8,536 results on '"Boothroyd, A"'
Search Results
202. Spin-wave excitations and superconducting resonant mode in Cs(x)Fe(2-y)Se2
- Author
Taylor, A. E., Ewings, R. A., Perring, T. G., White, J. S., Babkevich, P., Krzton-Maziopa, A., Pomjakushina, E., Conder, K., and Boothroyd, A. T.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity - Abstract
We report neutron inelastic scattering measurements on the normal and superconducting states of single-crystalline Cs0.8Fe1.9Se2. Consistent with previous measurements on Rb(x)Fe(2-y)Se2, we observe two distinct spin excitation signals: (i) spin-wave excitations characteristic of the block antiferromagnetic order found in insulating A(x)Fe(2-y)Se2 compounds, and (ii) a resonance-like magnetic peak localized in energy at 11 meV and at an in-plane wave vector of (0.25, 0.5). The resonance peak increases below Tc = 27 K, and has a similar absolute intensity to the resonance peaks observed in other Fe-based superconductors. The existence of a magnetic resonance in the spectrum of Rb(x)Fe(2-y)Se2 and now of Cs(x)Fe(2-y)Se2 suggests that this is a common feature of superconductivity in this family. The low energy spin-wave excitations in Cs0.8Fe1.9Se2 show no measurable response to superconductivity, consistent with the notion of spatially separate magnetic and superconducting phases., Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures. v2 corrects a misquoted numerical value in text
- Published
- 2012
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203. An x-ray diffraction study of the temperature-induced structural phase transitions in SmVO3
- Author
Johnson, R. D., Tang, C. C., Evans, I. R., Bland, S. R., Free, D. G., Beale, T. A. W., Hatton, P. D., Bouchenoire, L., Prabhakaran, D., and Boothroyd, A. T.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons - Abstract
Through powder x-ray diffraction we have investigated the structural behavior of SmVO3, in which orbital and magnetic degrees of freedom are believed to be closely coupled to the crystal lattice. We have found, contrary to previous reports, that SmVO3 exists in a single, monoclinic, phase below 200 K. The associated crystallographic distortion is then stabilized through the magnetostriction that occurs below 134 K. The crystal structure has been refined using synchrotron x-ray powder diffraction data measured throughout the structural phase diagram, showing a substantial Jahn-Teller distortion of the VO6 octahedra in the monoclinic phase, compatible with the expected G-type orbital order. Changes in the vanadium ion crystal field due to the structural and magnetic transitions have then been probed by resonant x-ray diffraction., Comment: Published in Physical Review B
- Published
- 2012
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204. The J_{eff}=1/2 insulator Sr3Ir2O7 studied by means of angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
- Author
Wojek, B. M., Berntsen, M. H., Boseggia, S., Boothroyd, A. T., Prabhakaran, D., McMorrow, D. F., Rønnow, H. M., Chang, J., and Tjernberg, O.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons - Abstract
The low-energy electronic structure of the J_{eff}=1/2 spin-orbit insulator Sr3Ir2O7 has been studied by means of angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. A comparison of the results for bilayer Sr3Ir2O7 with available literature data for the related single-layer compound Sr2IrO4 reveals qualitative similarities and similar J_{eff}=1/2 bandwidths for the two materials, but also pronounced differences in the distribution of the spectral weight. In particuar, photoemission from the J_{eff}=1/2 states appears to be suppressed. Yet, it is found that the Sr3Ir2O7 data are in overall better agreement with band-structure calculations than the data for Sr2IrO4., Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures
- Published
- 2012
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205. On the magnetic structure of Sr3Ir2O7: an x-ray resonant scattering study
- Author
Boseggia, S., Springell, R, Walker, H C, Boothroyd, A T, Prabhakaran, D, Collins, S P, and McMorrow, D F
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons - Abstract
This report presents azimuthal dependent and polarisation dependent x-ray resonant magnetic scattering at the Ir L3 edge for the bilayered iridate compound, Sr3Ir2O7. Two magnetic wave vectors, k1=(1/2,1/2,0) and k2=(1/2,-1/2,0), result in domains of two symmetry-related G-type antiferromagnetic structures, noted A and B, respectively. These domains are approximately 0.02 mm^2 and are independent of the thermal history. An understanding of this key aspect of the magnetism is necessary for an overall picture of the magnetic behaviour in this compound. Azimuthal and polarisation dependence of magnetic reflections, relating to both magnetic wave vectors, show that the Ir magnetic moments in the bilayer compound are oriented along the c axis. This contrasts with single layer Sr2IrO4 where the moments are confined to the ab plane., Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures
- Published
- 2012
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206. Geometric reconstruction methods for electron tomography
- Author
Alpers, Andreas, Gardner, Richard J., König, Stefan, Pennington, Robert S., Boothroyd, Chris B., Houben, Lothar, Dunin-Borkowski, Rafal E., and Batenburg, Kees Joost
- Subjects
Mathematical Physics ,Condensed Matter - Materials Science - Abstract
Electron tomography is becoming an increasingly important tool in materials science for studying the three-dimensional morphologies and chemical compositions of nanostructures. The image quality obtained by many current algorithms is seriously affected by the problems of missing wedge artefacts and nonlinear projection intensities due to diffraction effects. The former refers to the fact that data cannot be acquired over the full $180^\circ$ tilt range; the latter implies that for some orientations, crystalline structures can show strong contrast changes. To overcome these problems we introduce and discuss several algorithms from the mathematical fields of geometric and discrete tomography. The algorithms incorporate geometric prior knowledge (mainly convexity and homogeneity), which also in principle considerably reduces the number of tilt angles required. Results are discussed for the reconstruction of an InAs nanowire.
- Published
- 2012
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207. The Magnetic Structure of DyMn2O5 Determined by Resonant X-ray Scattering
- Author
Johnstone, G. E., Ewings, R. A., Johnson, R. D., Mazzoli, C., Walker, H. C., and Boothroyd, A. T.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons ,Condensed Matter - Materials Science - Abstract
Resonant magnetic x-ray scattering has been used to investigate the magnetic structure of the magnetoelectric multiferroic DyMn2O5. We have studied the magnetic structure in the ferroelectric phase of this material, which displays the strongest ferroelectric polarisation and magnetodielectric effect of the RMn2O5 (where R is a rare earth ion, Y or Bi) family. The magnetic structure observed is similar to that of the other members of the series, but differs in the direction of the ordered moments. In DyMn2O5 both the Dy and Mn moments lie close to the b-axis, whereas in other RMn2O5 they lie close to the a-axis., Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures
- Published
- 2012
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208. Microstructural analysis of phase separation in iron chalcogenide superconductors
- Author
Speller, S. C., Britton, T. B., Hughes, G. M., Krzton-Maziopa, A., Pomjakushina, E., Conder, K., Boothroyd, A. T., and Grovenor, C. R. M.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity ,Condensed Matter - Materials Science - Abstract
The interplay between superconductivity, magnetism and crystal structure in iron-based superconductors is a topic of great interest amongst the condensed matter physics community as it is thought to be the key to understanding the mechanisms responsible for high temperature superconductivity. Alkali metal doped iron chalcogenide superconductors exhibit several unique characteristics which are not found in other iron-based superconducting materials such as antiferromagnetic ordering at room temperature, the presence of ordered iron vacancies and high resistivity normal state properties. Detailed microstructural analysis is essential in order to understand the origin of these unusual properties. Here we have used a range of complementary scanning electron microscope based techniques, including high-resolution electron backscatter di raction mapping, to assess local variations in composition and lattice parameter with high precision and sub-micron spatial resolution. Phase separation is observed in the Csx Fe2-ySe2 crystals, with the minor phase distributed in a plate-like morphology throughout the crystal. Our results are consistent with superconductivity occurring only in the minority phase., Comment: Accepted for publication in a special edition of Supercond. Sci. Technol
- Published
- 2012
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209. Electric field control of chiral magnetic domains in the high-temperature multiferroic CuO
- Author
Babkevich, P., Poole, A., Johnson, R. D., Roessli, B., Prabhakaran, D., and Boothroyd, A. T.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons - Abstract
We have studied the high temperature multiferroic cupric oxide using polarized neutron diffraction as a function of temperature and applied electric field. We find that the chiral domain population can be varied using an external electric field applied along the b axis. Using representation analysis we derive the incommensurate magnetic structure in the multiferroic phase. The origin of the magnetoelectric coupling is consistent with models based on the inverse Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, but is different from the simple cycloidal mechanism., Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures
- Published
- 2012
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210. Antiferromagnetic order and domains in Sr3Ir2O7 probed by x-ray resonant scattering
- Author
Boseggia, S., Springell, R., Walker, H. C., Boothroyd, A. T., Prabhakaran, D., Wermeille, D., Bouchenoire, L., Collins, S. P., and McMorrow, D. F.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons - Abstract
This article reports a detailed x-ray resonant scattering study of the bilayer iridate compound, Sr3Ir2O7, at the Ir L2 and L3 edges. Resonant scattering at the Ir L3 edge has been used to determine that Sr3Ir2O7 is a long-range ordered antiferromagnet below TN 230K with an ordering wavevector, q=(1/2,1/2,0). The energy resonance at the L3 edge was found to be a factor of ~30 times larger than that at the L2. This remarkable effect has been seen in the single layer compound Sr2IrO4 and has been linked to the observation of a Jeff=1/2 spin-orbit insulator. Our result shows that despite the modified electronic structure of the bilayer compound, caused by the larger bandwidth, the effect of strong spin-orbit coupling on the resonant magnetic scattering persists. Using the programme SARAh, we have determined that the magnetic order consists of two domains with propagation vectors k1=(1/2,1/2,0) and k2=(1/2,-1/2,0), respectively. A raster measurement of a focussed x-ray beam across the surface of the sample yielded images of domains of the order of 100 microns size, with odd and even L components, respectively. Fully relativistic, monoelectronic calculations (FDMNES), using the Green's function technique for a muffin-tin potential have been employed to calculate the relative intensities of the L2,3 edge resonances, comparing the effects of including spin-orbit coupling and the Hubbard, U, term. A large L3 to L2 edge intensity ratio (~5) was found for calculations including spin-orbit coupling. Adding the Hubbard, U, term resulted in changes to the intensity ratio <5%., Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures
- Published
- 2012
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211. Recommendations from the 2024 Australian evidence‐based guideline for unexplained infertility: ADAPTEprocess from the ESHREevidence‐based guideline on unexplained infertility
- Author
Costello, Michael F, Norman, Robert J, Rombauts, Luk, Farquhar, Cynthia M, Bedson, Lisa, Kong, Marlene, Boothroyd, Clare V, Kerner, Rebecca, Garad, Rhonda M, Loos, Trudy, Flanagan, Madeline, Mol, Ben W, Mousa, Aya, Romualdi, Daniela, Ata, Baris, Bosch, Ernesto, Santos‐Ribeiro, Samuel, Gersak, Ksenija, Homburg, Roy, Le Clef, Nathalie, Mincheva, Mina, Piltonen, Terhi, Somers, Sara, Sunkara, Sesh K, Verhoeve, Harold, and Teede, Helena J
- Abstract
The 2024 Australian evidence‐based guideline for unexplained infertilityprovides clinicians with evidence‐based recommendations for the optimal diagnostic workup for infertile couples to establish the diagnosis of unexplained infertility and optimal therapeutic approach to treat couples diagnosed with unexplained infertility in the Australian health care setting. The guideline recommendations were adapted for the Australian context from the rigorous, comprehensive European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) 2023 Evidence‐based guideline: unexplained infertility, using the ADAPTE process and have been approved by the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council. The guideline includes 40 evidence‐based recommendations, 21 practice points and three research recommendations addressing: definition — defining infertility and frequency of intercourse, infertility and age, female and male factor infertility;diagnosis — ovulation, ovarian reserve, tubal factor, uterine factor, laparoscopy, cervical/vaginal factor, male factor, additional testing for systemic conditions; andtreatment — expectant management, active treatment, mechanical‐surgical procedures, alternative therapeutic approaches, quality of life. This guideline refines the definition of unexplained infertility and addresses basic diagnostic procedures for infertility assessment not considered in previous guidelines on unexplained infertility. For therapeutic approaches, consideration of evidence quality, efficacy, safety and, in the Australian setting, feasibility, acceptability, cost, implementation and ultimately recommendation strength were integrated across multidisciplinary expertise and consumer perspectives in adapting recommendations to the Australian context by using the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) framework, which had not been used in past guidelines on unexplained infertility to formulate recommendations. The Australian process also included an established data integrity check to ensure evidence could be trusted to guide practice. Practice points were added and expanded to consider the Australian setting. No evidence‐based recommendations were underpinned by high quality evidence, with most having low or very low quality evidence. In this context, research recommendations were made including those for the Australian context. The full guideline and technical report are publicly available online and can be accessed at https://www.monash.edu/medicine/mchri/infertilityand are supported by extensive translation resources, including the free patient ASKFertility mobile application (https://www.askfertility.org/).
- Published
- 2024
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212. Forward-backward translation and cross-cultural validation of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression scale among Tigrigna-speaking Eritrean refugees
- Author
Mogos, Mulubrhan F., Beckstead, Jason W., Evans, Mary E., Kip, Kevin E., and Boothroyd, Roger A.
- Published
- 2019
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213. Evidence of Magnetic Correlations Among the Charge Stripe Electrons of Charge-Stripe Ordered La2NiO4.11
- Author
Freeman, P. G., Hayden, S. M., Mole, R. A., Enderle, M., Prabhakaran, D., and Boothroyd, A. T.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons - Abstract
The magnetic excitations of charge-stripe ordered La2NiO4.11 where investigated using polarized- and unpolarized-neutron scattering to determine the magnetic excitations of the charge stripe electrons. We observed a magnetic excitation mode consistent with the gapped quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnetic correlations of the charge stripe electrons previously observed in La(2-x)Sr(x)NiO(4) x = 1/3 and x = 0.275., Comment: Accepted to appear in the conference proceedings of the European Conference on Neutron Scattering, 2011
- Published
- 2011
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214. Femtoscale magnetically induced lattice distortions in multiferroic TbMnO3
- Author
Walker, H. C., Fabrizi, F., Paolasini, L., de Bergevin, F., Herrero-Martin, J., Boothroyd, A. T., Prabhakaran, D., and McMorrow, D. F.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons ,Condensed Matter - Materials Science - Abstract
Magneto-electric multiferroics exemplified by TbMnO3 possess both magnetic and ferroelectric long-range order. The magnetic order is mostly understood, whereas the nature of the ferroelectricity has remained more elusive. Competing models proposed to explain the ferroelectricity are associated respectively with charge transfer and ionic displacements. Exploiting the magneto-electric coupling, we use an electric field to produce a single magnetic domain state, and a magnetic field to induce ionic displacements. Under these conditions, interference charge-magnetic X-ray scattering arises, encoding the amplitude and phase of the displacements. When combined with a theoretical analysis, our data allow us to resolve the ionic displacements at the femtoscale, and show that such displacements make a significant contribution to the zero-field ferroelectric moment., Comment: This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of the AAAS for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Science VOL 333, (2011), doi:10.1126/science.1208085
- Published
- 2011
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215. Accurate Galactic 21-cm H I measurements with the NRAO Green Bank Telescope
- Author
Boothroyd, Arnold I., Blagrave, Kevin, Lockman, Felix J., Martin, Peter G., Gonçalves, Daniela Pinheiro, and Srikanth, Sivasankaran
- Subjects
Astrophysics - Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics - Abstract
Aims: We devise a data reduction and calibration system for producing highly-accurate 21-cm H I spectra from the Green Bank Telescope (GBT) of the NRAO. Methods: A theoretical analysis of the all-sky response of the GBT at 21 cm is made, augmented by extensive maps of the far sidelobes. Observations of radio sources and the Moon are made to check the resulting aperture and main beam efficiencies. Results: The all-sky model made for the response of the GBT at 21 cm is used to correct for "stray" 21-cm radiation reaching the receiver through the sidelobes rather than the main beam. This reduces systematic errors in 21-cm measurements by about an order of magnitude, allowing accurate 21-cm H I spectra to be made at about 9' angular resolution with the GBT. At this resolution the procedures discussed here allow for measurement of total integrated Galactic H I line emission, W, with errors of 3 K km s^-1, equivalent to errors in optically thin N_HI of 5 x 10^18 cm^-2., Comment: 49 pages, 25 figures; A&A, in press
- Published
- 2011
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216. Femtosecond dynamics of the collinear-to-spiral antiferromagnetic phase transition in CuO
- Author
Johnson, S. L., de Souza, R. A., Staub, U., Beaud, P., Möhr-Vorobeva, E., Ingold, G., Caviezel, A., Scagnoli, V., Schlotter, W. F., Turner, J. J., Krupin, O., Lee, W. -S., Chuang, Y. -D., Patthey, L., Moore, R. G., Lu, D., Yi, M., Kirchmann, P. S., Trigo, M., Denes, P., Doering, D., Hussain, Z., Shen, Z. -X., Prabhakaran, D., and Boothroyd, A. T.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons ,Condensed Matter - Materials Science - Abstract
We report on the ultrafast dynamics of magnetic order in a single crystal of CuO at a temperature of 207 K in response to strong optical excitation using femtosecond resonant x-ray diffraction. In the experiment, a femtosecond laser pulse induces a sudden, nonequilibrium increase in magnetic disorder. After a short delay ranging from 400 fs to 2 ps, we observe changes in the relative intensity of the magnetic ordering diffraction peaks that indicate a shift from a collinear commensurate phase to a spiral incommensurate phase. These results indicate that the ultimate speed for this antiferromagnetic re-orientation transition in CuO is limited by the long-wavelength magnetic excitation connecting the two phases., Comment: Accepted by Physical Review Letters (Dec. 2, 2011)
- Published
- 2011
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217. Cu3Nb2O8: a multiferroic with chiral coupling to the crystal structure
- Author
Johnson, R. D., Nair, Sunil, Chapon, L. C., Bombardi, A., Vecchini, C., Prabhakaran, D., Boothroyd, A. T., and Radaelli, P. G.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons - Abstract
By combining bulk properties, neutron diffraction and non-resonant X-ray diffraction measurements, we demonstrate that the new multiferroic Cu$_3$Nb$_2$O$_8$ becomes polar simultaneously with the appearance of generalised helicoidal magnetic ordering. The electrical polarization is oriented perpendicularly to the common plane of rotation of the spins --- an observation that cannot be reconciled with the "conventional" theory developed for cycloidal multiferroics. Our results are consistent with coupling between a macroscopic structural rotation, which is allowed in the paramagnetic group, and magnetically-induced structural chirality., Comment: This article is in print with Physical Review Letters
- Published
- 2011
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218. Spin fluctuations in LiFeAs observed by neutron scattering
- Author
Taylor, A. E., Pitcher, M. J., Ewings, R. A., Perring, T. G., Clarke, S. J., and Boothroyd, A. T.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons ,Condensed Matter - Superconductivity - Abstract
We report neutron inelastic scattering measurements on the stoichiometric iron-based superconductor LiFeAs. We find evidence for (i) magnetic scattering consistent with strong antiferromagnetic fluctuations, and (ii) an increase in intensity in the superconducting state at low energies, similar to the resonant magnetic excitation observed in other iron-based superconductors. The results do not support a recent theoretical prediction of spin-triplet p-wave superconductivity in LiFeAs, and instead suggest that the mechanism of superconductivity is similar to that in the other iron-based superconductors., Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures
- Published
- 2011
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219. Bilayer manganites: polarons in the midst of a metallic breakdown
- Author
Massee, F., Huang, S. de Jong. Y., Siu, W. K., Santoso, I., Mans, A., Boothroyd, A. T., Prabhakaran, D., Follath, R., Varykhalov, A., Patthey, L., Shi, M., Goedkoop, J. B., and Golden, M. S.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons - Abstract
The exact nature of the low temperature electronic phase of the manganite materials family, and hence the origin of their colossal magnetoresistant (CMR) effect, is still under heavy debate. By combining new photoemission and tunneling data, we show that in La{2-2x}Sr{1+2x}Mn2O7 the polaronic degrees of freedom win out across the CMR region of the phase diagram. This means that the generic ground state is that of a system in which strong electron-lattice interactions result in vanishing coherent quasi-particle spectral weight at the Fermi level for all locations in k-space. The incoherence of the charge carriers offers a unifying explanation for the anomalous charge-carrier dynamics seen in transport, optics and electron spectroscopic data. The stacking number N is the key factor for true metallic behavior, as an intergrowth-driven breakdown of the polaronic domination to give a metal possessing a traditional Fermi surface is seen in the bilayer system., Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, includes supplementary information
- Published
- 2011
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220. Hour-glass magnetic spectrum in an insulating, hole-doped antiferromagnet
- Author
Boothroyd, A. T., Babkevich, P., Prabhakaran, D., and Freeman, P. G.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons ,Condensed Matter - Superconductivity - Abstract
Superconductivity in layered copper-oxide compounds emerges when charge carriers are added to antiferromagnetically-ordered CuO2 layers. The carriers destroy the antiferromagnetic order, but strong spin fluctuations persist throughout the superconducting phase and are intimately linked to super-conductivity. Neutron scattering measurements of spin fluctuations in hole-doped copper oxides have revealed an unusual `hour-glass' feature in the momentum-resolved magnetic spectrum, present in a wide range of superconducting and non-superconducting materials. There is no widely-accepted explanation for this feature. One possibility is that it derives from a pattern of alternating spin and charge stripes, an idea supported by measurements on stripe-ordered La1.875Ba0.125CuO4. However, many copper oxides without stripe order also exhibit an hour-glass spectrum$. Here we report the observation of an hour-glass magnetic spectrum in a hole-doped antiferromagnet from outside the family of superconducting copper oxides. Our system has stripe correlations and is an insulator, which means its magnetic dynamics can conclusively be ascribed to stripes. The results provide compelling evidence that the hour-glass spectrum in the copper-oxide superconductors arises from fluctuating stripes., Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Nature
- Published
- 2011
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221. Low energy, quasi-one-dimensional, spin dynamics in charge-ordered La(2-x)Sr(x)NiO(4)
- Author
Freeman, P. G., Prabhakaran, D., Nakajima, K., Stunault, A., Enderle, M., Niedermayer, C., Yamada, K., and Boothroyd, A. T.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons - Abstract
The low energy spin excitations of La(2-x)Sr(x)NiO(4), x = 0.275 and 1/3, have been investigated by unpolarized- and polarized-inelastic neutron scattering from single crystals. A pattern of magnetic diffuse scattering is observed in both compositions, and is consistent with quasi-one-dimensional AFM spin correlations along the charge stripes. Analysis of the energy lineshape for x = 1/3 indicates that the diffuse scattering is inelastic with a characteristic energy of 1.40 +/- 0.07 meV. There is no discernible difference between the diffuse scattering from x = 0.275 and x = 1/3, suggesting that it is an intrinsic property of the charge stripes., Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures
- Published
- 2011
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222. Proximity-Labeling Reveals Novel Host and Parasite Proteins at the Toxoplasma Parasitophorous Vacuole Membrane
- Author
Alicja M. Cygan, Pierre M. Jean Beltran, Alma G. Mendoza, Tess C. Branon, Alice Y. Ting, Steven A. Carr, and John C. Boothroyd
- Subjects
Toxoplasma ,proximity-labeling ,quantitative proteomics ,Microbiology ,QR1-502 - Abstract
ABSTRACT Toxoplasma gondii is a ubiquitous, intracellular parasite that envelops its parasitophorous vacuole with a protein-laden membrane (PVM). The PVM is critical for interactions with the infected host cell, such as nutrient transport and immune defense. Only a few parasite and host proteins have so far been identified on the host-cytosolic side of the Toxoplasma PVM. We report here the use of human foreskin fibroblasts expressing the proximity-labeling enzyme miniTurbo, fused to a domain that targets it to this face of the PVM, in combination with quantitative proteomics to specifically identify proteins present at this interface. Out of numerous human and parasite proteins with candidate PVM localization, we validate three parasite proteins (TGGT1_269950 [GRA61], TGGT1_215360 [GRA62], and TGGT1_217530 [GRA63]) and four new host proteins (PDCD6IP/ALIX, PDCD6, CC2D1A, and MOSPD2) as localized to the PVM in infected human cells through immunofluorescence microscopy. These results significantly expand our knowledge of proteins present at the Toxoplasma PVM and, given that three of the validated host proteins are components of the ESCRT (endosomal sorting complexes required for transport) machinery, they further suggest that novel biology is operating at this crucial host-pathogen interface. IMPORTANCE Toxoplasma is an intracellular pathogen which resides and replicates inside a membrane-bound vacuole in infected cells. This vacuole is modified by both parasite and host proteins which participate in a variety of host-parasite interactions at this interface, including nutrient exchange, effector transport, and immune modulation. Only a small number of parasite and host proteins present at the vacuolar membrane and exposed to the host cytosol have thus far been identified. Here, we report the identification of several novel parasite and host proteins present at the vacuolar membrane using enzyme-catalyzed proximity-labeling, significantly increasing our knowledge of the molecular players present and novel biology occurring at this crucial interface.
- Published
- 2021
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223. Editorial: Experimental Approaches to Body Image, Representation and Perception
- Author
Kevin R. Brooks, Jason Bell, Lynda G. Boothroyd, and Ian D. Stephen
- Subjects
body image (MeSH) ,perception ,body representation ,experimental ,clinical psychology ,Psychology ,BF1-990 - Published
- 2021
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224. Probing photo-induced melting of antiferromagnetic order in La0.5Sr1.5MnO4 by ultrafast resonant soft X-ray diffraction
- Author
Ehrke, H., Tobey, R. I., Wall, S., Cavill, S. A., Först, M., Khanna, V., Garl, Th., Stojanovic, N., Prabhakaran, D., Boothroyd, A. T., Gensch, M., Mirone, A., Reutler, P., Revcolevschi, A., Dhesi, S. S., and Cavalleri, A.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons - Abstract
Photo-excitation in complex oxides1 transfers charge across semicovalent bonds, drastically perturbing spin and orbital orders2. Light may then be used in compounds like magnetoresistive manganites to control magnetism on nanometre lengthscales and ultrafast timescales. Here, we show how ultrafast resonant soft x-ray diffraction can separately probe the photo-induced dynamics of spin and orbital orders in La0.5Sr1.5MnO4. Ultrafast melting of CE antiferromagnetic spin order is evidenced by the disappearance of a (1/4,1/4,1/2) diffraction peak. On the other hand the (1/4,1/4,0) peak, reflecting orbital order, is only partially reduced. Cluster calculations aid our interpretation by considering different magnetically ordered states accessible after photo-excitation. Nonthermal coupling between light and magnetism emerges as a primary aspect of photo-induced phase transitions in manganites., Comment: 7 pages manuscript, 4 figures
- Published
- 2010
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225. Itinerant Spin Excitations in SrFe2As2 Measured by Inelastic Neutron Scattering
- Author
Ewings, R. A., Perring, T. G., Gillett, J., Das, S. D., Sebastian, S. E., Taylor, A. E., Guidi, T., and Boothroyd, A. T.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons ,Condensed Matter - Superconductivity - Abstract
We report inelastic neutron scattering measurements of the magnetic excitations in SrFe2As2, the parent of a family of iron-based superconductors. The data extend throughout the Brillouin zone and up to energies of ~260meV. An analysis with the local-moment J_1-J2 model implies very different in-plane nearest-neighbor exchange parameters along the $a$ and $b$ directions, both in the orthorhombic and tetragonal phases. However, the spectrum calculated from the J1-J2 model deviates significantly from our data. We show that the qualitative features that cannot be described by the J1-J2 model are readily explained by calculations from a 5-band itinerant mean-field model., Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, reformatted and lengthened for Phys. Rev. B regular article
- Published
- 2010
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226. Spin anisotropy of the resonance in superconducting FeSe0.5Te0.5
- Author
Babkevich, P., Roessli, B., Gvasaliya, S. N., Regnault, L. -P., Freeman, P. G., Pomjakushina, E., Conder, K., and Boothroyd, A. T.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity - Abstract
We have used polarized-neutron inelastic scattering to resolve the spin fluctuations in superconducting FeSe0.5Te0.5 into components parallel and perpendicular to the layers. A spin resonance at an energy of 6.5 meV is observed to develop below T_c in both fluctuation components. The resonance peak is anisotropic, with the in-plane component slightly larger than the out-of-plane component. Away from the resonance peak the magnetic fluctuations are isotropic in the energy range studied. The results are consistent with a dominant singlet pairing state with s^{\pm} symmetry, with a possible minority component of different symmetry., Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures
- Published
- 2010
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227. Tuning the superconducting and magnetic properties in Fe_ySe_0.25Te_0.75 by varying the Fe-content
- Author
Bendele, M., Babkevich, P., Katrych, S., Gvasaliya, S. N., Pomjakushina, E., Conder, K., Roessli, B., Boothroyd, A. T., Khasanov, R., and Keller, H.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity - Abstract
The superconducting and magnetic properties of Fe$_{y}$Se$_{0.25}$Te$_{0.75}$ single crystals ($0.9\leq y \leq1.1$) were studied by means of x-ray diffraction, SQUID magnetometry, muon spin rotation, and elastic neutron diffraction. The samples with $y<1$ exhibit coexistence of bulk superconductivity and incommensurate magnetism. The magnetic order remains incommensurate for $y\geq 1$, but with increasing Fe content superconductivity is suppressed and the magnetic correlation length increases. The results show that the superconducting and the magnetic properties of the Fe$_{y}$Se$_{1-x}$Te$_{x}$ can be tuned not only by varying the Se/Te ratio but also by changing the Fe content.
- Published
- 2010
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228. Magnetic spectrum of the two-dimensional antiferromagnet La2CoO4 studied by inelastic neutron scattering
- Author
Babkevich, P., Prabhakaran, D., Frost, C. D., and Boothroyd, A. T.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons - Abstract
We report measurements of the magnetic excitation spectrum of the layered antiferromagnet La2CoO4 by time-of-flight neutron inelastic scattering. In the energy range probed in our experiments (0-250 meV) the magnetic spectrum consists of spin-wave modes with strong in-plane dispersion extending up to 60 meV, and a nearly dispersionless peak at 190 meV. The spin-wave modes exhibit a small (~1 meV) dispersion along the magnetic zone boundary. We show that the magnetic spectrum can be described very well by a model of a Heisenberg antiferromagnet that includes the full spin and orbital degrees of freedom of Co2+ in an axially-distorted crystal field. The collective magnetic dynamics are found to be controlled by dominant nearest-neighbour exchange interactions, strong XY-like single-ion anisotropy and a substantial unquenched orbital angular momentum., Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures
- Published
- 2010
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229. Magnetic excitations in multiferroic LuMnO3 studied by inelastic neutron scattering
- Author
Lewtas, H. J., Boothroyd, A. T., Rotter, M., Prabhakaran, D., Mueller, H., Le, M. D., Roessli, B., Gavilano, J., and Bourges, P.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons - Abstract
We present data on the magnetic and magneto-elastic coupling in the hexagonal multiferroic manganite LuMnO3 from inelastic neutron scattering, magnetization and thermal expansion measurements. We measured the magnon dispersion along the main symmetry directions and used this data to determine the principal exchange parameters from a spin-wave model. An analysis of the magnetic anisotropy in terms of the crystal field acting on the Mn is presented. We compare the results for LuMnO3 with data on other hexagonal RMnO3 compounds., Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, typo corrected
- Published
- 2010
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230. Ferromagnetic Excitations in La$_{0.82}$Sr$_{0.18}$CoO$_{3}$ Observed Using Neutron Inelastic Scattering
- Author
Ewings, R. A., Freeman, P. G., Enderle, M., Kulda, J., Prabhakaran, D., and Boothroyd, A. T.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons - Abstract
Polarized neutron inelastic scattering has been used to measure spin excitations in ferromagnetic La$_{0.82}$Sr$_{0.18}$CoO$_{3}$. The magnon spectrum of these spin excitations is well defined at low energies but becomes heavily damped at higher energies, and can be modeled using a quadratic dispersion. We determined a spin wave stiffness constant of $D=94\pm 3$\,meV\,\AA$^{2}$. Assuming a nearest-neighbor Heisenberg model we find reasonable agreement between the exchange determined from D and the bulk Curie temperature. Several possible mechanisms to account for the observed spin-wave damping are discussed., Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures
- Published
- 2010
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231. Antiferromagnetically spin polarized oxygen observed in magneto-electric TbMn2O5
- Author
Beale, T. A. W., Wilkins, S. B., Johnson, R. D., Bland, S. R., Joly, Y., Forrest, T. R., McMorrow, D. F., Yakhou, F., Prabhakaran, D., Boothroyd, A. T., and Hatton, P. D.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons - Abstract
We report the direct measurement of antiferromagnetic spin polarization at the oxygen sites in the multiferroic TbMn2O5, through resonant soft x-ray magnetic scattering. This supports recent theoretical models suggesting that the oxygen spin polarization is key to the magnetoelectric coupling mechanism. The spin polarization is observed through a resonantly enhanced diffraction signal at the oxygen K edge at the commensurate antiferromagnetic wavevector. Using the fdmnes code we have accurately reproduced the experimental data. We have established that the resonance arises through the spin polarization on the oxygen sites hybridized with the square based pyramid Mn3+ ions. Furthermore we have discovered that the position of the Mn3+ ion directly influences the oxygen spin polarization., Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures
- Published
- 2010
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232. Magnetic excitations of Fe_{1+y}Se_xTe_{1-x} in magnetic and superconductive phases
- Author
Babkevich, P., Bendele, M., Boothroyd, A. T., Conder, K., Gvasaliya, S. N., Khasanov, R., Pomjakushina, E., and Roessli, B.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity - Abstract
We have used inelastic neutron scattering and muon-spin rotation to compare the low energy magnetic excitations in single crystals of superconducting Fe1.01Se0.50Te0.50 and non-superconducting Fe1.10Se0.25Te0.75. We confirm the existence of a spin resonance in the superconducting phase of Fe1.01Se0.50Te0.50, at an energy of 7 meV and a wavevector of (1/2,1/2,0). The non-superconducting sample exhibits two incommensurate magnetic excitations at (1/2,1/2,0)\pm(0.18,-0.18,0) which rise steeply in energy, but no resonance is observed at low energies. A strongly dispersive low-energy magnetic excitation is also observed in Fe1.10Se0.25Te0.75 close to the commensurate antiferromagnetic ordering wavevector (1/2-\delta,0,1/2) where \delta \approx 0.03. The magnetic correlations in both samples are found to be quasi-two dimensional in character and persist well above the magnetic (Fe1.10Se0.25Te0.75) and superconducting (Fe1.01Se0.50Te0.50) transition temperatures., Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures
- Published
- 2010
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233. The Saxophone Symposium : Journal of the North American Saxophone Alliance, Volume 45
- Author
Boothroyd, Myles, Editor and Boothroyd, Myles
- Published
- 2023
234. Inward dispersion of the spin excitation spectrum of stripe-ordered La2NiO4+d
- Author
Freeman, P. G., Hayden, S. M., Frost, C. D., Enderle, M., Yao, D. X., Carlson, E. W., Prabhakaran, D., and Boothroyd, A. T.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons ,Condensed Matter - Superconductivity - Abstract
Polarized- and unpolarized-neutron scattering measurements of the spin excitation spectrum in the stripe-ordered phase of La2NiO4+d (d = 0.11) are presented. At low energies, the magnetic spectral weight is found to shift anomalously towards the two-dimensional antiferromagnetic wave vector, similar to the low-energy dispersions observed in cuprate superconductors. While spin-wave spectra in stripe phases can exhibit an apparent inward dispersion, we find that the peak shifts measured here cannot be accounted for by this effect. Possible extensions of the model are discussed., Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures; to be published in Phys. Rev. B
- Published
- 2009
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235. Nature of the magnetic order and origin of induced ferroelectricity in TbMnO$_3$
- Author
Wilkins, S. B., Forrest, T. R., Beale, T. A. W., Bland, S. R., Walker, H. C., Mannix, D., Yakhou, F., Prabhakaran, D., Boothroyd, A. T., Hill, J. P., Hatton, P. D., and McMorrow, D. F.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons - Abstract
The magnetic structures which endow TbMnO$_3$ with its multiferroic properties have been reassessed on the basis of a comprehensive soft x-ray resonant scattering (XRS) study. The selectivity of XRS facilitated separation of the various contributions (Mn $L_2$ edge, Mn 3d moments; Tb M$_4$ edge, Tb 4f moments), while its variation with azimuth provided information on the moment direction of distinct Fourier components. When the data are combined with a detailed group theory analysis, a new picture emerges of the ferroelectric transition at 28 K. Instead of being driven by the transition from a collinear to a non-collinear magnetic structure, as has previously been supposed, it is shown to occur between two non-collinear structures., Comment: Submitted to Physical Review Letters
- Published
- 2009
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236. Magnetic order and dynamics of the charge-ordered antiferromagnet La1.5Sr0.5CoO4
- Author
Helme, L. M., Boothroyd, A. T., Coldea, R., Prabhakaran, D., Frost, C. D., Keen, D. A., Regnault, L. P., Freeman, P. G., Enderle, M., and Kulda, J.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons - Abstract
We describe neutron scattering experiments performed to investigate the magnetic order and dynamics of half-doped La1.5Sr0.5CoO4. This layered perovskite exhibits a near-ideal checkerboard pattern of Co2+/Co3+ charge order at temperatures below ~ 800 K. Magnetic correlations are observed at temperatures below ~ 60 K but static magnetic order only becomes established at 31 K, a temperature at which a kink is observed in the susceptibility. On warming above 31 K we observed a change in the magnetic correlations which we attribute either to a spin canting or to a change in the proportion of inequivalent magnetic domains. The magnetic excitation spectrum is dominated by an intense band extending above a gap of approximately 3 meV up to a maximum energy of 16 meV. A weaker band exists in the energy range 20-30 meV. We show that the excitation spectrum is in excellent quantitative agreement with the predictions of a spin-wave theory generalized to include the full magnetic degrees of freedom of high-spin Co2+ ions in an axially distorted crystal field, coupled by Heisenberg exchange interactions. The magnetic order is found to be stabilized by dominant antiferromagnetic Co2+ -- Co2+ interactions acting in a straight line through Co3+. No evidence is found for magnetic scattering from the Co3+ ions, supporting the view that Co3+ is in the S = 0 state in this material., Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B
- Published
- 2009
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237. Coexistence of incommensurate magnetism and superconductivity in Fe_{1+y}Se_xTe_{1-x}
- Author
Khasanov, R., Bendele, M., Amato, A., Babkevich, P., Boothroyd, A. T., Cervellino, A., Conder, K., Gvasaliya, S. N., Keller, H., Klauss, H. -H., Luetkens, H., Pomjakushina, E., and Roessli, B.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity - Abstract
We report an investigation into the superconducting and magnetic properties of Fe_{1+y}Se_{x}Te_{1-x} single crystals by magnetic susceptibility, muon spin rotation, and neutron diffraction. We find three regimes of behavior in the phase diagram for 0\leq x\leq 0.5: (i) commensurate magnetic order for x< 0.1, (ii) bulk superconductivity for $x\lesssim 0.1$, and (iii) a range \sim 0.25\leq x\leq 0.45 in which superconductivity coexists with static incommensurate magnetic order. The results are qualitatively consistent with a two-band mean-field model in which itinerant magnetism and extended s-wave superconductivity are competing order parameters., Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures
- Published
- 2009
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238. Experimental Proof of a Magnetic Coulomb Phase
- Author
Fennell, Tom, Deen, P. P., Wildes, A. R., Schmalzl, K., Prabhakaran, D., Boothroyd, A. T., Aldus, R. J., McMorrow, D. F., and Bramwell, S. T.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Materials Science ,Condensed Matter - Other Condensed Matter - Abstract
Spin ice materials are magnetic substances in which the spin directions map onto hydrogen positions in water ice. Recently this analogy has been elevated to an electromagnetic equivalence, indicating that the spin ice state is a Coulomb phase, with magnetic monopole excitations analogous to ice's mobile ionic defects. No Coulomb phase has yet been proved in a real magnetic material, as the key experimental signature is difficult to resolve in most systems. Here we measure the scattering of polarised neutrons from the prototypical spin ice Ho2Ti2O7. This enables us to separate different contributions to the magnetic correlations to clearly demonstrate the existence of an almost perfect Coulomb phase in this material. The temperature dependence of the scattering is consistent with the existence of deconfined magnetic monopoles connected by Dirac strings of divergent length., Comment: 18 pages, 4 figs
- Published
- 2009
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239. The Temperature Evolution of the Out-of-Plane Correlation Lengths of Charge-Stripe Ordered La(1.725)Sr(0.275)NiO(4)
- Author
Freeman, P. G., Christensen, N. B., Prabhakaran, D., and Boothroyd, A. T.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons - Abstract
The temperature dependence of the magnetic order of stripe-ordered La(1.725)Sr(0.275)NiO(4) is investigated by neutron diffraction. Upon cooling, the widths if the magnetic Bragg peaks are observed to broaden. The degree of broadening is found to be very different for l = odd-integer and l = even-integer magnetic peaks. We argue that the observed behaviour is a result of competition between magnetic and charge order., Comment: 3 figures
- Published
- 2009
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240. Circularly polarised X-rays as a probe of non-collinear magnetic order in multiferroic TbMnO3
- Author
Fabrizi, F., Walker, H. C., Paolasini, L., de Bergevin, F., Boothroyd, A. T., Prabhakaran, D., and McMorrow, D. F.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons - Abstract
Non-resonant X-ray magnetic scattering has been used to study the magnetic structure of multiferroic TbMnO3 in its ferroelectric phase. Circularly polarized X-rays were combined with a full polarization analysis of the scattered beam to reveal important new information on the magnetic structure of this canonical multiferroic. An applied electric field is shown to create a magnetic nearly mono-domain state in which the cylcoidal order on the Mn sublattice rotates either clockwise or counter-clockwise depending on the sign of the field. It is demonstrated how this technique provides sensitivity to the absolute sense of rotation of the Mn moments, and to components of the ordering on the Tb sublattice and phase shifts that earlier neutron diffraction experiments could not resolve., Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures
- Published
- 2009
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241. Ovulation Rate after Metformin and Clomiphene vs Clomiphene Alone in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial
- Author
Georgia Heathcote, Clare Boothroyd, Kevin Forbes, Alan Lee, Margaret Gregor, and Georgina Luscombe
- Subjects
polycystic ovary syndrome ,metformin ,ovulation ,birth ,Reproduction ,QH471-489 - Abstract
Background: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) affects 5%-15% of women of reproductive age and has a negative impact on their fertility. The primary outcome of this study is ovulation rate when standard (immediate release) metformin (MF) is added to clomiphene citrate (CC) in oligoovulatory and anovulatory women with PCOS. Methods: This is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Twenty-seven women with PCOS (according to the Rotterdam consensus), desiring pregnancy and without another cause of subfertility were recruited from a public hospital outpatient gynecology clinic. Up to six cycles of CC (25-150 mg) plus either MF 500 mg tds (CC+MF) or placebo (CC+Pl) were offered. Student’s t-test, Chi-squared test, and Fisher’s exact test were used for analysis. Results: Thirteen women with up to six cycles each were included in the final analysis. The rate of ovulation and ovulation rate per cycle was similar between women in the CC+MF and CC+Pl groups RR 1.09 (95% CI 0.80-1.49) and RR 0.88 (95% CI 0.63-1.22), respectively as was chemical pregnancy rate RR 1.77 (95% CI 0.58-5.38). The live birth rate was higher in CC+MF RR 6.83 (95% CI 0.83-56.27) and miscarriage rate was lower RR 0.21 (95% CI 0.002-1.07). The number needed to treat for live birth was 10. Conclusion: Use of standard MF, 500 mg tds, when given with CC results in an increase in live birth rate, and a decrease in miscarriage rate.
- Published
- 2020
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242. Co‐construction of health technology assessment recommendations with patients: An example with cardiac defibrillator replacement
- Author
Marie‐Pascale Pomey, Philippe Brouillard, Isabelle Ganache, Laurie Lambert, Lucy Boothroyd, Caroline Collette, Sylvain Bédard, Alexandre Grégoire, Sandra Pelaez, Olivier Demers‐Payette, Mireille Goetghebeur, Michèle deGuise, and Denis Roy
- Subjects
co‐construction ,HTA ,ICD ,INESSS ,patient engagement ,patient involvement ,Medicine (General) ,R5-920 ,Public aspects of medicine ,RA1-1270 - Abstract
Abstract Context The National Institute of Excellence in Health and Social Services (INESSS), which functions as the Québec health technology assessment (HTA) agency, tested a new way to engage patients along with health‐care professionals in the co‐construction of recommendations regarding implantable cardioverter‐defibrillator replacement. Objective The objective of this article was to describe the process of co‐construction of recommendations and to propose methods of building best practices for patient involvement (PI) in HTA. Design Throughout the process, documents were collected and participant observations were made. Individual interviews were conducted with patients, health‐care professionals and the INESSS scientific team, from January to March 2018. Results Three committees were established: an expert patient committee to reflect on patient experience literature; an expert health professional committee to reflect on medical literature; and a co‐construction committee through which both patients and health‐care professionals contributed to develop the recommendations. The expert patients validated and contextualized a literature review produced by the scientific team. This allowed the scientists to consider aspects related to the patient experience and to integrate the feedback from patients into HTA recommendations. The most important factor contributing to a positive PI experience was the structured methodology for selecting patient participants, and a key factor that inhibited the process was a lack of training in PI on the part of the scientific team. Conclusions This experience demonstrates that it is possible to co‐construct recommendations, even for technically complex HTA subjects, through a more democratic process than usual which led to more patient‐focused guidance.
- Published
- 2020
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243. A high resolution, hard x-ray photoemission investigation of La_(2-2x)Sr_(1+2x)Mn_2O_7 (0.30<x<0.50): on microscopic phase separation and the surface electronic structure of a bilayered CMR manganite
- Author
de Jong, S., Massee, F., Huang, Y., Gorgoi, M., Schaefers, F., Fink, J., Boothroyd, A. T., Prabhakaran, D., Goedkoop, J. B., and Golden, M. S.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons - Abstract
Photoemission data taken with hard x-ray radiation on cleaved single crystals of the bilayered, colossal magnetoresistant manganite La_(2-2x)Sr_(1+2x)Mn_2O_7 (LSMO) with 0.30
- Published
- 2009
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244. STORMM: Structure and TOpology Replica Molecular Mechanics for chemical simulations
- Author
Cerutti, David Shawkey, primary, Boothroyd, Simon, additional, Wiewiora, Rafal, additional, and Sherman, Woody, additional
- Published
- 2024
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245. Pathways and barriers to becoming physician-scientists for first-generation individuals
- Author
Christophers, Briana, primary, Macedo, Briana, additional, Weng, Jessica, additional, Granovetter, Michael C, additional, Kumar, Rachit, additional, Smith, Chynna, additional, Andersen, Olaf S, additional, and Boothroyd, Catharine, additional
- Published
- 2024
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246. An integrated guidewire Urethral Catheterisation Device (UCD®) for difficult urethral catheterisation in the emergency department
- Author
Combes, A., primary, Mcclintock, G., additional, Jeffery, N., additional, Dinh, M., additional, Smith Hanratty, B., additional, Boothroyd, C., additional, and Berendsen Russell, S., additional
- Published
- 2024
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247. Cultural Predictors of Facial Ethnicity Preference in the Miskitu and Mestizos of Rural Nicaragua
- Author
Jucker, J. -L., primary, Thornborrow, T., additional, Batres, C., additional, Penton-Voak, I. M., additional, Jamieson, M. A., additional, Burt, D. M., additional, Bowie, W. N., additional, Tovée, M. J., additional, and Boothroyd, L. G., additional
- Published
- 2024
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248. Internalization and TLR‐dependent type I interferon production by monocytes in response to Toxoplasma gondii
- Author
Han, Seong‐Ji, Melichar, Heather J, Coombes, Janine L, Chan, Shiao Wei, Koshy, Anita A, Boothroyd, John C, Barton, Gregory M, and Robey, Ellen A
- Subjects
Biochemistry and Cell Biology ,Biomedical and Clinical Sciences ,Biological Sciences ,Immunology ,Infectious Diseases ,Emerging Infectious Diseases ,Biodefense ,Foodborne Illness ,2.1 Biological and endogenous factors ,2.2 Factors relating to the physical environment ,Infection ,Inflammatory and immune system ,Animals ,Immunity ,Innate ,Interferon-beta ,Mice ,Mice ,Knockout ,Monocytes ,Myeloid Differentiation Factor 88 ,Neutrophils ,Signal Transduction ,Toll-Like Receptors ,Toxoplasma ,Toxoplasmosis ,Animal ,Biochemistry and cell biology - Abstract
The classic anti-viral cytokine interferon (IFN)-β can be induced during parasitic infection, but relatively little is know about the cell types and signaling pathways involved. Here we show that inflammatory monocytes (IMs), but not neutrophils, produce IFN-β in response to T. gondii infection. This difference correlated with the mode of parasite entry into host cells, with phagocytic uptake predominating in IMs and active invasion predominating in neutrophils. We also show that expression of IFN-β requires phagocytic uptake of the parasite by IMs, and signaling through Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and MyD88. Finally, we show that IMs are major producers of IFN-β in mesenteric lymph nodes following in vivo oral infection of mice, and mice lacking the receptor for type I IFN-1 show higher parasite loads and reduced survival. Our data reveal a TLR and internalization-dependent pathway in IMs for IFN-β induction to a non-viral pathogen.
- Published
- 2014
249. Impact of Regulated Secretion on Antiparasitic CD8 T Cell Responses
- Author
Grover, Harshita Satija, Chu, H Hamlet, Kelly, Felice D, Yang, Soo Jung, Reese, Michael L, Blanchard, Nicolas, Gonzalez, Federico, Chan, Shiao Wei, Boothroyd, John C, Shastri, Nilabh, and Robey, Ellen A
- Subjects
Biological Sciences ,Emerging Infectious Diseases ,Biodefense ,Infectious Diseases ,Infection ,Good Health and Well Being ,Amino Acid Sequence ,Animals ,Antigens ,Protozoan ,CD8-Positive T-Lymphocytes ,Epitopes ,Mice ,Mice ,Inbred C57BL ,Mice ,Inbred DBA ,Molecular Sequence Data ,Protozoan Proteins ,Secretory Pathway ,Toxoplasma ,Biochemistry and Cell Biology ,Medical Physiology ,Biological sciences - Abstract
CD8 T cells play a key role in defense against the intracellular parasite Toxoplasma, but why certain CD8 responses are more potent than others is not well understood. Here, we describe a parasite antigen, ROP5, that elicits a CD8 T cell response in genetically susceptible mice. ROP5 is secreted via parasite organelles termed rhoptries that are injected directly into host cells during invasion, whereas the protective, dense-granule antigen GRA6 is constitutively secreted into the parasitophorous vacuole. Transgenic parasites in which the ROP5 antigenic epitope was targeted for secretion through dense granules led to enhanced CD8 T cell responses, whereas targeting the GRA6 epitope to rhoptries led to reduced CD8 responses. CD8 T cell responses to the dense-granule-targeted ROP5 epitope resulted in reduced parasite load in the brain. These data suggest that the mode of secretion affects the efficacy of parasite-specific CD8 T cell responses.
- Published
- 2014
250. GRA25 Is a Novel Virulence Factor of Toxoplasma gondii and Influences the Host Immune Response
- Author
Shastri, Anjali J, Marino, Nicole D, Franco, Magdalena, Lodoen, Melissa B, and Boothroyd, John C
- Subjects
Prevention ,Emerging Infectious Diseases ,Genetics ,Biodefense ,Infectious Diseases ,Biotechnology ,Foodborne Illness ,Vaccine Related ,2.1 Biological and endogenous factors ,2.2 Factors relating to the physical environment ,Aetiology ,Infection ,Animals ,Blotting ,Western ,Cells ,Cultured ,Chromosome Mapping ,Cytokines ,Disease Models ,Animal ,Female ,Immunity ,Innate ,Macrophages ,Mice ,Mice ,Inbred C57BL ,Microarray Analysis ,Protozoan Proteins ,Quantitative Trait Loci ,Toxoplasma ,Toxoplasmosis ,Virulence Factors ,Biological Sciences ,Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences ,Medical and Health Sciences ,Microbiology - Abstract
The obligate intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii is able to infect a broad range of hosts and cell types due, in part, to the diverse arsenal of effectors it secretes into the host cell. Here, using genetic crosses between type II and type III Toxoplasma strains and quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping of the changes they induce in macrophage gene expression, we identify a novel dense granule protein, GRA25. Encoded on chromosome IX, GRA25 is a phosphoprotein that is secreted outside the parasites and is found within the parasitophorous vacuole. In vitro experiments with a type II Δgra25 strain showed that macrophages infected with this strain secrete lower levels of CCL2 and CXCL1 than those infected with the wild-type or complemented control parasites. In vivo experiments showed that mice infected with a type II Δgra25 strain are able to survive an otherwise lethal dose of Toxoplasma tachyzoites and that complementation of the mutant with an ectopic copy of GRA25 largely rescues this phenotype. Interestingly, the type II and type III versions of GRA25 differ in endogenous expression levels; however, both are able to promote parasite expansion in vivo when expressed in a type II Δgra25 strain. These data establish GRA25 as a novel virulence factor and immune modulator.
- Published
- 2014
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