- Author
Šelekar, Sabina and Logožar, Klavdij
- Subjects
external transport ,JIT (just in time) ,logistics ,udc:658.7 ,distribucijska logistika ,zunanji transport ,Incoterms klavzule ,distribution logistics ,house customs clearing ,hišno carinjenje ,Incoterms clauses ,logistika - Abstract
Vprašanje pomembnosti logistike postaja danes zelo aktualno, saj je logistika funkcija, kateri se daje v sodobnih in razvijajočih se podjetjih vedno večji poudarek. Vse od nabave do prodaje proizvodov se podjetje sooča z logističnimi storitvami. Logistika je del vsake funkcije v podjetju in velikega pomena za medsebojno sodelovanje ter povezanost z vsemi ostalimi funkcijami (nabava, proizvodnja, prodaja, finance, informatika …). V diplomskem delu se bomo omejili na podsistem logistike, distribucijsko logistiko, ki bi jo lahko najbolje povezali s funkcijo prodaje. Opisuje pot izdelka iz skladišča podjetja do končnega cilja — kupca. Naloga je razdeljena na teoretični in praktični del. V teoretičnem delu želimo prikazati osnovne značilnosti logistike, podrobno predstaviti distribucijsko logistiko in opisati vse sestavine in elemente le-te. V praktičnem delu pa želimo predstaviti in analizirati potek procesa distribucijske logistike v izbranem podjetju Štore Steel, d. o. o. V prvem poglavju teoretičnega dela bomo na kratko opisali logistiko kot pojem in predstavili vse njene podsisteme. Logistika predstavlja le uvod v naslednje poglavje, kjer bo sledila predstavitev podsistema distribucijske logistike. V naslednjem poglavju, kot smo že omenili, bomo opisali distribucijsko logistiko in podrobno prikazali vse njene elemente. Opisali bomo dokumentacijo v procesu in na kratko predstavili osnove transportnega zavarovanja na osnovi Incoterms klavzul. Praktični del naloge bomo pričeli s kratko predstavitvijo podjetja in nadaljevali s podrobno analizo poteka distribucijske logistike v njem. Na primeru podjetja bomo predstavili elemente distribucijske logistike, podkrepljene s slikovnim in grafičnim materialom. Na koncu bomo predstavili dosežene cilje prodaje v letu 2007 in predstavili plan za leto 2008. S tem bomo zaokrožili praktični del in na samem koncu naloge podali seznam literature in virov. Logistics is considered to be very actual nowadays as it is a function having everhigher impact on modern and emerging companies'performance. A company is faced with logistical services in the whole line-from purchase of input material to sale of final products. Logistics is a part of each function in a company and of great importance to matual cooperation and interaction with all other functions (purchasing, production, sales, finance, IT,…). This diploma work is concentrated into a subsystem of logistics-a distribution logistics-which is the best associated with the function of sale. The basic principle of distribution logistics is to deliver a product having an appropriate quality to a customer at the right place and at the right time with minimum cost. This thesis is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part explains basic features of logistics as well as details of distribution logistics, its components and elements. In the practical part we want to describe and analyze the course of process of distribution logistics in the company Štore Steel d.o.o.. In the first chapter of the theoretical part, we will briefly describe logistics as a concept and will present all of its subsystems. Logistics means here only an introduction to the next chapter where the subsystem of distribution logistics is represented. In the next chapter we will describe distribution logistics showing details of all elements composing it. We will describe documentation needed in the process and briefly present some elements of transport insurance on the basis of Incoterms clauses. The practical part of the thesis will start with a brief presentation of the company Štore Steel d.o.o. being after that continued with a detailed analysis of the termination of distribution logistics in it. Using this company as an example we will present the elements of distribution logistics, supported by graphic and pictorial material. At the end we will estimate the volume of sale achieved in the year 2007 and present plans for the year 2008.
- Published
- 2010