131 results on '"Varela ‐ Centelles, Pablo"'
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102. Letter to the editor: Experience and knowledge of oral cancer and precancer among dentists in Northwestern Spain
- Author
Seoane, Juan, Varela-Centelles, Pablo, and Diz-Dios, Pedro
- Published
- 1999
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103. Aplicabilidad clínica y daño térmico generado por láser (diodo y Er,Cr:YSGG) en cirugía oral
- Author
González Mosquera, Antonio, Varela Centelles, Pablo Ignacio, García-Caballero Pérez, Lucía, Seoane Romero, Juan Manuel, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Facultade de Medicina e Odontoloxía. Departamento de Estomatoloxía, Varela Centelles, Pablo Ignacio (dir.), García-Caballero Pérez, Lucía (dir.), and Seoane Romero, Juan Manuel (dir.)
- Subjects
láser diodo ,biopsias orales ,Investigación::33 Ciencias tecnológicas::3311 tecnología de la instrumentación::331103 Instrumentos para odontología [Materias] ,Investigación::32 Ciencias médicas::3213 Cirugía::321313 Ortodoncia-estomatología [Materias] ,cirugía oral ,leucoplasias orales - Abstract
La utilización del láser en cirugía oral es una práctica cada vez mas utilizada , tanto para la toma de biopsias como para la terapéutica El objetivo de este estudio es comparar y demostrar las diferencias a nivel histológico y clínico (preferentemente en biopsias orales) de estos dos tipos de láser. Con este fin se diseñaron 3 estudios encargados de evaluar las diferentes alternativas terapéuticas y diagnósticas en biopsia oral. Dos de los estudios se realizaron en modelo animal (rata SpragueADawley) y uno en humanos. El primer estudio , compara transversalmente las diferencias entre los láser CO2y ER,CR:YSGG en la toma de muestras de tejido oral en rata. El segundo, es un ensayo clínico en humanos, valorando la efectividad en la resección de leucoplasias de diversas localizaciones de la cavidad oral. Tercero, donde se compara, el proceso de epitelización de la herida en las diferentes semanas postatratamiento, enfrentando al laser de diodo y el bisturí frio.. Concluimos a la vista de los resultados: El láser CO2produce cambios artefactuales en la herida que simulan atipias celulares propias de la displasia, dificultando así el diagnostico. El láser Er, CR;YSSG demuestra ser mas efectivo y menos agresivo térmicamente. La irradiación con láser ER, CR;YSGG provoca una mínima cantidad de artefactos al ser utilizadas en el tratamiento de leucoplasias orales. La utilización de láser diodo, para la toma de biopsias orales provoca una reepitelización irregular e hiperplasica que desaconseja totalmente su uso a este fin.
- Published
- 2016
104. Knowledge and awareness about oral cancer in the community
- Author
Ulloa Morales, Yaima, Seoane Romero, Juan Manuel, Varela Centelles, Pablo Ignacio, Mora Bermúdez, María Jesús, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Escola de Doutoramento Internacional (EDIUS), and Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Programa de Doutoramento en Ciencias Odontolóxicas
- Subjects
cáncer oral ,conocimientos de cáncer oral ,cáncer de boca ,Investigación::32 Ciencias médicas::3213 Cirugía::321313 Ortodoncia-estomatología [Materias] - Abstract
El cáncer oral es la séptima causa de muerte en hombres y décima en mujeres en Europa, con una tasa de supervivencia en España del 53%. A pesar de ser la boca fácilmente accesible a la exploración, casi la mitad de estos cánceres se diagnostican en estadios avanzados. Objetivos: Investigar la alerta ante el cáncer oral en Galicia y el grado de conocimiento de sus factores de riesgo, signos y síntomas. Estudiar la información sobre cáncer oral disponible en línea y si ésta podría ser útil para disminuir el intervalo de toma de conciencia de los pacientes. Material y métodos: Estudio transversal comunitario sobre sujetos seleccionados aleatoriamente en las cuatro capitales gallegas en diferentes localizaciones en una suerte de método pathfinder. Estudio transversal realizado en tres repositorios de intercambio de vídeos usando las palabras clave cáncer de boca y cáncer oral. Resultados: 5.727 personas participaron en el estudio (tasa de respuesta 53%), principalmente entre los 45 y 64 años (30,2%; n=1.728), 47,7% de ellas fueron hombres (n=2.729).El cáncer oral se mencionó; por el 3% de los participantes como primera respuesta no evocada. 1.024 personas (17,95%) mostraron conocimiento activo sobre cáncer oral (no evocado). Conclusiones: La población general tiene un bajo grado de alerta y conocimiento sobre cáncer oral, sus factores de riesgo y signos de alarma. Son necesarias intervenciones educativas adecuadas para promover la prevención primaria del cáncer oral. Los recursos audiovisuales disponibles en línea sobre cáncer oral en español son incompletos.
- Published
- 2022
105. Conocimientos sobre cáncer oral entre los herbolarios y herboristerías del Norte de Galicia
- Author
Maldonado Martínez, Irene, Varela Centelles, Pablo Ignacio, Seoane Romero, Juan Manuel (dir.), and Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Facultade de Medicina e Odontoloxía
- Abstract
Traballo Fin de Grao en Odontoloxía. Curso 2020-2021 Objetivo: determinar el nivel de conocimientos sobre el cáncer oral entre el personal de los herbolarios y herboristerías del Norte de Galicia. Sujetos y método: estudio transversal mediante cuestionarios anónimos y voluntarios realizados por vía telefónica en una muestra representativa de herbolarios y herboristerías, cuyas tiendas físicas se sitúan en las provincias de A Coruña y Lugo. Se realizó una búsqueda en Internet para localizar estos negocios. Resultados: Participaron en este estudio 71 herbolarios y herboristerías. El “cáncer de boca” fue mencionado por el 18,3% de los/las participantes, de las cuales el 2,8% fue mencionado entre las tres primeras posiciones y un 1,4% en primera posición. Una vez el cáncer de boca fue evocado por la entrevistadora, el 92,9% de la muestra afirmó conocerlo. El 81,4% de los encuestados y encuestadas consideran menos frecuente el cáncer oral respecto al de cuello de útero. Los síntomas mencionados con más frecuencia sin ser evocados fueron: “flemón o bulto” (23,9%) y “herida que no cura” (22,5%), seguidos de “dolor en la boca” (16.9%). Tras ser evocados, “Herida que no cura”, “molestias en la boca o en la lengua” y “flemón o bulto” pasaron a ser los síntomas más mencionados (92,7%, 89,8% y 81,1%). El 18,3% de los y las participantes consideran que existe relación entre el VPH y el COCE. El 88,7% de los encuestados y encuestadas consultarían con un médico/a o dentista si tuvieran una úlcera que molesta en la boca durante más de tres semanas. Conclusiones: El grado de conocimientos sobre COCE entre los trabajadores y trabajadoras de herbolarios y herboristerías es insuficiente, lo cual constituye un dato relevante a la hora de valorar los beneficios potenciales de realizar campañas de concienciación específica sobre el cáncer oral en herbolarios y herboristerías en un futuro, por ser éstas un posible factor de atraso diagnóstico en el cáncer oral Obxectivo: determinar o nivel de coñecementos acerca do cancro oral entre o persoal dos herbolarios e herboristerías do Norte de Galicia. Suxeitos e método: estudo transversal por medio de enquisas anónimas e voluntarias realizadas vía telefónica nunha mostra representativa de herbolarios e herboristerías, cuxas tendas físicas situanse nas provincias de A Coruña e Lugo. Realizouse unha busca en Internet para localizar ditos negocios. Resultados: Participaron neste estudo 71 herbolarios e herboristerías. O “cancro de boca” foi mencionado polo 18,3% dos/das participantes, das cales o 2,8% foi mencionado nas tres primeiras posicións e un 1,4% na primeira posición. Unha vez o cancro de boca foi evocado pola entrevistadora, o 92,9% da mostra afirmou coñecelo. O 81,4% dos enquisados e enquisadas consideran menos frecuente o cancro oral respecto ao de colo de útero. Os síntomas mencionados con maior frecuencia sen seren evocados foron: “flegmón ou bulto” (23,9%) e “Ferida que non cura” (22,5%), seguidos de “dolor na boca” (16,9%). Tras seren evocados, “Ferida que non cura”, “Molestias na boca ou na lingua” e “flegmón ou bulto” pasaron ser os síntomas máis mencionados (92,7%, 89,8% e 81,1%). O 18,3% dos e das participantes consideran que existe relación entre o VPH e o COCE. O 88,7% dos enquisados e enquisadas consultarían cun médico/a ou dentista se tiveran unha úlcera que molesta na boca durante más de tres semanas. Conclusións: O grao de coñecementos acerca do COCE entre os traballadores e traballadoras de herbolarios e herboristerías é insuficiente. O cal constitue un dato relevante de cara a valorar os beneficios potenciais de levar a cabo campañas de concienciación específica sobre o cancro oral en herbolarios e herboristerias nun futuro, por seren éstas un posible factor de atraso na diagnose oral Aim: to determine oral cancer awareness amongst North-Galician herbalists. Subjects and method: cross-sectional study conducted through anonymous and voluntary telephone surveys applied to a representative sample of herbalists’ shops, whose physical stores are located in Northern Galicia. Herbal shops’ were identified from web searches. Results: A total of 71 herbal shops entered the study. “Oral cancer" was recalled by 18.3% of the participants, 2.8% of them mentioned among the top three positions and 1.4% in the first position. Once oral cancer was prompted by the interviewer, 92.9% of the sample claimed to know it. 81.4% of respondents consider oral cancer less common than cervical cancer. The most frequently mentioned symptoms without being prompted were: "gumboil or lump" (23.9%) and "non-healing ulcer" (22.5%), followed by "sore mouth" (16.9%). After being prompted, "non-healing ulcer", "discomfort in the mouth or tongue" and "gumboil or lump" became the most frequently mentioned symptoms (92.7%, 89.8% and 81.1% respectively). 18.3% of the participants consider that there is a relationship between HPV and oral cancer. 88.7% of respondents would consult with a physician or dentist if experiencing a non-healing ulceration for more than three weeks. Conclusions: The level of knowledge about oral cancer among herbalists is insufficient, which is a relevant fact when assessing the potential benefits of conducting specific oral cancer awareness campaigns among herbalists in the future, as they may be potential contributors to diagnostic delay in oral cancer
- Published
- 2021
106. Cross contamination clinic-dental laboratory: Magnitude of the problem and proposal for action
- Author
Vázquez Rodríguez, Inés, Varela Centelles, Pablo Ignacio, Santana Mora, Urbano Alejandro, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Escola de Doutoramento Internacional (EDIUS), Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Programa de Doutoramento en Ciencias Odontolóxicas, and Varea Centelles, Pablo Ignacio
- Subjects
stomatognathic diseases ,stomatognathic system ,education ,dental laboratories ,Investigación::32 Ciencias médicas::3213 Cirugía::321313 Ortodoncia-estomatología [Materias] ,cross infection - Abstract
Over the course of the dental practice, both workers and patients are exposed to a wide variety of microorganisms susceptible to cause infection. The rigorous control normally followed during disinfection and sterilization of dental equipment in dental clinics may not be followed with the orthodontic or prosthodontic equipment sent to the dental laboratory. This doctoral thesis aims to review the practices of cross contamination control in prosthetic laboratories, determine the situation in Galicia, evaluate the audiovisual resources available on the Internet for self-training, analyze the knowledge about dental impression disinfection amongst undergraduate dental students during their clinical years at the University of Santiago de Compostela and create a self-training tool adapted to the needs of the undergraduate students.
- Published
- 2021
107. YouTube® como fuente de información del cáncer oral
- Author
Negreira Martínez, Francisco, Varela Centelles, Pablo Ignacio, Seoane Romero, Juan Manuel (dir.), and Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Facultade de Medicina e Odontoloxía
- Subjects
Internet ,Educación do paciente ,Oral cancer ,Patient education ,Cáncer oral ,Spanish ,Educación del paciente ,Diagnostic delay ,Retraso diagnóstico ,Español ,Atraso diagnóstico ,Castelán ,Cancro oral ,YouTube® - Abstract
Traballo Fin de Grao en Odontoloxía. Curso 2020-2021 Introducción: El cáncer oral agrupa a las neoplasias malignas que surgen en la cavidad bucal. Se calcula que el COCE representa el 2% de todos los nuevos casos de cáncer en todo el mundo y aproximadamente la misma proporción de muertes relacionadas con neoplasias, situándose así en el décimo lugar en cuanto a prevalencia se refiere. Hasta la fecha, nunca se había analizado la información en español disponible en YouTube® sobre esta neoplasia. Objetivos: Estudiar cómo es la información del cáncer oral disponible en YouTube®. Y valorar si finalmente esos contenidos podrían resultar beneficiosos respecto a la disminución del intervalo de tiempo por parte del paciente en el proceso diagnóstico, mejorando así el diagnóstico precoz. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal en YouTube®. A partir del cual se registraron datos demográficos y se calcularon índices de interacción, utilidad, y amplitud; así como la tasa de visualización para cada vídeo. También se estudió la presencia de información no apoyada científicamente. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo, y se contempló el tipo de relación entre las variables mediante la prueba de correlación de Spearman. Resultados: Se analizaron 117 vídeos, principalmente producidos por medios de comunicación masivos (43,59%; n=51). La mediana de la duración se situó en 4,15 minutos (RIC: 2,32-10,00). La tasa de visualización sitúa la mediana en 196,7 (RIC: 41,3-1271,2). La interacción de los espectadores con los videos fue en general positiva; el índice de interacción fue 0,36 (RIC: 0,19-074%). El vídeo que alcanzó mayor puntuación en el índice de utilidad (10 puntos) tiene como fuente de origen un medio de comunicación televisivo mexicano, con una duración de 105 minutos presentaba 3363 visitas (tasa de visualización: 346,7%, tasa de interacción: 1,48%). Mientras que el vídeo con más visitas (10.640.964 visualizaciones; tasa de visualización 670930,9; tasa de interacción: 0,44%), con una duración de 27,9 minutos, tuvo una puntuación de 0 en el índice de utilidad; su procedencia era un canal de televisión de Estados Unidos. Se mostró una correlación negativa muy baja entre la amplitud y la tasa de visualización (-0,173; p
- Published
- 2021
108. Diagnostic delay of oral cancer during Covid-19 pandemic
- Author
Romero Rivera, Pablo, Varela Centelles, Pablo Ignacio, Seoane Romero, Juan Manuel (dir.), and Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Facultade de Medicina e Odontoloxía
- Subjects
Retraso diagnóstico ,Revisión sistemática ,Cáncer oral ,Covid-19 - Abstract
Traballo Fin de Grao en Odontoloxía. Curso 2020-2021 OBJETIVOS: analizar el impacto de la pandemia Covid-19 en el retraso del diagnóstico del cáncer oral. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: para la elaboración de esta revisión bibliográfica se realizó la búsqueda de artículos científicos a través de las bases de datos Pubmed, Scopus y Embase, así como del buscador Google Académico, a fecha 6 de febrero de 2021. Las palabras clave seleccionadas para la búsqueda fueron: “oral cancer”, “diagnostic delay” y “covid-19”. Los criterios de inclusión fueron: documentos publicados a partir de diciembre de 2019, que contengan las palabras clave y que traten el objetivo del trabajo. No se hicieron restricciones respecto al tipo de estudio. Se siguió la metodología PRISMA para revisiones sistemáticas. RESULTADOS: Se identificaron 8792 referencias individuales que, una vez aplicados los criterios de selección, resultaron en 22 publicaciones seleccionadas para su análisis. La actividad clínica se ha visto limitada por el impacto de la pandemia suponiendo una reducción en el número de visitas. Esto derivó en una disminución de casos diagnosticados de cáncer oral y lesiones potencialmente malignas según se indica en algunos estudios, aumentando la morbilidad y mortalidad. El retraso en la identificación de la lesión y en la atención primaria han sido los intervalos sobre cuyo retraso ha influido en mayor medida la pandemia. La asistencia y educación virtual, así como la priorización de los servicios sanitarios son algunas de las recomendaciones para el control y prevención ante la situación actual y posibles similares. CONCLUSIONES: hoy en día no existe evidencia científica suficiente para demostrar con certeza el impacto de la pandemia Covid-19 en el retraso diagnóstico del cáncer oral. No todos los estudios coinciden en atribuir a la pandemia la disminución de casos diagnosticados de cáncer oral y lesiones potencialmente malignas. Sin embargo, las restricciones implantadas para frenar la expansión del virus provocaron un retraso en la identificación de las lesiones y en la atención primaria de algunos centros. La telemedicina es una herramienta útil para evitarlo, y para facilitar a los profesionales la detección precoz del cáncer oral
- Published
- 2021
109. Periodontal awareness, related knowledge, and analysis of clinical counselor in Galicia
- Author
Diz Iglesias, Pedro, Varela Centelles, Pablo Ignacio, Seoane Romero, Juan Manuel (dir.), Estany Gestal, Ana, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Escola de Doutoramento Internacional (EDIUS), and Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Programa de Doutoramento en Ciencias Odontolóxicas
- Subjects
knowledge ,Investigación::32 Ciencias médicas::3202 Epidemologia [Materias] ,cross sectional ,interprofessional education ,primary prevention ,periodontal disease ,Investigación::32 Ciencias médicas::3210 Medicina preventiva [Materias] ,awareness ,Investigación::32 Ciencias médicas::3213 Cirugía::321313 Ortodoncia-estomatología [Materias] ,early diagnosis - Abstract
La enfermedad periodontal o periodontitis es una patología inflamatoria crónica de etiología bacteriana que puede causar la pérdida de las piezas dentarias si no es diagnosticada a tiempo. El principal inconveniente en su diagnóstico precoz es la dificultad para detectar signos y síntomas por parte del paciente, ya que los iniciales son comunes a gran parte de la población (sangrado de encías, eritema, halitosis..etc). Por todo ello, es importante conocer el nivel de conocimiento en nuestro entorno, tanto de la población como de los principales transmisores de información en salud (médicos/as y enfermeros/as), con el fin de determinar medidas educativas en cuanto a la prevención, diagnóstico temprano y tratamiento de la periodontitis
- Published
- 2020
110. Cone beam computed tomographic analysis of vascular structures in the maxillary sinus prior to sinus lift surgery
- Author
Loira Gago, María José, Varela Centelles, Pablo Ignacio, García-Caballero Pérez, Lucía, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Departamento de Cirurxía e Especialidades Médico-Cirúrxicas, Facultade de Medicina e Odontoloxía, García-Caballero Pérez, Lucía (dir.), and Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Facultade de Medicina e Odontoloxía
- Subjects
Meta-analysis ,Posterior superior alveolar artery ,Cone-beam computed tomography ,Investigación::32 Ciencias médicas::3213 Cirugía::321313 Ortodoncia-estomatología [Materias] ,Sinus floor augmentation - Abstract
The second most common complication during sinus lift surgery procedures is severe bleeding. Anatomical studies have consistently detected intraosseous anastomosis of the posterior superior alveolar artery in the area of the lateral wall of the maxillary sinus where the antrostomy use to be performed but CThe second most common complication during sinus lift surgery procedures is severe bleeding. Anatomical studies have consistently detected intraosseous anastomosis of the posterior superior alveolar artery in the area of the lateral wall of the maxillary sinus where the antrostomy use to be performed but CT scans failed to identify these structures in many patients. In this investigation it was carry out a Systematic review and meta-analysis to assess the prevalence of this artery in the lateral sinus wall of the maxillary sinus using CT/CBCT in patients candidates for sinus lift surgery. There were also perform three retrospective observational studies of a sample of patients candiates of sinus lift surgery procedures using CBCT explorations from the Radiology Unit of the School of Medicenie and Dentisty of the USC. 466 maxilary sinus where studied with a triple objetive: -To study the variables related to the prevalence of the artery detection and to study the variables related to its detection while allowing for potential confounding factors. -To identify the variables related to patients at risk of iatrogenic bleeding with the artery located within 15mm of the bony crest and explain the course variations beyond the safe distance. -To identify variables related to the diameter of the artery to identify profiles at risk for bleeding complications. . In this investigation it was carry out a Systematic review and meta-analysis to assess the prevalence of this artery in the lateral sinus wall of the maxillary sinus using CT/CBCT in patients candidates for sinus lift surgery. There were also perform three retrospective observational studies of a sample of patients candiates of sinus lift surgery procedures using CBCT explorations from the Radiology Unit of the School of Medicenie and Dentisty of the University of Santiago de Compostela. 466 maxilary sinus where studied with a triple objetive: -To study the variables related to the prevalence of the artery detection and to study the variables related to its detection while allowing for potential confounding factors. -To identify the variables related to patients at risk of iatrogenic bleeding with the artery located within 15mm of the bony crest and explain the course variations beyond the safe distance. -To identify variables related to the diameter of the artery to identify profiles at risk for bleeding complications.
- Published
- 2018
111. Contributions to lip biopsy procedures for the diagnosis of Sjögren syndrome
- Author
Sánchez Sánchez, Mariña, Varela Centelles, Pablo Ignacio, Seoane Lestón, Juan Manuel, Seoane Romero, Juan Manuel, and Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Facultade de Medicina e Odontoloxía. Departamento de Estomatoloxía
- Subjects
Investigación::32 Ciencias médicas::3213 Cirugía::321313 Ortodoncia-estomatología [Materias] ,Sjögren syndrome ,lip biopsies - Abstract
Salivary gland biopsy is one of the criteria employed for the diagnosis of Sjögren syndrome, mainly relying on the presence of focal sialadenitis (focus score ≥1) in minor salivary glands. Despite this clear advantage and the morbidity associated to the procedure, such as occasional sever neurological complications, there is no standard technique for undertaking lip biopsies. Currently, there are different surgical approaches for harvesting glandular tissue from the inner side of the lip, characterised by the size, orientation, and type of the incision as well as by the biopsy site. An updated, comprehensive, literature review has been undertaken together with an assessment of the procedures described for performing biopsies of minor salivary glands, which resulted on the need for improving both instruments and biopsy methods in order to diminish patient morbidity. Second, a pilot study aimed at examining the presence of nerve fibres in minor salivary glands tissue samples obtained by two procedures (punch vs. linear incisional technique). Within the limitations the study, our results strongly discourage punch techniques for minor salivary gland lip biopsies and provide information on the superiority of linear incisional biopsies in terms of neural damage. Finally, a new technique for minor salivary gland biopsy, with a potential for minimising the reported adverse effects of the procedure while easing the process and improving tissue stability, will be investigated
- Published
- 2014
112. Oral cancer: Factors related to late stage diagnosis. Impact of delay in diagnosis on survival
- Author
Seoane Romero, Juan Manuel, Suárez Quintanilla, David, Varela Centelles, Pablo Ignacio, and Seoane Lestón, Pablo I.
- Subjects
[Oral cancer] ,Investigación::32 Ciencias médicas::3207 Patología::320713 Oncología [Materias] ,Early detection - Abstract
El cáncer de cabeza y cuello es la octava causa de muerte por cáncer en el mundo, y prácticamente la mitad de los pacientes son diagnosticados con enfermedades avanzadas. Estos estadios avanzados se asocian a altas tasas de mortalidad, con supervivencias a los 5 años que van del 82% para enfermedades localizadas al 27.6% en los casos con metástasis a distancia, sin que esta tasa de mortalidad haya sufridos variaciones sensibles en las últimas décadas. De hecho, aproximadamente un 19% de todos los pacientes diagnosticados de cáncer oral fallecen en durante el primer año, independientemente de los tratamientos a los que hayan sido sometidos. La relación entre el estadio en el momento del diagnóstico y la supervivencia concede a este parámetro un valor pronóstico intuitivo, corroborado por un ingente número de estudios que lo identifican como el más relevante de todas las variables implicadas en la supervivencia de estos pacientes. Sin embargo, es muy poco conocida la relación entre el retraso diagnóstico en cáncer oral y la extensión de la enfermedad diagnosticada en estadios avanzados (TMN III-IV) y una tasa de supervivencia baja. Es por esto, por lo que el diagnóstico precoz (Early detection) parece ser la piedra angular para reducir el retraso diagnóstico y mejorar la supervivencia al tumor. Sin embargo, este término es confuso y admite al menos un doble significado. De una parte, “precoz” informa sobre un pequeño tamaño tumoral en el momento de la detección y de otra “precoz” se refiere a un corto intervalo de tiempo para el diagnóstico.
- Published
- 2014
113. Awareness of Oral Disorders Among Community-Dwelling Elderly Spaniards.
- Author
Cea-Arestín P, Blanco-Hortas A, Varela-Centelles P, Seoane-Romero J, Varela-Centelles A, and Seoane-Romero JM
- Subjects
- Aged, Educational Status, Female, Humans, Independent Living, Male, Oral Health, Smoking, Bruxism, Periodontal Diseases epidemiology, Periodontal Diseases prevention & control
- Abstract
Introduction: Oral status has a clear impact on systemic health, a key component of successful aging. Awareness of oral disorders permits early diagnoses and treatments. This study investigates oral disorders awareness among community-dwelling elders. Methods: Community-based survey through face-to-face interviews undertaken in four cities at busy commercial and administrative areas. Results: A total of 789 people were recruited, mostly nonsmoker (60.3%) males (56.9%) with basic education (65.6%). The most frequently recalled disorder was bruxism, followed by periodontal diseases and ulcerations/aphthae. Caries was mentioned by 3.91%. Dentate participants were more aware of dental-related disorders, such as bruxism ( p = .001) and periodontitis ( p = .010), except for caries ( p = .100). Caries awareness was related to educational level ( p = .018) and smoking ( p = .020), as was oral cancer ( p = .019) with former smokers more aware of this neoplasm. Education was strongly related with periodontal awareness ( p = .001). Conclusion: Awareness of the main oral disorders is worryingly poor among the elderly population and immediate action is required by taking advantage of the position of family nurses in the treatment of systemic chronic disorders and through educational interventions on this population subgroup to ease preventive behaviors, favor early diagnoses, and promote simpler, more effective treatments with a lower financial burden.
- Published
- 2022
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114. Family nurses, oral hygiene, and educational implications: a cross-sectional study.
- Author
Varela-Centelles P, Bugarín-González R, Blanco-Hortas A, Estany-Gestal A, Varela-Centelles A, and Seoane-Romero JM
- Subjects
- Cross-Sectional Studies, Humans, Mouthwashes, Surveys and Questionnaires, Oral Health, Oral Hygiene
- Abstract
Objective: To describe family nurses self-reported oral hygiene practices and to compare them with those of their potential patients in a public, free, and universal primary healthcare system., Material and Methods: Cross-sectional study using an anonymous questionnaire applied to randomly selected participants and their family nurses., Results: A total of 1,394 people entered the study (1,326 laypersons, 66 nurses). Not all nurses reported to brush their teeth daily. Daily interdental cleaning scored percentages lower than mouthwashes. Devices like oral irrigators or tongue scrappers were not used by family nurses., Conclusions: Nurses' oral self-care routines are similar to those of university graduates, with poor reported interdental cleaning. Oral health promotion activities may contribute to nurse's oral health and could have a positive effect on their patients.
- Published
- 2020
115. Surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion using customized bone-borne devices.
- Author
Bilbao A, Pérez-Varela JC, Pérez-López D, and Varela-Centelles P
- Abstract
Correction of maxillary compression via palatal expansion is easy in children and adolescents, but more complicated once growth is finished. This correction may be performed by progressive expansion using orthopaedic appliances after osteotomy with more stable results, which facilitate a second phase to achieve larger expansions. We present a clinical case treated using a customized device that improves predictability. The stability of the device is ensured by multiple support points with 8 screws that fix it to the palate. Key words: Surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion, stereolithographic model, customized, bone-borne, expansion device., Competing Interests: Conflict of interest statement: None declared.
- Published
- 2018
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116. Accessibility to editorial information in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery journals: The authors' point of view.
- Author
Castelo-Baz P, Leira-Feijoo Y, Seoane-Romero JM, Varela-Centelles P, and Seoane J
- Subjects
- Authorship, Cross-Sectional Studies, Dentistry, General Surgery, Humans, Journal Impact Factor, Oral Medicine, Otolaryngology, Peer Review, Research, Publishing, Time Factors, Access to Information, Editorial Policies, Periodicals as Topic, Surgery, Oral
- Abstract
Objective: To evaluate the accessibility to editorial information in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery journals., Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study using the WOS-Web of Science database in three categories: "Surgery," "Otorhinolaryngology," and "Dentistry, Oral Surgery & Medicine" was designed. Journals were filtered by title and classified under three headings: OMFS specialty; OMFS subspecialty and related sciences; and multidisciplinary journals. Specialty scope (OMFS vs. other); impact factor; path for the manuscript; blinding policy; accessibility to reviewers' criteria; and percentage of acceptance., Results: Only 46 of 330 journals met the inclusion criteria. All OMFS journals provided comprehensive information about the review process, compared to 5 of 27 (18.5%) of Oral Surgery and related sciences periodicals. Most specialty journals do not inform about the blind review mode used (20 of 33; 60.6%). Generally, information about the reviewers' assessment criteria is scarce, but is available from all OMFS journals, which also state the percentage of manuscript acceptance (100% vs. 14.8%)., Conclusions: OMFS JCR journals provide adequate information about their editorial process in terms of path for the manuscript, accessibility to reviewers' criteria, and percentage of acceptance. Additional efforts are needed to increase accessibility to information about blinding policy and average time from submission to acceptance., (Copyright © 2015 European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2015
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117. Unifocal orofacial granulomatosis in retromolar mucosa: surgical treatment with Er,Cr:YSGG laser.
- Author
Castelo-Baz P, Seoane-Romero JM, García-Caballero L, Suárez-Peñaranda JM, Romero-Méndez MA, and Varela-Centelles P
- Abstract
Orofacial granulomatosis is defined by permanent or recurrent swelling of orofacial tissues with different multiform and multifocal clinical patterns. An 11-year old boy presented with a 2-month history of mucosa enlargement. Intraoral examination revealed an erythematous, polylobulated, exophytic lesion with a smooth surface located in retromolar mucosa, non-tender and non-infiltratated to palpation. The diagnosis was inflammatory lesion compatible with pyogenic granuloma and laser excision was decided. Haematological parameters were within normal range, as well as chest Xrays. These findings lead to a diagnosis of non-symptomatic orofacial granulomatosis, whose early diagnosis can minimize the impact of systemic-related disorders, like Chron's disease. Key words:Laser, orofacial granulomatosis, childhood, oral lesions, diagnosis.
- Published
- 2014
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118. Minor salivary gland biopsy in Sjögren's syndrome: a review and introduction of a new tool to ease the procedure.
- Author
Varela-Centelles P, Seoane-Romero JM, Sánchez-Sánchez M, González-Mosquera A, Diz-Dios P, and Seoane J
- Subjects
- Biopsy instrumentation, Biopsy methods, Equipment Design, Humans, Lip pathology, Salivary Glands, Minor pathology, Sjogren's Syndrome pathology
- Abstract
Objectives: To review the existing techniques for minor salivary gland biopsy (MSGB) in the lip and to suggest a new approach to ease the procedure and reduce post-operative complications., Study Design: A comprehensive literature review and a descriptive study of a new surgical technique., Results: Diverse incisions have been suggested for MSGB with different designs (ellipse, circular, linear), different directions (parallel, oblique, vertical) and a wide range of lengths (from 1 mm up to 3 cm), but no comparative studies supporting the advantages of a particular type of incision over the others could be retrieved. A variety of features of the existing techniques for MSGB are linked to undesired events and surgical complications which could be minimized by modifying certain aspects of these procedures. The technique described, together with the use of the S forceps, represents a significant improvement over the already described chalazion forceps because it allows for a better access and positioning of the lower lip, improves the ergonomic conditions of the assistant, and facilitates the identification of lip areas with more superficial gland lobules., Conclusion: The suggested approach for lip MSGB includes a specifically designed instrument whose performance during lip biopsy may contribute to minimize post-operative complications.
- Published
- 2014
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119. Simulation for training in oral cancer biopsy: a surgical model and feedback from GDPs.
- Author
Seoane J, Varela-Centelles P, Esparza-Gómez G, Cerero-Lapiedra R, Seoane-Romero JM, and Diz P
- Subjects
- Adult, Animals, Biopsy, Clinical Competence, Cross-Sectional Studies, Female, Humans, Male, Models, Anatomic, Surveys and Questionnaires, Swine, Education, Dental, Continuing methods, Feedback, General Practice, Dental education, Models, Animal, Mouth Neoplasms pathology
- Abstract
Objectives: To describe a new bench model for oral precancer/cancer biopsy training and to assess its effectiveness in terms of trainees' perception., Study Design: Cross-sectional, descriptive, performed on 424 general dental practitioners (GDP) who undertook biopsies on a pig tongue. The participants were assessed by direct observation for 2.5 hours using specific check-lists and by means of a self-applied questionnaire., Results: The workshop was perceived as "very interesting" even by those with previous surgical experience (Xi - Xj = 0.07; 95%CI= -0.20-0.09). Most GDPs considered themselves able to undertake oral biopsies on real patients after the workshop. Those who had previously received theoretical continuous education courses on oral biopsy scored higher values within the group (Xi - Xj = 0.20; 95%CI= 0.04-0.37)., Conclusions: There is a need for including clinical abilities workshops when instructing on oral biopsy techniques. More studies are needed to validate the procedure and to address cognitive and communication skills.
- Published
- 2013
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120. Lateral transport osteogenesis in maxillofacial oncology patients for rehabilitation with dental implants: a retrospective case series.
- Author
Bilbao-Alonso A, García-Rielo JM, Varela-Centelles P, and Seoane J
- Subjects
- Adult, Female, Humans, Jaw Neoplasms rehabilitation, Male, Middle Aged, Plastic Surgery Procedures methods, Retrospective Studies, Dental Implants, Jaw Neoplasms surgery, Osteogenesis, Distraction methods
- Abstract
Objectives: To report on the use of lateral transport osteogenesis in cancer patients after maxillo/mandibular resections and on the implant survival rate in the generated bone, Material and Methods: Four patients treated using lateral transport osteogenesis entered this descriptive study and were retrospectively studied (mean age 55; range 41-62)., Results: Reconstruction of segmentary defects after surgical and radiological cancer treatment on maxilla and mandible was achieved. No relevant intra- or post-operative complications occurred. No differences on implant survival were observed between patients who had received radiotherapy and those who had not., Conclusions: This approach can be considered a recommendable reconstructive option after oral cancer treatment - including radiotherapy- particularly for high-surgical-risk, collaborative patients.
- Published
- 2013
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121. Simulation for training in sinus floor elevation: new surgical bench model.
- Author
Seoane J, López-Niño J, Tomás I, González-Mosquera A, Seoane-Romero J, and Varela-Centelles P
- Subjects
- Animals, Cross-Sectional Studies, Models, Animal, Pilot Projects, Sheep, Education, Dental, Graduate methods, Oral Surgical Procedures education, Sinus Floor Augmentation
- Abstract
Objectives: to describe a bench model (workshop of abilities) for sinus floor elevation (SFE) training that simulates the surgical environment and to assess its effectiveness in terms of trainees' perception., Study Design: thirty-six randomly selected postgraduate students entered this cross-sectional pilot study and asked to fill in an anonymous, self-applied, 12-item questionnaire about a SFE workshop that included a study guide containing the workshop' s details, supervised practice on a simulated surgical environment, and assessment by means of specific check-lists., Results: Thirtiy-six fresh sheep heads were prepared to allow access to the buccal vestible. Using the facial tuber, third premolar and a 3D-CT study as landmarks for trepanation, the sinus membrane was lifted, the space filled with ceramic material and closed with a resorbable membrane. The participants agreed on their ability to perform SFE in a simulated situation (median score= 4.5; range 2-5) and felt capable to teach the technique to other clinicians or to undertake the procedure for a patient under supervision of an expert surgeon (median= 4; range 1-5 ). There were no differences on their perceived ability to undertake the technique on a model or on a real patient under supervision of an expert surgeon (p=0.36)., Conclusions: Clinical abilities workshops for SFE teaching are an essential educational tool but supervised clinical practice should always precede autonomous SFE on real patients. Simulation procedures (workshop of abilities) are perceived by the partakers as useful for the surgical practice. However, more studies are needed to validate the procedure and to address cognitive and communication skills, that are clearly integral parts of surgical performance.
- Published
- 2012
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122. Predictors for tumor recurrence after primary definitive surgery for oral cancer.
- Author
Vázquez-Mahía I, Seoane J, Varela-Centelles P, Tomás I, Álvarez García A, and López Cedrún JL
- Subjects
- Adult, Age Factors, Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Chronic Disease, Cohort Studies, Disease-Free Survival, Female, Follow-Up Studies, Forecasting, Humans, Lymph Nodes pathology, Male, Middle Aged, Neoplasm Staging, Oral Ulcer pathology, Prospective Studies, Retrospective Studies, Risk Factors, Survival Rate, Carcinoma, Squamous Cell pathology, Mouth Neoplasms pathology, Neoplasm Recurrence, Local pathology
- Abstract
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify significant predictors for oral squamous cell carcinoma recurrence., Patients and Methods: This Ambispective cohort study was performed in consecutive metastasis-free patients treated for oral squamous cell carcinoma with curative intent from 1998 through 2003. Variables included gender, age, tumor site, macroscopic pattern of the lesion, coexisting disorders (diabetes, hepatic and heart disorders, other tumors/diseases), degree of differentiation, and pathologic TNM stage. Tumor recurrence was considered the dependent variable (outcome). The distribution of recurrences was assessed with χ(2) test. Survival times were estimated by Kaplan-Meier curves and differences were examined with log-rank test. Multiple Cox regression study was also performed. The significance level chosen for all tests was P < .05., Results: One hundred eighteen patients entered the study. Tumor recurrence was 44.9% during the follow-up period (10% local, 29.7% regional, and 5% distant). The mean period that had elapsed before recurrence was 15 months (1.5 to 81.8), with most recurrences (66%) during the first year after treatment (84.9% before 2 years). Multivariate Cox regression analysis indicated the presence of a coexisting disorder (P = .022) as the most relevant prognostic factor for relapse, because patients with associated diseases had a 2.43-fold risk of recurrence. Tumor stage (P = .037), degree of differentiation (P = .042), and macroscopic pattern of the lesion (P = .022) were also identified as prognostic factors for relapse., Conclusions: The risk profile for oral cancer recurrence includes patients younger than 60 years with coexisting diseases whose primary tumor occurred as an ulcerated lesion, and diagnosed at an advanced stage with a poorly differentiated tumor., (Copyright © 2012 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2012
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123. Factors related to late stage diagnosis of oral squamous cell carcinoma.
- Author
Seoane-Romero JM, Vázquez-Mahía I, Seoane J, Varela-Centelles P, Tomás I, and López-Cedrún JL
- Subjects
- Adult, Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Cohort Studies, Female, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Neoplasm Staging, Prospective Studies, Retrospective Studies, Risk Factors, Carcinoma, Squamous Cell pathology, Delayed Diagnosis statistics & numerical data, Mouth Neoplasms pathology
- Abstract
Aims: To identify factors related to advanced-stage diagnosis of oral cancer to disclose high-risk groups and facilitate early detection strategies., Study Design: An ambispective cohort study on 88 consecutive patients treated from January 1998 to December 2003., Inclusion Criteria: pathological diagnosis of OSCC (primary tumour) at any oral site and suffering from a tumour at any TNM stage. Variables considered: age, gender, smoking history, alcohol usage, tumour site, macroscopic pattern of the lesion, co-existing precancerous lesion, degree of differentiation, diagnostic delay and TNM stage., Results: A total of 88 patients (mean age 60±11.3; 65.9% males) entered the study. Most patients (54.5%) suffered no delayed diagnosis and 45.5% of the carcinomas were diagnosed at early stages (I-II). The most frequent clinical lesions were ulcers (70.5%). Most cases were well- and moderately-differentiated (91%). Univariate analyses revealed strong associations between advanced stages and moderate-poor differentiation (OR=4.2; 95%CI=1.6-10.9) or tumour site (floor of the mouth (OR=3.6; 95%CI=1.2-11.1); gingivae (OR=8.8; 95%CI=2.0-38.2); and retromolar trigone (OR=8.8; 95%CI=1.5-49.1)). Regression analysis recognised the site of the tumour and the degree of differentiation as significantly associated to high risk of late-stage diagnosis., Conclusions: Screening programmes designed to detect asymptomatic oral cancers should be prioritized. Educational interventions on the population and on the professionals should include a sound knowledge of the disease presentation, specifically on sites like floor of the mouth, gingivae and retromolar trigone. More studies are needed in order to analyse the part of tumour biology on the extension of the disease at the time of diagnosis.
- Published
- 2012
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124. The use of clinical guidelines for referral of patients with lesions suspicious for oral cancer may ease early diagnosis and improve education of healthcare professionals.
- Author
Seoane J, Corral-Lizana C, González-Mosquera A, Cerero R, Esparza G, Sanz-Cuesta T, and Varela-Centelles P
- Subjects
- Humans, Practice Guidelines as Topic, Reproducibility of Results, Early Detection of Cancer, Education, Dental methods, Mouth Neoplasms diagnosis, Referral and Consultation standards
- Abstract
Unlabelled: Early diagnosis and referral of oral cancer is essential. Successful implementation of clinical guidelines must include current practitioners and students., Objective: To evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of students at oral cancer screening and to assess the effectiveness of clinical referral guidelines., Study Design: Fifth year dental students were randomly allocated to either control (n=19) or experimental groups (n = 18). Both received the customary training in oral diagnosis. The experimental group underwent a 2 hour workshop where the guidelines for the referral of suspicious lesions were discussed. Three months later, a set of 51 clinical cases including benign, malignant, and precancerous conditions/lesions were used to assess the screening ability of each subject., Results: All 37 students entered the study. Sensitivity (control group) ranged from 16.7% to 66.7%; the experimental group scored from 16.7% to 83.3%. Fifty percent of the experimental students reached sensitivity values ≥ 62.5% (p = 0.01). Diagnostic specificity (control group) spanned from 80% to 93.3% (median = 50%); amongst experimental group it ranged from 82.2% to 97.8% (median = 92.8%); (p = 0.003). Concordance -control group- was X = 82.5 (SD = 3.2), and X = 88.2 (SD = 4.3) for the experimental, (p > 0.001). Cohen's kappa test was poor (K < 0.40) for the controls and moderate for the experimental group. The experimental group referred more oral cancers urgently (p = 0.002) and left less unreferred cancers (0.04). This group also referred more precancerous lesions/conditions urgently (p = 0.02)., Conclusions: The implementation of a clinical referral guideline at undergraduate level has proved valuable, under experimental conditions, to significantly increase diagnostic abilities of the examiners and thus to improve screening for oral cancer.
- Published
- 2011
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125. Knowledge of oral cancer and preventive attitudes of Spanish dentists. Primary effects of a pilot educational intervention.
- Author
Seoane-Lestón J, Velo-Noya J, Warnakulasuriya S, Varela-Centelles P, Gonzalez-Mosquera A, Villa-Vigil MA, Rodríguez-Lozano F, and Diz-Dios P
- Subjects
- Adult, Aged, Humans, Middle Aged, Spain, Young Adult, Dentistry, Education, Dental, Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice, Mouth Neoplasms prevention & control, Practice Patterns, Physicians'
- Abstract
Objective: To assess the knowledge and preventive attitudes that Spanish dentists have towards oral cancer, before and after an educational intervention., Methods: A quasi-experimental study based on a nationwide intervention. All Spanish dentists were offered an on-site course on oral cancer. An individual questionnaire was administered before and after attending the course. The main outcome measures were systematic examination of the oral cavity, promotion of healthy habits and knowledge of clinical aspects., Results: 440 GDPs entered the study. Age: 40.7+/-10.7, range 21-74. Professional experience: 13.9+/-8.9 years, range 0-45. Of those who participated in the study, 53.1% had never attended a course on oral cancer, 72.4% stated that they perform a systematic examination of the oral mucosa, 88.2% provided systematic counselling on tobacco cessation, and 54.7% reported that they did the same for alcohol. In addition, 32.3% advised patients to eat fruits and vegetables high in antioxidants. Professional experience was significantly associated with oral mucosa systematic examination (t= 2.9; p=0.003), advice on alcohol consumption (t=5.0; p=0.000), and on fruit and vegetable intake (t=5.1; p<0.001). None of these practices were specifically associated with knowledge on oral cancer. All areas of knowledge examined showed statistically significant improvement after the educational intervention., Conclusions: The intervention appears to have improved the GDP s knowledge, confirming the importance of this national campaign.
- Published
- 2010
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126. [Potential years of life lost due to oral cancer in the Central Health Area of Lugo province (Galicia, Spain)].
- Author
Varela Centelles PI, Pías Villamor L, Varela Centelles A, and Mora Bermúdez MJ
- Subjects
- Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Catchment Area, Health, Female, Humans, Male, Spain, Life Expectancy, Mouth Neoplasms mortality
- Published
- 2010
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127. Impact of the systematic use of the informed consent form at public dental care units in Galicia (Spain).
- Author
Rubiños López E, Rodríguez Vázquez LM, Varela Centelles A, Varela Otero F, Blanco Otero AI, Fernández Fraga C, and Varela Centelles P
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Adult, Aged, Child, Child, Preschool, Dental Clinics, Female, Hospitals, Public, Humans, Infant, Male, Middle Aged, Records, Spain, Informed Consent standards, Informed Consent statistics & numerical data, Oral Surgical Procedures
- Abstract
Aim: To ascertain the impact of routine application of the informed consent form at the primary dental care units of the Galician Health Service., Study Design: Non random selection of consecutive patients seeking tooth extraction between 9 January and 7 March 2007 at the dental care units of Burela, Praza do Ferrol and Viveiro (Lugo). The study included sociodemographic, clinical, utilization, behavioural and IC-related variables., Main Results: A total of 462 patients, mainly males (n=249; 53.9%) entered the study. The mean age of the participants was 57.87+/-17.54 years. 93.7% of the patients gave their consent for tooth extraction, whereas 47.3% did not want to be informed. The average time employed for obtaining the informed consent was 3.40+/-1.87 minutes, with a median of 4 and the same mode. The referred stress values did not differ before and after reading the informed consent form 3.28+/-2.52 vs 3.41+/-2.45 (p=0.661)., Conclusion: Routine application of the informed consent form before tooth extraction under local anaesthesia did not impair clinical practice nor is it a barrier to dental care. The use of this form does not require changes beyond the allocation of the time necessary for its completion.
- Published
- 2008
128. Stress amongst primary dental care patients.
- Author
Rodríguez Vázquez LM, Rubiños López E, Varela Centelles A, Blanco Otero AI, Varela Otero F, and Varela Centelles P
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Adult, Aged, Dental Care, Female, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Prevalence, Dental Anxiety epidemiology, Stress, Psychological epidemiology
- Abstract
Aims: to determine the prevalence of dental fear amongst primary dental care units (PDCU) patients and to characterize them according to socio-demographic features., Study Design: non-probabilistic sampling on new and consecutive patients demanding exodontia at the Burela, Praza do Ferrol and Viveiro (Lugo) PDCUs from 9 january to 7 march and from 18 june to 21 september 2007. The variables considered were "demographic" (age, gender, address and educational level), "treatment-related" (reason for extraction, root extraction), "attitudes" (accompanied yes/no, spontaneous fear comments yes/no) and "stress" determined using a visual analogue scale (VAS)., Results: A total of 804 patients entered the study. The mean VAS value was 3.54+/-2.63 (range 0 to 10; median 2.95; mode 0). A 96.8% referred some degree of stress, and a 10.1% of the sample scored high values (>7.5 in the scale). These values resulted to be influenced by sex (p=0.000), address (p=0.025) and by the presence of an accompanying person in the room (p=0.008). Logistic regression analysis identifies female gender (OR=3.26; 95%CI: 1.93 , 5.49), urban (OR=2.02 95%CI: 1.04 , 3.91) or rural (OR=2.16; 95%CI: 1.15 , 4.08) address and the absence of an accompanying person in the room (OR=1.68; 95%CI: 1.05 , 2.70) as predictors for a high level of stress., Conclusion: A 10.1% of the patients experience a high level of stress before tooth extraction. This phenomenon is more common among unaccompanied women from rural or urban areas.
- Published
- 2008
129. [Causes of tooth extraction recorded in the galician health service].
- Author
Rubiños López E, Rodríguez Vázquez LM, Varela Centelles A, and Varela-Centelles P
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Adult, Aged, Dental Caries surgery, Female, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Spain, Tooth Extraction statistics & numerical data
- Published
- 2008
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130. [Labor satisfaction of dentists working for the Galicia health service].
- Author
Varela-Centelles PI, Ferreiro Abelairas A, Fontao Valcárcel LF, and Martínez González AM
- Subjects
- Humans, Public Health, Spain, Dentists psychology, Personal Satisfaction
- Published
- 2004
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131. [Nursing, diabetes, and periodontal disease].
- Author
Varela-Centelles PI, Fortúnez Rodríguez M, Martínez González AM, and Romero Méndez MA
- Subjects
- Humans, Periodontal Diseases etiology, Diabetes Complications, Diabetes Mellitus nursing, Periodontal Diseases nursing, Periodontal Diseases prevention & control
- Abstract
In primary health care, the specific contribution nurses make to the community they serve manifests itself clearly when treating individuals suffering from chronic illnesses, with whom nurses basically fulfill an educational role. In the control of diabetics, a nurse plays a fundamental role in their periodical check-ups and their education about diabetes. Nonetheless, it is not a common practice to provide an adequate treatment for these pathologies nor oral hygiene self methods during these office visits, when the time requirements are not extensive and when the information available highlights the need to contemplate oral hygiene in both educational aspects and check-ups for diabetics, regardless of his/her age or the degree of metabolic control.
- Published
- 2002
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