teratoma cells and neural progenitors. This is in line with other studies showing that hESC show very limited TNR in the HD locus. On the other hand, some groups have now reported some instability of this locus in cells differentiated into the neuronal lineage. The instability seen in neuronal lineage in later studies, not in our study, is probably explained by the use of hPSC derived neurons more similar to the cells showing in vivo instability than the ones we were able to generate at the time of the study. In the second part of the thesis we studied the X-chromosome inactivation in 23
- Published
- 2015
65. Municipal sewer networks as sources of nitrous oxide, methane and hydrogen sulphide emissions : a review and case studies
- Author
Eijo Rio, Elena, Petit, Anna, Villalba Méndez, Gara, Suárez Ojeda, María Eugenia, Rieradevall, Joan, Gabarrell Durany, Xavier, Marín, Desirée, Amores, Maria José, Aldea, Xavier, Eijo Rio, Elena, Petit, Anna, Villalba Méndez, Gara, Suárez Ojeda, María Eugenia, Rieradevall, Joan, Gabarrell Durany, Xavier, Marín, Desirée, Amores, Maria José, and Aldea, Xavier
- Abstract
Sewers are known as longitudinal reactors where gases such as methane, nitrous oxide and hydrogen sulphide can be produced. However, gaseous emissions have been mainly assessed in wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). This article presents a critical review of studies that quantify the generation of these gases in sewers and aims to identify the existing research gaps. Differences in sampling methods and site selection, as well as a limited number of studies, result in incoherent comparisons. To address some of these gaps, sampling campaigns were conducted in two Spanish cities. Results showed that wet wells were the most important sources of gases with concentrations up to 321 μg CH4 Lair−1 and 6.8 μg N2O Lair−1. Regarding emission factors, in the case of Calafell, the estimated annual emissions were 18.6 kg CH4 year−1 and 0.3 kg H2S year−1 in summer and 3.8 kg CH4 year−1 and 0.5 kg H2S year−1 in winter. About Betanzos, these values were 24.6 kg CH4 year−1 and 0.5 kg N2O year−1 in summer and 10 kg CH4 year−1 in winter. The summer campaign resulted in greater gas concentration than in the winter season for both cities, suggesting that temperature is a key parameter. We conclude that gas emissions from sewers are significant compared to those of WWTPs resulting in an important contribution to the carbon footprint. Further work needs to be done to assess the gas production along the entire sewer networks, which can result in very different emission factors depending on the sewer components.
- Published
- 2015
66. Assessing the energetic and environmental impacts of the operation and maintenance of Spanish sewer networks from a life-cycle perspective
- Author
Petit, Anna, Sanjuan Delmas, David, Chenel, Sergio, Marín, Desirée, Martínez Gasol, Carles, Farreny Gaya, Ramon, Villalba Méndez, Gara, Suárez Ojeda, María Eugenia, Gabarrell Durany, Xavier, Josa Garcia-Tornel, Alejandro, Rieradevall, Joan, Petit, Anna, Sanjuan Delmas, David, Chenel, Sergio, Marín, Desirée, Martínez Gasol, Carles, Farreny Gaya, Ramon, Villalba Méndez, Gara, Suárez Ojeda, María Eugenia, Gabarrell Durany, Xavier, Josa Garcia-Tornel, Alejandro, and Rieradevall, Joan
- Abstract
The environmental impacts resulting from sewer networks are best analysed from a life-cycle perspective to integrate the energy requirements into the infrastructure design. The energy requirements for pumping wastewater depend on the configuration of the city (e.g., climate, population, length of the sewer, topography, etc.). This study analyses and models the effect of such site-specific features on energy consumption and related effects in a sample of Spanish cities. The results show that the average annual energy used by sewers (6.4 kWh/capita and 0.014 kWh/m³ of water flow) must not be underestimated because they may require up to 50 % of the electricity needs of a typical treatment plant in terms of consumption per capita. In terms of Global Warming Potential, pumping results in an average of 2.3 kg CO₂eq./capita. A significant positive relationship was demonstrated between the kWh consumed and the length of the sewer and between other factors such as the population and wastewater production. In addition, Atlantic cities can consume 5 times as much energy as Mediterranean or Subtropical regions. A similar trend was shown in coastal cities. Finally, a simple predictive model of the electricity consumption was presented that considers the analysed parameters.
- Published
- 2015
67. Lymphangioleiomyomatosis Biomarkers Linked to Lung Metastatic Potential and Cell Stemness
- Author
Especialidades médico-quirúrgicas, Medikuntza eta kirurgia espezialitateak, Ruiz de Garibay, Gorka, Herranz, Carmen, Llorente, Alicia, Boni, Jacopo, Serra- Musach, Jordi, Mateo, Francesca, Aguilar, Helena, Gómez-Baldó, Laia, Petit, Anna, Vidal, August, Climent, Fina, Hernández-Losa, Javier, Cordero, Álex, González- Suárez, Eva, Sánchez-Mut, José Vicente, Esteller, Manel, Llatjós, Roger, Varela, Mar, López Fernández de Villaverde, José Ignacio, García, Nadia, Extremera, Ana I., Gumà, Anna, Ortega, Raúl, Plà, María Jesús, Fernández, Adela, Pernas, Sònia, Falo, Catalina, Morilla, Idoia, Campos, Miriam, Gil, Miguel, Román, Antonio, Molina-Molina, María, Ussetti, Piedad, Laporta, Rosalía, Valenzuela, Claudia, Ancochea, Julio, Xaubet, Antoni, Casanova, Álvaro, Pujana, Miguel Angel, Especialidades médico-quirúrgicas, Medikuntza eta kirurgia espezialitateak, Ruiz de Garibay, Gorka, Herranz, Carmen, Llorente, Alicia, Boni, Jacopo, Serra- Musach, Jordi, Mateo, Francesca, Aguilar, Helena, Gómez-Baldó, Laia, Petit, Anna, Vidal, August, Climent, Fina, Hernández-Losa, Javier, Cordero, Álex, González- Suárez, Eva, Sánchez-Mut, José Vicente, Esteller, Manel, Llatjós, Roger, Varela, Mar, López Fernández de Villaverde, José Ignacio, García, Nadia, Extremera, Ana I., Gumà, Anna, Ortega, Raúl, Plà, María Jesús, Fernández, Adela, Pernas, Sònia, Falo, Catalina, Morilla, Idoia, Campos, Miriam, Gil, Miguel, Román, Antonio, Molina-Molina, María, Ussetti, Piedad, Laporta, Rosalía, Valenzuela, Claudia, Ancochea, Julio, Xaubet, Antoni, Casanova, Álvaro, and Pujana, Miguel Angel
- Abstract
Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) is a rare lung-metastasizing neoplasm caused by the proliferation of smooth muscle-like cells that commonly carry loss-of-function mutations in either the tuberous sclerosis complex 1 or 2 (TSC1 or TSC2) genes. While allosteric inhibition of the mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) has shown substantial clinical benefit, complementary therapies are required to improve response and/or to treat specific patients. However, there is a lack of LAM biomarkers that could potentially be used to monitor the disease and to develop other targeted therapies. We hypothesized that the mediators of cancer metastasis to lung, particularly in breast cancer, also play a relevant role in LAM. Analyses across independent breast cancer datasets revealed associations between low TSC1/2 expression, altered mTOR complex 1 (mTORC1) pathway signaling, and metastasis to lung. Subsequently, immunohistochemical analyses of 23 LAM lesions revealed positivity in all cases for the lung metastasis mediators fascin 1 (FSCN1) and inhibitor of DNA binding 1 (ID1). Moreover, assessment of breast cancer stem or luminal progenitor cell biomarkers showed positivity in most LAM tissue for the aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 (ALDH1), integrin-beta 3 (ITGB3/CD61), and/or the sex-determining region Y-box 9 (SOX9) proteins. The immunohistochemical analyses also provided evidence of heterogeneity between and within LAM cases. The analysis of Tsc2-deficient cells revealed relative over-expression of FSCN1 and ID1; however, Tsc2-deficient cells did not show higher sensitivity to ID1-based cancer inhibitors. Collectively, the results of this study reveal novel LAM biomarkers linked to breast cancer metastasis to lung and to cell stemness, which in turn might guide the assessment of additional or complementary therapeutic opportunities for LAM.
- Published
- 2015
68. Assessing Associations between the AURKA-HMMR-TPX2-TUBG1 Functional Module and Breast Cancer Risk in BRCA1/2 Mutation Carriers
- Author
University of Helsinki, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Helsinki, Medicum, Blanco, Ignacio, Kuchenbaecker, Karoline, Cuadras, Daniel, Wang, Xianshu, Barrowdale, Daniel, Ruiz de Garibay, Gorka, Librado, Pablo, Sanchez-Gracia, Alejandro, Rozas, Julio, Bonifaci, Nuria, McGuffog, Lesley, Pankratz, Vernon S., Islam, Abul, Mateo, Francesca, Berenguer, Antoni, Petit, Anna, Catala, Isabel, Brunet, Joan, Feliubadalo, Lidia, Tornero, Eva, Benitez, Javier, Osorio, Ana, Cajal, Teresa Ramon Y., Nevanlinna, Heli, Aittomaki, Kristiina, Arun, Banu K., Toland, Amanda E., Karlan, Beth Y., Walsh, Christine, Lester, Jenny, Greene, Mark H., Mai, Phuong L., Nussbaum, Robert L., Andrulis, Irene L., Domchek, Susan M., Nathanson, Katherine L., Rebbeck, Timothy R., Barkardottir, Rosa B., Jakubowska, Anna, Lubinski, Jan, Durda, Katarzyna, Jaworska-Bieniek, Katarzyna, Claes, Kathleen, Van Maerken, Tom, Diez, Orland, Hansen, Thomas V., Jonson, Lars, Gerdes, Anne-Marie, Ejlertsen, Bent, de la Hoya, Miguel, Caldes, Trinidad, Dunning, Alison M., Oliver, Clare, Fineberg, Elena, Cook, Margaret, Peock, Susan, McCann, Emma, Murray, Alex, Jacobs, Chris, Pichert, Gabriella, Lalloo, Fiona, Chu, Carol, Dorkins, Huw, Paterson, Joan, Ong, Kai-Ren, Teixeira, Manuel R., Teixeira, Hogervorst, Frans B. L., van der Hout, Annemarie H., Seynaeve, Caroline, van der Luijt, Rob B., Ligtenberg, Marjolijn J. L., Devilee, Peter, Wijnen, Juul T., Rookus, Matti A., Meijers-Heijboer, Hanne E. J., Blok, Marinus J., van den Ouweland, Ans M. W., Aalfs, Cora M., Rodriguez, Gustavo C., Phillips, Kelly-Anne A., Piedmonte, Marion, Nerenstone, Stacy R., Bae-Jump, Victoria L., O'Malley, David M., Ratner, Elena S., Schmutzler, Rita K., Wappenschmidt, Barbara, Rhiem, Kerstin, Engel, Christoph, Meindl, Alfons, Ditsch, Nina, Arnold, Norbert, Plendl, Hansjoerg J., Niederacher, Dieter, Sutter, Christian, Wang-Gohrke, Shan, Steinemann, Doris, Preisler-Adams, Sabine, Kast, Karin, Varon-Mateeva, Raymonda, Gehrig, Andrea, Bojesen, Anders, Pedersen, Inge Sokilde, Sunde, Lone, Jensen, Uffe Birk, Thomassen, Mads, Kruse, Torben A., Foretova, Lenka, Peterlongo, Paolo, Bernard, Loris, Peissel, Bernard, Scuvera, Giulietta, Manoukian, Siranoush, Radice, Paolo, Ottini, Laura, Montagna, Marco, Agata, Simona, Maugard, Christine, Simard, Jacques, Soucy, Penny, Berger, Andreas, Fink-Retter, Anneliese, Singer, Christian F., Rappaport, Christine, Geschwantler-Kaulich, Daphne, Tea, Muy-Kheng, Pfeiler, Georg, John, Esther M., Miron, Alex, Neuhausen, Susan L., Terry, Mary Beth, Chung, Wendy K., Daly, Mary B., Goldgar, David E., Janavicius, Ramunas, Dorfling, Cecilia M., van Rensburg, Elisabeth J., Fostira, Florentia, Konstantopoulou, Irene, Garber, Judy, Godwin, Andrew K., Olah, Edith, Narod, Steven A., Rennert, Gad, Paluch, Shani Shimon, Laitman, Yael, Friedman, Eitan, Liljegren, Annelie, Rantala, Johanna, Stenmark-Askmalm, Marie, Loman, Niklas, Imyanitov, Evgeny N., Hamann, Ute, Spurdle, Amanda B., Healey, Sue, Weitzel, Jeffrey N., Herzog, Josef, Margileth, David, Gorrini, Chiara, Esteller, Manel, Gomez, Antonio, Sayols, Sergi, Vidal, Enrique, Heyn, Holger, Stoppa-Lyonnet, Dominique, Leone, Melanie, Barjhoux, Laure, Fassy-Colcombet, Marion, de Pauw, Antoine, Lasset, Christine, Ferrer, Sandra Fert, Castera, Laurent, Berthet, Pascaline, Cornelis, Francois, Bignon, Yves-Jean, Damiola, Francesca, Mazoyer, Sylvie, Sinilnikova, Olga M., Maxwell, Christopher A., Vijai, Joseph, Robson, Mark, Kauff, Noah, Corines, Marina J., Villano, Danylko, Cunningham, Julie, Lee, Adam, Lindor, Noralane, Lazaro, Conxi, Easton, Douglas F., Offit, Kenneth, Chenevix-Trench, Georgia, Couch, Fergus J., Antoniou, Antonis C., Angel Pujana, Miguel, BCFR, SWE-BRCA, KConFab Investigators, GEMO, University of Helsinki, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Helsinki, Medicum, Blanco, Ignacio, Kuchenbaecker, Karoline, Cuadras, Daniel, Wang, Xianshu, Barrowdale, Daniel, Ruiz de Garibay, Gorka, Librado, Pablo, Sanchez-Gracia, Alejandro, Rozas, Julio, Bonifaci, Nuria, McGuffog, Lesley, Pankratz, Vernon S., Islam, Abul, Mateo, Francesca, Berenguer, Antoni, Petit, Anna, Catala, Isabel, Brunet, Joan, Feliubadalo, Lidia, Tornero, Eva, Benitez, Javier, Osorio, Ana, Cajal, Teresa Ramon Y., Nevanlinna, Heli, Aittomaki, Kristiina, Arun, Banu K., Toland, Amanda E., Karlan, Beth Y., Walsh, Christine, Lester, Jenny, Greene, Mark H., Mai, Phuong L., Nussbaum, Robert L., Andrulis, Irene L., Domchek, Susan M., Nathanson, Katherine L., Rebbeck, Timothy R., Barkardottir, Rosa B., Jakubowska, Anna, Lubinski, Jan, Durda, Katarzyna, Jaworska-Bieniek, Katarzyna, Claes, Kathleen, Van Maerken, Tom, Diez, Orland, Hansen, Thomas V., Jonson, Lars, Gerdes, Anne-Marie, Ejlertsen, Bent, de la Hoya, Miguel, Caldes, Trinidad, Dunning, Alison M., Oliver, Clare, Fineberg, Elena, Cook, Margaret, Peock, Susan, McCann, Emma, Murray, Alex, Jacobs, Chris, Pichert, Gabriella, Lalloo, Fiona, Chu, Carol, Dorkins, Huw, Paterson, Joan, Ong, Kai-Ren, Teixeira, Manuel R., Teixeira, Hogervorst, Frans B. L., van der Hout, Annemarie H., Seynaeve, Caroline, van der Luijt, Rob B., Ligtenberg, Marjolijn J. L., Devilee, Peter, Wijnen, Juul T., Rookus, Matti A., Meijers-Heijboer, Hanne E. J., Blok, Marinus J., van den Ouweland, Ans M. W., Aalfs, Cora M., Rodriguez, Gustavo C., Phillips, Kelly-Anne A., Piedmonte, Marion, Nerenstone, Stacy R., Bae-Jump, Victoria L., O'Malley, David M., Ratner, Elena S., Schmutzler, Rita K., Wappenschmidt, Barbara, Rhiem, Kerstin, Engel, Christoph, Meindl, Alfons, Ditsch, Nina, Arnold, Norbert, Plendl, Hansjoerg J., Niederacher, Dieter, Sutter, Christian, Wang-Gohrke, Shan, Steinemann, Doris, Preisler-Adams, Sabine, Kast, Karin, Varon-Mateeva, Raymonda, Gehrig, Andrea, Bojesen, Anders, Pedersen, Inge Sokilde, Sunde, Lone, Jensen, Uffe Birk, Thomassen, Mads, Kruse, Torben A., Foretova, Lenka, Peterlongo, Paolo, Bernard, Loris, Peissel, Bernard, Scuvera, Giulietta, Manoukian, Siranoush, Radice, Paolo, Ottini, Laura, Montagna, Marco, Agata, Simona, Maugard, Christine, Simard, Jacques, Soucy, Penny, Berger, Andreas, Fink-Retter, Anneliese, Singer, Christian F., Rappaport, Christine, Geschwantler-Kaulich, Daphne, Tea, Muy-Kheng, Pfeiler, Georg, John, Esther M., Miron, Alex, Neuhausen, Susan L., Terry, Mary Beth, Chung, Wendy K., Daly, Mary B., Goldgar, David E., Janavicius, Ramunas, Dorfling, Cecilia M., van Rensburg, Elisabeth J., Fostira, Florentia, Konstantopoulou, Irene, Garber, Judy, Godwin, Andrew K., Olah, Edith, Narod, Steven A., Rennert, Gad, Paluch, Shani Shimon, Laitman, Yael, Friedman, Eitan, Liljegren, Annelie, Rantala, Johanna, Stenmark-Askmalm, Marie, Loman, Niklas, Imyanitov, Evgeny N., Hamann, Ute, Spurdle, Amanda B., Healey, Sue, Weitzel, Jeffrey N., Herzog, Josef, Margileth, David, Gorrini, Chiara, Esteller, Manel, Gomez, Antonio, Sayols, Sergi, Vidal, Enrique, Heyn, Holger, Stoppa-Lyonnet, Dominique, Leone, Melanie, Barjhoux, Laure, Fassy-Colcombet, Marion, de Pauw, Antoine, Lasset, Christine, Ferrer, Sandra Fert, Castera, Laurent, Berthet, Pascaline, Cornelis, Francois, Bignon, Yves-Jean, Damiola, Francesca, Mazoyer, Sylvie, Sinilnikova, Olga M., Maxwell, Christopher A., Vijai, Joseph, Robson, Mark, Kauff, Noah, Corines, Marina J., Villano, Danylko, Cunningham, Julie, Lee, Adam, Lindor, Noralane, Lazaro, Conxi, Easton, Douglas F., Offit, Kenneth, Chenevix-Trench, Georgia, Couch, Fergus J., Antoniou, Antonis C., Angel Pujana, Miguel, BCFR, SWE-BRCA, KConFab Investigators, and GEMO
- Abstract
While interplay between BRCA1 and AURKA-RHAMM-TPX2-TUBG1 regulates mammary epithelial polarization, common genetic variation in HMMR (gene product RHAMM) may be associated with risk of breast cancer in BRCA1 mutation carriers. Following on these observations, we further assessed the link between the AURKA-HMMR-TPX2-TUBG1 functional module and risk of breast cancer in BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation carriers. Forty-one single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were genotyped in 15,252 BRCA1 and 8,211 BRCA2 mutation carriers and subsequently analyzed using a retrospective likelihood approach. The association of HMMR rs299290 with breast cancer risk in BRCA1 mutation carriers was confirmed: per-allele hazard ratio (HR) = 1.10, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.04 - 1.15, p = 1.9 x 10(-4) (false discovery rate (FDR)-adjusted p = 0.043). Variation in CSTF1, located next to AURKA, was also found to be associated with breast cancer risk in BRCA2 mutation carriers: rs2426618 per-allele HR = 1.10, 95% CI 1.03 - 1.16, p = 0.005 (FDR-adjusted p = 0.045). Assessment of pairwise interactions provided suggestions (FDR-adjusted p(interaction) values > 0.05) for deviations from the multiplicative model for rs299290 and CSTF1 rs6064391, and rs299290 and TUBG1 rs11649877 in both BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers. Following these suggestions, the expression of HMMR and AURKA or TUBG1 in sporadic breast tumors was found to potentially interact, influencing patients' survival. Together, the results of this study support the hypothesis of a causative link between altered function of AURKA-HMMR-TPX2-TUBG1 and breast carcinogenesis in BRCA1/2 mutation carriers.
- Published
- 2015
69. Environmental assessment of drinking water transport and distribution network use phase for small to medium-sized municipalities in Spain
- Author
Sanjuan Delmas, David, Petit, Anna, Martínez Gasol, Carles, Farreny Gaya, Ramon, Villalba Méndez, Gara, Suárez Ojeda, María Eugenia, Gabarrell Durany, Xavier, Josa Garcia-Tornel, Alejandro, Rieradevall, Joan, Sanjuan Delmas, David, Petit, Anna, Martínez Gasol, Carles, Farreny Gaya, Ramon, Villalba Méndez, Gara, Suárez Ojeda, María Eugenia, Gabarrell Durany, Xavier, Josa Garcia-Tornel, Alejandro, and Rieradevall, Joan
- Abstract
Previous studies assessing the environmental impacts of drinking water supply networks have considered a bottom-up approach, analysing single case studies. This paper presents a top-down approach for the assessment of the operational phase of a water supply network. A representative sample of 50 cities was statistically analysed to find relations between different variables regarding electricity and water consumption linked with the environmental impacts of the network. The results show that some of the variables are clearly related to the relative energy consumption of the network. Such is the case for population size, where small municipalities have up to 14 times higher relative electricity consumption compared with medium-sized municipalities (1.15E-2 as opposed to 8.3E-4 kWh/m³ registered water km of network) due to case-specific factors such as a strong gradient between a water tank and the consumption point. Similarly, the cases showing low population density exhibit 7 times higher relative electricity consumption because of the longer distances that must be covered and the correlation between population density and size. The values found for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions derived from the energy consumption are consistent with results from previous studies: on average, 5.53 kg of CO₂ eq. emissions/inhabitant·year are released, but the variability is very high, ranging from 0.005 to 67.8 kg of CO₂ eq. emissions/inhabitant·year. No clearly significant correlations were found between the relative water demand and variables such as seasonality or income per capita, which might indicate that water consumption depends on individual decisions of the population rather than on the variables assessed. Models for the estimation of water demand, length of network and electricity consumption were defined. However, the modelling of electricity consumption presented more difficulties because of its high variability. A protocol for data collection should be defined and impl
- Published
- 2015
70. Assessing Associations between the AURKA-HMMR-TPX2-TUBG1 Functional Module and Breast Cancer Risk in BRCA1/2 Mutation Carriers
- Author
Genetica Sectie Genoomdiagnostiek, Cancer, Blanco, Ignacio, Kuchenbaecker, Karoline, Cuadras, Daniel, Wang, Xianshu, Barrowdale, Daniel, Ruiz de Garibay, Gorka, Librado, Pablo, Sanchez-Gracia, Alejandro, Rozas, Julio, Bonifaci, Nuria, McGuffog, Lesley, Pankratz, Vernon S., Islam, Abul, Mateo, Francesca, Berenguer, Antoni, Petit, Anna, Catala, Isabel, Brunet, Joan, Feliubadalo, Lidia, Tornero, Eva, Benitez, Javier, Osorio, Ana, Cajal, Teresa Ramon Y., Nevanlinna, Heli, Aittomaki, Kristiina, Arun, Banu K., Toland, Amanda E., Karlan, Beth Y., Walsh, Christine, Lester, Jenny, Greene, Mark H., Mai, Phuong L., Nussbaum, Robert L., Andrulis, Irene L., Domchek, Susan M., Nathanson, Katherine L., Rebbeck, Timothy R., Barkardottir, Rosa B., Jakubowska, Anna, Lubinski, Jan, Durda, Katarzyna, Jaworska-Bieniek, Katarzyna, Claes, Kathleen, Van Maerken, Tom, Diez, Orland, Hansen, Thomas V., Jonson, Lars, Gerdes, Anne-Marie, Ejlertsen, Bent, van der Luijt, Rob B., BCFR, SWE-BRCA, KConFab Investigators, GEMO, Genetica Sectie Genoomdiagnostiek, Cancer, Blanco, Ignacio, Kuchenbaecker, Karoline, Cuadras, Daniel, Wang, Xianshu, Barrowdale, Daniel, Ruiz de Garibay, Gorka, Librado, Pablo, Sanchez-Gracia, Alejandro, Rozas, Julio, Bonifaci, Nuria, McGuffog, Lesley, Pankratz, Vernon S., Islam, Abul, Mateo, Francesca, Berenguer, Antoni, Petit, Anna, Catala, Isabel, Brunet, Joan, Feliubadalo, Lidia, Tornero, Eva, Benitez, Javier, Osorio, Ana, Cajal, Teresa Ramon Y., Nevanlinna, Heli, Aittomaki, Kristiina, Arun, Banu K., Toland, Amanda E., Karlan, Beth Y., Walsh, Christine, Lester, Jenny, Greene, Mark H., Mai, Phuong L., Nussbaum, Robert L., Andrulis, Irene L., Domchek, Susan M., Nathanson, Katherine L., Rebbeck, Timothy R., Barkardottir, Rosa B., Jakubowska, Anna, Lubinski, Jan, Durda, Katarzyna, Jaworska-Bieniek, Katarzyna, Claes, Kathleen, Van Maerken, Tom, Diez, Orland, Hansen, Thomas V., Jonson, Lars, Gerdes, Anne-Marie, Ejlertsen, Bent, van der Luijt, Rob B., BCFR, SWE-BRCA, KConFab Investigators, and GEMO
- Published
- 2015
71. Lymphangioleiomyomatosis Biomarkers Linked to Lung Metastatic Potential and Cell Stemness
- Author
Ruiz de Garibay, Gorka, primary, Herranz, Carmen, additional, Llorente, Alicia, additional, Boni, Jacopo, additional, Serra-Musach, Jordi, additional, Mateo, Francesca, additional, Aguilar, Helena, additional, Gómez-Baldó, Laia, additional, Petit, Anna, additional, Vidal, August, additional, Climent, Fina, additional, Hernández-Losa, Javier, additional, Cordero, Álex, additional, González-Suárez, Eva, additional, Sánchez-Mut, José Vicente, additional, Esteller, Manel, additional, Llatjós, Roger, additional, Varela, Mar, additional, López, José Ignacio, additional, García, Nadia, additional, Extremera, Ana I., additional, Gumà, Anna, additional, Ortega, Raúl, additional, Plà, María Jesús, additional, Fernández, Adela, additional, Pernas, Sònia, additional, Falo, Catalina, additional, Morilla, Idoia, additional, Campos, Miriam, additional, Gil, Miguel, additional, Román, Antonio, additional, Molina-Molina, María, additional, Ussetti, Piedad, additional, Laporta, Rosalía, additional, Valenzuela, Claudia, additional, Ancochea, Julio, additional, Xaubet, Antoni, additional, Casanova, Álvaro, additional, and Pujana, Miguel Angel, additional
- Published
- 2015
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72. Abstract P6-01-05: Potential biomarkers of response to primary antiangiogenic and hormonal therapy in post-menopausal women with hormone-positive, HER2-negative primary breast cancer
- Author
Verdaguer, Helena, primary, Morales, Serafin, additional, Navarro, Valentí, additional, Martinez Lopez, Alba, additional, Petit, Anna, additional, Climent, Fina, additional, Casanovas, Oriol, additional, and Pernas, Sònia, additional
- Published
- 2015
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73. La enfermedad de Paget mamaria en la actualidad. Impacto del tipo de tratamiento quirúrgico sobre la supervivencia
- Author
Fiores, Laura, primary, Petit, Anna, additional, Fernandez Montoliu, María Eulalia, additional, Pla, María Jesús, additional, Campos, Miriam, additional, Guma, Anna, additional, Falo, Catalina, additional, Ponce, Jordi, additional, and Garcia Tejedor, Amparo, additional
- Published
- 2015
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74. Environmental assessment of different pipelines for drinking water transport and distribution network in small to medium cities: a case from Betanzos, Spain
- Author
Sanjuan Delmas, David, Petit, Anna, Martínez Gasol, Carles, Villalba, Gara, Suárez Ojeda, María Eugenia, Gabarrell Durany, Xavier, Josa Garcia-Tornel, Alejandro, Rieradevall, Joan, Sanjuan Delmas, David, Petit, Anna, Martínez Gasol, Carles, Villalba, Gara, Suárez Ojeda, María Eugenia, Gabarrell Durany, Xavier, Josa Garcia-Tornel, Alejandro, and Rieradevall, Joan
- Abstract
El títol de la versió pre-print de l'article és: Environmental assessment of a drinking water transport and distribution network in small to medium cities and application to a case study network, Until now, few studies had focused on the environmental impact of the construction phase of a drinking water transport and distribution network (DWTDN). Using the life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology, this article compares the environmental impact of pipes made of different materials as constructive solutions for the DWTDN. Two pipe diameters (90 and 200 mm) commonly used in small to medium-sized cities are analysed. The results show that polyvinyl chloride (PVC), high density polyethylene (HDPE) and low density PE have similar environmental impacts in the case of 90 mm pipe diameter. In the case of 200 mm pipe diameter, ductile iron (DI) and glass fibre reinforced polyester show higher environmental impacts than HDPE and PVC, which in the case of DI are between 3 and 11 times higher than those of HDPE for all the midpoint impact categories. Regarding the different construction phases, installation has a higher percentage of environmental impact for 90 mm pipe diameter (40-68% for HDPE in all the impact categories) than for 200 mm pipe diameter (24-57% for an HDPE) due to the difference in the amount of material required for the manufacture of the pipe. The assessment methodology was applied to calculate the environmental burdens derived from a case study. The impact of the different elements of the case study network has been added to obtain the global impact. The potential reduction of the environmental impacts of the case study has been calculated substituting the whole actual network by less impacting constructive solutions. A potential reduction of between 6 and 16% of the impact has been found for the case study, although the savings might be greater in networks with greater abundance of more impacting pipe materials such as DI. This methodology allows the improvement of the network and the design of more eco-efficient DWTDN.
- Published
- 2014
75. Trinucleotide repeat instability in human embryonic stem cells: the role of the mismatch repair machinery
- Author
Seriola Petit, Anna, Spits, Claudia, Mateizel, Ileana, De Temmerman, Nele, Hilven, Pierre, Van Der Elst, Josiane, Liebaers, Ingeborg, Sermon, Karen, and Department of Embryology and Genetics
- Subjects
congenital, hereditary, and neonatal diseases and abnormalities ,human embryonic stem cells - Abstract
Introduction Trinucleotide repeat (TNR) instability is the mechanism responsible for numerous inherited human disorders, including Huntington's disease (HD) and myotonic dystrophy (DM1). The TNRs have different patterns of instability according to the disorder as well as the cell type investigated. It is known that the mismatch repair (MMR) machinery is involved in TNR instability, and particularly MSH2 and MSH3 seem to be required for the intergenerational and somatic CTG and CAG expansions. Most of these results have been obtained from studies on transgenic mice, due to the lack of suitable human models. The aim of this work is to study the behaviour of the TNRs causing HD and DM1 in human embryonic stem cells (hESCs), both in the undifferentiated and differentiated state, and its relationship to the MMR machinery, in order to evaluate the potential of these cells as a model in the human. Materials and methods HESC lines were established in our laboratory using spare IVF/PGD embryos. VUB03_DM1 carries a CTG expansion in the DMPK1 gene and VUB05_HD carries a CAG expansion in the huntingtin gene. VUB02 was used as a control line. The lines were kept in standard culture conditions, on mouse embryonic fibroblasts, and samples were taken at different passages. A well-established protocol was used to differentiate hESCs into osteoprogenitor-like cells (OPL). Whenever possible, samples for RNA and DNA extraction were taken after each passage. TNR stability was studied by PCR followed by southern blotting and/or analysis on a DNA sequencer. The MMR machinery was studied by quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) of the MSH2, MSH3, MLH3 and PMS2 genes. Results While the HD repeat showed a stable pattern in undifferentiated hESCs over more than 80 passages, the DM1 repeat was unstable from the first passages onwards, the TNR mostly increasing in size, leading to a mosaic culture. In the OPLs, the HD TNR remained stable, whereas the DM1 repeat showed a tendency towards a clonal growth (only a few alleles remained detectable), and a stabilization in the behaviour of the repeat. The results of the qRT-PCR showed a downregulation of all the studied genes in the OPLs, in comparison to the undifferentiated hESCs. Conclusions The data on VUB05_HD show that the behaviour of this TNR in hESC follows the same pattern as its somatic behaviour in vivo, in which only striatal neurons show TNR instability. Further experiments on in-vitro differentiated neuronal tissue from hESC are planned. In the case of DM1, the results suggest a correlation between the downregulation of the MMR machinnery and the stabilization of the TNR, which will be further studied by siRNA experiments.
- Published
- 2008
76. Angiosarcoma primario y secundario de mama: estudio de 8 casos con evidencia de origen linfático en los angiosarcomas posradioterapia
- Author
Soler, M. Teresa, primary, Florez, Harvey Andres, additional, Petit, Anna, additional, Climent, Fina, additional, Valdivielso, Alazne, additional, Eraso, Aranzazu, additional, Pernas, Sònia, additional, López-Ojeda, Ana, additional, and Condom, Enric, additional
- Published
- 2014
- Full Text
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77. Interplay between BRCA1 and RHAMM Regulates Epithelial Apicobasal Polarization and May Influence Risk of Breast Cancer
- Author
Maxwell, Christopher A., Benitez, Javier, Gomez-Baldo, Laia, Osorio, Ana, Bonifaci, Nuria, Fernandez-Ramires, Ricardo, Costes, Sylvain V., Guino, Elisabet, Chen, Helen, Evans, Gareth J. R., Mohan, Pooja, Catala, Isabel, Petit, Anna, Aguilar, Helena, Villanueva, Alberto, Aytes, Alvaro, Serra-Musach, Jordi, Rennert, Gad, Lejbkowicz, Flavio, Peterlongo, Paolo, Manoukian, Siranoush, Peissel, Bernard, Ripamonti, Carla B., Bonanni, Bernardo, Viel, Alessandra, Allavena, Anna, Bernard, Loris, Radice, Paolo, Friedman, Eitan, Kaufman, Bella, Laitman, Yael, Dubrovsky, Maya, Milgrom, Roni, Jakubowska, Anna, Cybulski, Cezary, Gorski, Bohdan, Jaworska, Katarzyna, Durda, Katarzyna, Sukiennicki, Grzegorz, Lubinski, Jan, Shugart, Yin Yao, Domchek, Susan M., Letrero, Richard, Weber, Barbara L., Hogervorst, Frans B. L., Rookus, Matti A., Collee, J. Margriet, Devilee, Peter, Ligtenberg, Marjolijn J., van der Luijt, Rob B., Aalfs, Cora M., Waisfisz, Quinten, Wijnen, Juul, van Roozendaal, Cornelis E. P., Easton, Douglas F., Peock, Susan, Cook, Margaret, Oliver, Clare, Frost, Debra, Harrington, Patricia, Evans, D. Gareth, Lalloo, Fiona, Eeles, Rosalind, Izatt, Louise, Chu, Carol, Eccles, Diana, Douglas, Fiona, Brewer, Carole, Nevanlinna, Heli, Heikkinen, Tuomas, Couch, Fergus J., Lindor, Noralane M., Wang, Xianshu, Godwin, Andrew K., Caligo, Maria A., Lombardi, Grazia, Loman, Niklas, Karlsson, Per, Ehrencrona, Hans, von Wachenfeldt, Anna, Barkardottir, Rosa Bjork, Hamann, Ute, Rashid, Muhammad U., Lasa, Adriana, Caldes, Trinidad, Andres, Raquel, Schmitt, Michael, Assmann, Volker, Stevens, Kristen, Offit, Kenneth, Curado, Joao, Tilgner, Hagen, Guigo, Roderic, Aiza, Gemma, Brunet, Joan, Castellsague, Joan, Martrat, Griselda, Urruticoechea, Ander, Blanco, Ignacio, Tihomirova, Laima, Goldgar, David E., Buys, Saundra, John, Esther M., Miron, Alexander, Southey, Melissa, Daly, Mary B., Schmutzler, Rita K., Wappenschmidt, Barbara, Meindl, Alfons, Arnold, Norbert, Deissler, Helmut, Varon-Mateeva, Raymonda, Sutter, Christian, Niederacher, Dieter, Imyamitov, Evgeny, Sinilnikova, Olga M., Stoppa-Lyonne, Dominique, Mazoyer, Sylvie, Verny-Pierre, Carole, Castera, Laurent, de Pauw, Antoine, Bignon, Yves-Jean, Uhrhammer, Nancy, Peyrat, Jean-Philippe, Vennin, Philippe, Ferrer, Sandra Fert, Collonge-Rame, Marie-Agnes, Mortemousque, Isabelle, Spurdle, Amanda B., Beesley, Jonathan, Chen, Xiaoqing, Healey, Sue, Barcellos-Hoff, Mary Helen, Vidal, Marc, Gruber, Stephen B., Lazaro, Conxi, Capella, Gabriel, McGuffog, Lesley, Nathanson, Katherine L., Antoniou, Antonis C., Chenevix-Trench, Georgia, Fleisch, Markus C., Moreno, Victor, Angel Pujana, Miguel, Maxwell, Christopher A., Benitez, Javier, Gomez-Baldo, Laia, Osorio, Ana, Bonifaci, Nuria, Fernandez-Ramires, Ricardo, Costes, Sylvain V., Guino, Elisabet, Chen, Helen, Evans, Gareth J. R., Mohan, Pooja, Catala, Isabel, Petit, Anna, Aguilar, Helena, Villanueva, Alberto, Aytes, Alvaro, Serra-Musach, Jordi, Rennert, Gad, Lejbkowicz, Flavio, Peterlongo, Paolo, Manoukian, Siranoush, Peissel, Bernard, Ripamonti, Carla B., Bonanni, Bernardo, Viel, Alessandra, Allavena, Anna, Bernard, Loris, Radice, Paolo, Friedman, Eitan, Kaufman, Bella, Laitman, Yael, Dubrovsky, Maya, Milgrom, Roni, Jakubowska, Anna, Cybulski, Cezary, Gorski, Bohdan, Jaworska, Katarzyna, Durda, Katarzyna, Sukiennicki, Grzegorz, Lubinski, Jan, Shugart, Yin Yao, Domchek, Susan M., Letrero, Richard, Weber, Barbara L., Hogervorst, Frans B. L., Rookus, Matti A., Collee, J. Margriet, Devilee, Peter, Ligtenberg, Marjolijn J., van der Luijt, Rob B., Aalfs, Cora M., Waisfisz, Quinten, Wijnen, Juul, van Roozendaal, Cornelis E. P., Easton, Douglas F., Peock, Susan, Cook, Margaret, Oliver, Clare, Frost, Debra, Harrington, Patricia, Evans, D. Gareth, Lalloo, Fiona, Eeles, Rosalind, Izatt, Louise, Chu, Carol, Eccles, Diana, Douglas, Fiona, Brewer, Carole, Nevanlinna, Heli, Heikkinen, Tuomas, Couch, Fergus J., Lindor, Noralane M., Wang, Xianshu, Godwin, Andrew K., Caligo, Maria A., Lombardi, Grazia, Loman, Niklas, Karlsson, Per, Ehrencrona, Hans, von Wachenfeldt, Anna, Barkardottir, Rosa Bjork, Hamann, Ute, Rashid, Muhammad U., Lasa, Adriana, Caldes, Trinidad, Andres, Raquel, Schmitt, Michael, Assmann, Volker, Stevens, Kristen, Offit, Kenneth, Curado, Joao, Tilgner, Hagen, Guigo, Roderic, Aiza, Gemma, Brunet, Joan, Castellsague, Joan, Martrat, Griselda, Urruticoechea, Ander, Blanco, Ignacio, Tihomirova, Laima, Goldgar, David E., Buys, Saundra, John, Esther M., Miron, Alexander, Southey, Melissa, Daly, Mary B., Schmutzler, Rita K., Wappenschmidt, Barbara, Meindl, Alfons, Arnold, Norbert, Deissler, Helmut, Varon-Mateeva, Raymonda, Sutter, Christian, Niederacher, Dieter, Imyamitov, Evgeny, Sinilnikova, Olga M., Stoppa-Lyonne, Dominique, Mazoyer, Sylvie, Verny-Pierre, Carole, Castera, Laurent, de Pauw, Antoine, Bignon, Yves-Jean, Uhrhammer, Nancy, Peyrat, Jean-Philippe, Vennin, Philippe, Ferrer, Sandra Fert, Collonge-Rame, Marie-Agnes, Mortemousque, Isabelle, Spurdle, Amanda B., Beesley, Jonathan, Chen, Xiaoqing, Healey, Sue, Barcellos-Hoff, Mary Helen, Vidal, Marc, Gruber, Stephen B., Lazaro, Conxi, Capella, Gabriel, McGuffog, Lesley, Nathanson, Katherine L., Antoniou, Antonis C., Chenevix-Trench, Georgia, Fleisch, Markus C., Moreno, Victor, and Angel Pujana, Miguel
- Abstract
Differentiated mammary epithelium shows apicobasal polarity, and loss of tissue organization is an early hallmark of breast carcinogenesis. In BRCA1 mutation carriers, accumulation of stem and progenitor cells in normal breast tissue and increased risk of developing tumors of basal-like type suggest that BRCA1 regulates stem/progenitor cell proliferation and differentiation. However, the function of BRCA1 in this process and its link to carcinogenesis remain unknown. Here we depict a molecular mechanism involving BRCA1 and RHAMM that regulates apicobasal polarity and, when perturbed, may increase risk of breast cancer. Starting from complementary genetic analyses across families and populations, we identified common genetic variation at the low-penetrance susceptibility HMMR locus (encoding for RHAMM) that modifies breast cancer risk among BRCA1, but probably not BRCA2, mutation carriers: n = 7,584, weighted hazard ratio ((w)HR) = 1.09 (95% CI 1.02-1.16), p(trend) = 0.017; and n = 3,965, (w)HR = 1.04 (95% CI 0.94-1.16), p(trend) = 0.43; respectively. Subsequently, studies of MCF10A apicobasal polarization revealed a central role for BRCA1 and RHAMM, together with AURKA and TPX2, in essential reorganization of microtubules. Mechanistically, reorganization is facilitated by BRCA1 and impaired by AURKA, which is regulated by negative feedback involving RHAMM and TPX2. Taken together, our data provide fundamental insight into apicobasal polarization through BRCA1 function, which may explain the expanded cell subsets and characteristic tumor type accompanying BRCA1 mutation, while also linking this process to sporadic breast cancer through perturbation of HMMR/RHAMM.
- Published
- 2011
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78. MSH6 and MUTYH Deficiency Is a Frequent Event in Early-Onset Colorectal Cancer
- Author
Giráldez, María Dolores, primary, Balaguer, Francesc, additional, Bujanda, Luis, additional, Cuatrecasas, Miriam, additional, Muñoz, Jenifer, additional, Alonso-Espinaco, Virginia, additional, Larzabal, Mikel, additional, Petit, Anna, additional, Gonzalo, Victoria, additional, Ocaña, Teresa, additional, Moreira, Leticia, additional, Enríquez-Navascués, José María, additional, Boland, C. Richard, additional, Goel, Ajay, additional, Castells, Antoni, additional, and Castellví-Bel, Sergi, additional
- Published
- 2010
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79. Telomerase mRNA expression and immunohistochemical detection as a biomarker of malignant transformation in patients with inflammatory bowel disease
- Author
Gonzalo, Victoria, primary, Petit, Anna, additional, Castellví-Bel, Sergi, additional, Pellisé, Maria, additional, Muñoz, Jenifer, additional, Piñol, Carme, additional, Rodríguez-Moranta, Francisco, additional, Clofent, Joan, additional, Balaguer, Francesc, additional, Giráldez, M. Dolores, additional, Ocaña, Teresa, additional, Serradesanferm, Anna, additional, Grau, Jaume, additional, Reñé, Josep M., additional, Panés, Julián, additional, and Castells, Antoni, additional
- Published
- 2010
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80. M1943 High Frequency of MSH6 Loss in Early-Onset Colorectal Cancer
- Author
Giraldez, Maria Dolores, primary, Balaguer, Francesc, additional, Petit, Anna, additional, Bujanda, Luis, additional, Moyano, Susana, additional, Gonzalo, Victoria, additional, Munoz, Jenifer, additional, Ocana, Teresa, additional, Moreira, Leticia, additional, Larzabal, Mikel, additional, Hijona, Elisabeth, additional, Goel, Ajay, additional, Castellvi-Bel, Sergi, additional, and Castells, Antoni, additional
- Published
- 2009
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81. Displasia de alto grado como factor de riesgo de neoplasia colorrectal avanzada metacrónica, en pacientes con adenomas avanzados
- Author
Gimeno-García, Antonio Z., primary, Ramírez, Francisco, additional, Gonzalo, Victòria, additional, Balaguer, Francesc, additional, Petit, Anna, additional, Pellisé, Maria, additional, Llach, Josep, additional, Bordas, Josep M., additional, Piqué, Josep M., additional, and Castells, Antoni, additional
- Published
- 2007
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82. 406: Her-2 Expression and Second Messengers in Transitional-Cell Carcinoma of the Upper Urothelium. Prognostic Implications
- Author
Izquierdo, Laura, primary, Truan, David, additional, Petit, Anna, additional, Altés, Pilar, additional, Arch, Albert, additional, Garcia, Eduard, additional, Agud, Anna, additional, Peri, Lluis, additional, Garcia, Alex, additional, Sanchez, Manuel, additional, Goicoechea, Iñigo, additional, Molina, Alex, additional, Ribal, Maria Jose, additional, Mallofre, Carme, additional, Gutierrez, Rafael, additional, and Alcaraz, Antonio, additional
- Published
- 2006
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83. c-kit Overexpression in Chromophobe Renal Cell Carcinoma Is Not Associated With c-kit Mutation of Exons 9 and 11
- Author
Petit, Anna, primary, Castillo, Mireia, additional, Mellado, Bego??a, additional, and Mallofre, Carme, additional
- Published
- 2005
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84. KIT Expression in Chromophobe Renal Cell Carcinoma
- Author
Petit, Anna, primary, Castillo, Mireia, additional, Santos, Mónica, additional, Mellado, Begoña, additional, Alcover, Joan B, additional, and Mallofré, Carme, additional
- Published
- 2004
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85. Estudio comparativo entre el método One step nucleic acid amplificationy el método convencional en la estadificación en cáncer de mama: un aumento en la detección de micrometástasis
- Author
López-Zambrano, María, Ruiz, Nuria, Soler, Maria Teresa, Pla, Maria Jesús, Quetglas, Cecilia, Pérez-Martín, Javier, Petit, Anna, Varela, Mar, Ferrazza, Laura, Benítez, Ana M., Mancebo, Eva, Condom, Enric, and Matias-Guiu, Xavier
- Abstract
El método One step nucleic acid amplification(OSNA) se ha incorporado para el estudio del ganglio centinela (GC) en cáncer de mama como alternativa al estudio convencional histológico (MC).
- Published
- 2016
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86. Additional file 4 of RANK signaling increases after anti-HER2 therapy contributing to the emergence of resistance in HER2-positive breast cancer
- Author
Sanz-Moreno, Adrián, Palomeras, Sonia, Pedersen, Kim, Morancho, Beatriz, Pascual, Tomas, Galván, Patricia, Benítez, Sandra, Gomez-Miragaya, Jorge, Ciscar, Marina, Jimenez, Maria, Pernas, Sonia, Petit, Anna, Soler-Monsó, María Teresa, Viñas, Gemma, Alsaleem, Mansour, Rakha, Emad A., Green, Andrew R., Santamaria, Patricia G., Celine Mulder, Lemeer, Simone, Joaquin Arribas, Aleix Prat, Puig, Teresa, and Gonzalez-Suarez, Eva
- Subjects
3. Good health - Abstract
Additional file 4: Figure S4. RANK but not RANKL expression increased after dual anti-HER2 therapy in HR+ and HR- patient samples (n = 151) from the PAMELA trial. A and B. Ladder plots (left panels) showing RANK and RANKL gene expression in PAMELA HER2-positive HR+ (A) and HR- (B) tumors before (baseline) and after (surgery) dual anti-HER2 treatment. An increase in gene expression is represented in red and a decrease in blue. Each line represents a tumor sample from one patient. P values in A were calculated by comparing mean values between both groups and in B were determined by paired two-tailed t-tests. Density plots (right panels) showing RANK and RANKL gene expression in PAMELA HER2-positive HR+ (A) and HR- (B) tumors before (baseline) and after (surgery) treatment.
87. Assessing Associations between the AURKA-HMMR-TPX2-TUBG1 Functional Module and Breast Cancer Risk in BRCA1/2 Mutation Carriers
- Author
Blanco, Ignacio, Kuchenbaecker, Karoline, Cuadras, Daniel, Wang, Xianshu, Barrowdale, Daniel, Garibay, Gorka Ruiz De, Librado, Pablo, Sánchez-Gracia, Alejandro, Rozas, Julio, Bonifaci, Núria, McGuffog, Lesley, Pankratz, Vernon S., Islam, Abul, Mateo, Francesca, Berenguer, Antoni, Petit, Anna, Català, Isabel, Brunet, Joan, Feliubadaló, Lidia, Tornero, Eva, Benítez, Javier, Osorio, Ana, Ramón Y Cajal, Teresa, Nevanlinna, Heli, Aittomäki, Kristiina, Arun, Banu K., Toland, Amanda E., Karlan, Beth Y., Walsh, Christine, Lester, Jenny, Greene, Mark H., Mai, Phuong L., Nussbaum, Robert L., Andrulis, Irene L., Domchek, Susan M., Nathanson, Katherine L., Rebbeck, Timothy R., Barkardotti, Rosa B., Jakubowska, Anna, Lubinski, Jan, Durda, Katarzyna, Jaworska-Bieniek, Katarzyna, Claes, Kathleen, Maerken, Tom Van, Díez, Orland, Hansen, Thomas V., Jønson, Lars, Gerdes, Anne-Marie, Ejlertsen, Bent, and Hoya, Miguel De La
- Subjects
skin and connective tissue diseases ,600 Technik, Medizin, angewandte Wissenschaften::610 Medizin und Gesundheit ,3. Good health - Abstract
While interplay between BRCA1 and AURKA-RHAMM-TPX2-TUBG1 regulates mammary epithelial polarization, common genetic variation in HMMR (gene product RHAMM) may be associated with risk of breast cancer in BRCA1 mutation carriers. Following on these observations, we further assessed the link between the AURKA-HMMR-TPX2-TUBG1 functional module and risk of breast cancer in BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation carriers. Forty-one single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were genotyped in 15,252 BRCA1 and 8,211 BRCA2 mutation carriers and subsequently analyzed using a retrospective likelihood approach. The association of HMMR rs299290 with breast cancer risk in BRCA1 mutation carriers was confirmed: per-allele hazard ratio (HR) = 1.10, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.04 – 1.15, p = 1.9 x 10−4 (false discovery rate (FDR)-adjusted p = 0.043). Variation in CSTF1, located next to AURKA, was also found to be associated with breast cancer risk in BRCA2 mutation carriers: rs2426618 per-allele HR = 1.10, 95% CI 1.03 – 1.16, p = 0.005 (FDR-adjusted p = 0.045). Assessment of pairwise interactions provided suggestions (FDR-adjusted pinteraction values > 0.05) for deviations from the multiplicative model for rs299290 and CSTF1 rs6064391, and rs299290 and TUBG1 rs11649877 in both BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers. Following these suggestions, the expression of HMMR and AURKA or TUBG1 in sporadic breast tumors was found to potentially interact, influencing patients’ survival. Together, the results of this study support the hypothesis of a causative link between altered function of AURKA-HMMR-TPX2-TUBG1 and breast carcinogenesis in BRCA1/2 mutation carriers.
88. Additional file 2 of RANK signaling increases after anti-HER2 therapy contributing to the emergence of resistance in HER2-positive breast cancer
- Author
Sanz-Moreno, Adrián, Palomeras, Sonia, Pedersen, Kim, Morancho, Beatriz, Pascual, Tomas, Galván, Patricia, Benítez, Sandra, Gomez-Miragaya, Jorge, Ciscar, Marina, Jimenez, Maria, Pernas, Sonia, Petit, Anna, Soler-Monsó, María Teresa, Viñas, Gemma, Alsaleem, Mansour, Rakha, Emad A., Green, Andrew R., Santamaria, Patricia G., Celine Mulder, Lemeer, Simone, Joaquin Arribas, Aleix Prat, Puig, Teresa, and Gonzalez-Suarez, Eva
- Subjects
musculoskeletal diseases ,neoplasms ,3. Good health - Abstract
Additional file 2: Figure S2. RANK and RANKL staining in TMAs. A. Pictures of RANK and RANKL protein expression analyzed by IHC in the TMA cores from the treatment-naïve cohort. B. Pictures of RANK and RANKL protein expression analyzed by IHC in the TMA cores from the anti-HER2 resistant cohort.
89. Additional file 2 of RANK signaling increases after anti-HER2 therapy contributing to the emergence of resistance in HER2-positive breast cancer
- Author
Sanz-Moreno, Adrián, Palomeras, Sonia, Pedersen, Kim, Morancho, Beatriz, Pascual, Tomas, Galván, Patricia, Benítez, Sandra, Gomez-Miragaya, Jorge, Ciscar, Marina, Jimenez, Maria, Pernas, Sonia, Petit, Anna, Soler-Monsó, María Teresa, Viñas, Gemma, Alsaleem, Mansour, Rakha, Emad A., Green, Andrew R., Santamaria, Patricia G., Celine Mulder, Lemeer, Simone, Joaquin Arribas, Aleix Prat, Puig, Teresa, and Gonzalez-Suarez, Eva
- Subjects
musculoskeletal diseases ,neoplasms ,3. Good health - Abstract
Additional file 2: Figure S2. RANK and RANKL staining in TMAs. A. Pictures of RANK and RANKL protein expression analyzed by IHC in the TMA cores from the treatment-naïve cohort. B. Pictures of RANK and RANKL protein expression analyzed by IHC in the TMA cores from the anti-HER2 resistant cohort.
90. RANK signaling increases after anti-HER2 therapy contributing to the emergence of resistance in HER2-positive breast cancer
- Author
Sanz-Moreno, Adrián, Palomeras, Sonia, Pedersen, Kim, Morancho, Beatriz, Pascual, Tomas, Galván, Patricia, Benítez, Sandra, Gomez-Miragaya, Jorge, Ciscar, Marina, Jimenez, Maria, Pernas, Sonia, Petit, Anna, Soler-Monsó, María Teresa, Viñas, Gemma, Alsaleem, Mansour, Rakha, Emad A, Green, Andrew R, Santamaria, Patricia G, Mulder, Celine, Lemeer, Simone, Arribas, Joaquin, Prat, Aleix, Puig, Teresa, Gonzalez-Suarez, Eva, Sub Biomol.Mass Spectrometry & Proteom., Sub Education Institute Chemistry, Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics, Sub Biomol.Mass Spectrometry & Proteom., Sub Education Institute Chemistry, and Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics
- Subjects
Receptor, ErbB-2 ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Resistance ,RANK ,NF-κB ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,0302 clinical medicine ,Breast cancer ,Trastuzumab ,Medicine ,skin and connective tissue diseases ,Neoadjuvant therapy ,0303 health sciences ,biology ,Receptor Activator of Nuclear Factor-kappa B ,NF-kappa B ,RANKL ,lcsh:Neoplasms. Tumors. Oncology. Including cancer and carcinogens ,Neoadjuvant Therapy ,3. Good health ,Gene Expression Regulation, Neoplastic ,030220 oncology & carcinogenesis ,Female ,Signal transduction ,medicine.drug ,Protein Binding ,Signal Transduction ,Research Article ,Breast Cancer ,Her2 ,Lapatinib ,Nf-κ ,B ,Rank ,Rankl ,Breast Neoplasms ,lcsh:RC254-282 ,Càncer de mama ,03 medical and health sciences ,ErbB ,Cell Line, Tumor ,HER2 ,Humans ,neoplasms ,030304 developmental biology ,Resistència als medicaments ,business.industry ,medicine.disease ,chemistry ,Drug Resistance, Neoplasm ,Drug resistance ,Cancer research ,biology.protein ,business - Abstract
BackgroundAround 15–20% of primary breast cancers are characterized by HER2 protein overexpression and/orHER2gene amplification. Despite the successful development of anti-HER2 drugs, intrinsic and acquired resistance represents a major hurdle. This study was performed to analyze the RANK pathway contribution in HER2-positive breast cancer and anti-HER2 therapy resistance.MethodsRANK and RANKL protein expression was assessed in samples from HER2-positive breast cancer patients resistant to anti-HER2 therapy and treatment-naive patients. RANK and RANKL gene expression was analyzed in paired samples from patients treated with neoadjuvant dual HER2-blockade (lapatinib and trastuzumab) from the SOLTI-1114 PAMELA trial. Additionally, HER2-positive breast cancer cell lines were used to modulate RANK expression and analyze in vitro the contribution of RANK signaling to anti-HER2 resistance and downstream signaling.ResultsRANK and RANKL proteins are more frequently detected in HER2-positive tumors that have acquired resistance to anti-HER2 therapies than in treatment-naive ones.RANK(but notRANKL) gene expression increased after dual anti-HER2 neoadjuvant therapy in the cohort from the SOLTI-1114 PAMELA trial. Results in HER2-positive breast cancer cell lines recapitulate the clinical observations, with increased RANK expression observed after short-term treatment with the HER2 inhibitor lapatinib or dual anti-HER2 therapy and in lapatinib-resistant cells. After RANKL stimulation, lapatinib-resistant cells show increased NF-κB activation compared to their sensitive counterparts, confirming the enhanced functionality of the RANK pathway in anti-HER2-resistant breast cancer. Overactivation of the RANK signaling pathway enhances ERK and NF-κB signaling and increases lapatinib resistance in different HER2-positive breast cancer cell lines, whereas RANK loss sensitizes lapatinib-resistant cells to the drug. Our results indicate that ErbB signaling is required for RANK/RANKL-driven activation of ERK in several HER2-positive cell lines. In contrast, lapatinib is not able to counteract the NF-κB activation elicited after RANKL treatment in RANK-overexpressing cells. Finally, we show that RANK binds to HER2 in breast cancer cells and that enhanced RANK pathway activation alters HER2 phosphorylation status.ConclusionsOur data support a physical and functional link between RANK and HER2 signaling in breast cancer and demonstrate that increased RANK signaling may contribute to the development of lapatinib resistance through NF-κB activation. Whether HER2-positive breast cancer patients with tumoral RANK expression might benefit from dual HER2 and RANK inhibition therapy remains to be elucidated.
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91. Additional file 4 of RANK signaling increases after anti-HER2 therapy contributing to the emergence of resistance in HER2-positive breast cancer
- Author
Sanz-Moreno, Adrián, Palomeras, Sonia, Pedersen, Kim, Morancho, Beatriz, Pascual, Tomas, Galván, Patricia, Benítez, Sandra, Gomez-Miragaya, Jorge, Ciscar, Marina, Jimenez, Maria, Pernas, Sonia, Petit, Anna, Soler-Monsó, María Teresa, Viñas, Gemma, Alsaleem, Mansour, Rakha, Emad A., Green, Andrew R., Santamaria, Patricia G., Celine Mulder, Lemeer, Simone, Joaquin Arribas, Aleix Prat, Puig, Teresa, and Gonzalez-Suarez, Eva
- Subjects
3. Good health - Abstract
Additional file 4: Figure S4. RANK but not RANKL expression increased after dual anti-HER2 therapy in HR+ and HR- patient samples (n = 151) from the PAMELA trial. A and B. Ladder plots (left panels) showing RANK and RANKL gene expression in PAMELA HER2-positive HR+ (A) and HR- (B) tumors before (baseline) and after (surgery) dual anti-HER2 treatment. An increase in gene expression is represented in red and a decrease in blue. Each line represents a tumor sample from one patient. P values in A were calculated by comparing mean values between both groups and in B were determined by paired two-tailed t-tests. Density plots (right panels) showing RANK and RANKL gene expression in PAMELA HER2-positive HR+ (A) and HR- (B) tumors before (baseline) and after (surgery) treatment.
- Author
Hernandez Sierra, Astrid, Petit, Anna, Moya, Daniel, Revuelta, Ignacio, Auxiliadora Mazuecos, Maria, Ana Isabel Sanchez Fructuoso, Errasti, Pedro, Maria Cruzado, Josep, Oppenheimer, Federic, and Maria Campistol, Josep
93. Additional file 1 of RANK signaling increases after anti-HER2 therapy contributing to the emergence of resistance in HER2-positive breast cancer
- Author
Sanz-Moreno, Adrián, Palomeras, Sonia, Pedersen, Kim, Morancho, Beatriz, Pascual, Tomas, Galván, Patricia, Benítez, Sandra, Gomez-Miragaya, Jorge, Ciscar, Marina, Jimenez, Maria, Pernas, Sonia, Petit, Anna, Soler-Monsó, María Teresa, Viñas, Gemma, Alsaleem, Mansour, Rakha, Emad A., Green, Andrew R., Santamaria, Patricia G., Celine Mulder, Lemeer, Simone, Joaquin Arribas, Aleix Prat, Puig, Teresa, and Gonzalez-Suarez, Eva
- Subjects
skin and connective tissue diseases ,3. Good health - Abstract
Additional file 1: Figure S1. TMA H-scores and controls. A. RANK and RANKL H-scores in HER2-positive breast cancer samples, treatment-naïve (left panels) or anti-HER2-resistant (right panels). In treatment-naïve TMAs, each number represents a “core” from a single patient. In anti-HER2-resistant TMAs, scored independent tumor cores are numbered for each patient (after the symbol #). B. Representative pictures of human breast tumors from patient-derived xenografts used as positive and negative controls for RANK and RANKL IHC.
94. Additional file 1 of RANK signaling increases after anti-HER2 therapy contributing to the emergence of resistance in HER2-positive breast cancer
- Author
Sanz-Moreno, Adrián, Palomeras, Sonia, Pedersen, Kim, Morancho, Beatriz, Pascual, Tomas, Galván, Patricia, Benítez, Sandra, Gomez-Miragaya, Jorge, Ciscar, Marina, Jimenez, Maria, Pernas, Sonia, Petit, Anna, Soler-Monsó, María Teresa, Viñas, Gemma, Alsaleem, Mansour, Rakha, Emad A., Green, Andrew R., Santamaria, Patricia G., Celine Mulder, Lemeer, Simone, Joaquin Arribas, Aleix Prat, Puig, Teresa, and Gonzalez-Suarez, Eva
- Subjects
skin and connective tissue diseases ,3. Good health - Abstract
Additional file 1: Figure S1. TMA H-scores and controls. A. RANK and RANKL H-scores in HER2-positive breast cancer samples, treatment-naïve (left panels) or anti-HER2-resistant (right panels). In treatment-naïve TMAs, each number represents a “core” from a single patient. In anti-HER2-resistant TMAs, scored independent tumor cores are numbered for each patient (after the symbol #). B. Representative pictures of human breast tumors from patient-derived xenografts used as positive and negative controls for RANK and RANKL IHC.
95. Author Correction: Attenuation of RNA polymerase II pausing mitigates BRCA1-associated R-loop accumulation and tumorigenesis.
- Author
Xiaowen Zhang, Huai-Chin Chiang, Yao Wang, Chi Zhang, Smith, Sabrina, Xiayan Zhao, Nair, Sreejith J., Michalek, Joel, Jatoi, Ismail, Lautner, Meeghan, Oliver, Boyce, Wang, Howard, Petit, Anna, Soler, Teresa, Brunet, Joan, Mateo, Francesca, Pujana, Miguel Angel, Poggi, Elizabeth, Chaldekas, Krysta, and Isaacs, Claudine
- Subjects
RNA polymerase II ,RNA polymerases - Published
- 2018
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96. A Circular Economy Approach to Urban Agriculture : an Environmental Assessment
- Author
Rufí Salís, Martí, Petit, Anna (Petit Boix), Gabarrell Durany, Xavier, Villalba Méndez, Gara, and Villalba, Gara
- Subjects
Life cycle assessment ,Agricultura urbana ,Economía circular ,Circular economy ,Análisis de ciclo de vida ,Ciències Experimentals ,Economia circular ,Anàlisi de cicle de vida ,Urban agriculture - Abstract
El subministrament d’aliments a les zones urbanes en creixement segueix una tendència lineal: les ciutats consumeixen una gran quantitat d’aliments importats alhora que generen residus i impactes ambientals en diferents fronts. L’agricultura urbana (UA) ha destacat com una pràctica per mitigar la quantitat d’aliments importats, generant beneficis en les tres dimensions de la sostenibilitat i una excel·lent oportunitat per a la restauració de fluxos. El concepte d’economia circular (CE) pot contribuir a aquesta mitigació minimitzant els fluxos de residus i aprofitant estratègies per recuperar recursos mentre s’exploten les sinergies entre sistemes urbans, contribuint a la millora del metabolisme urbà. No obstant això, l’aplicació dels principis de la CE als sistemes de la UA s’ha de controlar estrictament en termes de comportament ambiental per evitar un xoc entre els objectius de la CE i la sostenibilitat. Per evitar-ho, la present tesi pretén avaluar el comportament ambiental de l’aplicació d’estratègies circulars en sistemes de UA. Per arribar a aquest objectiu, utilitzem l’anàlisi de cicle de vida (ACV) combinada amb altres mètodes i eines complementàries: estudi dels fluxos de nutrients, anàlisi de variables climàtiques, sistemes d’informació geogràfica o avaluació de la circularitat mitjançant l’indicador de circularitat de materials (MCI). En primera instància analitzem el rendiment ambiental de 25 cicles de 7 cultius diferents en un hivernacle hidropònic en coberta per determinar quins haurien de ser els elements de l’inventari a optimitzar i definir les millors combinacions anuals de cultius. Els resultats mostren que els fertilitzants i les seves emissions a l’aigua són l’element amb més marge de millora. En aquest sentit, avaluem l’aplicació de tres possibles estratègies de recuperació de nutrients: filtració per membranes, precipitació química i recirculació directa de lixiviats, trobant que aquesta última és la que presenta el millor comportament ambiental. Tenint en compte això, avaluem mitjançant diferents enfocaments el rendiment de dues estratègies de recirculació diferents: la recirculació de lixiviats en un mateix cultiu i la recirculació de lixiviats en un cultiu paral·lel en el que es coneix com a sistema en cascada. Els resultats de l’anàlisi descriuen els potencials i les limitacions d’ambdós sistemes, concloent que la configuració definitiva inclouria un sistema en cascada en què el cultiu receptor reutilitzi els nutrients que lixivia. El fòsfor (P) és un recurs escàs i valuós a causa de la demanda antropogènica per produir fertilitzants. La sinergia entre sistemes urbans pot contribuir a augmentar la utilitat dels recursos de P a nivell urbà. En aquest sentit, analitzem la recuperació d’estruvita a les plantes de tractament d’aigües residuals urbanes i la seva aplicació en sistemes UA amb dos enfocaments diferents: (1) experimentalment per comprovar el seu potencial i limitacions en sistemes hidropònics, i (2) amb una perspectiva regional que tracta una àrea metropolitana com una entitat auto-suficient. Els resultats mostren com l’ús d’estruvita pot generar produccions més elevades que els fertilitzants minerals, a més de disminuir les pèrdues de P. La perspectiva regional a la recuperació i reutilització d’estruvita mostra com l’àrea estudiada és capaç de recuperar prou P per alimentar tota l’agricultura de la regió, tot i que alguns paràmetres com l’elecció de la planta de tractament d’aigües residuals o la tecnologia de recuperació implementada són importants per evitar impactes ambientals addicionals. Tenint en compte les conclusions de la tesi, es poden definir diferents línies de recerca futures: estandardització de mètriques i conceptes al voltant de l’economia circular o integració de diferents perspectives en l’avaluació de sistemes UA. El suministro de alimentos en zonas urbanas en crecimiento sigue una tendencia lineal: las ciudades consumen una gran cantidad de alimentos importados, generando residuos e impactos ambientales en distintos frentes. La agricultura urbana (UA) ha permitido disminuir la cantidad de alimentos importados, generando beneficios en las tres dimensiones de la sostenibilidad y una excelente oportunidad para la restauración de flujos. El concepto de economía circular (CE) puede contribuir a esta mitigación minimizando los flujos de residuos y aprovechando estrategias para recuperar recursos mientras se explotan las sinergias entre sistemas urbanos, contribuyendo a la mejora del metabolismo urbano. Sin embargo, la aplicación de los principios de la CE a los sistemas de la UA se debe controlar estrictamente en términos de comportamiento ambiental para evitar un choque entre los objetivos de la CE y la sostenibilidad. Para evitar esto, la presente tesis pretende evaluar el comportamiento ambiental de la aplicación de estrategias circulares en sistemas de UA. Para llegar a este objetivo, utilizamos el análisis de ciclo de vida (ACV) combinado con otros métodos y herramientas complementarias: estudio de los flujos de nutrientes, análisis de variables climáticas, sistemas de información geográfica o evaluación de la circularidad mediante el indicador de circularidad de materiales (MCI). En primera instancia analizamos el rendimiento ambiental de 25 ciclos de 7 cultivos diferentes en un invernadero hidropónico en cubierta para determinar cuáles deberían ser los elementos del inventario a optimizar y definir las mejores combinaciones anuales de cultivos. Los resultados muestran que los fertilizantes y sus emisiones al agua son el elemento con más margen de mejora. En este sentido, evaluamos la aplicación de tres posibles estrategias de recuperación de nutrientes: filtración por membranas, precipitación química y recirculación directa de lixiviados, concluyendo que esta última es la que presenta el mejor comportamiento ambiental. Teniendo en cuenta esto, evaluamos mediante distintos enfoques el rendimiento de dos estrategias de recirculación diferentes: la recirculación de lixiviados en un mismo cultivo y la recirculación de lixiviados en un cultivo paralelo en lo que se conoce como un sistema en cascada. Los resultados del análisis describen los potenciales y las limitaciones de ambos sistemas, concluyendo que la configuración definitiva incluiría un sistema en cascada en el que el cultivo receptor reutilice los nutrientes que lixivia. El fósforo (P) es un recurso escaso y valioso debido a la demanda antropogénica de P para producir fertilizantes. La sinergia entre sistemas urbanos puede contribuir a aumentar la utilidad de los recursos de P a nivel urbano. En este sentido, analizamos la recuperación de estruvita en las plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales urbanas y su aplicación en sistemas UA con dos enfoques diferentes: (1) experimentalmente para cuantificar su potencial y limitaciones en sistemas hidropónicos, y (2) con una perspectiva regional que trata un área metropolitana como una entidad auto-suficiente. Los resultados muestran como el uso de estruvita puede generar producciones más elevadas que los fertilizantes minerales, además de disminuir las pérdidas de P. La perspectiva regional en la recuperación y reutilización de estruvita muestra como el área estudiada es capaz de recuperar suficiente P para alimentar toda la agricultura de la región, aunque algunos parámetros como la elección de la planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales o la tecnología de recuperación implementada son importantes para evitar impactos ambientales adicionales. Teniendo en cuenta las conclusiones de la tesis, se pueden definir diferentes líneas de investigación futuras: estandarización de métricas y conceptos alrededor de la economía circular o integración de diferentes perspectivas en la evaluación de sistemas UA. Food supply to ever-growing urban areas follows a linear tendency: cities consume a vast amount of imported food while generating waste and environmental impacts in different fronts. Urban agriculture (UA) has stood out as a practice to mitigate the volume of the imported flow, generating benefits in all three dimensions of sustainability and an excellent opportunity for the restoration of flows. The young concept of a circular economy (CE) can contribute to this mitigation by minimizing waste flows and take advantage of strategies to recover resources while exploiting synergies between urban systems, contributing to an improvement of the urban metabolism. However, the application of CE principles in UA systems should be strictly monitored in terms of environmental performance to avoid a clash between CE and sustainability goals. To avoid this, the present thesis aims to evaluate the environmental performance of applying circular strategies in UA systems. We use the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) combined with other complementary methods and tools: nutrient balances, analysis of climatic variables, geographical information systems or a circularity assessment through the material circularity indicator (MCI). We first analyze the environmental performance of 25 cycles of 7 different crops in a hydroponic rooftop greenhouse to determine which should be the targets to optimize within the inventory and define the best year-round crop combinations. The results show that the fertilizers and their related emissions to water are the item with the biggest room for improvement. To avoid nutrient depletion, we evaluate the application of three possible nutrient recovery strategies: membrane filtration, chemical precipitation and direct leachate recirculation, finding that the latter had the best environmental performance. Considering this, we evaluate with different approaches the performance of two different recirculation strategies: the recirculation of leachates in the same crop and the recirculation of leachates in a parallel crop in what is known as a cascade system. The results of the analysis outline the potentials and limitations of both systems, concluding that the ultimate configuration would include a cascade system in which the receiving crop reuses the nutrients that leaches. Phosphorus (P) is a scarce and valuable resource due to the anthropogenic demand to produce fertilizers. The synergy between urban systems can contribute to enlarge the utility of P resources at the urban level. In this sense, we analyze the recovery of struvite in urban wastewater treatment plants and its application in UA systems with two different approaches: experimentally to test its potential and limitations in hydroponic systems, and with a regional perspective that treats a metropolitan area like a self-sufficient entity. The results show how the use of struvite can produce higher yields than mineral fertilizers while diminishing P losses. The regional perspective showed how the area under study is able to recover enough P to feed all the agriculture of the region, although parameters like the choice of the wastewater treatment plant or the recovery technology are important to avoid additional environmental impacts. Finally, we gather all the recovery strategies and evaluate their environmental performance and degree of circularity to prioritize circular strategies in UA systems. After solving detected limitations of the assessment through indicator development, we find that nutrient recirculation, the use of struvite or recycled materials are the best strategies to improve both the circularity and environmental performance of the system. Considering the findings of the thesis, different future research lines were defined: standardization of circular economy metrics and concepts or integration of different perspectives in the assessment of UA systems. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Programa de Doctorat en Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals
- Published
- 2020
97. Chromosome 12p Amplification in Triple-Negative/ BRCA1- Mutated Breast Cancer Associates with Emergence of Docetaxel Resistance and Carboplatin Sensitivity.
- Author
Gómez-Miragaya J, Díaz-Navarro A, Tonda R, Beltran S, Palomero L, Palafox M, Dobrolecki LE, Huang C, Vasaikar S, Zhang B, Wulf GM, Collado-Sole A, Trinidad EM, Muñoz P, Paré L, Prat A, Bruna A, Caldas C, Arribas J, Soler-Monso MT, Petit A, Balmaña J, Cruz C, Serra V, Pujana MA, Lewis MT, Puente XS, and González-Suárez E
- Subjects
- Animals, BRCA1 Protein genetics, Cell Line, Tumor, Exome, Female, Humans, Mice, Mutation, Treatment Outcome, Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms mortality, Xenograft Model Antitumor Assays, Carboplatin pharmacology, Chromosomes, Human, Pair 12, Docetaxel pharmacology, Drug Resistance, Neoplasm genetics, Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms drug therapy, Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms genetics
- Abstract
Taxanes are the mainstay of treatment in triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC), with de novo and acquired resistance limiting patient's survival. To investigate the genetic basis of docetaxel resistance in TNBC, exome sequencing was performed on matched TNBC patient-derived xenografts (PDX) sensitive to docetaxel and their counterparts that developed resistance in vivo upon continuous drug exposure. Most mutations, small insertions/deletions, and copy number alterations detected in the initial TNBC human metastatic samples were maintained after serial passages in mice and emergence of resistance. We identified a chromosomal amplification of chr12p in a human BRCA1 -mutated metastatic sample and the derived chemoresistant PDX, but not in the matched docetaxel-sensitive PDX tumor. Chr12p amplification was validated in a second pair of docetaxel-sensitive/resistant BRCA1 -mutated PDXs and after short-term docetaxel treatment in several TNBC/ BRCA1 -mutated PDXs and cell lines, as well as during metastatic recurrence in a patient with BRCA1 -mutated breast cancer who had progressed on docetaxel treatment. Analysis of clinical data indicates an association between chr12p amplification and patients with TNBC/basal-like breast cancer, a BRCA1 mutational signature, and poor survival after chemotherapy. Detection of chr12p amplification in a cohort of TNBC PDX models was associated with an improved response to carboplatin. Our findings reveal tumor clonal dynamics during chemotherapy treatments and suggest that a preexisting population harboring chr12p amplification is associated with the emergence of docetaxel resistance and carboplatin responsiveness in TNBC/ BRCA1 -mutated tumors. SIGNIFICANCE: Chr12p copy number gains indicate rapid emergence of resistance to docetaxel and increased sensitivity to carboplatin, therefore sequential docetaxel/carboplatin treatment could improve survival in TNBC/ BRCA1 patients. GRAPHICAL ABSTRACT: http://cancerres.aacrjournals.org/content/canres/79/16/4258/F1.large.jpg., (©2019 American Association for Cancer Research.)
- Published
- 2019
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98. Expression and mutational analyses of KIT and PDGFR-alpha in sarcomatoid renal cell carcinoma.
- Author
Petit A, Castillo M, Gaspa A, Colomer D, Garcia de Albéniz X, Moreno C, Camós M, Mellado B, and Mallofré C
- Subjects
- Carcinoma, Renal Cell pathology, DNA Mutational Analysis, Humans, Immunohistochemistry, Kidney Neoplasms pathology, Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-kit analysis, Receptor, Platelet-Derived Growth Factor alpha analysis, Carcinoma, Renal Cell genetics, Carcinoma, Renal Cell metabolism, Kidney Neoplasms genetics, Kidney Neoplasms metabolism, Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-kit genetics, Receptor, Platelet-Derived Growth Factor alpha genetics
- Published
- 2009
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99. Adhesion molecules alpha, beta and gamma-catenin as prognostic factors of tumour progression in upper urinary tract urothelial tumours: the role of AKT-P/GSK-3beta/beta-catenin pathway.
- Author
Izquierdo L, Truan D, Petit A, Gutiérrez R, Mallofré C, and Alcaraz A
- Subjects
- Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Disease Progression, Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3 beta, Humans, Immunohistochemistry, Middle Aged, Prognosis, Retrospective Studies, Survival Analysis, Urologic Neoplasms mortality, Urologic Neoplasms pathology, Urothelium metabolism, Catenins metabolism, Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3 metabolism, Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-akt metabolism, Urologic Neoplasms metabolism
- Abstract
OBJECTIVES To evaluate alpha, beta and gamma-catenin expression in upper urinary tract urothelial tumours (UUTC) and determine their value as prognostic factors; to investigate the correlation between the catenin complex and the AKT pathway. PATIENTS AND METHODS We retrospectively analysed 114 consecutive patients treated at our institution from 1990 to 2004; the mean follow-up was 54 months. Tumour samples were available from 70 patients, and included in tissue microarrays for immunohistochemical analysis. The antibodies used were anti-alpha, -beta and gamma-catenin, and antiphospho-AKT. The prognostic value of the expression of these molecules was analysed using tumour progression and cancer-specific survival as end-points. RESULTS Of the 114 patients, 27% developed tumour progression; the cancer-specific and overall survival were 77% and 60.6%, respectively. Abnormal alpha, beta and gamma-catenin expression was found in 44 (63%), 22 (31%) and 28 (41%) patients, respectively; the abnormal catenin expression patterns correlated with each other. Positive cytoplasm phospho-AKT expression was found in 27 (39%) patients. Three of them were found to have cytoplasmic beta-catenin accumulation and none of them nuclear expression. beta-catenin expression was the only one that was an independent marker of tumour progression, with a hazard ratio (95% confidence interval) of 3.1(1.2-8.6), together with grade (7.1, 1.2-55.8) and stage (4.6, 2.1-10). In the cancer-specific survival analysis, again beta-catenin was an independent prognostic factor (3.4, 1-11.5) together with stage (4.6, 2.2-9.8). CONCLUSIONS The loss of the normal membrane beta-catenin expression constitutes an independent factor of tumour progression and cancer-specific survival. Our data suggest that the AKT/GSK3beta/beta-catenin signalling pathway is not activated in the UUTC carcinogenesis.
- Published
- 2009
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100. [High-grade dysplasia as a risk factor of metachronous advanced colorectal neoplasms in patients with advanced adenomas].
- Author
Gimeno-García AZ, Ramírez F, Gonzalo V, Balaguer F, Petit A, Pellisé M, Llach J, Bordas JM, Piqué JM, and Castells A
- Subjects
- Adenocarcinoma epidemiology, Adenoma epidemiology, Aged, Colonic Polyps epidemiology, Colorectal Neoplasms epidemiology, Disease Progression, Female, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Risk Factors, Time Factors, Adenocarcinoma pathology, Adenoma pathology, Colonic Polyps pathology, Colonoscopy methods, Colorectal Neoplasms pathology, Neoplasms, Multiple Primary pathology, Precancerous Conditions pathology
- Abstract
Background: Patients with advanced adenomas (AA) have a high risk of developing advanced colorectal neoplasms. Therefore, shorter monitoring intervals have been recommended in this patient subgroup. High grade dysplasia (HGD) is the main marker of cancer transformation. However, its predictive value for developing advanced neoplams in patients with advanced adenoma is unknown., Aim: To investigate if HGD increases the risk for developing advanced neoplasms in patients with AA., Methods: Between January 1996 and December 1997 every patient with an AA endoscopically resected were considered for inclusion. Patients with a history of colorectal cancer (CRC), inflammatory bowel disease, familial adenomatous polyposis or patients who met the Amsterdam criteria, and those without colonoscopic monitoring were excluded. We assessed the development of advanced neoplasms during the study period., Results: 71 patients were included and classified into 2 groups, depending on the presence (n = 49) or lack (n = 22) of HGD in the initial colonoscopy. The probability of developing advanced neoplasms (log rank, p = 0.47; Breslow, p = 0.58) or AA with HGD (log rank, p = 0.47; Breslow, p = 0.53) in the study period was similar between both groups. The number of metachronic polyps (p = 0.67), adenomas (p = 0.73), AA (p = 0.93) and AA with HGD (p = 0.88) was also similar., Conclusion: The risk of developing advanced neoplasms is not different between AA with HGD and those with other characteristics of AA (villous pattern and larger than 1 cm). Therefore, changes in monitoring intervals are not warranted.
- Published
- 2007
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