Kadroviranje predstavlja skup onih aktivnosti menadžmenta koje su usmjerene na privlačenje, razvoj i održavanje efektivnih kadrova u poduzeću. S obzirom na značenje koje danas ima, kadroviranje zauzima značajno mjesto u organizaciji poduzeća. Planiranje kadrova obično se definira kao proces anticipacije i stvaranja brige za kretanje ljudi u poduzeću, unutar poduzeća i izvan poduzeća, sa svrhom da se osigura raspolaganje potrebnim brojem i strukturom zaposlenih, kao i njihovo optimalno korištenje. Regrutiranje kadrova je proces kojim se utvrđuju potrebe za kadrovima, te iznalaze potencijalni kandidati za upražnjene poslove. Postoje dva temeljna izvora regrutiranja kadrova – interni i eksterni. Interni izvori obuhvaćaju zaposlenike koji već rade u poduzeću, a eksterni izvori obuhvaćaju one osobe koje su izvan poduzeća. Selekcija kadrova je izbor između regrutiranih kandidata za upražnjene poslove koji najbolje odgovara zahtjevima posla. Postoje dva načina provođenja selekcije. Prvi je da se ispituju osobine, sposobnosti i znanje kandidata kako bi se utvrdilo koji od njih posjeduje minimum zahtjeva posla. Drugi način je da se najprije ispitaju osobine, sposobnosti i znanja kandidata koja zahtjeva dotični posao. Poduzeće Adria plin se bavi prodajom, dostavom i punjenjem plina, naftom i naftnim derivatima. Primarni posao kojim se bave je dostava plina na kućnu adresu, prodaja plina na veliko i LPG punionice. Trenutno zapošljava 26 stalno zaposlenih na puno radno vrijeme. Planira se povećati broj zaposlenih u poduzeću. Regrutiranje se odvija kombinacijom internih i eksternih izvora regrutiranja. Oglasi za posao se objavljuju na stranicama Hrvatskog zavoda za zapošljavanje. Selekcija kadrova se provodi na način da se ispitaju osobine, sposobnosti i znanja kandidata za obavljanje određenog posla, te s obzirom na pokazane rezultate se izabiru kandidati koji odgovaraju zahtjevima posla. Selekcija se provodi putem testiranja i intervjua. Definitivnu odluku o izboru kandidata za posao donosi direktor na temelju prikupljenih informacija o kandidatu, na temelju rezultata testova i probnog rada. Human resource management incorporates managerial activities aimed at attracting, developing and maintaining effective personnel within a company. HRM plays an important part in the organization of the company. Planning of the human rsource departmnt is defined as the process of anticipation and concern for the employees in the company, within the company and outside the company, with the purpose to ensure the availability of the required number and structure of employees, as well employee optimization. Recruitment is the process that determines the demand for personnel, and is in charge of finding potential candidates for vacant jobs. There are two basic sources of personnel recruitment - internal and external. Internal sources include employees who are already working within company and external sources include those persons who are sourced out of the company. Selection is a choice between the recruited candidates for vacant jobs that best fit the requirements of the job. There are two ways of conducting selection. The first is to examine the characteristics, skills and knowledge of candidates in order to determine whether they possess the minimal requirements for the job. Another way is to first examine the characteristics, abilities and knowledge of the applicant that the application requires. Adria Plin specializes in selling, delivery and filling of gas, oil and petroleum products. Their primary function is to to deliver gas to homes, selling gas to wholesalers and LPG bottling plants. It currently employs 26 full-time employees. They planned to increase the number of employees in the company. Recruitment is done by combining internal and external sources of recruitment. Job listings are published on the website of the Croatian Employment Service. Recruitment is carried out in a way which examines the characteristics, skills and knowledge of candidates for a particular job, upon which results are used to choose the candidates who meet the requirements of the job. The selection is carried out through testing and interviews. The final decision on the selection of candidates for the job is issued by the Director on the basis of information collected on the candidate, as well as on the results of tests and trial operation.