467 results on '"Pfister, Michael"'
Search Results
252. Discharge capacity of PK-Weirs considering floating wooden debris
- Author
Pfister, Michael and Schleiss, Anton
- Subjects
Discharge capacity ,PK-Weirs ,floating wooden debris
253. Experimental generation of tsunami-like waves
- Author
Wüthrich, Davide, Nistor, Ioan, Pfister, Michael, and Schleiss, Anton
- Abstract
In the context of a comprehensive research project investigating the hydrodynamic loading on structures with openings, this paper focuses on the wave generation techniques currently used and the test results associated with it, proposing a particular tsunami-like wave using a vertical water volume release mechanism. The latter allowed a certain volume of water to flow gravitationally from an upper reservoir into a lower basin through a set of pipes. The propagation of the resulting wave took place in a horizontal channel where wave height and velocities were measured. Both dry bed surges and wet bed bores were investigated, however the present paper mostly focuses on dry bed surges. The study indicated that the surges generated with this mechanism had similar behavior to those resulting from a Dam-Break technique and a good agreement between the experimental points and the theoretical solutions of Ritter (1892) and Whitham (1955) was found. Lastly some differences between wet bed bores and dry bed surges are presented and briefly discussed herein.
254. Scale Effects in Modelling Two-phase Air-water Flows
- Author
Chanson, Hubert and Pfister, Michael
- Subjects
Hydraulic structures ,Physical modeling ,Air ,Scale effects ,Water ,Two-phase flow - Abstract
Beside analytical approaches, physical modelling represents probably the oldest design tool in hydraulic engineering. For free surface flows, the similitude according to a Froude similarity allows for a correct representation of the dominant forces, namely gravity and inertia. In parallel, fluid constants such as the surface tension and the viscosity might be incorrectly reproduced, affecting the air entrainment and transport capacity of a high-speed model flow. Consequently, small physical models operated under the Froude similitude systematically underestimate the air entrainment rate and air-water interfacial properties. To limit this deficit, minimal values of the Reynolds or Weber number have to be respected. The paper summarises the physical background of these limitations and their combination in terms of the Morton number. Based upon a literature review, these limits are listed and discussed, resulting in a series of more conservative recommendations in terms of air concentration scaling.
255. Impulse waves at Kühtai reservoir generated by avalanches and lindslides
- Author
Fuchs, H., Boes, M., Pfister, Michael, Schleiss, Anton J., and Boes, Robert M.
- Subjects
Umpulse waves ,avalanches and landslides ,Kühtai reservoir - Abstract
The Kühtai reservoir is planned as an addition to the existing Sellrain-Silz group of HPPs. Two natural hazards relevant in terms of potential impulse wave impact on the dam were identified: a snow avalanche near the dam axis and a possible landslide further upstream. A preliminary analytical evaluation of impulse wave heights and wave run-up based on empirical equations showed that dam overtopping could not be excluded. However, several limitations of this evaluation were not satisfied, resulting in a reduced validity of the prediction. Thus, impulse wave generation was investigated in a 1:130 hydraulic scale model. Beside tests related to the relevant events, an additional systematic parameter variation validated the quality of the results. However, as no overtopping occurred even for the parameter variation, no measures such as breakwater or increase of the freeboard were required. The model test results are compared to a further analytical evaluation based on the recently published VAW-manual on landslide generat-ed impulse waves.
256. Time Dependent Failure Analysis of Compressed Riprap as Riverbank Protection
- Author
Jafarnejad Chaghooshi, Mona, Franca, Rodrigues Pereira Da, Jorge, Mario, Pfister, Michael, and Schleiss, Anton
- Subjects
Riprap ,Bank Erosion ,Failure ,Sliding ,Time dependent analysis - Abstract
Riprap is a common measure for protecting river banks against lateral erosion and several methods exist to design them. However, they are generally limited to dumped medium size rocks. If large rock blocks are required for stability reasons, they cannot be dumped anymore but they have to be placed individually. This gives additional resistance against flow erosion. The behavior of large rock blocks for alpine river embankments was so far rarely studied. Thus, an experimental investigation was conducted to investigate the stability of such compressed large blocks as river bank protection. Experiments were conducted in a 10 m long, 1 m wide flume with a rough fixed bed. Riprap was reproduced with uniform crushed stones having three different median block sizes of D50=0.037, 0.042 and 0.047m. Testing was undertaken for a Stream-Wise slope of 0.03 in supercritical flow conditions. Transversal slope of the riprap was 3.5V-5H: One layer of blocks as well as two layers was studied in order to investigate the influence of the riprap thickness. They were compressed and placed on the filter with a wide grain size distribution. The riprap failure threshold discharge was determined based on series of tests with duration of 3 hours. Riprap erosion rate was measured with a one minute frequency, by means of block tracking with three cameras and standard video-image processing techniques. Furthermore, the eroded rocks were collected and weighed in a sediment trap at the downstream end of the channel. The time of first total failure was recorded and a time based analysis of failure was performed. Total collapse of the blocks in a reach over the whole bank was defined as full failure. First results revealed that for similar unit discharge the rate of block erosion is significantly decreased by increasing the size of the riprap. The time of failure dépends also on the size of blocks. It could be observed that under the same conditions, the upper layer stabilized the protection system and delayed the time of total failure. Nevertheless, erosion rate of the upper layer of rock blocks increased.
257. Discussion on Hydraulic behaviour of junction manholes under supercritical flow conditions by J. Saldarriaga, N. Bermúdez and D. P. Rubio
- Author
Gisonni, Corrado and Pfister, Michael
- Subjects
junction manholes
258. Physical and numerical model study investigating plunge pool scour at Kariba Dam
- Author
Bollaert, Erik, Duarte, Rafael, Pfister, Michael, Schleiss, Anton, and Mazvidza, David
- Subjects
plunge pool scour, Kariba Dam - Abstract
Kariba Dam is a 128 m high arch dam located on the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe. The dam has been constructed in the late 1950s and formed at that time the largest man-made lake worldwide. The dam is equipped with 6 flood gates, each about 9 m high by 9 m wide, allowing for a total outflow of about 9000 m3/s. The plunge pool downstream of the dam consists of sound and relatively hard gneiss bedrock and is basically unlined. Nevertheless, frequent outflows generated between 1962 and 1981 have formed an 80 m deep scour hole in the bedrock, which is unprecedented in dam history. As the flood gates are located in the upper part of the dam wall, they operate under relatively low velocities and thus generate plunging jets that impact quite close to the dam foundations. As such, potential regression during further scour formation might approach the dam foundations and should be avoided This paper presents a combined physical-numerical study investigating scour potential at Kariba Dam, performed by a consortium consisting of the Laboratory of Hydraulic Constructions of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) for the physical modelling and the consulting company AquaVision engineering Ltd. In Ecublens, Switzerland (AVE) for the numerical modelling and for future scour predictions. The paper focuses on the hybrid methodology that has been proposed to assess past and future scour formation in the plunge pool.
259. Sewer conduit design
- Author
Pfister, Michael
- Subjects
Design ,Sewer ,Conduit
260. Bemessungsbeispiele von Tosbecken unterhalb von Treppenschussrinnen = Design examples of stilling basins downstream of stepped spillways
- Author
Stojnic, Ivan, Pfister, Michael, Matos, Jorge, Cesare, Giovanni De, and Schleiss, Anton J.
- Abstract
Advances of roller compacted concrete (RCC) in the construction of concrete dams has significantly influenced the development of stepped spillways. The latter are now more frequently implemented in the rocky abutments of embankment dams. The energy dissipation downstream of stepped chutes is mostly ensured by stilling basins. Such stilling basins are typi-cally designed according to guidelines developed for basins below smooth chutes. A systematic experimental research study revealed that these design guidelines are not applicable for stilling basins with stepped chute approach flows. The aim of this paper is thus to present a practical design guide-line for stilling basins downstream of stepped chutes based on two design examples that highlight the significant differences with smooth approach flows.
261. Wave impact on oriented impervious buildings
- Author
Ylla Arbos, Claudia, Wüthrich, Davide, Pfister, Michael, and Schleiss, Anton
- Subjects
vertical shelters ,Tsunamis ,dam-break waves ,impervious ,wave impact ,impulse waves ,orientation - Abstract
Recent studies showed that a specific design can reduce the impact of water waves on structures, thus limiting the damages. Herein the impact of waves on buildings is addressed, pointing out the influence of orientation on the hydrodynamic process.
262. Closure to Trajectories and air flow features of ski jump-generated jets
- Author
Pfister, Michael, Hager, W. H., and Boes, R. M.
263. Jet impact angle on chute downstream of aerator
- Author
Pfister, Michael
- Subjects
de-aeration ,deflector ,jet ,aerator ,impact anglet - Abstract
Chute aerators protect spillways from cavitation damage. Several parameters affect their efficiency, which were intensively discussed in literature. One implicit parameter is the cavity jet impact angle at the re-attachment point of the flow on the chute bottom, which may however not be defined a priori by the designer. The herein conducted experimental research derived this angle and a related general prediction of it, and shows its effect on the aerator performance. The experiments indicate that no distinctive effect occurs if considering the air entrainment coefficient, but that the relative air detrainment rate downstream of the re-attachment point significantly augments with increasing impact angle.
264. Les jonctions avec des écoulements torrentiels
- Author
Pfister, Michael, Gökok, Timur, and Gisonni, Corrado
- Subjects
écoulements torrentiels - Abstract
La combinaison d’écoulements représente un des phénomènes hydrauliques des plus fascinants, en particulier pour les écoulements torrentiels. L’efficacité des réseaux d’écoulement à surface libre, comme les systèmes d’évacuation des eaux en milieu urbain, dépend fortement du bon fonctionnement des regards de jonctions. Récemment, des études poussées sur modèles physiques ont permis une meilleure connaissance des caractéristiques hydrauliques principales des jonctions, fournissant ainsi de critères pour le dimensionnement de cette structure hydraulique.
265. Junction flow between drop shaft and diversion tunnel in Lyss, Switzerland
- Author
Pfister, Michael and Ruehli, E.
- Subjects
Shaft ,Junction ,Tunnel ,Drop ,Diversion - Abstract
A diversion tunnel is planned for flood protection in the City of Lyss, Switzerland. This tunnel includes a junction, from which water from a side creek is added to the tunnel flow. The latter is sensitive to choking, so that the junction had to be optimized in a hydraulic laboratory investigation. Its setup finally consists of a drop shaft and an injector generating annular flow in the tunnel. Free surface tunnel flow then occurred for all relevant discharges. This setup is also of interest in sewer systems as well as in spillway and diversion tunnels, where similar problems may occur. The concept was optimized for a specific prototype. General recommendations may be derived for similar situations
266. Le dimensionnement hydraulique
- Author
Boillat, Jean-Louis and Pfister, Michael
- Subjects
dimensionnement hydraulique - Abstract
Le comportement hydraulique des réseaux d’égouts est généralement de type gravitaire et par essence non-stationnaire, car tributaire des cycles de consommation et du caractère aléatoire des apports naturels. Toutefois, les conditions rencontrées, liées en particulier à des sections prismatiques à rugosité constante ainsi qu’à une variation lente du débit, sont favorables à un dimensionnement stationnaire. Cette approche simplifiée offre l’avantage d’imposer un contrôle systématique du réseau en tenant compte des particularités locales sur l’écoulement. Le dimensionnement des canalisations vise à garantir un écoulement à surface libre, avec une circulation d’air suffisante pour éviter leur mise en charge. Les débits à considérer sont préalablement définis par le Plan Général d’Evacuation des Eaux (PGEE). Ils concernent la capacité maximale requise d’une part et le débit de temps sec pour lequel la formation de dépôts doit être évitée. Le présent article passe en revue les méthodes classiques du dimensionnement hydraulique, dans le respect des consignes de la Norme SIA 190 (2000). Il se concentre ensuite sur les conditions particulières d’écoulement susceptibles de réduire la capacité théorique d’une canalisation. Les effets liés à la turbulence de l’écoulement et à l’entrainement d’air sont considérés et des méthodes sont proposées pour les prendre en compte dans le calcul. Finalement deux exemples de dimensionnement préliminaire sont présentés pour illustrer la démarche. Le premier concerne une canalisation à faible pente, le second traite le cas d’une forte pente.
267. Comparative analyses of phase-detective intrusive probes in high-velocity air-water flows
- Author
Felder, Stefan and Pfister, Michael
- Subjects
High-velocity free-surface flows ,Phase-detection intrusive probes ,Fiber-optical probes ,Air water flow properties ,Instrumentation ,Conductivity probes - Abstract
A comparative analysis of a wide range of air-water flow properties was conducted for two types of phase-detection intrusive probes including fiber-optical and conductivity probes. Experiments were conducted on a stepped spillway model for a skimming flow discharge q = 0.478 m(2)/s and for Re = 4.7 105 in a flow region just downstream of the inception point of free-surface aeration and in the fully developed flow region. The comparison of a large number of key air-water flow properties showed a very close agreement for the two sensor types including void fraction, interfacial velocity and equivalent clear water flow depth enabling a direct comparison of past and future data collected with either phase-detection probe type. Minor differences were observed in terms of chord sizes, clustered properties and interparticle arrival times linked with the slightly smaller sensor size of the fiber-optical probe. The in-line positioning of the leading and trailing tips of the fiber-optical probe affected the trailing tip properties resulting in elevated turbulence intensities. An optimum dual-tip phase-detection probe design should consist of small probe tips positioned side-by-side. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
268. Geschiebe- und Habitatsdynamik – Forschungsprogramm «Wasserbau und Ökologie»
- Author
Schleiss, Anton, Boes, Robert, Brodersen, Jakob, Doering, Michael, Franca, Mário J., Nadyeina, Olga, Pfister, Michael, Robinson, Christopher, Scheiddegger, Christoph, Vetsch, David, Weber, Christine, Weitbrecht, Volker, and Werth, Silke
- Subjects
Wasserbau ,Ökologie ,Habitatsdynamik - Abstract
Nach erfolgreichem Abschluss der interdisziplinären Vorgängerprojekte «Rhone-Thur» und «Integrales Flussgebietsmanagement » wurde im Rahmen des durch das Bundesamt für Umwelt (BAFU) unterstützten Forschungsprogramms «Wasserbau und Ökologie» ein neues Projekt gestartet, welches sich auf die Geschiebe- und Habitatsdynamik in Fliessgewässern konzentriert. Im Projekt werden die zwei Themenschwerpunkte Geschiebereaktivierung und Gewässerdynamisierung sowie Revitalisierung von Auenlandschaften bearbeitet. Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden die Zielsetzung sowie die Projektschwerpunkte mit den daraus resultierenden einzelnen Teilprojekten vorgestellt.
269. Review on pressure distribution on stepped spillways
- Author
Ostad Mirza, Mohammadjavad, Pfister, Michael, Matos, M., Schleiss, Anton, Betâmio de Almeida, António, Veloso Gomes, Fernando, Taveira Pinto, Francisco, Heleno Cardoso, António, Matos, Jorge, das Neves, Luciana, Rosa Santos, Paulo, and Carvalho, Elsa
- Subjects
Stepped spillways
270. Bemessung von klassischen Tosbecken unterhalb von Treppenschussrinnen
- Author
Stojnic, Ivan, Pfister, Michael, Matos, Jorge, De Cesare, Giovanni, and Schleiss, Anton
- Abstract
Aufgrund des Fortschritts im Talsperrenbau mit Walzbeton (RCC) werden weltweit häufig Treppenschussrinnen erstellt. Nach jeder Schussrinne ist ein hydraulisches Bauwerk zur Energiedissipation vorzusehen, beispielsweise ein Tosbecken. Obwohl die Hydraulik von Treppenschussrinnen in den letzten Jahrzehnten eingehend untersucht wurde, sind aktuell nur wenige Ansätze zur Bemessung von Tosbecken nach einer Treppenschussrinne verfügbar. Die hier vorgestellten umfangreichen Modellversuche sollen diese Lücke für klassische Tosbecken mit ebener Sohle ohne Einbauten schliessen. Die Experimente zeigen, dass solche Tosbecken unterhalb von Treppenschussrinnen nicht mit den gleichen Ansätzen dimensioniert werden können, wie sie nach glatten Schussrinnen verwendet werden. Ziel dieses Artikels ist es, neue Bemessungsansätze für solche Tosbecken bereitzustellen.
271. Hydraulic design of classical stilling basins downstream of stepped chutes
- Author
Stojnic, Ivan, Pfister, Michael, Matos, Jorge, De Cesare, Giovanni, and Schleiss, Anton
- Subjects
stilling basin ,stepped chutes - Abstract
New design information regarding the hydraulic behaviour of classical stilling basins downstream of stepped chutes is presented and discussed. An extensive experimental campaign revealed that classical stilling basins preceded by stepped chutes cannot be adequately designed using the principles developed for smooth chute approach flow, as is done in common engineering practice. As such, new practical design recommendations are proposed. The detailed design procedure is illustrated with examples of stilling basins downstream of smooth and stepped chutes.
272. Discussion of Discharge coefficient for free and submerged flow over Piano Key Weir
- Author
Pfister, Michael, Erpicum, Sebastien, Machiels, Olivier, Schleiss, Anton, and Pirotton, Michel
- Subjects
Piano Key weirs, discharge coefficient - Abstract
The Authors made an interesting contribution to the assessment of the discharge coefficient of Piano Key Weirs (PKW). The Discussers were impressed to read that the Authors conducted some 600 tests thereby producing nearly 3000 data points.
273. Entrainement de bois flottant dans un déversoir a crête standard avec piliers: Influence des caractéristiques de bois flottant en probabilités de blocage
- Author
Furlan, Paloma, Pfister, Michael, Matos, Jorge, and Schleiss, Anton
- Subjects
Large woody debris ,Ogee crest ,Blocking probability ,Spillways ,Floods - Abstract
Spillways are safety elements of dams that allow to release floods. They spill water to avoid overtopping with its potential structural damages at the dam and the downstream environment. Nevertheless it may be unsafe to assume that a flood only carries clear water. Large woody debris (LWD) are often transported by rivers into reservoirs during heavy rainfall events. There is still a lack of knowledge regarding the behaviour of LWD at spillway inlets. The accumulation and blockage of LWD at spillway inlets is a significant problem as it can change the load on the structure and also the functioning of the spillway by reducing the discharge capacity and increasing the reservoir water level. Once this point is reached, new conditions upstream are developed for the reservoir as head increase or enlargement of inundated areas. Literature provides mainly knowledge on the effect of LWD at bridges in rivers with relatively high flow velocities. However, information of the effects and consequences for reservoir approach flow conditions is generally unknown. Knowledge of the LWD blockage processes at a reservoir spillway may be vital regarding the safety evaluation of a dam. The present paper summarizes a series of laboratory experiments, where different LWD characteristics were related to blocking probabilities at an ogee crest spillway equipped with piers.
274. Discussion to Scale effects in physical hydraulic engineering models
- Author
Pfister, Michael and Chanson, Hubert
- Subjects
scale effects, engineering models
275. Karahnjukar dam spillway: Comparison of operational data and results from hydraulic modelling
- Author
Gardarsson, Sigurdur M., Gunnarsson, Andri, Tomasson, Gunnar G., and Pfister, Michael
- Abstract
The Karahnjukar dam spillway is the spillway for the Halslon reservoir, the main reservoir for the 690 MW Karahnjukar Hydroelectric Project in East Iceland. The spillway consist of a 140 m long overflowing weir with a capacity of 2250 m3/s which discharges into a side channel, followed by a 450 m long chute. The chute terminates at a canyon edge where the jet drops some 100 m into a narrow gorge downstream of the Karahnjukar dam. During the design phase of the project, the flow conditions in the spillway were modelled in the hydraulic model tests in 1:45 scale model at the Laboratory for Hydraulics, Hydrology and Glaciology (VAW) of ETH Zurich. The power plant went into operation in 2008 and since then considerable experience has been obtained from operation of the spillway. In particular, flow depths and air discharge measurements have been obtained during spilling periods. In this paper, these measurements are presented and compared with results from the hydraulic model tests. In particular, flow depths are discussed as well as aeration effectiveness.
276. Historical development of side-channel spillway in hydraulic engineering
- Author
Hager, W. H. and Pfister, Michael
- Subjects
Biographical background ,History ,Spillway ,Lateral inflow ,Side channel - Abstract
Side-channels are a typical element of earth or rockfill dams to discharge floods sideways instead frontally, such as normally adopted for concrete dams. The side channel received attention from the hydraulics community from the 1920s, once the first large mentioned dams were erected, and its use culminated at Hoover Dam in the mid 1930s, based on a large test program. This paper highlights the major advancement of this basic element of hydraulic structures up to the late 1950s,both describing key installations over the world, and the actors who have furnished the governing design equations for water flow with spatially-increasing discharge. Short summaries on the biographical background are also provided, along with a discussion of the main literature that allowed for the current knowledge in this fascinating field of open channel flow.
277. Labyrinth weirs: Development until 1985
- Author
Hager, Willi H., Pfister, Michael, and Tullis, Blake P.
- Subjects
History ,Biography ,Hydraulics ,Discharge ,Weir - Abstract
The weir is a fundamental structure in hydraulic engineering, serving to retain a water body, to control a water level, facilitate flow diversion, or to measure discharge. Under particular site conditions, the cross-sectional width at the weir location is limited so that either higher overflow depths or a compressed weir expansion are set. A form of the latter arrangement is the so-called labyrinth weir, which is composed of rectangular, trapezoidal or triangular plan shaped weirs, so that the geometrical crest length is increased. Along with the recently developed Piano Key Weir, labyrinth weirs represent economically and hydraulically sound alternative for increasing spillway discharge capacity. The present paper describes their historical development, reviews the main advances until the 1980s, summarizes current design guidelines, and presents the main individuals having participating in their development.
278. Velocity profile measurements in bore waves
- Author
Wüthrich, Davide, Pfister, Michael, De Cesare, Giovanni, Schleiss, Anton, Kikura, H., Murakawa, H., and Tasaka, Y.
- Subjects
Tsunami ,Wet bed bores ,velocity profiles ,Ultrasonic Velocity Profilers (UVP) - Abstract
Hydrodynamic waves are an unsteady flow motion generated by rapid water level rise. In nature, such events can be found in dam-break waves, impulse waves and tsunamis. These phenomena are rare, but highly destructive. The present study is based on an experimental approach and it investigates the hydrodynamic behavior of bores propagating on wet bed in terms of height and velocity profiles. The waves are investigated using Ultrasonic distance Sensors (US) to measure the wave height and average front velocity; the instantaneous velocity profiles were obtained through an Ultrasonic Velocity Profiler (UVP), installed in the bottom of the channel, with an emitting frequency of 2 MHz and inclined with an angle of 20° in the upstream direction. The acoustic scattering was increased using a hydrogen bubble technique with an anode and a cathode installed in the upstream part of the channel. The probe was sampled with a frequency varying from 13.5 to 55 Hz depending on the maximum wave height. A sensitivity analysis of the main influential factors was carried out, pointing out the need for a compromise between quality and quantity for these highly unsteady flows. Results showed some interesting logarithmic profiles typically associated with open channel flows for all wave configurations.
279. Wave-reducing Stern Flap on Ship Convoys to Protect Riverbanks
- Author
Amacher, Robin, Cohen Liechti, Théodora, Pfister, Michael, De Cesare, Giovanni, and Schleiss, Anton
- Subjects
Ship Convoys ,Stern Flap ,Riverbanks ,Wave-reducing - Abstract
Inland navigable waterways are significant in cargo transport and leisure activities. In parallel, these channels and rivers often suffer from the ship traffic, as the generated waves may damage waterway banks, along with their riparian fauna. As a consequence, speed limits have commonly been introduced. In some cases, adaptations on the vessel might be more appropriate as an alternative. This paper describes a flap that is mounted at the stern of a barge and is operated by a pusher tug. The barge is used to transport around 170 tons of waste per course from the City of Geneva (Switzerland) to an incineration plant. The optimum shape of the flap was derived from numerical and physical modeling, and its effect tested in situ. The latter indicated that, on site, the wave energy at 20 m distance to the convoy was reduced by half with the use of the flap.
280. Probabilistic failure analysis of riprap as riverbank protection under flood uncertainties
- Author
Jafarnejad Chaghooshi, Mona, Pfister, Michael, Brühwiler, Eugen, and Schleiss, Anton
- Subjects
Riprap ,Bank protection ,River bank failure ,GIS_PUBLI ,Flood uncertainties ,Monte Carlo simulation ,Probabilistic risk assessment - Abstract
Existing riverbank riprap could face the risk of failure if the flood regime changes in future. Additionally, changed sediment transport in rivers, as a possible result of climate change, impacts the failure risk of flood protection measures. Evaluation of this potential failure is the primary issue of riprap stability and safety assessment. The consequences of the bank failure are probably uncontrolled erosion and flooding with disastrous consequences in residential areas or damage to infrastructures. Thus, a probabilistic analysis of riprap failure considering different mechanisms due to the flood and sediment transport uncertainties is required to assess embankment stability. In this article, the concept of a probabilistic assessment model based on Monte Carlo simulation method, moment analysis methods, and Rosenblueth point estimation method are presented to define the failure risk of riprap as the river bank protection. The probability of failure in different modes, namely direct block erosion, toe scouring and overtopping, has been defined by taking into account the river bed level variation based on bedload transport described with a probabilistic function of the peak discharge. The result of three models comparison revealed a good agreement (the average deviation of less than 2%) in estimation of riprap failure probability. This model is a strategical tool to search the critical river reaches and helps to evaluate the risk maps. So that, the model could cover the engineering aspect of environmental stability in the rivers with riprap as the bank protections.
281. Dispersion of a passive scalar in turbulent open channel flow
- Author
Schleiss, Anton, De Cesare, Giovanni, Franca, Mário J., Pfister, Michael, Bomminayuni, S., Stoesser, Thorsten, Schleiss, Anton, De Cesare, Giovanni, Franca, Mário J., Pfister, Michael, Bomminayuni, S., and Stoesser, Thorsten
282. Floating Woody Debris: Blocking Sensitivity of Labyrinth Weirs in Channel and Reservoir Applications.
- Author
Vaughn, Taylor, Crookston, Brian M., and Pfister, Michael
- Subjects
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WEIRS , *DEBRIS avalanches , *COARSE woody debris , *HYDRAULIC models - Abstract
Accumulation of floating woody debris at flow control structures can result in reduced discharge efficiency. Labyrinth weirs may be more likely to catch debris on the crest than other weirs due to their ability to pass large discharges with relatively small heads. Therefore, prompted from field data at Lake Brazos Dam, a laboratory-scale hydraulic model study was performed to evaluate the floating woody debris blocking sensitivity of labyrinth weirs in channel and reservoir applications, including arced labyrinth weirs. Experimental test results noted debris entrapment locations on the crest and that debris blockage probability is primarily a function of trunk diameter and upstream head. Debris accumulation tests indicated that lower heads are more sensitive to debris blockage than higher heads. Specifically, for smaller flow depths the initial or reference head (without debris) increased by up to 17% with debris, while at higher reference heads the head increase due to debris was approximately 7% or less. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
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283. Air–water flows.
- Author
Valero, Daniel, Felder, Stefan, Kramer, Matthias, Wang, Hang, Carrillo, José M., Pfister, Michael, and Bung, Daniel B.
- Subjects
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WATER jets , *HYDRAULIC structures , *HYDRAULIC jump , *OPEN-channel flow , *DAM safety - Abstract
High Froude-number open-channel flows can entrain significant volumes of air, a phenomenon that occurs continuously in spillways, in free-falling jets and in hydraulic jumps, or as localized events, notably at the toe of hydraulic jumps or in plunging jets. Within these flows, turbulence generates millions of bubbles and droplets as well as highly distorted wavy air–water interfaces. This phenomenon is crucial from a design perspective, as it influences the behaviour of high-velocity flows, potentially impairing the safety of dam operations. This review examines recent scientific and engineering progress, highlighting foundational studies and emerging developments. Notable advances have been achieved in the past decades through improved sampling of flows and the development of physics-based models. Current challenges are also identified for instrumentation, numerical modelling and (up)scaling that hinder the formulation of fundamental theories, which are instrumental for improving predictive models, able to offer robust support for the design of large hydraulic structures at prototype scale. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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284. Closure to "Debris-Blocking Sensitivity of Piano Key Weirs under Reservoir-Type Approach Flow".
- Author
Pfister, Michael, Tullis, Blake, and Schleiss, Anton J.
- Subjects
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PIANO music , *DISCHARGE coefficient , *DISCHARGE planning , *HYDRAULIC structures , *DRIFTWOOD - Abstract
The article offers information related to effect of driftwood on the discharge efficiency of piano key weirs (PKWs) and labyrinth weirs. Topics discussed include discussion on dam operators using PKWs on their spillways, effect of driftwood on the discharge capacity than classical weir types and effective hydrographs during a flood event and its influence on the behavior of the debris at the weir.
- Published
- 2015
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285. Reservoir Level Rise under Extreme Driftwood Blockage at Ogee Crest.
- Author
Bénet, Loïc, De Cesare, Giovanni, and Pfister, Michael
- Subjects
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DISCHARGE coefficient , *MODERN civilization , *DAMS , *SPILLWAYS , *PIERS , *DAM failures - Abstract
Dams are civil structures essential to modern civilization. However, they can be a threat if not properly designed and operated. A particular risk that potentially can lead to dam failure is the blocking of the spillway inlet with driftwood or debris. This study investigated, on the basis of physical modeling, this blocking as well as the related backwater rise and discharge-capacity reduction. Considerable quantities of driftwood were supplied upstream of an ogee weir with piers, and the subsequent reservoir level rise was measured. Particular focus was placed on extreme events in terms of driftwood occurrence (volume) and discharges (design value). It was found that a gated ogee blocked with driftwood performs with a reduced discharge coefficient as long as no countermeasures are taken, such as pier overhang, the removal of piers, or the installation of a rack. The performance of these countermeasures was studied, and criteria were developed to control the perturbing effect of driftwood. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
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286. Effect of a second layer on the time to failure of compressed riprap as mountain riverbank protection.
- Author
Jafarnejad, Mona, Franca, Mário J., Pfister, Michael, and Schleiss, Anton J.
- Subjects
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RIPARIAN areas , *FAILURE analysis , *SHEARING force , *MOUNTAINS , *EROSION - Abstract
Recently, Jafarnejad, Franca, Pfister, and Schleiss [2017. Time-based failure analysis of compressed riverbank riprap. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 55(2), 224–235. doi: ] presented an experimental study on the stability of compressed riprap, which means that it is composed of individually placed blocks with a single layer as riverbank protection. The relationship between the time to failure and dimensionless bed shear stress was presented. Here, the authors complement the previous investigation with results regarding the effect of a second riprap layer. In total, 49 tests (28 tests with one and 21 tests with two riprap layers) were performed using a single block size, three longitudinal channel slopes and three different riprap bank inclinations. Under similar conditions, the second layer can significantly delay the time to failure, whereas the block erosion rate was found to increase. The second layer has a more stabilizing role when the bank angle of the riprap is approaching the angle of repose of the blocks. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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287. Closure to “Trajectories and air flow features of ski jump generated jets” by MICHAEL PFISTER, WILLI H. HAGER and ROBERT M. BOES, J. Hydraulic Res. 52(3), 2014, 336–346.
- Author
Pfister, Michael, Hager, Willi H., and Boes, Robert M.
- Subjects
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AIR flow , *SKI jumping , *TRAJECTORIES (Mechanics) , *CHARTS, diagrams, etc. - Abstract
A table and a chart is presented on trajectories and air flow features of ski jump generated jets.
- Published
- 2016
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288. Experimental study on forces exerted on buildings with openings due to extreme hydrodynamic events.
- Author
Wüthrich, Davide, Schleiss, Anton J., Pfister, Michael, and Nistor, Ioan
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TSUNAMIS , *WAVE forces , *HYDRODYNAMICS , *BUILDING design & construction , *POROSITY - Abstract
Abstract Previous studies and field surveys showed that specific structural designs can decrease the load on free-standing buildings along the coast, providing safer vertical shelters. This experimental study investigated the effect of openings in buildings (windows, doors and foyers) on horizontal forces and tilting moments induced by both dry bed surges and wet bed bores. Four configurations with seven porosity values ranging from 0% (impervious) to 84% (highly permeable) were systematically tested. Due to the presence of openings, the flow through the building reduced the upstream water depths. The porosity resulting from the presence of openings was shown to produce a linear reduction of the maximum horizontal force, when compared to the corresponding impervious building. The configuration with an impervious back showed results similar to those measured for the fully impervious buildings. The occurrence of the maximum tilting moment was shown to coincide with the maximum horizontal force and an estimation of the cantilever arm was therefore possible. The latter was constant for all configurations, independent of the geometry of the openings. Finally, two equations to predict the maximum horizontal force and the tilting moment were proposed, taking into account the effect of building openings within the resistance coefficient. These showed good agreement with experimental data and previous studies. These findings provide engineers with practical information for the design of safer vertical shelters in tsunami-prone areas. Highlights • Presents a comprehensive experimental study on the impact of surges and bores on buildings with openings. • Shows that openings lead to lower upstream water depths and thus safer vertical shelters. • Proposes equations to quantify of the effect of openings in the computation of the maximum horizontal force. • Proves the simultaneous occurrence of maximum force and tilting moment, with determination of the cantilever arm. • Presents some preliminary results on the vertical forces acting on the building during inundation. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
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289. Non-targeted detection of paprika adulteration using mid-infrared spectroscopy and one-class classification – Is it data preprocessing that makes the performance?
- Author
Horn, Bettina, Esslinger, Susanne, Pfister, Michael, Fauhl-Hassek, Carsten, and Riedl, Janet
- Subjects
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PAPRIKA , *ADULTERATIONS , *INFRARED spectroscopy , *FOOD industry , *ELECTRONIC data processing - Abstract
A method for the non-targeted detection of paprika adulteration was developed using Fourier transform mid-infrared (FT-MIR) spectroscopy and one-class soft independent modelling of class analogy (OCSIMCA). One-class models based on commercially available paprika powders were developed and optimised to provide >80% sensitivity by external validation. The performances of the established models for adulteration detection were tested by predicting spiked paprika samples with various types of fraudulent material and levels of adulterations including 1% (w/w) Sudan I, 1% (w/w) Sudan IV, 3% (w/w) lead chromate, 3% (w/w) lead oxide, 5% (w/w) silicon dioxide, 10% (w/w) polyvinyl chloride, and 10% (w/w) gum arabic. Further, the influence of data preprocessing on the model performance was investigated. Relationship between classification results and data preprocessing was identified and specificity >80% was achieved for all adulterants by applying different preprocessing methods including standard normal variate (SNV), first and second derivatives, smoothing, and combinations thereof. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
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290. Regarding “Bovine thrombin injection for the treatment of iatrogenic arterial pseudoaneurysms: Is it too good to be true?”
- Author
Pfister, Michael E. and Andrews, Robert Torrance
- Published
- 2003
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291. Effect of an abrupt slope change on air entrainment and flow depths at stepped spillways.
- Author
Ostad Mirza, Mohammad J., Matos, Jorge, Pfister, Michael, and Schleiss, Anton J.
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SPILLWAYS , *CONCRETE dams , *FLUID dynamics - Abstract
Several stepped spillways have been built in recent decades, mostly integrated in the downstream faces of roller compacted concrete dams. Among them, only a few have changing bottom slopes. Comprehensive information on the effect of a slope change on the flow features is lacking. This paper reports a systematic study of air entrainment and flow bulking in skimming flow along stepped spillways in the vicinity of abrupt slope changes. Physical modelling was conducted using a large facility with abrupt pseudo-bottom slope changes from 50° to 30° and from 50° to 18.6°. Air–water flow measurements were conducted at several flow cross-sections upstream and downstream of the slope change. The results indicate a significant influence of the slope change on the air pattern and flow bulking. Four main flow sub-regions were identified to describe the typical air–water flow patterns. The normalized length of the influence reach induced by the slope change was found to depend mainly on the critical flow depth, regardless of the slope change and step height. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
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292. Time-based failure analysis of compressed riverbank riprap.
- Author
Jafarnejad, Mona, Franca, Mário J., Pfister, Michael, and Schleiss, Anton J.
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RIPARIAN areas , *EROSION , *RIPRAP - Abstract
Methods to design riprap-lined channels usually refer to dumped material. Large blocks placed individually by machinery are used when more stability is required. They offer additional resistance against flow erosion since space between blocks is minimized and interlocking increased. The behaviour of this protection has rarely been studied. An experimental investigation was carried out on the stability of compressed riprap as riverbank protection. Riprap was reproduced by uniform crushed limestones with three block sizes. Tests were conducted for three channel slopes under supercritical flow conditions and for constant bank slope. A time-based analysis allowed establishing relations among time to failure, friction velocity, and dimensionless bed shear stress. The results of 45 tests confirm that the rate of block erosion is significantly reduced with increase in the riprap diameter. The time to failure of the riprap protection depends strongly on the longitudinal slope and on the block sizes. An empirical prediction to estimate the riprap time to failure is shown. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER]
- Published
- 2017
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293. Discussion of “Verification and validation of a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model for air entrainment at spillway aerators” by M.C. Aydin and M. Ozturk.
- Author
Pfister, Michael
- Subjects
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COMPUTATIONAL fluid dynamics , *FLUID dynamics - Abstract
The article reviews the article "Verification and Validation of a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Model for Air Entrainment at Spillway Aerators," by M. C. Aydin and M. Ozturk, published in the journal.
- Published
- 2010
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294. Schussrinnenbelüfter: Lufttransport ausgelöst durch interne Abflussstruktur
- Author
Pfister, Michael U.
- Subjects
- Published
- 2007
295. Studies of Two-Phase Flow at a Chute Aerator with Experiments and CFD Modelling.
- Author
Teng, Penghua, Yang, James, and Pfister, Michael
- Subjects
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TWO-phase flow , *COMPUTATIONAL fluid dynamics , *HYDRAULICS , *BUBBLES , *SIMULATION methods & models - Abstract
The chute aerator of a spillway is a structure in such a sense that air is, in the intense emulsification, entrained into the high-velocity water flow. Correctly predicting the air entrainment and two-phase flow pattern at the aerator would contribute to reliable spillway operation. Based on experimental data, 2D numerical simulations are preformed to predict streamwise air concentrations in the aerated flow, in which a two-fluid model is used. Depending on the air bubble size, relatively good agreement is seen with the experiments in the air cavity zone. The simulations give rise to higher air concentration downstream of the cavity, which is presumably due to underestimation of the interfacial forces in the two-fluid model. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2016
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296. Closure to "Reservoir Level Rise under Extreme Driftwood Blockage at Ogee Crest" by Loïc Bénet, Giovanni De Cesare, and Michael Pfister.
- Author
Bénet, Loïc, De Cesare, Giovanni, and Pfister, Michael
- Subjects
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DAM safety , *WEIRS - Abstract
There are two other points at HT ht resulting in HT ht and 0.94, fitting the writers' recommendation. For all ogee crests, the distance between the pier front and the critical flow section is HT ht . The discussers' global statement that the original paper's HT ht criterion was not confirmed by their data seems questionable. [Extracted from the article]
- Published
- 2021
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297. Hydraulic Capacity of Bend Manholes for Supercritical Flow.
- Author
Crispino, Gaetano, Dorthe, David, Gisonni, Corrado, and Pfister, Michael
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HYDRAULIC jump , *OPEN-channel flow , *CONTROLLED low-strength materials (Cement) , *SHOCK waves , *HYDRAULIC models , *COMBINED sewer overflows - Abstract
Sewer bend manholes are frequent elements of urban drainage systems. Any deviation of straight-lined supercritical flow, as within the manhole, generates shock waves, possibly impinging at the manhole end or imposing a hydraulic jump. Then the free-surface flow regime abruptly breaks down and backwater effects occur. Thus it is important to know the maximum discharge that safely can pass across a bend manhole, as a function of its geometry, without generating collapsing flow. This study conducted calibrated numerical simulations to assess the hydraulic features of supercritical bend manholes with variable deflection angles, curvature radii, and lengths of straight downstream extension elements. The numerical model was validated previously with data from analogous physical model tests documented in the literature. The combined data from the numerical simulation and from the physical model indicated a hydraulic capacity of the bend manholes for different geometrical setups. It was demonstrated that the hydraulic capacity of a bend manhole increases with increased curvature radii and straight extension lengths, whereas the effect of the deflection angle is less significant. A multiple regression technique provided an empirical equation indicating the normalized discharge capacity of supercritical bend manholes as a function of the governing geometrical parameters, along with the approach flow filling ratio. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
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298. An evaluation of commonly employed central venous catheter kits and their potential risk for complications of excess guidewire introduction
- Author
Rufener, Justin B., Andrews, Robert T., Pfister, Michael E., Hofmann, Lawrence V., Bloch, Robert D., Kudryk, Bruce T., and Venbrux, Anthony C.
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CATHETERS , *MEDICAL care - Abstract
: Study objectiveTo evaluate the components of commonly used central venous catheter kits with respect to the potential for guidewire-mediated complications during catheter placement.: DesignProspective, nonrandomized, observational study.: SettingSix academic hospitals across the United States.: PatientsNone: InterventionsNone.: Measurements and main results30 commercially manufactured catheter kits (15 tunneled, 15 nontunneled) were opened and evaluated. The catheter or sheath to be introduced was measured and a corresponding ideal guidewire length was calculated. The ideal length was then compared to the actual length, and differences were tabulated. Wire tip configuration and the presence and pattern of distance markings were recorded and, in conjunction with the catheter and wire length discrepancies, were used to grade the relative risk of introducing excess guidewire during catheter placement. Of 30 kits evaluated, 14 (46.7%) had guidewires more than 20 cm longer than necessary. The mean excess wire length was 15 cm (range: 8 to 55 cm) and did not differ significantly between tunneled and nontunneled catheter kits. Only 10 kits (33.3%) had distance markings of any type, and there was no standardization among them; none corresponded to previously published recommendations. There was potential risk of excess wire introduction in 18 catheter kits, of which seven were nontunneled devices designed for bedside placement.: ConclusionsThe design of commonly employed central venous access catheter kits is such that there is a mismatch between guidewire and catheter length and a general lack of guidewire markings. We believe that these designs may predispose to the introduction of excess guidewire and result in guidewire-mediated complications during catheter placement. This risk can likely be reduced by matching the guidewires to the devices placed over them and by standardizing guidewire distance markings. [Copyright &y& Elsevier]
- Published
- 2003
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299. Classification of Chinese wine varieties using 1H NMR spectroscopy combined with multivariate statistical analysis.
- Author
Fan, Shuangxi, Zhong, Qiding, Fauhl-Hassek, Carsten, Pfister, Michael K.-H., Horn, Bettina, and Huang, Zhanbin
- Subjects
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GRAPES , *CULTIVARS , *MULTIPLE correspondence analysis (Statistics) , *RED wines , *WHITE wines - Abstract
In this study, the feasibility of discriminating grape varieties of Chinese red and white wines was investigated using 1 H NMR spectroscopy in combination with a multivariate statistical procedure consisting of two steps: principal component analysis (PCA) plus linear discriminant analysis (LDA). Three grape varieties of red wines (Cabernet Sauvignon, Rose Honey, Cabernet Gernischt) and white wines (Ugni Blanc, Long Yan, Chardonnay) were examined, respectively. A segment-wise peak alignment was employed to handle peak misalignments of recorded 1 H NMR spectra. Binning of the aligned 1 H NMR spectra was performed for data reduction. The resulting bins were employed as input variables for the subsequent PCA and LDA analyses. The combination of PCA and LDA yielded in a sufficient discrimination of the examined grape varieties. The validity of the PCA/LDA model was confirmed by internal leave-one-out cross validation (LOOCV) as well as by external repeated double random cross validation (RDRCV). LOOCV and RDRCV led to average correct classification rates of 82% and 83% for red wine varieties, respectively, and 94% and 90% for white wine varieties, respectively. The results demonstrate that 1 H NMR spectroscopy combined with multivariate analysis is an effective tool for verifying the authenticity of Chinese wines. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
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300. Patches in a side-by-side configuration: A description of the flow and deposition fields
- Author
Meire, Dieter, Kondziolka, John, Nepf, Heidi, Schleiss, Anton J, de Cesare, Giovanni, Franca, Mario J, and Pfister, Michael
- Subjects
In the last few decades, a lot of research attention has been paid to flow-vegetation interactions. Starting with the description of the flow field around uniform macrophyte stands, research has evolved more recently to the description of flow fields around individual, distinct patches. However, in the field, vegetation patches almost never occur in isolation. As such, patches will influence each other during their development and interacting, complex flow fields can be expected. In this study, two emergent patches of the same diameter (D = 22 cm) and a solid volume fraction of 10% were placed in a side-by-side configuration in a lab flume. The patches were built as an array of wooden cylinders, and the distance between the patches (gap width Delta) was varied between Delta = 0 and 14 cm. Flow measurements were performed by a 3D Vectrino Velocimeter (Nortek AS) at mid-depth of the flow. Deposition experiments of suspended solids were performed for selected gap widths. Directly behind each patch, the wake evolved in a manner identical to that of a single, isolated patch. On the centerline between the patches, the maximum velocity U-max was found to be independent of the gap width Delta. However, the length over which this maximum velocity persists, the potential core L-j, increased linearly as the gap width increased. After the merging of the wakes, the centerline velocity reaches a minimum value U-min. The minimum centerline velocity decreased in magnitude as the gap width decreased. The velocity pattern within the wake is reflected in the deposition patterns. An erosion zone occurs on the centerline between the patches, where the velocity is elevated. Deposition occurs in the low velocity zones directly behind each patch and also downstream of the patches, along the centerline between the patches at the point of local velocity minimum. This downstream deposition zone, a result of the interaction of neighbouring patch wakes, may facilitate the establishment of new vegetation, which may eventually inhibit flow between the upstream patches and facilitate patch merger.
- Published
- 2014
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