68 results on '"grupe"'
Search Results
52. Prerequisites for teachers' work groups to become teams
- Author
Mičiulienė, Rita and Palujanskienė, Aldona
- Subjects
Lietuva (Lithuania) ,Lyderis ,Grupė ,Vaidmenys ,Sutelktumas ,Komanda ,Mokytojų ugdymas / Teacher education ,Marijampolė - Abstract
Pastaruoju metu sėkmingiau dirba, geresnį materialinį apsirūpinimą užsitikrina tos mokyklos, kuriose dirba kūrybiški, drąsūs, veržlūs mokytojai, dalyvaujantys projektų veikloje, sugebantys laimėti jų konkursuose ir gauti papildomų lėšų savo sumanymams įgyvendinti. Šiame darbe nagrinėjama mokytojų, to paties dalyko specialistų, galimybė ruošti įvairias užduotis, projektus komandoje. Sociometrijos metodu buvo tirtos dviejų Marijampolės bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų mokytojų grupės. Tyrimas atskleidė, kad šios grupės nemoka dirbti komandoje ne tik dėl vaidmenų komandoje dubliavimosi ir nebuvimo vieno ar kito vaidmens atlikėjo, bet ir dėl mažo grupės sutelktumo, vieno lyderio nebuvimo. Mokytojų grupės yra įvairiuose vystymosi etapuose: grupės formavimosi, sąmyšio, normalizavimosi, tačiau nė viena nepasiekė brandos etapo ir nedirba kaip komanda. More successful are those schools that employ modem principles of organisational management, such as team work. Often team work and group work are perceived as identical activity, although the scientists make difference between them. The prerequisites for work groups of teachers in the same subject matter to become teams are explored in the paper. The results of sociometer and test of role playing within the team showed that teachers lack abilities to work as a team due to the duplicated roles within the team, absence of performers of some roles, low concentration of the group, as well as absence of leader. The teachers groups are in various stages of development: group formation, confusion, normalization, but any group do not attain maturity stage and do not work as a team.
- Published
- 2007
53. Grupe u V. gimnaziji 2006./2007
- Subjects
grupe ,natjecanja ,nacrtna - Abstract
Kao i uvijek na početku školske godine, u ovom broju objavljujemo rad grupa u V. gimnaziji. Ove godine novost je fakultativni predmet nacrtna geometrija, koji je zamijenio grupu za Sketchpad i MAPLE.
- Published
- 2006
54. Ispravak popisa grupa
- Subjects
grupe ,natjecanja - Abstract
U prošlom broju greškom je izostavljeno ime Ivice Ančića s popisa voditelja grupa za 1. razred. Isprika uredništva.
- Published
- 2006
55. Team Work Model in Secondary – High Schools at Alytus region
- Author
Vaivadienė, Eglė, Barkauskaitė, Marija, Žadeikaitė, Loreta, Guoba, Andrius, Pečiuliauskienė, Palmira, Žilionis, Juozas, and Vilnius Pedagogical University
- Subjects
Teamwork ,Komandinio darbo modelis bendrojo lavinimo mokyk ,Team spirit ,Grupė ,Cluster ,The model of the team work in the Secondary-High ,Komanda ,Group ,Educology ,Team Work ,Komandinis darbas - Abstract
The team works in present time – one of basic subject in the success work. The team work are innovatory and honesty to community and they needs. It tools for creation the success organization. The goal of analysis - determine present situation of the team work in High schools at Alytus region using by comparable analysis and make up the pattern of the team work. Work has two parts. First part is analysis of academic managing literature. Ground of that had been achieved conception party and team. To highlighted them internals and features. Analyzed group tend to the team and them components of effectiveness. By this method of generalization had been used for analysis on researches data of interpretation. Resuming analysis of academic managing literature, more important from the private achieves and requirements are social dependence to the team. The team as well is group of working peoples in which are a member is good for same achievements and for satisfaction individual’s requirements of each member. Only dynamic high school can made the dynamic service. Only with professional conception to present job could achieve perfect results. One of target for managers of high schools is create effectiveness, complete the team. Be sure that most of researching tasks in organization could be tending members. A leadership should regard to his worker motivation. If manager want to change worker treatment, he should choose appropriate motivation means. In modern public development... [to full text]
- Published
- 2005
56. Aspects of the self-help groups activities - Italian experience
- Author
Lijana Gvaldaitė
- Subjects
Typology ,media_common.quotation_subject ,grupė ,Personal life ,Context (language use) ,Loneliness ,lcsh:Education (General) ,Education ,Maturity (psychological) ,savipagalba ,self-help groups ,Italian experience ,people ,medicine ,Openness to experience ,Social exclusion ,medicine.symptom ,Consciousness ,Psychology ,šeima ,lcsh:L7-991 ,Social psychology ,bendruomenė ,media_common - Abstract
The article deals with the importance of the self-help groups as a new form of help that has appeared in the world 40--50 years ago, the article analyses the sources of the self-help phenomena and its development in the international context, the typology of the groups is presented. The half-structured interview of qualitative character with the experts and participants of the self-help groups in Lombardy (Italy) is discussed. The research is trying to find out the character of the support received by the Italian families participating in the self-help groups. The research reveals that a self-help group becomes the place where its participants can share needs and experience that protects them from loneliness and social exclusion; the group responds to the essential human need to depend to others, to feel close to the people with the same problems. On the basis of the research we can state that being in a group helps to increase personal maturity and consciousness, stimulates responsibility and independency. Additionally, participation in the self-help group has positive influence upon personal life and interrelations with close people, stimulates openness to the environment, increases social and civil consciousness and activity.
- Published
- 2004
57. Rad grupa u V. gimnaziji
- Subjects
grupe ,natjecanja ,Sketchpad ,MAPLE - Abstract
Popis grupa koje se održavaju u V. gimnaziji školske godine 2003./2004.
- Published
- 2004
58. Mutual stereotypes of Croats, Bosnjaks and Serbs in the light of two factors theory of prejudice
- Author
Petrović, Nebojša
- Subjects
dimenzije ,međuetnički ,stereotypes ,interethnics ,groups ,grupe ,stereotipi ,dimensions ,prejudices ,predrasude - Abstract
Kako nizom empirijskih provera nije dobijena očekivana korelacija između negativnih stereotipa i predrasuda, savremeni istraživači su pretpostavili da stereotipe ne treba posmatrati kao jednodimenzionalni konstrukt. Predložena je dvofaktorska teorija stereotipa gde je prva dimenzija kompetencije (superioran-inferioran), a druga dobrote i moralnosti (dobar-loš). Samo ova potonja korelira sa predrasudama. Naše istraživanje obavljeno na 617 ispitanika iz Srbije, Hrvatske i Bosne i Hercegovine pokazuje da su negativni međusobni stereotipi ova tri naroda još dominantni a ta negativnost se odražava pre svega na drugoj dimenziji, kao što i predviđa pomenuta teorija. Since a number of empirical research have not shown expected correlation between negative stereotypes and prejudices, modern researchers have proposed that stereotypes should not be treated as unidimensional construct. The two factors theory of stereotypes has been proposed. First dimension is competence (superior-inferior), and second is beneficence or morality (good-bad). Only second one has high correlation with prejudices. Our research, conducted on 617 subjects from Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia and Hercegovina, shows that mutual negative stereotypes among these three nations are still dominant, and that negativity has mainly been found on the second dimension, just as mentioned theory proposed.
- Published
- 2003
59. Pre-school education group: particularities of communication between the child and pedagogue and between the pedagogue and child
- Author
Glebuvienė, Vitolda Sofija and Tarasonienė, Aldona
- Subjects
Lietuva (Lithuania) ,Grupė ,Pedagogai / Pedagogues ,Bendravimas / Communication ,Priešmokyklinis ugdymas ,Vaikai / Children - Abstract
Vakarų Europos pedagogine mintimi apie šiuolaikinius edukacinius tikslus ypač akcentuojama priešmokyklinio ugdymo svarba. Tik pozityvus vaiko bendravimas su pedagogu, bendravimas, leidžiantis atsiskleisti jo individualumui ir išskirtinumui, laiduoja vaiko asmenybės ugdymo sėkmę. Šis tyrimas – pirmasis mėginimas Lietuvoje įvertinti vaiko ir pedagogo bei pedagogo ir vaiko sąveikas vykdant priešmokyklinį ugdymą(si) įvairiose įstaigose šalies mastu. Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti pedagoginės vaiko ir pedagogo bei pedagogo ir vaiko sąveikos vykdant priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaiko ugdymo(si) procesą ypatumus. Tyrimo imtis – 2745 priešmokyklinių grupių vaikai ir 234 jų pedagogai iš 118 darželių, 78 mokyklų ir 38 darželių-mokyklų. Tyrimas vyko įvairių Lietuvos regionų 9 miestų ir 9 rajonų 234 priešmokyklinio ugdymo grupėse.Tyrimas parodė, kad ugdomojo proceso pedagoginės sąveikos skiriasi raiškos dažniu, turiniu ir emociniu atspalviu. Priešmokyklinėse grupėse vyrauja situacijos, kai vaikas kreipiasi į pedagogą informacijos ir pagalbos (vaiko ir pedagogo sąveika). Pedagogo ir vaiko sąveikoje vyrauja situacijos, kai pedagogas padeda vaikui, skatina veiklą ir elgseną. Sąveikų emociniai atspalviai daugiausiai yra pozityvūs, kartais – negatyvūs. Atlikus tyrimą paaiškėjo, kad iš dalies vaiko ir pedagogo bei pedagogo ir vaiko sąveikose emocinis poveikis ir atsakas neatitinka. Vaiko ir pedagogo bei pedagogo ir vaiko sąveikos pedagoginio bendravimo požiūriu, ne visai atitinka priešmokyklinio kokybiško ugdymo modelį. Western European pedagogical thought about modern educational objectives especially emphasises the importance of per-school education. Only positive communication between the child and pedagogue, communication that allows disclosing the child’s individuality and unique nature ensures the success of developing the child’s personality. This survey is the first attempt in Lithuania to evaluate interrelation between the child and pedagogue and between the pedagogue and child in pre-school education in various institutions at national level. The aim of the survey is to establish the particularities of the interrelation between the child and pedagogue and between the pedagogue and child in per-school education process. The survey sample included 2745 children from pre-school groups and 234 pedagogues from 118 kindergartens, 78 schools and 38 kindergartens-schools. The survey was conducted in 234 pre-school groups of 9 towns and 9 districts of various regions. The survey showed that pedagogical interrelation of the educational process differ in the frequency of expression, content and emotional colour. Pre-school groups have predominant situations when the child asks the pedagogue information and assistance (interrelation between the child and pedagogue). In case of the interrelation between the pedagogue and child the prevailing situation is when the pedagogue helps the child, encourages activity and behaviour. Emotional colours of interrelations are mostly positive and sometimes negative. The survey showed that emotional impact and feedback of the interrelation between the child and pedagogue and between the pedagogue and child do not in part agree. Interrelation between the child and pedagogue and between the pedagogue and child from the pedagogical communication point of view, does not fully comply with quality pre-school educational model.
- Published
- 2003
60. Viewpoint of educators of disabled children to cooperation
- Author
Vaicekauskienė, Violeta
- Subjects
Lietuva (Lithuania) ,Sąveika ,Grupė ,Komanda ,Mokytojų ugdymas / Teacher education ,Požiūris ,Socialiniai santykiai ,Specialusis ugdymas / Special education ,Bendradarbiavimas / Cooperation ,Vaikai / Children - Abstract
Bendravimas kaip socialinės sąveikos forma apima veiksmų sistemos kūrimą ir socialinių santykių plėtojimą. Straipsnyje apibūdinamos abiejų bendradarbiavimo krypčių apraiškos ir jų įgyvendinimo problemos, komandinio darbo požymiai ir stadijos, analizuojami institucijų vidinio bendradarbiavimo ypatumai. Pristatomas trijų neįgalių vaikų ugdymo institucijų bei specialistų požiūrio į bendradarbiavimą kaip į reiškinį ir tikrojo bendradarbiavimo ypatumų bei problemų tyrimas, jo rezultatų analizė ir apibendrinimas Cooperation as a social interaction form involves formation of the action system and the social relationships development. The article defines both manifestations of cooperation courses and problems that arise in their realisation. It also describes features and stages working as team, analyses special characteristics of the internal collaboration in institutions. The viewpoint of the three institutions of disabled children and their specialists to cooperation as a phenomenon is represented in analysis of the research
- Published
- 2003
61. Međusobni stereotipi Hrvata, Bošnjaka i Srba u svetlu dvofaktorske teorije predrasuda
- Author
Petrović, Nebojša and Petrović, Nebojša
- Abstract
Kako nizom empirijskih provera nije dobijena očekivana korelacija između negativnih stereotipa i predrasuda, savremeni istraživači su pretpostavili da stereotipe ne treba posmatrati kao jednodimenzionalni konstrukt. Predložena je dvofaktorska teorija stereotipa gde je prva dimenzija kompetencije (superioran-inferioran), a druga dobrote i moralnosti (dobar-loš). Samo ova potonja korelira sa predrasudama. Naše istraživanje obavljeno na 617 ispitanika iz Srbije, Hrvatske i Bosne i Hercegovine pokazuje da su negativni međusobni stereotipi ova tri naroda još dominantni a ta negativnost se odražava pre svega na drugoj dimenziji, kao što i predviđa pomenuta teorija., Since a number of empirical research have not shown expected correlation between negative stereotypes and prejudices, modern researchers have proposed that stereotypes should not be treated as unidimensional construct. The two factors theory of stereotypes has been proposed. First dimension is competence (superior-inferior), and second is beneficence or morality (good-bad). Only second one has high correlation with prejudices. Our research, conducted on 617 subjects from Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia and Hercegovina, shows that mutual negative stereotypes among these three nations are still dominant, and that negativity has mainly been found on the second dimension, just as mentioned theory proposed.
- Published
- 2003
62. Analysis of principles of group work
- Author
Seilius, Antanas
- Subjects
Lietuva (Lithuania) ,Grupė ,Grupinis darbas ,Grupinio darbo principai ,Vadyba ,Grupinis sprendimas ,Grupės dinamika ,Organizacinės formos ,Valdymas / Management - Abstract
Mažų socialinių grupių problemos jau senokai tapo specialistų tradicinių tyrimų problema. Netrūksta dėmesio joms ir šiandien. Tai nulemia nuolat didėjantis visuomenės gyvenimo sudėtingumas, kurį sukelia žmonių veiklos diferenciacija dėl nuolatinės mokslo pažangos, technikos bei technologijų sudėtingumo. Tai verčia žmones burtis i įvairius struktūrinius darinius, atsižvelgiant į veiklos kryptis, visuomeninius ryšius ir kt. Vis reikšmingesnis tampa ne individo, bet grupės žmonių veiklos rezultatas. Mažų grupių vaidmuo objektyviai didėja iš dalies ir dėl to, kad didėja būtinumas priimti grupinius sprendimus. Tiek ūkinėje, tiek politinėje žmonių veikloje vis mažiau toleruojami individų sprendimai, o grupiniai įvardijami kaip demokratijos pasiekimas (Gubicaitė-Šilingienė, 1998). Mažų socialinių grupių dinamika domimasi ir dėl metodologinių priežasčių: ji yra labai patogi, lengvai suprantama, interpretuojama ir puikiai tinka labouratoriniams bei kitiems tyrimams, stebėjimams atlikti. Dėl šios priežasties maža grupė tinka grupinių sprendimų priėmimo procesams tirti (Seilius, 1999; Андреева, 1980). Tačiau iki šių dienų diskutuojama dėl mažos grupės įvardijimo, svarbiausių jos požymių - dydžio ir ypač dėl grupinių procesų dinamikos. Taigi grupės darbo, jos įvardijimo ir grupinių procesų dinamikos tyrimai, ypač priimant grupinius sprendimus, yra svarbi teorinė ir praktinė problema. Straipsnio tikslas - išanalizuoti grupinio darbo principus, determinuoti mažos grupės sąvoką, nustatyti kiekybinę charakteristiką, atskleisti grupinio darbo, priimant sprendimus, privalumus ir trūkumus. Metodas - grupinio darbo teorijų analizė, jų lyginimas, sintezė bei loginės išvados. Though group work is acknowledged to be more effective as compared with individual work, we cannot give only a one-sided estimation because in making group decisions the results may be predetermined by the opinions of one or some previous members of the group, especially applying this rule to the leaders of a group. Thus we feel the absence of a method to regulate the process of making decisions so that all the members of a group could freely express their opinion, attitude and point of view. This helps to avoid the influence of ц decision, thrusting one's opinion on others by one or some persons, though recognized leaders of a group. Such a function might be performed by a system of compulsory procedural rules regulating the process. The reason for having such a system are evidently erroneous autocratic decisions existing in the society, including both politics and business (international or regional armed conflicts, ungrounded bankruptcy of economic subjects, etc.). If we follow the principle that each level of the management pyramid of an organization (hierarchy) conditionally may be named a group (team) and in making decisions the members of the group might co-ordinate their relations in the same way as an elementary small group, then all the structural divisions of any organization may exist (work) as separate teams incorporated through the organizational culture, mission and objectives, they may pursue the objects of their own, a group and an organization on a voluntary basis and consciously by participating in making strategic and tactic decisions. This point of view reflects the author's conviction that none of effective efforts to improve the activities of an organization shall be successful when not all the members of the organization are given a possibility to participate in such a work. Such a point of view forces to have a new look at all the known theories of making decisions. A very complicated and complex problem of coordination of interests of an individual, a group and an organization is investigated from the point of view that an organization is equally significant and necessary for an individual (employee) as an individual is significant and necessary for an organization. This point of view is valuable in a methodological sense for achieving mutual agreement in the group for the benefit of the group itself and the organization. As the organization (group, team, unit) does not appear and does not develop by itself, the problem of the qualities of a leader of the organization (group) is not abstracted from the actions of the group in making decisions.
- Published
- 2000
63. Homogenizacija grupa u funkciji optimalne nastave tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture
- Author
Pejčić, Aleksandra and Hofman Emil
- Subjects
Tjelesna i zdravstvena kultura ,homogenizacija ,grupe - Abstract
Poznato je da se u neposrednoj nastavnoj praksi tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture homogene grupe formiraju prema onome u čemu su učenici jednaki, natprosječni ili što im nedostaje. To omogućuje ne samo diferencirani pristup konceptualizaciji, programiranju i operacionalizaciji zadataka nastavnog procesa, nego i optimalan utjecaj na transformaciju integralnog antropološkog statusa djece.
- Published
- 1999
64. Grupe za samopomoć
- Author
Itković, Zora
- Subjects
grupe ,samopomoć - Abstract
U uvodnom dijelu analizira se pojam samopomoći, te proširuje njegovo značenje u primarnoj i sekundarnoj prevenciji zloporabe droga. Daje se poseban osvrt na grupe samopomoći roditelja čija su djeca konzumenti droga, ili koji zu počinili kazneno djelo. Analiziraju se načini rada grupa za samopomoć, od njihova udruživanja, djelovanja, skrbi za mlade ljude koji imaju problema s drogama, do načina financiranje, donatorstva i sl.
- Published
- 1997
65. Timski rad
- Author
Brajša, Pavao
- Subjects
rad ,grupe - Published
- 1991
66. Fenomen grupa
- Author
Živan Bezić
- Subjects
grupa ,grupe ,fenomen grupa - Published
- 1975
- Author
Dermota, Dr. Valter
- Subjects
Suvremeni ,Katehetsko ,Usmjerenost ,Suradnja ,Obitelji ,Grupe ,Priručnici - Abstract
U toku dvadesetak godina dogodilo se toliko katehetsko važnog koliko možda u prijašnja vremena svakih sto ili čak dvjesta godina. Nije to pitanje mode, nego pitanje životne sposobnosti. Ili izmijenimo način navješćivanja ili sebe osuđujemo na propast. Ne netko drugi izvan Crkve, nego mi samo.
- Published
- 1974
- Author
Wilkens, Eunike
- Subjects
Turisti ,Samostan ,Grupe ,Pitanja ,Razgovor ,Resonanca - Abstract
Zadnjih godina mnoge grupe turista različita kova kucaju na samostanska vrata sa željom da se informiraju i razgovaraju o samostanskom životu. Iz kojih razloga? Vodi li ih znatiželja, želja da kritiziraju, ili da nešto novo nauče? Događa se to možda zato što ih progoni tjeskoba?
- Published
- 1974
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