CI1H15NS3.AgNO3, Mr=427"3, orthorhombic, Pca2~, a=8.616(1) , b = 10.303(2), c = 16.839 (2) A, V= 1494.8/~3, Z = 4, D,,, = 1.91, Dx = 1.898 M~m-3, F(000) = 856, a(Mo Ka) = 0"71073 A, /z = 1.621 mm-~, T = 293 K. The structure was solved by the heavy-atom method and refined to R = 0-033 and wR = 0.039 for 2094 unique reflections. The Ag + cation sits in the cavity of the macrocycle and coordinates to three S atoms [S(4), S(7) and S(10)] and one N atom, N(1) of the pyridine ring. Ag + also coordinates to an S atom, S(7') ( 0 .5 + x, y , z), from an adjacent ligand. The intermolecular Ag--S interaction [2.498 (1) A] is stronger than the intramolecular Ag--S interactions [2.701 (2), 2-710(2) and 2-856(1)A]. Ag--S distances suggest covalent character of the bonds. The nitrate anion does not interact with the Ag + cation. Introduction. Substitution of N or S for O in cyclic polyethers greatly influences the complexing properties. When S replaces O as a donor atom in the macrocycle the stabilities of Ag ÷ and Hg + complexes increase while those of alkali complexes decrease (Frensdorff, 1971; Izatt, Terry, Hansen, Avondet, Bradshaw, Dalley, Jensen, Christensen & Haymore, 1978). The decrease in stability of alkalimetal complexes of polyether sulfides is probably due to the lower electronegativity, the larger size, and the different bond lengths and bond angles associated with the S atom compared to those of O. These factors tend to weaken the electrostatic attraction for alkali cations. In contrast, covalent bonding plays an important part in the Ag + and Hg + complexes. The crystal structure of the hetero analogue o f ' l 2-crown* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. 0108-2701/89/121871-04503.00 4', namely 2,5,8-trithia[9](2,6)pyridinophane (1), has been described by Weber, Jones & Sheldrick (1983). This compound was reported to form crystalline complexes with AgNO3, HgC12, HAuC14, PdC12, H2PtC16 and Co(SCN)2 (Weber & Vogtle, 1976). The crystal structure analysis of the title compound was undertaken to study the possible structural changes due to complexing of AgNO3. Experimental. Colourless needle shaped crystals, crystal size 0.1 × 0.1 × 0.4 mm, density measured by flotation, data collection on an automated Stoe fourcircle diffractometer using graphite-monochromated Mo Ka radiation (,~ = 0.71073 A), lattice parameters by least-squares analysis of 0 values of 24 high-angle reflections in the range 20 < 20 < 30°; to/20 scan technique, 20max = 60°; index range: 0 ___ h ___ 12, 0 ___ k ___ 14, 0 _< 1___ 23; three standard reflections monitored every 100 reflections showed no significant variations; 2412 reflections measured of which 2094 reflections with I___ 3o(/) considered observed; empirical absorption correction was applied using O scans (North, Phillips & Mathews, 1968), max. and min. transmission 1.11 and 0.83; Lorentz and polarization corrections applied. Structure was solved by heavy-atom method using SHELX76 (Sheldrick, 1976); Ag and S positions from the Patterson map; rest of the non-H atoms from the subsequent Fourier maps; H-atom positions from difference Fourier maps; anisotropic refinement for non-H atoms and isotropic refinement for H atoms using full-matrix least-squares refinement; the isotropic temperature factors of four of the hydrogens were kept fixed at 0.05 A 2 during refinement. Final R = 0.033 and wR =0.039 for 2094 observed reflections; weighting scheme used, w = 1.O0/[o~(Fo) + 0.012031Fo[2], (shift/ © 1989 International Union of Crystallography 1872 2,5,8-TRITHIA[9](2,6)PYRIDINOPHANE-SILVER NITRATE (1.1) e.s.d.)max in the final cycle of refinement for non-H atoms was 0.039, reflections/parameters refined ratio was 8-87; the minimum and maximum heights in the final difference Fourier map were -0.82 and +0.81 elk -3. Atomic scattering factors for non-H atoms from Cromer & Mann (1968), for H atoms from Stewart, Davidson & Simpson (1965); anomalous-dispersion correction from Cromer & Liberman (1970). Fractional coordinates and equivalent isotropic thermal parameters of the non-H atoms are given in Table 1; bond lengths and angles in Table 2.* The atom labels correspond to Fig. 1.