Have you ever experienced a situation at work in which a highly performing and highly skilled employee was accused of some inappropriate behaviour in the workplace? You probably watched, along with other employees, to see if the person being accused would be confronted if their behaviour was indeed determined to be unethical. Maybe you were disappointed because your organization overlooked the unethical behaviour due to the fact that the accused employee was such a "good" performer? Albert Einstein said, "A man's ethical behaviour should be based effectually on sympathy, education, social ties; no religious basis is necessary. Common Workplace Ethics; Punctuality, Responsibility, Integrity, Loyalty, Teamwork, Positive attitude, Professionalism Most of us have experienced or witnessed some type of inappropriate behaviour in the workplace and have been involved or observed how our organization handled it. Many organizations do a good job of finding their moral grounding and deal with unethical behaviour when it is encountered. Other organizations may struggle even though they understand and value the importance of practicing good ethical behaviour in the workplace. Workplace ethics will help make the entire staff more satisfied with their jobs. Workplace ethics is the moral philosophy developed by a place of business that determines what is expected of employees in a particular setting. Unlike the difference in job descriptions, workplace ethics apply to all members of the organization and are used to determine what is the right, wrong and preferred way to behave at work. There are a number of reasons why developing a workplace code of ethics is important. It Sets The Rules, Equal Playing Field, Enhanced Reputation, and Values Drive Behaviour. When a business has a set of values that are shared and known by the entire staff, the environment will be conducive to values-driven. Knowing what is right and what is wrong, according to the workplace ethics, will naturally encourage behaviour that is consistent with the values. When an employee sees that he is continually being treated fair and in a way consistent with the ethics, it will encourage him to treat others fairly as well. It is a living example of the Golden Rule. The ethics code will also encourage members of the staff to react more positively to others, which will be passed on throughout the staff creating a contagious wave of positive actions. Work Ethics is invisible employee behaviour, noticeable by its absence. Ethics is something that is learned & chosen throughout one's life. It helps a lot in effective productivity as well as a great balance of responsibilities in your life on personal & professional front. Thus, Ethics are the difference between what you could do versus what is right to do. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]