2,100 results on '"BORTOLON, A."'
Search Results
202. Humanoid robots versus humans: How is emotional valence of facial expressions recognized by individuals with schizophrenia? An exploratory study
- Author
Raffard, Stéphane, Bortolon, Catherine, Khoramshahi, Mahdi, Salesse, Robin N., Burca, Marianna, Marin, Ludovic, Bardy, Benoit G., Billard, Aude, Macioce, Valérie, and Capdevielle, Delphine
- Published
- 2016
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203. Automatic Identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Ziehl-Neelsen Stained Sputum Smear Microscopy Images using a Two-stage Classifier.
- Author
Lucas de Assis Soares, Klaus Fabian Côco, Evandro Ottoni Teatini Salles, and Saulo Bortolon
- Published
- 2015
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204. Further insight into self-face recognition in schizophrenia patients: Why ambiguity matters
- Author
Bortolon, Catherine, Capdevielle, Delphine, Salesse, Robin N., and Raffard, Stephane
- Published
- 2016
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205. Components of emotion regulation flexibility and psychosis: The association between psychosis‐proneness and context sensitivity
- Author
Catherine Bortolon, Shuquan Chen, and George A. Bonanno
- Subjects
Clinical Psychology ,General Medicine - Abstract
Emotion regulation flexibility has been conceptualized as a multi-componential construct involving context sensitivity, repertoire and feedback responsiveness. Psychosis research has yet to incorporate these new developments in the study of emotion regulation. Thus, we sought to advance even further the knowledge on emotion regulation in psychosis by adopting the emotion regulation flexibility approach as proposed by Bonanno and Burton (Perspectives on Psychological Science, 2013, 8, 591).In total, 401 participants completed 4 scales assessing the multi-components of emotion regulation flexibility and psychosis-proneness.Our results indicated that Context Sensitivity (i.e., Cue Absence) and Feedback Responsiveness (i.e., Evaluation) were associated with psychosis-proneness. Cue absence was specifically associated with the positive dimension, while both Cue Absence and Enhancement ability were associated with the negative dimension.Overall, our results suggest that emotional context insensitivity is the most relevant component of regulatory flexibility in the case of psychosis-proneness. Thus, the disruption in this first step of flexible emotion regulation might be already present in those prone to psychosis. Difficulties in decoding appropriately the contextual cues might further disrupt the other steps of emotion regulation contributing to the psychotic (-like) experiences. This study needs replication in clinical and non-clinical samples.
- Published
- 2022
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206. Design of a Novel Variable Geometry Divertor for Tokamaks
- Author
Chongdu Xu, Alexander Nagy, Alessandro Bortolon, Morgan Shafer, and Florian M. Laggner
- Subjects
Nuclear and High Energy Physics ,Condensed Matter Physics - Published
- 2022
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207. Dzi Croquettes
- Author
Flavia Jakemiu Araújo Bortolon
- Abstract
Dzi Croquettes: roupas da moda, trajes em cena tem como tema central as peças de roupa usadas pelos dançarinos e atores do grupo Dzi Croquettes, da década de 1970 no Brasil, a fim de criar a atmosfera que provocou a discussão de gênero por meio da fusão do vestuário feminino com o masculino, na qual mesclou-se tecidos delicados com pelos e barbas. Os conceitos de figurino e roupa foram revisitados para demonstrar como o grupo utilizou peças do cotidiano ou da moda vigente para a construção do seu figurino. Segundo Fausto Viana (2017) e Rita Bustamante (2008), o figurino são vestimentas específicas para a representação no palco, que criam personagens e um texto por meio da estética. Essa tese está em consonância com o pensamento da semióloga Lucia Santaella (2004; 2008) e do pesquisador de moda Carlos Gardin (2008), que concebem que a roupa cotidiana, ou uma peça extraída da moda, também apresenta uma linguagem não verbal, traduzindo uma ideia para quem a veste e para quem a visualiza, aproximando o figurino do vestuário. Seguindo esse princípio, neste artigo, os conceitos de roupa e de figurino serão utilizados como sinônimos para analisar o vestuário dos integrantes do Dzi Croquettes.
- Published
- 2022
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208. An open-source mobile-based system for synchronised multi-view capture and dynamic object reconstruction.
- Author
Matteo Bortolon and Fabio Poiesi
- Published
- 2021
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209. DIII-D research advancing the physics basis for optimizing the tokamak approach to fusion energy
- Author
M. E. Fenstermacher, J. Abbate, S. Abe, T. Abrams, M. Adams, B. Adamson, N. Aiba, T. Akiyama, P. Aleynikov, E. Allen, S. Allen, H. Anand, J. Anderson, Y. Andrew, T. Andrews, D. Appelt, R. Arbon, N. Ashikawa, A. Ashourvan, M. Aslin, Y. Asnis, M. Austin, D. Ayala, J. Bak, I. Bandyopadhyay, S. Banerjee, K. Barada, L. Bardoczi, J. Barr, E. Bass, D. Battaglia, A. Battey, W. Baumgartner, L. Baylor, J. Beckers, M. Beidler, E. Belli, J. Berkery, T. Bernard, N. Bertelli, M. Beurskens, R. Bielajew, S. Bilgili, B. Biswas, S. Blondel, J. Boedo, I. Bogatu, R. Boivin, T. Bolzonella, M. Bongard, X. Bonnin, P. Bonoli, M. Bonotto, A. Bortolon, S. Bose, N. Bosviel, S. Bouwmans, M. Boyer, W. Boyes, L. Bradley, R. Brambila, D. Brennan, S. Bringuier, L. Brodsky, M. Brookman, J. Brooks, D. Brower, G. Brown, W. Brown, M. Burke, K. Burrell, K. Butler, R. Buttery, I. Bykov, P. Byrne, A. Cacheris, K. Callahan, J. Callen, G. Campbell, J. Candy, J. Canik, P. Cano-Megias, N. Cao, L. Carayannopoulos, T. Carlstrom, W. Carrig, T. Carter, W. Cary, L. Casali, M. Cengher, G. Cespedes Paz, R. Chaban, V. Chan, B. Chapman, I. Char, A. Chattopadhyay, R. Chen, J. Chen, X. Chen, M. Chen, Z. Chen, M. Choi, W. Choi, G. Choi, L. Chousal, C. Chrobak, C. Chrystal, Y. Chung, R. Churchill, M. Cianciosa, J. Clark, M. Clement, S. Coda, A. Cole, C. Collins, W. Conlin, A. Cooper, J. Cordell, B. Coriton, T. Cote, J. Cothran, A. Creely, N. Crocker, C. Crowe, B. Crowley, T. Crowley, D. Cruz-Zabala, D. Cummings, M. Curie, D. Curreli, A. Dal Molin, B. Dannels, A. Dautt-Silva, K. Davda, G. De Tommasi, P. De Vries, G. Degrandchamp, J. Degrassie, D. Demers, S. Denk, S. Depasquale, E. Deshazer, A. Diallo, S. Diem, A. Dimits, R. Ding, S. Ding, W. Ding, T. Do, J. Doane, G. Dong, D. Donovan, J. Drake, W. Drews, J. Drobny, X. Du, H. Du, V. Duarte, D. Dudt, C. Dunn, J. Duran, A. Dvorak, F. Effenberg, N. Eidietis, D. Elder, D. Eldon, R. Ellis, W. Elwasif, D. Ennis, K. Erickson, D. Ernst, M. Fasciana, D. Fedorov, E. Feibush, N. Ferraro, J. Ferreira, J. Ferron, P. Fimognari, D. Finkenthal, R. Fitzpatrick, P. Fox, W. Fox, L. Frassinetti, H. Frerichs, H. Frye, Y. Fu, K. Gage, J. Galdon Quiroga, A. Gallo, Q. Gao, A. Garcia, M. Garcia Munoz, D. Garnier, A. Garofalo, A. Gattuso, D. Geng, K. Gentle, D. Ghosh, L. Giacomelli, S. Gibson, E. Gilson, C. Giroud, F. Glass, A. Glasser, D. Glibert, P. Gohil, R. Gomez, S. Gomez, X. Gong, E. Gonzales, A. Goodman, Y. Gorelov, V. Graber, R. Granetz, T. Gray, D. Green, C. Greenfield, M. Greenwald, B. Grierson, R. Groebner, W. Grosnickle, M. Groth, H. Grunloh, S. Gu, W. Guo, H. Guo, P. Gupta, J. Guterl, W. Guttenfelder, T. Guzman, S. Haar, R. Hager, S. Hahn, M. Halfmoon, T. Hall, K. Hallatschek, F. Halpern, G. Hammett, H. Han, E. Hansen, C. Hansen, M. Hansink, J. Hanson, M. Hanson, G. Hao, A. Harris, R. Harvey, S. Haskey, E. Hassan, A. Hassanein, D. Hatch, R. Hawryluk, W. Hayashi, W. Heidbrink, J. Herfindal, J. Hicok, D. Hill, E. Hinson, C. Holcomb, L. Holland, C. Holland, E. Hollmann, J. Hollocombe, A. Holm, I. Holmes, K. Holtrop, M. Honda, R. Hong, R. Hood, A. Horton, L. Horvath, M. Hosokawa, S. Houshmandyar, N. Howard, E. Howell, D. Hoyt, W. Hu, Y. Hu, Q. Hu, J. Huang, Y. Huang, J. Hughes, T. Human, D. Humphreys, P. Huynh, A. Hyatt, C. Ibanez, L. Ibarra, R. Icasas, K. Ida, V. Igochine, Y. In, S. Inoue, A. Isayama, O. Izacard, V. Izzo, A. Jackson, G. Jacobsen, A. Jaervinen, A. Jalalvand, J. Janhunen, S. Jardin, H. Jarleblad, Y. Jeon, H. Ji, X. Jian, E. Joffrin, A. Johansen, C. Johnson, T. Johnson, C. Jones, I. Joseph, D. Jubas, B. Junge, W. Kalb, R. Kalling, C. Kamath, J. Kang, D. Kaplan, A. Kaptanoglu, S. Kasdorf, J. Kates-Harbeck, P. Kazantzidis, A. Kellman, D. Kellman, C. Kessel, K. Khumthong, E. Kim, H. Kim, J. Kim, S. Kim, K. Kim, C. Kim, W. Kimura, M. King, J. King, J. Kinsey, A. Kirk, B. Kiyan, A. Kleiner, V. Klevarova, R. Knapp, M. Knolker, W. Ko, T. Kobayashi, E. Koch, M. Kochan, B. Koel, M. Koepke, A. Kohn, R. Kolasinski, E. Kolemen, E. Kostadinova, M. Kostuk, G. Kramer, D. Kriete, L. Kripner, S. Kubota, J. Kulchar, K. Kwon, R. La Haye, F. Laggner, H. Lan, R. Lantsov, L. Lao, A. Lasa Esquisabel, C. Lasnier, C. Lau, B. Leard, J. Lee, R. Lee, M. Lee, Y. Lee, C. Lee, S. Lee, M. Lehnen, A. Leonard, E. Leppink, M. Lesher, J. Lestz, J. Leuer, N. Leuthold, X. Li, K. Li, E. Li, G. Li, L. Li, Z. Li, J. Li, Y. Li, Z. Lin, D. Lin, X. Liu, J. Liu, Y. Liu, T. Liu, C. Liu, Z. Liu, D. Liu, A. Liu, A. Loarte-Prieto, L. Lodestro, N. Logan, J. Lohr, B. Lombardo, J. Lore, Q. Luan, T. Luce, T. Luda Di Cortemiglia, N. Luhmann, R. Lunsford, Z. Luo, A. Lvovskiy, B. Lyons, X. Ma, M. Madruga, B. Madsen, C. Maggi, K. Maheshwari, A. Mail, J. Mailloux, R. Maingi, M. Major, M. Makowski, R. Manchanda, C. Marini, A. Marinoni, A. Maris, T. Markovic, L. Marrelli, E. Martin, J. Mateja, G. Matsunaga, R. Maurizio, P. Mauzey, D. Mauzey, G. Mcardle, J. Mcclenaghan, K. Mccollam, C. Mcdevitt, K. Mckay, G. Mckee, A. Mclean, V. Mehta, E. Meier, J. Menard, O. Meneghini, G. Merlo, S. Messer, W. Meyer, C. Michael, C. Michoski, P. Milne, G. Minet, A. Misleh, Y. Mitrishkin, C. Moeller, K. Montes, M. Morales, S. Mordijck, D. Moreau, S. Morosohk, P. Morris, L. Morton, A. Moser, R. Moyer, C. Moynihan, T. Mrazkova, D. Mueller, S. Munaretto, J. Munoz Burgos, C. Murphy, K. Murphy, C. Muscatello, C. Myers, A. Nagy, G. Nandipati, M. Navarro, F. Nave, G. Navratil, R. Nazikian, A. Neff, G. Neilson, T. Neiser, W. Neiswanger, D. Nelson, A. Nelson, F. Nespoli, R. Nguyen, L. Nguyen, X. Nguyen, J. Nichols, M. Nocente, S. Nogami, S. Noraky, N. Norausky, M. Nornberg, R. Nygren, T. Odstrcil, D. Ogas, T. Ogorman, S. Ohdachi, Y. Ohtani, M. Okabayashi, M. Okamoto, L. Olavson, E. Olofsson, M. Omullane, R. Oneill, D. Orlov, W. Orvis, T. Osborne, D. Pace, G. Paganini Canal, A. Pajares Martinez, L. Palacios, C. Pan, Q. Pan, R. Pandit, M. Pandya, A. Pankin, Y. Park, J. Park, S. Parker, P. Parks, M. Parsons, B. Patel, C. Pawley, C. Paz-Soldan, W. Peebles, S. Pelton, R. Perillo, C. Petty, Y. Peysson, D. Pierce, A. Pigarov, L. Pigatto, D. Piglowski, S. Pinches, R. Pinsker, P. Piovesan, N. Piper, A. Pironti, R. Pitts, J. Pizzo, U. Plank, M. Podesta, E. Poli, F. Poli, D. Ponce, Z. Popovic, M. Porkolab, G. Porter, C. Powers, S. Powers, R. Prater, Q. Pratt, I. Pusztai, J. Qian, X. Qin, O. Ra, T. Rafiq, T. Raines, R. Raman, J. Rauch, A. Raymond, C. Rea, M. Reich, A. Reiman, S. Reinhold, M. Reinke, R. Reksoatmodjo, Q. Ren, Y. Ren, J. Ren, M. Rensink, J. Renteria, T. Rhodes, J. Rice, R. Roberts, J. Robinson, P. Rodriguez Fernandez, T. Rognlien, A. Rosenthal, S. Rosiello, J. Rost, J. Roveto, W. Rowan, R. Rozenblat, J. Ruane, D. Rudakov, J. Ruiz Ruiz, R. Rupani, S. Saarelma, S. Sabbagh, J. Sachdev, J. Saenz, S. Saib, M. Salewski, A. Salmi, B. Sammuli, C. Samuell, A. Sandorfi, C. Sang, J. Sarff, O. Sauter, K. Schaubel, L. Schmitz, O. Schmitz, J. Schneider, P. Schroeder, K. Schultz, E. Schuster, J. Schwartz, F. Sciortino, F. Scotti, J. Scoville, A. Seltzman, S. Seol, I. Sfiligoi, M. Shafer, S. Sharapov, H. Shen, Z. Sheng, T. Shepard, S. Shi, Y. Shibata, G. Shin, D. Shiraki, R. Shousha, H. Si, P. Simmerling, G. Sinclair, J. Sinha, P. Sinha, G. Sips, T. Sizyuk, C. Skinner, A. Sladkomedova, T. Slendebroek, J. Slief, R. Smirnov, J. Smith, S. Smith, D. Smith, J. Snipes, G. Snoep, A. Snyder, P. Snyder, E. Solano, W. Solomon, J. Song, A. Sontag, V. Soukhanovskii, J. Spendlove, D. Spong, J. Squire, C. Srinivasan, W. Stacey, G. Staebler, L. Stagner, T. Stange, P. Stangeby, R. Stefan, R. Stemprok, D. Stephan, J. Stillerman, T. Stoltzfus-Dueck, W. Stonecipher, S. Storment, E. Strait, D. Su, L. Sugiyama, Y. Sun, P. Sun, Z. Sun, A. Sun, D. Sundstrom, C. Sung, J. Sungcoco, W. Suttrop, Y. Suzuki, T. Suzuki, A. Svyatkovskiy, C. Swee, R. Sweeney, C. Sweetnam, G. Szepesi, M. Takechi, T. Tala, K. Tanaka, X. Tang, S. Tang, Y. Tao, R. Tao, D. Taussig, T. Taylor, K. Teixeira, K. Teo, A. Theodorsen, D. Thomas, K. Thome, A. Thorman, A. Thornton, A. Ti, M. Tillack, N. Timchenko, R. Tinguely, R. Tompkins, J. Tooker, A. Torrezan De Sousa, G. Trevisan, S. Tripathi, A. Trujillo Ochoa, D. Truong, C. Tsui, F. Turco, A. Turnbull, M. Umansky, E. Unterberg, P. Vaezi, P. Vail, J. Valdez, W. Valkis, B. Van Compernolle, J. Van Galen, R. Van Kampen, M. Van Zeeland, G. Verdoolaege, N. Vianello, B. Victor, E. Viezzer, S. Vincena, M. Wade, F. Waelbroeck, J. Wai, T. Wakatsuki, M. Walker, G. Wallace, R. Waltz, W. Wampler, L. Wang, H. Wang, Y. Wang, Z. Wang, G. Wang, S. Ward, M. Watkins, J. Watkins, W. Wehner, Y. Wei, M. Weiland, D. Weisberg, A. Welander, A. White, R. White, S. Wiesen, R. Wilcox, T. Wilks, M. Willensdorfer, H. Wilson, A. Wingen, M. Wolde, M. Wolff, K. Woller, A. Wolz, H. Wong, S. Woodruff, M. Wu, Y. Wu, S. Wukitch, G. Wurden, W. Xiao, R. Xie, Z. Xing, X. Xu, C. Xu, G. Xu, Z. Yan, X. Yang, S. Yang, T. Yokoyama, R. Yoneda, M. Yoshida, K. You, T. Younkin, J. Yu, M. Yu, G. Yu, Q. Yuan, L. Zaidenberg, L. Zakharov, A. Zamengo, S. Zamperini, M. Zarnstorff, E. Zeger, K. Zeller, L. Zeng, M. Zerbini, L. Zhang, X. Zhang, R. Zhang, B. Zhang, J. Zhang, L. Zhao, B. Zhao, Y. Zheng, L. Zheng, B. Zhu, J. Zhu, Y. Zhu, M. Zsutty, M. Zuin, Fenstermacher, M. E., Abbate, J., Abe, S., Abrams, T., Adams, M., Adamson, B., Aiba, N., Akiyama, T., Aleynikov, P., Allen, E., Allen, S., Anand, H., Anderson, J., Andrew, Y., Andrews, T., Appelt, D., Arbon, R., Ashikawa, N., Ashourvan, A., Aslin, M., Asnis, Y., Austin, M., Ayala, D., Bak, J., Bandyopadhyay, I., Banerjee, S., Barada, K., Bardoczi, L., Barr, J., Bass, E., Battaglia, D., Battey, A., Baumgartner, W., Baylor, L., Beckers, J., Beidler, M., Belli, E., Berkery, J., Bernard, T., Bertelli, N., Beurskens, M., Bielajew, R., Bilgili, S., Biswas, B., Blondel, S., Boedo, J., Bogatu, I., Boivin, R., Bolzonella, T., Bongard, M., Bonnin, X., Bonoli, P., Bonotto, M., Bortolon, A., Bose, S., Bosviel, N., Bouwmans, S., Boyer, M., Boyes, W., Bradley, L., Brambila, R., Brennan, D., Bringuier, S., Brodsky, L., Brookman, M., Brooks, J., Brower, D., Brown, G., Brown, W., Burke, M., Burrell, K., Butler, K., Buttery, R., Bykov, I., Byrne, P., Cacheris, A., Callahan, K., Callen, J., Campbell, G., Candy, J., Canik, J., Cano-Megias, P., Cao, N., Carayannopoulos, L., Carlstrom, T., Carrig, W., Carter, T., Cary, W., Casali, L., Cengher, M., Cespedes Paz, G., Chaban, R., Chan, V., Chapman, B., Char, I., Chattopadhyay, A., Chen, R., Chen, J., Chen, X., Chen, M., Chen, Z., Choi, M., Choi, W., Choi, G., Chousal, L., Chrobak, C., Chrystal, C., Chung, Y., Churchill, R., Cianciosa, M., Clark, J., Clement, M., Coda, S., Cole, A., Collins, C., Conlin, W., Cooper, A., Cordell, J., Coriton, B., Cote, T., Cothran, J., Creely, A., Crocker, N., Crowe, C., Crowley, B., Crowley, T., Cruz-Zabala, D., Cummings, D., Curie, M., Curreli, D., Dal Molin, A., Dannels, B., Dautt-Silva, A., Davda, K., De Tommasi, G., De Vries, P., Degrandchamp, G., Degrassie, J., Demers, D., Denk, S., Depasquale, S., Deshazer, E., Diallo, A., Diem, S., Dimits, A., Ding, R., Ding, S., Ding, W., Do, T., Doane, J., Dong, G., Donovan, D., Drake, J., Drews, W., Drobny, J., Du, X., Du, H., Duarte, V., Dudt, D., Dunn, C., Duran, J., Dvorak, A., Effenberg, F., Eidietis, N., Elder, D., Eldon, D., Ellis, R., Elwasif, W., Ennis, D., Erickson, K., Ernst, D., Fasciana, M., Fedorov, D., Feibush, E., Ferraro, N., Ferreira, J., Ferron, J., Fimognari, P., Finkenthal, D., Fitzpatrick, R., Fox, P., Fox, W., Frassinetti, L., Frerichs, H., Frye, H., Fu, Y., Gage, K., Galdon Quiroga, J., Gallo, A., Gao, Q., Garcia, A., Garcia Munoz, M., Garnier, D., Garofalo, A., Gattuso, A., Geng, D., Gentle, K., Ghosh, D., Giacomelli, L., Gibson, S., Gilson, E., Giroud, C., Glass, F., Glasser, A., Glibert, D., Gohil, P., Gomez, R., Gomez, S., Gong, X., Gonzales, E., Goodman, A., Gorelov, Y., Graber, V., Granetz, R., Gray, T., Green, D., Greenfield, C., Greenwald, M., Grierson, B., Groebner, R., Grosnickle, W., Groth, M., Grunloh, H., Gu, S., Guo, W., Guo, H., Gupta, P., Guterl, J., Guttenfelder, W., Guzman, T., Haar, S., Hager, R., Hahn, S., Halfmoon, M., Hall, T., Hallatschek, K., Halpern, F., Hammett, G., Han, H., Hansen, E., Hansen, C., Hansink, M., Hanson, J., Hanson, M., Hao, G., Harris, A., Harvey, R., Haskey, S., Hassan, E., Hassanein, A., Hatch, D., Hawryluk, R., Hayashi, W., Heidbrink, W., Herfindal, J., Hicok, J., Hill, D., Hinson, E., Holcomb, C., Holland, L., Holland, C., Hollmann, E., Hollocombe, J., Holm, A., Holmes, I., Holtrop, K., Honda, M., Hong, R., Hood, R., Horton, A., Horvath, L., Hosokawa, M., Houshmandyar, S., Howard, N., Howell, E., Hoyt, D., Hu, W., Hu, Y., Hu, Q., Huang, J., Huang, Y., Hughes, J., Human, T., Humphreys, D., Huynh, P., Hyatt, A., Ibanez, C., Ibarra, L., Icasas, R., Ida, K., Igochine, V., In, Y., Inoue, S., Isayama, A., Izacard, O., Izzo, V., Jackson, A., Jacobsen, G., Jaervinen, A., Jalalvand, A., Janhunen, J., Jardin, S., Jarleblad, H., Jeon, Y., Ji, H., Jian, X., Joffrin, E., Johansen, A., Johnson, C., Johnson, T., Jones, C., Joseph, I., Jubas, D., Junge, B., Kalb, W., Kalling, R., Kamath, C., Kang, J., Kaplan, D., Kaptanoglu, A., Kasdorf, S., Kates-Harbeck, J., Kazantzidis, P., Kellman, A., Kellman, D., Kessel, C., Khumthong, K., Kim, E., Kim, H., Kim, J., Kim, S., Kim, K., Kim, C., Kimura, W., King, M., King, J., Kinsey, J., Kirk, A., Kiyan, B., Kleiner, A., Klevarova, V., Knapp, R., Knolker, M., Ko, W., Kobayashi, T., Koch, E., Kochan, M., Koel, B., Koepke, M., Kohn, A., Kolasinski, R., Kolemen, E., Kostadinova, E., Kostuk, M., Kramer, G., Kriete, D., Kripner, L., Kubota, S., Kulchar, J., Kwon, K., La Haye, R., Laggner, F., Lan, H., Lantsov, R., Lao, L., Lasa Esquisabel, A., Lasnier, C., Lau, C., Leard, B., Lee, J., Lee, R., Lee, M., Lee, Y., Lee, C., Lee, S., Lehnen, M., Leonard, A., Leppink, E., Lesher, M., Lestz, J., Leuer, J., Leuthold, N., Li, X., Li, K., Li, E., Li, G., Li, L., Li, Z., Li, J., Li, Y., Lin, Z., Lin, D., Liu, X., Liu, J., Liu, Y., Liu, T., Liu, C., Liu, Z., Liu, D., Liu, A., Loarte-Prieto, A., Lodestro, L., Logan, N., Lohr, J., Lombardo, B., Lore, J., Luan, Q., Luce, T., Luda Di Cortemiglia, T., Luhmann, N., Lunsford, R., Luo, Z., Lvovskiy, A., Lyons, B., Ma, X., Madruga, M., Madsen, B., Maggi, C., Maheshwari, K., Mail, A., Mailloux, J., Maingi, R., Major, M., Makowski, M., Manchanda, R., Marini, C., Marinoni, A., Maris, A., Markovic, T., Marrelli, L., Martin, E., Mateja, J., Matsunaga, G., Maurizio, R., Mauzey, P., Mauzey, D., Mcardle, G., Mcclenaghan, J., Mccollam, K., Mcdevitt, C., Mckay, K., Mckee, G., Mclean, A., Mehta, V., Meier, E., Menard, J., Meneghini, O., Merlo, G., Messer, S., Meyer, W., Michael, C., Michoski, C., Milne, P., Minet, G., Misleh, A., Mitrishkin, Y., Moeller, C., Montes, K., Morales, M., Mordijck, S., Moreau, D., Morosohk, S., Morris, P., Morton, L., Moser, A., Moyer, R., Moynihan, C., Mrazkova, T., Mueller, D., Munaretto, S., Munoz Burgos, J., Murphy, C., Murphy, K., Muscatello, C., Myers, C., Nagy, A., Nandipati, G., Navarro, M., Nave, F., Navratil, G., Nazikian, R., Neff, A., Neilson, G., Neiser, T., Neiswanger, W., Nelson, D., Nelson, A., Nespoli, F., Nguyen, R., Nguyen, L., Nguyen, X., Nichols, J., Nocente, M., Nogami, S., Noraky, S., Norausky, N., Nornberg, M., Nygren, R., Odstrcil, T., Ogas, D., Ogorman, T., Ohdachi, S., Ohtani, Y., Okabayashi, M., Okamoto, M., Olavson, L., Olofsson, E., Omullane, M., Oneill, R., Orlov, D., Orvis, W., Osborne, T., Pace, D., Paganini Canal, G., Pajares Martinez, A., Palacios, L., Pan, C., Pan, Q., Pandit, R., Pandya, M., Pankin, A., Park, Y., Park, J., Parker, S., Parks, P., Parsons, M., Patel, B., Pawley, C., Paz-Soldan, C., Peebles, W., Pelton, S., Perillo, R., Petty, C., Peysson, Y., Pierce, D., Pigarov, A., Pigatto, L., Piglowski, D., Pinches, S., Pinsker, R., Piovesan, P., Piper, N., Pironti, A., Pitts, R., Pizzo, J., Plank, U., Podesta, M., Poli, E., Poli, F., Ponce, D., Popovic, Z., Porkolab, M., Porter, G., Powers, C., Powers, S., Prater, R., Pratt, Q., Pusztai, I., Qian, J., Qin, X., Ra, O., Rafiq, T., Raines, T., Raman, R., Rauch, J., Raymond, A., Rea, C., Reich, M., Reiman, A., Reinhold, S., Reinke, M., Reksoatmodjo, R., Ren, Q., Ren, Y., Ren, J., Rensink, M., Renteria, J., Rhodes, T., Rice, J., Roberts, R., Robinson, J., Rodriguez Fernandez, P., Rognlien, T., Rosenthal, A., Rosiello, S., Rost, J., Roveto, J., Rowan, W., Rozenblat, R., Ruane, J., Rudakov, D., Ruiz Ruiz, J., Rupani, R., Saarelma, S., Sabbagh, S., Sachdev, J., Saenz, J., Saib, S., Salewski, M., Salmi, A., Sammuli, B., Samuell, C., Sandorfi, A., Sang, C., Sarff, J., Sauter, O., Schaubel, K., Schmitz, L., Schmitz, O., Schneider, J., Schroeder, P., Schultz, K., Schuster, E., Schwartz, J., Sciortino, F., Scotti, F., Scoville, J., Seltzman, A., Seol, S., Sfiligoi, I., Shafer, M., Sharapov, S., Shen, H., Sheng, Z., Shepard, T., Shi, S., Shibata, Y., Shin, G., Shiraki, D., Shousha, R., Si, H., Simmerling, P., Sinclair, G., Sinha, J., Sinha, P., Sips, G., Sizyuk, T., Skinner, C., Sladkomedova, A., Slendebroek, T., Slief, J., Smirnov, R., Smith, J., Smith, S., Smith, D., Snipes, J., Snoep, G., Snyder, A., Snyder, P., Solano, E., Solomon, W., Song, J., Sontag, A., Soukhanovskii, V., Spendlove, J., Spong, D., Squire, J., Srinivasan, C., Stacey, W., Staebler, G., Stagner, L., Stange, T., Stangeby, P., Stefan, R., Stemprok, R., Stephan, D., Stillerman, J., Stoltzfus-Dueck, T., Stonecipher, W., Storment, S., Strait, E., Su, D., Sugiyama, L., Sun, Y., Sun, P., Sun, Z., Sun, A., Sundstrom, D., Sung, C., Sungcoco, J., Suttrop, W., Suzuki, Y., Suzuki, T., Svyatkovskiy, A., Swee, C., Sweeney, R., Sweetnam, C., Szepesi, G., Takechi, M., Tala, T., Tanaka, K., Tang, X., Tang, S., Tao, Y., Tao, R., Taussig, D., Taylor, T., Teixeira, K., Teo, K., Theodorsen, A., Thomas, D., Thome, K., Thorman, A., Thornton, A., Ti, A., Tillack, M., Timchenko, N., Tinguely, R., Tompkins, R., Tooker, J., Torrezan De Sousa, A., Trevisan, G., Tripathi, S., Trujillo Ochoa, A., Truong, D., Tsui, C., Turco, F., Turnbull, A., Umansky, M., Unterberg, E., Vaezi, P., Vail, P., Valdez, J., Valkis, W., Van Compernolle, B., Van Galen, J., Van Kampen, R., Van Zeeland, M., Verdoolaege, G., Vianello, N., Victor, B., Viezzer, E., Vincena, S., Wade, M., Waelbroeck, F., Wai, J., Wakatsuki, T., Walker, M., Wallace, G., Waltz, R., Wampler, W., Wang, L., Wang, H., Wang, Y., Wang, Z., Wang, G., Ward, S., Watkins, M., Watkins, J., Wehner, W., Wei, Y., Weiland, M., Weisberg, D., Welander, A., White, A., White, R., Wiesen, S., Wilcox, R., Wilks, T., Willensdorfer, M., Wilson, H., Wingen, A., Wolde, M., Wolff, M., Woller, K., Wolz, A., Wong, H., Woodruff, S., Wu, M., Wu, Y., Wukitch, S., Wurden, G., Xiao, W., Xie, R., Xing, Z., Xu, X., Xu, C., Xu, G., Yan, Z., Yang, X., Yang, S., Yokoyama, T., Yoneda, R., Yoshida, M., You, K., Younkin, T., Yu, J., Yu, M., Yu, G., Yuan, Q., Zaidenberg, L., Zakharov, L., Zamengo, A., Zamperini, S., Zarnstorff, M., Zeger, E., Zeller, K., Zeng, L., Zerbini, M., Zhang, L., Zhang, X., Zhang, R., Zhang, B., Zhang, J., Zhao, L., Zhao, B., Zheng, Y., Zheng, L., Zhu, B., Zhu, J., Zhu, Y., Zsutty, M., Zuin, M., Fenstermacher, M, Abbate, J, Abe, S, Abrams, T, Adams, M, Adamson, B, Aiba, N, Akiyama, T, Aleynikov, P, Allen, E, Allen, S, Anand, H, Anderson, J, Andrew, Y, Andrews, T, Appelt, D, Arbon, R, Ashikawa, N, Ashourvan, A, Aslin, M, Asnis, Y, Austin, M, Ayala, D, Bak, J, Bandyopadhyay, I, Banerjee, S, Barada, K, Bardoczi, L, Barr, J, Bass, E, Battaglia, D, Battey, A, Baumgartner, W, Baylor, L, Beckers, J, Beidler, M, Belli, E, Berkery, J, Bernard, T, Bertelli, N, Beurskens, M, Bielajew, R, Bilgili, S, Biswas, B, Blondel, S, Boedo, J, Bogatu, I, Boivin, R, Bolzonella, T, Bongard, M, Bonnin, X, Bonoli, P, Bonotto, M, Bortolon, A, Bose, S, Bosviel, N, Bouwmans, S, Boyer, M, Boyes, W, Bradley, L, Brambila, R, Brennan, D, Bringuier, S, Brodsky, L, Brookman, M, Brooks, J, Brower, D, Brown, G, Brown, W, Burke, M, Burrell, K, Butler, K, Buttery, R, Bykov, I, Byrne, P, Cacheris, A, Callahan, K, Callen, J, Campbell, G, Candy, J, Canik, J, Cano-Megias, P, Cao, N, Carayannopoulos, L, Carlstrom, T, Carrig, W, Carter, T, Cary, W, Casali, L, Cengher, M, Paz, G, Chaban, R, Chan, V, Chapman, B, Char, I, Chattopadhyay, A, Chen, R, Chen, J, Chen, X, Chen, M, Chen, Z, Choi, M, Choi, W, Choi, G, Chousal, L, Chrobak, C, Chrystal, C, Chung, Y, Churchill, R, Cianciosa, M, Clark, J, Clement, M, Coda, S, Cole, A, Collins, C, Conlin, W, Cooper, A, Cordell, J, Coriton, B, Cote, T, Cothran, J, Creely, A, Crocker, N, Crowe, C, Crowley, B, Crowley, T, Cruz-Zabala, D, Cummings, D, Curie, M, Curreli, D, Dal Molin, A, Dannels, B, Dautt-Silva, A, Davda, K, De Tommasi, G, De Vries, P, Degrandchamp, G, Degrassie, J, Demers, D, Denk, S, Depasquale, S, Deshazer, E, Diallo, A, Diem, S, Dimits, A, Ding, R, Ding, S, Ding, W, Do, T, Doane, J, Dong, G, Donovan, D, Drake, J, Drews, W, Drobny, J, Du, X, Du, H, Duarte, V, Dudt, D, Dunn, C, Duran, J, Dvorak, A, Effenberg, F, Eidietis, N, Elder, D, Eldon, D, Ellis, R, Elwasif, W, Ennis, D, Erickson, K, Ernst, D, Fasciana, M, Fedorov, D, Feibush, E, Ferraro, N, Ferreira, J, Ferron, J, Fimognari, P, Finkenthal, D, Fitzpatrick, R, Fox, P, Fox, W, Frassinetti, L, Frerichs, H, Frye, H, Fu, Y, Gage, K, Quiroga, J, Gallo, A, Gao, Q, Garcia, A, Munoz, M, Garnier, D, Garofalo, A, Gattuso, A, Geng, D, Gentle, K, Ghosh, D, Giacomelli, L, Gibson, S, Gilson, E, Giroud, C, Glass, F, Glasser, A, Glibert, D, Gohil, P, Gomez, R, Gomez, S, Gong, X, Gonzales, E, Goodman, A, Gorelov, Y, Graber, V, Granetz, R, Gray, T, Green, D, Greenfield, C, Greenwald, M, Grierson, B, Groebner, R, Grosnickle, W, Groth, M, Grunloh, H, Gu, S, Guo, W, Guo, H, Gupta, P, Guterl, J, Guttenfelder, W, Guzman, T, Haar, S, Hager, R, Hahn, S, Halfmoon, M, Hall, T, Hallatschek, K, Halpern, F, Hammett, G, Han, H, Hansen, E, Hansen, C, Hansink, M, Hanson, J, Hanson, M, Hao, G, Harris, A, Harvey, R, Haskey, S, Hassan, E, Hassanein, A, Hatch, D, Hawryluk, R, Hayashi, W, Heidbrink, W, Herfindal, J, Hicok, J, Hill, D, Hinson, E, Holcomb, C, Holland, L, Holland, C, Hollmann, E, Hollocombe, J, Holm, A, Holmes, I, Holtrop, K, Honda, M, Hong, R, Hood, R, Horton, A, Horvath, L, Hosokawa, M, Houshmandyar, S, Howard, N, Howell, E, Hoyt, D, Hu, W, Hu, Y, Hu, Q, Huang, J, Huang, Y, Hughes, J, Human, T, Humphreys, D, Huynh, P, Hyatt, A, Ibanez, C, Ibarra, L, Icasas, R, Ida, K, Igochine, V, In, Y, Inoue, S, Isayama, A, Izacard, O, Izzo, V, Jackson, A, Jacobsen, G, Jaervinen, A, Jalalvand, A, Janhunen, J, Jardin, S, Jarleblad, H, Jeon, Y, Ji, H, Jian, X, Joffrin, E, Johansen, A, Johnson, C, Johnson, T, Jones, C, Joseph, I, Jubas, D, Junge, B, Kalb, W, Kalling, R, Kamath, C, Kang, J, Kaplan, D, Kaptanoglu, A, Kasdorf, S, Kates-Harbeck, J, Kazantzidis, P, Kellman, A, Kellman, D, Kessel, C, Khumthong, K, Kim, E, Kim, H, Kim, J, Kim, S, Kim, K, Kim, C, Kimura, W, King, M, King, J, Kinsey, J, Kirk, A, Kiyan, B, Kleiner, A, Klevarova, V, Knapp, R, Knolker, M, Ko, W, Kobayashi, T, Koch, E, Kochan, M, Koel, B, Koepke, M, Kohn, A, Kolasinski, R, Kolemen, E, Kostadinova, E, Kostuk, M, Kramer, G, Kriete, D, Kripner, L, Kubota, S, Kulchar, J, Kwon, K, La Haye, R, Laggner, F, Lan, H, Lantsov, R, Lao, L, Esquisabel, A, Lasnier, C, Lau, C, Leard, B, Lee, J, Lee, R, Lee, M, Lee, Y, Lee, C, Lee, S, Lehnen, M, Leonard, A, Leppink, E, Lesher, M, Lestz, J, Leuer, J, Leuthold, N, Li, X, Li, K, Li, E, Li, G, Li, L, Li, Z, Li, J, Li, Y, Lin, Z, Lin, D, Liu, X, Liu, J, Liu, Y, Liu, T, Liu, C, Liu, Z, Liu, D, Liu, A, Loarte-Prieto, A, Lodestro, L, Logan, N, Lohr, J, Lombardo, B, Lore, J, Luan, Q, Luce, T, Di Cortemiglia, T, Luhmann, N, Lunsford, R, Luo, Z, Lvovskiy, A, Lyons, B, Ma, X, Madruga, M, Madsen, B, Maggi, C, Maheshwari, K, Mail, A, Mailloux, J, Maingi, R, Major, M, Makowski, M, Manchanda, R, Marini, C, Marinoni, A, Maris, A, Markovic, T, Marrelli, L, Martin, E, Mateja, J, Matsunaga, G, Maurizio, R, Mauzey, P, Mauzey, D, Mcardle, G, Mcclenaghan, J, Mccollam, K, Mcdevitt, C, Mckay, K, Mckee, G, Mclean, A, Mehta, V, Meier, E, Menard, J, Meneghini, O, Merlo, G, Messer, S, Meyer, W, Michael, C, Michoski, C, Milne, P, Minet, G, Misleh, A, Mitrishkin, Y, Moeller, C, Montes, K, Morales, M, Mordijck, S, Moreau, D, Morosohk, S, Morris, P, Morton, L, Moser, A, Moyer, R, Moynihan, C, Mrazkova, T, Mueller, D, Munaretto, S, Burgos, J, Murphy, C, Murphy, K, Muscatello, C, Myers, C, Nagy, A, Nandipati, G, Navarro, M, Nave, F, Navratil, G, Nazikian, R, Neff, A, Neilson, G, Neiser, T, Neiswanger, W, Nelson, D, Nelson, A, Nespoli, F, Nguyen, R, Nguyen, L, Nguyen, X, Nichols, J, Nocente, M, Nogami, S, Noraky, S, Norausky, N, Nornberg, M, Nygren, R, Odstrcil, T, Ogas, D, Ogorman, T, Ohdachi, S, Ohtani, Y, Okabayashi, M, Okamoto, M, Olavson, L, Olofsson, E, Omullane, M, Oneill, R, Orlov, D, Orvis, W, Osborne, T, Pace, D, Canal, G, Martinez, A, Palacios, L, Pan, C, Pan, Q, Pandit, R, Pandya, M, Pankin, A, Park, Y, Park, J, Parker, S, Parks, P, Parsons, M, Patel, B, Pawley, C, Paz-Soldan, C, Peebles, W, Pelton, S, Perillo, R, Petty, C, Peysson, Y, Pierce, D, Pigarov, A, Pigatto, L, Piglowski, D, Pinches, S, Pinsker, R, Piovesan, P, Piper, N, Pironti, A, Pitts, R, Pizzo, J, Plank, U, Podesta, M, Poli, E, Poli, F, Ponce, D, Popovic, Z, Porkolab, M, Porter, G, Powers, C, Powers, S, Prater, R, Pratt, Q, Pusztai, I, Qian, J, Qin, X, Ra, O, Rafiq, T, Raines, T, Raman, R, Rauch, J, Raymond, A, Rea, C, Reich, M, Reiman, A, Reinhold, S, Reinke, M, Reksoatmodjo, R, Ren, Q, Ren, Y, Ren, J, Rensink, M, Renteria, J, Rhodes, T, Rice, J, Roberts, R, Robinson, J, Fernandez, P, Rognlien, T, Rosenthal, A, Rosiello, S, Rost, J, Roveto, J, Rowan, W, Rozenblat, R, Ruane, J, Rudakov, D, Ruiz, J, Rupani, R, Saarelma, S, Sabbagh, S, Sachdev, J, Saenz, J, Saib, S, Salewski, M, Salmi, A, Sammuli, B, Samuell, C, Sandorfi, A, Sang, C, Sarff, J, Sauter, O, Schaubel, K, Schmitz, L, Schmitz, O, Schneider, J, Schroeder, P, Schultz, K, Schuster, E, Schwartz, J, Sciortino, F, Scotti, F, Scoville, J, Seltzman, A, Seol, S, Sfiligoi, I, Shafer, M, Sharapov, S, Shen, H, Sheng, Z, Shepard, T, Shi, S, Shibata, Y, Shin, G, Shiraki, D, Shousha, R, Si, H, Simmerling, P, Sinclair, G, Sinha, J, Sinha, P, Sips, G, Sizyuk, T, Skinner, C, Sladkomedova, A, Slendebroek, T, Slief, J, Smirnov, R, Smith, J, Smith, S, Smith, D, Snipes, J, Snoep, G, Snyder, A, Snyder, P, Solano, E, Solomon, W, Song, J, Sontag, A, Soukhanovskii, V, Spendlove, J, Spong, D, Squire, J, Srinivasan, C, Stacey, W, Staebler, G, Stagner, L, Stange, T, Stangeby, P, Stefan, R, Stemprok, R, Stephan, D, Stillerman, J, Stoltzfus-Dueck, T, Stonecipher, W, Storment, S, Strait, E, Su, D, Sugiyama, L, Sun, Y, Sun, P, Sun, Z, Sun, A, Sundstrom, D, Sung, C, Sungcoco, J, Suttrop, W, Suzuki, Y, Suzuki, T, Svyatkovskiy, A, Swee, C, Sweeney, R, Sweetnam, C, Szepesi, G, Takechi, M, Tala, T, Tanaka, K, Tang, X, Tang, S, Tao, Y, Tao, R, Taussig, D, Taylor, T, Teixeira, K, Teo, K, Theodorsen, A, Thomas, D, Thome, K, Thorman, A, Thornton, A, Ti, A, Tillack, M, Timchenko, N, Tinguely, R, Tompkins, R, Tooker, J, De Sousa, A, Trevisan, G, Tripathi, S, Ochoa, A, Truong, D, Tsui, C, Turco, F, Turnbull, A, Umansky, M, Unterberg, E, Vaezi, P, Vail, P, Valdez, J, Valkis, W, Van Compernolle, B, Van Galen, J, Van Kampen, R, Van Zeeland, M, Verdoolaege, G, Vianello, N, Victor, B, Viezzer, E, Vincena, S, Wade, M, Waelbroeck, F, Wai, J, Wakatsuki, T, Walker, M, Wallace, G, Waltz, R, Wampler, W, Wang, L, Wang, H, Wang, Y, Wang, Z, Wang, G, Ward, S, Watkins, M, Watkins, J, Wehner, W, Wei, Y, Weiland, M, Weisberg, D, Welander, A, White, A, White, R, Wiesen, S, Wilcox, R, Wilks, T, Willensdorfer, M, Wilson, H, Wingen, A, Wolde, M, Wolff, M, Woller, K, Wolz, A, Wong, H, Woodruff, S, Wu, M, Wu, Y, Wukitch, S, Wurden, G, Xiao, W, Xie, R, Xing, Z, Xu, X, Xu, C, Xu, G, Yan, Z, Yang, X, Yang, S, Yokoyama, T, Yoneda, R, Yoshida, M, You, K, Younkin, T, Yu, J, Yu, M, Yu, G, Yuan, Q, Zaidenberg, L, Zakharov, L, Zamengo, A, Zamperini, S, Zarnstorff, M, Zeger, E, Zeller, K, Zeng, L, Zerbini, M, Zhang, L, Zhang, X, Zhang, R, Zhang, B, Zhang, J, Zhao, L, Zhao, B, Zheng, Y, Zheng, L, Zhu, B, Zhu, J, Zhu, Y, Zsutty, M, Zuin, M, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University, General Atomics, Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, Imperial College London, National Institute for Fusion Science, Universidade de São Paulo, University of Texas at Austin, ITER, College of William and Mary, University of California Los Angeles, University of California San Diego, Columbia University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Eindhoven University of Technology, Oak Ridge Associated Universities, West Virginia University, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, National Research Council of Italy, Stony Brook University, Purdue University, University of Seville, University of Science and Technology of China, Carnegie Mellon University, Institute for Plasma Research, Peking University, University of California Davis, University of California Irvine, Commonwealth Fusion Systems, University of Liverpool, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, University of Milan - Bicocca, Georgia Institute of Technology, Southwestern Institute of Physics, University of Toronto, Auburn University, Polytechnic University of Turin, Universidade Lisboa, Association CCFE, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, San Diego State University, Durham University, Lehigh University, Fusion and Plasma Physics, University of Washington, Department of Applied Physics, Sandia National Laboratories, Ghent University, Technical University of Denmark, CEA, University of Colorado Boulder, Harvard University, National Technical University of Athens, Coventry University, University of Stuttgart, Czech Academy of Sciences, Harvey Mudd College, Seoul National University, Donghua University, University of York, Dalian University of Technology, University of California Berkeley, Los Alamos National Laboratory, United States Department of Energy, University of British Columbia, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, University of Wisconsin, Michigan State University, University of Strathclyde, Pennsylvania State University, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, University of Southern California, Chalmers University of Technology, University of Virginia, University of Naples Federico II, University of Oxford, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, National Institute of Technology, University of Connecticut, DIFFER, CIEMAT, Hanyang University, Brigham Young University, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Australian National University, Russian Research Centre Kurchatov Institute, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Zhejiang University, The University of Tokyo, University of Michigan, Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l'energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile, Aalto-yliopisto, Aalto University, DIII-D Team, Complex Ionized Media, Elementary Processes in Gas Discharges, Applied Physics and Science Education, Science and Technology of Nuclear Fusion, and Control Systems Technology
- Subjects
Nuclear and High Energy Physics ,Tokamak ,Technology and Engineering ,DIII-D ,Nuclear engineering ,TOKAMAKS ,MITIGATION ,law.invention ,Plasma physics ,mitigation ,law ,plasma physic ,tokamak ,Physics ,Core-edge integration ,Basis (linear algebra) ,plasma physics ,core-edge integration ,scenarios ,Fusion power ,Condensed Matter Physics ,SCENARIOS ,fusion energy ,Fusion energy - Abstract
Funding Information: This material is based upon work supported by the US Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Fusion Energy Sciences, using the DIII-D National Fusion Facility, a DOE Office of Science user facility, under Awards DE-FC02-04ER54698 and DE-AC52-07NA27344. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 IAEA, Vienna. DIII-D physics research addresses critical challenges for the operation of ITER and the next generation of fusion energy devices. This is done through a focus on innovations to provide solutions for high performance long pulse operation, coupled with fundamental plasma physics understanding and model validation, to drive scenario development by integrating high performance core and boundary plasmas. Substantial increases in off-axis current drive efficiency from an innovative top launch system for EC power, and in pressure broadening for Alfven eigenmode control from a co-/counter-I p steerable off-axis neutral beam, all improve the prospects for optimization of future long pulse/steady state high performance tokamak operation. Fundamental studies into the modes that drive the evolution of the pedestal pressure profile and electron vs ion heat flux validate predictive models of pedestal recovery after ELMs. Understanding the physics mechanisms of ELM control and density pumpout by 3D magnetic perturbation fields leads to confident predictions for ITER and future devices. Validated modeling of high-Z shattered pellet injection for disruption mitigation, runaway electron dissipation, and techniques for disruption prediction and avoidance including machine learning, give confidence in handling disruptivity for future devices. For the non-nuclear phase of ITER, two actuators are identified to lower the L-H threshold power in hydrogen plasmas. With this physics understanding and suite of capabilities, a high poloidal beta optimized-core scenario with an internal transport barrier that projects nearly to Q = 10 in ITER at ∼8 MA was coupled to a detached divertor, and a near super H-mode optimized-pedestal scenario with co-I p beam injection was coupled to a radiative divertor. The hybrid core scenario was achieved directly, without the need for anomalous current diffusion, using off-axis current drive actuators. Also, a controller to assess proximity to stability limits and regulate β N in the ITER baseline scenario, based on plasma response to probing 3D fields, was demonstrated. Finally, innovative tokamak operation using a negative triangularity shape showed many attractive features for future pilot plant operation.
- Published
- 2022
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
- Author
Farias, Marnilde Silva de, primary, Melo, Lana Cristina Barbosa de, additional, Sales, Joelma Carvalho, additional, Rêgo, Marcondes Baptista do, additional, and Matos, Maristela Bortolon de, additional
- Published
- 2019
- Full Text
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211. Comment utiliser les thérapies cognitives et comportementales ?
- Author
Yazbek, H., primary, Bortolon, C., additional, de Connor, A., additional, and Raffard, S., additional
- Published
- 2019
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- Author
Consorte, Fabiana Pastore, primary, Giordano, Jeniffer Maciel, additional, Lopes, Marcela, additional, Constante, Márcia de Aguiar, additional, Silva, Olivia Mélo da, additional, and Bortolon, Taís Zanella, additional
- Published
- 2018
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213. Unravelling socio-motor biomarkers in schizophrenia
- Author
Piotr Słowiński, Francesco Alderisio, Chao Zhai, Yuan Shen, Peter Tino, Catherine Bortolon, Delphine Capdevielle, Laura Cohen, Mahdi Khoramshahi, Aude Billard, Robin Salesse, Mathieu Gueugnon, Ludovic Marin, Benoit G. Bardy, Mario di Bernardo, Stephane Raffard, and Krasimira Tsaneva-Atanasova
- Subjects
Psychiatry ,RC435-571 - Abstract
Mirror game test could detect schizophrenia A new test of movement and social interaction could detect markers of schizophrenia, and help to diagnose and manage the condition. In an effort to establish reliable indicators of schizophrenia, Piotr Slowinski at the University of Exeter, UK and colleagues developed a test that could detect deficits in movement and social interactions, both characteristics of the disorder. They asked people to perform movements alone, and to mirror the movements of a computer avatar or a humanoid robot. Automated analysis of the movements allowed to distinguish people with schizophrenia from healthy participants with accuracy and specificity slightly better than clinical interviews and comparable to test based on much more expensive neuroimaging methods. The technique could help with diagnosis of schizophrenia and to monitor patients’ responses to treatment, but needs to be tested in clinical trials before being applied in clincal practice.
- Published
- 2017
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214. Improvements in Compassion and Fears of Compassion throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Multinational Study
- Author
Matos, M. McEwan, K. Kanovský, M. Halamová, J. Steindl, S.R. Ferreira, N. Linharelhos, M. Rijo, D. Asano, K. Vilas, S.P. Márquez, M.G. Gregório, S. Brito-Pons, G. Lucena-Santos, P. da Silva Oliveira, M. de Souza, E.L. Llobenes, L. Gumiy, N. Costa, M.I. Habib, N. Hakem, R. Khrad, H. Alzahrani, A. Cheli, S. Petrocchi, N. Tholouli, E. Issari, P. Simos, G. Lunding-Gregersen, V. Elklit, A. Kolts, R. Kelly, A.C. Bortolon, C. Delamillieure, P. Paucsik, M. Wahl, J.E. Zieba, M. Zatorski, M. Komendziński, T. Zhang, S. Basran, J. Kagialis, A. Kirby, J. Gilbert, P. and Matos, M. McEwan, K. Kanovský, M. Halamová, J. Steindl, S.R. Ferreira, N. Linharelhos, M. Rijo, D. Asano, K. Vilas, S.P. Márquez, M.G. Gregório, S. Brito-Pons, G. Lucena-Santos, P. da Silva Oliveira, M. de Souza, E.L. Llobenes, L. Gumiy, N. Costa, M.I. Habib, N. Hakem, R. Khrad, H. Alzahrani, A. Cheli, S. Petrocchi, N. Tholouli, E. Issari, P. Simos, G. Lunding-Gregersen, V. Elklit, A. Kolts, R. Kelly, A.C. Bortolon, C. Delamillieure, P. Paucsik, M. Wahl, J.E. Zieba, M. Zatorski, M. Komendziński, T. Zhang, S. Basran, J. Kagialis, A. Kirby, J. Gilbert, P.
- Abstract
During large-scale disasters, social support, caring behaviours, and compassion are shown to protect against poor mental health outcomes. This multi-national study aimed to assess the fluctuations in compassion over time during the COVID-19 pandemic. Respondents (Time 1 n = 4156, Time 2 n = 980, Time 3 n = 825) from 23 countries completed online self-report questionnaires measuring the flows of compassion (i.e., Compassionate Engagement and Action Scales) and fears of compassion toward self and others and from others (i.e., Fears of Compassion Scales) and mental health at three time-points during a 10-month period. The results for the flows of compassion showed that self-compassion increased at Time 3. Compassion for others increased at Time 2 and 3 for the general population, but in contrast, it decreased in health professionals, possibly linked to burnout. Compassion from others did not change in Time 2, but it did increase significantly in Time 3. For fears of compassion, fears of self-compassion reduced over time, fears of compassion for others showed more variation, reducing for the general public but increasing for health professionals, whilst fears of compassion from others did not change over time. Health professionals, those with compassion training, older adults, and women showed greater flows of compassion and lower fears of compassion compared with the general population, those without compassion training, younger adults, and men. These findings highlight that, in a period of shared suffering, people from multiple countries and nationalities show a cumulative improvement in compassion and reduction in fears of compassion, suggesting that, when there is intense suffering, people become more compassionate to self and others and less afraid of, and resistant to, compassion. © 2023 by the authors.
- Published
- 2023
215. Observation of a reduced-turbulence regime with boron powder injection in a stellarator
- Author
NESPOLI, Federico, MASUZAKI, Suguru, TANAKA, Kenji, ASHIKAWA, Naoko, SHOJI, Mamoru, GILSON, Eric, LUNSFORD, Robert, OISHI, Tetsutarou, IDA, Katsumi, YOSHINUMA, Mikirou, TAKEMURA, Yuki, KINOSHITA, Toshiki, MOTOJIMA, Gen, KENMOCHI, Naoki, KAWAMURA, Gakushi, SUZUKI, Chihiro, NAGY, Alex, BORTOLON, A., PABLANT, Novimir, MOLLEN, Albert, TAMURA, Naoki, GATES, David, MORISAKI, Tomohiro, NESPOLI, Federico, MASUZAKI, Suguru, TANAKA, Kenji, ASHIKAWA, Naoko, SHOJI, Mamoru, GILSON, Eric, LUNSFORD, Robert, OISHI, Tetsutarou, IDA, Katsumi, YOSHINUMA, Mikirou, TAKEMURA, Yuki, KINOSHITA, Toshiki, MOTOJIMA, Gen, KENMOCHI, Naoki, KAWAMURA, Gakushi, SUZUKI, Chihiro, NAGY, Alex, BORTOLON, A., PABLANT, Novimir, MOLLEN, Albert, TAMURA, Naoki, GATES, David, and MORISAKI, Tomohiro
- Abstract
In state-of-the-art stellarators, turbulence is a major cause of the degradation of plasma confinement. To maximize confinement, which eventually determines the amount of nuclear fusion reactions, turbulent transport needs to be reduced. Here we report the observation of a confinement regime in a stellarator plasma that is characterized by increased confinement and reduced turbulent fluctuations. The transition to this regime is driven by the injection of submillimetric boron powder grains into the plasma. With the line-averaged electron density being kept constant, we observe a substantial increase of stored energy and electron and ion temperatures. At the same time, the amplitude of the plasma turbulent fluctuations is halved. While lower frequency fluctuations are damped, higher frequency modes in the range between 100 and 200 kHz are excited. We have observed this regime for different heating schemes, namely with both electron and ion cyclotron resonant radio frequencies and neutral beams, for both directions of the magnetic field and both hydrogen and deuterium plasmas., source:Nespoli, F., Masuzaki, S., Tanaka, K. et al. Observation of a reduced-turbulence regime with boron powder injection in a stellarator. Nat. Phys. 18, 350–356 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41567-021-01460-4, source:https://doi.org/10.1038/s41567-021-01460-4, identifier:0000-0001-7644-751X
- Published
- 2023
216. Self-compassion and emotion regulation: testing a mediation model
- Author
Paucsik, Marine, Nardelli, Carla, Bortolon, Catherine, Shankland, Rebecca RS, Leys, Christophe, Baeyens, Céline, Paucsik, Marine, Nardelli, Carla, Bortolon, Catherine, Shankland, Rebecca RS, Leys, Christophe, and Baeyens, Céline
- Abstract
- Published
- 2023
217. Emotion regulation flexibility and psychosis: A longitudinal study disentangling components of flexibility in psychosis‐proneness.
- Author
Nardelli, Carla, Bonanno, George A., Chen, Shuquan, and Bortolon, Catherine
- Subjects
COGNITIVE flexibility ,PSYCHOSES ,MENTAL health ,RISK assessment ,RESEARCH funding ,EMOTION regulation ,LONGITUDINAL method ,PSYCHOLOGICAL distress ,PSYCHOSOCIAL factors - Abstract
Objectives: Flexibility in self‐regulation has emerged as an important component of mental health. Previous findings found that deficits in two components of regulatory flexibility were linked cross‐sectionally to psychosis‐proneness. We aimed to replicate and extend these findings longitudinally. Methods: We measured psychosis‐proneness and components of emotion regulation flexibility (i.e. context sensitivity, repertoire and feedback) at two time points with three months in between. Results: Two flexibility components predicted psychotic‐like experiences. The ability to detect the absence of contextual cues was implicated in both positive and negative dimensions but through opposite pathways. Expressive suppression ability—a subcomponent of repertoire‐predicted positive symptoms. None of the flexibility components predicted distress related to the symptoms. Conclusions: The current study provides further evidence on the implication of emotion regulation flexibility in the longer‐term maintenance of psychotic‐like experiences. Future studies can advance this work further by evaluating possible bidirectional relationships between psychotic‐like experiences and deficits in emotion regulation flexibility. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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218. Observational Study on a Large Italian Population with Lipedema: Biochemical and Hormonal Profile, Anatomical and Clinical Evaluation, Self-Reported History.
- Author
Patton, Laura, Ricolfi, Lorenzo, Bortolon, Micaela, Gabriele, Guido, Zolesio, Pierluigi, Cione, Erika, and Cannataro, Roberto
- Subjects
LIPEDEMA ,LIPS ,SYMPTOMS ,POLYCYSTIC ovary syndrome ,AUTOIMMUNE thyroiditis ,SCIENTIFIC observation ,INDUCED ovulation - Abstract
We analyzed the medical condition of 360 women affected by lipedema of the lower limbs in stages 1, 2, and 3. The data were assessed for the whole population and compared between different clinical stages, distinguishing between obese and non-obese patients. The most frequent clinical signs were pain when pinching the skin, subcutaneous nodules, and patellar fat pads. The most frequently painful site of the lower limbs was the medial lower third of the thigh. The pain score obtained on lower limb points increased progressively with the clinical stage. In all points evaluated, the thickness of the subcutaneous tissue increased with the clinical stage. Analyzing the data on the lower medial third of the leg and considering only patients with type 3 lipedema, the difference between stages was statistically significant after correction for age and BMI. We found higher levels of C-reactive protein at more severe clinical stages, and the difference was significant after correction for age and BMI between the stages. Overall, the prevalence of alterations of glucose metabolism was 34%, with a progressive increase in prevalence with the clinical stage. The most frequent comorbidities were vitamin D insufficiency, chronic venous disease, allergies, dyslipidemia, headache, and depression of mood. Interestingly, in comparison with the general population, we found higher prevalence of chronic autoimmune thyroiditis and polycystic ovary syndrome. Finally, the clinical stage and the involvement of the upper limbs or obesity suggest a worse clinical, anthropometric, and endocrine–metabolic profile. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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219. The MONET dataset: Multimodal drone thermal dataset recorded in rural scenarios
- Author
Riz, Luigi, primary, Caraffa, Andrea, additional, Bortolon, Matteo, additional, Mekhalfi, Mohamed Lamine, additional, Boscaini, Davide, additional, Moura, André, additional, Antunes, José, additional, Dias, André, additional, Silva, Hugo, additional, Leonidou, Andreas, additional, Constantinides, Christos, additional, Keleshis, Christos, additional, Abate, Dante, additional, and Poiesi, Fabio, additional
- Published
- 2023
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220. A reduced-turbulence regime in the Large Helical Device upon injection of low-Z materials powders
- Author
Nespoli, Federico, primary, Tanaka, Kenji, additional, Masuzaki, Suguru, additional, Ashikawa, Naoko, additional, Shoji, Mamoru, additional, Gilson, E, additional, Lunsford, Robert, additional, Oishi, Tetsutarou, additional, Ida, Katsumi, additional, Yoshinuma, M., additional, Takemura, Yuki, additional, Kinoshita, Toshiki, additional, Motojima, Gen, additional, Osakabe, Masaki, additional, Kenmochi, Naoki, additional, Kawamura, Gakushi, additional, Suzuki, Chihiro, additional, Nagy, A., additional, Bortolon, Alessandro, additional, Pablant, Novimir Antoniuk, additional, Mollén, Albert, additional, Tamura, Naoki, additional, Gates, David A, additional, and Morisaki, T., additional
- Published
- 2023
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221. Pain in lipedema: proposal for clinical evaluation and correlation with clinical aspects, anthropometric measurements and hormonal profile
- Author
Patton, Laura, primary, Ricolfi, Lorenzo, additional, and Bortolon, Micaela, additional
- Published
- 2023
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222. Abstract PR09: KRAS-targeted PROTAC degraders are broadly efficacious against KRAS-dependent tumor models
- Author
Smith, Kathryn, primary, Lopez-Arroyo, Andrea, additional, Berk, Jason, additional, Hegan, Peter, additional, Nower, Peter, additional, Tice, Samantha, additional, Moutran, Aurelie, additional, Pizzano, Jennifer, additional, Dowtin, Amanda, additional, Bookbinder, Mark, additional, Bortolon, Elizabeth, additional, Cadelina, Greg, additional, Karim, Fazlul, additional, Digianantonio, Katie, additional, Bekes, Miklos, additional, and Medina, Jesus, additional
- Published
- 2023
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223. Validation of a French version of the Vancouver Obsessional Compulsive Inventory–Mental Contamination scale (VOCI-MC) and the Contamination Thought–Action Fusion scale (CTAF) in non-clinical and clinical samples
- Author
Lebrun, Cindy, primary, De Connor, Alexandre, additional, Dellouve, Charline, additional, Novara, Caroline, additional, Adloff, Valentin, additional, Capdevielle, Delphine, additional, Bortolon, Catherine, additional, and Raffard, Stéphane, additional
- Published
- 2023
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224. Hooked on a memory: How rumination about past positive events might contribute to grandiose ideas?
- Author
Bortolon, Catherine, primary, Baeyens, Céline, additional, and Raffard, Stéphane, additional
- Published
- 2023
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225. Abstract 432: Mechanisms of acquired resistance to ARV-471, a novel PROTAC® estrogen receptor degrader
- Author
Teh, Jessica, primary, Bessonett, Shannon, additional, Wu, Wendy, additional, Kuhlberg, Christopher, additional, Wynne, Alissa, additional, Landrette, Sean, additional, Andreoli, Monica, additional, Bortolon, Elizabeth, additional, Pizzano, Jennifer, additional, Gedrich, Richard, additional, and Taylor, Ian, additional
- Published
- 2023
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226. Abstract 3075: Enhanced efficacy of ARV-471, a novel PROTAC® estrogen receptor degrader, in combination with targeted agents in estrogen receptor-positive (ER+) breast cancer models
- Author
Teh, Jessica, primary, Bortolon, Elizabeth, additional, Pizzano, Jennifer, additional, Pannone, Melissa, additional, Landrette, Sean, additional, Gedrich, Richard, additional, and Taylor, Ian, additional
- Published
- 2023
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227. Fashion and death: Trends Cycles
- Author
Flavia Jakemiu Araújo Bortolon
- Subjects
Fashion ,Profanation ,Cycle ,Social Sciences ,Business ,HF5001-6182 - Abstract
Fashion is composed of cycles subpostos trends that seek to eliminate the past for a new one, which makes it ephemeral and eternal at the same time. This study investigates how is the relationship between these cycles of trends over time, through a brief history of fashion, considering the theoretical rules of Simmel, Crane and Caldas. They will still be used concepts proposed by Agamben, such as: device, in order to classify the system of the fashion; contemporaneidade, to understand the action of that factor in relation to the time and profanation, to identify the capacity to maintain in the society. It is ended that the fashion, as well as the death, renews the society, it destroys and it creates the new, as a system naturalized artificially
- Published
- 2016
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228. Androgenic response of Brazilian wheat genotypes to different pretreatments of spikes and to a gelling agent
- Author
Liane Balvedi Poersch-Bortolon, Sandra Maria Mansur Scagliusi, Elene Yamazaki-Lau, and Maria Helena Bodanese-Zanettini
- Subjects
Triticum aestivum ,albinism ,androgenesis ,doubled haploid ,isolated microspore culture ,recalcitrance ,Agriculture (General) ,S1-972 - Abstract
Abstract The objective of this work was to analyze the androgenic response of Brazilian wheat genotypes to different pretreatments of the spikes, prior to the culture of isolated microspores, and to the effect of a gelling agent in the induction culture medium. Five genotypes were evaluated for embryo formation, green plant regeneration, and spontaneous chromosome duplication. Wheat spikes were subjected to two pretreatments: cold, at 4ºC for 21 days; and 2-hydroxynicotinic acid, at 32ºC for two days. Culture media were evaluated with or without Ficoll as a gelling agent. Cold produced more embryos and green plants than the chemical pretreatment in four out of five genotypes. Only two genotypes treated with 2-hydroxynicotinic acid were able to produce plants, and one of them produced a single albino plant. Medium containing Ficoll produced more embryos than liquid medium and promoted a higher number of plants. Spontaneous chromosome duplication varies between genotypes and pretreatments, and shows high variability.
- Published
- 2016
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229. Insight of patients and their parents into schizophrenia: Exploring agreement and the influence of parental factors
- Author
Macgregor, Alexandra, Norton, Joanna, Bortolon, Catherine, Robichon, Melissa, Rolland, Camille, Boulenger, Jean-Philippe, Raffard, Stéphane, and Capdevielle, Delphine
- Published
- 2015
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230. Hedge Accounting in the Brazilian Stock Market: Effects on the Quality of Accounting Information, Disclosure, and Information Asymmetry
- Author
Silas Adolfo Potin, Patrícia Maria Bortolon, and Alfredo Sarlo Neto
- Subjects
hedge accounting ,relevância ,informatividade ,disclosure ,assimetria de informação ,Business ,HF5001-6182 ,Finance ,HG1-9999 - Abstract
ABSTRACT This paper investigates, in the Brazilian stock market, the effect of hedge accounting on the quality of financial information, on the disclosure of derivative financial instruments, and on the information asymmetry. To measure the quality of accounting information, relevance metrics of accounting information and book earnings informativeness were used. For executing this research, a general sample was obtained through Brazilian companies, non-financial, listed on the Brazilian Securities, Commodities, and Futures Exchange (BM&FBOVESPA), comprising the 150 companies with highest market value on 01/01/2014. Through the general sample, samples were compiled for applying the econometric models of value relevance, informativeness, disclosure, and information asymmetry. The sample for relevance had 758 companies-years observations within the period from 2008 to 2013; the sample for informativeness had 701 companies-years observations with the period from 2008 to 2013; the sample for disclosure had 100 companies-years observations, within the period from 2011 to 2012; the sample for information asymmetry had 100 companies-years observations, also related to the period from 2011 to 2012. In addition to the econometric models, the propensity score matching method was applied to the analyses of the hedge accounting effect on disclosure and information asymmetry. The evidence found for the influence of hedge accounting indicates a relation: (i) positive and significant concerning accounting information relevance and disclosure of derivatives; (ii) negative and significant for book earnings informativeness. Regarding information asymmetry, although the coefficients showed up as expected, they were not statistically significant.
- Published
- 2016
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231. Face recognition in schizophrenia disorder: A comprehensive review of behavioral, neuroimaging and neurophysiological studies
- Author
Bortolon, Catherine, Capdevielle, Delphine, and Raffard, Stéphane
- Published
- 2015
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232. A Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos e a Desconsideração da Prescrição da Pretensão Punitiva Estatal no Caso Bulacio vs. Argentina – Punitivismo ou Adequação do Direito Interno ao Sistema Regional de Direitos Humanos?
- Author
- Abstract
Este artigo visa realizar uma pesquisa sobre desconsideração do instituto da prescrição da pretensão punitiva estatal pela Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos no Caso Bulacio vs. Argentina. A problemática abordada diz respeito a se a Corte desrespeitou garantias fundamentais de limitação do poder punitivo ou se agiu de acordo com preceitos que podem ser considerados garantistas de forma abrangente quando analisados sob ponto de vista do contexto regional e internacional de proteção dos Direitos Humanos. Como referencial teórico, tem-se como base principalmente as obras de Luigi Ferrajoli (2002, 2011a, 2016), Flavia Piovesan (2019) e Antônio Augusto Cançado Trindade (2003, 2005/2006). Por fim, conclui que a Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos decidiu de acordo com os valores e normas consagradas e positivadas pelo direito regional e internacional, agindo corretamente sob uma perspectiva de garantismo substancial de adequação das normas de direito interno ao ordenamento jurídico internacional ratificado pelos Estados.
- Published
- 2022
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233. Recent activism initiatives in Brazil
- Author
Vargas, Luiz Henrique F., Bortolon, Patrícia M., Barros, Lucas A. B. C., and Leal, Ricardo P. C.
- Published
- 2018
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234. Pain in lipedema: proposal for clinical evaluation and correlation with clinical aspects, anthropometric measurements and hormonal profile
- Author
Laura Patton, Lorenzo Ricolfi, and Micaela Bortolon
- Subjects
General Medicine - Published
- 2023
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235. Hooked on a memory: How rumination about past positive events might contribute to grandiose ideas?
- Author
Catherine Bortolon, Céline Baeyens, and Stéphane Raffard
- Subjects
Clinical Psychology ,General Medicine - Published
- 2023
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236. The Role of Ownership Concentration and Debt in Downturns : Evidence from Brazilian Firms During the 2008–9 Financial Crisis
- Author
da Cunha, Claudio M. P. and Bortolon, Patricia M.
- Published
- 2016
237. Lygia Clark: Os limites do gênero do corpo na série Roupa-corpo-roupa
- Author
Flavia Jakemiu Araujo Bortolon
- Subjects
Lygia Clark ,obras sensoriais ,gênero. ,Social Sciences ,Business ,HF5001-6182 - Abstract
O artigo pretende debater as questões dos limites do corpo conforme proposto pela artista plástica brasileira Lygia Clark, por meio de suas obras sensoriais (1965/1969). Para tal fim, foi realizada uma pesquisa documental em textos de críticos de arte, jornais e cartas da artista, durante o período de sua produção até exposições mais recentes. O corpo passou a fazer parte da obra, possibilitando o questionamento das sensações que são impostas por instrumentos (objetos sensoriais) e por espaços onde se inserem. A obra desses artistas passou a questionar não somente o que é arte, mas também o local onde essas peças podiam ser apresentadas. Leitora do filósofo Merleau-Ponty, Clark propunha experiências fenomenológicas, participativas, que não deixavam o espectador passivo perante os movimentos do objeto e do corpo. Assim, Lygia Clark posicionou-se diante dos limites, sensoriais e éticos do corpo, a interação entre corpo e obra por meio da problematização ou mesmo da inversão de performances generificadas
- Published
- 2019
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238. A bicha e o macho: poder e resistência nas músicas de Linn da Quebrada
- Author
João Vitor Xavier dos Santos and Adélli Bortolon Bazza
- Subjects
comunidadelgbtq+ ,discurso ,heteronormatividade ,resistência ,subjetividade. ,History of scholarship and learning. The humanities ,AZ20-999 ,Social Sciences - Abstract
Na última década, observou-se um aumento das discussões sobre gênero, bem como da visibilidade de sujeitos pertencentes à comunidade LGBTQ+. Além de se diferenciar da comunidade externa a ela, a dita heterossexual, a própria sigla demonstra que internamente há vários grupos e, portanto várias subjetividades.Desse modo, buscamos investigar o jogo de forças estabelecido internamente à comunidade LGBTQ+ e a sua consequente relação com a circulação/validação de subjetividades.No esteio de uma análise discursiva que mobiliza noções foucaultianas, são mobilizados neste trabalho conceitos comosubjetividade, poder e resistência. A série enunciativa mobilizada é composta por músicas da cantora Lin da Quebrada, em seu álbum ‘Pajubá’, lançado em 2017. As análises indicaram que o discurso construído nas músicas estabelece uma resistência ao padrão do gay com perfil masculinizado, o macho, em prol da valorização da subjetividade do gayfeminio, a bicha.
- Published
- 2019
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239. Self-reported psychotic-like experiences in individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder versus schizophrenia patients: Characteristics and moderation role of trait anxiety
- Author
Bortolon, Catherine and Raffard, Stéphane
- Published
- 2015
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240. An implementation of a distributed fault-tolerant mechanism for 2D mesh NoCs.
- Author
César A. M. Marcon, Alexandre M. Amory, Felipe T. Bortolon, Thais Webber, Thomas Volpato, and Jader Munareto
- Published
- 2013
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241. Retrospective study on the incidence of cats and dogs spinal injuries by computed tomographic scan. Part I: Cervical and Cervicothoracic
- Author
Alefe Caliani Carrera, Isabela Ferraro Moreno, Manuela Gomes Celoto, Aricia Gomes Sprada, Ricardo Requena, Julia Bortolon Jassniker, and Carla Gomes Paula
- Subjects
General Engineering - Published
- 2022
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242. Estabilização zigomática e retalho de avanço facial lateral em canino filhote
- Author
Carla Gomes Paula, Alefe Luiz Caliani Carrera, Julia Bortolon Jassniker, Daniele Cristina Alves, Louise de Almeida Moraes, Gabriela Mariano da Silva, Laura Formighieri de Noronha, Luana Canavessi, Camila Campagnolo, and Olicies da Cunha
- Subjects
General Engineering - Published
- 2022
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243. Estabilização de ombro em um gato Relato de caso
- Author
Alefe Luiz Caliani Carrera, Carla Gomes Paula, Julia Bortolon Jassinker, Daniele Cristina Alves, Camila Aparecida Luiz, Luiz Moratelli, Fábio Guilherme dos Santos, Crisan Smaniotto, and Olicies da Cunha
- Subjects
General Engineering - Published
- 2022
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244. Mental Accounting and Decision Making: A Systematic Review of the Literature
- Author
EMMANUEL SILVA, Rafael Moreira, and Patrícia Maria Bortolon
- Published
- 2023
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245. Role of edge-localized neoclassical tearing modes in quiescent H-mode plasmas in the DIII-D tokamak editors-pick
- Author
Hu, Q., Nazikian, R., Chen, X., Yu, Q., https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2722-4445, Austin, M., Bortolon, A., Ernst, D., Haskey, S., Park, J., Yan, Z., and Yu, G.
- Published
- 2023
246. “I remember the attack”: a pilot study investigating flashbulb memory in individuals with schizophrenia
- Author
Altman, Rosalie Ariane Eva, primary, Bortolon, Catherine, additional, El Haj, Mohamad, additional, Capdevielle, Delphine, additional, and Raffard, Stéphane, additional
- Published
- 2023
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247. Inference of main ion particle transport coefficients with experimentally constrained neutral ionization during Edge Localized Mode recovery on DIII-D
- Author
Rosenthal, Aaron Michael, primary, Hughes, Jerry W, additional, Laggner, Florian M., additional, Odstrcil, Tomas, additional, Bortolon, Alessandro, additional, Wilks, Theresa, additional, and Sciortino, Francesco, additional
- Published
- 2023
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248. Role of edge-localized neoclassical tearing modes in quiescent H-mode plasmas in the DIII-D tokamak
- Author
Hu, Q. M., primary, Nazikian, R., additional, Chen, X., additional, Yu, Q., additional, Austin, M. E., additional, Bortolon, A., additional, Ernst, D., additional, Haskey, S. R., additional, Park, J.-K., additional, Yan, Z., additional, and Yu, G. Y., additional
- Published
- 2023
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249. Improvements in Compassion and Fears of Compassion throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Multinational Study
- Author
Matos, Marcela, primary, McEwan, Kirsten, additional, Kanovský, Martin, additional, Halamová, Júlia, additional, Steindl, Stanley R., additional, Ferreira, Nuno, additional, Linharelhos, Mariana, additional, Rijo, Daniel, additional, Asano, Kenichi, additional, Vilas, Sara P., additional, Márquez, Margarita G., additional, Gregório, Sónia, additional, Brito-Pons, Gonzalo, additional, Lucena-Santos, Paola, additional, da Silva Oliveira, Margareth, additional, de Souza, Erika Leonardo, additional, Llobenes, Lorena, additional, Gumiy, Natali, additional, Costa, Maria Ileana, additional, Habib, Noor, additional, Hakem, Reham, additional, Khrad, Hussain, additional, Alzahrani, Ahmad, additional, Cheli, Simone, additional, Petrocchi, Nicola, additional, Tholouli, Elli, additional, Issari, Philia, additional, Simos, Gregoris, additional, Lunding-Gregersen, Vibeke, additional, Elklit, Ask, additional, Kolts, Russell, additional, Kelly, Allison C., additional, Bortolon, Catherine, additional, Delamillieure, Pascal, additional, Paucsik, Marine, additional, Wahl, Julia E., additional, Zieba, Mariusz, additional, Zatorski, Mateusz, additional, Komendziński, Tomasz, additional, Zhang, Shuge, additional, Basran, Jaskaran, additional, Kagialis, Antonios, additional, Kirby, James, additional, and Gilbert, Paul, additional
- Published
- 2023
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250. Contamination Thought–Action Fusion Scale--French Version
- Author
Lebrun, Cindy, primary, De Connor, Alexandre, additional, Dellouve, Charline, additional, Novara, Caroline, additional, Adloff, Valentin, additional, Capdevielle, Delphine, additional, Bortolon, Catherine, additional, and Raffard, Stéphane, additional
- Published
- 2023
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