Objectives: The aim of this study was to analyze the epidemiology, treatment and incidence of complications among the patients with upper extremity war injury. Methods: In retrospective study, 123 patients with war injuries of the upper extremity have been analyzed. The results of treatment were assessed according to the rate of: complications, amputations, fracture healing and mortality. Results: Complications appeared in 17.9% of cases. Traumatic amputations were present in 19.4% of cases and in 2.4% of cases amputation was performed due to III C open fracture. Satisfactory bone healing was achieved in 49 of 55 patients available to follow up. Mortality rate was 2.4%. Conclusion: Self-inflicted injuries resulted in 41.6% amputation rate. High-energy war injuries of the upper extremity could be treated between 6 and 12 hours after injury without an increase in complication rate, compared to treatment up to 6 hours from injury. In selected cases primary reconstruction of war injury could be performed., {"references":["U.S. Department of Defense. Emergency war surgery – First U.S. revision of the emergency war surgery – NATO Handbook. U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C., 1975.","Lerner A, Fodor L, Soudry M. Is Staged External Fixation a Valuable Strategy for War Injuries to the Limbs? Clin Orth 2006;448: 217-224.","Manojlovic RD, Vuckovic C, Tabakovic D, Nikola G, Bumbasirevic M. Free Fibula and Corticocancellous Bone grafting for Salvage of War-injured Forearm. J Orthop Trauma 2006;20: 495-498.","Aldea PA, Shaw WW. The evolution of the surgical management of severe lower extremity trauma. Clin Plast Surg 1986;13: 549–569.","Champion HR, Bellamy RF, Roberts CP, Leppaniemi A. A Profile of Combat Injury. J Trauma 2003;54: S13-S19.","Lovric Z, Wertheimer B, Candrlic K, et al. War injuries of major extremity vessels. J Trauma 1994;36: 248-251.","Covey DC. Blast and Fragment Injuries of the Musculoskeletal System. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2002;84-A(7): 1221-1234.","Jabaley ME, Peterson HD. Early Treatment of War Wounds of the Hand and Forearm in Vietnam. Ann Surg 1973; 167-173.","Bowyer GW. Management of small fragment wounds: experience from the Afgan border. J Trauma 1966;40: 170–172.","Granberry WM. Gunshot wounds of the hand. Hand 1973;5: 220-228.","Elton RC, Bouzard WC. Gunshot and fragment wounds of metacarpus. South Med J 1975;68: 833-843.","Swanson TV, Szabo RM, Anderson DD. Open hand fractures: Prognosis and classification. J Hand Surg 1991;16A: 101–107.","Hardin WD, O´Conell RC, Adinolti MF, Kerstain MD. Traumatic arterial injuries of the upper extremity: Determinants of disability. Am J Surg 1985;150: 266-270.","Gustilo RB, Merkow RL, Tempelman D. The management of open fractures. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1990;72A: 299-304.","Huljev D, Rašić Ž, Trajbar T, Košuta D, Nadinić V. External fixation in war trauma management of the extremities - experience from the war in Croatia. J Trauma 1994;37: 831-834.","Korzinek K. War injuries of the extremities. Unfallchirurg 1993;96: 242-247.","Duncan RW, Freeland AE, Jabaley ME, Meydrech EF. Open hand fractures: An analysis of the recovery of active motion and of complications. J Hand Surg 1993;18A: 387–394.","Omer GE Jr. Injuries of nerves to upper extremity. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1974;56A: 1615-1624.","Gonzalez MH, Hall M, Hall RF Jr. Low-velocity gunshot wounds of the proximal phalanx: treatment by early stable fixation. J Hand Surg Am 1998;23: 150-155.","Ordog GJ, Balasubramanium S, Wasserberger J, Kram H, Bishop M, Shoemaker W. Extremity gunshot wounds: Part I. Identification and treatment of patients at high risk of vascular injury. J Trauma 1994;36: 358-368.","Rautio J, Paavolainen P. Delayed treatment of complicated fractures in war wounded. Injury 1987;18: 238-240.","Tikka S, Bostman O, Marttinen E, Makitie I. A retrospective analysis of 36 civilian gunshot fractures. J Trauma 1996;40: S212-S216.","Coupland RM. Technical aspects of war wound excision. Br J Surg 1989;76: 663-7.","Covey DC, Lurate RB, Hatton CT. Field Hospital Treatment of Blast Wounds of the Muskuloskeletal System during the Yugoslav Civil War. J Orthop Trauma 2000;14(4): 278-286.","Luce EA, Griffen WO. Shotgun injuries of the upper extremity. J Trauma 1978;18: 487-492.","Pukljak D: External fixation-minimal osteosynthesis: indications, role and place in war surgery. J Trauma 1997;43: 275-282.","Davila S, Mikulić D, Davila NJ, Popović L, Zupančić B. Treatment of war injuries of the shoulder with external fixators. Mil Med 2005;170(5): 414-7.","Lerner A, Stahl S, Stein H. Hybrid External Fixation in High-Energy Elbow Fractures: A Modular System with A Promising Future. J Trauma 2000;49: 1017-1022.","Clouse WD. Rasmunssen TE, Peristein J, et al. Upper extremity vascular injury: a current in-theatre wartime report from Operation Iraqi Freedom. Ann Vasc Surg 2006;20(4): 429-34."]}