368 results on '"non-tariff measures"'
Search Results
152. Heterogeneous Impacts of SPS and TBT Regulations : Firm-Level Evidence from Deep Trade Agreements
- Author
Fernandes, Ana Margarida, Lefebvre, Kevin, and Rocha, Nadia
- Subjects
This paper estimates the impacts of regulating the use of sanitary and phytosanitary and technical barriers to trade measures through preferential trade agreements on exports of firms in Chile, Colombia, and Peru along the firm size spec trum. The analysis exploits novel data from the World Bank Deep Trade Agreements database and customs covering the universe of exporting firms in each country over 1996–2015. The paper uses a firm-product gravity equation with a stringent set of fixed effects and controls for the overall depth of the preferential trade agreements and product-specific bilateral tariffs. The findings show that firms’ exports increase significantly in destination markets with preferential trade agreements, including a larger number of sanitary and phytosanitary and technical barriers to trade provisions, and the effect is stronger for smaller firms. Provisions for the harmonization of sanitary and phytosanitary regulations in preferential trade agreements also have greater benefits for the exports of smaller firms, and so do preferential trade agreements, including stronger transparency provisions for sanitary and phytosanitary and technical barriers to trade regulations. The results are robust to dropping larger exporters and highly concentrated export sectors to address endogeneity. The benefits of sanitary and phytosanitary and technical barriers to trade provisions are mainly driven by sectors with more heavily-regulated products. Entry into new product markets and increases in export quality partly explain the rising exports of smaller firms. Finally, the estimated impacts are similar regardless of the income level of the preferential trade agreement partners.
- Published
- 2021
153. Gain without Pain? Non-Tariff Measures, Plants’ Productivity and Markups
- Author
Cali, Massimiliano, Le Moglie, Marco, and Presidente, Giorgio
- Subjects
This paper studies how productivity and markups respond to non-tariff measures. The analysis uses a novel time-varying data set on all non-tariff measures applied to imported products by Indonesia. Price and quantity information is used to disentangle the impact of non-tariff measures on plants’ technical efficiency and markups. The findings show that on average, non-tariff measures generate fewer distortions than import tariffs do. However, while specific non-tariff measures increase the quality of the products on which they are applied, others act as barriers to trade similar to import tariffs. These results suggest that to gauge their impacts and guide policy making, non-tariff measures should not be bundled together in empirical analyses.
- Published
- 2021
154. East Asian trade integration in the era of global value chains: Prospects and challenges
- Author
Yamashita, Nobuaki
- Subjects
Global Value Chains ,Trade integration ,Non-tariff measures ,ddc:330 ,F23 ,F13 - Abstract
This paper examines trade integration of East Asian countries through the lens of global value chains (GVCs). It first gauges the extent and involvement of trade in value-added (TiVA) for East Asian countries. The analysis confirms that reliance on backward GVC participation outside of the region still looms large in East Asia. This presents the case for creating policies that would enable the creation of greater global links in addition to focusing on deepening intraregional trade linkages remain important. Sectoral comparisons reveal that Regional Value Chains (RVCs) among East-Asian economies have been increasing its role in East Asian's exports of transport equipment sector while decreasing the role in its exports of textile and apparel sector. Such trend seems to suggest RVC opportunities are available to East Asian economies in sectors that require production to locate close to large and growing markets and suppliers' ability to absorb new technology. Moreover, the study finds enabling policy environment is an important factor to strengthen intraregional value chain linkages. For example, non-tariff measures (NTMs), have become an important part of trade-policy measures and have significantly affected trade flows in RVCs. It is found that NTMs are generally associated with reduced trade in value-added flows, except in the case that NTMs may help ensuring quality standards, such as technical NTMs in the food industry.
- Published
- 2021
155. Equivalentes Ad Valorem para medidas não tarifárias sob mercados imperfeitos e incertezas
- Author
Mendes, Krisley and Luchine, André Araújo
- Subjects
non-tariff measures ,ad valorem equivalent ,F14 ,ddc:330 ,F13 ,imperfect market ,uncertainty - Abstract
This study estimated ad-valorem equivalent (AVE) for non-tariff measures (NTM) applied by 81 countries to 5.321 products in six-digit products of the harmonized system (HS). For that, the study follow the method developed by Kee, Nicita e Olarreaga (2009) and the contributions brought by Beghin, Disdier e Marette (2015) to consider imperfect markets. The Monte Carlo method was applied to consider the uncertainty in the elasticities values, following Hallren e Opanasets (2018). The results show that the average AVE of the entire sample of countries is 104.89%, being more intense in the manufacturing sector. Negative AVEs are found mainly in the products of the chemical industry, electrical material and footwear. For Brazil, the results show that, on average, imports from the country are more expensive by 89%, being more intense also in manufactured products. The HS chapters most affected in Brazil are dairy products, metals (lead), cereal-based preparations and special fabrics. The sensitivity analysis shows that most AVE obtained by the employed methodology remains stable when elasticities vary. This study offers three contributions: i) the AVEs are estimated for products in the more actual version of HS, published in 2017; ii) allows negative AVEs, considering imperfect markets for a wide range of NTMs; and iii) evaluates the sensitivity of AVEs to variations in elasticities, admitting uncertainty.
- Published
- 2021
156. Exploring 'non-tariff measures black box': Whose regulative NTMs on which products improve the imported quality?
- Author
Ghodsi, Mahdi
- Subjects
non-tariff measures ,technical barriers to trade ,L15 ,sanitary and phytosanitary measures ,global bilateral trade ,F14 ,ddc:330 ,F13 ,quality of products - Abstract
Regulative non-tariff measures (NTMs), such as technical barriers to trade (TBTs) and sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measures, have frequently been imposed to regulate the quality of imported goods when the market fails to address some issues of concern regarding harmful products with low standards. The impact of NTMs on trade values and trade volumes has been extensively modelled and analysed in the literature, while their quality impact has usually been studied using the unit values of imports. In this paper a monopolistic competition framework is presented, in which firms choose both the quality and the price of their exports subject to the compliance costs of NTMs behind the border and a fixed cost of technological change. Using the solutions of this model including NTMs, the quality of products at the six-digit level of the harmonised system (HS) traded globally and bilaterally during the period 1996-2017 is estimated. Using these estimates, the impacts of TBTs and SPS measures on trade values, volume, unit value and quality are estimated. On average and across all global bilateral trade, TBTs restrict imports while improving quality significantly. SPS measures stimulate trade and improve the average imported quality. Then, by estimating the importer-specific impact of NTMs on traded value, quantity, unit value, quality, and quality-adjusted price for each product, the 'NTM Black Box' is opened and analysed. This provides evidence of whether the quality of traded goods to an importing country has been upgraded despite the trade restrictiveness of NTMs. The complete analysed data that are available in the online appendix and visualised on Tableau will provide insights to scholars, policymakers and trade-dispute settlement cases at the World Trade Organisation (WTO).
- Published
- 2021
157. Проблемы совершенствования нетарифного регулирования международной торговли в рамках ЕАЭС
- Subjects
нетарифное регулирование в ЕАЭС ,влияние НТМ на международную торговлю ,нетарифные меры ,mechanism of non-tariff regulation ,классификация нетарифных мер ,non-tariff regulation in the EAEU ,improvement of NTMs ,механизм нетарифного регулирования ,problems of non-tariff regulation ,non-tariff measures ,classifi cation of non-tariff measures ,проблемы нетарифного регулирования ,совершенствование НТМ ,NTM ,the impact of NTMs on international trade ,НТМ - Abstract
Актуальность статьи обусловлена необходимостью совершенствования нетарифного регулирования международной торговли, в т.ч. в рамках ЕАЭС, как одного из факторов развития внешней торговли в условиях ее стагнации по причине глобальных вызовов. Цель: развитие теоретических основ нетарифного регулирования, выявление проблем его применения и обоснование перспектив развития в рамках ЕАЭС. Разработана классификация мер нетарифного регулирования и представлена динамика развития отдельных видов НТМ за период с 2009 по 2020 гг. Обоснован механизм их влияния на международную торговлю. Выявлены особенности использования НТМ в торговле. Обозначены мировые тенденции и проблемы в сфере применения нетарифных мер, а также проблемы, специфичные для ЕАЭС. Определены направления совершенствования НТМ исходя из цели сокращения торговых издержек, связанных с НТМ, без ущерба для здоровья населения и защиты окружающей среды. Сформулированы основные рекомендации в отношении НТМ для внедрения в государствах-членах ЕАЭС., The article is devoted to the topical issue of non-tariff regulation improvement, in particular within the EAEU, as one of the drivers of international trade in the context of its stagnation due to global challenges. The study aims at developing a theoretical framework for non-tariff regulation, identifying problems of its application and justifying the prospects within the EAEU. A classifi cation of non-tariff regulation measures (NTMs) was worked out and the changes in their application over the period 2009-2020 with the impact on international trade were analyzed. The features of using NTMs in trade are revealed. Global trends and problems in the application of NTMs as well as issues specifi c to the EAEU are outlined. Given the priority to reduce trade costs associated with NTMs the areas for improving NTMs without aff ecting adversely public health and environmental protection were determined. The key suggestions regarding implementation of NTMs in the EAEU are presented.
- Published
- 2021
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158. Heterogeneous effects of nontariff measures on cross-border investments: Bilateral firm-level analysis
- Author
Adarov, Amat and Ghodsi, Mahdi
- Subjects
non-tariff measures ,F14 ,ICT ,FDI ,ddc:330 ,ad-valorem equivalent of NTMs ,TBT ,F13 ,SPS measures - Abstract
We analyse the heterogeneous effects of technical regulations and safety standards embodied in nontariff measures on foreign direct investment using global firm-level panel data of bilateral cross-border ownership relationships over the period 2008-2018. To this end, we develop a novel measure of timevarying bilateral ad valorem equivalents of sectoral non-tariff measures, which reveals that technical barriers to trade (TBTs) played a much greater role as a trade-inhibiting factor in comparison with import tariffs and sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measures over the period 1996-2018, with their relative importance increasing in the post-Great Recession period. Estimations using the Poisson pseudomaximum likelihood framework reveal the importance of non-tariff measures as a driver of foreign direct investment, with heterogeneous effects observed for the measures imposed by the host and the home country, as well as across sectors and types of non-tariff measures. Among other results, we find that an increase in the stringency of technical barriers to trade imposed by the host country is associated with higher investment in the foreign subsidiaries operating in this country, pointing to the regulatory barrierjumping motive of foreign direct investment. The effect is much stronger for the multinational corporations operating in the information and communications technology sector.
- Published
- 2021
159. Quality of goods imports: Which role for non-tariff measures?
- Author
Ghodsi, Mahdi, Elhami, Payam, and Stehrer, Robert
- Subjects
non-tariff measures ,technical barriers to trade ,L15 ,sanitary and phytosanitary measures ,global bilateral trade ,F14 ,ddc:330 ,F13 ,quality of products - Abstract
Eight multilateral rounds of negotiations under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and international agreements under the World Trade Organisation (WTO) have contributed significantly to the reduction of tariffs among WTO members. However, the imposition and use of non-tariff measures (NTMs) have surged over the years, mostly for legitimate policy goals. Among these measures, technical barriers to trade (TBTs) and sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measures, in particular, allow countries to impose restrictions on the imports of low-quality products suspected of harming domestic consumers' health, plants, animals or the global environment. Such trade policy instruments aim to force higher standards in the import market and to ensure alignment with domestic regulations. The main question therefore is whether and how regulative NTMs affect trade flows, and in particular the quality of traded goods. Following the theoretical framework proposed by Feenstra and Romalis (2014), we theoretically illustrate how NTMs affect the average quality of imported products, while also incorporating the impact on the quantity and value of imports. The framework then allows us to estimate the impact of NTMs on traded values, quantities, unit values, quality and quality-adjusted prices at the detailed HS sixdigit level. The results of the various estimated variables for all countries at the detailed product level are available in a visualised format (Tableau) as well as an online data appendix, providing comprehensive insights for scholars and policy makers. Generally, the results point towards a quality-increasing impact of regulative NTMs, though this may come with lower traded quantities or values. These aspects must be weighed against the positive outcomes, i.e. the compliance with the aims of the regulations concerning health, security or environmental goals and the overall increase in quality. Imposing such measures should therefore be done in such a way that they reduce trade frictions as much as possible while recognising the legitimate motivations behind the imposition of NTMs. Further, harmonisation of standards at the multilateral level may circumvent potential frictions while supporting the overall aims of regulative NTMs.
- Published
- 2021
160. Impact of technical barriers to trade on the trade in goods in the information and communications technology sector: Differentiating by aim of the regulatory measure
- Author
Ghodsi, Mahdi
- Subjects
non-tariff measures ,L15 ,World Trade Organization ,F14 ,ddc:330 ,F13 ,Information and communications technology ,technical barrier to trade ,Pseudo Poisson Maximum Likelihood - Abstract
In this modern digital world, goods from the information and communications technology (ICT) sector are the engine of the global economy. While tariffs levied on ICT goods have been eliminated or significantly reduced since the conclusion in December 1996 of the Information Technology Agreement of the World Trade Organization (WTO), non-tariff measure (NTMs) have come to be used more frequently with regard to imports of these goods. Technical barriers to trade (TBTs), as the most important trade policy measure imposed on imports of ICT goods, form the focus of this study. This paper analyses how different types of TBTs imposed on imports of ICT goods globally affected the values and volumes of imported goods at the six-digit level of the Harmonised System (HS) during the period 1996-2018. Keywords cited in the TBTs notified to the WTO give an indication of the aims behind the imposition of TBTs. Therefore, this study digs deeper into the impact of 30 types of TBT, using the keywords cited. The methodology used in this paper controls for zero trade flows using the Pseudo Poisson Maximum Likelihood (PPML) technique; and it controls for endogeneity bias using the exogenous instrumental variable approach. Furthermore, the paper provides more detailed analysis of the impact of TBTs across five ICT product categories that are defined by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). The results indicate that TBTs have a generally strong positive impact on the value of imports of ICT goods. While many keywords cited in TBTs notified to the WTO affect the values and volumes of imports in a positive way, certain other TBTs function as trade barriers that reduce their values and volumes.
- Published
- 2021
161. The impact of regulatory heterogeneity on global value chain-related trade
- Author
Lombini, Alessio
- Subjects
F14 ,E16 ,F15 ,trade protection ,O40 ,international trade ,regulatory distance ,non-tariff measures ,ddc:330 ,global value chains ,technical regulations ,F13 ,L51 ,Gravity equation ,F63 - Abstract
In this paper, I estimate the impact of heterogeneity in non-tariff-measures (NTMs) policies on countries' global value chains (GVCs)-related trade and its backward and forward components. I firstly build a regulatory distance (RD) index, which measures the degree of dissimilarity in NTMs structures between two trade partners. By including the RD index in a structural gravity model, I then find a significant negative effect of regulatory distance on total, backward, and forward GVC-related trade. The negative impact results to be even stronger when I conduct the analysis only on manufacturing sectors. On the country dimension, I demonstrate that the effects of regulatory distance are associated with the exporters' and the importers' income levels.
- Published
- 2021
- Subjects
customs regulation ,нетарифные меры ,сотрудничество ,торговля ,ЕАЭС ,методики ,cooperation ,EEU ,таможенное регулирование ,methods ,meat ,non-tariff measures ,мясо ,тарифные меры ,tariff measures ,trade - Abstract
В статье описаны особые экономические условия осуществления внешнеторговых операций на рынках сельскохозяйственной продукции в 2020-2021 гг. Описаны принципы применения мер таможенного регулирования в интересах экспортеров сельскохозяйственной продукции. Проведен анализ ситуации на рынке мяса и мясопродуктов. Сделан вывод о перспективах макроэкономической стабилизации в рамках ЕАЭС., The article describes the special economic conditions for the implementation of foreign trade operations in agricultural product markets in 2020-2021. The principles for the application of customs control measures in the interests of agricultural exporters are described. The situation on the meat and meat products market has been analyzed. A conclusion was made on the prospects for macroeconomic stabilization within the EEU.
- Published
- 2021
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163. The trade effects of technical barriers on South Africa's orange exports.
- Author
Kapuya, Tinashe
- Subjects
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ORANGES , *FRUIT , *TARIFF , *ORANGE industry , *EXPORT controls , *ECONOMIC demand , *INTERNATIONAL trade - Abstract
The paper employs a gravity model to measure the trade effects of technical barriers in South Africa's major markets for oranges. The gravity model estimation is backed by a price-wedge framework that identifies technical barriers (equivalent to tariffs) that could be restricting South Africa's orange exports. The simulation of the gravity equation shows that removing technical barriers will have a 0.1% increase in South Africa's orange exports to the EU, suggesting that the growth potential of the EU market is somewhat limited by some additional factors such as low demand growth, and South Africa's diversion to higher-return markets. Nonetheless, reducing technical barriers still has a fairly significant impact on South Africa's other major markets, particularly China, the United States, Canada and Russia. This is an important result, not only because the analysis generally affirms the tightening of technical barriers in key markets, but also because the analysis unpacks the cross sectional idiosyncrasies of technical barriers across major export markets. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER]
- Published
- 2015
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164. Assessing the Impact of SPS Regulations on U.S. Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Exports.
- Author
Grant, Jason H., Peterson, Everett, and Ramniceanu, Radu
- Abstract
Sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measures are not new, but their significance in international agri-food trade continues to grow. Much less is known about the trade-restricting potential of these measures because of the difficulty in identifying when SPS regulations exist and how and to what extent they are applied. We develop a novel database of SPS treatments affecting United States exports of nine fresh fruits and vegetables and a formal econometric model to investigate the trade-restricting nature of these measures. The results suggest that SPS treatments generally reduce trade, but the actual restrictiveness of these measures diminishes as U.S. exporters accumulate treatment experience and vanishes when exporters reach a certain threshold. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2015
165. Mounting Uncertainty and Power Shifting in Global Economic Governance: Addressing Multilateral Stability in the Context of Rising Regionalism.
- Author
Simo, Regis Y.
- Subjects
UNCERTAINTY ,POWER (Social sciences) ,REGIONALISM ,GLOBAL Financial Crisis, 2008-2009 ,INTERNATIONAL cooperation ,ECONOMICS - Abstract
The book under review addresses trade agreements in the context of the current global economic crisis and the uncompleted Doha Round. The fact that Doha Round negotiations failed to deliver their promises, coupled with the recent surge of free trade agreements, have created both a time of uncertainty and a heightened focus of international economic law scholarship on the implications of the issues creating this uncertainty. This collection of eleven essays covers areas, where, despite the current period of confusion and economic change, there are new, continued or regained activities. The authors seek to adopt new approaches to old problems and to address new challenges in modern-day economic relations among countries. Trying times that we are currently experiencing, coupled by the conclusion of trade alliances (among which the now mega-regionals) that pose serious threats to modern-day multilateralism, raise debates around building a stable economic future. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2015
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166. Sustainable Production, Non-Tariff Measures, and Trade Performance in RCEP Countries
- Author
Muhamad Rias K V Zainuddin, Norlin Khalid, and Tamat Sarmidi
- Subjects
Economic integration ,lcsh:TJ807-830 ,Geography, Planning and Development ,Commodity ,lcsh:Renewable energy sources ,Tariff ,Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law ,0502 economics and business ,sustainable production ,050207 economics ,RCEP ,lcsh:Environmental sciences ,lcsh:GE1-350 ,Sustainable development ,Commercial policy ,gravity model ,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment ,lcsh:Environmental effects of industries and plants ,05 social sciences ,Building and Construction ,International economics ,PPML ,Bilateral trade ,lcsh:TD194-195 ,non-tariff measures ,trade policy ,Gravity model of trade ,economic integration ,050202 agricultural economics & policy ,Business - Abstract
The main objective of this paper is to reinvestigate the impacts of non-tariff measures (NTMs) on bilateral exports among Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) countries. The study adds to the literature in two areas. First, we calculate coverage ratios for NTMs related to specific sustainable development goals (SDGs) imposed on bilateral trade between RCEP member countries. Second, to avoid aggregation bias, the analysis covers four major sectors, namely agrifood, health, logistics, and other manufacturing. The results of a Poisson pseudo maximum likelihood (PPML) regression in a gravity model, using average import data from 2016 to 2018 at the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding Systems (HS) two-digit level (97 subsectors), show that the effects of SDG-related NTMs vary by sector. NTMs related to SDG 3 (good health and well-being) distort trade in health but enhance trade in logistics. NTMs related to SDG 12 (responsible consumption and production) have a negative impact on logistics but a positive impact on other manufacturing exports. The findings provide new perspectives on the varying impacts of SDG-related NTMs on trade. Interestingly, the study finds that NTMs addressing SDGs 3 and 12 have positive trade impacts. Policymakers should, however, regulate NTM implementation, to minimize negative impacts and ensure that domestic firms comply to promote sustainable production.
- Published
- 2020
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167. Protectionism indices for non-tariff measures: An application to maximum residue levels.
- Author
Li, Yuan and Beghin, John C.
- Subjects
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Highlights: [•] We propose aggregation indices of Non-Tariff Measures to quantify their stringency. [•] The indices measure protectionism in deviation from international Codex standards. [•] We apply the indices to pesticide Maximum Residue Limit regulations for 83 countries. [•] Australia and Taiwan have the most protectionist regulations among 83 countries. [•] Protectionist occurs by setting stringent specific MRLs and/or defaults MRLs. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2014
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168. Vietnam : Deepening International Integration and Implementing the EVFTA
- Author
World Bank
- Subjects
Following from Vietnam’s ratification of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) in late 2018 and its effectiveness from January 2019, and the European Parliament’s recent approval of the European Union-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) and its subsequent planned ratification by the National Assembly in May 2020, Vietnam has further demonstrated its determination to be a modern, competitive, open economy. As the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) crisis has clearly shown, diversified markets and supply chains will be key in the future global context to managing the risk of disruptions in trade and in supply chains due to changing trade relationships, climate change, natural disasters, and disease outbreaks. In those regards, Vietnam is in a stronger position than most countries in the region. The benefits of globalization are increasingly being debated and questioned. However, in the case of Vietnam, the benefits have been clear in terms of high and consistent economic growth and a large reduction in poverty levels. As Vietnam moves to ratify and implement a new generation of free trade agreements (FTAs), such as the CPTPP and EVFTA, it is important to clearly demonstrate, in a transparent manner, the economic gains and distributional impacts (such as sectoral and poverty) from joining these FTAs. In the meantime, it is crucial to highlight the legal gaps that must be addressed to ensure that national laws and regulations are in compliance with Vietnam’s obligations under these FTAs. Readiness to implement this new generation of FTAs at both the national and subnational level is important to ensure that the country maximizes the full economic benefits in terms of trade and investment. This report explores the issues of globalization and the integration of Vietnam into the global economy, particularly through implementation of the EVFTA.
- Published
- 2020
169. BRICS’ Sustainable Development Dialog: Framing Contours to a Common Agenda through the Intragroup Trade
- Author
Natalia Khmelevskaya
- Subjects
Sustainable development ,Economics and Econometrics ,Sociology and Political Science ,business.industry ,Carbon Dioxide Emissions Embodied in Export ,lcsh:International relations ,International trade ,sustainable development goals ,Bilateral Trade ,Trade Related Aspects of a Green Economy ,Green economy ,Bilateral trade ,Non-Tariff Measures ,Foreign policy ,Agriculture ,Manufacturing ,Business ,China ,Finance ,Exploitation of natural resources ,lcsh:JZ2-6530 - Abstract
This article explores the formation of multilateral dialogue among the BRICS grouping of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa to address the problems of development quality based on the most demonstrative sphere of the countries’ economic cooperation — mutual trade. The foreign policy contour of the BRICS dialogue is a shared responsibility and stems from national obligations within the United Nations (UN) system, the World Trade Organization (WTO) and other international fora. As it connects with development strategies in different environments and at different paces, the convergence of the positions taken by BRICS members both within and outside the forum is in line with their domestic economic priorities, and hence multilateral cooperation mechanisms are included in national development plans. The external economic contour poses similar restrictions on internal development — agricultural and manufacturing industries based on the exploitation of natural resources, the use of dirty fuels, ecologically intensive exports and the general need to preserve and restore the resource base. Analytically, this study is based on the quantitative parameters of intra-BRICS trade from 2009–2017, the BRICS export resource-intensity indicators and non-tariff restrictions statistics. Maintaining relatively similar and generally low tariffs in raw materials sectors, BRICS countries regulate the turnover of “green” goods within the group through technical barriers, price control measures and quality standards, maintaining a consistently high share of environmentally intensive raw materials. At the same time, given the differentiation of BRICS countries in terms of quality of growth and sensitivity to external shocks, some of them seek to diversify their exports (oil and petroleum products from Russia and China), while others protect local producers (agricultural products from Brazil and Russia), and take “green economy” measures as a substitute for higher tariffs for environmentally friendly goods to help retain markets.
- Published
- 2019
170. WTO Agreement on agriculture and pekuliarities of its implementation under conditions of the Republic of Belarus
- Author
Kireyenka, Natallia Vladimirovna and Kireyenka, Natallia Vladimirovna
- Published
- 2020
171. Changes in aflatoxin standards: Implications for EU border controls of nut imports
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de València. Departamento de Economía y Ciencias Sociales - Departament d'Economia i Ciències Socials, García Alvarez-Coque, José María, Taghouti, Ibtissem, Martinez Gomez, Victor David, Universitat Politècnica de València. Departamento de Economía y Ciencias Sociales - Departament d'Economia i Ciències Socials, García Alvarez-Coque, José María, Taghouti, Ibtissem, and Martinez Gomez, Victor David
- Abstract
This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced version of an article accepted for publication in Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy following peer review. The version of record Garcia-Alvarez-Coque, J.-M., Taghouti, I. and Martinez-Gomez, V. (2020), Changes in Aflatoxin Standards: Implications for EU Border Controls of Nut Imports. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 42: 524-541. doi:10.1093/aepp/ppy036 is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1093/aepp/ppy036., [EN] Food safety concerns about the risk of aflatoxin (AF) contamination have been growing in many regions, particularly in the European Union (EU). To protect consumers from health risks, the EU has established strict standards for maximum acceptable AF levels in food products; these standards have changed several times. This article examines the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) database, which contains notifications on border controls on AF levels in tree nuts and peanuts. A count data model was used to analyze the impact of political economy considerations, past alerts, and path-dependence effects on RASFF border controls. Policy changes, including the harmonization and relaxing of the EU¿s AF standards, significantly affected the frequency of border controls, with diverse effects among exporting countries. It is believed that the present study provides some insights to the modeling of food standards for explanation or forecasting purposes.
- Published
- 2020
172. Middle East and North African Integration: through the lens of Non-Tariff Measures.
- Author
Péridy, Nicolas and Ghoneim, Ahmed
- Subjects
NONTARIFF trade barriers ,ECONOMIC policy ,ECONOMISTS ,ECONOMIC databases - Abstract
Non-Tariff Measures (NTMs) have recently become a central issue for economists and policy makers. Based on a new database developed by the World Bank on five Middle East and North African(MENA) countries at a very detailed product level, this article provides calculations of the average tariff equivalents (AVEs) of NTMs in these countries. A second contribution is the development of an original empirical model with detailed trade costs. This makes it possible to provide the assessment of these NTMs impacts as well as other trade costs ones on the trade of goods in these countries. This analysis is also extended to the trade of 15 service sectors, through the use of the updated GTAP database. Results show that NTMs are very significant in the selected MENA countries. The model also shows that NTMs are significantly trade reducing in almost all MENA countries, especially Sanitary and Phytosanitary(SPS) measures. NTMs in services are also significantly trade reducing, especially in Maghreb countries. The study shows that not all NTMs must necessarily been reduced or removed, but the ones which are particular trade-reducing must be paid particular attention. In addition, the governments should also progress toward either mutual recognition, or the adoption of international standards especially in relation to technical standards. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2013
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173. Evaluating the Trade Restrictiveness of Phytosanitary Measures on U.S. Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Imports.
- Author
Peterson, Everett, Grant, Jason, Roberts, Donna, and Karov, Vuko
- Subjects
INTERNATIONAL trade ,FRUIT ,VEGETABLE exports & imports ,TRADE regulation - Abstract
Empirically assessing sanitary and phytosanitary regulations has proven difficult because most data sources indicate whether a regulation exists but provide no information on the type or importance of the respective measure. In this article, we construct a novel database of U.S. phytosanitary measures and match these to 47 fresh fruit and vegetable product imports from 89 exporting countries over the period 1996–2008. A product-line gravity equation that accounts for zero trade flows is developed to investigate the trade impact of different pest-mitigation measures. While the results suggest that phytosanitary treatments generally reduce trade, the actual restrictiveness of these measures diminishes dramatically as exporters accumulate experience, and it vanishes when exporters reach a certain threshold. The results have important policy implications considering the number of empirical studies that find a negative impact of non-tariff measures on trade. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2013
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174. Implications of non-tariff measures on international business operations: a case of India's textiles and clothing firms.
- Author
Saini, Gordhan K.
- Abstract
Purpose – This paper attempts to examine the implications of non-tariff measures (NTMs) on firms' international business operations through a survey of India's textiles and clothing exporting firms. The main objectives of the study are to identify and assess the impact of NTMs, and analyze the cost incurred in complying with them. Design/methodology/approach – This paper is based on the survey which was jointly undertaken with the Market Research Division of Textiles Committee, Mumbai. Findings – The results reveal that the EU and USA-based buyers are more restrictive with significantly higher NTM incidences. The technical barriers, product and production process standards, and conformity assessment requirement for technical barriers are the widely used NTM categories. The compliance expenditure may vary according to firm size, and an inverse relation is revealed by this study. The larger and smaller firms demonstrate important differences in compliance due to their varying resource endowments. Further, the regression results suggest that the US and EU markets and firms' product profile/type are an important determinant of compliance cost. Originality/value – This study contributes to the understanding about the implications of NTMs on Indian firms, and the inferences may be tested in other similar Asian markets. However, a further empirical validation of the issues such as NTMs as promotion and marketing tools is warranted. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2011
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175. Non-Tariff Measures in Agri-Food Trade: What Do the Data Tell Us? Evidence from a Cluster Analysis on OECD Imports.
- Author
Disdier, Anne-Célia and van Tongeren, Frank
- Subjects
NONTARIFF trade barriers ,CLUSTER analysis (Statistics) ,FARM produce ,ECONOMICS - Abstract
Non-tariff measures (NTMs) play an increasing role in the international trade of agri-food products. Although well-recognized, this role has not been extensively analyzed at a disaggregated level. This paper focuses on NTMs enacted by member countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development for 777 products. Using a cluster-analysis, the paper identifies the correlation between the occurrence of NTMs, their trade coverage, and the incidence of trade frictions for these products. The paper relates the statistical findings to the political economy literature on protection to explain cross-product differences in the occurrence of NTMs and trade frictions. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2010
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176. Fruit and vegetable exports in the post-liberalization era: The Indian experience
- Author
A, Indhushree, Kuruvila, Anil, Thomas, Jesy, and C, Latha Bastine
- Subjects
non-tariff measures ,growth and instability ,Plant culture ,sanitary and phyto-sanitary regulations ,Original Research Papers ,exports ,SB1-1110 - Abstract
The liberalization of agricultural trade brought about by the economic reforms of 1991, the subsequent WTO agreement and the proliferating Regional Trading Agreements have opened opportunities as well as challenges for India’s horticultural trade. This paper analyses the performance of horticultural exports from the country in terms of growth, instability, dynamics, diversification and stability with respect to commodities and markets and the constraints in terms of the Non-Tariff Measures (NTMs) faced and delineates the opportunities and strategies required to be followed by the sector for a sustainable growth. The horticultural exports from the country have grown significantly in both quantity and value terms during the period from 1991 to 2016. The highest share in the exports of horticultural products from India was accounted by grapes for which the major markets were Netherlands, Russia, United Kingdom, UAE, Germany and Saudi Arabia. Among the vegetables, India accounted for about 9.4 per cent of share in world exports of onion and the main destinations were Bangladesh, Malaysia, UAE and Sri Lanka. The horticultural exports have shown increased commodity diversification as well as geographical diversification due to increased market access in developed countries. Even though the tariffs have come down there by increasing the exports, the NTMs, especially quality issues in connection with sanitary and phyto-sanitary regulations have increased in the post- liberalization era. Given the inherent potential and rising competiveness of the India’s horticultural sector, the removal of product specific constraints, especially production of commodities of international standards could definitely help in sustaining the growth of horticultural exports.
- Published
- 2017
177. The impact of Non-Tariff Measures (NTMs) on Moroccan foreign trade: Comparison between developed and developing countries
- Author
Abdellah Echaoui, Mustapha Khouilid, Faculté des Sciences Juridiques, Economiques et Sociales, and Université Mohamed V - Souissi
- Subjects
business.industry ,Non-tariff measures ,05 social sciences ,Developing country ,Tariff ,International trade ,International economics ,010501 environmental sciences ,[SHS.ECO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Economics and Finance ,01 natural sciences ,Ad-valorem tariff equivalents ,World economy ,0502 economics and business ,Economics ,Gravity equation ,050207 economics ,Trade barrier ,business ,Developed country ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences - Abstract
International audience; The world economy is still far from the ideal model of a barrier-free market, freed from any barriers to trade. In this paper, we will try to analyse the impact of non-tariff measures on Moroccan exportations. The review of the literature shows that the effect of non-tariff measures on international trade exceeds the tariff ones. In order to analyse empirically the impact of non-tariff measures on Moroccan foreign trade, we used the elasticity of imported demand and an estimated gravitational equation for a sample of 28 countries of different levels of development. Our database consists of 4242 tariff lines during the period 2000-2015. The results show that non-tariff measures negatively affect Moroccan foreign trade. Exporting sectors are not affected to the same degree and suffer more in trade with economically similar countries (Developing countries) than in trade with developed nations.
- Published
- 2017
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178. Non-tariff measures and the quality of imported products
- Author
Ghodsi, Mahdi and Stehrer, Robert
- Subjects
non-tariff measures ,technical barriers to trade ,L15 ,sanitary and phytosanitary measures ,global bilateral trade ,F14 ,ddc:330 ,F13 ,quality of products - Abstract
Eight multilateral rounds of negotiations under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and international agreements under the World Trade Organisation (WTO) have contributed significantly to the reduction of tariffs among WTO members. However, over the years legitimate reasons for the imposition of non-tariff measures (NTMs) within regulations have triggered their extensive use. Among these measures, technical barriers to trade (TBTs) and sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measures allow countries to impose restrictions on the import of low-quality products suspected of harming domestic consumers' health, plant life or the environment. Such trade policy instruments may lead to higher standards in the import market, in addition to improving market efficiency through information requirements such as mandatory labelling. This paper analyses two types of regulative and standard-like NTMs - TBTs and SPS measures - and the quality improvement of traded products that is driven by their imposition, which might be a general underlying motive for the adoption of such regulations. Based on a model framework involving both the supply and the demand side of trade and using four types of measures of these NTMs, this paper assesses the impact of TBTs and SPS measures on the quality of traded products. A dummy variable measuring the existence of these NTMs and a count variable indicating their stringency are used in the analysis. Moreover, two other variables indicate flows of NTMs imposed in each year and stocks of these NTMs accumulated over years. The results indicate that TBTs and SPS measures do indeed imply a higher quality of traded products, which is also consistent with the model when NTMs enter as a specific trade cost. Stringent TBTs with more regulations imposed in each year (i.e. flows of count TBTs) have the largest impact on the quality of traded products. However, for SPS measures only the existence of a regulation (i.e. the dummy variable on flows of SPS measures) on a traded product has the strongest impact on its quality.
- Published
- 2020
179. Changes in aflatoxin standards: Implications for EU border controls of nut imports
- Author
Victor Martinez-Gomez, Jose-Maria Garcia-Alvarez-Coque, and Ibtissem Taghouti
- Subjects
Nut ,Economics and Econometrics ,Aflatoxin ,ECONOMIA APLICADA ,business.industry ,Non-tariff measures ,Market access ,International trade ,Development ,ECONOMIA, SOCIOLOGIA Y POLITICA AGRARIA ,Aflatoxins ,Nuts ,Business - Abstract
[EN] Food safety concerns about the risk of aflatoxin (AF) contamination have been growing in many regions, particularly in the European Union (EU). To protect consumers from health risks, the EU has established strict standards for maximum acceptable AF levels in food products; these standards have changed several times. This article examines the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) database, which contains notifications on border controls on AF levels in tree nuts and peanuts. A count data model was used to analyze the impact of political economy considerations, past alerts, and path-dependence effects on RASFF border controls. Policy changes, including the harmonization and relaxing of the EU¿s AF standards, significantly affected the frequency of border controls, with diverse effects among exporting countries. It is believed that the present study provides some insights to the modeling of food standards for explanation or forecasting purposes.
- Published
- 2020
180. Non-tariff measures and sustainable development in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan
- Author
Enikeeva, Zalina
- Subjects
F1 ,non-tariff measures ,sustainable development ,ddc:330 ,EAEU ,F13 ,O24 ,Kyrgyzstan ,trade in agricultural products ,Kazakhstan - Abstract
This study analyses the relationship between non-tariff measures (NTMs) applicable in the agricultural sector of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan and the sustainable development goals (SDGs). Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, as newer members of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), first established by Belarus, Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation in 2010, have the intention of eliminating intra-block barriers in the trade of goods, services, capital and labour. Elimination of barriers, as envisaged by the EAEU Treaty, specifically includes non-tariff regulation. However, the scope of non-tariff regulation, as defined in the Treaty, only includes traditional commercial instruments, such as licencing and quotas. Other regulations which are considered as NTMs by WTO, UNCTAD and other international organizations, such as sanitary and phytosanitary measures and technical barriers to trade, are addressed by other chapters in the Treaty and are not subject to elimination. As such, there is sometimes confusion in discussions about NTMs within the scope of the EAEU due to such varying definitions. Many NTMs (in broader sense) in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan are found to have legitimate and necessary objectives, such as protection of human, animal and plant health or, protection of the environment. At the same time, there seems to have been instances in the region of NTMs being overtly used with a protectionist intent. The bulk of the measures examined affecting agricultural trade, however, showed that the most frequent NTMs might be addressing health-related Sustainable Development Goals. Data on NTMs remain incomplete in many countries of the region. This is evident by the varying level of completeness of measures notified by EAEU member States to the WTO that are based on ratified EAEU regulations. As such, further efforts are needed to increase transparency in this area to ensure the measures do not create unnecessary barriers to trade and sustainable development.
- Published
- 2020
181. Next generation non-tariff measures: Emerging data policies and barriers to digital trade
- Author
Pasadilla, Gloria O., Duval, Yann, and Witada Anukoonwattaka
- Subjects
Digital Trade ,NTMs ,Digital Trade Barriers ,Data Regulations ,Non-tariff measures ,ddc:330 - Abstract
Trade used to be about goods crossing borders and the instrument of protection was mostly through tariffs. Then there was greater recognition of trade in services, now exceeding the share of goods in global trade. Because of services, the focus of trade protection shifted more towards "behind the border barriers" or domestic regulations that can obstruct services trade. More recently, the flows of goods and services are eclipsed yet again by data flows whose contribution to the economy is projected to reach 11 trillion USD by 2025. In the digital era, a new set of non-tariff measures - mostly related to data - have thus emerged. The paper seeks to understand the role of data in business and trade, the nature of some data flows restrictions and other digital trade barriers, and potential impact of data regulations.
- Published
- 2020
182. Barreiras não tarifárias ao comércio de produtos agropecuários brasileiros
- Author
Nonnenberg, Marcelo José Braga, Gerlane Andrade, Helena Oliveira, and Saccaro, Alice
- Subjects
non-tariff measures ,farming sector products ,F15 ,ddc:330 ,F13 ,gravitational model - Abstract
In the last decades, it was observed a reduction in tariff barriers for all countries. Even though this reduction affected almost all goods, the agribusiness sector experienced a smaller impact, keeping a higher average tariff, relative to other industries. In addition to these tariff measures, the sector is also affected by a substantial number of non-tariff measures, which, depending on its nature, can be established as true barriers to international trade, affecting imports and exports. Thus, seeking to comprehend the present scenario about the imposition of non-tariff measures to agribusiness products on a global level, it was estimated a gravitational model through the Poisson pseudo maximum likelihood (PPML) estimator. This model was formulated based on the main agribusiness goods exported by Brazil, and also on the main measures groups, and the total: sanitary and phytosanitary measures (SPS), technical barriers to trade (TBTs) and measures related to exports. Those estimations were based on a panel database, built with data from the measures available from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). The results suggest that there is not a clear relationship between the number of non-tariff measures with bilateral trade flows, generating positive and negative relations between those covariates, depending on the product analyzed. This result suggests that the relationship studied depends on the product analyzed and the kind of measure applied, showing the need for a deeper understanding of the data and a higher detailing on the classification of measures to fully comprehend the phenomenon.
- Published
- 2020
183. Экономическое развитие Восточной Азии: текущее состояние и перспективы
- Subjects
protectionism ,consumer demand ,внутреннее потребление ,мировая экономика ,нетарифные меры ,инвестиционный спрос ,экономическая интеграция ,Восточная Азия ,economic growth ,domestic consumption ,investment demand ,торговая война ,world economy ,non-tariff measures ,китайская экономика ,потребительский спрос ,economic integration ,протекционизм ,внешняя торговля ,экономический рост ,foreign trade ,East Asia ,Chinese economy ,trade war - Abstract
Статья посвящена анализу экономического развития стран Восточной Азии за 2014—2019 гг. с прогнозом на 2020 г. в разрезе факторов экономического роста и внешней торговли. Материал основан на статистических данных международных экономических организаций. Отмечено, что в целом перспективы восточноазиатского региона достаточно стабильны. Внутренний спрос уравновешивает негативное влияние уменьшения внешнего экспортного спроса из‑за торговых ограничений. Несмотря на сохраняющуюся зависимость от внешней торговли, многие страны Восточной Азии достигли такой стадии развития, когда внутреннее частное потребление стало сильным фактором роста. Китай продолжает оставаться локомотивом мировой экономики как крупнейший мировой производитель и потребитель товаров. В условиях расширения протекционизма и импортных ограничений на китайские товары ведущая роль внутреннего инвестиционного и растущего потребительского спроса в поддержании экономического роста позволяет Китаю без особых потерь преодолевать кризисные явления в мировой экономике. Сделан вывод о том, что торговые противоречия, а также неопределённость относительно будущего многосторонней торговой системы придадут новый импульс двусторонним и многосторонним интеграционным инициативам. Страны восточноазиатского региона будут всё больше склоняться к заключению двухсторонних и региональных торговых соглашений в целях дальнейшего развития. Именно региональная экономическая интеграция может стать дополнительным локомотивом развития Восточной Азии. Ключевым фактором её успеха становится наличие в регионе ёмких развивающихся рынков. Появление многочисленного среднего класса с растущими доходами и покупательной способностью в восточноазиатских странах ведёт к формированию растущего спроса на широкий ассортимент потребительских и промышленных товаров и услуг. Такой увеличивающийся спрос порождает быстрый рост внутрирегиональной торговли и создаёт основу дальнейшего углубления региональной экономической интеграции., The paper analyzes the economic development of East Asian countries in 2014—2019 with a forecast for 2020 in the context of factors of economic growth and foreign trade. The paper is based on statistical data from international economic organizations. It is noted that in general the prospects for the East Asian region are quite stable. Domestic demand balances the negative impact of reduced external export demand due to trade restrictions. Despite continued dependence on foreign trade, many East Asian countries have reached a stage of development where domestic private consumption has become a strong driver of growth. China continues to be the engine of the world economy as the world’s largest producer and consumer of goods. In the context of expanding protectionism and import restrictions on the goods made in China, the leading role of domestic investment and growing consumer demand in maintaining economic growth allows China to overcome the crisis in the world economy without much loss. It is concluded that trade contradictions as well as uncertainty about the future of the multilateral trading system will give a new impetus to bilateral and multilateral integration initiatives. The countries of the East Asian region will be increasingly inclined to conclude bilateral and regional trade agreements for further development. It is regional economic integration that can become an additional engine for the development of East Asia. A key factor for its success is the presence of large emerging markets in the region. The emergence of a large middle class with growing incomes and purchasing power in East Asian countries leads to a growing demand for a wide range of consumer and industrial goods and services. This increasing demand generates rapid growth in intraregional trade and provides the basis for further deepening regional economic integration.
- Published
- 2020
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184. Актуальные вопросы функционирования системы нетарифного регулирования в Европейском союзе
- Subjects
таможенное оформление ,licensing ,non-tariff measures ,нетарифные меры ,customs tariff ,лицензирование ,внешняя торговля ,customs clearance ,таможенный тариф ,foreign trade - Abstract
В статье исследованы актуальные вопросы функционирования системы нетариф ного регулирования в Европейском союзе. Определено, что это интеграционное объединение прошло практически все стадии интеграционного процесса в рамках которого осуществляются важнейшие экономические и политические процессы Европы. Выявлено, что для таможенного тарифа ЕС харак терна эскалация - увеличение ставки таможенной пошлины по мере повышения степени переработки товара. Проведен анализ количественных ограничений импорта в странах ЕС, данных статистики по использованию мер нетарифного регулирования Европейским союзом в период с 2014-2019гг., The article deals with topical issues of the functioning of the non-tariff regulation system in the European Union. It is determined that this integration Association went through almost all stages of the integration process, during which the most important economic and political processes in Europe are carried out. It is revealed that the EU customs tariff is characterized by an escalation - an increase in the rate of customs duty as the degree of processing of goods increases. The analysis of quantitative import restrictions in the EU countries, statistics on the use of non-tariff regulation measures by the European Union in the period from 2014-2019., Экономика и предпринимательство, Выпуск 3 (116) 2020
- Published
- 2020
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185. Intensidade e estrutura de medidas não tarifárias sobre as importações brasileiras no triênio 2016-2018
- Author
Mendes, Krisley and Luchine, André Araújo
- Subjects
non-tariff measures ,F14 ,import ,ddc:330 ,F13 ,inventory approach ,Brazil - Abstract
In international literature, Brazil ranks among the most prolific countries in requesting non-tariff measures (NTMs) on their imports. When this incidence is translated into ad valorem equivalent, studies show that the costs that these measures represent place the country among the world's outliers in trade protection. This work described the incidence of NTMs that Brazil imposed its imports in the 2016-2018 at different levels of aggregation: by group of NTMs, by sector, by section of the Harmonized System (HS), by six-digit products of the HS and by partner country. The methodology is based on the inventory approach, of a descriptive and exploratory nature, with the obtainment of the frequency indicator, the coverage ratio, and the prevalence score. The results show that Brazil is more demanding in NTMs for the import of agricultural products, especially live animals, fats and oils and soybeans. In two digits of the HS, fish, meat preparations, meats and offal, coffee and fruits stand out. Among the manufactures, products from the chemical industry and vehicles stand out. In the extractive industry, more NTMs are required for bamboo and wood slabs and corrugated paper boxes.
- Published
- 2020
186. Модель и прогноз нетарифных мер для экспорта молочной продукции в КНР
- Subjects
milk and dairy exports ,Всемирная торговая организация ,China ,нетарифные меры ,товары животного происхождения ,машинное обучение ,Russia ,non-tariff measures ,World Trade Organization ,модели ,санитарные и фитосанитарные меры ,внешняя торговля ,foreign trade ,machine learning model ,veterinarysanitary regulations and requirements - Abstract
Экспорт товаров животного происхождения из России развивается неравномерно. Кратный рост по отдельным товарным группам сочетается с почти полным отсутствием роста по другим. Поставки куриного мяса и молочной продукции на рынок КНР начались одновременно более года назад. Концепции продвижения товарных групп тоже совпадают. Темпы роста по обеим группам отличаются в несколько раз. Автор рассматривает применение ветеринарно-санитарных мер, предусмотренных Соглашением ВТО о применении санитарных и фитосанитарных мер, страной-импортером в качестве основной причины отставания экспорта молочной продукции. В соответствии с условиями транспарентности соглашений ВТО, Система ВТО по управлению информацией по санитарным и фитосанитарным мерам и техническим барьерам в торговле агрегирует данные, которые могут использоваться для моделирования введения санитарных и фитосанитарных мер участниками ВТО по отдельным классам товарной номенклатуры, что позволяет надежно прогнозировать будущие санитарные меры и значительно снижает риски внешней среды для экспортеров. В статье рассматривается применение предиктивной модели применения ветеринарно-санитарных мер участниками ВТО в отношении молочной продукции методами машинного обучения для продвижения экспорта на примере рынка молочной продукции КНР., Exports of products of animal origin from Russia have been growing unevenly. Soaring exports of certain product groups is combined with flat figures for others. Exports of poultry and dairy products to Chinese market started to grow simultaneously in 2019. While promotion strategies for both product groups are also the same, the growth rates for both groups differ several times. The author considers the application of veterinary and sanitary measures provided for by the WTO Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures by the importing country as the main reason for the lagging dairy products exports. In accordance with the transparency provisions of the WTO agreements, the WTO System for Information Management on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures and Technical Barriers to Trade aggregates data that can be used to model the introduction of sanitary and phytosanitary measures by WTO members on individual groups of the commodity classifi cation, which allows reliable forecasting of future sanitary measures and signifi cantly reduces the external risks for exporters. The paper assesses building a predictive model for veterinary-sanitary measures application by World Trade Organization members in relation to dairy products using machine learning as a way to promote and predict dairy exports.
- Published
- 2020
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187. Non-tariff trade policy analysis: An ex-post assessment of the EU-Korea agreement
- Author
Grübler, Julia and Reiter, Oliver
- Subjects
gravity model ,F14 ,E17 ,SouthKorea ,SPS ,ex-post assessment ,O24 ,WTO ,FTA ,non-tariff measures ,free trade agreement ,C52 ,trade policy ,ddc:330 ,TBT ,F13 ,F68 ,EU ,C54 - Abstract
Many different approaches have developed for the evaluation of non-tariff measures (NTMs) and free trade agreements (FTAs). Moving on from models using simple dummy variables, today a range of databases can capture different aspects of NTMs and FTAs. Some assess the depth of FTAs by extracting information from legal texts. Other data sources are based on surveys, on complaints by trading partners at the World Trade Organization (WTO) or notifications by companies or countries. This paper uses a gravity model to assess the value added of information on FTAs and NTMs by evaluating ex-post their ability to predict the trade effects of the EU-South Korea Free Trade Agreement, the first 'second-generation' FTA of the EU, applied since 2011. Our results show that, when accounting for information on the FTA components, no extra trade effect is attributable to the EU-South Korea FTA. The message from the evolution of NTMs differs considerably according to the indicator used, but trade predictions are hardly affected. On the aggregate country level, provisions on investments exhibit a particularly strong positive effect, while regulations on intellectual property rights seem to hamper bilateral trade. Most specifications, furthermore, point to a negative effect of differences in the number of technical barriers to trade (TBT) applied and sanitary and phytosanitary measures (SPS) against which trading partners issued complaints at the WTO.
- Published
- 2020
188. Characterising non-tariff trade policy
- Author
Julia Grübler and Oliver Reiter
- Subjects
non-tariff measures ,TTBD ,trade policy ,F14 ,trade barriers ,I-TIP ,ddc:330 ,open data ,F13 ,F68 ,O24 ,WTO ,database - Abstract
Starting in the 1960s with the Kennedy Round of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), nontariff measures (NTMs) have been replacing tariffs continuously as the core element of trade negotiations. Today they take centre stage in all EU trade agreements with industrialised and emerging economies. By matching product codes to the rich data of NTM notifications to the World Trade Organization and complementary information provided by the Temporary Trade Barriers Database, we provide a valuable open data source for trade policy analysis. Using data for 148 NTM-imposing economies for the period 1995-2019, we describe the evolution of different types of NTMs along countries and sectors, with a special focus on NTMs implemented by the EU. The analysis of our data, paired with comparisons with other sources, shows the merits and shortcomings of the WTO's service in providing transparency over members' trade policies.
- Published
- 2020
189. Trade Policy and Market Power: Firm-Level Evidence
- Author
Melise Jaud, Nicolas Berman, Alan Asprilla, Olivier Cadot, Université de Lausanne (UNIL), Aix-Marseille Sciences Economiques (AMSE), École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS)-Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-École Centrale de Marseille (ECM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Center for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), CEPR, Fondation pour les Etudes et Recherches sur le Développement International (FERDI), La Banque mondiale - The World Bank, An early version of this article wasprepared as a background paper for the World Bank’s 'Champions Wanted' regional study and draws on prior re-search undertaken with support from the International Growth Center., Support from France’s Agence Nationale de la Recherche under 'Investissement d’Avenir' grant ANR-10-LABX-14-01 and from Switzerland’s NCCR under WP6,as well as from the governments of Norway, Sweden, and the United Kingdom through the Multi-Donor Trust Fund for Trade and Development are gratefully acknowledged., Mélise Jaud appreciates financial support from the SwissNational Science Foundation. The project leading to this publication has received funding from Excellence Initiative of Aix-Marseille University—A*MIDEX, a French 'Investissements d’Avenir' programme and from the French National Research Agency Grant ANR-17-EURE-0020., ANR-10-LABX-0014,IDGM+,Designing new international development policies from research outcomes. An enhanced(2010), ANR-11-IDEX-0001,Amidex,INITIATIVE D'EXCELLENCE AIX MARSEILLE UNIVERSITE(2011), ANR-17-EURE-0020,AMSE (EUR),Aix-Marseille School of Economics(2017), Université de Lausanne = University of Lausanne (UNIL), The World Bank, École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS)-École Centrale de Marseille (ECM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Aix Marseille Université (AMU), and Lai Tong, Charles
- Subjects
Economics and Econometrics ,MARKET POWER ,JEL: D - Microeconomics/D.D4 - Market Structure, Pricing, and Design/D.D4.D40 - General ,tariffs ,PRICE DISCRIMINATION ,Sample (statistics) ,Price discrimination ,exchange rate ,EXCHANGE RATES ,price discrimination ,Market structure ,Exchange rate ,EXPORT FIRMS ,0502 economics and business ,ddc:330 ,Economics ,F12 ,Market power ,F13 ,050207 economics ,Emerging market economies ,[SHS.ECO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Economics and Finance ,Emerging markets ,JEL: F - International Economics/F.F1 - Trade/F.F1.F12 - Models of Trade with Imperfect Competition and Scale Economies • Fragmentation ,EMERGING MARKET ECONOMIES ,F31 ,050205 econometrics ,Commercial policy ,F14 ,JEL: F - International Economics/F.F1 - Trade/F.F1.F14 - Empirical Studies of Trade ,05 social sciences ,JEL: F - International Economics/F.F3 - International Finance/F.F3.F31 - Foreign Exchange ,TARIFFS ,International economics ,NON-TARIFF BARRIERS ,[SHS.ECO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Economics and Finance ,Identification (information) ,non-tariff measures ,D40 ,trade policy ,JEL: F - International Economics/F.F1 - Trade/F.F1.F13 - Trade Policy • International Trade Organizations ,Business ,TRADE POLICY - Abstract
This paper identifies the effect of trade policy on market power through new data and a new identification strategy. It uses a large data set containing export values and quantities by product and destination for all exporting firms in 12 developing and emerging countries over several years, merged with destination-product-specific information on tariffs and non-tariff barriers. Market power is identified by observing how exporting firms price discriminate across markets in reaction to variations in bilateral exchange rates. Pricing-to-market is prevalent in all regions of the sample, even among small firms, although it is increasing in firm size, in accordance with theory. More importantly, the effect of non-tariff measures is not isomorphic to that of tariffs: the observed pricing-to-market behavior suggests that, although tariffs reduce the market power of foreign firms through classic rent-shifting effects, non-tariff measures alter market structure and reinforce the market power of non-exiting firms, domestic and foreign ones alike.
- Published
- 2019
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190. Exportaciones de cítricos valencianos en fresco: el papel de las medidas no arancelarias
- Author
Fort Ferri, Iván Andrés
- Subjects
Cítricos ,Citrus ,Cítricos valencianos ,Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas-Grau en Administració i Direcció d'Empreses ,Non-tariff measures ,Medidas no arancelarias ,Export ,Sector agroalimentario ,Exportación ,ECONOMIA, SOCIOLOGIA Y POLITICA AGRARIA - Abstract
[ES] El comercio internacional de frutas frescas ha sufrido una progresiva liberalización comercial en la forma de reducciones arancelarias en las últimas décadas. Persisten sin embargo numerosas medidas no arancelarias que condicionan en gran medida los flujos comerciales, teniendo en cuenta además que cada mercado de destino puede implementar diferentes medidas, atendiendo a sus intereses de protección de los consumidores, de la sanidad vegetal, etc. Dado que el sector de exportación de cítricos en fresco es muy relevante para los intereses valencianos, el presente trabajo tiene el objetivo de listar las diferentes medidas no arancelarias aplicadas a los cítricos valencianos en diferentes mercados de destino., [EN] International trade in fresh fruits has undergone progressive trade liberalization in the form of tariff reductions in recent decades. To persist, however, requires non-tariff measures that largely condition trade controls, taking into account in addition to each destination market, you can implement different measures, taking into account your interests of consumer protection, plant health, etc. Fresh citrus export sector is very relevant for Valencian interests, this paper has the objective of listing the different non-tariff measures applied to Valencian citrus fruits in different destination markets.
- Published
- 2019
191. The impact of non-tariff measures on Moroccan foreign trade: An empirical investigation using a gravity model
- Author
Khouilid, Mustapha, Laboratory of Economic Analysis and Modeling, Université Mohammed V de Rabat, Faculté des sciences juridiques économiques et sociales Souissi, and Pr. Abdellah Echaoui
- Subjects
JEL: C - Mathematical and Quantitative Methods/C.C5 - Econometric Modeling/C.C5.C51 - Model Construction and Estimation ,équation de gravité ,JEL: C - Mathematical and Quantitative Methods/C.C2 - Single Equation Models • Single Variables/C.C2.C23 - Panel Data Models • Spatio-temporal Models ,customs tariff ,JEL: F - International Economics/F.F4 - Macroeconomic Aspects of International Trade and Finance/F.F4.F40 - General ,mesures non tarifaires ,JEL: F - International Economics/F.F1 - Trade/F.F1.F14 - Empirical Studies of Trade ,international trade ,tarifs douaniers ,[SHS.ECO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Economics and Finance ,JEL: B - History of Economic Thought, Methodology, and Heterodox Approaches/B.B2 - History of Economic Thought since 1925/B.B2.B22 - Macroeconomics ,JEL: F - International Economics/F.F1 - Trade/F.F1.F17 - Trade Forecasting and Simulation ,Ad-valorem tariff equivalents ,gravity equation ,non-tariff measures ,commerce international ,JEL: F - International Economics/F.F1 - Trade/F.F1.F13 - Trade Policy • International Trade Organizations ,Equivalents tarifaires ad-valorem - Abstract
In the 21st century, non-tariff measures have become the major obstacle to liberalizing international trade. This thesis is a part of research about of the quantization of non-tariff measures and aims to compare the degree of restrictiveness of these measures and the customs duties applied to Moroccan exports. Thus, this work presents a comparison of the non-tariff measures restriction applied by countries of different levels of development. This research introduces the quantification of non-tariff measures by applying the elasticity of import demand to the results of a gravity model for a sample of 28 countries. The results show that non-tariff measures are more restrictive than the tariffs applied to all exporting sectors. This difference becomes important in the case of developed countries due to their low pricing level. However, the level of restriction of trade among developing countries is revealed due to the application of restrictive non-tariff measures and further high tariffs.; Les mesures non tarifaires sont devenues l’obstacle majeur à la libération du commerce international au XXIème siècle. La présente thèse s’inscrit dans le cadre des travaux de quantification des mesures non tarifaires et vise la comparaison du degré de restrictivité de ces mesures et des droits douaniers appliquées aux exportations marocaines. Ainsi, ce travail présente une comparaison de la restriction des mesures non tarifaires appliquées par différents pays de niveaux de développement différents. Ce travail de recherche introduit la quantification des mesures non tarifaires par l’application de l’élasticité de la demande d’importation sur les résultats d’un modèle de gravité appliqué à un échantillon de 28 pays. Les résultats montrent que les mesures non tarifaires sont plus restrictives que les tarifs douaniers appliqués pour l’ensemble des secteurs exportateurs. Cette différence devient importante pour le cas des pays développés en raison de leur niveau de tarification très bas. Cependant, le niveau de restriction des échanges chez les pays en développement est très révélé en raison de l’application de mesures non tarifaires restrictives et de tarifs douaniers encore élevés.
- Published
- 2019
192. L’impact des mesures non tarifaires sur le commerce extérieur marocain : Une investigation empirique à l’aide d’un modèle de gravité
- Author
Khouilid, Mustapha, Laboratory of Economic Analysis and Modeling, Université Mohammed V de Rabat, Faculté des sciences juridiques économiques et sociales Souissi, and Pr. Abdellah Echaoui
- Subjects
JEL: C - Mathematical and Quantitative Methods/C.C5 - Econometric Modeling/C.C5.C51 - Model Construction and Estimation ,équation de gravité ,JEL: C - Mathematical and Quantitative Methods/C.C2 - Single Equation Models • Single Variables/C.C2.C23 - Panel Data Models • Spatio-temporal Models ,customs tariff ,JEL: F - International Economics/F.F4 - Macroeconomic Aspects of International Trade and Finance/F.F4.F40 - General ,mesures non tarifaires ,JEL: F - International Economics/F.F1 - Trade/F.F1.F14 - Empirical Studies of Trade ,international trade ,tarifs douaniers ,[SHS.ECO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Economics and Finance ,JEL: B - History of Economic Thought, Methodology, and Heterodox Approaches/B.B2 - History of Economic Thought since 1925/B.B2.B22 - Macroeconomics ,JEL: F - International Economics/F.F1 - Trade/F.F1.F17 - Trade Forecasting and Simulation ,Ad-valorem tariff equivalents ,gravity equation ,non-tariff measures ,commerce international ,JEL: F - International Economics/F.F1 - Trade/F.F1.F13 - Trade Policy • International Trade Organizations ,Equivalents tarifaires ad-valorem - Abstract
In the 21st century, non-tariff measures have become the major obstacle to liberalizing international trade. This thesis is a part of research about of the quantization of non-tariff measures and aims to compare the degree of restrictiveness of these measures and the customs duties applied to Moroccan exports. Thus, this work presents a comparison of the non-tariff measures restriction applied by countries of different levels of development. This research introduces the quantification of non-tariff measures by applying the elasticity of import demand to the results of a gravity model for a sample of 28 countries. The results show that non-tariff measures are more restrictive than the tariffs applied to all exporting sectors. This difference becomes important in the case of developed countries due to their low pricing level. However, the level of restriction of trade among developing countries is revealed due to the application of restrictive non-tariff measures and further high tariffs.; Les mesures non tarifaires sont devenues l’obstacle majeur à la libération du commerce international au XXIème siècle. La présente thèse s’inscrit dans le cadre des travaux de quantification des mesures non tarifaires et vise la comparaison du degré de restrictivité de ces mesures et des droits douaniers appliquées aux exportations marocaines. Ainsi, ce travail présente une comparaison de la restriction des mesures non tarifaires appliquées par différents pays de niveaux de développement différents. Ce travail de recherche introduit la quantification des mesures non tarifaires par l’application de l’élasticité de la demande d’importation sur les résultats d’un modèle de gravité appliqué à un échantillon de 28 pays. Les résultats montrent que les mesures non tarifaires sont plus restrictives que les tarifs douaniers appliqués pour l’ensemble des secteurs exportateurs. Cette différence devient importante pour le cas des pays développés en raison de leur niveau de tarification très bas. Cependant, le niveau de restriction des échanges chez les pays en développement est très révélé en raison de l’application de mesures non tarifaires restrictives et de tarifs douaniers encore élevés.
- Published
- 2019
193. Policy Note on Strengthening Albania’s Trade Competitiveness
- Author
World Bank
- Subjects
As a small transition economy, Albania has achieved significant progress, and the average year-to-year growth rate of trade from 2000 to 2017 has outperformed the world average reaching almost eleven percent. Yet, Albanian exports are very concentrated in terms of market destinations and product varieties. Green shoots in a range of export industries illustrate that Albania has the potential to further leverage international trade. Despite its small size, Albania has become one of the top twenty exporters of tomatoes in the world, and one of the most attracting touristic destinations in Europe. However, the price gap it receives on exported tomatoes compared to competitors is still significant, which points towards unexploited potential. Adopting the necessary measures to close this price gap will have a great impact for the tomato producers and exporters. Future work on trade competitiveness will build and expand on these dimensions using firm level data, and input-output data for a deeper understanding of Albanian insertion in global value chains (GVCs).
- Published
- 2019
194. Politics of trade protection in an autocracy: Evidence from an EU tariff liberalization in Morocco.
- Author
Ruckteschler, Christian, Malik, Adeel, and Eibl, Ferdinand
- Published
- 2022
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195. Estimating the Impacts of Non-Tariff Measures in the Indian Ocean Rim Association.
- Author
Akintola, Abdallah, Boughanmi, Houcine, Antimiani, Alessandro, Zaibet, Lokman, and Kotagama, Hemesiri
- Abstract
In recent years, the Indian Ocean Rim Association has witnessed an increasing trend in the use of non-tariff measures (NTMs). This study evaluated the impact of NTMs in the Indian Ocean Rim Association through estimations of their ad valorem equivalents at the HS chapter and country levels. A gravity model using NTM count data (intensity) was specified and estimated to derive the importer-specific ad valorem equivalents for the four (4) most used NTMs in the region. The results showed the presence of both import-impeding and import-promoting effects of NTMs; however, the import-impeding effects dominated in the region. The quantitative restriction and safeguard measures were more restrictive compared to the sanitary and phytosanitary measures and technical barriers to trade. This was expected since quantitative restrictions are trade-distorting by design. This calls for reforming trade policy in the region toward NTMs that are more transparent and trade enhancing for successful subsequent trade negotiations in the Indian Ocean Rim Association, which would support the sustainable economic development of the region. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
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196. The Impact of the EU IUU Regulation on the Sustainability of the Thai Fishing Industry
- Author
Nany Hur, Garnchanok Wongrak, Jungsuk Kim, and Insoo Pyo
- Subjects
media_common.quotation_subject ,Geography, Planning and Development ,TJ807-830 ,Context (language use) ,International trade ,Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law ,TD194-195 ,Renewable energy sources ,Public interest ,fishery ,0502 economics and business ,050602 political science & public administration ,GE1-350 ,050207 economics ,media_common ,Environmental effects of industries and plants ,Human rights ,IUU ,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment ,business.industry ,human right ,05 social sciences ,Subsidy ,Thailand ,Private sector ,Democracy ,0506 political science ,Environmental sciences ,non-tariff measures ,Fishing industry ,Sustainability ,Business ,EU - Abstract
In recent years, the implementation of and compliance with general values such as the protection of human rights, labor, environment, and democracy has become a very important agenda in global trade policy. The new Secretary General of the WTO emphasized her strong interest in the WTO negotiations in reforming various subsidies for fishing industries, which are to be concluded by the upcoming Twelfth MC (Ministerial Conference) in November 2021. Sustainability has become another critical issue in the international trade context. Plurilateral initiatives among 50 WTO member countries have already been taken regarding the Structured Discussion on Trade and Environmental Sustainability (SDTES). In these circumstances, this study on the EU’s IUU case toward Thailand helped to understand how Thailand’s compliance with the EU IUU Regulation has affected Thailand in achieving the goal of “sustainability” of both fishing practice and working conditions in its fishing industry. The EU’s imposition of the “Status of IUU Nations Carded“ has created the grounds to combat IUU fishing in Thailand by converting an issue of public interest into a private sector issue, for which the sharp decline in fish exports is a matter of concern. This EU–Thailand case also indicated that along with intensifying international cooperation and surveillance for improving the working environment, the inclusion of a human rights issue as a tool for correcting trade distortion is most urgent and essential. For the sustainability of both economic and societal values of developing countries such as Thailand, a firm and solid implementation of adequate working conditions should be employed among global trade participants.
- Published
- 2021
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197. The impact of COVID-19 trade measures on agricultural and food trade.
- Author
Ahn S and Steinbach S
- Abstract
This paper assesses the determinants of temporary non-tariff measures (NTMs) in response to COVID-19 and their implications for the agricultural and food trade. Using a control function approach, we show that economic and pandemic considerations played an essential role in implementing such NTMs. Relying on variation between treated and untreated varieties, we estimate a dynamic post-event trade response of 5.4% for import facilitating and -27.5% for export restricting NTMs. After revoking them, their trade effects fade away, implying that these temporary trade policies were effective in achieving the set policy goals, causing only a limited degree of long-term trade disruptions., (© 2022 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association.)
- Published
- 2022
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198. Exportaciones de cítricos valencianos en fresco: el papel de las medidas no arancelarias
- Author
Martinez Gómez, Victor David, Universitat Politècnica de València. Departamento de Economía y Ciencias Sociales - Departament d'Economia i Ciències Socials, Universitat Politècnica de València. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agronómica y del Medio Natural - Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria Agronòmica i del Medi Natural, Fort Ferri, Iván Andrés, Martinez Gómez, Victor David, Universitat Politècnica de València. Departamento de Economía y Ciencias Sociales - Departament d'Economia i Ciències Socials, Universitat Politècnica de València. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agronómica y del Medio Natural - Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria Agronòmica i del Medi Natural, and Fort Ferri, Iván Andrés
- Abstract
[ES] El comercio internacional de frutas frescas ha sufrido una progresiva liberalización comercial en la forma de reducciones arancelarias en las últimas décadas. Persisten sin embargo numerosas medidas no arancelarias que condicionan en gran medida los flujos comerciales, teniendo en cuenta además que cada mercado de destino puede implementar diferentes medidas, atendiendo a sus intereses de protección de los consumidores, de la sanidad vegetal, etc. Dado que el sector de exportación de cítricos en fresco es muy relevante para los intereses valencianos, el presente trabajo tiene el objetivo de listar las diferentes medidas no arancelarias aplicadas a los cítricos valencianos en diferentes mercados de destino., [EN] International trade in fresh fruits has undergone progressive trade liberalization in the form of tariff reductions in recent decades. To persist, however, requires non-tariff measures that largely condition trade controls, taking into account in addition to each destination market, you can implement different measures, taking into account your interests of consumer protection, plant health, etc. Fresh citrus export sector is very relevant for Valencian interests, this paper has the objective of listing the different non-tariff measures applied to Valencian citrus fruits in different destination markets.
- Published
- 2019
199. New Estimates of the Ad-valorem Equivalent of SPS Measures: Evidence from Specific Trade Concerns
- Author
Ning, Xin, Grant, Jason H., Ning, Xin, and Grant, Jason H.
- Abstract
Countries maintain a large and diverse set of non-tariff measures (NTMs) to safeguard the health of plants, animals and humans. However, policymakers and regulatory bodies often neglect the potential adverse trade effects of non-tariff measures. Despite a large literature investigating the trade flow effects of NTMs, less is known about the extent to which sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measures raised trade concerns by exporters reduce exporting countries' agricultural and food trade to importing markets maintaining these measures. This study utilizes the World Trade Organization's (WTO) SPS specific trade concerns database to identify economically meaningful and potentially consequential SPS measures on members' trade. We develop a product-line structural gravity model to estimate the trade effects of non-tariff SPS measures flagged as concerns by the top 30 agricultural exporting and importing countries covering products in meat, dairy, fruits & vegetables, and cereals & preparations. Results indicate that trade losses due to SPS measures of concern are significant, both globally and for specific countries, sectors and individual SPS measures. Conservatively, our estimates imply a 68% reduction in agricultural trade during years in which SPS measures of concern were active. Moreover, the estimated ad-valorem protection imposed by SPS trade concern measures ranges from a 33% to 106% equivalent tariff, on average. Significant heterogeneity in the estimated AVE of SPS measures exists across countries. Comparing SPS measures maintained by U.S., EU and China on imports, presents a rather stark asymmetric picture, with ad-valorem tariff equivalents of U.S. SPS measures estimated at 41%, compared to 76.4% and 130% ad-valorem equivalent protection imposed by SPS measures maintained by the EU and China, respectively. Finally, we identified six case-study SPS measures of concern to take a closer look at their trade impacts. These included (i) EU Aflatoxin limits on groun
- Published
- 2019
200. The Persistence of Non-Tariff Measures in ASEAN
- Author
Hirang, G.G. (Gemelee) and Hirang, G.G. (Gemelee)
- Abstract
This thesis aims to shed light on the persistence of non-tariff measures in ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations). It begins with an analysis of the issues on compliance with, and effectiveness of, the region’s international law instruments relating to non-tariff measures. The persistence of non-tariff measures may be due to the trade regime’s inability to provide the Member States with sufficient incentives to comply with their obligations. This is followed by a look into the Member States’ underlying motivations. It is noteworthy that the persistence of non-tariff measures coincided with significant structural changes in the region’s economies. This thesis shows how these structural changes may have influenced the preferences of different actors in the Member States for non-tariff measures. The last part of this thesis builds upon these insights and extends the analysis to an examination of the underlying determinants of trade policy in the region. The results indicate that economic factors do matter. Additionally, the degree of political insulation and accountability may affect how governments respond to these societal preferences, as reflected in laws, policies, and regulations. Thus, non-tariff measures persist in ASEAN because its trade regime failed to overcome the policymakers’ interests in catering to the societal preferences for different kinds of trade measures.
- Published
- 2019
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