64 results on '"local security"'
Search Results
52. Coordination of local actions for security : between county committee and police's monopol
- Author
Czapska, Janina
- Subjects
safety and order committees ,komisja bezpieczeństwa i porządku ,police ,bezpieczeństwo lokalne ,local security ,policja - Abstract
Na problem postawiony w tytule można spojrzeć z różnych punktów widzenia. Można rekomendacje dla Policji formułować z perspektywy oczekiwań polskiego społeczeństwa (społeczności lokalnych), wyników badań empirycznych nad lokalną koordynacją działań na rzecz bezpieczeństwa, doświadczeń innych krajów lub z perspektywy strategii i filozofii community-oriented policing . Lokalne działania na rzecz bezpieczeństwa rozumiane będą szeroko, z uwzględnieniem prewencji pierwszego, drugiego i trzeciego stopnia. Należy zastrzec, że część sformułowanych niżej postulatów można zrealizować wyłącznie przy zmianie powszechnie obowiązującego prawa. W takiej sytuacji Policja może wyłącznie lobbować za określonym rozwiązaniem. Punkt wyjścia w rekomendacjach stanowi przyjęcie, że na poziomie powiatów/ miast na prawach powiatu koordynacją powinny się zajmować powiatowe komisje bezpieczeństwa i porządku, choć w praktyce komisje realizują swe funkcje w sposób niedostateczny i są wtedy zastępowane przez inne instytucje. Faktycznie na poziomie lokalnym w Polsce wspólne działania koordynują samorządy lokalne, Policja, straże miejskie, organizacje pozarządowe, szkoły. Zdarza się również, że nie podejmuje starań w tym względzie, a każda instytucja zajmuje się wyłącznie realizacją własnych zadań. Problem posed in the title can be viewed from different points of view. Recommendations for the police can be formed from the perspective of Polish society’s expectations, the results of empirical studies of the efforts of local coordination for security, the experiences of other countries or from the perspective of strategy and philosophy of community-oriented police. Local safety actions are widely understood here, including the prevention of the first, second and third degree. It should be stipulated that part of the following demands can be fulfilled only by changing current laws. In this situation, police can only lobby for a specific solution. The starting point in recommendations was that at the level of districts / cities with district rights, coordination should be performed by district committees of safety and order, though in practice those committees carry out their functions in an insufficient manner and are often replaced by other institutions. In fact, at a local level in Poland, joint actions are coordinated by local governments, police, local police, NGOs, schools. There are also some occurrences when they do not take the effort in this regard and each institution is only exercising its respective responsibilities.
- Published
- 2015
53. The local governance of safety and security in Belgium
- Author
Bauwens, Tom, Czapska, Janina, Czapskiej, Janiny, Criminology, and Crime & Society
- Subjects
Governance ,coordination ,mayor ,local security ,security ,Police - Abstract
A short overview of the local governance of safety and security in Belgium
- Published
- 2014
54. A realistic triad, or how to undertake research on the coordination of local actions for safety
- Author
Czapska, Janina
- Subjects
bezpieczeństwo lokalne ,powiat ,empirical legal research ,local security ,badania empiryczne nad prawem ,policja kryminalna ,criminal policy ,district - Abstract
Niniejsza książka jest wynikiem projektu realizowanego w latach 2010 – 2014 przez zespół badawczy w Katedrze Socjologii Prawa Wydziału Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Głównym celem projektu było zbadanie procesu koordynacji lokalnych działań na rzecz bezpieczeństwa, zwracając szczególną uwagę na zapobieganie przestępczości, by określić czynniki wpływające na ten proces, jak również identyfikując dobre europejskie praktyki, które mogą zostać użyte w celu jego poprawy. W tym kontekście główny problem odnosi się do roli prawa i instytucji utworzonych na podstawie przepisów prawnych w celu zapewnienia skutecznej koordynacji. W związku z rozwiązaniami prawnymi obowiązującymi w Polsce, skupiono się głównie na ocenie regulaminów powiatowych komisji bezpieczeństwa i porządku i powiatowych programów zapobiegania przestępczości, bezpieczeństwa publicznego i bezpieczeństwa obywateli, jak i ich funkcjonowania. Badanie zostało zaplanowane zgodnie z paradygmatem „nowego realizmu prawnego”, który obejmują następującą triadę: teoria prawna – badania empiryczne – polityka prawa. Dlatego też badanie miało charakter interdyscyplinarny, gdyż obejmuje analizę z punktu widzenia doktryny prawa, socjologii prawa i kryminologii. W celu opracowania wyników badań empirycznych zostały wykorzystane obie metody ilościowe i jakościowe. Projekt składał się z następujących etapów: - krytyczna analiza obowiązujących przepisów prawnych i literatury prawniczej odnoszącej się do zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa w dzielnicach; - analiza zawartości raportów o funkcjonowaniu powiatowych komisji bezpieczeństwa i porządku i powiatowych programów; - kwestionariusz wysłany pocztą do starostów i prezydentów miast na prawach powiatu w celu poznania lokalnych praktyk i opinii dotyczących koordynacji działań lokalnych i obowiązujących przepisów prawa; - badania terenowe przeprowadzone w 52 powiatach, z czego 20 została celowo wybrana ze względu na wyjątkową skuteczność koordynacji działań na rzecz bezpieczeństwa, podczas gdy pozostałe 32 zostały wybrane losowo (2 powiaty z każdego województwa). Pogłębione wywiady były prowadzone w każdym powiecie z kluczowymi podmiotami, których zadaniem jest zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa. Ta grupa zawsze składała się z przedstawiciela samorządu, administracji i policji, podczas gdy inni respondenci zostali wybrani na podstawie lokalnych warunków, na przykład przedstawiciel organizacji pozarządowej, straży miejskiej, lub ośrodka pomocy społecznej. Jeśli chodzi o europejskie badania porównawcze, to kraje zostały wybrane ze względu na osiągnięcia w dziedzinie zapobiegania przestępczości na poziomie lokalnym i różnorodności metod stosowanych w celu koordynacji tych działań. This book is a result of a project implemented between 2010 and 2014 by a research team at the Chair of the Sociology of Law of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Jagiellonian University (http://www.koordynacja.confer.uj.edu.pl/en_GB/start-en). The main objective of the project was to explore the process of coordinating local actions aiming at ensuring safety in Poland, while paying particular attention to crime prevention, to determine factors influencing this process, as well as to identify the methods that could be used to improve this process using European good practices. The major issue in this respect relates to the role of law and institutions established on the basis of legal rules in ensuring efficient coordination. Due to legal solutions being in force in Poland, a focus was mainly set on assessing the rules governing district safety and order committees and district crime prevention (hereinafter referred to as the “DSOC”), public order and citizen safety programmes, as well as on their functioning. Districts are second-level local government units comprising of municipalities and forming parts of larger units, i.e. provinces. There were 379 districts or cities with district rights (county boroughs) in Poland at the time of the research. The research was planned in accordance with the “new legal realism” paradigm that comprises the following triad: legal theory – empirical research – politics of law. Therefore, the research was of interdisciplinary nature, as it included an analysis in terms of legal doctrine, sociology of law and criminology. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used in order to develop the results of empirical research. The project consisted of the following stages: – critical analysis of legal provisions in force and legal literature relating to ensuring safety in the districts; – content analysis of reports on the functioning of all district safety and order committees and all district programmes; – a questionnaire sent by mail to the district governors and mayors of cities with district rights in order to learn about local practices and opinions on the coordination of local actions and the applicable law; – field research conducted in 52 districts, out of which 20 were selected purposely due to outstanding and particularly efficient coordination of actions in the field of safety, while the remaining 32 were selected randomly (2 districts from each province). In-depth interviews were conducted in each district with key entities tasked with ensuring safety. This group always included a representative of the local government, administration and Police forces, while other respondents were selected on the basis of local circumstances, e.g. a representative of non-governmental organisation, municipal police or social welfare centre. – European comparative research. Situation in the selected European countries was characterised in accordance with the common guidelines. These countries were selected with regard to accomplishments in the field of crime prevention at the local level and variety of methods used to coordinate these actions. – making recommendations on the basis of research conducted in Poland and foreign solutions as regards amending legal provisions and adopting new organisational solutions for coordinating local actions for safety, with a particular focus on crime prevention at the district level.
- Published
- 2014
55. Order and safety commissions in the light of empirical research
- Author
Okrasa, Anna and Szafrańska, Michalina
- Subjects
komisje bezpieczeństwa i porządku ,coordination ,Order and Safety Commissions ,bezpieczeństwo lokalne ,crime prevention ,local security ,prewencja kryminalna ,koordynacja - Abstract
Research conducted using the content analysis method shows that reports prepared by the committees vary to a large degree and that it is hard to use them for reconstructing actual actions taken by committees and for assessing their coordination capacities. The district governors rarely enlarge the composition of committees. However, their meetings are quite often attended by other entities responsible for safety. Therefore, the committees have - as regards the subjective scope - some coordination potential that is nevertheless seldom used. Moreover, the committees rarely use other measures promoting coordination, e.g. they rarely cooperate with other entities responsible for safety or with the experts. The committees very rarely take any actions connected with prevention programmes or urgent needs or send requests relating to safety and order to other entities. As a matter of fact, no extra activity shall be expected, as it follows from the reports that even with respect to statutory obligations the committees are engaged to a very small degree. It seems that statutory tasks are fulfilled to a very small degree. In general, the committees shall be referred to as passive rather than consultative bodies, as their activity with respect to consultation is mostly reduced to expressing opinions on the district budget. These conclusions drawn during the first stage of research were then verified at subsequent stages of empirical analysis (a questionnaire sent by mail and indepth interviews). Taking account of the culture of a particular committee, the following types of committees may be distinguished: (1) sham committees, (2) crisis committees, (3) the "necessary minimum" committees, (4) passive and consultative committees, (5) coordinating committees. Types (1), (2) and (3) occur most often in practice, whereas coordinating committees are a rarity. While it is true that respondents generally expressed positive opinions on provisions governing the committees, it must be assumed that this does not necessarily mean that they are enthusiastic about the committees themselves. Those respondents who made some demands on the legislator requested that the committee's functions connected with exercising authority be expanded and that the term of the committee be equal to that of the district council. However, completely different suggestions were also made. Four basic options with respect to assessing the coordination capacities of the committees arise out of the research: (a) the committees do not have any competences relating to exercising authority, thus they do not have any coordination capacities, therefore their role is marginal or they do not play any role at all, (b) the committees do not have any competences relating to exercising authority, thus they do not have any coordination capacities, yet they are important advisory bodies to the district governor and they turn out to be great as such bodies, (c) the committees do not have huge decision-making powers, yet they promote coordination by ensuring information flows, integrating actions and planning, (d) the committees not only promote coordination, but may also influence the implementation of assumed obligations, provided that their position will be high. Respondents were very rarely able to specify what they understand as coordination. While it is true that 40% of those surveyed recognise that committees have positive impact on the functioning of entities responsible for public safety and order, more than 30% of them are of the opinion that actions taken by committees did not change anything in this respect. Moreover, nearly 1/3 of respondents agree with the opinion that the committees are "yet another administrative creations that no one wants and that everyone ignores", adding that they are useless, that they unnecessarily do the same tasks as other entities and that they do not have any considerable influence on what is going on in the district. In general it may be assumed, on the basis of results obtained through surveys and field research, that the hypothesis about insignificant role of the committees with respect to coordinating local activities aiming at ensuring safety (the hypothesis was proposed after the reports prepared by the committees had been analysed) has been confirmed. Committees that are more active and that actually take some coordinating measures are very rare. It is worrying that many respondents underline the key role of the so-called "human factor" with respect to the quality of actions aiming at ensuring safety. Despite the fact that the research suggests that the committees are viewed very differently, it is to be noted that many respondents noticed positive effects connected with these institutions (in particular with respect to improving information flows and cooperation quality). It also appears that committees, despite their often limited activity, are sometimes quite deeply rooted in the structure of local entities in charge of safety; therefore suggestions that they should be abolished, which are offered by some respondents, seem incorrect. With a view to the future law, it is to be considered whether the committees should not be appointed optionally. This would save the local governments coordinating actions in other way the trouble of pretending that the committees are actually active.
- Published
- 2014
56. Perspectivas en torno a la seguridad
- Author
Fernández Ferreira, Enrique Eduardo
- Subjects
Seguridad local ,Human security ,Estrategias de seguridad ,Globalización ,Integración de la seguridad ,Security strategies ,Seguridad humana ,Globalization ,Sociología ,Integration of security ,Local security - Abstract
Tomando en consideración la perspectiva evolutiva del concepto de seguridad, realizamos un breve y sucinto recorrido sobre las ideas que han propiciado un planteamiento global e integrador en la elaboración de las Estrategias de Seguridad adoptadas en nuestro entorno geopolítico. En todos los ámbitos se hace referencia a la necesidad de integrar los diferentes elementos y actores que forman parte de las estructuras de seguridad, pero se echa en falta una apuesta decidida en este sentido. El planteamiento objeto de este artículo pretende llamar la atención sobre la esfera local, la cual, a través de sus propias estructuras, juega un papel importante y de primer nivel, en todo lo concerniente a la seguridad. Integrar la perspectiva local en el tratamiento de la seguridad establecido desde las Estrategias adoptadas para hacer frente a los nuevos retos y amenazas, se justifica por sí mismo, tanto desde una perspectiva conceptual como estructural, teniendo en cuenta que es, precisamente en las ciudades, donde más se perciben las dinámicas asociadas a la seguridad. Considering the evolutionary nature of security, this work presents a brief and succinct walk throughout the ideas that have led to a global and integrating approach in the build-up of the security strategies embraced by the geopolitical environment we live in. All areas of study stress the need for the integration of all the different elements and actors security structures consist of, but a firm commitment therein has yet to be made. The approach presented in this work aims at drawing attention to the local level, which, throughout its own structures, plays an instrumental role in all what has to do with security. Integrate the local outlook into the strategies adopted to face the new security challenges and threats seems evident, both from a conceptual standpoint as well as from a more structural angle, since it is precise in the cities, that the security dynamics are best perceived.
- Published
- 2013
57. CPTED and Polish law
- Author
Szafrańska, Michalina and Jurzak-Mączka, Katarzyna
- Subjects
kształtowanie przestrzeni ,bezpieczeństwo lokalne ,crime prevention ,local security ,prewencja kryminalna ,environmental design ,CPTED - Published
- 2012
58. Contrary to stereotypes : normative and social image of municipal police in Poland
- Author
Czapska, Janina and Szafrańska, Michalina
- Subjects
porządek publiczny ,municipal police ,bezpieczeństwo lokalne ,straż gminna ,local security ,public order ,straż miejska - Published
- 2011
59. The role of the Municipal Police in reducing the fear of crime among citizens
- Author
Szafrańska, Michalina
- Subjects
porządek publiczny ,municipal police ,bezpieczeństwo lokalne ,straż gminna ,local security ,public order ,straż miejska - Published
- 2011
60. Irksome and Unpopular Duties: Pakistan's Frontier Corps, Local Security Forces and Counterinsurgency
- Author
- Abstract
The growing role of irregular security units such as the Afghan Local Police (ALP) has sparked fresh interest in the subject of community-based defense forces and counterinsurgency in Afghanistan. Seeking lessons that seem applicable in the Afghan context, analysts are exploring cases ranging from the Civilian Irregular Defense Group in Vietnam, to the Sons of Iraq. However, a particularly relevant case has received relatively little analytical scrutiny. Across the border in Pakistan, government authorities have, since the late 19th century, organized, trained, equipped and paid Pashtun tribesmen to provide local security. The Frontier Corps (FC) is the most prominent of these groups. Under the British, the Frontier Corps was an instrument in a wider system of indirect imperial control. Since independence in 1947, Pakistan has employed the Frontier Corps to police the Afghan border and tribal areas and in so doing, has helped free up the army to prepare for conventional military operations. This primary purpose of this paper is to provide historical and contemporary context for analysts, practitioners, and decision-makers who focus on local security structures in conflict and post-conflict environments.
- Published
- 2012
61. Perspectivas de la problemática nuclear
- Author
Gómez Velandia, Giselle Catalina
- Subjects
naciones unidas ,Military cost ,cold war ,united nations ,nuclear war ,Gasto militar ,seguridad hemisférica ,local security ,guerra nuclear ,guerra fría - Abstract
Today, several international organisms understand that its commitment with the security of the planet must go beyond the intention to develop public policies directed to reduce the terrorist threat. The international community is demanding of those organisms, a more aggressive roll because after the ColdWar, the world has new challenges like the terrorism, that need a joint effort the governments to face it and to defeat it. The United Nations see with preoccupation that its task is to recover the credibility of the countries in order to that these feel respect by their recommendations when they are welcomed by the governments to stop the war by the war. Los diversos organismos internacionales interpretan hoy que su compromiso con la seguridad del planeta debe ir más allá de la intención para desarrollar políticas públicas encaminadas a reducir la amenaza terrorista. La comunidad internacional está demandando de esos organismos, un papel más agresivo pues después de la Guerra Fría, el mundo tiene nuevos desafíos como el terrorismo, que precisan un esfuerzo mancomunado de los gobiernos para enfrentarlo y derrotarlo. Las Naciones Unidas ven con preocupación que su tarea es recobrar la credibilidad de los pueblos y que estos sientan respeto por sus recomendaciones al advertir que son acogidas por los gobiernos para detener la guerra por la guerra.
- Published
- 2006
62. Environmental Change, Natural Disasters and Stability in Central America and the Caribbean (CSL Issue Paper, Volume 5-10, September 2010)
- Author
- Abstract
A wide array of factors contribute to making people feel insecure, from the proliferation of small arms and drug trafficking, to transnational threats like water pollution, natural disasters, the spread of diseases, and climate change. Because it is closely associated with heat and water, climate change is already having diverse impacts in Central America and the Caribbean, including more powerful storms, altered river flows, changes in groundwater recharge, landslides, more intense floods, and longer droughts. The inability to predict and manage the quantity and quality of water, and the vulnerabilities of states and regions to the impacts of droughts, floods, and climatic variability impose large costs on many economies in the region. In Central America, the water situation differs on each coast. The El Nino phenomenon causes severe drought on the already dry Pacific Coast of Central America, impacting economies and operation of the Panama Canal. Conversely, on the Atlantic side of the Caribbean, the climate situation is wetter and more vulnerable to hurricane events. Environmental impacts also influence human health, biodiversity, and agriculture, as 85% of natural disasters are water-linked. Therefore, the region must manage by innovating and adapting to these climate extremes. Environmental security is related to peace. Its analysis allows us to better understand the impacts of environmental stress, climate change, and the occurrence of natural disasters on human livelihoods, health, and on the sustainability and resilience of fragile ecosystems. The major environmental and social threats in the Central American and Caribbean region are both natural and man-made in nature. Recognizing the importance of these issues to regional security, SOUTHCOM and the Department of State co-sponsored a Roundtable on Environmental Security and Natural Disasters in San Jose, Costa Rica, with the support of the Center for Strategic Leadership., Summary of a Roundtable on Environmental Security and Natural Disasters held in San Jose, Costa Rica, on July 30, 2009.
- Published
- 2010
63. 'What Works in Reducing Crime' (November 2004)
- Author
Wyvekens, Anne
- Subjects
prévention ,local security ,criminology - Abstract
During a meeting of experts in crime prevention, an Italian speaker describes a programme to fight truancy that was cited in his country as a "good practice". The British representative enthusiastically exclaims, "Oh yes indeed, it will surely work!". The French expert then speaks up "Practically speaking, without a doubt, but will it work in theory?" This little story delights English-speaking audiences, while the French manage only a forced smile. What works? Is this question defin...
- Published
- 2005
64. Des hommes forts mais dociles ? La salarisation du secteur de la sécurité locale comme révélateur de la hiérarchisation des masculinités à Lagos (Nigéria)
- Author
Revilla, Lucie and Revilla, Lucie
- Abstract
Le secteur de la sécurité locale à Lagos fait figure de « cas-limite » pour penser les dynamiques de salarisation des services et remettre en cause les définitions normatives du salariat. En tâchant de ne pas amalgamer trop vite virilité et masculinité, cette contribution s’attache à décrire les pratiques de hiérarchisation des masculinités à l’œuvre dans le travail de sécurité à l’échelle locale. Si les expressions viriles et la force physique sont valorisées par les notables qui emploient des travailleurs de sécurité, elles justifient aussi l’assignation de certains hommes à une position subalterne. D’autres, en connotant leurs pratiques de travail d’une valeur morale et en les assimilant à la possession d’un savoir, obtiennent une meilleure rémunération. Enfin, la hiérarchisation des masculinités a des conséquences sur les recompositions du foyer des travailleurs de sécurité., The local security sector in Lagos represents a “limiting case” for thinking about the dynamics of salarization and for questioning the normative definitions of wage-earning labor. While trying to differentiate virility and masculinity, this article attempts to describe the hierarchical practices of masculinities at stake in security work at the local scale. While virile expressions and physical force are valued by the local patrons, they also justify assigning some security workers to subaltern positions. By giving their work practices a moral value and associating them with the possession of knowledge, others obtain better remuneration. Finally, the hierarchization of masculinities has consequences for the security workers’ household recomposition.
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