518 results on '"Köksal, M."'
Search Results
152. Peygamberler peygamberi : Hz. Muhammed ve İslamiyet 5
- Author
Köksal, M. Asım and Köksal, M. Asım
- Published
- 2015
153. Peygamberler peygamberi : Hz. Muhammed ve İslamiyet 4
- Author
Köksal, M. Asım and Köksal, M. Asım
- Published
- 2015
154. Peygamberler peygamberi : Hz. Muhammed ve İslamiyet 8
- Author
Köksal, M. Asım and Köksal, M. Asım
- Published
- 2015
- Author
KÖKSAL, M. Fatih
- Subjects
Arkeoloji ,Archaeology ,ÂLİM,ŞÂRİH,HAYDAR ALİ DİRİÖZ - Abstract
Sene 1984… Erciyes Üniversitesi Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü yeni açılmış, ilk öğrencilerini bekliyor. Bodrum katta bir sınıf lâyık görmüşler bizim bölüme. Köhne, karanlık bir sınıf. Sınıfta arkadaşlarımızla tanışıyoruz. İlk günün heyecanı, merak ve ilgisi. 24 öğrenci alınmış bölüme. Koridordaki bir panoda asılı ders programımızı görüyoruz.
- Published
- 2016
156. Search for the anomalous electromagnetic moments of tau lepton through electron–photon scattering at CLIC
- Author
Özgüven, Y., primary, Billur, A.A., additional, İnan, S.C., additional, Bahar, M.K., additional, and Köksal, M., additional
- Published
- 2017
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157. Improved sensitivity on the electromagnetic dipole moments of the top quark in γγ , γγ* , and γ*γ* collisions at the CLIC
- Author
Billur, A. A., primary, Köksal, M., additional, and Gutiérrez-Rodríguez, A., additional
- Published
- 2017
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158. Metin Neşrinde Vezinle İlgili Problemler, Bazı Tespit ve Teklifler
- Author
KÖKSAL, M. Fatih
- Subjects
Verse texts,text presenting,aruz meter,spelling ,Manzum metinler,metin neşri,aruz vezni,imla - Abstract
Especially in the last 20 years, in parallel with proliferation of universities to increase their academic studies is striking. In this context, many of our text about classical literature prepared for graduate thesis work, some of which are also broadcast. It is certainly very important and valuable that our cultural values that mains in the corner of libraries, waiting for centuries to be opened to the world of science. However, in fact, not unlike the main material of the text when passed to the publishing area exposed to very different applications in different guise is a fact that the impersonation. In this study, the most important element in verse texts the “meter” has been examined in the text presentig, related with meter problems encountered and the different applications and these issues are addressed in an “alliance” with the intention can be created some proposals were presented., Özellikle son 20 yılda, üniversitelerimizin çoğalmasına paralel olarak akademik çalışmaların da artması dikkat çekicidir. Bu bağlamda Klâsik edebiyatımıza ilişkin pek çok metin de lisan üstü tez çalışması olarak hazırlanmakta, bunların bir kısmı da neşredilmektedir. Kütüphane köşelerinde asırlardır bekleyen kültürel değerlerimizin bilim dünyasının kullanımına açılması ve yeni nesillerin bunları tanımasının sağlanması kuşkusuz ki çok önemli ve değerlidir. Ne var ki aslında ana malzemesi pek farklı olmayan metinlerin neşir sahasına geçtiğinde birbirinden çok farklı uygulamalara maruz kaldığı çok farklı kisvelere büründüğü de bir gerçektir. Bu çalışmada, manzum metinlerin en önemli unsurlarından olan “vezin”in metin neşrindeki yeri irdelenmiş, vezinle ilgili karşılaşılan problemlere ve farklı uygulamalara değinilmiş ve bu hususta bir “birlik” oluşturabilmek gayesiyle bazı teklifler sunulmuştur.
- Published
- 2015
159. Bâkî’nin Bilinmeyen Veda Gazeli ve Dîvânında Bulunmayan Bazı Şiirleri
- Author
KÖKSAL, M. Fatih
- Subjects
Bâkî Dîvânı,bilinmeyen şiirler,Nev’î,son gazel ,Baki Divan,unknown poems,Nev’i,the last ghazal - Abstract
Even though not seen in the divans of classic poets', some poems can be seen in mecmuas and in partly compilations like conks.We can think of two reason for that. First, the poet may left out of those poems from their divans on purpose and secondly, he/she wrote those poems after the establishment of his/her divan.There may be other reasons besides these due to the poet's or the work's special conditions. Baki is one of the poets whose some of this kind of poems are encounterd in poetry mecmuas. Baki is not only one of the 16th century's greatest poets but also the whole Turkish literature's. For this reason, researchers show interest in Baki's poems including us. Some studies are done on his poems that are not in his divan or that are not published. In this article, some of Baki's poems that are not in his divans' publications in Arabic or Latin letters.All these poems are identified from the mecmuas that belong to our personal library. One of these poems which the poet sends it to Nev'i is particularly important due to being the last gazelle and peom that he wrote and not being in his divan., Klasik edebiyatımıza mensup dîvân sahibi şairlerin dîvânlarında yer almayan bazı şiirlerinin şiir mecmuaları ve kısmen cönkler gibi derlemelerde yer aldığı görülür. Şairin o şiir(ler)i bilerek ve isteyerek dîvânına almamış olması veya o şiir(ler)i dîvânı tertip ettikten sonra yazmış olması, bunun iki temel sebebi olarak gösterilebilir. Bunlar dışında da, şaire veya esere (nüshaya) özel sebeplerin mevcudiyeti de mümkündür. Şiir mecmualarında bu türden şiirlerine tesadüf edilen şairlerden biri de Bâkî’dir. Bâkî, sadece XVI. yüzyılın değil, kuşkusuz ki bütün Türk edebiyatının en önemli şairlerinden biridir. Bu sebeple Bâkî’nin şiirleri edebiyat araştırmacıları için ilgi konusu olagelmiş, bu cümleden olarak onun Dîvân’ında bulunmayan veya yayımlanmamış şiirleri üzerine de çeşitli çalışmalar yapılmıştır. Bu makalede de Bâkî Dîvânı’ının Arap harfleriyle veya yeni Türk harfleriyle yayımlanmış neşirlerinde bulunmayan bazı şiirlerine yer verilecektir. Hepsi de şahsî kütüphanemizde bulunan şiir mecmualarından tespit edilen bu şiirlerden biri, derkenarında, şairin Nev’î’ye gönderdiği bu şiirin yazdığı en son gazel ve en son şiir olduğu ve Dîvân’ında bulunmadığına dair bir not bulunması hasebiyle ayrıca önem arz etmektedir.
- Published
- 2015
160. Metin Tamiri (Usul ve Esaslar, Uygulamalar ve Bazı Teklifler)
- Author
KÖKSAL, M. Fatih
- Subjects
Classical Turkish poem,text publication,text criticism,text reparation ,Klâsik Türk şiiri,metin neşri,metin tenkidi,metin tamiri - Abstract
Text publications still form the majority in the publications that is issued about the classical Turkish literature. Text publication naturally is a process that has a lot of problems from determining the main copy among various editions. A part of these problems is general, but other part of them is the specific problems about the text. One of the most remarkable sub-problem of text publication is formed by “text reparation”. Hitherto in the most of text publications, it is observed that the editors were oblivious to the text reparation subject. There is not such work about text reparation except from a little work by Ali Niad Tarlan which is prepared to show text reparation samples for university students. This article which has wises and subtances of the text reparation, some practises and some proposals about the subject is written with a hope to answer the purpose and to bring the ideas together about the text reparation., Eski Türk Edebiyatı çalışmaları çerçevesinde yapılan yayınlar içinde metin neşri hâlen en büyük yoğunluğu oluşturmaktadır. Metin neşri, tabiatı gereği, neşre esas eserin nüshalarının tespitinden yayım aşamasına kadar birçok problemi barındıran bir ameliyedir. Bahis konusu problemlerden bir kısmı genel, bir kısmı da her metnin kendine özgü problemlerdir. Metin neşrinin en kayda değer alt problemlerinden birini de “metin tamiri” konusu teşkil etmektedir. Bugüne değin yapılan metin neşirlerinin çoğunda nâşirlerin metin tamiri konusuna –türlü sebeplerle- kayıtsız kaldıkları gözlenmiştir. Metin tamiri konusunda Ali Nihad Tarlan tarafından hazırlanan, lisans öğrencilerine metin tamiri örneklerini gösterme gayesine matuf küçük risale dışında bir çalışma bulunmamaktadır. Metin tamirinin usul ve esasları, uygulamaları ve konu hakkında bazı terim tekliflerini ihtiva eden bu makale, bu konudaki ihtiyaca cevap verebilmek, metin tamiri meselesinde bir birlik oluşturabilmek ümidiyle kaleme alınmıştır.
- Published
- 2015
161. Anomalous quartic W+W-γγ couplings in e-p collisions at the LHeC and the FCC-he.
- Author
Ari, V., Gurkanli, E., Gutiérrez-Rodríguez, A., Hernández-Ruíz, M. A., and Köksal, M.
- Abstract
We conduct a study on measuring W + W - production and on the sensitivity limits at 95% confidence level on thirteen anomalous couplings obtained by dimension-8 operators related to the anomalous quartic W + W - γ γ couplings. We consider the main e - p → e - γ ∗ γ ∗ p → e - W + W - p reaction with the sub-process γ ∗ γ ∗ → W + W - at the Large Hadron electron Collider (LHeC) and the Future Circular Collider-hadron electron (FCC-he). For the LHeC, energies of the e - beams are taken to be E e = 60 and 140 GeV and the energy of the p beams is taken to be E p = 7 TeV. For the FCC-he, energies of the e - beams are taken to be E e = 60 and 140 GeV and the energy of the p beams is taken to be E p = 50 TeV, respectively. It is interesting to note that the LHeC and the FCC-he will lead to model-independent limits on the anomalous quartic W + W - γ γ couplings which are one order of magnitude more stringent than the CMS Collaboration limits and are competitive with other limits reported in the literature. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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162. Yaygın Bir Yanlıştan Hareketle: Leff ü Neşr Sanatı ve Problemler.
- Author
- Abstract
Copyright of Journal of Ottoman Literature Studies / Divan Edebiyatı Araştırmaları Dergisi is the property of Journal of Ottoman Literature Studies and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2020
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163. Probing the anomalous tqγ couplings through single top production at the future lepton–hadron colliders.
- Author
Alici, E. and Köksal, M.
- Subjects
HADRON colliders ,TOP quarks ,MAGNITUDE (Mathematics) - Abstract
The measurements of the top quark flavor changing neutral current interactions are one of the most important goals of the top quark physics program in the present and the future collider experiments. These measurements provide direct information on nonstandard interactions of the top quark. Within the framework of new physics beyond the Standard Model, these interactions can be defined by an effective Lagrangian. In this study, we have investigated the potential of the future μ p colliders on the top quark flavor changing neutral current interactions through the subprocesses γ q → t → W b , where q = u , c. These subprocesses have been produced through the main reaction μ p → μ γ p → μ W b X at the LHC- μ p , the FCC- μ p and the SPPC- μ p. For the main reaction, the total cross-sections have been calculated as a function of the anomalous t q γ couplings. In addition, sensitivities on BR (t → q γ) at 95% Confidence Level have been calculated. We obtain that the best constraints on BR (t → q γ) are at the order of 1 0 − 7 which is four orders of magnitude better than the LHC's experimental results. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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164. etkisi
- Author
ATES, Mustafa, KÖKSAL, M. Hakan, CELAYİR, M. Fevzi, and BAYKAN, Adil
- Subjects
Ginkgo biloba extract (EGb 761),ischemia reperfusion,rat,mortality ,Ginkgo biloba ekstresi(EGb 761),iskemi- reperfuzyon,sıcan,mortalite - Abstract
Objectives: Ginkgo biloba extract (EGb761) is a stan-dardized form of Ginkgo Biloba plant leaves which have been used by Chines nearly 5000 years and Its\' antioxidant activity is known. In this study we aimed to investigate effect use of EGb761 on mortality in Megison\'un deep ischemia reperfusion model of rats. Materials and Methods: 138 male Spraque-Dawley rats were used in this study. The rats were divided into 4 groups: Group I (control group), Group II (deep ischemiareperfusion group), Group III (Group of prophylaxis and treatment of deep ischemia-reperfusion with EGb 761), Group IV (group of treatment with EGb 761 during deep ischemia). Deep ischemia was applied 30 minutes. Rats were followed-up one week after laparotomy. Differences between numbers of mortality in groups during one week follow-up were compared. Results: Number of died rats in Group I, II, III, and IV during one week follow-up were 2 (7.7%), 22 (61.1%), 6 (13.6%), and 11 (34.3%) respectively. Mortality rate decreased statistically signifi cant with use of EGb761 with prophylactic and therapeutic purposes (p, Amaç: Ginkgo Biloba ekstresi (EGb761) yaklasık 5000 yıldır Cinliler tarafından kullanılan bir bitki olan Ginkgo Biloba yapraklarının standardize edilmis sekli olup antioksidan etkinliği bilinmektedir. Bu calısmada Megison\'un sıcanlarda gelistirdiği intestinal âderin iskemiâ modelinde EGb761 kullanımının mortalite uzerine olan etkisinin arastırılması amaclandı. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Calısmada 138 adet erkek SpraqueDawley cinsi sıcan kullanıldı. Sıcanlar 4 gruba ayrıldı;1.Grup (Kontrol grubu), II. Grup (Derin iskemi-reperfuzyon grubu), III. Grup (Derin iskemi-reperfuzyon-EGb 761 profi laksi ve tedavi grubu), IV. Grup (Derin iskemi esnasında EGb 761 ile tedavinin yapıldığı grup). Derin iskemi 30 dakika olarak uygulandı. İslem sonrası ilac uygulamaları ve sıcan takibi 1 hafta yapıldı. Gruplarda bir haftalık takip suresinde olusan mortalite sayıları karsılastırıldı. Bulgular: I.grupta 2 (%7.7), II. grupta 22 (%61.1), III.Grupta 6 (%13.6), IV. grupta 11 (%34.3) sıcan laparotomi sonrası bir haftalık takip surecinde mortalite olustu. EGb761\'nın profi laksi ve tedavi amacı ile kullanımının derin iskemi modelinde mortaliteyi istatistiksel olarak anlamlı oranda azalttığı goruldu (p
- Published
- 2015
165. Probe of anomalous quartic $WWZ\gamma$ couplings in the photon-photon collisions
- Author
Senol, A. and Köksal, M.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,Astrophysics::High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena ,High Energy Physics::Experiment ,High Energy Physics - Experiment - Abstract
In this paper, we examine the potentials of the processes $\gamma \gamma\rightarrow W^{+} W^{-}Z $ and $e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow e^{+}\gamma^{*} \gamma^{*} e^{-} \rightarrow e^{+} W^{+} W^{-} Z e^{-}$ at the CLIC with $\sqrt{s}=0.5,1.5$ and $3$ TeV to investigate anomalous quartic $WWZ\gamma$ couplings by two different CP-violating and CP-conserving effective Lagrangians. We find $95\%$ confidence level limits on the anomalous coupling parameters at the three CLIC energies and various integrated luminosities. The best limits obtained from the process $\gamma \gamma\rightarrow W^{+} W^{-}Z $ on the anomalous $\frac{k_{0}^{W}}{\Lambda^{2}}$, $\frac{k_{c}^{W}}{\Lambda^{2}}$ and $\frac{k_{2}^{m}}{\Lambda^{2}}$ couplings defined by CP-conserving effective Lagrangians are $[-1.73;\, 1.73]\times 10^{-7}$ GeV$^{-2}$, $[-2.44;\, 2.44]\times 10^{-7}$ and $[-1.89; \, 1.89]\times 10^{-7}$ GeV$^{-2}$, while $\frac{a_{n}}{\Lambda^{2}}$ coupling determined by CP-violating effective Lagrangians is obtained as $[-1.74;\, 1.74]\times 10^{-7}$ GeV$^{-2}$. In addition, the best limits derived on $\frac{k_{0}^{W}}{\Lambda^{2}}$, $\frac{k_{c}^{W}}{\Lambda^{2}}$ and $\frac{k_{2}^{m}}{\Lambda^{2}}$ and $\frac{a_{n}}{\Lambda^{2}}$ from the process $e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow e^{+}\gamma^{*} \gamma^{*} e^{-} \rightarrow e^{+} W^{+} W^{-} Z e^{-}$ are obtained as $[-1.09;\, 1.09]\times 10^{-6}$ GeV$^{-2}$, $[-1.54;\, 1.54]\times 10^{-6}$ GeV$^{-2}$, $[-1.18;\, 1.18]\times 10^{-6}$ and $[-1.04;\, 1.04]\times 10^{-6}$ GeV$^{-2}$, respectively., Comment: 33 pages, 27 figures, 4 tables, version to appear in JHEP
- Published
- 2014
166. Tübar 34 Güz 2013 Hakem Listesi (116
- Author
Müdürü, Yazı İşleri, BEKKI, Salahaddin, DİNÇER, Fatih, Mat, Bizim Büro, Number, Bank Account, AKSOYAK, İ Hakkı, ARTUN, Erman, BEKİROĞLU, Nazan, BRENDEMOEN, Bernt, DENKTAŞ, Mustafa, HORATA, Osman, İBRAYEV, Şakir, KARATAYEV, Olcobay, KÖKSAL, M Fatih, KUMEKOV, Bulat, LEE, Richard, MACİT, Muhsin, MOKAYEV, Anvar, NİSANBAYEV, Abdımelik, POLAT, Nâzım Hikmet, SCHÖNİG, Claus, TABALDlYEV, Kubat, VELİYEV, Kâmil, KORAŞ, Hikmet, NİKOV, Nikolay, ÜNAL, Bayram, KÖKDEMİR, Ahmet, and PAÇACIOĞLU, Burhan
- Abstract
Prof. Dr. İ. Hakkı AKSOYAK (Gazi Üni.) Prof. Dr. Şerif AKTAŞ (Gazi Üni.) Prof. Dr. Erman ARTUN (Çukurova Üni.) Prof. Dr. Nazan BEKİROĞLU (Karadeniz Teknik Üni.) Prof. Dr. Bernt BRENDEMOEN (Oslo Üni.) Prof. Dr. Mustafa DENKTAŞ (Akdeniz Üni.) Prof. Dr. Osman HORATA (Hacettepe Üni.) Prof. Dr. Şakir İBRAYEV (Kazakistan Hoca Ahmet Yesevi Üni.) Prof. Dr. Larz JOHANSON (Mainz Johannes Gutenberg Üni.) Prof. Dr. Olcobay KARATAYEV (Kırgız Yusuf Balasagun Millî Dev. Üni.) Prof. Dr. M. Fatih KÖKSAL (Ahi Evran Üni.) Prof. Dr. Bulat KUMEKOV (Kazakistan İlimler Aka.) Prof. Dr. Richard LEE (Sociology SUNY-Binghamton) Prof. Dr. Muhsin MACİT (Anadolu Üni.) Prof. Dr. Anvar MOKAYEV (Kırgız-Türk Manas Üni.) Prof. Dr. Abdımelik NİSANBAYEV (Kazakistan İlimler Aka.) Prof. Dr. Nâzım Hikmet POLAT (Gazi Üni.) Prof. Dr. Claus SCHÖNİG (Institüt für Turkologie) Prof. Dr. Kubat TABALDİYEV (Kırgızistan İlimler Aka.) Prof. Dr. Kâmil VELİYEV (Azerbaycan İlimler Aka.) Doç. Dr. Hikmet KORAŞ (Niğde Üni.) Doç. Dr. Nikolay NİKOV (Sofya Üni.) Doç. Dr. Bayram ÜNAL (Fernand Braudel Center, SUNY-B) (Niğde Üni.) Yrd. Doç. Dr. Ahmet KÖKDEMİR (Ondokuz Mayıs Üni.) Yrd. Doç. Dr. Burhan PAÇACIOĞLU (Cumhuriyet Üni.)
- Published
- 2014
- Author
KÖKSAL, M. Fatih and KIRLI, Şaban
- Subjects
Ashiq Pasha,Old Anatolian Turkish,Sema Treatise,Turkish prose,XIII-XIVth century Turkish Literature ,Âşık Paşa,Eski Anadolu Türkçesi,Semâ’ Risalesi,Türk nesri,XIII-XIV. yüzyıl Türk edebiyatı - Abstract
Apart from his well-known book Garîb-nâme, Ashiq Pasha wrote some ghazals that can be met in small poetry majmuahs and jonks (folk poetry collections). He also has some treatises almost all written in mathnawi form. Among his all works, the prose ones, namely Tasavvuf Treatise and Sema’ Treatise are doubtful in belonging to him. Since Bursalı Mehmet Tahir, the first source has information on it, Sema Treatise’s name, its copies, its belonging to Ashiq Pasha and even also its presence have been suspicious. In this article, literature and the discussions on Sema’ Treatise will be criticized; the view of Âgah Sırrı Levend on its belonging to Ashiq Pasha will be evaluated and the work Ahi Evran Üni. Fen-Edebiyat Fak. Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Böl, mfkoksal@gmail.com ** Ahi Evran Üni. S.B.E. yüksek lisans öğrencisi, edb-oguzhan@hotmail.com will shortly be presented. Finally, three copies of the Treatise with critical editions will be given., Garîb-nâme müellifi Âşık Paşa, bu ünlü eserinin yanı sıra, çeşitli şiir mecmuaları ve cönklerde rastlanan bazı gazel ve ilâhilerle hemen hepsi mesnevi tarzında olmak üzere küçük bazı risaleler de kaleme almıştır. Bunlar arasında mensur olanlar, kendisine ait olması tartışmalı bir eser olan Tasavvuf Risalesi ile Semâ’ Risalesi’dir. Semâ’ Risalesi, eser hakkında ilk bilgileri veren Bursalı Mehmed Tahir’den bu yana adı, nüshaları, Âşık Paşa’ya aidiyeti, hatta varlığı tartışılan bir risale olarak dikkat çekmektedir. Bu makalede, eser hakkında bugüne kadar yapılan çalışma ve tespitler değerlendirilecek, A. Sırrı Levend’in eserin Âşık Paşa’ya ait olamayacağı noktasındaki görüşü ele alınacak ve eser kısaca tanıtılacaktır. Makalenin sonunda eserin tespit edilebilen üç nüshasının tenkitli metni sunulacaktır.
- Published
- 2014
168. Analysis of anomalous quartic $WWZ\gamma$ couplings in $\gamma p$ collision at the LHC
- Author
Senol, A. and Köksal, M.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology ,High Energy Physics - Experiment - Abstract
Gauge boson self-couplings are exactly determined by the non-Abelian gauge nature of the Standard Model (SM), thus precision measurements of these couplings at the LHC provide an important opportunity to test the gauge structure of the SM and the spontaneous symmetry breaking mechanism. It is a common way to examine the physics of anomalous quartic gauge boson couplings via effective Lagrangian method. In this work, we investigate the potential of the process $pp\rightarrow p\gamma p\rightarrow p W Z q X$ to analyze anomalous quartic $WWZ\gamma$ couplings by two different CP-violating and CP-conserving effective Lagrangians at the LHC. We calculate $95\%$ confidence level limits on the anomalous coupling parameters with various values of the integrated luminosity. Our numerical results show that the best limits obtained on the anomalous couplings $\frac{k_{0}^{W}}{\Lambda^{2}}$, $\frac{k_{c}^{W}}{\Lambda^{2}}$, $\frac{k_{2}^{m}}{\Lambda^{2}}$ and $\frac{a_{n}}{\Lambda^{2}}$ at $\sqrt{s}=14$ TeV and an integrated luminosity of $L_{int}=100$ fb$^{-1}$ are $[-1.37;\, 1.37]\times 10^{-6}$ GeV$^{-2}$, $[-1.88; \, 1.88]\times 10^{-6}$ GeV$^{-2}$, $[-6.55; \, 6.55]\times 10^{-7}$ GeV$^{-2}$ and $[-2.21;\,2.21]\times 10^{-6}$ GeV$^{-2}$, respectively. Thus, $\gamma p$ mode of photon-induced reactions at the LHC highly improves the sensitivity limits of the anomalous coupling parameters $\frac{k_{0}^{W}}{\Lambda^{2}}$, $\frac{k_{c}^{W}}{\Lambda^{2}}$, $\frac{k_{2}^{m}}{\Lambda^{2}}$ and $\frac{a_{n}}{\Lambda^{2}}$., Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables, final version to appear in Phys.Lett.B
- Published
- 2014
169. Synthesis and antidepressant-like profile of novel 1-aryl-3-[(4-benzyl) piperidine-1-yl]propane derivatives
- Author
Köksal, M., Bilge, S.S., Köksal, M., Bilge, S.S., and Yeditepe Üniversitesi
- Subjects
Antidepressant-like effect ,Substituted piperidine ,SSRI(selective serotonine reuptake inhibitors) ,Aryl propane derivatives ,Forced swimming test - Abstract
This study describes the chemical synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of some new 1-aryl-3-[(4-benzyl)piperidine-1-yl]propane derivatives as antidepressants. The structures attributed to the compounds were elucidated using IR and 1H-NMR spectroscopic techniques besides elemental analysis. The antidepressant-like effect of these compounds was assessed by using the forced swimming test (FST), a validated experimental model of depression in mice. A clear antidepressant-like effect was shown for compounds 1, 2 and 4 by a significant decrease in immobility behaviour. © 2007 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.
- Published
- 2007
170. Bounds on the Electromagnetic Dipole Moments through the Single Top Production at the CLIC
- Author
Köksal, M., primary, Billur, A. A., additional, and Gutiérrez-Rodríguez, A., additional
- Published
- 2017
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171. Probe of the Anomalous Quartic Couplings with Beam Polarization at the CLIC
- Author
Senol, A., primary, Köksal, M., additional, and İnan, S. C., additional
- Published
- 2017
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172. Search for the anomalous electromagnetic moments of the tau lepton through electron-photon scattering at the CLIC
- Author
Ozguven, Y., İnan, S. C., Billur, A. A., Köksal, M., Bahar, M. K., Ozguven, Y., İnan, S. C., Billur, A. A., Köksal, M., and Bahar, M. K.
- Abstract
We have examined the anomalous electromagnetic moments of the tau lepton in the processes $e^{-}\gamma \to \nu_e\tau\bar{\nu}_\tau$ ($\gamma$ is the Compton backscattering photon) and $e^{-}e^{+} \to e^{-}\gamma^* e^{+} \to \nu_{e}\tau \bar{\nu}_\tau e^+$ ($\gamma^*$ is the Weizsacker-Williams photon) with unpolarized and polarized electron beams at the CLIC. We have obtained 95$\%$ confidence level bounds on the anomalous magnetic and electric dipole moments for various values of the integrated luminosity and center-of-mass energy. Improved constraints of the anomalous magnetic and electric dipole moments have been obtained compared to the LEP sensitivity., Comment: 24 pages, 9 figures, published version
- Published
- 2016
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173. Search for anomalous quartic $ZZ\gamma\gamma$ couplings in photon-photon collisions
- Author
Köksal, M., Arı, V., Senol, A., Köksal, M., Arı, V., and Senol, A.
- Abstract
The self-couplings of the electroweak gauge bosons are completely specified by the non-Abelian gauge nature of the Standard Model (SM). The direct study of these couplings provides a significant opportunity to test the validity of the SM and the existence of new physics beyond the SM up to the high energy scale. For this reason, we investigate the potential of the processes $\gamma\gamma\rightarrow ZZ$, $e^{-}\gamma\rightarrow e^{-}\gamma^{*}\gamma \rightarrow e^{-}Z\, Z$ and $e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow e^{+}\gamma^{*} \gamma^{*} e^{-} \rightarrow e^{+}\, Z\, Z\, e^{-}$ to examine the anomalous quartic couplings of $ZZ\gamma\gamma$ vertex at the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) with center-of-mass energy $3$ TeV. We calculate $95\%$ confidence level sensitivities on the dimension-8 parameters with various values of the integrated luminosity. We show that the best bounds on the anomalous $\frac{f_{M2}}{\Lambda^{4}}$, $\frac{f_{M3}}{\Lambda^{4}}$, $\frac{f_{T0}}{\Lambda^4}$ and $\frac{f_{T9}}{\Lambda^4}$ couplings arise from $\gamma\gamma\rightarrow ZZ$ process among those three processes at center-of-mass energy of 3 TeV and integrated luminosity of $L_{int}=2000$ fb$^{-1}$ are found to be $[-3.30;3.30]\times 10 ^{-3}$ TeV$^{-4}$, $[-1.20;1.20]\times 10 ^{-2}$ TeV$^{-4}$, $[-3.40;3.40]\times 10 ^{-3}$ TeV$^{-4}$ and $[-1.80;1.80]\times 10 ^{-3}$ TeV$^{-4}$, respectively., Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures, 2 Tables, published version
- Published
- 2016
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174. Probe of the Anomalous Quartic Couplings with Beam Polarization at the CLIC
- Author
Senol, A., Köksal, M., İnan, S. C., Senol, A., Köksal, M., and İnan, S. C.
- Abstract
We have investigated the anomalous quartic couplings defined by the dimension-8 operators in semileptonic decay channel of the $e^{+}e^{-}\rightarrow \nu_{e} W^{-} W^{+} \bar{\nu}_{e}$ process for unpolarized and polarized electron (positron) beam at the Compact Linear Collider. We give the $95\%$ confidence level bounds on anomalous $\frac{f_{S0}}{\Lambda^{4}}$, $\frac{f_{S1}}{\Lambda^{4}}$ and $\frac{f_{T0}}{\Lambda^{4}}$ couplings for various values of the integrated luminosities and center-of-mass energies. The best sensitivities obtained on anomalous $\frac{f_{S0}}{\Lambda^{4}}$, $\frac{f_{S1}}{\Lambda^{4}}$ and $\frac{f_{T0}}{\Lambda^{4}}$ couplings through the process $e^{+}e^{-}\rightarrow \nu_{e} W^{-} W^{+} \bar{\nu}_{e}$ with beam polarization at $\sqrt{s}=3$ TeV and an integrated luminosity of $L_{int}=2000$ fb$^{-1}$ are $[-4.05;\, 3.67]\times 10^{-12}$ GeV$^{-4}$, $[-3.08; \, 2.12]\times 10^{-12}$ GeV$^{-4}$, $[-1.98; \, 0.64]\times 10^{-13}$ GeV$^{-4}$, which show improvement over the current bounds., Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures and 8 tables, published version
- Published
- 2016
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- Author
KÖKSAL, M. Fatih, primary
- Published
- 2016
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176. Anomalous WWγ couplings with beam polarization at the Compact Linear Collider
- Author
Arı, V., primary, Billur, A.A., additional, İnan, S.C., additional, and Köksal, M., additional
- Published
- 2016
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177. 3-[4-(4-Fluorophenyl)piperazin-1-ylmethyl]-5-methyl-1,3-benzoxazol-2(3H) -one and 3-[4-(2-fluorophenyl)-piperazin-1-ylmethyl]-5-methyl-1,3-benzoxazol- 2(3H)-one
- Author
Köysal, Y., Işik, Ş., Köksal, M., Erdõgan, H., Gokhan, N., Köysal, Y., Işik, Ş., Köksal, M., Erdõgan, H., Gokhan, N., and Yeditepe Üniversitesi
- Abstract
The planar benzoxazolinone ring systems of C19H 20FN3O2 were analyzed. The piperazine ring consisted chair conformation and benzoxazolinone ring system was found to be present in perpendicular direction to it. The structures contained intermolecular C-H...O contacts and interactions between benzoxazolinone and fluorophenylpipeprazine were segregated. The investigations for stereochemistry of molecules and assigned structures were performed using X-ray analysis.
- Published
- 2004
178. Kırşehir Müzesi ndeki Ahilik Belgeleri Ahi Şecerenâmeleri Beratlar Vakfiyeler
- Author
Köksal. M Fatih, Kurtoğlu. Orhan, Karaköse. Hasan, Şenödeyici, Özer
- Subjects
Eski Türk Edebiyatı - Published
- 2014
179. Vocational High School Students? Sense of Self Efficacy and Test Anxiety Regarding Biology Learning
- Author
KÖKSAL, M Serdar
- Subjects
Anahtar ,Kelime ,Self-efficacy,test anxiety,biology learning,vocational high school - Abstract
Self regulation perspective on motivation provides an important model to study on motivation in biology education Motivational part of the Pintrich?s model as one of the most studied models has self efficacy and test anxiety factors as two dominant factors reflecting positive and negative sides of the model in terms of number of relationship with other factors in the model In the study two hundred thirteen vocational high school students were included and survey technique was used for examining the factors across grade level in the study Two subscales of MSLQ were applied to collect data The data was analyzed by using MANOVA and Pearson product moment correlation via SPSS 13 The results showed self efficacy and test anxiety scores differed significantly between ninth and tenth graders Again they were correlated negatively at the same levels
- Published
- 2014
180. Anomalous Couplings In Collision At The Lhc
- Author
Köksal, M. and İnan, S.C.
- Abstract
We have examined the constraints on the anomalous tqγ (q=u,c) couplings through the process pp→pγp→pWbX at the LHC by considering four forward detector acceptances: 0.0015<ξ<0.5, 0.0015<ξ<0.15, 0.015<ξ<0.15, and 0.1<ξ<0.5, where ξ=Eγ/E with Eγ and E the energies of the photon and of the incoming proton, respectively. The sensitivity bounds on the anomalous couplings have been obtained at the 95% confidence level in a model independent effective Lagrangian approach. We have found that the bounds on these couplings can be highly improved compared to current experimental bounds.
- Published
- 2014
- Author
KÖKSAL, M. Fatih
- Published
- 2019
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182. Tartışmalı Bir Seci' Türü: Sec'-i Mütevâzin.
- Author
- Abstract
Copyright of Journal of Ottoman Literature Studies / Divan Edebiyatı Araştırmaları Dergisi is the property of Journal of Ottoman Literature Studies and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2018
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- Author
- Published
- 2012
184. 'Menaqib-i Ahi Cihan-i Nasreddin Ahi Evran' the unkown source on Ahi Evran’s legendary life
- Author
Köksal, M. Fatih and Kırşehir Ahi Evran Üniversitesi
- Subjects
Antropoloji - Abstract
Menkabeler, bir toplumun kültür ve inanç tarihinin tespiti hususunda son derece önemli kaynaklardır. Bir şahsa ait pek çok menkabenin bir arada anlatıldığı eserlere “menâkıb” veya “menâkıbnâme” diyoruz. Konu edilen zatın bütünüyle kerametlerinden bahseden menâkıblar olduğu gibi o şahsın bir nevi kişisel tarihi denilebilecek kadar gerçek hayat izlerinin yoğun olduğu menâkıblar da vardır. Fütüvvet kurumunun Anadolu’daki kurucusu olarak bilinen Ahi Evran-ı Velî’nin menkabevi hayatında dair, başta Hacı Bektaş Velî Vilayetnâmesi olmak üzere türlü kaynaklarda bilgiler mevcuttur. Bugüne kadar doğrudan Ahi Evran’ın menâkıbından bahseden, her ikisi de mesnevi tarzında yazılmış iki eser biliniyordu. Bu yazıda, bu iki eserde yer alanlardan çok farklı menkabeleri barındıran ve Ahi Evran’la ilgili literatürde kullanılmadığını ve bilinmediğini tespit ettiğimiz bir eser tanıtılacaktır. Tam adı Menâkıb-ı Ahî Cihân-ı Nasreddîn Ahi Evran olan bu eser ise mensur olup yazarı meçhul, 8 varaklık (16 sayfa) küçük bir risaledir. Buna rağmen Ahi Evran’ın hem menkabevi hem de gerçek hayatına dair başka kaynaklarda yer almayan bilgileri içeren eser, Yapı Kredi Bankası Kütüphanesi’nde bulunan Burgazî Fütüvvetnamesi’nin sonunda yer almaktadır. Yazıda menkıbe kavramına kısaca değinildikten sonra, Ahi Evran’ın menkabevi hayatına dair eserler ve yapılan çalışmalardan söz edilecektir. Daha sonra eser tanıtılacak ve tam metni yayımlanacaktır. Mystic or epic legends (menqabes) are crucial works in determining the cultural and belief history of a society. The works containing several menakibs are called “menaqib“ or “menaqibname“. While some menaqibs mention wonders of the legendary personalities, there are also some others containing mostly biographical information about them. As it is known many sources including Haci Bektash Velayetname have addressed the life of Ahi Evran-i Veli who is the founder of futuwwatnamah institution in Anatolia. To date, two primary sources written in mathnawi genre and mentioning Ahi Evran‘s legends have been known. However, in this article the third one that contains different legends than the previous ones will be presented. Furthermore, as far as it is determined, this source is never known and used before. This is a 16-page treatise written in prose form by an unknown author, and it is entitled as Menaqib-i Ahi Cihan-i Nasreddin Ahi Evran. This treatise that contains valuable information cannot be found in other sources such as Ahi Evran‘s biographical or legendary life but it can be found at the end of the Burgazi Futuwwatnamah registered in Yapi Kredi Bank Library. After touching shortly upon the concept of mankabe and mentioning the secondary sources on the subject, the treatise will be presented and full text of it will be given in this article.
- Published
- 2012
185. Search for Anomalous Quartic ZZγγ Couplings in Photon-Photon Collisions
- Author
Köksal, M., primary, Arı, V., additional, and Senol, A., additional
- Published
- 2016
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186. Anomalous $WW\gamma$ couplings with beam polarization at the Compact Linear Collider
- Author
Arı, V., Billur, A. A., İnan, S. C., Köksal, M., Arı, V., Billur, A. A., İnan, S. C., and Köksal, M.
- Abstract
We study the anomalous $WW\gamma$ couplings at the Compact Linear Collider through the processes $e^{+}e^{-}\to W^+W^-$, $e^{-}e^{+} \to e^{-} \gamma^{*} e^{+} \to e^{+} \nu_{e} W^-$ and $e^{-}e^{+}\to e^{-} \gamma^{*} \gamma^{*} e^{+} \to e^{-} W^+ W^- e^{+} $ $ (\gamma^{*}$ is the Weizsacker-Williams photon). We give the 95\% confidence level limits for unpolarized and polarized electron (positron) beam on the anomalous couplings for various values of the integrated luminosities and center-of-mass energies. We show that the obtained limits on the anomalous couplings through these processes can highly improve the current experimental limits. In addition, our limits with beam polarization are approximately two times better than the unpolarized case., Comment: Tables and references added
- Published
- 2015
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187. Search for anomalous quartic WWZγ couplings at the future linear e+e− collider
- Author
Köksal, M., primary and Senol, A., additional
- Published
- 2015
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188. Anomalous quartic ZZγγ couplings at the CLIC
- Author
Köksal, M., primary
- Published
- 2015
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189. Akhism-bektashism relation according to rite, rules and manner similarities
- Author
Köksal, M. Fatih and Kırşehir Ahi Evran Üniversitesi
- Subjects
Antropoloji - Abstract
Bu yazıda, Bektaşilik erkân ve adabıyla Ahilik erkân ve adabı arasındaki dikkat çekici benzerlikler ve irtibat ortaya konulacaktır. Çalışmamızda Ahilik-Bektaşilik münasebeti üzerine şimdiye kadar yapılan neşriyatta verilen hükümler ve çoğu önyargılı, kaynak ve belgeye dayanmayan âfâkî görüşler değerlendirilmeyecektir. Tespitlerimizin temel kaynaklarını, şahsi kütüphanemizde bulunan el yazması İmam Cafer Buyruğu (Şeyh Safî Menâkıbı), Radavî Fütüvvet-namesi, Yâsîn er-Rufâî Fütüvvet-namesi ve bir Bektaşi Fütüvvetnamesi oluşturmaktadır. In this article, striking similarities and bounderies between rules and manners of Bektashism and Akhism will be exposed. In our study objective and biased opinions that opinionsane not based on sources and documents in publications until now will be considered. Main sources of our study are Imam Cafer Therulesand regulationsof Imam Cafer (Şeyh Safi Menâkıbı), Radavî‘s Futuvvetname, Yâsîn er-Rufâî‘s Futuvvetname and a Bektashi Futuvvetname which have been located in our personal library.
- Published
- 2010
190. Vocational high school students' sense of self-efficacy and test anxiety regarding biology learning
- Author
Köksal, M. Serdar and Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit Üniversitesi
- Subjects
Eğitim ,Eğitim Araştırmaları - Abstract
Self-regulation perspective on motivation provides an important model to study on motivation in biology education. Motivational part of the Pintrich’s model as one of the most studied models has self-efficacy and test-anxiety factors as two dominant factors reflecting positive and negative sides of the model in terms of number of relationship with other factors in the model. In the study, two hundred thirteen vocational high school students were included and survey technique was used for examining the factors across grade level in the study. Two subscales of MSLQ were applied to collect data. The data was analyzed by using MANOVA and Pearson-product moment correlation via SPSS 13. The results showed self-efficacy and test anxiety scores differed significantly between ninth and tenth graders. Again, they were correlated negatively at the same levels.
- Published
- 2009
191. Unpublished poets of Nesimi
- Author
Köksal, M. Fatih and Ahi Evran Üniversitesi
- Subjects
Antropoloji - Abstract
Seyyid İmadüddin Nesîmî Türk edebiyatının en büyük şairleri arasındadır. Ne var ki onun şiirleri üzerinde yapılan çalışmalar genellikle divanları çerçevesinde kalmış, cönkler ve şiir mecmualarında yer alan şiirleri değerlendirilmemiştir. Kaldı ki divanlarının çoğu nüshalarına da ona ait olmadığı belli olan şiirler sızabilmiş, araştırmacılar da bunu tefrik etme cihetine gitmemişlerdir. Böylesine önemli bir şairin şiirlerinin tamamının tespit edilmesi kaçınılmaz bir zarurettir. Yakın gelecekte tamamlanacağını ümit etmek istediğimiz bu çalışmalar bütününe bir katkıda bulunmak amacıyla, Nesîmî'nin şahsî kütüphanemizde bulunan el yazması şiir mecmuaları ve cönklerde yer alan yayımlanmamış şiirlerini bilim dünyasına sunmak istedik. Bu makale, bir yandan Nesîmî'nin söz konusu şiirlerini tanıtmak, diğer yandan da ilgilileri konu üzerinde daha geniş araştırmalar yapmaya teşvik edebilmek amacıyla kaleme alınmıştır. Seyyid İmadüddin Nesîmî is one of the greatest poets of Turkish literature. However, the studies on his poems generally remained within the framework of their divans, and his poems in cönks and poetry magazines were not evaluated. Moreover, most of the divan poems were able to infiltrate the poems, which clearly did not belong to him. It is an inevitable necessity to identify all of the poems of such an important poet. In order to contribute to the whole of these studies, which we hope to be completed in the near future, we wanted to present Nesîmî's manuscript poetry magazines and unpublished poems in our library to the scientific world. This article has been written in order to introduce Nesîmî's poems on the one hand, and to encourage those interested in doing broader research on the subject.
- Published
- 2009
192. The Findings on the Publications of İbni Kemal's Divan
- Author
Köksal, M. Fatih and Kırşehir Ahi Evran Üniversitesi
- Subjects
Antropoloji - Abstract
Kemal Paşazâde adıyla da bilinen İbni Kemal, 16. yy Türk kültür tarihinin önemli şahsiyetlerindendir. İmza attığı birçok eser arasında bir de Türkçe Divan’ı olan İbni Kemal, aynı zamanda edebiyatımızın mahlas kullanmayan birkaç şairinden biridir. 16. asrın bu meşhur şeyhülislâmının Divan’ı bundan on bir yıl önce Latin harflerine aktarılarak yayımlanmıştı. Bu yazıda, söz konusu yayın hakkındaki kimi tespit, teklif ve tenkitlerimiz yer almaktadır. Kemal Paşazâde is one of the important characters of the 16th century also known as İbni Kemal. Besides his famous Divan, he had produced several non-pseudonym poets of our literature. The Divan of his famous şeyhülislam of the 16th century was published through the Latin letters just eleven years ago. It is believed that the findings in this study about the Divan would not be regarded as strange since the Divan‘s publication had been delayed for centuries.
- Published
- 2008
193. Frequency of human papillomavirus (hpv) infection among women attending to gynecology clinic
- Author
Köksal, M. Osman, Ağaçfidan, Ali, and Mikrobiyoloji ve Klinik Mikrobiyoloji Anabilim Dalı
- Subjects
Mikrobiyoloji ,virus diseases ,Obstetrics and Gynecology ,Microbiology ,female genital diseases and pregnancy complications ,Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum - Abstract
Çalısmamızda stanbul Üniversitesi stanbul Tıp Fakültesi Kadın Hastalıkları veDogum Anabilim Dalı, Jinekoloji Bilim Dalına basvuran ve kolposkopi muayeneleri yapılanhastalarda Human papillomavirus infeksiyonlarının sıklıgı arastırılmıstır. Humanpapillomavirus infeksiyonları ve servikal kanser arasında güçlü bir bag bulunmaktadır.Günümüzde, kadınlarda en sık görülen ikinci kanser türünün servikal kanser olmasıdolayısıyla, servikal kanser ve prekürsör infeksiyonlarında, HPV DNA arastırılması birzorunluluk haline gelmistir.Bu amaçla Kasım 2006-Mayıs 2007 tarihleri arasında stanbul Tıp Fakültesi KadınHastalıkları ve Dogum Anabilim Dalı Jinekolojik Onkoloji Klinigine basvuran 103 anormalsitolojili ve 23 normal sitolojili olmak üzere toplam 126 hastadan servikal sürüntü alınmıs veHuman papillomavirus varlıgı açısından incelenmistir. Alınan örneklerden HPV DNAekstraksiyonu yapıldıktan sonra izole edilen DNA, amplifiye edilmis ardından DNA çipyöntemi ile tipleri belirlenmistir. Yüzyirmialtı hastanın kırkdokuz (%38,9)'unda HPV DNApozitifligi saptanmıs olup bu hastalardan ondördünde (%11,1) HPV tip 16, besinde (%3,96)HPV tip 18, altısında (%4,46) HPV tip 6, besinde (%3,96) HPV tip 66, ikiser hastada (%1,58)HPV tip 31, 51, 53, birer hastada (%0,79) HPV tip 58, 59, 61, 84 ve dokuz (%7,14) hastadabirden fazla tiple olusan infeksiyon gözlemlenmistir. Birden fazla tiple olusan infeksiyonlarındurumuna bakıldıgında iki hastada (%1,59) HPV tip 16 ve HPV tip 18, birer hastada (%0,79)HPV tip 16 ve 66, HPV tip 61 ve 84, HPV tip 6 ve 59, HPV tip 11, 61 ve 70, HPV tip 6, 11,18 ve 53. Çalısmamızda, semptomlu hastalar ve HPV pozitifligi arasında güçlü bir korelasyonbulunmustur (2y =15,95, p < 0,001). In our research, we determine the frequency of the human papillomavirus in patientswho applied to stanbul School of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,Section of Gynecology-Oncology for colposcopy. There is a strong correlation between HPVinfection and cervical cancer. Recently the second most common cancer case in woman iscervical cancer. Therefore, in cervical cancer and in its precursor infections searching forHPV DNA is necessary.In between November 2006 and May 2007, we collected total 126 pap smears frompatients of gynecology department. 103 cytologically abnormal pap smears and 23cytologically normal pap smears were collected and all the samples were observed for Humanpapillomavirus. First DNA was extracted, amplified and then applied onto the DNA chip(microarray) to find out the types of Human papillomavirus. 49 patients out of 126 (38.9%)were determined to be HPV positive. Fourteen (11.1%) of these HPV DNA positive patientshad HPV 16, five (3.96%) HPV 18, six (4.46%) HPV 6, five (3.96%) HPV 66, two (1.58%)patients each had HPV 31, 51, 53 and one (0.79 patients each HPV 58, 59, 61, 84. Nine(7.14%) patients were infected with multiple HPV types. In this multiple HPV infection casetwo (1.59%) patient had HPV 16 and HPV 18, while one (0.79%) had HPV 16 and HPV 66,one (0.79%) had HPV 61 and 84, one (0.79%) had HPV 6 and 59, one (0.79%) had HPV 11,61 and 70, one (0.79%) had HPV 6, 11, 18 and 53. In our research, we determined strongcorrelation between positive results and clinical symptoms (2y =15,95, p < 0,001). 80
- Published
- 2007
- Author
KÖKSAL, M. Fatih
- Abstract
Copyright of Turkish Culture & Haci Bektas Veli Research Quarterly is the property of Turkish Cultur & Haci Bektas Veli Research Quarterly and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
195. Sisplatin ile böbrek hasarı oluşturulan sıçanlarda; böbrek lipid peroksidasyonunda nitrik oksidin rolü ve sisteinin etkisi
- Author
Köksal, M. Murat, Şener, Azize, and Biyokimya Anabilim Dalı
- Subjects
Biyokimya - Abstract
Bu çalışmada sisplatin uygulanması nedeniyle artan lipid peroksit düzeylerine NO'nun (nitrik oksit) rolü sıçanlarda araştırıldı. Bu amaçla 230-290 g ağırlığında 56 adet Sprague Dawley erkek sıçanlar kullanıldı. Sıçanlar kontrol grubu(1) (serum fizyolojik), Sisplatin grubu(2) (3 mg/kg sisplatin), Sisplatin+L-arjinin grubu(3) (3 mg/kg sisplatin, 0.2g/kg L-arjinin), Sisplatin+L-NAMEgrubu(4) (3 mg/kg sisplatin, 20mg/kg L-NAME), Sisplatin+L-sistein grubu(5) (3 mg/kg sisplatin, 30 mg/kg L-sistein), L-arjinin grubu(6) ( 0, 2g/kg L-arjinin), L-NAME grubu (7) (20 mg/kg L-NAME ), L-sistein grubu (8) (30 mg/kg ) olmak üzere 8 gruba ayrıldı(n:7). Tüm enjeksiyonlar 5 gün boyunca intraperitonal( i.p.) olarak yapıldı. 4. gün sonunda hayvanlar metabolik kafeslere alındı ve 24 saatlik idrar örnekleri toplandı. 5.günün sonunda ketalar anestezisi altında kan örnekleri alındıktan sonra hayvanlar öldürüldü. Serum örneklerinde üre, BUN(üre azotu), kreatinin düzeyleri ölçüldü. Alınan 24 saatlik idrar örneklerinde 24 saatlik idrar hacimleri, kreatinin düzeyleri ve idrar nitrat-nitrit seviyeleri belirlendi. Böbrek MDA ve glutatyon düzeyleri ölçüldü.Araştırmamız sonuçlarına göre; Sisplatin uygulanan sıçanların serum üre, BUN, kreatinin düzeyleri kontrol grubuna göre artmıştır. Kreatinin klirensleri kontrole oranla anlamlı derecede düşüktür. Bu bulgular sisplatinin böbrek hasarı oluşturduğunun göstergesidir.Sisplatin ile birlikte L-arjinin, L-NAME, L-sistein uygulanan grublarda da böbrek üre, BUN, kreatinin düzeyleri kontrole göre anlamlı oranda yüksek bulunmuştur. Ancak bu gruplar sisplatin uygulanan grup ile kıyaslandığında üre, BUN, kreatinin düzeylerinin azaldığı görüldü. L-arjinin böbrek kan akışını ve böbrek filtrasyon oranını artırdığı için sisplatine göre daha düşük serum üre, BUN, kreatinin düzeyleri gözlemlediğimizi düşünüyoruz. Sisplatin uygulanmasının idrar nitrat -nitrit düzeylerinde kontrole göre anlamlı bir değişikliğe neden olmadığı görüldü.Sisplatin uygulanan bütün gruplarda böbrek glutatyon düzeyleri azalırken MDA düzeylerinin kontrole oranla yükseldiği görüldü. Ve glutatyon düzeyleride azaldı. Sisplatin ile birlikte L-arjinin uygulanması böbrek MDA düzeylerini yalnızca sisplatine göre azalttı. Bu da L-arjinin uygulanmasının böbrek üzerine koruyucu etkisi olduğunu göstermektedir. Sistein uygulanması MDA düzeylerinde kontrole göre anlamlı artışa neden oldu. Sisteinin bu konsantrasyonda koruyucu etki göstermedi ve lipit peroksidasyonun artışına neden oldu. Aynı şekilde sisplatin ile L-NAME uygulanması böbrek MDA düzeylerini anlamlı oranda değiştirmemiştir.Sonuç olarak sisplatine bağlı böbrek hasarında NO oluşumunun lipit peroksidasyonunu azaltıcı yönde etkisi olduğunu Sistein ve L-NAME'nin etkisiz olduğunu gözlemledik. THE ROLE OF NİTRİC OXİDE AND THE EFFECT OF SISTEIN ON LIPID PEROXIDATION IN RATS HAVİNG CISPLATIN INDUCED KIDNEY DAMAGE The aim of this research is role of NO to evaluated lipid peroxidation when cisplatin applied.We used 56 sprague dawnley rats(230-290g) for this reserach.And we clssified these 56 rat; control group(1) (serum physyologic), Cisplatin group(2) (3 mg/kg cisplatin), Cisplatin+L-arjinin group(3) (3 mg/kg cisplatin, 0.2g/kg L-arjinin), Cisplatin+L-NAME group(4) (3 mg/kg cisplatin, 20mg/kg L-NAME), cisplatin+L-cystein group(5) (3 mg/kg cisplatin, 30 mg/kg L-cystein), L-arjinin group(6) ( 0, 2g/kg L-arjinin), L-NAME group (7) ( mg/kg L-NAME .i.p., 5 day, n:7), L-cystein group (8) (30 mg/kg ).All enjections apllied i. p. (intraperitonal) during 5 day. After the fourth day the rats put in metabolic cages for collecting their urines. The rats sacrified at fifth day and take off their kidneys for MDA glutathion levels determine in tissue.We determined BUN, creatinin, urea from rats blood samples. The cisplatin group serum creatinin, BUN, urea values are high than control group. these datas shows cisplatin group has nephrotoxicity.L-arginine+cispaltin group BUN, creatinin, urea values less than cisplatin group.Cisplatin apllied group has high MDA value.L-arginine+cisplatin make MDA value less than cisplatin apllied.Glutathion level decreased all of the groups than conrol group. Cysteine+cisplatin apllied group has no significant difference than cisplatin group. When we used cysteine tissue MDA increased. So that cysteine is toxic at dose of apllied.Result of this research is NO protect cisplatin nephrotoxcity by evaluating blood circulation of kidneys. L-NAME has no significant effect of cisplatin nephrotoxicity
- Published
- 2005
196. Analysis of anomalous quartic WWZγ couplings in γp collision at the LHC
- Author
Senol, A., primary and Köksal, M., additional
- Published
- 2015
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197. Probe of anomalous quartic WWZγ couplings in photon-photon collisions
- Author
Senol, A., primary and Köksal, M., additional
- Published
- 2015
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198. Graviton production through photon-quark scattering at the LHC
- Author
Şahin, İ., primary, Köksal, M., additional, İnan, S. C., additional, Billur, A. A., additional, Şahin, B., additional, Tektaş, P., additional, Alıcı, E., additional, and Yıldırım, R., additional
- Published
- 2015
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199. Search for anomalous quartic $WWZ\gamma$ couplings at the future linear $e^{+}e^{-}$ collider
- Author
Köksal, M., Senol, A., Köksal, M., and Senol, A.
- Abstract
In this paper, the potentials of two different processes $e^{+}e^{-}\rightarrow W^{-} W^{+}\gamma$ and $e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow e^{+}\gamma^{*} e^{-} \rightarrow e^{+} W^{-} Z \nu_{e}$ at the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) are examined to probe the anomalous quartic $WWZ\gamma$ gauge couplings. For $\sqrt{s}=0.5, 1.5$ and 3 TeV energies at the CLIC, $95\%$ confidence level limits on the anomalous coupling parameters defining the dimension-six operators are found via the effective Lagrangian approach in a model independent way. The best limits on the anomalous couplings $\frac{k_{0}^{W}}{\Lambda^{2}}$, $\frac{k_{c}^{W}}{\Lambda^{2}}$, $\frac{k_{2}^{m}}{\Lambda^{2}}$ and $\frac{a_{n}}{\Lambda^{2}}$ which can be achieved with the integrated luminosity of $L_{int}=590$ fb$^{-1}$ at the CLIC with $\sqrt{s}=3$ TeV are $[-8.80;\, 8.73]\times 10^{-8}$ GeV$^{-2}$, $[-1.53; \, 1.51]\times 10^{-7}$ GeV$^{-2}$, $[-3.75; \, 3.74]\times 10^{-7}$ GeV$^{-2}$ and $[-9.13;\,9.09]\times 10^{-7}$ GeV$^{-2}$, respectively., Comment: 31 pages, 17 figures, 6 tables
- Published
- 2014
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200. Analysis of excited neutrinos at the CLIC
- Author
Köksal, M. and Köksal, M.
- Abstract
We analyze the single and pair production of excited neutrinos at the CLIC through the processes $e^{+}e^{-}\rightarrow \nu^{*} \bar{\nu}$, $e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow e^{+}\gamma^{*} e^{-} \rightarrow e^{+} \nu^{*} W^{-}$, and $e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow e^{+}\gamma^{*} \gamma^{*} e^{-} \rightarrow e^{+} \nu^{*} \bar{\nu}^{*} e^{-}$ ($\gamma^{*}$ is the Weizsacker-Williams photon). We examine comprehensively the excited neutrino signal and corresponding backgrounds to obtain limits on excited neutrino mass for various values of the integrated luminosity and center-of-mass energy. We show that the obtained bounds are more restricted than current experimental bounds., Comment: 23 pages, 13 figures, 3 Tables,to appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys. A
- Published
- 2014
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