Humans go through different developmental stages from birth to death, such as childhood, youth, adulthood, and old age. Although it is not possible to distinguish these developmental periods from the commonly accepted age limits, some age restrictions have been introduced to make it easier for us to know and understand. When the history of humanity is examined, it is possible to come across people who do not believe in any religion. Still, it is almost impossible to come across societies without faith. This is due to the acceptance of religion as sacred by societies and the functions that religion fulfills in society. Religion, which is an essential factor in directing people's lives and provides information about discovering and making sense of themselves, the world they live in, and the universe, also has essential functions in terms of constructing the self, identity, personality, and characters of the young people who are the subject of this study. In today's world, there will inevitably be fluctuations in the perspectives of religion due to globalization and social media environments, movies, and games where young people are interested and spend most of their time. If these perspectives, which change over time, can be determined correctly, the education of young people can be arranged accordingly and carried out perfectly. In order to make this arrangement, the religious perceptions of young people should be measured with a reliable and valid measurement tool. This study aims to develop a reliable and valid scale that measures high school students' traditional and cultural religious perceptions. When the literature is examined, scales have been developed to determine people’s religiosity in various disciplines, especially sociology, and psychology. Some scales developed about religiosity aimed to determine the types of religiosity and how religious people were, especially in Islam, and were generally applied to university youth. Only one study in the Turkish literature is directly related to this study and draws attention because it is aimed at high school students. Still, it is also a study that measures the perception of religion specific to Islam. All these studies reveal the internal and external aspects of religiosity, its reflections on social life, and types of religiosity, especially within the framework of the religion of Islam. On the other hand, this scale is concerned with how high school students perceive religion in general regardless of the religion of Islam, whether they see religion as necessary or not, and whether they care about the effects of religion on the individual and society in a traditional and cultural context. It is thought to differ from other scales in this respect. In developing the traditional and cultural religion perception scale for high school students, a descriptive survey model was used to describe an event or phenomenon as it exists in its conditions without making any effort to change or influence it. The study population consists of all 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th-grade students of public high schools affiliated with the Ministry of National Education in Sakarya provinces and districts. The study sample comprises 644 students selected from each grade level through stratified sampling. Since it is aimed to reach students in different school types and grade levels, the maximum diversity sampling method was also preferred. In the face-to-face data collection process, 324 were for EFA; 320 students were reached for DFA. Initially, an item pool consisting of 41 items was created. Then, the prepared items were presented to six fields and one language expert to ensure content validity, and a pilot application was conducted with five high school students. The items were rearranged in line with the suggestions from the experts and the results obtained from the pilot application, so a 35-item questionnaire was obtained before the EFA. As a result of the EFA, a four-factor consisting of 20 items was obtained. This structure’s Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient was found to be,919. The four factors obtained from the analysis were “source and decisiveness, knowledge, guidance and education and cultural,” respectively. While there are 11 items in the “source and decisiveness” factor, the values of the items vary between,37-,81. The variance explained by this factor is 40,15%. The factor values of the items in the second factor, “knowledge,” consist of 3 items, ranging from,46 to,76, while the variance explained by the factor was 6,69%. The values of the scale’s third factor, “guidance and Education,” consisted of 3 items between,45 and,89; the variance explained by the factor was 6,09%. The factor values of the items in the four factor, “cultural,” consist of 3 items, ranging from,65 to,84, while the variance explained by the factor was 5,19%. The total variance explained by the traditional and cultural perception of religion scale is 58.13%. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed to test the accuracy of the structure formed after EFA. In the CFA, the regression coefficients of the items were examined in the evaluation of the model fit of the scale, and four items (7, 9, 18 and 24) below .30 were removed from the scale. Since three of the removed items were included in the factor “Knowledge”, it was removed from the scale structure and confirmed as a structure with three factors (source and decisiveness, guidance and education and cultural). The regression coefficients of 25 items ranging from .57 to .86. In CFA, fit index values were found as χ2/sd=227,647/98=2,32, RMSEA= .06, NFI=.91, CFI=.95, IFI=.95 and GFI=.91. The fit indices of the model developed as a result of CFA were also found to be at a reasonable level. Thus, the conformity of the scale, statistically, was determined as a result of CFA. As a result of the reliability analysis, the Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient was .931; the split-half reliability analysis value was .833, and the t-test results for item means of 27% lower and upper group scores (t(88) = 43,51 –38,90 – 36,47 –30,94 p<,01) to determine the discrimination levels of the factors were significant difference. Considering the values obtained as a result of the validity (EFA, CFA) and reliability (internal consistency, split-half test, t-test) analyses of the scale, it is seen that the scale is valid and reliable. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]