171 results on '"Živković, Miroslav"'
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52. Analysis of the Three-Dimensional Zone around the Interfacial Crack Tip: The K-Influence Domain Range in the Plane Stress State
- Author
Djoković, Jelena M., primary, Vulović, Snežana D., additional, Nikolić, Ružica R., additional, Živković, Miroslav M., additional, and Hadzima, Branislav, additional
- Published
- 2017
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53. Formulacija i implementacija konstitutivnog modela za prekonsolidovane gline
- Author
Vukićević, Mirjana, Živković, Miroslav, Lelović, Selimir, Jeremić, Boris, Jocković, Sanja, Vukićević, Mirjana, Živković, Miroslav, Lelović, Selimir, Jeremić, Boris, and Jocković, Sanja
- Abstract
Pouzdanost analiza geotehničkih problema numeričkih metoda kao što su metoda konačnih elemenata..., Accuracy and reliability of geotechical analysis by numerical methods such ....
- Published
- 2017
54. Statička i dinamička analiza ploča od funkcionalno gradijentno raspoređenih materijala
- Author
Bogdanović, Gordana, Vasić, Zlatibor, Slavković, Radovan, Živković, Miroslav, Šalinić, Slaviša, Čukanović, Dragan, Bogdanović, Gordana, Vasić, Zlatibor, Slavković, Radovan, Živković, Miroslav, Šalinić, Slaviša, and Čukanović, Dragan
- Abstract
REZIME Funkcionalno gradijentno raspoređeni materijali (FGM), kao grupa savremenih materijala u porodici inženjerskih kompozita dobijaju sve širu primenu u raznim granama industrije sa ciljem da se, odgovarajućim kombinovanjem potencijala dostupnih materijala, njihove osobine iskoriste na najbolji mogući način. Otkaz ili delaminacija, izazvana visokim lokalnim interlaminarnim naponima, je najveći i najčešće proučavani problem kod konvencionalnih kompozitnih laminata. U cilju prevazilaženja pomenutih problema, u okviru ove disertacije proučavane su i implementirane teorijske osnove, kao i analitičke i numeričke procedure kojima se može obezbediti predviđanje ponašanja ploča od funkcionalno gradijentno raspoređenih materijala izloženih različitim vrstama opterećenja. Prikazane su osnovne karakteristike FGM i ukazano je na njihove prednosti u odnosu na konvencionalne kompozitne laminate. Izvršena je njihova klasifikacija u odnosu na različite kriterijume i opisan je širok spektar oblasti u kojima se primenjuju. Posebna pažnja je posvećena definisanju matematičkih funkcija, koje na adekvatan način mogu da opišu njihovu gradijentnu strukturu. Te funkcije su poslužile kao osnova za dobijanje matematičkog modela FGM za naponsko-deformacionu analizu ploča koja je urađena u okviru ove disertacije Izvršena je sistematizacija teorija ploča koje se koriste u analizi konvencionalnih kompozitnih lamina. Data je analiza prednosti i nedostataka klasične teorije ploča i smicajnih deformacionih teorija prvog i višeg reda. Smicajna deformaciona teorija višeg reda zasnovana na 13 različitih funkcija oblika, koje su prvenstveno razvijene od strane različitih autora za analizu kompozitnih laminata, u ovoj disertaciji je prilagođena i implementirana u teorijske postavke za analizu ploča od FGM. Kako se veliki broj inženjerskih problema matematički opisuje modelom ploče na elastičnoj podlozi, proučene su i teorijske postavke ploče od FGM na elastičnoj podlozi. Primenjen je Vinkler-Pasterna, Functionally graded materials (FGM), as a group of modern materials in the family of engineering composite materials, are being increasingly used in various branches of industry, striving to make the best use of their characteristics by combining adequately the potentials of available materials. Failure or delamination, caused by high local interlaminar stresses, is the biggest and the most commonly studied problem with conventional composite laminates. With the aim of overcoming those problems, this thesis provides a study and implementation of theoretical basis, as well as analytical and numerical procedures which can predict the behaviour of plates of functionally graded materials exposed to different kinds of loading. The basic characteristics of FGM are presented and it is pointed to their advantages over conventional composite laminates. They have been classified according to various criteria and a wide range of areas of their use has been presented. Special attention has been given to defining mathematical functions which can adequately describe their graded structure. Those functions were used as a basis for getting a mathematical model of FGM for stress-strain analysis of plates which has been done within this thesis. A systematization of plate theories which are used in the analysis of conventional composite laminates has been done. The thesis also gives an analysis of advantages and disadvantages of the classical plate theory as well as of the first order and high order shear deformation theories. High order shear deformation theory based on 13 different shape functions, which were previously developed by various authors for the analysis of conventional composite laminates, has been adjusted and implemented into theoretical postulates for the analysis of FGM plates. Since a big number of engineering problems are mathematically described by a model of plate on an elastic foundation, the thesis studies theoretical postulates for FGM plates on an el
- Published
- 2017
55. Numerical modeling of the edentulous mandible with a complete denture using multiblock method
- Author
Blagojević, Milan, Erić, Jelena, Knežević, Ljubica, Živković, Miroslav, and Tihaček-Šojić, Ljiljana
- Subjects
mandible ,stomatognathic diseases ,FEM ,stomatognathic system ,complete denture ,biomechanics ,STL2MESH - Abstract
In this paper, finite element model of edentulous lower jaw (mandible) is generated, as well as the model of support layer and complete denture using various software. The aim of this study was to produce 3D digital mandibular complete denture, mucosa, and supporting bone models using reverse engineering and evaluate effect of mucosa thickness and resiliency on stress distribution of complete denture. In this study we used a model of mandibular complete denture and 5 mm thickness of mucosa (which represent the resiliences soft). The influence of resilient mucous membranes layer thickness is analysed by assigning loads to simulate the force due to chewing on the lower right and left central incisor and lower right and left first molar. Based on the numerical results, we conclude that the maximum stress values were concentrated in cortical bone.
- Published
- 2015
56. Numeričko modeliranje granularnih materijala
- Author
Živković, Miroslav, Slavković, Radovan, Vignjević, Rade, Mesarović, Siniša, Filipović, Nenad, Topalović, Marko, Živković, Miroslav, Slavković, Radovan, Vignjević, Rade, Mesarović, Siniša, Filipović, Nenad, and Topalović, Marko
- Abstract
Granularne materijale čini skup vema velikog broja sitnih solida (zrna, granula, čestica) čije ponašanje zavisi od energije koju solidi poseduju i predstavljaju nakon vode drugu najmanipulisaniju materiju u inženjerstvu. Za numeričku analizu uređaja za transport, skladištenje i obradu granularnih materijala, neophodno je tačno modeliranje opterećenja kojima granularni materijal deluje na pomenute uređaje. U okviru ove disertacije data je teorijska analiza ponašanja granularnih materijala od mikro nivoa gde je analiziran kontakt između dva zrna, do makro nivoa u kome se analizira ponašanje celokupnog materijala. Metoda diskretnih elemenata je korišćena za modeliranje troosnog testa, eksperimenta koji se najčešće koristi za određivanje materijalnih karakteristika, kao i traka smicanja i vrtolga koji se pri tom javljaju u granularnom materijalu. Opterećenja u granularnom materijalu nisu ravnomerno raspoređena, već najopterećenija zrna formiraju lance sila dok ostala zrna igraju potpornu ulogu. Deformacije granularnog materijala izazivaju kidanje starih i formiranje novih lalnaca sila, a promene opterećenja su analizirane za izabrana zrna. Glatka čestična hidrodinamika je numerička metoda zasnovana na mehanici kontinuuma, a njen bezmrežni karakter omogućava analizu velikih deformacija u realnim problemima, pa je generalisani materijalni model sa kapom ugrađen u program i korišćen za modeliranje granularnih materijala. Metoda konačnih elementata je najčešće korišćena numerička metoda u inženjerstvu, a da bi se koristila za analizu uređaja za transport, skladištenje i obradu granularnih materijala povezana je sa glatkom čestičnom hidrodinamikom po principima fluid-solid interakcije, a kontaktni algoritam između ove dve metode je proširen tretmanom trenja na osnovu Kulonovog zakona. Metodologija analize podrazumeva korišćenje dva programa za pre-procesiranje i jednog za post-procesiranje koji su povezani sa solverima pomoću programa prevodioca. Materijalni model, sprezanje, The granular materials consists of large number of small solids (grains, granules, particles) whose behavior depends on the energy they have and represent the second most manipulated matter in engineering (water is the first). For numerical analysis of devices for transport, storage and processing of granular materials, it is necessary to accurately model load which granular materials exert on the aforementioned devices. As a part of this dissertation the theoretical analysis of granular materials behavior is presented, both at the micro levels where the contact between two grains is analyzed, and a macro level in which the behavior of the whole material is analyzed. Discrete element method was used for modeling of triaxial tests, experiments that are commonly used to determine material characteristics, as well as shear bands and vortexes which occur in the granular material during these tests. Loads in the granular material are not evenly distributed, with most loaded grains forming force chains, while other grains play only a supporting role. Deformation of granular materials causes breaking of old and the formation of new force chains and load changes are analyzed in selected grains. Smoothed particle hydrodynamics is a numerical method based on continuum mechanics, and its meshless character allows analysis of large deformation in real problems, so generalized material model with cap was coded into the program and used to model granular materials. Finite element analysis is the most widely used numerical methods in engineering, but in order to be used for the evaluation of construction for transportation, storage and processing of granular materials it needed to be connected with smoothed particle hydrodynamics using the principles of fluid-solid interactions, and contact algorithm between these two methods is expanded by friction treatment on the basis of Coulomb's law. The methodology of analysis involves the use of two programs for pre-processing and one for
- Published
- 2016
57. Razvoj metodologije za eksperimentalnu i numeričku procenu integriteta nosećih delova vagonske konstrukcije izloženih cikličnom dinamičkom opterećenju
- Author
Jovičić, Gordana, Slavković, Radovan, Živković, Miroslav, Burzić, Zijah, Bogdanović, Gordana, Milovanović, Vladimir, Jovičić, Gordana, Slavković, Radovan, Živković, Miroslav, Burzić, Zijah, Bogdanović, Gordana, and Milovanović, Vladimir
- Abstract
Iz inženjerske prakse je poznato da su vagonske čelične konstrukcije tokom eksploatacije izložene složenim kombinovanim opterećenjima. Modernizacijom pruga, povećavanjem brzine kretanja, optimizacijom vagonskih konstrukcija, korišćenjem novih materijala, stvoreni su veliki izazovi u oblasti vagonske industrije. Paralelno sa povećanjem izazova, zahtevi u pogledu pouzdanosti i bezbednosti vagonskih konstrukcija postajali su sve veći. Predmet proučavanja i cilj rada na ovoj disertaciji je razvoj pouzdane metodologije za eksperimentalnu i numeričku procenu integriteta vagonskih konstrukcija izloženih promenljivim dinamičkim opterećenjima. Za potrebe procene integriteta delova vagonskih konstrukcija eksperimentalno su određivane karakteristike konstrukcionih čelika i čelika koji su već bili u fazi eksploatacije. Cilj ovih eksperimentalnih istraživanja je dobijanje dovoljnog broja podataka o materijalima i geometriji kritičnih zona vagonskih konstrukcija. Sistematizacijom dobijenih rezultata i onih koji su već dostupni u raznim oblicima literature napravljena je osnova za tumačenje rezultata dobijenih numeričkim proračunima. Kao plod razvijene metodologije, na realnim primerima iz prakse, prikazan je postupak procene integriteta nosećih delova rekonstruisane vagonske konstrukcije, koja je izložena promenljivim zamornim opterećenjima. Na osnovu eksperimentalnih i numeričkih rezultata izvršena je analiza postavljenog problema u skladu sa standardima u oblasti vagonskih konstrukcija. Drugi primer predstavlja procenu preostalog radnog veka, određivanje broja ciklusa do otkaza kritičnih zona nosećih delova vagonske konstrukcije na osnovu eksperimentalno dobijenih podataka i numeričkih rezultata proračuna. Korišćenje razvijene metodologije na konkretnim primerima i njena verifikacija u praksi, dovodi do znatne uštede pri veoma skupim ispitivanjima različitih prototipova vagona. Praktična primena razvijene metodologije u budućnosti bi mogla ostvariti pozitivan uticaj u oblasti v, It is well known from the engineering experience that, during exploitation, steel structures of wagons are exposed to the complex combined loads. Modernization of rails by increasing the velocity, optimization of the wagon structures, using new materials, created great challenges in the field of wagon industry. Together with increasing challenges, the requirements in terms of reliability and safety of the wagon structure have increased as well. The subject of studying and purpose of this thesis is to develop a reliable methodology for the experimental and numerical evaluation of the integrity of the wagon structures exposed to the alternating dynamic loads. For the purpose of integrity estimation of the wagon parts, the characteristics of structural steel and steel in the phase of exploitation have been experimentally determined. The aim of this experimental research is to obtain sufficient data on materials and geometry relating to the critical zones of the wagon structures. Systematization of the obtained results and those that are already available in various forms of literature enabled forming the basis for the interpretation of the results of the numerical calculations. As a result of the developed methodology, the procedure of assessment of the integrity of loadbearing parts of the reconstructed wagon structure exposed to fatigue loads, is presented on the real examples in practice. The analysis of a problem was performed in accordance with the standards in the field of the wagon industry and based on the experimental and numerical results. Another example presents the remaining service life assessment, determination of the number of cycles to failure of critical load-bearing parts of the wagon structure according to the experimental data and numerical calculation results. Using of the developed methodology on concrete examples and its verification in practice lead to the significant savings in the very expensive tests of different prototypes of the wagon. Pra
- Published
- 2016
58. CMM2 Deformation: Software for determination of deformation field based on photogrammetric measurements
- Author
Blagojević, Milan R., Dišić, Aleksandar R., and Živković, Miroslav M.
- Subjects
Photogrammetry ,CMM2Deformation ,Triangulation ,Optical measurement ,Deformation - Abstract
Modern optical coordinate measuring machines determine accurately and non-contact the positions of reference markers placed on the surface of the measurement object. The result of this process is model the observed configuration of the measuring object called a point cloud. It is possible to determine deformation of the object exposed to the static or quasistatic loads comparing point clouds describing the various configurations. This paper presents the development of the measurement procedure and software CMM2Deformation for the calculation of deformation based on photogrammetric measurements. Comparison of point clouds is carried out after transforming them into a common coordinate system - the coordinate system of the reference configuration. The transformation of point cloud data is performed using a selected set of coded reference points. Deformation/displacement field is obtained in the set discrete points that are placed on the surface of the object of measurement. Several verification examples in which the results obtained using software CMM2Deformation compared with analytical and numerical solutions, as well as the results obtained by the methods of measurement compatible are presented. The presented results show that the measuring method allows easy measurement of large objects, observing an arbitrary number of points, is easy to use, reliable and accurate.
- Published
- 2013
59. Fluid-structure interaction in patient-specific artery bifurcation
- Author
Blagojević, Milan, Nikolić, Aleksandar, Živković, Miroslav, and Savić, Slobodan
- Subjects
fem ,artery bifurcation ,fluid-structure interaction ,blood flow ,wall shear stress - Abstract
This paper presents the procedures and tools developed for simulating the interaction of fluids and structures on the example of a patient-specific carotid artery bifurcation. Volumetric model of the carotid artery bifurcation is obtained through the processing of images from CT scanner. Finite-element model, generated using multiblock approach, faithfully describes the arbitrarily shaped domen. Presented numerical results show that developed methodology is very flexible and efficient for the applied research in biomedical engineering. Thanks to the clear taste about the phenomenon that occurs when blood flow through the carotid artery bifurcation, cardiologists make a decision on the necessity of intervention.
- Published
- 2013
60. Numerical and Experimental Analysis of the Wall Tensile Stress in Ironing
- Author
Adamović, Dragan, Mandić, Vesna, Stefanović, Milentije, Jurković, Zoran, Živković, Miroslav, Pavletić, Duško, Perinić, Mladen, Bulatović, Miodrag, Janjić, Mileta, and Šibalić, Nikola
- Subjects
Ironing ,FE numerical analysis ,experimental modelling ,strip ironing device ,wall tension stress ,friction - Abstract
The objective of this work is to investigate of the ironing process under different important process conditions, through application of integrated approach of physical modelling and numerical finite element (FE) simulation. The original strip ironing device was developed for this purpose, thus series of experiments have been undertaken in laboratory conditions, by varying process parameters (die angle, friction conditions, workpiece and tool material, thickness reduction etc.). FE numerical simulations of selected experiments were performed, with the same value levels of process parameters. It enables the comprehensive analysis of process physics, monitoring of coupled influence of different process parameters on material deformation and stress fields in the wall of workpiece. Numerical results show good coincidence with experimental. For successful ironing process, it is necessary that the wall tension stress has the smallest possible value, which means that the contact conditions should be carefully selected.
- Published
- 2012
- Author
Adamović, Dragan, Mandić, Vesna, Stefanović, Milentije, Jurković, Zoran, Terčelj, Milan, Živković, Miroslav, and Ćosić, P.
- Subjects
ironing ,ironing force ,friction force - Abstract
Processes of cold plastic forming are characterized by unity of positive and negative influence of outer friction forces ; on some contact surfaces of material and tool the friction should be intensified, and in other zones the friction forces must be reduced by lubrication as much as possible. By proper selection of influential process parameters it is possible to obtain work piece of satisfactory quality with minimal energy consumption. In this paper, a detailed analysis of influence of specified parameters on total ironing force and friction force on punch will be shown on adequate model of sheet-metal test-piece sliding between pairs with skewed contact surfaces. The obtained results indicate the complex effects of selected analyzed parameters of ironing process on ironing force.
- Published
- 2012
62. Investigation of ironing process depending on applied tool materials and coatings: preiskava procesa stanjševalnega vleka v odvisnosti od uporabljenih materialovza orodja in prevleke: RMZ - Materiali in geookolje
- Author
Adamović, Dragan, Mandić, Vesna, Stefanović, Milentije, Terčelj, Milan, and Živković, Miroslav
- Published
- 2012
63. Primena smicajnih deformacionih teorija višeg reda u makromehaničkoj analizi kompozitnih laminata
- Author
Milosavljević, Dragan, Živković, Miroslav, Jovanović, Dragan, Veljović, Ljiljana, Bogdanović, Gordana, Radaković, Aleksandar, Milosavljević, Dragan, Živković, Miroslav, Jovanović, Dragan, Veljović, Ljiljana, Bogdanović, Gordana, and Radaković, Aleksandar
- Abstract
U makromehaničkoj linearno-elastičnoj analizi kompozitnih laminata moguće je koristi dva usvojena teorijska pristupa: pristup kontinualnosti napona i princip kontinualnosti deformacija. U ovoj disertaciji primarno je razvijen postupak analize laminata zasnovan na kontinualnosti deformacija. U tu svrhu razrađene su smicajne deformacione teorije višeg reda. Nedostatke klasične teorije ploča i smicajne deformacione teorije prvog reda, koje ne uzimaju u obzir geometrijsku nelinearnost, pri deformisanju, normale na srednju površ laminatne ploče, moguće je otkloniti uvođenjem smicajnih deformacionih teorija višeg reda. U ovoj disertaciji detaljno su opisane deformacione teorije zasnovane na funkcijama oblika, kao i polinomne deformacione teorije drugog i trećeg reda. Na osnovu pretpostavljenih oblika pomeranja izvedene su komponente vektora deformacije i urađena makromehanička analiza laminata uz definisanja matrica koje nastaju kao rezultat slaganja slojeva u laminatu. Prikazane su osnove varijacionog računa koji se koristi za dobijanje statičkih jednačina ravnoteže i dinamičkih jednačina kretanja. Razrađeni su najbitniji varijacioni principi koji se koriste u pomenute svrhe. Razrađene su analitičke metode za proučavanje statičkih problema savijanja i izvijanja slobodno oslonjenih laminatnih ploča uz primenu smicajnih deformacionih teorija višeg reda. Takođe su razrađeni postupci za proučavanje modova slobodnog oscilovanja laminatnih ploča. Implementiran je nov postupak za analizu slobodnih vibracija ukrštenih i umreženih simetričnih i antisimetričnih laminatnih ploča. Uveden je i nov postupak za određivanje slobodnih vibracija umreženih antisimetričnih laminata uz primenu proizvoljne smicajne deformacione teorije trećeg reda. Analizirana je propagacija elastičnih talasa u kompozitnim laminatima. Pažnja je usresređena na Lambove talase. Problemi propagacije su posmatrani sa aspekta 3D elastične teorije, kao i sa aspekta primene deformacionih teorija višeg reda. Prikazan, In macro mechanical linear-elastic analysis of composite laminates‚ it is possible to use two adopted theoretical approaches: stress continuity approach and the principle of strain continuity. This thesis primarily develops the process of strain continuity based laminate analysis. With this aim higher-order shear deformation theories are developed. The disadvantages of the classical plate theory and the first-order shear deformation theory, which do not take into consideration geometric non-linearity of the line normal to the middle plane of a laminate plate upon deformations, can be eliminated by introducing higher-order shear deformation theories. The present thesis presents in details deformation theories based on shape functions as well as second and third order polynomial deformation theories. Based on the assumed displacement fields, components of deformation vector are derived and macro mechanical analysis of laminates is done defining the matrices which occur as a result of stacking of plies in a laminate. Moreover, the basics of variation calculations are presented, which is used for obtaining static equations of equilibrium and dynamic equations of movement. The thesis develops the most important variation principles that are used for these purposes. Analytical methods are developed for examining bending and buckling static problems of simply supported laminate plates using higher-order shear deformation theories. The thesis also elaborates the models of examining the modes of laminate plate free vibrations. A new approach is implemented for analysing free vibrations of cross-ply and angle-ply symmetric and antisymmetric laminate plates. Moreover a new approach is introduced for determining free vibrations of angle-ply anti-symmetric laminates applying any third-order shear deformation theory. The propagation of elastic waves in composite laminates is analysed with the focus on Lamb's waves. Propagation problems are considered from the aspect of 3D elastic
- Published
- 2015
64. Modeliranje kretanja deformabilnog tela u fluidu i primena u biomedicinskom inženjeringu
- Author
Filipović, Nenad, Milutinović, Veljko, Slavković, Radovan, Živković, Miroslav, Jovičić, Gordana, Đukić, Tijana, Filipović, Nenad, Milutinović, Veljko, Slavković, Radovan, Živković, Miroslav, Jovičić, Gordana, and Đukić, Tijana
- Abstract
Kardiovaskularni sistem je jedan od najvažnijih sistema u ljudskom organizmu. Istraživanja strujanja krvi su klinički veoma značajna zbog mogućnosti poboljšane dijagnostike bolesti, planiranja odgovarajućih preventivnih mera, analize transporta lekova itd. Ove pojave se teško eksperimentalno ispituju i zbog toga u ovoj oblasti numeričke simulacije mogu da doprinesu dobijanju mnogo novih i korisnih informacija. U okviru ovog rada predstavljen je kompletan numerički model koji uspešno simulira trodimenzionalno strujanje krvi kroz krvne sudove u ljudskom organizmu. Ovo je pokazano na nekoliko primera, gde je modelirano strujanje krvi kroz ljudsku aortu, karotidnu i koronarnu arteriju. Takođe, predstavljen je numerički model koji simulira kretanje crvenih krvnih zrnaca i sfernih čestica kroz kompleksne geometrijske domene, kao što su mali krvni sudovi sa stenozom, bifurkacijom, kao i kroz mikrofluidne čipove za separaciju kancer ćelija, ali i kroz realne domene dobijene eksperimentalnim snimanjem protoka krvi kroz posebnu vrstu ribe, tzv. zebra ribu. S obzirom da jedan ovakav softver za naučne simulacije zahteva mnogo računarskih resursa i da izvršavanje jedne simulacije traje dosta dugo, prilikom implementacije numeričke metode posebna pažnja posvećena je tehnikama paralelizacije. Kompjuterski program je razvijan tako da pored rada na standardnim PC računarima, može da se izvršava i na kompjuterskim klasterima sa velikim brojem procesora, kao što su Tesla superkompjuteri, koje proizvodi svetska kompanija NVIDIA. Postignuta su značajna ubrzanja razvijenog softvera, tako da se numeričke simulacije mogu izvršavati za samo nekoliko minuta, naspram par sati koliko je potrebno za izvršavanje iste simulacije na standardnom PC računaru, što omogućava praktično interaktivno praćenje kretanja deformabilnih tela u realnom vremenu. Zbog numeričke metode koja dosta realno oslikava uslove u ljudskom organizmu, velike tačnosti koja je pokazana kroz poređenje sa eksperimentalnim rezul, Cardiovascular system is one of the most important systems in human organism. Investigation of blood flow is clinically very relevant due to the possibility of improved diagnostic of diseases, planning of appropriate preventive measures, analisys of drug transport etc. Experimental investigation of these phenomena is difficult and therefore numerical simulation can contribute to the acquisition of manu new and useful information. Within this dissertation a complete numerical model is presented, that is capable of simulating three-dimensional blood flow through the blood vessels in human organism. This is demonstrated on several examples, where blood flow through human aorta, carotid and coronary arteries is modelled. Also, numerical model that simulates solid-fluid interaction is presented and this model is used to simulate motion of red blood cells and spherical particles through complex geometric domains, such as small blood vessels with stenosis and bifurcation, as well as microfluidic chips for cancer cell separation and real domains obtained by experimental recording of blood flow through a specific type of fish, so called zebrafish. This type of software for numerical simulation requires a lot of computer resources and the execution of one simulation lasts quite long. Therefore, during the implementation of the numerical method, special attention was dedicated to parallelisation techniques. The software was developed such that beside execution on standarad PC computer, it is possible to execute the program on computer clusters with large number of processors, such as Tesla supercomputers, that are manufactured by the world known company NVIDIA. Significant speed-ups were obtained and numerical simulation can now be executed in several minutes, instead of several hours, which was the case when the same simulation was executed on standard PC computer. This enables interactive tracking of motion of deformable bodies in real time. Due to the numerical method that
- Published
- 2015
65. Uticaj složenosti oblika, materijala, koncentracije napona i temperature na projektovanje zavarenih konstrukcija
- Author
Ivanović, Lozica, Lukić, Vukić, Ćatić, Dobrivoje, Živković, Miroslav, Marinković, Aleksandar, Ilić, Andreja B., Ivanović, Lozica, Lukić, Vukić, Ćatić, Dobrivoje, Živković, Miroslav, Marinković, Aleksandar, and Ilić, Andreja B.
- Abstract
U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji zavarena konstrukcija je posmatrana kao složen sistem elemenata sa kompleksnim interakcijama koji su heterogeni iz aspekta materijala, oblika i dimenzija, mehaničkih karakteristika, kao i eksploatacionih i funkcionalnih uslova. Heterogenost elemenata zavarene konstrukcije uslovljava njihove različite karakteristike i odgovore na opterećenje, dok nehomogenost njihove mikrostrukture uslovljava i dodatno usložnjava naponsko-deformaciono stanje. Specifičnosti projektovanja zavarenih mašinskih konstrukcija sagledane su iz aspekta složenosti oblika, materijala, koncentracije napona i temperature eksploatacije. Eksperimentalno određivanje mehaničkih karakteristika i analiza ponašanja u eksploatacionim uslovima, na sobnoj i povišenim temperaturama, izvedena je na modelima od mikrolegiranog čelika povišene jačine. Ispitivani modeli pored zone zavarenog spoja sadrže i zonu geometrijskog diskontinuiteta kao dodatni izvor koncentracije napona što je čest slučaj kod elemenata zavarenih konstrukcija. Skup faktora koji uslovljavaju projektovanje zavarenih konstrukcija identifikovan je sveobuhvatnom analizom eksperimentalnih rezultata i verifikovan je teorijskim razmatranjem naponsko-deformacionog stanja koje nastaje kod razmatranih modela. Posebna pažnja je posvećena analizi mehaničkih osobina i karakteristika mikrolegiranih čelika povišene jačine za izradu veoma odgovornih zavarenih mašinskih konstrukcija, kao savremenog materijala, čija upotreba omogućava ostvarivanje niza prednosti, ali sa sobom donosi i specifične probleme koji moraju biti adekvatno rešeni tokom procesa projektovanja ovih konstrukcija. Identifikovanjem faktora koji određuju konstrukciono rešenje zavarenih mašinskih konstrukcija i utvrđivanjem njihovog uticaja date su preporuke kojima se utemeljuje racionalno korišćenje materijala i energije, ostvaruje smanjenje ukupnih troškova uz prihvatljive ekološke efekte i istovremeno unapređuje sigurnost i pouzdanost zavarenih mašinskih kons, In this dissertation welded constructions are analyzed as complex systems of elements with complex mechanisms of interactions that are heterogeneous from the aspects of materials, shape and dimensions, mechanical properties, so as exploitation and functional conditions. Heterogeneity of elements of welded constructions cause their different characteristics and their different response to load, while inhomogeneity of their microstructure cause complex stress-strain state so as additional complication of this state. The specific characteristics of welded constructions design are highlighted from the aspect of shape complexity, material, stress concentrations and exploitation temperature. Experimental determination of mechanical properties and analysis of mechanical response to load during exploitation at room and elevated temperatures were done at models made of low alloyed high strength steel. Tested models besides zone of welded joint have zone of geometrical discontinuities as additional source of stress concentration that is common case at elements of welded mechanical constructions. Set of parameters that influent to design of welded constructions is identificated by analysis of experimental results and verified by theoretical considerations of stress-strain state at tested models. Special focus is put on analysis of characteristics and mechanical properties of low alloyed high strength steels for welded mechanical constructions as present material with usage that obtain number of advances, but also bring some specific problems that must be solved during process of design of those constructions. By identification of factors that influent to constructional solution of welded construction and determination of their influence, recommendations are given to establish rational usage of material and energy, obtained reduction of total costs with minimal ecological impact and with simultaneous improve of safety and reliability of welded constructions.
- Published
- 2015
66. Development and implementation of thermo-mechanical constitutive model for numerical analysis of shape memory alloys
- Author
Slavković, Radovan, Pieczysks, Elzbieta A., Živković, Miroslav, Filipović, Nenad, Sedmak, Aleksandar, Dunić, Vladimir, Slavković, Radovan, Pieczysks, Elzbieta A., Živković, Miroslav, Filipović, Nenad, Sedmak, Aleksandar, and Dunić, Vladimir
- Abstract
Shape memory alloys (SMA) have wider and more frequent application in cases when it is useful to employ their advantages through specific behavior (pseudoelasticity and shape memory effect) in various conditions. As a side effect due to the high thermosensitivity, strong thermomechanical coupling occurs what increases the need for simulation of complex thermomechanical response in realistic problems. The complex stress states and deformation range impose the requirements for accurate analysis of large strain problems. The presented requirements are solved in several steps: (1) Phenomenological constitutive SMA model (Lagoudas) has been reformulated by derivation of variables to depend on effective values of stress and strain and martensitic volume fraction. Gibbs free energy is reduced to scalar form what provides stress integration in the direction of deviatoric stress for forward transformation or total transformation strain for the reverse transformation. (2) Simulation of SMA thermomechanical behavior is realized using partitioned approach by coupling of programs for structural analysis - PAK-S and heat transfer PAK-T. Dissipative energy of martensitic phase transformation imposes change of the material temperature as an internal heat source. As a communication interface between the PAK-S and PAK-T, Component Template Library (CTL) is used. (3) Extension to the large strain problems is based on multiplicative decomposition of the deformation gradient to decompose deformation on elastic and inelastic part. Using the energy conjugated stress and strain measures, easy extension of the algorithm for small strain is provided to solve complex stress states for large strains. (4) Experimental investigation of TiNi SMA samples under various loading rates is used for verification of thermo-mechanical coupling. Numerical simulation of initiation, development and saturation of the martensitic phase transformation under various loading rates is compared to experimental resu
- Published
- 2015
67. A thermo-mechanically coupled finite strain model considering inelastic heat generation
- Author
Dunić, Vladimir, primary, Busarac, Nenad, additional, Slavković, Vukašin, additional, Rosić, Bojana, additional, Niekamp, Rainer, additional, Matthies, Hermann, additional, Slavković, Radovan, additional, and Živković, Miroslav, additional
- Published
- 2015
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- Author
RAKIC, Dragan, ŽIVKOVIĆ,, Miroslav, MILIVOJEVIĆ, Nikola, and DIVAC, Dejan
- Subjects
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GRAVITY dams , *SHEAR strength - Abstract
In the design of a concrete gravity dam, the key problem is to provide adequate stability against sliding due to the operational loads. When a dam is built on a rock mass foundation with complex geology as in the case considered in this paper, the stability analysis problem becomes considerably complicated. The analytical solution of this problem is very difficult or impossible, so it is necessary to use appropriate numerical methods. To solve such a problem in the design of a concrete gravity dam on the Ibar River nearby Kraljevo, an algorithm for elastoplastic material model was adopted and implemented in the program PAK. In order to simulate the gradual loss of stability due to the rock mass strength reduction, the shear strength reduction method was implemented and used. The analysis shows that the calculated safety factor can reach the requirements of stability against the collapse in the deep foundation layers. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
69. Tehnike računarske inteligencije u modeliranju i identifikaciji indikatora ponašanja brane
- Author
Ranković, Vesna, Divac, Dejan, Grujović, Nenad, Živković, Miroslav, Milivojević, Nikola, Novaković, Aleksandar B., Ranković, Vesna, Divac, Dejan, Grujović, Nenad, Živković, Miroslav, Milivojević, Nikola, and Novaković, Aleksandar B.
- Abstract
Indikatori ponašanja brane su relevantne veličine, čijim se praćenjem utvrđuje da li je stvarno stanje brane u eksploataciji u saglasnosti sa onim što je predviđeno i očekivano u fazi projektovanja. Veličine koje se prate treba da se kreću u nekom unapred definisanom opsegu koji garantuje stanje stabilnosti brane. U ovoj disertaciji su predloženi različiti pristupi modeliranja i parametarske identifikacije indikatora ponašanja brane, poput horizontalnih pomeranja i nivoa vode u pijezometrima, tehnikama računarske inteligencije. Prvi pristup je da se linearno preslikavanje uzročnih veličina u indikatore ponašanja, koje se koristi kod višestruke linearne regresije, zameni nelinearnim. Drugi pristup, predložen u ovom radu, zasniva se na primeni postupka parametarske identifikacije nelinearnih sistema. Horizontalna pomeranja i nivoi vode u pijezometrima su nelinearne, složene funkcije uzročnih veličina, pa je za njihovo modeliranje korišćena NARX (Nonlinear Auto Regresive eXogenous- nelinearni auto-regresioni model sa spoljašnjim ulazom) struktura, kojom je opisana široka klasa nelinearnih dinamičkih procesa. Predloženi pristupi formiranja modela primenjeni su za modeliranje i parametarsku identifikaciju horizontalnih pomeranja tačaka brane Bočac, kao i nivoa vode u pijezometrima brana Đerdap II i Prvonek. Nelinearni modeli zasnovani na tehnikama računarske inteligencije implementirani su korišćenjem programskog jezika Java i programskog paketa Matlab. Tehnike računarske inteligencije korišćene u ovom radu su višeslojni perceptron, RBF (RBF - Radial Basis Function – radijalna osnovna funkcija) neuronska mreža i ANFIS (ANFIS - Adaptive-Network-Based Fuzzy Inference System - fazi sistem za zaključivanje zasnovan na adaptivnoj mreži). Nedostajući podaci u skupu merenja mogu biti uzrok problema u okviru procesa učenja i loših performansi dobijenih modela. U cilju nadomeštanja nedostajućih podataka korišćene su tehnike iz domena matematičke statistike. Prisustvo autlajera u, The dam behavior indicators are relevant factors whose monitoring indicates whether the actual operational state of the dam is in accordance with what is expected and anticipated in the design phase. Such indicators should move in a predefined range, in order to guarantee stability of the dam. This dissertation proposes different approaches to modeling and parametric identification of the dam behavior indicators, such as radial displacements or piezometric water levels, using the techniques of artificial intelligence. The first approach is to replace linear mapping of causal variables into behavior indicators, which is used in multiple linear regression, with nonlinear. The second approach proposed in this paper is based on applying the method of parametric nonlinear system identification. Radial displacements and piezometric water levels are nonlinear, complex functions of causal variables, so for their modeling NARX (Nonlinear Auto Regresive eXogenous), which is employed to describe a wide class of nonlinear dynamic systems, is used. These proposed approaches are used for modeling and parametric identification of radial displacements of dam Bočac, and piezometric water levels of dams Iron Gate II and Prvonek. Nonlinear models based on artificial intelligence techniques have been implemented using the Java programming language and MATLAB. Artificial intelligence techniques used in this work are the multilayer perceptron, RBF (Radial Basis Function) neural network and ANFIS (Adaptive-Network-Based Fuzzy Inference System). The presence of missing data in a set of measurements may be causing problems in the learning process and the poor performance of the obtained models. In order to predict the missing data, the techniques of mathematical statistics have been used. Outliers present in a set of measurements have a big effect on the prediction of missing data, and their presence is specifically analyzed. The problem of optimizing the inputoutput model, which involves d
- Published
- 2014
70. Uticaj polukružnih veza elemenata paletnih regala na globalnu analizu konstrukcije
- Author
Živković, Miroslav, Slavković, Radovan, Marjanović, Nenad, Blagojević, Mirko, Gašić, Milomir, Vujanac, Rodoljub S., Živković, Miroslav, Slavković, Radovan, Marjanović, Nenad, Blagojević, Mirko, Gašić, Milomir, and Vujanac, Rodoljub S.
- Abstract
Predmet proučavanja ove disertacije su veze koje se ostvaruju između elemenata čelične konstrukcije paletnih regala. Vertikalni ramovi i horizontalne grede, najčešće proizvedeni od tankozidnih hladno oblikovanih profila formiraju prostorni ramni sistem paletnih regala. Ramovi leže u vertikalnoj ravni poprečno na pravac glavnog hodnika regala. Sastoje se od dva perforirana stuba međusobno povezana sistemom dijagonalnih i/ili horizontalnih ukrućenja zavarenih ili zavrtnjevima vezanim za stubove. Ovaj sistem ukrućenja obezbeđuje stabilnost regala u poprečnom pravcu. Grede povezuju susedne ramove i leže u podužnom pravcu paralelno glavnom hodniku regala. Gredni konektori su delovi grede zavareni ili na drugi način formirani kao njen sastavni deo i imaju posebne delove koji upadaju u otvore ili proreze na stubu. Podužna stabilnost regala se prvenstveno obezbeđuje krutošću veze greda-stub. U praksi postoje različiti tipovi i dizajni ovih veza, karakteristični za različite proizvođače regala. U disertaciji je obrađena klasifikacija i modeliranje veza u skladu sa Evrokodom 3. Kako je nemoguće da se razvije opšti analitički model proračuna ovih veza, trenutno jedini način da se odredi karakteristika takve veze je eksperiment. U disertaciji su prikazani postupak i rezultati ispitivanja veze greda-stub po proceduri definisanoj u FEM propisima u cilju određivanja krive moment-rotacija (M- krive). Uticaj veza na globalno ponašanje konstrukcije regala uvodi se pomoću M- krive, odnosno konstrukcijskih svojstava veze koje se iz nje određuju: krutost, otpornost i rotacioni kapacitet. Kako bi se izbegao veliki broj skupih ispitivanja u cilju određivanja M- krive za različite tipove veza kojih u praksi može biti jako puno, u okviru ove disertacije je razvijen numerički model za simulaciju eksperimenta primenom metode konačnih elemenata. Nakon verifikacije modela raspoloživim eksperimentalnim rezultatima, isti se može primeniti na najrazličitije kombinacije veze greda-stub. Pouzdani
- Published
- 2014
71. Razvoj i primena materijalnih modela poroznih medija u statičkoj i dinamičkoj analizi nasutih brana
- Author
Živković, Miroslav, Jeremić, Boris, Slavković, Radovan, Grujović, Nenad, Divac, Dejan, Rakić, Dragan, Živković, Miroslav, Jeremić, Boris, Slavković, Radovan, Grujović, Nenad, Divac, Dejan, and Rakić, Dragan
- Abstract
Tlo kao osnovni materijala za izradu nasutih brana ima izrazito nelinearno mehaničko ponašanje koje se bitno razlikuje od mehaničkog ponašanja drugih inženjerskih materijala. Kako bi sprovođenje detaljne analize stabilnosti nasutih brana primenom metode konačnih elemenata bilo moguće, neophodno je korišćenje materijalnih modela za opisivanje mehaničkog ponašanja materijala tla. Sa tim ciljem u okviru ove disertacije su razvijeni algoritmi za integraciju napona materijalnih modela najčešćih tipova tla. Razvijeni materijalni modeli su namenjeni statičkoj i dinamičkoj analizi tla, odnosno nasutih brana. Pored poznatih materijalnih modela za koje su razvijeni algoritmi za integraciju napona, razvijen je I implementiran nov materijalni model za simulaciju mehaničkog ponašanja granularnih materijala zasnovan na uslovu loma Maksimovića. Verifikacija materijalnih modela je izvršena kroz više primera numeričke simulacije eksperimentalnih ispitivanja uzoraka materijala tla kao i kroz primere u kojima su numerički rezultati poređeni sa teorijskim rešenjima. Razvijen je i implementiran algoritam za dinamičku analizu problema mehanike tla sa posebnim osvrtom na primenu u seizmičkoj analizi stabilnosti nasutih brana. Kako bi se analiziralo realno ponašanje materijala tla kao poroznog medija čije su pore ispunjene fluidom i u obzir uzela interakcija ove dve faze, izvršeno je sprezanje ravnotežnih jednačina čvrste i tečne faze. Sa ciljem redukovanja domena numeričke integracije pri analizi nasutih brana izloženih seizmičkom opterećenju, razvijene su i implementirane apsorbujuće granice modela. Korišćenjem ovih granica sprečava se pojava refleksije talasa od granica modela. Izvršena je analiza i sistematizacija kriterijuma za analizu stabilnosti nasutih brana I predložene metode određivanja njihove stabilnosti primenom razvijenih algoritama. U okviru ovog dela je obrađena metoda redukovanja smičuće čvrstoće primenom materijalnih modela razvijenih u okviru disertacije. Razvijeni soft, Soil as a basic material for construction of embankment dams is of a very non-linear and fundamentally different mechanical behavior compared to mechanical behavior of other engineering materials. In order to enable performance of detailed stability analysis of this structure type using the finite element method, it is necessary to use constitutive models to describe mechanical behavior of soil. With such an objective, algorithms for integration of material model stress of most common soil types were developed in this thesis. Developed material models are applied in static and dynamic soil analysis especially in embankment dams. Apart from familiar material models with developed algorithms for stress integration, there is also a new material model developed and implemented to simulate mechanical behavior of granular materials based on Maksimovic’s failure envelope. Verification of the material model was performed using a number of numerical simulations of experimental tests of soil material samples as well as examples in which numerical results were compared to theoretical solutions of the problems. Algorithm for dynamic analysis of the soil mechanics problems was developed and implemented with a special emphasis on the application in embankment dam seismic stability analysis. In order to analyze realistic behavior of soil materials as porous media whose pores are filled with fluid and to consider the interaction of these two phases, coupling of the equilibrium equations in solid and fluid phases was performed. With the aim to reduce numerical integration domain in the analysis of embankment dams subjected to seismic loads, absorbing boundary conditions were developed and implemented. These boundaries prevent the occurrence of reflection waves from the artificial boundaries. The analysis and systematization of stability analysis criteria for embankment dams were performed with suggested methods of their stability determination using developed algorithms. Sheer stren
- Published
- 2014
72. Influence of air content entrained in fluid of a vane pump with double effect operating parameters [Utjecaj zraka sadržanog u tekućini krilne pumpe s radnim parametrima dvostrukog učinka]
- Author
Petrović, Radovan S., Živković, Miroslav M., Rong, Wangzheng, Rakić, Dragan S., Slavković, Radovan B., Petrović, Radovan S., Živković, Miroslav M., Rong, Wangzheng, Rakić, Dragan S., and Slavković, Radovan B.
- Abstract
In developing the vane pumps the fundamental basis is experimental research and mathematical modelling of nonstationary hydraulic processes inside the pump, in thrust space and suction and thrust pipeline. By means of experimental research and results of mathematical modelling and software package KRILP, it is possible to determine the parameters of operating processes of vane pumps precisely enough. This research examines the idealized and actual flow ripple of a high-pressure vane within vane type pump. For the idealized case, a "perfect" pump is examined in which the leakage is considered to be zero and the fluid is considered to be incompressible. Based upon these assumptions, expressions describing the characteristics of the idealized flow-ripple are derived. Next, the actual flow-ripple of the pump is examined by considering the fluid compressibility and for computing these results a numerical program is used. From the idealized analysis it is shown that the idealized flow-ripple is determined by geometrical flow property.
- Published
- 2014
73. Variational formulations and functional approximation algorithms in stochastic plasticity of materials
- Author
Hermann, G. Matthies, Živković, Miroslav, Rosić, Bojana V., Hermann, G. Matthies, Živković, Miroslav, and Rosić, Bojana V.
- Abstract
Within the framework of innitesimal and large displacement elastoplasticity theory we consider a class of abstract stochastic variational inequalities of the second kind described by uncertain parameters. Particularly we focus on the rate-independent evolutionary problem with general hardening whose material characteristics are assumed to be distributed according to the maximum entropy law. By exhibiting the structure of the evolutionary equations in a convex setting we study the existence and uniqueness of the solution and carry the mathematical formulation over to the computationally more suitable mixed variational description. Within one time-backward Euler step the inequality reduces to a minimisation problem for smooth convex energy functional on discrete tensor product subspaces whose unique minimizer is obtained via a stochastic closest point projection algorithm based on white noise analysis". To this end we use a description in the language of nondissipative and dissipative operators and introduce the stochastic Galerkin method into the computational process in fully intrusive and non-intrusive variant. The former method represents the direct, purely algebraic way of computing the response in each iteration of Newton-like methods. As the solution is given in a form of polynomial chaos expansion, i.e. an explicit functional relationship between the independent random variables, the subsequent evaluations of its functionals (the mean, variance, or probabilities of exceedence) are shown to be very cheap, but with limited accuracy. Furthermore, the method is contrasted to the less-ecient but more accurate non-intrusive variant which evaluates the residuum in each iteration via highdimensional integration rules based on random or deterministic sampling - Monte Carlo and related techniques. In addition to these, we also present the stochastic collocation method via sparse grid techniques. Finally the methods are validated on a series of test examples in plain str, U okviru teorije malih i velikih plasticnih deformacija razmatrana je klasa apstraktnih stohastičkih varijacionih nejednakosti opisanih slučajnim promenljivama. Poseban fokus je stavljen na asocijativni evolucioni problem sa generalnim ojačanjem čije materijalne karakteristike imaju distribuciju odredenu zakonom maksimalne entropije. Proučavajući strukturu evolucionih jednačina uz pomoć konveksne teorije uslovi za postojanje i jedinstvenost rešenja su analizirani uz dodatnu matematičku reformulaciju problema u numerički prikladan mešoviti varijacioni opis. Dobijena nejednakost se nakon implicitne diskretizacije svodi na minimizaciju konveksnog funkcionala denisanog u tenzorskom prostoru dobijenom kao proizvod determinističkog i stohastičkog podprostora. Rešenje tako postavljenog problema se može dobiti novouvedenom stohastiškom metodom projekcije najbliže tačke uz pomoć teorije analize belog šuma. Pomenuta metoda se sastoji od dva koraka: elastičnog i plastičnog, koji zajedno čine stohastičku Galerkinovu metodu, ovde formulisanu na dva načina: direktan (intruzivan) i posredan (neintruzivan). Prva varijanta predstavlja direktan, algebarski način dobijanja rešenja u svakoj iteraciji Njutnove metode. Zahvaljujući polinomnoj formi rešenja sve predstojeće evaluacije njegovih funkcionala kao što su srednja vrednost, varijansa itd. postaju računski jako efikasne, ali ograničene tačnosti. U cilju unapredenja tačnosti Galekinova methoda je implementirana i u svojoj manje efikasnoj neintruzivnoj varijanti, koja računa rezidual u svakoj Njutnovoj iteraciji numeričkom (determinističkom ili stohastičkom) integracijom. Obe varijante Galerkinovih metoda su uporedene sa metodom stohastičke kolokacije zasnovane na sparse grid pravilu. Konačno sve predstavljene metode su verikovane na seriji test primera u ravanskom stanju deformacije i za referentno rešenje dobijeno uz pomoć direktne integracije.
- Published
- 2012
74. Modeliranje samovezujućih materijala primenom metode disipativne čestice dinamike i paralelizacija programskog koda
- Author
Filipović, Nenad, Milutinović, Veljko, Slavković, Radovan, Živković, Miroslav, Milosavljević, Dragan, Petrović, Dejan, Filipović, Nenad, Milutinović, Veljko, Slavković, Radovan, Živković, Miroslav, Milosavljević, Dragan, and Petrović, Dejan
- Published
- 2012
75. Numeričko modeliranje difuzije u kompozitnim medijumima
- Author
Filipović, Nenad, Milutinović, Veljko, Slavković, Radovan, Živković, Miroslav, Milosavljević, Drgan, Milošević, Miljan, Filipović, Nenad, Milutinović, Veljko, Slavković, Radovan, Živković, Miroslav, Milosavljević, Drgan, and Milošević, Miljan
- Abstract
particles, which all together affect diffusion process. Despite the increasing focus on nanofluidics in many of these applications, the laws governing molecular transport through nanoscale fluidic channels and porous media have not been fully understood. As the size of the channels and pores is reduced to the molecule size, classical continuum theories fail to predict even the basic characteristics of fluid transport.
- Published
- 2012
76. Theoretical-experimental determining of cooling time (t8/5) in hard facing of steels for forging dies
- Author
Lazić, Vukić, Sedmak, Aleksandar, Živković, Miroslav M., Aleksandrović, Srbislav, Čukić, Rajko D., Jovičić, Radomir, Ivanović, Ivana, Lazić, Vukić, Sedmak, Aleksandar, Živković, Miroslav M., Aleksandrović, Srbislav, Čukić, Rajko D., Jovičić, Radomir, and Ivanović, Ivana
- Abstract
This paper investigates the accuracy of analytical, empirical, and numerical expressions, i. e. the most favourable methods for calculating the cooling time from 800 to 500°C (t8/5). The degree of accuracy of time t8/5 is very significant, because it determines the cooling rate, and consequently the structural changes in heat affected zone for hard faced layers. Based on the presented results, one can conclude that the finite element method provides the best conformity with the experiment and among analytical and empirical formulas the same goes for the expression of Japanese authors, for the case of hard facing of plane and prismatic parts.
- Published
- 2010
77. Residual life estimation of a thermal power plant component: The high-pressure turbine housing case
- Author
Jovičić, Gordana R., Jovičić, Gordana R., Grabulov, Vencislav, Maksimović, Stevan M., Živković, Miroslav M., Jovičić, Nebojša M., Bošković, Goran, Maksimović, Katarina S., Jovičić, Gordana R., Jovičić, Gordana R., Grabulov, Vencislav, Maksimović, Stevan M., Živković, Miroslav M., Jovičić, Nebojša M., Bošković, Goran, and Maksimović, Katarina S.
- Abstract
This study focuses on the estimation of residual life of damaged thermal power plant components. The high-pressure turbine housing was chosen as an example of thermal power plant component where, during the years of exploitation, damage appeared in the form of dominant crack. Residual life estimation procedure, based upon experimental and numerical methods has been introduced and applied. Material properties were determined experimentally both at room and operating temperature, while all necessary calculations were performed by the special finite element method, so-called X-FEM. The residual life estimation of the damaged high-pressure turbine housing was performed by applying the Paris's law for crack growth analysis.
- Published
- 2009
78. Implicit stress integration method of Shape Memory material model
- Author
Dunić, Vladimir, primary, Slavković, Radovan, additional, Busarac, Nenad, additional, Slavković, Vukašin, additional, and Živković, Miroslav, additional
- Published
- 2013
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79. Revenue Optimization of Service Compositions using Conditional Request Retries
- Author
Živković, Miroslav, primary and van den Berg, Hans, additional
- Published
- 2013
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80. Nacionalizam i nacionalni sukobi kao savremena pretnja bezbednosti
- Author
Milašinović, Srđan, Živković, Miroslav, Milašinović, Srđan, and Živković, Miroslav
- Published
- 2007
- Author
Mladenović, Marijana, Lazarević, Predrag, Trunić, Nenad, Bogavac, Dragana, and Živković, Miroslav
- Subjects
CHILD athletes ,PERSONALITY ,CHILDHOOD attitudes ,MOTIVATION (Psychology) ,PERSONALITY tests ,ACHIEVEMENT ,FOOTBALL players ,MENTAL health - Abstract
Copyright of Facta Universitatis: Series Physical Education & Sport is the property of Facta Universitatis, Series Physical Education & Sport and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2016
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- Author
ŽIVKOVIĆ, Jelena, ADAMOVIĆ, Dragan, ŽIVKOVIĆ, Miroslav, STEFANOVIĆ, Milentije, MITROVIĆ, Slobodan, and ŽIVIĆ, Fatima
- Subjects
PRODUCT quality ,NEW product development ,ELECTRONICS ,COMPUTER network resources - Abstract
The increasing market competition necessitates the creation of products of better quality with the lowest possible price. One way to achieve this is an appropriate materials selection that will enable better and cheaper product. Knowing the quality of the available materials and their characteristics, as well as tracking trends in the development of new materials, are essential parts of good engineering practice. The materials selection is not an easy task in engineering practice and it is one of the few in the process of constructing a product that is subjected to constant changes. On the other hand, the wrong materials selection in the very beginning of constructing could have irretrievable damage to the manufacturing and exploitation process. Data andinformation about materials must always be available to constructors and designers of new products, as well as to technologists. They can be found in classic literature (manuals, catalogs, standards, recommendations) or in electronically prepared databases on the computer (intranet, internet). Part of the available software tools for the selection of materials with the basic characteristics will be presented in this paper. Also, several tools will be described in more detail. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2016
- Author
Dunić, Vladimir Lj., primary, Slavkoviš, Radovan B., additional, Busarac, Nenad M, additional, Slavkoviš, Vukašin R., additional, and Živković, Miroslav M., additional
- Published
- 2013
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- Author
Rakić, Dragan, primary, Živković, Miroslav, additional, Vulović, Snežana, additional, Divac, Dejan, additional, Slavković, Radovan, additional, and Milivojević, Nikola, additional
- Published
- 2013
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85. Relacije morfoloških karakteristika i testova za procjenu eksplozivne snage kod mladih rukometaša
- Author
Živković, Miroslav, primary, Goranović, Slobodan, additional, Marković, Saša, additional, and Branković, Nataša, additional
- Published
- 2010
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86. Performance of digital subscriber line spectrum optimization algorithms
- Author
Živković, Miroslav, primary, Kramer, Gerhard, additional, Nuzman, Carl J., additional, Posthuma, Carl, additional, Wheeler, James, additional, Whiting, Phil, additional, and Wijngaarden, Adriaan J. de Lind van, additional
- Published
- 2008
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87. Performance results for digital subscriber line precoders
- Author
Whiting, Phil, primary, Ashikhmin, Alexei, additional, Borst, Sem, additional, Jennen, Jean, additional, Kramer, Gerhard, additional, Wijngaarden, Adriaan J. de Lind van, additional, and Živković, Miroslav, additional
- Published
- 2008
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88. Aspects of dynamic spectrum management level 3
- Author
Storry, Charles, primary, Živković, Miroslav, additional, Verlinden, Jan, additional, and Wijngaarden, Adriaan J. de Lind van, additional
- Published
- 2008
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- Author
Milovanović, Vladimir, Živković, Miroslav, Jovičić, Gordana, Živković, Jelena, and Kozak, Dražan
- Subjects
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WAGONS , *MATERIAL fatigue , *AXLES , *FINITE element method , *STEEL - Abstract
This study investigates how shape optimisation affects the ultimate fatigue strength of a mechanical part. The mechanical part chosen for this investigation is an axle guard of running gear elements of the Hccrrs 2x2 axle car-carrying wagon. The static and fatigue strength analysis procedure according to the UIC 517 standard and numerical methods have been applied. Material properties were determined experimentally and the necessary numerical calculations were performed by using the finite element method. The observed axle guard is exposed to low cycle fatigue. ϵ - N curves and material properties of the S355J2+N steel grade are obtained by combining theoretical formulae and a mathematical function. According to the obtained experimental and numerical results the number of cycles until failure for both shapes of axle guards is obtained. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2015
90. Authentication across heterogeneous networks
- Author
Živković, Miroslav, primary, Buddhikot, Milind M., additional, Lagerberg, Ko, additional, and Bemmel, Jeroen van, additional
- Published
- 2005
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- Author
NIKOLIĆ, Radovan H., RADOVANOVIĆ, Miroslav R., ŽIVKOVIĆ, Miroslav M., NIKOLIĆ, Aleksandar V., RAKIĆ, Dragan M., and BLAGOJEVIĆ, Milan R.
- Subjects
FINITE element method ,NUMERICAL analysis ,CUTTING tools ,THERMOELECTRIC cooling ,PROBLEM solving - Abstract
This paper is the result of research and operation modeling of the new systems for cooling of cutting tools based on thermoelectric module. A copper inlay with thermoelectric module on the back side was added to a standard turning tool for metal processing. For modeling and simulating the operation of thermoelectric module, finite element method was used as a method for successful solving the problems of inhomogeneous transient temperature field on the cutting tip of lathe knives. Developed mathematical model is implemented in the software package PAK-T through which numerical results are obtained. Experimental research was done in different conditions of thermoelectric module operation. Cooling of the hot module side was done by a heat exchanger based on fluid using automatic temperature regulator. After the calculation is done, numerical results are in good agreement with experimental. It can be concluded that developed mathe-matical model can be used successfully for modeling of cooling of cutting tools. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2014
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92. Enhanced 8-node three-dimensional solid and 4-node shell elements with incompatible generalized displacements
- Author
Slavković, Radovan, primary, Živković, Miroslav, additional, and Kojić, Miloš, additional
- Published
- 1994
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- Author
MILOVANOVIĆ, Vladimir, RAKIĆ, Dragan, ŽIVKOVIĆ, Miroslav, VULOVIĆ, Snežana, and MILUTINOVIĆ, Miroslav
- Subjects
THERMOMECHANICAL treatment ,THERMOMECHANICAL properties of metals ,HEAT conduction ,FINITE element method ,DEFORMATIONS (Mechanics) - Abstract
The paper represents a solution example of a specific engineering problem using thermo-mechanical analysis. The paper provides theoretical basis of numerical solving the problem of heat conducting through continuum using the finite element method. Calculation of heat conducting using the finite element method determines the temperature field used as an input for thermo-mechanical calculation. The basic task of thermo-mechanical calculation was the identification of the cause of cracks on the powder material transport wagon. After the analysis of the wagon crack causes, repair of the cracks is suggested. Repeating of the FEM analysis on the reconstructed model confirms that the wagon satisfies the criteria of static and fatigue strength appointed by the standards. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2013
94. Influence of blocks' topologies on endothelial shear stress observed in CFD analysis of artery bifurcation.
- Author
- Subjects
ENDOTHELIAL cells ,SHEARING force ,DENTAL plaque ,FINITE element method ,NUMERICAL analysis ,TOPOLOGY - Abstract
It is well known that endothelial shear stress affects occurrence of plaque in arteries. Lack of a method for measuring this physical quantity limits scientific understanding of this phenomenon. Application of numerical methods in this area has considerable amount of experimental verifications in terms of quantities that can be measured (velocity, pressure). On that basis we can rely on the results of endothelial shear stress calculations. The literature mainly documents the application of numerical methods to average geometries. However, arterial bifurcations are patient-specific. Moreover, occurrence of disease significantly complicates the geometry of the arteries and bifurcations. A multiblock concept provides the necessary geometrical flexibility and computational efficiency to generate patientspecific finite element models. For a particular class of problems different topologies of blocks are possible. This paper provides an overview of the possible block topologies required in finite element modeling using multiblock approach. In order to obtain accurate results of endothelial shear stress, two most general topologies are examined by numerical calculations. Favorable topology of the blocks is implemented in in-house software stl2fem. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2013
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- Author
Živković, Miroslav M., Vulović, Snežana D., and Vujanac, Rodoljub S.
- Subjects
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FINITE element method , *THICKNESS measurement , *WELDED joints , *ELECTRIC utilities , *THERMAL analysis , *POWER plants , *THERMAL conductivity , *FLUID mechanics - Abstract
In this paper analysis of stress and thermal-elastic-plastic strain of the drum is performed. Influence of modified thickness, yield stress and finite element model of welded joint between pipe and drum on assessment of the remaining lifetime of the drum in the thermal power plant is analyzed. Two analyses are compared. In the first, drum is modeled by shell and by 3-D finite elements with projected geometrical and material data of drum. Then, the drum is modeled by shell and by 3-D finite elements with modified thickness and yield stress. The analysis show that detailed modeling of stress concentration zones is necessary. Adequate modeling gives lower maximal effective plastic strain and increased number of cycles and, in that case, 3-D finite elements are better comparing to shell finite elements. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2010
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- Author
živković, Miroslav M., Nikolić, Aleksandar V., Slavković, Radovan B., and Živić, Fatima T.
- Subjects
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THERMAL conductivity , *FINITE element method , *GALERKIN methods , *THERMAL insulation , *LIQUID aluminum , *METAL tanks - Abstract
This paper deals with transient non-linear heat conduction through the insulation wall of the tank for transportation of liquid aluminum. Tanks designed for this purpose must satisfy certain requirements regarding temperature of loading and unloading, during transport. Basic theoretical equations are presented, which describe the problem of heat conduction finite element analysis, starting from the differential equation of energy balance, taking into account the initial and boundary conditions of the problem. General 3-D problem for heat conduction is considered, from which solutions for two- and one-dimensional heat conduction can be obtained, as special cases. Forming of the finite element matrices using Galerkin method is briefly described. The procedure for solving equations of energy balance is discussed, by methods of resolving iterative processes of non-linear transient heat conduction. Solution of this problem illustrates possibilities of PAK-T software package, such as materials properties, given as tabular data, or analytical functions. Software also offers the possibility to solve non-linear and transient problems with incremental methods. Obtained results for different thicknesses of the tank wall insulation materials enable its comparison in regards to given conditions. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2010
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97. Modeling of blood flow in the human aorta with use of an orthotropic nonlinear material model for the walls
- Author
Kojic, Milos, Filipovic, Nenad, Vlastelica, Ivo, and Zivkovic, Miroslav
- Published
- 2003
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- Author
Milašinovicć, Srđan and živković, Miroslav
- Subjects
Copyright of Journal of Criminal Justice Issues / Kriminalisticke Teme is the property of Fakultet Kriminalistickih Nauka Univerziteta U Sarajevu and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2007
99. A Modified Phase-Field Damage Model for Metal Plasticity at Finite Strains: Numerical Development and Experimental Validation.
- Author
Živković, Jelena, Dunić, Vladimir, Milovanović, Vladimir, Pavlović, Ana, and Živković, Miroslav
- Subjects
DAMAGE models ,FINITE element method ,METALS ,DUCTILE fractures - Abstract
Steel structures are designed to operate in an elastic domain, but sometimes plastic strains induce damage and fracture. Besides experimental investigation, a phase-field damage model (PFDM) emerged as a cutting-edge simulation technique for predicting damage evolution. In this paper, a von Mises metal plasticity model is modified and a coupling with PFDM is improved to simulate ductile behavior of metallic materials with or without constant stress plateau after yielding occurs. The proposed improvements are: (1) new coupling variable activated after the critical equivalent plastic strain is reached; (2) two-stage yield function consisting of perfect plasticity and extended Simo-type hardening functions. The uniaxial tension tests are conducted for verification purposes and identifying the material parameters. The staggered iterative scheme, multiplicative decomposition of the deformation gradient, and logarithmic natural strain measure are employed for the implementation into finite element method (FEM) software. The coupling is verified by the 'one element' example. The excellent qualitative and quantitative overlapping of the force-displacement response of experimental and simulation results is recorded. The practical significances of the proposed PFDM are a better insight into the simulation of damage evolution in steel structures, and an easy extension of existing the von Mises plasticity model coupled to damage phase-field. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
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100. New approach to allocation planning of many‐task workflows on clouds.
- Author
Gerhards, Michael, Sander, Volker, Živković, Miroslav, Belloum, Adam, and Bubak, Marian
- Subjects
WORKFLOW management systems ,RESOURCE allocation ,TIME management ,SCHEDULING ,CLOUDS & the environment - Abstract
Summary: Experience has shown that a priori created static resource allocation plans are vulnerable to runtime deviations and hence often become uneconomic or highly exceed a predefined soft deadline. The assumption of constant task execution times during allocation planning is even more unlikely in a cloud environment where virtualized resources vary in performance. Revising the initially created resource allocation plan at runtime allows the scheduler to react on deviations between planning and execution. Such an adaptive rescheduling of a many‐task application workflow is only feasible, when the planning time can be handled efficiently at runtime. In this paper, we present the static low‐complexity resource allocation planning algorithm (LCP) applicable to efficiently schedule many‐task scientific application workflows on cloud resources of different capabilities. The benefits of the presented algorithm are benchmarked against alternative approaches. The benchmark results show that LCP is not only able to compete against higher complexity algorithms in terms of planned costs and planned makespan but also outperforms them significantly by magnitudes of 2 to 160 in terms of required planning time. Hence, LCP is superior in terms of practical usability where low planning time is essential such as in our targeted online rescheduling scenario. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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