Problem setting. Improper performance of professional duties by employees of medical or pharmaceutical industry can happen in any place in the field of healthcare, at any part related to the processes and procedures of treatment due to improper use of drugs, improper treatment can lead to aggravation of the disease and incorrigible consequences for the patient (by forensic and medical assessment criteria: easy, moderate, severe injury or death). Recent research and publication analysis. Compliance with European standards to ensure quality of life and rights of every person, citizen and patient requires measures for rapid study of problems of corruption schemes, forensic and pharmaceutical risks that hinder the development of the health sector and circulation (tender procedures, ensuring preferential contingent reimbursement, development, manufacturing, sourcing, marketing, sales, accounting, etc.) of the medicines of various nomenclature, classification and legal groups. These issues faced in their research activities such scientists as Tatsiy V.J., Gudzenko A.P., Galatsan A.V., Shapovalova V.A., Shapovalov V.V.2Paper objective. To study of forensic and pharmaceutical risks and reasons hindering the smooth pharmacy institutions providing medicines (drugs) for preferential contingent of patients – invalids of the Great Patriotic War (war veteran group 1), the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident of the 2nd category based on the pharmaceutical law as well as higher levels of regional cooperation in legal system of «the doctor (medical officer) – the preferential patient – the pharmacist – the social worker – the civil servant of the executive – forensic doctor – the prosecutor – the judge – the lawyer». Paper main body. The life quality of modern old men, who belong to the category of preferential contingent, and is patient of the 1st group of disabled veterans and liquidators of the Chernobyl depends on many factors, the most important is the level of socio-economic security and current medical and pharmacy service, ensuring the health of privileged categories of citizens is a priority of public policy, both in Ukraine and in Russian Federation and Belarus. In recent years the study of the problem of ill-health and the provision of pharmaceutical services, conflict of interest «doctor-patient» when assigning frequencies for receiving and dispensing drugs, the use of health insurance, payment in carrying of the commercial activities in the provision of medical and pharmaceutical services in healthcare was the subject of numerous studies in Japan, Canada, the EU, Russia, UK, Ukraine and the USA. Declared by the state grace contingent violated, as evidenced by numerous cases that should have criminal defense contingent privileged citizens (patients). The state should contribute to raising the social-economic, financial, medical and pharmaceutical, prosecutors, and legal levels of regional security (protection) concessional of patients with vital medicines that dispensed from the pharmacy network at discounted prescriptions. Conclusion of the research. According to the forensic and pharmaceutical risks studied problem areas that hinder medical supply preferential contingent numerous cases, evidence of violations of the rights of the patient, who declared the state must have a criminal defense contingent privileged citizens. The government3should raise the socio-economic, financial, medical, pharmaceutical and criminal level to ensure favorable patient with essential drugs that dispense from the pharmacy network at discounted prescriptions. Studying the experience of the EU countries, USA, Canada and others concerning the inadequate provision of medical care (medical errors) requires the need for extensive research. To summarize the problems and improving the coordination of work on the scientific and practical research problems and eliminate the causes and conditions that contribute to ill health and the provision of pharmaceutical care (medical errors) and thereby improve the relationships in the chain «doctor – patient – pharmacist – social worker – state official authorities – forensic doctor – prosecutor – judge – advocate». Proved the necessity of an appeal to the Supreme council of Ukraine on making appropriate amendments to the art. 140 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine as deterrence element of criminal activities in the field of non-performance or improper performance of medical, pharmaceutical or social worker, civil servant or executive bodies of his professional duties as a result of negligent or unfair to them. Making these changes and additions will raise the level of responsibility on the part of social workers and government officials of the executive authorities responsible for funding programs for preferential contingent of citizens and improve legal aid mechanisms grace the bulk of patients in all regions of Ukraine., Рассмотрены судебно-фармацевтические риски, которые мешают безпрепятственному обеспечению лекарственными средствами льготного контингента пациентов, и ненадлежащее выполнение медицинскими и фармацевтическими работниками своих профессиональных обязанностей. Исследование проводилось на примере льготного пациента – инвалида Великой Отечественной войны І группы, ликвидатора аварии на ЧАЭС 2 группы в сопоставлении с опытом стран Европейского союза, США и России, Досліджено судово-фармацевтичні ризики, що заважають безперешкодному забезпеченню лікарськими засобами пільгового контингенту пацієнтів та неналежне виконання медичними та фармацевтичними працівниками своїх професійних обов’язків. Дослідження проводилося на прикладі пільгового пацієнта – інваліда Великої Вітчизняної війни І групи, ліквідатора аварії на ЧАЕС 2 категорії в порівнянні з досвідом країн-членів Європейського Союзу, США та Росії.