The purpose of this study is to suggest direction for future study of the energy-IT industry that will be used for framework to increase IT utilization in the energy industry. Recently, Green IT is a becoming global issue because of global environmental pollution. Also, IT roles in energy industry are becoming more important. However, the related studies were IT industry oriented that is not sufficient to make plan for Green energy. Therefore, after analyzing existing studies related to Green energy and Green IT, re-categorization for Green energy-IT industry was suggested. Direction of framework is based on energy industry that enable to link between energy and IT. The results of this study suggest comprehensive insight to Green energy-IT industry. Thus it is able to provide useful implications and guidelines to increase IT utilization in the energy industry., {"references":["KDB Research Institute, \"Environment and implications of eco-friendly Green IT: case of IT service industry,\" 2008.","Danish Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation, \"Green IT\naction plan,\" 2008.","Japan ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry, \"Green IT initiative,\"\n2008.","S. Murugesan, \"Harnessing green IT: principles and practices,\" IT\nprofessional, vol. 10, pp. 24-29, 2008.","Gartner, \"Green IT: the new industry shock wave,\" Gartner Group, 2007.","Korea Ministry of Knowledge Economy, \"Development of strategy of\nGreen energy industry,\" 2008.","Korea Ministry of Knowledge Economy, \"National energy master plan\n2030,\" 2008.","Y. H. Kim, Y. J. Kim, M. Shon, and J. S. Jung, \"Reconceptualizing the\nconcept of edutainment,\" The Journal of Educational Information and\nMedia, vol. 14, pp. 173-192, 2008.","H. J. Lee, \"Green management and green IT,\" Journal of Electronics\nEngineers, vol. 35, pp. 43-55, 2008.\n[10] E. M. Lee and S. O. Lim, \"Regulation and response for promoting green\nIT,\" Information and Communications Policy, Korea Information Society\nDevelopment Institute, vol. 20, pp. 1-21, 2008.\n[11] IBM Korea, \"Strategy and plan for promoting green IT,\" 2008.\n[12] K. B. Lee, C. K. Park, and T. S. Yong, \"A comparative study on energy\nefficiency policies of EU and Korea by using Information Technology,\"\nInformation Policy, vol. 15, pp. 21-41, 2008.\n[13] New & Renewable Energy Center, (2009, 8, 1). Available:\n\n[14] W. W. Lee, \"Direction of energy policy for green growth,\" Korea Research Institute for Human settlement, vol. 327, pp. 40-51, 2009.\n[15] S. Jacobsson and A. Johnson, \"The diffusion of renewable energy\ntechnology: an analytical framework and key issues for research,\" Energy\nPolicy, vol. 28, pp. 625-640, 2000.\n[16] KT Economic management Institute, \"Vision and strategy of green IT,\"\n2009."]}