1,549 results on '"Pohl C"'
Search Results
252. Rotationsstabilität torischer Linsen bei Pars plana Vitrektomien
- Author
Dillner, F, Kaymak, H, Breyer, D, Klabe, K, Pohl, C, Dillner, F, Kaymak, H, Breyer, D, Klabe, K, and Pohl, C
- Published
- 2013
253. Veränderungen der kornealen Deformationseigenschaften nach refraktiver Lentikelextraktion (small incision lenticule extraction - smile) - erste Ergebnisse
- Author
Pohl, C, Breyer, D, Kaymak, H, Klabe, K, Dillner, F, Pohl, C, Breyer, D, Kaymak, H, Klabe, K, and Dillner, F
- Published
- 2013
254. Isotope fractionation between dissolved and suspended particulate Fe in the oxic and anoxic water column of the Baltic Sea
- Author
Staubwasser, M., Schoenberg, R., von Blanckenburg, F., Krüger, S., Pohl, C., Staubwasser, M., Schoenberg, R., von Blanckenburg, F., Krüger, S., and Pohl, C.
- Published
- 2013
255. Gas bubble formation in the cytoplasm yeast
- Author
Dithebe, Khumisho, Kock, J. L. F., Swart, C. W., Van Wyk, P. W. J., Pohl, C. H., Lodolo, E. J., Dithebe, Khumisho, Kock, J. L. F., Swart, C. W., Van Wyk, P. W. J., Pohl, C. H., and Lodolo, E. J.
- Abstract
English: It has previously been implicated in literature that intracellular gas bubbles cannot form in yeast cells even under high gas supersaturation conditions. Furthermore, not even protein-coated gas vesicles found in Cyanobacteria are expected in yeasts. The lack of intracellular gas bubbles has been attributed to the increased structuring of water and lack of water with nucleation properties. This, however, is considered a missing link since yeasts, the workhorses of the baking and brewing industry, are known to produce and vigorously release carbon dioxide (CO2) gas during fermentation. Here we resolve the missing link between CO2 production by glycolysis and the eventual release of CO2 from the cells, and show that yeasts are capable of producing intracellular gas bubbles which were found to occupy a significant part of the cell. These gas bubbles do not contain a membrane that surrounds them. Furthermore, addition of zinc to the growth medium resulted in the “galvanization” of the bubbles suggesting that the gas bubbles may possibly contain CO2. These findings should pave way for future research on CO2 behaviour under pressurized conditions that may have an impact on fermentation biotechnology. Furthermore we show that these intracellular gas bubbles deform cell organelles such as the nucleus. The skin surrounding the gas bubbles is able to withstand tension as they do not disintegrate when they come in contact with organelle membranes. Further research should now be performed on the mechanical effects of the gas bubbles on metabolic and coding functions of yeasts as gas bubbles deform and contort cell organelles. From these findings careful consideration is required during optimization of fermentation parameters to prevent CO2 toxicity effects on fermentation performance and flavor formation in practical brewing., Afrikaans: Volgens literatuur, kan intrasellulêre gasborrels nie in gisselle gevorm word nie, selfs nie onder hoë gassupersaturasie nie. Verder word selfs nie eens proteïenomhulde gasvesikels wat in Cyanobakterieë voorkom verwag in gisselle nie. Die afwesigheid van intrasellulêre gasborrels was toegeskryf aan die verhoogde strukturering van water en tekort aan water met kernvormingseienskappe. Die afwesigheid van gasborrels word as „n raaisel beskou aangesien giste, die werkesels van die bak en bierbrou industrieë, bekend is vir die vrystelling van groot hoeveelhede koolstofdioksied (CO2) tydens fermentasie. In hierdie stuk verklaar ons die raaisel aangaande die produksie van CO2 deur glikolise en die uiteindelike vrystelling van CO2 vanuit die selle en wys ons dat giste oor die vermoë beskik om intrasellulêre gasborrels to vorm wat „n groot deel van die selvolume uitmaak. Hierdie gasborrels het geen membraanomhulsel nie. Wanneer sink by die groeimedium gevoeg word vind daar “galvanisering” van die borrels plaas wat impliseer dat hierdie gasborrels CO2 bevat. Hierdie resultate behoort die weg te baan vir toekomstige navorsing rakende die optrede van CO2 onder druk en dit mag moontlik „n impak hê op biotegnologiese fermentasies. Verder wys ons ook dat hierdie borrels die selorganelle, soos onder andere die kern, vervorm. Die “vel” rondom die gasborrels kan drukking weerstaan en dus disintergreer die borrels nie wanneer dit in kontak kom met die organelmembraan nie. Verdere navorsing moet nou volg om die meganiese effek van die gasborrels op die metaboliese en koderingsfunksies van die gisselle te bepaal aangesien die borrels die organelle vervorm. Na aanleiding van hierdie resultate moet die vorming van gasborrels in ag geneem word tydens die optimisering van fermentasie parameters om CO2 toksisiteit te voorkom.
- Published
- 2013
256. The epidemiology and antifungal sensitivity of clinical Cryptococcus neoformans and Cryptococcus gatti isolates from Bloemfontein, South Africa
- Author
Ogundeji, Adepemi Olawunmi, Sebolai, O. M., Pohl, C. H., Kock, J. L. F., Albertyn, J., Ogundeji, Adepemi Olawunmi, Sebolai, O. M., Pohl, C. H., Kock, J. L. F., and Albertyn, J.
- Abstract
English: In this dissertation, an attempt was made to study the epidemiology of cryptococcosis by first estimating the incidence rates over a two-year period, 2011 and 2012. The major findings from this part of the study included establishing that: 1) cases were more prevalent among Blacks (Africans, Coloureds and Indians), and this is in line with the assertion by WHO that diseases such as cryptococcosis are more poverty-related, 2) the distribution pattern of cryptococcosis across different age groups mirrored that of HIV-infected persons, and 3) the number of cryptococcosis cases were quite low for the study period (representing less than 0.1 % of the Bloemfontein population), this was surprising and unexpected given the huge HIV positive population in South Africa, and by extension in Bloemfontein, that is at risk of acquiring this AIDS-defining illness. It is documented in literature that the currently employed methods for the routine diagnosis of cryptococcosis often yield inconsistent test results, thereby; influencing the number of reported cases, which are important for health officials. But more importantly, these inconsistencies have far reaching consequences as they may negatively influence patient outcomes. Therefore, we sought to investigate the usefulness of molecular methods in identifying the etiological agents of cryptococcosis viz. Cr. neoformans and Cr. gattii. Here, the ITS, including the 5.8 gene, intra-specific variation between the tested strains allowed for their delineation into three traditional varieties of Cr. neoformans. To be specific, we identified: 1) 51 strains of Cr. neoformans var. grubii, 2) 13 strains of Cr. neoformans var. neoformans, and 3) 6 strains of Cr. neoformans var. gattii. Given the geographical distribution of Cr. gattii, thought to be limited to the tropics, we sought to confirm the six positive cases obtained from the molecular identification study by cultivating all 70 strains on CGB media. Here, only the six strai, Afrikaans: Met hierdie verhandeling is gepoog om die epidemiologie van cryptococcose te bestudeer, deur eerstens die voorkoms daarvan oor ‘n tydperk van twee jaar, 2011 en 2012, te skat. Die hoofbevindinge van hierdie deel van die studie sluit in: 1) gevalle was meer algemeen onder swart mense (Afrikane, Kleurlinge en Indieërs), en dit stem ooreen met die stelling deur die WGO dat siektes soos cryptococcose meer armoede verwant is, 2) die verspreidingspatroon van cryptococcose oor verskillende ouderdomsgroepe is dieselfde as die van persone met MIV en 3) die hoeveelheid cryptococcosegevalle was laag vir die studietydperk (verteenwoordig minder as 0.1 % van die bevolking van Bloemfontein), dit was verrassend en onverwags gegewe die groot MIV positiewe bevolking in Suid-Afrika, en dus in Bloemfontein, wat die risiko loop om hierdie VIGS-definiërende siekte op te doen. Uit die literatuur is dit bekend dat die metodes wat tans gebruik word vir die roetine diagnose van cryptococcose, dikwels teenstrydige resultate lewer, en sodoender die hoeveelheid gerapporteerde gevalle beïnvloed, wat belangrik is vir gesondheidsbeamptes. Belangriker nog, hierdie strydighede het verreikende gevolge aangesien dit die pasiënte se uitkomste negatief mag beïnvloed. Dus het ons gepoog om die bruikbaarheid van molekulêre metodes vir die identifikasie van die veroorsakende agente van cryptococcose, nl. Cr. neoformans en Cr. gattii te bepaal.. Hier het die intra-spesifieke variasie in die ITS, insluitend die 5.8 geen, tussen die stamme hulle afbakening in die drie tradisionele variëteite van Cr. neoformans toegelaat. Om spesifiek te wees, het ons die volgende geïdentifiseer: 1) 51 stamme van Cr. neoformans var. grubii, 2) 13 stamme van Cr. neoformans var. neoformans, en 3) 6 stamme van Cr. neoformans var. gattii. Gegewe die geografiese verspreding van Cr. gattii, wat vermoedelik beperk is tot die trope, het ons gepoog om die ses positiewe gevalle geïdentifiseer deur die molekulêre identifikasi, National Research Foundation (NRF)
- Published
- 2013
257. Yeast sensors reveal chloroquine as yeast fertility drug
- Author
Olivier, Andries Petrus Stephanus, Kock, J. L. F., Swart, C. W., Pohl, C. H., Van Wyk, P. W. J., Olivier, Andries Petrus Stephanus, Kock, J. L. F., Swart, C. W., Pohl, C. H., and Van Wyk, P. W. J.
- Abstract
English: Previous unpublished research by Kock and co-workers indicated that the antimalarial drug chloroquine (CQ) stimulates yeast sexual stages (biosensors). Consequently several indicator yeasts (Eremothecium ashbyi, Dipodascopsis uninucleata var. uninucelata, Lipomyces yamadae and Scheffersomyces stipitis) were exposed to concentration gradients of CQ in the Anti-mitochondrial Antifungal Assay (3A) system and their ascospore release mechanics were subjected to Auger architectomics. Auger architectomics is the study of the structure and atomic composition of cells by making use of Nano Scanning Auger Microscopy (NanoSAM) as well as other techniques (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auger_architectomics). Investigation of the ascospore release mechanics revealed that L. yamadae and S. stipitis were sequestrate (making use of passive ascospore release) while E. ashbyi and D. uninucleata made use of active ascospore release. The sensors of L. yamadae have smooth, spherical ascospores that are released by destruction of the sensor wall. The spherical sensors of S. stipitis each contain two brimmed (“hat”-shaped) ascospores that are released when the sensor wall breaks apart. The sensors of E. ashbyi are mostly intercalary in long chains with up to sixteen sickle-shaped ascospores in each ellipsoidal sensor. The V-shaped fins at the base of each ascospore of E. ashbyi are coated with 3-hydroxy (3-OH) oxylipins, making them hydrophobic. This facilitates the movement of ascospores by water flow. The tapered tips of the ascospores pierce through the sensor wall to allow release (http://vimeo.com/61521401). In D. Uninucleata, the inside surface of the sensors are lined with flexible sheaths, surrounding the ascospores inside the central channel. Inflation of the sheaths due to water uptake, generates turgor pressure that forces the ascospores out of the sensor. This is in sharp contrast to the morphologically similar yeast Dipodascus geniculatus, where the inflation of sheat, Afrikaans: Inligting van ongepubliseerde studies deur Kock en medewerkers het aangedui dat die malaria teenmiddel chloroquine (CQ), die seksuele fases (sensors) van gis stimuleer. Gevolglik is verskeie sensorgiste (Eremothecium ashbyi, Dipodascopsis uninucleata var. uninucleata, Lipomyces yamadae en Scheffersomyces stipitis) blootgestel aan konsentrasie gradiente van CQ in die Anti-mitokondriale, Antifungale Toets (AAT) sisteem, wat gekoppel is aan Auger argitektomika. Auger argitektomika is die studie van ‘n sel se struktuur en atomiese samestelling deur gebruik te maak van Nano Skandering Auger Mikroskopie (NanoSAM) en ander tegnieke. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auger_architectomics). Ondersoek na die askospoorvrystellingsmeganika het uitgewys dat L. yamadae en S. stipitis gebruik maak van passiewe askospoorvrystelling, terwyl E. ashbyi en D. uninucleata gebruik maak van aktiewe askospoorvrystelling. Die sensors van L. yamadae besit gladde, sferiese askospore wat vrygestel word na afbreek van die sensorwand. Die sferiese sensors van S. stipitis huisves elk twee gerandte (“hoed”- vormige) askospore wat vrygestel word wanneer die sensorwand opbreek. Die sensors van E. ashbyi is meestal in kettings gerangskik met soveel as sestien sekelvormige askospore in elke ovaalvormige sensor. Die V-vormige vinne op die basis van elke askospoor is bedek met 3-hidroksie (3-OH) oksielipiene, wat die vinne hidrofobies maak en die beweging van die askospoor in stromende water bewerkstellig (http://vimeo.com/61521401). Die skerp punte van die askospore van E. ashbyi steek deur die sensorwand om die spore vry te stel. Die binneste oppervlak van die D. uninucleata sensorwand is uitgevoer met ‘n buigbare skede wat die askospore binne in ‘n sentrale kanaal omsluit. Die skedes swel op weens die 85 osmotiese opname van water, wat tot verhoogde turgordruk in die sensor lei wat askospoorvrystelling bewerkstellig. Dit is in skerp kontras met die morfologiese verwante gis Dipodascopsis genic
- Published
- 2013
258. Veränderungen der kornealen Deformationseigenschaften nach refraktiver Lentikelextraktion (small incision lenticule extraction - smile) - erste Ergebnisse (K)
- Author
Breyer, D, Kaymak, H, Klabe, K, Pohl, C, Breyer, D, Kaymak, H, Klabe, K, and Pohl, C
- Published
- 2013
259. Vergleich von optischer Abbildungsqualität sowie von Effektivität und Sicherheit nach Femtolasik sowie intracornealer Lentikelextraktion (SMILE) (P1)
- Author
Breyer, D, Kaymak, H, Klabe, K, Dillner, F, Pohl, C, Breyer, D, Kaymak, H, Klabe, K, Dillner, F, and Pohl, C
- Published
- 2013
260. Funktionelle Ergebnisse nach Implantation von Multifokallinsen der neuesten Generation: Alcon IQ Restor 2.5 vs. CZM Lisatri 839
- Author
Kaymak, H, Breyer, D, Klabe, K, Dillner, F, Pohl, C, Kaymak, H, Breyer, D, Klabe, K, Dillner, F, and Pohl, C
- Published
- 2013
261. Effect of Ion-Exchange Sites and Eluent Modifiers on the Anion-Exchange of Carboxylic Acids
- Author
Bruzzoniti, Maria Concetta, Mentasti, Edoardo, Pohl, C., Riviello, J. M., and Sarzanini, Corrado
- Published
- 2001
262. Principles of remote sensing : an introductory textbook
- Author
Janssen, L.L.F., Huurneman, G.C., Bakker, W.H., Reeves, C.V., Gorte, B.G.H., Pohl, C., Weir, M.J.C., Horn, J.A., Prakash, A., Woldai, T., Department of Earth Systems Analysis, Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation, Department of Earth Observation Science, Department of Geo-information Processing, and Department of Natural Resources
- Subjects
GIP ,NRS ,EOS ,ADLIB-BOOK-350 ,ESA - Published
- 2001
263. Patient's global assessment of disease activity and patient's assessment of general health for rheumatoid arthritis activity assessment : Are they equivalent?
- Author
Khan, N. A., Spencer, H. J., Abda, E. A., Alten, R., Pohl, C., Ancuta, C., Cazzato, M., Gher, P. I., Gossec, L., Henrohn, Dan, Hetland, M. L., Inanc, N., Jacobs, J. W. G., Kerzberg, E., Majdan, M., Oyoo, O., Peredo-Wende, R. A., Selim, Z. I., Skopouli, F. N., Sulli, A., Hrslev-Petersen, K., Taylor, P. C., Sokka, T., Khan, N. A., Spencer, H. J., Abda, E. A., Alten, R., Pohl, C., Ancuta, C., Cazzato, M., Gher, P. I., Gossec, L., Henrohn, Dan, Hetland, M. L., Inanc, N., Jacobs, J. W. G., Kerzberg, E., Majdan, M., Oyoo, O., Peredo-Wende, R. A., Selim, Z. I., Skopouli, F. N., Sulli, A., Hrslev-Petersen, K., Taylor, P. C., and Sokka, T.
- Abstract
Objectives: To assess (A) determinants of patient's global assessment of disease activity (PTGL) and patient's assessment of general health (GH) scores of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients; (B) whether they are equivalent as individual variables; and (C) whether they may be used interchangeably in calculating common RA activity assessment composite indices. Methods: Data of 7023 patients from 30 countries in the Quantitative Standard Monitoring of Patients with RA (QUEST-RA) was analysed. PTGL and GH determinants were assessed by mixed-effects analyses of covariance models. PTGL and GH equivalence was determined by Bland-Altman 95% limits of agreement (BALOA) and Lin's coefficient of concordance (LCC). Concordance between PTGL and GH based Disease Activity Score 28(DAS28), Clinical Disease Activity Index (CDAI) and Routine Assessment of Patient Index Data 3 (RAPID3) indices were calculated using LCC, and the level of agreement in classifying RA activity in four states (remission, low, moderate, high) using κ statistics. Results: Significant differences in relative and absolute contribution of RA and non-RA related variables in PTGL and GH ratings were noted. LCC of 0.64 and BALOA of -4.41 to 4.54 showed that PTGL and GH are not equivalent. There was excellent concordance (LCC 0.95-0.99) for PTGL and GH based DAS28, CDAI and RAPID3 indices, and >80% absolute agreement (κ statistics 0.75-0.84) in RA activity state classification for all three indices. Conclusions: PTGL and GH ratings differ in their determinants. Although they are individually not equivalent, they may be used interchangeably for calculating composite indices for RA activity assessment.
- Published
- 2012
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264. To bèta or not to bèta? The role of teachers in the gendered choice of science and technology by secondary school students
- Author
Quaiser-Pohl, C., Endepohls-Ulpe, M., Weerd, J.J. de, Rommes, E.W.M., Quaiser-Pohl, C., Endepohls-Ulpe, M., Weerd, J.J. de, and Rommes, E.W.M.
- Abstract
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- Published
- 2012
265. Effect of fatty acids on biofilm formation, oxidative stress and antifungal susceptibility of Candida albicans and Candida dubliniensis
- Author
Thibane, Vuyisile Samuel, Pohl, C. H., Kock, J. L. F., Van Wyk, P. W. J., Ells, R., Thibane, Vuyisile Samuel, Pohl, C. H., Kock, J. L. F., Van Wyk, P. W. J., and Ells, R.
- Abstract
English: Candida albicans and C. dubliniensis are commensals of the gastrointestinal and genitourinary tract in healthy individuals. However, in diseased individuals they can cause superficial infections to deep seated mycoses. Both species form mycelial networks called biofilms, and formation of biofilms results in increased resistance towards antifungal compounds currently in use. Therefore, there is a need for alternative antifungal compounds such as fatty acids. Research has shown that supplementation of growth medium with polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), increased the unsaturation index and made cells susceptible to lipid peroxidation and cell death. During this study this phenomenon was evaluated on biofilms of C. albicans and C. dubliniensis using selected PUFAs. Due to differences in the carbon chain length and saturation of fatty acids, they interact differently with the cell membrane and will have different peroxidisability values. The results from the study showed C18:4 n-3 and C20:5 n-3 were taken in by the cell and resulted in increased unsaturation index. The results further indicated oxidative stress-induced apoptosis following supplementation with C18:4 n-3 and C20:5 n-3 in biofilms of both C. albicans and C. dubliniensis. The induction of apoptosis following supplementation by C18:4 n-3 and C20:5 n-3 was confirmed by mitochondrial membrane potential assay, Annexin V-FITC staining, TUNEL assay and DAPI staining. The use of C18:4 n-3 in synergism with amphotericin B resulted in decreased dosage of the antifungal compound needed to inhibit biofilms of C. albicans and C. dubliniensis., Afrikaans: Candida albicans en C. dubliniensis is kommensale van die gastro-intestinale en genitor-urinêre weg van gesonde individue. In siek individue kan hulle egter oppervlakkige tot sistemiese mikoses veroorsaak. Beide spesies vorm misiliêre netwerke wat biofilms genome word, en biofilmvorming veroorsaak verhoogde weerstand teen antifungale middels wat tans in gebruik is. Dus is daar ‘n behoefte aan alternatiewe antifungale middels soos vetsure. Navorsing het getoon dat byvoeging van polionversadigde vetsure (PUFAs) tot groeimedia, die onversadigingsindeks verhoog en selle vatbaar maak vir lipiedperoksidasie en dood. Hierdie verskynsel is gedurende hierdie studie geëvalueer op biofilms van C. albicans en C. dubliniensis met sekere PUFAs. As gevolg van die verskille in koolstofkettinglengte en versadiging van vetsure verskil die interaksies wat hulle met selmembrane het en sal hulle verskillende vlakke van peroksideerbaarheid hê. Die resultate van hierdie studie het aangetoon dat C18:4 n-3 en C20:5 n-3 deur die selle opgeneem is en ‘n toename in onversadigingsindeks veroorsaak het. Verder het die reulate getoon dat behandeling van beide C. albicans en C. dubliniensis biofilms met C18:4 n-3 en C20:5 n-3 gelei het tot oksidatiewe stress veroorsaakde apoptose. Die induksie van apoptose na behandeling met C18:4 n-3 en C20:5 n-3 is bevestig met ‘n mitochondriale membraanpotensiaaltoets, Annexin V-FITC kleuring, TUNEL toets en DAPI kleuring. Die gebruik van C18:4 n-3 in sinergisme met amfoterisien B het gelei tot ‘n verlaagde dosis van die antifungale middel wat nodig was om biofilms van C. albicans en C. dubliniensis te inhibeer., National Research Foundation (NRF)
- Published
- 2012
266. An entirely humanized CD3 zèta-chain signaling receptor that directs peripheral blood T cells to specific lysis of carcinoembryonic antigen-positive tumor cells
- Author
Hombach, A, Schneider, C, Sent, D, Koch, D, Willemsen, Ralph, Diehl, V, Kruis, W, Bolhuis, RLH (Reinder), Pohl, C, Abken, H, and Medical Oncology
- Published
- 2000
267. Biogeochemical controls on the bacterial populations in the eastern Atlantic Ocean
- Author
Neogi, S. B., Koch, B. P., Schmitt-Kopplin, P., Pohl, C., Kattner, Gerhard, Yamasaki, S., Lara, R. J., Neogi, S. B., Koch, B. P., Schmitt-Kopplin, P., Pohl, C., Kattner, Gerhard, Yamasaki, S., and Lara, R. J.
- Published
- 2011
268. Identification and potential biotechnological application of yeast isolates in the UNESCO-MIRCEN biotechnological yeast culture collection of the University of the Free State
- Author
Motaung, Thabiso Eric, Pohl, C., Albertyn, J., Kock, J. F. L., Motaung, Thabiso Eric, Pohl, C., Albertyn, J., and Kock, J. F. L.
- Abstract
English: As the initiative for establishing a yeast culture collection began in the early 1980’s in the department of Microbial, Biochemical and Food Biotechnology, research pertaining to the identification of isolates became the main focus. Yeasts such as Candida shehatae and Pichia stipitis claimed potential applications in the fermentation industry and received the most research attention. This research area and others reflected the potential of the culture collection as one of the sources of microbial diversity. As a result, this granted this culture collection a Microbial Resources Centre by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 1996. Isolation, preservation, identification and determination of taxanomic affinities of yeasts are some of the important aspects of this culture collection in addition to others such as bioprospecting and elucidation of biotechnological applications of strains. As a general practice, these isolates must be identified reliably and rapidly using techniques such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequencing of the ribosomal DNA. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequencing of the ribosomal DNA was mainly used in this study to identify isolates present in the UNESCO-MIRCEN Biotechnological Yeast Culture Collection. Ribosomal DNA was amplified and sequenced, followed by analysis of sequence data that was searched against available sequences on National Center for Biotechnology Information (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/). In the case of new species, verification of novelty was performed by sequencing the internal transcribed spacers and doing phylogenetic analysis based on multigenic approach. New species were assigned to their phylogenetic groups and described using standardized traditional techniques. It was apparent from this study that using molecular identification methods, the number of identified ascomycetes and basidiomycetes as well as yeast-like taxa, with possible applications in t, Afrikaans: Die inisiatief vir die stigting van 'n giskultuurversameling in die Departement Mikrobiese,Biochemiese en Voedselbiotegnologie het begin in die vroeë 1980's. Navorsing met betrekking tot die identifisering van isolate was die hooffokus. Vir giste soos Candida shehatae en Pichia stipitis is moontlike toepassings in die fermentasie industrie bewys en hulle het dus die meeste navorsingsaandag ontvang. Hierdie en ander navorsing weerspieël die potensiaal van die kultuurversameling as een van die bronne van mikrobiese diversiteit. As gevolg hiervan, ontvang hierdie kultuur versameling ‘Microbial Resources Centre’ status in 1996, toegeken deur die Verenigde Nasies se Opvoedkundige, Wetenskaplike en Kulturele Organisasie (UNESCO). Isolasie, identifikasie en bepaling van taksonomiese verwantskappe van giste is sommige van die belangrike funksies van die kultuurversameling, tesame met ander soos bioprospektering en bepaling van biotegnologiese toepassings van isolate. As deel van algemene praktyke moet die isolate betroubaar en vinnig geïdentifiseer ward d.m.v. tegnieke soos polimerase kettingreaksie (PKR) en bepaling van basispaaropeenvolging van die ribosomale DNS. Polimerase kettingreaksie (PKR) en basispaar-opeenvolgingbepaling van die ribosomale DNA is hoofsaaklik gebruik in hierdie studie om isolate te identifiseer wat teenwoordig is in die UNESCO-MIRCEN biotegnologiese kultuurversameling. Die basispaar-opeenvolging van die ribosomale DNA is bepaal, gevolg deur die analise van data deur veregelykende studies met beskikbare data vanaf National Center for Biotechnology Information (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov). Potensiële nuwe spesies is 135 bevestig deur die volgordebepaling van die ITS gebied asook filogenetiese analise. Nuwe spesies is toegeken aan hulle filogenetiese groepe en beskryf deur gebruik te maak van tradisionele tegnieke. Dit was duidelik uit hierdie studie dat met molekulêre identifikasie metodes die getal van geïdentifiseerde askomisete en basi, National Research Foundation (NRF), TATA Scholarships
- Published
- 2011
269. Cerebral atrophy as outcome measure in short-term phase 2 clinical trials in multiple sclerosis
- Author
van den Elskamp, I.J., Boden, B.H., Dattola, V., Knol, D.L., Filippi, M., Kappos, L., Fazekas, F., Wagner, K., Pohl, C., Sandbrink, R., Polman, C.H., Uitdehaag, B.M.J., Barkhof, F., van den Elskamp, I.J., Boden, B.H., Dattola, V., Knol, D.L., Filippi, M., Kappos, L., Fazekas, F., Wagner, K., Pohl, C., Sandbrink, R., Polman, C.H., Uitdehaag, B.M.J., and Barkhof, F.
- Abstract
Introduction: Cerebral atrophy is a compound measure of the neurodegenerative component of multiple sclerosis (MS) and a conceivable outcome measure for clinical trials monitoring the effect of neuroprotective agents. In this study, we evaluate the rate of cerebral atrophy in a 6-month period, investigate the predictive and explanatory value of other magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) measures in relation to cerebral atrophy, and determine sample sizes for future short-term clinical trials using cerebral atrophy as primary outcome measure. Methods: One hundred thirty-five relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients underwent six monthly MRI scans from which the percentage brain volume change (PBVC) and the number and volume of gadolinium (Gd)-enhancing lesions, T2 lesions, and persistent black holes (PBH) were determined. By means of multiple linear regression analysis, the relationship between focal MRI variables and PBVC was assessed. Sample size calculations were performed for all patients and subgroups selected for enhancement or a high T2 lesion load at baseline. Results: A significant atrophy occurred over 6 months (PBVC∈=∈-0.33%, SE∈=∈0.061, p∈<∈0.0001). The number of baseline T2 lesions (p∈=∈0.024), the on-study Gd-enhancing lesion volume (p∈=∈0.044), and the number of on-study PBHs (p∈=∈0.003) were associated with an increased rate of atrophy. For a 50% decrease in rate of atrophy, the sample size calculations showed that approximately 283 patients per arm are required in an unselected sampled population and 185 patients per arm are required in a selected population. Conclusion: Within a 6-month period, significant atrophy can be detected and on-study associations of PBVC and PBHs emphasizes axonal loss to be a driving mechanism. Application as primary outcome measure in short-term clinical trials with feasible sample size requires a potent drug to obtain sufficient power. © 2009 The Author(s).
- Published
- 2010
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270. The influence of oxidized oils on fungal growth and lipid utilization
- Author
Leeuw, Ntsoaki Joyce, Kock, J. L. F., Hugo, A., Pohl, C. H., Joseph, M., Leeuw, Ntsoaki Joyce, Kock, J. L. F., Hugo, A., Pohl, C. H., and Joseph, M.
- Abstract
English: Edible oils such as sunflower oil, soybean oil and palm oil are used today in the frying of food. During the frying process, various changes such as removal of antioxidants, hydrolysis, oxidation and polymerization occur in these oils. These reactions are responsible for a variety of physical and chemical changes observed in the oil during frying and may lead to the formation of breakdown products which include polar compounds (PCs) and polymerized triglycerides (PTGs). South African regulations state that oils that contain 16% and more PTGs and 25% and more PCs are harmful to human health. These oils may cause cancer and diarrhoea in humans and animals. However, little is known regarding the effect of oxidized oils on fungi. The oleaginous fungi Cryptococcus curvatus and Mucor circinelloides were used to determine the effect of palm oil breakdown products, measured as PTGs on lipid turnover, growth and morphology. In Mucor circinelloides we found, after seven days of growth, a decrease in biomass, lipid utilization and accumulation at increased PTG levels, at low and neutral pH. An increase in PTG concentration also influenced the morphology of M. circinelloides. Protrusions were observed on cell surfaces when grown on oil with 45% PTGs and not when the fungus was grown on fresh oil with 0.4% PTGs. In C. curvatus there was also a decrease in oil utilization and biomass production at increased PTG levels, at low and neutral pH. An increase in oil accumulation was observed at low pH while it remained constant at neutral pH for all PTG levels tested. Hairy and warty protuberances on cell surfaces were observed when C. curvatus was grown on oils with 15% and 45% PTGs, respectively. It is concluded that the changes observed in lipid turnover and morphology in both fungi are due to the presence of palm oil breakdown products. Oxidized oil breakdown products such as aldehydes are major sources of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Studies have shown that ROS has anti, Afrikaans: Eetbare olies, soos sonneblom-, soja- en palmolie is van die olies wat vandag in die braai van voedsel gebruik word. Gedurende die braaiproses vind verskeie veranderinge, soos die verwydering van anti-oksidante, hidrolise, oksidasie en polimerisering, in hierdie olies plaas. Hierdie reaksies is verantwoordelik vir ‘n verskeidenheid fisiese en chemiese veranderings wat in die olie tydens die braaiproses waargeneem word en wat mag lei tot die vorming van afbraakprodukte, insluitend polêre komponente (PKs) en gepolimeriseerde trigliseriede (PTGs). Suid-Afrikaanse wetgewing bepaal dat olies wat 16% en meer PTGs en 25% en meer PKs bevat, skadelik vir menslike gesondheid is. Hierdie olies mag kanker en diariëe in mense en diere veroorsaak. Daar is egter nog min bekend oor die effek van geoksideerde olies op fungi. In hierdie studie, is die oleogene fungi Cryptococcus curvatus en Mucor circinelloides gebruik om die effek van palmolie-afbraakprodukte, gemeet as PTGs, op lipiedomset, groei en morfologie te bepaal. Na sewe dae van groei, het ons in Mucor circinelloides ‘n afname in biomassa, lipiedverbruik en –ophoping by verhoogde PTG-vlakke gevind, by lae en neutrale pH. ‘n Toename in PTG-konsentrasie het ook die morfologie van M. circinelloides beïnvloed. Uitsteeksels is op die seloppervlakte waargeneem na groei op olie met 45% PTGs en nie nadat die fungus op vars olie met 0.4% PTGs gegroei is nie. Daar was ook ‘n afname in olieverbruik en biomassa produksie by C. curvatus by verhoogde PTG-vlakke, by lae en neutrale pH. ‘n Toename in olie-ophoping is by lae pH waargeneem, maar by neutrale pH het dit konstant gebly vir alle getoetsde PTG-vlakke. Harige en vratagtige uitsteeksels is op die seloppervlaktes waargeneem nadat C. curvatus op olies met onderskeidelik 15% en 45% PTGs gegroei is. Ons lei af dat die veranderinge in lipiedomset en morfologie wat by beide fungi waargeneem is, die gevolg is van die teenwoordigheid van palmolie-afbraakprodukte. Afbraakprodukte, South African National Research Foundation (NRF), Blue Skies Research Program
- Published
- 2010
271. Extending the Search for Neutrino Point Sources with IceCube above the Horizon
- Author
Abbasi, R, Abdou, Y, Abu-Zayyad, T, Adams, J, Aguilar, A, Ahlers, M, Andeen, K, Auffenberg, J, Bai, X, Baker, M, Barwick, W, Bay, R, Alba, Bazo, Beattie, K, Beatty, J, Bechet, S, Becker, K, Becker, K.-H., Benabderrahmane, L, Berdermann, J, Berghaus, P, Berley, D, Bernardini, E, Bertrand, D, Besson, Z, Bissok, M, Blaufuss, E, Boersma, J, Bohm, C, Botner, O, Bradley, L, Braun, J, Breder, D, Carson, M, Castermans, T, Chirkin, D, Christy, B, Clem, J, Cohen, S, Cowen, F, D'Agostino, V, Danninger, M, Day, T, De Clercq, C, Demirors, L, Depaepe, O, Descamps, F, Desiati, P, de Vries-Uiterweerd, G, DeYoung, T, Diaz-Velez, C, Dreyer, J, Dumm, P, Duvoort, R, Edwards, R, Ehrlich, R, Eisch, J, Ellsworth, W, Engdegard, O, Euler, S, Evenson, A, Fadiran, O, Fazely, R, Feusels, T, Filimonov, K, Finley, C, Foerster, M, Fox, D, Franckowiak, A, Franke, R, Gaisser, K, Gallagher, J, Ganugapati, R, Gerhardt, L, Gladstone, L, Goldschmidt, A, Goodman, A, Gozzini, R, Grant, D, Griesel, T, Gross, A, Grullon, S, Gunasingha, M, Gurtner, M, Ha, C, Hallgren, A, Halzen, F, Han, K, Hanson, K, Hasegawa, Y, Helbing, K, Herquet, P, Hickford, S, Hill, C, Hoffman, D, Homeier, A, Hoshina, K, Hubert, D, Huelsnitz, W, Huelss, J.-P., Hulth, O, Hultqvist, K, Hussain, S, Imlay, L, Inaba, M, Ishihara, A, Jacobsen, J, Japaridze, S, Johansson, H, Joseph, M, Kampert, K.-H., Kappes, A, Karg, T, Karle, A, Kelley, L, Kemming, N, Kenny, P, Kiryluk, J, Kislat, F, Klein, R, Knops, S, Kohnen, G, Kolanoski, H, Koepke, L, Koskinen, J, Kowalski, M, Kowarik, T, Krasberg, M, Krings, T, Kroll, G, Kuehn, K, Kuwabara, T, Labare, M, Lafebre, S, Laihem, K, Landsman, H, Lauer, R, Lehmann, R, Lennarz, D, Lundberg, J, Luenemann, J, Madsen, J, Majumdar, P, Maruyama, R, Mase, K, Matis, S, McParland, P, Meagher, K, Merck, M, Meszaros, P, Meures, T, Middell, E, Milke, N, Miyamoto, H, Montaruli, T, Morse, R, Movit, M, Nahnhauer, R, Nam, W, Niessen, P, Nygren, R, Odrowski, S, Olivas, A, Olivo, M, Ono, M, Panknin, S, Patton, S, Paul, L, de los Heros, Perez, Petrovic, J, Piegsa, A, Pieloth, D, Pohl, C, Porrata, R, Potthoff, N, Price, B, Prikockis, M, Przybylski, T, Rawlins, K, Redl, P, Resconi, E, Rhode, W, Ribordy, M, Rizzo, A, Rodrigues, P, Roth, P, Rothmaier, F, Rott, C, Roucelle, C, Rutledge, D, Ruzybayev, B, Ryckbosch, D, Sander, H.-G., Sarkar, S, Schatto, K, Schlenstedt, S, Schmidt, T, Schneider, D, Schukraft, A, Schulz, O, Schunck, M, Seckel, D, Semburg, B, Seo, H, Sestayo, Y, Seunarine, S, Silvestri, A, Slipak, A, Spiczak, M, Spiering, C, Stamatikos, M, Stanev, T, Stephens, G, Stezelberger, T, Stokstad, G, Stoufer, C, Stoyanov, S, Strahler, A, Straszheim, T, Sullivan, W, Swillens, Q, Taboada, I, Tamburro, A, Tarasova, O, Tepe, A, Ter-Antonyan, S, Terranova, C, Tilav, S, Toale, A, Tooker, J, Tosi, D, Turcan, D, van Eijndhoven, N, Vandenbroucke, J, Van Overloop, A, van Santen, J, Voigt, B, Walck, C, Waldenmaier, T, Wallraff, M, Walter, M, Wendt, C, Westerhoff, S, Whitehorn, N, Wiebe, K, Wiebusch, H, Wiedemann, A, Wikstrom, G, Williams, R, Wischnewski, R, Wissing, H, Woschnagg, K, Xu, C, Xu, W, Yodh, G, Yoshida, S, Abbasi, R, Abdou, Y, Abu-Zayyad, T, Adams, J, Aguilar, A, Ahlers, M, Andeen, K, Auffenberg, J, Bai, X, Baker, M, Barwick, W, Bay, R, Alba, Bazo, Beattie, K, Beatty, J, Bechet, S, Becker, K, Becker, K.-H., Benabderrahmane, L, Berdermann, J, Berghaus, P, Berley, D, Bernardini, E, Bertrand, D, Besson, Z, Bissok, M, Blaufuss, E, Boersma, J, Bohm, C, Botner, O, Bradley, L, Braun, J, Breder, D, Carson, M, Castermans, T, Chirkin, D, Christy, B, Clem, J, Cohen, S, Cowen, F, D'Agostino, V, Danninger, M, Day, T, De Clercq, C, Demirors, L, Depaepe, O, Descamps, F, Desiati, P, de Vries-Uiterweerd, G, DeYoung, T, Diaz-Velez, C, Dreyer, J, Dumm, P, Duvoort, R, Edwards, R, Ehrlich, R, Eisch, J, Ellsworth, W, Engdegard, O, Euler, S, Evenson, A, Fadiran, O, Fazely, R, Feusels, T, Filimonov, K, Finley, C, Foerster, M, Fox, D, Franckowiak, A, Franke, R, Gaisser, K, Gallagher, J, Ganugapati, R, Gerhardt, L, Gladstone, L, Goldschmidt, A, Goodman, A, Gozzini, R, Grant, D, Griesel, T, Gross, A, Grullon, S, Gunasingha, M, Gurtner, M, Ha, C, Hallgren, A, Halzen, F, Han, K, Hanson, K, Hasegawa, Y, Helbing, K, Herquet, P, Hickford, S, Hill, C, Hoffman, D, Homeier, A, Hoshina, K, Hubert, D, Huelsnitz, W, Huelss, J.-P., Hulth, O, Hultqvist, K, Hussain, S, Imlay, L, Inaba, M, Ishihara, A, Jacobsen, J, Japaridze, S, Johansson, H, Joseph, M, Kampert, K.-H., Kappes, A, Karg, T, Karle, A, Kelley, L, Kemming, N, Kenny, P, Kiryluk, J, Kislat, F, Klein, R, Knops, S, Kohnen, G, Kolanoski, H, Koepke, L, Koskinen, J, Kowalski, M, Kowarik, T, Krasberg, M, Krings, T, Kroll, G, Kuehn, K, Kuwabara, T, Labare, M, Lafebre, S, Laihem, K, Landsman, H, Lauer, R, Lehmann, R, Lennarz, D, Lundberg, J, Luenemann, J, Madsen, J, Majumdar, P, Maruyama, R, Mase, K, Matis, S, McParland, P, Meagher, K, Merck, M, Meszaros, P, Meures, T, Middell, E, Milke, N, Miyamoto, H, Montaruli, T, Morse, R, Movit, M, Nahnhauer, R, Nam, W, Niessen, P, Nygren, R, Odrowski, S, Olivas, A, Olivo, M, Ono, M, Panknin, S, Patton, S, Paul, L, de los Heros, Perez, Petrovic, J, Piegsa, A, Pieloth, D, Pohl, C, Porrata, R, Potthoff, N, Price, B, Prikockis, M, Przybylski, T, Rawlins, K, Redl, P, Resconi, E, Rhode, W, Ribordy, M, Rizzo, A, Rodrigues, P, Roth, P, Rothmaier, F, Rott, C, Roucelle, C, Rutledge, D, Ruzybayev, B, Ryckbosch, D, Sander, H.-G., Sarkar, S, Schatto, K, Schlenstedt, S, Schmidt, T, Schneider, D, Schukraft, A, Schulz, O, Schunck, M, Seckel, D, Semburg, B, Seo, H, Sestayo, Y, Seunarine, S, Silvestri, A, Slipak, A, Spiczak, M, Spiering, C, Stamatikos, M, Stanev, T, Stephens, G, Stezelberger, T, Stokstad, G, Stoufer, C, Stoyanov, S, Strahler, A, Straszheim, T, Sullivan, W, Swillens, Q, Taboada, I, Tamburro, A, Tarasova, O, Tepe, A, Ter-Antonyan, S, Terranova, C, Tilav, S, Toale, A, Tooker, J, Tosi, D, Turcan, D, van Eijndhoven, N, Vandenbroucke, J, Van Overloop, A, van Santen, J, Voigt, B, Walck, C, Waldenmaier, T, Wallraff, M, Walter, M, Wendt, C, Westerhoff, S, Whitehorn, N, Wiebe, K, Wiebusch, H, Wiedemann, A, Wikstrom, G, Williams, R, Wischnewski, R, Wissing, H, Woschnagg, K, Xu, C, Xu, W, Yodh, G, and Yoshida, S
- Abstract
Point source searches with the IceCube neutrino telescope have been restricted to one hemisphere, due to the exclusive selection of upward going events as a way of rejecting the atmospheric muon background. We show that the region above the horizon can be included by suppressing the background through energy-sensitive cuts. This improves the sensitivity above PeV energies, previously not accessible for declinations of more than a few degrees below the horizon due to the absorption of neutrinos in Earth. We present results based on data collected with 22 strings of IceCube, extending its field of view and energy reach for point source searches. No significant excess above the atmospheric background is observed in a sky scan and in tests of source candidates. Upper limits are reported, which for the first time cover point sources in the southern sky up to EeV energies.
- Published
- 2009
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272. Disparities in rheumatoid arthritis disease activity according to gross domestic product in 25 countries in the QUEST-RA database
- Author
Sokka, T., Kautiainen, H., Pincus, T., Toloza, S., Castelar Pinheiro, G. da Rocha, Lazovskis, J., Hetland, M. L., Peets, T., Immonen, K., Maillefert, J. F., Drosos, A. A., Alten, R., Pohl, C., Rojkovich, B., Bresnihan, B., Minnock, P., Cazzato, M., Bombardieri, S., Rexhepi, S., Rexhepi, M., Andersone, D., Stropuviene, S., Huisman, M., Sierakowski, S., Karateev, D., Skakic, V., Naranjo, A., Baecklund, Eva, Henrohn, Dan, Gogus, F., Badsha, H., Mofti, A., Taylor, P., McClinton, C., Yazici, Y., Sokka, T., Kautiainen, H., Pincus, T., Toloza, S., Castelar Pinheiro, G. da Rocha, Lazovskis, J., Hetland, M. L., Peets, T., Immonen, K., Maillefert, J. F., Drosos, A. A., Alten, R., Pohl, C., Rojkovich, B., Bresnihan, B., Minnock, P., Cazzato, M., Bombardieri, S., Rexhepi, S., Rexhepi, M., Andersone, D., Stropuviene, S., Huisman, M., Sierakowski, S., Karateev, D., Skakic, V., Naranjo, A., Baecklund, Eva, Henrohn, Dan, Gogus, F., Badsha, H., Mofti, A., Taylor, P., McClinton, C., and Yazici, Y.
- Abstract
Objective: To analyse associations between the clinical status of patients with rheumatoid arthritis ( RA) and the gross domestic product (GDP) of their resident country. Methods: The Quantitative Standard Monitoring of Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis (QUEST-RA) cohort includes clinical and questionnaire data from 6004 patients who were seen in usual care at 70 rheumatology clinics in 25 countries as of April 2008, including 18 European countries. Demographic variables, clinical characteristics, RA disease activity measures, including the disease activity score in 28 joints (DAS28), and treatment-related variables were analysed according to GDP per capita, including 14 "high GDP'' countries with GDP per capita greater than US$ 24 000 and 11 "low GDP'' countries with GDP per capita less than US$ 11 000. Results: Disease activity DAS28 ranged between 3.1 and 6.0 among the 25 countries and was significantly associated with GDP (r = -0.78, 95% CI -0.56 to -0.90, r(2) = 61%). Disease activity levels differed substantially between "high GDP'' and "low GDP'' countries at much greater levels than according to whether patients were currently taking or not taking methotrexate, prednisone and/or biological agents. Conclusions: The clinical status of patients with RA was correlated significantly with GDP among 25 mostly European countries according to all disease measures, associated only modestly with the current use of antirheumatic medications. The burden of arthritis appears substantially greater in "low GDP'' than in "high GDP'' countries. These findings may alert healthcare professionals and designers of health policy towards improving the clinical status of patients with RA in all countries.
- Published
- 2009
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273. Die bemessung der Außenböschung von Seedeichen unter Anzats des festigkeitssteigernden Einflusses der Grasnarbe
- Author
Pohl, C. (author), Richwien, W. (author), Pohl, C. (author), and Richwien, W. (author)
- Abstract
Describes relation between wave impact and damage to grass layers.
- Published
- 2009
274. Analyse der Patientenzufriedenheit und Berufssituation nach Cochlea-Implantation
- Author
Stolle S, R, Pohl, C, Lenarz, T, Lesinski-Schiedat, A, Stolle S, R, Pohl, C, Lenarz, T, and Lesinski-Schiedat, A
- Published
- 2009
275. Multi - sensor image maps from SPOT, ERS and JERS
- Author
Pohl, C., van Genderen, J.L., Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation, and Department of Earth Observation Science
- Subjects
ADLIB-ART-2992 ,EOS - Published
- 1999
276. Early detection of smouldering fires in the immediate vicinity of underground belt conveyors.
- Author
Grosswig S., Betka A., Epenstein H., Kumpel C., Misz T., Pohl C., Vogel B., Grosswig S., Betka A., Epenstein H., Kumpel C., Misz T., Pohl C., and Vogel B.
- Abstract
The GESO-FireFinder M uses fibre-optic distributed temperature sensing technology to provide a continuous system for measuring the smallest temperature anomalies along an entire conveyor circuit. Intelligent analysis software is used to distinguish between normal operational temperature variations and possible combustion events. If a fire is detected, the system sounds an alarm and gives the precise location of the incident, which is immediately relayed to a continuously manned mine control room., The GESO-FireFinder M uses fibre-optic distributed temperature sensing technology to provide a continuous system for measuring the smallest temperature anomalies along an entire conveyor circuit. Intelligent analysis software is used to distinguish between normal operational temperature variations and possible combustion events. If a fire is detected, the system sounds an alarm and gives the precise location of the incident, which is immediately relayed to a continuously manned mine control room.
- Published
- 2008
277. The effect of arachidonic acid on lipid metabolism and biofilm formation of two closely related Candida species
- Author
Ells, Ruan, Pohl, C. H., Kock, J. L. F., Ells, Ruan, Pohl, C. H., and Kock, J. L. F.
- Abstract
English: Candida albicans and C. dubliniensis are two closely related species that are important opportunistic pathogens causing serious infections. These serious infections are increasing because of the increase in immunocompromised patients. Candida albicans and C. dubliniensis share many phenotypic characteristics that make it difficult to differentiate between them, especially in a clinical sample. As a result several identification techniques, based on phenotypic characteristics, have been developed to differentiate between these Candida species. The aim of this study was to use current identification techniques to characterise selected C. albicans and C. dubliniensis strains in order to select strains that are phenotypically dissimilar. The methods used in this study include fluorescence on methylene blue agar plates, chlamydospore production on tobacco and sunflower seed husk agar plates, the germ tube test and growth at elevated temperatures. The growth of planktonic cells as well as biofilm production was also determined by the Klett-Summerson photoelectric colorimeter and by the use of crystal violet stain respectively. Virulence factors that have been studied include the production of hydrolytic enzymes i.e. lipase and phospholipase activity as well as the percentage hydrophobicity. The results obtained indicated that there is overlap in phenotypic characteristics of these species. However, it was possible to select three phenotypically dissimilar strains., Afrikaans: Candida albicans en C. dubliniensis is twee nabyverwante patogeniese gisspesies, wat verskeie fenotipiese eienskappe in gemeen het. Dit maak dit moeilik om tussen die twee spesies te onderskei, veral in kliniese monsters. As gevolg hiervan is identifikasietegnieke, gebaseer op fenotipiese eienskappe, ontwikkel. In hierdie studie is daar van die tegnieke en virulensiefaktore gebruik gemaak om stamme wat aan die spesies behoort, te karakteriseer en sodoende fenotipies verskillende stamme te selekteer vir gebruik in verdere studies. Dit was gedoen om te bepaal of die effek van arachidoonsuur (20:4) op hierdie stamme dieselfde is, alhoewel hulle fenotipies verskil. Candida albicans en C. dubliniensis is in staat om biofilms, wat ʼn belangrike rol speel tydens infeksies, te vorm. Tydens C. albicans infeksies word 20:4, ʼn lang-ketting poli-onversadigde vetsuur uit die fosfolipiede van die geïnfekteerde gasheer se sel membraan vrygestel. Dit dien dan as koolstofbron en as voorloper vir eikosanoïedproduksie. In literatuur is daar teenstrydige resultate in verband met die effek van 20:4 op die groei en morfogenese in C. albicans. Boonop is die effek van 20:4 op die groei en morfologie van C. dubliniensis nog onbekend. Deur mikroskopiese ondersoek en ensiemaktiwiteitstoetse is bevind dat 1 mM 20:4 min tot geen effek op die groei en metaboliese aktiwiteit van planktoniese selle en biofilms asook op die morfologie en lewensvatbaarheid van selle in die biofilm het nie. Die opname van lang-ketting poli-onversadigde vetsure deur giste is noodsaaklik vir gebruik as metaboliese energiebronne, sellulêre boustene en vir die produksie van seinmolekules. Daar is egter geen bepaalde studies wat die opname en sellulêre metabolisme van 20:4 deur die patogeniese giste aandui nie. Die opname en inkorporasie van 20:4 deur planktoniese selle en biofilms van die geselekteerde C. albicans en C. dubliniensis stamme is dus bestudeer. Dit is gedoen deur die oorblywende en sellulêre lipied, National Research Foundation (NRF)
- Published
- 2008
278. The effect of arachidonic acid on lipid metabolism and biofilm formation of two closely related Candida species
- Author
Ells, Ruan., Pohl, C. H., Kock, J. L. F., Ells, Ruan., Pohl, C. H., and Kock, J. L. F.
- Abstract
English: Candida albicans and C. dubliniensis are two closely related pathogenic yeast species, sharing many phenotypic characteristics which make it difficult to differentiate them, especially in clinical samples. As a result of the similarities between these species, identification techniques, based on phenotypic characteristics, have been developed. In this study some of these techniques and virulence factors were used to characterise strains belonging to these species and to select phenotypically dissimilar strains for further study. This was performed to evaluate if the effect of arachidonic acid (20:4) on these strains were the same, even though they are phenotypically different. Candida albicans and C. dubliniensis can form biofilms which play an important role during infection. During C. albicans infection, 20:4, a long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA), derived from the phospholipids (PLs) of the infected host cell membrane, serves as carbon source and precursor for eicosanoid production. Conflicting results are presented in literature regarding the effect of 20:4 on morphogenesis in C. albicans. In addition, the effect of 20:4 on growth and morphology of C. dubliniensis is unknown. Microscopic examination and enzyme activity assay indicated that 1 mM 20:4 had little to no effect on growth and metabolic activity of planktonic cells and biofilms, as well as on the morphology and viability of the cells in the biofilms. The uptake of PUFAs by yeasts is necessary for utilisation as metabolic fuels, cellular building blocks and the production of signalling molecules. However, there are no definitive studies regarding the uptake and cellular metabolism of 20:4 by these pathogenic yeasts. The uptake and incorporation of 20:4 by planktonic cells and biofilms of selected strains of C. albicans and C. dubliniensis were evaluated by subjecting residual and cellular lipids from planktonic cells and biofilms, grown in the presence and absence of 20:4, to gas chrom, Afrikaans: Candida albicans en C. dubliniensis is twee nabyverwante patogeniese gisspesies, wat verskeie fenotipiese eienskappe in gemeen het. Dit maak dit moeilik om tussen die twee spesies te onderskei, veral in kliniese monsters. As gevolg hiervan is identifikasietegnieke, gebaseer op fenotipiese eienskappe, ontwikkel. In hierdie studie is daar van die tegnieke en virulensiefaktore gebruik gemaak om stamme wat aan die spesies behoort, te karakteriseer en sodoende fenotipies verskillende stamme te selekteer vir gebruik in verdere studies. Dit was gedoen om te bepaal of die effek van arachidoonsuur (20:4) op hierdie stamme dieselfde is, alhoewel hulle fenotipies verskil. Candida albicans en C. dubliniensis is in staat om biofilms, wat 'n belangrike rol speel tydens infeksies, te vorm. Tydens C. albicans infeksies word 20:4, 'n lang-ketting poli-onversadigde vetsuur uit die fosfolipiede van die geïnfekteerde gasheer se sel membraan vrygestel. Dit dien dan as koolstofbron en as voorloper vir eikosanoïedproduksie. In literatuur is daar teenstrydige resultate in verband met die effek van 20:4 op die groei en morfogenese in C. albicans. Boonop is die effek van 20:4 op die groei en morfologie van C. dubliniensis nog onbekend. Deur mikroskopiese ondersoek en ensiemaktiwiteitstoetse is bevind dat 1 mM 20:4 min tot geen effek op die groei en metaboliese aktiwiteit van planktoniese selle en biofilms asook op die morfologie en lewensvatbaarheid van selle in die biofilm het nie. Die opname van lang-ketting poli-onversadigde vetsure deur giste is noodsaaklik vir gebruik as metaboliese energiebronne, sellulêre boustene en vir die produksie van seinmolekules. Daar is egter geen bepaalde studies wat die opname en sellulêre metabolisme van 20:4 deur die patogeniese giste aandui nie. Die opname en inkorporasie van 20:4 deur planktoniese selle en biofilms van die geselekteerde C. albicans en C. dubliniensis stamme is dus bestudeer. Dit is gedoen deur die oorblywende en sellulêre lipi, National Research Foundation (NRF)
- Published
- 2008
279. An Exploratory Study of Information Retrieval Techniques in Domain Analysis
- Author
Alves, V., Schwanninger, C., Barbosa, L., Rashid, A., Sawyer, Peter, Rayson, P., Pohl, C., Rummler, A., Alves, V., Schwanninger, C., Barbosa, L., Rashid, A., Sawyer, Peter, Rayson, P., Pohl, C., and Rummler, A.
- Abstract
Domain analysis involves not only looking at standard requirements documents (e.g., use case specifications) but also at customer information packs, market analyses, etc. Looking across all these documents and deriving, in a practical and scalable way, a feature model that is comprised of coherent abstractions is a fundamental and non-trivial challenge. We conduct an exploratory study to investigate the suitability of information retrieval (IR) techniques for scalable identification of commonalities and variabilities in requirement specifications for software product lines. Accordingly, based on observations derived from industrial experience and on state-of-the-art research and practice, we also propose an initial framework, leveraging IR to systematically abstract requirements from existing specifications of a given domain into a feature model. We evaluate this framework, present a roadmap for its further extension, and formulate hypotheses to guide future work in exploring IR techniques for domain analysis.
- Published
- 2008
280. Physical inactivity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: Data from twenty-one countries in a cross-sectional, international study
- Author
Sokka, T., Hakkinen, A., Kautiainen, H., Maillefert, J.F., Toloza, S., Hansen, Troels Mørk, Calvo-Alen, J., Oding, R., Liveborn, M., Huisman, M., Alten, R., Pohl, C., Cutolo, M., Immonen, K., Woolf, A., Murphy, E., Sheehy, C., Quirke, E., Celik, S., Yazici, Y., Tlustochowicz, W., Kapolka, D., Skakic, V., Roikovich, B., Muller, R., Stropuviene, S., Andersone, D., Drosos, A.A., Lazovskis, J., Pincus, T., Sokka, T., Hakkinen, A., Kautiainen, H., Maillefert, J.F., Toloza, S., Hansen, Troels Mørk, Calvo-Alen, J., Oding, R., Liveborn, M., Huisman, M., Alten, R., Pohl, C., Cutolo, M., Immonen, K., Woolf, A., Murphy, E., Sheehy, C., Quirke, E., Celik, S., Yazici, Y., Tlustochowicz, W., Kapolka, D., Skakic, V., Roikovich, B., Muller, R., Stropuviene, S., Andersone, D., Drosos, A.A., Lazovskis, J., and Pincus, T.
- Abstract
Objective. Regular physical activity is associated with decreased morbidity and mortality. Traditionally, patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) have been advised to limit physical exercise. We studied the prevalence of physical activity and associations with demographic and disease-related variables in patients with RA from 21 countries. Methods. The Questionnaires in Standard Monitoring of Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis (QUEST-RA) is a crosssectional study that includes a self-report questionnaire and clinical assessment of nonselected consecutive outpatients with RA who are receiving usual clinical care. Frequency of physical exercise (>= 30 minutes with at least some shortness of breath, sweating) is queried with 4 response options: >= 3 times weekly, 1-2 times weekly, 1-2 times monthly, and no exercise. Results. Between January 2005 and April 2007, a total of 5,235 patients from 58 sites in 21 countries were enrolled in QUEST-RA: 79% were women, >90% were white, mean age was 57 years, and mean disease duration was 11.6 years. Only 13.8% of all patients reported physical exercise >= 3 times weekly. The majority of the patients were physically inactive with no regular weekly exercise: >80% in 7 countries, 60-80% in 12 countries, and 45% and 29% in 2 countries, respectively. Physical inactivity was associated with female sex, older age, lower education, obesity, comorbidity, low functional capacity, and higher levels of disease activity, pain, and fatigue. Conclusion. In many countries, a low proportion of patients with RA exercise. These data may alert rheumatologists to motivate their patients to increase physical activity levels Udgivelsesdato: 2008/1/15
- Published
- 2008
281. Sedierung mit volatilen Anästhetika auf der Intensivstation : Praktische Anwendung und derzeitige Erfahrungen mit dem AnaConDa-System.
- Author
Kompardt J, Schärff K, Kubosch K, Pohl C, Bomplitz M, Soukup J, Kompardt, J, Schärff, K, Kubosch, K, Pohl, C, Bomplitz, M, and Soukup, J
- Abstract
The use of volatile anaesthetics in intensive care medicine has so far been limited by the lack of equipment suitable for daily routine use and the need for an anaesthetic machine. The new Anaesthetic Conserving Device (AnaConDa) enables the routine use of volatile anaesthetics for long-term sedation via intensive care ventilators. The Anaesthetic Conserving Device replaces the common heat and moisture exchanger in the ventilation circuit. The volatile anaesthetic is continuously applied in liquid status via a syringe pump to a form of mini-vaporiser where the anaesthetic agent is vaporised. The expired anaesthetic gas is stored in the carbon filter and approximately 90% of the gas is resupplied into the breathing cycle. The current experiences suggest that volatile anaesthetics present an alternative for long-term sedation in intensive care units, providing optimised pathways, from a medical as well as from an economical point of view. It must, however, be emphasized that the use of volatile anaesthetics for longer periods of time is an off-label use and should only undertaken by medical professionals at their own risk. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2008
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282. Image and data fusion : concept and implementation of a multimedia tutorial
- Author
Gens, R., Vekerdy, Z., Pohl, C., Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation, Department of Water Resources, and UT-I-ITC-WCC
- Subjects
ADLIB-ART-702 ,WRS - Published
- 1998
283. Benefit 11: Long-term follow-up study of patients with clinically isolated syndrome treated with interferon beta-1b
- Author
Kappos, L., primary, Edan, G., additional, Freedman, M., additional, Montalbán, X., additional, Miller, D., additional, Polman, C., additional, Hartung, H.-P., additional, Hemmer, B., additional, Fox, E., additional, Barkhof, F., additional, Schippling, S., additional, Lanius, V., additional, Hermann, J., additional, Pohl, C., additional, Sandbrink, R., additional, Wicklein, E.-M., additional, and Pleimes, D., additional
- Published
- 2013
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284. Intracellular gas bubbles deform organelles in fermenting brewing yeasts
- Author
Swart, C. W., primary, Dithebe, K., additional, van Wyk, P. W. J., additional, Pohl, C. H., additional, Swart, H. C., additional, Coetsee, E., additional, Lodolo, E., additional, and Kock, J. L. F., additional
- Published
- 2013
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285. 9th International Estuarine Biogeochemistry Symposium Estuaries and Enclosed Seas under Changing Environmental Conditions
- Author
Kattner, Gerhard, Pohl, C., Kattner, Gerhard, and Pohl, C.
- Published
- 2007
286. Trace metal (Hg, Pb, Cd, Cu, Ni, Mn, Fe, Co) distribution in Eastern-Atlantic surface waters. Reflection of natural and anthropogenic sources by comparing data from 1990 and 2005
- Author
Pohl, C., Hennings, U., Rutgers v. d. Loeff, Michiel, Croot, P., Budéus, Gereon, Pohl, C., Hennings, U., Rutgers v. d. Loeff, Michiel, Croot, P., and Budéus, Gereon
- Published
- 2007
287. Ascospore release and oxylipin production in the yeast Dipodascopsis
- Author
Goldblatt, Monique E., Kock, J. L. F., Van Wyk, P. W. J., Pohl, C. H., Goldblatt, Monique E., Kock, J. L. F., Van Wyk, P. W. J., and Pohl, C. H.
- Abstract
The genus Dipodascopsis was extensively studied with regards to reproductive cycles as well as the presence, distribution and function of 3-OH oxylipins. Most of this research was carried out on D. uninucleata var. uninucleata (Canadian strain) as well as D. tóthii. However, little is known concerning D. uninucleata var. uninucleata isolated from South African soil, as well as D. uninucleata var. wickerhamii. Consequently, using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, electron microscopy and confocal laser scanning microscopy, the two varieties were compared regarding their morphologies, oxylipin production, mitochondrial activity as well as life cycles and ascospore release. According to literature, the two varieties differ only in their ability to assimilate certain carbon sources. During this study, differences in ascospore size as well as differences in ascospore clustering, after release, was observed. Furthermore, differences in the type of 3-OH oxylipin produced by the two varieties, also existed. 3-OH oxylipin production was found to be associated mainly with the sexual stage and concentrated in the ascus surrounding the ascospores, in both varieties. Furthermore, increased mitochondrial activity was also observed during the sexual stage and found to be concentrated in close vicinity of the ascospores. Since mitochondria produce 3-OH oxylipins, it is suggested that the increased activity during sexual development would be to aid in the production and release of the ascospores, as well as the accumulation of these 3-OH oxylipins. In addition, acetylsalicylic acid was found to inhibit the production of 3-OH oxylipins by probably decreasing mitochondrial activity resulting in the inhibition of ascospore release., National Research Foundation (NRF)
- Published
- 2007
288. Oxylipins in automictic yeast life cycles
- Author
Swart, Chantel Wendy, Kock, J. L. F., Van Wyk, P. W. J., Pohl, C. H., Swart, Chantel Wendy, Kock, J. L. F., Van Wyk, P. W. J., and Pohl, C. H.
- Abstract
English: 3-OH oxylipins are saturated and unsaturated oxidized fatty acids which are produced in mitochondria via incomplete b-oxidation or fatty acid synthesis type II. These compounds possibly play an important role in the sexual cycle of yeasts by assisting with ascospore liberation. Literature suggests that 3-OH oxylipins act as a lubricant during ascospore liberation, thereby ensuring efficient release of ascospores. Since the discovery of oxylipins i.e. 3-hydroxy (OH) oxylipins in the early 1990’s, these compounds were found to be distributed in various species of the fungal domain. Studies performed thus far, however, focused mainly on non-fermenting yeast species such as Ascoidea, Dipodascopsis and Eremothecium. According to various studies performed so far, 3-OH oxylipins were found to accumulate specifically in the sexual structures (asci and surrounding ascospores) of various nonfermenting yeasts. These studies also revealed that the sexual stages of nonfermenting yeasts are most susceptible to acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), a known mitochondrial (respiration and 3-OH oxylipin production) inhibitor. No information regarding oxylipin accumulation in asci or ASA-sensitivity of fermentative yeasts, however, has so far been reported. Using confocal laser scanning microscopy in combination with an oxylipin probe for 3-OH oxylipins and coupled to a fluorescing secondary antibody, the accumulation of these oxylipins was discovered in the asci of the following fermentative yeasts i.e. Pichia anomala, Pichia farinosa and Schizosaccharomyces octosporus. Interestingly, no 3-OH oxylipin accumulation was observed in the asci of the fermenting yeast Zygosaccharomyces bailii. This could be ascribed to the fact that this yeast depends more on a fermentative pathway for growth and sexual reproduction, than on mitochondrial respiration. Since 3-OH oxylipins are produced in the mitochondria, it is expected that there should be an increase in mitochondrial activity associated w, Afrikaans: 3-OH oksilipiene is versadigde en onversadigde geoksideerde vetsure wat in die mitochondria geproduseer word via ß-oksidasie of vetsuur sintese tipe II. Hierdie komponente speel moontlik ‘n belangrike rol in die seksuele fase van giste deur te help met die vrystelling van askospore. Literatuur stel voor dat 3-OH oksilipiene dien as ‘n smeermiddel tydens askospoorvrystelling en verseker dus effektiewe verspreiding. Sedert die ontdekking van oksilipiene nl. 3-hidroksie (OH) oksilipiene in die vroeë 1990’s, is hierdie verbindings in verskeie fungus species gevind. Verskeie studies alreeds uitgevoer, fokus meestal op nie-fermenterende gisspecies soos byvoorbeeld Ascoidea, Dipodascopsis en Eremothecium. Na aanleiding van verskeie studies is gevind dat 3-OH oksilipiene in spesifiek die seksuele strukture (askus en askospore) van verskeie nie-fermenterende giste akkumuleer. Hierdie studies het ook onthul dat die seksuele fase van nie-fermenterende giste meer vatbaar is vir asetielsalisiensuur (ASA), ‘n bekende mitochondriale (respirasie en 3-OH oksilipien produksie) inhibeerder. Geen inligting rakende oksilipienakkumulasie in aski of ASA-sensitiwiteit in fermenterende giste is tot dusver beskikbaar nie. Deur die gebruik van konfokale laser skanderingsmikroskopie in kombinasie met ‘n oksilipienmerker vir 3-OH oksilipiene (gebind aan ‘n fluoresserende sekondêre teenliggaam) is die akkumulasie van hierdie oksilipiene ontdek in die aski van die volgende fermenterende giste: Pichia anomala, Pichia farinosa en Schizosaccharomyces octosporus. Geen 3-OH oksilipien akkumulasie is egter in die aski van die fermenterende Zygosaccharomyces bailii gevind nie. Dit kan toegeskryf word aan die feit dat hierdie organisme moontlik meer op fermentasie staatmaak vir groei en reproduksie as mitochondriale respirasie. Aangesien 3-OH oksilipiene in die mitochondria geproduseer word, verwag ons ‘n toename in mitochondriale aktiwiteit in die seksuele strukture. Deur die gebruik van konf, National Research Foundation (NRF)
- Published
- 2007
289. Early life adversity in piglets induces long-term upregulation of the enteric cholinergic nervous system and heightened, sex-specific secretomotor neuron responses.
- Author
Medland, J. E., Pohl, C. S., Edwards, L. L., Frandsen, S., Bagley, K., Li, Y., and Moeser, A. J.
- Subjects
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GASTROINTESTINAL diseases , *ANIMAL models in research , *ENTERIC nervous system , *STIMULUS & response (Biology) , *IRRITABLE colon , *ADRENOCORTICOTROPIC hormone , *VERATRIDINE , *DISEASE risk factors - Abstract
Background Early life adversity ( ELA) is a risk factor for the later-life onset of gastrointestinal ( GI) diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome ( IBS); however, the mechanisms are poorly understood. Here, we utilized a porcine model of ELA, early weaning stress ( EWS), to investigate the influence of ELA on the development and function of the enteric nervous system ( ENS). Methods Female and castrated male (Male-C) piglets were weaned from their sow either at 15 days of age ( EWS) or 28 days of age (late weaning control, LWC). At 60 and 170 days of age, ileal mucosa-submucosa preparations were mounted in Ussing chambers and veratridine- and corticotropin releasing factor (CRF)-releasing factor-evoked short circuit current ( Isc) responses were recorded as indices of secretomotor neuron function. Enteric neuron numbers and the expression of select neurotransmitters and their receptors were also measured. Key Results Compared with LWC pigs, female, but not Male-C EWS, pigs exhibited heightened veratridine-induced I sc responses at 60 and 170 days of age that were inhibited with tetrodotoxin and atropine. Ileum from EWS pigs had higher numbers of enteric neurons that were choline acetyltransferase positive. Markers of increased cholinergic signaling (increased acetylcholinesterase) and downregulated mucosal muscarinic receptor 3 gene expression were also observed in EWS pigs. Conclusions & Inferences This study demonstrated that EWS in pigs induces lasting and sex-specific hypersensitivity of secretomotor neuron function and upregulation of the cholinergic ENS. These findings may represent a mechanistic link between ELA and lifelong susceptibility to GI diseases such as IBS. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2016
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290. Oxylipin production and novel ascospore release mechanisms in the yeast Dipodascus
- Author
Van Heerden, Ane, Kock, J. L. F., Van Wyk, P. W. J., Pohl, C. H., Van Heerden, Ane, Kock, J. L. F., Van Wyk, P. W. J., and Pohl, C. H.
- Abstract
English: Certain ascomycetous yeasts produce "lubricated" 3-hydroxy (3-OH) oxylipin-coated, micron-scale sexual spores in a variety of shapes, sizes, colors and sometimes with nano-scale surface ornamentations. In past literature, these oxylipin-coated ornamentations are only mentioned for use in classification and no thought was given to their possible purpose or function. These 3-OH oxylipins were found to be associated with the sheathed ascospores of some species representing the genus Dipodascus. However, these compounds have not yet been studied in detail in this genus. In addition, no thought was given to the mystery behind the release mechanics of sheathed ascospores from enclosing bottle-shaped asci and the role of these 3-OH oxylipins during dispersal. Therefore, it became the aim in this study to determine 3-OH oxylipin structure, distribution and function in D. albidus UOFS Y-1445T and D. geniculatus UOFS Y-1144 and to reveal the secrets behind the release mechanics of sheathed ascospores from bottle-shaped asci in these two species. Using electron microscopy, confocal laser scanning microscopy, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and digital live imaging, the release mechanisms of ascospores of various lengths from bottle-shaped asci, and produced by different yeasts, are compared in this study. It was found that Dipodascus albidus produces oval ascospores that are surrounded by compressible, oxylipin-coated sheaths enabling ascospores to slide past each other when forced by turgor pressure and by possible sheath contractions towards the narrowing ascus-neck. Usually elongated ascospores, as found in Dipodascopsis uninucleata var. uninuc/eata, are linked by means of oxylipin-coated interlocked hooked ridges on the surfaces of neighbouring ascospores, thereby keeping them aligned while being pushed towards the ascus-tip by turgor pressure. Interestingly, it was uncovered in this study that Dipodascus geniculatus produce elongated, oxylipin-coated, Afrikaans: Sommige askomisete giste produseer mikron-skaal geslagtelike spore in 'n verskeidenheid van vorms, grootes, kleure en somtyds met nano-skaal oppervlak omamentasies wat met "smerende" 3-hidroksie- (3-OH)-oksielipiene bedek is. In literatuur word daar slegs melding gemaak van hierdie oksielipienbedekte ornamentasies vir klassifikasiedoeleindes maar geen aandag word aan hul moontlike doelof funksie geskenk nie. Die 3-OH-oksielipiene word met die skedes, wat die askospore in sommige spesies van die genus Dipodascus omring, geassosieer. Hierdie komponente is egter nog nie in besonderheid in hierdie genus bestudeer nie. Geen aandag is ook aan die misterie van die vrylatingsmeganika van skede-omringde askospore vanuit geslote bottelvormige aski geskenk of die rol wat 3-OH-oksielipiene tydens verspreiding speel nie. Die doelstellings van hierdie studie is dus om die 3-OH oksielipienstruktuur, verspreiding en funksie in D. albidus UOFS Y- 1445T en D. geniculatus UOFS Y-1144 te bepaal en om die geheime agter die vrylatingsmeganika van skede-omringde askospore vanuit bottelvormige aski in the twee genoemde spesies te verklaar. In hierdie studie word m.b.V. elektron-mikroskopie, konfokalelaserskandeermikroskopie, gaschromatografiemassaspektrometrie (GC-MS) en digitale uitbeelding, die vrystellingsmeganismes van askospore, geproduseer deur verskillende giste, van verskillende lengtes vanuit bottelvormige aski vergelyk. Daar is bevind dat Dipodascus albidus ovaalvormige askospore, omring deur saampersbare, oksielipienbedekte skedes, produseer. Deur turgordruk en vergroting van die skede, word hierdie askospore na die vemoude bottelnek gedruk deurdat die oksielipien-bedekte skedes die askospore verby mekaar laat skuur. Gewoonlik word verlengde askospore, soos in Dipodascopsis uninucleata var. uninucleata gevind, aan mekaar verbind deur oppervlakhoeke wat soos ratte aan mekaar gekoppel is, om te verseker dat die askospore in gelid bly soos dit na die askuspunt gedruk wor, National Research Foundation (NRF), Volkswagen Foundation
- Published
- 2006
291. Oxylipin distribution in Eremothecium
- Author
Leeuw, Ntsoaki Joyce, Kock, J. L. F., Pohl, C. H., Van Wyk, P. W. J., Leeuw, Ntsoaki Joyce, Kock, J. L. F., Pohl, C. H., and Van Wyk, P. W. J.
- Abstract
English: In the early 1990’s, Kock and co-workers discovered acetylsalicylic acid (ASA)-sensitive oxylipins in yeasts. It was also reported that the site of production of these compounds may serve as important targets to control fungal infections. In 2004, researchers exposed another function for these oxylipins – they may act as lubricants during spore release from enclosed asci. Since oxylipin production in only a limited number of species representing Eremothecium was thus far studied, it became the aim of this project to further extend this study and to determine the type and distribution of 3- hydroxy (OH) oxylipins in the remaining species i.e. Eremothecium coryli, E. cymbalariae and E. gossypii. In addition, the possible functions of these oxylipins as well as ascospore shape and ornamentations were assessed. Finally, the antifungal activity of ASA was also investigated in this group of important plant pathogens as well as other yeasts. Eremothecium coryli is known to produce intriguing spindle-shaped ascospores with long and thin whip-like appendages. In this study, ultra structural studies using scanning electron microscopy, indicate that these appendages serve to coil around themselves and around ascospores causing spore aggregation. Furthermore, using immunofluoresence confocal laser scanning microscopy it was found that hydrophobic 3-OH oxylipins cover the surfaces of these ascospores. Using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, only the oxylipin 3-OH 9:1 (a monounsaturated fatty acid consisting of a hydroxyl group on carbon 3) could be identified. Sequential digital imaging suggests that oxylipin-coated spindle-shaped ascospores are released from enclosed asci probably by protruding through an already disintegrating ascus wall. Using immunofluorescence microscopy and 3-OH oxylipin specific antibodies, it was possible to map the presence of these compounds also in other Eremothecium species. In E. cymbalariae, these oxylipins were found to cover mostly t, Afrikaans; Kock en medewerkers het gedurende die vroeë 1990’s asetielsalisiensuur (ASS)- sensitiewe oksielipiene in giste ontdek. Dit is ook gerapporteer dat die setel van produksie van hierdie verbindings as belangrike teiken vir die beheer van fungale infeksies mag dien. In 2004 het navorsers nog ‘n funksie van hierdie oksielipiene blootgelê – hulle mag as smeermiddels gedurende die vrystelling van spore dien vanuit geslote aski. Aangesien oksielipienproduksie sover slegs in ‘n paar spesies van die genus Eremothecium bestudeer is, het dit die doel van hierdie projek geword om die studie uit te brei en om die tipe en verspreiding van 3-hidroksie (OH)-oksielipiene in die oorblywende spesies d.i. Eremothecium coryli, E. cymbalariae en E. gossypii, te bepaal. Verder is die moontlike funksies van die oksielipiene asook die askospoorvorm en ornamentasie ondersoek. Laastens is die antifungale aktiwiteit van ASS in hierdie groep belangrike plantpatogene asook in ander giste bestudeer. Dit is bekend dat Eremothecium coryli fassinerende naaldvormige askospore met lang, sweepagtige aanhangsels produseer. In hierdie studie is d.m.v. skandeerelektronmikroskopie van die ultrastruktuur, aangetoon dat die aanhangsels om mekaar en om askospore draai, om spooraggregasie tot gevolg te hê. Verder is d.m.v. immunofluoreserende konfokale laserskandeermikroskopie gevind dat hidrofobiese 3-OH-oksielipiene die oppervlaktes van die askospore bedek. Met behulp van gaschromatografie-massaspektrometrie kon slegs die oksielipien, 3-OH 9:1 (‘n mono-onversadigde vetsuur met ‘n hidroksielgroep op koolstof 3) geïdentifiseer word. Opeenvolgende digitale uitbeelding dui dat oksielipienbedekte, naaldvormige askospore deur vooraf disintegrerende askuswande vrygestel word, moontlik d.m.v. turgordruk. Met behulp van immunofluoresensiemikroskopie en 3-OH-oksielipienspesifieke teenliggaampies was dit moontlik om die teenwoordigheid van hierdie verbindings ook in ander Eremothecium spesies te karteer. In E
- Published
- 2006
292. Hat die Irisdiagnose einen Wert für die Erkennung des kolorektalen Karzinoms?
- Author
Herber, S, Rehbein, M, Tepas, T, Pohl, C, Esser, P, Herber, S, Rehbein, M, Tepas, T, Pohl, C, and Esser, P
- Published
- 2006
293. Stimulated acoustic emission detected by transcranial color doppler ultrasound : a contrast-specific phenomenon useful for the detection of cerebral tissue perfusion.
- Author
Pohl C, Tiemann K, Schlosser T, Becher H, Pohl, C, Tiemann, K, Schlosser, T, and Becher, H
- Published
- 2000
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294. Isotope fractionation between dissolved and suspended particulate Fe in the oxic and anoxic water column of the Baltic Sea
- Author
Staubwasser, M., primary, Schoenberg, R., additional, von Blanckenburg, F., additional, Krüger, S., additional, and Pohl, C., additional
- Published
- 2013
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295. Mental rotation performance in primary school age children: Are there gender differences in chronometric tests?
- Author
Jansen, P., primary, Schmelter, A., additional, Quaiser-Pohl, C., additional, Neuburger, S., additional, and Heil, M., additional
- Published
- 2013
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296. A1 - Kontinuierliche Überwachung von Fermentations- und Kultivierungsprozessen mittels Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) Spectroscopy
- Author
Henseleit, A., primary, Tomita, A., additional, Pohl, C., additional, Bley, T., additional, Boschke, E., additional, and Stürmer, J., additional
- Published
- 2013
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297. Geometric aspects of multisensor image fusion for topographic map updating in the humid tropics
- Author
Pohl, C., van Genderen, J.L., Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation, and Department of Earth Observation Science
- Subjects
EOS ,ADLIB-BOOK-149 - Published
- 1996
298. Die Bemessung der Kleiabdeckung von Deichaußsenböschungen
- Author
Pohl, C. (author) and Pohl, C. (author)
- Abstract
Describes a relation between wave impact and clay strength.
- Published
- 2005
299. Hyperbare Oxygenation bei nekrotisierenden Weichteilinfektionen: Pro
- Author
Schmale, M., primary, Fichtner, A., additional, Pohl, C., additional, John, E., additional, and Bucher, M., additional
- Published
- 2012
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300. Investigation of different organophosphates in a human bronchial tripleculture model
- Author
Schäfer, Marina, primary, Pohl, C., additional, Moisch, M., additional, Steinritz, D., additional, Kehe, K., additional, and Kirkpatrick, C.J., additional
- Published
- 2012
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