188 results on '"Rosanna De Rosa"'
Search Results
102. La pancia dei cittadini: emozione, percezione, distorsione
- Author
Rosanna De Rosa, Valentina Reda, DE ROSA, Rosanna, and Reda, Valentina
- Subjects
ePolitics, emozione, percezione - Abstract
L’emozione è un potente meccanismo di condizionamento della percezione, capace di rendere vicini fenomeni distanti, e di orientare la lente attraverso cui si guarda la realtà. In modo particolare, le emozioni negative hanno la capacità di bypassare il pensiero razionale per ancorare il pensiero e le opinioni ad uno specifico mood, strumentale alla scelta di voto. Questo il senso profondo di quel «parlare alla pancia dei cittadini» che sempre più spesso è al cuore del dibattito politico. Giocare con le emozioni e la percezione dei cittadini appare dunque come una forma di «scientific propaganda» che si nutre spesso dei risultati della ricerca sperimentale. In questa rubrica si vedrà il ruolo che la percezione e l’emozione svolgono in politica, con qualche incursione nella psicologia cognitiva. Spunti di riflessione che speriamo ispirino la ricerca sul rapporto fra percezione (emotiva e sensoriale) e decisione politica.
- Published
- 2018
103. Late quaternary stratigraphic setting of the Sibari Plain (southern Italy). Hydrogeological implications
- Author
Giuseppe Cianflone, Nicola Pelosi, Rocco Dominici, Vincenzo Di Fiore, Michele Punzo, Daniela Tarallo, Rosanna De Rosa, Salvatore Critelli, Maurizio Sonnino, Fabrizio Lirer, Ennio Marsella, and Giuseppe Cavuoto
- Subjects
010504 meteorology & atmospheric sciences ,Fluvial ,Aquifer ,Fault (geology) ,010502 geochemistry & geophysics ,Oceanography ,01 natural sciences ,Sedimentary depositional environment ,Paleontology ,Sibari Plain ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences ,geography ,geography.geographical_feature_category ,Crati delta ,Ibari plain ,stratigraphy ,Geology ,Geophysics ,Stratigraphy ,electrical resistivity tomography ,Facies ,Economic Geology ,Progradation ,Quaternary - Abstract
The aim of this study is the reconstruction of the late Pleistocene-Holocene stratigraphy of the Sibari Plain (southern Italy) aimed to obtain information about hydrogeological framework. A multidisciplinary approach combining boreholes data and Electrical Resistivity Tomography, allowed us to recognize three electro-stratigraphic units, which consist of upper Pleistocene fluvial and floodplain-littoral facies (deep aquifer), passing upward to Holocene marine-transitional deposits (aquiclude) evolving toward continental sediments (shallow aquifer) related to the Crati delta progradation. The late Quaternary-Holocene plain evolution took place in a tectonic-controlled setting and was driven by the interaction between sea-level variations and local factors. The presence of a NE-SW fault zone controlled the facies and thickness of Holocene sediments along strike of the fault. This active fault zone contributed to determine the plain stratigraphic architecture, the arrangement of the depositional environments, and consequently the stratigraphic pattern.
- Published
- 2018
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104. L’uso dei big data nella comunicazione politico-elettorale. La previsione di voto nelle presidenziali francesi 2017
- Author
Rosanna De Rosa and DE ROSA, Rosanna
- Subjects
political communication, big data, predictive analysis - Abstract
THE USE OF BIG DATA IN POLITICAL-ELECTORAL COMMUNICATION. FORECASTING THE VOTE IN THE FRENCH PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS 2017. The introduction of big data technologies into political elections promises greater control of the electoral campaign at every stage: from defining the agenda, to manifacturing consent and monitoring results. Big data are, in fact, an effective tool for electoral profiling, especially when combined with structured databases and psychometric techniques. However, it is in the area of election forecasting that the real effectiveness of big data is being analysed, and the starting point is the search for the perfect algorithm to analyse heterogeneous data. This article intends to contribute to the debate via a critical analysis of the way big data is used to predict election outcomes. The focus of our analysis is the first round of the 2017 French presidential elections, and the voting forecasts produced during the campaign.
- Published
- 2018
105. Media bias
- Author
Rosanna De Rosa, Valentina Reda, DE ROSA, Rosanna, and Reda, Valentina
- Abstract
Le recenti elezioni politiche – in Italia, come negli Stati Uniti, come in Francia – hanno sollevato un aspro dibattito sulla capacità dei social media di condizionare la scelta di voto attraverso l’uso degli algoritmi, delle fake news e dei bots. Inevitabilmente, il dibattito ha finito con l’investire anche i media tradizionali accusati di utilizzare da sempre gli stessi dispositivi per orientare l’opinione pubblica con le proprie scelte editoriali o schierandosi, più o meno apertamente, per una precisa parte politica, perdendo, di conseguenza, la propria funzione di terzietà. A differenza del passato, quando pure il tema della distorsione mediale e della partigianeria dei giornali era presente nel dibattito pubblico, oggi il problema del media bias viene posto con una verve rivendicazionista che, nell’attribuire ai media mainstream pesanti responsabilità nell’aver praticato troppo spesso la manipolazione latente del consenso, di fatto mina il principio di legittimità su cui insiste il sistema mediatico. Di questo, i movimenti e i partiti populisti ne stanno facendo una battaglia politica, spostando di fatto l’attenzione verso quel nemico che per primo ha messo in luce la connessione fra uso spregiudicato di social media, big data e algoritmi e risultato elettorale. Trasformando così un dibattito salutare e necessario in una guerra fra mondi.
- Published
- 2018
106. Green is the new black. Comunicazione, politica e climate change
- Author
Rosanna De Rosa, Valentina Reda, DE ROSA, Rosanna, and Reda, Valentina
- Subjects
cambiamento climatico, dati, politiche - Abstract
Nel G7 di Charlevoix il climate change, protagonista degli accordi di Parigi del 2015, ha lasciato il posto nei media alla discussione sui dazi e alle tensioni internazionali determinate dalle posizioni di Donald Trump su commercio, Russia e Iran. Uno slittamento dettato dall’urgenza, ma anche un chiaro segnale di un cambiamento di narrazione e approccio, che punta dritto al nocciolo della questione energetica e della bilancia mondiale delle esportazioni nel settore
- Published
- 2018
107. Community of Inquiry. Variazioni su tema per ambiente MOOC
- Author
Rosanna De Rosa and DE ROSA, Rosanna
- Subjects
online education, community of inquiry, education policy, MOOC - Abstract
Il settore dell’Higher Education è recentemente attraversato da una profonda trasformazione sul piano organizzativo, degli ordinamenti didattici e dell’accountability istituzionale, processo di riforma che – suo malgrado - ha contribuito ad avviare anche il dibattito sulla qualità della formazione universitaria, e sulla necessità di adattarla alla crescente complessità sociale (Moscati 2010). Si tratta di un processo di trasformazione che va avanti da almeno un ventennio - tanto che alcuni studiosi l’hanno polemicamente definito una riforma permanente (Vaira 2011). Tuttavia, è sul piano delle pratiche educative che si stanno finalmente registrando le innovazioni più interessanti generando un significativo interesse presso l’opinione pubblica e i media: si tratta dell’offerta di corsi aperti con caratteristiche massive (MOOC) e del concetto di classe capovolta (flipped classroom). Sebbene si tratti di pratiche educative diverse, MOOC e Flipped Classroom possono essere considerate due facce di una stessa medaglia: la virtualizzazione dell’insegnamento. Questo lavoro intende contribuire alla comprensione di quali siano gli effetti dell’introduzione dei MOOC in un contesto di blended learning sui modelli sociali di trasferimento della conoscenza. Le indicazioni che seguiranno sono basate su un disegno quasi-sperimentale di inserimento di MOOC in un contesto di insegnamento tradizionale. La sperimentazione è stata svolta durante le attività del progetto pilota Emma - European Multiple Mooc Aggregator - su due corsi universitari - ed altrettanti MOOC - con il coinvolgimento di 100 studenti. A completamento della sperimentazione è stata somministrata una survey di cui presenteremo alcuni dei dati che hanno contribuito ad innescare una riflessione più ampia sul cambiamento del ruolo del docente in un ambiente blended basato su MOOC.
- Published
- 2018
108. Geochemical and isotopic constraints on the evolution of magma plumbing system at Damavand Volcano, N Iran
- Author
Paola Donato, Iain Neill, Ryuichi Shinjo, Rosanna De Rosa, Reza Deevsalar, and Amir Eskandari
- Subjects
Basalt ,Incompatible element ,Fractional crystallization (geology) ,Olivine ,010504 meteorology & atmospheric sciences ,biology ,Geochemistry ,Trace element ,Geology ,engineering.material ,010502 geochemistry & geophysics ,biology.organism_classification ,01 natural sciences ,Geochemistry and Petrology ,engineering ,Phlogopite ,Mafic ,Lile ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences - Abstract
Damavand is a Quaternary stratovolcano in N Iran, associated with small volumes of under-saturated to weakly-saturated mafic lavas (Tephrite-Basanite-Alkali olivine basalt), and large volumes of saturated lavas (trachyandesite-trachyte (TT)) together with minor pyroclastic rocks. TT rocks are characterized by LILE and HFSE enrichments, whereas the mafic rocks have higher REE and other incompatible elements (except Rb, Th) than TT suite rocks, contradicting the assumed derivation of TT magmas from mafic magmas by simple fractional crystallization processes. The similar whole-rock isotope ratios of mafic rocks, TT suites and their enclaves do suggest a common origin. Magmatic enclaves in TT suites show decoupled major and some trace elements from their host while they have similar geochemistry to the mafic lavas. Trace element modeling including assimilation-fractional crystallization (AFC) and energy-constrained recharge-assimilation fractional crystallization (EC-RAFC) suggest that the Damavand TT rocks were formed by multi-stage fractionation of mafic magma with minor effects of open system processes. Differentiation started at high pressures (6–8 kbar, initial temperature of magma (Tm) = 1180 °C) involving anhydrous minerals (mainly clinopyroxene-orthopyroxene), accompanied by recharge and wall-rock assimilation at equilibration temperature (Teq) of 1050 °C as the magma reached the threshold for extraction from crystal mush (Mm = 0.49) (stage-1). These processes resulted in the enrichment of the residual liquid in incompatible elements. The fractionation of oligoclase-andesine, anorthoclase, phlogopite and apatite from intermediate enriched melts occurred at shallow crustal levels (0.5–3 kbar, Tm = 1050 and Teq = 830 °C): here, FC processes and further recharge and assimilation of crustal materials reduced LILE and REE concentration in the residual liquid (stage-2). The role of enriched melts is supported by unusual trace element composition of key minerals, for instance, feldspars have variable concentrations of Ba (132–5495 ppm), Sr (1471-14413 ppm) and unusual Rb, La and Ce contents. Based upon melt extraction modeling, physical removal of residual melts at stage-2 could produce cumulate residues with trace element compositions comparable to enclaves in TT suites (stage-3). Disruption of crystal mush due to recharge, followed by mixing of enclave material with evolved trachytic melts caused buffering of magma at trachyandesitic composition (stage-4). The results affirm the advantages of using a range of compositional and textural records in modeling of petrogenetic processes in all magmatic plumbing systems.
- Published
- 2020
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109. Compositional and textural study of modern beach sands in the active volcanic area of the Campania region (southern Italy)
- Author
Emilia Le Pera, Kathleen M. Marsaglia, Consuele Morrone, and Rosanna De Rosa
- Subjects
010506 paleontology ,geography ,Provenance ,geography.geographical_feature_category ,Stratigraphy ,Geochemistry ,Detritus (geology) ,Pyroclastic rock ,Geology ,Volcanism ,010502 geochemistry & geophysics ,Sanidine ,01 natural sciences ,Volcano ,Lithic fragment ,Sedimentary rock ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences - Abstract
The association among volcanism, tectonics and sedimentation may be critical for interpreting the paleogeographic and plate tectonic settings of the past. In modern and ancient sedimentary systems, volcaniclastic fragment classes have been distinguished on the basis of texture and composition. Criteria adopted for their temporal and spatial correlation with source volcanic areas, in terms of type of volcanism and particle-forming processes are still not well constrained and often a topic of controversy and misinterpretation. Here, we present data for volcaniclastic fragments occurring in modern beach sands of the Campanian coast of southern Italy, where there are two active volcanic areas, the Phlegrean Fields and Mt. Vesuvius. Despite their geographical proximity, these volcanoes are characterized by different magma compositions and eruptive mechanisms. We set out to test whether this translates into different textural and compositional characteristics of their associated volcaniclastic detritus in order to better constrain the criteria relating the type of volcanism to the nature of volcaniclastic sand fragments in the sedimentary record. Along a ~100 km coastal stretch, from the Volturno River mouth to Sorrento, 72 sand samples were collected mainly in beach berm environments. Detrital modes were defined for the medium sand fraction of each sample, where monocrystalline and lithic grains are easily identified. The analyzed samples show a mixed sedimentary and volcanic provenance. Samples from the northernmost coastal stretch show a sedimentary petrofacies at the Volturno River mouth. Bacoli marks the transition between the Apennine sedimentary and Phlegrean volcanic petrofacies. Along the Portici-Sorrento coastal stretch, volcanic lithic fragments dominate. Leucite and sanidine crystal components indicate that detritus from the Phlegrean Fields extends south from Licola to Naples Bay, whereas the Vesuvius provenance extends from Naples/Portici south to Castellammare di Stabia. Phlegrean Fields and Mt. Vesuvius volcaniclastic petrofacies have been discriminated through a different distribution of both compositions of the volcanic lithic fragments, leucite and K-feldspars content. Volcanic lithics with lathwork texture and leucite, are Mt. Vesuvius provenance source sensitive detrital grains, whereas volcanic lithics with vitric texture and K-feldspars marks the transition to the Phlegrean Fields petrofacies. The results formalize three different sandy petrofacies which were mapped from north to south as Sedimentary, Phlegrean (volcanic) and Vesuvius (volcanic) petrofacies.
- Published
- 2020
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110. Continuous Noninvasive Haemoglobin Monitoring in Vascular Surgery within the Goal-Directed Therapy Protocol
- Author
Mariangela Calabria, Roberta Abbate, Antonio Corcione, Raffaele Montesano, Rosanna De Rosa, and Antonio Romanelli
- Subjects
Protocol (science) ,medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,Hemodynamics ,Ocean Engineering ,Goal directed therapy ,Vascular surgery ,medicine.disease ,Abdominal aortic aneurysm ,Anesthesia ,Coulter counter ,Medicine ,business ,Surgical patients ,Blood gas analysis - Abstract
The optimisation of DO2, within the Goal-Direct Therapy Protocol (GDTP) in high-risk surgical patients, improves their outcome. Haemodynamic and haemoglobin monitoring become crucial to achieve optimal DO2. Our study compared Hb as measured by three methods: Coulter Counter (standard laboratory method) and CO-Oximetry (Masimo rainbow SET Radical 7 Pulse CO-Oximetry (SpHb) and Blood Gas Analysis) to establish the utility of the Hb continuous intraoperative monitoring, within the GDTP, in high-risk bleeding surgery. We studied 72 patients undergoing open abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. We compared the accuracy and the trending ability in measuring the haemoglobin concentration between the three methods (Coulter Counter, BGA and Masimo). We collected three simultaneous haemoglobin measurements: after induction of anaesthesia, pre- and post-aortic cross-clamping and at the end of the surgery. SpHb showed an excellent r-value for all samples (0.952, CI-95% (0.939, 0.961), p-value < 0.0001) compared to laboratory measurements. The results of the linear regression between SpHb and laboratory, for each time considered, demonstrated that SpHb showed excellent r and R2 value. All data were statistically significant, with a p-value
- Published
- 2019
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111. Representing cultural diversity in a massive environment. An impossible mission?
- Author
Rosanna De Rosa, KERR, RUTH ELIZABETH, Rosanna De Rosa, Ruth Kerr, DE ROSA, Rosanna, and Kerr, RUTH ELIZABETH
- Subjects
Geography ,business.industry ,Cultural diversity ,Environmental resource management ,Mooc, eLearning, Cultural Diversity ,business - Abstract
Bridging the need for multilingualism with the need for respecting cultural diversity in a digital platform, which, by its very nature, tends towards standardisation is very challenging. The research group based at the University of Naples Federico II, which headed the project, adopted a working definition of the concept of cultural diversity in a MOOC platform as a function of language, pedagogy and content personalisation. Language is the vehicle for the expression of personal cultural background, so native-language instruction is a sine qua non condition of providing pan-European educational content. Content needs to be delivered in a variety of European languages and diversity can only be embraced by providing translation of the learning materials into as many languages as possible to broaden access to a wider audience. Pedagogic approach can be seen as the expression of how a culture interprets the objectives of a discipline, as well as its history or philosophy, against the educational needs of its citizens. In other words, it can be interpreted as a form of ideology historically determined. MOOC platforms, therefore, need to be agile enough to accommodate such a variety of instructional design. Finally, personal content is a specific variable of diversity. In learning, learners bring their own cultural values, knowledge and choices to the learning experience thus interacting in a complex socio-material world. With this presentation we will explore how the features and services on the EMMA MOOC platform evolved to meet and encompass such an objective. This contribution is part of the initiatives of the European Multiple MOOC Aggregator (EMMA for Short), a European CIP Funded Project (www.europeanmoocs.eu)
- Published
- 2016
112. Chemical and isotopic characteristics of the warm and cold waters of the Luigiane Spa near Guardia Piemontese (Calabria, Italy) in a complex faulted geological framework
- Author
Elissavet Dotsika, Giovanni Vespasiano, Luigi Marini, Rosanna De Rosa, Carmine Apollaro, and Francesco Muto
- Subjects
geography ,Hydrogeology ,geography.geographical_feature_category ,Evaporite ,Geochemistry ,Aquifer ,Groundwater recharge ,Pollution ,Paleontology ,Tectonics ,Geochemistry and Petrology ,Environmental Chemistry ,Carbonate rock ,Structural geology ,Geothermal gradient ,Geology - Abstract
Waters discharging at the Luigiane Spa come from two different hydrogeological circuits, which are chiefly hosted in the carbonate rocks and Upper Triassic evaporites of two distinct geological units, known as Verbicaro Unit and Cetraro Unit. The first unit contains a cold and relatively shallow aquifer behaving as a sort of piston-flow circuit with high flow rate, whereas the second unit encloses a warm and comparatively deep aquifer acting as a sort of well-mixed reservoir, where the circulation is slower and the rate is lower. Meteoric waters infiltrating along the Coastal Chain at similar elevations (615–670 m asl on average, in spite of considerable uncertainties) recharge both aquifers and, in the first case, acquire heat from rocks through conductive transfer as a consequence of deepening along a fault system and/or crossing between different systems, as suggested by local structural geology. In particular, the warm deeper reservoir has a temperature of ∼60 °C, as indicated by the chalcedony solubility and the Ca–Mg and SO4–F geothermometers, which were specifically calibrated for the peculiar water–rock-interaction (WRI) processes originating the Na–Cl–SO4 high-salinity warm waters that discharge at the Luigiane Spa. The warm deeper reservoir is probably located at depths close to 1.4 km, assuming a geothermal gradient of 33 °C km−1. The water leaving the deep reservoir discharges at the surface at 40.9 ± 3.3 °C after a relatively fast upflow and limited cooling. The upward part of both hydrogeological circuits is controlled by local low- and high-angle fault systems as well as by the tectonic window of Guardia Piemontese, where the Verbicaro Unit crops out and the Cetraro Unit approaches the surface. The reconstruction of this conceptual model has been made possible thanks to the adoption of a “local” approach integrating previously existing and new geological, hydrogeological and geochemical data and including the use of sulfur isotope data. This last technique has proven most important, as it enabled us to recognize the Upper Triassic fingerprint of dissolved sulfate, once the effects of bacterial sulfate reduction had been properly taken into account.
- Published
- 2014
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113. Ash Features from Ordinary Activity at Stromboli Volcano
- Author
Chiara Benedetta Cannata, Rosanna De Rosa, Paola Donato, and Jacopo Taddeucci
- Subjects
Basalt ,geography ,geography.geographical_feature_category ,Volcano ,Tachylite ,Sorting (sediment) ,Aeolian processes ,Mineralogy ,Sideromelane ,Geology ,Strombolian eruption ,Plume - Abstract
In this work we focus our attention on micro-scale textural observations and chemical analysis of the surface of ash particles erupted from ordinary activity at Stromboli volcano (Aeolian Islands, Italy). Ashes are related to three vent systems: NE1, NE2 and SW showing different eruptive styles. Samples were collected during three campaigns: 1-5 September 2008; 20, 22 September 2008 and 18 June 2009, with two different methods: collection on a clean surface downwind and use of remotely controlled, electrically propelled aeromodels, which penetrate directly in the eruptive plume and collect ash samples that are less affected by transport-related sorting processes. A micro-textural approach has been conducted working at step: from preliminary observations under binocular microscope on a medium number of 700 particles, to thin sections and sub-micron investigations, using high resolution instruments. Micro-texture and morphology of ash particles were observed under FE-SEM, at high magnification (30,000/50,000×) measuring the main shape parameters (area, perimeter, max length, compactness, Feret’s diameter, Heywood’s diameter and elongation). Ashes are made up by a wide spectrum of fragments whose end-members are represented by two main textural types with different colour, shape, internal textures and vesicularity named “Type a” and “Type b”. “Type a” shows great similarities with fragments called “tachilite” while “Type b” fragments are very similar to the named “sideromelane” fragments. Fragments with intermediate textural features are present and named as “Type a1” and “Type b1”, respectively. The relative abundances of each type of fragments greatly vary in samples collected from different groups of vents. Chemical analysis of the external surfaces indicates that all the different grain types underwent alteration phenomena and precipitation of neo-formation minerals on their surfaces. The alteration is dependent from the atmospheric conditions around the vent and not from the type of fragments. During the periods of sampling, ash erupted from individual explosions of different vents, does not show big differences in morphology and chemistry of surface features, but mainly in terms of relative proportion of fragments. “Type b” fragments predominate in the ash erupted from typical strombolian activity whereas “Type a” fragments are ubiquitous.
- Published
- 2014
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114. Modeling of the impact of dolomite and biotite dissolution on vermiculite composition in a gneissic shallow aquifer of the Sila Massif (Calabria, Italy)
- Author
Rosanna De Rosa, Domenico Miriello, Andrea Bloise, Carmine Apollaro, Vincenza Armano, Luigi Marini, Teresa Critelli, and Manuela Catalano
- Subjects
geography ,geography.geographical_feature_category ,Dolomite ,Geochemistry ,Mineralogy ,Aquifer ,Massif ,engineering.material ,Vermiculite ,Pollution ,Geochemistry and Petrology ,engineering ,Environmental Chemistry ,Composition (visual arts) ,Dissolution ,Biotite ,Geology ,Solid solution - Abstract
Reaction path modeling of water–rock interaction in a gneissic shallow aquifer of the Sila Massif was performed in kinetic (time) mode, under conditions of closed-system with secondary minerals and closed-system with CO 2 , to investigate the influence of both dolomite dissolution and biotite dissolution on the chemical characteristics of secondary vermiculites. Magnesium–Al- and calcium–Al-vermiculites are the major components of the vermiculite solid solution precipitated in the early stages of the process, which is dominated by dolomite dissolution. In contrast, Mg–Mg–Fe- and Ca–Mg–Fe vermiculites are important components of the vermiculite solid solution produced in the late stages of the process, where biotite dissolution prevails. Outcomes of this reaction-path-modeling exercise on vermiculite chemistry are fully consistent with the results obtained by Apollaro et al. (in press) through speciation–saturation calculations. In particular, Apollaro et al. (in press) showed that the pH of Mg–Al-vermiculite/Mg–Mg–Fe-vermiculite coexistence is 7.3. This value is virtually equal to the pH of Mg–Al-vermiculite/Mg–Mg–Fe-vermiculite iso-activity, 7.35, which is obtained from the results of reaction-path-modeling runs 3 and 4 carried out in this work.
- Published
- 2013
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115. The standard thermodynamic properties of vermiculites and prediction of their occurrence during water–rock interaction
- Author
Rosanna De Rosa, Teresa Critelli, Carmine Apollaro, and Luigi Marini
- Subjects
geography ,geography.geographical_feature_category ,Chemistry ,Mineralogy ,Thermodynamics ,Weathering ,Massif ,Vermiculite ,Pollution ,Ion ,Geochemistry and Petrology ,Metastability ,Soil water ,Environmental Chemistry ,Kaolinite ,Solid phases - Abstract
The standard thermodynamic properties ( Δ G f ° , Δ H f ° , S°, and V°), at 298.15 K, 1 bar, of 16 vermiculites and their heat-capacity coefficients were computed in this research following the approach of Wolery and Jove-Colon (2007) . In this way, data consistent with those of other sheet silicates contained in the thermodynamic database data0.ymp.R5 of the EQ3/6 software package were obtained. Although the uncertainty of these data is too high to investigate exchange reactions involving vermiculites, they can be profitably used to predict the conditions of vermiculite formation during weathering. The shallow groundwaters interacting with granitoid and gneissic rocks and overlying soils, from an area of the Sila Massif (Calabria Region, Italy), were taken into account for an example of application. Results of speciation–saturation calculations for these waters show that: (i) in general, production of vermiculites hosting Mg2+ and Ca2+ ions in the interlayer sites is favoured with respect to generation of vermiculites whose interlayer sites are occupied by Na+ and K+ ions; (ii) the possibly forming solid phases (all metastable with respect to Mg–Fe–vermiculite) are kaolinite, Mg–Al–vermiculite, and Mg–Mg–Fe–vermiculite, in order of increasing pH values. In detail, kaolinite/Mg–Al–vermiculite coexistence occurs at pH close to 6.7, whereas Mg–Al–vermiculite/Mg–Mg–Fe–vermiculite coexistence occurs at pH close to 7.3.
- Published
- 2013
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116. From competition to collaboration for online education in Europe
- Author
rosanna de rosa, ruth kerr, Rosanna De Rosa, Ruth Kerr, EADTU, DE ROSA, Rosanna, and Kerr, RUTH ELIZABETH
- Published
- 2015
117. Glass geochemistry of pyroclastic deposits from the Aeolian Islands in the last 50 ka: A proximal database for tephrochronology
- Author
Roberto Sulpizio, Marco Pistolesi, Emma L. Tomlinson, Anna Morris, Martin Menzies, Victoria C. Smith, Mauro Rosi, Federico Di Traglia, Rosanna De Rosa, Jörg Keller, Paul G. Albert, and Paola Donato
- Subjects
010504 meteorology & atmospheric sciences ,Geochemistry ,Pyroclastic rock ,Aeolian Islands ,LA-ICP-MS ,Tephra ,Tephrochronology ,Volcanic glass chemistry ,Geophysics ,Geochemistry and Petrology ,010502 geochemistry & geophysics ,computer.software_genre ,01 natural sciences ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences ,geography ,geography.geographical_feature_category ,Database ,Trace element ,Volcano ,Stratigraphy ,Aeolian processes ,computer ,Geology ,Volcanic ash - Abstract
Volcanic ash (1000 analyses) provides a basis for proximal-distal and distal-distal tephra correlations. Tephra deposits from the different Aeolian Islands are geochemically diverse; with some individual eruptions showing diagnostic geochemical heterogeneity recognised both stratigraphically and/or spatially. Major element glass analyses reveal that Vulcano (0-21ka) and Stromboli (4-13ka) have erupted potassic (shoshonitic and K-series) tephra with broadly overlapping compositions, but data presented here demonstrates that their eruptive products can be distinguished using either TiO2 contents or their HFSE/Th ratios. Whilst individual volcanic sources often produce successive tephra deposits with near identical major and minor element compositions through time (i.e., Lipari, Vulcano), trace element glass data can help to decipher successive eruptions. Changes in LREE and Th concentrations of volcanic glasses erupted spanning approximately the last 50ka greatly enhance the potential to discriminate successive eruptive units on Lipari. The new proximal glass database has been used to verify new (Ionian Sea; core M25/4-12) and existing distal occurrences of Aeolian Island derived tephra enabling the reassessments of past ash dispersals. Finally, proximal and distal data have been used to establish an integrated proximal-distal eruptive event stratigraphy for the Aeolian Islands.
- Published
- 2017
118. Open Government: disegnare la partecipazione per la società del futuro
- Author
Rosanna De Rosa, Valentina Reda, DE ROSA, Rosanna, and Reda, Valentina
- Subjects
Open Government, e-government, e-governance - Published
- 2017
119. Digital Libraries in Open Education: The Italy Case
- Author
Laura Ciancio, Rosanna De Rosa, Fabio Nascimbeni, Anna Maria Tammaro, Eleonora Pantò, R. De Rosa, A. Tammaro, E. Pantò, F. Nascimbeni, L. Ciancio, C. Grana, L. Baraldi, DE ROSA, Rosanna, Annamaria, Tammaro, Panto', Eleonora, Fabio, Nascimbeni, and Ciancio, L.
- Subjects
Engineering ,ICCU ,business.industry ,MOOCs ,Lifelong learning ,Internet culturale ,Library science ,Scopus(2) ,Digital library ,Open educational resources ,digital libraries ,Open education ,Digital library, open education ,State of art ,ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATION ,OER ,EMMA ,open education ,Resizing ,business - Abstract
Conferencia de "13th Italian Research Conference on Digital Libraries, IRCDL 2017; Modena; Italy; 26 January 2017 through 27 January 2017" Open Education strategies, and specifically MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) and OER (Open Educational Resources), play an important role in supporting policies for educational innovation, lifelong learning, and, more generally, the enlargement of educational opportunities for all. While there is an increasing interest in Open Education, there is little awareness about the role of Digital Library as learning incubators for learning enhancement. The paper presents briefly the state of art of Digital libraries in the light of the most recent initiatives of Open Education in Italy, towards an integrated model of Digital libraries as “knowledge and learning open hubs”.
- Published
- 2017
120. Post-verità e fact checking: la nuova frontiera dell’informazione politica
- Author
Rosanna De Rosa, Valentina Reda, DE ROSA, Rosanna, and Reda, Valentina
- Subjects
post-verità, fake news, fact checking - Abstract
Molto clamore mediatico ha suscitato la decisione dell’Oxford Dictionary di dedicare al concetto di post-verità una specifica definizione e l’onore di rappresentare la parola dell’anno 2016. Definita dal giornalista del Telegraph, Neil Midgley, come un’espressione «che denota circostanze nelle quali i fatti oggettivi sono meno influenti nel formare l’opinione pubblica degli appelli alle emozioni o alle credenze personali», l’espressione circola da quasi una decina di anni, ma l’Oxford Dictionary ha rilevato un’impennata del suo uso durante due eventi precisi: il referendum sul Brexit e le elezioni presidenziali americane. La post-verità trova terreno fertile nel combinato disposto di frammentazione delle fonti di informazione e diffusione dei social network, un mix micidiale per la diffusione incontrollata di notizie false create ad arte per ottenere un particolare effetto (ie. polarizzare l’opinione pubblica, diffondere un clima di sfiducia, inasprire l’ostilità nei confronti della politica o di particolari gruppi sociali).
- Published
- 2017
121. Governing by Data: Some Considerations on the Role of Learning Analytics in Education
- Author
Rosanna De Rosa
- Subjects
Knowledge management ,Technological revolution ,business.industry ,Computer science ,Process (engineering) ,05 social sciences ,Big data ,Learning analytics ,050301 education ,020206 networking & telecommunications ,02 engineering and technology ,Public domain ,Data science ,Variety (cybernetics) ,Analytics ,Accountability ,0202 electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering ,business ,0503 education - Abstract
E-governance is growing in interest as a technique of decision making in the public domain. The technological revolution is, in fact, enabling governments to use a great variety of digital tools and data to manage more effectively all phases of the policy cycle process. Although still in its infancy, the use of big data is becoming a core element of the emergence of e-governance as a form of evidence-based policy making. We are assisting to the emergence of a form of governing by data, where governments will take more and more sensitive decisions through data mining systems. Education is one of the policy fields where the use of big data such as learning analytics is becoming crucial for funds allocation, institutional accountability, and programs review. This article briefly explores the scientific debate about analytics highlighting the role they should play in the educational datascape.
- Published
- 2017
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122. Understanding Volcanic Eruptions Where Plates Meet
- Author
Raffaele Azzaro and Rosanna De Rosa
- Subjects
021110 strategic, defence & security studies ,geography ,geography.geographical_feature_category ,Volcano ,Earth science ,0211 other engineering and technologies ,General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,02 engineering and technology ,010502 geochemistry & geophysics ,01 natural sciences ,Geology ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences - Abstract
A new project elucidates the relationships between tectonics and volcanic systems and how they influence hazards on Italy's Mount Etna and Vulcano and Lipari islands.
- Published
- 2016
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123. A multivariate approach for anomaly separation of potentially toxic trace elements in urban and peri-urban soils: an application in a southern Italy area
- Author
Gabriele Buttafuoco, Rosanna De Rosa, Ilaria Guagliardi, and Domenico Cicchella
- Subjects
Hydrology ,Pollution ,Multivariate statistics ,Stratigraphy ,Earth science ,Anomaly (natural sciences) ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Trace (semiology) ,Anthropogenic pollution ,Soil water ,Environmental science ,Factorial kriging analysis ,Principal component analysis ,Urban and peri-urban soil ,Earth-Surface Processes ,media_common - Abstract
Purpose Geogenic soil enrichment and anthropogenic pollution by potentially toxic trace elements (PTEs) are two processes acting together. Although it is often difficult, it is necessary to separate the two processes for risk assessment and understanding the environmental implications. The aimof this study was to analyse the soil concentrations of various PTEs in a southern Italy area in order to: (1) determine their different correlation structure to isolate sources of variation acting at different spatial scales and (2) to define potential anomalies based on the correlation structure. Materials and methods In the urban and peri-urban area of Cosenza-Rende, 149 topsoil samples were collected (0.10 m) and analysed for different elements by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. Principal component analysis and factorial kriging analysis were used to map the spatial distribution of PTEs in topsoil and to identify the main factors influencing their spatial variability. Results and discussion Two groups of PTEs were identified: the first group included As, Pb and Zn; and the second one Al, Co, Cr, Fe, La, Nb, Ni, Ti and V. The first group was related to anthropogenic causes, while the second one was more related to parent rock composition. The regionalized factors at different scales of variability allowed to aggregate and summarize the joint variability in the PTEs and consider the probable causes of soil pollution. Conclusions The study allowed analysing and quantifying the sources (environmental or anthropogenic) of variation of PTEs acting at different spatial scale and defining the spatial anomalies based on the correlation structure associated at the different spatial scales.
- Published
- 2012
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124. Preliminary geochemical and geological characterization of the thermal site of Spezzano Albanese (Calabria, South Italy)
- Author
Francesco Muto, Giovanni Vespasiano, Carmine Apollaro, Teresa Critelli, and Rosanna De Rosa
- Subjects
Calcite ,geography ,geography.geographical_feature_category ,Gypsum ,Geochemistry ,Geology ,Aquifer ,engineering.material ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,chemistry ,Spring (hydrology) ,engineering ,Halite ,Precipitation ,Sulfate ,Quaternary ,Geomorphology - Abstract
Waters discharging at the Spezzano Albanese spring come from a deep circuit hosted in the Ophiolitic rocks of the Diamante Unit (phyllites and metabasalts, Liberi et al., 2006; Vespasiano et al., 2012b). The unit contains a warm deep aquifer acting as a sort of well-mixed reservoir; during the ascent the waters interact with Tertiary and Quaternary deposits (conglomerates, sands, gypsum and clays with levels of halite) that give them a characteristic composition with near neutral pH value of 7.05 to 7.57, outlet temperatures of 20.16° to 26.6°C, variable redox potentials (–0.25 to 0.28 V) and total dissolved solids from 848 to 9720 ppm.During deep circulation, the waters extract heat from reservoir rocks, attaining thermo-chemical equilibrium and rise relatively quickly to the surface, along sub-vertical faults and fractures, preserving part of their physical and chemical characteristics (Vespasiano et al., 2014).Water chemistry was discussed by means of the triangular diagrams among major anionic/cationic constituents and correlation plots. Triangular diagrams show a Na-Cl composition characterized by high bacterial sulfate reduction. Correlation diagrams attest a high calcite and silica precipitation (likely scaling effect) and show a 1:1 ratio between sodium and chlorine that underline an interaction with halite. This represents only a preliminary study that demonstrates the importance of the geochemical characterization as powerful tool to improve the knowledge of natural environment and to predict and avoid problems linked to the study of thermal sites (Gurrieri et al., 1984; Duchi et al., 1991; Italiano et al., 2010).
- Published
- 2015
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125. Geochemical modeling as a tool to investigate the release and fate of Cr in the ophiolitic aquifers of Northern Calabria (S-Italy)
- Author
Rosanna De Rosa, Teresa Critelli, Giovanni Vespasiano, and Carmine Apollaro
- Subjects
geography ,geography.geographical_feature_category ,Outcrop ,Geochemistry ,Geology ,Aquifer ,Weathering ,Redox ,Solid phases ,Saturation (chemistry) ,Dissolution ,Geomorphology ,Geochemical modeling - Abstract
The study of the weathering process of ophiolitic rocks represents an important process due the high toxicity of Cr(VI) with environmental and social consequences and health effects.Since this topic is not well understood, a preliminary study on the release of Cr and other constituents during the weathering of the meta-ophiolitic rocks outcropping in Northern Calabria (Fuscaldo zone) has been carried out using the reaction path modeling.In this work, the EQ3/6 software package, version 8.0 was used together with its data0.ymp.R5 thermodynamic database (Apollaro et al., 2013a, b), upon acquisition of the necessary information such as the stability constants of the aqueous complexes of Cr(VI).Preliminary results showed that the geochemical modeling is an important tool to investigate the phenomena which control the redox state of Cr in near-surface environment and the release and fate of Cr and other chemical constituents in these peculiar environments since during the progressive dissolution of the considered lithotypes, the aqueous solution may attain saturation with respect to different secondary solid phases, potentially acting as sinks of various elements and species.
- Published
- 2015
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126. Investigation of rock-to-water release and fate of major, minor, and trace elements in the metabasalt–serpentinite shallow aquifer of Mt. Reventino (CZ, Italy) by reaction path modelling
- Author
Rosanna De Rosa, Andrea Bloise, Donatella Barca, Francesca Liberi, Carmine Apollaro, Domenico Miriello, Luigi Marini, and Teresa Critelli
- Subjects
Calcite ,geography ,geography.geographical_feature_category ,Chromate conversion coating ,Chemistry ,Geochemistry ,Mineralogy ,Aquifer ,Pollution ,Sink (geography) ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Geochemistry and Petrology ,Environmental Chemistry ,Orthorhombic crystal system ,Dissolution ,Amphibole ,Solid solution - Abstract
The progressive dissolution of metabasalts and serpentinites hosting the shallow aquifer of Mt. Reventino was simulated by means of the EQ3/6 software package, version 8.0, adopting both the Ideal Solid Solution Approach (ISSA) and the Double Solid Reactant Method (DSRM), which provided comparable results. A detailed field and laboratory study was performed on rock samples and local groundwaters to constrain and validate reaction path modelling. The prevalence of Ca–HCO3 over Mg–HCO3 compositions suggests that groundwaters interact chiefly with metabasalts and secondarily with the less abundant and less permeable serpentinites. The most important and active Cr source is a tremolite-rich amphibole, whose role as supplier of dissolved Cr has rarely been recognized in previous studies carried out in areas where ophiolitic rocks crop out. Speciation calculations indicate that hexavalent dissolved Cr is mainly present as chromate ion, followed by the neutral complexes CaCrO 4 o (14–32 mol%) and MgCrO 4 o (2–12 mol%), which are more mobile and more bio-available than charged solutes. All dissolved trace elements are supplied to shallow groundwaters by gradual dissolution of local rocks and, therefore, contributions linked to anthropogenic sources can be ruled out. In particular: (i) Ni is chiefly contributed to the aqueous phase by the tremolite-rich amphibole; (ii) different amounts of Sr, Ba, and Pb are provided by calcite dissolution (with Sr ≫ Ba > Pb), whereas the solid solution of orthorhombic carbonates acts as sink for these trace elements (with Xstrontianite ≫ Xwitherite > Xcerussite); (iii) the principal source of Cu and Zn is again calcite, whereas the solid solution of trigonal carbonates represents their major sink.
- Published
- 2011
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127. Magmatic Evolution and plumbing system of ring-fault volcanism: the Vulcanello Peninsula (Aeolian Islands, Italy)
- Author
M. Davì, Donatella Barca, Rosanna De Rosa, Andrea Cavallo, Francesco Vetere, and Paola Donato
- Subjects
geography ,geography.geographical_feature_category ,Volcano ,Geochemistry and Petrology ,Lava ,Magma ,Geochemistry ,Caldera ,Pyroclastic rock ,Mafic ,Strombolian eruption ,Geology ,Melt inclusions - Abstract
The Vulcanello peninsula is situated north of Vulcano, the southernmost island of the Aeolian Arc. It was built at the rim of La Fossa Caldera between 1000 and 1650 A.D. Erupted products are mafic to intermediate in composition, while the coeval products erupted inside the caldera are mainly rhyolitic. Therefore, Vulcanello’s activity represents an anomalous mafic post-caldera volcanism in a convergent setting. A petrographic and geochemical study was carried out on lavas and pyroclastic rocks representing the entire eruptive history of the volcanic centre. New data (major and trace elements and Sr isotope ratios on whole rocks, and major element compositions on mineral phases) and geochemical models were used to investigate shallow level differentiation processes ( i.e. , fractional crystallisation, fractional crystallisation plus crustal assimilation, degassing, magma mixing/recharge). The study suggests that the entire Vulcanello activity can be considered as the uninterrupted expulsion of a single deep magma batch of shoshonitic composition emitted from a NE–SW ring fault of La Fossa Caldera. The magma is genetically related to the shoshonitic basalts found as melt inclusions in the olivine crystals erupted in the products of the 1888–1890 “ La Fossa” activity. This points to a possible single deep plumbing system for both La Fossa Cone and Vulcanello centres, strongly controlled by NW–SE to N– S regional structures. The shoshonitic magma, undergoing fractional crystallisation, partly rose directly to the surface where two strombolian cones were constructed, while residual magma remained at depth, and, partially degassed and crystallised, it subsequently erupted both effusively to form a lava platform and explosively to form a third pyroclastic cone. The remaining magma evolved to latite by AFC process and was erupted both as a lava flow (Punta del Roveto) and in the form of pyroclastic products ( i.e. , the upper part of the third cone), controlled by shallow ring faults of La Fossa Caldera. Therefore the Vulcanello plumbing system is controlled by tectonic structures at depth and by shallower volcano-tectonic (caldera) fractures.
- Published
- 2009
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128. Application of laser ablation ICP-MS and traditional micromorphological techniques to the study of an Alfisol (Sardinia, Italy) in thin sections: Insights into trace element distribution
- Author
I. Pulice, Donatella Barca, Fabio Scarciglia, and Rosanna De Rosa
- Subjects
Sedimentary depositional environment ,Pedogenesis ,Soil test ,Soil water ,Trace element ,Soil Science ,Mineralogy ,Soil horizon ,Weathering ,Parent rock ,complex mixtures ,Geology - Abstract
An innovative methodological approach is proposed in this study, based on the chemical analysis of different portions of soil horizons (illuvial pedofeatures, pedogenic matrix and skeletal parent rock fragments) by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS), associated with traditional micromorphological (optical and scanning electron microscopy) techniques. Validation of the LA-ICP-MS technique provides in situ accurate and reproducible (RSD 13–18%) analysis of low concentration trace elements and rare earth elements (REE) in soil samples (0.001–0.1 ppm). Analyses were carried out on thin sections prepared from undisturbed soil samples, collected from three different Bt (argillic, i.e. clay-illuviated) horizons in an Alfisol from the Muravera area (southeastern Sardinia, Italy). The main aims were (i) to develop and test the reliability of a LA-ICP-MS analytical method on soil thin sections and (ii) to explore the idea that concentrations of trace and rare earth elements in the different portions of a soil profile can be used to investigate their distribution, as a response to pedogenetic processes. The three horizons show similar features, particularly in terms of element concentrations and patterns. By comparing the concentration of REE and other trace elements in the clay coatings, the soil matrix and the skeletal rock fragments in the same horizon, a general enrichment trend is observed from the parent rock to the pedogenic matrix up to the illuvial pedofeatures, suggesting a prominent role of pedogenetic processes in element fractionation and distribution during weathering. In particular, the highest concentration of trace elements (and specifically REE) in clay coatings, which represent the most mobile solid phase in the soil profile, indicates that the former can be used as a reliable indicator of soil weathering if a preliminary assessment of the presence of clay coatings is achieved. In addition, the discontinuous trend of some trace elements among soil features of different horizons is consistent with field evidence of slope dynamics, marked by an erosive and depositional discontinuity along the soil profile.
- Published
- 2009
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129. A LA-ICP-MS study of minerals in the Rocche Rosse magmatic enclaves: Evidence of a mafic input triggering the latest silicic eruption of Lipari Island (Aeolian Arc, Italy)
- Author
Donatella Barca, Rosanna De Rosa, and M. Davì
- Subjects
geography ,geography.geographical_feature_category ,Lava ,Geochemistry ,Magma chamber ,Volcanic glass ,Volcanic rock ,Geophysics ,Geochemistry and Petrology ,Magma ,Phenocryst ,Igneous differentiation ,Mafic ,Geology - Abstract
The volcanic products of Lipari Island (Aeolian Arc, Italy) younger than 10 ka are mostly aphyric rhyolitic pumices and obsidians emitted during unusual strombolian-type eruptions, which ended with the emplacement of lava flows. The last volcanic activity on the island dates back to 1230 ± 40 AD, with the extrusion of Rocche Rosse (RR) obsidian lava flow. Recently, mafic enclaves of latitic to trachytic composition have been identified and an evolution process between these enclaves and the rhyolitic magma has been documented in detail [Davi, M., 2007. The Rocche Rosse rhyolitic lava flow (Lipari, Aeolian Islands): magmatological and volcanological aspects. Plinius, supplement to the European Journal of Mineralogy 33, 1–8]. In this work textural and trace-element investigation of mineral phases of the RR enclaves, such as crystals of clinopyroxene, olivine, plagioclase, alkali-feldspar and biotite, was carried out to delineate the most recent feeding system of the island, since such a reconstruction could be significant in terms of hazard forecasting. The results indicate that most of the mineral phases are reversely or oscillatory zoned with respect to both major and trace elements, suggesting an early crystallization under low f O 2 conditions from melts of intermediate composition, followed by a later growth from a more mafic (presumably shoshonitic–basaltic) magma than that from which their cores crystallized. Crystals of magnesium-rich pyroxene and forsteritic-rich olivine are indicative of the presence of this shoshonitic basaltic magma. Based on microanalytical data, it is suggested here that the feeding system of recent Lipari volcanic activity was characterized by a shoshonitic–basaltic magma originating from a deep reservoir, which may have evolved and stopped in the crust, generating zoned magma chambers at different depths, in which latitic and rhyolitic magmas reside. The sudden arrival of a new input of mafic melt may have interacted with these resident fractionated magmas and triggered the eruption. A plumbing system of this type has been shown to be active in the southern sector of the Aeolian Islands since the last 42 ka [Gioncada, A., Mazzuoli, R., Milton, A., 2005. Magma mixing at Lipari (Aeolian Islands, Italy): Insights from textural and compositional features of phenocrysts. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 145, 97–118; Peccerillo, A., Frezzotti, M.L., De Astis, G., Ventura, G., 2006. Modeling the magma plumbing system of Vulcano (Aeolian Islands, Italy) by integrated fluid-inclusion geobarometry, petrology and geophysics. Geology 34, 17–20]. It is concluded that the hazard assessment of Lipari Island should take into account the arrival of deep and never erupted mafic melts as eruption triggers of more evolved shallower magma bodies.
- Published
- 2009
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130. Volcanic soil formation in Calabria (southern Italy): The Cecita Lake geosol in the late Quaternary geomorphological evolution of the Sila uplands
- Author
Rosanna De Rosa, Carmine Apollaro, G. Vecchio, Gaetano Robustelli, Filippo Terrasi, and Fabio Scarciglia
- Subjects
geography ,geography.geographical_feature_category ,Geochemistry ,Pyroclastic rock ,Volcanic glass ,Volcanic rock ,Paleontology ,Geophysics ,Pedogenesis ,Geochemistry and Petrology ,Tephra ,Quaternary ,Geology ,Holocene ,Volcanic ash - Abstract
This paper focuses on the main morphological, physical, chemical and mineralogical features of an andic-like soil, widely outcropping in the Sila upland plateau of Calabria (southern Italy), and its potential role in tephrostratigraphy. A multidisciplinary and multiscale approach allowed identification of this soil as a “masked” distal archive of volcanic products, developed on granite rocks and sediments with a coeval pyroclastic input during pedogenesis. The study demonstrates that the contribution of volcanic parent materials can be successfully hypothesized and assessed even in the absence, limited extent or poor preservation of primary eruptive products. The soil has an Andisol-like appearance, despite laboratory data that do not match the entire suite of diagnostic criteria for the Andisol taxonomic order. Geomorphological, stratigraphic and pedologic results, coupled with tephrostratigraphic and radiometric data, concur to suggest a Late Pleistocene(?) to Holocene age of the Andisol-like soil. In particular, the rhyolitic chemical composition of small-sized glass fragments (identified by SEM–EDS analyses) indicates soil genesis contributed by volcanic ash, probably sourced from Aeolian Arc explosive activity spanning the last 30 ka. Accordingly, the evidence of limited relict clay illuviation and the specific type of pedogenesis allowing the development of andic properties (in turn related to the neoformation of clay minerals from the weathering of volcanic glass) are consistent with a climatic shift from a seasonally-contrasted to a constantly humid pedoenvironment. This change can be ascribed to the Lateglacial(?) or Early–Middle Holocene to Late Holocene transition. Calibrated AMS 14C dates performed on charcoal fragments sampled from three representative soil profiles, provide Late Holocene ages (3136 ± 19, 343 ± 16 and 92 ± 24 yr BP), in accord with archaeological finds. On the basis of the consistent stratigraphic position, lateral continuity and wide extent, the soil can be considered a good pedostratigraphic marker in the Sila highlands and is informally defined as the “Cecita Lake geosol”. It supplies valuable time constraints for the underlying (occasionally overlying) deposits and/or soils. Moreover, it allows regional-scale morphostratigraphic correlations and detailed reconstruction of Late Pleistocene–Holocene geomorphic events in Calabria, a very suitable region for distal tephra deposition in the central Mediterranean peri-volcanic area. The effects of high-energy volcanic eruptions are interfingered with or superimposed by other geomorphic processes and climatic or anthropogenic signals.
- Published
- 2008
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131. The influence of variable topography on the depositional behaviour of pyroclastic density currents: The examples of the Upper Pollara eruption (Salina Island, southern Italy)
- Author
Roberto Sulpizio, Paola Donato, and Rosanna De Rosa
- Subjects
geography ,geography.geographical_feature_category ,Geochemistry ,Pyroclastic rock ,Porphyritic ,Sedimentary depositional environment ,Volcanic rock ,Igneous rock ,Geophysics ,Impact crater ,Geochemistry and Petrology ,Rhyolite ,Sedimentology ,Geomorphology ,Geology - Abstract
Stratigraphic reconstruction of the Upper Pollara eruption has allowed for the inference of eruptive mechanisms and the distillation of a sedimentological model for pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) moving across variable topography. The pre-eruptive topography in the study area was characterised by a tuff ring-like morphology, with both inward and outward dipping slopes. Highly viscous, moderately porphyritic, dacitic to rhyolitic magmas fed the eruption, which was characterised by a Vulcanian eruptive style. The stratigraphic succession was divided into five eruption units (EUs), which result from different phases of the eruption separated by stases. Sustained columns occurred only during EU1, while PDC generation dominates EU2–5. Lithofacies analysis of the PDC deposits indicates the prevalence of massive coarse-grained deposits on the inner slopes of the Pollara crater, which are interpreted as the deposits of a flow-boundary zone dominated by granular flow or fluid escape regimes. Dune-bedded, massive to stratified lithofacies dominate the outer slopes of the Pollara crater, and are interpreted as the deposits of PDCs with flow-boundary zones in which traction played a major role. Thin, massive PDC deposits are exposed on the sub-horizontal Malfa terrace, and are interpreted as representative of flow-boundary zones dominated by a granular flow regime. The occurrence of stacked deposits indicates that most of the PDCs were characterised by unsteady pulsatory behaviour, with development of trains of pulses during their transport. The downcurrent lithofacies transitions observed for the Upper Pollara deposits have finally been compared with other similar lithofacies associations which have been described for short-lived PDCs at tuff rings, in order to discuss the influence of pre-eruptive topography on lithofacies association.
- Published
- 2008
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132. Hydrogeological and isotopic study of the multi-aquifer system of the Sibari Plain (Calabria, Southern Italy)
- Author
Giuseppe Cianflone, Rosanna De Rosa, Carmine Apollaro, Andrea Romanazzi, Rocco Dominici, Maurizio Polemio, Giovanni Vespasiano, and Luigi Marini
- Subjects
geography ,geography.geographical_feature_category ,Hydrogeology ,Brackish water ,Evaporite ,Lapse rate ,Geochemistry ,Geology ,Aquifer ,Isotopes of oxygen ,Sibari plain ,Seawater intrusion ,Infiltration (hydrology) ,Oxygen isotopes ,Seawater ,Geomorphology ,Northern calabria ,Groundwater ,Hydrogen isotopes - Abstract
Geochemical study allowed to recognize four groups of groundwater for the Sibari Plain (Southern Italy): Ca-HCO3, Na-Cl, Ca-Cl and Na-HCO3. Chloride-rich waters are located close to the Crati mouth that could be a preferential path for seawater ingression. In fact, seawater and brackish waters could move inland along the stream channel and enter the nearby aquifers due to excessive pumping of wells positioned near the river. In alternative, the occurrence of processes, such as ion exchange or dissolution of halite-bearing Miocene evaporite deposits can generate aqueous solutions with similar characteristics to those produced by seawater ingression. Moreover, was calculated the infiltration average (Hi, m a.s.l.) for groundwater of the Sibari Plain by the following equations: The data showed a lower average of the infiltrations in the inner part of the Sibari Plain, with values between 550 and 870 m a.s.l., and higher values (1000/1500 m a.s.l.) moving to NW and SE.
- Published
- 2016
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133. e-government: rotte, dirottamenti e naufragi (doi
- Author
Rosanna De Rosa, Valentina Reda, DE ROSA, Rosanna, and Reda, Valentina
- Abstract
La pubblicazione in agosto del report E-Government Survey è stata l’occasione per riprendere le fila di un dibattito sull’e-government che – senza tema di smentita – ha subito negli ultimi anni una brusca battuta di arresto. Lo stato di crisi economica in cui versa l’Europa ormai da diversi anni ha cambiato l’ordine delle priorità dei governi per dare maggiore enfasi a politiche strutturali sul piano finanziario. Eppure, il dibattito scientifico sul governo elettronico non ha mai smesso di evidenziare la possibilità che proprio dalle politiche di miglioramento dei servizi, di razionalizzazione della burocrazia facilitata dall’introduzione delle ICT a tutti i livelli gestionali e decisionali potesse generarsi quell’effetto di leapfrogging che, per molti paesi, poteva addirittura rappresentare il salto a piè pari di interi stadi di sviluppo per passare da economie tradizionali ad economie digitali, bypassando così la fase dell’industrializzazione pesante. In altre parole, c’era un potenziale nelle politiche di governo elettronico che è rimasto sostanzialmente inespresso. A partire dal report citato, la rubrica fa una breve disamina delle iniziative che a livello europeo ed italiano hanno l’obiettivo di sostenere le politiche per l’agenda digitale, nella speranza che queste non restino, appunto, solo in agenda.
- Published
- 2016
134. Le primarie presidenziali americane
- Author
Rosanna De Rosa, Valentina Reda, DE ROSA, Rosanna, and Reda, Valentina
- Subjects
Presidenziali americane, primarie, polling - Abstract
Il nastro di partenza delle primarie americane è tagliato. Fino all’8 novembre di quest’anno i riflettori di tutto il mondo saranno puntati sulla campagna presidenziale. Grandi preparativi, dunque, per seguire l’evento della politica americana che sa più di pluralismo. A giochi fatti, la campagna si restringerà ai due soli candidati selezionati per i partiti in lizza. Anche se la presenza di un terzo incomodo con cui fare i conti può rendere – come accaduto in passato – sia le primarie che la campagna elettorale eventi decisamente più competitivi. Di questo, le testate che fanno informazione politica son ben consapevoli ed è per questo che si predispongono per una horce race ad alzo zero fra i candidati del partito repubblicano – i più gettonati dei quali sono Donald Trump, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio e Ben Carson – e i candidati del partito democratico, con in testa Hillary Clinton, contro la quale solo Bernie Sanders e Martin O’Malley hanno deciso di candidarsi per la nomination presidenziale. A complicare ulteriormente il quadro, Michael Bloomberg, ex sindaco di New York nonché magnate dei media, che potrebbe scendere in campo da indipendente. Le questioni economiche sono ovviamente il cuore della primarie. A questo Politico.com dedica la sezione The Politico Caucus, facendo il benchmarking dei candidati in relazione ai diversi temi della campagna per la nomination. Mentre il New York Times, oltre ad uno spazio di approfondimenti, dedica una sezione dinamica a dati e infografiche su ciascun caucus, numero di delegati, voti e risultati finali aggregati e non, sia attuali che delle passate primarie, incrociati con dati demografici aggiornati. Un modo anche divertente per osservare le nomination da molto vicino.
- Published
- 2016
135. Mineralogical and textural characterization of the Alimini beach sands: implication on their provenance and transport processes
- Author
Carmine Vacca, Rocco Dominici, M. Tenuta, Paola Donato, Rosanna De Rosa, Marco Delle Rose, Miriam Verrino, Paola Basta, and Giuseppe Romano
- Subjects
Mount Vulture ,geography ,Provenance ,geography.geographical_feature_category ,Microcline ,010504 meteorology & atmospheric sciences ,Outcrop ,Metamorphic rock ,Geochemistry ,Geology ,engineering.material ,010502 geochemistry & geophysics ,Roundness (geology) ,Coastal erosion ,01 natural sciences ,garnets ,Volcano ,engineering ,Geomorphology ,Quartz ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences - Abstract
This work shows the granulometric, mineralogical and micromorphoscopic data of the Alimini (Lecce, Apulia) beach, an important touristic site with a strong erosive rate. Our study demonstrates that the sediments forming the sands are rarely related to the carbonatic rocks outcropping in the area. Rather, they are mainly represented by heavy minerals and quartz of volcanic and metamorphic origin. The presence of peculiar mineral phases as the melanitic garnet points to a provenance from the Vulture volcano. However, the occurrence of quartz, microcline and piralspitic garnets points to a simultaneous feeding from the southern Appenninic units. Sediments are probably eroded and transported by the Ofanto river. The high roundness of the grains witnesses the long transport along the coast and, probably, also the continuous recycle from the dune to the beach and vice versa.
- Published
- 2016
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136. Big data. Big challenges
- Author
Rosanna De Rosa, Valentina Reda, DE ROSA, Rosanna, and Reda, Valentina
- Subjects
big data, evidence-based policy, data visualization - Abstract
Una quindicina di anni fa Doug Laney (2001) si trovò a definire uno scenario emergente in cui – grazie alla crescente potenza di calcolo delle macchine – grandi mole di dati potevano essere messe insieme ed analizzate per rispondere più efficacemente alle nostre domande. Laney, senza nemmeno utilizzare il concetto di big data, evidenziava nel Volume (la massa dei dati), nella Velocity (di creazione e trasmissione) e nella Variety (delle fonti di informazioni) le caratteristiche costitutive di queste nuove grandi basi di dati. Solo di recente, alle ormai famose 3V se ne è aggiunta un’altra, la Veracity, vale a dire la qualità dei dati. Questo significa che l’inclusione nelle analisi empiriche di base di dati eterogenee, anche se grandi, comunque solleva domande sulla completezza e l’accuratezza dei dati raccolti. Tanto più se questi vengono restituiti al pubblico in forma di visualizzazioni ed infografiche più o meno spettacolari. L’uso di questi dispositivi per finalità di comunicazione è ormai enorme. In politica possono servire come strumento di fact-checking ad uso e consumo dell’opinione pubblica o come forme di persuasione più o meno occulta, per dare legittimità a politiche cosiddette evidence-based o per strategie di profilazione utenti. Le risorse che presentiamo in questa rubrica vanno interpretate come esempi d’uso, manifestazioni della potenza di calcolo da un lato e dell’idea – probabilmente sbagliata – che avere a che fare con i dati incrementi in qualche modo la nostra capacità di scelta razionale.
- Published
- 2016
137. Spatial Variation in the Accumulation of Elements in Thalli of the Lichen Pseudevernia furfuracea (L.) Zopf Transplanted Around a Biomass Power Plant in Italy
- Author
Luana Gallo, Donatella Barca, Lucio Lucadamo, Giovanni Vespasiano, Stefano Loppi, Rosanna De Rosa, and Anna Corapi
- Subjects
Pseudevernia furfuracea ,Pollution ,Air Pollutants ,Ascomycota ,Environmental Monitoring ,Italy ,Lichens ,Power Plants ,Trace Elements ,Toxicology ,Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis ,010504 meteorology & atmospheric sciences ,Power station ,media_common.quotation_subject ,010501 environmental sciences ,Atmospheric sciences ,01 natural sciences ,Botany ,Toxicology and Mutagenesis ,Lichen ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences ,media_common ,Biomass (ecology) ,biology ,Global wind patterns ,General Medicine ,biology.organism_classification ,Transplantation ,Health ,Environmental science ,Spatial variability - Abstract
Thalli of the lichen Pseudevernia furfuracea were transplanted for 3 months at 32 sites located in and around an industrial area of S Italy whose main anthropogenic sources of atmospheric trace elements are a biomass power plant and vehicular emissions. Meteorological stations were deployed at four sites for finer detection of local wind patterns. The station near the biomass power plant showed a significant S-SE wind component not detectable by measurements made at the regional scale or by the other local meteorological stations. Sb, Sn, and Mo showed a very high degree of covariance and a statistically significant correlation with traffic rate. No element concentrations in the exposed thalli were correlated with distance from the biomass power plant, although Ti and Co concentrations showed a significant correlation with the "Potential Number of Times the Winds coming from the biomass power plant Reach each exposure Site" (PNTWRS). This value is calculated dividing the time (minutes) during the experimental trimester that the wind blows from the power plant into each of the four geographical sides by the time (minutes) the winds passing through the power plant take to reach the exposure sites in each of the four geographical sides.) during the period of thalli transplantation. Moreover, there were significant differences among clusters of sites with different levels of enrichment of Ti, Co, Al, V, and Cu and a "local control" group. These results, together with the high covariance of the Al-Ti and V-Co pairs, indicate an association between the biomass power plant and spatial variation of Ti, Co, Al, and V levels in the transplanted lichens. The nature of the fuels used in the biomass power plant explains the spatial variation of As, Cr, Cu, and Zn concentrations.
- Published
- 2016
138. Out of the Fishbowl: Toward the Uberization of Teaching
- Author
Rosanna de rosa, Ruth kerr, Darco Jansen, Programme Manager EADTU Lizzie Konings, Logistic Project Officer EADTU, DE ROSA, Rosanna, and Kerr, RUTH ELIZABETH
- Subjects
MOOC, education, Teacher role - Abstract
In terms of recent innovations affecting the Higher Education sector, two are generating significant interest: the creation and delivery of MOOCs as Open Education Resources, and the concept of the flipped classroom, a pedagogic approach whereby the roles of teacher and learner change and focus is transitioned from the teacher to the learner. Although the connection between the two may not be immediately obvious, they represent different sides of the same coin, and they can be brought together in a blended learning approach. This paper aims to show that using MOOCs in a context of flipped (blended) approach can help to evaluate the potential impact of MOOCs in a changing society. The following paragraphs are based on a non-systematic observation of disintermediation phenomena in the context of various educational experiences during the pilot phase of the Emma Project1, accordingly to its objectives and challenges.
- Published
- 2016
139. Effects of source rocks, soil features and climate on natural gamma radioactivity in the Crati valley (Calabria, southern Italy)
- Author
Carmine Apollaro, Fabio Scarciglia, Gabriele Buttafuoco, Ilaria Guagliardi, Natalia Rovella, Andrea Bloise, and Rosanna De Rosa
- Subjects
crystalline rocks ,Geologic Sediments ,Environmental Engineering ,Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis ,Soil science ,010501 environmental sciences ,010502 geochemistry & geophysics ,01 natural sciences ,Natural (archaeology) ,Soil ,Radiation Monitoring ,medicine ,Environmental Chemistry ,Background Radiation ,Soil Pollutants, Radioactive ,soils ,climate ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences ,Radioisotopes ,Radionuclide ,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health ,General Medicine ,General Chemistry ,Contamination ,Seasonality ,medicine.disease ,Pollution ,Spectrometry, Gamma ,Source rock ,Italy ,Gamma Rays ,Soil water ,Natural radioactivity ,Environmental science ,Spatial variability ,seasonal control - Abstract
The study, which represents an innovative scientific strategy to approach the study of natural radioactivity in terms of spatial and temporal variability, was aimed to characterize the background levels of natural radionuclides in soil and rock in the urban and peri-urban soil of a southern Italy area; to quantify their variations due to radionuclide bearing minerals and soil properties, taking into account nature and extent of seasonality influence. Its main novelty is taking into account the effect of climate in controlling natural gamma radioactivity as well as analysing soil radioactivity in terms of soil properties and pedogenetic processes. In different bedrocks and soils, activities of natural radionuclides ((238)U, (232)Th (4) K) and total radioactivity were measured at 181 locations by means of scintillation γ-ray spectrometry. In addition, selected rocks samples were collected and analysed, using a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) equipped with an Energy Dispersive Spectrometer (EDS) and an X-Ray Powder Diffraction (XRPD), to assess the main sources of radionuclides. The natural-gamma background is intimately related to differing petrologic features of crystalline source rocks and to peculiar pedogenetic features and processes. The radioactivity survey was conducted during two different seasons with marked changes in the main climatic characteristics, namely dry summer and moist winter, to evaluate possible effects of seasonal climatic variations and soil properties on radioactivity measurements. Seasonal variations of radionuclides activities show their peak values in summer. The activities of (238)U, (232)Th and (4) K exhibit a positive correlation with the air temperature and are negatively correlated with precipitations.
- Published
- 2016
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140. The viscosity of shoshonitic melts (Vulcanello Peninsula, Aeolian Islands, Italy): Insight on the magma ascent in dikes
- Author
Rosanna De Rosa, Harald Behrens, Joachim Deubener, Francesco Vetere, Guido Ventura, Francois Holtz, and Valeria Misiti
- Subjects
Basalt ,Dike ,geography ,geography.geographical_feature_category ,Andesite ,Mineralogy ,Geology ,Atmospheric temperature range ,Peralkaline rock ,Silicate ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Viscosity ,chemistry ,Geochemistry and Petrology ,Magma - Abstract
The viscosity of shoshonitic melts and glasses from Vulcanello Peninsula (Vulcano Island, Italy) was experimentally determined at temperatures between 733 K and 1673 K. The water content of the melts varies from 0.03 to 4.75 wt.% H 2 O. The micropenetration technique was employed at ambient pressure in the high viscosity range (10 9 –10 12 Pa·s). Falling sphere(s) experiments were performed at 500 and 2000 MPa in the low viscosity range (10 0.5 –10 3 Pa·s). Results show a decrease of about 2 orders of magnitude in viscosity if ∼ 3 wt.% of water is added to the dry melt at 1300 K. At high temperature the viscosity of Vulcanello melts is intermediate between that of andesitic and basaltic melts. In contrast, at low temperatures (≤ 1050 K), the shoshonitic melt is characterized by a lower viscosity with respect to the two previous melts. The general viscosity models of Giordano et al. [Giordano, D., Mangiacapra, A., Potuzak, M., Russell, J.K., Romano, C., Dingwell, D.B., Di Muro, A., 2006. An expanded non-Arrhenian model for silicate melt viscosity: a treatment for metaluminous, peraluminous and peralkaline liquids. Chemical Geology 229, 42–56.] for dry silicate melts is in good agreement with the experimental data in the high temperature range (less than 0.3 log units) but shows significant differences in the low temperature range (up to 1.1 log units). The calculation model for hydrous silicate melts from Huy and Zhang [Huy, H., Zhang, Y., 2007. Toward a general viscosity equation for natural anhydrous and hydrous silicate melts. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 71, 403–416.] reproduces the new viscosity data in the high temperature range within ± 0.6 log units but shows as well large discrepancies in the low-T range for hydrous melts (deviations up to 2 log units). Thus we propose a specific calculation model to predict the viscosity of the shoshonitic melts as a function of temperature and water content. This model reproduces the experimental data (24 measurements) with a 1 σ standard deviation of 0.17 log units. The viscosity data are used to constrain the ascent velocity of shoshonitic magmas from Vulcanello within dikes. Using petrological data (temperature and crystal content of the magma) and volcanological information (geometrical parameters of the eruptive fissure and depth of magma storage), we estimate the time scale for the ascent of magma from the main reservoir to the surface. Results show time scales in the order of hours to few days. We conclude that the rapid ascent of poorly evolved melts from Moho depths should be taken into account for the hazard assessment of Vulcano Island.
- Published
- 2007
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141. Geochemical features of rocks, stream sediments, and soils of the Fiume Grande Valley (Calabria, Italy)
- Author
Carmine Apollaro, G. Vecchio, Paolo Settembrino, Fabio Scarciglia, Luigi Marini, and Rosanna De Rosa
- Subjects
Pollution ,Hydrology ,geography ,geography.geographical_feature_category ,media_common.quotation_subject ,General Engineering ,Drainage basin ,Geochemistry ,Weathering ,STREAMS ,Natural (archaeology) ,Anthropogenic pollution ,Soil water ,Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) ,General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,Environmental Chemistry ,Drainage network ,Geology ,General Environmental Science ,Water Science and Technology ,media_common - Abstract
The role of both natural weathering and anthropogenic pollution in controlling the distribution of major oxides and several trace elements in soils, stream sediments, and rocks of the Fiume Grande catchment was evaluated. The contents of major oxides and trace elements in soils appear to be governed by weathering and pedogenetic processes, although the use of fertilizers in agriculture could also partly affect K2O and P2O5 contents. Stream sediments have concentrations of major oxides (except CaO) very similar to soils, as relevant amounts of soil materials are supplied to the stream channels by erosive phenomena. In contrast, stream sediments have concentrations of Cr, Co, Ni, Zn, As, and Pb significantly higher than those of soils, probably due to different conditions and rates of mobility of these elements within the three considered matrices and/or disposal of wastes in the drainage network. Comparison of the concentrations of PHEs in soils with the maximum admissible contents established by the Italian law shows that these limits are too restrictive in some cases and too permissive in other ones. The approach of setting these limits with no consideration for the local geological–geochemical framework may lead to improper management of the territory and its resources.
- Published
- 2006
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142. Use of reaction path modeling to predict the chemistry of stream water and groundwater: a case study from the Fiume Grande valley (Calabria, Italy)
- Author
Luigi Marini, Rosanna De Rosa, and Carmine Apollaro
- Subjects
Calcite ,geography ,geography.geographical_feature_category ,General Engineering ,Mineralogy ,Aquifer ,engineering.material ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,chemistry ,Illite ,Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous) ,engineering ,General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,Environmental Chemistry ,Kaolinite ,Carbonate ,Dissolution ,Gibbsite ,Groundwater ,Geology ,General Environmental Science ,Water Science and Technology - Abstract
The irreversible water–rock mass exchanges leading to the production of the Fiume Grande valley (Calabria, Italy) stream waters and groundwaters, starting from local rainwaters, were simulated through reaction path modeling in reaction progress (stoichiometric) mode. The simulations assumed bulk dissolution of a phyllitic rock and calcite and precipitation of gibbsite, kaolinite, amorphous silica, illite, a smectite solid mixture, a hydroxide solid mixture, and a trigonal carbonate solid mixture. The analytical contents of major and trace elements in stream waters and groundwaters were satisfactorily reproduced. However, further investigations are necessary to clarify the fate of As in this natural systems.
- Published
- 2006
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- Author
Mauro Calise and Rosanna De Rosa
- Subjects
Sociology and Political Science ,Political Science and International Relations - Abstract
IntroduzioneSul governo elettronico (e-government per gli addetti ai lavori) pesa, dalle origini, un'ambivalenza — e ambiguità. Terminologica ma, al tempo stesso, politologica. Nella quasi totalità degli studi, sia di presentazione che di implementazione, l'e-government viene indicato come un processo di trasformazione tecnologica (più o meno radicale) di alcune prassi amministrative, con l'obiettivo principale (dichiarato) di rendere più trasparente, efficiente e interattiva l'erogazione di alcuni servizi e l'accesso a molte informazioni. In tale accezione, l'e-government si collocherebbe tra i processi di ammodernamento della macchina burocratica rientrando nell'affollata categoria dei tentativi di riforma della pubblica amministrazione. Coerentemente con tale impostazione, numerose definizioni sottolineano l'ambito strettamente implementativo e policy-oriented dei principali progetti di e-government, collegandoli — e condizionandoli — alle potenzialità tecnologiche offerte dallo sviluppo delle ICT e di Internet in particolare.
- Published
- 2003
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144. La geopolitica e lo spazio che conta
- Author
Rosanna De Rosa, Valentina Reda, Tommaso Ederoclite, DE ROSA, Rosanna, Reda, Valentina, and Ederoclite, Tommaso
- Subjects
geopolitica, georeferenze, banche dati - Abstract
Definita come quella scienza che si occupa «dei contesti spaziali delle opzioni politiche» e delle forme di potere che in tali contesti si generano (Treccani), la geopolitica ha goduto di fortune alterne fino almeno agli anni Settanta, quando la sua popolarità riprende a crescere grazie allo sviluppo delle relazioni internazionali e degli studi strategici. Per le sue caratteristiche ibride – a metà tra analisi e divulgazione – la disciplina non è riuscita a trovare una chiara collocazione accademica, in compenso si è sviluppata come braccio consulenziale di governi e, soprattutto, dei media. La sua centralità è oggi fuori discussione perché unica disciplina in grado di interpretare e posizionare nella giusta cornice di senso argomenti molto diversi fra loro quali i fenomeni immigratori, il nuovo emergere dei califfati, i temi socio-demografici, le rivoluzioni politiche e culturali, le differenze etniche e il fondamentalismo religioso. Quelle che seguono sono alcune delle iniziative in Rete in grado di offrire almeno una parziale rappresentazione del complesso ed organico mondo della geopolitica.
- Published
- 2015
145. Open up Internet Research
- Author
Rosanna De Rosa, V. Reda, T. Ederoclite, DE ROSA ROSANNA, DE ROSA, Rosanna, Reda, V., Ederoclite, . T., and ROSA ROSANNA, De
- Subjects
eResearch, wesources, open access - Abstract
Nel 2007 il Times sceglieva l’utente del web come persona dell’anno: Yes, You. You Control the Information Age. Welcome to Your World. Dal 2007 molta acqua sotto i ponti della Rete è passata e, a otto anni da quella copertina, il nuovo mondo è cresciuto in mole e complessità, così come si sono moltiplicati i tentativi da parte della ricerca, pubblica e privata, di mettere ordine nella comprensione dei meccanismi che lo governano. Obiettivo di questa rubrica è fornire alcuni primi riferimenti per orientarsi nel mondo della ricerca e dello studio intorno alla Rete. Ognuno di questi costituisce un hub di collegamento a network e comunità professionali ampie ed accreditate da cui imparare e con cui confrontarsi.
- Published
- 2015
146. Assessment of lead pollution in topsoils of a southern Italy area: analysis of urban and peri-urban environment
- Author
Domenico Cicchella, Ilaria Guagliardi, Gabriele Buttafuoco, and Rosanna De Rosa
- Subjects
Hydrology ,Topsoil ,Environmental Engineering ,Soil test ,Soil pollution ,Lead pollution ,Fluorescence spectrometry ,Environmental engineering ,Stochastic simulation ,General Medicine ,Vegetation ,Spatial distribution ,Soil contamination ,Soil ,Urban and peri-urban soils ,Geochemistry ,Italy ,Lead ,Soil Pollutants ,Environmental Chemistry ,Environmental science ,Cities ,Urban environment ,Environmental Monitoring ,General Environmental Science - Abstract
Exposure to lead (Pb) may affect adversely human health. Mapping soil Pb contents is essential to obtain a quantitative estimate of potential risk of Pb contamination. The main aim of this paper was to determine the soil Pb concentrations in the urban and peri-urban area of Cosenza–Rende to map their spatial distribution and assess the probability that soil Pb concentration exceeds a critical threshold that might cause concern for human health. Samples were collected at 149 locations from residual and non-residual topsoil in gardens, parks, flower-beds, and agricultural fields. Fine earth fraction of soil samples was analyzed by X-ray Fluorescence spectrometry. Stochastic images generated by the sequential Gaussian simulation were jointly combined to calculate the probability of exceeding the critical threshold that could be used to delineate the potentially risky areas. Results showed areas in which Pb concentration values were higher to the Italian regulatory values. These polluted areas were quite large and likely, they could create a significant health risk for human beings and vegetation in the near future. The results demonstrated that the proposed approach can be used to study soil contamination to produce geochemical maps, and identify hot-spot areas for soil Pb concentration.
- Published
- 2015
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147. Application of the Electrical Resistivity Tomography to investigate the stratigraphic architecture of a delta plain: the example of the Crati Delta (Calabria, southern Italy)
- Author
Giuseppe Cianflone (a), Daniela Tarallo (b), Michele Punzo (b), Giuseppe Cavuoto (b), Rocco Dominici (a), Vincenzo Di Fiore (b), Maurizio Sonnino (a), Nicola Pelosi (b), Ennio Marsella (b), Rosanna De Rosa (a), Ines Alberico (b), Antimo Angelino (b), and Laura Giordano (b)
- Subjects
Crati Delta ,Electrical Resistivity Tomography ,delta plain - Abstract
We apply the Electrical Resistivity Tomography to investigate the shallow (about 100m) stratigraphy of the Crati Delta plain. In this area, the stratigraphic architecture is made of a late Pleistocene coarsegrained coastal plain passing upward to marine clayey deposits, which are covered by transitional and continental sediments related to the holocenic delta evolution. These three main depositional units correspond to as many different "electrical facies" associations. The lower coarsegrained unit is characterized usually by high resistivity values or low ones if it is saturated? the middle clayeysilty unit consist of low resistivity values? the top unit shows middle/high resistivity values and widespread lensshaped bodies representative respectively of sandysilty sediments and gravelly-sandy channel bodies. In the Crati Delta plain, the various deposits do not show significant seasonal variations of the electrical resistivity because the water table fluctuations is low and the saturated conditions persists always.
- Published
- 2015
148. Coastal dynamics detected by X-Band Wave Radar system
- Author
Michele Punzo (a), Chiara Lanciano (b), Daniela Tarallo (a), Francesco Bianco (b), Giuseppe Cavuoto (a), Vincenzo Di Fiore (a), Giuseppe Cianflone (b), Rocco Dominici (b), Rosanna De Rosa (b), Michele Iavarone (a), Fabrizio Lirer (a), Nicola Pelosi (a), Scotto di Vettimo Paolo (a), Giovanni Ludeno (c), Antonio Natale (c), and Ennio Marsella (a)
- Subjects
submerged breakwater ,marine X-band radar ,sea state monitoring ,occurrence of rip current ,sea near-surface current estimation ,coastal areas ,Nearshore hydrodynamics - Abstract
Coastal dynamics is influenced by many natural phenomena, which include several factors as sea energy, geological setting and anthropogenic impact. It is very difficult to distinguish the effects of each factor because, in a transitional environment as the beach, some processes as aerial erosion and waves action work simultaneously. The aim of this study (realized during "SIGIEC" PON Project, http://www.sigiec.sister.it) is to understand and determine the main components of coastal dynamics and to deduce information about the bathymetry of the surf zone through the use of X-Band Wave Radar system (developed by Remocean©) in Calabria and Apulia Region (southern Italy). On 24-27 February 2015 a radar survey has been carried out in the test site of Bagnara Calabra (Calabria).
- Published
- 2015
149. OER nelle Università italiane: primi risultati di un'indagine conoscitiva del Gruppo CRUI OA-OER
- Author
Rosanna De Rosa, A. Tammaro, G. Roncaglia, E. Pantò, E. De Robbio, Minerva & A. Simone (Eds.), DE ROSA, Rosanna, Tammaro, A., Roncaglia, G., Pantò, E., and De Robbio, E.
- Subjects
OER, open education, resources - Abstract
Le OER si inseriscono nell'ambito del movimento Open Access e dell'accesso aperto alla conoscenza, ritenuta come bene comune e prevedono licenze aperte costruite nel rispetto dei diritti di proprietà intellettuale dell’autore come stabilito dalle convenzioni internazionali e dalle normative europee e nazionali. All’inizio del 2006, nell’ambito della Commissione biblioteche della CRUI, è stato costituito il Gruppo di lavoro per l’Open Access, coordinato dal prof. Roberto Delle Donne, con il compito di dare attuazione ai principi della Dichiarazione di Berlino. Il Gruppo CRUI Open Access ha creato un sottogruppo OER. Durante l'avvio della discussione del Sottogruppo OA-OER, ci si è accordati sull'idea di realizzare un'indagine e di creare una mappa dello stato dell'arte di OER in Italia. Il contributo presenta i primi risultati dell'indagine sulle OER nelle Università italiane.
- Published
- 2015
150. Wave-Field Measurements Using Marine X-Band Radar: case study of Bagnara Calabra (south Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy)
- Author
Michele Punzo(1), Chiara Lanciano(2), Daniela Tarallo(1), Francesco Bianco(2), Giuseppe Cavuoto(1), Rosanna De Rosa(2), Vincenzo Di Fiore(1), Fabrizio Lirer(1), Nicola Pelosi(1), Giuseppe Cianflone(2), Rocco Dominici(2), Michele Iavarone(1), Rodolfo Baculo(1), Paolo Scotto di Vettimo(1), Stefania Musella(1), Giovanni Ludeno(3), Antonio Natale(3), Roberta Iavarone(1), and Ennio Marsella(1)
- Subjects
submerged breakwater ,marine X-band radar ,sea state monitoring ,occurrence of rip current ,sea near-surface current estimation ,coastal areas ,Nearshore hydrodynamics - Abstract
This report presents an example of application of the X-Band Wave Radar under the actions of "Coastal Monitoring" provided in the SIGIEC PON Project (Integrated Management System for Coastal Erosion), realized by the University of Calabria in partnership with some companies and with the National Research Council (IAMC and ISAC). The Project deals with the assessment of causes and effects of intense erosion phenomena affecting beaches located in sample areas in the Italian regions of Calabria and Puglia. SIGIEC's main purpose is to implement a prototype of integrated system to support decisions, which includes both the development of coastal erosion models and technological options to contrast erosion thanks to risk mitigation systems, which have low environmental impact. The SIGIEC's system studies the impact of extreme events, which are potentially more frequent than the past due to climatic change on coast areas. Four days of X-Band Wave Radar data, 24-27 February 2015, have been analyzed using the Remocean system developed at IREA-CNR in order to obtain information about coastal erosion and useful data to project coastal defense works.
- Published
- 2015
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