Vaštag, Erna, Orlović, Saša, Ljubojević, Mirjana, Čukanović, Jelena, Pavlović, Lazar, Vestek, Ana, Bojović, Mirjana, Vaštag, Erna, Orlović, Saša, Ljubojević, Mirjana, Čukanović, Jelena, Pavlović, Lazar, Vestek, Ana, and Bojović, Mirjana
Cilj ovog rada bio je proučavanje broja vrsta, rasprostranjenosti, životnih oblika i diverziteta dendroflore urbanog bloka (N 45°15', E 19°48') gradske četvrti Novo naselje, u Novom Sadu. Rezultati su pokazali da u odnosu na rasprostranjenost, najsnažniji uticaj na kompoziciju dendroflore su imale interspecijski hibridi a) sa 1039 individua (38%). Sa druge strane, introdukovane vrste su bile prisutne u većem broju (918 individua, 32%) u odnosu na autohtone (799 individua, 30%). Analizom zastupljenosti životnih oblika fanerofita [Ph] u sastavu urbane vegetacije ustanovljena je dominantnost (1504 individua, 55%) nanofanerofita [nPh] tj. žbunastih vrsta visine do 2 m. Diverzitet dendroflore izračunat na osnovu Simpsonovog indeksa heterogenosti koji iznosi 0.901 i recipročnog Simpsonov indeksa od 10.113, ukazuje na bogatstvo fonda drvenastih vrsta. Značaj dobijenih rezultata je u mogućnosti za upotrebu istih za izradu katastra zelenih površina grada Novog Sada, u cilju monitoringa i mera održavanja drvenastih vrsta., The aim of this study was to examine the number of species, their coverage, present life forms and the diversity of dendroflora of an urban block (N 45°15', E 19°48') in the Novo naselje district of Novi Sad. The results manifested that, in regards of coverage, the biggest influence on the composition of the dendroflora had interspecies hybrida) species, with a number of 1039 individuals (38%). On the other hand, introduced species were present in higher numbers (918 individuals, 32%) than autochthonous (799 individuals, 30%). Analysis of the representation of phanerophyt (Ph) life forms in the composition of the urban vegetation, lead to the conclusion of the dominance (1504 individuals, 55%) of nanophanerophyts (nPh), bushes with height up to 2 m. The diversity of the dendroflora was calculated with the Simpson's index of heterogeneity resulting in 0.901, as well as with the reciprocal Simpson's index of 10.113, pointing out to the richness of woody species. Significance of these findings is discussed in relation to the creation an unified cadaster of green spaces of Novi Sad, purposed for monitoring and maintenance of the woody species.