10,496 results on '"Pavesi A"'
Search Results
202. Dominant microbial communities and biochemical profile of pulped natural fermented coffees growing in different altitudes
- Author
Martinez, Silvia Juliana, Bressani, Ana Paula Pereira, Simão, João Batista Pavesi, Pylro, Victor Satler, Dias, Disney Ribeiro, and Schwan, Rosane Freitas
- Published
- 2022
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203. Evaluating the importance of families wellbeing for local welfare planning: a case study of the Veneto region using the partecipatory FamILens© approach
- Author
Moscatelli, Matteo, Carra', Elisabetta, Pavesi, Nicoletta, Moscatelli M. (ORCID:0000-0003-2339-9651), Carra' E. (ORCID:0000-0001-8339-0400), Pavesi N. (ORCID:0000-0002-1996-6919), Moscatelli, Matteo, Carra', Elisabetta, Pavesi, Nicoletta, Moscatelli M. (ORCID:0000-0003-2339-9651), Carra' E. (ORCID:0000-0001-8339-0400), and Pavesi N. (ORCID:0000-0002-1996-6919)
- Abstract
This paper examines the pluralization of local welfare actors in the Veneto Region of Italy, focusing on the role of families in promoting well-being. Specifically, the study explores whether and how local programming and planning interventions recognize families and foster their active involvement, assessing the extent to which families are recognized as active participants in local welfare systems. Researchers adopt the FamILens approach (Carrà, Moscatelli, 2024), a framework based on six principles—Accountability, Stability, Family Relations, Diversity, Involvement, and Family Networks—to assess local welfare policies. Methodology included a content analysis of the Local Welfare Area Plans (LWAP) (2023-2025), the design of a 31-item survey tool validated by 20 experts, and an interview involving 600 professionals participating in local welfare area plans (LWAP). The findings highlight families' involvement in well-being production; specifically, in LWAP, families are considered active participants or are encouraged to enhance their skills, even when facing particular vulnerabilities. Conversely, a notable weakness is that family associations remain underrepresented in territorial networks, and some difficulties emerged in the LWAP's capacity to promote the stability and enhancement of family relationships.
- Published
- 2024
204. Famiglia
- Author
Ricucci R., Sannella A., Pavesi, Nicoletta, N. Pavesi (ORCID:0000-0002-1996-6919), Ricucci R., Sannella A., Pavesi, Nicoletta, and N. Pavesi (ORCID:0000-0002-1996-6919)
- Abstract
La voce analizza il concetto di "famiglia" ala luce della Sociologia per la persona, evidneziandone in particolare la dinamica relazionale
- Published
- 2024
205. La violenza sui minori nelle famiglie con background migratorio: indicazioni dalle ricerche
- Author
Pavesi, Nicoletta, Ferrari, Chiara, Pavesi N. (ORCID:0000-0002-1996-6919), Ferrari C. (ORCID:0000-0003-1433-571X), Pavesi, Nicoletta, Ferrari, Chiara, Pavesi N. (ORCID:0000-0002-1996-6919), and Ferrari C. (ORCID:0000-0003-1433-571X)
- Abstract
The paper provides, through an analysis of national and international literature, an overview of the phenomenon of child maltreatment in families with a migrant background. Having defined the forms that child abuse can take, the micro, meso and macrosystemic causes closely related to each other are investigated. The literature identifies the stress triggering violence towards immigrant minors as a result of multiple factors overwhelming adults. Interventions to prevent and manage the phenomenon must therefore take into account this complexity in which cultural, social, political and structural elements act. Training of socio-educational workers is needed that can produce cultural sensitivity and detect the ambiguity of a rigid reading of migrants’ cultural identity.
- Published
- 2024
- Author
Pavesi, Nicoletta, Marzulli, Michele, Nicoletta, Pavesi (ORCID:0000-0002-1996-6919), Michele Marzulli (ORCID:0000-0002-1264-4001), Pavesi, Nicoletta, Marzulli, Michele, Nicoletta, Pavesi (ORCID:0000-0002-1996-6919), and Michele Marzulli (ORCID:0000-0002-1264-4001)
- Abstract
The academic and public success of the term resilience, which has also risen to a paradigm of public intervention in the economy with the Italian NextGenEU plan (PNRR), lies in some ways in its indefiniteness. While this indefinite character makes the term usable in different contexts, it also risks emptying it of meaning, qualifying much of social intervention as capable of producing “resilience”. The paper presents the results of a scoping review conducted through the analysis of English-language articles indexed in Sociological Abstracts whose topic is the operationalization of the concept of community resilience. Through an analysis of the texts obtained by querying the Sociological abstracts DB, the research first highlights the dimensions that are used in research to assess how resilient a community is: alongside the traditional dimensions of physical infrastructure, socio-economic aspects, and institutional aspects, the dimensions of transformation and learning emerged as new. From a methodological point of view, the analysis made it possible to verify the development of participatory processes in the construction of community resilience indicators, processes that not only allow for greater contextualization of the indicators but also foster the creation of communities that are competent and engaged in being resilient.
- Published
- 2024
207. Il dilemma del porcospino. L’uso professionale dell’empatia e il bilanciamento distanza/prossimità
- Author
Chiara PATTARO, Pavesi, Nicoletta, Pattaro, Chiara, Nicoletta Pavesi (ORCID:0000-0002-1996-6919), Chiara PATTARO, Pavesi, Nicoletta, Pattaro, Chiara, and Nicoletta Pavesi (ORCID:0000-0002-1996-6919)
- Abstract
il contributo affronta i temi dell'empatia e giusta distanza, due concetti fortemente interconnessi: le narrazioni delle intervistate declinano in profondità le diverse dimensioni dell’empatia che, nella pratica, viene legata a caratteristiche personali, esperienze e formazione e alla necessità di riuscire a tenerle insieme all’interno di una relazione chiaramente connotata dalla complementarietà dei ruoli. Nello stesso contesto, la giusta distanza viene identificata come confine professionale, volto a tutelare contemporaneamente il benessere del professionista e la necessaria asimmetria dei ruoli; le narrazioni rimandano poi alla necessità di una personalizzazione della relazione e della ricerca di un equilibrio flessibile tra distanza e prossimità.
- Published
- 2024
208. Il servizio sociale e le sfide della pandemia
- Author
Chiara Pattaro, Pavesi, Nicoletta, Genre Bert, Selene, Vuillermoz, Valérie, Nicoletta Pavesi (ORCID:0000-0002-1996-6919), Selene Genre Bert (ORCID:0000-0002-9162-6118), Chiara Pattaro, Pavesi, Nicoletta, Genre Bert, Selene, Vuillermoz, Valérie, Nicoletta Pavesi (ORCID:0000-0002-1996-6919), and Selene Genre Bert (ORCID:0000-0002-9162-6118)
- Abstract
Il capitolo è dedicato ad un approfondimento del lavoro delle assistenti sociali durante la pandemia da Covid-19, delle sue trasformazioni e delle strategie apprese, soprattutto in ambito relazionale. Le narrazioni si soffermano su un generale senso di vicinanza con le persone beneficiarie degli interventi, dato dalla comune percezione di precarietà e di vulnerabilità sperimentata durante la fase di emergenza; le assistenti sociali rilevano, tuttavia, anche un impoverimento delle relazioni sociali, a causa della mancanza di contatti diretti. Le strategie innovative apprese riguardano principalmente l’utilizzo di strumenti digitali nella pratica quotidiana, anche se questi sembrano essersi poi mantenuti più nel lavoro tra colleghi che con i beneficiari degli interventi, evidenziando una certa resistenza alla ibridazione della professione tra presenza e digitale.
- Published
- 2024
209. Punizioni fisiche e maltrattamento: l’influenza della tradizione culturale
- Author
Giovanni Giulio Valtolina, Valtolina, Giovanni Giulio, Pavesi, Nicoletta, Giovanni Giulio Valtolina (ORCID:0000-0002-7210-3741), Nicoletta Pavesi (ORCID:0000-0002-1996-6919), Giovanni Giulio Valtolina, Valtolina, Giovanni Giulio, Pavesi, Nicoletta, Giovanni Giulio Valtolina (ORCID:0000-0002-7210-3741), and Nicoletta Pavesi (ORCID:0000-0002-1996-6919)
- Abstract
La violenza sui minori nelle famiglie appartenenti a minoranze etniche è un problema che ha diverse dimensioni, in cui sono presenti diverse forme di maltrattamento, influenzate o causate da diversi fattori. In particolare, è da segnalare l’influenza che esercitano i fattori culturali sulle pratiche di accudimento e di educazione dei figli nelle comunità di immigrati. Questo aspetto rappresenta una sfida per le famiglie appartenenti a minoranze etniche che devono fare i conti con un vero e proprio choc culturale quando vengono a contatto con pratiche educative radicalmente diverse dalle loro e devono quindi ridisegnare i loro comportamenti e le loro pratiche genitoriali in linea con la cultura - e la legislazione – della società in cui si trovano a vivere.
- Published
- 2024
210. Le famiglie immigrate e l'incontro con i servizi
- Author
Giovanni Giulio Valtolina, Pavesi, Nicoletta, Nicoletta Pavesi (ORCID:0000-0002-1996-6919), Giovanni Giulio Valtolina, Pavesi, Nicoletta, and Nicoletta Pavesi (ORCID:0000-0002-1996-6919)
- Abstract
Il contributo analizza anzitutto i fattori che possono creare difficoltà nell'accesso ai servizi da parte delle famiglie con background migratorio. Gli ostacoli si collocano a diversi livelli, in quanto possono essere di carattere legale (stratificazione civica), organizzativo, strutturale, culturale. Peraltro, i dati Istat sottolineano come le famiglie con background migratorio siano maggiuormente esposte al rischio di povertà economica ed esclusione sociale. La chiave di volta nella risposta ai bisogni di queste famiglie risiede nella costruzione di una rapporto di fiducia con le istituzioni, in cui la figura dell'assistente sociale è fondamentale, sia nel dare risposte ai bisogni sia nel creare legami comunitari in cui sono promossi i diritti e il benessere attraverso azioni di responsabilità condivisa.
- Published
- 2024
211. Disabilità e migrazione. Una doppia sfida
- Author
Giovanni Giulio Valtolina, Pavesi, Nicoletta, Valtolina, Giovanni Giulio, Nicoletta Pavesi (ORCID:0000-0002-1996-6919), Giovanni Giulio Valtolina (ORCID:0000-0002-7210-3741), Giovanni Giulio Valtolina, Pavesi, Nicoletta, Valtolina, Giovanni Giulio, Nicoletta Pavesi (ORCID:0000-0002-1996-6919), and Giovanni Giulio Valtolina (ORCID:0000-0002-7210-3741)
- Abstract
La condizione di disabilità, che per qualsiasi famiglia rappresenta un evento critico non normativo che può mettere in discussione l’intero ciclo di vita, per quelle immigrate può rappresentare una criticità assai più complessa, in quanto si intrecciano almeno due situazioni cariche di stress: la separazione dalla terra d’origine e la scoperta/gestione della disabilità di un figlio. La loro condizione le chiama ad affrontare contemporaneamente più elementi di criticità, legati sia alle trasformazioni interne al nucleo, sia alla rete informale - che va ricostruita in un ambiente “nuovo” -, sia alle relazioni con i diversi sottosistemi del nuovo contesto di vita.
- Published
- 2024
212. Pittura e parola scritta. L’arte del dipingere nelle poesie di Giovan Paolo Lomazzo
- Author
Ferro, R, Moroni, B, Pavesi, Mauro, Pavesi, M (ORCID:0000-0002-2225-1105), Ferro, R, Moroni, B, Pavesi, Mauro, and Pavesi, M (ORCID:0000-0002-2225-1105)
- Abstract
An overview of the passages written by Lomazzo on the topic of painting, with a comparison between the expressive means of painting and the written word
- Published
- 2024
213. Le competenze comunicative e relazionali nella pratica quotidiana del servizio sociale
- Author
Chiara Pattaro, Pavesi, Nicoletta, Bonini, Franca, Nicoletta Pavesi (ORCID:0000-0002-1996-6919), Chiara Pattaro, Pavesi, Nicoletta, Bonini, Franca, and Nicoletta Pavesi (ORCID:0000-0002-1996-6919)
- Abstract
Il contributo esplora il tema delle competenze comunicative e relazionali nel lavoro sociale per come lo intendono le assistenti sociali intervistate. Viene innanzitutto evidenziata la natura complessa dell’oggetto, che anche la letteratura fatica a definire in modo univoco. Emerge un quadro in cui le intervistate si riferiscono a livelli concettuali diversi, identificando ora i processi, ora gli strumenti, le strategie, gli atteggiamenti facilitanti e ostacolanti. Se l’attenzione è stata prevalentemente orientata alla relazione con le persone beneficiarie dell’aiuto, con l’ascolto attivo che emerge come categoria principale, alcune importanti sottolineature hanno riguardato anche la comunicazione tra pari, sia intraprofessionale che interprofessionale e l’importanza della comunicazione scritta.
- Published
- 2024
214. Il modello Never Alone. Reti per l’accoglienza e l’accompagnamento dei MSNA verso l’autonomia
- Author
Mariagrazia Santagati, Alessandra Barzaghi, Chiara Ferrari, Pavesi, Nicoletta, Valtolina, Giovanni Giulio, Nicoletta Pavesi (ORCID:0000-0002-1996-6919), Giovanni Giulio Valtolina (ORCID:0000-0002-7210-3741), Mariagrazia Santagati, Alessandra Barzaghi, Chiara Ferrari, Pavesi, Nicoletta, Valtolina, Giovanni Giulio, Nicoletta Pavesi (ORCID:0000-0002-1996-6919), and Giovanni Giulio Valtolina (ORCID:0000-0002-7210-3741)
- Abstract
Il contributo restituisce l'esperienza dei bandi Never Alone, per un domani possibile, realizzati da alcune Fondazioni per sostenere i minori stranieri non accompagnati giunti in Italia e contribuire a garantire il loro benessere e la loro inclusione. La prima parte del contributo ricostruisce finalità e attività previste dai bandi, mentre la seconda parte fornisce gli esiti e sottolinea gli aspetti di forza della progettazione, così come sono emersi dal processo di valutazione.
- Published
- 2024
215. Verso un modello di governance dell’inclusione dei MSNA
- Author
Mariagrazia Santagati, Alessandra Barzaghi, Chiara Ferrari, Bertozzi, Rita, Pavesi, Nicoletta, Azzolini, Davide, NIcoletta Pavesi (ORCID:0000-0002-1996-6919), Mariagrazia Santagati, Alessandra Barzaghi, Chiara Ferrari, Bertozzi, Rita, Pavesi, Nicoletta, Azzolini, Davide, and NIcoletta Pavesi (ORCID:0000-0002-1996-6919)
- Abstract
Il contributo analizza i modelli di governance scolastica e le dinamiche relazionali tra scuola, comunità di accoglienza e comunità locale, restituendo i risultati dei focus group condotti con docenti e operatori del Nord, Centro e Sud Italia. Un approfondimento specifico è dedicato al contributo del progetto ALI, con un’analisi dell’implementazione dei servizi erogati e dei cambiamenti nei percorsi di apprendimento dei MSNA durante lo svolgimento delle attività progettuali.
- Published
- 2024
216. La ricerca qualitativa sui servizi per le persone con disabilità. I focus group con le famiglie e caregiver
- Author
Pavesi, Nicoletta, Moscatelli, Matteo, Ferrari, Chiara, Pavesi N. (ORCID:0000-0002-1996-6919), Moscatelli M. (ORCID:0000-0003-2339-9651), Ferrari C. (ORCID:0000-0003-1433-571X), Pavesi, Nicoletta, Moscatelli, Matteo, Ferrari, Chiara, Pavesi N. (ORCID:0000-0002-1996-6919), Moscatelli M. (ORCID:0000-0003-2339-9651), and Ferrari C. (ORCID:0000-0003-1433-571X)
- Abstract
Il presente contributo presenta i risultati dei focus group condotti nell'ambito della ricerca condotta con Anffas Lombardia sul servizi residenziali, semiresidenziali e dell'abitare, che hanno coinvolto 43 familiari e caregiver
- Published
- 2024
217. La ricerca qualitativa sui servizi per le persone con disabilità. Analisi degli strumenti, metodologie e pratiche di progettazione
- Author
Pavesi, Nicoletta, Moscatelli, Matteo, Ferrari, Chiara, Pavesi N. (ORCID:0000-0002-1996-6919), Moscatelli M. (ORCID:0000-0003-2339-9651), Ferrari C. (ORCID:0000-0003-1433-571X), Pavesi, Nicoletta, Moscatelli, Matteo, Ferrari, Chiara, Pavesi N. (ORCID:0000-0002-1996-6919), Moscatelli M. (ORCID:0000-0003-2339-9651), and Ferrari C. (ORCID:0000-0003-1433-571X)
- Abstract
In questo contributo viene illustrato lo step 2 della ricerca condotta per Anffas Lombardia. Il carotaggio sui 12 enti scelti per lo studio.
- Published
- 2024
218. La ricerca qualitativa sui servizi per le persone con disabilità. Le interviste alle persone con disabilità
- Author
Pavesi, Nicoletta, Moscatelli, Matteo, Ferrari, Chiara, Pavesi N. (ORCID:0000-0002-1996-6919), Moscatelli M. (ORCID:0000-0003-2339-9651), Ferrari C. (ORCID:0000-0003-1433-571X), Pavesi, Nicoletta, Moscatelli, Matteo, Ferrari, Chiara, Pavesi N. (ORCID:0000-0002-1996-6919), Moscatelli M. (ORCID:0000-0003-2339-9651), and Ferrari C. (ORCID:0000-0003-1433-571X)
- Abstract
In questo contributo vengono presentati i risultati delle 34 interviste condotte con persone con disabilità nei servizi per residenziali, semi-residenziali e per l'autonomia della rete Anffas
- Published
- 2024
219. La ricerca qualitativa sui servizi per le persone con disabilità. Analisi dei processi chiave per la realizzazione del Progetti di Vita.
- Author
Pavesi, Nicoletta, Moscatelli, Matteo, Ferrari, Chiara, Pavesi N. (ORCID:0000-0002-1996-6919), Moscatelli M. (ORCID:0000-0003-2339-9651), Ferrari C. (ORCID:0000-0003-1433-571X), Pavesi, Nicoletta, Moscatelli, Matteo, Ferrari, Chiara, Pavesi N. (ORCID:0000-0002-1996-6919), Moscatelli M. (ORCID:0000-0003-2339-9651), and Ferrari C. (ORCID:0000-0003-1433-571X)
- Abstract
Il contributo presenta i risultati della prima fase della ricerca condotta in Lombardia con Anffas Lombardia.
- Published
- 2024
220. Narratives and opinion polarization: a survey experiment
- Author
Antinyan, A, Bassetti, T, Corazzini, L, Pavesi, F, Antinyan, Armenak, Bassetti, Thomas, Corazzini, Luca, Pavesi, Filippo, Antinyan, A, Bassetti, T, Corazzini, L, Pavesi, F, Antinyan, Armenak, Bassetti, Thomas, Corazzini, Luca, and Pavesi, Filippo
- Abstract
We explore the impact of narratives on beliefs and policy opinions through a survey experiment that exposes US subjects to two media-based explanations of the causes of COVID-19. The Lab Narrative ascribes the pandemic to human error and scientific misconduct in a Chinese lab, and the Nature Narrative describes the natural causes of the virus. First, we find that both narratives influence individual beliefs about COVID-19 origins. More precisely, individual beliefs tend to be swayed in the direction of the version of the facts to which one is more exposed generating a potential source of polarization by exposure. Second, only the Nature Narrative unidirectionally affects policy opinions by increasing people's preferences toward climate protection and trust in science, therefore representing a channel for one-sided polarization by exposure. Finally, we also explore the existence of heterogeneous effects of our narratives, finding that the Lab Narrative leads to opinion polarization between Republican- and Democratic-leaning states on climate change and foreign trade. This indicates the existence of an additional channel that can lead policy opinions to diverge, which we denote polarization by social context.
- Published
- 2024
221. Working for and with Unaccompanied Migrant Minors: Methodological Suggestions from the Field
- Author
Roberta Teresa Di Rosa, Giuseppina Tumminelli, Pavesi, Nicoletta, Nicoletta Pavesi (ORCID:0000-0002-1996-6919), Roberta Teresa Di Rosa, Giuseppina Tumminelli, Pavesi, Nicoletta, and Nicoletta Pavesi (ORCID:0000-0002-1996-6919)
- Abstract
The chapter discusses a model of social work with unaccompanied migrant children, that emerged from the “Cantiere Futuro” project, aimed at improving the UAM system of reception and integration in Italy by developing the skills and capacities of the professionals involved in this field. The theoretical background of the project is community work. The main idea is that the inclusion of UAMs in the local community requires working not only with young migrants but also with the different actors of the community, linking them, empowering and connecting the different resources. The model is based on personalization, active listening from a cross-cultural perspective, capacity building, participation, networking, and reflective evaluation; each of these must be translated into action in the three levels of social work: with UMCs, within organizations, and with the local community.
- Published
- 2024
222. Il care leaving dei Msna: vincoli e opportunità
- Author
Elena de Filippo, Glauco Iermano, Giovanna Tizzi, Pavesi, Nicoletta, Nicoletta Pavesi (ORCID:0000-0002-1996-6919), Elena de Filippo, Glauco Iermano, Giovanna Tizzi, Pavesi, Nicoletta, and Nicoletta Pavesi (ORCID:0000-0002-1996-6919)
- Abstract
Il contributo presenta anzitutto alcuni dati sul passaggio alla maggiore età dei msna in Italia, sottolineando la mancanza di statistiche chiare e ufficiali sul fenomeno. Mentre vi sono dati chiari e precisi sul processo di presa in carico finché sono minorenni, mancano statistiche che diano conto del follow up. Nella seconda parte del contributo viene invece analizzata la letteratura internazionale per mettere in luce i fattori di rischio e di resilienza che accompagnano questa cruciale transizione biografica.
- Published
- 2024
223. Estimating All-Cause Deaths Averted in the First Two Years of the COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign in Italy
- Author
Corrao, G, Porcu, G, Tratsevich, A, Cereda, D, Pavesi, G, Bertolaso, G, Franchi, M, Corrao G., Porcu G., Tratsevich A., Cereda D., Pavesi G., Bertolaso G., Franchi M., Corrao, G, Porcu, G, Tratsevich, A, Cereda, D, Pavesi, G, Bertolaso, G, Franchi, M, Corrao G., Porcu G., Tratsevich A., Cereda D., Pavesi G., Bertolaso G., and Franchi M.
- Abstract
Comparing deaths averted by vaccination campaigns is a crucial public health endeavour. Excess all-cause deaths better reflect the impact of the pandemic than COVID-19 deaths. We used a seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average with exogenous factors model to regress daily all-cause deaths on annual trend, seasonality, and environmental temperature in three Italian regions (Lombardy, Marche and Sicily) from 2015 to 2019. The model was used to forecast excess deaths during the vaccinal period (December 2020–October 2022). We used the prevented fraction to estimate excess deaths observed during the vaccinal campaigns, those which would have occurred without vaccination, and those averted by the campaigns. At the end of the vaccinal period, the Lombardy region proceeded with a more intensive COVID-19 vaccination campaign than other regions (on average, 1.82 doses per resident, versus 1.67 and 1.56 in Marche and Sicily, respectively). A higher prevented fraction of all-cause deaths was consistently found in Lombardy (65% avoided deaths, as opposed to 60% and 58% in Marche and Sicily). Nevertheless, because of a lower excess mortality rate found in Lombardy compared to Marche and Sicily (12, 24 and 23 per 10,000 person-years, respectively), a lower rate of averted deaths was observed (22 avoided deaths per 10,000 person-years, versus 36 and 32 in Marche and Sicily). In Lombardy, early and full implementation of adult COVID-19 vaccination was associated with the largest reduction in all-cause deaths compared to Marche and Sicily.
- Published
- 2024
224. Le parole della comunità. Evidenze da una ricerca empirica nella prospettiva del welfare responsabile
- Author
Luigi Gui, Armida Salvati, Bilotti, Andrea, Marzulli, Michele, Pavesi, Nicoletta, Michele Marzulli (ORCID:0000-0002-1264-4001), Nicoletta Pavesi (ORCID:0000-0002-1996-6919), Luigi Gui, Armida Salvati, Bilotti, Andrea, Marzulli, Michele, Pavesi, Nicoletta, Michele Marzulli (ORCID:0000-0002-1264-4001), and Nicoletta Pavesi (ORCID:0000-0002-1996-6919)
- Abstract
The paper, starting from a general framework on the theme of Community as it is interpreted by sociology and as it finds explicitness in public policies, illustrates the results of empirical research carried out through a structured questionnaire with open-ended questions administered to about 50 public, private and Third sector's organizations at the national level to investigate the five areas referable to the core principles of Responsible Welfare's proposal: personalization, activation, inclusiveness, territoriality, and reflexivity. Although the theme of community was not the core of the research, it emerged as a central element in respondents' answers. This made it possible to identify the constituent elements of the community from the witnesses' lived experiences of local welfare production: space, tools, and relationships.
- Published
- 2024
225. La valutazione delle sperimentazioni 2020-22 dei Centri Per la Famiglia in Lombardia attraverso la lente dell’impatto familiare (FamILens).
- Author
Moscatelli, Matteo, Pavesi, Nicoletta, Bosoni, Maria Letizia, Moscatelli M. (ORCID:0000-0003-2339-9651), Pavesi N. (ORCID:0000-0002-1996-6919), Bosoni M. (ORCID:0000-0002-1381-0454), Moscatelli, Matteo, Pavesi, Nicoletta, Bosoni, Maria Letizia, Moscatelli M. (ORCID:0000-0003-2339-9651), Pavesi N. (ORCID:0000-0002-1996-6919), and Bosoni M. (ORCID:0000-0002-1381-0454)
- Abstract
The contribution reports the results of a research carried out between June 2020 and May 2022, which was aimed at evaluating an initial trial of the implementation of Family Centres in four territories of Lombardy Region. The innovativeness of the research concerns the analysis approach of the Family Impact Lens that was used. This framework was developed by Purdue University (Indiana) and was adapted for the Italian context (FamILens) on the basis of a rich empirical base, which through participatory processes makes it possible to assess the extent to which services/activities succeed in facilitating families wellbeing according to 5 principles (responsibility, diversity, relationship, stability, involvement). The evaluation made it possible to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the new services, both in relation to the effectiveness of the partnerships and in terms of the impact achieved on some dimensions of family well-being.
- Published
- 2024
226. Inclusão de aditivos ionóforos na suplementação de bovinos: Revisão
- Author
Carlos Renato Viegas, Amanda Nunes Assis dos Anjos, João Carlos de Carvalho Almeida, Felipe Almeida Soares, Ana Luiza Schaefer Bitarães de Miranda, and Raphael Pavesi Araujo
- Subjects
desempenho ,nutrição ,ruminantes ,Veterinary medicine ,SF600-1100 - Abstract
Os ionóforos atuam na manipulação da fermentação ruminal e podem aumentar a eficiência alimentar, melhorando a performance animal. E são oriundos da fermentação de algumas espécies de Streptomyces. Os ionóforos são classificados como substâncias capazes de interagir passivamente com íons, cátions, servindo, desta forma, como um veículo de transporte para estes através de membranas celulares. Atualmente são conhecidos alguns tipos de ionóforos, destacando-se a Monensina, Salinomicina, Lasalocida e Narasina. Objetivou-se, a partir desta revisão abordar os resultados apresentados na literatura sobre o uso de ionóforos e outros aditivos na nutrição de ruminantes, e esclarecer o papel destes na fermentação ruminal, consumo, digestão e aplicações práticas nos sistemas de produção.
- Published
- 2022
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227. «Progetto di Vita» and Universal Design for Persons with Disabilities
- Author
Perego, Cristiana, primary, Oberti, Ilaria, additional, and Pavesi, Angela Silvia, additional
- Published
- 2022
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228. Numerical investigation of the effect of the closure law of wicket gates on the transient characteristics of pump-turbine in pump mode
- Author
Wang, Wenjie, Tai, Geyuan, Pei, Ji, Pavesi, Giorgio, and Yuan, Shouqi
- Published
- 2022
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229. Redlining, structural racism, and lung cancer screening disparities
- Author
Poulson, Michael R., Kenzik, Kelly M., Singh, Sarah, Pavesi, Flaminio, Steiling, Katrina, Litle, Virginia R., and Suzuki, Kei
- Published
- 2022
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230. Endo-bind-n-seq: identifying RNA motifs of RNA binding proteins isolated from endogenous sources.
- Author
Hanelt, Tiana Nicole, Treiber, Nora, Treiber, Thomas, Lehmann, Gerhard, Eichner, Norbert, Rothmeier, Tamara, Schmid, Georg, Reichelt, Robert, Zambelli, Federico, Pavesi, Giulio, Grohmann, Dina, and Meister, Gunter
- Published
- 2025
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231. Mass-tagged aminated probes for rapid discovery of azaphilic natural products in fungal crude extracts.
- Author
Flon, Victor, Pavesi, Coralie, Oger, Samuel, Leleu, Stéphane, Retailleau, Pascal, Jennings, Laurence K., Prado, Soizic, and Franck, Xavier
- Subjects
- *
NATURAL products , *AMINES - Abstract
Reactivity-based screening (RBS) was used to screen fungal crude extracts for the presence of new azaphilic natural products. A probe composed of a nucleophilic primary amine and an isotopic mass tag was designed for its reactivity towards azaphilic compounds. Addition of the probe to crude extracts of fungal complexes, together with analytical tools for dereplication such as haloseeker and molecular networking, allowed easy detection of azaphilic compounds. The exploitation of this RBS protocol led to the isolation and structural characterization of new azaphilones. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2025
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232. Effects of the Interface Properties on the Performance of UV-C Photoresistors: Gallium Oxide as Case Study.
- Author
Pavesi, Maura, Parisini, Antonella, Calvi, Pietro, Bosio, Alessio, and Fornari, Roberto
- Subjects
Electrical contacts are of the greatest importance as they decisively contribute to the overall performance of photoresistors. Undoped κ-Ga
2 O3 is an ideal material for photoresistors with high performance in the UV-C spectral region thanks to its intrinsic solar blindness and extremely low dark current. The quality assessment of the contact/κ-Ga2 O3 interface is therefore of paramount importance. The transfer length method is not applicable to undoped Ga2 O3 because the interface with several metals shows a non-ohmic character, and a non-equivalent contact resistance could restrict its applicability. In this work, a new methodological procedure to evaluate the quality of contact interface and its effect on the sensing performance of UV-C photoresistors is presented, using the SnO2−x /κ-Ga2 O3 contact interface as a case study. The proposed method includes a critical comparison between two-point and four-point probe measurements, over a wide range of voltages. The investigation showed that the effect of contact resistance is more pronounced at low voltages. The presented method can be easily extended to any kind of metal/semiconductor or degenerate-semiconductor/semiconductor interface. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]- Published
- 2025
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233. Impact of the motion effect of the cutoff facility on the dynamic energy loss of the prototype axial flow pump system during the startup process.
- Author
Zhang, Xiaowen, Pavesi, Giorgio, Hu, Chongyang, Song, Xijie, and Tang, Fangping
- Subjects
- *
COMPUTATIONAL fluid dynamics , *AXIAL flow , *ENERGY dissipation , *ENERGY consumption , *ENERGY transfer - Abstract
Large pumping systems have emerged as one of the primary areas of energy consumption. During the startup process (SUP) of the axial flow pump system (AFPS), a complex interaction unfolds involving the motion of the cutoff facilities (COF), the acceleration of the pump, and the phenomenon of energy dissipation. The kinematic characteristics of the COF significantly influence the flow patterns, dynamic loads, and energy transfer experienced by the system. This study investigates the energy dissipation mechanism of a prototype AFPS (PAFPS) during SUP, utilizing a combination of experiments on engine starting characteristics, computational fluid dynamics, and in-field measurements of the PAFPS. Two COF motion modes are compared, revealing that accelerated gate opening improves transition efficiency and reduces energy consumption. Key findings highlight that accelerated gate motion minimizes turbulence-induced losses near the COF exit and suppresses high entropy production regions in the impeller domain, leading to smoother and more energy-efficient operations. These insights offer actionable strategies to enhance pump system performance during SUP. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2025
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234. Interpreting proper orthogonal decomposition modes extracted from partial cavity oscillation.
- Author
Yin, Tingyun and Pavesi, Giorgio
- Subjects
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STREAMFLOW velocity , *PROPER orthogonal decomposition , *STANDARD deviations , *BUBBLE dynamics , *VAPORS - Abstract
This study employs the two-dimensional proper orthogonal decomposition approach to analyze the pressure, vapor fraction, and streamwise velocity flowfields of partial cavity oscillation. The interrelations among mode, energy ratio, temporal coefficient, and flowfield reconstruction are thoroughly examined, thereby augmenting comprehension of the cavitating flow mechanism and bubble dynamics. It is found that the first modes of the pressure, vapor fraction, and streamwise velocity flowfields contain 56.31%, 36.37%, and 31.81% energy, respectively; the decrease in energy ratio results in the variation of its temporal coefficient close to sinusoidal configurations. Moreover, the temporal coefficient of the first mode varies closely related to the flowfield-relevant variable. The first modes of the pressure, vapor fraction, and streamwise velocity flowfields are significantly different, but all have two highlighted structures closely related to the self-variable system. The strong nonlinearity and high dimensionality of the cavitation flowfield render precise reconstruction using a limited number of modes exceedingly challenging. The data approximate the original snapshot more closely when the flow field is reconstructed with a greater number of modes. Although the location with a relatively high root mean square reconstruction error is significantly different when the first nine modes are used for flowfield reconstruction, its order of magnitude is less than the self-variable system, and the order discrepancy is fixed, equal to 1. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2025
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235. Enhancing Circularity in Urban Waste Management: A Case Study on Biochar from Urban Pruning.
- Author
Pavesi, Rocco, Orsi, Luigi, and Zanderighi, Luca
- Subjects
SUSTAINABILITY ,GREENHOUSE gases ,CARBON sequestration ,CIRCULAR economy ,WASTE management ,BIOCHAR - Abstract
This study investigates the potential of biochar production from urban pruning waste as a sustainable solution within a circular economy framework. Urban green waste, often underutilized, typically increases landfill burden and greenhouse gas emissions. Converting pruning waste into biochar reduces landfill reliance while enabling stable carbon sequestration. Utilizing the circular triple-layered business model canvas (CTLBMC), biochar's impact is evaluated across economic, environmental, and social dimensions. This structured analysis is based on a theoretical framework and uses secondary data to illustrate the model's applicability. As a result of the conducted studies, it was found that biochar derived from urban green waste not only improves soil phytotoxicity and enables long-term carbon sequestration, but also offers economic benefits, including municipal cost savings in waste management and diversified revenue streams from biochar sales. Socially, biochar production promotes community engagement in sustainable practices and supports urban greening initiatives, enhancing local ecosystems. The findings suggest that biochar production, assessed through the CTLBMC framework, represents a viable circular business model. This approach provides significant environmental, economic, and social benefits over conventional disposal, offering valuable insights for policymakers, waste management professionals, and urban planners advancing circular economy solutions. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2025
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236. Dynamical Characterization of Galaxies at z~4-6 via Tilted Ring Fitting to ALMA [CII] Observations
- Author
Jones, G. C., Carilli, C. L., Shao, Y., Wang, R., Capak, P. L., Pavesi, R., Riechers, D. A., Karim, A., Neeleman, M., and Walter, F.
- Subjects
Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies - Abstract
Until recently, determining the rotational properties of galaxies in the early universe (z>4, Universe age <1.5Gyr) was impractical, with the exception of a few strongly lensed systems. Combining the high resolution and sensitivity of ALMA at (sub-) millimeter wavelengths with the typically high strength of the [CII] 158um emission line from galaxies and long-developed dynamical modeling tools raises the possibility of characterizing the gas dynamics in both extreme starburst galaxies and normal star forming disk galaxies at z~4-7. Using a procedure centered around GIPSY's ROTCUR task, we have fit tilted ring models to some of the best available ALMA [CII] data of a small set of galaxies: the MS galaxies HZ9 & HZ10, the Damped Lyman-alpha Absorber (DLA) host galaxy ALMA J0817+1351, the submm galaxies AzTEC/C159 and COSMOS J1000+0234, and the quasar host galaxy ULAS J1319+0950. This procedure directly derives rotation curves and dynamical masses as functions of radius for each object. In one case, we present evidence for a dark matter halo of O(10^11) solar masses. We present an analysis of the possible velocity dispersions of AzTEC/C159 and ULAS J1319+0950 based on matching simulated observations to the integrated [CII] line profiles. Finally, we test the effects of observation resolution and sensitivity on our results. While the conclusions remain limited at the resolution and signal-to-noise ratios of these observations, the results demonstrate the viability of the modeling tools at high redshift, and the exciting potential for detailed dynamical analysis of the earliest galaxies, as ALMA achieves full observational capabilities., Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures, Accepted for publication in ApJ
- Published
- 2017
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237. Are high redshift Galaxies hot? - Temperature of z > 5 Galaxies and Implications on their Dust Properties
- Author
Faisst, Andreas L., Capak, Peter L., Yan, Lin, Pavesi, Riccardo, Riechers, Dominik A., Barisic, Ivana, Cooke, Kevin C., Kartaltepe, Jeyhan S., and Masters, Daniel C.
- Subjects
Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies - Abstract
Recent studies have found a significant evolution and scatter in the IRX-$\beta$ relation at z > 4, suggesting different dust properties of these galaxies. The total far-infrared (FIR) luminosity is key for this analysis but poorly constrained in normal (main-sequence) star-forming z > 5 galaxies where often only one single FIR point is available. To better inform estimates of the FIR luminosity, we construct a sample of local galaxies and three low-redshift analogs of z > 5 systems. The trends in this sample suggest that normal high-redshift galaxies have a warmer infrared (IR) SED compared to average z < 4 galaxies that are used as prior in these studies. The blue-shifted peak and mid-IR excess emission could be explained by a combination of a larger fraction of the metal-poor inter-stellar medium (ISM) being optically thin to ultra-violet (UV) light and a stronger UV radiation field due to high star formation densities. Assuming a maximally warm IR SED suggests 0.6 dex increased total FIR luminosities, which removes some tension between dust attenuation models and observations of the IRX-$\beta$ relation at z > 5. Despite this, some galaxies still fall below the minimum IRX-$\beta$ relation derived with standard dust cloud models. We propose that radiation pressure in these highly star-forming galaxies causes a spatial offset between dust clouds and young star-forming regions within the lifetime of O/B stars. These offsets change the radiation balance and create viewing-angle effects that can change UV colors at fixed IRX. We provide a modified model that can explain the location of these galaxies on the IRX-$\beta$ diagram., Comment: 34 pages including Appendix, 18 figures (4 in Appendix), 5 tables (1 in Appendix). Accepted for publication in ApJ
- Published
- 2017
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238. Dust Properties of [CII] Detected z $\sim$ 5.5 Galaxies: New HST/WFC3 Near-IR Observations
- Author
Barišić, Ivana, Faisst, Andreas L., Capak, Peter L., Pavesi, Riccardo, Riechers, Dominik A., Scoville, Nick Z., Cooke, Kevin C., Kartaltepe, Jeyhan S., Casey, Caitlin M., and Smolčić, Vernesa
- Subjects
Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies - Abstract
We examine the rest-frame ultra-violet (UV) properties of 10 [CII]$\lambda158\,{\rm \mu m}$$-$detected galaxies at $z\sim5.5$ in COSMOS using new HST/WFC3 near-infrared imaging. Together with pre-existing $158\,{\rm \mu m}-$continuum and [CII] line measurements by ALMA, we study their dust attenuation properties on the IRX-$\beta$ diagram, which connects the total dust emission ($\propto$ IRX=log($L_{FIR}/L_{1600}$)) to the line-of-sight dust column ($\propto\beta$). We find systematically bluer UV continuum spectral slopes ($\beta$) compared to previous low-resolution ground-based measurements, which relieves some of the tension between models of dust attenuation and observations at high redshifts. While most of the galaxies are consistent with local starburst or Small Magellanic cloud like dust properties, we find galaxies with low IRX values and a large range in $\beta$ that cannot be explained by models of a uniform dust distribution well mixed with stars. A stacking analysis of Keck/DEIMOS optical spectra indicates that these galaxies are metal-poor with young stellar populations which could significantly alter their spatial dust distribution., Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal
- Published
- 2017
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239. High dense gas fraction in a gas-rich star-forming galaxy at z = 1.2
- Author
Gowardhan, Avani, Riechers, Dominik A., Daddi, Emanuele, Pavesi, Riccardo, Dannerbauer, Helmut, and Carilli, Chris
- Subjects
Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies - Abstract
We report observations of dense molecular gas in the star-forming galaxy EGS 13004291 (z=1.197) using the Plateau de Bure Interferometer. We tentatively detect HCN and HNC (J=2-1) emission when stacked together at ~4sigma significance, yielding line luminosities of L_HCN (J=2-1) =(9 +/- 3) x 10^9 K km s^-1 pc^2 and L_HNC (J=2-1)= (5 +/-2) x 10^9 K km s^-1 pc^2 respectively. We also set 3sigma upper limits of < 7-8 x 10^9 K km s^-1 pc^2 on the HCO+, H2O (3_13-2_20) and HC3N (J=20-19) line luminosities. We serendipitously detect CO emission from two sources at z~1.8 and z~3.2 in the same field of view. We also detect CO(J=2-1) emission in EGS 13004291, showing that the excitation in the previously detected CO(J=3-2) line is subthermal (r_32=0.65 +/- 0.15). We find a line luminosity ratio of L_HCN/L_CO=0.17 +/- 0.07 , as an indicator of the dense gas fraction. This is consistent with the median ratio observed in z>1 galaxies (L_HCN/L_CO=0.16 +/- 0.07) and nearby ULIRGs (L_HCN/L_CO=0.13 +/- 0.03), but higher than in local spirals (L_HCN/L_CO=0.04 +/- 0.02). Although EGS 13004291 lies significantly above the galaxy main sequence at z~1, we do not find an elevated star formation efficiency (traced by L_FIR/L_CO) as in local starbursts, but a value consistent with main-sequence galaxies. The enhanced dense gas fraction, the subthermal gas excitation, and the lower than expected star formation efficiency of the dense molecular gas in EGS 13004291 suggest that different star formation properties may prevail in high-z starbursts. Thus, using L_FIR/L_CO as a simple recipe to measure the star formation efficiency may be insufficient to describe the underlying mechanisms in dense star-forming environments inside the large gas reservoirs., Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal on 03/07/2017
- Published
- 2017
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240. Food Colors' Dietary Exposure in the Brazilian Population Using the 2008–2009 and 2017–2018 POF Food Consumption Databases.
- Author
Pôrto, Larissa Bertollo Gomes and Bragotto, Adriana Pavesi Arisseto
- Subjects
FOOD color ,FOOD additives ,HOUSEHOLD budgets ,FOOD safety ,FOOD consumption ,LOCAL foods - Abstract
Two out of the four steps of risk assessment for chemical substances in food, i.e., exposure assessment and risk characterization, merit regional evaluation based on current legislation and local food consumption data. Therefore, mean and high exposures to food colors were estimated in Brazil using a conservative approach to screen substances with a higher risk of the exceedance of safety parameters. Brazilian National Consumption Surveys from the Household Budget Surveys (POF—Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares) from 2008–2009 and 2017–2018 were combined with the maximum permitted levels of 33 food colors. Higher exposure estimates were obtained for the oldest POF database. High priority for a refined exposure assessment was identified for six food colors for which the mean and high exposures were higher than the safety parameters, while medium priority was observed for eleven food colors for which the mean exposures were below but the high exposures were above the safety parameters. Low priority was noted for 16 substances for which no exceedance was obtained despite the conservativeness of the methodology applied. The prioritization of food colors for future risk assessments was achieved to identify substances for which more refined exposure methodologies are necessary to characterize the risk to health. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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241. Flood risk assessment through large-scale modeling under uncertainty.
- Author
Pavesi, Luciano, Volpi, Elena, and Fiori, Aldo
- Subjects
FLOOD insurance ,ACTUARIAL risk ,MODELS & modelmaking ,HYDROLOGY ,HYDRAULICS ,FLOOD risk ,FLOOD warning systems - Abstract
The complexity of flood risk models is intrinsically linked to a variety of sources of uncertainty (hydrology, hydraulics, exposed assets, vulnerability, coping capacity, etc.) that affect the accuracy and reliability of the analyses. Estimating the uncertainties associated with the different components allows us to be more confident in the risk values on the ground, thus providing a more reliable assessment for investment, insurance and flood risk management purposes. In this study, we investigate the flood risk of the entire Central Apennines District (CAD) in Central Italy using the laRgE SCale inUndation modEl – Flood Risk (RESCUE-FR), focusing on the interaction between the uncertainty in the hydraulic Manning parameter and the risk variability. We assess the coherence between the quantile flood risk maps generated by our model and the official risk maps provided by the Central Apennines District Authority (CAD Authority) and focusing on three specific zones within the CAD region. Thus, RESCUE-FR is used to estimate the expected annual damage (EAD) and the expected annual population affected (EAPA) across the CAD region and to conduct a comprehensive uncertainty analysis. The latter provides a range of confidence of risk estimation that is essential for identifying vulnerable areas and guiding effective mitigation strategies. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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242. Microelectromechanical System Resonant Devices: A Guide for Design, Modeling and Testing.
- Author
Viola, Carolina, Pavesi, Davide, Weng, Lichen, Gobat, Giorgio, Maspero, Federico, and Zega, Valentina
- Subjects
MICROELECTROMECHANICAL systems ,REDUCED-order models ,COLLEGE facilities ,SCIENTIFIC community ,NONLINEAR functions - Abstract
Microelectromechanical systems (MEMSs) are attracting increasing interest from the scientific community for the large variety of possible applications and for the continuous request from the market to improve performances, while keeping small dimensions and reduced costs. To be able to simulate a priori and in real time the dynamic response of resonant devices is then crucial to guide the mechanical design and to support the MEMSs industry. In this work, we propose a simplified modeling procedure able to reproduce the nonlinear dynamics of MEMS resonant devices of arbitrary geometry. We validate it through the fabrication and testing of a cantilever beam resonator functioning in the nonlinear regime and we employ it to design a ring resonator working in the linear regime. Despite the uncertainties of a fabrication process available in the university facility, we demonstrate the predictability of the model and the effectiveness of the proposed design procedure. The satisfactory agreement between numerical predictions and experimental data proves indeed the proposed a priori design tool based on reduced-order numerical models and opens the way to its practical applications in the MEMS industry. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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243. Timing of Surgery and Safety Strategies in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: Results from a 2-Year Retrospective Analysis.
- Author
Liepa, Linda, Milani, Marika Sharmayne, Fabbi, Manrica, Bardelli, Laura, Coriele, Silvia, Pappalardo, Vincenzo, Pavesi, Franco, Rocchi, Paolo Angelo, Reggiori, Alberto, and Rausei, Stefano
- Subjects
Background: The gold standard treatment of acute cholecystitis is early laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC), as indicated in the Tokyo Guidelines (TG). However, the definition of "early" is still unclear. In 2013, TG suggested surgical intervention within 72 h from the onset of the symptoms; however, according to the 2018 revision, LC must be performed as soon as possible, regardless of symptom onset. Therefore, the optimal timing for surgery is still debated. In order to avoid any complications, surgeons need to know all the surgical strategies for safety in case of a difficult cholecystectomy. Methods and Materials: Starting from January 2023 at Cittiglio Hospital (Italy), the following strategies were implemented: LC within 72 h from the onset of symptoms, systematic intraoperative use of indocyanine green fluorescence cholangiography, systematic identification of the Critical View of Safety (CVS), and subtotal cholecystectomy when the CVS was impossible to identify. We retrospectively analyzed a cohort of patients who underwent LC in our surgical department, subdividing them into two groups: Group 1 (G1) included patients operated on in 2022, and Group 2 (G2) included patients operated on in 2023. End points were length of stay and in-hospital postoperative complications, with particular interest in biliary duct injury. Results: Overall, 210 LC have been performed (97 in G1 and 113 in G2). After the introduction of the new safety strategy, the median length of stay (3 days in G1 vs. 2 in G2), BDI rate (2 in G1 vs. 0 in G2), and conversion rate to open procedure (5 in G1 vs. 1 in G2) were decreased. Conclusions: Our data are promising, highlighting that LC with the standardization of new safety strategies, especially in case of acute cholecystitis, immediately improves surgical outcomes in terms of length of stay and complications. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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244. Inflammatory Response Associated with West Nile Neuroinvasive Disease: A Systematic Review
- Author
Alessandro Pavesi, Giorgio Tiecco, Luca Rossi, Anita Sforza, Andrea Ciccarone, Federico Compostella, Sofia Lovatti, Lina Rachele Tomasoni, Francesco Castelli, and Eugenia Quiros-Roldan
- Subjects
West Nile ,WNND ,neuroinvasive disease ,inflammation ,cytokine ,chemokine ,Microbiology ,QR1-502 - Abstract
Background: West Nile virus (WNV) infection is a seasonal arbovirosis with the potential to cause severe neurological disease. Outcomes of the infection from WNV depend on viral factors (e.g., lineage) and host-intrinsic factors (e.g., age, sex, immunocompromising conditions). Immunity is essential to control the infection but may also prove detrimental to the host. Indeed, the persistence of high levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines is associated with the development of blood–brain barrier (BBB) damage. Due to the importance of the inflammatory processes in the development of West Nile neuroinvasive disease (WNND), we reviewed the available literature on the subject. Methods: According to the 2020 updated PRISMA guidelines, all peer-reviewed articles regarding the inflammatory response associated with WNND were included. Results: One hundred and thirty-six articles were included in the data analysis and sorted into three groups (in vitro on-cell cultures, in vivo in animals, and in humans). The main cytokines found to be increased during WNND were IL-6 and TNF-α. We highlighted the generally small quantity and heterogeneity of information about the inflammatory patterns associated with WNND. Conclusions: Further studies are needed to understand the pathogenesis of WNND and to investigate the extent and the way the host inflammatory response either helps in controlling the infection or in worsening the outcomes. This might prove useful both for the development of target therapies and for the development of molecular markers allowing early identification of patients displaying an inflammatory response that puts them at a higher risk of developing neuroinvasive disease and who might thus benefit from early antiviral therapies.
- Published
- 2024
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245. Mechanical properties of flax fibers as a green alternative for FRCM systems
- Author
Baroni Tommaso, Ferretti Francesca, Pavesi Marco, and Mazzotti Claudio
- Subjects
Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) ,TA1-2040 - Abstract
In recent years, thanks to policies oriented toward the rehabilitation of existing heritage and the introduction of more environmentally sustainable choices, an increased attention has been devoted to the study of new structural strengthening solutions. With reference to masonry buildings, which constitute a significant part of the built heritage, Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Matrix (FRCM) systems are widely adopted to achieve more effective structural capacity, making use of inorganic matrices and composite grids, the latter being formed of carbon, basalt, glass, or aramid fibers. However, the necessity to reduce the carbon emissions, also considering the new European perspectives on sustainability, have prompted the scientific and engineering community to explore eco-friendly alternatives. In this context, the use of natural fibers as potential alternatives for enhancing the structural performance of a building or part of it, rises as a promising area of study. The present study proposes an analysis on the use of flax fibers within FRCM systems, aimed at reinforcing masonry structures. The mechanical and durability properties of the material are investigated through tensile tests on flax yarns, as well as tests on a fabric composed by flax bundles supported by a mesh of glass fibers. The results obtained in this study shaw how the natural type of fiber studied is so interested when it is treated with coating in terms of mechanical properties and durability.
- Published
- 2024
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246. Identifying and predicting amyotrophic lateral sclerosis clinical subgroups: a population-based machine-learning study
- Author
Chiò, Adriano, Calvo, Andrea, Moglia, Cristina, Canosa, Antonio, Manera, Umberto, Vasta, Rosario, Palumbo, Francesca, Bombaci, Alessandro, Grassano, Maurizio, Brunetti, Maura, Casale, Federico, Fuda, Giuseppe, Salamone, Paolina, Iazzolino, Barbara, Peotta, Laura, Cugnasco, Paolo, De Marco, Giovanni, Torrieri, Maria Claudia, Gallone, Salvatore, Barberis, Marco, Sbaiz, Luca, Gentile, Salvatore, Mauro, Alessandro, Mazzini, Letizia, De Marchi, Fabiola, Corrado, Lucia, D'Alfonso, Sandra, Bertolotto, Antonio, Imperiale, Daniele, De Mattei, Marco, Amarù, Salvatore, Comi, Cristoforo, Labate, Carmelo, Poglio, Fabio, Ruiz, Luigi, Testa, Lucia, Rota, Eugenia, Ghiglione, Paolo, Launaro, Nicola, Di Sapio, Alessia, Mandrioli, Jessica, Fini, Nicola, Martinelli, Ilaria, Zucchi, Elisabetta, Gianferrari, Giulia, Simonini, Cecilia, Meletti, Stefano, Liguori, Rocco, Vacchiano, Veria, Salvi, Fabrizio, Bartolomei, Ilaria, Michelucci, Roberto, Cortelli, Pietro, Rinaldi, Rita, Borghi, Anna Maria, Zini, Andrea, Sette, Elisabetta, Tugnoli, Valeria, Pugliatti, Maura, Canali, Elena, Codeluppi, Luca, Valzania, Franco, Zinno, Lucia, Pavesi, Giovanni, Medici, Doriana, Pilurzi, Giovanna, Terlizzi, Emilio, Guidetti, Donata, De Pasqua, Silvia, Santangelo, Mario, De Massis, Patrizia, Bracaglia, Martina, Casmiro, Mario, Querzani, Pietro, Morresi, Simonetta, Longoni, Marco, Patuelli, Alberto, Malagù, Susanna, Currò Dossi, Marco, Vidale, Simone, Ferro, Salvatore, Faghri, Faraz, Brunn, Fabian, Dadu, Anant, Nalls, Michael A, Campbell, Roy H, and Traynor, Bryan J
- Published
- 2022
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247. Persistence of protection against SARS-CoV-2 clinical outcomes up to 9 months since vaccine completion: a retrospective observational analysis in Lombardy, Italy
- Author
Corrao, Giovanni, Franchi, Matteo, Cereda, Danilo, Bortolan, Francesco, Zoli, Alberto, Leoni, Olivia, Borriello, Catia Rosanna, Valle, Giulia Petra Della, Tirani, Marcello, Pavesi, Giovanni, Barone, Antonio, Ercolanoni, Michele, Jara, Jose, Galli, Massimo, Bertolaso, Guido, and Mancia, Giuseppe
- Published
- 2022
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248. Dynamic responses of pitching hydrofoil in laminar–turbulent transition regime
- Author
Yin, Tingyun and Pavesi, Giorgio
- Published
- 2022
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249. Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome in the Perioperative Period of Cardiac Surgery: Predictors, Diagnosis, Prognosis, Management Options, and Future Directions
- Author
Sanfilippo, Filippo, Palumbo, Gaetano J., Bignami, Elena, Pavesi, Marco, Ranucci, Marco, Scolletta, Sabino, Pelosi, Paolo, and Astuto, Marinella
- Published
- 2022
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250. Risk Factors for Lung Cancer in an Underrepresented Safety-Net Screening Cohort
- Author
Singh, Sarah, Pavesi, Flaminio, Steiling, Katrina, Asokan, Sainath, Espinosa, Cisco, Cabral, Howard J., Burks, Eric J., Meister, Amanda, Akpoviroro, Ogheneyoma, Buck, Anne, Drozdowicz, Kelly, Litle, Virginia R., and Suzuki, Kei
- Published
- 2022
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