Moshe Shapiro, a pioneer in the area of quantum control of molecular dynamics, whose research opened new pathways for directing the course of chemical reactions and creating matter in unique, often quantum-specified states of aggregation, died on 3 December 2013 in Rehovot, Israel. He was 69 years old. Professor Shapiro is perhaps best known for his work with Paul Brumer of the University of Toronto. In 1986, the pair developed theoretical models predicting the control of unimolecular reactions following excitation by coherent fields of laser light. The reaction dynamics community immediately recognized the Brumer–Shapiro approach as distinct from ideas prevailing at the time to use sequences of short laser pulses timed to impulsively direct wavepacket motion in molecules. Many experimental groups devised strategies to apply this principle of phase control of molecular dynamics, and the results provided some of the earliest and most robust demonstrations of coherent control. The field has matured since to employ emerging electro-optic techniques to shape the phase and frequency characteristics of laser sources in time, and achieve degrees of control that rely simultaneously on interference and impulse. This is well demonstrated by the technique of step-wise adiabatic passage, introduced by Shapiro's group at the University of British Columbia, which enables the controlled transport of an ensemble of molecules to a selected level of excitation, and ultracold atoms to bound, ground-state molecules. Shapiro introduced a number of other new ideas to chemical dynamics. Working with Richard Bersohn, he performed early quantum scattering calculations that traced the multidimensional relaxation of potential energy in the photofragmentation of methyl iodide leading to vibrational excitation of the umbrella bend of the methyl radical product. He also described general conditions characterizing chaos in an isolated energy eigenstate, developed a theory for controlled photon induced symmetry breaking to form chiral products from achiral precursors, and showed how to use phase-coherent laser excitation to launch directional currents in semiconductors, in the absence of bias voltage. He has also contributed to important advances in laser catalysis, quantum computing and decoherence, transition state spectroscopy, potential inversion and wavefunction imaging, the theory of strong field phenomena in atoms and molecules, quantum theory of elementary exchange reactions and foundations of quantum mechanics. His most recent research focused on the control of molecular, atomic, and photonic processes with coherent light, quantum pattern recognition, coherent chiral separation and the coherent suppression of spontaneous emission, decoherence and other decay processes. At UBC, Moshe is remembered for his perceptiveness, broad vision and collegiality. 'One day he came to a group meeting with the idea of a solar-pumped living laser,' said physics colleague, Valery Milner. 'After thinking about this for two months, we designed an experiment using a random laser cavity that produced gain with milliwatts of pumping power applied to a fluorescent protein. We have now only to get lasing with the bacterium we engineered to express this protein.' Moshe studied for his PhD guided by Professor Raphael D Levine, in theoretical chemistry at the Hebrew University, focusing on photodissociation and molecular collisions. In 1970, he moved to Harvard University as a postdoctoral fellow, where he worked in reaction dynamics with Martin Karplus, a 2013 Nobel laureate in chemistry. In 1972, Moshe joined the faculty of the Department of Chemical Physics at the Weizmann Institute. There, he served as a department chair and was named the Jacques Mimran Professor of Chemical Physics. In 2002, he was appointed to a Canada Research Chair in Quantum Control in the Department of Chemistry at UBC. He won the Willis E Lamb Medal for achievements in the Physics of Quantum Electronics (2007), the John C Polanyi Award of The Canadian Society of Chemistry (2011), the Israel Chemical Society Award (2001), the Michael Landau Prize (1985), Lisa Meitner–Alexander von Humboldt Research Award (1995), the Weizmann Prize of the city of Tel Aviv (1999), the Kolthoff Prize of the Technion (1998) and the Sacks and Yeroslawski awards of the Weizmann Institute. He was elected Fellow of the American Physical Society (2004) and Fellow of the UK Institute of Physics (2004). Writing with Paul Brumer in 'Quantum Control of Molecular Processes,' Moshe laid the groundwork for using coherent light to direct the outcome of chemical transformations. 'What determines the final outcome of a photodissociation process?' he asks. 'The linear time dependence of the Schrodinger equation guarantees that the probability of future events is completely determined by the probability of past events...By identifying attributes of the quantum state at earlier times we learn what is required to alter—that is control—system dynamics in future times.' The chemical physics community has lost a guiding light in the field of quantum control. Moshe served on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Physics B from 2003 to 2008 and on its Editorial Advisory Board from 2009 to 2013.