166 results on '"oral epidemiology"'
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152. O Papel da epidemiologia no planejamento das ações de saúde bucal do trabalhador
- Author
Almeida, Tatiana Frederico de and Vianna, Maria Isabel Pereira
- Subjects
Epidemiologia em Saúde Bucal ,Oral Health ,Oral Epidemiology ,Saúde Bucal ,Saúde do Trabalhador ,Occupational Health - Abstract
Este é um estudo de revisão que sistematiza achados de pesquisas sobre exposições ocupacionais e seus efeitos na saúde bucal, destacando a importância dos dados epidemiológicos no planejamento de programas de saúde bucal do trabalhador. Existem relatos de associação potencial entre exposições ocupacionais e alterações bucais; entretanto, são escassos os estudos sobre as condições de saúde bucal dos trabalhadores em países em desenvolvimento como o Brasil. Entre as exposições ocupacionais presentes na literatura odontológica, observa-se uma predominância de estudos sobre substâncias ácidas e também exposições relacionadas com o açúcar, como a poeira de açúcar. As alterações bucais podem manifestar-se tanto nos tecidos duros (cárie, erosão dental, etc.) como nos tecidos moles (lesões da mucosa oral, doenças periodontais, etc). Por outro lado, observa-se que os programas de saúde bucal do trabalhador, quando existem, muitas vezes não consideram as especificidades dessa parcela da população que, além de exposta aos fatores de risco mais conhecidos das principais doenças bucais, está submetida a outros fatores relacionados ao ambiente de trabalho. Assim, considera-se relevante a discussão sobre a necessidade de maior produção de conhecimento nessa área, de capacitação de recursos humanos e de implementação de programas mais efetivos, baseados nos princípios da vigilância em saúde do trabalhador. This study is a review of published research findings in occupational exposures and their impact on oral health, emphasizing the relevance of epidemiological studies in the planning of workers' oral health programs. There are some studies reporting potential association between occupational exposures and oral diseases; nevertheless, there are few studies concerning workers oral health conditions in developing countries, as Brazil. In current dental literature related to occupational exposures, there are more publications about acid substances and sugar related exposures, as sugar dust. Oral diseases could arise both in hard tissues (caries, dental erosion) and soft tissues (oral mucous lesions, periodontal diseases, etc). On the other hand, the few existing workers oral health programs don't take into consideration specificities of population not only exposed to main oral health etiologic factors, but also submitted to other risk factors related to work environment. Therefore, it is important to discuss the need of producing more knowledge in this area, capacitating human resources and implementing more effective programs, based on worker's health surveillance.
- Published
- 2005
153. Epidemiology role in worker oral health actions planning
- Author
Maria Isabel Pereira Vianna and Tatiana Frederico de Almeida
- Subjects
Health (social science) ,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health ,Epidemiologia em Saúde Bucal ,Oral Health ,Oral Epidemiology ,Saúde Bucal ,Saúde do Trabalhador ,Occupational Health - Abstract
Este é um estudo de revisão que sistematiza achados de pesquisas sobre exposições ocupacionais e seus efeitos na saúde bucal, destacando a importância dos dados epidemiológicos no planejamento de programas de saúde bucal do trabalhador. Existem relatos de associação potencial entre exposições ocupacionais e alterações bucais; entretanto, são escassos os estudos sobre as condições de saúde bucal dos trabalhadores em países em desenvolvimento como o Brasil. Entre as exposições ocupacionais presentes na literatura odontológica, observa-se uma predominância de estudos sobre substâncias ácidas e também exposições relacionadas com o açúcar, como a poeira de açúcar. As alterações bucais podem manifestar-se tanto nos tecidos duros (cárie, erosão dental, etc.) como nos tecidos moles (lesões da mucosa oral, doenças periodontais, etc). Por outro lado, observa-se que os programas de saúde bucal do trabalhador, quando existem, muitas vezes não consideram as especificidades dessa parcela da população que, além de exposta aos fatores de risco mais conhecidos das principais doenças bucais, está submetida a outros fatores relacionados ao ambiente de trabalho. Assim, considera-se relevante a discussão sobre a necessidade de maior produção de conhecimento nessa área, de capacitação de recursos humanos e de implementação de programas mais efetivos, baseados nos princípios da vigilância em saúde do trabalhador. This study is a review of published research findings in occupational exposures and their impact on oral health, emphasizing the relevance of epidemiological studies in the planning of workers' oral health programs. There are some studies reporting potential association between occupational exposures and oral diseases; nevertheless, there are few studies concerning workers oral health conditions in developing countries, as Brazil. In current dental literature related to occupational exposures, there are more publications about acid substances and sugar related exposures, as sugar dust. Oral diseases could arise both in hard tissues (caries, dental erosion) and soft tissues (oral mucous lesions, periodontal diseases, etc). On the other hand, the few existing workers oral health programs don't take into consideration specificities of population not only exposed to main oral health etiologic factors, but also submitted to other risk factors related to work environment. Therefore, it is important to discuss the need of producing more knowledge in this area, capacitating human resources and implementing more effective programs, based on worker's health surveillance.
- Published
- 2005
154. Caries dental y necesidades de tratamiento en escolares de dos zonas de la región nor-occidental de Venezuela
- Author
Morón Borjas, Alexis, Rivera Velásquez, Luis, and Rojas de Rivera, Fanny
- Subjects
Revistas ,Caries dental ,Estrato social ,Facultad de Medicina ,Dental caries ,Revista MedULA ,Epidemiología ,Treatment needs ,Necesidades de tratamiento ,Oral epidemiology ,Social status - Abstract
Editorial. Envejecimiento. ¿Deletéreo o beneficioso?. ¿Aging. Destructive or Beneficial? Salinas, Pedro José Violencia doméstica contra la mujer en pacientes femeninas del Ambulatorio Belén. Mérida. Venezuela. Domestic violence against the woman in feminine patients of the Belén Ambulatory Hospital. Mérida, Venezuela. Rivas de Mora, Sileny Percepción de los docentes sobre el maltrato infantil en la educación básica de la ciudad de Mérida, Venezuela. Teachers’ perception of child abuse in basic (primary) school in Mérida city, Venezuela. Salinas, Pedro José Campos, Nilda Caries dental y necesidades de tratamiento en escolares de dos zonas de la región nor-occidental de Venezuela. Dental caries and treatment needs in schoolchildren located in the northern area of the Venezuelan country. Morón Borjas, Alexis Rivera Velásquez, Luís Rojas de Rivera, Fanny Leptina y hormonas tiroideas en niñas con diferentes diagnósticos nutricionales y su relación con la menarquia. Leptin and thyroid hormones in girls with different nutritional diagnosis and their relationship with menarche. Marín de López, Gladis López, Zioma Bishop, Walter Molina Viana, Zarela Hernández Yánez, Leonor La progresión de la enfermedad renal y su tratamiento actual. Una revisión. The progression of renal disease and its present treatment. A review. Rondón Nucete, Miguel Rondon Guerra, Ana Verónica Villarreal, Yadira Colecistestomía laparoscópica versus colecistectomía abierta o tradicional. Resultados de una serie de 442 pacientes. Laparoscopic versus open or traditional cholecystectomy. Results of 442 patients. Torres Dugarte, Carlos Geovanny Spinetti R., Demian Uso del misoprostol en la prevención de la hemorragia posparto. Use of misoprostol to prevent postpartum haemorrhage. Morón B., Eduardo Chirinos, Liberio Morón Borjas, Alexis Santana, Yrma Prevalencia de celulitis facial de punto de partida odontológico de acuerdo con el grupo etario, sexo y estatus socioeconómico, en pacientes pediátricos, en el Hospital "Joel Valencia Parparcén", 1997-2000. Prevalence of odontogenic facial cellulitis according to age, sex and socioeconomic group, in pediatric patients, in the "Joel Valencia Parpacén" Hospital, Petare, Venezuela, 1997-2000. Flores, María G. Guerrero, María del V. Salinas, Perla R. González, Maury El trabajo en redes en el sector salud. The network in the health sector. Castillo Trujillo, David J. Lista de los Postgradosde la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Los Andes. List of Postgraduate Coursesat the Faculty of Medicine of the University of The Andes. 15-20 almoron@luz.edu.ve semestral Nivel analítico
- Published
- 2005
155. Situaciones de salud bucal en personas adultas mayores: problemas y desafíos
- Author
Brenes, William and Hoffmaister, Federico
- Subjects
stomatognathic diseases ,uso de servicios de salud ,aging ,use of dental services ,Envejecimiento ,epidemiología bucal ,oral epidemiology ,autocuidado - Abstract
Situaciones de salud bucal en personas adultas mayores: problemas y desafíos. El objetivo de esta investigación es identificar el estado de salud bucal, las prácticas de autocuidado, la calidad de las prótesis y el uso de los servicios de salud de las personas adultas mayores que asisten a clubes de interacción social. Mediante un estudio de prevalencia se investigó a 234 personas adultas mayores de ambos sexos. Todos ellos provenientes de 15 clubes estratificados por condiciones geográficas y sociales del entorno donde se localizan los clubes. Los principales resultados del estado de salud bucal fueron: a) El 53% de las personas adultas mayores estudiadas han perdido la totalidad de sus dientes y el 38,4% con pérdida dental parcial que requiere de rehabilitación protésica para satisfacer la capacidad masticatoria. b) De las personas que conservan al menos un diente en boca, la caries activa es prevalente en el 77,7% y las periodontopatías en el 52,9% de esta población y el 83,5% tiene un deficiente control de la placa dental. c) El 63,9% de las prótesis superiores y en el 74,2% de las prótesis inferiores necesitan ser reacondicionadas o renovadas por prótesis bien concebidas. Se concluye que el estado de salud bucal de las personas adultas mayores estudiadas en la presente investigación, puede ser catalogado como un relevante problema de salud pública. La acumulación de daños por problemas buco-dentales de la población estudiada requiere de una ampliación de cobertura por parte de los servicios de salud, así como de las acciones de educación para la salud, que contrarresten los factores de riesgo de las enfermedades odontológicas y estomatológicas prevalentes en la población. Situation of oral health in elderly people: problems and challenges. The goal of the investigation is to identify the condition of oral health on elderly people. The research was developed by the recognition of personal oral health care, also evaluating the quality of dental prosthesis and the use of dental medical services on elderly people who attends clubs of social interaction in Costa Rica. The inquiry was developed through a prevalence study with the participation of 234 elderly people, male and female. All the participants are active members of 15 social clubs. The groups-or social clubs- where stratified by geographic and social conditions, related with the surroundings conditions, especially location. The results reveled by the investigation are: a) From the studied population elderly people, 53% has been lost the totality of their teeth, 38,4% has partial dental loss that requires a rehabilitation dental prosthesis for satisfy the chew capacity, b) From the elderly people who conserve a tooth at least, the active decay is prevalent in 77,7% and 52,9% have periodontal illness, 83,5% have a deficient control of the dental plaque, c) The evaluation of dental prosthesis results are that 63,9% of the superior dental prosthesis and 74,2% of the inferior dental prosthesis, need repairmen or being replaced. The most relevant conclusion of the research is elderly people oral healthcare can be catalogued as serious problem of public health. The accumulation of injuries by oral and dental problems reveled on the research, indicates that elderly adults require an expansion of dental medical service as well as preventing education actions of reduce the factors of risk of the oral diseases and stomatology prevalence in the elderly population.
- Published
- 2004
156. Patología (pseudopatología) lingual observada en la facultad de odontología de la UCM
- Author
Peláez-Esteban, Mario, Esparza-Gómez, Germán, Cancela-Rodríguez, Paloma, and Llamas-Martínez, Silvia
- Subjects
Patología lingual ,Pseudopathology ,Epidemiología oral ,Lingual pathology ,Pseudopatología ,Arthrocentesis ,Oral epidemiology - Abstract
Se ha realizado un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo y transversal sobre la patología (pseudopatología) lingual observada en el Departamento de Medicina y Cirugía Bucofacial de la Facultad de Odontología de la UCM y se han comparado los resultados con otros estudios similares. De un total de 1313 historias clínicas revisadas, 54 (4,11%) presentaron una o varias alteraciones linguales. La lengua geográfica fue la entidad más frecuentemente encontrada, en un 2,13% de los pacientes, seguida de la lengua fisurada, 1,07%, y de la hipertrofia de las papilas foliadas con un 0,53%. Las condiciones englobadas en el grupo de pseudopatología, son entidades muy próximas a la normalidad, con un diagnóstico que se solapa en ocasiones con lenguas sanas. El diagnóstico se produjo en un 27,8% de los casos de forma casual, no siendo el motivo de consulta del paciente al acudir al Departamento. A descriptive, retrospective and cross-sectional study based on the lingual pathology (and pseudopathology) observed in the Department of Oral Medicine and Surgery, Dental School, Universidad Complutense, Madrid has been performed, and the results have been compared with other similar surveys. From 1313 clinical histories reviewed, 54 (4,11%) presented one or more lingual alterations. The most frequently found condition was geographic tongue, 2,13% of the patients; followed by fissured tongue, 1,07% and foliate papilae hypertrophy 0,53%. The lingual conditions included in the pseudopathology group are entities very close to normality, and the diagnosis frequently overlaps with healthy tongues. In 27,8% of the cases the diagnosis was fortuitous, with the lesion not being the cause of consultation.
- Published
- 2004
157. Occupational exposures to acid mists and gases and ulcerative lesions of the oral mucosa
- Author
Maria Isabel Pereira Vianna, Vilma Sousa Santana, and Dana Loomis
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,Pathology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Time Factors ,Adolescent ,Acid mist exposures ,Sulfur Oxides ,Oral hygiene ,Occupational medicine ,Acid gases exposures ,Occupational Exposure ,Epidemiology ,otorhinolaryngologic diseases ,Medicine ,Humans ,Ulcerative lesions ,Oral mucosa ,Dental Care ,Oral Ulcer ,Industrial dentistry ,Aged ,Aerosols ,business.industry ,Sulfuric acid ,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health ,Age Factors ,Middle Aged ,Sulfuric Acids ,Oral Hygiene ,Dermatology ,Lip ,Oral epidemiology ,Male workers ,Occupational Diseases ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Socioeconomic Factors ,Toxicity ,Etiology ,Population study ,Educational Status ,Gases ,Hydrochloric Acid ,business ,Brazil - Abstract
Texto completo: acesso restrito. p. 238–245 Submitted by Edileide Reis (leyde-landy@hotmail.com) on 2013-12-06T12:50:48Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Isabel Pereira Vianna.pdf: 107218 bytes, checksum: fe42b891d270e5fdf5f5ac62246e6a04 (MD5) Approved for entry into archive by Flávia Ferreira (flaviaccf@yahoo.com.br) on 2014-02-19T19:10:06Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Isabel Pereira Vianna.pdf: 107218 bytes, checksum: fe42b891d270e5fdf5f5ac62246e6a04 (MD5) Made available in DSpace on 2014-02-19T19:10:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Isabel Pereira Vianna.pdf: 107218 bytes, checksum: fe42b891d270e5fdf5f5ac62246e6a04 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2004 Background This study examines the hypothesis that acid mist or mixtures of acid mists and acid gases are associated with ulcerative lesions of the oral mucosa. Methods All 665 active male workers of a metal processing factory were the study population. Semi-quantitative measures of exposure were estimated from a job exposure matrix constructed with industrial hygienist scoring and job titles. Ulcerative lesions of the oral mucosa were identified with standardized clinical dental exams. Results Past exposure to acid mists were positively associated with ulcerative lesions of the oral mucosa but only among workers without lip sealing (age- and alcohol consumption-adjusted prevalence ratio (PR), PRadjusted¼3.40; 90% CI: 1.48–7.85). Also in this worker group, the mixture of acid mists and acid gases was associated with ulcerative lesions of the oral mucosa limited to exposure in the past (PRadjusted¼2.83; 90% CI: 1.12–7.17). Conclusions There is a positive association between acid mist or mixtures of acid mists and acid gases and ulcerative lesions of the oral mucosa only in the absence of lip sealing. The evidence of a chronic rather than acute irritative process suggests a possible step on the etiology of oral malignancies, which needs investigation. Am. J. Ind. Med. 45:238– 245, 2004. 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
- Published
- 2004
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158. American Journal of Industrial Medicine
- Author
Vianna, Maria Isabel Pereira, Santana, Vilma Sousa, and Loomis, Dana P.
- Subjects
Acid gases exposures ,Acid mist exposures ,Sulfuric acid ,Ulcerative lesions ,Oral mucosa ,Industrial dentistry ,Oral epidemiology - Abstract
Texto completo: acesso restrito. p. 238–245 Submitted by Edileide Reis (leyde-landy@hotmail.com) on 2013-12-06T12:50:48Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Isabel Pereira Vianna.pdf: 107218 bytes, checksum: fe42b891d270e5fdf5f5ac62246e6a04 (MD5) Approved for entry into archive by Flávia Ferreira (flaviaccf@yahoo.com.br) on 2014-02-19T19:10:06Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Isabel Pereira Vianna.pdf: 107218 bytes, checksum: fe42b891d270e5fdf5f5ac62246e6a04 (MD5) Made available in DSpace on 2014-02-19T19:10:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Isabel Pereira Vianna.pdf: 107218 bytes, checksum: fe42b891d270e5fdf5f5ac62246e6a04 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2004 Background This study examines the hypothesis that acid mist or mixtures of acid mists and acid gases are associated with ulcerative lesions of the oral mucosa. Methods All 665 active male workers of a metal processing factory were the study population. Semi-quantitative measures of exposure were estimated from a job exposure matrix constructed with industrial hygienist scoring and job titles. Ulcerative lesions of the oral mucosa were identified with standardized clinical dental exams. Results Past exposure to acid mists were positively associated with ulcerative lesions of the oral mucosa but only among workers without lip sealing (age- and alcohol consumption-adjusted prevalence ratio (PR), PRadjusted¼3.40; 90% CI: 1.48–7.85). Also in this worker group, the mixture of acid mists and acid gases was associated with ulcerative lesions of the oral mucosa limited to exposure in the past (PRadjusted¼2.83; 90% CI: 1.12–7.17). Conclusions There is a positive association between acid mist or mixtures of acid mists and acid gases and ulcerative lesions of the oral mucosa only in the absence of lip sealing. The evidence of a chronic rather than acute irritative process suggests a possible step on the etiology of oral malignancies, which needs investigation. Am. J. Ind. Med. 45:238– 245, 2004. 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
- Published
- 2004
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159. Periodontal conditions in a Swedish city population of adolescents : A cross-sectional study
- Author
Abrahamsson, K. H., Koch, G., Norderyd, Ola, Romao, C., Wennström, J. L., Abrahamsson, K. H., Koch, G., Norderyd, Ola, Romao, C., and Wennström, J. L.
- Abstract
The aim of this epidemiological survey was to analyze the periodontal conditions of 19-year old individuals in an urban area of Sweden, with special reference to gender and socioeconomic factors. A randomized sample of 272 individuals living in Göteborg, Sweden, was clinically examined with regard to oral hygiene, gingivitis, periodontal pockets, probing attachment loss (PAL) and gingival recession. Bitewing radiographs were used for assessments of alveolar bone level (ABL) and dental calculus. A questionnaire-based interview regarding oral hygiene habits was included. Data were analyzed with regard to differences between gender and socioeconomic grouping. The subjects showed a mean plaque score of 59% and a gingivitis score of 44%. 70% of the adolescents had a plaque score of ≥50%, whereas corresponding figure for gingivitis was 37%. 27% of the subjects had at least one tooth with gingival recession. The mean prevalence of sites with probing depth of ≥6 mm was 0.5, and the prevalence of PAL ≥2 mm was 0.7. A radiographic bone level of ≥2 mm was observed at on average 0.8 teeth per subject. Females had significantly less plaque and gingivitis than males and significantly higher number of teeth with gingival recession. There were no clinically significant differences in periodontal conditions between socioeconomic groups. In conclusion, the survey revealed higher prevalence of plaque and gingivitis among male than female adolescents but no differences between socioeconomic groups.
- Published
- 2006
160. Analysis of 261 avulsed permanent teeth of patients treated in a dental urgency service
- Author
Ana Helena Gonçalves de Alencar, Carlos Estrela, Orlando Aguirre Guedes, Álvaro Henrique Borges, Matheus Coelho Bandeca, and Cyntia Rodrigues de Araújo Estrela
- Subjects
Orthodontics ,Maxillary lateral incisor ,Dental trauma ,business.industry ,Root canal ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Dentistry ,tooth replantation ,oral epidemiology ,medicine.disease ,tooth avulsion ,Tooth Replantation ,lcsh:RK1-715 ,stomatognathic diseases ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,stomatognathic system ,lcsh:Dentistry ,Replantation ,medicine ,Maxillary central incisor ,Tooth Avulsion ,business ,Permanent teeth - Abstract
Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the epidemiological aspects and clinical factors associated with avulsion of permanent teeth. Materials and Methods: The sample consisted of 261 avulsed teeth of 170 patients seen in the Dental School of the Federal University of Goiαs, Brazil, from 2000 to 2008. Result: The highest incidence was found among boys (71.18%) aged 6-15 years (61.18%). The main etiologic factors were falls (51.76%) and traffic accidents (29.41%). Most cases occurred in autumn (March to June; 31.18%) and winter (June to September; 27.65%). Most avulsed teeth were the maxillary central incisor (62.45%), followed by the maxillary lateral incisor (21.46%). A high proportion (67.23%) of injured teeth had a completely formed root apex. Replantation was used to treat 119 teeth (45.59%) in 86 patients. Most replantations were delayed (89.08%). Thirty-eight teeth (31.93%) were stored in dry media. Periodontal healing was found in 41 teeth (34.45%), inflammatory root resorption, in 44 (36.97%) and replacement root resorption, in 22 (18.49%). The most frequent treatments for replanted teeth were endodontic treatment and temporary filling of the root canal with calcium hydroxide (58.92%) and endodontic treatment and definitive root canal filling (26.89%). Conclusion: The epidemiological and clinical aspects of tooth avulsion in this study were similar to those reported in other studies. The number of replantation was low, the number of teeth stored in non-physiological conditions was high, and replantation was often delayed.
- Published
- 2015
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161. Dental caries prevalence in 5-year-old children in Mallow (a non-fluoridated area), Cork Ireland.
- Author
Mageean, James F., Holland, Timothy J., and Gleeson, Patrick
- Subjects
- *
DENTAL caries , *CHILDREN , *DENTAL pathology , *EPIDEMIOLOGY , *DENTISTRY , *ORAL medicine - Abstract
295 5-year-old children were examined in Mallow, a non-fluoridated town in North Cork to ascertain the dental status of children commencing first level education. The results were compared with those found in Baja, Hungary and in Barnsley, England. The def in Mallow was found to be 5.15 and the Met Need Index 14 %. The authors suggest that the programmes of dental care should be re-examined in the light of these findings and more emphasis placed on the prevention and treatment of caries at an earlier age. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 1979
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162. Dentistry, Oral Health, and Clinical Investigation.
- Author
Giannobile, W.V.
- Subjects
RANDOMIZED controlled trials ,SOCIAL networks ,PRESSURE groups - Abstract
An introduction is presented in which the editor discusses various reports within the issue on topics including randomized controlled clinical trials for oral medicine, the use of practice-based research networks, and a proposal for scientist-advocates.
- Published
- 2012
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163. Multilevel analysis of neighborhood characteristics and dental caries.
- Author
Tellez Merchan, Marisol
- Subjects
- African-american, Analysis, Characteristics, Dental Caries, Multilevel, Neighborhood, Oral Epidemiology
- Abstract
Exploring the association between neighborhoods and dental caries could provide a way to address oral health inequalities in a population by developing multilevel oral health community interventions. This study examines neighborhood effects on the severity of caries among African Americans, selected in a multistage probability sample of African-American families living in Detroit. This study used cross sectional data on 1,021 adults obtained in the first wave of interviews and examinations conducted in 2002--2003 by the Detroit Center for Research on Oral Health Disparities. Multilevel analyses focused on 27 neighborhood clusters derived from the original sample and involved a combination of individual (level-1) and neighborhood data including Census and geocoded information (level-2). There is statistically significant variation in the severity of caries (DS and DFS scores) among low-income neighborhood clusters; however, the magnitude of this variation is less than 3%. On average, 36% of the neighborhood level variance in caries severity was explained by level-2 predictors. Direct effects on caries severity, after accounting for individual risk factors, were observed with the number of churches and grocery stores in the clusters. In particular, lower mean DS and DFS are associated with an increasing number of churches in neighborhood clusters, while there is an increase in untreated dental caries with a higher number of grocery stores in the neighborhoods. Individual predictors such as age, socioeconomic status, total sugar intake, oral hygiene and oral health self-perception explained approximately 15% of the caries variance within the neighborhood clusters. The great inter-individual variability in caries is still mostly unexplained by classical risk factors for this condition. This study suggests that neighborhoods contribute something unique to the oral health status of caregivers, beyond their own socioeconomic position and individual risk factors, and adds to growing evidence that community and individual-based interventions are necessary to reduce disparities among African-Americans. Churches may offer a promising venue in which to conduct these strategies.
- Published
- 2004
164. Social oral epidemi(olog)(2) y where next: one small step or one giant leap?
- Author
Baker SR and Gibson BG
- Subjects
- Healthcare Disparities, Humans, Mouth Diseases epidemiology, Social Determinants of Health
- Abstract
Since the early 1990s, there has been heated debate critically reflecting on social epidemiology. Yet, very little of this debate has reached oral epidemiology. This is no more noticeable than in the field of oral health inequalities. One of the significant achievements of social oral epidemiology has been the persistent documentation of social patterning of oral disease. Nevertheless, where social oral epidemiology has fallen down is going beyond description to explaining these patterns. Thinking how and in what way things happen, not just in relation to oral health inequalities but also more broadly, requires a more creative approach which links to scholarship outside of dentistry, including the work from critical epidemiologists to that within the social sciences. The aim of this review study is to provide a critical commentary on key aspects of more general epidemiological debates in order to inform and develop social oral epidemiology theory and methodology. In the first section, 'Where are we now?', six key debates are reflected upon: (i) analysis of variance versus analysis of causes, (ii) the fallacy of independent effects, (iii) black box thinking, (iv) theory and the understanding of mechanisms, (v) individualization of risk and (vi) the meaning of 'social'. In the second section, 'Where to next?' we draw on a number of fundamental issues from within the social science literature in order to highlight possible channels of future inquiry. Our overriding goal throughout is to facilitate a critical engagement in order to improve understanding and generate knowledge in relation to population oral health., (© 2014 The Authors. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.)
- Published
- 2014
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165. Extent of differences in dental caries in permanent teeth between childhood and adulthood in 26 countries.
- Author
Bernabé E and Sheiham A
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Adult, Child, DMF Index, Female, Humans, Male, World Health Organization, Dental Caries epidemiology, Dentition, Permanent
- Abstract
Objective: To compare levels of caries in permanent teeth between children and adults and specifically, the extent to which the decayed, missing, filled teeth (DMFT) index was greater in adults than in children., Methods: The analysis was based on published reports from 26 countries with comparable summary data on dental caries for different World Health Organisation index ages. Reports were obtained from two large electronic databases, the World Health Organisation Oral Health Country/Area Profile Programme and the Global Burden of Disease 2010 Study., Results: Very much higher levels of caries occurred in adults than in children in all 26 countries. For most countries, irrespective of the DMFT levels in 12-year-olds, the percentage difference in levels of DMFT between 12-year-olds and 35- to 44-year-olds was above 500% and the relative difference was 5 or more., Conclusion: Large differences in experience of dental caries in permanent teeth were found between childhood and adulthood., (© 2014 FDI World Dental Federation.)
- Published
- 2014
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166. Patterns of Change in Self-Reported Oral Health among Dentate Adults
- Author
Peek, Chuck W., Gilbert, Gregg H., Duncan, R. Paul, Heft, Marc W., and Henretta, John C.
- Published
- 1999
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