1,044 results on '"Singhal, N."'
Search Results
52. Biodegradation of agricultural herbicides in sequencing batch reactors under aerobic or anaerobic conditions
- Author
Celis, E., Elefsiniotis, P., and Singhal, N.
- Published
- 2008
- Full Text
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53. Effects of controlled school-based multi-component model of nutrition and lifestyle interventions on behavior modification, anthropometry and metabolic risk profile of urban Asian Indian adolescents in North India
- Author
Singhal, N, Misra, A, Shah, P, and Gulati, S
- Published
- 2010
- Full Text
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54. A digital envelope combiner for switching power amplifier linearization
- Author
Singhal, N. and Pamarti, S.
- Subjects
Bandwidth -- Measurement ,Power amplifiers -- Design and construction ,Mobile communication systems -- Analysis ,Wireless communication systems -- Analysis ,Bandwidth allocation ,Bandwidth technology ,Wireless technology ,Business ,Computers and office automation industries ,Electronics ,Electronics and electrical industries - Published
- 2010
55. Educational barriers of nurses caring for sick and at-risk infants in India
- Author
Campbell-Yeo, M., Deorari, A., McMillan, D. D., Singhal, N., Vatsa, M., Aylward, D., Scotland, J., Kumar, P., Joshi, M., Kalyan, G., and Dol, J.
- Published
- 2014
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56. Testosterone deficiency and quality of life in Australasian testicular cancer survivors: a prospective cohort study
- Author
OʼCarrigan, B., Fournier, M., Olver, I. N., Stockler, M. R., Whitford, H., Toner, G. C., Thomson, D. B., Davis, I. D., Hanning, F., Singhal, N., Underhill, C., Clingan, P., McDonald, A., Boland, A., and Grimison, P.
- Published
- 2014
- Full Text
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57. Is inverted BMI really better than BMI in predicting body fatness in children?
- Author
Singhal, N
- Published
- 2014
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58. G308 A school-based cohort study of autistic symptoms in 3–8 year olds in India based on parent and teacher response to internationally standardised screening questionnaires
- Author
Rudra, A, Belmonte, MK, Soni, P, Singhal, N, Mukerji, S, Ram, JR, Barua, M, and Chakrbarti, B
- Published
- 2014
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59. Relationship between oxygen saturation and the mode of oxygen delivery used in newborn resuscitation
- Author
Rabi, Y, Chen, S Y, Yee, W H, and Singhal, N
- Published
- 2009
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60. Evaluation of clinico-urodynamic outcome of bladder dysfunction after surgery in children with spinal dysraphism – a prospective study
- Author
Kumar, R., Singhal, N., Gupta, M., Kapoor, R., and Mahapatra, A. K.
- Published
- 2008
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61. Worldwide Organization of Neurocritical Care: Results from the PRINCE Study Part 1
- Author
Suarez, J. I., Martin, R. H., Bauza, C., Georgiadis, A., Venkatasubba Rao, C. P., Calvillo, E., Hemphill, J. C., Sung, G., Oddo, M., Taccone, Fabio Silvio, Leroux, P. D., Layon, A. J., Sarwal, A., Ali, A., Lele, A., Jarquin-Valdivia, A. A., Misiewska-Kaczur, A., Ahmad, A., Deeb, A. M., Jabbary, A. A., Fathy, A., Chan, A., Kern, CHRISTOPH ALEXANDER, Gritsan, A., Bshabshe, A. A., Malek, A., Schiefecker, A., Neto, A. R., ALHAJJ HASSAN, Ali, Zahrani, A. R. A., Sukumaran, A. V., Sarma, A. K., Aneman, A., Kramer, A., Naidech, A., Lacerda Gallardo, A. J., Miller, A., O'Connor, A., Kim, A., Afshinnik, A., Katila, A., Paulson, A., Parra, A., Rosengart, A., Almemari, A., Sanchez, B., Ray, B., Mccrum, B., Tegedor, B. V., Nathan, B., Tan, B., Emanuel, B., Pfaulser, B., Nazliel, B., Gil, B., Hightower, B., Francis, B., Roberts, B., Chaudhry, B., Romero, C., Graffagnino, C., VANDEN BERGHE, GREET CLARA, Hobohm, C., Dias, C., Bradford, C., Basignani, C., Chang, C., Junker, C., Lazaridis, C., Mcarthur, C., Williamson, C., Hebert, C., Ethan Kahn, D., Harvey, D., Laskowitz, D. T., Milzman, D., Chung, D., Greer, D., Seder, D., Miller, D. W., Barge, D., Roberts, D., Jordan, D., Bhonagiri, D., Nair, D., Aggarwal, D. G., Kutsogiannis, D. J., Laiwattana, D., Pinto, D. B., Bautista, D., Perez, D., Herrera, E. A., Singares, E. S., Manno, E., Wilensky, E. M., Giraldo, E. A., Jenkinson, E., Yarad, E., Zavala, E., Tesoro, E., Eskiogly, E., Bershad, E. M., Rosenthal, E., Coronel, E. B., Gordon, E., Salgado, E., Poch, E. J., Eriksson, E., Taccone, F. S., Al-Suwaidan, F., Sorond, F., Bilotta, F., Goldenberg, F. D., Rosciani, F., Bass, F., Bernard, F., Julian, F. B., Rasulo, F., Rincon, F., Santos, G., Anderson, G., Henderson, G., Meyfroidt, G., Wong, G. K. C., Aguilar, G., Rodriguez-Vega, G., Tamayo, G., Johnston, G., Kapinos, G., Abrego, G. C., Paul, G., Xu, G., Domeniconi, G., Dugan, G., Murthy, H. H. K., Peled, H., Zraiki, H., Alvarez, H., Rodgers, H., Vaitkevicius, H., Schumacher, H. C., Kobata, H., Al-Jehani, H., Lopez Delgado, H. J., Olmecah, H. M., Madrinan-Navia, H., Tran, H., Seppelt, I., Schirotzek, I., Medary, I. B., Maldonado, I. L., da Silva, I. R. F., Hemphill III, J. C., Javier Provencio, J., Mora, J. E., Abdullah, J. M., Langdon, J. R., Claassen, J., de Oliveira, J., Shilkin, J., Horn, J., Teitelbaum, J., Frank, J. I., Fletcher, J. J., Berkeley, J., Andersson, KIM JIMMY, Kirkwood, J., Welbourne, J., Song, J., Domingues, J. R. S., Paxton, J., Falla, J., Lokin, J., Dissin, J., Bonomo, J., Martinez, J. E., Mejia-Mantilla, J. H., Ramirez-Arce, J., Palo, J. E., Moretti, J. I., Gonzalez, J. R. Y., Levine, J. M., Medow, J., Pou, J. A. L., Ciro, J. D., Paucar, J. L. C., Wright, J. C., Bosel, J., Martinez, J., Mijangos-Mendez, J. C., Chalela, J., Granillo, J. F., Sohal, J., Hirsch, K. G., Donaldson, K., Cummings, K., Hubner, K. E., Wartenberg, K., Goyal, K., Sheth, K., Kunze, K., O'Phelan, K., Sheehan, K., Altaweel, L., Cross, L., Barrachina, L. G., Kuisle, L., Connolyy, L. S., Tack, L., Johnson, L., Shutter, L., Pelunkova, L., Ramos-Gomez, L. A., Camputaro, L. A., Kamran Athar, M., Madhusudan, M., Hashmi, M., Mokhtari, M., Jibaja, M., Muller, M. C. A., Costilla, M., Mirski, M., Ochoa, M. E., Pegoli, M., Dujardin, M. -F., Allasia, M., Teran, M. D., Gorman, Michael Murray, Chapman, M., Amatangelo, M., Nagayama, M., Dickinson, M., Koenig, M., Moreda, M., Berman, M., De Georgia, M., Kuiper, M., O'Leary, M., Rodricks, M., Schneck, M., Torbey, M., Defilippis, M., Meeker, M., Allen, David Michael, Llano, M., Villalobos, M., Treggiari, M., Tuppeny, M., Sharaby, M., Kottapally, M., Mcnett, M., Mcbride, M., Gomez, M., Varga, M., Kumar, M., Yazbeck, M. F., Smith, M., Stevenson Porter, N., Hammond, N., Karanjia, N., Sokhal, N., Singhal, N. S., Badjatia, N., Maldonado, N., Ko, N., Marinoff, N., Hernandez Aguilar, Orisel, Krauchi, O. R., Sanchez, O., Gomez, O., Rivera, O. S., Gilvaz, P. C., Raffa, P., Varelas, P., Promsin, P., Merlani, P., Shushma, P., Allan, P., Biston, P., Vespa, P., Amorim, P., de Azambuja Rodrigues, P. M., Hopkins, P., Hantson, P., Vanamoorthy, P., Gupta, P., Garvin, R., Badenes, R., Damani, R., Helbok, R., Dhar, R., Rawal, R., Carandang, R., Guisado, R., Luengo, R. -I. G., Sajjad, R., Davis, R., Rison, R. A., Hoesch, R., Murillo, R., Smith, R., Ball, R., Beer, R., Reshi, R. A., Landry, R., Puvanendiran, S., Ansari, S., Mukaddam, S., Garg, S., Mishra, S., Clark, S., Napolitano, Silvano, Pattnaik, S., Vosylius, S., John, S., Josephson, S. A., Glickman, S., Brehaut, S. S., Shiraz, S. A., Aguilera, S., Sternberg, S., Chou, S., Vallance, S., Lasocki, S., Schoenenberger, S., Bird, S., Finfer, S., Shieber, S., Vadi, S., Samavedam, S., Cordina, S., Feske, S., Glassner, S., Dixit, S., Dowling, S., Tena, S. A., Bowling, S., Francken, S., Muehlschlegel, S., Renard, S., Poli, S., Carter, T., Bleck, T. P., Trim, T., Breitenfeld, T., Van Bui, T., Shukla, U., Sinha, V., Rajajee, V., Aiyagari, V., Mccredie, V., Svigelj, V., Verma, V., Rao, V. A., David Freeman, W., Smith, W. S., Videtta, W., Habre, W., Hall, W., Coplin, W. M., Abdo, W. F., Wittebole, X., Titova, Y., PRINCE Study Investigators, Layon, A.J., Sarwal, A., Ali, A., Lele, A., Jarquin-Valdivia, A.A., Misiewska-Kaczur, A., Ahmad, A., Deeb, A.M., Jabbary, A.A., Fathy, A., Chan, A., Kern, A., Georgiadis, A., Gritsan, A., Bshabshe, A.A., Malek, A., Schiefecker, A., Neto, A.R., Hassan, A., Zahrani, ARA, Sukumaran, A.V., Sarma, A.K., Aneman, A., Kramer, A., Naidech, A., Lacerda Gallardo, A.J., Miller, A., O'Connor, A., Kim, A., Afshinnik, A., Katila, A., Paulson, A., Parra, A., Rosengart, A., Almemari, A., Sanchez, B., Ray, B., McCrum, B., Tegedor, B.V., Nathan, B., Tan, B., Emanuel, B., Pfaulser, B., Nazliel, B., Gil, B., Hightower, B., Francis, B., Roberts, B., Chaudhry, B., Romero, C., Graffagnino, C., Berghe, C., Hobohm, C., Dias, C., Bradford, C., Basignani, C., Chang, C., Venkatasubba Rao, C.P., Junker, C., Lazaridis, C., McArthur, C., Williamson, C., Hebert, C., Ethan Kahn, D., Harvey, D., Laskowitz, D.T., Milzman, D., Chung, D., Greer, D., Seder, D., Miller, D.W., Barge, D., Roberts, D., Jordan, D., Bhonagiri, D., Nair, D., Aggarwal, D.G., Kutsogiannis, D.J., Laiwattana, D., Pinto, D.B., Bautista, D., Perez, D., Herrera, E.A., Singares, E.S., Manno, E., Wilensky, E.M., Giraldo, E.A., Jenkinson, E., Yarad, E., Zavala, E., Tesoro, E., Eskiogly, E., Bershad, E.M., Rosenthal, E., Coronel, E.B., Gordon, E., Salgado, E., Poch, E.J., Calvillo, E., Eriksson, E., Taccone, F.S., Al-Suwaidan, F., Sorond, F., Bilotta, F., Goldenberg, F.D., Rosciani, F., Bass, F., Bernard, F., Julian, F.B., Rasulo, F., Rincon, F., Santos, G., Anderson, G., Henderson, G., Meyfroidt, G., Sung, G., Wong, GKC, Aguilar, G., Rodriguez-Vega, G., Tamayo, G., Johnston, G., Kapinos, G., Abrego, G.C., Paul, G., Xu, G., Domeniconi, G., Dugan, G., Murthy, HHK, Peled, H., Zraiki, H., Alvarez, H., Rodgers, H., Vaitkevicius, H., Schumacher, H.C., Kobata, H., Al-Jehani, H., Lopez Delgado, H.J., Olmecah, H.M., Madrinan-Navia, H., Tran, H., Seppelt, I., Schirotzek, I., Medary, I.B., Maldonado, I.L., da Silva, IRF, Hemphill Iii, J.C., Javier Provencio, J., Mora, J.E., Abdullah, J.M., Langdon, J.R., Claassen, J., de Oliveira, J., Shilkin, J., Horn, J., Teitelbaum, J., Frank, J.I., Fletcher, J.J., Berkeley, J., Kim, J., Kirkwood, J., Welbourne, J., Song, J., Domingues, JRS, Paxton, J., Falla, J., Lokin, J., Dissin, J., Bonomo, J., Martinez, J.E., Mejia-Mantilla, J.H., Ramirez-Arce, J., Palo, J.E., Moretti, J.I., Suarez, J.I., Gonzalez, JRY, Levine, J.M., Medow, J., Pou, JAL, Ciro, J.D., Paucar, JLC, Wright, J.C., Bosel, J., Martinez, J., Mijangos-Mendez, J.C., Chalela, J., Granillo, J.F., Sohal, J., Hirsch, K.G., Donaldson, K., Cummings, K., Hubner, K.E., Wartenberg, K., Goyal, K., Sheth, K., Kunze, K., O'Phelan, K., Sheehan, K., Altaweel, L., Cross, L., Barrachina, L.G., Kuisle, L., Connolyy, L.S., Tack, L., Johnson, L., Shutter, L., Pelunkova, L., Ramos-Gomez, L.A., Camputaro, L.A., Kamran Athar, M., Madhusudan, M., Hashmi, M., Mokhtari, M., Jibaja, M., Muller, MCA, Costilla, M., Mirski, M., Ochoa, M.E., Pegoli, M., Dujardin, M.F., Allasia, M., Teran, M.D., Gorman, M., Chapman, M., Amatangelo, M., Nagayama, M., Dickinson, M., Koenig, M., Moreda, M., Berman, M., De Georgia, M., Kuiper, M., O'Leary, M., Rodricks, M., Schneck, M., Torbey, M., DeFilippis, M., Meeker, M., Allen, M., Llano, M., Villalobos, M., Treggiari, M., Tuppeny, M., Sharaby, M., Kottapally, M., McNett, M., McBride, M., Gomez, M., Varga, M., Kumar, M., Yazbeck, M.F., Smith, M., Stevenson Porter, N., Hammond, N., Karanjia, N., Sokhal, N., Singhal, N.S., Badjatia, N., Maldonado, N., Ko, N., Marinoff, N., Hernandez, O., Krauchi, O.R., Sanchez, O., Gomez, O., Rivera, O.S., Gilvaz, P.C., Raffa, P., Varelas, P., Promsin, P., Merlani, P., Shushma, P., Allan, P., Biston, P., Vespa, P., Amorim, P., de Azambuja Rodrigues, P.M., Hopkins, P., Hantson, P., Vanamoorthy, P., Gupta, P., Garvin, R., Badenes, R., Damani, R., Helbok, R., Dhar, R., Rawal, R., Carandang, R., Guisado, R., Luengo, R.G., Sajjad, R., Davis, R., Rison, R.A., Hoesch, R., Murillo, R., Smith, R., Ball, R., Beer, R., Reshi, R.A., Landry, R., Puvanendiran, S., Ansari, S., Mukaddam, S., Garg, S., Mishra, S., Clark, S., Napolitano, S., Pattnaik, S., Vosylius, S., John, S., Josephson, S.A., Glickman, S., Brehaut, S.S., Shiraz, S.A., Aguilera, S., Sternberg, S., Chou, S., Vallance, S., Lasocki, S., Schoenenberger, S., Bird, S., Finfer, S., Shieber, S., Vadi, S., Samavedam, S., Cordina, S., Feske, S., Glassner, S., Dixit, S., Dowling, S., Tena, S.A., Bowling, S., Francken, S., Muehlschlegel, S., Renard, S., Poli, S., Carter, T., Bleck, T.P., Trim, T., Breitenfeld, T., Van Bui, T., Shukla, U., Sinha, V., Rajajee, V., Aiyagari, V., McCredie, V., Svigelj, V., Verma, V., Rao, V.A., David Freeman, W., Smith, W.S., Videtta, W., Habre, W., Hall, W., Coplin, W.M., Abdo, W.F., Wittebole, X., Titova, Y., Intensive Care Medicine, ANS - Neuroinfection & -inflammation, Other Research, ACS - Pulmonary hypertension & thrombosis, UCL - SSS/IREC/MEDA - Pôle de médecine aiguë, and UCL - (SLuc) Service de soins intensifs
- Subjects
Internationality ,Scope of practice ,Latin Americans ,medicine.medical_treatment ,lnfectious Diseases and Global Health Radboud Institute for Molecular Life Sciences [Radboudumc 4] ,Pharmacists ,Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine ,law.invention ,0302 clinical medicine ,Clinical Protocols ,Central Nervous System Diseases ,law ,Observational study ,Epidemiology ,Neurocritical care ,Case report form ,Academic Medical Centers ,Intensive care unit ,Telemedicine ,Europe ,Intensive Care Units ,Prospective ,Transportation of Patients ,Neurology ,Practice Guidelines as Topic ,Critical care ,Outcomes ,Original Work ,Respiratory Therapy ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Asia ,Tomography Scanners, X-Ray Computed ,Critical Care ,Health Personnel ,Oceania ,Respiratory therapist ,Neurosurgery ,Pharmacist ,Personnel Management ,Resource Allocation ,Middle East ,03 medical and health sciences ,Physicians ,medicine ,Humans ,Fellowships and Scholarships ,business.industry ,Internship and Residency ,Neurointensive care ,030208 emergency & critical care medicine ,Latin America ,Family medicine ,North America ,Neurology (clinical) ,business ,Delivery of Health Care ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery - Abstract
Introduction Neurocritical care focuses on the care of critically ill patients with an acute neurologic disorder and has grown significantly in the past few years. However, there is a lack of data that describe the scope of practice of neurointensivists and epidemiological data on the types of patients and treatments used in neurocritical care units worldwide. To address these issues, we designed a multicenter, international, point-prevalence, cross-sectional, prospective, observational, non-interventional study in the setting of neurocritical care (PRINCE Study). Methods In this manuscript, we analyzed data from the initial phase of the study that included registration, hospital, and intensive care unit (ICU) organizations. We present here descriptive statistics to summarize data from the registration case report form. We performed the Kruskal–Wallis test followed by the Dunn procedure to test for differences in practices among world regions. Results We analyzed information submitted by 257 participating sites from 47 countries. The majority of those sites, 119 (46.3%), were in North America, 44 (17.2%) in Europe, 34 (13.3%) in Asia, 9 (3.5%) in the Middle East, 34 (13.3%) in Latin America, and 14 (5.5%) in Oceania. Most ICUs are from academic institutions (73.4%) located in large urban centers (44% > 1 million inhabitants). We found significant differences in hospital and ICU organization, resource allocation, and use of patient management protocols. The highest nursing/patient ratio was in Oceania (100% 1:1). Dedicated Advanced Practiced Providers are mostly present in North America (73.7%) and are uncommon in Oceania (7.7%) and the Middle East (0%). The presence of dedicated respiratory therapist is common in North America (85%), Middle East (85%), and Latin America (84%) but less common in Europe (26%) and Oceania (7.7%). The presence of dedicated pharmacist is highest in North America (89%) and Oceania (85%) and least common in Latin America (38%). The majority of respondents reported having a dedicated neuro-ICU (67% overall; highest in North America: 82%; and lowest in Oceania: 14%). Conclusion The PRINCE Study results suggest that there is significant variability in the delivery of neurocritical care. The study also shows it is feasible to undertake international collaborations to gather global data about the practice of neurocritical care. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (10.1007/s12028-019-00750-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
- Published
- 2020
62. A social ecological model of willingness to participate in HIV vaccine trials among men who have sex with men in Chennai and Mumbai, India
- Author
Chakrapani V, Newman PA, Jerajani J, Shanmugam M, and Singhal N
- Subjects
Immunologic diseases. Allergy ,RC581-607 - Published
- 2012
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63. A community randomized controlled clinical trial of mixed carotenoids and micronutrient supplementation of patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
- Author
Austin, J, Singhal, N, Voigt, R, Smaill, F, Gill, M J, Walmsley, S, Salit, I, Gilmour, J, Schlech, III, W F, Choudhri, S, Rachlis, A, Cohen, J, Trottier, S, Toma, E, Phillips, P, Ford, P M, Woods, R, Singer, J, Zarowny, D P, and Cameron, D W
- Published
- 2006
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
- Author
Castro, M., primary, Kim, D., additional, Grandis, A., additional, Singhal, N., additional, and Franzon, D., additional
- Published
- 2021
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
65. Selective excitation of vibrational modes of polyatomic molecule
- Author
Singhal, N., Prasad, V., and Mohan, M.
- Published
- 2004
- Full Text
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66. P-353 Outcomes of phosphorus-32 microparticle intratumoural implantation added to chemotherapy in patients with metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma
- Author
Lim, A., Singhal, N., Bartholomeusz, D., Zobel, J., Naidu, J., Hsieh, W., Crouch, B., Wasan, H., Turner, D., and Nguyen, N.
- Published
- 2023
- Full Text
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67. Diagnosis of pilonidal sinus on fine needle aspiration cytology
- Author
Mundi, I., Singhal, N., Handa, U., and Mohan, H.
- Published
- 2013
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
68. Stillbirth and newborn mortality in India after Helping Babies Breathe training
- Author
Goudar, S S, Somannavar, M S, Clark, R, Lockyer, J M, Revankar, A P, Fidler, H M, Sloan, N L, Niermeyer, S, Keenan, W J, and Singhal, N
- Published
- 2013
69. Role of electric field polarisation in rotational transitions
- Author
Singhal, N., Prasad, V., and Mohan, M.
- Published
- 2002
- Full Text
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70. A Methodology for Quantifying the Contribution of Volcanic Ash to Urban Air Pollution
- Author
Dirks, Kim Natasha, primary, Singhal, N., additional, Austin, G. L., additional, Elangasinghe, M. A., additional, and Nanni, Alessandro, additional
- Published
- 2011
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
- Author
Goel, A., primary and Singhal, N., additional
- Published
- 2020
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
72. Development of Self-Healing Cement Slurry through the Incorporation of Dual-Encapsulated Polyacrylamide for the Prevention of Water Ingress in Oil Well
- Author
Richhariya, G., primary, Dora, D.T.K., additional, Parmar, K.R., additional, Pant, K.K., additional, Singhal, N., additional, Lal, K., additional, and Kundu, P.P., additional
- Published
- 2020
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
73. 0969 Early Life Sleep Disturbance Among Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Questionnaire-based Retrospective Study
- Author
Gupta, A, primary, Shukla, G, primary, Poornima, S, primary, Mohd, A, primary, Katoch, J, primary, Taneja, D, primary, and Singhal, N, primary
- Published
- 2020
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
74. Fine needle aspiration cytology of spindle cell carcinoma of the tongue: a case report with emphasis on the diagnostic difficulties
- Author
Singhal, N., Dhingra, N., Handa, U., Mohan, H., and Singhal, S.
- Published
- 2010
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
75. Transcription factor: induced pluripotency: KL043
- Author
Zaehres, H, Kim, J B, Greber, B, Wu, G, Bravo, Arauzo M, Singhal, N, Cantz, T, Bleidissel, M, Fischedick, G, Zeuschner, D, Sebastiano, V, Gentile, L, Do, J T, Ko, K, Han, D W, Sterneckert, J, Ruau, D, Sasse, P, Meyer, J, Fleischmann, B K, Zenke, M, and Schöler, H R
- Published
- 2009
76. Cancer in older people: a tale of two disciplines
- Author
Steer, C. B., Marx, G. M., Singhal, N., McJannett, M., Goldstein, D., and Prowse, R.
- Published
- 2009
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
77. An improved sample preparation method for analyzing mycobacterial proteins in two-dimensional gels
- Author
Bisht, D., Singhal, N., Sharma, P., and Venkatesan, K.
- Published
- 2007
- Full Text
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78. Inflammatory myopathy and cancer: rare association of seminoma testes and polymyositis
- Author
Singhal, N., Hissaria, P., Joshi, R., and Nayagam, S.
- Published
- 2008
79. Tools for assessing elderly cancer patients
- Author
Singhal, N and Rao, AV
- Published
- 2008
80. Low-latency Gravitational-wave Alerts for Multimessenger Astronomy during the Second Advanced LIGO and Virgo Observing Run
- Author
Abbott, (Abbott, Bp, Abbott, B. P., (Abbott, R, Abbott, R., (Abbott, Td, Abraham, T. D., (Abraham, S, Acernese, S., (Acernese, F, Ackley, F., (Ackley, K, Adams, K., (Adams, C, Adhikari, C., (Adhikari, Rx, Adya, R. X., (Adya, Vb, Affeldt, V. B., (Affeldt, C, Agathos, C., (Agathos, M, Agatsuma, M., (Agatsuma, K, Aggarwal, K., (Aggarwal, N, Aguiar, N., (Aguiar, Od, Aiello, O. D., (Aiello, L, Ain, L., (Ain, A, Ajith, A., (Ajith, P, Allen, P., (Allen, G, Allocca, G., (Allocca, A, Aloy, A., (Aloy, Ma, Altin, M. A., (Altin, Pa, Amato, P. A., (Amato, A, Ananyeva, A., (Ananyeva, A, Anderson, A., (Anderson, Sb, Anderson, S. B., (Anderson, Wg, Angelova, W. G., (Angelova, Sv, V), S., Antier, (Antier, S, Appert, S., (Appert, S, Arai, S., (Arai, K, Araya, K., (Araya, Mc, Areeda, M. C., (Areeda, Js, Arene, J. S., (Arene, M, Arnaud, M., (Arnaud, N, Ascenzi, N., (Ascenzi, S, Ashton, S., (Ashton, G, Aston, G., (Aston, Sm, Astone, S. M., (Astone, P, Aubin, P., (Aubin, F, Aufmuth, F., (Aufmuth, P, AultONeal, P., (AultONeal, K, Austin, K., (Austin, C, Avendano, C., (Avendano, V, Avila-Alvarez, V), (Avila-Alvarez, A, Babak, A., (Babak, S, Bacon, S., (Bacon, P, Badaracco, P., (Badaracco, F, Bader, F., Mkm, (Bader, Bae, M. K. M., (Bae, S, Baker, S., (Baker, Pt, Baldaccini, P. T., (Baldaccini, F, Ballardin, F., (Ballardin, G, Ballmer, G., (Ballmer, Sw, Banagiri, S. W., (Banagiri, S, Barayoga, S., (Barayoga, Jc, Barclay, J. C., (Barclay, Se, Barish, S. E., (Barish, Bc, Barker, B. C., (Barker, D, Barkett, D., (Barkett, K, Barnum, K., (Barnum, S, Barone, S., (Barone, F, Barr, F., (Barr, B, Barsotti, B., (Barsotti, L, Barsuglia, L., (Barsuglia, M, Barta, M., (Barta, D, Bartlett, D., (Bartlett, J, Bartos, J., (Bartos, I, Bassiri, I), (Bassiri, R, Basti, R., (Basti, A, Bawaj, A., (Bawaj, M, Bayley, M., (Bayley, Jc, Bazzan, J. C., (Bazzan, M, Becsy, M., (Becsy, B, Bejger, B., (Bejger, M, Belahcene, M., (Belahcene, I, Bell, I), (Bell, As, Beniwal, A. S., (Beniwal, D, Berger, D., (Berger, Bk, Bergmann, B. K., (Bergmann, G, Bernuzzi, G., (Bernuzzi, S, Bero, S., (Bero, Jj, Berry, J. J., Cpl, (Berry, Bersanetti, C. P. L., (Bersanetti, D, Bertolini, D., (Bertolini, A, Betzwieser, A., (Betzwieser, J, Bhandare, J., (Bhandare, R, Bidler, R., (Bidler, J, Bilenko, J., (Bilenko, Ia, Bilgili, I. A., (Bilgili, Sa, Billingsley, S. A., (Billingsley, G, Birch, G., (Birch, J, Birney, J., (Birney, R, Birnholtz, R., (Birnholtz, O, Biscans, O., (Biscans, S, Biscoveanu, S., (Biscoveanu, S, Bisht, S., (Bisht, A, Bitossi, A., (Bitossi, M, Bizouard, M., (Bizouard, Ma, Blackburn, M. A., (Blackburn, Jk, Blair, J. K., (Blair, Cd, Blair, C. D., (Blair, Dg, Blair, D. G., (Blair, Rm, Bloemen, R. M., (Bloemen, S, Bode, S., (Bode, N, Boer, N., (Boer, M, Boetzel, M., (Boetzel, Y, Bogaert, Y., (Bogaert, G, Bondu, G., (Bondu, F, Bonilla, F., (Bonilla, E, Bonnand, E., (Bonnand, R, Booker, R., (Booker, P, Boom, P., (Boom, Ba, Booth, B. A., (Booth, Cd, Bork, C. D., (Bork, R, Boschi, R., (Boschi, V, Bose, V), (Bose, S, Bossie, S., (Bossie, K, Bossilkov, K., (Bossilkov, V, Bosveld, V), (Bosveld, J, Bouffanais, J., (Bouffanais, Y, Bozzi, Y., (Bozzi, A, Bradaschia, A., (Bradaschia, C, Brady, C., (Brady, Pr, Bramley, P. R., (Bramley, A, Branchesi, A., (Branchesi, M, Brau, M., (Brau, Je, Briant, J. E., (Briant, T, Briggs, T., (Briggs, Jh, Brighenti, J. H., (Brighenti, F, Brillet, F., (Brillet, A, Brinkmann, A., (Brinkmann, M, Brisson, M., (Brisson, V, Brockill, V), (Brockill, P, Brooks, P., (Brooks, Af, Brown, A. F., (Brown, Dd, Brunett, D. D., (Brunett, S, Buikema, S., (Buikema, A, Bulik, A., (Bulik, T, Bulten, T., (Bulten, Hj, Buonanno, H. J., (Buonanno, A, Buskulic, A., (Buskulic, D, Buy, D., (Buy, C, Byer, C., (Byer, Rl, Cabero, R. L., (Cabero, M, Cadonati, M., (Cadonati, L, Cagnoli, L., (Cagnoli, G, Cahillane, G., (Cahillane, C, Bustillo, C., (Bustillo, Jc, Calderon), J., Callister, (Callister, Ta, Calloni, T. A., (Calloni, E, Camp, E., (Camp, Jb, Campbell, J. B., (Campbell, Wa, Canepa, W. A., (Canepa, M, Cannon, M., (Cannon, Kc, Cao, K. C., (Cao, H, Cao, H., (Cao, J, Capocasa, J., (Capocasa, E, Carbognani, E., (Carbognani, F, Caride, F., (Caride, S, Carney, S., (Carney, Mf, Carullo, M. F., (Carullo, G, Diaz, G., (Diaz, Jc, Casanueva), J., Casentini, (Casentini, C, Caudill, C., (Caudill, S, Cavaglia, S., (Cavaglia, M, Cavalier, M., (Cavalier, F, Cavalieri, F., (Cavalieri, R, Cella, R., (Cella, G, Cerda-Duran, G., (Cerda-Duran, P, Cerretani, P., (Cerretani, G, Cesarini, G., (Cesarini, E, Chaibi, E., (Chaibi, O, Chakravarti, O., (Chakravarti, K, Chamberlin, K., (Chamberlin, Sj, Chan, S. J., (Chan, M, Chao, M., (Chao, S, Charlton, S., (Charlton, P, Chase, P., (Chase, Ea, Chassande-Mottin, E. A., (Chassande-Mottin, E, Chatterjee, E., (Chatterjee, D, Chaturvedi, D., (Chaturvedi, M, Cheeseboro, M., (Cheeseboro, Bd, Chen, B. D., (Chen, Hy, Chen, H. Y., (Chen, X, Chen, X., (Chen, Y, Cheng, Y., (Cheng, Hp, H-P), Cheong, (Cheong, Ck, Chia, C. K., (Chia, Hy, Chincarini, H. Y., (Chincarini, A, Chiummo, A., (Chiummo, A, Cho, A., (Cho, G, Cho, G., (Cho, Hs, Cho, H. S., (Cho, M, Christensen, M., (Christensen, N, Chu, N., (Chu, Q, Chua, Q., (Chua, S, Chung, S., (Chung, Kw, Chung, K. W., (Chung, S, Ciani, S., (Ciani, G, Ciobanu, G., (Ciobanu, Aa, Ciolfi, A. A., (Ciolfi, R, Cipriano, R., (Cipriano, F, Cirone, F., (Cirone, A, Clara, A., (Clara, F, Clark, F., (Clark, Ja, Clearwater, J. A., (Clearwater, P, Cleva, P., (Cleva, F, Cocchieri, F., (Cocchieri, C, Coccia, C., (Coccia, E, Cohadon, E., (Cohadon, Pf, P-F), Cohen, (Cohen, D, Colgan, D., (Colgan, R, Colleoni, R., (Colleoni, M, Collette, M., (Collette, Cg, Collins, C. G., (Collins, C, Cominsky, C., (Cominsky, Lr, Constancio, L. R., (Constancio, M, r. )., J, Conti, (Conti, L, Cooper, L., (Cooper, Sj, Corban, S. J., (Corban, P, Corbitt, P., (Corbitt, Tr, Cordero-Carrion, T. R., (Cordero-Carrion, I, Corley, I), (Corley, Kr, Cornish, K. R., (Cornish, N, Corsi, N., (Corsi, A, Cortese, A., (Cortese, S, Costa, S., (Costa, Ca, Cotesta, C. A., (Cotesta, R, Coughlin, R., (Coughlin, Mw, Coughlin, M. W., (Coughlin, Sb, Coulon, S. B., (Coulon, Jp, J-P), Countryman, (Countryman, St, Couvares, S. T., (Couvares, P, Covas, P., (Covas, Pb, Cowan, P. B., (Cowan, Ee, Coward, E. E., (Coward, Dm, Cowart, D. M., (Cowart, Mj, Coyne, M. J., (Coyne, Dc, Coyne, D. C., (Coyne, R, Creighton, R., Jde, (Creighton, Creighton, J. D. E., (Creighton, Td, Cripe, T. D., (Cripe, J, Croquette, J., (Croquette, M, Crowder, M., (Crowder, Sg, Cullen, S. G., (Cullen, Tj, Cumming, T. J., (Cumming, A, Cunningham, A., (Cunningham, L, Cuoco, L., (Cuoco, E, E. )., Dal, Canton, T (Dal Canton, Dalya, T., (Dalya, G, Danilishin, G., (Danilishin, Sl, D'Antonio, S. L., (D'Antonio, S, Danzmann, S., (Danzmann, K, Dasgupta, K., (Dasgupta, A, Costa, A., Cfd, (Costa, Da Silva), C. F., Datrier, Leh, (Datrier, Dattilo, L. E. H., (Dattilo, V, Dave, V), (Dave, I, Davier, I), (Davier, M, Davis, M., (Davis, D, Daw, D., (Daw, Ej, DeBra, E. J., (DeBra, D, Deenadayalan, D., (Deenadayalan, M, Degallaix, M., (Degallaix, J, J. )., Laurentis, De, M (De Laurentis, Deleglise, M., (Deleglise, S, S. )., Del, Pozzo, W (Del Pozzo, DeMarchi, W., (DeMarchi, Lm, Demos, L. M., (Demos, N, Dent, N., (Dent, T, T. )., Pietri, De, R (De Pietri, Derby, R., (Derby, J, Rosa, De, R (De Rosa, R. )., Rossi, De, C (De Rossi, DeSalvo, C., (DeSalvo, R, Varona, De, O (de Varona, Dhurandhar, O., (Dhurandhar, S, Diaz, S., (Diaz, Mc, Dietrich, M. C., (Dietrich, T, Fiore, Di, L (Di Fiore, L. )., Giovanni, Di, M (Di Giovanni, M. )., Girolamo, Di, T (Di Girolamo, Lieto, Di, A (Di Lieto, Ding, A., (Ding, B, B. )., Pace, Di, S (Di Pace, Palma, Di, I (Di Palma, Renzo, Di, F (Di Renzo, Dmitriev, F., (Dmitriev, A, Doctor, A., (Doctor, Z, Donovan, Z., (Donovan, F, Dooley, F., (Dooley, Kl, Doravari, K. L., (Doravari, S, Dorrington, S., (Dorrington, I, Downes, I), (Downes, Tp, Drago, T. P., (Drago, M, Driggers, M., (Driggers, Jc, Du, J. C., (Du, Z, Ducoin, Z., (Ducoin, Jg, J-G), Dupej, (Dupej, P, Dwyer, P., (Dwyer, Se, Easter, S. E., (Easter, Pj, Edo, P. J., (Edo, Tb, Edwards, T. B., (Edwards, Mc, Effler, M. C., (Effler, A, Ehrens, A., (Ehrens, P, Eichholz, P., (Eichholz, J, Eikenberry, J., (Eikenberry, Ss, Eisenmann, S. S., (Eisenmann, M, Eisenstein, M., (Eisenstein, Ra, Essick, R. A., (Essick, Rc, Estelles, R. C., (Estelles, H, Estevez, H., (Estevez, D, Etienne, D., (Etienne, Zb, Etzel, Z. B., (Etzel, T, Evans, T., (Evans, M, Evans, M., (Evans, Tm, Fafone, T. M., (Fafone, V, Fair, V), (Fair, H, Fairhurst, H., (Fairhurst, S, Fan, S., (Fan, X, Farinon, X., (Farinon, S, Farr, S., (Farr, B, Farr, B., (Farr, Wm, Fauchon-Jones, W. M., (Fauchon-Jones, Ej, Favata, E. J., (Favata, M, Fays, M., (Fays, M, Fazio, M., (Fazio, M, Fee, M., (Fee, C, Feicht, C., (Feicht, J, Fejer, J., (Fejer, Mm, Feng, M. M., (Feng, F, Fernandez-Galiana, F., (Fernandez-Galiana, A, Ferrante, A., (Ferrante, I, Ferreira, I), (Ferreira, Ec, Ferreira, E. C., (Ferreira, Ta, Ferrini, T. A., (Ferrini, F, Fidecaro, F., (Fidecaro, F, Fiori, F., (Fiori, I, Fiorucci, I), (Fiorucci, D, Fishbach, D., (Fishbach, M, Fisher, M., (Fisher, Rp, Fishner, R. P., (Fishner, Jm, Fitz-Axen, J. M., (Fitz-Axen, M, Flaminio, M., (Flaminio, R, Fletcher, R., (Fletcher, M, Flynn, M., (Flynn, E, Fong, E., (Fong, H, Font, H., (Font, Ja, Forsyth, J. A., Pwf, (Forsyth, Fournier, P. W. F., (Fournier, Jd, J-D), Frasca, (Frasca, S, Frasconi, S., (Frasconi, F, Frei, F., (Frei, Z, Freise, Z., (Freise, A, Frey, A., (Frey, R, Frey, R., (Frey, V, Fritschel, V), (Fritschel, P, Frolov, P., (Frolov, Vv, Fulda, V. V., (Fulda, P, Fyffe, P., (Fyffe, M, Gabbard, M., (Gabbard, Ha, Gadre, H. A., (Gadre, Bu, Gaebel, B. U., (Gaebel, Sm, Gair, S. M., (Gair, Jr, Gammaitoni, J. R., (Gammaitoni, L, Ganija, L., (Ganija, Mr, Gaonkar, M. R., (Gaonkar, Sg, Garcia, S. G., (Garcia, A, Garcia-Quiros, A., (Garcia-Quiros, C, Garufi, C., (Garufi, F, Gateley, F., (Gateley, B, Gaudio, B., (Gaudio, S, Gaur, S., (Gaur, G, Gayathri, G., (Gayathri, V, Gemme, V), (Gemme, G, Genin, G., (Genin, E, Gennai, E., (Gennai, A, George, A., (George, D, George, D., (George, J, Gergely, J., (Gergely, L, Germain, L., (Germain, V, Ghonge, V), (Ghonge, S, Ghosh, S., (Ghosh, A, Abhirup), Ghosh, Archisman), Ghosh, (Ghosh, S, Giacomazzo, S., (Giacomazzo, B, Giaime, B., (Giaime, Ja, Giardina, J. A., (Giardina, Kd, Giazotto, K. D., (Giazotto, A, Gill, A., (Gill, K, Giordano, K., (Giordano, G, Glover, G., (Glover, L, Godwin, L., (Godwin, P, Goetz, P., (Goetz, E, Goetz, E., (Goetz, R, Goncharov, R., (Goncharov, B, Gonzalez, B., (Gonzalez, G, Castro, G., Jmg, (Castro, Gonzalez), J. M., Gopakumar, (Gopakumar, A, Gorodetsky, A., (Gorodetsky, Ml, Gossan, M. L., (Gossan, Se, Gosselin, S. E., (Gosselin, M, Gouaty, M., (Gouaty, R, Grado, R., (Grado, A, Graef, A., (Graef, C, Granata, C., (Granata, M, Grant, M., (Grant, A, Gras, A., (Gras, S, Grassia, S., (Grassia, P, Gray, P., (Gray, C, Gray, C., (Gray, R, Greco, R., (Greco, G, Green, G., (Green, Ac, Green, A. C., (Green, R, Gretarsson, R., (Gretarsson, Em, Groot, E. M., (Groot, P, Grote, P., (Grote, H, Grunewald, H., (Grunewald, S, Gruning, S., (Gruning, P, Guidi, P., (Guidi, Gm, Gulati, G. M., (Gulati, Hk, Guo, H. K., (Guo, Y, Gupta, Y., (Gupta, A, Gupta, A., (Gupta, Mk, Gustafson, M. K., (Gustafson, Ek, Gustafson, E. K., (Gustafson, R, Haegel, R., (Haegel, L, Halim, L., (Halim, O, Hall, O., (Hall, Br, Hall, B. R., (Hall, Ed, Hamilton, E. D., (Hamilton, Ez, Hammond, E. Z., (Hammond, G, Haney, G., (Haney, M, Hanke, M., (Hanke, Mm, Hanks, M. M., (Hanks, J, Hanna, J., (Hanna, C, Hannuksela, C., (Hannuksela, Oa, Hanson, O. A., (Hanson, J, Hardwick, J., (Hardwick, T, Haris, T., (Haris, K, Harms, K., (Harms, J, Harry, J., (Harry, Gm, Harry, G. M., (Harry, Iw, Haster, I. W., (Haster, Cj, C-J), Haughian, (Haughian, K, Hayes, K., (Hayes, Fj, Healy, F. J., (Healy, J, Heidmann, J., (Heidmann, A, Heintze, A., (Heintze, Mc, Heitmann, M. C., (Heitmann, H, Hello, H., (Hello, P, Hemming, P., (Hemming, G, Hendry, G., (Hendry, M, Heng, M., (Heng, Is, Hennig, I. S., (Hennig, J, Heptonstall, J., (Heptonstall, Aw, Vivanco, A. W., (Vivanco, Fh, Francisco, Hernandez), Heurs, (Heurs, M, Hild, M., (Hild, S, Hinderer, S., (Hinderer, T, Hoak, T., (Hoak, D, Hochheim, D., (Hochheim, S, Hofman, S., (Hofman, D, Holgado, D., (Holgado, Am, Holland, A. M., (Holland, Na, Holt, N. A., (Holt, K, Holz, K., (Holz, De, Hopkins, D. E., (Hopkins, P, Horst, P., (Horst, C, Hough, C., (Hough, J, Howell, J., (Howell, Ej, Hoy, E. J., (Hoy, Cg, Hreibi, C. G., (Hreibi, A, Huerta, A., (Huerta, Ea, Huet, E. A., (Huet, D, Hughey, D., (Hughey, B, Hulko, B., (Hulko, M, Husa, M., (Husa, S, Huttner, S., (Huttner, Sh, Huynh-Dinh, S. H., (Huynh-Dinh, T, Idzkowski, T., (Idzkowski, B, Iess, B., (Iess, A, Ingram, A., (Ingram, C, Inta, C., (Inta, R, Intini, R., (Intini, G, Irwin, G., (Irwin, B, Isa, B., (Isa, Hn, Isac, H. N., (Isac, Jm, J-M), Isi, (Isi, M, Iyer, M., (Iyer, Br, Izumi, B. R., (Izumi, K, Jacqmin, K., (Jacqmin, T, Jadhav, T., (Jadhav, Sj, Jani, S. J., (Jani, K, Janthalur, K., (Janthalur, Nn, Jaranowski, N. N., (Jaranowski, P, Jenkins, P., (Jenkins, Ac, Jiang, A. C., (Jiang, J, Johnson, J., (Johnson, Ds, Jones, D. S., (Jones, Aw, Jones, A. W., (Jones, Di, I), D., Jones, (Jones, R, Jonker, R., Rjg, (Jonker, Ju, R. J. G., (Ju, L, Junker, L., (Junker, J, Kalaghatgi, J., (Kalaghatgi, Cv, V), C., Kalogera, (Kalogera, V, Kamai, V), (Kamai, B, Kandhasamy, B., (Kandhasamy, S, Kang, S., (Kang, G, Kanner, G., (Kanner, Jb, Kapadia, J. B., (Kapadia, Sj, Karki, S. J., (Karki, S, Karvinen, S., (Karvinen, Ks, Kashyap, K. S., (Kashyap, R, Kasprzack, R., (Kasprzack, M, Katsanevas, M., (Katsanevas, S, Katsavounidis, S., (Katsavounidis, E, Katzman, E., (Katzman, W, Kaufer, W., (Kaufer, S, Kawabe, S., (Kawabe, K, Keerthana, K., (Keerthana, Nv, V), N., Kefelian, (Kefelian, F, Keitel, F., (Keitel, D, Kennedy, D., (Kennedy, R, Key, R., (Key, Js, Khalili, J. S., (Khalili, Fy, Khan, F. Y., (Khan, H, Khan, H., (Khan, I, Khan, I), (Khan, S, Khan, S., (Khan, Z, Khazanov, Z., (Khazanov, Ea, Khursheed, E. A., (Khursheed, M, Kijbunchoo, M., (Kijbunchoo, N, Kim, N., (Kim, C, Chunglee), Kim, (Kim, Jc, Kim, J. C., (Kim, K, Kim, K., (Kim, W, Kim, W., (Kim, Ws, Kim, W. S., (Kim, Ym, Y-M), Kimball, (Kimball, C, King, C., (King, Ej, King, E. J., (King, Pj, Kinley-Hanlon, P. J., (Kinley-Hanlon, M, Kirchhoff, M., (Kirchhoff, R, Kissel, R., (Kissel, Js, Kleybolte, J. S., (Kleybolte, L, Klika, L., (Klika, Jh, Klimenko, J. H., (Klimenko, S, Knowles, S., (Knowles, Td, Koch, T. D., (Koch, P, Koehlenbeck, P., (Koehlenbeck, Sm, Koekoek, S. M., (Koekoek, G, Koley, G., (Koley, S, Kondrashov, S., (Kondrashov, V, Kontos, V), (Kontos, A, Koper, A., (Koper, N, Korobko, N., (Korobko, M, Korth, M., (Korth, Wz, Kowalska, W. Z., (Kowalska, I, Kozak, I), (Kozak, Db, Kringel, D. B., (Kringel, V, Krishnendu, V), (Krishnendu, N, Krolak, N., (Krolak, A, Kuehn, A., (Kuehn, G, Kumar, G., (Kumar, A, Kumar, A., (Kumar, P, Kumar, P., (Kumar, R, Kumar, R., (Kumar, S, Kuo, S., (Kuo, L, Kutynia, L., (Kutynia, A, Kwang, A., (Kwang, S, Lackey, S., (Lackey, Bd, Lai, B. D., (Lai, Kh, Lam, K. H., (Lam, Tl, Landry, T. L., (Landry, M, Lane, M., (Lane, Bb, Lang, B. B., (Lang, Rn, Lange, R. N., (Lange, J, Lantz, J., (Lantz, B, Lanza, B., (Lanza, Rk, Lartaux-Vollard, R. K., (Lartaux-Vollard, A, Lasky, A., (Lasky, Pd, Laxen, P. D., (Laxen, M, Lazzarini, M., (Lazzarini, A, Lazzaro, A., (Lazzaro, C, Leaci, C., (Leaci, P, Leavey, P., (Leavey, S, Lecoeuche, S., (Lecoeuche, Yk, Lee, Y. K., (Lee, Ch, Lee, C. H., (Lee, Hk, Lee, H. K., (Lee, Hm, Lee, H. M., (Lee, Hw, Lee, H. W., (Lee, J, Lee, J., (Lee, K, Lehmann, K., (Lehmann, J, Lenon, J., (Lenon, A, Leroy, A., (Leroy, N, Letendre, N., (Letendre, N, Levin, N., (Levin, Y, Li, Y., (Li, J, Li, J., Kjl, (Li, Li, K. J. L., Tgf, (Li, Li, T. G. F., (Li, X, Lin, X., (Lin, F, Linde, F., (Linde, F, Linker, F., (Linker, Sd, Littenberg, S. D., (Littenberg, Tb, Liu, T. B., (Liu, J, Liu, J., (Liu, X, Lo, X., Rkl, (Lo, Lockerbie, R. K. L., (Lockerbie, Na, London, N. A., (London, Lt, Longo, L. T., (Longo, A, Lorenzini, A., (Lorenzini, M, Loriette, M., (Loriette, V, Lormand, V), (Lormand, M, Losurdo, M., (Losurdo, G, Lough, G., (Lough, Jd, Lousto, J. D., (Lousto, Co, Lovelace, C. O., (Lovelace, G, Lower, G., (Lower, Me, Luck, M. E., (Lueck, H, Lumaca, H., (Lumaca, D, Lundgren, D., (Lundgren, Ap, Lynch, A. P., (Lynch, R, Ma, R., (Ma, Y, Macas, Y., (Macas, R, Macfoy, R., (Macfoy, S, MacInnis, S., (MacInnis, M, Macleod, M., (Macleod, Dm, Macquet, D. M., (Macquet, A, Magana-Sandoval, A., (Magana-Sandoval, F, Zertuche, F., (Zertuche, Lm, Magana), L., Magee, (Magee, Rm, Majorana, R. M., (Majorana, E, Maksimovic, E., (Maksimovic, I, Malik, I), (Malik, A, Man, A., (Man, N, Mandic, N., (Mandic, V, Mangano, V), (Mangano, V, Mansell, V), (Mansell, Gl, Manske, G. L., (Manske, M, Mantovani, M., (Mantovani, M, Marchesoni, M., (Marchesoni, F, Marion, F., (Marion, F, Marka, F., (Marka, S, Marka, S., (Marka, Z, Markakis, Z., (Markakis, C, Markosyan, C., (Markosyan, As, Markowitz, A. S., (Markowitz, A, Maros, A., (Maros, E, Marquina, E., (Marquina, A, Marsat, A., (Marsat, S, Martelli, S., (Martelli, F, Martin, F., (Martin, Iw, Martin, I. W., (Martin, Rm, Martynov, R. M., (Martynov, Dv, V), D., Mason, (Mason, K, Massera, K., (Massera, E, Masserot, E., (Masserot, A, Massinger, A., (Massinger, Tj, Masso-Reid, T. J., (Masso-Reid, M, Mastrogiovanni, M., (Mastrogiovanni, S, Matas, S., (Matas, A, Matichard, A., (Matichard, F, Matone, F., (Matone, L, Mavalvala, L., (Mavalvala, N, Mazumder, N., (Mazumder, N, McCann, N., (McCann, Jj, McCarthy, J. J., (McCarthy, R, McClelland, R., (McClelland, De, McCormick, D. E., (McCormick, S, McCuller, S., (McCuller, L, McGuire, L., (McGuire, Sc, McIver, S. C., (McIver, J, McManus, J., (McManus, Dj, McRae, D. J., (McRae, T, McWilliams, T., (McWilliams, St, Meacher, S. T., (Meacher, D, Meadors, D., (Meadors, Gd, Mehmet, G. D., (Mehmet, M, Mehta, M., (Mehta, Ak, Meidam, A. K., (Meidam, J, Melatos, J., (Melatos, A, Mendell, A., (Mendell, G, Mercer, G., (Mercer, Ra, Mereni, R. A., (Mereni, L, Merilh, L., (Merilh, El, Merzougui, E. L., (Merzougui, M, Meshkov, M., (Meshkov, S, Messenger, S., (Messenger, C, Messick, C., (Messick, C, Metzdorff, C., (Metzdorff, R, Meyers, R., (Meyers, Pm, Miao, P. M., (Miao, H, Michel, H., (Michel, C, Middleton, C., (Middleton, H, Mikhailov, H., (Mikhailov, Ee, Milano, E. E., (Milano, L, Miller, L., (Miller, Al, Miller, A. L., (Miller, A, Millhouse, A., (Millhouse, M, Mills, M., (Mills, Jc, Milovich-Goff, J. C., (Milovich-Goff, Mc, Minazzoli, M. C., (Minazzoli, O, Minenkov, O., (Minenkov, Y, Mishkin, Y., (Mishkin, A, Mishra, A., (Mishra, C, Mistry, C., (Mistry, T, Mitra, T., (Mitra, S, Mitrofanov, S., (Mitrofanov, Vp, Mitselmakher, V. P., (Mitselmakher, G, Mittleman, G., (Mittleman, R, Mo, R., (Mo, G, Moffa, G., (Moffa, D, Mogushi, D., (Mogushi, K, Mohapatra, K., Srp, (Mohapatra, Montani, S. R. P., (Montani, M, Moore, M., (Moore, Cj, Moraru, C. J., (Moraru, D, Moreno, D., (Moreno, G, Morisaki, G., (Morisaki, S, Mours, S., (Mours, B, Mow-Lowry, B., (Mow-Lowry, Cm, Mukherjee, C. M., (Mukherjee, A, Arunava), Mukherjee, (Mukherjee, D, Mukherjee, D., (Mukherjee, S, Mukund, S., (Mukund, N, Mullavey, N., (Mullavey, A, Munch, A., (Munch, J, Muniz, J., (Muniz, Ea, Muratore, E. A., (Muratore, M, Murray, M., (Murray, Pg, Nagar, P. G., (Nagar, A, Nardecchia, A., (Nardecchia, I, Naticchioni, I), (Naticchioni, L, Nayak, L., (Nayak, Rk, Neilson, R. K., (Neilson, J, Nelemans, J., (Nelemans, G, Nelson, G., Tjn, (Nelson, Nery, T. J. N., (Nery, M, Neunzert, M., (Neunzert, A, Ng, A., (Ng, Ky, Ng, K. Y., (Ng, S, Nguyen, S., (Nguyen, P, Nichols, P., (Nichols, D, Nissanke, D., (Nissanke, S, Nitz, S., (Nitz, A, Nocera, A., (Nocera, F, North, F., (North, C, Nuttall, C., (Nuttall, Lk, Obergaulinger, L. K., (Obergaulinger, M, Oberling, M., (Oberling, J, O'Brien, J., (O'Brien, Bd, O'Dea, B. D., (O'Dea, Gd, Ogin, G. D., (Ogin, Gh, Oh, G. H., (Oh, Jj, Oh, J. J., (Oh, Sh, Ohme, S. H., (Ohme, F, Ohta, F., (Ohta, H, Okada, H., (Okada, Ma, Oliver, M. A., (Oliver, M, Oppermann, M., (Oppermann, P, Oram, P., (Oram, Rj, Richard, J. )., O'Reilly, (O'Reilly, B, Ormiston, B., (Ormiston, Rg, Ortega, R. G., (Ortega, Lf, O'Shaughnessy, L. F., (O'Shaughnessy, R, Ossokine, R., (Ossokine, S, Ottaway, S., (Ottaway, Dj, Overmier, D. J., (Overmier, H, Owen, H., (Owen, Bj, Pace, B. J., (Pace, Ae, Pagano, A. E., (Pagano, G, Page, G., (Page, Ma, Pai, M. A., (Pai, A, Pai, A., (Pai, Sa, Palamos, S. A., (Palamos, Jr, Palashov, J. R., (Palashov, O, Palomba, O., (Palomba, C, Pal-Singh, C., (Pal-Singh, A, Pan, A., (Pan, Hw, Huang-Wei), Pang, (Pang, B, Pang, B., Pth, (Pang, Pankow, P. T. H., (Pankow, C, Pannarale, C., (Pannarale, F, Pant, F., (Pant, Bc, Paoletti, B. C., (Paoletti, F, Paoli, F., (Paoli, A, Parida, A., (Parida, A, Parker, A., (Parker, W, Pascucci, W., (Pascucci, D, Pasqualetti, D., (Pasqualetti, A, Passaquieti, A., (Passaquieti, R, Passuello, R., (Passuello, D, Patil, D., (Patil, M, Patricelli, M., (Patricelli, B, Pearlstone, B., (Pearlstone, Bl, Pedersen, B. L., (Pedersen, C, Pedraza, C., (Pedraza, M, Pedurand, M., (Pedurand, R, Pele, R., (Pele, A, Penn, A., (Penn, S, Perez, S., (Perez, Cj, Perreca, C. J., (Perreca, A, Pfeiffer, A., (Pfeiffer, Hp, Phelps, H. P., (Phelps, M, Phukon, M., (Phukon, Ks, Piccinni, K. S., (Piccinni, Oj, Pichot, O. J., (Pichot, M, Piergiovanni, M., (Piergiovanni, F, Pillant, F., (Pillant, G, Pinard, G., (Pinard, L, Pirello, L., (Pirello, M, Pitkin, M., (Pitkin, M, Poggiani, M., (Poggiani, R, Pong, R., Dyt, (Pong, Ponrathnam, D. Y. T., (Ponrathnam, S, Popolizio, S., (Popolizio, P, Porter, P., (Porter, Ek, Powell, E. K., (Powell, J, Prajapati, J., (Prajapati, Ak, Prasad, A. K., (Prasad, J, Prasai, J., (Prasai, K, Prasanna, K., (Prasanna, R, Pratten, R., (Pratten, G, Prestegard, G., (Prestegard, T, Privitera, T., (Privitera, S, Prodi, S., (Prodi, Ga, Prokhorov, G. A., (Prokhorov, Lg, Puncken, L. G., (Puncken, O, Punturo, O., (Punturo, M, Puppo, M., (Puppo, P, Purrer, P., (Puerrer, M, Qi, M., (Qi, H, Quetschke, H., (Quetschke, V, Quinonez, V), (Quinonez, Pj, Quintero, P. J., (Quintero, Ea, Quitzow-James, E. A., (Quitzow-James, R, Raab, R., (Raab, Fj, Radkins, F. J., (Radkins, H, Radulescu, H., (Radulescu, N, Raffai, N., (Raffai, P, Raja, P., (Raja, S, Rajan, S., (Rajan, C, Rajbhandari, C., (Rajbhandari, B, Rakhmanov, B., (Rakhmanov, M, Ramirez, M., (Ramirez, Ke, Ramos-Buades, K. E., (Ramos-Buades, A, Rana, A., (Rana, J, Javed), Rao, (Rao, K, Rapagnani, K., (Rapagnani, P, Raymond, P., (Raymond, V, Razzano, V), (Razzano, M, Read, M., (Read, J, Regimbau, J., (Regimbau, T, Rei, T., (Rei, L, Reid, L., (Reid, S, Reitze, S., (Reitze, Dh, Ren, D. H., (Ren, W, Ricci, W., (Ricci, F, Richardson, F., (Richardson, Cj, Richardson, C. J., (Richardson, Jw, Ricker, J. W., (Ricker, Pm, Riles, P. M., (Riles, K, Rizzo, K., (Rizzo, M, Robertson, M., (Robertson, Na, Robie, N. A., (Robie, R, Robinet, R., (Robinet, F, Rocchi, F., (Rocchi, A, Rolland, A., (Rolland, L, Rollins, L., (Rollins, Jg, Roma, J. G., (Roma, Vj, Romanelli, V. J., (Romanelli, M, Romano, M., (Romano, R, Romel, R., (Romel, Cl, Romie, C. L., (Romie, Jh, Rose, J. H., (Rose, K, Rosinska, K., (Rosinska, D, Rosofsky, D., (Rosofsky, Sg, Ross, S. G., (Ross, Mp, Rowan, M. P., (Rowan, S, Rudiger, S., (Ruediger, A, Ruggi, A., (Ruggi, P, Rutins, P., (Rutins, G, Ryan, G., (Ryan, K, Sachdev, K., (Sachdev, S, Sadecki, S., (Sadecki, T, Sakellariadou, T., (Sakellariadou, M, Salconi, M., (Salconi, L, Saleem, L., (Saleem, M, Samajdar, M., (Samajdar, A, Sammut, A., (Sammut, L, Sanchez, L., (Sanchez, Ej, Sanchez, E. J., (Sanchez, Le, Sanchis-Gual, L. E., (Sanchis-Gual, N, Sandberg, N., (Sandberg, V, Sanders, V), (Sanders, Jr, Santiago, J. R., (Santiago, Ka, Sarin, K. A., (Sarin, N, Sassolas, N., (Sassolas, B, Saulson, B., (Saulson, Pr, Sauter, P. R., (Sauter, O, Savage, O., (Savage, Rl, Schale, R. L., (Schale, P, Scheel, P., (Scheel, M, Scheuer, M., (Scheuer, J, Schmidt, J., (Schmidt, P, Schnabel, P., (Schnabel, R, Schofield, R., Rms, (Schofield, Schonbeck, R. M. S., (Schoenbeck, A, Schreiber, A., (Schreiber, E, Schulte, E., (Schulte, Bw, Schutz, B. W., (Schutz, Bf, Schwalbe, B. F., (Schwalbe, Sg, Scott, S. G., (Scott, J, Scott, J., (Scott, Sm, Seidel, S. M., (Seidel, E, Sellers, E., (Sellers, D, Sengupta, D., (Sengupta, As, Sennett, A. S., (Sennett, N, Sentenac, N., (Sentenac, D, Sequino, D., (Sequino, V, Sergeev, V), (Sergeev, A, Setyawati, A., (Setyawati, Y, Shaddock, Y., (Shaddock, Da, Shaffer, D. A., (Shaffer, T, Shahriar, T., (Shahriar, Ms, Shaner, M. S., (Shaner, Mb, Shao, M. B., (Shao, L, Sharma, L., (Sharma, P, Shawhan, P., (Shawhan, P, Shen, P., (Shen, H, Shink, H., (Shink, R, Shoemaker, R., (Shoemaker, Dh, Shoemaker, D. H., (Shoemaker, Dm, ShyamSundar, D. M., (ShyamSundar, S, Siellez, S., (Siellez, K, Sieniawska, K., (Sieniawska, M, Sigg, M., (Sigg, D, Silva, D., (Silva, Ad, Singer, A. D., (Singer, Lp, Singh, L. P., (Singh, N, Singhal, N., (Singhal, A, Sintes, A., (Sintes, Am, Sitmukhambetov, A. M., (Sitmukhambetov, S, Skliris, S., (Skliris, V, Slagmolen, V), Bjj, (Slagmolen, Slaven-Blair, B. J. J., (Slaven-Blair, Tj, Smith, T. J., (Smith, Jr, Smith, J. R., Rje, (Smith, Somala, R. J. E., (Somala, S, Son, S., (Son, Ej, Sorazu, E. J., (Sorazu, B, Sorrentino, B., (Sorrentino, F, Souradeep, F., (Souradeep, T, Sowell, T., (Sowell, E, Spencer, E., (Spencer, Ap, Srivastava, A. P., (Srivastava, Ak, Srivastava, A. K., (Srivastava, V, Staats, V), (Staats, K, Stachie, K., (Stachie, C, Standke, C., (Standke, M, Steer, M., (Steer, Da, Steinke, D. A., (Steinke, M, Steinlechner, M., (Steinlechner, J, Steinlechner, J., (Steinlechner, S, Steinmeyer, S., (Steinmeyer, D, Stevenson, D., (Stevenson, Sp, Stocks, S. P., (Stocks, D, Stone, D., (Stone, R, Stops, R., (Stops, Dj, Strain, D. J., (Strain, Ka, Stratta, K. A., (Stratta, G, Strigin, G., (Strigin, Se, Strunk, S. E., (Strunk, A, Sturani, A., (Sturani, R, Stuver, R., (Stuver, Al, Sudhir, A. L., (Sudhir, V, Summerscales, V), (Summerscales, Tz, Sun, T. Z., (Sun, L, Sunil, L., (Sunil, S, Suresh, S., (Suresh, J, Sutton, J., (Sutton, Pj, Swinkels, P. J., (Swinkels, Bl, Szczepanczyk, B. L., (Szczepanczyk, Mj, Tacca, M. J., (Tacca, M, Tait, M., (Tait, Sc, Talbot, S. C., (Talbot, C, Talukder, C., (Talukder, D, Tanner, D., (Tanner, Db, Tapai, D. B., (Tapai, M, Taracchini, M., (Taracchini, A, Tasson, A., (Tasson, Jd, Taylor, J. D., (Taylor, R, Thies, R., (Thies, F, Thomas, F., (Thomas, M, Thomas, M., (Thomas, P, Thondapu, P., (Thondapu, Sr, Thorne, S. R., (Thorne, Ka, Thrane, K. A., (Thrane, E, Tiwari, E., (Tiwari, S, Shubhanshu), Tiwari, Srishti), Tiwari, (Tiwari, V, Toland, V), (Toland, K, Tonelli, K., (Tonelli, M, Tornasi, M., (Tornasi, Z, Torres-Forne, Z., (Torres-Forne, A, Torrie, A., (Torrie, Ci, I), C., Toyra, (Toyra, D, Travasso, D., (Travasso, F, Traylor, F., (Traylor, G, Tringali, G., (Tringali, Mc, Trovato, M. C., (Trovato, A, Trozzo, A., (Trozzo, L, Trudeau, L., (Trudeau, R, Tsang, R., (Tsang, Kw, Tse, K. W., (Tse, M, Tso, M., (Tso, R, Tsukada, R., (Tsukada, L, Tsuna, L., (Tsuna, D, Tuyenbayev, D., (Tuyenbayev, D, Ueno, D., (Ueno, K, Ugolini, K., (Ugolini, D, Unnikrishnan, D., (Unnikrishnan, Cs, Urban, C. S., (Urban, Al, Usman, A. L., (Usman, Sa, Vahlbruch, S. A., (Vahlbruch, H, Vajente, H., (Vajente, G, Valdes, G., (Valdes, G, G. )., Van, Bakel, N (van Bakel, N. )., Van, Beuzekom, M (van Beuzekom, van den Brand, JFJ (van den Brand, J. F. J. )., Van den Broeck, C (Van den Broeck, Vander-Hyde, C., (Vander-Hyde, Dc, D. C. )., Van, Heijningen, JV (van Heijningen, V), J., van der Schaaf, L (van der Schaaf, Van, Veggel, AA (van Veggel, Vardaro, A. A., (Vardaro, M, Varma, M., (Varma, V, Vass, V., (Vass, S, Vasuth, S., (Vasuth, M, Vecchio, M., (Vecchio, A, Vedovato, A., (Vedovato, G, Veitch, G., (Veitch, J, Veitch, J., (Veitch, Pj, Venkateswara, P. J., (Venkateswara, K, Venugopalan, K., (Venugopalan, G, Verkindt, G., (Verkindt, D, Vetrano, D., (Vetrano, F, Vicere, F., (Vicere, A, Viets, A., (Viets, Ad, Vine, A. D., (Vine, Dj, Vinet, D. J., (Vinet, Jy, J-Y), Vitale, (Vitale, S, Vo, S., (Vo, T, Vocca, T., (Vocca, H, Vorvick, H., (Vorvick, C, Vyatchanin, C., (Vyatchanin, Sp, Wade, S. P., (Wade, Ar, Wade, A. R., (Wade, Le, Wade, L. E., (Wade, M, Walet, M., (Walet, R, Walker, R., (Walker, M, Wallace, M., (Wallace, L, Walsh, L., (Walsh, S, Wang, S., (Wang, G, Wang, G., (Wang, H, Wang, H., (Wang, Jz, Wang, J. Z., (Wang, Wh, Wang, W. H., (Wang, Yf, Ward, Y. F., (Ward, Rl, Warden, R. L., (Warden, Za, Warner, Z. A., (Warner, J, Was, J., (Was, M, Watchi, M., (Watchi, J, Weaver, J., (Weaver, B, Wei, B., (Wei, Lw, L-W), Weinert, (Weinert, M, Weinstein, M., (Weinstein, Aj, Weiss, A. J., (Weiss, R, Wellmann, R., (Wellmann, F, Wen, F., (Wen, L, Wessel, L., (Wessel, Ek, Wessels, E. K., (Wessels, P, Westhouse, P., (Westhouse, Jw, Wette, J. W., (Wette, K, Whelan, K., (Whelan, Jt, Whiting, J. T., (Whiting, Bf, Whittle, B. F., (Whittle, C, Wilken, C., (Wilken, Dm, Williams, D. M., (Williams, D, Williamson, D., (Williamson, Ar, Willis, A. R., (Willis, Jl, Willke, J. L., (Willke, B, Wimmer, B., (Wimmer, Mh, Winkler, M. H., (Winkler, W, Wipf, W., (Wipf, Cc, Wittel, C. C., (Wittel, H, Woan, H., (Woan, G, Woehler, G., (Woehler, J, Wofford, J., (Wofford, Jk, Worden, J. K., (Worden, J, Wright, J., (Wright, Jl, Wu, J. L., (Wu, Ds, Wysocki, D. S., (Wysocki, Dm, Xiao, D. M., (Xiao, L, Yamamoto, L., (Yamamoto, H, Yancey, H., (Yancey, Cc, Yang, C. C., (Yang, L, Yap, L., (Yap, Mj, Yazback, M. J., (Yazback, M, Yeeles, M., (Yeeles, Dw, Yu, D. W., (Yu, H, Hang), Yu, (Yu, Hc, Haocun), Yuen, Shr, (Yuen, Yvert, S. H. R., (Yvert, M, Zadrozny, M., (Zadrozny, Ak, Zanolin, A. K., (Zanolin, M, Zelenova, M., (Zelenova, T, Zendri, T., (Zendri, Jp, J-P), Zevin, (Zevin, M, Zhang, M., (Zhang, J, Zhang, J., (Zhang, L, Zhang, L., (Zhang, T, Zhao, T., (Zhao, C, Zhou, C., (Zhou, M, Zhou, M., (Zhou, Z, Zimmerman, Z., (Zimmerman, Ab, Zhu, A. B., (Zhu, Xj, Zucker, X. J., (Zucker, Me, Zweizig, M. E., (Zweizig, J, Abbott1, B. P., Abbott1, R., Abbott2, T. D., Abraham3, S., Acernese4, F., Ackley6, K., Adams7, C., Adhikari1, R. X., Adya8, V. B., Affeldt8, C., Agathos10, M., Agatsuma11, K., Aggarwal12, N., Aguiar13, O. D., Aiello14, L., Ain3, A., Ajith16, P., Allen17, G., Allocca18, A., Aloy20, M. A., Altin21, P. A., Amato22, A., Ananyeva1, A., Anderson1, S. B., Anderson23, W. G., Angelova24, S. V., Antier25, S., Appert1, S., Arai1, K., Araya1, M. C., Areeda26, J. S., Arène27, M., Arnaud25, N., Ascenzi29, S., Ashton6, G., Aston7, S. M., Astone31, P., Aubin32, F., Aufmuth9, P., Aultoneal33, K., Austin2, C., Avendano34, V., Avila-Alvarez26, A., Babak27, S., Bacon27, P., Badaracco14, F., Bader36, M. K. M., Bae37, S., Baker38, P. T., Baldaccini39, F., Ballardin28, G., Ballmer41, S. W., Banagiri42, S., Barayoga1, J. C., Barclay43, S. E., Barish1, B. C., Barker44, D., Barkett45, K., Barnum12, S., Barone4, F., Barr43, B., Barsotti12, L., Barsuglia27, M., Barta46, D., Bartlett44, J., Bartos47, I., Bassiri48, R., Basti18, A., Bawaj40, M., Bayley43, J. C., Bazzan50, M., Bécsy52, B., Bejger27, M., Belahcene25, I., Bell43, A. S., Beniwal54, D., Berger48, B. K., Bergmann8, G., Bernuzzi55, S., Bero57, J. J., Berry58, C. P. L., Bersanetti59, D., Bertolini36, A., Betzwieser7, J., Bhandare60, R., Bidler26, J., Bilenko61, I. A., Bilgili38, S. A., Billingsley1, G., Birch7, J., Birney24, R., Birnholtz57, O., Biscans1, S., Biscoveanu6, S., Bisht9, A., Bitossi19, M., Bizouard25, M. A., Blackburn1, J. K., Blair7, C. D., Blair62, D. G., Blair44, R. M., Bloemen63, S., Bode8, N., Boer64, M., Boetzel65, Y., Bogaert64, G., Bondu66, F., Bonilla48, E., Bonnand32, R., Booker8, P., Boom36, B. A., Booth67, C. D., Bork1, R., Boschi28, V., Bose3, S., Bossie7, K., Bossilkov62, V., Bosveld62, J., Bouffanais27, Y., Bozzi28, A., Bradaschia19, C., Brady23, P. R., Bramley7, A., Branchesi14, M., Brau69, J. E., Briant70, T., Briggs43, J. H., Brighenti71, F., Brillet64, A., Brinkmann8, M., Brisson25, V., Brockill23, P., Brooks1, A. F., Brown54, D. D., Brunett1, S., Buikema12, A., Bulik73, T., Bulten36, H. J., Buonanno35, A., Buskulic32, D., Buy27, C., Byer48, R. L., Cabero8, M., Cadonati76, L., Cagnoli22, G., Cahillane1, C., Calderón Bustillo6, J., Callister1, T. A., Calloni, E., Camp79, J. B., Campbell6, W. A., Canepa59, M., Cannon81, K. C., Cao54, H., Cao82, J., Capocasa27, E., Carbognani28, F., Caride83, S., Carney58, M. F., Carullo18, G., Casanueva Diaz19, J., Casentini29, C., Caudill36, S., Cavaglià84, M., Cavalier25, F., Cavalieri28, R., Cella19, G., Cerdá-Durán20, P., Cerretani18, G., Cesarini30, E., Chaibi64, O., Chakravarti3, K., Chamberlin86, S. J., Chan43, M., Chao87, S., Charlton88, P., Chase58, E. A., Chassande-Mottin27, E., Chatterjee23, D., Chaturvedi60, M., Cheeseboro38, B. D., Chen89, H. Y., Chen62, X., Chen45, Y., Cheng47, H. -P., Cheong90, C. K., Chia47, H. Y., Chincarini59, A., Chiummo28, A., Cho91, G., Cho92, H. S., Cho75, M., Christensen64, N., Chu62, Q., Chua70, S., Chung90, K. W., Chung62, S., Ciani50, G., Ciobanu54, A. A., Ciolfi94, R., Cipriano64, F., Cirone59, A., Clara44, F., Clark76, J. A., Clearwater96, P., Cleva64, F., Cocchieri84, C., Coccia14, E., Cohadon70, P. -F., Cohen25, D., Colgan97, R., Colleoni98, M., Collette99, C. G., Collins11, C., Cominsky100, L. R., 13, M. Constancio Jr., Conti51, L., Cooper11, S. J., Corban7, P., Corbitt2, T. R., Cordero-Carrión101, I., Corley97, K. R., Cornish52, N., Corsi83, A., Cortese28, S., Costa13, C. A., Cotesta35, R., Coughlin1, M. W., Coughlin58, S. B., Coulon64, J. -P., Countryman97, S. T., Couvares1, P., Covas98, P. B., Cowan76, E. E., Coward62, D. M., Cowart7, M. J., Coyne1, D. C., Coyne102, R., Creighton23, J. D. E., Creighton103, T. D., Cripe2, J., Croquette70, M., Crowder104, S. G., Cullen2, T. J., Cumming43, A., Cunningham43, L., Cuoco28, E., Dal Canton79, T., Dálya105, G., Danilishin8, S. L., D'Antonio30, S., Danzmann8, K., Dasgupta106, A., Da Silva Costa47, C. F., Datrier43, L. E. H., Dattilo28, V., Dave60, I., Davier25, M., Davis41, D., Daw107, E. J., Debra48, D., Deenadayalan3, M., Degallaix22, J., De Laurentis, M., Deléglise70, S., Del Pozzo18, W., Demarchi58, L. M., Demos12, N., Dent8, T., 108, 9, De Pietri56, R., Derby26, J., DE ROSA, Rosario, De Rossi22, C., Desalvo110, R., de Varona8, O., Dhurandhar3, S., Díaz103, M. C., Dietrich36, T., Di Fiore5, L., Di Giovanni95, M., Di Girolamo, T., Di Lieto18, A., Ding99, B., Di Pace31, S., Di Palma31, I., Di Renzo18, F., Dmitriev11, A., Doctor89, Z., Donovan12, F., Dooley67, K. L., Doravari8, S., Dorrington67, I., Downes23, T. P., Drago14, M., Driggers44, J. C., Du82, Z., Ducoin25, J. -G., Dupej43, P., Dwyer44, S. E., Easter6, P. J., Edo107, T. B., Edwards93, M. C., Effler7, A., Ehrens1, P., Eichholz1, J., Eikenberry47, S. S., Eisenmann32, M., Eisenstein12, R. A., Essick89, R. C., Estelles98, H., Estevez32, D., Etienne38, Z. B., Etzel1, T., Evans12, M., Evans7, T. M., Fafone14, V., 30, 29, Fair41, H., Fairhurst67, S., Fan82, X., Farinon59, S., Farr69, B., Farr11, W. M., Fauchon-Jones67, E. J., Favata34, M., Fays107, M., Fazio113, M., Fee114, C., Feicht1, J., Fejer48, M. M., Feng27, F., Fernandez-Galiana12, A., Ferrante18, I., Ferreira13, E. C., Ferreira13, T. A., Ferrini28, F., Fidecaro18, F., Fiori28, I., Fiorucci27, D., Fishbach89, M., Fisher41, R. P., Fishner12, J. M., Fitz-Axen42, M., Flaminio32, R., Fletcher43, M., Flynn26, E., Fong117, H., Font20, J. A., Forsyth21, P. W. F., Fournier64, J. -D., Frasca31, S., Frasconi19, F., Frei105, Z., Freise11, A., Frey69, R., Frey25, V., Fritschel12, P., Frolov7, V. V., Fulda47, P., Fyffe7, M., Gabbard43, H. A., Gadre3, B. U., Gaebel11, S. M., Gair119, J. R., Gammaitoni39, L., Ganija54, M. R., Gaonkar3, S. G., Garcia26, A., García-Quirós98, C., Garufi, F., Gateley44, B., Gaudio33, S., Gaur120, G., Gayathri121, V., Gemme59, G., Genin28, E., Gennai19, A., George17, D., George60, J., Gergely122, L., Germain32, V., Ghonge76, S., Ghosh16, Abhirup, Ghosh36, Archisman, Ghosh23, S., Giacomazzo95, B., Giaime2, J. A., Giardina7, K. D., Giazotto19, A., Gill33, K., Giordano4, G., Glover110, L., Godwin86, P., Goetz44, E., Goetz47, R., Goncharov6, B., González2, G., Gonzalez Castro18, J. M., Gopakumar123, A., Gorodetsky61, M. L., Gossan1, S. E., Gosselin28, M., Gouaty32, R., Grado5, A., Graef43, C., Granata22, M., Grant43, A., Gras12, S., Grassia1, P., Gray44, C., Gray43, R., Greco71, G., Green11, A. C., Green67, R., Gretarsson33, E. M., Groot63, P., Grote67, H., Grunewald35, S., Gruning25, P., Guidi71, G. M., Gulati106, H. K., Guo36, Y., Gupta86, A., Gupta106, M. K., Gustafson1, E. K., Gustafson125, R., Haegel98, L., Halim14, O., Hall68, B. R., Hall12, E. D., Hamilton67, E. Z., Hammond43, G., Haney65, M., Hanke8, M. M., Hanks44, J., Hanna86, C., Hannuksela90, O. A., Hanson7, J., Hardwick2, T., Haris16, K., Harms14, J., Harry126, G. M., Harry35, I. W., Haster117, C. -J., Haughian43, K., Hayes43, F. J., Healy57, J., Heidmann70, A., Heintze7, M. C., Heitmann64, H., Hello25, P., Hemming28, G., Hendry43, M., Heng43, I. S., Hennig8, J., Heptonstall1, A. W., Hernandez Vivanco6, Francisco, Heurs8, M., Hild43, S., Hinderer36, T., 128, 127, Hoak28, D., Hochheim8, S., Hofman22, D., Holgado17, A. M., Holland21, N. A., Holt7, K., Holz89, D. E., Hopkins67, P., Horst23, C., Hough43, J., Howell62, E. J., Hoy67, C. G., Hreibi64, A., Huerta17, E. A., Huet25, D., Hughey33, B., Hulko1, M., Husa98, S., Huttner43, S. H., Huynh-Dinh7, T., Idzkowski73, B., Iess29, A., Ingram54, C., Inta83, R., Intini31, G., Irwin114, B., Isa43, H. N., Isac70, J. -M., Isi1, M., Iyer16, B. R., Izumi44, K., Jacqmin70, T., Jadhav129, S. J., Jani76, K., Janthalur129, N. N., Jaranowski130, P., Jenkins131, A. C., Jiang47, J., Johnson17, D. S., Jones11, A. W., Jones132, D. I., Jones43, R., Jonker36, R. J. G., Ju62, L., Junker8, J., Kalaghatgi67, C. V., Kalogera58, V., Kamai1, B., Kandhasamy84, S., Kang37, G., Kanner1, J. B., Kapadia23, S. J., Karki69, S., Karvinen8, K. S., Kashyap16, R., Kasprzack1, M., Katsanevas28, S., Katsavounidis12, E., Katzman7, W., Kaufer9, S., Kawabe44, K., Keerthana3, N. V., Kéfélian64, F., Keitel43, D., Kennedy107, R., Key133, J. S., Khalili61, F. Y., Khan26, H., Khan14, I., Khan8, S., Khan106, Z., Khazanov134, E. A., Khursheed60, M., Kijbunchoo21, N., Kim135, Chunglee, Kim136, J. C., Kim90, K., Kim54, W., Kim137, W. S., Kim138, Y. -M., Kimball58, C., King54, E. J., King44, P. J., Kinley-Hanlon126, M., Kirchhoff8, R., Kissel44, J. S., Kleybolte139, L., Klika23, J. H., Klimenko47, S., Knowles38, T. D., Koch8, P., Koehlenbeck8, S. M., Koekoek36, G., Koley36, S., Kondrashov1, V., Kontos12, A., Koper8, N., Korobko139, M., Korth1, W. Z., Kowalska73, I., Kozak1, D. B., Kringel8, V., Krishnendu141, N., Królak142, A., Kuehn8, G., Kumar129, A., Kumar144, P., Kumar106, R., Kumar16, S., Kuo87, L., Kutynia142, A., Kwang23, S., Lackey35, B. D., Lai90, K. H., Lam90, T. L., Landry44, M., Lane12, B. B., Lang145, R. N., Lange57, J., Lantz48, B., Lanza12, R. K., Lartaux-Vollard25, A., Lasky6, P. D., Laxen7, M., Lazzarini1, A., Lazzaro51, C., Leaci31, P., Leavey8, S., Lecoeuche44, Y. K., Lee92, C. H., Lee146, H. K., Lee147, H. M., Lee136, H. W., Lee91, J., Lee43, K., Lehmann8, J., Lenon38, A., Leroy25, N., Letendre32, N., Levin6, Y., Li82, J., Li90, K. J. L., Li90, T. G. F., Li45, X., Lin6, F., Linde36, F., Linker110, S. D., Littenberg148, T. B., Liu62, J., Liu23, X., Lo1, R. K. L., Lockerbie24, N. A., London67, L. T., Longo149, A., Lorenzini14, M., Loriette151, V., Lormand7, M., Losurdo19, G., Lough8, J. D., Lousto57, C. O., Lovelace26, G., Lower152, M. E., Lück8, H., Lumaca29, D., Lundgren153, A. P., Lynch12, R., Ma45, Y., Macas67, R., Macfoy24, S., Macinnis12, M., Macleod67, D. M., Macquet64, A., Magaña-Sandoval41, F., Magaña Zertuche84, L., Magee86, R. M., Majorana31, E., Maksimovic151, I., Malik60, A., Man64, N., Mandic42, V., Mangano43, V., Mansell12, G. L., Manske21, M., Mantovani28, M., Marchesoni40, F., Marion32, F., Márka97, S., Márka97, Z., Markakis10, C., Markosyan48, A. S., Markowitz1, A., Maros1, E., Marquina101, A., Marsat35, S., Martelli71, F., Martin43, I. W., Martin34, R. M., Martynov11, D. V., Mason12, K., Massera107, E., Masserot32, A., Massinger1, T. J., Masso-Reid43, M., Mastrogiovanni31, S., Matas35, A., Matichard1, F., Matone97, L., Mavalvala12, N., Mazumder68, N., Mccann62, J. J., Mccarthy44, R., Mcclelland21, D. E., Mccormick7, S., Mcculler12, L., Mcguire154, S. C., Mciver1, J., Mcmanus21, D. J., Mcrae21, T., Mcwilliams38, S. T., Meacher86, D., Meadors6, G. D., Mehmet8, M., Mehta16, A. K., Meidam36, J., Melatos96, A., Mendell44, G., Mercer23, R. A., Mereni22, L., Merilh44, E. L., Merzougui64, M., Meshkov1, S., Messenger43, C., Messick86, C., Metzdorff70, R., Meyers96, P. M., Miao11, H., Michel22, C., Middleton96, H., Mikhailov155, E. E., Milano, L., Miller47, A. L., Miller31, A., Millhouse52, M., Mills67, J. C., Milovich-Goff110, M. C., Minazzoli64, O., Minenkov30, Y., Mishkin47, A., Mishra157, C., Mistry107, T., Mitra3, S., Mitrofanov61, V. P., Mitselmakher47, G., Mittleman12, R., Mo93, G., Moffa114, D., Mogushi84, K., Mohapatra12, S. R. P., Montani71, M., Moore10, C. J., Moraru44, D., Moreno44, G., Morisaki81, S., Mours32, B., Mow-Lowry11, C. M., Mukherjee8, Arunava, Mukherjee23, D., Mukherjee103, S., Mukund3, N., Mullavey7, A., Munch54, J., Muñiz41, E. A., Muratore33, M., Murray43, P. G., Nagar85, A., 159, 158, Nardecchia29, I., Naticchioni31, L., Nayak160, R. K., Neilson110, J., Nelemans36, G., Nelson7, T. J. N., Nery8, M., Neunzert125, A., Ng12, K. Y., Ng54, S., Nguyen69, P., Nichols36, D., Nissanke36, S., Nitz8, A., Nocera28, F., North67, C., Nuttall153, L. K., Obergaulinger20, M., Oberling44, J., O'Brien47, B. D., O'Dea110, G. D., Ogin161, G. H., Oh137, J. J., Oh137, S. H., Ohme8, F., Ohta81, H., Okada13, M. A., Oliver98, M., Oppermann8, P., Oram7, Richard J., O'Reilly7, B., Ormiston42, R. G., Ortega47, L. F., O'Shaughnessy57, R., Ossokine35, S., Ottaway54, D. J., Overmier7, H., Owen83, B. J., Pace86, A. E., Pagano18, G., Page62, M. A., Pai121, A., Pai60, S. A., Palamos69, J. R., Palashov134, O., Palomba31, C., Pal-Singh139, A., Pan87, Huang-Wei, Pang45, B., Pang90, P. T. H., Pankow58, C., Pannarale31, F., Pant60, B. C., Paoletti19, F., Paoli28, A., Parida3, A., Parker7, W., Pascucci43, D., Pasqualetti28, A., Passaquieti18, R., Passuello19, D., Patil143, M., Patricelli18, B., Pearlstone43, B. L., Pedersen67, C., Pedraza1, M., Pedurand22, R., Pele7, A., Penn163, S., Perez44, C. J., Perreca95, A., Pfeiffer35, H. P., Phelps8, M., Phukon3, K. S., Piccinni31, O. J., Pichot64, M., Piergiovanni71, F., Pillant28, G., Pinard22, L., Pirello44, M., Pitkin43, M., Poggiani18, R., Pong90, D. Y. T., Ponrathnam3, S., Popolizio28, P., Porter27, E. K., Powell152, J., Prajapati106, A. K., Prasad3, J., Prasai48, K., Prasanna129, R., Pratten98, G., Prestegard23, T., Privitera35, S., Prodi95, G. A., Prokhorov61, L. G., Puncken8, O., Punturo40, M., Puppo31, P., Pürrer35, M., Qi23, H., Quetschke103, V., Quinonez33, P. J., Quintero1, E. A., Quitzow-James69, R., Raab44, F. J., Radkins44, H., Radulescu64, N., Raffai105, P., Raja60, S., Rajan60, C., Rajbhandari83, B., Rakhmanov103, M., Ramirez103, K. E., Ramos-Buades98, A., Rana3, Javed, Rao58, K., Rapagnani31, P., Raymond67, V., Razzano18, M., Read26, J., Regimbau32, T., Rei59, L., Reid24, S., Reitze1, D. H., Ren17, W., Ricci31, F., Richardson33, C. J., Richardson1, J. W., Ricker17, P. M., Riles125, K., Rizzo58, M., Robertson1, N. A., Robie43, R., Robinet25, F., Rocchi30, A., Rolland32, L., Rollins1, J. G., Roma69, V. J., Romanelli66, M., Romano4, R., Romel44, C. L., Romie7, J. H., Rose114, K., Rosińska53, D., Rosofsky17, S. G., Ross165, M. P., Rowan43, S., Rüdiger8, A., 180, 9, Ruggi28, P., Rutins166, G., Ryan44, K., Sachdev1, S., Sadecki44, T., Sakellariadou131, M., Salconi28, L., Saleem141, M., Samajdar36, A., Sammut6, L., Sanchez1, E. J., Sanchez1, L. E., Sanchis-Gual20, N., Sandberg44, V., Sanders41, J. R., Santiago34, K. A., Sarin6, N., Sassolas22, B., Saulson41, P. R., Sauter125, O., Savage44, R. L., Schale69, P., Scheel45, M., Scheuer58, J., Schmidt63, P., Schnabel139, R., Schofield69, R. M. S., Schönbeck139, A., Schreiber8, E., Schulte8, B. W., Schutz67, B. F., Schwalbe33, S. G., Scott43, J., Scott21, S. M., Seidel17, E., Sellers7, D., Sengupta167, A. S., Sennett35, N., Sentenac28, D., Sequino14, V., Sergeev134, A., Setyawati8, Y., Shaddock21, D. A., Shaffer44, T., Shahriar58, M. S., Shaner110, M. B., Shao35, L., Sharma60, P., Shawhan75, P., Shen17, H., Shink168, R., Shoemaker12, D. H., Shoemaker76, D. M., Shyamsundar60, S., Siellez76, K., Sieniawska53, M., Sigg44, D., Silva13, A. D., Singer79, L. P., Singh73, N., Singhal14, A., Sintes98, A. M., Sitmukhambetov103, S., Skliris67, V., Slagmolen21, B. J. J., Slaven-Blair62, T. J., Smith26, J. R., Smith6, R. J. E., Somala169, S., Son137, E. J., Sorazu43, B., Sorrentino59, F., Souradeep3, T., Sowell83, E., Spencer43, A. P., Srivastava106, A. K., Srivastava41, V., Staats58, K., Stachie64, C., Standke8, M., Steer27, D. A., Steinke8, M., Steinlechner43, J., Steinlechner139, S., Steinmeyer8, D., Stevenson152, S. P., Stocks48, D., Stone103, R., Stops11, D. J., Strain43, K. A., Stratta71, G., Strigin61, S. E., Strunk44, A., Sturani170, R., Stuver171, A. L., Sudhir12, V., Summerscales172, T. Z., Sun1, L., Sunil106, S., Suresh3, J., Sutton67, P. J., Swinkels36, B. L., Szczepańczyk33, M. J., Tacca36, M., Tait43, S. C., Talbot6, C., Talukder69, D., Tanner47, D. B., Tápai122, M., Taracchini35, A., Tasson93, J. D., Taylor1, R., Thies8, F., Thomas7, M., Thomas44, P., Thondapu60, S. R., Thorne7, K. A., Thrane6, E., Tiwari95, Shubhanshu, Tiwari123, Srishti, Tiwari67, V., Toland43, K., Tonelli18, M., Tornasi43, Z., Torres-Forné173, A., Torrie1, C. I., Töyrä11, D., Travasso28, F., Traylor7, G., Tringali73, M. C., Trovato27, A., Trozzo19, L., Trudeau1, R., Tsang36, K. W., Tse12, M., Tso45, R., Tsukada81, L., Tsuna81, D., Tuyenbayev103, D., Ueno81, K., Ugolini175, D., Unnikrishnan123, C. S., Urban2, A. L., Usman67, S. A., Vahlbruch9, H., Vajente1, G., Valdes2, G., van Bakel36, N., van Beuzekom36, M., van den Brand36, J. F. J., Van Den Broeck36, C., Vander-Hyde41, D. C., van Heijningen62, J. V., van der Schaaf36, L., van Veggel43, A. A., Vardaro50, M., Varma45, V., Vass1, S., Vasúth46, M., Vecchio11, A., Vedovato51, G., Veitch43, J., Veitch54, P. J., Venkateswara165, K., Venugopalan1, G., Verkindt32, D., Vetrano71, F., Viceré71, A., Viets23, A. D., Vine166, D. J., Vinet64, J. -Y., Vitale12, S., Vo41, T., Vocca39, H., Vorvick44, C., Vyatchanin61, S. P., Wade1, A. R., Wade114, L. E., Wade114, M., Walet36, R., Walker26, M., Wallace1, L., Walsh23, S., Wang14, G., Wang11, H., Wang125, J. Z., Wang103, W. H., Wang90, Y. F., Ward21, R. L., Warden33, Z. A., Warner44, J., Was32, M., Watchi99, J., Weaver44, B., Wei8, L. -W., Weinert8, M., Weinstein1, A. J., Weiss12, R., Wellmann8, F., Wen62, L., Wessel17, E. K., Weßels8, P., Westhouse33, J. W., Wette21, K., Whelan57, J. T., Whiting47, B. F., Whittle12, C., Wilken8, D. M., Williams43, D., Williamson36, A. R., Willis1, J. L., Willke8, B., Wimmer8, M. H., Winkler8, W., Wipf1, C. C., Wittel8, H., Woan43, G., Woehler8, J., Wofford57, J. K., Worden44, J., Wright43, J. L., Wu8, D. S., Wysocki57, D. M., Xiao1, L., Yamamoto1, H., Yancey75, C. C., Yang113, L., Yap21, M. J., Yazback47, M., Yeeles67, D. W., Yu12, Hang, Yu12, Haocun, Yuen90, S. H. R., Yvert32, M., Zadrożny103, A. K., Zanolin33, M., Zelenova28, T., Zendri51, J. -P., Zevin58, M., Zhang62, J., Zhang1, L., Zhang43, T., Zhao62, C., Zhou58, M., Zhou58, Z., Zimmerman177, A. B., Zhu6, X. J., Zucker1, M. E., Zweizig, and J., Laboratoire des matériaux avancés (LMA), Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL), Université de Lyon-Université de Lyon-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire (LAL), Université Paris-Sud - Paris 11 (UP11)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), AstroParticule et Cosmologie (APC (UMR_7164)), Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Observatoire de Paris, Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université Paris Cité (UPCité), Laboratoire d'Annecy de Physique des Particules (LAPP), Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université Savoie Mont Blanc (USMB [Université de Savoie] [Université de Chambéry])-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Astrophysique Relativiste Théories Expériences Métrologie Instrumentation Signaux (ARTEMIS), Université Nice Sophia Antipolis (1965 - 2019) (UNS), COMUE Université Côte d'Azur (2015-2019) (COMUE UCA)-COMUE Université Côte d'Azur (2015-2019) (COMUE UCA)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, COMUE Université Côte d'Azur (2015-2019) (COMUE UCA)-Université Côte d'Azur (UCA)-Université Côte d'Azur (UCA)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Institut des Fonctions Optiques pour les Technologies de l'informatiON (Institut FOTON), Université de Rennes (UR)-Institut National des Sciences Appliquées - Rennes (INSA Rennes), Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA)-Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA)-École Nationale Supérieure des Sciences Appliquées et de Technologie (ENSSAT)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Laboratoire Kastler Brossel (LKB [Collège de France]), Fédération de recherche du Département de physique de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure - ENS Paris (FRDPENS), École normale supérieure - Paris (ENS-PSL), Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-École normale supérieure - Paris (ENS-PSL), Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Collège de France (CdF (institution))-Sorbonne Université (SU)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Université de Lyon, Ecole Superieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles de la Ville de Paris (ESPCI Paris), Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL), Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques (IHES), IHES, Institut de Physique Nucléaire de Lyon (IPNL), LIGO Scientific, Virgo, Université de Lyon-Université de Lyon-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)-Observatoire de Paris, PSL Research University (PSL)-PSL Research University (PSL)-Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (UPD7), Laboratoire d'Annecy de Physique des Particules (LAPP/Laboratoire d'Annecy-le-Vieux de Physique des Particules), Université Nice Sophia Antipolis (... - 2019) (UNS), Université Côte d'Azur (UCA)-Université Côte d'Azur (UCA)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, Université Côte d'Azur (UCA)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Université de Rennes 1 (UR1), Université de Rennes (UNIV-RENNES)-Université de Rennes (UNIV-RENNES)-Institut National des Sciences Appliquées - Rennes (INSA Rennes), Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA)-Université de Rennes (UNIV-RENNES)-Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA)-École Nationale Supérieure des Sciences Appliquées et de Technologie (ENSSAT)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université Bretagne Loire (UBL)-IMT Atlantique Bretagne-Pays de la Loire (IMT Atlantique), Institut Mines-Télécom [Paris] (IMT)-Institut Mines-Télécom [Paris] (IMT), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-École normale supérieure - Paris (ENS Paris)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-École normale supérieure - Paris (ENS Paris)-Collège de France (CdF)-Sorbonne Université (SU)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), ESPCI ParisTech, Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques (IHES), Observatoire de Paris, PSL Research University (PSL)-PSL Research University (PSL)-Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (UPD7)-Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Abbott, Bp, Abbott, R, Abbott, Td, Abraham, S, Acernese, F, Ackley, K, Adams, C, Adhikari, Rx, Adya, Vb, Affeldt, C, Agathos, M, Agatsuma, K, Aggarwal, N, Aguiar, Od, Aiello, L, Ain, A, Ajith, P, Allen, G, Allocca, A, Aloy, Ma, Altin, Pa, Amato, A, Ananyeva, A, Anderson, Sb, Anderson, Wg, Angelova, Sv, Antier, S, Appert, S, Arai, K, Araya, Mc, Areeda, J, Arene, M, Arnaud, N, Ascenzi, S, Ashton, G, Aston, Sm, Astone, P, Aubin, F, Aufmuth, P, Aultoneal, K, Austin, C, Avendano, V, Avila-Alvarez, A, Babak, S, Bacon, P, Badaracco, F, Bader, Mkm, Bae, S, Baker, Pt, Baldaccini, F, Ballardin, G, Ballmer, Sw, Banagiri, S, Barayoga, Jc, Barclay, Se, Barish, Bc, Barker, D, Barkett, K, Barnum, S, Barone, F, Barr, B, Barsotti, L, Barsuglia, M, Barta, D, Bartlett, J, Bartos, I, Bassiri, R, Basti, A, Bawaj, M, Bayley, Jc, Bazzan, M, Becsy, B, Bejger, M, Belahcene, I, Bell, A, Beniwal, D, Berger, Bk, Bergmann, G, Bernuzzi, S, Bero, Jj, Berry, Cpl, Bersanetti, D, Bertolini, A, Betzwieser, J, Bhandare, R, Bidler, J, Bilenko, Ia, Bilgili, Sa, Billingsley, G, Birch, J, Birney, R, Birnholtz, O, Biscans, S, Biscoveanu, S, Bisht, A, Bitossi, M, Bizouard, Ma, Blackburn, Jk, Blair, Cd, Blair, Dg, Blair, Rm, Bloemen, S, Bode, N, Boer, M, Boetzel, Y, Bogaert, G, Bondu, F, Bonilla, E, Bonnand, R, Booker, P, Boom, Ba, Booth, Cd, Bork, R, Boschi, V, Bose, S, Bossie, K, Bossilkov, V, Bosveld, J, Bouffanais, Y, Bozzi, A, Bradaschia, C, Brady, Pr, Bramley, A, Branchesi, M, Brau, Je, Briant, T, Briggs, Jh, Brighenti, F, Brillet, A, Brinkmann, M, Brisson, V, Brockill, P, Brooks, Af, Brown, Dd, Brunett, S, Buikema, A, Bulik, T, Bulten, Hj, Buonanno, A, Buskulic, D, Buy, C, Byer, Rl, Cabero, M, Cadonati, L, Cagnoli, G, Cahillane, C, Bustillo, Jc, Callister, Ta, Calloni, E, Camp, Jb, Campbell, Wa, Canepa, M, Cannon, Kc, Cao, H, Cao, J, Capocasa, E, Carbognani, F, Caride, S, Carney, Mf, Carullo, G, Diaz, Jc, Casentini, C, Caudill, S, Cavaglia, M, Cavalier, F, Cavalieri, R, Cella, G, Cerda-Duran, P, Cerretani, G, Cesarini, E, Chaibi, O, Chakravarti, K, Chamberlin, Sj, Chan, M, Chao, S, Charlton, P, Chase, Ea, Chassande-Mottin, E, Chatterjee, D, Chaturvedi, M, Cheeseboro, Bd, Chen, Hy, Chen, X, Chen, Y, Cheng, Hp, Cheong, Ck, Chia, Hy, Chincarini, A, Chiummo, A, Cho, G, Cho, H, Cho, M, Christensen, N, Chu, Q, Chua, S, Chung, Kw, Chung, S, Ciani, G, Ciobanu, Aa, Ciolfi, R, Cipriano, F, Cirone, A, Clara, F, Clark, Ja, Clearwater, P, Cleva, F, Cocchieri, C, Coccia, E, Cohadon, Pf, Cohen, D, Colgan, R, Colleoni, M, Collette, Cg, Collins, C, Cominsky, Lr, Constancio, M, Conti, L, Cooper, Sj, Corban, P, Corbitt, Tr, Cordero-Carrion, I, Corley, Kr, Cornish, N, Corsi, A, Cortese, S, Costa, Ca, Cotesta, R, Coughlin, Mw, Coughlin, Sb, Coulon, Jp, Countryman, St, Couvares, P, Covas, Pb, Cowan, Ee, Coward, Dm, Cowart, Mj, Coyne, Dc, Coyne, R, Creighton, Jde, Creighton, Td, Cripe, J, Croquette, M, Crowder, Sg, Cullen, Tj, Cumming, A, Cunningham, L, Cuoco, E, Dal Canton, T, Dalya, G, Danilishin, Sl, D'Antonio, S, Danzmann, K, Dasgupta, A, Costa, Cfd, Datrier, Leh, Dattilo, V, Dave, I, Davier, M, Davis, D, Daw, Ej, Debra, D, Deenadayalan, M, Degallaix, J, De Laurentis, M, Deleglise, S, Del Pozzo, W, Demarchi, Lm, Demos, N, Dent, T, De Pietri, R, Derby, J, De Rosa, R, De Rossi, C, Desalvo, R, de Varona, O, Dhurandhar, S, Diaz, Mc, Dietrich, T, Di Fiore, L, Di Giovanni, M, Di Girolamo, T, Di Lieto, A, Ding, B, Di Pace, S, Di Palma, I, Di Renzo, F, Dmitriev, A, Doctor, Z, Donovan, F, Dooley, Kl, Doravari, S, Dorrington, I, Downes, Tp, Drago, M, Driggers, Jc, Du, Z, Ducoin, Jg, Dupej, P, Dwyer, Se, Easter, Pj, Edo, Tb, Edwards, Mc, Effler, A, Ehrens, P, Eichholz, J, Eikenberry, S, Eisenmann, M, Eisenstein, Ra, Essick, Rc, Estelles, H, Estevez, D, Etienne, Zb, Etzel, T, Evans, M, Evans, Tm, Fafone, V, Fair, H, Fairhurst, S, Fan, X, Farinon, S, Farr, B, Farr, Wm, Fauchon-Jones, Ej, Favata, M, Fays, M, Fazio, M, Fee, C, Feicht, J, Fejer, Mm, Feng, F, Fernandez-Galiana, A, Ferrante, I, Ferreira, Ec, Ferreira, Ta, Ferrini, F, Fidecaro, F, Fiori, I, Fiorucci, D, Fishbach, M, Fisher, Rp, Fishner, Jm, Fitz-Axen, M, Flaminio, R, Fletcher, M, Flynn, E, Fong, H, Font, Ja, Forsyth, Pwf, Fournier, Jd, Frasca, S, Frasconi, F, Frei, Z, Freise, A, Frey, R, Frey, V, Fritschel, P, Frolov, Vv, Fulda, P, Fyffe, M, Gabbard, Ha, Gadre, Bu, Gaebel, Sm, Gair, Jr, Gammaitoni, L, Ganija, Mr, Gaonkar, Sg, Garcia, A, Garcia-Quiros, C, Garufi, F, Gateley, B, Gaudio, S, Gaur, G, Gayathri, V, Gemme, G, Genin, E, Gennai, A, George, D, George, J, Gergely, L, Germain, V, Ghonge, S, Ghosh, A, Ghosh, S, Giacomazzo, B, Giaime, Ja, Giardina, Kd, Giazotto, A, Gill, K, Giordano, G, Glover, L, Godwin, P, Goetz, E, Goetz, R, Goncharov, B, Gonzalez, G, Castro, Jmg, Gopakumar, A, Gorodetsky, Ml, Gossan, Se, Gosselin, M, Gouaty, R, Grado, A, Graef, C, Granata, M, Grant, A, Gras, S, Grassia, P, Gray, C, Gray, R, Greco, G, Green, Ac, Green, R, Gretarsson, Em, Groot, P, Grote, H, Grunewald, S, Gruning, P, Guidi, Gm, Gulati, Hk, Guo, Y, Gupta, A, Gupta, Mk, Gustafson, Ek, Gustafson, R, Haegel, L, Halim, O, Hall, Br, Hall, Ed, Hamilton, Ez, Hammond, G, Haney, M, Hanke, Mm, Hanks, J, Hanna, C, Hannuksela, Oa, Hanson, J, Hardwick, T, Haris, K, Harms, J, Harry, Gm, Harry, Iw, Haster, Cj, Haughian, K, Hayes, Fj, Healy, J, Heidmann, A, Heintze, Mc, Heitmann, H, Hello, P, Hemming, G, Hendry, M, Heng, I, Hennig, J, Heptonstall, Aw, Vivanco, Fh, Heurs, M, Hild, S, Hinderer, T, Hoak, D, Hochheim, S, Hofman, D, Holgado, Am, Holland, Na, Holt, K, Holz, De, Hopkins, P, Horst, C, Hough, J, Howell, Ej, Hoy, Cg, Hreibi, A, Huerta, Ea, Huet, D, Hughey, B, Hulko, M, Husa, S, Huttner, Sh, Huynh-Dinh, T, Idzkowski, B, Iess, A, Ingram, C, Inta, R, Intini, G, Irwin, B, Isa, Hn, Isac, Jm, Isi, M, Iyer, Br, Izumi, K, Jacqmin, T, Jadhav, Sj, Jani, K, Janthalur, Nn, Jaranowski, P, Jenkins, Ac, Jiang, J, Johnson, D, Jones, Aw, Jones, Di, Jones, R, Jonker, Rjg, Ju, L, Junker, J, Kalaghatgi, Cv, Kalogera, V, Kamai, B, Kandhasamy, S, Kang, G, Kanner, Jb, Kapadia, Sj, Karki, S, Karvinen, K, Kashyap, R, Kasprzack, M, Katsanevas, S, Katsavounidis, E, Katzman, W, Kaufer, S, Kawabe, K, Keerthana, Nv, Kefelian, F, Keitel, D, Kennedy, R, Key, J, Khalili, Fy, Khan, H, Khan, I, Khan, S, Khan, Z, Khazanov, Ea, Khursheed, M, Kijbunchoo, N, Kim, C, Kim, Jc, Kim, K, Kim, W, Kim, Ym, Kimball, C, King, Ej, King, Pj, Kinley-Hanlon, M, Kirchhoff, R, Kissel, J, Kleybolte, L, Klika, Jh, Klimenko, S, Knowles, Td, Koch, P, Koehlenbeck, Sm, Koekoek, G, Koley, S, Kondrashov, V, Kontos, A, Koper, N, Korobko, M, Korth, Wz, Kowalska, I, Kozak, Db, Kringel, V, Krishnendu, N, Krolak, A, Kuehn, G, Kumar, A, Kumar, P, Kumar, R, Kumar, S, Kuo, L, Kutynia, A, Kwang, S, Lackey, Bd, Lai, Kh, Lam, Tl, Landry, M, Lane, Bb, Lang, Rn, Lange, J, Lantz, B, Lanza, Rk, Lartaux-Vollard, A, Lasky, Pd, Laxen, M, Lazzarini, A, Lazzaro, C, Leaci, P, Leavey, S, Lecoeuche, Yk, Lee, Ch, Lee, Hk, Lee, Hm, Lee, Hw, Lee, J, Lee, K, Lehmann, J, Lenon, A, Leroy, N, Letendre, N, Levin, Y, Li, J, Li, Kjl, Li, Tgf, Li, X, Lin, F, Linde, F, Linker, Sd, Littenberg, Tb, Liu, J, Liu, X, Lo, Rkl, Lockerbie, Na, London, Lt, Longo, A, Lorenzini, M, Loriette, V, Lormand, M, Losurdo, G, Lough, Jd, Lousto, Co, Lovelace, G, Lower, Me, Luck, H, Lumaca, D, Lundgren, Ap, Lynch, R, Ma, Y, Macas, R, Macfoy, S, Macinnis, M, Macleod, Dm, Macquet, A, Magana-Sandoval, F, Zertuche, Lm, Magee, Rm, Majorana, E, Maksimovic, I, Malik, A, Man, N, Mandic, V, Mangano, V, Mansell, Gl, Manske, M, Mantovani, M, Marchesoni, F, Marion, F, Marka, S, Marka, Z, Markakis, C, Markosyan, A, Markowitz, A, Maros, E, Marquina, A, Marsat, S, Martelli, F, Martin, Iw, Martin, Rm, Martynov, Dv, Mason, K, Massera, E, Masserot, A, Massinger, Tj, Masso-Reid, M, Mastrogiovanni, S, Matas, A, Matichard, F, Matone, L, Mavalvala, N, Mazumder, N, Mccann, Jj, Mccarthy, R, Mcclelland, De, Mccormick, S, Mcculler, L, Mcguire, Sc, Mciver, J, Mcmanus, Dj, Mcrae, T, Mcwilliams, St, Meacher, D, Meadors, Gd, Mehmet, M, Mehta, Ak, Meidam, J, Melatos, A, Mendell, G, Mercer, Ra, Mereni, L, Merilh, El, Merzougui, M, Meshkov, S, Messenger, C, Messick, C, Metzdorff, R, Meyers, Pm, Miao, H, Michel, C, Middleton, H, Mikhailov, Ee, Milano, L, Miller, Al, Miller, A, Millhouse, M, Mills, Jc, Milovich-Goff, Mc, Minazzoli, O, Minenkov, Y, Mishkin, A, Mishra, C, Mistry, T, Mitra, S, Mitrofanov, Vp, Mitselmakher, G, Mittleman, R, Mo, G, Moffa, D, Mogushi, K, Mohapatra, Srp, Montani, M, Moore, Cj, Moraru, D, Moreno, G, Morisaki, S, Mours, B, Mow-Lowry, Cm, Mukherjee, A, Mukherjee, D, Mukherjee, S, Mukund, N, Mullavey, A, Munch, J, Muniz, Ea, Muratore, M, Murray, Pg, Nagar, A, Nardecchia, I, Naticchioni, L, Nayak, Rk, Neilson, J, Nelemans, G, Nelson, Tjn, Nery, M, Neunzert, A, Ng, Ky, Ng, S, Nguyen, P, Nichols, D, Nissanke, S, Nitz, A, Nocera, F, North, C, Nuttall, Lk, Obergaulinger, M, Oberling, J, O'Brien, Bd, O'Dea, Gd, Ogin, Gh, Oh, Jj, Oh, Sh, Ohme, F, Ohta, H, Okada, Ma, Oliver, M, Oppermann, P, Oram, Rj, O'Reilly, B, Ormiston, Rg, Ortega, Lf, O'Shaughnessy, R, Ossokine, S, Ottaway, Dj, Overmier, H, Owen, Bj, Pace, Ae, Pagano, G, Page, Ma, Pai, A, Pai, Sa, Palamos, Jr, Palashov, O, Palomba, C, Pal-Singh, A, Pan, Hw, Pang, B, Pang, Pth, Pankow, C, Pannarale, F, Pant, Bc, Paoletti, F, Paoli, A, Parida, A, Parker, W, Pascucci, D, Pasqualetti, A, Passaquieti, R, Passuello, D, Patil, M, Patricelli, B, Pearlstone, Bl, Pedersen, C, Pedraza, M, Pedurand, R, Pele, A, Penn, S, Perez, Cj, Perreca, A, Pfeiffer, Hp, Phelps, M, Phukon, K, Piccinni, Oj, Pichot, M, Piergiovanni, F, Pillant, G, Pinard, L, Pirello, M, Pitkin, M, Poggiani, R, Pong, Dyt, Ponrathnam, S, Popolizio, P, Porter, Ek, Powell, J, Prajapati, Ak, Prasad, J, Prasai, K, Prasanna, R, Pratten, G, Prestegard, T, Privitera, S, Prodi, Ga, Prokhorov, Lg, Puncken, O, Punturo, M, Puppo, P, Purrer, M, Qi, H, Quetschke, V, Quinonez, Pj, Quintero, Ea, Quitzow-James, R, Raab, Fj, Radkins, H, Radulescu, N, Raffai, P, Raja, S, Rajan, C, Rajbhandari, B, Rakhmanov, M, Ramirez, Ke, Ramos-Buades, A, Rana, J, Rao, K, Rapagnani, P, Raymond, V, Razzano, M, Read, J, Regimbau, T, Rei, L, Reid, S, Reitze, Dh, Ren, W, Ricci, F, Richardson, Cj, Richardson, Jw, Ricker, Pm, Riles, K, Rizzo, M, Robertson, Na, Robie, R, Robinet, F, Rocchi, A, Rolland, L, Rollins, Jg, Roma, Vj, Romanelli, M, Romano, R, Romel, Cl, Romie, Jh, Rose, K, Rosinska, D, Rosofsky, Sg, Ross, Mp, Rowan, S, Rudiger, A, Ruggi, P, Rutins, G, Ryan, K, Sachdev, S, Sadecki, T, Sakellariadou, M, Salconi, L, Saleem, M, Samajdar, A, Sammut, L, Sanchez, Ej, Sanchez, Le, Sanchis-Gual, N, Sandberg, V, Sanders, Jr, Santiago, Ka, Sarin, N, Sassolas, B, Saulson, Pr, Sauter, O, Savage, Rl, Schale, P, Scheel, M, Scheuer, J, Schmidt, P, Schnabel, R, Schofield, Rm, Schonbeck, A, Schreiber, E, Schulte, Bw, Schutz, Bf, Schwalbe, Sg, Scott, J, Scott, Sm, Seidel, E, Sellers, D, Sengupta, A, Sennett, N, Sentenac, D, Sequino, V, Sergeev, A, Setyawati, Y, Shaddock, Da, Shaffer, T, Shahriar, M, Shaner, Mb, Shao, L, Sharma, P, Shawhan, P, Shen, H, Shink, R, Shoemaker, Dh, Shoemaker, Dm, Shyamsundar, S, Siellez, K, Sieniawska, M, Sigg, D, Silva, Ad, Singer, Lp, Singh, N, Singhal, A, Sintes, Am, Sitmukhambetov, S, Skliris, V, Slagmolen, Bjj, Slaven-Blair, Tj, Smith, Jr, Smith, Rje, Somala, S, Son, Ej, Sorazu, B, Sorrentino, F, Souradeep, T, Sowell, E, Spencer, Ap, Srivastava, Ak, Srivastava, V, Staats, K, Stachie, C, Standke, M, Steer, Da, Steinke, M, Steinlechner, J, Steinlechner, S, Steinmeyer, D, Stevenson, Sp, Stocks, D, Stone, R, Stops, Dj, Strain, Ka, Stratta, G, Strigin, Se, Strunk, A, Sturani, R, Stuver, Al, Sudhir, V, Summerscales, Tz, Sun, L, Sunil, S, Suresh, J, Sutton, Pj, Swinkels, Bl, Szczepanczyk, Mj, Tacca, M, Tait, Sc, Talbot, C, Talukder, D, Tanner, Db, Tapai, M, Taracchini, A, Tasson, Jd, Taylor, R, Thies, F, Thomas, M, Thomas, P, Thondapu, Sr, Thorne, Ka, Thrane, E, Tiwari, S, Tiwari, V, Toland, K, Tonelli, M, Tornasi, Z, Torres-Forne, A, Torrie, Ci, Toyra, D, Travasso, F, Traylor, G, Tringali, Mc, Trovato, A, Trozzo, L, Trudeau, R, Tsang, Kw, Tse, M, Tso, R, Tsukada, L, Tsuna, D, Tuyenbayev, D, Ueno, K, Ugolini, D, Unnikrishnan, C, Urban, Al, Usman, Sa, Vahlbruch, H, Vajente, G, Valdes, G, van Bakel, N, van Beuzekom, M, van den Brand, Jfj, Van den Broeck, C, Vander-Hyde, Dc, van Heijningen, Jv, van der Schaaf, L, van Veggel, Aa, Vardaro, M, Varma, V, Vass, S, Vasuth, M, Vecchio, A, Vedovato, G, Veitch, J, Veitch, Pj, Venkateswara, K, Venugopalan, G, Verkindt, D, Vetrano, F, Vicere, A, Viets, Ad, Vine, Dj, Vinet, Jy, Vitale, S, Vo, T, Vocca, H, Vorvick, C, Vyatchanin, Sp, Wade, Ar, Wade, Le, Wade, M, Walet, R, Walker, M, Wallace, L, Walsh, S, Wang, G, Wang, H, Wang, Jz, Wang, Wh, Wang, Yf, Ward, Rl, Warden, Za, Warner, J, Was, M, Watchi, J, Weaver, B, Wei, Lw, Weinert, M, Weinstein, Aj, Weiss, R, Wellmann, F, Wen, L, Wessel, Ek, Wessels, P, Westhouse, Jw, Wette, K, Whelan, Jt, Whiting, Bf, Whittle, C, Wilken, Dm, Williams, D, Williamson, Ar, Willis, Jl, Willke, B, Wimmer, Mh, Winkler, W, Wipf, Cc, Wittel, H, Woan, G, Woehler, J, Wofford, Jk, Worden, J, Wright, Jl, Wu, D, Wysocki, Dm, Xiao, L, Yamamoto, H, Yancey, Cc, Yang, L, Yap, Mj, Yazback, M, Yeeles, Dw, Yu, H, Yu, Hc, Yuen, Shr, Yvert, M, Zadrozny, Ak, Zanolin, M, Zelenova, T, Zendri, Jp, Zevin, M, Zhang, J, Zhang, L, Zhang, T, Zhao, C, Zhou, M, Zhou, Z, Zimmerman, Ab, Zhu, Xj, Zucker, Me, Zweizig, J, Abbott, B, Abbott, T, Adhikari, R, Adya, V, Aguiar, O, Aloy, M, Altin, P, Anderson, S, Anderson, W, Angelova, S, Araya, M, Aston, S, Bader, M, Baker, P, Ballmer, S, Barayoga, J, Barclay, S, Barish, B, Bayley, J, Berger, B, Bero, J, Berry, C, Bilenko, I, Bilgili, S, Bizouard, M, Blackburn, J, Blair, C, Blair, D, Blair, R, Boom, B, Booth, C, Brady, P, Brau, J, Briggs, J, Brooks, A, Brown, D, Bulten, H, Byer, R, Bustillo, J, Callister, T, Camp, J, Campbell, W, Cannon, K, Carney, M, Diaz, J, Chamberlin, S, Chase, E, Cheeseboro, B, Chen, H, Cheng, H, Cheong, C, Chia, H, Chung, K, Ciobanu, A, Clark, J, Cohadon, P, Collette, C, Cominsky, L, Cooper, S, Corbitt, T, Corley, K, Costa, C, Coughlin, M, Coughlin, S, Coulon, J, Countryman, S, Covas, P, Cowan, E, Coward, D, Cowart, M, Coyne, D, Creighton, J, Creighton, T, Crowder, S, Cullen, T, Canton, T, Danilishin, S, Datrier, L, Daw, E, Pozzo, W, Demarchi, L, De Varona, O, Diaz, M, Fiore, L, Giovanni, M, Girolamo, T, Lieto, A, Pace, S, Palma, I, Renzo, F, Dooley, K, Downes, T, Driggers, J, Ducoin, J, Dwyer, S, Easter, P, Edo, T, Edwards, M, Eisenstein, R, Essick, R, Etienne, Z, Evans, T, Farr, W, Fauchon-Jones, E, Fejer, M, Ferreira, E, Ferreira, T, Fisher, R, Fishner, J, Font, J, Forsyth, P, Fournier, J, Frolov, V, Gabbard, H, Gadre, B, Gaebel, S, Gair, J, Ganija, M, Gaonkar, S, Giaime, J, Giardina, K, Castro, J, Gorodetsky, M, Gossan, S, Green, A, Gretarsson, E, Guidi, G, Gulati, H, Gupta, M, Gustafson, E, Hall, B, Hall, E, Hamilton, E, Hanke, M, Hannuksela, O, Harry, G, Harry, I, Haster, C, Hayes, F, Heintze, M, Heptonstall, A, Vivanco, F, Holgado, A, Holland, N, Holz, D, Howell, E, Hoy, C, Huerta, E, Huttner, S, Isa, H, Isac, J, Iyer, B, Jadhav, S, Janthalur, N, Jenkins, A, Jones, A, Jones, D, Jonker, R, Kalaghatgi, C, Kanner, J, Kapadia, S, Keerthana, N, Khalili, F, Khazanov, E, Kim, J, Kim, Y, King, E, King, P, Klika, J, Knowles, T, Koehlenbeck, S, Korth, W, Kozak, D, Lackey, B, Lai, K, Lam, T, Lane, B, Lang, R, Lanza, R, Lasky, P, Lecoeuche, Y, Lee, C, Lee, H, Li, K, Li, T, Linker, S, Littenberg, T, Lo, R, Lockerbie, N, London, L, Lough, J, Lousto, C, Lower, M, Lundgren, A, Macleod, D, Zertuche, L, Magee, R, Mansell, G, Martin, I, Martin, R, Martynov, D, Massinger, T, Mccann, J, Mcclelland, D, Mcguire, S, Mcmanus, D, Mcwilliams, S, Meadors, G, Mehta, A, Mercer, R, Merilh, E, Meyers, P, Mikhailov, E, Mills, J, Milovich-Goff, M, Mitrofanov, V, Mohapatra, S, Moore, C, Mow-Lowry, C, Muniz, E, Murray, P, Nayak, R, Nelson, T, Ng, K, Nuttall, L, O'Brien, B, O'Dea, G, Ogin, G, Oh, J, Oh, S, Okada, M, Oram, R, Ormiston, R, Ortega, L, Ottaway, D, Owen, B, Pace, A, Page, M, Pai, S, Palamos, J, Pan, H, Pang, P, Pant, B, Pearlstone, B, Perez, C, Pfeiffer, H, Piccinni, O, Pong, D, Porter, E, Prajapati, A, Prodi, G, Prokhorov, L, Quinonez, P, Quintero, E, Raab, F, Ramirez, K, Reitze, D, Richardson, C, Richardson, J, Ricker, P, Robertson, N, Rollins, J, Roma, V, Romel, C, Romie, J, Rosofsky, S, Ross, M, Sanchez, E, Sanchez, L, Sanders, J, Santiago, K, Saulson, P, Savage, R, Schofield, R, Schulte, B, Schutz, B, Schwalbe, S, Scott, S, Shaddock, D, Shaner, M, Shoemaker, D, Silva, A, Singer, L, Sintes, A, Slagmolen, B, Slaven-Blair, T, Smith, J, Smith, R, Son, E, Spencer, A, Srivastava, A, Steer, D, Stevenson, S, Stops, D, Strain, K, Strigin, S, Stuver, A, Summerscales, T, Sutton, P, Swinkels, B, Szczepanczyk, M, Tait, S, Tanner, D, Tasson, J, Thondapu, S, Thorne, K, Torrie, C, Tringali, M, Tsang, K, Urban, A, Usman, S, Van Bakel, N, Van Beuzekom, M, Van Den Brand, J, Broeck, C, Vander-Hyde, D, Van Heijningen, J, Van Der Schaaf, L, Van Veggel, A, Veitch, P, Viets, A, Vine, D, Vinet, J, Vyatchanin, S, Wade, A, Wade, L, Wang, J, Wang, W, Wang, Y, Ward, R, Warden, Z, Wei, L, Weinstein, A, Wessel, E, Westhouse, J, Whelan, J, Whiting, B, Wilken, D, Williamson, A, Willis, J, Wimmer, M, Wipf, C, Wofford, J, Wright, J, Wysocki, D, Yancey, C, Yap, M, Yeeles, D, Yuen, S, Zadrozny, A, Zendri, J, Zimmerman, A, Zhu, X, Zucker, M, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL), Université de Lyon-Université de Lyon, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université Paris-Sud - Paris 11 (UP11), Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université de Paris (UP), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, Université Côte d'Azur (UCA)-COMUE Université Côte d'Azur (2015-2019) (COMUE UCA)-Université Côte d'Azur (UCA)-COMUE Université Côte d'Azur (2015-2019) (COMUE UCA)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Université Nice Sophia Antipolis (... - 2019) (UNS), COMUE Université Côte d'Azur (2015-2019) (COMUE UCA), Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA)-Université de Rennes (UNIV-RENNES)-Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA)-École Nationale Supérieure des Sciences Appliquées et de Technologie (ENSSAT)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-IMT Atlantique Bretagne-Pays de la Loire (IMT Atlantique), École normale supérieure - Paris (ENS Paris), Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Fédération de recherche du Département de physique de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure - ENS Paris (FRDPENS), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-École normale supérieure - Paris (ENS Paris), Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Sorbonne Université (SU)-Collège de France (CdF (institution)), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL), Université de Lyon-Université de Lyon-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3), (Astro)-Particles Physics, The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, The Virgo Collaboration, IoP (FNWI), and Astroparticle Physics (IHEF, IoP, FNWI)
- Subjects
010504 meteorology & atmospheric sciences ,data acquisition ,Astronomy ,01 natural sciences ,black hole ,optical ,LIGO ,gravitational waves ,methods: data analysis ,gravitational wave ,010303 astronomy & astrophysics ,QC ,QB ,High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena (astro-ph.HE) ,Settore FIS/01 ,astro-ph.HE ,Physics ,NUCLEOSYNTHESIS ,radio wave ,COMPACT BINARIES ,EJECTION ,gravitational waves, neutron stars ,Physical Sciences ,Neutrino ,Astrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena ,on-line ,Astrophysics::High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena ,FOS: Physical sciences ,NEUTRON-STAR MERGERS ,gamma ray: burst ,Astronomy & Astrophysics ,X-ray ,General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology ,SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals ,RAY BURSTS ,0103 physical sciences ,data analysis [methods] ,STFC ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences ,Science & Technology ,Gravitational wave ,gravitational radiation ,Online identification ,RCUK ,Astronomy and Astrophysics ,messenger ,Neutron star ,VIRGO ,electromagnetic ,Physics and Astronomy ,Space and Planetary Science ,RADIATION ,[PHYS.ASTR]Physics [physics]/Astrophysics [astro-ph] ,Gamma-ray burst ,neutron star: coalescence - Abstract
Advanced LIGO's second observing run (O2), conducted from November 30, 2016 to August 25, 2017, combined with Advanced Virgo's first observations in August 2017 witnessed the birth of gravitational-wave multi-messenger astronomy. The first ever gravitational-wave detection from the coalescence of two neutron stars, GW170817, and its gamma-ray counterpart, GRB 170817A, led to an electromagnetic follow-up of the event at an unprecedented scale. Several teams from across the world searched for EM/neutrino counterparts to GW170817, paving the way for the discovery of optical, X-ray, and radio counterparts. In this article, we describe the online identification of gravitational-wave transients and the distribution of gravitational-wave alerts by the LIGO and Virgo collaborations during O2. We also describe the gravitational-wave observables which were sent in the alerts to enable searches for their counterparts. Finally, we give an overview of the online candidate alerts shared with observing partners during O2. Alerts were issued for 14 candidates, six of which have been confirmed as gravitational-wave events associated with the merger of black holes or neutron stars. Eight of the 14 alerts were issued less than an hour after data acquisition., Comment: 27 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal
- Published
- 2019
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81. Unsuspected isolated breast hydatidosis: a cytological diagnosis
- Author
Dhingra, K. K., Singhal, N., and Jain, S.
- Published
- 2006
82. Biodegradation of 2,4-dicholophenoxyacetic acid using an acidogenic anaerobic sequencing batch reactor
- Author
Chin, H, Elefsiniotis, P, and Singhal, N
- Published
- 2005
83. Transnasal Humidified Rapid Insufflation Ventilatory Exchange in children requiring emergent intubation (Kids THRIVE): a protocol for a randomised controlled trial
- Author
George, S, Humphreys, S, Williams, T, Gelbart, B, Chavan, A, Rasmussen, K, Ganeshalingham, A, Erickson, S, Ganu, SS, Singhal, N, Foster, K, Gannon, B, Gibbons, K, Schlapbach, LJ, Festa, M, Dalziel, S, Schibler, A, Sargent, P, Bell, C, George, S, Humphreys, S, Williams, T, Gelbart, B, Chavan, A, Rasmussen, K, Ganeshalingham, A, Erickson, S, Ganu, SS, Singhal, N, Foster, K, Gannon, B, Gibbons, K, Schlapbach, LJ, Festa, M, Dalziel, S, Schibler, A, Sargent, P, and Bell, C
- Abstract
INTRODUCTION: Emergency intubation of children with abnormal respiratory or cardiac physiology is a high-risk procedure and associated with a high incidence of adverse events including hypoxemia. Successful emergency intubation is dependent on inter-related patient and operator factors. Preoxygenation has been used to maximise oxygen reserves in the patient and to prolong the safe apnoeic time during the intubation phase. Transnasal Humidified Rapid Insufflation Ventilatory Exchange (THRIVE) prolongs the safe apnoeic window for a safe intubation during elective intubation. We designed a clinical trial to test the hypothesis that THRIVE reduces the frequency of adverse and hypoxemic events during emergency intubation in children and to test the hypothesis that this treatment is cost-effective compared with standard care. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: The Kids THRIVE trial is a multicentre randomised controlled trial performed in participating emergency departments and paediatric intensive care units. 960 infants and children aged 0-16 years requiring emergency intubation for all reasons will be enrolled and allocated to THRIVE or control in a 1:1 allocation with stratification by site, age (<1, 1-7 and >7 years) and operator (junior and senior). Children allocated to THRIVE will receive weight appropriate transnasal flow rates with 100% oxygen, whereas children in the control arm will not receive any transnasal oxygen insufflation. The primary outcomes are defined as follows: (1) hypoxemic event during the intubation phase defined as SpO2 <90% (patient-dependent variable) and (2) first intubation attempt success without hypoxemia (operator-dependent variable). Analyses will be conducted on an intention-to-treat basis. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: Ethics approval for the protocol and consent process has been obtained (HREC/16/QRCH/81). The trial has been actively recruiting since May 2017. The study findings will be submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal. TRIAL REG
- Published
- 2019
84. Kangaroo Mother Care implementation research to develop models for accelerating scale-up in India and Ethiopia: study protocol for an adequacy evaluation
- Author
Medhanyie, AA, Alemu, H, Asefa, A, Beyene, SA, Gebregizabher, FA, Aziz, K, Bhandari, N, Beyene, H, Brune, T, Chan, GJ, Cranmer, JN, Darmstadt, GL, Duguma, D, Fikre, A, Andualem, BG, Gobezayehu, AG, Mariam, DH, Abay, TH, Mohan, HL, Jadaun, A, Jayanna, K, Kaja, FNU, Kar, A, Krishna, R, Kumar, A, Kumar, V, Madhur, TK, Belew, ML, Rajini, M, Martines, JC, Mazumder, S, Amin, H, Mony, PK, Muleta, M, Pileggi-Castro, C, Rao, S, Estifanos, AS, Sibley, LM, Singhal, N, Tadele, H, Tariku, A, Lemango, ET, Tadesse, BT, Upadhyay, RP, Worku, B, Hadush, MY, Bahl, R, Medhanyie, AA, Alemu, H, Asefa, A, Beyene, SA, Gebregizabher, FA, Aziz, K, Bhandari, N, Beyene, H, Brune, T, Chan, GJ, Cranmer, JN, Darmstadt, GL, Duguma, D, Fikre, A, Andualem, BG, Gobezayehu, AG, Mariam, DH, Abay, TH, Mohan, HL, Jadaun, A, Jayanna, K, Kaja, FNU, Kar, A, Krishna, R, Kumar, A, Kumar, V, Madhur, TK, Belew, ML, Rajini, M, Martines, JC, Mazumder, S, Amin, H, Mony, PK, Muleta, M, Pileggi-Castro, C, Rao, S, Estifanos, AS, Sibley, LM, Singhal, N, Tadele, H, Tariku, A, Lemango, ET, Tadesse, BT, Upadhyay, RP, Worku, B, Hadush, MY, and Bahl, R
- Abstract
INTRODUCTION: Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) is the practice of early, continuous and prolonged skin-to-skin contact between the mother and the baby with exclusive breastfeeding. Despite clear evidence of impact in improving survival and health outcomes among low birth weight infants, KMC coverage has remained low and implementation has been limited. Consequently, only a small fraction of newborns that could benefit from KMC receive it. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: This implementation research project aims to develop and evaluate district-level models for scaling up KMC in India and Ethiopia that can achieve high population coverage. The project includes formative research to identify barriers and contextual factors that affect implementation and utilisation of KMC and design scalable models to deliver KMC across the facility-community continuum. This will be followed by implementation and evaluation of these models in routine care settings, in an iterative fashion, with the aim of reaching a successful model for wider district, state and national-level scale-up. Implementation actions would happen at three levels: 'pre-KMC facility'-to maximise the number of newborns getting to a facility that provides KMC; 'KMC facility'-for initiation and maintenance of KMC; and 'post-KMC facility'-for continuation of KMC at home. Stable infants with birth weight<2000 g and born in the catchment population of the study KMC facilities would form the eligible population. The primary outcome will be coverage of KMC in the preceding 24 hours and will be measured at discharge from the KMC facility and 7 days after hospital discharge. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: Ethics approval was obtained in all the project sites, and centrally by the Research Ethics Review Committee at the WHO. Results of the project will be submitted to a peer-reviewed journal for publication, in addition to national and global level dissemination. STUDY STATUS: WHO approved protocol: V.4-12 May 2016-Protocol ID: ERC 2716. Stud
- Published
- 2019
85. The Epilepsy Genetics Initiative: Systematic reanalysis of diagnostic exomes increases yield
- Author
Berkovic, SF, Goldstein, DB, Heinzen, EL, Laughlin, BL, Lowenstein, DH, Lubbers, L, Stewart, R, Whittemore, V, Angione, K, Bazil, CW, Bier, L, Bluvstein, J, Brimble, E, Campbell, C, Cavalleri, G, Chambers, C, Choi, H, Cilio, MR, Ciliberto, M, Cornes, S, Delanty, N, Demarest, S, Devinsky, O, Dlugos, D, Dubbs, H, Dugan, P, Ernst, ME, Gibbons, M, Goodkin, HP, Helbig, I, Jansen, L, Johnson, K, Joshi, C, Lippa, NC, Marsh, E, Martinez, A, Millichap, J, Mulhern, MS, Numis, A, Park, K, Pippucci, T, Poduri, A, Porter, B, Regan, B, Sands, TT, Scheffer, IE, Schreiber, JM, Sheidley, B, Singhal, N, Smith, L, Sullivan, J, Taylor, A, Tolete, P, Afgani, TM, Aggarwal, V, Burgess, R, Dixon-Salazar, T, Hemati, P, Milder, J, Petrovski, S, Revah-Politi, A, Stong, N, Berkovic, SF, Goldstein, DB, Heinzen, EL, Laughlin, BL, Lowenstein, DH, Lubbers, L, Stewart, R, Whittemore, V, Angione, K, Bazil, CW, Bier, L, Bluvstein, J, Brimble, E, Campbell, C, Cavalleri, G, Chambers, C, Choi, H, Cilio, MR, Ciliberto, M, Cornes, S, Delanty, N, Demarest, S, Devinsky, O, Dlugos, D, Dubbs, H, Dugan, P, Ernst, ME, Gibbons, M, Goodkin, HP, Helbig, I, Jansen, L, Johnson, K, Joshi, C, Lippa, NC, Marsh, E, Martinez, A, Millichap, J, Mulhern, MS, Numis, A, Park, K, Pippucci, T, Poduri, A, Porter, B, Regan, B, Sands, TT, Scheffer, IE, Schreiber, JM, Sheidley, B, Singhal, N, Smith, L, Sullivan, J, Taylor, A, Tolete, P, Afgani, TM, Aggarwal, V, Burgess, R, Dixon-Salazar, T, Hemati, P, Milder, J, Petrovski, S, Revah-Politi, A, and Stong, N
- Abstract
OBJECTIVE: The Epilepsy Genetics Initiative (EGI) was formed in 2014 to create a centrally managed database of clinically generated exome sequence data. EGI performs systematic research-based reanalysis to identify new molecular diagnoses that were not possible at the time of initial sequencing and to aid in novel gene discovery. Herein we report on the efficacy of this approach 3 years after inception. METHODS: One hundred sixty-six individuals with epilepsy who underwent diagnostic whole exome sequencing (WES) were enrolled, including 139 who had not received a genetic diagnosis. Sequence data were transferred to the EGI and periodically reevaluated on a research basis. RESULTS: Eight new diagnoses were made as a result of updated annotations or the discovery of novel epilepsy genes after the initial diagnostic analysis was performed. In five additional cases, we provided new evidence to support or contradict the likelihood of variant pathogenicity reported by the laboratory. One novel epilepsy gene was discovered through dual interrogation of research and clinically generated WES. SIGNIFICANCE: EGI's diagnosis rate of 5.8% represents a considerable increase in diagnostic yield and demonstrates the value of periodic reinterrogation of whole exome data. The initiative's contributions to gene discovery underscore the importance of data sharing and the value of collaborative enterprises.
- Published
- 2019
86. 3D-Printed Multilayered Reinforced Material System for Gas Supply in CubeSats and Small Satellites
- Author
Singhal, N, Levchenko, I, Huang, S, Xu, L, Potrivitu, GC, Cherkun, O, Fang, J, Bazaka, K, Xu, S, Singhal, N, Levchenko, I, Huang, S, Xu, L, Potrivitu, GC, Cherkun, O, Fang, J, Bazaka, K, and Xu, S
- Abstract
© 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Further development of the near-Earth satellite infrastructure as well as plans for colonization of the Moon and Mars require innovative materials and technologies to produce efficient space assets capable of active functioning for several years. Therefore, the development of compact and efficient devices has bloomed exponentially. Critical components of such devices, propulsion systems that include thrusters, and feed and power systems, have to be efficient and compact. Moreover, these systems shall be simple and cheap, to satisfy the need for thousands of small satellites planned to be launched in the near future. Herein, the design of a 3D-printed, reinforced multilayered material system for gas supply to be used in CubeSats and small satellites of a 1U (10 × 10 × 11.3 cm) form factor is described. The main objective of the system is to provide 0.1 standard cubic centimeter per minute (sccm) of propellant to the thruster. To achieve that, a material system is designed for a propellant tank of ≈50 × 100 mm.
- Published
- 2019
87. Maternal haemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelets syndrome: Perinatal and neurodevelopmental neonatal outcomes for infants weighing less than 1250 g
- Author
Singhal, N, Amin, H J, Pollard, J K, Tough, S C, Johnston, D W, Clark, D J, and Sauve, R
- Published
- 2004
88. Consent for clinical research in the neonatal intensive care unit: a retrospective survey and a prospective study
- Author
Burgess, E, Singhal, N, Amin, H, McMillan, D D, and Devrome, H
- Published
- 2003
89. A0470 - A novel approach for 3D reconstruction of the prostate gland that allows tumour location, volume estimation, and Gleason characterization
- Author
Oliveira, P.S.O., Meena, A., Bonthu, S., Singhal, N., Sachdeva, A., Jain, Y., and Ramani, V.
- Published
- 2022
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90. A one-dimensional reactive multi-component landfill leachate transport model
- Author
Islam, J. and Singhal, N.
- Published
- 2002
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91. Effect of Primary Tumor Side on Survival Outcomes in Untreated Patients With Metastatic Colorectal Cancer When Selective Internal Radiation Therapy Is Added to Chemotherapy: Combined Analysis of Two Randomized Controlled Studies.
- Author
Helmberger T., Findlay M.P.N., Isaacs R., O'Donnell A., Perez D., Rodriguez J., Vera-Garcia R., Amin P., Bloomgarden D., Bui J., Carlisle J., Chai S., Chen Y.-J., Chuong M., Coveler A., Facchini F., Frenette G., Frick J., Garofalo M., George B., Gordon M., Gulec S., Hannigan J., Holtzman M., Kaubisch A., Kaiser A., Kooy T., Limentani S., Margolis J., Martin R., Ozer H., Padia S., Rilling W., Savin M., Schneiderman E., Seeger G., Shibata S., Smith R., Wang E., Whiting S., Aghmesheh M., Cooray P., Feeney K., Lim L., Singh M., Underhill C., Durand A., Faivre S., Ferru A., Hammel P., Bremer C., De Wit M., Ayala H., Heching N., Shani A., Granetto C., Masi G., Mosconi S., Numico G., Trogu A., Kim Y.H., Sae-Won H., Fragoso M., Tan I., Casado A.R., Liang J.T., Liu J.H., Ades S., Auber M., Boland P., Bowers C., Crain M., Dowling K., Iyer R., Ratner L., Sanchez F., Stoltzfus P., Westcott M., Segelov E., Strickland A., Gibbs P., Heinemann V., Sharma N., Taieb J., Ricke J., Peeters M., Robinson B.A., Jackson C., Gebski V., Van Buskirk M., Zhao H., van Hazel G., Brown M., Burge M., Cardaci G., Clarke S., Eliadis P., Ferguson T., Ganju V., James P., Karapetis C., Liauw W., Marx G., Matos M., Nott L., Pavlakis N., Powell A., Price T., Ransom D., Shannon J., Singhal N., Walpole E., Craninx M., Delaunoit T., Deleporte A., Ferrante M., Geboes K., Hendlisz A., Hendrickx K., De Man M., Monsaert E., Moons V., Polus M., Boucher E., Balosso J., Chevallier P., Louafi S., Pracht M., Rebischung C., Smith D., Terrebonne E., Bruch H.-R., Gehbauer G., Ko Y.-D., Kroning H., Lammert F., Nusch A., Pluntke S., Ridwelski K., Riera-Knorrenschild J., Riess H., Riera J.R., Sauerbruch T., Scheidhauer K., Stotzer O., Tatsch K., Vehling-Kaiser U., Vogl T., Beny A., Geva R., Shacham-Shmueli E., Stemmer S., Tichler T., Wolf I., Angelelli B., Martoni A., Helmberger T., Findlay M.P.N., Isaacs R., O'Donnell A., Perez D., Rodriguez J., Vera-Garcia R., Amin P., Bloomgarden D., Bui J., Carlisle J., Chai S., Chen Y.-J., Chuong M., Coveler A., Facchini F., Frenette G., Frick J., Garofalo M., George B., Gordon M., Gulec S., Hannigan J., Holtzman M., Kaubisch A., Kaiser A., Kooy T., Limentani S., Margolis J., Martin R., Ozer H., Padia S., Rilling W., Savin M., Schneiderman E., Seeger G., Shibata S., Smith R., Wang E., Whiting S., Aghmesheh M., Cooray P., Feeney K., Lim L., Singh M., Underhill C., Durand A., Faivre S., Ferru A., Hammel P., Bremer C., De Wit M., Ayala H., Heching N., Shani A., Granetto C., Masi G., Mosconi S., Numico G., Trogu A., Kim Y.H., Sae-Won H., Fragoso M., Tan I., Casado A.R., Liang J.T., Liu J.H., Ades S., Auber M., Boland P., Bowers C., Crain M., Dowling K., Iyer R., Ratner L., Sanchez F., Stoltzfus P., Westcott M., Segelov E., Strickland A., Gibbs P., Heinemann V., Sharma N., Taieb J., Ricke J., Peeters M., Robinson B.A., Jackson C., Gebski V., Van Buskirk M., Zhao H., van Hazel G., Brown M., Burge M., Cardaci G., Clarke S., Eliadis P., Ferguson T., Ganju V., James P., Karapetis C., Liauw W., Marx G., Matos M., Nott L., Pavlakis N., Powell A., Price T., Ransom D., Shannon J., Singhal N., Walpole E., Craninx M., Delaunoit T., Deleporte A., Ferrante M., Geboes K., Hendlisz A., Hendrickx K., De Man M., Monsaert E., Moons V., Polus M., Boucher E., Balosso J., Chevallier P., Louafi S., Pracht M., Rebischung C., Smith D., Terrebonne E., Bruch H.-R., Gehbauer G., Ko Y.-D., Kroning H., Lammert F., Nusch A., Pluntke S., Ridwelski K., Riera-Knorrenschild J., Riess H., Riera J.R., Sauerbruch T., Scheidhauer K., Stotzer O., Tatsch K., Vehling-Kaiser U., Vogl T., Beny A., Geva R., Shacham-Shmueli E., Stemmer S., Tichler T., Wolf I., Angelelli B., and Martoni A.
- Abstract
The primary tumor side is emerging as a prognostic factor for patients with liver metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC). In a combined analysis of data from 2 randomized studies, the addition of selective internal radiation therapy to first-line chemotherapy in patients with mCRC was associated with statistically and clinically significant overall survival gains for patients with a right-sided primary tumor. Background(s): The primary tumor side is emerging as a major prognostic factor for patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC). We examined the survival data from 2 randomized studies to determine whether the outcomes differ between patients with mCRC with right-sided primary (RSP) tumors and those with left-sided primary (LSP) tumors after selective internal radiation therapy (SIRT) plus mFOLFOX6 (folinic acid [leucovorin], 5-fluorouracil, oxaliplatin) chemotherapy, versus chemotherapy alone. Patients and Methods: Separate and combined analyses were performed on the data from the SIRFLOX and FOXFIRE global trials, which compared chemotherapy plus SIRT with chemotherapy alone for patients with mCRC liver metastases. The primary tumor side data were prospectively collected. The principal outcome measure was overall survival (OS) stratified by treatment and primary tumor side. Result(s): In the combined analysis of all 739 patients enrolled, SIRT had no effect on OS (median OS, 24.3 vs. 24.6 months; hazard ratio [HR], 1.021; P =.810). For the 179 patients (24.2%) with a RSP tumor, OS was improved with the addition of SIRT (median, 22.0 vs. 17.1 months HR, 0.641; P =.008). The addition of SIRT was not associated with a significant difference in OS among the 540 patients with a LSP tumor (median, 24.6 vs. 26.6 months; HR, 1.120; P =.264). A test of treatment interaction by primary tumor side was statistically significant for RSP and SIRT (P =.002). Conclusion(s): The addition of SIRT for patients with RSP tumors, but not for those with LSP tumors, was associated
- Published
- 2018
92. De novo variants in the alternative exon 5 of SCN8A cause epileptic encephalopathy
- Author
Berkovic, SF, Dixon-Salazar, T, Goldstein, DB, Heinzen, EL, Laughlin, BL, Lowenstein, DH, Lubbers, L, Milder, J, Stewart, R, Whittemore, V, Angione, K, Bazil, CW, Bier, L, Bluvstein, J, Brimble, E, Campbell, C, Chambers, C, Choi, H, Cilio, MR, Ciliberto, M, Cornes, S, Delanty, N, Demarest, S, Devinsky, O, Dlugos, D, Dubbs, H, Dugan, P, Ernst, ME, Gallentine, W, Gibbons, M, Goodkin, H, Grinton, B, Helbig, I, Jansen, L, Johnson, K, Joshi, C, Lippa, NC, Makati, MA, Marsh, E, Martinez, A, Millichap, J, Moskovich, Y, Mulhern, MS, Numis, A, Park, K, Poduri, A, Porter, B, Sands, TT, Scheffer, IE, Sheidley, B, Singhal, N, Smith, L, Sullivan, J, Riviello, JJ, Taylor, A, Tolete, P, Berkovic, SF, Dixon-Salazar, T, Goldstein, DB, Heinzen, EL, Laughlin, BL, Lowenstein, DH, Lubbers, L, Milder, J, Stewart, R, Whittemore, V, Angione, K, Bazil, CW, Bier, L, Bluvstein, J, Brimble, E, Campbell, C, Chambers, C, Choi, H, Cilio, MR, Ciliberto, M, Cornes, S, Delanty, N, Demarest, S, Devinsky, O, Dlugos, D, Dubbs, H, Dugan, P, Ernst, ME, Gallentine, W, Gibbons, M, Goodkin, H, Grinton, B, Helbig, I, Jansen, L, Johnson, K, Joshi, C, Lippa, NC, Makati, MA, Marsh, E, Martinez, A, Millichap, J, Moskovich, Y, Mulhern, MS, Numis, A, Park, K, Poduri, A, Porter, B, Sands, TT, Scheffer, IE, Sheidley, B, Singhal, N, Smith, L, Sullivan, J, Riviello, JJ, Taylor, A, and Tolete, P
- Abstract
PurposeAs part of the Epilepsy Genetics Initiative, we re-evaluated clinically generated exome sequence data from 54 epilepsy patients and their unaffected parents to identify molecular diagnoses not provided in the initial diagnostic interpretation.MethodsWe compiled and analyzed exome sequence data from 54 genetically undiagnosed trios using a validated analysis pipeline. We evaluated the significance of the genetic findings by reanalyzing sequence data generated at Ambry Genetics, and from a number of additional case and control cohorts.ResultsIn 54 previously undiagnosed trios, we identified two de novo missense variants in SCN8A in the highly expressed alternative exon 5 A-an exon only recently added to the Consensus Coding Sequence database. One additional undiagnosed epilepsy patient harboring a de novo variant in exon 5 A was found in the Ambry Genetics cohort. Missense variants in SCN8A exon 5 A are extremely rare in the population, further supporting the pathogenicity of the de novo alterations identified.ConclusionThese results expand the range of SCN8A variants in epileptic encephalopathy patients and illustrate the necessity of ongoing reanalysis of negative exome sequences, as advances in the knowledge of disease genes and their annotations will permit new diagnoses to be made.
- Published
- 2018
93. An international qualitative study of functioning in autism spectrum disorder using the World Health Organization international classification of functioning, disability and health framework
- Author
Mahdi, S., Viljoen, M., Yee, T., Selb, M., Singhal, N., Almodayfer, O., Granlund, M., de Vries, P., Zwaigenbaum, L., Bolte, Sven, Mahdi, S., Viljoen, M., Yee, T., Selb, M., Singhal, N., Almodayfer, O., Granlund, M., de Vries, P., Zwaigenbaum, L., and Bolte, Sven
- Abstract
This is the third in a series of four empirical studies designed to develop International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) Core Sets for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The present study aimed to describe functioning in ASD (as operationalized by the ICF) derived from the perspectives of diagnosed individuals, family members, and professionals. A qualitative study using focus groups and semi-structured interviews were conducted with 19 stakeholder groups (N = 90) from Canada, India, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, and Sweden. Meaningful concepts from the focus groups and individual interviews were linked to ICF categories using a deductive qualitative approach with standardized linking procedures. The deductive qualitative content analysis yielded meaningful functioning concepts that were linked to 110 ICF categories across all four ICF components. Broad variation of environmental factors and activities and participation categories were identified in this study, while body functions consisted mainly of mental functions. Body structures were sparsely mentioned by the participants. Positive aspects of ASD included honesty, attention to detail, and memory. The experiences provided by international stakeholders support the need to understand individuals with ASD in a broader perspective, extending beyond diagnostic criteria into many areas of functioning and environmental domains. This study is part of a larger systematic effort that will provide the basis to define ICF Core Sets for ASD, from which assessment tools can be generated for use in clinical practice, research, and health care policy making. Autism Res 2018, 11: 463–475. © 2017 The Authors Autism Research published by International Society for Autism Research and Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Lay Summary: The study findings support the need to understand the living experiences of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) from a broader perspective, taking into account many areas of an
- Published
- 2018
94. Resistance to amoxicillin-clavulanate and its relation to virulence-related factors in Yersinia enterocolitica biovar 1A
- Author
Singhal, N, Kumar, M, and Virdi, JS
- Published
- 2016
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95. Multidisciplinary development of the Geriatric Core Dataset for clinical research in older patients with cancer: A French initiative with international survey
- Author
Paillaud, E., primary, Soubeyran, P., additional, Caillet, P., additional, Cudennec, T., additional, Brain, E., additional, Terret, C., additional, Etchepare, F., additional, Mourey, L., additional, Aparicio, T., additional, Pamoukdjian, F., additional, Audisio, R.A., additional, Rostoft, S., additional, Hurria, A., additional, Bellera, C., additional, Mathoulin-Pélissier, S., additional, Boulahssass, R., additional, De Decker, L., additional, Fossey-Diaz, V., additional, Liuu, E., additional, Mertens, C., additional, Balardy, L., additional, Retornaz, F., additional, Couderc, A.L., additional, Rollot-Trad, F., additional, Azria, D., additional, Bacciarello, G., additional, Barranger, E., additional, Bengrine, L., additional, Bernat-Piazza, L., additional, Blay, J.Y., additional, Bourdolle, E., additional, Carola, E., additional, Chinot, O., additional, Classe, J.M., additional, Corre, R., additional, Culine, S., additional, Cure, H., additional, Delaloge S, S., additional, Delattre, J.Y., additional, Desolneux, G., additional, Freyer, G., additional, Graff, P., additional, Guigay, J., additional, Herlin, C., additional, Hoang-Xuan, K., additional, Italiano, A., additional, Kurtz, J.E., additional, Lartigau, E., additional, Lazarovicci-Nagera, C., additional, Lebas, I., additional, Le Caer, H., additional, Maguire, C., additional, Mir, O., additional, Natur, S., additional, Ortholan, C., additional, Pigneux, A., additional, Prou, M., additional, Qabbal, R., additional, Rousseau, F., additional, Rouzier, R., additional, Roveri, A., additional, Sargos, P., additional, Servagi, S., additional, Servent, V., additional, Ysebaert, L., additional, Alibhai, S., additional, Balducci, L., additional, Bastiaannet, E., additional, Bron, D., additional, Cheng, K., additional, Cohen, H.J., additional, Cornelis, F., additional, De Glas, N., additional, Kalsi, T., additional, Kanesvaran, R., additional, Kenis, C., additional, Hamaker, M., additional, Holmes, H., additional, Hsu, T., additional, Lichtman, S., additional, Mohile, S., additional, O'Donovan, A., additional, Puts, M., additional, Repetto, L., additional, Singhal, N., additional, Steer, C., additional, Stolz Baskett, P., additional, Van De Water, W., additional, Van Leuven, B., additional, Wedding, U., additional, Wildes, T., additional, Wildiers, H., additional, and Zulian, G., additional
- Published
- 2018
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96. P14.09: Predicting implantation success using junctional zone assessment in assisted reproduction
- Author
Singhal, N., primary, Kudavelly, S.R., additional, Lakshmi, K., additional, and Ramaraju, G.A., additional
- Published
- 2018
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97. P14.10: Predicting disruption of the junctional zone in Caesarean section deliveries
- Author
Singhal, N., primary, Kudavelly, S.R., additional, Lakshmi, K., additional, and Ramaraju, G.A., additional
- Published
- 2018
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98. School Level Education to Increase Organ Donation and The Effect Of Deprivation
- Author
Byrne, M., primary, Symington, M., additional, Stainer, B., additional, Leighton, J., additional, Jackson, H., additional, Singhal, N., additional, Shiel-Rankin, S., additional, Mayes, J., additional, Mogg, J., additional, Bonham, T., additional, Smit, A., additional, Deutsch, B., additional, and Wilson, C., additional
- Published
- 2018
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99. Patterns of care and clinical outcomes for gastric and gastro-oesophageal cancers in South Australian population: Initial results of a state-wide audit
- Author
Abbas, N., primary, Barnes, M., additional, Price, T., additional, Karapetis, C., additional, Bright, T., additional, Bull, J., additional, Gowda, R., additional, Rodgers, N., additional, Watson, D., additional, Connell, C., additional, Thompson, S., additional, Shenfine, J., additional, Singhal, N., additional, and Roy, A., additional
- Published
- 2018
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100. Abstract P-416
- Author
Cree, M., primary, Rogan, S., additional, and Singhal, N., additional
- Published
- 2018
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