101. Performance assessment of the 2$\gamma$ positronium imaging with the total-body PET scanners
- Author
Moskal, P., Kisielewska, D., Bura, Z., Chhokar, C., Curceanu, C., Czerwiński, E., Dulski, K., Gajewski, J., Gajos, A., Gorgol, M., Del Grande, R., Hiesmayr, B. C., Jasińska, B., Kacprzak, K., Kamińska, A., Kapłon, Ł., Karimi, H., Korcyl, G., Kowalski, P., Krawczyk, N., Krzemień, W., Kozik, T., Kubicz, E., Małczak, P., Mohammed, M., Niedźwiecki, Sz., Pałka, M., Pawlik-Niedźwiecka, M., Pędziwiatr, M., Raczyński, L., Raj, J., Ruciński, A., Sharma, S., Shivani, Shopa, R. Y., Silarski, M., Skurzok, M., Stępień, E. Ł., Vandenberghe, S., Wiślicki, W., and Zgardzińska, B.
- Subjects
Physics - Instrumentation and Detectors ,Physics - Medical Physics - Abstract
In living organisms the positron-electron annihilation (occurring during the PET imaging) proceeds in about 30% via creation of a metastable ortho-positronium atom. In the tissue, due to the pick-off and conversion processes, over 98% of ortho-positronia annihilate into two 511~keV photons. In this article we assess the feasibility for reconstruction of the mean ortho-positronium lifetime image based on annihilations into two photons. The main objectives of this work include: (i) estimation of the sensitivity of the total-body PET scanners for the ortho-positronium mean lifetime imaging using $2\gamma$ annihilations, and (ii) estimation of the spatial and time resolution of the ortho-positronium image as a function of the coincidence resolving time (CRT) of the scanner. Simulations are conducted assuming that radiopharmaceutical is labelled with $^{44}Sc$ isotope emitting one positron and one prompt gamma. The image is reconstructed on the basis of triple coincidence events. The ortho-positronium lifetime spectrum is determined for each voxel of the image. Calculations were performed for cases of total-body detectors build of (i) LYSO scintillators as used in the EXPLORER PET, and (ii) plastic scintillators as anticipated for the cost-effective total-body J-PET scanner. To assess the spatial and time resolution the three cases were considered assuming that CRT is equal to 140ps, 50ps and 10ps. The estimated total-body PET sensitivity for the registration and selection of image forming triple coincidences is larger by a factor of 12.2 (for LYSO PET) and by factor of 4.7 (for plastic PET) with respect to the sensitivity for the standard $2\gamma$ imaging by LYSO PET scanners with AFOV=20cm.
- Published
- 2019