Photoacoustic Tomography (PAT) is a promising medical imaging modality that combines optical imaging contrast with the spatial resolution of ultrasound imaging. It can also distinguish the changes in biological features. But, real-time PAT system should be confirmed due to photoacoustic effect for tissue. Thus, we have developed a real-time PAT system using a custom-developed data acquisition board and ultrasound linear probe. To evaluate performance of our system, phantom test was performed. As a result of those experiments, the system showed satisfactory performance and its usefulness has been confirmed. We monitored the degradation of inflammation which induced on the rat’s kidney using real-time PAT., {"references":["Oraevsky A A, Jacques S L, Esenaliev R O, Tittel F K, Time-resolved optoacoustic imaging in layered biological tissues, Advances in Optical Imaging and Photon Migrationed R R Alfano (New York: Academic) pp 161.5, 1994","Kruger R A, Photo-acoustic ultrasound: pulse production and detection in 0.5% Liposyn, Med. Phys. 21 127.31, 1994","Kruger R A, Liu P-Y, Fang Y, Thermoacoustic ultrasound (PAUS)-reconstruction tomography, Med. Phys.22 1605.9, 1995","Oraevsky A A, Esenaliev R O, Jacques S L, Tittel S K, Laser opto-acoustic tomography for medical diagnostics: principles, Proc. SPIE 2976 22.31, 1996","Hoelen C G A, de Mul F F M, Pongers R, Dekker A, Three-dimensional photoacoustic imaging of blood vessels in tissue, Opt. Lett. 23 648-650, 1998","A. Oraevsky and A. Karabutov, Optoacoustic tomography, in Biomedical Photonics Handbook, T. Vo-Dinh, CRC, Boca Raton, Ed., Chap. 34, pp. 1-34, 2003.","L. V. Wang and H. Wu, Ed. Biomedical Optics: Principles and Imaging, John Wiley, 2007.","Lihong V. Wang, Ed. Photoacoustic Imaging and Spectroscopy, 1st ed., Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2009.","J. T. Oh, M. L. Li, H. F. Zhang, K. Maslov, G. Stoica, and L. V. Wang, Three-dimensional imaging of skin melaNoma in vivo by dual-wavelength photoacoustic microscopy, J. Biomed. Opt., Vol. 11, No. 3, p. 034032, Nov. 2006.\n[10]\tS. Yang, D. Xing, Q. Zhou, L. Xiang, and Y. Lao, Functional imaging of cerebrovascular activities in small animals using high-resolution photoacoustic tomography, Med. Phys., Vol. 34, No. 8, p. 3294-3301, Aug. 2007\n[11]\tQ. Zhou, X. Ji and D. Xing, Full-field 3D photoacoustic imaging based on plane transducer array and spatial phase-controlled algorithm, Med. Phys. 38(3), 1561 (2011).\n[12]\tJ. Gamelin, A. Maurudis, A. Aguirre, F. Huang, P. Guo, L. V. Wang and Q. Zhu, A real-time photoacoustic tomography system for small animals, Optics Express 10489, 17(13), 22 (2009).\n[13]\tV. Moock, C. Garcia-Segundo, E. Garduno, F. Arambula Cosio, J. Jithin, P. van Es, S. Manohar and W. Steenbergen, Signal Processing for Photoacoustic Tomography, IEEE CISP 2012, 957 (2012).\n[14]\tY. Zhang, Y. Wang, An Improved Filtered Back-Projection Algorithm for Photoacoustic Tomography, IEEE iCBBE 2011, 1 (2011).\n[15]\tT. Oruganti, J. G. Laufer and B. E. Treeby, Vessel filtering of photoacoustic images, Proc. SPIE 8581, 85811W (2013).\n[16]\tJ. T. Oh, M. L. Li, H. F. Zhang, K. Maslov, G. Stoica and L. V. Wang, Three-dimensional imaging of skin melanoma in vivo by dual-wavelength photoacoustic microscopy, J. Biomed. Opt. 11(3), 34032 (2006).\n[17]\tS. Manohar, A. Kharine, J. C. van Hespen, W. Steenbergen and T. G. van Leeuwen, The twente photoacoustic mammoscope: system overview and performance, Phys. Med. Biol. 50(11), 2543 (2005).\n[18]\tS. A. Ermilov, R. Gharieb, A. Conjusteau and A. A. Oraevsky, Hybrid optoacoustic and ultrasonic imaging system for detection of prostate malignancies, Proc. SPIE 6856, 68560T (2008).\n[19]\tJ. T. Oh, M. L. Li, H. F. Zhang, K. Maslov, G. Stoica, and L. V. Wang, Three-dimensional imaging of skin melaNoma in vivo by dual-wavelength photoacoustic microscopy, J. Biomed. Opt., Vol. 11, No. 3, p. 034032, Nov. 2006.\n[20]\tS. Yang, D. Xing, Q. Zhou, L. Xiang, and Y. Lao, Functional imaging of cerebrovascular activities in small animals using high-resolution photoacoustic tomography, Med. Phys., Vol. 34, No. 8, p. 3294-3301, Aug. 2007\n[21]\tE. Z. Zhang, J. G. Laufer, R. B. Pedley, and P. C. Beard, In vivo high-resolution 3D photoacoustic imaging of superficial vascular anatomy, Phys. Med. Biol., Vol. 54, No. 4, p. 1035-1046, Jan. 2009"]}