481 results on '"Karpov, R. S."'
Search Results
202. Impact of angiotensionogen and angiotensin II receptor type 1 gene polymorphisms on the development and course of chronic heart failure
203. Genetic markers in coronary artery disease in a Russian population
204. Effect of the bioantioxidant histochrome on myocardial injury in reperfusion therapy on patients with myocardial infarction | Vliianie bioantioksidanta gistrokhroma na povrezhdenie miokarda pri reperfuzionnoi terapii u bol'nykh infarktom miokardom
205. Molecular-genetic analysis of the left ventricular hypertrophy
206. [Relationship between polymorphism C677T of the methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase gene with clinical symptoms of coronary atherosclerosis]
208. Phenazine methosulfate system-induced membrane hyperpolarization in the human erythrocytes
209. Tc-99m-MIBI SPECT quantification of myocardial blood flow in coronary patients in the course of medical therapy
210. The effect of age and ischemia on the lipid peroxide and lipid-soluble antioxidant level in the human heart,Vliianie vozrasta i ishemii na uroven' lipoperekisei i lipidorastvorimykh antioksidantov v serdtse cheloveka
211. Early and 3-year follow-up results of coronary by-pass operation in ischemic heart disease patients with moderate dyslipoproteinemia
212. Comparison of intracoronary and intravenous thrombolytic streptokinase treatment for acute myocardial infarction
213. Relationship between the 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofoiate reductase C677T gene polymorphism and clinical manifestation of coronary artery disease
214. Stress-ultrasound study of Hemodynamic reserve of aortic compression chamber in atherosclerosis: Effect on coronary blood flow
215. Transthoracic Dopllerographic Assessment of the Relative Coronary Reserve in the Norm and in the Presence of Isolated Hemodynamically Significant Stenoses of the Left Anterior Descending Coronary Artery
216. Assessment of cardioprotective action of emoxipine in thrombolytic myocardial reperfusion
217. Relationship between structural changes of the brain and echocardiography parameters at baseline and under indapamide or enalapril therapy in hypertensive patients
218. Cardioresynchronizing therapy in treatment of cardiac insufficiency
219. Relation between the systemic fibrinolytic status and coronary reperfusion during thrombolytic therapy with streptokinase of patients with acute myocardial infarction,Vzaimosvia'z mezhdu sistemnym fibrinoliticheskim sostoianiem i dostizheniem koronarnoǐ reperfuzii pri tromboliticheskoǐ terapii streptokinazoǐ bo'lnykh ostrym infarktom miokarda
220. Coronary flow vasodilator reserve in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus-associated arterial hypertension,Vazodilatatsionnyi rezerv koronarnogo krovotoka u bol'nykh arterial'noi gipertoniei, assotsiirovannoi s sakharnym diabetom tipa 2
221. Cardiomyoplasty with autological mononuclear cells of the bone marrow in patients with acute myocardial infarction
222. The antianginal action of calcium antagonists: the results of instrumental examination and their clinical assessment | Antianginal'noe deistvie antagonistov kal'tsiia: rezul'taty instrumental'nogo obsledovaniia i ikh klinicheskaia otsenka
223. Clinical response to agonists of mu and beta opiate receptors in patients with ischemic heart disease: effects of D-Ala2-Leu5-Arg6-enkephalin on hemodynamics, oxygen balance and lipid spectrum of blood,Klinicheskaia éffektivnost' agonista gamma- i beta-opiatnykh retseptorov u bol'nykh ishemicheskoi bolezn'iu serdtsa: vliianie D-Ala2-Leu5-Arg6-énkefalina na pokazateli gemodinamiki, kislorodnyi balans i lipidnyi spektr krovi
224. Effect of 6-month therapy with simvastatin on lipid transport function of the blood and the state of endothelium in patients with diabetes and hypertension
225. Comparative efficacy of pharmacoinvasive strategy of myocardial reperfusion and primary angioplasty in patients with acute st elevation myocardial infarction
226. The long-term results of coronary artery by-pass grafting in patients with type II diabetes
227. Professor M. G. Kurlov (1859-1932) - the founder of the Siberian school of therapists
228. SPET quantification of myocardial blood flow from regional uptake of 99Tcm-MIBI and deconvolution of myocardial uptake with arterial input.
230. SPET quantification of myocardial blood flow from regional uptake of 99TcmMIBI and deconvolution of myocardial uptake with arterial input
231. [Government, university medicine and epidemics in Siberia (late XIX - early XX century)].
232. [Metabolic, inflammatory and imaging biomarkers in evaluation of coronary atherosclerosis severity in patients with coronary artery disease and diabetes mellitus type 2].
233. [Successful experience in the correction of post-infarction ventricular septal defect].
234. [Prospects for the Use of Cannabinoid Receptor Ligands for the Treatment of Metabolic Syndrome and Atherosclerosis: Analysis of Experimental and Clinical Data].
235. [Serial Assessment of Transthoracic Coronary Flow Reserve as Method of Assessing Efficacy of Intracoronary Intervention in the Left Anterior and Posterior Descending Arteries].
236. [Interrelation of Electrophysiological and Perfusion Changes in Patients With Left Ventricular Aneurysm].
237. [Coronary Flow Reserve in the Left Anterior and Posterior Descending Arteries as an Additional Option to Dipyridamole Stress Echocardiography for Detection of Stenosis].
238. [Myocardial and Arterial Stiffness Important Determinant of NT-ProBNP at Development of Heart Failure in Survivors of Myocardial Infarction].
239. [Comparative Randomized Study of the Effects of Long-Term Therapy With Rosuvastatin and With Combination of Atorvastatin and Ezetimibe on Carbohydrate Metabolism and Adipokynes Levels in Patients With Coronary Artery Disease and Diabetes Mellitus].
240. [Assessment of the role of matrix metalloproteinase-3 gene polymorphism in the development of chronic heart failure].
241. [Comparative Randomized Study of the Effects of Long-Term Therapy With Rosuvastatin and Combination of Atorvastatin and Ezetimibe on Carbohydrate Metabolism and Adipokines Levels in Patients With Coronary Artery Disease and Diabetes Mellitus].
242. [Natural dynamics of blood pressure, body mass index and lipid levels in the elderly (the results of 17-year follow-up)].
243. [Inhospital thrombolism of right cardiac chambers].
244. [Auricular vagal stimulation in the treatment of patients with left ventricular dysfunction].
245. [Impact of angiotensionogen and angiotensin II receptor type 1 gene polymorphisms on the development and course of chronic heart failure].
246. [Pharmacogenomic control of angiotensin converting enzyme gene I/D polymorphism predominant risk factor of development of chronic heart failure and target of enalapril treatment].
247. [Spousal concordance of blood pressure levels (results of 17-year follow-up)].
248. [Thromboembolism of pulmonary artery branches based on the registry data of Tomsk hospitals].
249. [Parameters associated with absence of significant coronary atherosclerosis by data of register of provided coronary angiography].
250. [Thromboembolism of pulmonary artery branches from the right cardiac chambers].
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