644 results on '"Lappi, T."'
Search Results
102. The glasma initial state and JIMWLK factorization
- Author
Gelis, F., Lappi, T., and Venugopalan, R.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
We review recent work on understanding the next to leading order corrections to the classical fields that dominate the initial stages of a heavy ion collision. We have recently shown that the leading ln(1/x) divergences of these corrections to gluon multiplicities can be factorized into the JIMWLK evolution of the color charge density distributions., Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Talk given by T.L. at Strong and Electroweak Matter 2008 (SEWM08), August 26-29, 2008, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Published
- 2008
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103. High energy factorization in nucleus-nucleus collisions II - Multigluon correlations
- Author
Gelis, F., Lappi, T., and Venugopalan, R.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
We extend previous results (arXiv:0804.2630 [hep-ph]) on factorization in high-energy nucleus-nucleus collisions by computing the inclusive multigluon spectrum to next-to-leading order. The factorization formula is strictly valid for multigluon emission in a slice of rapidity of width \Delta Y< 1/\alpha_s. Our results show that often neglected disconnected graphs dominate the inclusive multigluon spectrum and are essential to prove factorization for this quantity. These results provide a dynamical framework for the Glasma flux tube picture of the striking "ridge"-like correlation seen in heavy ion collisions., Comment: 29 pages
- Published
- 2008
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104. Nuclear diffractive structure functions at high energies
- Author
Marquet, C., Kowalski, H., Lappi, T., and Venugopalan, R.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
A future high-energy electron-ion collider would explore the non-linear weakly-coupled regime of QCD, and test the Color Glass Condensate (CGC) approach to high-energy scattering. Hard diffraction in deep inelastic scattering off nuclei will provide many fundamental measurements. In this work, the nuclear diffractive structure function F_{2,A}^D is predicted in the CGC framework, and the features of nuclear enhancement and suppression are discussed., Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Proceedings of the XLIIIrd Rencontres de Moriond on QCD and High Energy Interactions (Moriond08), La Thuile, Italy, March 8-15 2008
- Published
- 2008
105. Nuclear enhancement and suppression of diffractive structure functions at high energies
- Author
Kowalski, H., Lappi, T., Marquet, C., and Venugopalan, R.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,Nuclear Theory - Abstract
We compute diffractive structure functions for both protons and nuclei in the framework of Color Glass Condensate models with impact parameter dependence. These models have previously been shown to provide good agreement with inclusive F_2 measurements and exclusive vector meson measurements at HERA. For nuclei, they provide good (parameter free) agreement with the inclusive F_2 data. We demonstrate good agreement of our computations with HERA measurements on inclusive diffraction. We extend our analysis to nuclei and predict the pattern of enhancement and suppression of the diffractive structures functions that can be measured at an Electron Ion Collider. We discuss how the impact parameter dependence crucially affects our analysis, in particular for large invariant masses at fixed Q^2., Comment: 12 pages, RevTeX4, 12 figures. V2: minor clarifications and typos corrected, to be published in PRC
- Published
- 2008
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106. The glasma initial state at the LHC
- Author
Lappi, T.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,Nuclear Theory - Abstract
We present results from numerical Classical Yang Mills calculations of the initial stage Glasma field configurations in a relativistic heavy ion collision. We compute the initial gluon multiplicity from RHIC to LHC energies. The initial conditions for the classical field computation are taken from a dipole model parametrization tested on HERA data, meaning that all the parameters, including the normalization and the value of the saturation scale, are fixed from DIS data., Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, talk at Quark Matter 2008, Jaipur, India
- Published
- 2008
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107. Wilson line correlator in the MV model: relating the glasma to deep inelastic scattering
- Author
Lappi, T.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,Nuclear Theory - Abstract
In the color glass condensate framework the saturation scale measured in deep inelastic scattering of high energy hadrons and nuclei can be determined from the correlator of Wilson lines in the hadron wavefunction. These same Wilson lines give the initial condition of the classical field computation of the initial gluon multiplicity and energy density in a heavy ion collision. In this paper the Wilson line correlator in both adjoint and fundamental representations is computed using exactly the same numerical procedure that has been used to calculate gluon production in a heavy ion collision. In particular the discretization of the longitudinal coordinate has a large numerical effect on the relation between the color charge density parameter g^2 mu and the saturation scale Qs. Our result for this relation is Qs = 0.6 g^2 mu, which results in the classical Yang-Mills value for the "gluon liberation coefficient" c = 1.1., Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures, RevTEX4, V2: typo corrections, V3: small clarifications, to be published in EPJ C
- Published
- 2007
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108. Nuclear enhancement of universal dynamics of high parton densities
- Author
Kowalski, H., Lappi, T., and Venugopalan, R.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,Nuclear Experiment ,Nuclear Theory - Abstract
We show that the enhancement of the saturation scale in large nuclei relative to the proton is significantly influenced by the effects of quantum evolution and the impact parameter dependence of dipole cross sections in high energy QCD. We demonstrate that there is a strong A dependence in diffractive deeply inelastic scattering and discuss its sensitivity to the measurement of the recoil nucleus., Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, RevTeX V2: Clarifications, figs 1 and 3 modified to include bCGC model and NMC Sn/C data. Published in PRL
- Published
- 2007
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109. Universality of the saturation scale and the initial eccentricity in heavy ion collisions
- Author
Lappi, T. and Venugopalan, R.
- Subjects
Nuclear Theory ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,Nuclear Experiment - Abstract
Recent estimates that Color Glass Condensate initial conditions may generate a larger initial eccentricity for noncentral relativistic heavy ion collisions (relative to the initial eccentricity assumed in earlier hydrodynamic calculations) have raised the possibility of a higher bound on the viscosity of the Quark Gluon Plasma. We show that this large initial eccentricity results in part from a definition of the saturation scale as proportional to the number of nucleons participating in the collision. A saturation scale proportional to the nuclear thickness function (and therefore independent of the probe) leads to a smaller eccentricity, albeit still larger than the value used in hydrodynamic models. Our results suggest that the early elliptic flow in heavy ion collisions (unlike multiplicity distributions) is sensitive to the universality of the saturation scale in high energy QCD., Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, RevTEX
- Published
- 2006
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110. Energy density of the Glasma
- Author
Lappi, T.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,Nuclear Theory - Abstract
The initial energy density produced in an ultrarelativistic heavy ion collision can, in the color glass condensate framework, be factorized into a product of the integrated gluon distributions of the nuclei. Although this energy density is well defined without any infrared cutoff besides the saturation scale, it is apparently logarithmically ultraviolet divergent. We argue that this divergence is not physically meaningful and does not affect the behavior of the system at any finite proper time., Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, RevTeX, V2: minor clarifications, to be published in PLB
- Published
- 2006
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111. Chemical composition of the decaying glasma
- Author
Lappi, T.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,Nuclear Theory - Abstract
The the initial stage of a relativistic heavy ion collision can be described by a classical color field configuration known as the Glasma. The production of quark pairs from this background field is then computed nonperturbatively by numerically solving the Dirac equation in the classical background. The result seems to point towards an early chemical equilibration of the plasma., Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, invited talk at Stangeness in Quark Matter 2006 (SQM06), UCLA, March 2006
- Published
- 2006
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112. Some Features of the Glasma
- Author
Lappi, T. and McLerran, L.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
We discuss high energy hadronic collisions within the theory of the Color Glass Condensate. We point out that the initial electric and magnetic fields produced in such collisions are longitudinal. This leads to a novel string like description of the collisions, and a large Chern-Simons charge density made immediately after the collision. The presence of the longitudinal magnetic field suggests that essential to the description of these collisions is the decay of Chern-Simons charge., Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures. V2: references added and corrected
- Published
- 2006
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113. Production of quark pairs from classical gluon fields
- Author
Gelis, F., Kajantie, K., and Lappi, T.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
We compute by numerical integration of the Dirac equation the number of quark-antiquark pairs produced in the classical color fields of colliding ultrarelativistic nuclei. Results for the dependence of the number of quarks on the strength of the background field, the quark mass and time are presented. We also perform several tests of our numerical method. While the number of qqbar pairs is parametrically suppressed in the coupling constant, we find that in this classical field model it could even be compatible with the thermal ratio to the number of gluons., Comment: 8 pages, 12 figures, contribution to the proceedings of the Quark Gluon Plasma Thermalization Workshop, Vienna, August 2005
- Published
- 2005
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114. Quark-antiquark production from classical fields and chemical equilibration
- Author
Gelis, F., Kajantie, K., and Lappi, T.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
We compute by numerical integration of the Dirac equation the number of quark-antiquark pairs produced in the classical color fields of colliding ultrarelativistic nuclei. The backreaction of the created pairs on the color fields is not taken into account. While the number of qqbar pairs is parametrically suppressed in the coupling constant, we find that in this classical field model it could even be compatible with the thermal ratio to the number of gluons. After isotropization one could thus have quark-gluon plasma in chemical equilibrium., Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, contribution to proceedings of Quark Matter 2005, Budapest, Aug 4-9
- Published
- 2005
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115. Chemical thermalization in relativistic heavy ion collisions
- Author
Gelis, F., Kajantie, K., and Lappi, T.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,Nuclear Theory - Abstract
We compute by numerical integration of the Dirac equation the number of quark-antiquark pairs initially produced in the classical color fields of colliding ultrarelativistic nuclei. While the number of qqbar pairs is parametrically suppressed in the coupling constant, we find that in this classical field model their production rate is comparable to the thermal ratio of gluons/pairs = 9 N_f/32. After isotropization one thus would have quark-gluon plasma in chemical equilibrium., Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, RevTEX. V2: Small clarifications, references added. Published in PRL
- Published
- 2005
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116. Classical chromodynamics and heavy ion collisions
- Author
Lappi, T.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,Nuclear Theory - Abstract
This paper is a slightly modified version of the introductory part of a doctoral dissertation also containing the articles hep-ph/0303076, hep-ph/0409328 and hep-ph/0409058. The paper focuses on the calculation of particle production in a relativistic heavy ion collision using the McLerran-Venugopalan model. The main part of the paper summarizes the background of these numerical calculations. First we relate this calculation of the initial stage af a heavy ion collision to our understanding of the whole collision process. Then we discuss the saturation physics of the small x wavefunction of a hadron or a nucleus. The classical field model of Kovner, McLerran and Weigert is then introduced before moving to discuss the numerical algorithms used to compute gluon and quark pair production in this model. Finally we shortly review the results on gluon and quark-antiquark production obtained in the three articles mentioned above., Comment: 55 pages, 11 figures, introductory part of a PhD thesis
- Published
- 2005
117. Rapidity distribution of gluons in the classical field model for heavy ion collisions
- Author
Lappi, T.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,Nuclear Theory - Abstract
The rapidity distribution of gluons produced in heavy ion collisions is studied by a numerical computation in 2+1-dimensional classical Yang-Mills theory. By assuming that the classical source strength g^2 mu depends on rapidity as g^4 mu^2 ~ exp(+- lambda y) and studying collisions of two nuclei with different g^2 mu we find that the rapidity distribution of produced gluons at central rapidities is very broad. The transverse energy is seen to decrease even more slowly as a function of y than the multiplicity. We discuss these results and the range in y and sqrt(s) where they are applicable in the light of experimental results and other theoretical calculations., Comment: REVTeX 4, 6 pages, 4 figures
- Published
- 2004
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118. Classical fields and heavy ion collisions
- Author
Lappi, T.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,Nuclear Theory - Abstract
This is a review of numerical applications of classical gluodynamics to heavy ion collisions. We recall some results from calculations of gluon production, discuss their implications for heavy ion phenomenology, and outline a strategy to calculate the number of quark pairs produced by these classical fields., Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures. Invited talk at the conference Strong and Electroweak Matter, Helsinki, June 2004 (SEWM 2004)
- Published
- 2004
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119. Quark-antiquark production from classical fields in heavy ion collisions: 1+1 dimensions
- Author
Gelis, F., Kajantie, K., and Lappi, T.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,Nuclear Theory - Abstract
Classical color fields produced by the small-x wave functions of colliding ultrarelativistic nuclei have been numerically computed. We set up the framework for computing the production of small-mass quark-antiquark pairs in these color fields by numerically integrating the Dirac equation. This computation is essential for understanding the conversion of the initial gluonic state to chemically equilibrated quark-gluon plasma. To illustrate and overcome technical difficulties associated with the longitudinal dimension, we first consider numerically the case of one time + one longitudinal space dimension., Comment: 24 pages, 10 figures. V2: stylistic modifications to figures, typos corrected, to be published in Phys. Rev. C
- Published
- 2004
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120. Production of gluons in the classical field model for heavy ion collisions
- Author
Lappi, T.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,Nuclear Theory - Abstract
The initial stages of relativistic heavy ion collisions are studied numerically in the framework of a 2+1 dimensional classical Yang-Mills theory. We calculate the energy and number densities and momentum spectra of the produced gluons. The model is also applied to non central collisions. The numerical results are discussed in the light of RHIC measurements of energy and multiplicity and other theoretical calculations. Some problems of the present approach are pointed out., Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures, RevTeX; error in eq. (11) corrected, figures clarified, published in Phys. Rev. C
- Published
- 2003
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121. Gluons and the quark sea at high energies: distributions, polarization, tomography
- Author
Boer, D, Diehl, M, Milner, R, Venugopalan, R, Vogelsang, W, Accardi, A, Aschenauer, E, Burkardt, M, Ent, R, Guzey, V, Hasch, D, Kumar, K, Lamont, MAC, Li, Y, Marciano, WJ, Marquet, C, Sabatie, F, Stratmann, M, Yuan, F, Abeyratne, S, Ahmed, S, Aidala, C, Alekhin, S, Anselmino, M, Avakian, H, Bacchetta, A, Bartels, J, BC, H, Beebe-Wang, J, Belomestnykh, S, Ben-Zvi, I, Beuf, G, Blumlein, J, Blaskiewicz, M, Bogacz, A, Brodsky, SJ, Burton, T, Calaga, R, Chang, X, Cherednikov, IO, Chevtsov, P, Chirilli, GA, Atti, C Ciofi degli, Cloet, IC, Cooper-Sarkar, A, Debbe, R, Derbenev, Ya, Deshpande, A, Dominguez, F, Dumitru, A, Dupre, R, Erdelyi, B, Faroughy, C, Fazio, S, Fedotov, A, Forshaw, JR, Geraud, R, Gallmeister, K, Gamberg, L, Gao, J-H, Gassner, D, Gelis, F, Gilfoyle, GP, Goldstein, G, Golec-Biernat, K, Goncalves, VP, Gonderinger, M, Guzzi, M, Hagler, P, Hahn, H, Hammons, L, Hao, Y, He, P, Horn, T, Horowitz, WA, Huang, M, Hutton, A, Jager, B, Jackson, W, Jain, A, Johnson, EC, Kang, Z-B, Kaptari, LP, Kayran, D, Kewisch, J, Koike, Y, Kondratenko, A, Kopeliovich, BZ, Kovchegov, YV, Krafft, G, Kroll, P, Kumano, S, Kumericki, K, Lappi, T, Lautenschlager, T, Li, R, Liang, Z-T, Litvinenko, VN, Liuti, S, and Luo, Y
- Subjects
nucl-th ,hep-ph ,nucl-ex - Abstract
This report is based on a ten-week program on "Gluons and the quark sea athigh-energies", which took place at the Institute for Nuclear Theory in Seattlein Fall 2010. The principal aim of the program was to develop and sharpen thescience case for an Electron-Ion Collider (EIC), a facility that will be ableto collide electrons and positrons with polarized protons and with light toheavy nuclei at high energies, offering unprecedented possibilities forin-depth studies of quantum chromodynamics. This report is organized aroundfour major themes: i) the spin and flavor structure of the proton, ii)three-dimensional structure of nucleons and nuclei in momentum andconfiguration space, iii) QCD matter in nuclei, and iv) Electroweak physics andthe search for physics beyond the Standard Model. Beginning with an executivesummary, the report contains tables of key measurements, chapter overviews foreach of the major scientific themes, and detailed individual contributions onvarious aspects of the scientific opportunities presented by an EIC.
- Published
- 2011
122. Forward J/ψ and D meson nuclear suppression at the LHC
- Author
Ducloué, B., Lappi, T., and Mäntysaari, H.
- Published
- 2017
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123. Forward hadron production in pA collisions beyond leading order
- Author
Ducloué, B., Lappi, T., and Zhu, Y.
- Published
- 2017
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124. The one loop gluon emission light cone wave function
- Author
Lappi, T. and Paatelainen, R.
- Published
- 2017
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125. Jet momentum broadening during initial stages in heavy-ion collisions
- Author
Boguslavski, K., Kurkela, A., Lappi, T., Lindenbauer, F., and Peuron, J.
- Published
- 2024
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126. Solving the Balitsky-Kovchegov equation at next to leading order accuracy
- Author
Lappi, T. and Mäntysaari, H.
- Published
- 2016
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127. Nuclear modification of forward J/ψ production in proton-nucleus collisions at the LHC
- Author
Ducloué, B., Lappi, T., and Mäntysaari, H.
- Published
- 2016
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128. Initial state in heavy ion collisions
- Author
Lappi, T.
- Published
- 2016
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129. Diffractive Structure Function in the Dipole Picture
- Author
Beuf, G., primary, Hänninen, H., additional, Lappi, T., additional, Mäntysaari, H., additional, and Mulian, Y., additional
- Published
- 2023
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130. Structural characterization of a bioctahedral cluster [Re12CS14(μ-SO2)(μ-S)2(CN)6]6– anion
- Author
Lappi, T. I., Gayfulin, Ya. M., Smolentsev, A. I., and Mironov, Yu. V.
- Published
- 2017
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131. Diffractive deep inelastic scattering at NLO in the dipole picture: The <math><mrow><mi>q</mi><mover><mrow><mi>q</mi></mrow><mrow><mo>¯</mo></mrow></mover><mi>g</mi></mrow></math> contribution
- Author
Beuf, G., Hänninen, H., Lappi, T., Mulian, Y., Mäntysaari, H., and Helsinki Institute of Physics
- Subjects
sironta ,hiukkasfysiikka ,114 Physical sciences - Abstract
We calculate the contribution from the qq¯g state production to the diffractive cross sections in deep inelastic scattering at high energy. The obtained cross section is finite by itself and a part of the full next-to-leading order result for the diffractive structure functions. We perform the calculation in exact kinematics in the eikonal limit, and show that the previously known high-Q2 and large MX2 results for the structure functions can be extracted from our results in the appropriate limits. We furthermore discuss the steps required to obtain the full next-to-leading order results for the structure functions.
- Published
- 2022
132. Time evolution of linearized gauge field fluctuations on a real-time lattice
- Author
Kurkela, A., Lappi, T., and Peuron, J.
- Published
- 2016
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133. Diffractive deep inelastic scattering at NLO in the dipole picture: The qq¯g contribution
- Author
Beuf, G., primary, Hänninen, H., additional, Lappi, T., additional, Mulian, Y., additional, and Mäntysaari, H., additional
- Published
- 2022
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134. Proton hot spots and exclusive vector meson production
- Author
Demirci, S., primary, Lappi, T., additional, and Schlichting, S., additional
- Published
- 2022
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135. Massive quarks in NLO dipole factorization for DIS: Transverse photon
- Author
Beuf, G., primary, Lappi, T., additional, and Paatelainen, R., additional
- Published
- 2022
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136. Massive Quarks at One Loop in the Dipole Picture of Deep Inelastic Scattering
- Author
Beuf, G., primary, Lappi, T., additional, and Paatelainen, R., additional
- Published
- 2022
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137. Spectral function of fermions in a highly occupied non-Abelian plasma
- Author
Boguslavski, K., primary, Lappi, T., additional, Mace, M., additional, and Schlichting, S., additional
- Published
- 2022
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138. The Large Hadron–Electron Collider at the HL-LHC
- Author
Agostini, P, primary, Aksakal, H, additional, Alekhin, S, additional, Allport, P P, additional, Andari, N, additional, Andre, K D J, additional, Angal-Kalinin, D, additional, Antusch, S, additional, Aperio Bella, L, additional, Apolinario, L, additional, Apsimon, R, additional, Apyan, A, additional, Arduini, G, additional, Ari, V, additional, Armbruster, A, additional, Armesto, N, additional, Auchmann, B, additional, Aulenbacher, K, additional, Azuelos, G, additional, Backovic, S, additional, Bailey, I, additional, Bailey, S, additional, Balli, F, additional, Behera, S, additional, Behnke, O, additional, Ben-Zvi, I, additional, Benedikt, M, additional, Bernauer, J, additional, Bertolucci, S, additional, Biswal, S S, additional, Blümlein, J, additional, Bogacz, A, additional, Bonvini, M, additional, Boonekamp, M, additional, Bordry, F, additional, Boroun, G R, additional, Bottura, L, additional, Bousson, S, additional, Bouzas, A O, additional, Bracco, C, additional, Bracinik, J, additional, Britzger, D, additional, Brodsky, S J, additional, Bruni, C, additional, Brüning, O, additional, Burkhardt, H, additional, Cakir, O, additional, Calaga, R, additional, Caldwell, A, additional, Calıskan, A, additional, Camarda, S, additional, Catalan-Lasheras, N C, additional, Cassou, K, additional, Cepila, J, additional, Cetinkaya, V, additional, Chetvertkova, V, additional, Cole, B, additional, Coleppa, B, additional, Cooper-Sarkar, A, additional, Cormier, E, additional, Cornell, A S, additional, Corsini, R, additional, Cruz-Alaniz, E, additional, Currie, J, additional, Curtin, D, additional, D’Onofrio, M, additional, Dainton, J, additional, Daly, E, additional, Das, A, additional, Das, S P, additional, Dassa, L, additional, de Blas, J, additional, Delle Rose, L, additional, Denizli, H, additional, Deshpande, K S, additional, Douglas, D, additional, Duarte, L, additional, Dupraz, K, additional, Dutta, S, additional, Efremov, A V, additional, Eichhorn, R, additional, Eskola, K J, additional, Ferreiro, E G, additional, Fischer, O, additional, Flores-Sánchez, O, additional, Forte, S, additional, Gaddi, A, additional, Gao, J, additional, Gehrmann, T, additional, Gehrmann-De Ridder, A, additional, Gerigk, F, additional, Gilbert, A, additional, Giuli, F, additional, Glazov, A, additional, Glover, N, additional, Godbole, R M, additional, Goddard, B, additional, Gonçalves, V, additional, Gonzalez-Sprinberg, G A, additional, Goyal, A, additional, Grames, J, additional, Granados, E, additional, Grassellino, A, additional, Gunaydin, Y O, additional, Guo, Y C, additional, Guzey, V, additional, Gwenlan, C, additional, Hammad, A, additional, Han, C C, additional, Harland-Lang, L, additional, Haug, F, additional, Hautmann, F, additional, Hayden, D, additional, Hessler, J, additional, Helenius, I, additional, Henry, J, additional, Hernandez-Sanchez, J, additional, Hesari, H, additional, Hobbs, T J, additional, Hod, N, additional, Hoffstaetter, G H, additional, Holzer, B, additional, Honorato, C G, additional, Hounsell, B, additional, Hu, N, additional, Hug, F, additional, Huss, A, additional, Hutton, A, additional, Islam, R, additional, Iwamoto, S, additional, Jana, S, additional, Jansova, M, additional, Jensen, E, additional, Jones, T, additional, Jowett, J M, additional, Kaabi, W, additional, Kado, M, additional, Kalinin, D A, additional, Karadeniz, H, additional, Kawaguchi, S, additional, Kaya, U, additional, Khalek, R A, additional, Khanpour, H, additional, Kilic, A, additional, Klein, M, additional, Klein, U, additional, Kluth, S, additional, Köksal, M, additional, Kocak, F, additional, Korostelev, M, additional, Kostka, P, additional, Krelina, M, additional, Kretzschmar, J, additional, Kuday, S, additional, Kulipanov, G, additional, Kumar, M, additional, Kuze, M, additional, Lappi, T, additional, Larios, F, additional, Latina, A, additional, Laycock, P, additional, Lei, G, additional, Levitchev, E, additional, Levonian, S, additional, Levy, A, additional, Li, R, additional, Li, X, additional, Liang, H, additional, Litvinenko, V, additional, Liu, M, additional, Liu, T, additional, Liu, W, additional, Liu, Y, additional, Liuti, S, additional, Lobodzinska, E, additional, Longuevergne, D, additional, Luo, X, additional, Ma, W, additional, Machado, M, additional, Mandal, S, additional, Mäntysaari, H, additional, Marhauser, F, additional, Marquet, C, additional, Martens, A, additional, Martin, R, additional, Marzani, S, additional, McFayden, J, additional, Mcintosh, P, additional, Mellado, B, additional, Meot, F, additional, Milanese, A, additional, Milhano, J G, additional, Militsyn, B, additional, Mitra, M, additional, Moch, S, additional, Mohammadi Najafabadi, M, additional, Mondal, S, additional, Moretti, S, additional, Morgan, T, additional, Morreale, A, additional, Nadolsky, P, additional, Navarra, F, additional, Nergiz, Z, additional, Newman, P, additional, Niehues, J, additional, Nissen, E A, additional, Nowakowski, M, additional, Okada, N, additional, Olivier, G, additional, Olness, F, additional, Olry, G, additional, Osborne, J A, additional, Ozansoy, A, additional, Pan, R, additional, Parker, B, additional, Patra, M, additional, Paukkunen, H, additional, Peinaud, Y, additional, Pellegrini, D, additional, Perez-Segurana, G, additional, Perini, D, additional, Perrot, L, additional, Pietralla, N, additional, Pilicer, E, additional, Pire, B, additional, Pires, J, additional, Placakyte, R, additional, Poelker, M, additional, Polifka, R, additional, Polini, A, additional, Poulose, P, additional, Pownall, G, additional, Pupkov, Y A, additional, Queiroz, F S, additional, Rabbertz, K, additional, Radescu, V, additional, Rahaman, R, additional, Rai, S K, additional, Raicevic, N, additional, Ratoff, P, additional, Rashed, A, additional, Raut, D, additional, Raychaudhuri, S, additional, Repond, J, additional, Rezaeian, A H, additional, Rimmer, R, additional, Rinolfi, L, additional, Rojo, J, additional, Rosado, A, additional, Ruan, X, additional, Russenschuck, S, additional, Sahin, M, additional, Salgado, C A, additional, Sampayo, O A, additional, Satendra, K, additional, Satyanarayan, N, additional, Schenke, B, additional, Schirm, K, additional, Schopper, H, additional, Schott, M, additional, Schulte, D, additional, Schwanenberger, C, additional, Sekine, T, additional, Senol, A, additional, Seryi, A, additional, Setiniyaz, S, additional, Shang, L, additional, Shen, X, additional, Shipman, N, additional, Sinha, N, additional, Slominski, W, additional, Smith, S, additional, Solans, C, additional, Song, M, additional, Spiesberger, H, additional, Stanyard, J, additional, Starostenko, A, additional, Stasto, A, additional, Stocchi, A, additional, Strikman, M, additional, Stuart, M J, additional, Sultansoy, S, additional, Sun, H, additional, Sutton, M, additional, Szymanowski, L, additional, Tapan, I, additional, Tapia-Takaki, D, additional, Tanaka, M, additional, Tang, Y, additional, Tasci, A T, additional, Ten-Kate, A T, additional, Thonet, P, additional, Tomas-Garcia, R, additional, Tommasini, D, additional, Trbojevic, D, additional, Trott, M, additional, Tsurin, I, additional, Tudora, A, additional, Turk Cakir, I, additional, Tywoniuk, K, additional, Vallerand, C, additional, Valloni, A, additional, Verney, D, additional, Vilella, E, additional, Walker, D, additional, Wallon, S, additional, Wang, B, additional, Wang, K, additional, Wang, X, additional, Wang, Z S, additional, Wei, H, additional, Welsch, C, additional, Willering, G, additional, Williams, P H, additional, Wollmann, D, additional, Xiaohao, C, additional, Xu, T, additional, Yaguna, C E, additional, Yamaguchi, Y, additional, Yamazaki, Y, additional, Yang, H, additional, Yilmaz, A, additional, Yock, P, additional, Yue, C X, additional, Zadeh, S G, additional, Zenaiev, O, additional, Zhang, C, additional, Zhang, J, additional, Zhang, R, additional, Zhang, Z, additional, Zhu, G, additional, Zhu, S, additional, Zimmermann, F, additional, Zomer, F, additional, Zurita, J, additional, and Zurita, P, additional
- Published
- 2021
- Full Text
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139. Massive quarks in NLO dipole factorization for DIS: Longitudinal photon
- Author
Beuf, G., primary, Lappi, T., additional, and Paatelainen, R., additional
- Published
- 2021
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140. Next-to-leading order Balitsky-Kovchegov equation beyond large <math><mrow><msub><mrow><mi>N</mi></mrow><mrow><mi>c</mi></mrow></msub></mrow></math>
- Author
Lappi, T., Mäntysaari, H., Ramnath, A., and Helsinki Institute of Physics
- Subjects
Physics ,Basis (linear algebra) ,010308 nuclear & particles physics ,Function (mathematics) ,114 Physical sciences ,01 natural sciences ,Computer Science::Digital Libraries ,Gaussian approximation ,Matrix (mathematics) ,Dipole ,Amplitude ,0103 physical sciences ,Order (group theory) ,Rapidity ,010306 general physics ,Mathematical physics - Abstract
We calculate finite-Nc corrections to the next-to-leading order (NLO) Balitsky-Kovchegov (BK) equation. We find analytical expressions for the necessary correlators of six Wilson lines in terms of the two-point function using the Gaussian approximation. In a suitable basis, the problem reduces from the diagonalization of a six-by-six matrix to the diagonalization of a three-by-three matrix, which can easily be done analytically. We study numerically the effects of these finite-Nc corrections on the NLO BK equation. In general, we find that the finite-Nc corrections are smaller than the expected 1/Nc2∼10%. The corrections may be large for individual correlators, but have less of an influence on the shape of the amplitude as a function of the dipole size. They have an even smaller effect on the evolution speed as a function of rapidity.
- Published
- 2020
141. The Large Hadron–Electron Collider at the HL-LHC
- Author
Agostini, P, Aksakal, H, Alekhin, S, Allport, P P, Andari, N, Andre, K D J, Angal-Kalinin, D, Antusch, S, Aperio Bella, L, Apolinario, L, Apsimon, R, Apyan, A, Arduini, G, Ari, V, Armbruster, A, Armesto, N, Auchmann, B, Aulenbacher, K, Azuelos, G, Backovic, S, Bailey, I, Bailey, S, Balli, F, Behera, S, Behnke, O, Ben-Zvi, I, Benedikt, M, Bernauer, J, Bertolucci, S, Biswal, S S, Blümlein, J, Bogacz, A, Bonvini, M, Boonekamp, M, Bordry, F, Boroun, G R, Bottura, L, Bousson, S, Bouzas, A O, Bracco, C, Bracinik, J, Britzger, D, Brodsky, S J, Bruni, C, Brüning, O, Burkhardt, H, Cakir, O, Calaga, R, Caldwell, A, Calıskan, A, Camarda, S, Catalan-Lasheras, N C, Cassou, K, Cepila, J, Cetinkaya, V, Chetvertkova, V, Cole, B, Coleppa, B, Cooper-Sarkar, A, Cormier, E, Cornell, A S, Corsini, R, Cruz-Alaniz, E, Currie, J, Curtin, D, D’Onofrio, M, Dainton, J, Daly, E, Das, A, Das, S P, Dassa, L, de Blas, J, Delle Rose, L, Denizli, H, Deshpande, K S, Douglas, D, Duarte, L, Dupraz, K, Dutta, S, Efremov, A V, Eichhorn, R, Eskola, K J, Ferreiro, E G, Fischer, O, Flores-Sánchez, O, Forte, S, Gaddi, A, Gao, J, Gehrmann, T, Gehrmann-De Ridder, A, Gerigk, F, Gilbert, A, Giuli, F, Glazov, A, Glover, N, Godbole, R M, Goddard, B, Gonçalves, V, Gonzalez-Sprinberg, G A, Goyal, A, Grames, J, Granados, E, Grassellino, A, Gunaydin, Y O, Guo, Y C, Guzey, V, Gwenlan, C, Hammad, A, Han, C C, Harland-Lang, L, Haug, F, Hautmann, F, Hayden, D, Hessler, J, Helenius, I, Henry, J, Hernandez-Sanchez, J, Hesari, H, Hobbs, T J, Hod, N, Hoffstaetter, G H, Holzer, B, Honorato, C G, Hounsell, B, Hu, N, Hug, F, Huss, A, Hutton, A, Islam, R, Iwamoto, S, Jana, S, Jansova, M, Jensen, E, Jones, T, Jowett, J M, Kaabi, W, Kado, M, Kalinin, D A, Karadeniz, H, Kawaguchi, S, Kaya, U, Khalek, R A, Khanpour, Hamzeh, Kilic, A, Klein, M, Klein, U, Kluth, S, Köksal, M, Kocak, F, Korostelev, M, Kostka, P, Krelina, M, Kretzschmar, J, Kuday, S, Kulipanov, G, Kumar, M, Kuze, M, Lappi, T, Larios, F, Latina, A, Laycock, P, Lei, G, Levitchev, E, Levonian, S, Levy, A, Li, R, Li, X, Liang, H, Litvinenko, V, Liu, M, Liu, T, Liu, W, Liu, Y, Liuti, S, Lobodzinska, E, Longuevergne, D, Luo, X, Ma, W, Machado, M, Mandal, S, Mäntysaari, H, Marhauser, F, Marquet, C, Martens, A, Martin, R, Marzani, S, McFayden, J, Mcintosh, P, Mellado, B, Meot, F, Milanese, A, Milhano, J G, Militsyn, B, Mitra, M, Moch, S, Mohammadi Najafabadi, M, Mondal, S, Moretti, S, Morgan, T, Morreale, A, Nadolsky, P, Navarra, F, Nergiz, Z, Newman, P, Niehues, J, Nissen, E A, Nowakowski, M, Okada, N, Olivier, G, Olness, F, Olry, G, Osborne, J A, Ozansoy, A, Pan, R, Parker, B, Patra, M, Paukkunen, H, Peinaud, Y, Pellegrini, D, Perez-Segurana, G, Perini, D, Perrot, L, Pietralla, N, Pilicer, E, Pire, B, Pires, J, Placakyte, R, Poelker, M, Polifka, R, Polini, A, Poulose, P, Pownall, G, Pupkov, Y A, Queiroz, F S, Rabbertz, K, Radescu, V, Rahaman, R, Rai, S K, Raicevic, N, Ratoff, P, Rashed, A, Raut, D, Raychaudhuri, S, Repond, J, Rezaeian, A H, Rimmer, R, Rinolfi, L, Rojo, J, Rosado, A, Ruan, X, Russenschuck, S, Sahin, M, Salgado, C A, Sampayo, O A, Satendra, K, Satyanarayan, N, Schenke, B, Schirm, K, Schopper, H, Schott, M, Schulte, D, Schwanenberger, C, Sekine, T, Senol, A, Seryi, A, Setiniyaz, S, Shang, L, Shen, X, Shipman, N, Sinha, N, Slominski, W, Smith, S, Solans, C, Song, M, Spiesberger, H, Stanyard, J, Starostenko, A, Stasto, A, Stocchi, A, Strikman, M, Stuart, M J, Sultansoy, S, Sun, H, Sutton, M, Szymanowski, L, Tapan, I, Tapia-Takaki, D, Tanaka, M, Tang, Y, Tasci, A T, Ten-Kate, A T, Thonet, P, Tomas-Garcia, R, Tommasini, D, Trbojevic, D, Trott, M, Tsurin, I, Tudora, A, Turk Cakir, I, Tywoniuk, K, Vallerand, C, Valloni, A, Verney, D, Vilella, E, Walker, D, Wallon, S, Wang, B, Wang, K, Wang, X, Wang, Z S, Wei, H, Welsch, C, Willering, G, Williams, P H, Wollmann, D, Xiaohao, C, Xu, T, Yaguna, C E, Yamaguchi, Y, Yamazaki, Y, Yang, H, Yilmaz, A, Yock, P, Yue, C X, Zadeh, S G, Zenaiev, O, Zhang, C, Zhang, J, Zhang, R, Zhang, Z, Zhu, G, Zhu, S, Zimmermann, F, Zomer, F, Zurita, J, Zurita, P, Agostini, P, Aksakal, H, Alekhin, S, Allport, P P, Andari, N, Andre, K D J, Angal-Kalinin, D, Antusch, S, Aperio Bella, L, Apolinario, L, Apsimon, R, Apyan, A, Arduini, G, Ari, V, Armbruster, A, Armesto, N, Auchmann, B, Aulenbacher, K, Azuelos, G, Backovic, S, Bailey, I, Bailey, S, Balli, F, Behera, S, Behnke, O, Ben-Zvi, I, Benedikt, M, Bernauer, J, Bertolucci, S, Biswal, S S, Blümlein, J, Bogacz, A, Bonvini, M, Boonekamp, M, Bordry, F, Boroun, G R, Bottura, L, Bousson, S, Bouzas, A O, Bracco, C, Bracinik, J, Britzger, D, Brodsky, S J, Bruni, C, Brüning, O, Burkhardt, H, Cakir, O, Calaga, R, Caldwell, A, Calıskan, A, Camarda, S, Catalan-Lasheras, N C, Cassou, K, Cepila, J, Cetinkaya, V, Chetvertkova, V, Cole, B, Coleppa, B, Cooper-Sarkar, A, Cormier, E, Cornell, A S, Corsini, R, Cruz-Alaniz, E, Currie, J, Curtin, D, D’Onofrio, M, Dainton, J, Daly, E, Das, A, Das, S P, Dassa, L, de Blas, J, Delle Rose, L, Denizli, H, Deshpande, K S, Douglas, D, Duarte, L, Dupraz, K, Dutta, S, Efremov, A V, Eichhorn, R, Eskola, K J, Ferreiro, E G, Fischer, O, Flores-Sánchez, O, Forte, S, Gaddi, A, Gao, J, Gehrmann, T, Gehrmann-De Ridder, A, Gerigk, F, Gilbert, A, Giuli, F, Glazov, A, Glover, N, Godbole, R M, Goddard, B, Gonçalves, V, Gonzalez-Sprinberg, G A, Goyal, A, Grames, J, Granados, E, Grassellino, A, Gunaydin, Y O, Guo, Y C, Guzey, V, Gwenlan, C, Hammad, A, Han, C C, Harland-Lang, L, Haug, F, Hautmann, F, Hayden, D, Hessler, J, Helenius, I, Henry, J, Hernandez-Sanchez, J, Hesari, H, Hobbs, T J, Hod, N, Hoffstaetter, G H, Holzer, B, Honorato, C G, Hounsell, B, Hu, N, Hug, F, Huss, A, Hutton, A, Islam, R, Iwamoto, S, Jana, S, Jansova, M, Jensen, E, Jones, T, Jowett, J M, Kaabi, W, Kado, M, Kalinin, D A, Karadeniz, H, Kawaguchi, S, Kaya, U, Khalek, R A, Khanpour, Hamzeh, Kilic, A, Klein, M, Klein, U, Kluth, S, Köksal, M, Kocak, F, Korostelev, M, Kostka, P, Krelina, M, Kretzschmar, J, Kuday, S, Kulipanov, G, Kumar, M, Kuze, M, Lappi, T, Larios, F, Latina, A, Laycock, P, Lei, G, Levitchev, E, Levonian, S, Levy, A, Li, R, Li, X, Liang, H, Litvinenko, V, Liu, M, Liu, T, Liu, W, Liu, Y, Liuti, S, Lobodzinska, E, Longuevergne, D, Luo, X, Ma, W, Machado, M, Mandal, S, Mäntysaari, H, Marhauser, F, Marquet, C, Martens, A, Martin, R, Marzani, S, McFayden, J, Mcintosh, P, Mellado, B, Meot, F, Milanese, A, Milhano, J G, Militsyn, B, Mitra, M, Moch, S, Mohammadi Najafabadi, M, Mondal, S, Moretti, S, Morgan, T, Morreale, A, Nadolsky, P, Navarra, F, Nergiz, Z, Newman, P, Niehues, J, Nissen, E A, Nowakowski, M, Okada, N, Olivier, G, Olness, F, Olry, G, Osborne, J A, Ozansoy, A, Pan, R, Parker, B, Patra, M, Paukkunen, H, Peinaud, Y, Pellegrini, D, Perez-Segurana, G, Perini, D, Perrot, L, Pietralla, N, Pilicer, E, Pire, B, Pires, J, Placakyte, R, Poelker, M, Polifka, R, Polini, A, Poulose, P, Pownall, G, Pupkov, Y A, Queiroz, F S, Rabbertz, K, Radescu, V, Rahaman, R, Rai, S K, Raicevic, N, Ratoff, P, Rashed, A, Raut, D, Raychaudhuri, S, Repond, J, Rezaeian, A H, Rimmer, R, Rinolfi, L, Rojo, J, Rosado, A, Ruan, X, Russenschuck, S, Sahin, M, Salgado, C A, Sampayo, O A, Satendra, K, Satyanarayan, N, Schenke, B, Schirm, K, Schopper, H, Schott, M, Schulte, D, Schwanenberger, C, Sekine, T, Senol, A, Seryi, A, Setiniyaz, S, Shang, L, Shen, X, Shipman, N, Sinha, N, Slominski, W, Smith, S, Solans, C, Song, M, Spiesberger, H, Stanyard, J, Starostenko, A, Stasto, A, Stocchi, A, Strikman, M, Stuart, M J, Sultansoy, S, Sun, H, Sutton, M, Szymanowski, L, Tapan, I, Tapia-Takaki, D, Tanaka, M, Tang, Y, Tasci, A T, Ten-Kate, A T, Thonet, P, Tomas-Garcia, R, Tommasini, D, Trbojevic, D, Trott, M, Tsurin, I, Tudora, A, Turk Cakir, I, Tywoniuk, K, Vallerand, C, Valloni, A, Verney, D, Vilella, E, Walker, D, Wallon, S, Wang, B, Wang, K, Wang, X, Wang, Z S, Wei, H, Welsch, C, Willering, G, Williams, P H, Wollmann, D, Xiaohao, C, Xu, T, Yaguna, C E, Yamaguchi, Y, Yamazaki, Y, Yang, H, Yilmaz, A, Yock, P, Yue, C X, Zadeh, S G, Zenaiev, O, Zhang, C, Zhang, J, Zhang, R, Zhang, Z, Zhu, G, Zhu, S, Zimmermann, F, Zomer, F, Zurita, J, and Zurita, P
- Abstract
The Large Hadron–Electron Collider (LHeC) is designed to move the field of deep inelastic scattering (DIS) to the energy and intensity frontier of particle physics. Exploiting energy-recovery technology, it collides a novel, intense electron beam with a proton or ion beam from the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC). The accelerator and interaction region are designed for concurrent electron–proton and proton–proton operations. This report represents an update to the LHeC's conceptual design report (CDR), published in 2012. It comprises new results on the parton structure of the proton and heavier nuclei, QCD dynamics, and electroweak and top-quark physics. It is shown how the LHeC will open a new chapter of nuclear particle physics by extending the accessible kinematic range of lepton–nucleus scattering by several orders of magnitude. Due to its enhanced luminosity and large energy and the cleanliness of the final hadronic states, the LHeC has a strong Higgs physics programme and its own discovery potential for new physics. Building on the 2012 CDR, this report contains a detailed updated design for the energy-recovery electron linac (ERL), including a new lattice, magnet and superconducting radio-frequency technology, and further components. Challenges of energy recovery are described, and the lower-energy, high-current, three-turn ERL facility, PERLE at Orsay, is presented, which uses the LHeC characteristics serving as a development facility for the design and operation of the LHeC. An updated detector design is presented corresponding to the acceptance, resolution, and calibration goals that arise from the Higgs and parton-density-function physics programmes. This paper also presents novel results for the Future Circular Collider in electron–hadron (FCC-eh) mode, which utilises the same ERL technology to further extend the reach of DIS to even higher centre-of-mass energies.
- Published
- 2021
142. The Large Hadron-Electron Collider at the HL-LHC
- Author
Agostini, P., Aksakal, H., Alekhin, S., Allport, P. P., Andari, N., Andre, K. D. J., Angal-Kalinin, D., Antusch, S., Aperio Bella, L., Apolinario, L., Apsimon, R., Apyan, A., Arduini, G., Ari, Burcak Aktürk, Armbruster, A., Armesto, N., Auchmann, B., Aulenbacher, K., Azuelos, G., Backovic, S., Bailey, Alice, Bailey, S., Balli, F., Behera, S., Behnke, O., Ben-Zvi, Benedikt, M., Bernauer, J., Bertolucci, S., Biswal, S. S., Bluemlein, J., Bogacz, A., Bonvini, M., Boonekamp, M., Bordry, F., Boroun, G. R., Bottura, L., Bousson, S., Bouzas, A. O., Bracco, C., Bracinik, J., Britzger, D., Brodsky, S. J., Bruni, C., Bruning, O., Burkhardt, H., Cakir, O., Calaga, R., Caldwell, A., Caliskan, A., Camarda, S., Catalan-Lasheras, N. C., Cassou, K., Cepila, J., Cetinkaya, Semra, Chetvertkova, Cole, B., Coleppa, B., Cooper-Sarkar, A., Cormier, E., Cornell, A. S., Corsini, R., Cruz-Alaniz, E., Currie, J., Curtin, D., D'Onofrio, M., Dainton, J., Daly, E., Das, A., Das, S. P., Dassa, L., de Blas, J., Delle Rose, L., Denizli, H., Deshpande, K. S., Douglas, D., Duarte, L., Dupraz, K., Dutta, S., Efremov, A., Eichhorn, R., Eskola, K. J., Ferreiro, E. G., Fischer, O., Flores-Sanchez, O., Forte, S., Gaddi, A., Gao, J., Gehrmann, T., Gehrmann-De Ridder, A., Gerigk, F., Gilbert, A., Giuli, F., Glazov, A., Glover, N., Godbole, R. M., Goddard, B., Goncalves, Rodrigo, Gonzalez-Sprinberg, G. A., Goyal, A., Grames, J., Granados, E., Grassellino, A., Gunaydin, Y. O., Guo, Y. C., Guzey, Gwenlan, C., Hammad, A., Han, C. C., Harland-Lang, L., Haug, F., Hautmann, F., Hayden, D., Hessler, J., Helenius, Dorte, Henry, J., Hernandez-Sanchez, J., Hesari, H., Hobbs, T. J., Hod, N., Hoffstaetter, G. H., Holzer, B., Honorato, C. G., Hounsell, B., Hu, N., Hug, F., Huss, A., Hutton, A., Islam, R., Iwamoto, S., Jana, S., Jansova, M., Jensen, E., Jones, T., Jowett, J. M., Kaabi, W., Kado, M., Kalinin, D. A., Karadeniz, H., Kawaguchi, S., Kaya, U., Khalek, R. A., Khanpour, H., Kilic, A., Klein, M., Klein, U., Kluth, S., Koksal, M., Kocak, F., Korostelev, M., Kostka, P., Krelina, M., Kretzschmar, J., Kuday, S., Kulipanov, G., Kumar, M., Kuze, M., Lappi, T., Larios, F., Latina, A., Laycock, P., Lei, G., Levitchev, E., Levonian, S., Levy, A., Li, R., Li, X., Liang, H., Litvinenko, Liu, M., Liu, T., Liu, W., Liu, Y., Liuti, S., Lobodzinska, E., Longuevergne, D., Luo, X., Ma, W., Machado, M., Mandal, S., Mantysaari, H., Marhauser, F., Marquet, C., Martens, A., Martin, R., Marzani, S., McFayden, J., Mcintosh, P., Mellado, B., Meot, F., Milanese, A., Milhano, J. G., Militsyn, B., Mitra, M., Moch, S., Mohammadi Najafabadi, M., Mondal, S., Moretti, S., Morgan, T., Morreale, A., Nadolsky, P., Navarra, F., Nergiz, Z., Newman, P., Niehues, J., Nissen, E. A., Nowakowski, M., Okada, N., Olivier, G., Olness, F., Olry, G., Osborne, J. A., Ozansoy, A., Pan, R., Parker, B., Patra, M., Paukkunen, H., Peinaud, Y., Pellegrini, D., Perez-Segurana, G., Perini, D., Perrot, L., Pietralla, N., Pilicer, E., Pire, B., Pires, J., Placakyte, R., Poelker, M., Polifka, R., Polini, A., Poulose, P., Pownall, G., Pupkov, Y. A., Queiroz, F. S., Rabbertz, K., Radescu, V., Rahaman, R., Rai, S. K., Raicevic, N., Ratoff, P., Rashed, A., Raut, D., Raychaudhuri, S., Repond, J., Rezaeian, A. H., Rimmer, R., Rinolfi, L., Rojo, J., Rosado, A., Ruan, X., Russenschuck, S., Sahin, M., Salgado, C. A., Sampayo, O. A., Satendra, K., Satyanarayan, N., Schenke, B., Schirm, K., Schopper, H., Schott, M., Schulte, D., Schwanenberger, C., Sekine, T., Senol, A., Seryi, A., Setiniyaz, S., Shang, L., Shen, X., Shipman, N., Sinha, N., Slominski, W., Smith, S., Solans, C., Song, M., Spiesberger, H., Stanyard, J., Starostenko, A., Stasto, A., Stocchi, A., Strikman, M., Stuart, M. J., Sultansoy, S., Sun, H., Sutton, M., Szymanowski, L., Tapan, Tapia-Takaki, D., Tanaka, M., Tang, Y., Tasci, A. T., Ten-Kate, A. T., Thonet, P., Tomas-Garcia, R., Tommasini, D., Trbojevic, D., Trott, M., Tsurin, Tudora, A., Turk Cakir, Tywoniuk, K., Vallerand, C., Valloni, A., Verney, D., Vilella, E., Walker, D., Wallon, S., Wang, B., Wang, K., Wang, X., Wang, Z. S., Wei, H., Willering, G., Williams, P. H., Wollmann, D., Xiaohao, C., Xu, T., Yaguna, C. E., Yamaguchi, Y., Yamazaki, Y., Yang, H., Yilmaz, A., Yock, P., Yue, C. X., Zadeh, S. G., Zenaiev, O., Zhang, C., Zhang, J., Zhang, R., Zhang, Z., Zhu, G., Zhu, S., Zimmermann, F., Zomer, F., Zurita, J., Zurita, P., Agostini, P., Aksakal, H., Alekhin, S., Allport, P. P., Andari, N., Andre, K. D. J., Angal-Kalinin, D., Antusch, S., Aperio Bella, L., Apolinario, L., Apsimon, R., Apyan, A., Arduini, G., Ari, Burcak Aktürk, Armbruster, A., Armesto, N., Auchmann, B., Aulenbacher, K., Azuelos, G., Backovic, S., Bailey, Alice, Bailey, S., Balli, F., Behera, S., Behnke, O., Ben-Zvi, Benedikt, M., Bernauer, J., Bertolucci, S., Biswal, S. S., Bluemlein, J., Bogacz, A., Bonvini, M., Boonekamp, M., Bordry, F., Boroun, G. R., Bottura, L., Bousson, S., Bouzas, A. O., Bracco, C., Bracinik, J., Britzger, D., Brodsky, S. J., Bruni, C., Bruning, O., Burkhardt, H., Cakir, O., Calaga, R., Caldwell, A., Caliskan, A., Camarda, S., Catalan-Lasheras, N. C., Cassou, K., Cepila, J., Cetinkaya, Semra, Chetvertkova, Cole, B., Coleppa, B., Cooper-Sarkar, A., Cormier, E., Cornell, A. S., Corsini, R., Cruz-Alaniz, E., Currie, J., Curtin, D., D'Onofrio, M., Dainton, J., Daly, E., Das, A., Das, S. P., Dassa, L., de Blas, J., Delle Rose, L., Denizli, H., Deshpande, K. S., Douglas, D., Duarte, L., Dupraz, K., Dutta, S., Efremov, A., Eichhorn, R., Eskola, K. J., Ferreiro, E. G., Fischer, O., Flores-Sanchez, O., Forte, S., Gaddi, A., Gao, J., Gehrmann, T., Gehrmann-De Ridder, A., Gerigk, F., Gilbert, A., Giuli, F., Glazov, A., Glover, N., Godbole, R. M., Goddard, B., Goncalves, Rodrigo, Gonzalez-Sprinberg, G. A., Goyal, A., Grames, J., Granados, E., Grassellino, A., Gunaydin, Y. O., Guo, Y. C., Guzey, Gwenlan, C., Hammad, A., Han, C. C., Harland-Lang, L., Haug, F., Hautmann, F., Hayden, D., Hessler, J., Helenius, Dorte, Henry, J., Hernandez-Sanchez, J., Hesari, H., Hobbs, T. J., Hod, N., Hoffstaetter, G. H., Holzer, B., Honorato, C. G., Hounsell, B., Hu, N., Hug, F., Huss, A., Hutton, A., Islam, R., Iwamoto, S., Jana, S., Jansova, M., Jensen, E., Jones, T., Jowett, J. M., Kaabi, W., Kado, M., Kalinin, D. A., Karadeniz, H., Kawaguchi, S., Kaya, U., Khalek, R. A., Khanpour, H., Kilic, A., Klein, M., Klein, U., Kluth, S., Koksal, M., Kocak, F., Korostelev, M., Kostka, P., Krelina, M., Kretzschmar, J., Kuday, S., Kulipanov, G., Kumar, M., Kuze, M., Lappi, T., Larios, F., Latina, A., Laycock, P., Lei, G., Levitchev, E., Levonian, S., Levy, A., Li, R., Li, X., Liang, H., Litvinenko, Liu, M., Liu, T., Liu, W., Liu, Y., Liuti, S., Lobodzinska, E., Longuevergne, D., Luo, X., Ma, W., Machado, M., Mandal, S., Mantysaari, H., Marhauser, F., Marquet, C., Martens, A., Martin, R., Marzani, S., McFayden, J., Mcintosh, P., Mellado, B., Meot, F., Milanese, A., Milhano, J. G., Militsyn, B., Mitra, M., Moch, S., Mohammadi Najafabadi, M., Mondal, S., Moretti, S., Morgan, T., Morreale, A., Nadolsky, P., Navarra, F., Nergiz, Z., Newman, P., Niehues, J., Nissen, E. A., Nowakowski, M., Okada, N., Olivier, G., Olness, F., Olry, G., Osborne, J. A., Ozansoy, A., Pan, R., Parker, B., Patra, M., Paukkunen, H., Peinaud, Y., Pellegrini, D., Perez-Segurana, G., Perini, D., Perrot, L., Pietralla, N., Pilicer, E., Pire, B., Pires, J., Placakyte, R., Poelker, M., Polifka, R., Polini, A., Poulose, P., Pownall, G., Pupkov, Y. A., Queiroz, F. S., Rabbertz, K., Radescu, V., Rahaman, R., Rai, S. K., Raicevic, N., Ratoff, P., Rashed, A., Raut, D., Raychaudhuri, S., Repond, J., Rezaeian, A. H., Rimmer, R., Rinolfi, L., Rojo, J., Rosado, A., Ruan, X., Russenschuck, S., Sahin, M., Salgado, C. A., Sampayo, O. A., Satendra, K., Satyanarayan, N., Schenke, B., Schirm, K., Schopper, H., Schott, M., Schulte, D., Schwanenberger, C., Sekine, T., Senol, A., Seryi, A., Setiniyaz, S., Shang, L., Shen, X., Shipman, N., Sinha, N., Slominski, W., Smith, S., Solans, C., Song, M., Spiesberger, H., Stanyard, J., Starostenko, A., Stasto, A., Stocchi, A., Strikman, M., Stuart, M. J., Sultansoy, S., Sun, H., Sutton, M., Szymanowski, L., Tapan, Tapia-Takaki, D., Tanaka, M., Tang, Y., Tasci, A. T., Ten-Kate, A. T., Thonet, P., Tomas-Garcia, R., Tommasini, D., Trbojevic, D., Trott, M., Tsurin, Tudora, A., Turk Cakir, Tywoniuk, K., Vallerand, C., Valloni, A., Verney, D., Vilella, E., Walker, D., Wallon, S., Wang, B., Wang, K., Wang, X., Wang, Z. S., Wei, H., Willering, G., Williams, P. H., Wollmann, D., Xiaohao, C., Xu, T., Yaguna, C. E., Yamaguchi, Y., Yamazaki, Y., Yang, H., Yilmaz, A., Yock, P., Yue, C. X., Zadeh, S. G., Zenaiev, O., Zhang, C., Zhang, J., Zhang, R., Zhang, Z., Zhu, G., Zhu, S., Zimmermann, F., Zomer, F., Zurita, J., and Zurita, P.
- Abstract
The Large Hadron-Electron Collider (LHeC) is designed to move the field of deep inelastic scattering (DIS) to the energy and intensity frontier of particle physics. Exploiting energy-recovery technology, it collides a novel, intense electron beam with a proton or ion beam from the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC). The accelerator and interaction region are designed for concurrent electron-proton and proton-proton operations. This report represents an update to the LHeC's conceptual design report (CDR), published in 2012. It comprises new results on the parton structure of the proton and heavier nuclei, QCD dynamics, and electroweak and top-quark physics. It is shown how the LHeC will open a new chapter of nuclear particle physics by extending the accessible kinematic range of lepton-nucleus scattering by several orders of magnitude. Due to its enhanced luminosity and large energy and the cleanliness of the final hadronic states, the LHeC has a strong Higgs physics programme and its own discovery potential for new physics. Building on the 2012 CDR, this report contains a detailed updated design for the energy-recovery electron linac (ERL), including a new lattice, magnet and superconducting radio-frequency technology, and further components. Challenges of energy recovery are described, and the lower-energy, high-current, three-turn ERL facility, PERLE at Orsay, is presented, which uses the LHeC characteristics serving as a development facility for the design and operation of the LHeC. An updated detector design is presented corresponding to the acceptance, resolution, and calibration goals that arise from the Higgs and parton-density-function physics programmes. This paper also presents novel results for the Future Circular Collider in electron-hadron (FCC-eh) mode, which utilises the same ERL technology to further extend the reach of DIS to even higher centre-of-mass energies.
- Published
- 2021
143. Hot spots and gluon field fluctuations as causes of eccentricity in small systems
- Author
Demirci, S., primary, Lappi, T., additional, and Schlichting, S., additional
- Published
- 2021
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144. Broad excitations in a 2+1D overoccupied gluon plasma
- Author
Boguslavski, K., primary, Kurkela, A., additional, Lappi, T., additional, and Peuron, J., additional
- Published
- 2021
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145. Heavy quark momentum diffusion coefficient in 3D gluon plasma
- Author
Boguslavski, K., primary, Kurkela, A., additional, Lappi, T., additional, and Peuron, J., additional
- Published
- 2021
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146. Color glass condensate at next-to-leading order meets HERA data
- Author
Beuf, G., primary, Hänninen, H., additional, Lappi, T., additional, and Mäntysaari, H., additional
- Published
- 2020
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147. Next-to-leading order Balitsky-Kovchegov equation beyond large Nc
- Author
Lappi, T., primary, Mäntysaari, H., additional, and Ramnath, A., additional
- Published
- 2020
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148. Relativistic corrections to the vector meson light front wave function
- Author
Lappi, T., primary, Mäntysaari, H., additional, and Penttala, J., additional
- Published
- 2020
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149. Heavy quark diffusion in an overoccupied gluon plasma
- Author
Boguslavski, K., primary, Kurkela, A., additional, Lappi, T., additional, and Peuron, J., additional
- Published
- 2020
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150. Digitalizing Finland:governance of government ICT projects
- Author
Lappi, T. (Teemu), Aaltonen, K. (Kirsi), and Kujala, J. (Jaakko)
- Subjects
agile ,institutional change ,public sector ,e-hallinto ,institutionaalinen muutos ,digitalization ,julkinen sektori ,project alliance ,ketterät menetelmät ,ICT projekti ,projektinhallinta ,projektiallianssi ,project governance ,ICT project ,e-government ,digitalisaatio - Abstract
Digitalization is a megatrend that also drives public sector reforms toward improved citizen service processes by adopting digital technologies. The digitalization of the public sector, also referred to as e-government transformation, is a strenuous institutional change process that starts with strategy and policy formation and is eventually carried out through individual information and communication (ICT) development projects and programs. ICT projects in the public sector still struggle due to challenges and complexities such as technological uncertainty. These project-level struggles impair e-government efforts that are already facing strategic and regulative difficulties, which, again, affect ICT project performance. How a temporary project is connected and contributes to the strategic objectives of a more permanent structure is the focus of project governance. In e-government context it can be applied to describe and elaborate on the ICT project alignment and control practices in and between different organizations within the e-government transformation. The underlying academic motivation for this research is to improve the current understanding of project governance in e-government: how ICT project governance can be applied to enact the institutional change of public sector digitalization. The dissertation study follows a constructive research approach, using multiple qualitative methods on empirical data from the Finnish central government. By synthesizing the results from four individual research publications, this dissertation explores the ICT project governance practices and tensions that take place in different levels within the e-government transformation. The study contributes to the literature by elaborating how project governance is perceived in and affected by the e-government transformation and by providing new information on how flexible and collaborative project models, namely agile models and project alliances, are applied in the context. The dissertation proceeds to construct a multi-level model that indicates how the perceived challenges and tensions could be remedied, thus enabling managers and practitioners in the field to conduct the right ICT projects properly and, hence, support the e-government transformation. Tiivistelmä Digitalisaatio on yksi megatrendeistä, joka vaikuttaa myös julkisen sektorin reformaatioihin, joilla tavoitellaan tehokkaampia asiakaspalveluprosesseja hyödyntämällä digitaalisia teknologioita. Julkisen sektorin digitalisoituminen, tai e-hallinnon muutos, on vaativa institutionaalinen muutosprosessi, joka alkaa strategisten ja poliittisten linjausten määrittelyllä ja toteutetaan lopulta yksittäisten informaatio- ja kommunikaatioteknologia (ICT) projektien ja ohjelmien kautta. Julkisen sektorin ICT projekteja haastaa edelleen muun muassa tekniset epävarmuustekijät. Nämä projektitason haasteet vaikuttavat myös e-hallintoon, johon liittyy jo valmiiksi strategisia ja hallinnollisia vaikeuksia. Tämä taas vastavuoroisesti vaikeuttaa yksittäisten projektien toimintaa. Projektihallintoa käytetään kuvaamaan, miten kertaluontoinen projekti liittyy ja vaikuttaa pysyvämpiin rakenteisiin ja niiden strategisten tavoitteiden toteutumiseen. E-hallinnon digitaalisen muutoksen yhteydessä projektihallinnon kautta voidaan esittää ICT projektien ohjaus- ja kontrollointikäytäntöjä eri organisaatiotasoilla. Tämä tutkimuksen akateeminen motivaatio on parantaa nykyistä tietämystä projektihallinnosta e-hallinnon kontekstissa tarkastelemalla, miten ICT projektihallintoa voidaan käyttää julkisen sektorin digitalisoitumisen toteuttamiseen. Tämä väitöstyö noudattaa konstruktiivista tutkimusotetta, käyttäen useita laadullisia menetelmiä Suomen valtionhallinnosta kerätyn empiirisen datan analysointiin. Syntetisoimalla neljän osajulkaisun tulokset tämä väitös perehtyy ICT projektihallinnon käytänteisiin ja jänniteisiin eri organisaatiotasoilla digitalisoitumisen yhteydessä. Tämä väitös tuottaa uuttaa tietoa esittämällä, miten projektihallinto näyttäytyy ja vaikuttaa e-hallinnon muutoksessa, sekä kuvaamalla miten joustavia projektimalleja, kuten ketterä ja projektiallianssi, voidaan käyttää tässä kontekstissa. Väitöstutkimus luo lisäksi monitasoisen mallin, jonka avulla havaittuja haasteita ja jännitteitä voidaan lieventää. Täten tutkimus auttaa käytännössä alan asiantuntijoita johtamaan oikeita ICT projekteja oikealla tavalla ja siten edesauttaa julkisen sektorin digitalisointia.
- Published
- 2019
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