51. دراسة تحليلية لاقتصاديات استخدام مياه الري في إنتاج بعض المحاصيل الزراعية في جمهورية العراق
- Author
علاء كاظم فرحان, عبد المنعم رجب محمد, طاهر محمد حسانين, and محمد رمضان اساعيل
- Abstract
Agricultural uses vary from year to year and season for another, this depends on many factors which have direct influence or directly in determining the quantities used it. The total annual discharge of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers and their tributaries and crop composition, one of the most important factors affecting the use of irrigation water in Iraq agriculture, as well as other factors such as cropland area, soil type and climatic conditions, therefore, the research aims to study some indicators of economic efficiency to use irrigation water in production some of the major agricultural crops in Iraq such as wheat, barley, rice, maize, and summer harvest, through economic analysis structure of production costs and revenues for these crops and water unit productivity, and the ratio of total revenue to irrigation costs per crop. The study was based on the use of secondary data through published and unpublished data by Iraq Government agencies such as the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Irrigation, the Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation, and the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development, and some scientific thesis. The study was based on analysis of the results using descriptive and quantitative analysis method represented in the arithmetic mean, the scarcity of river water, and indicators of production and economic efficiency of irrigation water use in the production of study crops and the results showed that the amount of water used to irrigate these crops reached about (12326) million m3 accounting for ( 61%) of the total water used in the irrigation of the crop structure in Iraq for the year 20 15and (20 161) million m3 . Wheat came first In terms of cultivated area, which amounted to about (3797.2) thousand dunums, and the amount ofwater amounted to (8138.4) million m3 , barley came second In terms of cultivated area of (941) thousand dunums with a quantity of water amounted to (1836.4) million m3 , The rice crop ranked first in terms of total costs among the study crops at a value of about (300.8) thousand dinars/dunum, and summer harvest ranked second with a value of about (256.4) thousand dinars/dunum, the summer harvest came first in terms of total revenue and net return with a value of about (1378.3), (1122) thousand dinars, respectively, followed by a rice crop with total revenues and net return of about (1120), (819.13) thousand dinars/dunum, respectively. The productivity ofthe water unit for the studied crops (wheat, barley, rice, maize, summer harvest) has reached about (0.315, 0.180, 0.220, 0.160, 0.664) tons/1000 m3 , While the ratio of total revenue to irrigation costs for these crops were (11.8%, 4.7%, 10.2%, 11.2% and 27.6%), respectively. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017