- Author
Pavel Suchý, Eva Straková, Nora Mas, Vladimir Večerek, Vlasta Šerman, Pavel Suchý, Eva Straková, Nora Mas, Vladimir Večerek, and Vlasta Šerman
- Abstract
Cilj istraživanja bilo je testiranje učinka krmnog pripravka “ZeoFeed” (klinoptilolit) dodanog u krmne smjese za kokoši nesilice (1 %) na proizvodnju jaja i utrošak krmne smjese. Tijekom istraživanog razdoblja (315 dana) pokusne kokoši nesilice (60 Isa Brown nesilica hranjenih krmnim smjesama s dodatkom pripravka ZeoFeed) snesle su prosječno 5,53 jaja više po kokoši od kontrolnih kokoši nesilica (60 Isa Brown nesilica hranjenih krmnim smjesama bez pripravka ZeoFeed). U pokusnoj skupini kokoši intenzitet nosivosti bio je za 1,75 % veći u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu nesilica, što je rezultiralo većom količinom snesenih jaja. I pored dokazano niže (P ≤ 0,01) prosječne mase jaja nesilica pokusne skupine (65,65 g) u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu (66,32 g), ukupna proizvodnja jajčane mase tijekom 315 dana istraživanja bila je kod pokusne skupine (18 945,10 g) veća za 172,42 g po kokoši u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu (18 772,61 g). Tijekom cijelog istraživanog razdoblja pokusna skupina kokoši nesilica utrošila je po kokoši 428,4 g krmne smjese manje u odnosu na nesilice kontrolne skupine, a utrošak krmne smjese za proizvodnju jajčane mase bio je također manji (407,29 g)., The aim of the research was to test the effect of the feed preparation ZeoFeed (clinoptilolite) added to feed mixtures for laying hens (1%) on egg production and feed mixture consumption. During the testing period (315 days) the trial hens (60 Isa Brown laying hens fed mixtures with ZeoFeed /laid on average 5.53 eggs more per hen than the controls (60 Isa Brown laying hens fed mixtures without ZeoFeed). In the trial group of hens the intensity of egg laying was 1.75% higher ehen compared with the controls resulting in more eggs laid. Despite the proved lower (P 0.01) average egg weight of the trial hens (65.65 g vhen compared with the controls (66.32 g) the total production of egg weight during the 315 days of the testing was in the trial group (18 945.10 g) higher by 172.42 g per hen as compared with the control group (18 772.61 g). During the testing period the hens in the trial group consumed 428.4 g of feed mixture less than the hens in the control group and the feed mixture consumption for the production of egg weight was also lower (407.29).
- Published
- 2007