On the basis of the concept of grades of a fuzzy point to belongingness (2) or quasi-coincident (q) or belongingness and quasi-coincident (∊ ⋁q) or belongingness or quasi-coincident (∊ ⋀q) in an intuitionistic fuzzy set of a ring, the notion of a (α,β)- intuitionistic fuzzy subring and ideal is introduced by applying the Lukasiewicz 3-valued implication operator. Using the notion of fuzzy cut set of an intuitionistic fuzzy set, the support and a-level set of an intuitionistic fuzzy set are defined and it is established that, for a ≢=∊ ⋀q, the support of a (a;b)-intuitionistic fuzzy ideal of a ring is an ideal of the ring. It is also established that the level sets of an intuitionistic fuzzy ideal with thresholds (s; t) of a ring is an ideal of the ring. We investigate that an intuitionistic fuzzy set A of a ring is a (∊;∊) (or (∊;∊ ⋀q ) or (∊ ⋀q;∊) )-intuitionistic fuzzy ideal of the ring if and only if A is an intuitionistic fuzzy ideal with thresholds (0; 1) (or (0;0:5) or (0:5; 1)) of the ring respectively. We also establish that A is a (∊;∊) (or (∊;∊ ⋀q ) or (∊ ⋀q;∊) )-intuitionistic fuzzy ideal of the ring if and only if for any a ∊ (0;1] (or a ∊ (0;0:5] or a ∊ (0:5;1] ), Aa is a fuzzy ideal of the ring. Finally, we investigate that an intuitionistic fuzzy set of a ring is an intuitionistic fuzzy ideal with thresholds (s; t) of the ring if and only if for any a ∊ (s; t], the cut set Aa is a fuzzy ideal of R. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]