T HE performance of hypersonic transportation vehicles and reentry vehicles is significantly affected by the laminarturbulent transition of boundary-layer flows over vehicle surfaces, as transition has a first-order impact on the lift, drag, stability, control, and surface heating. For a reentry vehicle, transition can lead to an increase in the surface heating rate by a factor of five or more. Hence, the understanding of transition mechanisms and the prediction of transition locations are critical to the development of future hypersonic vehicles [1]. One important area of transition study is the effect of roughness on hypersonic boundary-layer transition. Despite several decades of experimental, theoretical, and numerical studies, the effect of surface roughness on transition is still not fully understood [2].Most previous research has focused mainly on tripping the flow using roughness elements. However, there have been a few reported experimental and numerical studies that demonstrate a delay of transition by roughness elements under certain circumstances. James [3] experimentally studied the effects of Mach number and surface roughness on boundary-layer transition using fin-stabilized hollow tube models in free flights. James found that, for someMach numbers, there exists an optimum roughness height that results in a longer laminar run on a rough surface than a smooth surface. In other words, the roughness element delays the transition process rather than promoting it. Holloway and Sterrett [4] performed a transition experiment in the Langley 20 in. Mach 6 tunnel using a flat plate embedded with spherical roughness elements. They found that, for the cases with the smallest roughness diameters, transition was delayed under certain flow conditions. Although they did not investigate the reasons or conditions behind the delay, they hypothesized that the roughness creates a separated laminar mixing layer that is more stable at higher Mach numbers.More recently, Fujii [5] performed experiments using a 5 deg half-angle sharp cone at Mach 7. The tests were completed at stagnation pressures of 2, 4, and 6 MPa. It was found that, for the higher-pressure cases, the onset of transition was delayed when the wavelength of the wavy wall roughness was roughly equal to that of the unstable second-mode wavelength. Although the delay effect is weak, it is still discernible, and the repeatability of the results is remarkably good. It was speculated that there is a relationship between the wavy wall wavelength and second-mode disturbance that leads to transition. However, the mechanism of the transition delay was unknown and not explored. In addition to experimental testing, several numerical studies have reported the roughness effects on transition delay. Marxen et al. [6] studied the disturbance growth on a flat-plate boundary layer atMach 4.8 with localized two-dimensional (2-D) roughness elements. They found the disturbance was strongly damped downstream of the roughness element around the separation region, which agrees with Holloway and Sterrett’s [4] hypothesis. However, the mechanisms were not investigated. At the same time, Duan et al. [7] from University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) reported that a 2-D roughness element can damp disturbances if the element is placed downstream of the location where the slow hypersonic boundarylayer mode (mode S) and fast hypersonic boundary-layer mode (mode F) have the same phase velocity (the synchronization location). The details of the work by the UCLA group will be discussed in the next paragraph. Riley et al. [8,9] also numerically studied the stability characteristics of a Mach 4 hypersonic boundary layer over a wedge. On the surface of the wedge, they imposed convex or concave panel buckling (compliant panel) at different locations. They found that, when the panel is placed near the trailing edge of the wedge, the panel can move the boundary-layer transition further downstream. On the other hand, Egorov et al. [10] performed numerical simulations of a Mach 6 supersonic boundary layer over a grooved wavy plate. Their study was motivated by the numerical studies of Balakumar [11] and Egorov et al. [12], which showed the second mode remains neutral in the separated region on a 5.5 deg compression corner. Based on the result of the separated region, the intention of the study by Egorov et al. was to generate short local boundary-layer separations by thewavy wall to decrease disturbance growth. The wavy wall was in the form of nine round arc cavities. It was found that thewavywall design damps a range of high-frequency unstable disturbances that are relevant to the second-mode instability. Bountin et al. [13] later confirmed the results byEgorovet al. [10] that thewavywall damps the unstable secondmode in the high-frequency bandwhile it enhances them at lower frequencies. Their experimental data [13] also showed that the wavy wall damps disturbances, not only at the wavy wall wavelength but also at a wide range of disturbances in different frequencies with different wavelengths. Based on these results, they argued that the stabilization effect of the secondmodeby thewavywall is due to altering themean flow instead of an interference process between the second mode and the wavy wall itself. Since 2009, for the purpose of simulating hypersonic flow with finite height roughness elements, Duan et al. has developed a highorder cut-cell method [14]. The new method was then applied to simulating finite roughness elements in a hypersonic boundary layer at Mach 5.92 [7,14]. Different from the wavy wall idea, as in [5] and [10], they found that the relative location of the 2-D roughness Received 4 December 2014; revision received 7 April 2015; accepted for publication 8 April 2015; published online 8 June 2015. Copyright © 2015 by Kahei Danny Fong. Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., with permission. Copies of this paper may be made for personal or internal use, on condition that the copier pay the $10.00 per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923; include the code 1533-385X/15 and $10.00 in correspondence with the CCC. *Graduate Research Assistant, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department. Student Member AIAA. ResearchAssociate,Mechanical and Aerospace EngineeringDepartment. Senior Member AIAA. Professor,Mechanical andAerospace EngineeringDepartment. Associate Fellow AIAA. Graduate Research Assistant, School of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Student Member AIAA. Graduate Student, School of Aeronautics and Astronautics. **Professor, School of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Associate Fellow AIAA.